EVENING L'EDaEB-PHIL'ADELPHIA'. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, ,19115: ! COMEDIAN FALLS THROUGH FIVE FLOORS f(4" Duncan ayB xc rc, mH Tnougn ne j.uuit wiiu Floor at a "Time JOHN HINES Who will play tho title part in TbB Cub, a Brady release on tno worm nun. By the Photoplay Editor wording to Bud-Bud Duncan-life Is Smply one fall after another. Since the fjtaJo takes kindly to comedy falls, Bud V eompeUed to satisfy this desire. In Double-Crossing Marmaduke," the new t of the Kftlem comedies, poor Bud ex hsnoea nve falls, one right after the felts little Kalem comedian was supposed to (til from the roof of a house down to fc Ilar, crashing through five floors on ( wy. Now, a fall from that height fwuld unquestionably have been attended fwkh serious results and, therefore, five JfaBi, each one-story deep, were staged. t Ike first showed Bud dropping through . fk. -.l MM.il.1nf irrtilrVi triA fifth J WtyUgHfc UIU ww.o v...wo.. .. ...... C: - .twr, The setting was tnen cnangea. falter which Bud was photographed In 'the act of falling from the celling of the Mth ana through the Door of the fourth alIilwai continued until tne oruisea ana 141. 'tattered player had landed In the baso- Bnt Although he admitted that the tecne would bo mighty amusing when .Double-crossing Marmaduke" is shown to tne screen, poor uua tuuuuy munui tkaL to far as he Is concerned, falling fyw stories Is NOT fun I if S 'ln order to register In a technically Mmct manner, the scientific and surgl- Ml work so essential to the realism of any pictures, now In course of produc tion, and that show scenes requiring the sU ot a physician, tho Vltagrnph Com H&y has decided to establish a. Scientific itpartment, and has engaged Professor lit Stark to take charge of this impor tut;new departure In tho field of motion "jfcture, production. Not alone will Pro JtMor Stark have charge of'the scientific m4 surgical work In pictures, but has JVwt commissioned to establish a First 'M Department and will have a room ;Uch will be as perfectly outnttea for ftNtald and operating surgery that will i urn found In any hospital. As Professor Mark Is not a practicing M. D., an at hading surgeon will be called in in case f necessity and will be able to Immedi ately administer necessary aid in the fwrtng up of wounds, etc. Jflhls will give the working people of like Vitagraph Plant a new confidence stould any of them be unfortunate 'enough to meet with an accident, and tall add materially to the efficiency of Uete who, from necessity, are compelled W subject themselves to danger. A large 'lAAm hfta h.n citron DrnfaBaA- HffiTl. Svfclch will be lined with white tile and twy. surgical instrument and appliance uwnu w uivuctii owjitvc ncyk ju utuiu. f Italians Safe, Says Morgcnthau ?RQltE, Sept, 8. American Ambassador orgenthau, at Constantinople, today Wred Foreign Minister Sonntno that Italian lives and property, taken under poiection of the American nag when Haly declared war on Turkey, are "per twly safe." British Labor Pledges Loyalty (STOL, Eng., Sept. 8. Resolutions lng the "utmost assistance" of Brlt ibor to the Government in the crose- 5Jn.of the war were adopted by the J Union congress here today by a iKr " k" to ;, Ifo GREAT POLITICAL BAFFLES SLEUTH WITH A CLUE iilR Sherlock" Picks Up portentous Missive Meant (?) for Republican WaW Committeemen and He Deduces at Once That a Plot Is on Foot V' ,j!" ureai Municipal Mystery," or jlHrt'!i Going to Happen at the Prlm "RV U the title of a. baffllnir detective iSW 0V in the nrnnni nf maklnir In Oil th Hllfnvav et a arnn ftf MeiQlnirlv nR 1nnfrnalv fl ft SL0011 an uninhabited Ule. the tale. i,"1' reader into the labyrinthine Jo. political Intrigue. It came l"Ht In this way. "Win, who goes around with his even i io tha ground, not overlooking so ti. ....""' P,n tn might put him jr&li of a clue, saw a small bit .Wy Hall. This, In itself. Is not " small bits of paper, nnd ocea- j-o ones, are wont to flutter ,lfc' nng about this scrap. It -. oogqi u Whlch seemed to say: .... me"'y thrown here. I was si. h i.. r"."-. .... . .. jl. , a n. nuncn ana picKea ii " IS What Kr...H hi. u. tRe nnhtl. ,--. r ,. Wm I4V""" naiu vvmm- MMlal-ract at once. i ti. . ou can rusi io en ill Washington party, so that pi b i able to nomlrate Sheldon tne candidate of said party Or. Thl u.111 I .. i.. -i - ,; -.. n,,i mourn mo Blow 7 - ..ma" B- Smith, Use the - " aim ucsiruy nil hw- "BMCAN CITY COMMITTBa ?i?. ,h Bhe1ock. pressing his rvently. ft v.. ... . ih. Lfc . -' -, ..w II.AIIIIVI V4 H.W v.-tlves. "Hal don't Inter. -won, i smell a rat An uncertain l rUe. but hv ( inilrnlflrant VSllUm I BVMri tn .h.M . !.! j. " - .--w u nun l.,lfr VI,. "J Browing burg Is on tho verge - rommisslon form of gpvtrn "rnereuDnn i. ai. i.. M.A.i.ra- " the footprinu in the vicinity of --. wiwr tri iwner M found. y th cigar itumaa 1 tka GRANGERS OF TWO COUNTIES IN SESSION Combined Philadelphia nnd Bucks Organization Con venes at Newtown LANSDALE, Pa., Sept. 8. The Pomona Orange, which Includes the membership of Bucks and Philadelphia organizations, met In annunlconventlon at George School, Kewtown, today. There were nearly 200 delegates present. The addrccs of welcome was made by Jeste Webster, master of the Mlddletown Orange and president of the combined grange asso ciation. Features of the event were ar ranged by Mr. Webster and Iva B. Rhoades, Kdgewood, secretary of the combined granges. The literal y program was outlined and led by Mrs. M J ron Ely, 'of Carversvllle Orange. Attending the convention were delegates of tho Lyro Hall, Edison, Carversvllle, Plncvllle, Newtown, Edgewood, Middle town, Venna Manor and Delaware Valley granges, of Bucks County, and the Phila delphia grango from Philadelphia Coun ty. Samuel Folk, Philadelphia grange, overseer of the grange association, was ono of tho speakers. The morning session was occupied with a business' meeting and reports showed a flourishing condition of all of tho granges. This afternoon there were speeches, starting at 2 o'clock, and tho next placo for the convention will bo fixed. Lunch nnd dinner were served at ,the Oeorgo School. 128 Art Students Killed in War PARIS, Sept. 8. One hundred and twenty-eight students of the Ecole dp Beaux Arts have been killed In the war up to date. Theatrical Baedeker LYRIC "The Princess Pat." with Eleanor Pointer nnd Alexander Clark. A musical comedy by Victor Herbert, with a character istic and effective score. The performance la admirable; the book, ordinary. ADELPHI "Brother Masons with Frank Mcintyre, aiauae Eburne, William itoieue and DeWltt C. Jennings. A farce by Sey mour Brown and Harry Lewis. The familiar dd humors of farcedom. PHOTOPLAYS. FORnEST-"The Birth of a Nation," wltn Henry II. Walthal, Mae Marsh and Spottle woode Aitkin. D. W. Grltnih'a mammoth photoplay ot the Civil War and Reconstruc tion, founded In part on Thomas Dixon' "Clansmnn." A marvelous entertainment. STANLEY "Esmeralda," with Mary rickford. STOCK. WALNUT "The Governor's Lady." with Emma Dunn and the Walnut Players. The Belasco star and play. In which a scene in Belasco star and play, with a epilogue la Chtlda' will done. KNICKERBOCKER "Diplomacy." with the new Knickerbocker Players. The play Is well remembered (or Us engagement at the Broad last season, with William Olllet. Blanche Bates and Marie Doro. A good pro duction. RETURNING. PEOPLE'S "The Winning ot Barbara Worth." with Gertrude Barker. Theodore Hardy and ethers. The opening drama la " the stage version of Harold Bell Wright's popular novel. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Alexander Carr and company, in "An April Shower"; George Howell and company, presenting Agnes Scott's 'ketch, "A Red Fox Trot"; the Courtney Sisters, singers; Van and Schenck. songsters, Kuy Kendle and his dancing girlies; Slgnor Ran decger, the Italian pianist; Blnns and Bert, comedians on the flying rings; Kolb and Harlan, Herbert's Dogs and Hearst-Sellg News. COLONIAL Barney Williams and His Sum mer Girls, Nell McKlnley, "the nut with the big voice": At White's Kldland; the Mallno Opera Company, singers and Instru mentalists; Twlsto, comedian, and the Aerial Bartletts. NIXON'S GRANDAd Hoyt's Minstrels, seven humorists; Arthur Havel and com pany, in "Playmates": Clarke and Gerard, vocalists; John LaVler, the odd comedian: 6undberg and Renee, dancers; BUI Robinson and fun-photos. WILLIAM PENN-VIctor Kahn. in "The Earl and the Girl": the Three Travllla Brothers and their diving seals; Wood, Melville and Phillips, singing and talking; Savoy and Brennan. In a patter skit; Mack and Sma rter, singing and dancing, and the Faynss, gymnasts, singers and dancers, GLOBE "The Waldorf Girl," Frank Conly. basto- Morris and Parks, comedians; Fields and Clifford, singing, talking and dancing; the Innsss Family of Seven, gymnasts: Dorothy Kicnmona in ine Marriage-; Leon's Models, "The Goddess" and "Neal, of the Navy," photoplays. ALLEGHENY Billy Tlute'e Colleglsns, Ray Dooley, assisted by Gordon Dooley anil Elmer Graham: Beemsn and Anderson, roller rkatersi Drawee, FrUko and Hambo In "Fun In a Hottentot Hotel": "The Girl In the Ban." presented by Harry and Augusta Turpln; Dunley and Merrill, In new sonars, and photoplays. CROSS KEYS First half ot week: The Corinthian Maids in a musical comedy, Maurice Samuels and company in "A Day at Ellis Island," by Joe Welch: Elklns, Fay and Elklns In a rathskellar act; Wells and Hall, comediennes: John Polk, monologlst, and the Musical Lundts, Instrumental quartet. WOODSIDE Last week of the season, with C. Stanley Mackey's Band, Instead of vaude- VlU9' BURLESQUE. NATIONAL "The Golden Gate Girls," In cluding George W. Rehn. Rose Hoye Ste vens. Sam Van Allen, Mile. Tavolato and Kala Pasha. DUMONTS Dumont's Minstrels, In new and old burlesques. The company Includes Messrs. Boyden, Gibson. Lawrence, Malono, Jarvls, Frlsch, Bradley and Sheldon. TROCADERO "The Tempters," with "The Qlrl tn PurDle." MYSTERY" neighborhood, smelled them with blood hound intensity, and set out on the trail. First his way took Dim to the lair of the secretary of the Republican Campaign Committee, and with a determination that brooked no interference, bearded Harry Wittlg In his den. Pausing in the midst of the affairs of state or of the municipality, to be more exact that Individual fitted his glasses more securely on the bridge ot his nose and perused the Important document carefully. Then he pursed his lips for comment. "A. Joke," he said seriously (when a politician begins to regard a joke with seriousness, the detective slways gets suspicious and gives his ears an addi tional prick), "but a Joke which didn't emanate from this office You can bet your bottom dollar we don't resort to such petty tricks In conducting the campaign of a candidate we expect to win. Such small methods are far beneath us." With these wprds the wily campaigner rew In front ot him a huge stack of circulars representative doubtless of the larger methods of getting a candidate Wected and started busily affixing his signature, or something' equally as important, thereto. . POTTER NOT IMPRESSED. The sleuth, however, not to be diverted from the trail, betook himself to the office of Colonel Sheldon Potter. The Colonel, too, read the aerap of paper with cryptic and baffling attention. "No comment," .ne saia lerseiy, -except that I can't see how my nomination woujd affect the chances of my opponent, a man by the way. made, or rather I should say, manufactured by the contractor bosses. If this paper represents one of their cam palgn methods. X should say that It Is far from clever, far from clever." The mysteries are not solved in a day." the sleuth condescended to com ment, "but we shall see. we shall see " He looked grim determination. Mean while a waiting work. breath.lea.ly watching for a solutlo of the Great ItUnlclP! My ROSH HASHANA USHER IN YEAR ' I I &0 JEWS Rosh Hashana Festival Celebrated Civilized World At sunset today the Jews ot tho world will usher In a new year, 566. Rosh Hashana, or the New Year Day, Is one of the most important holldnys In tho Jewish calendar, and will bo observod everywhere by the members of that faith. Tho Orthodox Jews will extend their ob--ervanco of the holiday over two days, but the members of tho Reformed syna gogues will bring the holiday to a close tomorrow at sunset. Rosh Hashana Is for every pious Jew a tlmo of solemnity, when prayers of a most serious naturo are said, when men turn their thoughts to a contemplation of the Inner meanings of life, reviewing how they have lived In the year Just passed and determining anew that their 'conduct In the year to come shall follow as closely as posslblo the teachings of the Scriptures. An announcement of the holiday Bent out by the Central Conference qf Ameri can' Rabbis describes Rosh Hashana as the oldest of all festivals celebrated in the civilized world. "It is unique for Its significance as for its antiquity," the announcement reads. "The secular New Tear (on January 1) is a day of gratifications; men rejoice In what they have achieved; It Is a day for sordid inventories. The Jewish New Year's Day, however, is a time for seri ous thought on the meaning of life; It evokes pious contemplation of the diffi cult and lnevaslble problem as to right and wrong, nnd Its appeal is not that we should get more out of practical life, but value more genuinely, more truthfully, more morally tho life God has entrusted to us." Special services will be held In all the synagogues, a distinctive feature of which will bo the blowing of the shofar, ram's horn, by the rabbis. or 5676 AT SET OF SUN -: -' i WJi& Is the Oldest 1 V -" . 1 If JH 1 1 Prominent Photoplay NOKTII BLUEBIRD BROAD AND SUB QUEHANNA AVE. 1 tn 11 P. M Edgar Selwyn in "THE ARAB" Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. r . M U- BROAD ST.. ERIE A Great Northern qermant-n aves. DAILY 2 :30 P. M. EVENINGS 7 & 0 HUGO OASPARD. the Noted Character Actor In "AS A MAN SOWS." In SPM. THURSDAY "THE FLOOR ABOVL. Broad Street Casino moiieu MATS.. 2:30; EVQS . 7 & 0. Exclusive P hotoplavi and th, Wontferul OrpajL 3-Dart Essanay "HEARTS AND ROSES. "ARoma". of Mexlco"-Lubln. Corned es. Tomorrow "The Mystery of Mary." 3-pt.Vlta. NORTHWEST GEM CROSKEY STREET ABOVE COLUMBIA AVENUE w u A T A V H T " "BLUE BLOOD AND YELLOW" 3 i acts Featurlne RUTH ROLAND and HENRY KINO Featuring ui y NEW8 Il-kr? A I 10TII AND COLUMBIA AVE. IDEAL MAT. 2 P. M. EVQ. 7 4 0. THE BONDWOMAN" Mary Ross & Robert w.iulr "THE INNER BRUTE." "THE EVOLUTIONOFCUTEY." "A SAFE INVEST MENTi" with BILLIB REEVES. JEFFERSON I0TH "uphin bts. WALKER WHITESIDES In Israel Zanirwtll's WAJt'fr;,J'.. iJi.i -riiR MELTINd POT" "THE MELTING POT' u rtntcst i . w" inr.fi F 1VR. AND DAUPHIN FAK1S. MAT.. 2U5. EVG.. fllJO. ADMISSION Be. .O.. Ipa TO ALIj. Infatuation PWTURK FeatuHns; UAnaARITA FISCHER 4 HARRY POLLAHD. KirtnDTC 19TII AND NORniS NORRIS MATINEE EVENINO VIVIAN MARTIN In "LITTLE MISS BROWN" P parts. "HEU nOMEO" Lubtn comedy. CAMBRIA 8mi$&&8n,A' M.Tn. Friday." Edison drama In 8 parts. "For Her Friend," Bloitrapn drama. 'The Iron Hand of Law." tn series, Lubln drama. Hand of Law." Oth or 'TM itoan o- Birire- .. . ......, ...... LEHIGH Theatre 25TL',Sr ave. "The Diamond From the Sky", N- THE NEWER WAY." THF, PLUGGED JCKEL." A?P ON'C OTHER, PICTURE SUSQUEHANNA 17TII k SUSQUE HANNA AVE. Essanay drama, 91 carta. "Eye That See Not" imiLrPT.TCft AND THE RING." Vita comedy. "THE LUXURIOUS LOU." Blosraph drama. NC....o THEATRE 26TH and evz bomerset somerset btb. CLEO MADISON in "THE MOTHER INSTINCT' Comlnr 'THE BROKEN COIN" LOGAN LOGAN THEATRE "Md HAZEL DAWN in "CLARISSA" NOKTHKAW CTDAND J2T aND OIRARD AVE. P 1 tln-Wls MATINEE "WED and BAT. "THE ROMANCE OF ELAINE" 4th Episode 2 parts. THE YELLOW STREAK'' 8etlc drama. A I lDDB OKRMANTOWN AVENUS AURvRA ABOVE NOKRIS rrss uwi'ssrv-ciiisiw iz. l "T "JlMsfT'-sWIs; .WiiUr Araasa, BEGINS TODAY Above is illustrated the cere monies conducted by rabbis that attend the ushering in of the Jew ish New Year. Sunset today will mark the opening of tho year 5676. HEAT BIDS FAIR TO LAST No Let-up Promised Until Friday, Despite Showers Tonight Phlladclphlans were just bragging their loudest to returned vacationists about the "w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-1 weather we havo had," when this hot spell knocked their praises In the head. With the temporature flirting around 87 and tho humidity at 95, this city is In the grip of another hot spell evidently summer's parting shot. Today Is the sec ond day of the spell, which is general throughout the east and which is not ex pected to let up until Friday and maybo not then, according to the weatherman. Showers are expected tonight, but tho relief gained from them will last about as long as the pavements oro wet. The heat is unusually hard on the city In vlow of the autumn-llko weather that has characterized the greater part of August. The temperature averaged S5 yesterday and probably will repeat the performance today. The record for heat on this date was In 1SS1, when the thermometer struck W. The average maximum for this date, how ever. Is about 78. Presentations WEST I'lIILADELPHIA LOCUST c:d and locust sts. kimball organ Mats.. 1:30 and 3 P. M. Eves.. 6 30. 8. 0.30. Paramount Program TODAY & TOMORROW PAULINE FREDERICK in "SOLD" Thursday "WHEN A WOMAN LOVES" Plays Obtained From Stanley Booking Co. IMPFRIAT 60T" AND IIVH iIVIrtl-, WALNUT STREETS WILLIAM FOX CORP. Presents FREDERICK PERRY and an All-Star Cast, including Jean Southern, Stuart Holmes. Dorothy Bernard and Geo. Alison In "DR. RAMEAU." SHERWOOD "Salter Je"p,Ient.L"ky DUSTIN FARNUM In "CAPTAIN COURTESY" Performances V:30, 8 and 0:30. The BALTIMORE baltTmoav LOFr.dmoTue.nPyoe0mn' "ENOCH ARDEN" WIT" LILLIAN GISH L"kaVate,t PITRFIfA lOTH AND UIVLrw MARKET STREETS METRO FILM PRESENTS Dorothy Donnelly in "SEALED VALLEY" RITTENHOUSE MD vkrforh Mutual Masterpiece Rich- .,) Un,Jl ard Hardin Davis1 Succwa noul rEATcVR- Lillian Gish Others I I1MPOT N 40T" AND WOODLAND LaMivin aomtrbion bo "THE WITNESS" "THE SMUGGLER'S WARD" In three parts AND A CHAPLIN CQMEDT BENN MTH AND WOODLAND "THE ROMANCE OF ELAINE" in 2 Darts. "THE TIDE OF FORTUNE" In 2 parti. "NOT MUCH FORCE" "ON THE JOn" PASPHAT T 71BT WOODLAND rtJritL,L MAT 2. EVG. 6:8ft. "THE DIAMOND FROM THE 8KY" 2 parts. B. A. Rolfe Presents ORRN JOHNSON In "SATAN SANDERSON" In 0 parts. "THE MIS8INO CLUE," "MUTUAL WEEKLY" Broadway Theatre e2DvAYAVEN' "Princess Romanoff" PSgS Production. Featuring; NANCE O'NEILL. FATTX A It BUG KL. 15 S8th St. Theatre 68T" ,IgDDAVE. First Episode "BROKEN COIN." With Fronoe. Ford and Qraet Cunartt. "Honor Thy Father." Kalem Special, in 3 acts. "The Honeymoon Pact " 'Teach and a Pair." n ARDF1M 63d I-ANSDOWNB AVE. UrttUCI1 MATINEE 2. EVENINOOtSO. ROBERT WARWICK in "THE STOLEN VOICE" Othen RARTRAM theatre, and airdomb orvtx x xvniTi Mh n.iow Chester ave. ROBERT WARWICK in "THE MAN WHO FOUND HIMSELF" CHARLES CHAPLIN and BERT LEVY OVEMHKOOK OVERBROOK havSS? "VefttktU in Ih Hoijiital" 2.ro. "LIFK-S TESTEnDAY' Vltatraph Featurs. XJND O T If E II S Complete Wjkly ProtfTMa of TUm TkMlrM "mm" CAFE INSPECTION LAW TO SAFEGUARD HEALTH OFFERS BIG PROBLEM Director Ziegler Planning for Semiannual Examinations, but Has Not Found Satis factory System SOME HOTELS COMPLY Tho local Department of Health Is con sidering methods of putting In opera tion ft measure ot the last Legislature, requiring medical examination, at least twice a year, of all handlers of food In hotels, cafes and restaurants. Already many hotels are meeting voluntarily the requirements of the taw, nnd purveyors of food throughout the city agree that the act Is n beneficial one, nlthough It may place some hardships upon. them. Tho law also requires the examination of chambermaids and other hotel serv ants. Tho net provides further, that "no dishes, receptacles or utensils used In eating or drinking shall bo furnished to patrons or customers ot any such public eating place unless the same havo been thoroughly cleansed since used by an other individual." It is further provided that no towels shall be furnished In any washroom connected with any public eating place, unless discarded after each Individual use, end that no common drinking cups shall be provided. Tho penalty for the violation of the act calls for payment ot a fine or not less than $5 nor moro than $100, or imprison ment for 30 dnys In the county jail, or both. Concerns affected by the law may Msktjour Dentist The dentist will tell you that "S. S. White" Tooth Paste is a perfect cleanser entirely free from dangerous grit. Its flavor is delicious, and it leaves a per sistent sense of cleanliness. In Paste or Powder, 25c. If not at your druprffist's, mailed on receipt of price. THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFG. CO. PHILADELPHIA New York Brooklyn San Francisco Boston Onklsnd Chicago Cincinnati Montreal. Toronto, JMrff7fi"Stttli Vn. AmaXt'Af Ant',. pfic" &gm W&&M mr A lather that soothes Most men look on their shaving soaps In a rather adventurous spirit they will try any. thine once, whether powder, paste or stick. But when they come to Reslnol Shaving Stick thev crenerally stor or come back If ?omo Ingenious box or does tempt them afield. Its lather Is really exceptional a thick, creamy foam that dries slowly and thor oughly softens the stubbornest beard. Its slight fragrance is carefully chosen to please the discriminating man who objects to soaps which leave any perfume or "bar ber shop" odor on his face. But, best of all. Reslnol Shaving Stick con tains just enough ot.that soothing, healing Beslnol medication smarting after-effects Resinol QESfi&&i3$&5&f&S3M&!Knm VMt, - i TllrCnBfsfce t maintain their own system of medical Inspection It they so desire. Dr. S. Lewis Ziegler, director of the Department of Health and Charities, Is Rlvlns; considerable thought to methods by which ho can enforce this law. Thus far he has not worked out a feasible plan. The act also will affect railroad dining cars. The Pennsylvania Ilallroad, which maintains a dlnlntr car service, has a system of medical inspection of employes. J.' M. Frailer, manager of the Oelle-vue-Stratford, who was chairman of the Legislative Committee ot the State Hotel Men's Association last year, favors tha law. Ho said the Dellevue-Stratford ex amines Its employes. "It Is a corking; rood thine," he said. "It may entail a little expense, but It Is a measuro to safeguard the public from disease, nnd should be worth whllo to every restaurant manager." Louis Kamp, manager ot the several cafes at the New Bingham House, said: "It Is no more than right that the publlo should be protected. I think it will be a good thing to examine all employes." AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF CHOICE ORIENTAL RUGS now In progress and to be continued throughout the remainder of the month. The pieces constitute an unprecedentedly large as sortment of separately selected Oriental floor cov erings, al.l of which are being offered AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN ARE USUALLY ASICED FOR SIMILAR GRADE RUGS Occupying our entire first floor the ensemble of beau tiful colorings contains many helpful .suggestions for beautifying and furs nishlng the home. Open until 5.30 HARDWICK & MAGEE CO: Philadelphia's Exclusive Rug and Carpet Centre. 1220-1222 Market Street Fritz fe? La Rue, Inc. Announcement We Continue Our Summer Reductions on Oriental and Domestic Rugs Until September 15th This Is the time and the place to anticipate your Fall wants at great savings. 1124 Chestnut St. your face comfortable, refreshed and free from shaving-rashes. Men who are in the habit of using some application after shaving usually find that Reslnol Shaving Stick makes this unneces sary. Reslnol Shaving Stick is not an experiment It has been sold by first-class druggists for many years. If your druggist does not carry It, send his name to Reslnol. Dept 1-M. Baltimore, Md., and we will mall you a trial size Reslnol Shaving Stick enough for twenty better shaves. This Reslnol msdlcatlon has been prescribed by physicians (or twenty years. In Reslnol Ointment, to heal skin sITeetlons, and has been used by careful women. In Reslnol Soap, to keep the complexion clear and the ekln free from irritation. clever advertisement to p and revent all tense. to leave the skin GRAND tf URY SWOMf Hi Ceremony Takes Place In Renoyrtl Court Room In the. beautiful newly appointed room of Quarter Besslons Court K. '1 the September Orand Jury was sworn tn today before Judge Shoemaker, Wartr M. Boggs, a manufacturer, of 1M$ XHa mond street, was appointed foreman t the grand inquest The courtroom has been closed all sum mer undergoing renovation, Tha walls have been repainted and decorations re gllded. The celling, which was studded with electrlo lights, has been changed and five large Inverted domes tako tha place of the old and poor lighting sys tem. The old draperies, too, have been replaced by new ones. Judge Bhoemaker Instructed the Orani Jury as to their duties, and they retired to pass upon bills of Indictment, Hv rea Shaving ) g 'i j,y.i M