EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1915; jTtONS WANTED KAMI - - , wantta jnna ohwhw" " . M M....A..&.. YY?k4. r;, 5iiiBi traM LV'ft.ff.i.i" fr, reterten. 810O N. lmh. --mj in tie. 5 years experience. 2iih experienced, ..! situation, Ivi,r r runnlnti "Jlr,f, """"" try parsons. w v "" . CSS- . hit A1r nos SubTa-Jl -wh.d'l'2liE5it.to"J! .7t. ttmllr... ' , T": nJ,K-v "' j2Z-r nd sardener, all-around man, MTW .r T " T JIihAi iial 7m Ensllsh rrotesUnl, 7 yeata UiqU " " 9"-l Ltdgtr """ fc- rr gmgle! Protestant. 8 years' "?t5l. H TSt. Ledger Central. &hZmi make own repair, any can guffr-" tj ' r s1 lS'yra.' aPl reliable driver, iCrrt.WV..i.ySf. 2O16 W. Boston av. mA. III"1 ' i . 2i ,. .irei noattlons cn make own fswm p"Zlu is. Ledger otnce. gSS,,wU position! good re.aer. MrTTTiw and chauffeur, married, no chll iICMMA" P.? iiii, hn necessaryi flrst- r"" ' - L,dItr ttc- TTm want, position, city or cou OAOTMW ' t Reference from last m II!"tlV.r Office. country! em JTL, onADUATJfi DESIREtl P08I OOaEOS.irpERAUI'T TEACHING. OBBIC 0frJflff PKYBICB. J 12. LED. CM''- I TBjgggak,aw a nu ii VI?1I IL .,,,.1 Sin In oth old and rnoderi JtMtlcl.ni; "L.m for yeara aucceie old and modern HUa. I hive held for years au "'""r.-.fintlndency of one pror '"'iTuh'fyfhouee aSd since for 10 P&r chart L on of the I. romlnent yeara largest 1nti in tUa country. v EtUn. tSSS hoth .team and copper "RlM. Mack to cotton Piece good, to M&r"lV.'am.'- to union good. In . WEitW.H0wini cros. dyeing ot the m'fimilla'r with cochineal work and ui Dllcatl"n of the wood and vegetable , ?u.ii ,i,adti aa In common uee HO '&'. ro. On !ly application, from prlncipala H ."'.".'(ni.nr.. M 101. Ledger Office. ggl '" ""' T, .....u.iu.i.I.ijiilij.i. 35iAii-..nerlerice: to locate with architect .S contractori good ecutl.ei atructurai ae 5 InVr. B 6. Udger Office. " - I a II faml w ulha JjefljUtable.' ref.'. J 68, Ledger Cent. i 1 1 1 i i i i i r r ri.nt year.' practical experience, retail and 'SJmm ' Specialties: road, counter, outalde: ,'SSS management: aged 23. married, clean SSnft now gmployed. il 35(5, Ledger Cent CT3in WIrii. nuiifr aim won; uuu,ua, "".nce.. 'L 6. Ledger Office. tfl'K ANb WIFE, Swedish, good butler and S. A'.vui hAu. t nrminlAwn. nnr. D.JJV w." Ri'TslDK po.. of some kind wanted by atruc- mprum ...v- T ' : flls'lER IH make himtelf useful for house iih"' nwKV.rKK. 1013 N. 4tll et. HHSHIPS "";u """ ".-"- " " ' awnari. xji.m-.". -- Ran'O TUNER. regulator, player Installing; arood all-tround man,, factory experience. tlUla. pqiitw,,. J , v. w. - SALES MANAGER Frietlul and aggressive method for handling mulde salts force: alto win. furnish 3 efficient atlHacn. only the better class firms or raaBsiixiurer bwiuii. wut.i -t,, ! fiiLitau! 15 years' experience selling trunks, leatner gooas, ataiionery aim aopaii imdv store trade, covering Philadelphia and Flttsburfti. Norfolk, Richmond, Waahlngton, Seltlmore, also States ot Ohio and Indiana; IDlSniEW SOlicmu. x o,, cuact .cai J.ILISMANV Al, desires position, a real, live Hlemtn. Al references furnlahed. H 740, Ltatwucnirai, I Saw Yi.lt, A ear.' eip.. wishes a position at once; msrrieQf icnipcrnie anu a ggoa wumcr, Ad filaon .Wltner. Greater Meadowg, N J. flIAVELINQ companion and secretary desires ' posltlonr exp ; reference. J 247. Led. Cent. 1TFBHK1TEK. fast, accurate; evenings, 6 to s. IL. XI leaser central lALLT, attsndant; retlned young man: ex. Mrieactd: reference. II 44. Ledger Central. IDUN! MAN with college education, three- itr course in wnannn pcnooi or finance. . rt, nve years experience neaa oook ir In manufacturing establishment, ac ited-Wlth. lumber bualneas. ooen for nosl. Octobe, 1. Andreas A.. 34SS VfalnuV at. i 4vynu niiii, iiiarnvu, ocverai ycMre experi i Uee In general offlco work as assistant to position- In any dept. of reputable house; tore prospects more desirable than mone- rvAnldrllnn t . ntirl T RT Td Cant m man, 2fT wllh K vphpb' Yn.rlAnr. Mseral office work, desires to Join a progree iru concern to learn business; moderate sal- ' vwiteui vu ciu uufiiragDi iiiuuri in stert. H 850. Ledger Central. m KErrrTTTTs i- .0" . nv nai jt. gooa eaucaiion ana appear -.wee. excellent mathematician, wishes post- n,-whlcb, will keep htm outdoor most of i dir: hlthest credential.. H 856, Led. Cent. ffclNQ MAN. bookkeeper, conveyancer, ex ''erltneed in real estate, brokerage. Jobbing. lumtciunng, wiines noBiiion paying eiu per y F. W B. 121-0 W. Oakaale at O MAN exoerlenerl In nfnr ix.nrV ewledga 6f bookkeeping and typewriting. Ill (VialMi! mnifacafA salekn a T I1 M lgg7r Central. "" ' l" 'l""" J IJBuftO jiAK wlihea ceneral offle work Mil. nw.zyri exp. In bookkeeping and etenoff- r-ayaij, ji. p?. xvcQjter uenirBi MAN will dnvntA AVnln In anw Pclty Jack Holladay. Hotel Do KaU. msm yjmuur no way no aves. MAN. 10 hnntat orfaiiaaai nnoltH 'in lS?.fJf.ia' be,t ot rfrnce. J US, :iJttl'K.Bom' knowledge of eettlrig .iTM-arlshes position. J 144, Ledger Central! Ivc. act-ve-bust-capaulb lsWJ?7IS!uUv"! tenlv experience In m S S?.?.?.8."6-? "A syatematlier of )ffir.5 n- mtnods." Small Investment con I5HE iiT you a round holo for thla jM--a pigt It 455. Ledger Central. XT- liniMlHlaili 1 ' . T . ' " --! ifef iiiviih.,cur:B general omco experl- injr mod. ii rv nmi a.. -r j -. -W '- aa U IM, JjtJUt UCH. 5wftr,SJSSHJ0li.5?!J7 Bu"tt.'' " nr h iT:::".""i." w"" .e?Deriencea , coachmenr " ""' T1"e"' c00,t," i. . ..i V" 'oMojer 'Advertisers. ; IKS 0J,.','Phone. Mlas Reed, Walnut or rebSuut ,u. i"u"ZJ0 Le,5er Bw- flth I. gMPLOYMENT AGENCIES PhWot :t?.t..a"a Cathollo cook, wish "uaeaaed b. pi,' ,?il 5."e i"'.w SSSihRWS ' o chmb.urm.ld'.n. ft 5K iCuL"A..J.work girls: f or comiirv """ wisn situations, BS&Mfc'1, Kan" BU B- ",h "'' nBT'thl. - II '-1 1- , r, I vrk; woVSiyjif'"" cook.. ,f , TMsrmS,1 0r,i;,7hit... housemen; must 'HtlliTm '" "r" ,no OH B ATJ10M0BII.ES For Bala l&n lift"0?!,1. -fcoutl In perfect lrini..V.'ntA niln overhauled lS;2nl!.i torn mile, per hour: h SaajdgVi; Central No. ill i rSff' car. cytSU 3f. P.i 4,.. ;: Jir. owD,r. Qarag.,2Bi6 bx7o?d st. . Wanted StrJ' iraDr:7"flP t'Cfat: car. 1008 M CMhPi?fJIre,,i.,.t.t "n!1 and low. PUadslphW'p. trutt 'rwticular., Box gg0AT8 AND BTOPXiDV, iSsBw.tr0rb0t.' bulIt f2r To fwTtwi? ,.?JF,ln 1S(' for !, WiTa.'SffiVPte.K.? Arthur B. rrr i " wgnL. EB8 OPPOBTUNITTBH JPSta? tJKF ,9r MBANS or ifikMl0. .k tnttrttt In contract. Od TntaaJit! W,h niin )rvn ) cl. .Jl over 20 yeara' ex. fc' CJ".' . Interesting buslnaaa 'ta nn. Mh,r ih.L k.""8 OF USEFUL: .. 0?r than blc rttlllrna. .aiu! f.lr ISt StSJSf.1- 5owJd or Kmidlat '..ntlal! a aood moral i.un. ' wiral, ,nlrvw only. M 818, Arthur tr 4.JI-- -j.-nr-T- . ." mechinT.r f'. wainut at,, "ncnaplcal and electrical mlnur lav.nflLliornf'r established her wiiSh.." ''Velppedi patcntH, trade. Xr-trTTDnTS'ffl n" "'""i1. 21- MH tiit. " --. -- S"3SS4'S vt ,!, PRES3KAKINO .IND MILLINERY 'Traft,!'-.1"" J"x Al mate. iSQ'AIrJLEVIEV PATTEHNa 8n?EJ?,!.?I!.'l T'"l"r genrna; advance atylesi Jt wjsrggfeayysg1'"' 66 N- toth . ' '" ",' uiuk , tun AinrKei, HEMSTITCHING. Be. yd clear but eovr emb. r. Tomaiud, 1602 Chestnut', Bpruc. 23od POR SALE DLyA.nD. r00'' combination. 2d-hand bought, .old, rented. exchM Keafer. 820 Olrard ave. CA?.,J,R?,a.teT?FR.-,f,onl - Hhtly LedOffl"e nC8 m Jllvr' M . STORAqe MILLBOURNE STORAGE CO. 52 N. USD. Pelrront 4?5 Carpeta cleaned West 421. WANTED CASH REGISTER. National make preferred! Jtate price and where It can be seen. M 420. Ledger Office. . ROOMS 1T0R RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can very likely be located In a few minute, by examtng the photograph, and descrip tions of room, with and without board which are nn file for 5 our Inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and answers to every question you would ak Is here, so you can decide Intelligently; free service; test It. ARCH, 1828 Three large room.! furnished or unfurnished reference. BROAD, N., M4-Lnrre, cheerful room.; ati tracttvely furnished; steam heat, elec. light, southern exposure; corner house; beautiful 2. room suite, unfurnished: private porch; rate, mod. excellent dining room; meals optional CHESTNUT. 1728 Desirable, well-furnished rooms, with and without private bath. CHESTNUT, 1027-Well.furnlehed ulte. 2d .. floor, 2 rooms, private bath; electric light.. CHESTNUT, 1004-Lge. and email attractively turn, .rootna, single or en suite. Locust 731. CHESTNUT. 2045-Sulte of room, with bath; nouth. expos.; also single rm.: table board. DIAMOND, W.. 1537 Newly furnished front rooma; run, water: also unfur. rooms; reae. GREEN, 2021 (The Lesta) Choice suites, fur nished or unfurnished: private baths; choice Btustq rooms; unumneq not water; taDie oa. LOCUST, 1503 Two Sd floor rooms, adjoining bath; $80 BPRINGFIELD AVE.. 4720-Beautlfut private uuuic; largq pieaeant rooms; poarq optional SPRUCB. 1115-Front room, beautifully furn. elec. lights, running water; other vacancies. SPRUCE. 1026 Large, well-turn, .ultes; front ana eomnern expos., single rooms: prlv.patns, SPRUCE. 2022 Attractively furn. suite; two twins aim priv nam, xeiepnone; gentlemen IftTH. N.. 2323 Large, furnished. 2d-story front room, gentlemen preferred, private family. GENTLEMAN of refinement desiring one or two rooms, with private bath, In exclusive erruon 01 west i'nuaaeipnia; reierence. ex , changed. M 814. Ledger Central. FOR RENT In good location In West Phlla., with private famllv, third. storv tront room with bath, reference, exchanged. H 755, Ledger Central. PRI ATL home, rooms furnished or unfur nlehud, 217 N 20th at., phono Locust 3284 J BOARDING BALTIMORE AVE., 4419 Desirable vacancies; porch facing park: phone; exct table; refs, BROAD. N 3000 Furn. room., single or com. rnunicating. witn cam ; moa.conva. ; oa.opi. LOCUST ST.. 3939 Desirable front rooms; southern exposure, phone: also table board. SPRUCE. 1028-30-Beautlful frt, 2d-floor suite. turn, or unfurn: choice table to per, people. SI'IIUCE. 1224-20 (Brlsmonde) Furn. rooms, single, en sulfa: private bath., table board. WALNUT.5009 Desirable rooms, 2d floor: ex. cellent board; phone, elec; refined nelghborhd. SSTH, S., 10S Handsomely furnished rooms, private faro : excellent table. Preston 6489 W. SPRUCELYN 305 South 41st et. Miss S. M. HANLEY, formerly ot Cheatnut st. Suburban TULPEHOCKEN ST., W.. 13 Two third story communicating front rooms, near eta tlon and trolley. Germantown 4425 W. BOARD WANTED DOCTOR AND "WIFE, temporarily In city, de Hire board and room at once in private family . where there are no other roomers: ventilation, light, surroundings and board must be equal to what we are accustomed: will pay accord ing!) J 153, Ledger Central. APARTMENTS CHESTNUT (cor. 19th) Three rooms, bath and pri. are nnu iiaiunuuu, hbm biiu ciatiritliy, mod. con vs.; rent ISO. Apply to Janitor. ,43- b. mm. SPRING GARDEN, 1910 Excellent apt., in 8 different houses, some turn.: kitchenette.. WALNUT, 1431 Very attractive apts , 2 rms bath; also single room and bath, furn. or un furn.: excellent location; let-class aervlcc. Phone Spruce 4830. or apply to Janitor. 46TII. S.. 103-5 Warren 'Apt : modern apart ment: 6 rooms and bath; rent $40, $45 and $50 See Janitor In rear. REALLY GOOD APARTMENTB. 253 S. 15th. 210 S. 15th. 1501 Locust. 1507 Locust. 1700 Walnut. 1711 Walnut. MHARS A BROWN. 202 3. 15th St. West Philadelphia POWELTON AVE.. 4007 (corner) 5 and 0 rooms, bath, porch, electric lights, hot-water neai. open uay aim evening. .n.iB om -. 40TH ST., 8 303 Attractive apt., 3 rms. A bath: S. W. expos.: Janitor service., brd.conv. Lansdnwne, Ta. APARTMENTS All outalde rooms; conveni ences; $J2 to $35 per month. John Nacey, 83 N. Highland ave., Lan.downe, Pa. TURNISHED APARTMENTS EROAD, S., 425 Attractive apt., 2 or 3 room., private bath, furn. or unfurn . dining room. SPRUCE, 109 0"ne suite of two largo rooms and bath; also two single rooms; gentlemen preferred. APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES: One or mor well-furnished rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. West Philadelphia THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT & 37TH ST3. R. F. ENOLB. MOR. Also of tha Engleslde. Beach Hav.n, N. J. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BROAD AND DAUPHIN 6T8. (S. B. eor.)- Apl. witn u rros, u w..r, .- 1 apt., 0 rms. ana J. nam, jiypir jn..m, TIOGA 2030 Ontario .t., Nsw apt..: hand. ioroely appointed large lawn; 8 room, bath. kitchenette? Individ, porch... Jsnltor; mod. i'OFrER a larg arlety of apartment, at vaflid prices and to meet almost any re. Kent C Til or" .end" for"TlVu "Xuto. mobll rvlco to In.poct apartment. If de- "RBTM?BVAgpEcVAlSY,!-Ht West Philadelphia --"fflBptf "- Built In pair. Ilka side-yard houses, making very room an outside room, and with varied and beautiful architecture. . . ... If you ari going to live In an apartment thl. falltb .election of THE particular apart ment out of the many, many you see on every &"d 1. wturalla matter of great moment t0liutU'ther must b ONE BEST AFART WENT "or VOuTwher. location, service and eomfort-verythlng that got. to make a truly atSactlve aoirtment horn 1 abso utly t ft. beat and Ws. too. for ii reasonable rental, "l-ot 1S2 to $J monthly you can aecura on r?Lti lirtments. and thu Include mat cXnt mMvm heatlnfi unlimited hot walVrf courteotia and efficient Janitor rvlc. iZ"t Dp5uSkipfcf suite tb. perfect way W l,v.cr.arim.nti bar Ova room, and bath and arfflnlSSd lo T both ritural wood and whit. EtJ?.l with artlstlo papering and fixtures. KmI ' mli rangel. private porcbe.. Th p8 fftfSSf tb. W Ihlo n.xpn.iv. wlf Vm tatUfylly fumUbed a ampl .rSmint (No. lw Angv terrace), which fjnlm for Inspection' da and evening and !!nfPlv you a deOnlle idea of bow remark ably aUractlv the aprlir..nta reaUy r.. WM, H "W QUICK; ft BRO., Inc., S B. 40th t. N0RMAW , IMKRWOOP, j,w wm a. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS West Philadelphia TIIH -nTrnjAITD APTS., JUST COMPLF.TED LOCUST ST, MTII TO 65TH ST. and 7 room apartment., with ll the latest convenience., $17,50 to $45 per month. . ROBERT A PITTS, AGENT Bell phoneDelmont 4413 5441 Locust at.j 1234-38 N. 4JST Two five-room apartment.! fclng Tark. Groskln, 1024 Che.tnut St. PASADENA, 8Sth and Spruce t... $35 to $45, 4-room aultes, furnished and unfurnished, fully equipped. Holme. dlMppearlng beds. Aprly to janitor, on premise.. , . ., RENNOO APARTMENTS. B!d and Regent- Six rooma and bath, $83 to $40. JOHN J, CONNOR. N E cor, 62d and Regent t. $260-55TH, S., I520-S8 (near Chester ave.)l modern In every respect. Apply Janitor, on . premises. Phone Filbert 4153. Furnished wtt.t. atTni.Trr niri.lv fiit-n. R-raam housekeec- lng apt.,, all convenience II 452. Led. Cent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY M w. rnn. unCKLAND AND CAMAC BT8.. rvnAN-..inrv ftwelllnri most sultabla for basement store: euoh an alteration can be mad without lnierrering witn ine awening. price $CCCO; auitaoie ror any Business, ai. M Smith, Broad St., opp. Logan 8Utlon. R9ii K. i5Tit ST.. tJOOAb 3-atorr dwelllnc: modern Imp.; lot 29 ft. front, room for gar age; price $3G0O M M. bmun, uroaa n.. opposite Lcgan station. 1220 WAONER AVE., LOGAN 2-story, side- .. riwanintvi nil mv4rn lrr.rirnvtrritrita price $4300 M. M. Smith, Broad st. opposite N, W. CORNER LINDLTBT AVE. AND MER- VINE. Bl. lJUUArt natern ana eomnern exipoiure: modern improvement.; price ..bj. M. M. Smith. Uroad t. opposite Logan Eta. 1210 WAGNER AVE.. LOGAN-2-.tory .Ida yard; ait Improvement.; garage in rear; price SIS5W. M. w. sinun, uroaa ew, vyv mianptt, BUS N. IOTlt 1ST., LOGAN 2-story, side yard! all Imp ; price $4800, M, M, Smith, Broad St., opposite uofKn avavion. OFFERED FOR BALE. $200 less than builder Is telling them for. 1618 Rutcomb at., Logan; 2-story, side yard; all Improvement.; price $5200 M. M. Smith, Broad St., opposite Logan station. ron RAi.r. T.rvw pniCB Block of 8 houses 15 mlnutea from City Hall: each rented $11. Aor.retB 803 witnerepoon Muiiaing. REALTY and Insurance brokers. Albreoht, UTS urexei mat . 'Jin w. Lenign ave. HOUSE. 8 room.; largo lot (16x99); 8209 Jas per et.: $2050. ' nutliUnc Lots, Factory Site., Eto. 18 RIPE BUILDINO LOTS, SO-FT. WIDE at. J Eireel improvemems, an maae. ARMSTRONG, 4233 Germantown ave, Logan LOGAN REAL ESTATE BALE, RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M Smith, Proa a st. oppo. Logan Station. Oak Lane OAK LANE Better see that Colonial house, R305 Cnmao atreet, 6000. Always open. SAMUEL H. READ, builder and owner. scBunnAN COME to South Oak Lane; houses and bunga. Iowk built to order. Samuel H. P. Read, builder, Oak Lane. NEW JERSEY Haddon Height., N. 3. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. National Park. N. J. BUNGALOWS. $100 cash. $10 monthly: lot. 2t xl50; near trolley: conv. to river: National Park, Get off Red Bank ae., see agent with budge. Greater New Jereey Co , 33 S. 16th. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 12-ROOM atone and frame dwelling. 2 baths, modern conveniences, large lot. barn; near station, price low lor quick eaie. H. B. McCOLLUM 1314 Walnut St., Philadelphia. "Con't Forget the Number." REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from $17 to $50; house, located N. Phlla, and Gtn., worth from $1800 to $6250. Merchants' Union Trust Co.. 715-719 Chestnut at. REAL .ESTATE TO EXCHANGE HAVE $7000 equity In Germantown house; will take S3000 cash, the balance In furnished Atlantic City cottage. M 842, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE POR RENT CITY 12TH, N., 2109 For rent; 3 room, reserved for owner, reflhed adult Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floors METROPOLITAN BUILDING, cor. Broad and Wallace. Rooma 8000 to 40.000 q. ft. on a floor. Apply to O. F. Lasher. 147 N. 10th. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC DREXEL BLDO. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Ground Floor, $100 $120, $200. $220. Single Room.. $120. $130, $2OO,$275,$450,$700. Suite.. 2 Rm... $144. J150,$175,$200.l225.$2.10. Suites, 8 Rms , $200, $275 $4OO.$45O.$5OO,$550. Corner Suites, 2 to 10 Rooms, $500 to $1675. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. B60 Drexel Building. OFFICES for manufacturers, agents, sales men, etc., at attractUe rente In Commercial Bldg.. N. W. cor. 8th and Chestnut; freight and passenger elevator.. .J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 S. 15TH. "BRIGHT-ATTRACTIVE OFFICES lLlB-u incsmui ei, MEAR8 & BROWN, 202 8. 15th et ROOMS suitable for bualnesa or atudlos, with iKht, heat. Apply 1635 Chestnut St. professional Office. PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 25S 8. 15th st. 21V8. 17th at. 1522 Locust at. 'l700"(Valnut st. 1320 Tina t MEXRS & BROWN, 203 S. 15TH ST. ARCH, 1829 Offices for physician: heat, light and servlcea; running water; reference. f-IIESTNUT. 1728 To very desirable, com-iminli-attng rooms, suit, for studio or profea'n. WEST PHILADELPHIA IN OUR delightful residential Quarter we have for rent attractive houses of various style, it moderate rentals. PEMBBRTON ES TATES, N. W. cor. 68th and Willows ave, Th Tbsst .eetlon of Weet Philadelphia, Park. trains, trolley, .chool., churches. GERMANTOWN 71 H. DUVAL ST. 8 ROOMS, BATH, STEAM HEAT, PORCH FRONT, FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. $22. O. C. SBIDEL & CO.. 4TH AND OALLOWHILL STS., OR McCAF FBI. X , oii. uct... ai, it j.v a, . - .... --i: ,-i i . 132 lluauur uu uoiwui. iiduso, iv room.; hot-water heat,- gas, electric: old shad; hardwood floor.; 453 E. Walnut lana. Wayne Junction T, MODERN and most desirable 8-story porch-front house at .Wayne Junction; all convenience., 2 TOlnut..1 walk to station. 1443 N. 2Qth at., above Germantown ave. 8. ROOM, porch dwelling, modern: convenient n train and trolley. Armstrong, 428a Qtn.ave. BUnDKIlAW Ridley Tark. fa. Modern 14-room house. Morton aye., Chester pike, $50 per mo. : 3 aUrac. bungalows, heated for winter. $20 per mo. N.P. 81oan.Raley Pk. Wynnewood FOR THE MAN WHO HAB AN AUTOMOBILE HOUSE NO, 48 MANOR ROAD WYNNBWOyD fX. It I. modern, with all necessary conveni ences! contain. 13 room, a bathroom, and .toreroom.l ha. liberal lot of ground, witu nte shads and flower, and the rent Is less than a 10-room city house. Automobile storage, 0 per month, WALTER BASSET SMITH WVNNEWOOD, PA. MORTGAGES Large Ampunt TRUST FUNDS ,FOR FIRST MORTOAQB Immediate Attention HORACE H. FRITZ 718 WALNUT 8T. MONEY FOR MORTUAUiSB $5.00 $1000 $1200 $1500 $.1600. $5000 W II HOODjjBia NORIUS BT u IloOA I15O0 and IMW. IflUteitB -Wwijnt: 1 SCRAPPLE REDUCED MEAT 5a Iij3lLf2(flLreLsWjfelHirea Zryf$ar4fJjijHyFi'rVla Ittiuji The Passtng Show. "DOGGY" LADY: "We must all do something, so I have decided to dla continue FIdo'a Wednesday cutlet Tind Fill's Sunday sweetbreads." QQftWc8fffi "What did your wife Bay to you when you got homo late the other night?" "Have you got three, hours to spare T" "Gracious, nol" "Then I shouldn't havo time to tell youl" fHy Brown Man was created flrit. Woman sprang from man. Smith But not now; she chases html How about the suffragettes? The Reason "That man over there Is after your scalp." "Good gracious! What do you mean?" "He's a hair raising specialist and wants customers." Baltimore Amerl lcan. The Passing Show. "I heard them say master's there. They're gettln' at me. I can't see him or smell him." AND THE "WORST ai Changed Now ISMHrMM.iirjrlMOTH ltt -. ' . . M ip, lUffy v 0-f-W.V N5 m aViiulli I) HWMtl p wrmttHHtl i l-iftHtofl: CONSUMPTION Up-to-date First Chauffeur That's a fine baby of yours, Tom. Second Chauffeur You bet. Bill! Jly wife and I are proud of htm. He's tho latest model, oil right a self-starter, with an automatic alarm that would wake tho dead! ell I L JJ3e - Ac mBI "You wouldn't catch me going In one of them submarines. Mrs. 'Arris; If I've got to be drowned. I'd sooner be drowned above the water than underneath It." A Constant Talker -i "Dad, am I made of dust?" "I think not. otherwise you'd dry up now and then," Just to Find Out Should a charitable organization ministering to the destitute be called "the heart of the city"? IS YET TO COME 'tup Uam'I QUftUfTf Jr iBmmnj& iJimTlh JmMi mm THE PADDED CELL Ithess .yoth.wgX. must sortmJK I ( VCWH NVTH US s V V,1 -SALT J J A VACATION! AFTE.RAAATH I Courtesy Appreciated "Did you tell that young man ot yours that I am going to havo the light switched off at 10?" "Yes, dad." "Well?" "He's coming at 10 in future 1" Lon don Mall. Deformed Spelling The Co-ed I don't see how you can read Chaucer so readily. The spelling Is so queer. The Professor of English I've had lots of experience while examining the sophomores' papers. Harvard Lam poon. ,U tr" Not Enough O Eva I'm going to give that fellow a Piece of my mind. Fay Are you quite sure you can pare it? SOMEWHERE Jp Bubaltrn-Donni-mol, '1 voug idalt. du naln. da la haurr .t a. u pour la mee.e. Madams-Pour la megMl Mon pieu, B1.,A'I,I?tt.m bv ,.)r0Ur.l1' IMjUms "ror the mess I Mon DUu, what Vacation Time "We should all do a part ot the world'a work.' "No doubt I also maintain that re entitled to a share of tho world'a eag."KAa City JwrnL, ut. jv uaBt u k.- r'aWitr iKSC. . 2S$ "What's the good of me trying to say Slwka?" Too Inexperienced Edythe Tell me, am I tne first girt you ever loved? Harold Yes, my dear. Edythe I thought so. Well, go away, and don't come back until you get some experience. - T' fT A J- ' -London Ontnlnn EFFECT OF THE WAR ON THB MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY The new 4 7 sidecar; smart, epeedy and up-to-date. IN FRANCE ' T Quelle religion! butur an! cheese, fart a r!lloni' . r mm Y" feXrMjj 3sWfl vWh II 'If JHBfWi!Vi- aHSfcSvi ilk WmzzM 1 BidlMjLI M0 t if 's.lC "Say. 9ld chap, tell me. vvt la lr nonsente?" "Wkr, 4Wt tew mm it's t, kind JtpU can mm UuHMlh Ml - -Wtwr 1 ? il a n 1L