2 I.' m G n t B MAGNOLMMFmOOCTS OBSERVE CENTENARY " ! ll. LBN - ' Celebration Starts in Now Jcr , - Wft Town Tomorrow -To- ? 6ontinUo a Week T- , PWI rvlcea In th. Methodist Cplf esaMil ChUrth at Magnolia, Camden Court- - r. ? S. all Jay komorro aria every eve ., trw KHtt nwlc will mark the 100th annl- , efr ot the founding of the church. At . ah WTis tomorrow morning tho cele Sffeltan will be opened with the reading " tfca rlitlnal grant 6t the land on which - Ih frmtnl building ttands: ,. 'TKhi Indenture, made January 85. 1815, twA Thomas Barrett and the trustees ' m tyt, Frederick 1 tines. Jacob ltarlor, ' tVllttam Jonea. Jetse Price, James l'hca ,tW, amutl Uarrett and Joseph Webb, -.'rantM a certain piece of land In Olouccs. Tter. township, Gloucester County, 8tat of iytiM- Jersey, the present location of the . tmrh. The land was sold for tho sum ,J o W br Thomas Barrett to tho trustees -'iiAfiet)ed, for tht purpose ot building i a house of worship, for the mem '-nkeftjH the Methodist Eplsoohal Church." T-jA lg house, built of timber cut and hewed Iti the vicinity, was tho first ptace of worship for the congregation. The , tr grant Was signed, sealed and delivered 3H:H the presence of Joseph Barrett and VQtrltoher Blckler. Thomas Barrett ac- ;'kr.(twlMgtd this as his voluntary act be- vfctiit Christopher Blckler, one of tho VJMfJfM of the Buperlor Court of Common o'Jhm m and for the County of aioiteti ""OW. on the Kth day f January, A D. SU. There are no records Available from jfl to 1W. In September of 14 tho so- ?.clljr became an Incorporated body, with Sdward Stout as preacher. i ., The present ofllctal board la Frank C, JJHaxwoll, chalrmnn Property Committee: r" rl 1I"-M ,.,,, .vm .u..w ww.... nartejy, isameia xirucn, .jubiuu nunc?, John Hunt, Walter Price. Joseph Kell. Mr. E. Marshall, Mrs. John Harloy, Mrs. TV. Price, Mrs. E. Peacock, Mrs. H. Wolo honf Mrs. W. Rowland, Mrs. P. Anderson . Mit Mn 3. W Maxwell. -: ABUSED DIRECTOR PORTER 85 .fit Chauffeur Has Alexander Hamil ton Arrested ."AUv.na. Yfavnlttnn nt IMC finllth J SBroad street, expressed contempt of Dl- .rector Porter, while the Director was in Xtientetlo Hall. Broad and Moore streets, jf'bolnu- Initiated .Into the P. O. 8. of A. lakt nldht. and as a consequence spent , & tlie nljjht In the 15th street and Snyder ..!.... ,, ...aI -u.a ...... t..t.f lH ,f. llfCnUO pOlIC SIUUUI1 UI1U WHO I1CIU HI A )M4 ball thli morning to keep the pence. (kl, Hamilton was arrested In front of the (V-hall after ho refuecd to be advised by ft.'McCrea, driver of the Director's antomo-.r-Jbllb, that he would bo arrested If he L -Vrltd In abusing tho Director, It was testllltd today Neither tho Director nor hla chauffeur appeared against Hamilton. Tho only witness was Harry Baxter, a Washington party worker. r "Ji'Huverford Men Honored by Fraternity & Members of the Zeta Tsl Fraternity In (rVthls cltV were Interested today to hear it ythat Anthony W ltoblnson, of Haver- fS iera, nas Deen cwciea vice prmiarni oi the organization, which Is holdlns Its 68th jhhul convention at San Francisco, Cal. ThO new president Is Howard D. Drlggs. p."! known In Insurance circles of this city. J' Kb has offices at 101 Chestnut street. Now School Building for Bethany Bethany Tempjo Presbyterian Church, Ud and Bpruco streets. West Philadel phia, Is planning to erect a handsome il xAmbiAlniia Ctinrtatr B.hnnl fot.tlA. . JtV-AdJolnlnE the-church edifice. A move- , rncnt to construct tho needed bullalnfr wss launebfd durlnu this week when, (he (WKjTTKntlon besan the observance of Tj the 10th anniversary of the founding ot j- tne congregation. nKMCIOL'8 NOTICES OHOAMST AMI C1IOIK liUItKAU Churches supplied. Frederick It. Davli. Mrr. Voles Culture. 1714 Chestnut 8U nspllii CHESTNUT STItEI.T DAI'TlsT CHURCH " Chestnut t neat or 40th. OEOHGE U. AUAM8. U. p., Psator. 8:ii a, m. motherhood tf A and V. 10 to s. m. Worahlp and Sermon by Iaator. 2:10 p. m.-lilble School. B 00 p. m. Vorahlp and Sermon byPaator. ShcoxrT iiAPTiaT iielpinq hand ci.A!s Meets 3 30. Tth below Olranl ae. nev. A. ABHKH 1IB38. sneaker. Sunday nlsht. the class Vltlts I'rlmllhe Methnllat Church. Zuth and Lehlth ate. John C Kayre will tell of hit eoneralon. Friday nlsht. "The Trail Hitlers" or the K-nlnton V. M. c. A. will conduct the Everybody's Meeting. Franklin Home PRNJ?LIN HOMEOR THE ItEFOIl7AT TtON OF INEnnlATBS, 011-U13 Loruat t Hundar. S p. m. Service conducted br Key, V lteed Mlnnlch. I.ntlieran , JJ "The Friendly Church." lHih and JelTiraon ata. DANIEL. E. WEIGLE. Paator, wilt preach 10't0 a. m. and 7 43 p. m. Moprnno, Mla Suaan Schmolie. Cod tr alto. Mtna Ullth McClellan. Tenor, Mr. John lllpwell, lKttltdne, Mr. Uenrga Ernes. Bible School. 2 JO p. m. TABEHNACLE, Both and Spruce Wm. J. Mil- TISmPCe, S2rt""tnd naee tiev. A, PollLMAN. M. P.. 10 JO a. m.. 1M and 7 411 p. m. Kew Jeruaalem fNtveilenlMipirlant iJAr-'li 'MY'FATIIEn AUK ONE" la " the' i"2 A,K5??no BUJi,.dr...m.,;ri n Mr t XJM . Rev. Rn4y 8 j Raw Jeru ! st 11 School room of the fhurrh -t thm Jeruaalem, SSd and Cheatnut ata. Berv t 11 o'clock. All sMta are free. Everybody la welcome. i rreojicnan , KH'V l'ltEsn. Cir. 33nand WharWMinT ; latrrsl Jtev. J. Oray Bolton. I). D . ntv. , Wtlltsm Taylor Caldwell Key. Mr. Caldnel IS ! prsseii t 10-45. The Rev br. Uollon rreabyttrlan J-L; Tea .., .,..-?,.. ..-- . : - P - . wt Kiviuiiiuiiiua aervice, 1 43. -it "i" v""Vi- ;"T ';? "."" . . J twtn'pitt BUrkln."" """"" ' J VeSTW1'B. rmr Preston and AareiTiTer" h i u,, r jiiuiiBgn. u u. MimtTer ar. unaries ii vt. nuaker, D. D . Aaaiaunt. I(.af) a. m.-nrotherhood ot Andrew and Phil In wlltrrte.,""Monl1 or,h,pi Dr "ronaoa tM p. m,-Men' tllbls Clsas and Dlble 'ti tl lfl 5- Ohriatlsn Endeator aoelettea. i .wy. ;i Troteatant Kplaeopal CMntCll OF BT. LUKE AND TUB EPIPH. nth st. below Sprue her. DAVID M nTEEt.E, Itector. a a m. -Holy Ccmmvntcn. Ha. fUj- Mornlnc Prayer and Sermon. fj P' fn. open-AIr Strrlres at FTesh-AIr JFtev, beorso C, Foley, D. D., will preach. Irr, ffcPHEN-B ciiuncii mm aa. hikjtv uneairiui ai lAHl E. ailAMMBII. S. T (D.. Hector.' aervlcea, p a. m., Sunday Sihoil llArnlnv fniv., an a... .... Xdwarda will preach. Iter. MefuruieU if!', -"it S3" ?S'V".",'2,,,t:,,v-. John " ' . - u.Vt 0. 13, H- 9 JUL lJOCfi.W"'TMlI?ATnir " ' - no And loti'st kth. .e-rwrii jl.-v ryriww. a!. Uw. J is. - l-mamttf aaMaihr- B.i-Soat JTa'2.v!gJ?T . Bernwaj the Lt . . . -. .. . . """.. ;- " W!eV4ianawp come WM fJaeBflatbAmtaitui J YwtaaT Met)' Uarietaaa '-" Tie f)rcatfat Uue.tlon." l. Kikla ion. aoi incv cixaiaur welcome -SS KV' -ui BCkKVUlJilST AWAMjttitmti Mi. 1-AI..ATHIK AKMT, law. VI P.inaU' aaeuuartra, 'BuHJiaa .its. nn4 timet B I "-rllT vonm SL.il. Hola La caaayaaaiiaa. yiiiips i asi. m. wmut mmm LtftMflatiMA BftaM IBM E.V B K ISO i ' " URIAT CROWD TO SBR WAS KAKD AT HiniUK HOME Blblfl Workorii From WO Churches to Attend Exercises at Lansdowne Announremfnt of a new departure In BIMe Clara work, which promises to be come one of tho mot Important aepart menta of tho Dfexellilddle Blbts ClasJe-r. will h. tnmlt hv A. 1 IVr-i-fl BlddlK Prfsl- denj ahd foOndor nf the" ornnnli!aton.1iit I a Rreal patriotic meeting- and flafi rhlsmg J which Will, take place at tne iJrrxci urn die BIMO Classes Homo, Lansdowne ave vicn and Garret roail M"iedownc, late to da. , The meeting will I' bpm to the publlo and will be the largest and most impor tant meeting held at tho summer home., this season. It will drw members from 300 churchrs.ln Philadelphia and Camden, with many pastors A delegation will come from Trentort In 55 automobiles Mr Blddle will be the orator of the day, taking or his subject "Lbve of God nnC Love of Country." Wlnlleld S. Fell, State secretary of New Jersey, win also spak. SILVER JUBILEES FOIl FIVE PRIESTS TOMORROW Parish Members to Honor Divinbs Archbishop Ryan Ordained in 1800 Flvo priests who were ordained by the late Archbishop Hyan In the Cathedral on Bcptember 12. 1K0O, will complete 25 years In the priesthood tomorrcw. They are tho llcv, M. J. Brady, rector ot the Church ot tho Incarnation, Olney; tho Ilev. Thomas F. Hyan, rector of St. Hoso or Lima's, Rddystontl the Ilov. Patrick J. Hannlgah, ot the Church of St. Te resa; the Bev. William J. McQarrlty, of St. Joseph's, Beading, nil ot the diocesan clergy, and the nev John A. Nugent, of the Order of St. Augustine, rector of the Church of Our Mother of Good Counsel, Hryn Mawr. Special observances will be held In cele bration of the anniversary of each of the priests by members of his parish. SOLEMN' XOVKNA BEGUN Sorviccs in Honor of Our Mother of Sorrows to Do Continued Throufrh Next Wook A solemn novcnti In honor of Our Mother ot Borrows began In the church of that name Inst cvenlntr nnd will close on Saturday. September 18. The course of sermons for tho novena will be delivered by the llcv. Charles J. MclnUrc, as follows: Friday September 10 "And Thy Own Soul a Bword Shall Pierce." Sunday, September 18 "AHse. Take tho Child and Its Mother nnd Fly Into Egypt." Monday, September 13 "Thy Father and I Unve Sousht Thco, Sorrowing." Tuesday, September H "The Meeting of Mother nnd Son." Wednesday, September 15 "Thero Blood by the Cross of Jesus, Mary, His Mother." Thursday, September 16 "The Taking Down From tho Cross." Friday, September 17 "The Burial of Jesus." Tho prayers of the novena will be re cited on Saturday, September U, and Sat urday, September 18. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS MADE , Messiah Lutherans to Rosume Work in Renovated Quarters The Bible school of Messiah Lutheran Church, 16th and Jefferson streets, will reopen for the winter season tomorrow In thoroughly renovated headquarters. The walls of the Sunday school room have been beautifully frcBcoed and 410 yards ot cork carpet have been laid. The pffmnry department will open Under tho direction of Mrs. t. J, Baldwin, and the school will be In charge ot HarvOy C. Miller, Its superintendent. Tho Op ttmlBts, a Bible class composed of 120 youhK women, will hold Its first meetlnR also In Its room In the basement ot the church - All services .will be resumed In the church, and tho pastor, the ltov. Daniel E. WelRle, who has returned from a two months' vacation, will occupy tho pulpit. Y. M. C. A. Meetings Tho llev. William Barnes Lower, of Calvary Presbyterian Church, will ad dress the men's meeting lu the lobby of tho Central -Branch, Y, M. C. A., to morrow nt 4 p. m. His subject will be "Tho Greatest Question." The meeting will last one hour and strangers are cordially welcome. The Bev. A. W, Urownmtllcr. pastor of Christ Evangelical Church, will speak at the North Branch men's meeting to morrow at I p. m. on "Tho Backbone of Character." Miss Mary M. Pearson will sing. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES At Ihn Preabyterlan Mlnlatera' Aevoclatlon, In V'rtinlhatcr Hull next w lonuuv mornlne. at 11 o'elo 'cl(xk. the tome : k, the topic to be dlscuaaed iil be Vacation Kxperlencp The Ilev Dr. Kdwln IteyJ Delk, paator of St. Ma'thew's Lutheran Church, Ilroad and Mt. vernon airmen, win prracn m. on "The Worship Which Counts " In eienlnc ht fl o'clock. he will tdkit far hi the venlm theme "Itellllgus Inatructlon snd Our Public theme ; bcl ooli " In Trjnple Lutheran Church, eld and itreeta, tha raator. the Ilev. A. Pohlman, llaca Streeta, tha raator. the Ilev. A. Pohlman, lll preach on "Itefponalbllltlea of Chrlettan Cltl- Sfttaiup ana "mo i-raciice or iTaiae" at to morrow's aervlcta. The large Junior Church vlil raumo he aervlcea at the same hour u the mornlnc orshtp In the upatalrs room. The IWv. Dr. Charles K. Ilronaon. of Weat Hope Preabyterlsn Church, will preach tomor- ?ow forenoon at 10. 10 and In the evening at 4. Ills subject at the latter errlc will be "Italnbow Colors on tho Dark War Cloud." The Pev, William Y, Edwarda will preach In Bt. uttphen'a Kplaeopal Church tomorrow momlm a. 11 a clock Tho Itev. Dr. Charles K. Bhaeffer will preach at the Iteformed meetings In the txruat Tnea. tre, f.2d and locust etrcMe, at 10 .to o'clock tomorrow morning and TiH tomorrow evenlnc, In Hops Preabyterlan Church the" nv. 'Will iam Taylor Caldwell will preach at 10:15 to. morrow morning, and In the evening at T.IS the ilev. Dr. J. Oray Helton wilt conduct a Communion service . Th Tiev. Dr. CJeorgs C Foley will preach In tho Kplaeopal Church .Qf St n tha Kniaropai vnurco .or pi. ijke and tha Bplphany st II ana o clock tomorrow, Services will ba conducted In the Weat Green Btreet Preabyterlan Church tomorrow morning at 10 70 o'clock and In tha evening at T:l The Ilev. Eowln t'lgett Blmkla will preset., At the rranklln llom tha ttev it. Itted Mlnnlch will preach at S o'clock tomorrow avenlns. The Itev. nobert lev. nobert B Flacher will preach in My Father Are One" in the Church of w Jeruaalem (Swedrnbor(lan) at 11 a I ana the Ne m, tomorrow. CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES Studies will be resumed In Bt. Joseph's College on Monday. The sonlor class will return n Monday, September 10. on which day the Solemn Mass of the Holy Qhoit win w ceieDraieo in ipa Church ot the Oesu In the presence of tha stu dent PV , The Paihnllr Total. Atlnen tTnlAn will rreet in r aji""' n':i nan. ijq ana. Csrnmter streets on Sunday afternoon. The dttrcaUe to the national convention will pre. eni a report nd prjaea won at the eporta ba the occaflcB of the JjvealH outing at Willow Oro U1 a preaented. The fcimn oWrvaBC eT't iMtroruti taM st the Churrh of t PtHf ; Oar vmorrow -am roniwi wi w'n nii mw ai io ao o'clock, at Bhlrh a sermon will b preached !!.; ' T.-.ill Vulher from Hr Jnuak'.'TvLTi.'!.? nrolernn Vsapers sJJjSe g. ro vu'"' Th WhMf I1M VUraaji K. CaeHU'a auv. Ih, fa Caaae. ana lh IinmacuUle Coacetn lHl, frmwpnvw... wmwn hk iwth rwreat ave- tlon, 'jwtMiHown, n luq )Nhb. ,.w ...- -, r.. fH ev ta WWeM ftTO3lO& fitNMwat Ml " jaPOtttt-gHHAPBUttlA.. eATTJttDA. BBPtfla;RR " '" ' ' '- " " '- ' ' - :DBDQEftlHi:DAPEfrPHIA,. SATUB "" ""'"T WHAT THE FILM PRODUCERS AND EJCHIBITORSARE DOING MEHIOPOLITANTOSIIOW FILMS A LA HIPPODROME Shubcrtfl to Orfdn Big House Sept. 25, With Feature Films, Aquatics and Music By the Photoplay Editor , Philadelphia la to have plenty of ph6 toplay entertainment (his winter on a decidedly novel scale "'The Birth of. Nation" -will continue some time at tho Forrest Tho Trlanjtlo film plays will lidon be Inviting to-dollar bills Into the Chestnut fltrtet Oporn House. And now comes an announcement from the BhU berts ot a feature film policy with trim minus for the Metropolitan Tho Metropolitan Opera Houso will b opened Saturday evening, September 23. under tho now mnnnncment of ,ho Mossrs. Shubert, and an entertainment entirely now' to l'hlladelphlans will be offered. It wilt bo modeled on the movie season at tho New York Hlpprodomo last sprlnir. Tho first thins that will sreet the eye of thoso ttho enter tho Metro politan under thb new rcRime will bo a hug-o lako covering tho entire area for merly taken up by the orchestra pit. On this lako will bo presented some aquatic wonders which are expected to prove a complete and pleasing surprise, but which will bo only n, "sldo Issue" to tho main show, This will consist of photoplays of distinction, will) operatic vocallsm and smphony orchestra music Interspersed. A large company of grand and comlo opora artists will be assembled to pro .elit portions df famous operas, assisted by an extensive and comely chorus. Edward 1'. Temple, who Ik icsponslblo for tho scvol-ttl romarknblo spectacles staged at tho New York Hippodrome whllo under tho cow ol of the Messrs. Shubert, will have cJ-argo of tho staging of tho productions nt tho Mcttopolltan, nnd no expenoa will be Bpared to carry out his Ideas. The prices for scats Will run from only 50 cents to 15 cents. Under tho present management tho show will bo given twlco every evening, with dally matinees, except on Tuesday, when the houso will bo turned over to opera as of Old. From a rcllablo sourco It Is learned, says a New York paper, that another gl gatitlo motion picture combination, with a capitalisation of Jo.000,000, has been formed. Marshall V Toggnrt. president of the Gotham 1'iesrnm, Inc., Is said to be president of tho new organization, In which Klaw and Utlnnger and Patrick Casey, stockholders of tho Blograph Company, aro interested. Mr. Taggort would make no definite Btatemont beyond the fact that the Uotham has over $1,000,000 worth of films on hand now ready for release. These, It Is Inferred, will be used as tho opening shots In the new company's campaign. It Is expected a definite announcement will be made shortly. With the Exhibitors Wide awako managers arc doing moro and moro for their patrons' comfort. In these hot summer weeks, free Ico water Is growing popular. A correspondent calls our attention to several theatres where this service Is supplied; and then ungratefully adds: "This may be a splendid idea of giving service, but many pcoplo havd been annojed and their at tention taken from the screen whllo they hand a cup of water to some on! sitting In tho centre of tho row," Hlscwhcro In tho State, however, tho Idea Is pushed still farther. According to ono ot the trade papers, tho problem ot keeping his theatres crowded on op prc'slvely hot Septcmbcr'afternoons and nlghtB has been solved to the satisfaction ot Peter Majjaro, proprietor of tho Ito-gtnt.-MlO- Market street, Harrlsburg, and of a thcatro In Carlisle, Pa. In addition to maintaining high-class feature attractions Sir. Magaro has adopted a plan of serving orangeado In attractive shell glasses, which arc passed around among tho spectators by girl UBhers garbed In cool and spotless white. Manager Dolany of tho Logan Audi torium, will present a festal concort next Monday evening nt which time tho how yVurlltser Hope-Jones unit orchestral orgart will bo played for the first time by Miss Louise Hitter. This orgun Is similar to that ue'cd at tho great Ocean Grove Avditorium nnd tho Baptist Tomplo. Fol lowing aro some- of tho Instruments and effects produced: Tuba horn, clarinet, viol celeste, flute, vox liumnno, viol, octavo celeste, piccolo, combination pis tons, tremuland, bass, 'cello, bass drum, Itettlo drum, snare drums. Tho concert will lis In addition to the regular ntctura 'productions Manager Fuhrman, of the Wayna Theatre, who was the first exhibitor in Oermantown, Is warm In his praises it "Tho Broken Coin." He says It brlnja audiences far better than the Lubln aerial, "The Boad o' Strife," which ho had used previously, Mr. Fuhrman studies his audiences carefully and has como to tho conclusion that It Is danger ous to book somo of tho adventurous "rough stuff," full of hairbreadth escapes, as It tends to bring In a tough element which does not pay In Itself and which turns better paying patrons away. He also thinks cartoon comedies "haven't tho pull." Jack Delmar, manager of the Jefferson Theatre, 29th and Jefferson streets, con tinues to meet with great success. This theatre had changed hands many times befnro being taken over by Mr. Delmar, and was known about town as a very poor location. However, after Mr. Del mar took the reins It was an entirely dif ferent story and the thcatro has played to capacity houses for some time past and there Is every' Indication that this will be tho case for some time to come. Blanche Sweet Alternates With Blanche Sour S aalaHB!! PS f HTi t aj m m. z PHHHHsiMiH.a,VMHHHHHHiiHiV ts,,i&lfaiags A deitn struggle between two minds Is the latest, thing that the motion picture camera has bean called upon to photo graph. Thl event occurs In "The Case of Becky," th Lasky production at, the Stanley the flrai halt of next week, and serve to Introduce u to Blanche Bour a well as Blanche- SwetU In. this screen version of the unusuar drama ot dual personality which David Belasco pro c4 for Frances Starr a couple of years a0, Ml Bweet changes before the ttawra from . pretty, sweet girt Mo a cers, malicious creature entirely dlf. ferent from hK ueuat sweet self At Dor. oihy. site la a lovable girl of gentle H4 klndllneaai batttwiferait uuMMftU ?JtJ&fX&9i VXt baV. iL kiaV - Vf"m4nf LLHrSeTWHlBiBOTH TAaLLaKJllBaV'BaaBaBBBBBBBHlBBBBCaVKVwJtJBB JBBBBBBBBBBBLrHiBBSaHBTidBBBflBBBBBBBfl 1 l& Wai. 4 "i n aMoatf if 1 nrrrT - iaiT - kmm i iTFii LsLLMlaaWllM iTllaMaaalHr' vrnBfm!imMmUmj lij ?IV: B-U w'.'L 3JiM3?i X. . k iilaiaiaMaiaBuaaWBIBBBiilaaaaiHr'' ' ' n tfeWtMaaMBafl i. H RHHlHfafli I M I x'lssWaaaaaffiaeaAAlil ... tl,mPlS0L . HKlSMBSiSlSHmAWllKm: i jHHa iLaTaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHMK eat BBaBBBBBBBBVBaHHvBBTeMiKmBEBlBBCitaBtBSBaBvBBBBaaBaaHB .4iSBbVA4 SaisSfSSaaafcaHsasP3a3jeaffiaiawjBwjajBjaJBj 3 k.. r . . zr " . " xi .i: i. r - toi wwkw? aggs.'sat gt'sa agt?ttas surras-, tsussjt- B&c.. x - -1- 3M,yiA.A.JHi i itll.it KIW W i -"-.""... ". FROM READER AND PHOTOPLAY FAN What They Think About Such Matters as Serials The Photoplay Editor asked a few ques tions the other day about tho serial. Was it really, popular? Did It draw regular audiences? And what was tho kind that "got over"' In connection with this ho mentioned o rumor, that has since been vaguely denied, that Inco and- Anlt)v Stowart hud quit the Vltagraph forc4s because of a dispute over tho drawing powers of "Tho Goddess." A correspond ent illuminates us on tho popularity ot that serial In his neighborhood theatre. Ho says: Seeing an article In your column re ferring to the "Goddess" and to tho success of tho same. If applause Is any Indication of tho popularity of a screen picture, you need only visit tho Gordon Theatre, 63d street and Lansdowne aVo nue. on Monday to convince yourself as to tho success of tho "Goddess. X have been there every Monday slnco the picture was first shown and think the Interest Increases every weak. Last week tho applaUso was so demonstra tive It almost "brought down tho house." Tho same correspondent asks: "Why must we have so much Charlie Chap lin? He Is disgusting and vulgar In his actions even the children are becoming tired of him." Admittedly the theatre have had an oveiplua of the eccentric Charles, and JUBt as surely some people have thought his comedy often perilously near to tho vulgar. But the Charlie Chaplin, who Is working for the Essenay, is showing that ho Is capable of a real development away from tho coarser sort of "slapstick stuff." He can bear watch Ing. To revert to the serial question, an other correspondent writes: I have been going regularly, on Wednesday nlghtB, to the Wayho The atre, on Wayne avenue, Just to follow "The Broken Coin." I also watch for "The Hazards of Helen," ot tho Oer mantown. Both these eerlahi have plenty of push to them and they can be understood easily, even If one hasn't followed every week's Issue. What 1 ilko better still Is the vigorous, like life way In which they aro acted. There is none of that silly "dromatlo" posing with which tho legitimate stage hasl ways been afflicted and which has crept too far Into the movies. The actors In these two serials go at their work with u dash that Is pretty nearly the sort of way they .would react to such desperate situations In real lite. They aren't watching the audience. The result Is to make the audience feel they are peaking In it at something that really happened. Big Feature Companies Tht remarkable crowth In the featuro film business this year has tieen admir ably reflected In the new and artistically designed "paper" Issued by the principal companies. A new angle of this enter prise now comes to light In the trade marks ot the V. L. S. n. and the Tri angle Corporation, which are now to be seen In trade advertisements, and which will doubtless soon be visible on the screen. The V. U B. B.'s trademark, which &1HZ ihr:l contempt for everything and sharp tongue nets her Immediately into all kinds of trouble. Wow Decky Is killed and only Dorothy left, through the aid of hypno tlsm by Carlyle Dlackwell, aa Dr, John Arnold, Is brought out by an unusual train ot circumstances. The cast Include Theodore Jtoberte and Jamea Xt-llL. ror the eecond half of the week the Stanley will show what should prove a remarkably Interesting film. It ! a pie turUatlori of Ibsen's panoramic drama of life, "Peer Oynt," with the dlstlnguiehK English actor, Cyril au.8, playlet the hero from youth to old age at4 throuih all lands and cllmts. TM miiato af Seta Ism Mb MPeclally edjaXi the ttai jur (Horge W, ksMt tag tfeft Mmnm CeMaapaJur. . mm w w x w JMMtLJ lBxiiita xdl-W oaSa7i fSfUfelKBuSaiSfiaT wmm GEORGE KLEINE'S NEW STUDIO AMIDmAUANHMS jHiXr7!3STJ3xr Who's Who on the Screen Although still n young man, Illchard Buhler, tho new Lubln leading man, who will vary his photoplay acting by appearing nt tne W a 1 n u t B t r e e t Theatre noxt week In "Tho Sign of tho Cross,' has had a varied and valuablo experience slnco adopting thO atnge as a profession. Mr. BUhlor's advent Into tho dramatic profes sion was not due to an unlooked-for twist In the whtrl iMe of fate. On iuciiaiid rnmuw. $, H come an actor, or at least make an at tempt, before ho had finished his course at high school in Washington, V. -. Ills father was a sculptor of distinction and his grandfather a phyalclan of "P" tatlou. As a boy. Ouhler displayed con slderablo talent In modeling, but when ho was called upon to choose between scUlpturo or medicine for a career, no selected tho latter, nlthough still In wardly resolving that somo day ho would bo an actor. As n preliminary move, be fore being sent to a medical college, he was placed at work In a drug store on Pennsylvania avenue and was assigned to tho Bodi fountain. It was hero that he was thrown In dally contact with prominent Senators, Ilepresontatlvca and diplomats, as well as leading actors who happened to bo playing In Washington from time to time. He studied Bhakespenro nhd all litera ture pertaining to tho stage and Joined the Washington Dromatlo Institute and Baker Dramatic Club. At length ho was engaged to play a small Juvenile part ahd "hustle the props" with Cora Tanner's "Aloho in London" company, one of the leading traveling organizations cf 16 years ago. His beat-known par: In tho legiti mate haB been Ben Hur. Questions and Answers A correspondent writes: "Did I not see In your column that the answers to questions would bo resumed? tt so, what has becomo of them? Never miss tho Evenimo tiEDQBR." The answer is Simply that In the hot weathor nobody seems very curious. .Hut-, this week lias brought out a few more seekers after knowledge. Here theyre; "Is William Farnum seen only In Fox films?" We believe he hai signed an ex clusive contract with tlosa producers. "Was the article in your co(um referring to William Farnum his salary and his Insuranco of his 'world-famed Farnum face' truo, or were you trying to bo sarcastic?" Whether it was true or not depends on the morals of Fox peoplo's press representative; he furnished the facte. As to sarcasm, that depends a lot on the point of view of the photoplay fan. Some think Mr. Farnum's face Is priceless; some don't. "Somu time ago Mr. Mastbaum, of the Globe Theatre, offered several prizes to stimulate Interest In the production ot that stoning film, "Hypocrites," by Lois Go in for Trade-Marks tppears on the left above, Is described by the press department of the company as "consisting of a number ot Intricate parts representing the separate Individualities, alms and umbltltms of the four com panies, yet all welded Into a concrete unit, forming a perfect circle represent ing the V. It. 8. B. as a whole." Tho now trade mark wot designed and drawn by Charles J. oiegerlch, publicity director of V. L. B. E. The sign ot the Triangle 1b even more striking. Every unit of the design drives home the triangle Idea. Even the "V Is made to suggest Euclid's pet plaything. Moreover, the Navajo effect of the wholo design Immediately reminds one of tha West, where the Triangle studios are located.. SCRIPTS WANTED! uxva you tDBAB ron utotoptsra OH BTORIHSt If ao, wj will take them In any formi crltlclaa fm, and sell on commlaalpn. nig prc.i raw Don't weeta rnor,ey en "Inatructlonf.-" Writ ua STORY REVISION CO. 700 Main, Sraethport, Pa. BAN CINQ AL WHITE'S New Dance Palace 15th & Chestnut Sts. (2d Floor) Formerly Colonial Theatre Bldtr. OPITNS TONIGHT A New Idea in Dariclnr With BARRETT'S ENTERTAINER OPENING DANCE u THE FRICKE ACADEMY fmwoffT.w Wagner Dancing School" Private LhhuI Day or v, faon Dis. eSt. tAB A 1P Scholars! "asss? ": Call tSftSSBSSSit KV' yoe-uuik .7fiCT! 9um M ft U i ki i te.WjW. itM. tfe 'AUr HM k'l "-- kC LN f A.SSt ' AlfViSf 1X' inS'' . --. -r- JAlSffr1 vyA.w m I nnd wll-wlppfd .tai. ' 0s'":,r ?2SifffiJ&,to' ta Weber. Have any selections or awards ever been made? I know ot several strenuous offorts made to capture them and n good deat of speculation among young pcoplo of high-school ago as to what became of tho contest. Can your department enlighten us?" Tesj the awnrd was made early In tho summer by tho committee of Philadelphia dramatic g H?roMINEN.T PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS NORTH BLUEBIRD nnoAD, and auH- QUEIIANNA AVE. JOHN BARRYMORE" in "THE D I C T A T O P. " Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Hooking Co. . Great Northern 38>f$?J: DAILY 3:30 P. M. I3VEN1NOB T AND O CATHARINE COUNTESS in "Modern Magdalen" in 5 Parts Broad Street Casino Bnoin BU MATINEE, 2:30. EVENINGS. T and 0. Excltnlto I'hotoplais and the IVoiidcrul Orpan "EAST LYNNE" aP&Zl "The Doughnut Vender" CoB Coming Mon. Clara Kimball Young In "Marry Ing Money." Chas. Chaplin In "The Bank." NOHTmVEST pru CROSKEY STREET ABOVE VlE,lYl COLUMUIA AVENUE "ROMANCE OF ELAINE" "THE LIFE CHAIN" Featuring PEARI, WHITE, LIONEL UAnRY MOIIK. CltniOHTON HALE and the MYH TERIOUB MR, X. ,, SATURDAY MAT, 2:15. SVEKIKO, 0:30. mPAI WTU AND COLUMBIA AVE. lUlZjLi MAT. 2 P. M. EVO. 7 4 8. WILLIAM FOX Preetnts BETTY NANSEN in "The Celebrated Scandal" fcf. "SUSIE'S SUITORS" JEFFERSON dauphin sts. OhQ AN nECITALB fl:4S TO 7H8 HEAR OUR PIIA3HBR OROXK TODAY GEO. SOULE SPENCER in "The District Attorney" V-L-S-E FEATURE PARIT BlDOn AVE. AND DAUPHIN rUrv MAT.. 2115. EVO. 0:80 ADMISSION Be. EVO . 10c TO ALL "A TEXAS STEER" Featuring TYRONE POWER A MERRY COMEDY OF SOCIAL SATIRE, KEEN WIT AND FUNNY SITUATIONS. Mf-lDPTC 10TII AND NORRIB INVJrvrvlD MATINEE & BVENINO HhfETo Romance 0f Elairie" Featurln PEARL WHITE nna LIONEL BARHYMORE. "TUB WlTNKSrl' Luhln drama. In 3 parts "THE SUBSTITUTE FIREMAN," an episode ot tha "Hatzarits nf Helen" railroad aeries, featuxlnc HELEN HOLMES. CAMBRIA MT" &i?E$8MnnIA "JADEZ'S CONQITEST EmnRy drama. In 2 par. 'Mnu.ubn ijiah jajvj-, "uio.ara ma. THE MEnn- MOVINCI MEN, Kalem comedy. 1IM UAKUUin 1'ATll.' an Ill ilflodd of tha "Hftcnnla nr Helen" series. Kalem drama. HI8 PIPE DREAM" Luhin comedy. "THE jauiau thai", pent; drama, "the ho. MANCE OP ELAINE," In 8 parts, Ne. 10. LEHIGH Theatre ,$? ave "THE CRIMINAL" T,eRBEAT5n1 "WHEN LOVE LEADS" TWO.REEL FEATURE "Aunt Matilda Outwitted" A GOOD COMEDY SUSQUEHANNA "ZW THE DRAB SISTER nincraph Drama In Z Parte The Child, the Dog and the Villain (Celts Drama, The Winning Wash SUSS, Wow nmfr(kf THEATnE, 26TH and new oomerset pomkhbet sts. DOUBLE SHOW ADDKD A.TTRACT16U . SALISBURY'S WILD LIFE PICTURES Columbia Theatre columduave. Animated Weekly l "Lady Raffleg & Detective Duck" "COUNTRY GIRL"Imp. 3 Parts"Dn. MEIXtDTB DOOit" "IIUNTINa A Ht'BDAND" LOOAN LOGAN THEATRE ''MS VICTOR MOORE in "CHIMMIE FADDEN" Logan Auditorium .KhT,j "He U and Rosea" Celebrated "HAM" Comedy 11XAH OPR OBQXy VSXT VTBSK NORTHKABT STRAND inu MD OIHAHD AVgL WOMAN and WINE THE BACHELOR'S BABY "With O. M, Anderson. AURUKA -'ono, Carteen ea Tew suoa Broncho Billy's ProtagM W. w. Tha Hypnotic Menkay Ka'Krf ThaRrM Uo k. CI W, TivU Tkaatr Tiri)uarA: "In tb SUeWw rfttTsC" .i-AaTtT mm "L ' the twtw arum iKJiiSiyWO' A fflfl editors, to whom tho MBS. wera v mltted. M "Would you kindly print In your pwtr the namek ot the following concern Mt addresses?" American Film ComH: 627 Broadway Chicago: Edison CorapaM East Orange, N. J,; L-Ko Film CompMij care of Universal F. M. Co., 2000 BroaX way, N. Y. " WE8I rUIXADELPIIlA LOCUST slSc AND LOCUST BTS Mats. 1,30 and a P. tt, EgfStj M " , JUHts UULLIINS TItn MUSICAL COMEDY BTAR, In "THE IMPOSTOR" AMcei1rrp?:NnLns "THE BANK" Pls Obtained Thru Stanley Booklnc Co. fPiADCDIAI C0TII AND 7Va WALNUT BTOSSH L-HAKLlt. UMAfLIN In hla 4-reel conv-dv "AMBITION" Also, the Famous Paramount Travel Plcturtt QUPPUnnn oth and U..UHUVWU BALTIltOM ' Jesse L. uuky pnEBEVrfl BLANCHE SWEET ilf "THE CAPTIVE' watinee. zibo. Etenlnr. 0:30, 8 and tM) Tk RAI TlMnor BOTH AND in ,?rSi Z f :i1iJPAJf'"MOItB AY..1 .. -TAF3' OF PASSION "THE DEVIL" With BESSIE BARRISCALE MATINEE. 2 SHARP. F. 1 1 R F V A 0TH AND i.rt. 5L MARKET STRKETi UHAKLE5 CHAPLIN ,, Jn hi" ncct suceess "THE BANK" The Diamond from the Sky ChgtM j RITTFMUral rcr bsd and . m. aji . i worj iiAVBRFOfter fvathlyn Williams in Tnp CZnrnnh Penm RnmlftJ I - .w... UUUOU OTHERJ LINCOLN 10TH AND WOODLAND. AnMinmnu k . tUX I'KKSENTS WM. FARNUM in THE PLUNDERER Lubin's "THE DEAD SOUL" Be ALL DAY nPMM OiTII AND WOODLAND "-",M mat., j ton evo, eisoteiL "THE COLLEGE WIDOW" ", ".Parte, liy OEOHOE ADE. featurlM f Sti,J?i,.OI'AWON and OEOHOE SOULS e'Vf"' Direclea by IJAnitY O'NEIU OTHER OOOD VvjAf UH E9 PASCHAI I T1ST & WOODLAND y SULiL$ MAT . 2 EVO. iSo SyTO-W11""" 'n the (treat play. "TUB' CJJyr yitOil BAODAD In 6 parts Hit- ' a beantltul and exciting motion picture Tluri la a real desert sand storm Hundred of , pii.- ! pan in mil wonaerrui apeciim- ". JrABLy: combdy" and others Broadway Theatre B8Tai?f "The Builder of Bridges" MARGARET GIBSON in "HIb Mother's Portrait" 58m St. Theatre B8T" 'Iv Herbert Bosworth's BPECTAOULAIt PIIODUCTION THE SEA WOLF . W t PARTS BPECrAL MUSIC GARDFN MD f- LANBDOWNE AVE . urtiuu j- MAT 2 EV0 ,.M, EDITH STOREY IN Island of Regeneration OTHERS BARTRAM THBATnn and AIrtDOJ "f1 f IVrtlTl R0ih Balow rllKSTEn AVE- Mat. Today. 2:18 aharn. Admlalon Do to M' Wiliam Farnum "SAMSON" , Broncho Billy n Land GrabW Nejit W.,k A Ft)OL THEHE WAS . GLOBE-t-59th and Market After Extensive Alterations Reopens TODAY WITH V-S-L-O .L.8TAR pnoDUOtTOW ' 'Th Chalice of Courage" SPRI JPF BlfnUCB BELoVoOTlJ it f mJr,!n'r. V New lnnorf". "ATINEE. J P. M vEVnNINO, 7 and 9. WOULD PlLil CORP Preaenta Alice Brady in "AS YE SOW" Heinle and Louie in a ConJy OTHERS OVKJKHKOOK , OVERBROOK ha'vSbWav "CRIMES" TK FeatMrinjf KING BAGGOT, AND OTHERS Ur VJtU, HKLOW COLOMBIA AV- , "The Silent Command" '&!.. Tbe Girl Wlw Had a Sow." .sX4 Pfwclal. COMEDi" VAT SATURDAY. 3 P. CHILDMKN ADMITTED TQH tc, aaaVanaukilhar Jxbofoufk TWtr Manariink'' Conrr( ? mm i I HI 4 I woatB film cohpohation rr ULUAN RUSSELL WILDFIRE", nvis ACTfl 1 IK K '