Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 03, 1915, Final, Page 8, Image 8
?r $- m .A K Cuming jjj$ Utftgcr rtmUG LEDGER COMPANY OmVll M, K.CmTlB, Fmemdioit. 0t1M H. loMlnirlon, Vic rrlant , John C Martin, lrruty Mo! Treasurer i Philip H, Vclllni, John D. WHnlMBt, Directors. KORORMt. tlUAtlDt Ctntit l K Ci'iiTH, Chairman T U. WHaLsT, .HiKUtUe Editor C. MARTIN. . Gnral nu.m Manager rHUol il II 7 alTciU0l.uwaa DullJInr, Intkpcndinc Square, PhllaJtlphla. Cnnu t..Ureal and ChMlnut 8tret Cltt lTrM-iNim Ilnlldlnr ., . ..170-A, Metropolitan Tower Will i'or.1 Hu1.IJH( 400 (lloh Democrat llull.llnr .4.x... .. ,,..8 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, 8. W. .... . ...V , (IIIUMV IIUIIUinK NEWS BUREAUS I Wammto Ceiiuo The P6$t rtulldlnr MMT Tmk IlctMO The riiuii llulldlnr Mtu Icc no Kr11rlchttri LoirtoN Hunt;.. 2 Pali Mall r..,t, 8. W. rtmt BCWaC... 32 !tu Louta la Grand .i- subscription terms aCF AalfUr. Dmr OirLT. lf rnta. Ttr mutt. nAntntld MMMf t Phlltdtlphla, except where forelrn poat'te k tfOMi ill. DlJLT OKLT, one month, twentr.ltverenta; Paaf Only, on rear, three dollar. All mall tub- Mrable In adranc. BUS Bubecrfhera vrtahtnr aMr.a rbenred fnuat (r aid at well aa new addreei. jnu, tm ALmrr KETSTOrrE, MAIN 1M0 VT Attrtf all eommuntmtfoiu to JTrenlna h4ttt, fn dependence Sgware, rMlaAtlphla. at tsi rntuDCLrHll roiTorncs it ttoowD CUII Hill Mttm VK AVERAQK NET TA1D DAILT CIRCULA V TION OF THE EVENING LEDGER TOR JULY WAS 9X434. rWHABELTHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMnER 8, 1915. a Xtt Mrmot pluck ottrlch feathers from geese, nor good government from gang politicians. N BERNSTORFF, SUCCESSFUL DIPLOMATIST WHILE congratulations ore paid to Presi dent Wilson and Secretary Lansing on thej seecessful outcome of part of their MSgetratlena with Germany, Ambassador von Xerastortt must not bo forgotten. He has performed the functions of a diplo matist more successfully than any other rep resentative of his country In the last eigh teen months. His business hero has been to Joarn the sentiment of tho nation and to keep hla Government Informed of It. If the aer ates Ambassador In London had been able t comprehend the temper of the British peo tie and could have foreseen that tho Irish discontent would disappear when the nation waa confronted by the prospect of foreign tavaslon or the possibility of a greater Ger Btftn menace In tho North Sea, tho history of tfc Jast year might have been written differ ently, Von Bernstorff has been pressing upon his Government the lmpbrtanco of modifying Its submarine 'policy In conformity with tho de mands of Washington. Ho has evidently kept his Government so well .Informed of the strength of the national support behind Pres ident Wilson that it has concluded It is pru dent to yield to his demands. A less astute diplomatist might have made the mistake that Bryan made, when he assumed that the President was talking simply for political effect at home. He has been a faithful and efficient servant of tho Kaiser, and he has served the cause of American friendship with Germany with equal success. fME:WHOLE DUTY OF GRAND JURIES ljrrjnHE charge to the Grand Jury of Cobb .. county, ueorgia, assembled ''to ferret out any crime alleged to have been committed within your County," Is too subtle, too spe etous, too damnably righteous, to pass with out notice. Judge Patterson, who delivered the charge, )8 evidently a cautious man. "It has been published broadcast over the world that a lynching has recently occurred In Cobb County," he says, with a slight touch of re entment In his tone. Lynchlngs are such a private affair In Cobb County, and getting ne's name into the papers Is so vulgar! "Tour oaths bind you to honestly, fairly 4 impartially make an Investigation of It," continues this pillar of the law, ruthlessly. yerthrowlng the law of grammar as h over throws the first principle of law, which Is tfcat Justice shall be partial to' righteous ness, shall look at, least slightly askance at murder and rapine and theft. 'But It is not your duty to assume the role pi secret service men, the role of detectives," '- the semifinal word to tho Jurors. nltrht. m last! The role of detectives Is for detectives te play. Those detectives must be sent to Cabb County by tho State of Georgia; the are entitled to every courtesy, to every ad, wtileh the county can give them. The mem W o' the Grand Jury, at the same time. areetltled to treatment as honest men and titer must be credited with expressing the fceeat opinion of their neighbors when they repert that Prank must have lynched him eK. i A GENEROUS PEACE PROGRAM WASHINGTON dispatches on the possl Wlity of peace ate bound to be frequenl ta the next few weeks, but they are hardl Mfcely to be. so humorous as the one which Jmm Just been Issued. That one schedules the 0rmfl demands thus: Freedom of the seas, freedom of Poland, recognition of the rights f the Jews. From a nation which has Just acceded to Awerlcan demands for the fundamental free. 4tom of the seas, the first claim Is. Indeed, a eTj Jest. From the nation which, with Its Wr, holds two-thlrds of Poland and has aever mafle the-least efforts to free that part, the second demand is merely Ironical. The third Afand Is simply irrelevant, Peece or those terms' could be declared twnorrow. The great misgiving Is that ne eta knows what Germany means by her own rata, ena no one half believes that she fimrrhe,t she says. A POOR WAY OUT AWllJjfCB LOWELL, president of utawwy, ns summarised, P"m way, the alms of tho ,T league 'to Knforra In eewtieie in the Attamio ha j: jare.fK.as4 eitl four point. The w ". ears ec y! iague alum m$ y-'at the dtaaMtU e . tribunal er . .' warn rasan IftlMHi 11 tmnih, thit tiie iita4orr vara ati oed. Itr and unfrove imatfttUeiial la- rt - ' i u -I r t .-., ).opos4s Is y MiM ut -i ., .i a ; the laaat aavtlaKcterv it Wm-r (.. .... ., j.iii,' o .uUmfr tor iu i 4 u u fiu.i, t!ire fan ha aWiitU u, um. n lioviBi m. Liiexi.M at EVENING EEDGER-PHILADEpPHTX FRIDAY, SETEMBET 3, T015: carrying out the arbitrators' dcclnlons. In full Hum the proposal Would yield only nit extended warning- Germany, under this plan, would hav been compelled to submit Its grievances to a tribunal. At onco Franco would ha begun to arm. Ocrmnny at the same time" would have expended Its last atom of effi ciency on prcpnrntlon. England cbuld not have entered the war without a counter-bill of complaint. The League to Enforce. Ponce would suddenly have found Itself n League to Enlarge Armaments. There Is no high Jmtlco In our present method of declaring war. Hut to give warn ing, to Insure the highest degree of fright fulness, Is not going to mend matters very much. PHILADELPHIA, AND NOT THE GANG, IS ON TRIAL L THE pre-prlmary farco comedy has been ployed to tho last act and the curtain has gone down on a moving tableau called "Harmony," with Davo Lane ns tho god dess of peace placing ollvo wreaths on the brows of McNIchol and the Vnres, while Smith, as a "neutral" cherub, smiles duti fully at It all. The Varra pretended that they wcro going to fight, but cither their ncrvo failed them or they wero bought off by an agreement un der which they aro to be allowed to continue to get their sharo pf tho spoils of the system of contractor bosstsm. In either event tho Organization has suc ceeded In perfecting Its plans for continuing the Invisible government that Elihu Itoot de nounced' In Albany last Monday. Smith Is but a dummy for tho machine. Ho Is the kind of a "neutral" pleasing to tho men who pull the strings. He will glvo the bosses no trouble. And the Republican voters, suppose! to be free to select their candidates at the primary elections without the Intervention of any bosses, are graciously to bo allowed to ratify tho acts-of the conspirators who played tho farce In tho City Committee headquarters yesterday afternoon. The Invlslblo government has acted. It Is now up to tho people who have the power, if they choose to exercise It, to say whether they like this sort of thing or not. Paul stood by on a famous occasion, hold ing the garments of the executioners whllo they stoned a righteous man, and consented to his death. Honest and representative gov ernment cannot be stoned to death or chloro formed or sandbagged without the consent of the people. Tho criminal conspiracy, mas querading to this day under the nnme of Re publicanism, cannot sifeceed without tho complacent acquiescence of the taxpayers In the process of looting for which the Gang Is now making preparation. And the Gang, which knows no more about Republican principles than about the theo ries of esoteric Buddhism, is planning to call upon the voters to consent to their own loot ing In order that It may .be proved to the nation that this is a Republican city. Philadelphia and not the Gang Is on trial. LEAGUE ISLAND'S PROSPECTS THE Government is slowly beginning to understand the value of League Island and its vicinity as a naval base. The ex perts In the Navy Department have long understood It, but they have to work with a succession of lay Secretaries of the Navy, who no sooner begin to know something about their Job than they are nuccceded by another layman who has to begin at the bottom. The enlargement of the capacity of the powder and shell magazines at Fort Mifflin, for which contracts have been let, is part of the program for making greater use of the navnl station here. When the plans of the strategists are finally approved by Congress. League Island will be trans formed Into the greatest naval base on the Atlantic coast. DANCING AND DECENCY IT WILL not do for Philadelphia to b blown with pride at Sergeant Fenn's re port n dancing at the Municipal Band con certs. Of 6760 couples, only 24 stood In need of reprimand. Bo It seems that 672S couples, or something perceptibly more than the nor mal 99.64 per cent, mark, danced much and danced decently under tho auspices of the city. The city may be glad at this, but It should not be proud, because decency Is a thing that Is always to be assumed when the great body of citizens Is In consideration. The open dancing on the city's squares is a bright tonlo answer to the seduction of the dancH hall and the cabaret. Its attraction should somehow be continued Into the winter. Henry George it dead, but the single tax movement seems to be alive. Director Porter has a cold In his head. No one has yet charged him with having cold feet. ' The Prince of Wales has sworn neer to take a German bride. "Nobody asked you, sir," she said. Mr. Wilson Is convinced that the Ken tucky Democrats know a good President when they see one. Now that Dr. J. William While is back from England the' anti-German agitation will be resumed. On those erms most anybody would ac cept peace, When 20? civilians will go into camp with tho State Fencjble for three days to learn something of military affairs., public in terest Jn national defense Is pretty healthy thank you. " .The aeriaaa governor of Warsaw has threatened with Imprisonment all natives who refuse to el wiy, Germans. I, it po.. stble that Pojand la not like Belgium.' a "happy German land?" The court hotee that the previse of a .'-. r. ff!f 0ln' but no -Uh the. fcSS; 2L?TJimrn1 eBWt. Those toveras. N THE IMPORTANCE OF MR. JONES It's a Great Wnr, But It Hns Nothing on tho Insurgency of Mrs. Jones, Who Provides the World With Gumption By R. K. LITTLE D. O YOU know who really developed tho utomobile? 'Twns Mm. Jones. Not Henry Ford. Not Chalmers, nor Willys, jior any of them really dovoloped tho nutomo bile It was Mrs. Jones. AH that those other fellows do Is to mnke automobiles. Mrs. Jones buyH them! Not Mr. Jones. Mnko no inlNlako nbout that. It's Mrs. Jones who buys tho automobile. And do you know why she buys lt7 Rome times It's because sho rcnlly wnnts mio. Oftenest Mrs. Jones wants nn automobile becnuse Mrs. Smith, next door, hns got om;. But Just consider how much more Mrs. Jones hns done than to buy nn automobile. Jones himself Isn't altogether a splnelcsi person. When Informed that he Is going to buy nn automobile, Jones Is npt to kick. He Is sure to say ho can't afford It. Ho always docs say that. And what he says Is dendly true. But does that affect Mrs. Jones ono partlclo7 It does not. What If Jones can't afford an auto? What If there's no wny to save up for one? What does a little thing like that matter? There's n perfectly simple way for tho Joneses to have an nuto. It's for Jone- to make moro money. The Woman With "The Punch" So Jones takes on n little night work. Or he works a little harder with his sales In the daytime and doubles liH commissions. If Jones himself can't think of ways and means of making that extrn money, Mrs. Jones will think of them for him. If left to himself, Jones would never on earth have an nuto Ho wouldn't have tho gumption to get one. It's Mrs. Jones who generously provides him with tho gumption. Economists .say that tho auto Is a dead Iosb to Its owner. It earns no money and It eats up n lot. But only the brainless econ omist says that. Every minute of Its ex istence the auto Is paying a tremendous re turn to Its owner. It's an Invisible return, but It's Immense. It's taking Jones out Into tho air. It's giving him health and pleasure. It's widening his horizon. It's taking' him to seo distant friends that he would not see but for Its help. Above all, It's obliging Jones to mako more money. It makes him add a lot to the wealth of the country. And who's doing all this? Mrs. Jones. She's got the punch. Who Is responsible for tho enormous devel opment of tho summer outing among us, with travel abroad or at home, or ncrhaDs a month at the shore or In the mountnlns? Mrs. Jones. Again Jones would never have the gumption to provide himself and his fam- uy witn an outing but for Mrs. Jones. She sees to that. Vou may make up your mind that when Mrs. Smith goes to the mountnlns for four weeks Mrs. Jones Is going to the shoro for five. Let Jones growl ns he pleases about tho expense, about tho time It will take him from his business. Let him prove as ho will that he can't afford It. Mrs. Jones knows better. She's going to the shore, and she's going to tnke Jones with her. Onco again the result is that, by hook or by crook, Jones makes tho money. He also takes the vacation which immediately benefits him precisely as Mrs, Jones foresaw. That month by the shore fills Jones with new pep. He comes home a bigger man with new Ideas In his head. He's met other men and broad ened himself by the contact. Those four weeks at the shoro have made him a bigger Jones. And ho not merely pays for those four weeks Just past, but he makes enough money for six weeks next year, or perhaps a visit abroad, But who made that man Jones make more money? Who lifted him out of his rut and got him In the way of bigger business Ideas? The answer Is Mrs. Jones. Who keeps religion alive today? Mrs. Jones. Who reads all the books and keeps litera ture alive? Mrs. Jones. Who sees to It that on election day Jones has his breakfast a little early, and so gets to the polls beforo going to work and votes against child labor? Generally It's Mrs. Jones. A World Mover Is Mrs. Jones Mrs. Jones is aching for the ballot herself Just now. On every count she should have It. Chiefly she should have It because giving her tho ballot Is an extension of democracy. All the other arguments fade away besldo that one. Doubling tho number of voters doubles the chance of getting a little more brains Into an election. It doesn't matter a bit If Mrs. Jones Is a shade disappointed with the ballot when she gets It. The bal lot Isn't a magic wand that you have only to wave In an Impressive manner to make the world perfect. The chances are that Mrs. Jones Is going to be vastly disappointed with the ballot as a means of purifying the world. But what of It? The Important part Is not that Mrs. Jones shall get the ballot. The truly Important thing Is that she shall want It. By wanting the ballot Mrs. Jon.s shows that she Is dis tinctly up and coming. We've got the Idea that this world war Is the outstanding phe nomenon of the time. It's nothing of the sort. The outstanding phenomenon of the time Is this enormous Insurgence of Mrs Jones. It's a truly great war. But it has nothing on Mrs. Jones. She's going to go on long after this poor war is finished You'd better not scoff at "the cause"; bet ter not laugh at this woman's movement. You're only laughing at yourself If you do You may be irritated at Mrs. Jones for her everlasting butting in. You ought td be proud of her Instead. Don't forget that Mrs. Jones is the other half of the race. And Isn't It a good thing, on the whole, that Mrs. Jones has waked up? Don't you see what she's doing? She's doubling the volume of ..wP, wmi muvea me world. She's stlmu. latlng and quickening Jlfe. She wants things to get a move on. She wants Jones to get a move qn. She'e making him a better voter a better money-maker. She's giving hint laws that he never had, autbs that he never had. pleasures and health that he would have been too lazy to go out and grabl You've got to hand Jt to Mrs. Jones. THE BULL MOOSE TRIO Georgle and Victor and Teddy. Victor and George and T,a-all that Is left of the haplJe, Bull Moose. Its stomach. Its tell and Its hVxl San Antonio Express, ru. THE "PLEA OF1 NECESSITY" -J,.!!!8 Mx bandits were really Un e ? tif.0"'? pl'a1 "iweeaelty as n excuai for tr lHalon -of TW Having- ratenH "SAY, DAVE)" LET'S HEAR THAT 'BLOOD OF THE ' '' ". ' WSA! SPEAKING THE PUBLIC MIND Views of Readers on the Municipal Campaign, Civic Conditions in Philadelphia, Workmen's Compensation, the European War in America and Other Topics of Timely Interest To the Eititor of the Evening Ledger: Sir It Is well worth bearing In mind that the critical porlnd In the history of the Pennsyl vania compensation net Is Just beginning. Much depends on the cnpaclty for administration shown by the members of the board. If tho bOiird does not prove Itself' equal to Its great tnsk It would have been much better to have stuck to the plan of a court administration. But thero Is as yet nothing to worry about. There Is every promise that the board will perform Its duties with ability nnd tact. The employers have ceased to war on the net. All-around co operation Is In prospect. The public, too, has a duty to perform, nnd that Is to watch the prog ress of compensation In Pennsylvania In the next yenr without hastily Jumping to conclu sions on every kick of tho chronic grumblers. The jrrnoral spirit should be one of helpfulness. A majority of the States have adopted compen sation nets. Not one has yet chanced its mind. Pennsylvania, It Is snfo to say, will not be the first to turn ltr face backward. S. H. Philadelphia, September 2. CITIZENS AND NATIONALITIES To the Kitltor of the Evening Ledger: Sir After reading In tho columns of the Jew ish papers what kind of horrors and riots the Jewish people of downtown are experiencing of late, ' I think It Is an injustice to tho Jewish ns well as all the. downtown citizens Jo have a lot of Ignorant boys (like wo have downtown, which 1 am very sorry to say) take things In their own hands, without even In serting an article In the English papers to let them feel ashamed of themselves and see their wrong doings. I nlso am of the strong belief that It Is your duty as a newspaper to publish this news as well as any other news which Is of public Interest. I also want to state that Unless occurrences of this kind are published In the English papers as well aR the Jewish papers, and have all the true citizens of this city express their opinion about it. whether It Is right or wrong because it Is a Jew. South Philadelphia will be losing somo of her beet citizens, many of whom have already moved, and others who are about to do the same, because no person with com mon sense wants to live among people whom you can't civilize and who insist on doing tho wrong thing without being punished. I close my letter by asking you once more to please give this letter a little consideration by Inserting It in your paper, because It Is of mucn interest to all citizens not alone the Jew Ish citizens, because after all nil riiWonu or, Mi . ....v.i. nu, uuus hid ucw- i f&e' dike regardless of what nationality they may be- , M , WILLIAM CEASAlt. Philadelphia, September 2. INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Many thanks for your vigorous editorials on the mayoralty campaign. I congratulate you on making the use you did of Senator Root's recent speech on the Invisible govern mentone of the greatest speeches in tho po litical history of a generation by the most com manding figure in American public life today. FRED W. FOSTER. Philadelphia, September 2. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICANS To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir I read with considerable Interest the letter from "Scandinavian" on divers matters per taining to the European war. Of course, like all supporters of Germany, he does not advance any arguments, simply makes assertions, and these as Insulting as permissible In print. If "Scandinavian's" letter Is to be taken as a sample of the reasoning or lack of It of, as he says, the most enlightened, purest-blooded stock In the world. It would Indeed be a pity. In Scandinavia I know that people of his type are a very small minority, although by persistent howling In the newspapers and otherwise they try to give people the Impression that they are a majority. In Germany no doubt the majority thinks tike "Scandinavian"; in fact, every sen tence In his letter Is "made In Germany." The same nttltude of superiority toward the rest of the world has Jong been one of the character, lstlcs of official Germany, iur. Why the editor, as .proposed by "Scandina vian," should pick out a "tiny child In the street" of th.e same dimensions as the supposed English,, minimum requirements for the army which "Scandinavian" calls the standard or why the editor should stand up In moving 'pic ture shows and lecture on his views on the war seems a puzzle, but I suppose from his language that to "Scandinavian's" mind It would be a brave thing to do. Other people would call it foolish. i A v.ScaI!dlnavlf 1:" t0 ludce tt0" ' Utter, h. a big. husky fellow and a great fighter, he ought to go over to Germany and have a good time beating back the small English soldiers, . "E"rCAN'" no"N IN SWEDEN. Philadelphia, September 2. HOUSES A TALE OF CITIES To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Slr-I note he short editorial "Two Cities" In the Evening Lepoer which concludoa with-. "Hut there are more two-storied homw hT New Yo?k!" tha" the" Br ,0b'ter P010' ' Row after row, block after block, every house Ike every other house, not a ehadow of a new Idea of arrangement, while the architects lcAn on, robbing us of God's sunshine? glvlne r " ' more of h.r same oM fype Knounh to drive ono to madness by the vv sameness. It might be a blessing to hear wra of your architects take In sgtne of the lobzt.r pe.lace-t might shake them out of their letharglo condition. They tnleht Wok around King, and Queens Counties o7 ren the H.ronr .V 8ee ome of o two-family TouMa there, then go further-to ponservatlve N?i JSngland-.ee what the Doston suburb h.v to u tii . or ,h. "':" ?!" ' lX arjA'srjvSSaS I or bettor still go down to Salem Itself and seo I the process of regeneration that this "back ' number" witch city is going through, supply ing Ideal homes for people In moderate clr I cumstances. Hist! a great fire Is not without j Us blessings. Don't prattle too much nbout the .rentness of your city until you have cleaned 1 out tho rookeries nnd abolished the alleyways In the heart of your city. Shame on Philadel phia and Phlladelphlans for tolerating these i archaic conditions. There Is something econom i Ically wrong with your real estate problems here. Moro "To Let" signs on houses than any I rity I have ever passed through, and I have I pasted through a lot. Tho Evn.vi.vo Ledger, more than any other paper, has shown a. disposition "to see the llRht.' Practice humility for awhile and study how your neighboring cities are handling this vital problem. Bring all the force you com mand to work for the betterment of these con ditions nnd when yojr efforts show actual re sults tho multitudes will rise up and call you "bleysod." HUMILITY. Philadelphia, August 30. VOTE FOR BETTER CITY To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Among nil this wrangle between the dif ferent parties and their candidates for Mayor of one of tho largest and most Influential cities 'n the Union one which by Its early history In the forming of this wonderful Republic of tho United States of America should stand forth as a shining light of patriotic government of the people, for the people and by tho peo ple: among all this wrangle of greed and lust for oUlce and Its spoils, not one word has been sald-by cither side of what the candidate would do for tho peoplo who are expected to put him In this coveted office, People of Philadelphia! We have a right to demnnd from our candidate certain things. Let the majority decide what. Shall we be dumb-driven cattle, or shall we demand our rights? And what are these rights which ou. platform shall be based upon? First, work for every unemployed man in Philadelphia. How? By demanding a great underground sewer for all the offal emptied Into the Schuylkill and Delcware Rivers, transforming these foul and smelling streams, a constant menace to the health of us and our fellow citizens Into God glvcn rivers, where children and grown people alike -an bathe and boat and swim. Improve me uaniis oi tnese rivers so tho children of the, congested district can Bhaveg?een "Snks ine nanus or these rivers so tho children of tO lie On, and Cet soma froah nil- riurlnr- tha heated summer season. That Is what God In tended these streams for not for sewers! By repairing and keeping the streets re paired during the whole year. Every one who drives any sort of vehicle knows what a dread ful condition our streets are In. By rebuilding tho foul tenements on modern sanitary lines, with a centre park playground and bathing space for each blook of houses; cutting out some of the side streets; having ar bltrnry housing laws by which the poor shall have cheap rent and be kept from overcrowd ing to fill the pockets of greedy overlords. This, with the proposed subway Improvement, ought to give every able-bodied man In Phila delphia employment for at least four years and then we can begin on parks and civic Im provements until we have a City Beautiful and a people happy and well fed and clothed. ni.ii , , ... SARAH HOPE. Philadelphia, August 31. LEO FRANK'S TRIAL To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir-What does Mr. Douglas Mclntyre mean when he writes of Leo Frank's "trial or rather trials?" Frank had exactly one trial. The Supreme Court of Georgia was appealed to for a second trial, but according to Georgia law, this court Is forbidden to grant new trials, except on Questions of legal error. It la not allowed to review the evidence with regard to wlti. nE?C?nSe- ..Frank, appeal wa. denied but the Chief Justice of the Court and one jo), dissented from the majority opln- n,1hcno ",e CRI"L Cllme un befor the United States Supreme Court the decision of the ma jority was (Justice Hughes and Justice Holmes dissenting) that this case Involved no Federal question, and, therefore, the decision of the Geoigla Supreme Court In refusing to grant a '-' .... iiuv uv overruiea. ,. . .. FLORENCE FI8BELL Ventnor, N. J., August 30. '"i-. CITIES AS SPENDERS Indebtedenss of Municipalities Is $67 31 Per CapitaTime to Consider Economy. wReronrwhft- aJESSTB tax collector? how js each of your dollar, divided l!ft.!litl" Vttri0U" bulnt"e which you hat2 duct for you?0"' coroml",on " Condl to con It 1. not a small matter, this city busln. Turlng the year lll m cities with f"' tlon of more'than 30.000, "eXVluiA' VTti&T1 Hem' f th "n"iur'e70w,8r. 'aU'::::""- wmm Fire DeDartmanii ..." T,0W,090 Recreation 000.080 Water Supply Interest " w 18,000,000 ....,.,.,.... ,. 28,000,00 ,',, loi.oeo.oao Sinking- Fund ... .,.,,...,.. , ftt.fioooto nonas jeiireq f ., tft.ttsaea Var tha 1M -itu ....-. . the 10-y.ar period tipSTSm to Ml t Inn ? Hf0r this decade it wae f ounTS.V .l"1' " lina; , io.v..; IJ-V ."""" "Y n kept for sS ffiSSS " V l .. .J. At i-aCA sr Highway? SWOO.OOO CharUle. .! ' UX0 ! ,,..1(1. MARTYRS' STUFP1 AGAIN!'' assets of all cities over 30,000 wns 4.1 billions. Against this should bo placed a gross debt of 2 6 billions. A considerable proportion of this debt, however, was offscf by sinking funds so that tho total net debt was only 1.9 billions, or n per cnplta net debt of $6GSl, From the fact that municipal bonds to the amount of, 454 mil lions wcro retired In ISH we might be led to think that the cities wero ranldlv navlnir off their debts; but on tho contrary, during this year tho not dent of tho cities In this group Incioaseil about 148 millions. Of tho total In debtedness of 2.6 billions, moro than 450 million was Incurred In providing wnter supply sys tems for tho cities, nnd upon this Indebtedness n reasonable return can bo expected. The other items for which tho largest debt was Incurred wero: Highways $3S5,0OO,00d School buildings 270,000,000 ' Sewers 168,000,000 Most of the cities are Increasing tho valua tion of their permanent property and public Improvements faster than their debts, but when ' we consider that the Indebtedness of the United States Is only $10.83 per capita, while that ot 146 of our largest cities Is $67.31, it is time to consider municipal economy. Prof. William B. Bailey, of Yule University, In tho Independent THE NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW What tho social welfare movement needs to day Is less talk and more action. Grand Rapids Press. The Root address Is one of the great political luimmariis or tne generation. Washington Auuea. American dovelonment him hithortn j.n largely dependent on foreign capital. Tho war J win inane mar. source ror a long tlmo unavail able. So that America will have use and oven i exireme, vital need for the bulk of its own cap!- mi iur us own purposes. Detroit Free Press. .A TASTY DISH "Dearly beloved Haimony," said Brother; Will iam Vare, "Thou nrt my one and only goal oh, fairest of ' tne tair. For Jim and Boles I do not care, Nor for the Mayor's lordly chair. jsror who shall sit within it, love, so Ions aa ; mou nrt mere. "Dearly beloved Harmony," said Jim and Dav. and Boles, Tho whllo they shook with sudden mirth and multitudes of Joys; "We're glad to see you mnko a noise, J Your lateness quite upset our poise: Oh, lsn t this a tasty dish to set before the I "ys- W. A. McG, AMUSEMENTS FORREST KJS Mats. 2:15 Tomorrow E vg. TahfetreV E vgs. 8 :15j D. W. GRIFFITH'S THE BIRTH OF A NATION 18,000 People 8000 Horses World's Mightiest Spectacle SEATS KOY BELUNO WAT.MTTT tueatue AHEOuEan 2 BHOW hNVT U" TODA,Y1,AE2VaB-B00- ES2S.7Bc. T r t4 t m ,-, TONIGHT AT 8:15 ROBERT EDESON (HIMBE1.F) V 1 SUPPORTED BY THE WALNUT PIM.YERS In "KJNE FEATHEItB" NEXT WEEK EMMA DUNN Jn-UOVEJINOIVS LADT" B. F. KEITH'S THEATEE CJIE8TNUT & TWELFTH STREETS a mil Victor MorW Xr. r.n Everybody I;iS,AglT?"(SgS! RavinjtAboutU mitcjiellT loyal-s Quoas; . i wgg;A-riiKH People's J.W,,S3ZS? Tomorrow Evg. Mitlners Mon.. Tn.. m...... ..,.. The Winning of Barbara Worth THE MAUKET ST. ABOVE 16TH btanleV . John Barrymore rJUMdiiUj In 'Th. JncorrUlbl. Duksn." Symphony OrchMtra and fiolol.t.. """" PALACE 12U MA1UU5T STREET , i , lu ;io ' . THE SECRET ORCHARD' Bl.Pch Bwet. Ctrlyl.BUekw.il ft Tlwodor. RotMt (TTi O "R "TC """ nd JUNIPER STU, loo i5o 44" J "Rrnadwav Roviio" Jos. k. watboH'I ---. j -.-, y.w a Othir Aeu rinvninlr FINAli Twice Dall 3,15 and Sit.' IjarrlCKwEEK Mat.. 25a,85c. Child".., J HOWE'S rT WMTIVAiT MAN i.i.J Y XJ U CaUfornls Expositions lOTHKHf NIXON'S GRAND Today BilB. 79 Bmn A And.rkoni Etn!y a jOlbbop. i 01bbo, LYRIC ;'" MONDAY EVG. srH&ass !fr tgaiigg&sg esse s Bfoau0 1 BROTHER"! ADELPHI: Sat. Night MASONS j THEATRE DUMONT'C! DUMONTS MJN-TBM-I bu7uao.,.. v,ir.. " A"0 ARCH IW MurUqut "MQNKY SIMPLE HAND" National SIS8 ,2Sftar! u'd 'o Trocadero '55 Ora-EntaJ