Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 03, 1915, Final, Page 2, Image 2

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.AuairUns Blow Up De
fends and Shell City
Before They Leave
Grtot Victory Yet Won ; Way
Now Virtually Open to Ty
rolean Capital and Riva
1 -. ,
HOME, Sept. 3.
Itoyereto, the largest Austrian city to
fell before the Kahun armies, Is being
MOwljr occupied by the King's troops.
The Rovereto forts, which blocked the
Italian advanco on Trent, only 11 miles
away, were blown up early yesterday,
and. the Austrians began to cxacuate the
illy, retreating northward up the Adlgo
Valley In the direction of Trent. Bcforo
retiring, the ehemy forces demolished all
the hUlorlo Italian monuments and set
flr to the homes of Italian residents.
After the garrison had withdrnwn Aus
trian artillery stationed on the heights
overlooking the town from the north
poured a heavy lire Into Ilovereto
throughout yesterday, completing the
work of ruin. These batteries were en
gaged by tho Italian gunners and pattly
(fenced. The first Itullan troops began
pterlnt; Ilovereto before dusk last night,
according to dispatches received here to
The capture of Rovereto marks the
greatest single victory In the Italian ad
vance upon Trent, the goal of General
iCadorna's forces In the north. Though
the Austrian . have, constructed barrl
edts across the valley between Rovereto
and Trent, military men here believe the
Italian troops will npproach Trent Itself
Wtoro wlnttr halts military operations.
TJie city of Rovereto, lying 10 miles
north of the Italian frontier, has been
under long range bombardment for many
weeks. The civil population of about 12.
00 left early In June, but tho garrison,
occupying strong positions, continued
Its resistance until the movement of .Ital
ian troops through tho Vol tiugana re
gion and also from tho nest threatened
Its envelopment
The early evacuation of Rlva, nt the
head of Lake dl Garda, by AustrlanB, 1b
xpected to follow the fall of Rovereto.
Ceflllnurd from Tare One
wlt give no details, their confidence has
prosecutor Kraft took time today to ex
press the opinion that George B Wllllam
) aon, of Camden, ticket taker at tho Read
ing" ferry, was mistaken when he said
Cord crossed the ferry last Monday after
noon on the 4:20 boat. The prosecutor
altll believes the story of Cord's office.
boy that the real estate man did not
leave his office until 4:45 o'clock Mon
day afternoon. lie says he has another
witness to substantiate this.
Prosecutor Kraft, of Camden, at S:30
thh afternoon, said Cord was shot In an
automobile. The tlrst shot went through
itauJJSK' piercing his heart. The other
'As were fired In a downward direction.
vVu want and expect to cet the man
,- who made tho trip with him from Phlla-
ueipnia, ne aam. "mere nave been
many wild theories as to this murder, and
I believe we are now at tho point of
ii solving the crime."
Olaf Peterson, the murdered man's
business partner, who Is still detained by
the authorities, was visited today In the
Camden Jail by David W. Garrlgues, an
expert accountant, who lives at Id and
York atreets. Camden, Oarrlgues, It Is
believed, obtained detailed information
from Peterson concerning his connection
with tho Manatee Land Development
Company, of which Cord was a part
owner. Peterson, It Is said, sas he
nought the land at 1 on acre, and took
Cprd Into the deal at the rate of 1 1 an
Peterson told Prosecutor Kraft, It Is
- sld, he had a nuichnjfp for hi. t.,i
f, , ; the price of IISO.OOO, and the first pay-
tneilt WHS tft htk tnt,l nn s.v KA.. U
t. txsr 1. Peterson also said, Recording to
the Prosecutor, that he would have di
vided the proceeds with Cord had he
John JI, Hamed. the Camden attorney,
ho was a partner of Peterson and Cord
ta Ue Buchanan Lumber Company, called
o the prisoner at the Jail this morning.
Before the Sheriff permitted Ilarned to
Peterson ho demanded a permit from
Uw Prosecutor. This was granted, and
Harned spent some time In Peterson's
awtl lir a secret conference.
H4 did' not wish to dlsouss the case
4sssy" He e)t4- denv. tlini ho ! th I-..,
gi miraiisjialrve of Peterson, ir. ,!,
K SlOt Ull 'the Mature Of hln rnnv
U Peterson. v "w"
Attention of Cord's relatives was dl
Wrt4 from the hunt for his slayer to
JtaV by the condition of Mrs. Cord. As
th Una for the fim.r.i t i, ...i. "5
kmlij j -f-..,, w ,.w( ujuiuerGU
r"S-. 'Z" e?r ne Decama almost
liSjr!- Tw of ner "te",- Mrs.
ZZFyLi!1 "n1 J,r' Kd'a" Wey
cnf aanton, hurried to the
i 2t 7,!0" t,Jurl SPri"!.''. In an
;.rort to comfort Mrs, cord.
Ckamlth was put to work today
W. Bullitt Building. Papers In the strong
Vlete th evidence given by Peterson of
Varloua Jumber deals that might have
?heUMrdenr."' " '" " S
iM.tlTV. ot the murdr, n was
l.'M Jhta aiternoon from his mansion
f P7'f,.If tTVlc were at J o'clock
d burial was t Mount Morlah n..
iery, ts clt. The services and inter-
.1 " n?1 r'cy Private. '"
The Bev. CUorge Wharton MeMuiiin.
lTr.oT.ih Episcopal Church of St
w wiwerneas, of Olbbsboro,
"MtfUa t the funeral rviM.
ss OMsjty sletecttves were scatir.ri
fTMufe! lh .
"r i
ff tffA V,W,0M Ho.
Atimc aty AbMim
r th ftmmt
Am In ea4y c4i fa, i..
A nlSSrillila SunrW i ...
, gjiff the Uhelburne.
atm. Kri' t-tfart Km J i. w. . J:
d bel. If J UrMFAM .-
f - rw'T iw many
tavolved taking
iAtereH ot
Hm kmu ttn the
'" -jT bMn he
" I i ips i y or ,
tnuitti f a new
' --.- ' vwlt B.
i n. A lb. p,ja.
I II 1 JaWat'"" i)Jajy i W C tAKaiBaBBBiuBnBHilNsafiB
fc -
The city now faces an expense of $500 to clear away the rubbish left lyinjr in the Parkway site occupied
by "Billy" Sunday's tabernacle before excavation can begin on the new library operations. The Sunday
Campaign Committee, refusing to accept tho blnmo for .the donations of sawdust, broken chairs, hatpins,
and boards left on tho tabernacle lot, says that some of the McNichol workmen engaged on the Parkway
improvement deposited the stuff on tho vacant lot. This view was taken by an Evening Ledger photo
grapher this afternoon.
Hits Mine Off Dardanelles.
Bodies of 600 Recovered,
Says Sofia
BERLIN, Sept. 3. A British transport
hit a mine off the entrance to the Dar
danelles and sank with alt on board, ac
cording to special dispatches received
from Sofia today. Tho vessel cart led S3)
officers, 1-50 soldiers and COO sailors, the
dlepatches ndd, a total of 1ST0 men.
The bodies of COO of tho men drowned
In this disaster have been recovered.
Continued from 1'age One
the ofllces of City Treasurer and Re
ceiver of Taxes. Vare men nro "slated"
for the offices of Sheriff, Recorder of
Deeds and to be one of the County Com
missioners. These three offices are all
gains In the Vare patronage.
The Penrosc-McNIchol faction will have
a checkicln on the 'Varcs In a patronage
way, hLWever, through Smith. Smith Is
a McNichol ward leader, and even in tho
Vare camp there aro few who bcllevo
ho has renounced any of his old allegi
ance. He was at one time In Penrose's
law office, and was started In the bond
ing business by Penrose.
As Mayor, Smith would have control
of much of the City Hall patronage, and
because of this power. Organization lead
em today are predicting that no Vare
dynasty will bo Bet up during the next
four years should Smith be elected.
"The machine will be In control," say
Organization men today. They are, of
course, not reckoning with tho strength
tho Independents are gaining as the result
of the revolt agalnBt the Smith plot, but
they mean that under Smith there would
bo n "fair division of the Bpolls," with
neither faction dominating the adminis
The withdrawal papers of Public Serv
ice Commissioner John Monaghan and
Htnto Representative Frederick Beyer
vere filed In the County Commissioners'
ofltco today. District Attorney Rotan and
Robert J. McKenty, who have also agreed
to withdraw In favor of Thomas B.
Smith and Organization "harmony" on
the mayoralty, have not yet withdrawn,
hut are expected to do so tomorrow.
Senator Boles Penrose, who 20 years ago
started Thomas B. Smith In tho bonding
business and through whose Influence
Smith was appointed Poatmaster by
President Taft, today lauded Smith as
being fully qualltled for Mayor, It was
tho first statement Penroso has made on
the mayoralty.
The Senator annbunced that "harmony"
was "very gratifying" to him, and, of
course, predicted an overwhelming Re
publican victory In November. He did
not mention Congressman Vare, who yes
terday withdrew from the Organization
mayoralty race In favor of the Penrose
McNkhol candidate, Smith.
"I havo no doubt In my mind that the
Republican ticket will be elected by a
larger majority than the ticket received
last November," said Senator Penrose.
"I am. of course, gratified that har.
mony exists In the working organization
of the Republican party, and I believe
that the candidate for Mayor who has
been agreed upon will command the con
fidence of ovcry one and will have all
the qualifications of character and expe
rience to a peculiar degree that will tit
him to give a successful administration
ot the rlty government.
"I have known Mr. Smith very well
for over to years and am, of course,
more than usually familiar with his ad
ministration In the PostotTtce Department
at Philadelphia. He was one of the best
postmasters who ever administered the
Philadelphia Postofflce, and the qualities
which he displayed there give assurance
of an equally successful administration
"Ths registration of yesterdav u v.
gratifying, particularly n view of the
faet that It was brought out without any
organized effort It shows the strong
trend of the people back to the Republi
can party in order to get rid as soon a
posslblo of the Intolerable conditions
brought upon the country by the Demo
cratic Administration and legislation"
Senator Penrose said that he wjlj 'ad
dress the county meeting of the P O a
of A, at Somerset on Labor Day
T. JJ. Smith Ha Narrew Ecape
uP.".?rvi: c"lloner Thomas B,
8mlh, the Organisation candidate for
Major. la congratulating himself today
on his nairow eseaDa frnm ii,.-.. ." "
SUS"8 !!"" .? '.'" "d
Smith and a frlsnd were badly shaken Im
hen his r collided with sKrVrU.
automobile was put cut pf commission
UmMrarlly. but serious m.J?''Vn.
averted because Mr. Smith's chauffeur
caused the car IMMrr, suddenly UJ,
avoUt a fce4-ea wllftlpa, w
r-J,., ,, llttj
Dtwtel IhmImm "Itsinnls-dJ
HAPBWWRff, !,., pit.' IZ7 H.
rs. ft WUMelphfaUnu Waiter w
Piuatad wkIwi it . suu DeWul lr3
City Officials Threaten Suit Be
cause of Litter on Lot
Where Tabernacle
A legacy of litter and debris bequeathed
the "Bill j" Sunday Campaign Committee
and so far unclaimed by that committee
may result In another Job for tho courts
In addition to that of Colonel Charles M.
Kcegan, of 1914 Spring Garden street.
One of the colonel's many complaints
was that tho baseball eangcllst and his
campaign committee neglected to carry
off four or tlvc carloads of rubbish from
his house, while In tho new case now
threatening tho committee Is being bom
barded for Just the same reason regard
Ins the lot on which the tabernacle was
Some time, when legal obstacles are re
moved, tho city of Philadelphia expects to
build a magnificent library on the site oc
cupied by the Sunday temple. But before
this may be done about (500 must be spent
to remove the material obstacles in the
way of sawdust, dirt, hat pins, pennies,
broken chairs and various other kinds of
rubbish that Is of no use to any one, and
so has been permitted to remain on the
Joseph M. Steele, chairman oft the cam
paign committee, believes the rubbish was
put on the lot by workmen employed by
one of the McNichol contracting com
panies engaged on Parkway Jmprove
mentft. He will hold a conference with
Henry It. Edmunds, president of the
library board, within a few days.
This determination was arrived at by
Mr. Steele after he had received a com
munication from another official of the
library board, deputized by Mr. Edmunds.
The letter set forth In harrowing detail,
It is understood, the unsightly condition
of the lot, and asked that the Sunday
Campaign Committee immediately take
steps to remove the debris.
As In tho Kcegan case, however, Mr.
Steele declined responsibility for the com
mittee. He will attempt to prove this to
the satisfaction of Mr. Edmunds and
other members of the library board. Mr.
Edmunds Is authority for the statement
that unless the rubbish is removed by
the committee legal action will be
f'flntlllUfll fmm Pair,, fin
Bancroft threw out .ucrkle.
two hits, no errors.
No runs,
Fletcher threw out Becker. Luderus
beat out an Infield hit. Whltted forced
Luderus, Grant to Doyle. Whltted stole
second. Nlehoff struck out. No runs, one
hit. no errors.
Fletcher beat out an Infield hit. Stock
threw out Thorpo, Fletcher going to sec
ond. Dooln was out, Luderus, unassisted,
Fletcher going to third. Mayer threw out
Perrltt. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Fletcher threw out Klllefor. Perrltt
threw out Mayer. Stock lined to Merkle.
No runs, no hits, no errors.
Burns filed out to Whltted. Bancroft
got Grant's Texas Leaguer back of short.
Robertson beat out an Infield hit. Rob
eitson was out stealing, Klllefer to Ban
croft. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Bancroft filed to Robertson. FIctchor
threw out Paskert. Becker doubled to
right. Luderus filed out to Dojle. Vo
runs, one hit, no errors.
Dojle singled to right. Merkle doubled
iSi.lf lifl"d.'. cornf Doyle and taking
third himself on the throw In. Merklo
scored on Fletcher's sacrifice fly to
Kr' Thorpe was safe on Bancrofts
m.Wi li!J0Wr,0 flrllt- Dool PPed up to
ni'e. T0rPe Ut teal""f. Klllefer o
Bancroft. Two runs, two hits, one error.
m5rWKRi.&!fiV0 '!" N,ehofr ,rUBk
i.V ..Kl,lefer "' out to Thorpe. Per
rltt threw out Mayer. No run. on. ,i.
no errors. ' ""
Nlohoff IKr.... ... n ...
.......v.. ....vn- uufc CITlll. Hums VS.
out. Mayer to Luderus. Mayer "hPew
out Grant No runs, no hits, no errors
Stock filed out to Burns. Fletcher threw
out Bancroft. Paskert singled Jo left.
N0l?n.f0oCedj:"k'rt' Doe i0 Letcher.
Jo runa, one hit, no errora.
,'1 .lnrow ul Robertson. Doyle
MuUtl Whltle Stock threw, out
Merkle. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Perrltt threw out Luderus. Whltted
struck out. Nlehoff filed out to Thorpe
to runs, no hits, no errors.
Nlehoff threw out Fletcher. Thorpe
!! !l8fd ,!? cn,re' Doo,n tmmef, I sS
did Perrltt. No runs, one hit, no errors!
,,.. u E.,aUTU INNINO.
Y etcher threw out Klllefer. Cravath
batted for Mayer and walked, DU1rey run-
"5 rpJ, C.revat" 8tock hlt nto a double
?uf.' .her t0 pjr,e t0 w- No
runs, no hits, no errors,
McQuillan now dIIj-IiIi.d- rn, .i.. ..L..
Jle. Burns .fouled to Stock. nlJlil
Jiofcertson. No runs, uo hits, no errors.
rtyeter threw mt Bwwroft DyU
VF7 m5 Pkft cker feulid omTS
to1 No .run, no hM, no wef.
Porter's Committee of 1000
Names Members to Arrange
for Ward Workers
With the organization of the Porter
Citizens' Committee of One Thousand, the
campaign for the nomination of Director
George D. Porter for Mayor on the Wash
ington party ticket has been begun for
mally. Tho following members of the
Campaign Committee of tho Committee
of Ono Thousand wero nnmed lato yes
terday: Andrew J. Piaff, chairman; Wil
liam M. Longstrcth and William P. Sle
gcrt. This subcommittee! Is to arrange
for the formation of ward campaign com
mittees In every ward In the city.
Director Porter returned to his office
today, after having been confined to his
home In Oermantown for two clays with
n severe cold. Although still suffering
rrom tho effects of the cold,, he said that
ho would attempt to complete his cam
paign platform so that It can bo made
public within a day or two.
Continued from Tase One
the ball roll and both runners were safe.
Biu-ry sacrificed, Schang to Mclnnls. Cady
fouled to Lapp. Shore fanned. No runs,
two hits, no errors.
Schang beat out a bunt to Gardner.
Malone hit into a double play, Barry to
Janvrln to Hoblltzell. Lapp lined to
Barry. No runs, ono hit, no errors.
Lajolo threw out Hooper. Malone fum
bltd Janvrln's grounder. Speaker filed
to Walsh. Shcehun threw to first to catch
Janvrln nupplng, and Mclnnls' return
throw was wild, Janvrln taking second.
Hoblltzell walked. Lewis beat out a hit
to Malone, filling tho bases. Gardner's
grounder hit the third base and went for
n single, Janvrln scoring. Schang fum
bled Barry's grounder, scoring Hoblltzell
and Lewis. Cady singled to left, scoring
Gardner. Shore tripled to centre, scoring
Barry and Cady. Hooper popped to
Strunk. Six tuns, four hits, threo errors.
W. Davis and Bush wero ordered off
tho bench by Umpire Nalltn. Barry
threw out Shcchan. Walsh out, Shoro to
Hoblltzell. Strunk tripled to right. La
Jole out, Shore to Hoblltzell. No runs,
ono hit, no errors.
Janvrln fouled to Schang. Speaker
walked. Hoblltzell out to Mclnnls, unas
sisted. Speaker taking second. Lewis
beat out a hit to Schang, Speaker taking
third. Lewis stole second. Gardner
walked, filling the bases. Barry singled
to left, scoring Speaker and Lewis. Ruth
batted for Cady and fanned. Two runs,
two hits, no errors.
Carrlgan now catching for Boston.
Barry tossed out Mclnnls. Oldrlng out,
Gardner to Hoblltzell. Schang beat out
a nu 10 unore. .Malone popped to Janvrln.
No runs, one hit, no errors.
Anker now pitching for the Athletics.
Lajole tossed out Shore. Hooper doubled
to left and took third on a wild pitch.
Jonvrln walked. Janvrln stole second.
Anker threw out Speaker, Hooper scor
ing. Hoblltzell was hit hv n nitrh.H .ii
Lewis was also hit by a pitched ball, fill
ing the bases. Lajole tossed out Gard
ner, One run, one hit, no errors,
Barry threw out Lapp. Anker fanned.
Janvrln threw out Walsh. No runs, no
hits, no errors.
Barry singled to left. Carrlgen, hit Into
a double play, Schang to Lajole to Mc
lnnls. Shore walked. Hooper forced
Shore, Malone to Lajole. No runs, one
hit no errors.
Gainer playing first base for Boston
Strunk filed to Speaker. Lajole filed to
Speaker. Mclnnls singled to left. Old-
ring fanned. No runs, one hit. no errors
fli"lrlV.ln,Bl"1 Bt La,oIe' Speaker
fifed to Oldrlng. Schang threw wild to
second on Gainer's grounder, and Janv.
rln went to third. Gainer and Janvrln
started In double steal, but anvrln was
thrown out at the plate, and aGlner was
doubled up. Anker to Lajole to Schang
No runs, one hit. ope error. ""'""is-
Grtgjr went Into the box for Boston
Schang beat out a bunt to Oardner. and
took second on his wild throw Malone
popped to Oalner. anvrln threw out
Lapp, Schang taklnir thim t. ..".
ii. ... A-.C- v" "" "
v...w ... ,... u runs, one hit, ono
error i
Lewis singled to centre. Gardner fouled
to Lapp. Harry fanned as Lewis stole
second, Carrlgan singled to left t.,i.
taking third. Gregg forced Carrlgan Ma
lone to Lajole. No runs, two hits, no er
rors, Ilenrlckson now pla)Ing centre for Bos.
ton Watah riled to Ilenrlckson Barry
tossed out Strunk Lajole popped to Bar
ry. Nq runs, no hits, no errors,
Hooper grounded to Mclnnls. Schang
threw wild on Janvrln' grounder
Henrlksen filed to Strunk Gainer singled
to centre. Lewis filed to Walsh. No
runs, one hit. one error.
Mclnnls aingled to right and w forced
at .Mumd by Oldrlng. Barry to Janvrln:
Mttlone bounced a home run Into the loft
new Meachem scoring Schang ahead of
Jus. Janri trljdod to right McAvov
runs, ikrae aiu, no errors..
The Reason for Harmony?
During Ih, n four y.ar. th, city of Philadelphia may """
tract, amounting to nearly $200,000,000. Of thU amount, $132,400,000
will be lor project to which the city ie already pledged. They Include!
Tran.it TfZ
Sewage di.po.al ey.t.m 24,000,000
Grade cro.ting elimination and dock development
In South Philadelphia 20,000,000
Completion of Parkway, including co.t of acqul-
.itlon of property 10,000,000
Reconduction of Blockley 6,000,000 ,
Convention hall 1,400,000
Street cleaning, lighting, etc., average $6,000,000
annually 20,000.000.
Highway., water tyttem, improvement; etc., ettl-
mated at $2,000,000 annually 8,000,000
To thi amount may be added the following additional expenditure!
for improvement, already plannedt
Additional highspeed tran.it linee $17,000,000
Later extensions to tewage di.po.al tyttem 16,000,000
Widening Bth ttreet from Navy Yard to Olney
avenue 12,000,000
Central traffic circuit tuggetted by the Comprehen-
tlve Plant Committee 2,600,000
Boulevard, 12th and Arch ttreett to Kentington. . . 2,500,000
ATHENS, Sept. 3. According to a dispatch from Mltylene, a large Turkish
force that was surrounded by British troops 'on Gall I poll Peninsula succeeded
In cutting Itself out and escaping.
NEW YORK, Sept. 3. Eight elevators In tho North German Lloyd Build
ing, 11 Broadway, fell this afternoon, dropping from 3 to 16 floors. Thirty
persons were In the cars and not one was Injured.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Tho first actual submarine base to be estab
lished on tho Atlantic coast will be located at Now London, Conn. Secretary
of tho Navy Daniels announced today that work would bo started at once
on a station there. Captain Albert W. Grant will have charge of the baso.
Heretofore submarines on tho Atlantic coast have operated out of the various
navy yards.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Tho Interstate Commerce Commission today
announced that It had postponed the date on which Its order In the anthracite
coal case will become effective from October 1 to December 1. By Us decision
In the anthracite, case tho commission cut $8,000,000 from the yearly Income
of the railroads In the coal regions of Pennsylvania,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. The "White House this afternoon made public
a telegram from tho "American Defense Society" of New York pledging
unremitting support to President Wilson's call for a definite defense program.
CHICAGO, Sept. 3. Coroner Hoffman today made his ofllclal report on
tho Eastland disaster. Tho total death list Is placed at 812, of whom 52 were
less than 10 and 295 less than 20 years of age. Of the 812 there were act
men and boys and 461 women and girls among tho dead.
BERLIN, Sept. 3. Germany ls.golng after the Central and South American
trade. At a meeting of the newly formed economy association delegates de
clared that Germany should not trade opportunity on the South American
continent, but should strengthen her connections there. Dr. Bernhard Dern
burg, president of the new association, expects to go to South America soon.
LONDON, Sept. 3. Japan Is playing her part with the Allies by furnish
lng rifles and artillery, it was lea.-ned today. Hundreds of thousands of
rifles manufactured In Japan havo been received by tho British Government,
and it Is understood that tho British troops at the Dardanelles are almost
entirely equipped with Japanese guns. The Japanese are reliably represented
to have shipped artillery to Russia recently.
BOMBAY, India. Sept. 3. Heavy rains and floods have caused loss ot
life and property damago In India. One hundred houses collapsed here because
of tho deluge and a thousand houses were damaged. Several lives were lost
at Cawnpore. The damage is estimated at $6,600,000.
ATHENS, Sept. 3.-Large Bulgarian forces began their annual maneuvers
",u,' Auiuniu. district, near
The Bulgarians are In a position to
to Join the Teuton alliance.
LONDON, Sept. 3. An Amsterdam dispatch says it Is reported that Ad-
j? T T!,rpl.tZ,,th0 German M,n,8ter of Mar,no- w, rcsBn "1 will be sue
ceeded by Admiral von Pohl. now chief of the Admiralty Staff and comnmmW
of tho German battle fleet. It Is rumored that Admlrai l von" TuStTSn
ster of Marine, has gone to headquarters of Emperor William to confer with
the chief of tho Emperor's naval staff. tonier wttn
AMSTERDAM. Sept. 3.-Kalser Wllhelm has conferred the Black Eaele
hoTd" o7B1resILuovskMaCken9en '" ""' """ ' th H-
Sir William Johnson, 6 to 1,
Wins First Race Sants Sec
ond, Chesterton Third
BELMONT PARK, Sept. 3,-Slr William
Johnson, a long shot, won tho first race
here this afternoon from a field of 14.
His time was 1:21. The odds on the win
ner were 6 to 1 to win, C to 2 and 6 to 6.
First race, for B.year-olds artd up,
purw J'v. oyj, lunongi, main course-b
ivjitiaui .joiiiiaoii
'i2' .Ilur'Ln,n, 0 to J, 5
la 2, O to C, won) Hants, Dg, Jitn
cond .
, Chesterton, ltw. Turner!
jy 1. third. Time, tail
10 to 1. I Is 1. 1 to
arovenor Campeon, Ilammon I'ass Dlnih bo'
Ifauuiganet also ran.
.KCJff'i 7S!.Jf 'y. for. K.year.
olds, handle-up. with W added; , W furlouss
trslsht-Femrock, 100. J McTaKtrt. S to "
2 to B. out. won; Rkv Plln, urn i V.'I!
a to a. out, won: buy Pilot. 100. J. McCahiv!
10 to 1, 2 to 1, out. second:' jimh., i,f,'
Uuxton, 4 to 6, 1 to 2, out, third. Tlm
J 03 1-5. Plelone also rn. '
Zhli . "If' ota airear-old. selllnr, ooo
adld. 1 mile Lady Teresa. 100. HurlTnKam?
T to rS to 0, out,' woni Horwm. ltcAte!'
IT to 10, 3 to . out. condi All Bmlffj ill"
llutwell, 13 to 6. 7 to 10. 1 to , third Ttmi
1 tts.5. WaterWn. cnt, ir.', IncTpuks of
Dunbar aUo ran u" ol
Fourth race, the Port Washington Hindi,
cap, with ITQO added, mile ifsrry 8 haw
lift. llutwell. a to 1, 1 to a out "on! ; FrUr
Hock 0. J. McTsrt. I) to lo iT''?.f
second. Charter Uald, 95. darner. 0 'to s
Vxr ,h',L T,TOe' ,i80 '& Vurn
I. r-f,..
race, for 4.yesr-old and up, nin
led, 1 1.1(5 mllwi-o-Bulllvin ii5
nis, . X to f. J to a out, won" Uw'QulM
'-? t. ." ?. out, scond7 Siit.r
Fifth- race,
t-iuO added,
uuninKniin, iigiui out, won: lien On
1ai Mink. :i In 9 ! In ..' S'.'rf" H"
Bur. T, Louder. 8 to 1." a 0 I. Cut uM'a
Time, l.W. Napier also rsn. ' vw ,Mrd'
Cub WwiW- Rtijr OU WrW
HAVANA. Sept 3.-Cuba u neotiatUur
,wth the Vnlfd States for the, lurpwe
buybiu- an oolete warship, to boLZa
talsloi wM, TN United I attoS
hu offered t cbolea o? four.
3, 1915.
tno ureck frontier.
Invade Greece quickly If thev derld
' ueciae
Armine Is Second and Billy
Frew Third in the Initial
MONTREAL. Can., Sept. 3.-Sweet Col
leen captured the- opening: event at the
Rlue Bonnet meeting here this afternoon
in the fV4 furlonw race for selling x.
year-olda. The prlcea on the winner were
II.W. 2.20 and out. Armine ran second
and Billy Frew was third.
The summaries:
80, third. Tim, W wwta"S
"'"" "OW V, o7d"p0p aT
ran. Billy Frew and Kama counl.,1 to.ii.
W. and Ml.. Fay W,lker-?.n?ruJ ' W""am
Second nee. pur.e 1500. m!d,a a-rwU,
J, 'Uflom'-Damletta. 100, Cooper? fc o0 tl W
W.0. worn Greenwood. 112. . it.' Ii. .!?
fl.60, second; aypty VMr 112 Zi!,.,., '
W,H Tim? faT'Ar. hu .""L"'
Gee, OeorM Mor.an. Udy of Lynn, 8hDneT
Brecon,. ... Ph,lbln, g ';
S2frrtKA WXtifi
Fourth raci
Fourth race, two. .te.ni,,... .
lem also rsaH Court, Em.rkiJ
MT TV.ithe"y, sJ.iS ai "i.1"""' Color.;
JofcBwn, car" Nmt lr.,'S,nf-
Mrs. Mohr Says She Has- Been
"Framed Up" Laughs,
Giving No Sign of
providence, r. i., sept. s.--r am
absolutely Innocent," said Mrs. Elizabeth
Blair Mohr today, after spending the
night with her children at home, follow
ing her release on 110,000 ball, accused ot
She absolutely denied all knowledge ot
the alleged conspiracy that resulted In
the killing; of her husband, Dr. C, Frank
lin Mohr, and the wounding of his house
keeper. Miss Emily Burger.
The funeral of Doctor Mohr, held today
from his residence, win arranged by Mrs.
Mohr and carried out under her direction.
It was private.
Mrs. Mohr Robbed softly throughout
tho funeral services. With her as mourn
ers were only the doctor's son by his first
wife, her daughter. Virginia, and Doctor
Mohr'a brother. Dr. Charles Mohr, of
McEwensvIlIe, Pa. Mrs. Mohr gavo per
mission for newspapermen to attend the
A large crowd gathered outside the
Mohr residence, and a battery ot cam
eras was trained on the accused widow
as she entered a carriage for tho ceme
tery. She made no attempt to shield
herself from the photographers.
"I knew nothing about the dreadful
conspiracy until the detectives told me,"
Mrs. Mohr declared. "They shot and
killed Doctor Mohr and then tried to
frame mo up. Yes, It was a frame-up,"
For cool nerve, Mrs. Mohr Is remark
able. She was tho first to reach her
husband's bedside at the Rhode Island
Hospital. Within a few hours after his
death she applied for the custody of his
property, ntnountlng to $230,000. She has
smiled nnd laughed ever since her arrest.
That tho threo negroes, George W.
Ilcalls, Henry Spellman nnd Cecil Brown,
have made detailed confessions that tho
physician's wife promised them $5000 to
kill Doctor Mohr and disllguro Miss Bur
ger apparently has not shaken the nerve
of Mrs. Mohr. After her release on bail,
she went, practically a free woman, to her
little homo and amused herself with her
children, ns though she had not a care
In the world.
Efforts already aro being mnde by the
authorities to get In touch with Doctor
Mohr's first wife, said to be In New
York. Little has been known here of
the former Mrs. Mohr since she figured
In a sensational alienation suit brought
In 1897 by Doctor Mohr against Dr. Wil
liam Stevens, of New York. v
Mrs. Mohr and tho three negroes are to
bo arraigned before Judge Hammll at
Warren, in Brlstot County, on September
ib. uy tnat time, it Is believed, Mis
Burger, her beauty forever marred by a
bullet wound In her Jaw and shoulder,
will bo able to leave, the hospital nnd
glvo testimony. Today It was said tho
young woman was out of danger.
Tho name of another woman, Miss Flor
ence Ormsby, Doctor Mohr's office at
tendant, has been brought Into the murdor
Miss Emily Burger, who was riding with
Doctor Mohr when ho was shot, docs not
know that her companion was killed. She
continually asks for him and about his
condition, nnd la betas' assured that
"Doctor Mbhr Is resting well."
Physicians at the Rhode Island Hospi
tal are afraid to tell her of the death of
Doctor Mohr, fearing It might shock her
too much In her present critical condi
tion. Miss Burger, lying in bed todny, told
tho story of the shooting and of hor
friendship with Doctor Mohr.
"I tried for a long time to reconcile
Doctor Mohr nnd his wife," said Miss
Burger, "but it was Impossible. Doctor
Mohr felt very bitterly toward his wife,
and when my efforts to bring them to
gether failed I did not feel that It was
wrong for mo to go out with Doctor
"On the night of tho shooting Doctor
Mohr and I started out from Stewart
street with the negro chauffeur Healls
driving tho car. Healls drove recklessly.
Doctor Mohr spoke to me about a half
dozen times concerning the rate at which;
Healls was going, but he did not order
Healls to check up.
"We were somewhat surprised and P
was a little suspicious when Healls sud
denly stopped tho car with a Jerk under
a big tree on the road. That was whtre
mo oiiuuiiiik occurrea. iieaiis stooped
over and put out the headlights. Then
he climbed out of the car and began to,
tinker with the engine.
"He remarked: 'I am having trouble
with tho gasoline,' but neither1 Doctor
Mohr or I spoke to him.
"Suddenly I heard a loud report. I
thought It was the engine backfiring. la
another moment thcro was another re
port and I Jumped to my feet. Both
sounded llko back fire from the exhaust.
I saw blood flowing from Doctor Mohr's
face. Aa I looked I felt a sharp pain
In roy shoulder, the right one, and then
another burning pain In my neck.
"I still thought there had been an ac
cldcnt to tho machine."
"The first thing I did then was to Jumi
out of the car Into the roadway. I don't
remember whether I climbed over the
door or opened It. I didn't see anybody
but Healls. As I stood In the road h-J
grabbed me by the arm, dragging me
under the tree and threw me down oru
the ground. The left side of my face
struck something and I don't remember
anything else. I didn't see any other
people except Healls and Doctor Mohr."
Rest is relative. To some
it's sleep; others think it's
serene, loafing ; but a noted
Philadelphian's idea of a
quiet time is to chase
around wild things in the
bitter cold. The "tran
quility" of this merchant-hunter-lecturer
in Alaska
furnishes the material for
''Real Rest" by Walter
Dunn. The story appear
in Sunday's 'Public