EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1015; LP WANTED FEMALE ferffTtant Christian womjn havlns; tSfreni I" Instltut on work a took. l-Tpultdf IPnw rtciufiii 1'ipicirru state -S . . t-1 Afe.t htitll e-sutA . tt.a J Room i30, Ledger ftidg , Monday. ddcx "wRAVTJnS wanted. John A James w,v m.nkel Mil. Scott's lane. an. i' ..'.... ",f gcnur""" Mmtt. enperlenred. tor chambervvork CTiin mutt supply reierenoe. .tail i.r"'i.rlr 1 ocloik, oil) nest upaai "J-miniawn IKu..l competent rlrl for general house. P?rf& laundry 48J8 Walnut t. "ti f teneral nousewors., guou tooa, rnw hvToriDr and knitters wanted on "Vj F,r machines, also string work. rari" ' Trioi Buck Hosiery Company, . nil ":', i. SSnVnir toppers wanted onfull fash g'tlii "' Hosiery Co., Jaipur TX """ .. .iMt oanArat Wttit w4 Mrllh ovork '"i.,v.'."," u ;v Ai "J twvriK-OIrl wanted for general house- Wt fsfniiy ' 8 "4 "'nt.olla wynne- IS. Telephone Aramorc unu, tonK -Two experienced girl", with i'Zirti Can Monaay, anr is, 100 ouum lpttoou" - trTSTuAID and seamstress-Koerlenced, r5 strong lve yun ,w.Mle .w.,munt lH"' . Moulred clly In wlntrr. Address, JSrSJLSS . O. n'ix 7B. Vlllanova, ra. r TTViifcn Tall, stylish young woman, E?T to take .orders for the finest dress- oefr l" iinns. and to aell French ""i,nce In a faemonamo estaoiisn. S'L-sntlal Apply before 10 n . m or !&"' ,m French Dressmaking Shop, 8d L - HELP WANTED MALE 7eTtPFER8 wantea. u. it. oimisior 'RV"ln andmbrtajdsJlanayunk. rTlTpTvr.Tis wanted. Apply John &, E Twn7lno . Blanket Mills, acotfa ifiSTrWIa of Schuylkill; "H..Tvn SALESMAN wanted for retail SSPft Be2ftn. P. Apply 1211 Callow l5il.i. a. Lang. ISU1. v," - - C.MnritA AND DETAINERS wanted vvltn ',2. 5 veara' xp. on reinforced concrete litleart " ',.', ... cxd. and salary CtireRS- wanted at S. nogera" planlnic mill. i23?8nlck and W 2d ate., Moorcatown, l?1 fKttf tor William nownle. JvrwjnArHEIl Young man, wholea-ile UST iteady poMtlon. good opportunity. ,SST experience and parllculara. I. O, fwvr Ofnoe. . Pet JrtArHEIl. ounK man.eomo knowledga -. i'irJLfi. inr pnnl company atato age. 'HutrVnJ nSKrences. M KM. Ledger Centrol. ITwTFD-Tenor aololet. voice and ability to m rnTr?pl a renulMte than experience. Aaare" ". """'- - irol'jjb jiAM as ealcaman In a book store. ill Z1V ju.. v" eiw?LFRS. of neat appearance, can make P?1!". .rein .Ijiiv. commBi on basis, Intro- 'Kit our tree talking machine offer. Airly 'j to is m. 1M2 ArchM I OBT ACQUAINTED' m lit Hunt, of the Commercial Registry Bcru at Ledger Central. If you ale looUne fS a lalea. clerical, executlto or technical Kelton Ledger adtertlitrs In the Situation Wirtrt column are dally securlne openings Ittrwrt tnl SerMce Write or call for freo itoolikpir 'OpportunltJ m . Oeneral 1I0V1N0 PICTURE OPERATING taught, ru'wIniaUnf Theatre 24th and Brown ate , tieatie 113, easy payments, permanent potl 'tlou Mcured, open dally. JUTTJATI'ONS WANTED FEMALE OOKKEEFER, capable, best reference, de sires rtipCQSiDie position. l iidtugcr vc.,k PUUBERMAID and waitress or Bewlng. U aia, ijCQKer uiuw. pHAMUERWORK Experienced and refined (Jtrroan gin wisoes position at ciiiinwcrwum, M wathlng. N. P., 2-'24 S. Mildred M. MOUPAKION, educated, renned young woman, tUXiA.llu.1, eaucatru, remieu fi iltottitant, wishes position as 'resident companion; good sene sett training. M ill, Ledger Oft iruteuiiK ur er and buel- Otflce. COOK or housekeeper for business people.w hlte. rairiunt, no cnunrcn. no launary. &sui tvcai Taih . Phone Diamond 2282 W CHAliBEIlMAID. middle aged. Protest' t. prlv. dm., tity In winter, ret. M 210. Led. Office. tliTa WORK, cleaning or laundry, experl- tnceo col Q woman, ret.twa raipnount ate. CAT'SWORK, apartment hotel or office, ref- itrtnct I. 014, Ledger Olflce. GOVERNESS, teacher, cultured, cxp , desires iromon atter Sept, lo, children school age, icouDirrjiear l'nua. prer,, excert rers miss ill. 11 Box 14, Ponnsdale, Lycoming Co . Pa. BOl'MEKEEPER, working, English Protestant, wiiow ;wun cnua, -i yrs. ret. 11 am, L.ea. un. LAuriJ UAID-Young SAedUh girl wants po- !. S sewtr. lei i-opiarjrtMl tt . MtTHKIt'S HELPER wants good home, coun- irr or suouroB, joung, reference given and rtitlred. 1412 North 13th st MTtfcE. first class, experienced, trained baby Bane, from New York Baby Hospital, wishes can of sick or well baby; 4 yeltra In one t rUce; test reference. B 207, Ledger Office. iFCHETARY Young lady desires position, seieral Tears' experience; best reference. In -I-Si.0'" J W7, Ledger Central. FTTOfOQhAPHER, accurate Rnd consclentloua, . .If. I1"0": moderate salary, reference, . A 224. Ledger Q(He. 0MAH. P,nt.l.-, ...n,, ft ... .... f'MIrm of InitltJtlon, wishes position bb -spr or matron, si 207, Ledger Off SITUATIONS WANTED MALE "2.NTA5'"r' ,fflce moTiagcr, thor. veraed In jcreaiis and collections, will tako nnitinn. oworjpart JllmeDjiS. Ledger Office. S ACCOUNTS AUDITED; HOOKS KEPT llHlA.lir1,5.U0-VTJII-V UP. UtclnlLj31i Market st. Phone Walnut 1710 f dm tortJ ?'JJ a ""V1 salMI Promotion have been lu iiJi,lnca leaving college: experienced 1 1 PmSE, ' "fre'pondent. copywriter and pro- .tu ..TT,, . '""rougniy rumlllar with print 4'i,J?.,iie,an.d offlco stcms; Interview i,"i.irovi convlnclnc. j ir,4 i, i,.ui " w , ..wu.. ... ., feSSSS- SH: y"!1-6 ?. Plence. ' Hr eSa.A.- "-1 utstrcs position wun oet' lirtftnaX,? 'gT'dvancement! can furnish A! Al , ... , oi, meager central iKk-vnira.r . . :: : . MrleiV. ir"V. aecountant, general offlco ex- 5J?ni. " ,";?::, iMlr" P?,',.'on wtth ry1 ans i-..: " ""f '"KBr te'itnu. nSSf?PK?. experienced, offl.o manager. 'desSisiS ' P"1 eeretarv. salesman, --lr Pos . best Phi . ymt T CLn T mA r-. sttlrJ:fflfl?,R";Hlen 8!noo graduate; thor- s. sH e 19A . . ' "m" oan experience, SIiLiil0 ' D 185, Ledger Office. rtJ7K,R- hlte, single, strlptly sober. i51. MrLver- V8" experience. 8 In last stVsSt.0,wn,,r?na,r,l first-class references, 'tagsnTMH "-" '""J'ng makes of ears; will jEfWLebllglng.l) 11S, Lender pfflce. ntnKfcA,r'' ""eehanlc, 15 years' experience, Si?. .'"? children) , excellent references; Igurtfi Haiti It tin. IxilAifFr- ?"0 w.JBoston av, lt wlrd ai.tf.olore?' SOPl" Position. Apply sfHllrt locust at laffreti rH; toloredFord, private or truck; tSjN<cense. 054 N Warnock at. ! ll!,.,n..!iL. - '"'it.yil desires no. sltlon, can make all P"u j, Una. IW .... . Jy '""ghtsman, executlvs, now success- mcs W:. ""SI"! "??"."" ZYJ.?' ,l(.i -L-7...... -OtIUVt, USBlKn, C BUII , lil-gLdtslres change. R 41 Led Cent. T'.v "fi.civ, i,u years experience in on ., '' n0 rainforcsd concrete con. LlrukTi i ,t ' " la "na o'neo. Aoaress IAN DP Vst ri4sn Ukalsasi ! i Mfsrencs. u 20x1 'i.iir nn-ir. -fapanes, excellent , has 10 years"' ex "1 honest ana trustworthy; best refer- - -. -x.. n mj, igqyer tunc. itl'i BUTLER. Japaneso, wish posl" ff vHI r s faTrn tnoAfhap ns adntlnttti i M Ana ii YZL WM "' ,-.-.-. u-.:rjiT " TMrgKJry.l1- L.L- Las-J1 Uli, rt tM;7 vn " r j ,l.,:?,,v m , tj.'.' ft 0WIHVi IUA1U I,A " CREDIT MANAaEH fcCCOUntant. 2ft vun ntflfim Avniirlsj OrOtlsthlv fimlllim ., nn.t sin, sxaI. systems. J C31, Lodgsr Central. uK&fan. Krf "mo'v.a .kip.. in e sltlon, ten years' experience wllh ' tXDrt st eitlmstlrir. eomDillnK gfcga.tJL.ttP. . ISU. Laager Offlfe ' TJ V"'i,"' experience, ret. .small X34 O wynsdd Vall Pa. iitr m rL-'"t. L i y1 ati -wjvMii tU tuiwu. axpcrl "" i-eoser urnce ZZTZ..-Jtr .tl.t T---""'- 7.AV t OfneB " "'"" reierancs, n w. IBwlT?:T;Trd" "aa'buTTero'na cook -',.,' 10 Newport Newi, wisn to on 'lan itt phltacTelpiaa M 2JS, Lodger m. brst reftic"iTiO Afrniounl SITUATIONS WANTED MALE j SALESMAN A hultllnt taU.mnn V nA iriir "id Lm SUSJf ll,TM,lnt change' he ). ex ? VnJtnn?rM,,n among buelneaa men In SiSnLJ'I.J11' .mny frlenda ihrnughmit New E .n lw In I'hlla An Interview jnlghtjw e IntfroM to u B ltl ledger Olt SH1?i02."fA.T'iIR.n ' T " exrrrlcnce e- vrnTt PIm,,Jl.,,t f"llm legal and rallrnaJ work,b.,t referenri-a J M" t edger Central. JUJ jfe rem-et J 7 Jilair Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES an'aXUa rL,1-1 n"wlfil mitlera ehm?ir ..'.TltU: f!. cooka, wa tW, if- Jhu '"S-Fffaf-FleST rer help auT. Piled, white or colored. Phone Dleklneon UOit. AUTOMOBILES for Sale IOrnVnf.,h?n.craB,fynrteVorf,a.,,T S?11,1"4 Pongera."l(n5, good "condf. two rlma Addreaa M Wo, Ledger Central. BTK?'?,L'i'Y,aA lon-inulette, thoroughly r.V.M?"lc?.,,Ai eonllHon tepalnted demon. atratlon. 1Mb Sanaom, SprutMs Saa. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES UP-TO-DATE large and email touring oara to ".. . nci, iuk mm, ainnya open. tr8iai ralaee Oarage, Uroad and Qermanton ave. Phone, Tioga OWT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PA,7.I?N rS-Arthur E. Paige. 714 Walnut at., Phlla, mechanical and elettrloal engineer; registered patent attorney, eatahlle) ed here JO jearB, lnvtntion deteloped: patent", trade marka, copjrlghta aecure-1 and lltlgaied any where, rejected appllcntlona prosecuted! pre liminary adtlce free. DaTiTTbrs-itaVWo TilKlir oWSTTSajflvw: llshmenta can lncreate their lncomea hy handling our free talking machine offer Apply 1332 Arch at. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY llEMSTirciUNO. 10 cents yard, all matert rial; A m ICUAIID. IH3 Clltasi T ST. 1-n.iuuiAL lir.vinw PATTE11NH DltLxSMAKIN'O Uiught ehort. practical, Inex ljen,o courfeaj ratterna cut. Mc Mac Jowell. ROT Ucnckla Pldg , 11th and Market FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, Id-hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd Kcafer, S'.D Olrard ate. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLAYER, Leter, tery cheap, nearly new, beautiful tone, 21 rolN. will consider Bmali cash pajnients. 32tl Kenitngton nte. PIANO TUNING niUGHT AND DIULLIANT sounds your plino when tuned bv Ernst Wngncr, tone expert Poplar 1731 W 1331 N ICtli st STORAGE MILLHOl IINR BIORAQE CO, 22 N. r.'U. Kelnont 4s?', Carreta cleaned West 421. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, bric-a-brac, feather beds, broken Jewelry, falte teeth, gold, sllter, dia monds bought. 735 Walnut Ph. Wal. 70-20. Est. '08. ROOMS FOR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can tcry likely be located In a few minutes by examining tho photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which are on file for jour inspection at Ledger Central An Interior photograph and an swers to ctery question jou would ask are heie. so jou can decide Intelligently, free ycrtice, test It AKC1I, 1S2.I Two large rooms, furnished or unfurnished, sIngleor en suite, reference. BROAD, N., 817 Well-furnlslied rooms, single . or en suite. Phone Poplar 3309 W. BROAD, N ,"855 Two large single frontTrooms, prltate baths, nil modern lmprotements. CAHLISLE. N. 2010 Attractively furnished front room, refined private home, phone. CEDAR AVE, 4815 Third floor front, "fur nlshcd, electric light, steam heat,, CHESTNUT, 1027 WellSurnfshed suite. 2d floor, 2 rooms prlvatebath, electric lights. i CHLSTNl'T, 2045 Suite of rooms with bath, south, expos., also single rms , table board. CHLSTNUT, 2ll5 rurnlhhed rooms, single or com., newly papered and painted, phone CHESTNUT 4028 Large, airy rour-s, fur nished or unfurn near L. Preston tCiJl W. CLINTON ST. (11th and Spruce) Two large rooms, slnglo or com . furn or unfurn., prl tate family. Phono Filbert 3109 W. DIAMOND, W , 1537 Nowly furnished front rooms -un. water, also unfur, rooms, reas. DIAMOND, 1.115 Congenial prl. fam deslreB few ret, boarders, homo comforts, leasonahle. LOCUST, 150.1 Two 3d floor rooms, adjoining bath, ISO. PINE, 1412 Desirable 2d-story rooms, single or enjultejtlth board ,rrerence. SI HINUFIELD AVE. 472 Beautiful prlvnte homo, large pleasantroorns,board optional. bl'RUCH. 1115 Front room, beautifully furn.j clcc. lights, running water, other vacancies. BPKliCE-lllT-WELL-FUnNISHKD ROOMS, S1NOI.E OR ENbUITE NEAR RATH. SPRUCE, 11352 communicating rooms, nlo single rooms,hot-water heat, phone, owner. SPI'.UCnT 2022 Attractively furn suite, two rooms ana priv oain, teieuuiic, Keiuieuieii, iiiTH, N.. 2121 Large, furnished, 2d-story front room, pentlemen preferred, private family. lSril, S. 108 Desirable rooms, well furnished; running water, private bath, kitchenette. PRIVATE home; rooms furnished or unfur nlshed 217 N. 20th st. rhono Locust "h.st S TtiJAUTIFULI.Y furn apts , 1 or 2 rooma and hath; excluslto sec W. Phlla Preston 22111 J. PRIVATE adult family desires to rent dwell furnished front looms, 2d or 3d Moor, south ern exposure, very comfortably heated, good hoine table. r fined, residential cectlon of WVst Philadelphia. Phone Woodland 3S. BOARDING BALTIMORE AVi:TTT4lT)DeslfabIe vacancies; porch facing park; phone i excel, table, lefa. IJIiSaD, N 3000 Uurn. rooms, sing, or com- munlcatlng, with Jhjjnodconv, .Jyard op. CHESTNUT, 10.lT (formerly of 182J)-Rooms, single or en suite, pnt imiiiw, i"' mjt '. - !m. B.wr i 1 e sr TlAtiiitl t ail a-Aivtai D-AAn LEHIOH AVE.. ril3.15-Bcautlful rooms, good tame, new ninus cu,, ,,u,,o ..v. --. LOCUST ST., ,'t i30 Desirable front rooms, southern exposure; phone, also table board. POWELTON AVEl 40.17 Attractive furnished room, with board i quiet family, near "I" .SPRUCE. 12J4-2"nrlsmonde) Turn, rooms, -.2lt. .. .,,!,.. nrlvflln hflthfl! table boatd. BPIllTCrTST . 1028-30 Beautiful 2d-floor siilte. furn. or unfurn , to perm, people cholcetablo. WALNUT, 41)14 Well-furnished single room for gentleman; excel, table. Belmont 38U W. lOTlfHT'. STSIS (Cravenhurst)-Sulte or sin gle rooms high-class cuisine, table Joard. S8T1I. S 10S Handsomely furnished rooms, private fam. .excellent table. Preston aj80W, iOTir N-, 82 Pleaaant, light roms exceptional uble.orch nejsjIrjeajMMWejbone H5d" N.. 112 -Desirable vacancies, home com forts, excellent table; near L. Suburban OBRMANTOWN. 285 W Rlttenhou.e St. (be. tween Wayne and areene)-I-arge front . story room, good tab,, oenv Ph Otn, 1573 X. APARTMENTS DIAMOND ST.. 1828 Attractive spartments, 5 reims, bat V porch. hardmpod.fJSor. KAHN & OnteBNBEftO 100 Morris Bldg 6i uitttlv.Tir-fv ,UJ -,.,,- ..i. BPRINO OA'tDEN 1010-Excellent apts. In diirerenr nouses. u,c i.m , itz ." r West Philadelphia POWELTON AVE.. "87 (corner) -5 and W&Jmi'ianV FURNISHED APARTMENTS BROAD, N, 835-8 rooms, private bath, elec tricity, steam heat, south'n and east'n expos. APARTMENT HOTELS ' - ! III IIIBBBJ ALDINE HOTEL CUESTNUT ABOVE 1BTH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES: .Ono or mors u well-furnlshed rooms wltU bath UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. TTTBTARKSiDE wfflT nprvnsiTB FAIRMOVNT PARK 'ri rAUVAiwvrii- s-iiviv Furnished ana uniunusora -.iiiui. -v-plite hotel service Phona Baring Jl . - . ..i btnakdV aWs vsieisinr si vi lhlladeltillla f HlTCOVJNGT(5N CHESTNUT & StTH 8T8. It F KN'OLK, M.OH, , AJk, of tb af lftd, Bsacli Hvn, N. i. HOSBS&EPINQ APARTMENTS nrtor and pAt rmv sts. ts. e. cor.)-Ex- ilulo hnueekeeptng flata newly built, 1 or i tinthe, $Tr, up Apply Janitor SOD AKti TINK STS tf) Lancer Apt.-rive roome bath to 0 rooma 2 battia Janitor or rt'MMINS nat Chettnut I OFFBIl a large tarlety of apartmenta at tarled prlrea and to meet almost any re qulremeht i all or aend for list Auto mobile service to Inapoi-i apla If desired. NOTtMAN S SHRW WOOIV 1411 Walnut it. APAnTMFSTS A SPBriALTr1 PALMER & WETHER1LL APAItTJIKNT PI'KCIAl.lBin rteaul tietate Trust Illdg Walnut 143 ' cohonaoo" !2d and Chestrut ata A few deelrahlo vneanelea, large and amall. W esj VJ!l,ibdl,hJl- Dullt In pairs like side-yard houses, making every room an outside room, and with varied lind bewlful architecture. If jou are going to live In n apartment this tall, the selection of THE particular apart ment out of the many, many ou sse on every hand Is naturally a matter of great moment "uuf there must be ONE BEST APART MRNT for ou where lo atlon, service and oomiort-everythlng that goes to make a truly attractive apaitmrnt home la absolutely at lt best and this, too, ror . reasonable rental. Tor $2 lo HI monthly you can secure one of then apartments, and thla Includes moat exce lent and even heating unlimited hot water, courteous, and efficient Janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, shades, screens and ownlnxi-ln fact ivervthlng to make apatt ment housekeeping quite the rerfect way to Amrtmenta hav. five rooms and bath and are finished In both natural wood and white enamel, wltb artistic papering and fixtures, cabinet gaa ranges, private porches, The price Is In truth the only thing Inexpensive about Wo' have tastefully furnished a (ample apartment (No 5140 Angora terrace), which Is oien tor Inspection day and evening and will give you a definite Idea of how remark ably attractive these apartments really are. WM It. W QUICK &-BRO , Inc., 8 S. 40th St. and NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. THE MARLBORPUOII MTII AND CHESTNUT STS Most conven lent loMtlon obtainable, hot-water heat, electric light, in fact, the character of service and comfort which makes a vaavney In any ono of thrse apartments n rare occurrence, tv o or three desirable apartments are of fered now when tenants nro leaving the clt , rentals. $57 50 to 4i. run paukwood 41TII ST , one tlock below Chester ave (at Woodland ave), feeing C'ark Park 29 apart ments rented alncc July 1, 2 apartmcntB still cftired foi rental, a record which speaks more eloquently of the tcmarkable value In lhee apartments than an thing I can say. Li: BLANC APARTMKNTS .11T1I AND WALNUT STS Housekeeping apartments, with 5 rooms anl bath, with every mnlern convenience and with the sort of service which will make you glad to live In an apartment this winter, one first-floor at $15. two reennd floors at 517. THE PLOE1DIN 4CTH AND LOCUST STS. Two suites of 5 rooms and bath each nu.y now be obtained In this pirtlculirly desirable 4-story fireproof apartment house. I also offer a largo variety of apirtments at varied prices and to tmet almost any re quirement CaU cr send for list. Automo bile service to Inspect apartments If du sired. NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY ESSEX, 34th A Chestnut; Monterey. 43d & Chester, Belmont, 34th and Sp Onrden: hskp. upis. inq janitor or cresse, ;w naie mng. West Plillnilelphln $2eGO-5VTH, S. 1520-38 (near Chester ave.); modern In every respect. Apply Janitor, on promises. Phono Filbert 4453. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY CENTRAL PROPERTY, assessed IWS0O, rented 720 price $70 $950 cash Marshall II Smith, ll)U Chestnut st Logan. LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE, KENT AND EXCHANGE M. M bmlth. Broad st oppo. l.ogan Station. Eildystone, I'o. FOR SAIE About 400 building lots, located within two .tlocks of the Baldwin Locomotive Works and the Remington Arms Company plants at Eddystone Will tell aa a whole, it 410, Ledger Office, NEW .lERRET Ifaddon Heights. N. J. LIPriNCOTT LOTS AMD HOMES HADDON HEIOHTS. N. J. National I'nrk, N. J. RUNOALOWS. $100 cash. $10 monthly, lota 25 xl50. near trolley, conv to river, National Parh. Get off Red Bank ave., see agent with badge Greater New Jersey Co., 3.1 S. 16th. SEASHORE ISelmar, N J. 12-ROOM cottage, well furnished, electric lights, gaa and good heater, also garage, 150 ft from ocean, on loth ave,. lot 50x160 ft , easv terms, price $8200. Address 718 DeKalb st , Norrlstown, Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly paymenta of from $17 to $50, houses located N. Phlla, and Gtn , worth from $1800 to $6250. Merchants' Union Trust Co., 715-710 Chestnut st. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE ALL KINDS. ALBRECHT'S 37J Drexcl Bldg., 2414 W. Lehigh ave. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY nos oxroiiD sr. l ROOMS.. .$25 00 nERTOLET. inio n. loth 2119 E. CUMBERLAND ST. Store and 12r.$45 BERTOLET, 1(110 N. 10th st. MEST l'HILADELl'IIIA IN OUR delightful residential quarter we have fir rent attractive houses of various styles st moderate rentals PEMBERTON ES TATES. N. W. cor. 68th and Willows ave. The best section of West Philadelphia Park, trains, trolleys, schools, churches. Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floors METROPOLITAN BUILDINO. cor. Broad and Wallace. Rooms SOOO to 40 000 sq. ft. on a floor. Aptly toiG. F. Lasher. 147 N. 10th. OPTICE8, HU8INIISS ROOMS, ETC. DREXEL BLDO OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Ground Floor, $100, $120. $200. $220. Single Rooms, $120, $150, $200, $275, $450, $700. Suites S Rms., $144, $IM, $17.1. )200, $225, $250 Suites 3 Rms , $200, $275. $400, $450, inoO, $550. Corner Suites. 2 to 10 Rooms, $500 tq.$1050. KLL1S D, WILLIAMS, 600 Drexel Building. ONE-HALF or office for rent, with telephone service. 1810 Commonwealth Building. Professional Office AIIC1I. 1820 Offices for physloUm heat, light and service, running water, reference. WEST PHILADELPHIA 3822 LANCASTER AVE. 14r. and store.. $50.00 nKitroLBT. mio n. huh st. COD N. 44TH ST, lpr , porch ....$2500 BERTOLET, JOJO N. 10th it. OEUMANTOWN $32-BEAT;TIFUL Colonial house, hot. water hvat. irss. electric, hardwotvl flaAn, am .h.. 453 U. Walnut lane SUItUKIIAN $l TO $200 PUR MONTH Fall List of Suburban Homes O P. PETBH8 fc BON, 608 qiIE8TNUT BT. MAIN LINE, VA. It It. Ifaierfcrd ATTRACTIVE Colonial houss, genuine antique; U rooms and S baths, garage; shady lawn! near station and clubs furnished or unfur nlshed. BUTl'ON 801 Franklin Building. Ilusemont Vt ROOMS 8 hatha, stable, 8 acres, $2060 per l"f ,,.AJ?DEBT ,& CLAQIlfaRNT ESI JJalley Building. ' " MORTOAOES Large Amount TUST FUNDS a FOR FtR8T MORTQAOB Immediate Attention HORACE H. FRITZ T18 WALNUT 6T. "' "MONE.V FOR MORTOAaES $500 $1000 J5J200 $1500 . 1600 $5000 f It HOOD, Bia W0RBI8 Bf. & SCRAPPLE $ A Gentle Criticism ZX THE PADDED CELL A W Officer Whrtt the dickens are ou I lessEr II "'TT """ I VVJ 13 fcelltiB U knees for? That's not the 3giS) Mft s5 pnrt we get to eat? P (, J , Anna-Flora Maybe Is on our circuit Tommy-No. sir; but lt' the part we , ffj jffiK'jh " ? IJelle Tliey say she plays as well , . . . , A lv7ll I Annn-Vory likely, nut, Rraclousl JCVTi' MsaMiisV 0 t 1 lA r K I 11 J I Did you ever hear her sine? Te-T C ! ' I ill I ll h NS' I 1 L- Xll f Jti22 XssT THIS MAW oOST UOOKE.O AT HiS I Ar -' 1 WATCH A MoMWt A.ir. 1 "That fellow you hit back there looked llko your tailor." 'No such luck I" H00-RY l F0UND Av QOtK.TE.R GET 'EM ViHH-6 fct' He Missed It "Did they pass, the collection plate In church . today, Wlllle7" "Vup; but I couldn't git nothln'." AND THE WORST &C QUtMTE.R HP VFM V g23X. Chef Tes, I'm the chef In thoes . hotel. Tramp Well, shake hands, then, j . t M pard, we're both panhandlers, v0 sS sC5g,UtrylkRCTV, DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? GlMMEAOnSWORTW OF 1HEM PICKL&5 GOOD THWGS .(SIMMt A CLftSSOF BUTTER MILK 50FT DRINKS ort ice J London Opinion, Old Salt-Now look 'ere. Miss, 'art yer got this 'ere machine for the dura tion of the war, or wot? IS YET TO COME UiLS Wm i 'v? r i w ivy1 H En Jfc hL. JJJIj 1 L i ) fftBasw as. l WAriTMCECRtftMCOtlt AMD ft fllCRLEb VIUKTO k I OF CftNDY W-b ICE CR AND CANN OH.HURrVt' DOCTOR ttt5 DKEAUrOLlX O Italian Calm II Travass. Typical bathing scene on the shores ot the Adriatic. Ifc" HIAT IT MEANS TO BE A nERO llll I II ' ' ' I jBBHsWVf Of sbVTsVStJ. J1 S......iJ9 VfU ' FROM TUB HERO'S sssJBTJ "tsssr Any Job Would Do "Father says be doeso t wish you for a son-in-law." "A ik him If he's got any other good position lis could give a Ul-ow. will your1 The Only AltcrnatlT ''tj Ai J i '. Sydney Uulletln. BUI I see by the paper 'era that since booxa has been abolished In Rus sia there 'as been a great advanco In recrultln". Dosser Wot d'yer expec' A bloke might aa well get shot If he can't set beerl Uninformed "What aro you reading about?" "The ruins of Pompeii." "Why, I never knew It was bom barded." Jones How did you come to hare such a pretty nurse girl, my dear? Mrs. Jones Because I want our child to have police protection In the park. Ilsys ki tssM y v.uj ' i "r&ZZ'gZvft OWN TOINT OF VIEW. A.t... ,na. "tA .. Light TM Failed "What. Is the trouW sssiwosin Vast City and his wife? I iaMs;)j sis the Ult ef hl 1IU-" 'Ko she was, but kH wool out twi 4Uclt."CumU jsxttr.