i tmmmmmimmmmyimmmm GBT-RICH-QUICK-WALSINGFORD i - i ( DU2 YER HtAvH K.NQ EI OD2IN OVW Dfe Hlt-L . A) rtMr AM Mu'l . I ANUDDKR DEMOSTKACHUN W-A, "JUDGE" VAN 0S1EN HALE AND HEARTY ON 90TH BIRTHDAY Time Has Dealt Gently With Veteran, Who Attends to Business With Strict Punctuality BUSSES HIS OLD FRIEND V. Illlam Vnn Oaten, Or "Judge" as this sr nd old man is affectionately called by PC sons .wlio remember thla city when It .frj a good man decades younger than at present, Is celebrating hla 90th birth day today, September 10 has long been looked upon by "old timers" of Philadelphia aa a day to be looked forward to with pleasant anticipation, but thla year a shadow has bun caat across the festivities which usually mark the return of the day, for tulonel M. Richards .Muckle, life long ft lend to "Judge" Van Oaten, and Joking 1 called the tatter's twin because their birthdays occurred, on the same day In Wi'a. Is no longer living to take part In tho annual celebration. "It won't be like old times," he said, "without the Colonel. I knew him pretty ntur nil my life, and he certainly was a grand old scout. We had been looking foiward to our 90th birthday for a long (line, and we were going to make some thing great of it, I tell jou. And now liu Is dead." . "Judge" Van Oaten doesn't 'lob'k1 tb h L2er 66 years old. He smokes and chews .ssn (often doing both at the same tlfne) and has no objection to a sociable glass of whisky. He Is the owner of an n" l-faahloned tavern nt the Rth street ad dress, which has been in his possession ) t the last 63 years. '( started keeping a public house," he p d, "when I was 21 years old, and I have kept one ever since, which la mora limn 6S years This place I have hrd lining for the last 63 years, which Is a world's record, I believe. "I jollied the Good Will Engine Company, on Race street below Broad, In October, ISaJ, aa a volunteer. I am still president of the association of surviving members of the old fire company, and am tho old ert one of them." Mr. Van Oaten became an Odd Fellow In February of ISIS, and was made a Mason In April or 1833. He admits that ho was somewhat of a "sport" In his lounger dajB. but asserts that he never a lowed, a gambling game of any kind to to played in his establishment, nor has A woman ever been allowed to obtain a drink there. "Not that I am opposed to gambling," ha smiled, "but I didn't want It In my btacc." The fJudge" conlinuea a habit of CJ ears' standing by driving In Fairmount , Park every morning behind a spirited , hre. Ha arises at -G:30 o'clock In the riinornlng and attends to the famllv mar- Filiating before Indulging In the dally out- iiu.i - itrMimirf i,.wtf3ys-c$fo. f3e7' i v vt--E mi v, .Ts-fjrxx v-mi sswirrUi imncw Jtutmrs wa7 j 'Asm.Auj'uim'F'r'mLjMr m '.-iS- . -vwhia ! i ', j r , ts-K. - ' w a. :. 1 mjvmt ii . m a -w w. i m if r in innrnriT rrr rr m r jmitmm - If-'inr. He explains that he la extremely ,1,-77 noraea anq mat ne la ramer Well 1-wwn m uie racing woriq, because he f Jaa the'atarter" for practically every Prjkrae. raca 1n this enuntrv fnr 4(1 var (( Mr, Van Oiten was a' member of Coun lyVila for years and served on the F( IjVwmea Committee of that body for 10 Vyars. Today he Is snendlna- In comnanv (V t George W, Kendrlck, former vice I president of the Third National Dank, ana a numoer or mends. This little group had celebrated the dual birthday of the "Judge" and Colonel Muckle for the "j. five years. CHAUTAUQUA AT MEDIA OPENS; EVERYTHING IN HUGE PARADE Political Job-Seekers, Grocery Wagons and Advertising Devices Lengthen Procession Women Dom inate Afternoon Crowd fhaulauqua that Intellectual sandwich wtth Its light filling of bell-ringers, yodel , slre singers and magical entertain t went tt Media yesterday afternoon JaeV a goodly portion of the female popu l4Jn, accompanied by their youthful pfraarlng, hied themselves to the big tent tr the annual evept In fact, if it hadn't been for a few feejrdM gentlfipen on the back row, who fwook tk oall of bustaesa to atteni Wm opuniac alon. It mlstrt have been Jfor 'WMy" Bunday meeting- for TJh U. good thtriars. Chautauoua weefc , a H"H lncitm- mvwjmvwimw hjw IMP pHtlI can 'touting jftkM. f gaily de ' trweks and all 1(4 IvSmiUh HwHTiiH 1m J r wki ,of thing to t Wnm4 I Chautauqua, as this wk' primal 1 moiirt, vrHiU4ur, In f. jtm why the Wh .century ho Wt ' s4ng ! duty to a history of tb rc ' Utftoua of the wsrjd n4 wh4 Arctic aU Mjt) llv on lor M hours a day. But tkasa tltsays arm t what bring tk aanatl ksy. IB the nrat plkif. It's th twit with kkj Mrcua; nmmiiiurr tht Area tfce youth ful Imagination Tttc f'haotnyajtia, tai, hMW, is retil an jmiTO. mart ' th Harvura Bt kind Imciiim )' t ta e!S. ska vaj)i, vtn cmi -tk IfWw bih, U Jix haven t a quaviWfc . j-mi, rr.m SSBmSm. s&rSssrtSt DAT &TRANQE SOUN JES WELL CUM IMP. VflLI PLAN MU TRANSFER OF STOCK OF AMERICAN ASSURANCE CO. Certain Legal Obstructions, However, Must Be Removed A controlling Interest In the American Assurance Company, 12th and SprlnK flardrn stn-cts, will be sold to a Pcmi s)lvunla Insurance Company today. If certain legal obstructions attached to T7,m0 sharra of the Btock now In posses sion of former Attorney General John O. Uell ian be removed. A meeting of tho Board of Directors of tho company will be held today In the olllces of Mr. Bell In the Land Tltlo Building. It is expected that A. J, Simpson, presi dent of the compunj. who has been miss Ing since the IG2.000 impairment of capital wns discovered by Insurance Inspectors fcever.it weeks ngo, will tender his resig nation through his attorney, John C. Slbble, and turn over the balance of the stock In his possession so that the sale may be completed. At a meeting early this week Mr. Slbble said he was ready to turn over the stock. ;- The negotiations are being closely watched by the State Insurance Inspec tors, but it is said that unless some action Is taken soon toward covering the Impairment, criminal proceedings will be Instituted. SEGREGATION BRINGS PROTEST Negro Children Assigned to Old School Building Segregation of negro children In Mor ton, Delaware County, has aroused a storm of criticism, and a mass-meeting of protect ngalnst It will be held tonight. The chief objection Is that the negroes who represent 40 per cent, of the school children In the district, are being as signed to the old structure while the new (15.000 building for which they helped to pay Is being reserved for white children. . J. Jrvlng JJenkcrt, one of the five mem bers of tho Board of 'Education, says the segregation plan Is an Injustice to the negroes. He pointed out that negro cltl zens had to pay the 25-mlll tax Imposed to build the new school. In the old struc ture the negro children are under teachers of their onh race. Girl Hurt, Climbing "Like Boy" Showing her playmates how she could "climb like a boy" resulted In two acci dents for 6-year-old Margaret McVeigh, 1340 North J3d street, who Is In a serious condition today. She climbed to the top of an awning pole at 23d and Kedmond streets lata yesterday, but slipped and fell In front of a wagon driven by Joseph Debnu, 2313 Cordon street. Her head was severely bruised. Debau was held In 00 ball today for further hearing Sep tember 24 by Magistrate Morris, of tho 28th and Oxford streets station. Funeral of Captain Johiel Corliss The funeral of Captain Johiel Corliss, for years a familiar flguro on the Dela ware River, who died Wednesday night, will be held Sunday afternoon at his home, 1119 East Columbia avenue. He was captain and part owner of the tug Gladys. Sixty-six years old, he spent 62 eara of his life on the river, having worked for his father Johiel, a seagoing captain. All his family followed the water. He Is survived, by his widow, Kva; a brother William and three chil dren. Members of the Association of Masters, Mates and Pilots will act as pall bearers. Bright Prospects for Sugar Exports Shipping men are expecting large ex portation of refined sugar from this port, as Great Britain has recently placed orders for 25,000 tons. The price paid Is said to have been 4,26 per pound, maklnje the total value of the contract about $2,383,000, While Philadelphia la one of the leading ports In Importations of raw sugar, exportatlops of the refined product nave oeen ngni. t-.Fi advantage. A dozen or more children discovered this to their Intense delight yesterday afternoon when they stood on the outside and listened to the music of the Dunbar Soiree Singers. Somewhere they had picked up a stray program. "Say, I wonder why they call them- JfXe,n.t.,le I0 L'yc ,ln." ! a Puz wed little boy as the clear soprano cf one ot the singers floated through the ozone. "Aw, I guess they don't" his com panion pplned. '! guess It's Sorry or flwesry, but, Se, that dame can sing." ., .'. .i!5f. Un tho l"rtet which was tb "Ulj" fr th. day. entertained "with JSf",eiV'ry dcr,P'n. trom the kind VJ1 oi"r d to lng to "Alttle Jeawny's Got the Muww." and. though shining In a way to MtM September aihatnd t Itsetf. every a (Jnt the actly a. thH, tkUoLitr. County li, M4e4 wmutm was f,rc44 by f "S JciT' " CrchTuebt to the D,,!,,,.. tiHy fc j A- D, Harmon. supwIatciMUftt of ta wa4ln. the liMHvtdW contributtem 1 wWehiaofc f the dtsMkUucMi ttxt )2iZZ ""--"' "tow iKMsaon fss ight, at wh saAseuiitiaf ) ai wpicb utM was a tlsartmcc. EVEKINO LEDaEB-PHJi;IEL3?HlA FBIPAX. SEPTEMBftB see dat! when she rest she Sometime Qit on her back an DN SHE SNORE J o7 " v. ELECTRICAL MEN TO FROLIC Mardi Gras Will Give Chance for Fun and Nonsense at Hilari ous Outing ' olt. watts and other symbols of tin.' electrical vocabulary will be forgotten tomorrow afternoon when about 7300 elcc 1 1 leal men of this city and their frlcmlj K.tther on the grounds of tho Philadel phia Klectrlc Company's Athletic I'lub, Kelly's lane ntid the West Chester pike, for the annual mardl gras. The conunltee In charge of the affair Is composed of about 00 men Identified with all of the large electrical concerns nf the city. Gilbert Smith, of J. S. Buchanan & Co., Is chairman. W. W. Cloud, of tho Philadelphia Klectrlc Company, who Is chairman of the Grounds Committee, has completed the decorations and made ar rangements to receive the guests. During the afternoon nonsense and fun nill hold sway among tho crowds of cos tumed morrj makers; burlesquo "cops" will maintain confusion and prevent simil itude of order, clowns will cavort to their heutts' content, while mummers may In dule In confetti throwing unhampered by poltco regulations, provided they main tain a strict neutrality. The mardl gras will be conducted by the electrical firms for their emploes, but a welcome will be extended as well to those who have never head a dyna mo buzz or an ampere sizz. A number of prizes wll be awarded for costumes, clog and folk dancing and for the athletic events. Ono of the features of the program is a baseball game bc tweun a team compotid of men and an other composed of women. AIXilEIt Suddenly, on September 8. 1015. UtiUAHD L., husband at llary A. Algler. ItilatlM-i and Iriends, also ltanu-ln-lixnil li.arlv lk-netlclil Auuclatlan, Mantua Coun cil NO. .. U. ut L, , aru ln Kid to attend thii luneial aeriLes on Monaay, at . p. ni , I jl hi, lata j-eilUtncu, l'.'j et Allegheny ai-nue. Interment at OJd Fellows' t'tnw' tr ltemalna nuy ba lewcd Sund.y. from 7 tu 1) p. ut. AI.I.E.V. On September 8, 1015. ULKANOll Jl , urfiicliter 01 tho Ute AltxtuWer and Jiur gjiet 1;. Allen, lteliilves and Irlenda are In. tlli.1 In 1. Uplift 1 1,. l.iii.ial ... ........ 1 8 .;0 a. ni., ironi hv.r Idle residence, Ulu veat Allcnhiny ae. Ittqulem Jua at Ut. btep.inr Church at lu a. m. interment at Ntiw Cathedral Cemeter. HAL' Kit. On beptember 8, 101S, ADAM husband or Parrlc llJUir, In hla liSth year, telitilii- and nunua ait nunc J to aiuni tliu luneral serlces, on Saturday, at a p. in,, ut hla luie resldunee, dlaii .Noun Ttn at: In terment private, ut clreenmuunt Cemetery, ltemalna miiy ba Mewed on Friday evealna. IIUItUKIt-l'ETKH HUHUCll, suddenly on oepuniber b, UIZ. IttUtHea anu uieiiua an.' Intlted to attend the aervlcia, til hla lata realdence, Durham roud, Gardenvllle. fa at II m. is., on baturuay. cairlasea il ',eit Laaton trolley ut XJunboro leaving loylea tonn at 10 a. m. BLAt'li. On beptember 7, 1015, ANNA duUKlner uf Jamea aim Nora "latk. iteia ttea and frlenda, also Anxela Sodality tf (leu, are Intlted to attend the fuueiul. iroin her late realdence, 1T18 Wyll- t., on ilon aUy, at S'IU a. m. bolemn Itoqulem ilai. ut Church of the tieau at lu a. m. internum! ut Holy Cro.a Cemetery. '" ' IIUI.TKU.MAN.N. On September 7. IBIS 1IC.NKY, son of the Ute Auguat and A nut 1 a liulierinann. ased 25 ear.. lleluiUea and f 1 lends ute Inwted to attend tha funeral on Siturdai, t 8.110 a. m., from the ?ui,nc2 of hla brother-in-law, Joseph Kemme lun "outh Ualley at. Ill.ii Maaa at BtTAloyaiu.! Church, at, 10 a. w. Interment at nSw Cathedral Cemetery, Bw IlUltKK, On September 8. 1915. upsoiu V. I1UUKI) (nee cotter), "wlte of John ft 1,llrlte. .t,u.'at,ve. and 'rier.da are Invited to attend the funeral, on Mondai, at 8 do a ni from her lata reildence, .l.'u Calharliii at' Solemn llequtem Man at St. Charlea' Church at 10 a. ni. Interment at Holy Cross Ceaie- C.UMC. On September 8. 1015, MAIIY r widow of John J: Calne, 8r.. aged J ..af.' Uilatlvea and frlenda are Invlied to attend the funeral aerlL. on Frlduy. preclaclv at 8 p. m at th. re.ldeme of hjf iSZtiXti1 Upaal at.. Oermantown. Interment at Balttl mure. Md. "" CAMUUUN. On September 0. 1015. at hi. U1,",.y!"1f.nc!i T7J-' K- Cumberland at CiEOHOH K huaband or Elliabeth Cameron "ni.' given""' " nUC' f ,h '"" CAHKV. On September 8, J015, JOHN M. l-'AKVr' .,sti ty, t11. I'elittve. and frlenJa. alau Perkins Ladge. KM, y. iJJS A. f-l.. are invited to attend the tuniril aervlcea. on Satuiduy, at I o'clock, at hla lata realdence, 1 jJlfflln at, Int,r'm?nt at Pernwood Cemetery. Auto luneral CLAKU. On September 8, 1D15. IDA M wife of Jacob ft. Clark, in hi?' 4 lit year" Itelatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend the luneral aervlcea, on Saturday, at 8 p. ta.. at her lata residence. 125J N. 5dd at. Inter ment at nethel M. E. Cemetery, New Caitla, I)e .. on tha arrival of tha 014 a. m. train' Ilaltlmora and Ohio, from Philadelphia. CI.KMKNN. Suddenly, on Beptember T WIS, MAItY KBN815U will if "ChTrlM K.' Claiiwns. and daughter of Maria and tha lata Albert Shults. aged SU years. Helatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend tha funeral aervlcea, on Saturday, at .1 JO p. m.. at her Interment at' Ivy 11111 Ceme'tery. Kemalna mav be viewed Friday avenlns COFKKV. On September 0, 1015, BKIITHA. II. CCKPEV. lalu of tlou south lilin "t,. widow of William Coffey (nea Ilarandal. Jif.l,7,',v"nn''.'tn'",,.1, th employee of Wllllnm. Birmingham & Co, ara Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, on Saturday at .10. m. preclaely, at the realdence, 015 South 15th at. Interment nrltute. Mr .4., r . terj. """" COHI.ISS On September 0, 1015. Cantata PCiHIEU husband of Eva 'f. CotIIm P( llanuon). aged 6b yeara. Itelatlvea and (nanus, also EnterPrl.'e .Harbor, To! 2' A. A of M. M. and P., ara Invited to attend tha funeral aervlcea, on Sunday, at 2.3U ' o. Vi precisely, at hla lata residence, U1U Eait rJmSer?.' ",Urn,",t Prte' NorthvTood CKAW'fOKD. On September 0. 1015. itKm J., daughter of Martia and th. Ute jSw,h Crawford, aiad, 21 yeara. Jlelatlvea and frler.Cs are Invited fo attend the "nfral aerUcea, on Monday afternoon, at 8 o"lok at bar Ute realdence, 8Hi North "ad it iJf' terment alrlctly private a " In" Ct'I.I.KN. On September a 101. CHARLES J husband of Jull, Cullen (n'Ja Smith), son of Helen and the lau Chart!! Cullen. Relatives and friend, ara invited J! attend,! .a funeral, on siTurday roiraln! it SSI celery! W - &"- 'V Ct'KTIS On Keptembsr T, 1015, MaBT v daughter of Hoy and thi'lsfV aHCurt& lleUtlvea and frlenda ivltid ,o att-JS tha funeral, ou Saturday, at T1S0 a m tier mothera rerldnc.,'l North Sh.,MJm St. ntk 1 and Race). Miaa of 'jleVA.m .."s.'" Augustine's Church, at 8:S0 a. m. prieUiL BALTON-On September Wia'jit i!iwEi-i. C. DALTQS. IH4U yeari. RektliS anJ frlenda ara Invited to attend the KuieMl 22 (Uiurday. at 1 p. m.. from hla late TJtldi'n WA.Ijllfr-q.fi.tn' . WIS. annib U,ai r 1 fi&&laS'4cWr.3 fc "iS'rT & iA-JJi'! 0 TITJI. fc....a at vjm . lataaaaanat at w 1UI- Cemetery. aatpaf vatll fioca, evaatauj. By KEMBLB Copyright, 1K18, E. W. Kembla, 1 . v II BATH 8 MKVINE. On Beptember 8. 101S. FRAN CIS P.. husband of Mary Uavlne. Ilelsthes and frknda are Invited to attend the funeral, front the residence of his aon, Hugh Devlne, I'lOK Eleanor at.. IxtRan, on Saturday, at 8.i n. ni. Solemn High Mass of Itequlem at the t hurcli of the Holv Child ut 10 o'clock. In terment at New Cathtdral Cemetery. rllt'KINMlN. On September 0, 1016.SARA1I A., ulduw of Ueorge Dickson, ngtl til yeara. Itelatlvea ard friends are Invited to attend the luneral services on Saturday morning, nt II .10 o'clock, at the Indigent Idona und Single Women's Asylum. :ni3 Chestnut el. Inttrment at South ttnptott. Pa. DllUIN. On September 8, 1015, JOSEPH V huaband of Elisabeth U, und eon ot Michael S. und Jan? 1 In in (nee Dunntclirfe), aged .VI jenrs. Ilelallvcs and frlenda, also the Holy Name Society and 11. V. M. So dalltj. emploiea of the Hoard of Revision of Taxos. banta Marie Council, No. I'm, K. ot C.j ht. Mncenfa T. A, II. Society, UlvMon No. "1O, A. O. II , and all other sudetlra of which he was A member, are Invited to attend the luntral, on Satunlty, nt S.3U n. m., ironi Mh lite realdcme, lici East Cholten ae., (lermnnlowtt. Solemn licoulem Mass at tin Church or the Imninculato Conception ot lu a. m. Interim nt at New Cathedral Ceme- ,VFwiyYILDnVlr'Mi,i7iTblr S' i15; tlvca and friends, also E. D. Uakcr Post, No. f. (1. A. It., and survivors of tho ldth lteal. ment, Pennsjlvanla Volurtcers. und Wush ington Circle, No. .1. n. of A., and emploves of the ahoo depirtment of Ulrnrd College, are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on .Mon day, at '.' p. m. precli-ely, at his late reel-dem-e. SMn North 20th st. Interment at Wot. mlniter Cemetery Irlends may call Sunda, aftei 7 p. 111 DUIil.i: At Cedar Ilrook, N. J., on Sep tember 8, JOHN It., husband or Sarah E. Duble (no Kershaw), nged Sd yeara. Itela tlvec anl frlenda or Ilia family are Invited to attend funeral aervlcea on Saturday, at 2 p. in., at his late residence. Cedar Brook, N. J. Interment at Hopewell Cemetery ECKMAN. On September 8. 1015. PHILLIP N. ECKMAN. il. p. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services on Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, at hla lalo residence, ?t N. 21d st. Interment private. Friends may call Friday evening. EI.I.IS. On September 8, 1015, AGNES ... - ..r ik it 1-1I1. ....... "5 M I V " ....Milan ,.. L.IIIB. IlClltllVea fttlll friends of the latnllv are Invited to attend the funerul on Slurday. at 7:.10 a. m from htr late resldet.ie, nil West tashlgh ave Solemn High Maes ut Our 1-idy of Mercy totnobllp funeral. riNNEHT. buddenly. on September 6 WIS. THOMAS r., son of Thomaa A. and Alice l'lnnerty. aged 22 sears. Relatives anj friends, nlso J. J. Relllr Outing Club and rmptoea of Charlea M. Taylor A. Sons, ara Invited to attend funeral, Saturday morning Rt S:iO-o'cltk, lromvhls lata rasldanca. Clymer st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at the Church of St. rhlllp. at 10 a. m. pre cisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. UtANClS. In Ileverly, N. J., on Seotatn. ber 8. WIS. SAMUEL S. FRANCIS, aged ! years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Lutheran Church, Amltyvllle, Pa. Interment at Amity, vllle (Pa.) Cemetery. l'HITZ. On September r, 1015, MART A widow of Charter A. Frits (nee Schilling)? aved 71 yeara. Relatives and friends alo the William D. Shade Circle. No. .17. Ladle! 01 th O. A. R. ure Invited to attend the funtrcl on Saturday, at 2 p m., from the reHldence of her aon-ln-law, John Carr 3tl( Tllton st. Interment at Merman Lutheran Cenetery. Remalna may be viewed rrlday evening. (JIIISON. On September 7, 1015. MART (SUTTON) QIUSON. aged 81 years. Itela tltea and frlenda aro Invited to attend the funeral services on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, ut Iter late residence, .1(120 North Ilouvler at. Interment at West Nottingham Cemeter, Rising Sun, Md., Saturday, Ultr.dd. On September 8, 1015. ANNA -wife of George W. Oregg, aged 52 yeara.' Itelatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at SiM a. m.. from her late residence. HXSt Ellaworth at. High Mass of Requiem at the Church of St. Teresa ,i,!,m-?A"- recL"'?' I"ent Private. OIIII'l IMI-On September 0, 1015. at her late residence, 2011 N. 12th at.. CUEorvTIll Me-X-n?- DU' n,,C oi "".nfl HAMILTON, On September 0. lBfS CHAS. A., aon of the late Chaa. A. and Levlna' Ilamllton (nee Lancaster). Relatives and friends, also all organizations of which ha waa a member, are Invited to attend tha funeral aervlcea, on Monday, at 1 p. m at the residence of his grandmother, Mrs! Esther Lancaster, 1030 W. Arizona st. In" terment private, at Mount Peace Cemetery Remalna may be viewed Sunday evening Automobile funeral. ' HANCOCK. On September 0,1015. suddenly ut bavannah. Oa ELMER N. HANCOCK Due notice of funeral will be klven H.WTIIOHN. On September 7. 1015. MART HAYTHOHN, widow , of Frederick T HayThiVnT aged 77 years. Itelatlvea and frlenda ari In Mted to attend the funeral, on Saturday at 2 p. m., from her brother's residence, liutter worth Tnlor.lu7S Mnrguret at.. Frankford, Interment at East Cedar Hill Cemetery. HOI-ZIIAUKH. On September 8. 1016 MA. TILl A M. HOLZlIAlEIi (nee. Uegenn'elneViT widow of Denlamln D. Holihauer. Helatlve. and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Hunday. at 2 p. m., from her late fell denre, 40H Oreene at.. Oermantown. Inter roent private, at Mount Vernon Cemetery. HL'dHKS On September 8. 1015. AONPn. vvlle ot Harry Hushes, aged 44 years. Reia tlves and frlonda of the family are Invited to attend the funeral on Monday, at i"io a. in., from her late residence. dOOO North Percy St. High Mass at Ht. sterihen'a Church at 10 a. m. Intermit at llSlJ Sepulchre Cemetery. ' JAMIESON. At Threa Tuns, Pa., on flan tember 0, 1015, JOHN V. JAMIESON. fi?i 52 yeara. "cl JANCOVIt'8. At Newark, N. J., on San. tember 10. lOtB, EVELYN NIOiIt. "augB. ter of Evelyn K. and Oeorge T. Janeovlu. aged 0 yeara and (1 months' Relative and frlenda ara Invited to attend tha funeral serv. ices, at her parents' residence, 2l N. nth it aVsSop. m. "' n B,ur'u' SoPtembe? li; JOHNSON. On September 7. 1015 MAR. THA U. JOHNSON. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend tha funeral service, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at th. realdence of her niece, Mrs. A 8. Miller 4ti North Bt. Ueritard st. 50th and MarK J,i.".Vvln,',.'n4nt.t Jl0Unt ,'c Cemetery KF.IJ.y On September 0. 1015. WILLIAJI I ann nf that lata. a"li .1.. . ?. KellyT" Relative." and' fVleV. T JSnS& Name Society, ara Invited to attend 1 funeral on Monday, at 8.30 a. m. from hi? fi?i realdence. l!uo JJorth llth at. Solemn 1 lUh Requiem Uss at St. Matachy-a ClmVch at 10 a. in, Interment at New Cathedral Ce'm. XI.EIN On September i, 1918. MAnv KI.KIN. molherot Alexander Klein. K, ioth year. Relatlvea and friends ari invited to attend the funeral .services, on Saturday at 9 p. m at her non'a residence, 2(1$ West l.hl(have. Interroeat private, at areei. mount Cemetery ' ureen- KI.INCK On September 8, RJCIIARn o KLINCK. huaband of Mamli f Klmck fn?. Hankosy), and aon of William c. and Caroline Kllnck. Relatives and frlenda ar. Invited to attend the ft,nral sirvlw on Bunday. tUm., at th. realdence ef his pareuta, 1715 Venango .l Interment pr" vata. at Nortliwood Cemetery. " lAKK. On September 8. I815. vaxttie LAKB. Reiatfyea and lrltM.,,rivl& ui attend tba iunera) aervlcea. on Bunday attain noon, at 3 o'clock, at tha epartmentaof Olivi. Hrialr. 1MJ) Chestnut at.nUrment S ctly private. Friends may call Saturday ' venliia; J.OWKKV.--Buddeoly, on Beptembar 8 luis' ROBERT B.. son deorg. W, iSd ArTnli " Iwrey, aged 4 years. luiativi and .friends are Invited to attend the (unVriS saVv. ces. on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock m.I Jlssly. at the psrtor. or Samuel w? Kih? 1 linn nnrthwtit pnrncF A1 a -i ' ' fw".r . l?t.'r7r.T.T iW itiTi nZSJZZ " . Jisrn. -" & y . V ' " -TO8S8i5! TtBlSXfcAWO, daugbtar of the Uto Ja4u?K ALL VR. QOT TER DO IS TER. lyiOVE HER OVAH ON HER &U3E DEN SHE H,uiTp DE.VIlin and Martha E. Marker, nelatlves and friends arn Invlied to attend the funeral services, on Saturday alternoon, at ."I o'clock precisely, at the residence ot her brother-in-law, Mr. Will iam J. McSeely, IT Parker He, Olenolden. DeUwore County, Pa. Interment private. MrlWKAKTY. On September It, 101B. EIIS'A MAV McnRKArtTr, dsuxhter of Augustine and Emma McUrearty (nto Owens, aged 3 months and 14 days. Itel Atltia uhu irlittus ut invited to attend the funeral services on Saturday, at 3 p. m., from the residence of her grandparents, .1J0 .North "Id met. intcrmint at Arlington Cemetery. Friends may call Friday, from 8 to 10 p. m MKIIKUITH. On September 8. IBIS. JEN NIE 11.. wife of John W. Meredith. Rela tives and friends, also the Uadles' Aid Society of the Frankford Avenue Kaptlat Churcn, are Invited to attend the funerul services, on tv.tunt.iy, at '2 p. in., at htr Ute residence, iUol East hergeant at. Interment at Cedar Hill cemetery, via funeral car. MII.I.1M1HALSKN. On beptember 8, 1015. HEIIECCA, widow of Alfred Milling lmUKCtt und daughter 01 Mary and the lata Huiry Johnston. Itelatlvea and frlenda ara Invited to attend funeral, on Sunday, at 1 o'ciock, from the rendeme of her mother, MA N. laftwrencn at. Interment Xorthunml """.-& September 0, 1015. DAVID, hus- uuiiu vsi atcaiiu suuiii (icu ot J; C41 Oa V(.11a tlvca and lrlendi aro Invited to attend the ui.L-.a, cc . I wa mi n.ui.ub, Klltllliwtl, fll a o'clock, at hla lalu realdence, 1S4.1 North Franklin st. Interment at Laurel Hill Ceme tery. JU'I.IIOI.LANI). On September 8, 1015, OWEN, husband ot Mary Mulholland. Itela Ives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 7M0 a. in., from his Ute residence, 310 North Hope st. Mass at St. Augustine's Church, at 0 a. m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetety. NACE. On September 8. 1915, JENNIE G., wife of William W. Nace and daughter of the Ute Charles H. and Sarah E. Llppcn, aged 31 3 cars. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 1:JU p. in. precisely, from her husband's lesldence .".20 Dupont at., Roxboroush. Interment at lxtverltigtnn Cemetery. JvKKI.Y. Suddenly, on September 7. 1915 JAMI NEELY. Rr.. l.usoand of the late Annlo Neely (nee Downs). In his 65th year! Itelatlvei i and friends, also membera of Point Breere Funeral Fund, are invited to attend tie f uncial, on Sunday. September 12. at 1HG o'clock precisely, from hla late feal- ?.enc'''. Ji'1-. ou,!,, Taner Interment at Mount Morlnli Remains may be viewed on Fnturday evening. NK.MKIItK. On September 8. 1015. MARY A riannlttiR r9 eia. I.i. in.. .. Newklrk, aged 7U jcara. Relatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral servicer, on Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Asylum 3(,i5 chcainut st. Interment at Odd rellows Cemetery. MTTKNnEIIOF.lt. On September 0 1915 SUSAN, wife of William NlttTnbergJr, aged hi years, itelatlvea and friends are invite l to attend the funeral service" on Monday 'Ti?.n'r,,.V?,.c'.ck'. Ir '-".. residence1: -- ..t . tm-uiiciisv Blt aSlUUflL afVIrya IIltfT Onntml!. St' i''cl,"1' Lutheran Church O'nillKN. Suddenly, on Beptember 8 1D1B JAMES O'BRIEN, husband Sf the late Annie 0..Ur';n.Vn';,at"'er and 'f"ls are Invltld to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8.0 a. in., from his late residence. 60 E. Walnut lane Oermantpnu. High Masa at St. Vincent de Paul .Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Ho!? Sepulchre Cemetery. O'NKll On September 8. 1016, BERTHA II.. daughter of late Patrick and Susan O'Neill. Relatives und frlenda are Invited to attend funeral, Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock, from the residence or her brother-in-law, Thomaa L. Smith. 12th at. abota Bat 111. ave.. Eddyatone. Pa. Solemn HUh Masa of Requiem at St. Roso of Lima Church at 0:30 ,a. m. Interment Holy Seoulchia Cnmetery. ' "" rATTKRSON. On September 8 1015 SHERIDAN T., husbanj ot jinnleM. "tl tern, aged 72 jeara. Relatlvea and frlenda are Intlted to attend th. funeral, on ftatur day, September 11, at 2 p. m.. (rum the resl dence of his son. John T. Patterson, 64 West State at., Doyleatown, Pa. i. QUHil.EY. On September 8, 1915. ANNIE widow of Jamea tjulgley (nee Royle). Rent.' tlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend thi funeral, on Saturday, at 8:30 a. m.. irorn he! lato residence, 2239 South Rosewood bolemn Mass of Requiem at tha Cnurch of bt. Monica, at 10 a. m. precisely, interne?! at Holy Cross Cemetery. interment jtKKVKIt. On Beptember 8. 1015. WILSON A, husband or v orence U Ueover if.ij Uvea and frlenda also Cloth'- liidgef No lio K. unu A. M.; Typographical Union. No ' Progressive Assembly, No. 4, A. O. Ml"' are Intlted to attend the funerul servlcei. on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at hla lata rtIJe.fce. 271(1 N. loth at.' Interment pri'- jtEMENHNYDKIt. At McKlnley. p. Stpt-mbcr 8. 1U13. JAROLI.NE ll REMEnI SNYDER ne. Voss), wlfB of William u" Remensnyder. Relatives and frlenda ar. in vlted to a'tend th. luneral rv ,,' on "sin' daj, at 2 P. m., at her lato realdence West atje. and Town.hlp line. Int.riie at Nt". wtiod Cemetery. Automobile funeral Tat. Willow Grove cara to Ogontx. CoSveiance! will he walling at 1:30 p. m. V-Dnve)ancea ItEEVEK. On September 0, 1018. WIT "srvxr A., huxband of Florence l! Reever. r.?.1? tlves and friends, also Oothlc LaVir. ttl. BIO. F .nd A. M.; Typographical uSfon. No 2. and Progressive Assembly, No 4 A n M- L". "If " to attend funeral 'service. on Balurday, at 2 n. rn., at his lata rTi dence, 2710 North foth s't, iSurnfe't prtl IlICKnilT. On Beptember 7, 101B imhix HICKERT. th. beloved wlfi of larniaNi? Rlckert. In her 2th year. IteiativTJ T'.St f. lends of the family- ir. Invited to !tl!Sd tha funeral, on Saturday mornlnr it sSS o'clock, from tier lata resldTnw.&o NSrU? Water at. High Mass at Visitation r-h...L' at 10 o'clock precisely Interment "at iKfc Sepulchre Cematarv. '"""oeni at Holy HU'lIIKItFOltl). On Beptember 8 loll ROBERT W. RUTHERFORD? aged 83 vm' Relatives and friends, a so Pottir f?S?J No. 441. F. and A. M.i Ky.tSn.ChiSl.! IJo ' "ft T I Iu I-u Temple. A A o r" M. B.j directors of th. Flrat Penny J Ti't..: liank. and employe, of t hi Nation.-. .". for Coffe. Company, sr. invited to attend ?h! funeral aertlcea. on Saturday afternoon 2? ,2 o'clock, at nil 1st. realdence. 4411 Pin. .V Interment at Mount Morlah i Cem.?.?.-' Friend, may call Friday .venlng. from t'iA ii o'clock. Automobile funeral. ' ' SCHNElDKlt. On Septinlir C. 101B. npn MANN lecnyEIDErChuabaad of Marg".,"; bchneidw (ne. Horn), aged 03 ytL". Reii Uvea apd frlenda. also Kensington Labos 1 yceum Association and Ladles' SoctetT 4U,X u' 0" tJ' 8'hbenbund,':"No: 4U. D. O, B. R., and employes of ZlmmrC titan Tapeytry Mills, ar. InvltM to attend t.t. f uueraU 011 Saturday, at 2 "clock, from his lat. residence, 302S Orme. st? Im!?! ment at (Ireenmuunt Cemetery. nier SCIIXVAKH. On September 8. 1815 Air OUST SCHWARZ. h hi. BOtb'yir 'RelY. tlves and frienda ar. Invited to attend thi funeral aervfce. on Sunday, at 2pm a! th. rj.ldenc.of J. W Vlcters. 2T;S rtldJ- BlVAerv'Sn"?, at. Ofwn-nount Cemeteri. e" B1IKETZ. On Beptember 8. 18157 wiuisu hh'nbaldtot y 8i.'eet. (ney'tferdirn sod, son 0( Leonsrd & and LIxxl.E Sheet aged 3.1 years. Relatives 1 and (rlfi ds alw einployta of Henry Dlsston t Soni! .,. JS vlted to attend th. funeral, on Sunffi-. si's j a P. nj.. from hla laic residence, twui TuilD at.. Tacony. Interment at Magnolia Cirnal I5t?r 7np!nD4"" y bt V,,VV"1 'SxnSSr, also Father Burks'. Soel.tr. mi'l?An.' Smf'raiSjAS at New Cathedral Cm.teiY nv Int"nl Invltejl to attend (wSil aerv"cd."i'"B.tT Plea; wli Bowera. " """TBeni private loviVed t attend t-V"f7nir;rLr;ia1' i3 fiZJZi? .. ffScf ' "lv Alllaaw st. la. 10, 193: NO MORE DEMONSTRATIONS FOR SHRIMP DOAN PR PLUM HOUSE SHUAH DEATHS tend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. 111., at th. residence ot her daughter, 250(1 N. Colling st. Interment private, at Urceniiiount Cemetery. Remains may b. viewed Friday evening. HI OllltS. On September 9, 1015, STE PHENSON STOB11S, aged 77 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, ut 2 p. in., from hla late resi dence, f023 Dltman st , Frankford. Interment at North Codar Hill Cemetery. KTOVKI.I.. Suddenly, on September 0, 1010. JAMES A. SIOVELL, Jr. rcneral services and Interment private. hlltAN'.EMIACK. On September 0. 1015, l.NEt.lll. widow of Frederick Strantenback. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 1 p. m ut her daughter's residence, nil Lawrence ut Camden, N, .1. Remains mav be viewed on Saturday, at 7 p. m. Interment at Fern wood Cemetery. Plalnfleld. StllEltS. On September 8, 1016, WILLIAM SI IILHS. Relatives and friends ar. in tlttil to Hltend the funeral taervkes on bat unlcy ufternoon. at .1 o'clock, at the apart ments of Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Chestnut at. Interment at Fernwood Cemeter l.HltJ.WtT. On September b, 1015, MARY A., wllo ot Robert J, Taggart. Itela tltrs und filcnJs ure Intlted to attend th. funeral, on Saturday morning, at N..'(0 o'clock, from the apartments of Oliver II. Balr. 12U Chestnut st. Solemn Requiem Mais at the Church of St. John the Evange list, nt 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemeter). Mauih Chunk (I'a.) papers please codv. WERKU. On September 7, 1015, CAT1IA HINF, wife of William Weber, &r. (nea Knotlie), aged 50 yeara. Relatives and friends, also members of the Reformed Zton Chuich and Ladles' Aid Society of the tier 111.111 Hospital, are Invited to attend th. ftiierai. on Saturday, at 2 p. ni., from her ion's residence, S. E. cor. 0th and Oxford ata. Interment at Hillside Cemetery. WELSH On September 8, 1015, WILLIAM 11. WELSH, Jr.. son of the late WUIini 11. Welsh. Relatives and friends, also Van Hook Council, No. 8, R. and 8. M.; Slloam Chaplcr, No. It, R. A. M. and Oak Coopers' Union, are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Friday, at 8 p. 111., at his brother's residence. John Welsh. 1110 S. Chadnlck at. Interment at Parrott'a Chapel. Felton, Del. VHITE. On September 8. 181B. JOHN J. WHITE, formerly of Barona Court, County Tvrone, Irelind, aged 74 yeara. Relutlvea and frlenda are Invito! to attend the luneral, on Saturday, at 1:'10 p. m., from the residence or Ma ton, William White, 2232 uakford at. Inttrment Northwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Friday, after 7 p. m. VUI.COX. On September 8, 1015. MART. wi'nw of Wl'ltam P. Wilcox. In her 81st tear. Relatlvea nn friends are Invited to attend J the runcrat, on oaiunmy, at a p. m., trom her late residence, Blackwood. N. J. Services at tho home. Interment private. Train leaves Chestnut at. ferry at 1 p. m. for Blackwood, N. J. WOLF. At Cleveland. O., on September 6, 11115. ALICE GRAY, wife of William S. Wolf. Relatlvea and friends are Intlted to attend the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at 2020 N. 21st st. Interment at Mount Peace Cemetery. MOOD. On September 8, 1015, WILLIAM II, WOOD, at the home of hla aon-ln-law, George K. Krecht, M9 George at., Norrlstonn, Pa., aged 70 yeara. Relatlvea and frlenda arc Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at hla late residence, 5".l George st.. Norrlstown. Pa. Interment at Iawer Providence Baptist Cemfry. YOUNG. On September 0, 1015, MARY JO 8EPHINE, wlfo of George G. Young and daughter of the lat. John a. and Mary A. Page. In her 5Sth year. Relatlvea and friends are Intlted to attend the funeral aervlcea, t.n Monday, at 2:20 p m , at her lat. residence. 5112 Cottage at., WIsMnomlng. Interment private, at Cedar Hill Cemetery. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAT PUBLIC LEDGER thla STYLE TYPE (or like this) On. insertion 15e per line Three Insertions in a week. ...12Uoper line Set en consecutive Insertions... 10o per tin. Situations wanted, three Inser tions In a week 10o Berlin. Permitted In all claatlflcatlona except Help and Sltuattona Wanted. Lost and Found. Per sonals, Hoarding- and Rooms. One Insertion 20o -per line Three Insertions In a week. ...17Vic per line Beven consecutive Insertions. ..15c per line All rates ar. based en agat. measurement. 11 agate lines to th. inch. COMBINATION RATE DAILY ONLY for Insertions In both th. morning and .renlaa papers of same day: " PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cent, par line net to rates aivea above, HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN. SERTED IN THE EVENING LEDGER WITHOUT ADDI. TIONAL CHARGE. There is a drug store near your home that will accept. Ledger want ads at oflice rates. HELP WANTED FEMAXE TAU Welp Wanted and SUuattoru Wanted adverllsiaff Inserted fit the Vatlu Putllff r.dosr is repealed - th. Jfunfaa iXdhtr th, :!S" douioi(houtaUll(oiiI eftarpe.J " CHAMniinMAID AND WAITRESS, white Prot.. country In New Jersey. Beet em. . Moer, Room 23U, Led. Off.. MonutVt j' CHAMBERMAID, exp., for flno homii 77 required, wagw' .lB0a W. An.JhSt'j ."' CVl2Vl?rV.iJvCol0re, " -m7r CLIJTH WEAVERS wanted. John J.m.. fcOOK AND DOWNBTAIRB" wnoi7-rrT- ?eV.lnL7.0,Ah':,.ht1tJS'?r.Y.qS,V.,5 Tel.ofcM.nhi;,t"iiT,;jS,?rfn required. COOK anddownsOTsrCTwhiTrtir -tnnti Norrlstown, Ps-t TSpVo".u'. . ? . ... .... ,jn on nEsmBFnKJ, KFfnl.c58,'gJlI va WOMEN IN ALL IWAHTUrllSS COATS, allin'8. Dill 8g wiJIS KKlRre. MlLlLlNiJRYB,?,NrW'.'TS, HI01IE8T SALARIES1 AND PvW?' N ENT , rOSITIONH 'VrouffiS; CIjAK AND SUIT WOMcHl ,7T,F,NT. BtlPEniNTENDKNVair'lrtfA,'Vi'X AND MARKET BTB. U"CE. HTH tf U-UY,m.'nd.U0Bck..cb thss. eroplojers through Ladi.'? ?n SuWJ Mrvk " &tessyv&; e.'dHe.n h'.lpy'.u r. Ml Free sarvle. ta UdiWr" vJ?tlarif. ", GC-VKHM l$$i&zKw oti chtla, rafcrelta. GIB MCNOMo ' DEMONSTRATI ON Ah HELP WANTED FEMAI,E XII Help Wanted and SlluaHone TToM(l nttverflslttp inserted in th. Dally Putlio tSSm is repeaiea in ins .vsntnp itagtr in. tel a... ..llhA.it njrtllf.-i.l Mhn.n. 1 "IW uuy ..,... v " - .j. V .J . HOUSEWORK White, settled, ProtesU.il ttnman nlnln ronklnif! 2 In fatnttw . JTg Ing. lOtlb I'arragut terrace. West Vblli. ! HOUSEWORK fgeneral) White glrirSBi .....,.- ........ ... ... ... y. n.a su ai HOUSEWORK Woman about 30, rrotralsaPi fmnlly 3 adults; suburbs.M 201, Led! ot lliiij3(.Kuiui (general) tvnite, experience1? relerence. Meet employer. Room 200, Ltxlitr h,lilvr x-llu., yt in, iniuM,nuHiv igencrati vvnue girl; rtnitt's ii. ,g :.. ny wa.ii. iiki iurtn o.iq sc MOTHER'8 HELrER-Half-grown girl waiuil as mother's helper In suburbs: 2 chlldrea;'! .. i.... .V..C.UV, bh.iiiikii, -villi Ulte WlSDUtS ts attend achool. J 347, Ledger Central. "jj OPERATORS, experienced, wanted on shirts kil the most modern factory Lulldlng lu the cltyJ Apply Miller Brothers Company, second floor.-J U. VC n.na. tlnuH ..h l .11... M SALESLADIES and demonstrators wastsilrf state age and experience. J 642. Led. Cooui ... - SALESWOMEN ?n?T.:C.LA&s SALLSWOMEN WANT ED BY LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT yOISE ls this CITY: GOOD SAli JO THOSn THORJUGHI.Y KXPBItl. -ENCED: ALL API'LICATIOVS CON. .1 iiiuin'riAk, ADDRESS. STATINO SALARY AND REFERENCES. LrMl, LEDGER OFFICE) slrl"F!'S .!?..' Hl J 343. Ledger Central. J ST,EASl?a,lAP,lnn- y "' Philadelphia pub-l llshlng house; must have bad at least fin jears expcrlemei give full details and ret-l erencca; state salary und give phone nunibirj .. -... iaier untie. STENOGRAPHER with executive ability anj. at least five Veara' bUsln.kH evni.r.n... .1.1 age, reference, experience and salary n-fl Hv.-ii. f i-cuger central. STENOGRAPHER, general olTlce work) stiUi age, education, experience, reference att4i saiarj. ji i, Lcujer centcal. BTENOURAPirEIt-W'in. I'enn High tkhoeli hrunuaie treierrea; stato experttuce, salary. iu siarv 90. Aaoresa o., l'osiouice nox ana, hWANTED Experienced white girl for cootlni anu nownaiairs work. Apply rriaay mormo(,j l..t it. atlll st womanmanaui:rial ability-" Married or single, to take .liaise of an ex-1 elusive business; whole or part tlnie; w.trtil J 10 per week to one who cm quallf). M'pti uc tnicvi st leiei'tiuua tiuiiiucr. x f-tl Lrager central. miAM. tnlil.lU ai?.d anpaklnt German. an attendant to old folks. Apply Jewish Hiu-1 Pltai, Old York roaa. HELP WANTED MALE BAOMAKER wanted; must bo experienced M soft leather bags; no others need uppl) loll North Matirnt.k. i BLACKSMITH. Ilrst clars; one accustomed t. work Horn drawings; also man lor punts presj American Engineering Co., Aramlns. hiiq cuinocnujiu sis. w w: liOOKK LEPER wanud; u'j'oun nianr"ra"t iiaiM mini. ktii)wlrcli; In .btirtliatld. ttpewrlt-cs Ing: one tlutt hay experltiue In u tallorlsfj rstaldlsliment prcierreuj iwod opiwrtunltt nrj tre ilnht nian Ad Iress 11 102, ledger Office BOY for office work In Urge oflce; npportunII rur tirigut dov, APbiy Air. num, iusn. Central. IIAtTI.-l.-KITIl rmiihmrn i..wilil. tartlenerS.1 butlers, valets und lioutenirn who ait st-e'lmf positions can reach the well-to-do empl0)"' tnrnugn laeager want Him. rour name, -dress and exrterlence will bo listed tre" :ne Household lieglatry Bureau, Ledier uuiinniK, ntn una encstnut ats. . r flrtnit nn.lllnn, a r. Iicln- ttll.J l,rif dsV. TnU service Is limited to Ledger advertisers.' CHEF wanted; good at stealer, -chops and dla-j nets, hi Vina bt. JJ CLOTH WRAYHns wnnteil." AttiiTv Jolnml James Dobsnn. Inc., Blanket Mills, S utt'll lane, (alia of Schu)lklU. Dlt.vrOHTHM.XN fofofllce of manufacluriilgj concern; joung man, good iduitloiu autsj salary desired, azo and full nartkulars. la1 M7, Ledger Office. OLAS3 I0LIS11ERS wanted; those used to working on cut glasi table ware. Apply to The Tjlrpolnt Cor poration, New Bedfura, Mass. HELPERS for furniture wagons. Apply wa-j maker's Warehouse, 2d and Wasblngtaal WlViWn WtPS nt.ll. . aT"!.. anttr.VnkS of "house except washing; must have ftrfHJ ciass reierencesi permanent position at ovj Datld's. Wrlto M 200. Ledger Office, givlnlj sl particulars, wages desired anl refer-J cnc.a. ""' yM mra, wnue, nuwer ana vuw. tire work: no laundry. Meet employer Rooatl XM . K IMn ,1,,1M '...L...1 . ..- . .1.. ... -at, i-uDiio ieoger, iTiaay. at 11 opocs. . ' MAN for nltht work In Chestnut at. lunch iafl' p.rmanent loslllon. LL029fLedgerOf flcfcj PAi.rnjit.n ana demonstrators wsntea sijn-, np. and experience. J 511. Ledger Central j STOCK 8AI.SMAN"rwunted." manwltb -, qualntanc. among moderate Investors was will act quickly on unusually attractive; proposltlon.JB.Vl. Ledger Central AT'lCiC BALESMrN. nrsl-rlass. with Tl'' ences. w.nt.a . ..it ...w.1; In t.r.. vlnr anS. cour mine that stand Investigation tblsjtl J bona fide proposition for only food ""n,"l men. uuouner,aio university ai..oatiie. "s-j. oi jn.n... M.nnn rs-.. - . . -I.l a.. a i o i i.i a. j iirii; c oueg. gradual, wun ,'Y: I gte. of merhanlodl engineer and roacblsaJ iihop exp, to undertake systematlslng work. , Apply Frankford Arsenal. In writing, aiallaf j age, qualifications and compensation deslrej. YO"UNll MAN for clerlcaT woririn"offlre whsj. i accuracy la first consideration, ag. about If . Iral, Broad apd Chestrut streets, Frl, U a. m . " , YOUNO MTN7l ear."rTdr'tosist In nliali department: must b. neat and accurate, '1 ail. Ledger Central. VOIINa MAN. whit, experienced la dlotpJ, .w... nw... yyiy itu ureen st. n.t.1 w , ACOUAINTBDI . n.iu r. siuni, ot in. commercial a uureau ai Ledger Central, if you sr. loa " , .ai"., 9virricat, executive or itij? position. Lodges, advertisers In lb. "Unst Wanted column are dally securing oPel throigh thla Serve.. Writ. r ..II far tt bcoklet, 'Opportui.lty.'" Caenaral "Ijy'S . riCTURB OI'KRATINO tauat.i MUV'-."! JSV ai." -J"." nd """J JHil tion. ..v.rn,.f.-;.'.--a? :"- '""" -.---. -.-a. viTH vijjr. KTUATIOMg WAKTJSD rBJCALll A13,7NDA.N.TJ "niivti or nursery et.rlsIJ Prot.. iMttlad weni.n, .e itji n.a.nt at. . pOoTfKKaJI'KKTknow fct.a" ,' tvwrltlnirl1 .L CO r T Buq few l CX ty I - ' - J years' .xperl.nc.jjlj. J J4 Ledger CjtfaL CAHETAKEM apartm.nt. rorapensarimi jT rooma. mother and sou, ref. 7a IKM. Ls4. O A.? .?P".t AN" .PLKKK. p.t i'SI-sblo '", t euralei t-or. rillshlr. n T.-at'l I -. 1 t,liAAlWfi4vi7llk J" KauorUu 4 "aitJ " ' Oaru-in girl wl.he. poaiuon nt -hauttfrw i. LllASlltKfttfliaiC ltuia. Two Siri !" a-rga. . u WUixr, 5 - u; laast refa. Call A '-' '!-