I &w ' f MMIhM SAVAGERY IN HAtH MVroLYPORTOAYEDBY a AMERICAN ENGINEER Osborne S. Blnkc, of Hnrris burg, Pa., tells of Atrocities Perpetrated by Both Fac tions in Internecine Strife tfORTURE OF CAPTIVES .1 BfcrWlly Employed by Blnck Com btionU to Extort Military Secrets and Obtairi Rum Tho revolution In Haiti urpacd In kurbarlty tho Kurociin wnr o fnr n the aoftl Xt military prloner wn con errel and the flendlth methods uecil to Sln knowledge of hidden loot, according to Ortpmo 8. Wnke, an American engi neer, who mi In the Interior of the lelnnd when the trouble broke out. Uoth rebel And Federal troops, according to Mr. Blake, resorted to the most barbarous anetna of torture Imaginable In order to btaln rum and extort military secrets. Mr. Dlake, who la a native of Ilarrls Ttvrn. relumed from Haiti last week. He has been In this city several days on a Inline trip, and left for tfew York yes terday afternoon preparatory to return ln to the turbulent Island. AlthouKh only a young; man, his profeoslon has netted him considerable expel Itnco In the ever-Tatrlng republics of Central America aa wen In Haiti. When Interviewed at the Bellevu. Strat ford Mr. Blake modestly related his part In the miniature war. He declared that deepite his thrllllnc adventures he docs not wish to be resnrded as a nre-cator, nnd Is more than thankful to have nMcaped with his life. O "At the outbreak of the trouble." Bald . he, 'I war In tho Interior of the Island Piii n fftnv nf notlvA wnrkmrn survey- ! In for a road and telegraph lino. The cpil white man In tho party besides my- Aiself was my French assistant, who was K later killed by tho rebel troops. FJttED ON FHOM AMBUSH. Trouble, like rain In Haiti, comes sud denly. The first Intimation wo had of 1 hostilities came In the form of- an am buscade, While returning to camp one evcnlntf we were fired upon from the brush, and the next thing we knew we Were surrounded Dy n moo or niooa ., thirsty blacks. I thought it was ah ovor i With me, my assistant having received bullet in the head as a result of the Srst volley. ' "Wishing to exact as much toll as pos sible for the poor fellow's life, 1 drew ' my revolver and discharged It at an oili er oer, or what I thought to bo an officer from his uniform. I then emptied tho rest " ot the chambers into the mob. After that , prayers Deemed to mo to bo appropriate for the occasion. "To my surprise, however. Instead of llrlns upon me, nn order was given by a 'largo black who appeared to be thg leader, whereupon several of the troops ' seized me and gave mo tho beating of my life. I was then bound hand and foot, but given to understand that my life would be spared and that I would be escorted safely to Port au Prlnco. Strange aa It may seem, they made good their promise, desplto the fact that sev eral of the officers wero In lavor of f hanging the American after they had be come drunk. TOimjItE PftECEDES" DEATH. 'TIjfi fate of my blacks was sealed from , JkvSf THpse who had not been shot lire reserved for torture, ns the lender "Xof the rebels susDected that wo had money In samp, six of the poor wretches were made to suffer unspeakable agony before being finally put to death, Tho fll-Bt victim, after having the soles of his feet charred, was tossed upon bayo nets. Another, because he could not tell the whereabouts of loot that did notex ist, had his mouth pried open, his tongue pulled out by a pair of pllorn and then Amputated. He was left to bleed to death. "The other four men were even more brutally tortured. One of them waa bound and thrown across a slow tire. "At daybreak we started on our two, days' hike to Port-au-Prlnco. My hands and feet were untied and I was per mitted to march under guard at the rear of the column. Toward evening of the flrat day we arrived at a small settle ment, and after looting the natives of all their mm an article valued more than Uvea vr dollars In Haiti the shacks were fired and the natives driven Into r the Jungle. "Just before our arrival In Port-au-Prince we were met by a large force of Federals. My self-appointed protectors ' Immediately dispersed and Jeft me to tho mercy of the victors. After considerable qo-Mtlenlng by all the officers of tho staff I was escorted Into the town and Ttven my liberty," , According to Mr. Dlake, Haiti will only IML developed aa an American protec torafct. "The Island." said he, "has un-Jmlteotf-sewrcea and all that is neces' suy U he presence bt the white man V develop them." Mr Blake also paid Mgfc trHmte to the American marines M-4 J"rt, they have taken as both HtaM ,ojtd police In the troubled dls tjrtct. Pplice Court Chronicles Jt Is eneuch tp befog the brain of any normal man when he awakes and finds himself in a prison cell. The predicament U especially annoying when the prisoner Irr.ows that he committed no offense. Buch WM the fain of Harry Carver. He does odd Job around the neighborhood of ad atreet and Susquehanna avenue In which a wheelbarrow fibres very emphatically. When his work was completed he sat down In the wheelbarrow to rest. Then he ell asleep oblivious to hie surround injM. Policeman Weldon, who is alwaya r Uerlerl Carver snore! He warned viv".srwg me neignpornopa, at. Mmt answered with more JIU ability fc this direction oon . Msar'errl. Theft the cop M Baairai wajKin. w- ... eajwr , jatnea with W4n In . SBBXBMal ate kL, tntlar-w I f attoetMrf ( Wm Wrrew. wm ctr, am n sum ise pa- .-- .,... ZimUL,r. irTiJi:: -iloao evu. Ur being carried te U jbH -a ui.LJ .. .oH il a. - -.-, --. wauui uNut im tur-iutey m) titie unr, Carver wa ja4iaMnt etfijr a.rridfi4 uffatKnii kt .-uj.n. Plsl tL- inattr. T1a wulIA Ha w,. a.. 1 Eft -"1"! fcy the jfum4 of weu. BaaVAsrjmlaaia Ian -id na.tl J II . La . ;sjesi jjfisar .w-ai, -, t "Wq weHt , lu'l v lint it waa a crime in he ...-.?, "ani I 1a to ua Ie-mi , ", Macael Sgetr the iMrr "flal OSBORNE S. BLAKE MUSIC IN THE PARK This Afternoon and Tonight's Pro grams at Strawberry Mnnslon The program for concerts this afternoon and tonight nt Strawberry Mansion, by tho Falrmount Park Band, Illchard Bchmldt. conductor, follows: TAUT I-ArTEHNOON. 4 TO fl O'CLOCK. 1. Cnertur "Martian" Wallace 2. Mntltrs from "La tlloconda" ronclilthl .1. Hungarian Fanta.lo No. t" Moses 4. Air fiom 'The rho nlnte SoMler" Straus 5. Th Three quotation " , Soma la) Tho Klnit of Krant c. (Ii I, ton. waa Horn In Arcadia. c) In Uaikrat Africa. (I. Welti "Arilafs Life" Strati. 7. (a) "in the Bha!oif" Klnck lb) March "The Washington Ury (Irafulla 8. Popular Airs" 8nydr PART It-KVEKINO, H TO 10 O'CLOCK. 1. (M"-turp ,-IM2" ,. . .Tsclnlkowskjr The work Is deacrlpthe of Napn'eon'a a w k oil MOffcow. (loth the Krcneh IMararlllalae) and the Uusslan Hymn nro Introduced and HalKruteit upon, aa la an old Ituaatan Chant, which forma the opcnlnR and I heard again when tho rinding of the bell and the reports of tennon announce tho lctory of the llusslans. 2. "Norwegian Carnlal" Siendran 3. (a) ' Vnsplet to .Lohengrin" Wagner lb) "Slaonlc Dance yt. 3" Lnorak 4. Melotllea from "Faust" Gounod Valio ile Concert "Jolly Fellow".. VoUtedt Xylophone Solo "Hungarian Ithapaody No. 2" Sololat Heter Iwln. . .Unt Hxccrpta from "The Qlrl From Utah" Ituhen 8. Farewell Fantaale "Auf Wlederaehn".. Jacob Uach chair plnjs a Farewell Hong and depurta, until there li nobody left but the leader and tympany player, a few beats, a roll, they depart. Theatrical Baedeker WALNUT "Fine Veathera." with Robert Edeaon and a supporting stock company. The flrat production of the star-stock vonturn of Mr. Leahy exhibit Mr. Edeson In tho play by Kiieene Walter which aerved aa his teat starring vehicle, but which never reached Philadelphia. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Victor Morley and company, in "A liegumr rti7 ," ,. ?ii on ine piano Man1 accordion. Made ICInr and Tyler Ilrooks, dancers, Lydla. Barry, singer; Paul Oulnn ani Malle ICIlu Joseph Mitchell, in "me money Ulurf Gold Mine"! Loyal- trained dog. Chauncy Monroe ami company. In "A Uuslncas rropoul": Uurns and Lynn, descriptive dancera, and Lo-Vu and Wilbur and llcarat-3elig News. QLOnU-'"lne ilroadway JJevue"; Joseph K. Wataon, monologlst, Joe Welch's sketch. "A Day at 1 111 Island," with Marie Samuels: Lee Tong Foo. baritone; tho Musical l.unot i.itrumentallsta; Knlaht llrother and Siwi telle, and Nlblo and Nugent. NIXOX'8 GHAND-t'rossmHn' Entertainer, instrumentalist; Ilaby Helen. Val and Ernie Stanton, Ujeman and Anderson, Stat ley and La Uracil, slngera and dancer. Olbbon and Utbboni, comedian, and Fun Foto Films, CROSS KEYS-Be-ond half of weeks "Pull-r-.n ivrer Maids," the Keven Inni Family I , ,.- h e lije Ilcllboy Trio, corncdy and i.cnii, 'The Cop," a' sketch; Harry Fisher and company, cycling act, and Uen Eil wards. xylophonlt. "" WOODSIDE PARK -Archie Nicholson and company, Nina i:pey. banlo player; Charle (Jlocker, water Juggler: Three Cox Sister tinging and dancing, and Dooth and Leander' HUnLESQUE. CAP1NO Ulllle Watson's "Beef Trust Bur icsqucrr. I' ...ft,",1,,uV"1 Alley," -nd .? ."JllWr. Vrm'V!. JSambafd DUMO.NTS--Jumont' Minstrel' with Eddie UI.BAilVi.7i cnaner lioyceh. II. f. r.n. : other in "Th Money Klmple Hand" id and and Atlantic City Bathing Suit, i PHOTOPLAYa OAUUlCKrSecond week of Lman Howe' Travel, Festival, with wholly new BldtuTS. They Include a trip through the I'an.ma Ciinal and a visit to the exposition In hJS Francisco and Ban Diego. There will b. th aSV3 ISIS".11.? of other features List weelL! Bh!nLr;ar7;nTo'rV,nCOrr'lU,, Dul" & P4irA?BA,"rl.",8ecret Orchard." with Blanch Robert., Car',U U"ckw " Theodo?! C I Hr.np. ?r r.n "M9 Chestnut Street . J. neppe OZ OOn 6th and Thompson Streets r,lAOO j ' (Full particulars about No, 14 Please send me Joutot. ,' (Chwlc whichever you wjh) jyictrok catalog and terms. NAME ADDRESS1;.;.. EVEXING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA FBI!) GRIFFITH'S INDIAN PHOTOPLAY ACTORS The Careers, Work and Ideals of Two Very Distinctive Actors By THE PHOTOPLAY EDITOR The two chief Indian players at the Orimth const hondquartrrs, the Bellance Majestic studios, are In decided contrast. Datk Cloud Is nn Amerlcnn, who acts before the camera to give permanency to the traditions of aboriginal America which havo come down to him from his forebears. He has so broadened his art In doing this that he Is able to appear not only as nn Indian, but as a member of almost nny dark-skinned race. While he Is an artist, too, yet ho admits that his real purpose Is to aet ns a screen historian for his people. Eagle Kjc, Ihc other principal nboilg Inal placr, on tlio other hand. Is an nctor and nn nrtlst, mire nnd simple. He HUllir HI1U till iVI VII.1, UJIi: illlll o, ,,,,,. , .. not conccn himself w,th ultimate motive, hut Is content with tho Joy , ol trcatlvo nrtlstlc cxprcxslon. The two men entered motion pictures In widely different wajs. it was purely an ncclrtrnt In tho case of Kngle Eye, who found hln.jelf virtually penniless In n New Mexl"o town. Tourists liked hW Indian get-up. The showman In him Im mediately came to tho surface nnd he charged 10 cents inch time he posed for n tourist's enmcra, Dnrk Cloud, on the other hand, np preached tho screen stage deliberately wllh tho purpose Mated above. Kugle Ko Is n full-blooded Apache. He wns born on nn Indian reservation near Snn Cnr.or, In Arizona, In 1S70. Ho re mained on the rrscrvntlon until 1RD7, when the aclor'a Instinct developed within him so tronKly that he could not resist It. Ho Irlned n strolllmr Indian trouno and plated ' through tho West He had been noted ns n dancer nmong his own people. He used tho Indian dunces with the troupe. An engagement with "Huffnlo Illll" fol lowed his first venture. Engagements with other wild west shows. led him fin ally to the doors of motion-picture Btudlos. t). W Grlfllth saw Eagle Hyo nnd thought him a splendid type. His future was then assured. At the P.ellanco-Mnjcsttc studios Eagle Eye hns specialized In dnrlng feats. Ho falls from galloping horsea, leaps seem ingly Impossible, distances, falls safely down what Easterner.) would consider precipices, leaps from moving trains So whenever Mr. Grltnth or his aides require an Indian feat of exceptional daring. Eagle Eye Is ono of tho first of whom they think. Both Eagle Eye and Dark Cloud are well-read men nnd speak far better Eng lish than tho avcrago , American of n later race. Dark Cloud Is of great assistance to tho directors In all matters pertaining to his race Practically every Indian pro duction of cither the Reliance or Ma jestic Company Is brought out under his unolllclnl direction. His wife, Dove Ee, and his baby, Prairie Flower, frequently appear, as In "The Arrow Maiden." They aro carefully coached by Dark Cloud. Further evidence of the keenness of the competition between big motion pic ture manufacturers comes in the steps being taken by Carl Lacmmle. president of the Universal Film Company, to In crenso the capital Btock of that concern by $1,000,000. so ns to permit tho widening of the nlrendy big scope of the activities of that corporation Developments In the picture business have come fast and furiously within tho last few months. The entrance of tho new f5.000.000 Equltnble Corporation Into the field In conjunction with the World Film, the reorganization of the Mutual, with Its JS.000.000 capitalization, and the forming of tho Trlanglo Company, with iO.OOO stock, by Harry Aitken, D, W. Grllllth, Thomas H. Ince nnd Mnck Sen- j nett, all previously prominent In the Mu- . tunl; to say nothing of the projection Into tho field of other lesser, but still ' large, concerns, renders It necessary for i every manufacturing company to strain every cnori ro remain among mo leauers. William Wilson, of this city, who has been featured with many of the stock companies throughout the country, has been engaged for leads by the Lubln Company. Mr. Wilson Is an excellent portraycr of heroic roles, as well as of more everyday types. Ho has also been successful In vaudeville and played for several seasons In "The Club Woman," This Victrola and 10 Records The Heppe No. 14' Victor Outfit, consisting of this beautiful Mahogany (or oak) cabinet type Victrola XIV at $150 and 10 records (of your own selection) to the value of $10, making a total for the complete outfit of $160, may be purchased AT ITS CASH PRICE through the Heppe rental-payment plan on special low terms. These terms are for those who do not care to pay the full amount at the time of purchase. The price, however, is only $160, whether you settle in cash, or charge, account, or by our rental - payment plan. This is but one of the features of buying through Heppe Victor Service Service at Heppe's includes not only attention and advice from trained musician salesmen, but it also includes accommodation from the store, in a rental payment service, charge account privileges, large, comfortable booths, messenger delivery service, free delivery to all parts of the United States. All of these advantages are available to those who purchase this No. 14 outfit. If you find it inconvenient to call B. L. 9-3.18. W. GRIFFITH'S fl VBt tt Vw Jtf' "iaaaaaaaaaaFaaaalP attl If -i-ij"P Yjm llaaBlaaaaaaaaV 1 VaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaa JUL II MA. t jN TssssssH I IKssssK 1 assssssssr"t JfW'l Hcrtp blje photoplay actors, Dnrk Clotid on tho rifjht. Englo Eye on tho left. which Is remembered for Its satire on Philadelphia progressive women. The Mutual Film Corporation hns made n. .,..,nmiiilM fnr Count and Countesa .., ,.nw...-- --- fr-l...,l. Mngr, Uh. SSS to appear ..i i ft.- t tiled ror release September ZI They will t,.. .ntinorteil by nn entire compnny of midgets, known as the Pec-Wee Players, and the picture will bear tho brand name of Novelty Comedy, Another Important addition to tho Mutual program Is the engagement of W. C. Fields, tho vaude ville star, now nppenrlng In "Tho Follies." He will be fentured In nnother single comedy "The Pool Sharks," iclensed Sep tember 15 MUSIC AT CITY HALL Philadelphia Band Plnya on the I'lnza Tonight Tho program for n concert tonight on City Hall Plaza by the Philadelphia Hand, C. Stanley Mnckcy, conductor, follows: 1 Overture, "flnyrnond" Thnma 2 (a) Air de Imllet, "Plerette"....Chamlnado (b) Patrol, "Irish" 3 Trombone solo, "I.cstaay Fred r-'chrader. nolnlst 4 Ornnd ncrnen from "Carmen"... f, "Her nen Napolltnlnes" uerner Hchrader Illret . .Maasenet ra) uance . (til 1'iucfimlon nnd tho Improvisation (c) Tho fete O Melodic from "Chln-Chln". Caryll 7 VhIio dl concert, "Artist's Life".... Straus 8 "Hungjrliin nhapeody No. 2 ...Liszt Y. M. C. A. Organizer Dies Funeral arrangements arc being mado today for Miss Emcllne Wclgner, former school tencher, who died yesterday nt tho home of her nephew, Howard W. Kricbel, nt I.ltltz, Pa. She was 82 years old. Miss Wclgner was tho organizer of tho Ken sington branch of the Young Woman's Christian Association. She taught school In this city for 38 years nnd nt ono tltno was principal of tho school nt 2d nnd Master streets. ItlVKK STKAMflOATS A REAL EXCURSION FOR Saturday, Sunday & Labor Day Excursions to WILM If" UJlPffMB V3EI!:!-;j eTOvNHHmiHTiliiiHiiiimiiie, I- ft I PTM WMmWft i. '" isiirjTirriirirtr1 ssssB - - " .n.lMEasaJssssssssWsssssM BsnLMBKaBBESBSBBBBMBSBBsflBBBSBHsKSaS Leave ClILSfNUT SI'. WHAKP and Wilmington dally and Sunday at 7:30. 0:00, 10:30 a. m., 13 m., 1:30, 3, 4:13, 6, 7, 8:30 unit 0:30 p. in. All boat xtop at Clienter. rnit I'KNNSCItOVK, N. .1. Close connections on our Wilmington wharf. I!UANIVWNi: NI'UINKH 1'AItlC. Old rate restored. Fare now 10c to Hrauily- wlne hprlngs I'ark and return, but ticket must be procured on the boat to obtain this speilal rate. Oood on tlaT of lhuo only. MOONLIGHT SAILS Arrange for a Moonlight Sail Cool All the Way. (30 TONIGHT. IlKOULAK HATES Wilmington, Kic, 80c; Single Trip, 30c. Chester, Kxc, 28c; Single Trip, 15c. TTEPPE" Down Weekly At Heppe's -Sl Mail This Full details of this large illustrated catalogs, will be" sent yon 'request. ' Yictrolas gEMEMBEk AY, 1 lx INDIAN ACTORS ,! i& rvjrjjkw'. 'Wi Ti SUFFRAGISTS TO GO ON TOUIl Delegation Wilt Motor to Coatcsvlllo for Rally There A delegation of suffragists from several of the Philadelphia societies, Including tho Men's League for Woman Suffrage, will take an nutomobllo trip to Coatesville tomorrow night to take part In a suffrage demonstration there. A largo sight-seeing car has been chnrtercd, The party will bo conducted by Or. Eleanor M. II. Moore. Tho car will bo decorated with suffrage pennants nnd will leave tho headquarters of the Woman Suffrage Party, 1723 Chestnut street, at 7:30 tomorrow night. It Is expected that several prominent suffragists will take part in tho Labor Day demonstration In Camden next Mon day. Dr Anna Howard Shaw will lead the Coatesville parade and will speak there tomorrow night and In Camden on Monday. Another Fake Fire Alarm Kensington's fire bug still continues to baffle the efTorle of tho police to find him. Another false alarm was sent from a box at 2d nnd Ontario streets shortly after midnight today. The police of the Front and Westmoreland streets station are making an effort to learn his 1 identity HIVKIt BTEA5IBOATS t alf-V H V J? J&Kjz. t. ?nrl. 'A- J xr k A kv . .' v l-M INGTON Opi..,Wtl li is Br- ii if wii n ii mi Coupon outfit, together witl ', ,! $15 Up . ,' 3. 19115? LADIlES' DAY BRINGS CROWD TO BIG FAIR SuffragiBts and "Antis" Prac tice for Competitive Speaking ' to Gain Rich Harvests Buffraglste nnd their PPnf"1" " last evening warming up their Jwrite addresses In preparation for Inles Day nt tho Philadelphia County Fair, which opened this morning The two booths of the opposing faction grew more nctho during tho first two days of the fair. To day marks high water In attendance of women nt the fair. SuffrftKlsts figure the crowd before their soap boxes will be the biggest eeon nt tho grounds. Farmers from the suburban truck dis tricts aro moving toward tho anxious seat today with tho knowledgo that tho county fair' carefully chosen Judges are passing from shed to shed npprnlslng the quality of tho produce they Brew. Prizes will be nwarded Labor Hny or within a few days thereafter. It gives nny am bitious farmer basis for tngs on all his produce "First prlre nt Byberry Fair, after the most advanced practice of ehav 'Ing soap manufacturers and tho purveyors of perfume. Trotting racee, which have been the star attractions at the fair each after fJbUJL..-111 -AJ4t---4 Innnnlr Prominent Photoplay Presentations NORTH BLUEBIRD 'nM8' """- &rr &eJltc?n 'Ith9 no,, ittvmfv BlftTKir DP JOSH Play Obtained Thru Stanl ey Dooklng Co. n . KT at. BnOAD ST., ERIE A (jreat lNortnern okrmant'n aves. DAILY 2:30 P. M. EVUNINOS T AND 0 MARY NASH In Brad Street Casino nRD.EDEU EXCLUSIVE PHOTOPLAYS BROADWAY FAVORITES. 4-part Feature. "DON CAESAR DE BAZAN" NORTHWEST JEFFERSON dauphin sts. SIRS. LESLIE CARTER QlJ BARRY HEAR o'uit PILC11ER' OltOAtf TOhAY COMING "MELTING TOT" SEPT. 7-8 CAMBRIA 25TH AND CAMDRIA STnEHTS Reanera of tho Whirlwind, Bio. : When Wlfje Sleeps, with Blllle Reeve i rhllnntnropic Tommy; An Innocent Thief; The Fable of the Galloping Pilgrim Who Kept on Galloping. LEHIGH Theatre uSS ave. THE MAN FROM TnE DESERT Vita. 2 reel Fea. THE PLAY OF THE SEASON Kay Bee. THE BRIDE OF THE 8EA Reliance. program BUDieci to wnange SUSQUEHANNA xlSir Essanay Western comedy. HEARST-SELIO news nirruiuAi, DA Die" RIDGE AVE. AND DAUriHN JrArvrv mat., 2:15. evg , 0:30 ADMISSION Be. EVO.. 10c TO ALL. EDITH WYNNE MATHISON In "Governor's Lady" N ORRIS VS5LU2D THE SCAR. Vita drama In 3 part, fenturlng HARRY T. MOREY; CUTEY FORTUNE HUNTER. Vita, comedy: THE MISSING ledyi CLUE. Vita, comedy, r'ClVyi Croskey St. above Columbia Ave. liClVl Evening 7 Saturday Mat. 2:1B. Admission. One Jitney THE MYSTERY OF MARY. Broa(V-ay Star Feature, three acts, featuring Betty Gray and Lionel Adama. Broncho Billy. The Utile Prospector. NORTHEAST CTDAMH 12TH AND GIR ;ARD AVE. . and SAT. JllUUIl MATINEE WED. Katherine La Salle ,n " y.hound" Edith Storey in a Feature Drama AURORA GERMANTOWN A.VENUE ABOVE Nonnis WOMAN AND WINE, drama In 8 narta, featuring WILLIAM ELLIOTT. THE BUSY BELL BOY, Lubln comedy. ADMISSION Be. KVKNIKO LEDGER niOTOPLAY ADVERTISING PAYS Victrola XIV, Msliogany'br ' aTtlslHslsBlsUsBMQkSsinirh srTTrFTsli IT" sBMSSSMiMPEliaHssssssHssI I BBBiPMBWfi'y4iM-SiL TffiwMslssssssPB H .ssssHsssssHjftiT' lssssssssssssssiijsssslsi lssssssrs(sssssssssssssH noon thus far. will raw the tor -crowds on the grounds today, aa th r. suit of tho announcement that the per. will be awarded after the last race this afternoon. They average J300 And look attractive to more than 100 entrants in the five or'slx trotting and paclnr events. Next to the races ns the banner "attraction of the fair come the mldtfay concessions the Old riantntion Show, "Weelaweo, th boy who eats nnd sleeps under water": n girl who twines snakes about her neck n,nd a sleepy octopus, Beginning yesterday, however, "WeeU woo" nnd the other freaks had a new kind of competition, This came with the appearance of downtown politicians, who saw a good chance to meet some of the "peepul" by taking a trip to the fair. As soon as It got noised along the midway that two Magistrates, a Congressman, an ex-Congressman and several Councllmen from downtown were on the fair grounds, n crowd swarmed nt the heels of the vll tor who volunteered to point out the celeb rities to them. Sniffle Taxcrs Organize Party Tho elnglo tax advocates have organ ised the Philadelphia Single Tax Party, and will put candidates In the field for nil elective municipal positions In the November election. The party waa formed last night by more than 200 slnglo taxers nt a houso warming In tho new head quarters of the Single Tax Society, 14 Filbert street. The occasion was also the 76th anniversary of the birth of Henry George, the father of the single tax movement. Ei TVISBT riltLADELrillA f iiI TCP B2D AND LiUV'UiJl LOCUST BTfl. Mat... 1,80 and 8 P. M. $?& ?? ANN MURDOCK In Frohman's Former Triumph, "A ROYAL FAMILY" TOMORROW if AHY PtCKFOHD In FANCHION THE CRICKET Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. RF1MM nTH AND WOODLAND ""'" MAT., 2 to 8. EVO., 6:80 to 11. "Mercy on a Crutch" 2 parts "The Goddess" and Others 5Cts. PASPHAT I "ST. WOODLAND iTM' i ., SIAT.. 2. EVO.. 0:30. Pre.-l'flck Perry and Stuart Holmes In "Dll ItAMCAU," baaed on the play & novel, 6 acta. OTHER PICTURES SPECIAL MUSIC Admission Mat. 6c J Evg. 10c, Children Be IMPERIAL 00TH AND W1I.VIW miDmiM.il n u UIIIUCliD HA1.i,UAl,i, 2 I1UA utlsAl a MARY PICKrORD In Francis Hodgson Burnett' Extraordinary Dramatic Success "THE DAWN OF TOMORROW." SHERWOOD B4TII AND Eigs.. 0:30. 8 nnd 0:30. Taramouxt Pictures. DANIEL FROHMAN Present Mary Pickford in Mistress Nell The BALTIMORE, BOTH AND BALTIMORE AV Elaine Hammerstein The Moonstone Wllkle Collins' Celebrated Novel of Mystery and Adventure. UREKA 40T" AND UAdPirl MAnKET STREETS NANCE O'NEIL. whom David Belasco classes "the ereateat of all emotional actresses," In "PRINCESS ROMANOFF" RITTENHOUSE 03D JMnnD MATINEE 2 EVENING 0:30 GEO. M. COHAN'S Great Success "OFFICER 666" LINCOLN 9TH AND WOODLAND ADMISSION Be Broadway' Star Feature, " O Ti " Edison Merlam Nesbet and ,M' "' Mark McDermott In their latest auceess. "Oil uanotrous rams." uroncno Billy and othert OVERIHtOOK OVERBROOK 03D AND j vcrvDixvwrk. haverford ave BIG SPECIAL GEORGE KLE1NE Present , IRENE FENWIOK In The Spendthrift, in 6 Reels looan LOGAN THEATRE "Mg HARRY D. CAREY in JUST JIM m $150 Oak I 4 im r8 t ( f . C. J. HEPPE & SON ffa2-?la ' ,-nn4ict," ri it m lBly a '' s I WMenyji an d). ' ') 5 r"'i'i to reuMila "mi V(
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers