EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1915. 9 'week in fall finds society folk returning felins for Winter Habitations Are Already in liilinHorse show Will Attract Many to Bryn Mawr -Personals the MAking- rVr! Franc.. C.padwl ,,rc iieSiiion L. wooaviue &!Sar fti . .. nrnsnect and rr: ir,T.v.wiety 'lk ncreMM k a. nwmbtf 0I "" . . BLr ' h0n" . Plr . i.e-un In earnest. 7w "lit n0"' Pe1 U" ? .,r. but will Pend ETBtt. tlo. hotel. am- I kw"!: tiemak. Jr.. of feu mm. ou,,":.r.; yft tnd the uf-.;... t niani" .. .,.. i '""". 'uiiiin at tne mut - I i I . J. 0. Wttcnhou.f ;vu ?.u .nartrnents at ine "" " at w" -. . t. MLB. Anna -- ft n pending the summer V-SSU return to her .t the nittenhouso U"j Mr Herman Hoopes, of rtmenu. has returned to fiS"Ma '.:Vher mother, who nave t ", " the summer at jam r.."1' m occupy their apart- fti'imunhou.eOctoiwri. ni.h Miss Mary Qrubb .U?r.w L. MorrlB, of K9 Au whd .re motoring through 4d. ue now at. " . -..u. Fuller, of 1327 Spruce i.(Tned at d nner on tne uene S?5 i Sf last night, n honor of (ttford law ",a.,;,i can.. Vrt. J- Yri." ',.,V Mr. Cook "S?.,. it .. Lillian Cook and STftX. formerly made their 7 tSIi City. At preecnu w . to una . - Cook . the Jiff, x.u - 'V.if.r Wright, who haa been the, T.-i ?.,. e. Cecil ntler. at F""7..t,. Adirondack Mountain.. EEraMto hlhome In Rlverton. il.tander M. Fox, Jr., of 3008 i",Aer daughter. Mr.. y'SHS. Haverford. Pa.. Who rtUion trip to the San Francisco JJe, ri expected to return hohie tlebcrDay. KiUyFi.her. of Philadelphia, who MM ipenorag u. .;. -- In. p bis leu ior iimu.:....m. 7t4ri the will remain for several f. Mi tfn B. A. Lehr and Miss fci E. Ltnr nave rtmnicu in - M Union avenue, Bala, after ( month in Atlantic uuy. 'Along the Main Line Busnolt-Mr. and Mr.. Frederick ftMttinil their daughter, Miss Eliza- Will Sleacke, who spent pari 01 mo rttRingeley Lakes, Me., nave re ts tlxlr home. 6311 Bherwood road. Htha Campbell, who has been vls- Wh Jusle Wler In New York, will to Mt home on Overbrook avenue lf,ndMr. George Oat Suddards and I siiztDem auaaarua, oi ooui urwwi , mm, returned from an extensive irip through .New York Stafe. They I to.Deacti Haven over the week- WVJtfSTMr. and Mr.. Wlllard . cho ipent the summer at Beach Lkive retufned to their home. They ltrwiuce their daughter. Miss Mnry l Epcnitr, at a tea with dancing on fcitad Mrs. S. Deas Slnkler have ro- l irom a motor trip through New ei frON.-Mf. and Mm. John Hampton i iv? returned from west Chop, i enil tre occupying their countrv ! en t-ofcartown road. J. Packard Lard has gone to a. Vs.. for a short vamtlnn .d Mn. a n. Benedl-t and fam- it fos to watch Hill, It. I., for a t'i jtay. iEthr Lloyd has left to vlelt the upoimon, , Chestnut Hill J4 Mrs, John Story Jenks, or at irtnue. win hm h. ....... R after a Summer spent In Maine. Edith W. Dallaa ,, ,!,.. 4 Mn. Trrvnnlnn n n.ii . s-Z..10 ltne. 1. the guest of fS.w William West Frazler. H. rae at Northeast K XJ. !f."''J ?' .Ea?t sTsi in V. "'B at Aianuc LiSLT'll I'SZ turday for New l---.- W nu spena a week with Germantown l Crs. Willi. n f.t- M.Ciirlst.nenh.nofa E.Ntn avenue. ,... ....i 1 1ms h.,. il .. iciurnea TSm.j. 5,thy were the guests . fcHbter, Mrs. Arthur Jones, if fctthton WCni,vJhn!?". daughter Of f a wUr;r, '."n"on' of . no.. WMt if mi., t ttner having LT' or Mil. Lucy Em.rnn . i"SI!.!l?.wn. m..; I tar b k.."' 7 ? the Ism iJ.fTei ?Cent Johnson, at T' UBW1 DfVo nd Weitvltw B&SJLv !.. &a, r V"o. s. i8c in yentndr. !lW0i.vye.tnocklana ?.ef Jenkin "r' tth1 Mr; tSw! iS?H"f. W.,t I'rlco 'Hre.h,.rent ? "sr a Ban wsagCjffBs Seymour street, are spending two week, nl llarp.well Centre, Me., n. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Blanchnrd. Ml.a Mnry Carter, of Knox and Coulter street., Is spending ithe present month at Itench Haven, ntter visiting friend, at Tocono Pint, during August. Mr. and Mrs. 31. L. Morrison and fam ily have closed their house In Massachu setts And have taken apartments at the Wlesnhlckon for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. David People., of the Wlssahlckon, have returned from their summer at the shore. Along the Reading Mn. James M. Bryan., of Mountain avenue, Melrose Park, ha. returned to her homo after visiting her sister, Mr.. Fred erick' Flti-Ooratd at htr camp, Cedar Tur ret, Eagle Lake, In the Adirondack Moun tains. Miss Phyllis Fosdlck, of Cincinnati, who ha. been the guest of Miss Teal at her father's summer home In Huntingdon Val ley, left yesterday for N'arragansett Pier. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fortner. of Jenkln town, and Miss Myrtle McKee, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Mc Kee, of Jenklntown, returned home last week from a motor trip of 12 days throuKh New York 8tate, stopping at Ithaca, where they were Joined by Miss St. John, who returned with them, and is the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Fortner for several weeks, coming back by way of the Berkshire Hills, BuBh Hill Falls and the Pocono Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Whitman, of Park avenue, Elklns Park, Pa., will return next week from Ocean City, where they have been spending some time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAdoo and fam ily, of Fort Washington, Pa are expected to return tho first part of September from Maine, where they have been spending the last two weeks of August. Itev. and Mrs. William K. Foster and family, of Jenklntown. have returned to their home, after spending several weeks at Ocean Grove, N. J. Miss Laura D. Hergcehelmer, of West Hnrtwell avenue, whose betrothal to Mr. Fredu. Cleaver, of St. Martin's, was an nounced this summer, is the guest of friends on a. motor party. They left Sat urday morning and will remain for some time at Southampton, L. I. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Kames and their Infant daughter, who spent the summer in Chelsea, have returned and are occu pying their new apartment, 4502 Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Mackey and Miss Lorna Mackey. who spent the sum mer In Chelsea, have reopened their town house, 6019 Pino street. Dr. F. S. Rusca ha. gone to Tennessee to Join Mrs. Rusca, who has been spend ing the summer In the South. From there they will go to New Orleans, La., return ing to their home in this city about the first of October. Miss Frnncea Brazier, of 4312 Cedar ave nue, is spending several day. at Cape May. Tioga Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Hobaon and Mr. and Sirs. George W. Hobson left on Sat urday for an automobile trip to Boston, Mas., and Portland, Me. They will re turn by way of Albany, N. Y. Mrs. Joseph Mellon, of 2419 North 11th street, accompanied by her children, Muriel, Joseph and Paul, returned yester day from a two weeks' vacation In Allan tlo City. Mrs. George Hartung, Jr., of Cayuga street, has been spending some- time at Cape May. Miss Alma Moscr, of Baltimore, Is vis iting Miss Selma Kohn, of 3725 North ISth street. Mlsg Nellie Learning and Miss Dorothy Learning, of 3722 North Broad street, have gone to Cape May Court House to re main a fortnight. Miss Henrietta Learn ing Is passing a week In Salem, N, J. Mrs. Annie Hilton and her son, Mr. Stanford. Hilton, ot 2127 West Ontario street, left on Saturday for an automo bile trip to May's Landing, to remain over the beginning of the week. . A'..?'"!'0' Ml '"AUafV tP'mn -- . . '"tocurJ!?.18?' pr -. wi j. 'tlJuu. .-... . a " " AAllMfl rW ir. G6wvH T""1 Atkins. tti-u -,7, th0 ,:.;.-. - r eottHTaraeaS 'iw'&lftr.WMlMH.Un : XZLF'I. tret. accom. k y iri'"co' hv left LH Ttau. .. , . 1 P L- ... " w wn KAKOL MARIE MARSDEN Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Earl Maraden. of Sadgwlck Tarww, Chestnut Hill, who won a Hi for blnf the bt draaaed efcity m( Hut bast da near at the bal wiaawaa giva Wat aaanik at AaaarlVrk, JJUW Miaa Max. 4aa ia 4f jmn of At. 'SHBiBflBSSBSSSSSSSSSSgw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSll'.''t jriiajM.HiiiiH IsssssssssssssssssssssslLx . agBHssssK Isssssssssl A Photo by Marc2u. MRS. CHAUNCEY D. ROBINSON Whose marriage took place Inst Wednesday. Mrs. Robinson was Miss Marie Neiflfer, of Wyncote. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will live at Georgetown, Del. North Philadelphia Mr. Sidney Harberg, of 1815 North Broad etreet, ha. returned to hi. home after an extensive tour ot the' Western States. Miss Margaret McAllister has left At lantlo City and is now nt Loon Lake, New York. Sho will visit Saratoga and Lake Champlaln before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harold McQuale have returned from Cape May and are prepar ing to move Into their new home on Wal nut avenue, Ardmore. Miss Elizabeth Hill has returned to her home, HIS Oxford street, having motored to Bramwell. Va., where .he was the guest ot Mrs. J. D. Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Jere L. Creese and Miss Lydla Cre.se have returned from Atlantic City and are occupying their home, 2107 Green street. Roxborough The following yoUng men of th'e Fall, of Schuylkill motored to Atlnntlo City on Sunday and will rpend a week at the re sort: Mr. Frederick Stehle, Mr. Leonard Grady, Mr. Thomas Kelly, Mr. Richard Rellley. Mr. Philip Rellley and Mr. Arthur McMaster. Mr, and Mrs. James J. Brennan and son, Mr. James J. Brennan, Jr., returned on Saturday from a week's motor trip to Gettysburg, Washington and Baltimore. Mr. and Sirs. George Evans, ot 2655 Rob erts avenue, aro receiving congratula tions on the birth of twins, a boy and girl. Mr. James Richardson has returned from an extended visit to the West. W l-fl y"f laaMstKByBMWMMMr ?x I pi ibM iiy $&f$M m m iwUm 1 ymlfl Delaware County Mrs. J. D. Shattuek, of Ridley Park, will entertain the meeting of the Flower Show Committee of that borough at her home this evening. The member, of the com mittee are Sirs. J. D. Shattuek, Jr., Mrs. Victor Angerer, Mr. and Sirs. A. B. Mears, Mrs. Irwin D. Wood, Sirs. George J. Pequlgnot, Sirs. W. O. Gray, Sirs. P. M. Harvey, Miss Josephine Slichell, Mrs. E. T. Bullock and Frank D. Kane. Tho Delaware County Tennis League held it. tournament for the champion ship of Delaware County at the Spring Haven Club, In Walllngford, yesterday. The committee! in charge Irtcluded Sir. B. Lloyd Irving, Sir, Stewln R. Lewis and Mr. John C. Taney. Northeast Philadelphia Sir. Hnrry HaBsenfus. of 1951 North Front street; Sir. Herbert Kratz. of Am ber and Norrls fltreets, and Sir. Charles Tagtmcler. of 190S East Letterly street, will spend the week In Atlantic City. SIlss Kathryn Foley, of 1906 East Let terly street, will spend the next few days at Atlantic City. Sirs. Anna Barron and her nephew. Slaster Joseph McGovern, of 2705 East Lehigh avenue, after touring the west ern part of the United States, will spend tho month of September at St. Paul, Sllnn. Sir. and Sirs. Slax Myers and SIlss Florence Pearl Slyers, of 1337 North Franklin street, will spend the month ot September at the Hotel Islesworth, At lantic City.- Dr. Julius U Greenstone and family have returned to their home, 915 North .th street, from Cheetnut Hill, where they have been spending the summer. Sir. and Sirs. A, Bergman, of 60S North 6th stieet, announce theU betrothal of their daughter, Miss IdaV Bergman, Sir. Charles SIchel, of Atlantic City. to Frankford Sirs. R. F. Dazley, of 4723 Oakland street,, announces the betrothal of her daughter, SIlss Rae Dazley, to Sir. Georgo W. Tucker, of Windsor Park, Chicago, Miss Sllldred Barfoot, ot 4461 Frankford ovenile, is spending her vacation at Wild wood. N. J. Sir. and Sirs. Alfred D. Mansfield, of Frunkford avenue, have as their guest SIlss Alice D. Fells, of Lansdowne. SIlss Fells wilt leave, October 1st, for Chicago, where she will spend the winter. What's Doing Tonight Nortliwut Dullness Men's Aiioclatlon, 2.136 Columbia avenue; 8 o'rlock. Free. Cluster Avenue Improvement Aiaoclatlon, Flrxt U. P. Church, Chester avenue and 62d street: 8 o'clock. Free. 1'uBjyunk Avenue Uualneaa Men's Associa tion. Paeayunk avenue and Moore street; 8 o'cloik. Free. Wlsslnomlnt Improvement Association. Law. ton ruDiio Hcnooi uuuaing; a o clock, Fi Freo. Suffrage Events Today WUAU VJlAm-llltlE. HUUIt.ll, South Philadelphia Sir. and Sirs. H. Chllds Hodgens. of J13 West Passyunk avenue, and their son Alexander have taken an apartment at Ocean City, N. J. SIlss Rebecca Bpratt, of South Broad treet, 1. enjoying her vacation at Asbury Park, N. J. SIlss Jeannette Pyle, of South Broad street, who ha. been In Slalhe durlnrf the summer, will return home this week. Sir. and Sir.. H. J. Shannon, of 1710 Federal street, .pent the summer month, at their bungalow at Willow Grove. Str. Robert W. Burn, and family, ot IMS Federal .treet, have returned after spending the .ummer at their cottage at Pitman Orove, N, J. Sir.. Anna SIcClellan and her daughter, Stl. Elizabeth SIcClellan, of Ea.t Lib erty, Pittsburgh, Pa., were the guents of .Mr. Joseph Scanlon, of 164S Federal treet, at Atlantic City last week. Southeast Philadelphia Sir. and Sir.. Andrew Hol.teln, of 10th and Wharton streets, have left for Pit man, where they will remain for the next two weeks. Sir. and Sirs, Frank SIcCluskcy. of 41i) SIcKcan stieet, celebrated their Mth wedding anniversary on Friday, August 20th. Sir. Emit F. Herzog. of 5th nnd Chris tcln streets, and Sir. George It Hardy, of 10th and Catharine streets, have re turned home, after n. delightful vacation at Wlldwood. MUSICALES AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES PROVE POPULAR Mr. and Mrs. Ottinger, of Germantown, Gave Delightful Musicale Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein Entertained for Their Daughter Esther Mi. AND SIRS. OTTINGER. of 2H0 Germantown avenue, gave a must- calo last evening at their home, at which the following artist, helped to make an evening of grand opera! Stls. Rosalind Ottinger, soprano; Stls. Evelyn l.kln, con tralto; Sir. Ralph Green, basso; Sir. Harry Iskln, tenor, and Mrs. Leah Iskln, pianist. The affair was well attended, the younger set predominating Informal supper was served at midnight. The guests Included Sir. and Sirs. William Oreen, Sir. and Sirs. William Pagel, Sir. and Mrs. Colen. Sir. Arthur Colen, Sir. Starshal Bain bridge, Miss Dorothy Sohaeffer, Mis. Jeannette Green, Miss Nancy McDermott, Miss Roso Flnnegan, Sir., and Sir. Jules Lemlsch. Autumn foliage was used for decoration, Sir. nnd Sfro. Goldstein, of 1343 South 10th street, gave a party In honor of the ISth birthday anniversary of their daugh ter, SIlss Esther Goldstein, Saturday night. A largo number of guests attended, among whom were Silts Kathleen Wha len, SIlss Sarah Del Conte, SIlss Bea trice Wolf son. SIlss Cclla Lasker, SIlss Kate Goldstein, SIlss Minerva Puis, SIlss Frances Kntzc, SIlss Ida Leopold, SIlss Dora Fcldman. Slls. Slarle Carp, Dr. Oscar Bermnn, Dr. Sidney Gutls, Sir. Samuel Pulz, Sir. Adolph Schwartz, Sir. James Welner, Sir Nathaniel Goodman and Sir. Jack Becker. An exhibition of tho latest dancing step, waa given by Dr, Oscar Herman and Mis. Francis Silver Sir. Sidney Gutls ren dered several piano solo, and Wa. a. .Isted in the duet, by SIlss Dora Feldman. Mr. nnd Sirs. Robert M. Parker, of Hit Slorton street, will entertain at a garden PHrty this nfternoon. In honor of their daughter, SIlss France. Parker. 12th birthday. The guest, will te Slls. Cath arine A W. Plucker, SIlss Carolyn Turner, SIlss Mnry Reamey, Slls. Edyth. Thompson, SIlss Maud Thompson, Slls. Ann Llnebumer, Slls. Dorothea Parker and Mis. Ruth I lay hurst. Girard Farms Dr. and Sirs. S. S. Rlngold, Sir. and Mrs. L. Rlngold, accompanied by Sir. William Wallack and Sir, Murray Rlngold, of New York, motorod to the country home of Str. and Sirs. J. Rlngold, at North Wales, Pa., where they spent the week end. They Journeyed to the Delawar. Water Gap before returning home. Pcirco Night School Opens Sept. 20 $ A Courses, facilities and nne new m 4, building are available to the fullest m v extent to those who study at night. .y js W do not believe there Is another J 11 building devoted to business school X purposes that offers such opportunl- J 1 tics for night students 3 JK Absolutely fireproof, modern In JJ JJ equipment. Courses practice! and thor- g. 2; ough In every detail nt Instruction. J, T end for 61st Year nook, with lllus- Jr 5 tratlons of new building, end a spe- JK I rial booklet. "Laying the Foundation J QJ for Uett.r Huslness" JK PEIRCE SCHOOL $ (ft America' Foremost Dullness School it fi Pine St., West of Broad 3 e?e6se3e3 3t6 0-14 "'l. 2i 41 .IX 41 10'i 1.JU .0 4 II .)V4 3 ' 83 rM Noon Meeting at Uroad a miss uertna 1 nd Tluttonwood tupowts. Meet streets: speaker. M Ing at Collins' cardboard factory, llodlna street and Columbia avenue; speaker, Mlaa Anna S:HO n. m. Meetlnr st 151' streets: speakera. Mlsa JIary 11. Incham and Miss Uertna Sapovlts. Meeting at Oirman town avenue and Graver's lane; speakers, Mrs. Franklin Spencer Edmonds and Sllia Anna McCua. ith.and Chrllttan CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC COP "Pity Opem Sentember 13th 4, ENROLMENT LIMITED TO 2500 A Residential and Day School of unparalleled facilities for the attainment of a complete musical education in all branches, from the elementary to the highest artistic standard. A school pre-eminent among the great conservatories of the world because of ita distinguished faculty, original methods, individual instruction, high ideals, breadth of cul ture and moderate cost A school of widest prestige, founded upon the success of its graduates and students in positions of musical respon sibility. Combs graduates are members of the leading symphony orchestras and other Important organisations. Eighteen have bean accepted by the Philadelphia Orchestra. Empewered t confer degrees. Co-educational Reciprocal relations wkh tka University of Pennsylvania, Thu Yr ak Cental Important Information for Ywt HoAo4 Ft; GILBERT RAYNOLDS COMBS, Director 111 S. IrW SL, PWla. LA SALLE COLLEGE ntlO.VU AND THOMPSON STS. Philadelphia. Pa. Conducted by the Christian Broth ers. Exceptional courses In Engi neering, Arts and Commercial subjects. Degrees 'granted. Gym, naslum and supervised athletics, ltegular High School department and school for little boys. Splen did location and exceptional equip ment. Send for catalogue to Bro. Dents Edward, President The "William Penn Charter School Eighl South Twelfth Street Philadelphia. Pa. The Fall term opens on the ISth of Sep tember. The buildings may be Inspected, and applicants listed, on and after Septem ber 7th. The prospectus will be gladly sent upon application, also, when desired, a copy of tho recent publication. "The Making of a Man." written under the direction of the Headmaster. Richard M. Jones, LL.D.. Headmaster cent, on prcfcrifd, paTaLlo October i to' Of rvnrrt Snnl.mli,, fl American TeleDliono and Teleiranh Com; regular quarter! 2 per rent., payable Od IS to stock of record September SO. ' Ktlly prlncnrtd lro Company, re Wl Huiriiriy ., ier cent, on u per cent ulitlia prcfrrerl, 1. per cent on 7 per cumulative preferred nnd 1 per cent. I per cent. 2d comtrtlbln stork, pniable Oct 1 lo stock of word Keptember l.. American Woolen Company, rcaular aual lv 14 per cent, on preferred, paable Octi i.i to sioi-K m recorn cepiemocr it. Loose Wiles, regular quarterly Hi per on first preferred stock, payable Octobei to stock of record September 17. THEPHIL STRAYER'S BusinessColIege Is better than other schools be cause Its teachers are experta. We do professional work In our line Accounting, Auditing and Shorthand Reporting. Experts as teachers produce experts. Send for list of our Gold Medal win ners. May we teach you? 01.807 Chestnut St., Pfalla. H JTi BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE What School Teaches Business so well? For young men and women who want the right kind of a start In life, and north while positions with the best chances of advancement, this Is the school to train you. Telephones Lombard 1200-1297 LAFAYETTE BUILDING Sth and Chestnut Streets l7cr Oct. 1st, Penn Mutual Bldg. STANDARD Y.M.C.A. COURSES Save carfare. Evening School, Dormitory, Expert Instructors, Individual Method, Swim ming Pool, Gymnasium. Camden Central Y. 31. C. A.. S72 Federal st. North llranch Y. M. O. A., 101S W. Lehigh. West llranch Y. SI. C. A., S2d and Sansom. THE 1'ltANKLIN INSTITUTE SCHOOL OF MECHANIC ARTS. Ninety-second year. Evening Courses and Classes. llltAWINU, MATHEMATICS and MECHANICS. For cal endar and further Information address the Institute, 15 South Seventh street. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1808 Sprues Street. Opens Sept. 2X .MAIN IJNE nitANCU Ardmore. Opens September 2T, ELIZABETH IIILLB LYMAN, Principal. Germantown Friends C L -I OPENS 0 MO. 2J8T uCllOOl AT 8:45 A. M. STANLEY R. YAItNALL. Principal PHILADELPHIA TCRNGEMEINDE School reopens for fall and winter term, Tuesday, Sept. 7. Wa teach gymnastics, Oar man, drawing, needlework and swimming to children, 7 to IS years, for to per year. En roll your children now. Broad a Columbia are. The Stevens School mKSS;,. ley, rrln.. 221 W. Chelten are., am. 46th year n.n. Rent. 22. Klndercarten throuih colleca Dom. Science, Manual Training. preparatory. I'llEl1 Alt ATION FOIt ANY COLLEGE, ANY COUnSE BROWN PREPARATORY BROAD AND CHERRY STREETS Palmer Business School SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE N. E. Cor. Droad nnd Spring- Garden, Phlla. Free-Hand Drawing l'attorn Shop 1'ractlc Book and Periodical Eft"'"! Ueetrlclty Illustration mal?i Matn- Archltectural Drawing Advance Mathematics Mechanical Drawing Machine Shop Maths Macblno bhop Practice matlcs Nominal Fees. Practical Instructors. Night School. Open Sept. 27. WRITE TOR nOOKLET FRIENDS' CENTRAL And Its Elementary Schools, open oa NINTH MO. (September) 21st ISth and Race Sts. 85th St. and Lancaster Are. 17th St. and Girard Ave. Greene St. aboe School Lane, Oermantowa. Principals in attendance after fllnth Mo. 1st. WM. E. BARRETT, latn and Race Sts. School of Industrial Art of the Pennsylvania Museum Droad and Pine Streets, PhlU. Illustration, Architecture, Decorative Painting and Sculpture, Pottery, Metal Work, Industrial Design. Philadelphia Textile School Practical Instruction In all branchea of textile designing, manufacture, chem istry and dyeing. Adequate mechan ical equipment. Successful graduates. School reopens September SO Saturday Classes for teachers, Oct. B Evening Classes, Oct6ber 4 LESLIE W. MILLER, Principal VENTNOR, N. J. PENNSBURG, PA. l'KNNSHUItO, PA. PERKIOMEN SEMINARY The School that Livtt l Accord Located In the beautiful Perklomen Valley, within easy reach from Philadelphia and New York. Co-cducatlonal. Prepares for all collegea and Universities. Has enviable rso ord for scholarship. Excellent courses la Business, Agriculture. Domcstio Science. Mu'lo and Elocution. Strongly moral. Per sonal Intereat in students Rates I87B ti .425, Illustrated catalog: free. Iter. O. S. Krlebel, I). D., Principal. Box K. NAZARETH. PA. SEND YOUR BOY TO Nazareth Hall Military School Safest place In America for htm Established in 17SS Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D., Principal WYNNEWOOD. TA. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, day and nisnt aesaiona. nena re MwMUIeLlbrBr Bldg sessions. Send for catalog. loth above Chestnut. FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL HOYS 140 N. 16th St. OIRI.S All tirades. Write for Catalogue. Phila. School of Design for Women BROAD AND MASTER 8TB. REOPENS SEPTEMBER 27T1L THE KIUSC1IHAUM School of Languagea lfitl Chestnut St. (Weightman Illdg.) Estab. 1S8S. Uenno HlrscUbaum, Principal, Country Day School for Boys Opena September tSd Montgomery Ave.. Wynntwood, Pa. Rev, Gibson Bell, A. I).. B. D , Head Maeter, will be at school dally, 11 to 4. Phone Ardmore 243. CHAMHKRSUUltO, PA. PENN HALL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Located in the beautiful Cum berland Valley, College Preparatory and Special Courses. May each year spent at Atlantic City. No Interruption in work. Rates 4500. For catalog- and views, addreas SOUTH 1IETI I I.EIIKM, PA. BISHOPTHORPE MANOR A select school for girls. College preparatory k finishing courses. Elective studies. Add. Clauds N. Wyant, Prln., Box 2S4, So. Bethlehem. Pa. UETHLKHEM, PA. MORAVIAN SEMINARY COLLEQB FOn WOMEN. BETHLEHEM. PA. Accredits. 174th year Sept. 22, J15. ST. LEONARD'S SCHOOL v BY-THE-SEA "Onehundrednlx" South Surrey Place, Ventnor. N. .1, Build up health, nerves, confidence, while the mind is being educated A Special School, with Special methods for Special girls. Address Miss Abby McClurc MERCEIISUURG. PA. CHESTER, PA. CARLISLE, PA. CONWAY HALL irf3CD Strong Secondary School for boys Fall term opens September 14th. W. A Hutchison. Headmaster. Carlisle. Pa. HAItltlHHUHQ, PA. HARR1SBURG ACADEMY Modern bldgs., large campus. Small classes. Individual Instruction: thoroush college ores, aratlon. Rates. S400-S50Q. Write for catalog. ALLENTOWN. PA. MUSICAL Leefson-Hille gNSMUASgSKTB I W Ad-Oertisements of Other Schools and Colleges Appeared on This Page Yesterday and Will Appear Again Tomorrow M rgv-N-jx vacasi: Catholic Education Do you want reliable and comprehensive information regarding the many convents, academies and colleges of the East? J Our Catholic School Expert has personally visited these institutions of learning. He has studied them at close range and is conversant with their Clans and methods of instruction. The environment peculiar to each school as been given careful attention, In fact every point has been taken up so hat the information is at once personal and complete. Q It is a difficult matter to secure this information from a catalogue and Belect the desired school or college to meet the peculiar requirements of each boy and girl. You are invited to discuss your school problems with the Ledger man who knows. Make an appointment with him by mall or phone at LEDGER CENTRAL at any time convenient to you. Knowing the kind of training needed, general location preferred and expense limit, by a quick process ol; elimination ine laeai scnooi aesirea win soon aevciop and assume a Isnmws name and location. This service is absolutely free. EDUCATIONAL BUREAU Tf- LEDGER CENTRAL Bro) sumI CWm Str The Mercersburg Academy FOR UOYS Mercersburg, Pa. 8end for catalogue to Wm. Mann Irrlae, Ph.D., LL.I).. Headmaster. Box 149. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE With Preparatory Department. Nearest ot all collegea to discipline, physical training and education of West Point. Degrees la Civil Enginserlng, Chemistry and Arts. Ad dress Col. Chas. E. Hyatt, Pres., Box COS. Chester, Pa. Alltntown Prep. School prepare. -;7s for lead ing colleges svunlversltlss. Nsw bldgs.; ail ato Istlcs. Jr. Dept. Frank L. Sit man. A.M.. Frio. Conservatory of Musis ne-epens Sept. 20. 1824 Chestnut St. zpzs r r v.. - fl,