EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRPAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1015: 15 3: - WoM. Ce. trust erllM ?rllm i r llt Hell er Hat J erllat erllMi -mnt,) '"Hi ft 1 )NS IN; IN NG ODI. youf ai Via res qulcf ISV11VS xpen . Bo "cook eflCM.,i itnllvt i ink) if. PAH?. BU P IK PPI.T i NHV r-isli i is ""- WANTED MA1-15 '. iiileiial earff.J . ,-n .perinea nd '"' "k 4?T-iftJ.r- scr-lce- "C-.-,,, " -Wr"-; SiKir rtors " 7 ikVv flrst-elsss reier- Hi en"" - fiM ,o wrtTiTKiShrt- "fl """ Eh W" ,! will b r llited free W f ii4 KrlTuTry liureau, Ledger Em Sfc1lr KrVS-ni r " "" every day. flTB !" lni. IllAnKO. . "- - kffl"-WT'8ct.wIWlk . f jll v ' jRVSVSKiSBnoaiqu.'fS USnceN neT. P MJBi " TV,Vct.d. A 2ll. ledger Pfnr- - ,.,.i wanted: one famll- IHPSsmbershlp cumpmin. Write. Blv- lA Sit tic!, to H 20. ledger Central. nf tpf re' - "' " i'Auivt Z wffi,Ra: W-WS fp -? : "llfolMySo A CO.?' bOPEIUNTBND. lKmH OFFICE r" i LrtS-TwRntsd lor I'hlla. Rnd vicinity. lrm.J.lri. to sell to electro-plntera IS.SSctuJirJo. chemltali and supplies. r,":.njfVlS. ledger Otnce. WANTED A CHIEF DRAUGHTSMAN t .v. .-hurra of drawing office of Ti take coarse w. ..-.-'i SnBfaeturlnf concern ma lockers and shelving and iSS na" ln "gnt m" tu i..-- miii.Hi mlk making eteel am. wnrlr nf metals. . . .Ktllfw In nmDcrlv re- .Sol" and direct sGch a depart SntT employl" from four to six tnftd. Tor conlderatlon full Information nft be given as to training and ex Mrtrace. giving date, of previous positions held. Hurt state whether ho Is at the moment employed and what compen sation ' Pected. Address rejly to 5H. LEDQEIt CENTRA- VYA.1 AB A caratle man to assist In taking charge ot Biwouth horseman In riding and driving, oidtrstsnd breeding and have good rejter SPilyjA.oxJiJIlCJLcdBCrOtHce. OIIJ.0 MEN, two. with experience on Hol- lerttn CAra puncaca. i.au 1.0 p. ...... ... .With Mr. Hunt, ot the Commercial Registry for a sales, clerical, executive or technical I?1 mtloo. ieager aaveruscrn 111 mo ohm"w jma Minmn sre dallv securing oPenlnRS tsroutk'thls Sen Ice. Write or calt for free booklet. -Opportunlty." tlTUATIONS WANTED FEMALE IltLXliRK. S years' experience; quick and tcoir.lt; central. H 248. Ledger Central. XIAHBERMAID and waiting; experience1; chr preferred, reference. U 72a, ledger Office. JSltlDPtHPADV . UmiiaHtAL "Vnttrnr TslnVt Protestant! city referenre. 318 S. Taney st (HILLi.S'UBSB, Txpd. young woman; gooii s.cr; bet refs. 2B5 W.3d st.,Moorestown.N.J. fclPANlON 'AND MAlD.-rA.coraptent"Udy voMiT'lkf position as companion and mau M ladr fond ot traveling. For further In ibrmiuon address Mrs. Graham, 11U Kt. tmi. place, Atlantic City. vuncxpcnencea young wniio woman; gona f(X)Klf;a end dovnstalis work Young Protes- (Ant V..I. .(.Iiatlnn Oft"l T 4ab nl.. SSMAKrNri Young Tady wlsliea to engage with dreumaker; exp. I'h.Frankford 10-14 D. lIRLTpallflh.. want! r(.nnrAl hnnamvn.lr' moalji want.BBnlV 4163 Wayne ave. v3 SSEKEEPER. managing, public or private; - Protuunt. reference. I. 7.1.1. ininp nrr'.i-m. I0USBIV6BK or cleanlng'by day! experienced dtoodreferenccs.uH Spruce st. KPANT-B NURSE, capable of taking "full loittre-. hoerltal Iralnlne. n.lmnni :itik w. &J'rw'"cl"i l"lilnl,t. wishes position mo- fJMAIDTrellnedr capable" colore 1 woman t"'vsi ujjiuvo UdihJ bilni.'t.!n-prlv,l? .f""'1 or PhH place; t references. ( WwtPWUdelphla. 1..T-. '''""' -a wa iinimoro ave. LlttKnoVoot - - ?-: . '4EgHKS:,K;"iT: I?amoVr,on?.,1 S Ut- i, TiJ iv... .wJ"n P'ac8 nrst-class ntfS?rto,Ier' Addr C- Thompson, U27 ""'"HuU SS?1;?-... t n!!Il"V w!.hes to . . V KfflSMSKvi? Wdff'S'.o'ffi. isHSfVS? eWW. . , McaS Jit , correspondent- well iv ,..c?!.b'.e' with JO years' exp.. desires ctat hsMUi'V.. .Sfiiv e?.cft'!i!y ! TScSn?rrr..7v- " -ea- Vwt. Hrt. VV5.5Vmi I ,'?' excellent lit rlJ r'W"."! good reference., n !!ypngirnr citri, d...... d.,,iF1E'K expert; canTak.TVM in if-lKr2- "" " '" Ledger Centraf wSller!' H,ntt bookkeeplfrTupid,, oTTKTriW-'L3.?. Ledger CentroL Pimni Ty".1UAN WOMAN wlihe. ,.- sor. Lea, ii,' :"' wisnes pos f wishes pos. nur, tWhfiran.J'i . ' --.t--i Columbla ave, Mrtntf.0 M: ?rCLS8AP"Ens, BOOKKEEPERS UH'.yjJ,e. fr ervlc. to ' eeork ,??U; ouch. wh expert- IB und?s.SOHli,J. cbnrmald, vplai. "!! day-a work, seaml '. ouivp m A, v overnesses. child i Pl. Cs7. tS-'A W0fklnK and man. I w o? .u?'l" tslenbons Miss -- ...nwi,! mim 1S29z " wSfifc, Qll?CJ? MAWAdifi1 Krt-TIlJa.??? h'J(h adej Lost p sjaLui ""e A clean-cut. weir LMe4iT 1. rrStt responslbjs.posl. mrm".-. R-AMfril!.n wn:,'rS eeruc. e.i. iW"""!.. -Ul"- St. 1H U iur, 0ox lij. Itlng or accom- '1-1.0 1T' ' "lun. Mnruce MW5. Nf-!"i SITUATIONS WANTED MALE (All cfp IVanled om Hlfimllons TVaaled ndirrllXnu Inserted fit IA Daily ruilie Ltdgtr it repeated in the Evening Ledprr Ids tarn day without additional charge. CHAriTKI'll desires position, fsmfflsr with Auiocnr, Jlsck nd Whito trucks, good me rhsnla anl refs. Hell phone Poplar 31 IP". OIIAUFKKtll wantc situation, 8 years' rxperl- f en. o years wun prwent employer Anpiy jrri 8. IMh at CliA)Fr"RUnr sl.igle, 5 years' experience", keep car In ben condition, prominent ilty refeienct. oren Sept. S0.11 4I(T, ld. Cent CHAUFFKim, while, "carefuVdrlver aniTme. elHinlc; 'Z yenrs last position, good references; ige 25. 1. T).1,l.cdger Office ClIAt'FffilJrl, cole -ed; exp. man; hlgh-graJe cars; best reference I. Ta, Ledger Olflcti. 5iACIIMAN. single, good leterence, 22U Arf- niereave., Animcre. l'a. COOKor housework Japsrcso wsnts position. . Apply T., 3US N. J 8th. .EXECUTIVE Man with IS years' business training, pur chasing, financial experience, general oitlce details, desires position requiring more than average ability. II 1B8, Ledger Central. GAnDENEIt, single, exp., greenhouse, vege tables, nil stock; comp,, all-around man; re.s. A 2U2, Ledger Onice. OAHUENErt, single; can run car; good ref. act npnng ave., Aramorc, 1'a. UltOCEItV SPECIALIST Klght years' practical experience, retail and grocery specialties; road, counter, outside, display management; aged 23; married; clean returtl; now employed, II 350, Ledger Cent. MAN AND WIFE, colored, chauffeur, r pall-mall, houseman, rook, chamberwotk, waiting, nursing: v. Ill go anywhere; ex, re.s. from present employers. A ll. Ledger Offlfj. MECHANICAL Mid architectural drawings" experimental work executed confidentially; models made; mod, prlcea. U Oil. led. U ff . OFFICE MAN, 32, experienced, sales and executive ability, desires responsible position with established firm. II M7. Ledger Cent. HDLIADLE, energetic, with !00 and services with cstab., paving concern. A 21U, Led. Off. SALESMAN Successful record ot 10 years; executive abil ity, pleasing personality, good address; at pirsent employed; satisfactory reason for changing, 11 148, Ledger Central. BALESMAN Young man. 28, graduate Whar ton School, good personality, now holding re sponsible office position, desires to sell lor an established manufacturing concern, II 250, Ledger Office. . SALESMAN, .1 years' mechanical and talcs ex perience; thorough knowledgo of factory pro duction; capable of acting as an assistant to an executive; age 31; married; clean rocorJ 11 431, Ledger Central. SALESMAN. experienced. going to Loa Angeles, deBlrea to represent a hlgh-d'ss manufacturing concern on the, coast, A 220, Lvdger Ofllce. SALESMAN, 0' years' experience In rubber goods; lst-class reference; can make chango at once. Il .m, ietgor central. SALESMAN Young, experienced; knowledge of rubber business; willing to travel an where. A 20T, Ledger Office. SHIPPING OR TRAFFIC CLERK Married man, 28, with 0 yrs' experlenco; thoroughly familiar with freight rates, routr Ing and claims; Interview solicited; excellent record and reference. II 444, Ledger central. STENOGRAPHER, 10 years' experience. dT slres position as correspondent and contiden tlal clerk; best ot ret It 147. Lodger Cent. TYPEWRITER, competent, 24,"reports, etc., "8 to 0, for J1.H 442, Ledger Central, VALET,'" attendant; refined young man: ex pcrlenced; references.H 413, Ledger Central. WANTED Position as precenter or leader of music In church work; baritone; experienced; best reference. II 317, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. college education business training, thorough knowledge agriculture, de sires engagement with a reputable firm whero hs can make good, with luture prospects of buying nn Interest ln business; prefer tarm machinery or equipment. II 512, Lcd;er Central. YOUNO MAN wishes general office work posi tion; 2 yrs' exp. In bookkeeping and stenog rapliy. H 313. Ledger Central- m YOUNO MAN wants position as porter or at tending to furnace; good reference; sober und honest. A 210. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN wishes pos.. waiter or butler. Frltx Krautcr. tG-3 York rd. Oak La. 412 v. YOUNG MAN, 24, references, wants a posl tlon; Inside salesman pref. 11 4.VJ. Led. Cent. The Ledger's Houtehold Registry Bureau can put you In Immediate touch with experienced gardeners, butlers, housemen, valets, cooks, chauffeurs, ccachmen- ... . . , This la n free service In Ledger Advertisers. Call, vr"te or telephone Miss Reed, Walnut or Main 3000. Suite 230-230 Ledger Dldg., 6th and Chestnut sts. AN AHI.E ASSISTANT TO EXECUTIVE Young man, highly Indorsed by preent em plovers, thoroughly experienced stenographer and office man, wishes position as secretary to busy executive. P C2S, Lodger Office. INCREASE YOUR SALES That Is what I want to do; my record of years' successful experlenco should prove an asset to jour company, II 14J, Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. NICIIOLLS, 1020 Dalnbrldge st. Com petent male ana leiiiaie ii-ip. iihu, .. ond man. couples, cooks.chambermalds, house- maids. Phone Locust 2130. IDEAL, 1831 Reed First-class ref. Jielp sup plied, white or colored. Phone DIcklnBon 1400, AUTOMOBILES For Sale WILL SELL Natlona. race-about; in perfect condition; Just .ilnted; engine overhauled Hnd Is guaranteed for 70 miles per hour; has 0 nrvv tires with quick demountable rims; fully Insured. Call Lombard 2252. U CHALMERS ROADSTER, Model 30. for aale; first-class condition. Larchwood Garage. S. 60th and Larchwood ave. SEE "IIOTO, LEDGER CENTRAL. No. 101). FLANDERS delivery auto, with panel body and reardoorsCall JCeyUjnjMaln178J. "lT SIMPLEX racing roadster: full equip ment: mechanically perfoct; for sale very ..... r-ll Wnndlnnd 352. FORD" touring ca'rfor sale; first-class condl- ctinni'. -... - lion. i3iu n-- -. KRIToadstr for aale; CairKeystone, Main 1783. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATENTS Arthur E. Paige. 714 Walnut st.. l'hlliu, mechanical and electrical engineer; registered patent attorney; estsbllahed here 30 years; inventions developed; patents, trade marks, copyrights secured and ungated any where: rejected applications prosecuted; pre liminary advice free. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING, 10 cents a yard, Al mats. nan. tir.iv.iiAiiL'i v- - ' " 1.CT0H1A.KBV1EW PATTERNS. , imvoou iVTMn fuffhtt shnrt. nrsc. course. MacDowell. 307 Denckw. Hldgllth & Market. POR SALE D1LLIAP.D. pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd. Kesfer, .120 Olrard av. OLD GOLD OLD QOLD-Casfi paid for old gold, sliver, ontlqut) clocks, will call, Rogers, 2i S. 17th. STORAGE MlL53unNE BTORAQE CO.. 22, N. 82D. Uelniyt 42- Carpets cleaned. Nest 41. ROOMS POR RENT juu- ilia iiuum ivu Can ery likely b located In a few minutes by examining the photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which ars on file for your Inspection at Ledger awers to svery uuesilon you would ask is hers, so you can decide Intelligently; fret service, test It. liROAD, V., 804 Attractivsly furnished and unfurnished .rooms; beautiful corner bouse; private and semlprlvato bath, steam heat, isctrlo light; southern exposure I excellent dicing room; homjMklngmeaIsoptlonal. CfiES-NUT,- sWTwril-furnlahedr 2d-story rooms; southern exposure; bot-watsr heat; UctrIollhtt phons. t , CUKSTNUT.'sSlS-SuIt-Tef room- wltFbath. south, expos.' also sing, rms.i table board. PINE. S0O-IderbachsIor quartsrs. furelshsd single, doubls private baths; also suits, ao com. 4 rsducsd rates to permanent tsnaot. SpIiUCE; 008-010 (lUielbunt) Fjirn, rooms, ! ... .. ! .Vi hr.rf11f.iT. ClUiflVf Vll efUll. yiiimiw leiu nr. Aiitiir -.!. 'a.nr.a rootni. Drlv.bttnf, ana eoinnexjwiu i jswsisww" v:iT':z; bTihJob, 023t Attractively Urn, suite; twe In ii'fil, 7.." i523--Lrge'''f urnrshedTstorr (r room, gentlemen preferred, private family. ED ST,"" a 25- jflcely-fuiiuW roomTUUJ prlvats fsmlly Phone Uslmont '083s. ilba OlIKSTNUT 8T" Newly furnished rooms. alnale orsnsuft use of bath. BAUTIfULLV furn. c-mblnatlon living and bed rat, excfus. section W.l'htla l'rs.!UlJ; " AUso Ci K. 1. TIIK CAHROI4-Biwinl, gpec'-ai rs,tc ?Ter Uildayg. 10 Pao v. BOARDING ARCH, l)12-Newlr furn , running wsttr all rooms; bath, meals served; phone. HAI.TIMORE AV 4US uestrsble vacancies; porch, facing Pork, phone; excel, table; refs. PAnK,"r7, .flSJ Newfy f urnTshe. single rooms for gentlemen, with board, rates very reason. able, phone Diamond (018. , sT'RUcE, 102S-3O Beautiful" front 2d-"floor sillte, furnished or unfurnished, choice table t permanent, desirable people. Si'illlCE, 1221-2A mrlsmonde)-Furn. "roomi, single, en sulte,prlvatebatha;able bord. WALNl'T. 3S18Klno" roomsr hot-water heat; "!! board. SSTH, 8., lOH-Handaomely furnished rooms, private fam.. excellent table, rreston 0IS1I W. 40TH, N., 32-Dellghtrul vacancies, "porch. lawn except' I table, near !.. Raring 20SW tOTil ST., N., 121-tloard for two gcnllemen.ln pny. fam all mcxl conveniences, nenr" L" -PHUCKI.-'N-ao.l S. 41st st. 1-lss 0. M. IIANLKY, formerly of chestnut su Suburban G It.M A NTOWN-Tho Shlppen, Wayne A llanst brry: flfst c'ass in appointments and service. Atlantic City, N, J. 8. CALIFORNIA AVE.. Chelsea-Deilrable vacancies: large rooms; excellent table. APARTMENTS Sl'tHNa OARDEN, llllO-Excetlent spts. ln8 . different houses, some turn ; kitchenettes. Writ Philadelphia POWEI.TON AVE.. 4007 fcorn.rt-5 and .rooms, bath, porch, electtlc lights, hotwater h'-at; opm day and evening. Daring 1807 D. APARTMENT HOTELS Comfort TTIfhouf Elri'0mnce THE MAJESTIC APARTMENT HOTEL I1ROAD STREET and OIRARD AVENUE Under A'eio Ownership Now Rooking for September and October Occupancy. MONTHLY RENTAL SCHEDULE Single rooms, without bath, but running water and new plumbing ISO Single rooms, with bath $40 to i.v) Two-room suites, with bath f(W to $100 Three-room suits, with bath $00 to $150 Also four magnificent, bright, high-celling corner suites, fronting on Ilroad street, re cently refitted, for Immediate rental or reser vation. Highest hotel elevation and greatest hotel values for moderate prices. KLAUO RATE FURNISHINGS. These prices Include hest, light, maid and room service, lloor and bellboy attendants, with telephone for each suite, and elevators for 24 hours. The servant problem la a thing of the past here. An Ideal home life, with hotel comforts. Thirty-three suites arc now ready for occ p.incy or reservation, with term or yearly contracts, as desired. High-class French kitchens at reasonable prices, with an addi tional discount of 23 per cent, for all food charges to regular guests. Cheaper than housekeeping. Address all communications to JAMES S. MCCARTNEY, General Manager, SIAJESTIC HOTEL ALD1NE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10TH PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS COMFORTABLE SUITES: One or mora well-furnished rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS I OFfER a large arlety of apartments at vanea prices ana .o meet aimom any re. qulivment. Call or Bend for list. Auto mobile service to inspect apartments If de sired. NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut st. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY." POPLAR. 1322 Attractive housekeeping upts., 2 and .1 rooms, bath, kitchenette; modern conveniences. Apply 1004 Land Title Bldg. 1718 N. 18TH ST. Modern flat: second floor; (I large light rooms: side-yard; $45. N. E. COR. 10TH AND MASTER Suites; room, private bath; $5 up. West Philadelphia ANGORA TEHIiaGB 63D TO B5TH STS. ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF .lAL.TlMI.lt AV. Built In pairs like side-yard houses, making every room an outside room, and with varied and beautiful architecture. If you are going to live In nn apartment this fall, the selection of THE particular apartment out ot the many, many you see on every hand Is naturally a matter of great moment to you. But there must be ONE BEST APART. MENT for you where location, service and rnmfnrt evervthlne that croes -.- make a truly attractive apartment home Is tbBolutety at Its best nnd this, too, tor a reasonable rental. For $32 to $35 monthly you can secure one it these apartments, and this Includes most excellent and even heating, unlimited hot water, courteous and efficient janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, shades, screens and awnings ln fact, everything to make apart ment housekeeping quite the perfect way to Apartments have five rooms and bath nnd are finished ln both natural wood and white ai,m,l with nrttntln nanerlncr anil fixtures. cabinet gas ranges, private porches. The price Is, In truth, the only thing Inexpensive about We have tastefully furnished a sample apartment (No. 5440 Angora terrace), which Is open for Inspection day and evening and will give you a definite Idea of how remark ably attractive mese up-i iuicuib tcijr -is, wj, II. W. QUICK & BRO.,Inc, 8 S. 40th st, and NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut It. $2fi.BO-55TH, S 1520-38 (near Chester ave.). modern In every respect. Apply Janitor, on premises. Thono Filbert 4453. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Oak Lane OAK LANE Better see that Colonial house, (nol Camao street, $(1UOO. Always open. SAMUEL H. READ, hullder and owner. Igan LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith, Broad st. oppo. 1-ogan Station. NEW JERSEY National Park. N. J. BUNGALOWS. $100 rash, $10 monthly: lots 25 xl50; near trolley: conv. to river; National j'nrk. Get off Red Bank ave., see agent with badge. Greater New Jersey Co.. 33 8. 10th. llaildun Heights, N. J. "LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CIT OWN. YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from $17 to $50; houses located N, Phlla, and Otn.. worth from $1800 to $0250. Merchants' Union Trust Co.. 715-710 Chestnut st. REAL ESTATE POR RENT CITY rcfTkDaELEY OT.. ft rooms $12 UOni Randolph, cottage . 12 lii;il Mutter, 5 rooms, alt conveniences..., 13 415 Norrls, 7 rooms, all conveniences..,, 15 .-,21 Norrls, 7 rooms, all conveniences.,,, 15 2j32 N. 4th, 7 rooms, viry nice, IB ami N. 4th, 0 rooms, very nice 20 Mt yiH. ilobbVbVW.NorrisV M 83"N- UTII ST. ll-room porch-front dwelt" Ing. modern plumbing and laundry; electrlo llhts. hot-water heat; rent, $40. ' BERT-LET. 1010 N, 1UTH ST. -HiTErcUMliKRLANb BT, - Store and 12 rooms, one square from elte of new girls" lu.h school, bake oven In cellar; rent, 1(5, nERT6i.T. lain n. iuth st. Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floors METROPOLITAN BUILdFng. 'cor. Broad and Wallace. Rooms 8000 to 40.000 sq. ft. on floor. APPly o O- F. Lasher. 147 N. 10th. M7CHERRYBT.-5 storiea:' boiler, engine. S0.000 q- ft- " H. Frits. 718 Walnut st. OFFICKH. HUH1NKSH HOOM8. ETC. iiXBI. I1LDO. OF"lCES, Annual Rentals" Ground Floor, $100. $120. $2t. $220. $240. HUigle Room $120. l.W, 1200, $278. $456. I7J0 HuUSS Rms. $132, $150. $175, $200 $225 $450. S 3 Rms. 1200. 2JB Jloo, ijso: JsOO IS&5 Corner Bu tea 2 to 1 10 Rooms $500 to $1073. BLUB D.WILUAM8,600 Drexel Jlujldlng; HifB 4TJI BT.Brlf ht 2d-floor offices; mod- "rate rent. JIII. Flits, 713 Walnut at. &OOM3 suitable for Jbuslness or ludlosPwlth "jiht. heat. Apply 1CU5 Cheatnut St. ' " BEALESTATB WANTED iS?.1Mlrfffa X0RTGAGE8 MONEY FOR. MOItTaAOES $500 $1000 $1200 $1510 J51600 J550QO W. U. HOOD. Jl! NOKKIS ST, Foil a sate Jnvrtment buy $J66 rf inbrfgag B per bends at HI per cent discount. R, Kirdy Wroi.. Vm FUjwater t, t ir V No Friend of Ills? Sydney Bulletin. "Now who wna It that didn't like the Prodigal Son?" "The ratted calf." Shouldn't Wonder Freddie Mamma, was that brilllant Ine in tho brown bottlo on your bu reau? Mother Gracious, no, dear; I That was rIuo. Freddie Oh, maybe that's why 1 can't set my hat off. ANOTHER "FORTIFIED" ;-. -r!- K7r7.?V - WW rO 1 . JV JVrJ I m TT ITTJ 1 ' 7 w London Mall. She-Marry you7 Why. I'd die first! He Nonsense, dearl I'm not so strong as I look. A Reasonable Reply "And now, children," asked the teacher, at the end of tho lesson, "can you tell me tho national flower of Eng land?" "The rose!" came In an eager cho rus from the youthful pupils. "And of France?" "Lilies!" was the response, after some hesitation. "And Spain?" Dead silence. The pupils looked blankly at each other. Then a hand was waved frantically i:i the air, and a ehrlll voice piped out: "Bulrushes, miss!" AND THE WORST ' JL- RUBBER I ) I BOOT j' ' aw' -'rX)h4K- SCRAPPLE " Ce MMSBSSM First 3unny Mrs. Squirrel la be romlntr quite a society lender. Second Bunny Oh, no, you're mis taken; sho's only a climber. A New Method Mother What Is baby crying; for, now? Little Ethel I'm sure I don't know. I was only trying to mako htm smile with tho Blovo-strctchor. WATERING PLACE . ' .Sj3jC --: ft - SEJJii I IT 11 T, jr" mw w- .. Punch. Cublstlc Repartee Jocose Painter My art is certainly adaptable to giving a "square deal." Skeptical Sitter Yes, and also to making him look like a blockhead. Slow Progress A young lad had been permitted to visit a boy friend on the strict condi tion that he was to leave at 6 o'clock. He did not arrive home until 7, and his mother was very angry. The young ster insisted, however, that he had obeyed her orders and had not lingered unnecessarily on the way. "Do you expect me to believe," Bald his mother, "that It took you two hours to walk a quarter of a mile? Now, sir, will you tell me the truth?" "Ye-es. mother," sobbed the boy. "Johnnie gave me a tortoise and I was afraid to carry it so I led It home!" IS YET TO COME nB,, " THE PADDED CELL PRIAAtR LE.SSOMS & i kv . ' HEU.0AN HATES' THlsXTHST$A-''KAilF& . T IS PAA'S;VrWE. VMERDlIl'0( .. iFIND.VT--? PV& -MAWMA.-HAvVfe.Ti? ' HS:KMlf E' ToMXM'i?SOMEOA A kMVFE. To LEMOeSaMEBoD!, 'WMT THA.T BElCa.? Very Likely Magistrate What have you to say to the charge of assault? Defendant Well, sir, he called me an ass. Magistrate Ah! And, naturally, you kicked. HOLIDAY 2VC " Jnn.sNtw n, Jau. xn us m.nssIInT--ieosTiegii Jfc to sics, too row.'1 v k. Punch LIFE'S LITTLE IRONIES pfJP'2& &&Z..-S &'S'i' vs. tXt sftti . ..fi!il!i,.Ei The rtnc Ww, Come Mntes, Quick 'ere'ii a Old Freak Grlnnln at a Karwic ft -j a SpyglaMl" (And Professor Splndlepury, F. R. 8., etc, etc, tho famcus lr- TTtt , had, after enormous efforts, juat discovered a perfect speohsen 9t a 11 11 T 1 aHj. . his new genus belllqosus.) ' ' ;, l Teacher Where I the Dead Be? Tonitnle Don't know, ma'am. Teacher Don't know where the Dead Sea U? Tommlc-No, ma'am 1 didn't know j any oi me seas were aicK, ma'am, Ypokers Utwnn. A X3 Sure Thin. "What's the secret of getting a nsw frock from hubby after he refuses once?" "It at first you don't succeed, cry, cry again." TRENCHES .-.AfS I war, .etg txu in trr tr vlSgx rV nf. t &A Tvw .T32JlKr- Orator On the surf tktaa an often right, but It U htm we exithara the depths of thlntfs tUt - m- 1. deceptions p off fflli w-0retuii, Jne of Die Gtawi 'iuv nor, u Irfli luiinK (tiatriHNftol, iiavmt you HPJct urea. l 'A ir f m A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers