1 "- VVW5 EVENING LEDTa&R-rHILADltfLPHIA, fiHkTDAY. SEPTEMBER a, 1015. . 7 -i i f "V rs ID III O.I n. ni 'jtgGBTRATlONINVARE WARDSSHRINKSWHEN ' "BILL" QUITSTHE RACE .100 Less Men Than Last Year JLW - w 1 .- I.lnt- L'tl Gototho roiisonriiBi-.Lii.- iiicT Day in the congress man's Own wara i . Wproof of indignation fKot Nearly 123,000 Voters Qualified., on Abnormany ws " for First Day Unofficial police return from all ex. ot a "" dlvlsl0M ln lh clly i!: ..ierday's registration show that ... v .i..inr Hvnllcd thcmsclvca of the flrat opportunity trf qualify for the November election. The reslitratlon waa nbnormalty heavy every ward In the city and In only five ward wae It lowr than on the first day Uit year. Of theso five, three were Vare wards. This fact, together with the unusually vioil nonoaitlsan enrolment, came, ns ron?rtt Proof f the Indignation In the rnk. of the Republican OrKnnlratlon ip the action of Consrcssman Vnro Jlit.rday The registration In Congress. r .! v,-i own ward was 100 lower than 5"flr.t dyT.t year. When the with iKl of the Congressman became known, many Organisation men refused B bo to the polls to register and others, taUnc the view that they could best ivense themselves by cutting tho ticket, (welted the nonpartisan enrolment to nearly 11. 000. The total Republican enrollment was hove 9t.00. the Democratic enrolment above WOO, the Washington party close t SON and the Keystone about MO. Lnst j-earthe total registration for tho first iy was S.1S5. rtECIlSTRATION BY WARDS. The registration and enrolment by wards follows, (ln this tablo 4 divisions : In the 23th Ward and 19 divisions In the Kd.Ward are missing.-) V. 3 WAP.D. it . SS . U . 4th sir Mb Tlh fin. th 1(th Hlh i:tii . isth .. 10SI .. 1MO ,. Hon .. IMS ,. 1405 ,. 188 .. lins ,.. 302 .. 1080 .. 781 .. 7ns 16ft l SI 112 4( tsn 73 01 48 SS i 73 St 41 '-8 S'i 7 rj 10 St 20 7 n 20 til 74 13 31 3 43 1H 42 2CS St 02 322 371 203 20! 037 3110 41(1 1R2 121 13G Ml) 114 S3 245 478 S27 522 124 ir,t 2!H) cur. 08 44(1 71 477 027 230 17'l 701 2.11 117 2184 2CR1 2031 173H 13S7 IRi'7 1414 137U 13K.I 1370 400 238 2S8S 2210 1408 1012 .".8-1 301 1820 148 Hl:l 7 '.'I on ooi 2U43 1734 1!I20 1017 2777 2121 1(111 1173 S32 7K1 25 IX 1K.il M 10 24 17 20 U .IS ! 21 1.1 24 1 10 ' JU! 171H OJ r,t IMh 1777 336 373 lfth 44 2J litn .. 1'lh . l'Jtti .. 2Mh ., tOl 142 ion vs.1 , ansa 141 3751) 200 , 2017 24V , 5074 MS 17 25 141 68 210 7f,8 14V.) 141(1 42 IS I.W) 27411 1R33 3018 37'JO 2481 K.87 4101 2812 3138 .T!U :!42 3318 1768 1331 35HH 2711 1277 2132 2310 2087 24M lOSfl 27411 lrsn 3811 27U3 3037 2'W2 004 847 .1212 .1237 2232 I74 4182 .1031) 421K 37H3 31112 2770 11(0 1122 32(18 1 7H! 300.1 2(i7 4330 2071 limn 1310 1782 2(148 2V.8 1H1I1 1921 170J rsi ... , ni ... 3!UI . IT.th . i I'ith . , th , , !MI . :i 5h . .vnh . Silt.. Xi .. 33d ., win., K:.th . suth . 37th . .IMh . 30th . . 124 ik: 1112 .. 2S01 MX) aiu . 2.VS4 .11)1 10.1 0CO7 1K1 UK) . 1IU lit 12S .. 2174 477 312 . KM ."S 411 .. 1M! 2S3 277 4 11 .. 1SB0 201 150 12 ,. 1750 237 233 0 ,. 2872 2C0 114 . SICO 110 704 .. IM.I (Ji 45 M78 21 141 , 1001 2i7 I'll . 2!Trt 4N) 3.1S ,, :iflS0 177 5-1 ., S31R CT0 2U4 ,. 'Xfi hO 8 . 2224 2(10 331 ,. 21.21 SIT 4'2 . S318 402 37T .. UR4 12(1 IDS soil :io r.2t . 171)0 IKt 114 . 13R 12 112 8 12 .1 1 3 8 1 3 10 13 .1 7 1 0 Mth . tilt . KA .. 4-14 .. 41th . 4"lu . 4Wh . 47th , tt!i . O'd totlj.843S ICKIO 7iK 237 1073S 122102 08IS5 HORACE PETTIT ESTATE AT $645,476.49 Account of Holdings of Former Attorney Filed With Or " phans Court "Atl account nhnwlnir tR4!t.47R.4n ns tlln tt vu of the estatn of tho lata Horace 1 PAldf t- ...!-,.. ... .. - "-, .v..h iviuicr wiuniy nnuwu iiiiurney, " this' city, was filed with tho Orphans' .Court or audit today by the Glrard Trust ( Company and George It. Van Dusen, ex ecutory. '- The account shows n, balance of $086. r s'' which Is to be divided among the heirs. ) .iA0"5 "" Investments which comprise tue etate arn IWInlmnlnu I'i.lllnrlpa ( Company. a,600; Public Servloo Corpora-1 ..-.. u ow jersey, 3,wju; ucorgla llall- , , nd Kltctrlc Company. 1.03: l- L dhujapolli Water Worltn, $10,S0O; Indian- j; apolla Traction Company, t:s,60u; w shares Victor Talking Machlno Com- ' Wa appraised at $130,000; H83 uhnrea U, o. i. Company, 6,0: 283 tilmrcs United Si ,l Corporation, 27,?15r and 0JflfeB Kansa city Kouthorn Itallwuy VCompany, 3oo. ' 'chF Y1"?, ,robtl Include those of t.iA Con2f?rM' wno dled recently 3ilaiSnfton' N' J" 'vir "" otata M.W, Henry J, rtutherford. 9M North Mraet, KS29, ftnd Henry Kramer, sSlf " Norrli treet, 12100. JtaSlhY: K.!lS,e..,,wr- W,8M.Ws Charl9 'MB ni '"""S- William Moore, $10,. W.4T. nw. m uiiiaDem l'. numnhnvi. -.!'-. -, ht Men "Off" Liquor 20 Yearn rty 1S!L! CUbrlty lnan ""hW PoUEh 11' Ltt,moU8 ot P'd-tJrrnj Phlladel- wlULS l. "i,eht Bt "' second annual iWLr,,B.,it Rt tha I'nklln Jlome for 2JF u !J,0n ' Inebriates. 9JB locust 7bri;Do!iBht,riy t"tined to 27 years orieiy. One hundr nii iw.niv WJ dnot tatted liquor for 20 years. MT OF PHILADELPHIA VeweU Arriving Today fdft8c5.',,)' N,tvu' lw or. I'i tSr.).' Baltimore, UlUnt, Amer- WiMi to Arrive VHKIOIIT. 5tnIortCcutt'a .. . ..,Iquliu " Hutlvn . '"Newport .. " ' .,. ,Ucr. , .. nucita, ...Miltlila '.. . ' r(t:n ..... .Karvlk ,. . ,i oinnABto U1VM TfbaiMii-f Ballad. ..July 10 . .July 21 July Ti . ..July V .July St ..Aug. 10 Sfc :SH r iiuiii.aa "lHWftyt!t ,llalb4fm :iT. LAZAR RE By MARY HARTWECl CATHERWOOD CHAPTEIl X-(Contlnucd). TJt;T aro oftafe In Franco since the XJ Marquis du Plessy'a death?" "I am safe tonight, at least.'' "Yes, far safer than you would be in raris." "And Skencdonk Is my miard." 'I have sent a mesgenser to Plesy for him," Madamo de Fcrrler said. "Ho will bo hero In the mornlnB." l thanked her for remembering him in the excitement of her homo comlntc. beard a far aweet call through a cleft of tho hills, and Kacle turned her head. "That must bo the shepherd of I.es Itoehrrs Ho has missed n lamb. Lo rtochers Is the most distant of our farms, but lis nlsht noises can be heard through an oponlng In tho forest Paul will soon be Interring for all these sounds! We must drive to I.es Itochera tomorrow, It was there that Cousin Philippe died." 1 could not any how opportunely Oounln Philippe had died. The violation or her childhood bv such a marrlagn rose up that instant a wordless tragedy "Slro, wo are not observing etiquette ln Mont-Louts as they observo It at Mlt- tau. I have-been talking very familiarly to my king. I will keep silent. Tou speak." "Madame, you have forbidden me to spoald" Slio guvc irae a startled look, nnd said: "Did you know Jerome Bonaparte has como back? He loft his wife ln America. She cannot be received In Frnnce, be cause 'she has committed the crime of marrying a prince. Sho Is to bo divorced for political reasons." "Jerome Bonapnrto Ib a houmll" 1 spoko hotly. "And his wife a venturesome woman to marry oven a temporary prince." "I like her sort, madamo!" "Do you, sire?" "Yes, I like a woman who can love!" "And ruin?" "How could you ruin me?" "Tho Salnt-Michels brought me up," said Eagle. "They taught me what Is lawful and unlawful. I will never do an unlawful thing, to tho disgrace and rhamo of my house, A woman should build her house, not tear It down." "What is unlawful?" "It Is unlawful for mo to encournge the suit of my sovereign." , "Am I ever likely to be anything but what they call In Mlttau a pretender, EkIo?" "That wo do not know. You shall keep yourself free from entanglements." "I am free from them Qod knows I am frco enough! tho loncsomest, moot unfriended savage that ever set out to conquer his own." "You were born to greatness. Great things will como to you." "If you loved mo, I could make them come!" "Sire. It isn't healthy to sit In the night air. Wo must go out of the dew." "Oh, who would be healthy! Come to that, who would be such a royal beggar as i ami "Ilcmember." she said gravely, "that your claim was in a manner recognized by one of the most cautious,' one of the least ardent "oyallsta. In France." Tho recognition she knew nothing about came to my lips, and I told her the whole story of thp Jewels. The snuffbox was In my pocket. Sophie Saint-Michel had often described It to her. She sat and looked ut me, contemplat ing tho stupendous loss. "The marquis advised me not to take thorn Into Itussla," I acknowledged. "There Is no robbery so terrible as tha robbery committed by those who think they aro dolny right." "t am one of tho losing Bourbons." "Can anythinc be hidden In that closet In the queen's dreeing room wall?" mused Eagle. "I believe I could find It ln the dark, Sophie told me so often where the sccrot spring may bo touched. When tho De Chaumonta took me to the Tullerlos I wanted to search for It. But all the state apartments are now on tho second floor, and Madame Bonaparte has her own rooms below, Evidently ahe knows nothing of tho secrets of the place. The queen kept her moat beautiful robes in that closet. It has no visible door. The wall opens. And wo havo heard that a door wus made through tho back of it to let upon u spiral staircase of stone, and through this tho royal family made their eecapo to Varcnties, when they were arrested and brought back," Wo foil Into tsllence at mention of tho unsuccessful llight which could have charged history; nnd she rose and said "Good night, (.Ire." Next mornlns there was such a deli cious woild to live In that breathing was a pleasure. 1 walked under the green canopy watch Ins tho sun mount and walling for Ma dame de Fcrrler. When she did appear, the old man who had served her father followed with a tray. I could only say "Uood morning, madamc," not daring to add "I have acarccly slept for thinking of you." , "Wc will have our coffee out here," sho told me. It was placed on tho broad stone seat tinder the arch of the pavilion where we sat the night beforej bread, unsalted but tor from the farms, the coffee, the creom, ,i,r innr tnrar. lliidamo de Fcrrler her self opened a door In the end of the wall nnd plunged into ma aow at me gprucu. Her old servant exclaimed. Bhe caught her hair In briers and laughed, tucking It up from falling and brought off two great roses, each the head and tho strength of a stem, to lay beside our plrites. Tho breath of rotes to this hour sends through my volna the Joy of that. "This Is the flrat day of September, slfc " la It? I thought H was the first day of creation." "I mention the date that you may not forget It. Because I am going to give you something' today," My heart leaped like a conqueror a. Then her faco went grave, like a child a when It Is surprised In wickedness, "But our fathers and mothers would huvo us forget their suffering In the festival of coming, home, wouldn t they, JLazarree?" "Hurely.JSaslo." "Then why are yoq looking at me witn reproach?" "I'm not." i..i..n, n Ann't llkn mv dreta?" I told her It was the flrat time I had ever noticed anything she wore, and I liked It. "I used to 'wear my mother's clothes. Erneitlne and I mado them over. But this Is new; forho now day, and the lew life here." .... ... ..... 'And the day." I reminded her, "Is the 1: of September," Hha laughed and opened her J,J''", showing mo two squat keys so small that both had lain concealed under two of her finger tips. r Am Mine to live you a key, sire, -"Will it unlock a woman's mind? "U will open a padlocked book, wst nliiht I found a little blank-leaved book, with wooden covers, It was fastened by a padlock, and these keyu were tied to It You may have, one key I will keep "The key to n padlocked book with nothing In it." Her eyes tuntullzed me. "I am going to put something In It. Sophie Saint-Michel said I had tjlft for putting down my thoughts, if tne gift appeared to flophle when I was a, child It must grow In m by use. Every day I shall put some of my life Into the book. And whn I dla I will bequeath It "Take back tha key, nutdame. I have no dealro to look Into your coffin. Bhe axtentfed her hand. Then our good ud kind friend Count d Chaumont hall mv it." J held to lr hand am kept my key. 8he slipped away from ma. Tha laugh ter of the child yet roa through tha dig nity 9t tha woman. ' , . nWtoi mv l rad this 'F-W' NiVer, ut my tre will, aire. How could I set down all I thought about you, for Instance, It the certainty was hanging over mo that you would read my candid opinions and punish mo for I them!" I "Then of what use Is the key?" "You would rather have It than give It to another, wouldn't you?" ueciueaiy." "Well, lou will have the kev to mv thoughts." "And If the book ever falls Into my hands-" "I will see that It doesn't." "I will say, years from now " "Twenty?" "Twenty? O Kogle!" "Ten." "Months? That's too long." "No, 10 years, sire." "Not 10 years, Uagle. Say eight." "NO, nine." "Seven. If tho book falls Into my hands at the end of seven years, may I open "I may safely promise you that." slip laughed. "The book will never fall Into your hands." I took from my pocket the gold snuff, box with the portraits on tho lid. nnd placed my key carefully therein. Kagle leaned forward to look at them. Sho took tho box In her hand, and gnzed with long reverence, drooping her hend. Young as I was, arid unskilled In the ways of women, that key worked magic comfort. She had given mo n link to hold us together. The Inconsistent, con tradictory being, old one instant with the wisdom of the Salnt-Mlchtls. rlpplln full of unrestrained life the next, deny ing me all hope, yet Indefinitely tantaliz ing, wns adorable beyond words. I closed my eyes; the blinding sunshine struck them through the Ivied arch. Turning my head as I opened them, 1 saw an old man come out on the terrace. lie tried to search In every direction, his gray head nnd faded eyes movlns anxiously. Madame de Fcrrler wns still I heard her lay the snuffbox on the ston ) seat. I knew, though I could not et myself watch her, that she stood Jp against the wall, a woman of stone, her lip chiseled npnrt. "Kagle Eagle l" the old mnn cried fiom tho terrace. She whispered "Yes. Cousin Philippe!" CHAPTUK XI. SW1I tre FTIVY as sho passed bctucon the tree columns, more swiftly her jouth and vitality died In that wnlk of a few yards. "Wo had been hoy and girl together a brief half hour, heedless and gay. When sho reached tho arbor end, our chapter of youth was ended. I saw her bloodless face as she stepped upon the terrace, The man stretched his arms to her. As If tho blight of her spirit fell upon him, the light died out of his faco and he dropped his arms at his sides. IIo was a courtly gcntloman, cadaverous and shabby as he stood, oil the breeding of past generations appearing ln him. "Eaglo?" ho said. The tone of piteous apology went through me llko a Bword. She took his hands and herself drew them around her neck. He kissed her on both cheeks. "O Cousin Philippe!" 'I havo frightened you, child! I meant to send a mossage tlrst but I wanted to hoo you I wanted to come home!" "Cousin rhillppe, who wroto that let ter?" "The potary, child. I made him do It." "It was cruel!" She gave "way, nnd brokenly aobbed, leaning helpless against him. The old rnarqul smoothed her head, and puckered his forehead under the sun light, casting his eyes around like a cul prit. "It was desperate. But I could do nothing elsel You see It has succeeded. While I lay in hiding, tho sight of tho child, and your youth, has softened Bona parte. That was my Intention, Eagle!" "Tho peasants should havo told me you were living!" "They didn't know 1 came back. iMany of them think I died In America. Tho family of Ls Rochers have been very faithful; nnd the notary has held his tongue. We must reward them, Eagle. I have been hidden very closely. I am tired of such long hldlngl" He looked toward the chateau and lifted hts voice sharply "Where's the boby? I haven't seen the baby!" With gracious courtesy, restialnlng an Impulse to punge up tho steps, ho gave her his arm; and sho swayed against It as they entered. When I could see them no more, I rose, nnd put my snuffbox In my breast. Tho key rattled In It. A snvago need of hiding when so wounded, worked first through the dis order that lot me seo none of the amen ities ot leiwe-taklng. self-comamnd, con duct. I was beyond the gates, bars-headed, walking with long strides, when an old mill caught my eye, and I turned toward It, as wo turn to trifles to relieve us from unendurable tension. Tho water dripped over the wheel and a long green beard trailed from Its chin down the sluice. In this quieting com pany Skpnedonk spied me as ho rattled past with the post-carriage; and, con sidering my behavior at other times, ha was not enough surprised to waste any good words of Oneida. He stopped the carriage and I got In. ilo pointed ahead toward a curtain of tiees which screened the chateau, "Paris," I answered, "Paris," he repeated to the postilion, and wo turned about. I looked from hill to stream, from the fruited brambles ot blackberry to reaches of noble forest, realizing that I should never see thoao lands again or the neighboring crest where my friend the Marquis slept. Wa posted the distance to Parts In two days. What tha country was like or what towns we passed I could not this hour doclare with any certainty. At first making effort and groping numbly ln my mind, but the second day grasping de termination, I formed my plana .and talked them over with Skenedonk. We would sail for America on the flrat con venient ship, waiting In Parla only long enough to prepare ror me poat journey to a port. Charges must at once be set tled with Doctor Chantry, who would willingly at.iy In Parla while tha De Chaumonta remained there. Beyond the voyage I did not look. The first faint tugging of my foster country began to pull me as It has pulled many a broken wretch out of tho conditions of the older world. I drove to his hotel in the Faubourg St. Uermaln for my possessions. It was closed, the distant relative who Inherited after him being an heir with no Parisian taste, The caretaker, however, that SEAL ESTATE FOR BALE JJAI Iladdon Htlaht. N. J. BaffiBpttJlaa mmmUm&d4tttKfKl HAbbON HEIGHTS REAL ESTATE CO. I U'MKMi TJT K Vtii ' i gentle old valet like a woman, who had dressed me In my first Parisian finery, let us In and waited upon us with food I sent him out to buy. Ho gave me a letter from my friend which he had held to deliver on my return In enso nny ac cldent befell the Marquis. Ho was trem ulous In his mourning, and all his ardent care of me was service rendered to the donO I sat ln tho garden with tho letter spread upon the table whore wo hod dined. It brevity was gay. The writer would havo gone under the knife with a Jest. Ho did not burden me with nny kind of counsel. We had touched. We might' touch again. , 1 1 nns as If n soul sailed by waving Its hat. "My Dear Boy: "t wanted you, but It was best you should not stay nnd behold the depravity ut your, ciders. It Is about a woman. Mny you come to a better throne than tho unsteady one of France. Your friend nnd servant, Etlenue du Piessy Oarllc Is tho spice of life, my boy." For no sooner wns I on the street than a sense of being umnlstnkably watched grew upon me. I scarcely caught any body In the net. A succession of vanish ing people passed me from one to an other A working man In his blouse eyed me; and disappeared, ln the afternoon It was a soldier who turned up near my elbow, and In the evening ho wns suc ceeded by an equally Interesting old woman, I might not have remembered these people with distrust If Skenedonk had not told me he wns trailed by chang ing figures, and ho thought It was time to get behind trees. Bcllenger might have returned to Paris, nnd set Napoleon's spies on tho least be friended Bourbon of ull; or tho pollen upon a man escnped from Stc. Pelagic nfter choking a sacristan. Thp Indian nnd I wore not skilled In disguises a our watchers were. Our .ni'ty lay In getting out of Paris. Skene donk undertook to stow our belongings in the poatchalHe at tho last minute. I vcnt to De Chaumont's hotel to bring tho money from Doctor Chantry and to take leave without appearing to do so. Mademoiselle de Chaumont seized mo as I entered. Her carriage stood In the court. Miss Chantry was waiting In It while Annabel's mnld fastened her glovo. "O I.azarre!" the poppet cried, her henrtlness going tlnoqgh mo like wine. "Are you back? And how you are changed! They must havo abused you In Itussln. We heard you wont to Itus sla But since dear Marquis du Plessy died we never hear the truth about any thing." I acknowledged that I had been to Rus sia. "Why did you go there? Tell your denr cst Annabel. She won't tell." "To se a lady." Annabel shook her fietwork of misty hair. "That's treason to me. Is she beauti ful?" "Very." "Kind?" "Perfectly " "Well, you're not. By the way, why aro you looking so wan It she Is beautiful and kind?" "I didn't say she was beautiful and kind for me. did I?" "No, of course not. She has JJIlled you, the wretch. Your denrest Annabel will console you!" She clasped my arm with both hands. "Madamo do Ferrler's husband Is alive!" "What consolation Is there In that?" "A great deal for me. She has her estates back, nnd ho was only hiding until she got them!" "May I enter?" said tho humblest of voices outside the door. We heard a shuffling stop. Annabelr-niado a faco nnd .clenched -her hands. The sprite was so harmless 1 laughed nt her mischief. She brought In Doctor Chantry as she had brought me. Chattering with every breath, Annabel entrained us both to tho court, my poor master hobbling after her a vlctoin, and staring nt me with hatred when I tried to get a word In undertone. I put Annabel Into the conch and Mlsa Chantry made frigid room for mo. "Husten yourself, Iazarre," said Made moiselle do Chaumont. I looked back nt tho poor man, who was being, played with, and she crledl out, laughing "Did you go to Ttussla a Parisian to come back a bear?' I entered her coach, Intending to takV my leave aa Boon as I had seen Count de Chaumont, Annabel chattered all ths way about civil marriage, and directed Miss Chantry to watt for us whllo wo went In to the Mayor. I was, perhaps, too Indifferent to tho trick. "The usually sharp governess, undecided and piqued, But still The count was not In the Muyor"s office. A civil marrlnge was golnR forward, and a strange bridal party looked at us. "Now, Lozarre," the strategist confided, "Your dearest Annabel Is going to cover herself with Parisian disgrace. You don't know how maddening It Is to have every step dogged by a woman who never was, never could have been and manifestly never will be young! WoBn't that a divine flash about the corbellle and tho mayor? Miss Chantry will wait outsldo half a day. As I said, she will be tired of sitting In the carriage. This la what you must do; smuggle me out another way; call another carriage, and take mo for n. drlvol and wicked dinner. I don't cara what the con sequences are. If you don'tl" I said I certainly didn't, and that I was ready to throw myself In the Seine If that would amuse her; and she com mended my Improvement In manners. We had a drive, with n sympathetic coach man: and a wicked dinner In a suburb, which would have been quite harmless on Ameilcan ground. The child was aa full of spirits us she had been the night aha mounted the cabin chimney. But I realized that more of my gold pieces were slipping away, and I had not seen Doctor Chantry, "We were going to tho mayor'," she maintained, when reproached. "My father would have jojlned ua If he had Jieen there He would cortalnlv hsv Joined ua If he haq aeon me alone with HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS apartments illtlCIMtOOl' llUU.DINU (IN UBUUANTOWN) WAVNB AVBNUK AT BCHOOI. LANK Suites of 1 and 8 rooms and 2 batba. (Solarium covering entire homo, Vlald servlca ty tb hour elevator. II. J. JOHNSON, BOO Ualley Building. f ii.. REAL ESTATE FOK SALE Iladdon Hellite, N. J. Only $3000 Including Lot 50x200 Feet Subject to let Mortgage of tSOOO. YBffY XASY TiSltilB ON 4TH AVENUE I HADDON HEIGHTS THIS LQVBIVir AND COSY COTTAaU its living room, with open fireplace, dla Ins room, kitchen,, two bedroom ui) bath room on flrat Boor, larn altlo over entire boua on opnd floor Hot water heat- tome ana iook ok It oyer. You purely will be tiel. , you. Nothing It go cany a civil mnrrjaee """" tun swiipirr. ui couitd mo i nacrnmcni ioiiowa, wnen ptopio want It, and If it Is celebrated In tho church of tho Capuchins or any other church five minutes before midnight, It will make nil Paris talk! Every word I sold wns true!" ""But Doctor Chantry believed some thing different." "You can't do anything for the Rngllsh," said Annabel. "Next week he will sny haw-haw." Doctor Chantry could not bo found when wo returned to hor father's hotel. She govs me her fingers to kiss In good bye, nnd told mo I was less doleful. "Wc though you were the Marquis du Plessy's son, Lftznrrc. I always havo believed that story that Holland woman told In tho cabin, about jour rank blng superior to mine. Don't bo cut up about Madame do Fcrrler! You may have to r0 to Hussla again for her, but j-ou'll get her!" The witch shook the mist of hair nt the sides of her pretty aquiline face, blew n kiss at me, nnd ran up the stnlrcnse and out ot my life. After waiting long for Doctor Chantry I hurried to Skenc donk and sent him with Instructions to find my master and concludo our affair before coming back. Tho Indian silently entered the Du PIcsy hotel nfter dusk, crestfallen and suspicious. Ho brought nothing but a letter, left In Doctor Chantry's room; nnd no other trace remained of Doctor Chantry "What has he done with himself, Skenedonk?" I exclaimed. The Oneida begged me to read that we might trail him, It was n. long nnd very tiresome lettej written In my master's spider tracks, containing long and tlrosome enumera tions of his services. Ho presented a large bill for his guar dianship on the voyage and ncrosj Franco. He said I was not only a rich man through his Influence, but I had proved myself on ungiatcful one, and had robbed him of his only sentiment nfter n dlsnppotnted existence. My Im pudence was equalled only by astonish ing success, and. he chose not to con templnta me ns the husband of beauty nnd lofty station, whose shoes ho In his modesty nnd worth, felt unworthy to un latch. Therefore ho withdrew that very day from Parts, and would embrace tho opportunity of going Into pensive retire ment nnd rural contemplation In his native kingdom; whoro his sister would Join him when she could do so with dig nity and propriety. I glanced from line to line smiling, but th postscript brought ma to my feet. "Tho deposit which you left with me I shall carry with me, as no more than my due for lifting low savagery to high gentility, and beg to subscribe my thanks for nt least this small tribute of grati tude." "Doctor Chantry fs gone with the money!" Skenedonk bounded up grasping tho knife which he nlways carried ln a sheath hanging from his belt. "Which way did tho old woman go?" "Stop," I Bald. Tho Indian half crouched for counsel. I'll be" a prince! Let him have It." tJeff ery Four Standard Seven Passenger- $ 1035 Without Auxiliary Seats-SlOOO mnM Establishing a New Standard of Value at a $1000 Price New seven passenger body divided front seats extra-length springs two hundred pounds lighter the first automobile of its quality, size and efficiency to sell at a $1000 price. TWO years ago last January, the Jeffery Company announced the Jeffery Four at $1550 the first automobile of its quality to sell below $2000. This will be remembered as the car which introduced the high-speed high-efficiency motor into this country. Its remarkable service record in the hands of thousands of owners has established it as the standard American automobile 33 Points of Jeffery Superiority Standard aeven paasenger body Divided lounge-type front aeata Kxtra length aprlnga WtUht 2750 pound lis Inch wheel base $4x4 Goodyear Fort Wed tlrea All weather tread rear Jeffery Cheeterfleld body Rear aeat 48 loche wide Kaeyrldin; auxiliary acata Extra wide door Peep real leather upnolttery Concealed door handles Ught Urewater green finuh Lett drive-center control Jeffery blsh-tpeed motor Unit power plant Bxtra large motor beating Botch magneto leru(ioo Stromberg high efficiency carburetor Bljur electric atnrtlng and lighting Smooth acting diec clutch Jeffery allent near ehtlt Jeffery eaey-control steering gear HotcbkUa type flaiibla drive Jeff ery-bullt allent rear axle Extra turf ace brake Emergency brake ea propeller abaft Jeffery one-man top Adjuatabl detr-vUioo windahleld Locking double dimmer Ilghta Xan Sicklen speedometer utomatlc gasoline feed Complete equipment. ZefllkJ tjrt him rob you?" were quits, now rve paid him for infi lancet itab I save him. But Vnll hftvn't o tvhAl tiicff,f nt coin left." "Wo brought nothing Into Frnnco, and It seems certain we shall take nothing but experience out of It. And 11m young, Skenedonk He Isn't " The Onolda grunted. He was angrier than 1 had ever seen him. "Wo ought to hnve knooked the old woman on the head nt Saratoga," he re sponded. Annabel's trick had swept away my lit tle fortune. With recklessness which re pented loss engenders I proposed we scat ter the remaining coin In the street, but Skenedonk prudently snld we would di vide nnd conceal It In our clothes. 1 gave the kind valet a handful to keep his heart wnrm; nnd our anxieties about our valuable were much lightened. Then we consulted about our Imminent start, nnd 1 told my servant It would be better to send the post-chaise across tho Seine. IIo agreed with me. And for me to come to It as If by nccldent the mo ment wo were ready to Join each other on tho road. Ho agreed to that. All of our belongings would be put Into It by tho valet and himself, and when we mot wc would make n circuit and go by the way of St. Denis. "Wo will meet," I told him. "nt 11 o'clock In front of tho Tullerlcs." Skenedonk looked at me without mov ing a muscle. (CONTINUED TOMORROW.) WOMAN PROBATION OFFICER Miss Mildred Cole, Well Known So cially Here, Appointed Assistant in Camden County Miss Mildred Cole, of Merchantvllle, N J., well known socially, was appointed assistant probation officer for the Camden County Courts today by Judge Boyle. Sho will assume her new duties Immediately, succeeding Mrs, Edna Van Hlse. The position carries with It a salary of 1900 a year. Mlns Cole Is well known In this city, having been actively engaged ln work for the Philadelphia Society of Organizing Charity. Sho will havo charge of nbout 1000 first offenders who ho.vo been paroled by the criminal branch ot the Camden County Court. TO ELECTRIFY LINE SLOWLY Pennsylvania Railroad Seta No Date for Start of Service Although trial electric trains once more nre running on the Main Lino of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, no definite dato has been fixed for tho opening of tho regular electrltlod service. It has been announced, however, that tho new feature of tho suburban traffic wilt be Incorporated gradually, one train to be used nt flrat to make several runs dally and finally a second, third and fourth train until each of tho steam trains Is replaced with one operated by electric power. .ll of quality and moderate cost. The Jeffery Company novr preaentn tne new Jellery rour larger tban lnstyear roomier ligbterin weight more powerful eaaier riding and with the famous Chesterfield body n finer car in every respect than the original Jeffery Four a car combining economical operating maintenance coat with a road per formance which ranks with that of the bfggest, highest priced auto, mobiles at a priem of S 1035 1 Without th auxiliary itat; flOOO I In announcing this car, it is not the purpose of the Jeffery Company to meet temporary f trice conditions, nor to compromise with an magined desire on the part of dealers and the public for cheapness. On the contrary, it is the aim and determination of the Jeffery Company to establith the Jeffery Four as a ttandard car at a standard price a car which discriminat ing buyers can drive for a number of seasons without Buffering the marked depreciation which has been euch an unfortunate feature of the automobile business. The new Jeffery Four U a quality automobile In every aeos of tt.a word built to maintain and in. create tha enviable reputation of the Jetfery Four. The Jeffery Six Saiam tptetocartora atth famous Jefuty ttttrfitUt tlxiiltnt worm ttrlvt. luf cMttttr cantilever spring jutfttnilon and v other quality features found elsewhere on only hlgh-prioed foreign cars refined to an even smoother, quitter operation than ever price fiqso F.O.&. Kenosha-9300 knyrr In trice than last year, J Orders must be placed ImrnecU. ately to laaure early delivery. FERY SALES CO., Distributors HURLEY & EARLEY, bales and Kerrlee BROAD AND RACE Car Naur on Kate Flwtr NEW FIGHT WILL START FOR JITNEYS TUESDAY Attorneys Announce Plan to Ask Judge of Court No. 4 for Injunction A new fight for a preliminary Injunc tion to restrain the city from enforcing the antl-Jltnty ordinance will be begun next Tuesday by Harry M. BerkowlU and Harry Shapiro, attorneys for the lnlted Motor Bus Company. These attorneys were the men who were refused an In junction by Judge Ferguson yesterday at the sama time he refused an application for a similar Injunction to Michael Fran els Doyle, attorney for the Philadelphia f i uiuiey Association anu tne Boutu mil delphla Jitney Owners' AasoclaUon. Tho renewed action to be taken on Tuesday, as announced by Harry M. Berk owltz, will be started In Common Pleas Court No. 4, Mr, Berkowltz announced that, since Judge Ferguson had not at tacked tho merits ot his clients' bill In equity, and had simply refuaed to take action on it because he declared It was Inexpedient for him so to do when hi sitting aa temporary vacation Judge was about to end and the matter could coma beforo tha regular sessions of court, ha would arrange to have a Judge of No. ( Court hear the application, Mr. Berk owltz had entered hi bill in Common Pleas Court No. 4 and had called on Judgs Ferguson to hear the petition In No. 3 Court, because he wa tha only Judge available and because none of the No. 4 men were In the city. He and his associates are confident of winning their suit, because they claim to havo brought up several Important ques tions ln their complaints that were not touched on ln the original application, strengthening their claims for an Injunc tion. Therefore, since Judge Ferguson was willing to grant a preliminary In junction on the first petition, they are confident that they will obtain another on their bill from a Judge ln Common Plea Court No. 4. Immediately after Judgo Ferguson filed his opinion yesterday, Mr. Berkowltz an nounced that he would Ml a new bill In Court No. 4 In order that ha and his as sociate could Join with the other attorney In the battle for a permanent Injunction nfter September 20. the date set by Judga Sulzberger for final hearing on the origi nal petition for a stay ot the enforcement of the ordinance, Atter considering th opinion of the court he changed hi plana, however. Mr. Doyle also plans to put a new move Into nctlon today or tomorrow. He will announce what It Is soon. &. it:SET Mi Ei I-2TST- V fcM. m Hot mH f Jeffery f Inc, x:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers