EVENING LEDGBft-PfllLAPfiLPHrA, TgtrftSDAY, BBPTEMBBR 9. 1915. n GOROUS UPSWING IN PRICES OF STOCKS DECLINE IN BANK OF ENGLAND'S RESERVES MS MOVED UP . ALL AlONG LINE Widest Advances in Specialties. jjeW Haven strong Among Kaus New York Stock Sales"! vW YORK. Sept. J.-Stlmulnted by the Hi flovernment crop, report, which In- ETt.4 a bafiner Meld of wnoat ana Kooa fasted ' ..,. thfi ,tock marut f',nB and nctUc today, other things. . the foreign diplomatic and ex it" " .. ' .i . h.n. ri.le.rnti.rl n h urouu . . h,iip. that tha -,.. (ft ""I ."..., armiM hn niltllstari 'f .ny great difficulty when the mIi'.oner from Franco and Great ..iirriv hero. WMt of the business was dono In the ii,..irlili. the steel stocks, for Instance, V there was also good buying or tno LLi rnllroad shares, tho latter being iMd to a great extent by the crop re ?Tk.kirh will mean lamer earnings for . iarrlage of the wheat, corn and oats "'... Thn Inro-eat sains wero In K, loeclsltles. and Bethlehem Steel was ! leader, leaping to n. new high record. Itlllt II POiniS HUU ..' ....... v.,in- ll?n ". f whlrh wns Inter lost. New rJJ ..eords wore also established by flencrsl Motors and Crucible Steel pro ftrred the former selling up 7V4 and the iter over 1 point. Crucible common was lea in tne nnieusuii hiiiiiiis cuhuo, thlehem later bhuv. up nin m revci points aDovc jcthiu") o .....,. ... ,t . buvlntr for control In both Bothle- sm and Crucible were reiterated. Although tho advances In the railroad btrta wei by no means as wide as In u specialties, they were, nevertheless, Wilts substantlsl In some cases. Many h railroads are already estimating !o their 1918 lequlremcnts for rails, and oulte a it are in me matwi ior new equipment. Then, too, earnings are Bhovv fef up very much better, with the out lejc that the Income will continue up ward. Trading slackened down a llttlo around toon, but It soon became nctlvn again, ullh the specialties leading the advance. Strength was Imparled to United StRtes tteel preferred, wnicn soia up to the tlghest since 1912. A strong spot In the Mllroad group was New Haven, which up nearly 3 points. General Motors tJded to Its morning advance and sold tp to a level 10 points above yesterday's eloie. The closing was strong Some iharrs fell off slightly from the high on lite profit-taking, but good gains were shown for the day. The weekly statement of the Bank of Entland, which came out today, did not show up as well as It has in recent weeks. The gold holdings fell off 954, 060 (H,T70,000), while reserves fell back t&m (tl.S0O.000). DROP IN RESERVES Bsnk, of England Statement Showed Decline of 450,000 ( LONDON, .Sept. 9. Reserves of the Bit. of England fell 50.000 find bullion foldings 954.W0 In the last' week, ac cording to the weekly statement Issued todar. Deposits were also smaller De tain, follow. This w eek. Lat week. I'OUnds. Pftltnrla .11,7110,000 .12 .124,001) i2n,.-,8T.ooo iit.(ii9.mio SS,U42,noo ST,t)21,0 34,41R.OI10 44,41S,00H 141,210,000 WUOO.'MIO M,l 18.000 34,S5S,0CO OlreuUtion ... FubUi depoilts. Private deposits. Oovtnitnent eecurlties. Otter jeurltlo . . nwil . Froijertlon of rena to Wltle IsUKm , kMkrtt ...... 25 12 24 1.1 07.470,000 08,433,000 5 - 5 if. BANK CLEARINGS ftinir flmmrintrm ..it... mm.k...j .... Swidlnj day laat two yeara: QtodalphU 28.01S.nn 2.1.ll7t),108 i4.044.7t!3 giTork...33o.,Mio,m im,n2.onn ssilero'.m It-Loula.. ts.nu.nn Hl.T.148'1 isiisitiio RATES FOR MONEY fUltaelphta "w jonc r.j.11 mi Time ass.".v.:v.""v.v.v.": Suo 2fe,i tSSaTiiierss as? to Mx month-' ph- FOREIGN EXCHANGE WW Vnov a .... !KfehSCSnJ! cm.. Pt'illnff. l"rnra. Mnrka. Llres. iM :.:::: im SSS& Si s Heserve Banks' Discpunt Rates 1in n-,? 3lA el to wi to 10 , 3 . 3 3 no Omos. JPhlUd.lphla Borte '" Wehniond ,",',""," " MBia ..... .HP.: .'. a iiu 7. .,"' i 2 1 Tf B yfei;ata-n-j?lv,.?oikIip.f a. a GOVERNMENT BONDS w iju 4 4 iU. .1 i i a i 1 4 4 4U .1 . .. 2 ma rf ... tt wo tou :; & J tea ..." few jta r.g J' H 3a cou . Ck ihs rr .... "eou ..." Bia, .( 07 ' ...1)7 .. on . 01) ..JOOW ..100 (J ..J01 ..101 ..100 ..ioo Aak. 08 OS 101J1 101 101 lois 110 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS ivnuj-AIl BTOCKS, pWtr .... B'11.- toati n,,.on ., IT wall lffST ' 10 tc r."""'ni mi.: ii '" ...,;;. .v.v.v. s 5 Mln&I-:" iS' 'w e4 o ah)ij .. ,,,. .28 5"Mef '" "' .j. .40 .,,,, ,01 " ......,., ,0.1 fU !&slm.v:.v.::::::-JJ "'.,.::::::::::::::i:J? n jkltt". ricK .... ( tv8 AH MIBCPUANQOUB. fly 'i.... .01 tii it .0.1 Mill -----T..T -- ;JS .,, .,i? .I.. a Urn Wonder VVUT vnr,r .. j 'if iUHlL UUHU W , "la SSS5S?B::!: M " . , --...-., --. rn""iate4 .,.::: m ifiaSSS .... 21. I C&S?' H1" l.M. bLsr '"- t)4,l IOfc 9h Aaked. .-I .11 .)!) .30 .12 h 0 .07 .59 20 ,01 .41 .03 .05 .0)1 .04 Oil .46 I..I5 .18 1 40 .10 .on .10 ,10 .m .in .20 1.1 Ua, Ur pfd wan "..,..,,,,,,, 01 fll,,. , . . . Hltlpt. Er siorea "I:;;;:::. --. .., iug p,w D2H i US uo i 0t 2'. AakaJ 604; jns 1H 74 00 a i I, -. flAIf.HnAn vlouLria .VEH AND- BIO CJllANPE 2,OU,400 M.V-W .'"'"uiiiu II.WJ ,M0 . . .. ttst cloaa. Aflami Express.. ...... loo aImVs Oold M 32 Allls-Chalmers Mfj.... 39)4 niiv.naimersAii2pr.. O") Atn Air rhumtrikl . Am licet Sugar..,.., Atn Can-...., Am Car AKoundrr., Am Cat & Fdy pf ., Am CoM Products... Am Coal Prod pf..., Am Express Am Htdo & Leather. Am Hide ftLpt Am Linseed Am Linseed pf . Off CflU 67H OS Hl.h. 100 41 70lf 62 C7'f rOlf tew. Cloaa. 100 100 2U 39M 70 OIK fi7J C8"f .-,2k 40i 70 coH 0) .liOJi noji iwt nM iou'1 Ifll 151'i 151 U7 110 118 97 Mi 37) 10M 34H Am LocomotlTe ','.'. 63)i '" oiucua uot Am SnulT Am Steel Foundries... Am sugar ncflntaz Am Sugar Hof pf. .. Am Tel &Tel Am Tobacco Am Tohpf new Am Wooln Am Woolen pf 921 nuaconai copper 70J 8111 .150 . & 109 -.115 101H 33H 80)f 35!( 4 2X 152 53H UO 115 DO 8U 37U 19M 35H 6 81W 152 110 115 110 10m 37H low 3SJ, 54 81M 152 52H 110 115 Atfh T A H v Atch T & S F pf . At antin rni.it r in. in. llaldwln Locomotive... 80X naltlmore & Ohio X3 Baltimore & Ohlopf... 70'f Hank of Commerce ....1S8 ucinienem bieol 301 ViiH 123W lailf 13.11 225j 227U 228 227f .10J 109W 100K 109H 38K 4Hi MM 41W 03H 02 03lj 715i 70K 70H 10U( 1024 lUDi 10 Hi viyt U)1 U7i B8S 103i 103i 10 JU 81!f 80 83H 82' ( 70M 70H 158 158 ?.cn,?sL::-'"? iw . 15.5 . .".'" ".v "". 00 am H!i HrQn Shnn nf llutto 4; Superior. . . , Cal Petroleum Cal Fetroleum pf Canadian Faclllc Cent Leather Co Cent Leather Copf... Cent ASA Tel Chesapeako & Ohio... Chlno Copper Chicago Great West... Chi Ot West pf ChlHIil'ac Chi Mil & St Paul... Chi & Northwest Colorado Fuol &!.... Comstock Tunnel... Consolidated Gas . . Continental Can nf... Com Products llol 174 Crucible Steel 87 wrucioie tsteei pr. . Cuban-Am Sugar Deere &Co pf 03 Distillers Securltes 20 r.3t 70i 158 325 15Q S3U . B2M 8J R1 f,.t 07JJ 08 C0 07H 18H 18 18'C 18! 44 44H 44K 44H 153t 154W 153U imi 44 UH UH 44l( 105 105K 105Vi 103W 128 128i 12SM 128M 4UM 60 49M 40W 45 45J 45H 45M 11U 12 12 12 3114 :il! 30!f 31!i 19U 20H 18K 18f ti'i 85l 84H 851i 120 12Uh 120K 120 Ji 40)i 47H 47 47K 14 15 14 14 120 127f 120 127Jf iUS 1U1 103Jf 104 18 Olli 17M 88M 17' 004 104H 106!1 1D5K Hid IH 114!f 114W 114W Viii V3H 03W Dome Mines 2Mt Iilccttlc Stor Bat 73 Erie 29W Erie 1st pf 43), Etlo2d pf 35J1 rea iim am pr 45 2V-C 21H 74 30W 47M 37H 47 293 Gen Chemical 293 uencral Electric... General Motors.... General Motors pf. Goodrich a F Co 62U 03H Goodrich B F Co pf...l09 109 Great Northern pf H8t 119 lit Nctis for oro prop.. 41'i 42 !6 21 73H SOW 45J 30 47 293 7 21H 74 29U 47!i 37Jf 47 203 .. .v. v.v ,w Guggenheim Kxpl'a Illinois Cent Int Agricultural . . Int Agricultural pf Inter Con Corp'n. Inter Con Cor pf . Int Harv N J.... Inter-Met vot t e. Inter-Mot pf 77H international Papor.... 1UH Internat Paper pf 38H Inspiration Copper 35 J I Case Copf 78K 171W 17 171W 171K .255 265 259X 203 114 115 114 115 G2$ OJf 10Si 109 118H 119 41U IVi 65 t,Mi (VS l.i'.W ..102'i 10 H 102',i 102 'i 0 37)4 21 70 i 100 21H 20 38'X 2li 77 20 375$ 21 76)i 20 3S'i -'US 70 1035a 100)S lOOM Kan Cltv Southern. Kansas City So pf . Kayscr Julius & Co. Lack steel Lehigh Valley . .. Liggett & Myers ... Liggett & Myers pf Long Island Mackay Cos Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf . . Max Motors 2dpt .1 Mexican Petroleum.. M St P & S S M. 27 68)f . 70 6'J III! 78 ii 39H 35J 7814 27K 59)j 80 70 21 78 104 38 i 35 7JW MM 53 Si Mi M 78 ny, 39H 33 'i 78H 27 59V!: SO b9H .H1H 145K 141U 145 225 224H 224 224 M 110j 120 119W 119U 42H . 70)f 41H 91'f 37H HIH 42 79 45H 92H 38 J-5H 42H 79 44 01! 37H 83 118'f ll'i'i 117 125 8H 17H 27H 4 57 7H 17H 27H 3 50 101 M St P &SSM pf...l32 Mo Kan &Tex 7'4 Mo Kan & Tei of IK!.' Miami Copper 27 Missouri Pacific 4 Montana Potter.. . . 57 Morris & Essei . . 17CH 10J Nat C &. S pi . Nat Knamcl&S Nat Lead 05Va 66 04JS Nat Lead pf 112 112 111 Nevada Con Cop 14l 14!f Wi New York Air Brake. .146 150 148 NYNH4II 05U 09K COW New York Central 02Vi 04 02U N Y 0 & West 2U5 27J 26)i AIM 79 44M 02), 38 85 119X K'3H um hit 27H 4 n 16 i Norf & West North American.. ... Northern Pacific ... Pacific Mall Faclllc Tel & Tel . Pacific T &Tpf l'cun Ji li . People's Gas Chi. .. Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal Pittsburgh Coal pf . . Pressed steel Car... Pressed Steel Car pf .108)1 iosk ma iosw Mli 27'i -J1H 27H 05 M 112 11U 149! 68Vi 93 H i'7W 110 72 nox iioh no 71lf If. 7V 107W 108M 107H W&'i si ;n4 am am 34H 33M 33'i :iM 91 0 03 OJ lU9t 110 1U94 11) 115 115 115 115 87 684 b7 B8H 34H 34H 33,'i 33!i 101H 102H 102 102H 62M 63Jf mi Q'M i. C3KU UWVI Vrfd yttillUU 1VU VO1 t7U- Pub S Corp N J 100H 100H 100)4 100H ... ..(.. r. tin ton ton inn x'uuuiau v.u. ...... .....luv io iuu iw lty Steel Spring 39H 39 30 3U Ily Steel Spring pf...,, 01 91 01 01 Itay Con Ujppor :'2)f 224 2.4 -'2H Heading 1504 1514 1504 150!( Hep Iron & Steel 434 444 43 i 44 iep iron & steel pi.. .10m iu"i win mitt jt n y 0 64 54 104 04 84 Rock Island Co pf Itumely M Co Itumely M Co pf . . St Louis &SF-... St Louis Southwest St L Southwest pf. Seaboard Air Lino. . beuboard Air L pf . Sears Itoe & Co.... So Porto It Sugar- Southern Pacific..,. Southtrn Pac t c... bouthernlty Knnlhnrn Rv nf. ... Standard Milling pf. MudebakerCo... Studebaker Co pf Tenn topper Texas Co Texas A Pacific Third Avenue Tobacco Products pf Under Type... .. Union Pacltto Union Pacific nf.. Union Pacific war... U tInd Alcohol.... U S Ind Alcohol pf. U S CmH I & v.. United Itys Invest. . United Hys lor pf. 44 1 12)4 31 14 32)4 44 11 30 144 324 .1534 155 44 11 30 144 324 155 85 884 i 54 8)4 14 11 30 144 32)4 155 85 80 77 85 1UL UOl4 105U 1034 1054 1054 1 104 10M iov io . 60 504 60 60S4" . ... J j ion ion ....1134 1174 114J4 1104 ,.,11H1 1UO WO iUJ ... 67)4 584 67)4 67)4 ...163 165 1634 155 ,... 11 11 11 11 55 664 654 604 09 084 084 08)4 BUH OO OU OVI ...120)5 130) 1294 1304 ...804 04 80)4 S0)4 .... 314 314 314 314 ...72 764 724 75 ... Wl 09 09 09 .... 104 204 20 104 V24 24.4 234 234 38 39 384 384 494 514 60 604 1034 1U4 It a llnhhar lit nf....l044 104 U SSteel.. 76 704 764 704 SS.V; nou I14W 11JU 1144 VUhawi :...... 674 M 60'4 67oM vi-CaroChem 30)4 30 38)4 38h Va-lron Coal & 0 04 034 03, 03)4 Vulcan PeUonlM...,,. 16)f 104 164 164 MfMtK M 1HW U6U 1154 1164 wStem Maryland..... 204 30H 30 JOM Western Union Tel.... 76 4 77 76)4 704 ttSyi i OTwfind 1MH 100 180 100 WooloitbFWCo. ..10J 106 100 106 Cota par ahare. Quotfd x dividend. Toul Ml. 080,000 aharM, compared with ilTou) h"i jt.rdayi thui lar thla wk. 1 VilWiO haru; win period lat wtek. 3.401. tog th4ri. August Fire Losses p.r lot In tha United States ;nd Canada air na "uifult aKregatd Jt0.O07,100, com- rif.tVStt.ilT.8iV In 1018. Crops 5.5 Vtr Cent. Above Average ti.iBiiiNQTON, Bapt. 0 All crop wer fowpartd I ISS 1 J.0 Auu.t 1 and mth S.4 Price of LeI Reduce new YD11K. Bpt. .-Th American Smalt. olU W 4. 9t 14!ii 141 XL $1000 Arr.er Agr ra , A ltiiio Amw Cot Oil 4Vi. 100)4 xtnio .mcr Hide d I. On. ion 11000 Amtr Ttl elt 4 .. R7W SRCOO i)o cm 4ia 101)4 JMXK) Amor Writ lp ,1a, . Ill will Armour Co 4V9 , . Ii 27(Kt Atililrnn cv U 1051. HO Sown, do cv 4a 1!)00 102 S70IO Atlan Co Lino fit 4a,. 8 lTttni Unit ft Ohio 3Vii... Wi .tOiH) ilo 4a . .... , ., N5H 1S(C rtn c 4.s. , POH .VKM ll&O ! 1. 15 A W V 4a 7tJ 170-m Halt & t sn .1Ua . SOS aiiioo item sttel rfd It., . tm4 .mmi Hk)n It Tr 0 1018. m ijjoii likljn L'n Klv lit Ba. V 70(Ki rent Leather lit Sa. W 83000 Cent l'ae Int 4a; MS Mnki cent 11 It N J Ba... .H1H 2 VM Chill Cop in .. 114 4000 Chi Ot Vct 4a .. I1M4 J?J" chl & N,,n deb Ba ...101 lOimio c II Q Joint 4a tio t do deb Sa P41J ( do gen 4a .... Mtl 7000 do II )14 Kl'i WOO C 31 ft 8t 1 cp r.. ,.10254 ltJ Col A South lt 4a . 85)4 211100 Con tins iv Us .. .11(1 1000 Del & Hud equip 4Sa. O0T4 2.VW1) Uen ii 11 O 4a .. no 6000 Detroit Edltoti lit B.102Vi ll'i OO Detroit United 4',i . 71 4(tK) Uia aeeur Corp 6s 04U ("ion du Pont Pond 4Us ..KX1H 2iKXi Krlo conv 4s Ser A.. IM Mio d.i Ker n . . tto Riim do ptliir 4s 77 6CWX) Ilua Man In 5 2(14 21100 in gteel deb 4Ha . S6'J HlOO lndlnna Steel Bs . . .1011 Kioo III Cent rfd 4s ..8.1 3000 III Cent 4a 10.12 . ..82 1O0O 111 cent 4a 10M . .. 0 .1000 lit Chl lolnt K. - . ISI 1IO00 Ina Cop cv Oa '10. R1000 Imp cv Ca . uhfi imeru Aiei 4H . ... i 2S000 Interb It T ref 8a. .. HUH 00000 Inter Mer Mar 4Hs... 7 2000 Internl Paper ct Ba... H2V. 2000 Internl Paper Oa ...100 1000 Jap 1st 4Vts 77 1000 Kan City 8o Ba S754 3000 Lacks Steel .Is 102.1 . VS S4000 Ijicka Bteel 5s 1050 .. 84', 1000 Llg A M T Bs 101, 10X) Llg & M T 7 120"., 400O Mo Kan T rfd 4a 47i UOooo Mo Pnc 4a :hiv4 .1000 do col Bs 1017 ... 7SIS moo do Bi 11120 72 1000 Mont Power 5s ... IK) 1.OU0 Nat Tube 5s . IW'i 8000 N Y Air Itruke ct Ili.lOJ 1000 N Y Canal Imp 4l4i.li)4 1000 X Y C-M C col JVis. U7 211100 N V C X. II .1U . 7(11. oiw.j nn rex os. 1000 do 4V.S Kioo N Y City 4s 1H37... BOO do 41.3 'G5 20(0 do ret 4Vs ... 0000 do 4'4s Mai '57.. HOiO N Y Itwy adj Bs. tooo N Y State (Is.. txiO!) N Y Tel gen 45s 10O0 N Y V C & II 4)3s., WOOD Norf -West .t 4'js 1000 do Is 24d00 Nor l'nc prior 4s .., HldUl do gen As tooo Oro Hi & N con 4s.. 100(0 l'uclnc lei Is L'looo I'onna c Ji 7000 do tten ct IVsb 1000(1 do en 4V HKO Reading gen 4 liooo Hep Ir u h 5a lOiX) Itock Island 4s . IKiOO do rfd 4s &U000 do B . . 100(1 St I'aul M & M 45&s t-000 .Seaboard A L. ndj Bs 1000 fcontii Hell Bs . . 4110 South Pac cv 4s . 12000 do cv ret f p Ba 11)14 ten. 4w"j ao no 11000 South Rwy gen 4a HOOO do con .Is 24HCO Texas Co cv its .10(100 Third Ae adl 5s 5O00 To'. Pio i. W 4s WiiO l S Rubber fls 3V0 V 9 Steel Bs 500 do res Bs 37IKI0 Union Pac 1st 4s.. (.000 do cv 4s ., ... 100(10 do rfd 4s 5000 Vn Rnys 8 K 4s 5000 Va (Is llrown Dros . 27000 Va Car Cheirt 1st 3s. wiUO Va Hy 5s ... IO.'iko Wnb-Hqu ct sta 4s .in no waw" ier zi ci rKK) cst Ulec cv Bs 101 .000 West H &. M cv Bs w .llOU POHO West Shore 4s . fcOij in 11X114 101 8754 101 tit HIS 8Ui, 102 SO f) MS M 7H UOJti f'T I'SS huU Mis inn in'4 ns 101 Ottt, oiv 88 bill 102V. 854 lilt im!, mi 10251 71 IMS loovj "Sin i?i ....lmvi HI 04 1 j hi."; id's 102 411 101 !llt 77 11054 8' 112 87 07 UO 1021 una til) IIS'l 102 10Ha (17 7(1 104 87 ."1 loA 10t'(, 10li 4!) 101 04 7T 110 h75a 811 (12 S7 0d 1110 "751 lO.'U UHi Ot 7'4 (.2 l!. till. Wlli 71114 Il2it JIU til '4 11154 m Mi(Z 07i. " 801 (. Tllti nu 84 Kl'4 .. 015a 01 V, 117 - 102 joi 7s 775a , . 45 15 1024 102 ..1014 101 113 02 80i; 80)1 81 SltJ 48N 4S 54 B4 II5 M ... VI IIJ ., 12'i 10 1051. lOlli 11.1 M5i 8fliZ 1011J 81 82 80 to 154 141 74 0(1 71 025 100 77 871', III iSft 120.4 .iVt $. 00 102 lC'5a 117 70 HH. 87 Ulk W2. 1015, Vri 40 lill 0454 77 110 871, ! ".7 0H4 100 075, K)2iJ 11'S 04' :$ 4t'4 tit;, nij! 80'J 1111 1 84 0114 i83 78l 43 KCTi 10214 1015? hi 8I' 48'n BI 05 U 10 iniJi in. 54 W54 Total ralis $1 2P0,fO0 compared lth $2 411 000 icsterdas thus tar this week, f 9.101,000. same period last week. 1 1,020,000. Sales in Philadelphia Tes close. High Low. Close. 100 Allla Clialm . .. 4054 04 40V4 70 Am Oas 102 102 10.' 102 20 Amer Milling (I (Aa O'i 50 Am Rwys 2lH 2l'j 2454 2iJ V. Hald I.oco pfd.. 104H 10(1 100 10(1 2510(1 Cam Steel .... 0154 2'a 01 400 Chl It I & V l'i l'l'i ..O'i loo Cruc Steel . 80J4 M)ti .suVj 351(1 Wee Storagq . 73 74 72i 74 3SO Erlo 2UH 0 2 154 30 100 do 1st pfd .. 47 474 47 10 Gen Asphalt . . 31 31 -U 33 183 Uo Pfd 00 70 h0'4 (.OJ, 151 Key Tel UK U4 l(a IIS 050 Lako Sup Corp. 0 (1 0J 0' 243 Lehigh Nav . 70i 7ii54 W, 70". 220 Lehigh Val ... 72' 72 72 72 210 Lehigh Val Tr. IS 18 17 18 30 do pfd 345i 344 345, 34'-, 504 Penna Jt H . 35 55',, 34' 51 13 Pa bait Mfg ..04 05 05 113 442 Pii Steel pruf.... W Sl'i M M'i 231 Phil Co .. 41)4 44 44 44 1 do cum pref .. 4454 l 330 Phlla Eiet . 244 21 24t 23 2170 v it T tr ctfs- . 10 10', 10 ltn, 42U Readlug . . . 75 75, ,tt 75ln 2fO Ton Helmont .. 1 4 4 4 10 Ton Milling .. r.' 5 .'., .V4 101 I'nlon Trnc . 3d S11V4 r.djl 3H? 84 I' Oas imp. .. . 83ti 8II4 84'J 8y, C4U.1 U a Steel 7.V4 7li Tr.'J 7ii 43 Worw Ir & St.. 1054 lO'J '0'i 10'4 Total snles, 41.640 shares, compared with 24.4UI1 sliarca yesterda : thus far this week, 81.3U2 share; same period last neek. 107, 307 harea BONDS. Laat prev. rale. High. Low. Close. 5000 Am O & Elec Ba Hg 8754 I5i ,Mi oouu iiatd ioc 1st Ds.iux ivi luj C7 01 Cam St scrip '10 Wi 100 loot 17 Cam ft Keb HUT Ui u' mv "Hi do May 1017. OOO City 4S 11H" . .vo fo rtg loio Kit 2(H) r.lec & P Tr 4s 81 111OO Interstate It 4s 50 12O0O Leli N cons 414s HI",. rn t 00 U. , .. mi1, ,1014i 1015J 01 ,015 81 60 O'I lnon Leh Val fen 4s. 8U SHU bill Kioo Pa Cons JWs. 10J51 10.xt lOJi, 3100 Phlla i:ito U... t05i 80 THij lnou I'nna )J : w 4S 100O Heading Term 6 . 2iK0 Ked-Jr Cent 4a 0 81 30 0U5 07i 100 02 071 100 02 liu t itwy, 5 0054 i ioi; 4"i?4 81 81 UO 81) 5 1025 80 07 5 101) 02 Total sales, 134,392, compared with $37,220 yesterday thus far this week, 1102,140: name period last week, 1108,787 Local Bid and Asked llaldwln . . ...... do prat . Duff A. 8uiq t a.... do pref Cambria Steel .... Electric Storage . . . General Asphalt ... do prof ,, Keystone Tel do t 0 do pref Lake Sup Corp , ... Lehigh Nav , Lehigh Val Lehigh Val Trail .. do pref , ...... Penna PhlU Elec Phlla Co . .. .. do 3 per cent, pfd, do U per cent, pfd, Phlla R T do to, ... ,, Heading ; Tunopali Helmont , Tonopah Mining ... Union Traction ., , Unltfrt uas improv, I) B (Steel lork Hallway ,,,,. do pref ,,...., W Cramp t e-. '. . Today. Hid. Ask, . . 81U 8154 ...10154 10054 ... 12 L! ... H ... tw; ... 745; ... ml ... 14V? . . UK tiu ::: ... 17. 1 Kit? m 404 04 745, 31 " 70 IB 15 07 U .(IV4 725a in 3.1 ... nj na . .SIK 2.1 ... 4 IK 44 4 . . :is 40 . . 41 44 ... TBi TB ... t ,, 31 . 81 Yesterday, Hid. Ask. 80 81 105 12 3054 11154 73 3.1 07 ,4!4 1454 11(1 Tin, 72 10(1 1.1 70S 15 19 67 7? 12 31 0'4 (J '2 VI m 64 Wi 24 -Jlili 4 II X7 P2i 41 37 41 1 10 8'i, A T 31 BO 44 37 i 1054 1(1' TJW 0 305, 82 82 $100 BONDS City of Ilaltlmore . Cltv of Chl liar Con City of N Orleans Imp uity or Vancouver Naw York City rtg titv Torn cuy reg ?a C M & Bl RO H Con,, .5 C U at St P conv . . . ,i6 Col & South ref and ut. .454 N Y Cent conv deb .... 0 ' NVNIUIIcd rag. 0 Nor & West 1st con -...4 So pac can r Term 1st., 4 Virginian ny 1st : .... Am Agr t'l nv deb Am lea wdib lletb Steal lt and rat Cent Mather 1st reg.. Cities Ber c,onv notes ., Com 1 Hy ft !.l couv '. Con 1 Co "f M to) nta Denver Oaa fc El 1st Lackawanna Stl tat con Liggett - M Sab reg Liggett & M l rsg . p Ixirinani rtw- rg p. Lorillard del r utaniana Pr 1st ana . nid 10(K! Vfi 1017 OT 1020 JOO 102.J 00 tliiLI 1m 1 Ol HI DSi 2014 ;02 lau in 1U.1 CO lt6 103 1048 ion 1000 T 1030 80 10(12 111 SO.'S 114 i)M 81 042 110 102S 00 fill UW 1018 tV 1017 (lg 1040 02 1050 M J0.il oou 1041 llt Offer. no (10 lb 0211 iw; ojK i035 05 82 54 100 111 fcMl 811 03U 101 loot. oS loo loo fit 101 3H 08U STEEL SHARES SOAR LED BY CAMBRIA Heavy Buying Lifts Local Issue to New Top Price Stor age Also Strong A now high record for Cnmbrla Steel and a sharp recovery In Electric Storage JJattcry were the outstanding featurrs of the deatlnca on the Philadelphia Stpck Exchange this morning. Heavy buylnir, of Cambria, sot In from the start, and the quotation was rapidly lifted ncroea 64. , Houses with Now York connectloni were tho principal buyers and wero per sistent In asserting that the stock would soon be listed In Wall street. Whether the traders there will bo so eager to pur chase tho shares when they see thorn quoted at 123 per cent or thereabouts for a S per cont. dividend-paying Industrial remains to be seen. It is Inevitable that the price v. Ill be compared with other Steel Issues, such as Hepubllc Iron and Steel preferred, selling around 101, and paying 7 per cent., with some accumulated back dividend war rants still to be settled, and United States Bteel preferred, selling around 113, and paying 7 per cent. About 8600 shares of Cambria changed hands during tha first hour nlone. and about 25,000 for the do. PennBlvnnla Steel preferred again roso to 85, yesterday's top price, and then went a fraction higher, while United States Steel was also buoyant. There were slight reactions at the cloe With reference to tho rlso In Electric Storage Battery, It wns said that a weak long account had been pretty well elim inated during the last few days, nnd that the atock was now In a stronger technical position, Elsewhere tho market was gen erally quiet, but on the whole tlrm, re flecting to a moderate extent tho Improve ment In Wall street. Vnlted Gas Im provement moved up a frnctlon on tho cclaratlon of the regular qunrtcrly divi dend, while Rapid Transit also hardened. Philadelphia Electric moved up to 23 In the final dealings. Financial Briefs LONDON STOCK MARKET War Lonns First Advanced, Then Became Easier LONDON, Sept. 9 Generally tho Stock Exchange markets were listless today, with Irregularity In evidence, although the feeling continued cheerful After ad vancing, the war loans, hlch were active, turned easier. Homo r.Uls hesitated bc causo of renewed demand for higher wages Americans were1 Irregular. Fnornblo crop statistics from the Dominion were responsible for the optimism In Canadians. Support wns furnished to the Russian Is sues on the victory of the Csfaf'a troops In Gnllcla There wBs fresh buying of hlpplng descriptions, and the tone was sti ong. The shares cveryw here were scarce. South American rails wero dull Mines were tlrni In spots and olltj were mixed PUBLIC UTILITIES Tho New York Public Service Commis sion has uuthoilzcd tho purchase by tho Empire United Rallwas of the 25d0srtnres of capital Ftock of tho Monroe County Electric Belt Line Company af $3 67 a share. The Standard Gas and Electric Com pany has authorized the offer to stock holders of $3,750,000 20-jonr 6 per cent, notes at 00 and Interest The privilege of subscribing to $3,000,000 of tho notes Is accorded holders of the preferred stock to the extent of 25 per cent of tholr hold ings nnd the common-stockholders may subscribe to tho reoialninf JTJO.OOO Tho right of subscription closes October 15, and tho plan will not bo declared opera tive unless $2,000,000 subscriptions nre made Tho proceeds of the sale will re tiro nil tho Bhort-tlmo obligations of tho company, llquldato tho floating debt and enable, the company effectively to Increase its earnings. It Is also stated that In the event of tho notes being taken "the preferred stock .will be Immediately put upon a cash dividend basts, starting with 1 per cent, for the first quarter." NOTES OF THE RAIL Freight movement over the Pennsyl vania Railroad for tho first week In September as noted at eight observa tion points was 183,019 cars, an -Incieaso of 18,626 cars, while the daily average was 2G.864 cars, Increase 2C61, or 11 per cent. Tho movement was swelled by tho movement of company coal fqr storaso purposes. At Lewlstown Junction the movement of bituminous coal showed an Increase of 18.9 per cent., and of coke eaetbound an Increase of 2$ 3 por cent. The total movement past Lowlstown Junction was 26,432 cars, an Increase of 3704 cars. Despite tho great rush of Italians to the European war fields and shifts of Italian labor from railroad fields to mu nition plants, no shortage of labor exists on tho Pennsylvania Railroad, which em ploys thousands of laborers ot this class. Some laborers have been attracted by the higher rate of wages offered by somo of the munition plants, but the railroads centring here have not as yet been affected. Oinces on the ground floor of the Land Title Building have been leased by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company for a term, of llvo years, and will be occupied beginning Septernbor J5. Tho present of fices of the company will not be vacated until October 1. Illinois Central pending equipment or ders Include 3000 freight cars, costing J2, 000,000, namely, 1000 box cars, mobtly for Georgia Central, and 1000 refrigerator cars. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOltK. Sept. 0. DUTTEn-Msrkst Sept. D, lower. Receipts, SU7U racks sos. Gxtra, 2f '-'HMjO.; Usher scortnc, 7S275-,o.i But dtlry. ;OC.I IIIUVUIIUH VIvamviT, ..VC, EQOiJ-Morket firm. Receipts. 11,427 pack ages. Extra firsts, 282nVge regular pm-keJi nosrby whites, S.I0.1.V., resular picked, mtiotl color, iistiVOc.. ssthered) refrlcrutor ItraU, 23Q21C, nearby brawns, ;tOffJ2c. Du Pont Deal Closed 1V1LM1NOTON, Del., Bjpt. O.-At westlnt of the directors of the K. 1. du l'ont-de Ne mours 1'ouder Company all assets and business of tho company ere solil to 15. I. du l'ont-de Nemours Co, In accordance with a plan for financial reorganisation of the business of the company heretofore announced, The purchasing company was recently Incor porated under laws of Delaware The person nel of the new company Is the ssme as that of tho old company. Tha new company takes pos. session of assets and business as ot October 1, 1019. New York BroUcr Assigns NEW YOJIK. Brpt, ,-CharjRs H. Dickin son, as solt surviibig member of the firm of Jieers A Owens, formerly romposed of Cbsrles II. Dickinson and John W. liters, dealers In stocks and bonds, at 6i liroadway. this morn ing madt an assignment for b benefit ot creditor to William P. dalllard, of il Uroad- wsy, i i !! Week's Trade Balance J27.6J6.721 WASHINGTON. Bent 0 -The' trgde balance of the United Btaiea last week waai W,.7rt, compared w Ith Wl 20a,030 the previous week, Exports were $00,071. H8. and Imports $83,4M,' 477. Duties were collected to the amount of il.Ml.41f o which f3.41o.4S8 . were rolleoted at New Toik, pxporle from New Jfork were .1 OW.Ottl. and Imports lacvifoyin. Tha ex pert of rotton during tho ceT"VTiouuled tq io.'jie bales, making lbs total tine August 1, 101S. t70 S.li bales, l i n I I., i. METAL MARKET NEW VOWK, Sept. 8.-Th metal market The Worcester Oaa Light Company has sold $1,000,000 45i per cent, notes maturing In from two to live years to Qlssell, Kin nlcutt,& Co. National Lend, through Its subsidiary, the u. S. Cartridge Company, has ac cepted contracts for ammunition for tho Allies account valued at about $2,000,000. This makes a total of about $20,000,000 worth of ammunition orders on which the company's plants are now engaged. The American Cotton Oil Company has sold to the First National Hank of New lork $5,000,000 two-year 5 per cent, gold notes, the proceeds of which will be used to retire an equal amount of 4V4 per cent, debenture bonds maturing November 1, 1915. Henry II. Carse has been elected presi dent of the Electric Uoat Company and also president of the new Submarine Boat Cotporotlon. Up to the closo of business last night approximately 62,000 shares of stock of tho old company hnd been turned In for exchange Into stock of the new 'Submarine Hoot Corporation. This represents In excess of two-thirds of all outstanding stock Clearings through the London banks for the week were 255.090,000, compared with 26.090,000 last week and 167,106,000 same week last year. Tho new $1,000,000 bentot plant of the United States Steel Coiporntlon, nt Gary, Is expected to be plnced In opera tion In it few weeks. The first settlement of the Paris Stock Kxchnnge will tnko place September SO Tho Magna Copper Company declared nn Initial quarterly dividend of 10 cents. Philips. Dodge & Co declared an extra dividend of $3 In addition to the usual quartet ly payment. It Is understood the reorganized M. Rumely Co. will bo known as "the Ad vnnco Rumely Co." T. M. Schumacher, chnlrman of tho hoard of directors of the Chlcngo, Rock Inland nnd racltic Railway, has resigned. Ho wns a representative of Phelps, Dodgo & Co on tho board, and his resig nation follows those of Arthur Curtlss Jnmcs and James McLean. Tho St. Joseph Lend Company Increased Its quntterly dividend from one-half of 1 per cent to lia per cent and added an extra payment of 1 per cent. Tho Pullman Compnny received the Atchison's order for 500 stock cars nnd 25 concentrate oro dump cars. The New Keystone Copper Company flrclurcd n stock dividend on the new shales of the compony, consisting of ono Bhnre of the Inspiration Consolidated Cop per Company's slock on each share of new stock ot tho Keystone Company, pay able on and after September 20. The pig Iron production of tho United States In August was 2.779,650 tonB, com pared with 2,563,420 tons In July Steel compnnles in August ptoduccd 2.101.SO0 tons of pig Iron, a new monthly record The United Globe mines declared n divi dend of $0 n share, compared with a dis bursement of $6 n share three months ago. The K. W. 'Woolworth August sates were $5,880,269, nn incrense of $446,211; eight months' sales, $11,055,606 an lncreaso of $2,793,016. Tho Jones & Lnughlln Bteel Co. has let contracts to the United Engineering and Foundry Company for all tha machinery required for tho ercctfon of a pipe de partment at Its Allqulppa works. Members of the Eastern rig Iron As sociation, who met In this city jesterday, were well pleased over tho situation nnd outlook. It wns the consensus of opinion that the market, from every standpoint, looked very favorable. There Is a good demand, orders are Increasing, stocks of Iron are being reduced, while prices nre up and strong at the advance. Charles H Sabln, president of the Guar anty Trust Company of New York, and J AV, Flatten, president of the United States Mortgage nnd Trust Company, have pone on the International Mercan tile Marine minority stockholders' com mittee. Slgourney Mellor, of Mellor & Allen, lias returned to his desk after a business trip to the Pacific Coast, where he at tended tho convention of the National Llfo Underwriters Association ns a rep resentative of Philadelphia Clement B Webster, Jr , and C. M. Richardson have associated themselves as special repre sentatives of Mellor & Allen. Immigration In July amounted to 21,601 persons, against 22,593 In June and 60,377 In July 1911. were sellers of Emery, Freed & Co, Cambria Steel. The Now York banks have lost $288,000 through Subtreasury operations so far this week. COTTON NEW YORK. Sept. 0. Increaied speculative demand uas a larse feature in the t-'rong upturn In cotton this mor.i'n.;. After an adiance of 1 to 11 points the market ahoi, up to a lei el 10 to IS points over last night's close, representing new high I in els for 'he up movement. A feature which atuaUul much attention was the scarcity of October shorts In New Orleans, resulting- in an ndtunce fiom 0.73 to 0.05 In that contract within ten min utes' time. The Booth sold Octoer and Liverpool sold December. New Orleam was a moderate buyer here. In the afternoon prices continued to climb until the close, whlcb was '.'0 to 28 point' nboie lust night. Yes. Open, close, ing. High. I.ow Clnu. .10 01 10 AS lll.KJ inr.s 10.74 luiiu 11,111 m';i 1014 10 31 iota January October December March . July ... Mux .... Spot .... ti.ns in ii to .'ii in ki 10. 7U 10 M 11 Oil 10 8.1 10 01) 11. IS 10,44 10S.I 1041 :io,oo ioio 'V.21 M;08 ":" DIVIDENDS DECLARED The American Coal Production Company, reg ular quarterly IK per cent on preferred and lie per cent, on common. The common divi dend Is payable October I to stock of record Beiitember 1'4, while the preferred Is Daiable October 1.1 to clock nf record October 10. L'nlted Oas Improvement Company, regular quarterly a per tent., payable October J5 to stock of re'ord September .io. Kcpunllo Trust Company, regular quarterly 15, per cert , payable October 1 to atock of record Peptember 20. American Iron and Steel Manufacturing Com. mnv. usual auar'erly 1U per cent, on ore. lerred, i-iyaM October 1 to shareholder as of recoi 1 hepn-mber IR. liedley Cold Mining Company, regular quar terly per cenu and extra S per cent., pay. able eepumber 80 to stock of record Sep tember in Ht. Joseph Lead Company, quarterly 1U per cent, and 1 per cent., payable September SO to stock ot record September I). Olrnrd Trust Company, regular quarterly 0 St cent., paable October 1 to stock of record eptember 15, Hell Telephone Company of Canada, regularly quarterly 2 per cent., payable October 15 to slock of reiord Beptember SO Phelps, Dodge tt Co., regular quarterly $2.80 and extra $1. payable September M to Mock of record Keptemter Is. Magma Copper Company, CO cente. quarterly, paable September 30 to atock of record Sep tember 18. American Express Company, regular quar terly I per cent., payable October 1 to stock of record Beptember 11. Railroads Ordering Locottiolires C!UCAqO) BeptO -The Illinois Central Italic road Is In the markfct for SO Mikado locomo tives. Tha Chloago nnd Northwestern Railway Is placing orders for 12 freight, IS passenger and 10 switching looomotties. The Norfolk and Western Hallway la Inquiring for heavy Mallet freight loeomotltes The Atrhlson, To? neka and tUnta. l'e Hallway is about to laeua Inquiries for additional motive power niKCTOKY Ol ACCOUNTANT l'ublio Account tw iunc-1 "w. .-ii mewi maraet I - -irifVi,d7ir PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR VIIBAT. Hecelpts, 65 1 bushels. Offerings were only mtlerate and the market ruled nrm and Ji and lc higher under a fair demand and bullish speculation In the West. Quota tions Car lots. In tiport elevator No. 2 red, ;pot and Peptember, $1.00ttl.W, No. 2 red, Western, fl.10tfl.13 No. 2 Southern red, fl.Oi ft tl steamer No. 2 red, fl OTfll.oV No. :i rod fliuoio- rejected A, f 1 00HfU.025i; rejected n, Pile Jf 1 01. COllN Kocelpts, RR02 bushels, Supplies were smsll, but trade wns slow and prlcee declined He, quotations Car lots for loesl trade, as to location-No 2 ellow, S6Hti8t)5i:.: steamer yellow, B4'.48835jC. No. 3 lelfow, tU5i GJS154C. OATS.-Kecelpts. 60,278 bushels. Demand was slow nnd the market ruled weak nnd asnln lower. Quotations' No. 8 white, 8UW lc,,i.I,' I white, a7H3854c. sample oats, a. it!.! i c mI"i5"Jn,-ii?cet",i 0 bb' nd M8.S17 lbs. J" !" The market was dull and largely nominal. Quotations, per IPt) lbs. in wnodt J.ln,crsCJji!i,i r.' 84.7J! do, straight, new, 4 73S, do,, patent, new, MJS.2S, Kitnsui, clear, ntto. Jute sacks. f4.SHI3.lo, Jo. atralsht, now, Juto sucks, il.isffsn.'li do., patent, new, jute sacks, fswo&a.tin; spring, firtt, clear, new, f4.30ft4.7Bi do.. SWlP"1!. n,w' f-7nOB. do., patent, new, f3 S 2"), do, do., old, f0.23ffOfiOi do, favorite brands, old, f0 7nfi7 city mills, choice and fancy patent. faJOBI; city mltls. regular grades Winter, elenr. new, $4.0O4 83 do , straight, new, $4,0033.10, do., patent, new. 5 l.lBtlo 40 HVn FfOUn. There was little trading and the market was unchanged. Quotations, 3 t ..0 per bbl., ns to quality PROVISIONS Tho market was quiet but steady. Follow V ,"? ,he quotations) City beef. In sets, fmoked nnd nlr-drled, Mfl2c. Western beef, in sets, smoked, 2JS20c., city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled, 27a2c; iVrrn bc!f' knuckles nnd tenders, smoked, 27Jr.. beef hnms, $3H?32. Pork, fnmlly. .!! BJ1.BO hams, A 1, cured, loose, 13414c.. do. skinned, loose, 1354tSc, do,, do., smoked, Mgni.c.; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average. Hiflhc.; hams, smoked. Western cured, 1413c: do . bplled. boneless, '.Mi24c , picnic shoulders, 8. Pi euLet!l loose, lufllc,. do, smoked, 105rf lie., bellies. In pickle, according to average, looe 12iViM3c , breakfast baion. as to brand nnd nieniRe, city cured. 17611c.. breakfast bacon, Western cured. 17M1SC, lard. Western. r.Tl".'?' Herees, !Hffn;c. no., do., do . tub. liuffiUjC, lard, pure city, kettle rendered, in tierces. H5siU4e.. lard, puro city, kettle ren dered, In tiibs. OBOWo REFINED SUGARS ,i,he. .",arket wbs quiet and all rcH'ners re HeJ i1" Pr,c.c .t0 a basl1 ot B r,C' for extra ""." K'anuwted. We quote refiners' list prices, subject to concessions, Standnrd granulated, r r etra tine Rranuluted, .".50c . powdered, 4 OliS 2C-"reCtlonors' A' a4c-' "oft K"des. DAIRY PRODUCTS BITTER. The market was quiet and barely steady, with amplo offerings Quotations. West im soini.jincked .reamer), fancy, specials, '.'in-., extras, 2ic. extra firsts, 201?2il'5c.. firsts. 231J "A -c S seconds, 2.IB24C, nearby prima, fancy, SK;:. .do, average extras. 2Sif(2tic , do., nrsts, 1 'B-'i.c , do . seconds, 22e2Jc, Jobbing sales ot '"jcy rrlnt. .tl17c. fauas. Fine new-laid eggs were In good re quest and kept well ch-aned up nt the late ad l ance. We quote, free cases, nearby extras, 2lie. per doz , firsts. $7,308 7.WI per atundard case, nearby current receipts, f 0 ikiftT.SO per inse, Jieo"wr.n.rx,rR "rets, IT.KOQKIO per case; firsts, fi MU,.M per case, fonci selected candled eBKy ere Jobbing at :ite-Uc. per dozen. cilE,hhI.. Tho market rule I firm and a shaui higher under small supplies and n fair ilemand Quotntlons New York, full cream, fnnc. new. 14ui.-,c , specials higher, do., do. fair to good, new, 148145-iC , do , part skims, POULTRY L1VI3 POULTItY. There wns practically nothing dolnc on nccount ot the Hebrew New ear holiday nnd prices were Inrsely nominal. Quotations tow Is. as to slie nnd uueltli. 1M ltl'sc , roosters. r.'JM.ic . broiling chlrktus ac cording to quHlltj lirfinc. ducks. Pekln, old, l.:t(14c , do Indian Uunncr, old, lStiMc , do, oung nciordlnir to size. 141113c., plKcons. old, per pair lttfttfUi-. ilo oung, per pair, 17iflSc, DRISSKD Fine deslriible-slzcd stock sold fairly and was kept well cleaned up at firm prlt.c . Quotations 1-resh-kllled poultry, fowls, 12 to box, dry.pleked and dry-packed, fan:, selected, ltic . weighing 4SB.-i lbs. apiece, li4c.: weighing :ii4J4 lbs. nplece. I157C., weighing ."I lbs apiece, lUfflic; under :t lbs. apiece, MHSl.l'iC.. ice-packed West ern, 4H lbs. and over apiece, lBc; do., smaller sizes, 13SI7C. old roosters, drj -picked, lie, broiling chickens, Jersey, fancy, 24620c.; other neirbj fanes. 22Q24c.; fancy large yel .nw. Illinois, weighing .1 lbs nnd over apiece. 204121c.. other Western, weighing it lbs. nr.i qfr" "iS.A. Western, weighing l'J25s Iba. apiece, lRltltic.: do., inferior lOlfc : spring ducks, nearby, 10017c., do.. Western, 10i12c.j squabs, white, weighing 1UJI2 lbs. per doz., 4tf4.7A white, weighing 0?10 lbs. per doz., f,!'l5?1 -'"' "hi"- weighing ft lbs. per doz., f J .latist 'A- do, 7 lbs per Ooz. 2 10J. IB. do. OIiiHj lbs per doz., $l.r.0Ql.i3, dark, f I 5031 7." email and No 2, f 1 FRESH FRUITS There was a fair demand for choice stock of most descriptions and values generally wero well maintained. Quotations Apples, per bbl. Dlush, 2. 7501 30 Summer Ram bo. J2M1.V1; Oravensteln. u 23f3. Wealthy, fJ.sifr.l; Smoko house, $2.2302 SO, Duchers, $22.73, other varieties, 1I.B0O2, peaches, Virginia, West Virginia. Western Mar) land and Pennsylvania, Flberta, per crate, 7.V.fl. peaches, Virginia, West Virginia. Westeni Marjland and Peiin slanla, Klbertas, per basket. 10!f40c ; peaches. Delaware and Maryland, Elbertas. per carrier, C0r.0:. , loaches, Delaware and Maryland, Elbertas, per basket, 2VW.1.'ic : Peaches, Jersey, fancy Elberta, per Vbtish. basket, .rfitjIlOc., peaches, Jersey, other klu"s per lasket. 20Jr40c. pears. I.e Conte. per bbl.. I2Bi do. Ilartlett. per bbl., $2li2.oO do.; common, per bbl,, $1 SOJJ2, grapes. North Carolina Deiawares, per H basket carrier, 73?. (ifl grapes, Delaware Moore's Early nnd Concord, per carrier, 30n03c., grapes Del aware, Moore's Uarly and Concord, per 4-lu. basket. SBOc lemons, per box, fj:i, jnngis, Florida, per box. Uit. pineapples, per cra.o Porto Rico, f 1.2502 30. Florida. U2V;2.fH); plums, Virginia, Damson, per 20-lh. basket, IlOylOc, ; plums. New York, per 2H-lb. bsskcl, 200.10c,, plums. New York, per K-lb. basket, Dradshaw and Niagara 10W13c, blackberries. Delaware, Maryland and Jersey, per nt.. tfltl:, ; huckleberries, per qt.. UDSc., cantaloupes, Maryland, per standard crate. MM7.V.; do, Jersey, per basket, lSSfSOc., watermelons, per car, $50ffl23, VEGETABLES White potatoes of fine quality sold fairly and values were well sustained. Other vegetables were generally freely offered and weak to sell, with sweet potatoes a shade lnwtr. Quotations: White pctatoca Jersty. per basket Nu 1 Kose, 30fj.l3c; No. 1 other varieties, 23;i.:0c: No 2, ItiiilSc ; sweet iiotatoes, per bbl. No 1 l'.aftern 8hore. $1,7312. No. 1 North Carolina, si. 7302; No. 2 and culls, COcfffl: sweet pota toes, Jersey, per basket No. 1, 4iii30c,; No 2. 20n.'IOc ; onions, Jersey, per H-bush, basket, :ir.lfie , mushiooms, per 4-lb. basket. .0c.l. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO, Sept. 0. Iioas-ltecelpts, n.oco. Market SOlOe. higher. Mixed and turners. ftV.50H8.10. good heavy, SD3.lfi7.03; rouuli heavy, fll20H flu; light, $7.40Kit); pigs, $u.7.1 8 10, bulk, IM0S7.(X). ' T '" CATTLK Hecelpts, 4300 Market weak. Ileeves. $(1,23110 23t cows and heifers, f3.r,om 0 23, Texans fil.7.1118.40; calves, .iVWfll.l,l ullFIKiP ItecslDts. 11.000. Msrkio .,i.4 Native and Western, $.183.00, lambs, t'L4iyJ,' Paris Exchange Settlement PA1118. Pept. 0. The rtrst settlement of .he stock exchange will take plaie on September .10 Outside commitments amount to fl 1.000 . poo, balances due, $8,000,000. ' RECOVERY FOLLOWED, BREAK IN GRAINS Heavy Export Sales Reported. Corn and Oats Were Firm CHICAOO, Sept 9 -Weakness In TVln. nlpeff sent the support afforded the grain market late yesterday by short coverlnr tumbling; and prices sagged at the aptn lntr. The Oovernment's official prediction ot record crops was considered bearish, which was another strong factor on tha decline. Bhorts, seeking profits, corered. One house Is said to have purchased 1,000, 000 bushels on the local market and similar amount nt Minneapolis. Considerable selling of wheat took place In tho early hours on tho Winnipeg break. Mlnnenpolls stocks have shrunk 70,000 bushels In tho Inst flvo days, against n 300,000-bushel Increase In the samo period a icnr ago. Selling of Scptomber wns scattered It opened nt 1)4, He. higher than the final quotation yestcrdny. Hcfore noon It struck 92i,; but rallied a trlflo Inter. Thore was a rush to Bell May, which opened nt f44. ngnlnst 95l. the closing quotation of jesterdny. Before noon It sold for Olii. December opened at 90-i;. Yesterday It closed nt 91U. The undertone wns weak, and nenrly I cent loss was recorded be- , rore noon. Recoveries were In order Inter In tho day, final figures showing gains for tho session J It was rumored that the break brought heavy export sales. This could not be I vcrltled. Sales reported totaled 72,000 uusiieis or .Manitoba, with Chicago cash handlers selling for seaboard delivery; C0,0X) bushels of wheat and 250,000 bushels ot oats. Corn and oats were fairly firm with little change In prices, but the movement declined In sympathy with wheat. Leudlng futures ranged as follows: B.V'.heBi r,n' 1,"?n- Low- Clotoclose! tr I . " ... "i "- T"1' '"I ""wr .. isi-i iit iKJVi Wi oi" . ...'.'." . "u ."i.. iiirw acmeryi :S; ; 38V, fieptcmber I'ecemtier May oats September December May . 1. ird September U.tober e. January Itibs Scptembcr October Januar) l'ork September October January .-.in; . 38 . 37S R01 S IB . 8.8". .in .111 3SH 8.12 M7 802 Low. 024 POll 04 fio; 7! 33U 37 8.M X07 8 33 4II2K too ;1 & ttO 311 13 4.131 .W'i S7tS SO". 8.33f 8.10 . M3 .12.00 .12.2 .13 0,1 Did. tAsked, 8,12 8.J3 12.00 12 30 13.10 7.K3 8 20 7 81 7.01 8.10 8 13 t8.t 8.02 815 ft) 35 12.110 M2.10 12117 eisa 14 77 "14.83 13 05 ll.O: 12 03 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK Sept, P. Although the market for coffee futures was not active, a better feel ing prevailed at the opening torluj. Klist quo tntlons showed advances of T, to 7 points. In tho final dealings prices generally went below tho opening figures. The market ciosedil to 3 points above jesterdnv'a finals. Total salea umounieu to io.uuii una Today's Today's Tes'day'a opening close close September .. IM7tMI 08 0.O30 07 October 12 n.ll 12 tl.livfi0.ll November .. tl.lo1in.ltl aWflaiU UecQinber .. n.22jil23 il.liiil.20 11 Htqai8 January . n i!7 fl24iit2-i n.2liia23 rcbruary .... U32l?n.40 0 281)0 21 n 2040.28 March . otofii.37 ii.:t.tiFii.:t4 miiaaii April 'IMO 0.3800 30 O.:i0j3fl.3U May .. . II 41X7(147 n.41fifl.44 11.41 Hlll.41 Juno .. ll.4IKr,ll.M II4SiI1.4'I ll. 44 ft H.4H July .. . i.r.r.fl 0.311 n.5:,?o..vi o.4.hjo.30 l)ld. COPPER COMPANY DIVIDENDS NRW YORK. Sept. O.-The Hutte and Surerlor Copper Company declared a regular quarterly dividend of 73 cents a sharo and $5 extra, payable September 30, to atock ot record feptember 10. Utah Copper Company, quarterly $1 a abars. Chlno Copper Company, quarterly 73 cents a share, "" Itay Consolidated, quarterly 3714 cents a share. Nevada Consolidated quarterly 371 cents a shuro Three months ago dividends were as follows Utah. $1, nn lncreaso of 23 cents over the previous declaration. Chlno, 73 rents. Hn Increnee of 2"i cents. Nevads, 373 .cents, an Inrte.isi. of 12'4 rents. All illvldendu are )y ahie Sciitember 30 to stock of lecord Sep tember 10 BAR SILVER NPIW YORK S'lit. P. The quotation for commercial bar rllvcr advanced to 48H icnts today riorosAT.s DEPARTMKNT OF CITY TRANSIT 734 Ilnurse Ilulldlng Philadelphia, Sept. 0, 101D Sealed proposals, properly Indorsed and nddressed to the undersigned at tho office above mentioned, will be received until It o'rliK'Ui nnnti. nn Tuesday, October 10, 3015, nnd opened Immediately thereafter, for the No 611 Steel superstructure) and appurtenant work for two-trarlc ele vated railway in Front street, from Callow hill street to south of Glrard avenue, com prising about 4074 linear feet of structure. Contract No. 312 Steel superstructure anil appurtenant work for two-track ele vated railway In Front street and Kensing ton avenu from south ot Olrard avenue to north nf York street, comprising about 712S linear feet of structure. Contract No. 31.1 Steel superstructure) and appurtenant work for two-track ele vated railway In Kensington avenue from north of York street to north of Ontario street, comprising about 7700 linear foet of structure, Contract No. 314 Steel euperstructu" and appurtenant work for two-track ' vated rnllway In Kensington avenuo end Franlifonl avenue from north of Ontario street to south of Unity street, comprising about 7033 linear feel of structure. Plans, specifications and blank forms for proposals can be obtained at the office above) mentioned, a deposit nf $10 (caah or certi fier! rheck) being required for each set ot plans pending return. Certain ot the above, contracts may bo grouped in single bids, for which alternate proposul forms will b sup plied If desired Didders must be skilled and regularly en gaged In the class of work for which they are competing. No bid will be considered unless accom panied by a certificate from the City So licitor that tha provisions of an ordinance requiring proposal bonds on all bids ex-re-1-Ing In amount Ave hundred dollars (.'.00), approved May 23, 1S00, have been complied with. The Director reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids, as he may deem (rest for tho Interest of the city ot 1'hlladel. phta. A. M TAYLOR. Director. The United States Is a Creditor Nation Our excess of exports over imports is considerably over a billion dollars. This means Europe owes us money. We have sold our goods at high prices. We have bought back our securities at low, prices Our crops promise well. Our railroads are showing better earnings. Our steel companies are busier than for many months. Fundamental conditions are sound. , ' ' We favor purchases of good dividend paying stocks, especially the -J-aYhJ&tiL ' ,, shares. SS?'' 41 Heniy & West BANKERS ftl7 CHESTNUT STREET it) t - 4 tr"-. f '