Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 03, 1915, Final, Page 14, Image 14

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AhV.XAK Tift RAtti
Margaret Semeron hung; the sign "En
gaged" on her door, and then locked It
from the Inside.
As she stood removing her hat, she
glanced out the window. The girls were
walking about the college campus arm In
arm, chatting and laughing In the bright
spring sunshine. A little while ago slio
had been as light-hearted and Joyous ns
they, and now oh, the utter disillusion
went of It all!
She took oft her street suit and slipped
Into a) dainty pink dressing gown, the
eft tone of which failed for the first
'llaggo is o ancj"
time to give color to her face. As her
eyes met their reflection In the mirror
they had the look of a wounded thing.
She sat down on the window seat and
spread out a crumoled newspaper. From
tjta, anf lety column there stared up at her
.tSe worflif which seemed to change for
5 her the face of the world.
"At an Informal dinner given at their
home on $08 South Jersey boulevard last
night, Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. Danley an
nounced the engagement of their daugh
ter Grace to Mr- L. S. Kerton, of 83
Langley avenue. The wedding Is to take
place In September."
"It must It must be the Luther Kerton
that I know! Those are his initials, and
that Is his address on Langley avenue." I
nau ueen a classmate oi ner
brother's, and when Margaret came to
Danbridge, to teach In Connought Col
lege Luther Kerton had shown her
- much attention, Of late he had seemed
more than a friend.
"And to think, all the time he was
teaching me to care he was virtually en
gaged to this other girl!"
There was no occasion for actual re
morse. Throughout their acquaintance
hip she had held herself with reserve;
yet in her heart she realized that mafiy
Httlo Instances would have been different
had ahe known about Miss Danley. Mar
garet burled her face In her hands to
shut out the thought. Nor did she stir
when tho dinner gong sounded, and the
'girls trooped down the corridor and de-
siended the stairs to the dining room,
"Someone else .can sit at the head of
my table," she murmured, and gave her
self up to her wretchedness.
''Oh, If I only did not have to go down
tonight to that ghastly reception," she
declared later, as she heard tho girls
returning to their rooms to dress.
HOW long She sat huddled thn Mar.
gar did not know, until she was startled
by the sound pt knocking. It was Nora,
the maid, who dared brave any "En-
Kr are seme flowers for you, Miss
Mwwrat opened the door to receive
them. As she laid the box on the table
her staffers trembled. Eren before she
rmv4 the wrapping she knew from
whom they had come. Nestling among
the m m Luther Kerton'a card.
X, ware of resentment swept over her
and ah atarted to tear It to blU, then her
wood changed and she slipped It Into her
Jewel has.
"It' aH I have," the said with quivering
llpa, and hurled her faoe In the velvety
fragrance of the roses. "And the rosea
are not to blame."
At length sho roused herself and began
to drees. As she stood arranging her
fluffy brown hair, the could hear the girls
flitting merrily about the corridors laugh
ing and talking to each other. The Senior
KeceptIoq was pne if the big evenU of
the oaUege year.
When at Jdst she was ready in her fllmy
whm drees, Margaret took up the rosea
In b4tMn; then, with a quick indrawn
breath aha. put, them back In the Vase,
ntaolatffy closed the door, crossed the
corridor down the stairs and took her
now wrkh the rest of the faculty In the
feotrtteg Mm. She was Mt a morawt
--Jlv m U01 uup vt kucms
IfMMaT gfrived.
iz n. i was her first year of teaching
i mm XMr w lra psaale,
BsMAIggaMgatek asM
eL Ri it
, PW rF
ratpgltd per
dkac. and the
amenta her Mk
wdT" he wndired. and
P mmtm. Um Um'U aa K any
I SjftNM 1M arrfvtng, A twfcn
i 3 eata dfat her face and tha m-
i. Waving kr tth nwuWe. Camtec
the doer Luther Kart and a
m gin whom ait aweaiiiii te he
rt.y uidn't I rUM ha wasM he here?
U tiKiid of Pee' Oiuwucht, and
it ii.ir tutm a oewe.-'
n.d them MMchaarically when
- ,. Hit aaw Mr, Keriea's
0Hp her bi a searching
' ':;?!? erect, a mile m liar
, thpojfbti nettu 'M any
it r-d m wearing hi
i L t
& - m- f j . r-t . Ka.a..w ill . lit & it t -fi B - . , . - .11 a' .t -svsvsw .w-" ii i fc
'lie fUctathw
HBAH IT AM. AW JEX , ,. mv,B l,ICU V
IS MO DAN HAPPY xq3fOlI. "-" l"w ' . ' ....!
To-be A3le Ta Qtmimi r"N rw r,.p.-r v . v
I I . i - jtysK J UiTTf.liM' CriAU .t?r- CT-v Amc UliKiMCn AM I 1 1 m. v
N. rCOMOOATfcON ttStfBQttZ YJ' a IKI c.Uv PluuK - . ,
mlttee was over It was a relief to Mar
garet to be cornered by the mother of one
of her pupils. She was surprised to find
herself giving Intelligent answers to Mrs.
Warren's question about Nellie's Kngllsh
theme. It vns queer what one could do
She resolutely kept her eyes turned
away from Mr. Kerton, though not for
one single second did she lose conscious
ness of his presence.
Covertly she studied Grace Danley. who
was making her stately way about the
room. Something In her cold, self-satisfied
elegance depressed Margaret vtlth a
sense of her own loneliness.
Still the music and hum of voices
surged about her.
"When the crowd clears away a little
from the door I will go upstairs," she
decided, again conscious of a feeling of
trembling falntness. "I guess It would
have been better if I had gone down to
She vtas leaning wearily against the
mantel when she saw, with a feeling of
desperation, that Luther Kerton was
coming toward her. There was no chance
for escape.
"It's bo close and crowded In here, let's
go out on the campus. Miss Semeron."
Margaret's brown eyes pleaded protest
ation. What should she say? How should
should she say it?
But Kerton was not waiting for any
thing to be said. Even when outside,
Margaret could not speak; that Arm hand
on her arm seemed to dominate her, and
they crossed the grounds In silence.
"Oh, why does he mnke things so
hard?" she wondered bitterly.
Other couples were strolling about the
moonlit campus, and the soft strains of
.rojum per own ,jnna jny ,ijnwi
;nuoK open .D'ow oytajn
OM)W nu oik ipnw yd .nvnrp pptk .tspojn
njna'p pn jtmo .nyjyo yoruirvyD avast
,oto h ty"n nyK ojnrp v&vk ,t3Diyn
.oij jik 'ikh jr -ny d": n aw T'h w ,etyn
! ushvn ,ivwp ynK .tasVyn
9 lUgilj.rjUt ttdrI tM Qlawaftiiw
Sunday Next Designated by
Thousands Suffering
War in
In UK, when the Jewt were expelled
from Spain, the rabbis declared a fast
day on which the pious were to refrain
from eating, and were to say prayers for
those who had been driven from their
homes. More than 400 years have elapsed
since that time, but not once In all that
period have the rabbis deemed any event
so calamitous 'as to appoint a special day
of fasting.
Now, however, with thousands of Jews
In Europe and Asia suffering terrible
privations because of the war, the rabbis
of this country have teen fit to break
this long-standing record, They have de
creed that next Sunday It to be observed
throughout tMt 'country at a fast day.
A group of orthodox rabbit meeting In
New York early this week decided to
take this atep, and the' orthodox' rabbit
Philadelphia have Ueued proclamation!
aaJleag a their followers to fatt on his
dy. At the same tlmo the occasion will
h taken as an opportune day on which
to advance the campaign ot relief being
waged by the Philadelphia Central nellef
Committee, and fund will be collected.
This cmlg almt to raise ta.OOO for
th aM of the Jews abroad. Already jatoo
ha keen raised by a committee under the
)a4rhlp of Wolf Klebsnsky Oscar Q.
Bender It secretary of the committee.
The raliU have announced that any one
who does not ast U expected to tax him
self in cents to be contributed to the fund.
JgWiaH NEW ijcar BAV
The dy ef f.it a come at an u,
pkisus. !ha, for next Tfewaday U Fimfr
Hashana, (he Jewish New Yer,
a waltz floated out to them, They sat
down on a bench.
Margaret murmured something about
tho large number of guests. In a piteous
attempt to steer the conversation Into
safo channels, though she knew he had
not come out there to tnUt about the re
ception. "I must congratulate him on his en
gagementoh, how shall I do it natur
ally?" At that moment she was startled by
Krrton's voice: "You know the old say
ing that every wedding In the family
bi lugs another soon? I trust that may
come true In my case, Margaret. I re
ceived u promotion In business today
which will make it possible for mo to
support n wife decently. Honor forbade
mo speaking to you beforo of my love,
but now "
There Is every reason In the world why
you hhould not speak of love to mo now,
Mr. Kerton. If you have no respect for
me. surely you have for Miss Danley."
Her moment of weakness was over
now, nnd In its place was outraged prldo
tho Semeron pride!
For a moment he stared at her In blank
amazement, nnd then a light broke over
his face.
"Why, It Is my brother Lawrence who
Is engaged to Grace Danley. His Ini
tials are the same ne mine, Docs that
oxptnln why you have avoided me all the
evening nnd would not wear my roses?
You supposed nil the time I wns engaged?
'O sueet, pale Margaret. O rare, palo
Margaret!' No wonder you thought 1
was a cad!"
This time she did not resist his arms.
(Copyright. 1015.)
Rabbis Appeal for Aid of
From the Horrors of
the high holidays. It it 'customary among
the orthodox Jews to meet In the syna
gogue at midnight on the Saturday pre
ceding Hosh Itashana and tomorrow
night this event, known as Sllchos, will
be more solemn than ever because of the
suffering caused by the war. Mr, Bender
said today that he would arrango to send
speakers to 300 synagogues and halls In
the city tomorrow night to address the
On Sunday, the special fast day. 200
girls will go from house to house in the
Jewish quarter and ask for money for
the sufferers abroad. Tho funds are
being augmented by regular contribution
from persons who have agreed to pay
a certain sum each week, from S160 to
85, and by contributions from various
Industrial establishments, where the
''' re giving ono or two per cent,
of tbelr salaries every week.
Another means of raising monsy Is
through the tale pt a placard to be uted
as a postal containing New Year greet
ings and the figure of an old man, desti
tute, begglngor almt. It bean a verse,
in Yiddish, by Joseph Magi!. Mr. Bender
hat translated this us follows.
lvs our widows and orphans In its war-
BlYj'tll 1' eWHrea. !e'rs Marvin-, we're
MUag?IW Ui ,WWr" " wounM are
llelp, brother tad llltrt. jrour ... s..k
i aim blood, -
Help, Jewlah eatUrea, h)a
jtssa f tr
n YttMm.p.
CerTrUht. WHS. n. W. Kembta,
Germs Regard It With Great
Favor and Often Congregate
There and Plan Campaigns
of Destruction
If ou saw a boa constrictor coming In f
your front door, you woum prouaDiy gei
n gun and kill It. Yet you let the family
washrag hang unmolested In tho bath
room nlthough ono Is Just as dangerous
as the other. In fact, the rag Is more
so. because Its enmity Is hidden under a
cloak of presumed Innocence.
There still arc somo persons who re
gard the washrag as a harmless friend,
nlthough the little cloth which we have
always grasped with a friendly hand Is
a spineless murderer.
It one desired to land a prize for col
lecting germs, they couldn't get anything
better than a washrag.
Even though the bathroom glistens with
cleanliness, health experts say the wash
cloth will carry on Its campaign of de
struction unless carefully "notched and
washed." If It hangs near the towel,
the danger Increases, for there Is a ready
Interchange of bacteria.
For Instance, If the cloths accidentally
touch, exchange tickets are thus Issued
to tho germs, and those who are tired
of the atmosphere and scenery of the
washrag can tako a trip to every nook
and corner of the towel. If it is dotted
with little soap spots here and there the
visiting germs are sure of a warm wel
come, for they are bound to meet another
bunch of suburban germs who wax fat
and happy on any kind of dormant soap.
As even germs believe In reciprocity,
those of the towel who want to go slum
ming can make the rounds of the evil
places on the wash rag. They will find
especial Interest In tho swamps and lit
tle stagnant lakes which were left to
linger by the last victim who forgot to
wring the rag dry.
Mot persons arc In a hurry all the
time. At least, they Imagine they are,
even when they're not. So, who has
time te rinse a washrag nnd wring It
out. ther douse it In hot water nnd "let
It dry In the sun?" But this Is what you
have to do If you want to prevent a con
vention of germs. Suppose there Isn't any
sun to dry the rag in. You cannot com
promise by throwing It over a radiator
or steam pipe. Washrag germ experts
claim ttiat this kind of heat Is what the
germs like. And jou can't dry the rag
by allowing It to dry near an open win
dow. For, then, according to washrag
connoisseurs, the damp cloth catches up
tlio dust, and this is a regular picnic
ground for a reunion of all the dissi
pated germs in the vicinity.
AUIIOrr. On Ausiwt 31. 1615. EDWIN M.,
huslaml of Sarah E. Abbott (nee Wlgglna),
Bed CO cars. leUtlves nnd friends are In
vited to attend the funeial aervlces, on Sat
urdav, at 2 i m., at hi. lata reildence. 2HS
Oaul at. Interment private, Northwood Ceme-
llKNNETTv--On September 1.1015. ALBERT,
ann ot David J. and Minnie It. Uennrtt. aged
20 yeara. Relatives and frlenda, alao em
piojea of Fidelity Truat Company, are In
lted to attend the funeral aervlces. on Sat
urdav, at a p. m. precisely, at his ate real
Uence, 2111 Summer at. Interment at Ar
llnsion Cemetery. Remains may be viewed
on Friday between 7 and p. m.
IMSNNIMIN. On August 81, 1015. THOMAS,
oeloved huaband of tha late Rebecca Uen.
nlaon (nee Capper), In his 70th year. Rela
tives and frlenda, alao employes of John
liromley & Bona. It at. anrf l.ahlh ...
are Invited to attend the funeral aervlcetC
5'.i.,,'2?,'ln'1wU realdence, Mr. John Keyea.
f.153 .w.",.rl0 ' Interment at (Ireenwood
K. of P. Cemetery. Remains may be viewed
Saturday evening.
BOKO. On September 1, 1818. CHARLES,
huaband of Marsarat Hero (ne Mulbol
land) and von ot Mary and the late Louie
Bore. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral, Monday morning, at
fc.30 o'clock, from hla late residence, 2Hil
N. Bancroft at. Solemn Raauiem M,.. .t
Our Lady of Mercy Church, at 10 o'clock
precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme.
mtoi'T.EY. On September 2, 101B. ED
WARD, ton of the late John and Luanda,
Bromley, aged M yeara. Relatlvta and
friends of the family and employes of John
Bromley & Bona, are respectfully Invited to
attend hla funeral aervlces, at his late real
dence, Laktalde, Tork road. Oak Lane, on
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, precisely. In-
, ...wilt ciui we, V'cmrai iaurai J nil
Cumetery I'leaaa omit floral offerings.
Automobile funeral.
0I.AVlON.on September 1, 11B, MART
V., widow of Aaher Clayton, aged 65 yeara.
Relatives e.nd frlenda are Invited to attend tha
funeral aervlces, at her late realdence. lBtls
North Alder at , on Saturday, at 3 p. m. pre
clarly. Interment at Monument Cemetery.
COIIOURN On Baotember 2. 1915. COM.
RADIO ABRAHAM, hueband of the lata
Kate R. Cobourn (nee Barnea). In hla 7eth
year Relatives and frlenda. alao Courtiand
Saundera Poat. No. 21. o 1 ii. ii.2ff2
hood of UKomotlte Engineers and Thomp
son Ixlge. No. 310. V. and A. M., of Weat
Cheater, Pa. are rtapectfully Invited to at
tend funeral srrvlcea on Saturday evenlnc
Si,8 o'cl0;1' Preclaely, at hla late realdence
BIT renshaw st Lawndale, Philadelphia,
alao aervlcea at th First Baptist Church
Malvern, Cheater County, Pa,, on Sunday
at 2 p. m. Interment at Malvern Baptist
Ctmetery. Automobile funeral.
COLLINS. On August SI, 1818, WILLIAM
J . eon of the late Patrick and Johanna
Collins. Relatives and frlenda, alao em
ployee of Mlaval Steel Works, are Invited
to attend th funeral, on Saturday, at 8 -.80
a. m from hla late residence, 260 Eaat
Bharpnack St. Mr. Airy. High Msaa at
Holy Croee Church, at 10 a. ra, Inter
ment at New Cathedral Cemetery,
CKOWKK8 On September 2, I01B. ELIZA
BliTH TltyDAY. daughter of CUarUs J.
and th late Laura Crowera, of Sbaion Hill!
pa,, in her 20th year. Dujiotlc of funera
will be given, '
CUKKAN, -T- On August SI, Kirk MAR.
VC1ARBT (n neljly), wf. of jiuus uT
ran,, late of Parlsli of Ballykeen, County
Jlaxford Ireland. Relatives and frUnds ar
Invited to attend funeral. Saturday, at 8 30
a. nw tiom her lat realdence, ski N Bam-
S'r.'i' ,U'nt.n,?u.lfm M,M "t St. Pranda
ivler" Church at 10 a. n,. Interment Holy
oss Cemettry "
OHttor On Beptembtr 3. 1818. KATB
JJ., widow of Thomas D OrpoL Residence.
TialS East Fletcher at Due nolle of the
funeral will be given.
U rlAN'MUlb On September J, 1918. LOU.
1BA A.. Uu sbtr of If It and th. Ute
are lnvl4 lo attend th funeral aorvkes. on
Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely at
her father's realtknc. 200 Bumo at , vlsaa
Milton (nUrment strictly private
BH.LOy.-At Colorado (Springe, Col , Auciui
81. , gedward , Dllloo7 Due iJtlJe
i ....... 1 DEATHS ij JsH.:
t r,tnrl will be alven. from hla brother-
in-law's realdence. Mr. Frank, 2830 Bon
Ball at.
HfNN. On September 1, 1015, ROSE, wife
of Michael Dunn, late of Lanale, Pa. Rela
tives and friends are invited to attend the
funeral, on Saturday, at 8.30 a. m., from
the residence ot her aon-ln-law, William
llrcnner, SOt.T W. Fletcher at. Solemn High
Mm at the Church of the Moat Preclou
Blood nt 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Croaa
KUAN. On September 2.1015, MART ANNE.
wife of the late Jamea Egan, In her Sflth
year The relatives and frlenda are InUted
to attend tha funeral, on Monday morning,
at 8 JO o'clock, from her late realdence, 1U15
South 10th at. Solemn Requiem Mars at tho
Kplpnany Church, at 10 o'clock sharp. Kindly
omit now era. Interment Old Cathedral Ceme-"
E(1K. On Auguit 2S, 1915, ARTHUR R.
NKOK, of 1R12 Erlo ave., huaband ot Anna
It. Ege Relatives and friends, alao Meridian
Sun Lodge, No. IBS. F. and A. M.: Oriental
Chapter. No. 1M R. A, M.. and employes of
the P. It. R. Co., are Invited to attend the
funeral aervlces. Saturday, at 2 p. m., at the
apartments ot Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Cheatnut
H. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetcri.
EHLY. On August 81, 1015, SARAH LOU
JHK (nee Stclnrock), aged 58 seam. Rela
tives nnd friends, nlao members or Dela
ware Council, No. 113. D. of P., nnd Han
nah Schuvlei Home. No. .IS. II. or A., are
Invited to the funeral, Saturday, 11 a. m.,
residence, 3014 Baits at., near :iuth and
Glrard ave. Interment at Chclten Hill
Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Friday,
after 7 p. m.
EISENHOWER. On September 1. 1915. EU
1ENE F., son or the late Jonathan S. and
l,oulsa B. Elsenhower. Relatives and
frlenda, also Chattahoochee Tribe, No. 17,
I. O. R. M.; Recorder of Deeds Beneficial
Association; James Garfield Republican Club
ot the 10th Ward: ICth Ward Executive
Committee and employes of the Shcrlff'a of
fice are Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices, Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, at his
late realdence, 1)29 New Market at. Inter
ment private. Saturday morning.
I'EISTISIt. On September 1, 1015. HENRT
I1., huaband of Mary Robinson Felater, aged
67 year. Relatives and frlenda are Invited
to attend the funeral, Saturday, at 2 p. m.,
from hia late residence. 17.1:5 Wlssahickon
ave.. Germantown. Interment private, at
Northwood Cemetery,
I1I.K On September 1, 1915. GEORGE
FILE, In hla 07th year. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces. on
i-undHy afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the resi
dence of hie eon, George File, 11 North 3th
at interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Re
mains may be vler ed Saturday evening.
1'INKKL. Suddenly, at Laurel Sprlnga, N.
J., August 31, JOHN, huaband ot Ella Flnkel.
aged 40 j ears. Relatives and frlenda are In
vited to attend funeral, Saturday, at 10 a. m ,
from his late realdence, Garden Lake, N. J.
Requiem Mass at St. Lawrence Church,
Laurel Springs, at 11 a. m. Interment Cal
vary Cemetery.
riSIIIlUHN. On September 2. 1818, Mrs.
JULIA FISHUURN, In th Slat year ot her
age, at th Treabyterlan Hospital, at 10
p. m.
FISHER On September 1, 1918, GEORGE
W. FISHER, Jr., huaband of Georglanna W.
Fisher and aon of George W. and th late
Josephine Flther, aged 41 years. Relatives
and frlenda, alto Court Genetal Montgomery,
No. 214. F. ot A., and officers of tha 30th and
23d Districts. Bureau ot Police, are Invited
to attend the funeral, on Monday, at H 30 a.
m., from hla late realdence. 1511 North 23d
at. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Elizabeth's
Church at 10 a. m. precisely. Interment pri
vate. OAIIEL. On August 31, 1815. MART GA
1IEL, wife ot Harry (label, In her 42d year.
Due notice of funera will be given, from
residence, 7 Clymer at,
GUIDON. At Baltimore, Md on September
1, 1IH5. SARAH M wife of John Gibson.
Relatives and friends nra respectfully In
vited to attend funeral aervlcea. Saturday, at
3 p. in., nt the residence ot her son, John
Gibson. Jr.. 0003 Upland at,. Weat Philadel
phia. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery.
GIKTON. At Palmyra, N. J on September
1, 1015, ELIZABETH, wire of James Glr
ton, aged Mi yeats. Due notice of the
funeral will be given.
GRAY, On September 2, 1816. WILLIAM P.,
husband of Emily M. Gray (ne Stroh) and
aon of Charles .ind tha late Kate Gray, aged
30 Mais. Due notice of funeral will be
given, from hla late realdence, 3J3 Eaat On
tario at.
HANLON On August 31, 1815, at Hamburg,
I'a.. HARRY, aon of the late John J. and
Jennte Hanlon. Relatives and friends, also
Philadelphia Lodge. No. 5, L. O. O. M., are
Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday,
at 8.30 a. m , from tils brother-in-law's resi
dence, J. K. Morgan, 10.11 S. Jeaaup at. High
Maaa of Requiem at the Church of Annun
ciation at 10 a. m., precisely. Interment at
Holy Cross Cemetery,
HARMKll, On September 2, 1815, W.OWEN,
husband of May Forsythe Ilarmer and son
ol lute Charles . and Sarah Owen Harmer,
(Bed 2S yeara. Due notlco of funeral will
be given, from hla late realdence, WIS Wayne
ave., Germantown.
1I.WKS. On August 31. 1015. at her home.
In HtntiwA tries Pal tl i tlf AIVTirH m .
uvfiuvia. waa.t IIIAIIUVI J. fU JU, UAHc
KIN HAYES, daughter of the late Nathan
Larkln, of Chester, I'a., after an illness of
several weeks,
1IAYNI5H. On August 81, 1815. 8ARAII B.
HAYNES (of 182U McClellan at.), daughter
of the late Moaes W. and Sueannah Beck
Haynes. Relatives and friends are Invited
to attend the. funeral services, on Saturday
afternoon, at 8 o'clock, at the apartment of
Oliver II. Balr. 1820 Chestnut t. lnteVment
at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
HII.LMAN. On September 2, 1918. JOHN
beloved huaband of Amanda Hlllman. aiaJ
40 yeara. Relattvea and friend. ,re invited
to attend services on Sundsy a.ternoon, at
2 o'clock precisely, at hia lat realdence. S023
N. Lelthgow at. Interment at Odd Fe lows'
JENKINS. On September 2, 1818. LEON
HARRY, husband of Dora R.' JenklnsLSged
45 years. Relattvea and friend, alao Wash
ngfon Camp No. 294 P O. S. of A.J ULilu:
Camp, No. 61. p (J. 8. of A,i American
Order of Steam Engineers, are Invited to
attend th funeral aervlces. on Monday at
8 p, m.. at bis 1st residence, 5822 Bechwood
st., Germantown. Interment at Northwood
(, c in s 1 6 ry
JOHANN1S. On September J, J918. AdNRs
Ii beloved daughter of Georg. 11, and
L;ulaa M. Johannla. aged 14 years, neii.
tlves and friends are Invited to attend th.
funeral, on Monday morning;, at 7:80 o'clock
at her parents' realdenc. 1336 South Alder
l. "?" In the Church of th. Ephlph.ni
at 0 o'clock, precisely. Interment at Holr
(roes Cemetery. ""'
JONES, On August 81, 1018, BHEPPAnn
U.. huaband of IJora jon. S. fi.Tii.A,W
aon of Andrew and th lata Emma Joiiee 7f
Mlllvll e. N, J. ReUtlve. and frtendS. ilJo
Friendly Union of th John Chambers church
and employ of th. Harrison CheTnica"
Works, are Invited to attend th. funeral
tervlce. on Saturday afternoon, at 2 6'c"k
at his late residence. 124a South 27th .t
Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Re-
IANIHbV On August 81, 1918, 1RVIN J
iVJii?Ln'1v2t no5 .?,ton Lan' "d son or
Ldwln W and th. lata Ida Landls and
a-randson of Charles and Sarah IlammP.
Uelatlv. and friends, also the lolK?Si
Society snd th. Propagation of Filth Si?
"'IK?' .C!ia"b ' Our 'Lady of th. Ito,;
and hla fellow workmen of Baldwin ri,.Svr
LEEMANJne. MacElwel) V of "il H
Leeman. Realdence. 818 North Mh; st Du.
nolle of th funeral will U given Du
LOCIITENj-On S.ptembir 2, 'imb,' HARRY
beloved huaband ot Roaa' Lochteh' i S
Bachert). and on of th lat Frederick and
Johanna Lochten, aged 66 yiari iiaiiiftSJ
and frlenda. also employe oIKirth vli1
ter Dy. Works, ereVvlTeS to ifteSd tbi
funeral service, on Mpnday, at 2 n '
at hla late realdenc, 663 West Horn.
t. Interment at Oreenrnwint G?mter 'iu'
maina mar b. viewed a.7?J? '?' "
(rom 7 to 10. ' "-"ur evening
auiriiy private, tiaturday, 2 o'clock reaTiKnc?
Mriar,t tad th, ut. Jo MrwSJ)H mH
' .,-.. aniMC
tt-piki psisitS .
nr i -" -ij-
tlves and friends aie invited to attend th
funeral, on Saturday aiternoon. av i o ciock,
from his mother's reeldence, 1918 North Har
lan at. (10th and Master). Interment at Holy
Croas Cemetery.
JloDOUGALL On September 1, VERON
ICA, daughter of John and Sarah
McDougall (nee Lynn), aged 23 years. Rela.
tlves and friends are Invited to attend
funeral on Saturday morntnr, at 8 30 o'clock,
from her parents' resldenct. 5713 Anderaon
at., Germantown. High Masa at the Im
maculate Conception Church, Chelten ave,
and Sullivan aL, at 10 o'clock. Interment
Holy Sepulchr Cemetery.
McGHEENKi. In Mont Clare, ra.. on Sep
temper 1. 1918, MARY, widow ot James
McGreenev. Relatives and frlenda are in
vited to attend funeral, on Saturday, at 0
a. m.. from her late realdence, In Mont
Clare, Pa. Solemn Requiem Mass at St,
Mary's Church. Phoenlxville. Pa., at 10 a.
m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Phoenix
ville, I'a.
Mcl.AUi)HLIN. September 1.1916.THOMAS,
husband of Mary McLaughlin. Relative
and Irlendi, are respectfully Invited to at
tend the funeral, Monday morning, at 8.30
o'clock, from hia late residence, 1717 N.
10th at. Solemn High Requiem Mass at St.
Malachy'a Church at 10 o'clock. Interment
at New Cathedral Cemetery.
MeT.OUOIII.IN. On September 1, 1918. SO
PHIA McLOUGHLIN. widow of John Mc
Loughlln. Relatives and frlenda are Invited
to attend tl.e funeral on Saturday morning,
at 8.30 o'clock, from the residence of her
son-in-law, William ltochford, 138 W. Baltl
moro ave, Lanadowne, Delaware County,
Pa. High Mass at St. Charles' Church,
Kellyvllle, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy
Croas Cemetery.
MERTZ. On September 1. 1918, EMMA 8..
daughter of the late Charles and Sybella
Mertz. Funeral and Interment atrlctly pri
vate. MORRIS. On August 31.1015, SARAH, widow
of Edmund Morris. Relatives and friends,
also Ivy Social. No. 1; Mlr.go Council. Daugh
ters of Pocahontas, are Invited to attend
the funeral, on Saturday, at 1 p. m,. from
2074 Ridge are., at Hillside Cemetery, via
funeral car Remains may be viewed on
Fildav, after 8 p. m.
MYERS On September 2. 1915. MARY
ELIZABETH, Infant daughter of Philip and
",iy j-.iiiuuBtii itijrcis viicd xeepies), aged
5 months and 0 dajs. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral, on Sat
urday, September 4. at 1 p. m. pre
cisely, f i oin the residence of her parents
714 S. Frailer st. (57th and Catharine sts ).
Interment at Fernwood Cemetery.
O'CALLAUHAN. At her residence, Manata
wna ave., Roxborough, Philadelphia, on Sep
'mbf,r ' 1U1,B- NNlfc J., wife of Francis
O Canadian, In her 86th jear. Relatives and
frlenda ure Invited to attend the funeral, on
Monday, September 0. at 8 30 a. m. High
Requiem Mass at the Church of the Geau. at
JO' JO a. m. Interment private. Wilmington
'Del ) papers pliase copy.
TETERSSEN On September 2, 1915.ANNIE.
widow of Charles Peterssen (nee Raskop),
late of 2SC0 N. Water St., aged 67 years!
Relatives and friends, members of the Holy
Family of St. Bonlfaclua' Church and St.
Ursula Beneficial Society, are Invited to at
tend tha funeral Monday, at 7:30 a. m.,
from the parlors of Mrs. Joseph Schmltt &
. ntw1:!U NJ B.tn .st' Solemn Requiem Mass
at St. Bonlfaclua' Church, at 0 a. m. In
terment at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
Phoenlxvlllo papers pleasa copy.
r',kK1'G?ES (ne,; B). On August 31.
n1,"'.! SAHV, wife of James Pillilngton.
Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend
je funeral aervlcea, at her husband's rest
ence. 444 veat How son st., on Saturday,
at J p. m Interment at Green Mount Ceme
tery. Remains may be viewed on Friday.
Irom 8 to JO p. m. '""r.
rrMVVi,iJ'c7rTn September 1.1B1B, CORMACK
; i OWKLL. son pt Mary and the lat
Michael Powell. Relatives and frlenda sre
Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday.
fi-.S1,10 .,'.. "1." .from 'he residence of his
S"' H1N. Tont st. High Mass at th!
Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10
m.'v,.,;i?rmnt at New Cathedral Cemetery.
HAY PORT. On August 31. 1015. C. AUSTIN
aon of Bernard and Nellie Rayport. aged 14
5f.ar,,i nIaJ and frlenda are Invited to
attend funeral services, on Saturday at
P. m, at the realdenc of his parents, rtt'i
vat? Jenklntown, Pa. Interment prl-
Itr.i:i. On September 1, 1015. VELRAIti A
REED, wife of Lla. W. Reed7 iuutlvea
and frlenda of family are Invited to attend
the funeral aervlcea Saturday at 2 n m at
her late realdence, 5007 N. Warnock "at
Logan. Interment Orlvate, at Hillside
t emetery. f
IIENMNOER. On August 31. lDis in.
II ANNA It. RENNINOKR (nee Kuemmerle)!
widow of John George Rennlnger. In her 80th
year. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend funeral services, on Saturday, it I
p. m., at her late residence, 412 N. Randolph
wVa.ln,nme5t D,rlva'e' at Hillside Cemetery.
ROTE. On September 2. 1015, MARY E
widow of Amos C. Rote. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend tha funeral services! o n
Saturday, at 8 p. m. precisely, at her son's
realdence. 888 N. 51st at.. We.t Philadelphia
Final aervlcea and Interment at Lancaster
'iriaiiaipv I anssalai T V. '
2 30 p. 'in. " " ounaay. t
SCHMIDT. On September 1, 1818 FLOTt.
IINCK E.. beloved daughter of Anthony ?d
Mary Bvhmldt (nee Long), aged 18 year.
Relative, and frlenda are invited to attend
th. funeral, on Saturday afternoon, "t 2
o clock, at her parents' residence, 823 Mercy
jj. Interment at Fernwood CemateiV
Frlenda may call Friday evening. v-em,lerJr-BINEIt.
On August 81, 1918, JOSEPH II
husband of Clara 81ner (ne Illehl) nn 5,'J
Edward and ICat Slner. Relatir.! and
s'u'ndJfIf 2npU'nl.,V.!n.SVt.'SlS
8wacVdT.m.-.-ry,?,"t'""" Int " "-
SMITH. On Heptember 1. 1918. IDA hmjttt
daughter of David H. and Cathertn. SmTih'
Relattvea and friends are iS'lted to lui
the funeral aervlces, on Saturday, at n m
at th. reildence of her parents. 1817 ?!'!;
sell at. Interment at fiorihwood C.m.fery
Remains can be viewed on Friday, 8 to fo
BOPEU. On September 1. 191s p-nwanr.
M.. huaband of Alle C. Soper and .on AnvP
lat. Henry and Harriet Bopif. nJi?A.V. 'Jj
friend, are Invited to atUid the run.r?l
from his lata residence, 1825 Croeif. .,'
Saturday, at 830 a. m, High iSSrVi A'"
qulem at St. Elisabeth's Church at 10 i Hi"
fnterment at Old Cathedral Cemeterv " ni
8TEELMAN. On August il, 1915 hax.iib,
B husband of th fate Elltabeth G m.?!1
man, aged 74 years. Relatives fSnV'eS J
are invited to attend Ita f ineral ..fPd
Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, at hTi it??""''
dene. 1955 K. ISth st. Tnterraini . rSJl'
Pleaeant Cemetery, Mlllvllle N y at. Ut
arrival of train leaving Market mt,l';, J,pon
at 10.80 o'clock Saturday morntnr r,,t '"
bTEIIIER. Suddenly, at LaurJ? Snrin.
J., on August 31. UAnr "1,W,I, N
Btelber, aged Zi yesrs. It.iatlvea i i i"
th Invited to attend the funsrVl ol Bk.naj
day, at 10 a, m., from her i.ti !?.i5tur
Garden Lsl-e,.N. J. lltaulam M.IM,dn
Ijiwrenc. Church, UnnBlTlnSlt'ii fii
friend, sr. Invited to , "'end ,gi'V,,1 nd
services. Sunday, at 1 S m 1. i.unerl
realdence. 1011 N. MaraEall a'l t,Jla '
at Oermantown Cemetery. ' Intnt
STOKCKLE. On SeDteml.., .
b'gU-ffiir."- 'cao?dfun1er.Vw,)u
T'LOn? .8V.V; 1R.?aFft
friend. Sljo Chester 'gell.'SS.
if Ch.rt.r?' r?o 30VNOof J- Court. ''&
10 attend the funeral servlcM i!. JaW
YVALKEK. On August 81 iota ,.....
wit ot William P. Walker n,HMAnT J.
th Ute Frank and Matilda l?ubiu,8tr oi
ear. Funersl on Bat "day. at H '? '
ware Counft. u,':v "?'. Kii:
. Blessed Virgin M.ryt'Djrby'.'lS'i,1. cf ,h'
.rrd -v Du. noiice'., Va?r5eTi.,f ,U
!iS?.W"S.jr.PB.A,w, ,. to.a
funersl on sifiViiy" t a I wV',,la;
Fuh,r.l o aituVdi vM .f V!U w"UH4el
' T r-j ...
' .W -r
.v j . r
rtWkM. S
qulem Mass at St. Ignatius' Church at V,
a. m. llllFrmeni nv new vtvnvaraa vmU
lieiatives ana rrienas sr invitea to att
WIEONETt. On September 1. 1918. at Lttlta.1
Pa.. EMELINE WIEONER, formerly or FmE
adelphla. Pa., aged 82 years 8 months '
days. Funeral aervlcea, B psm BepttmW
6, at Bt. Paul Lutheran Church, Lulls, it.
terment September 0 at Cemetery of St. Pin
Lutheran fihiirch. near Pennsnurr. Pa ruJ:
veyancea will meet Allentown and Phltaasi
phla trains at Pennsburc 11:48 a. m.
WHITE. On August 81. 1918. OERTRUM
E.. wife of Harry A. White (nee BhsrwU).
Relatives and friends are Invited to attest
funeral, on Saturday, from her late resident,
2810 N. Oth St., at 8:30 a, m. Solemn HIm
Mass at St. Edward's Church, 8th and Tefi.i
!.. at 10 a. m. Interment Holy 8enu!k. J
Cemetery. Baltimore papers please copy, ;
f l,t,U,-v ,c (oaia.un.,, wi. k,,,iii per W
1915, ANNIH E.. daughter of th. lat. Jei
and Jan Wood. Services and Internal
strictly private.
WOODMAN8EE. On September 1, ln
MARY C, widow of John W. WcxH.
mansee. In her 63d year. Relatlrea ast
friends of the family alas Malta Cent,
ell, No. 36, D. of L., are respectfully lnvltel
to attend funeral services, on Saturday attir. ,
noon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at her 1st rail
dence, 1928 W. Susquehanna ave. Intermset
private, Fernwood Cemetery.
TOUNO. On September 2. 1918, SARAH 3,
YOUNG. Relatives and friends are Invlud
to attend the funeral services, at th rerl. .
dence of Mrs. Samuel Beattle, B. Bouts,
ampton ave . Wyndmoor, Pa., on Saturoir, ,
at 1 p. rn. Interment private.
Thla STYLE TYPE (or like this) 1
On Insertion 15e Berlin
Three Insertions In a week.. ..12UoperllM
Seven consecutive Insertions... lOo per list
situations wamea. tnree inser
tions in a week lOo perllei
Permitted In all classifications except HtJ
snd euiuauons vvaniea. liobi ana rouna, rer
sonals. Boarding ana itooms.
On Insertion 20a perils
Three Insertions In a week.. ..17Hc perils!
Seven consecutive Insertions. .. 16c per 11m
All ratea are based on agate meaauremest.
14 agate lines to tn men.
for Insertions In both th morning and realJ
papera ok aame uay
Add four cent per line net to ratea glTMJ
There is a drug store near youtl
home tnat will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
TO M. P. K., Smith College-"Jlm," plMJt
aend your address to father; w. need yoM
i v. bruti .ctiitai,
AH Help Wanted and Situations Wanlii
advertising Inserted in the Dally Putllo Ltint,
it repeated in the Evening Ledger the ain
day without additional charge.
BILL CLERK Capable woman to take" chart
of billing department; good pennan. quick
and accurate at rlgurea; permanent positlos
for right narty: no knowledge of t Dewrltlnf
required; salary S43 monthly. 11 01), LeOgeri
C1ULDNURSE for 3 children; muat b ezperl-fi
r,v ailM ,.ao KUUU rClCICMVe. I, W. wv.
120, Bt. David's, I'a.
CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. John A JimM
Dobaon, Inc.. Blanket Mills, Scott's Ian,'
Falls of Schuylkill. ,
COOK and chambermaid Tn.n rli-la foreook
and chambermaid: private family, riferencsa.fi
Call 2311 N. Broad st. Si
FINISHERS-Experlenced finishers wsnteil ,
cotton ball fringe. Call Friday or Tuesday,'
F. W. Maurer &. Bona Co.. 300 North B
nau square weat 01 uerroamown ays .
stent demand. Good cooks, chambermaids eml
wsltresaes can alao aecura eltuatlona In tMH
oest rnuaaaipma families. You can rearo,
theaA einnlovera thmnvh lAom Want AAs.H
and the service of th Household ReglatriH
Bureau ,
Call at or writs the Bureau today. Wlt
Reed can help you to a good position. BulMI
230-230 Ledger Bldg., eth and Cheatnut HKz
it servic to Looter Advertuers.
QENERAX. HOUHICWORIC Young Protl srn'sil
family; ref. Call THO Elmwood -av., Darty.d
HOUSEWORK-Whlt girl, small family: Ml
cooking; Main Line; reference; meet employ'
Saturday, Room 230, Publla Ledger. U a. n1, j
HOUSEWORK Competent girl; smsll famllr;!
16 per week; ref. rq. Phone Dloklnaon 2MIB.1
rrui anriAJX W3NT BUREAU,
nfffSulri, '1I1UI" WHICH DO NOT lS
ftSSiifiJSLf!i ""Ma DUTIES Arijti
Bih??W0.UB,,wnt,1 tor eloakat suits, !
drewes, from 10 to 5 p. ., Mondays. WiP-J
netday and Saturday.; high aalarle W
those Lhorouably ,in,,l,nMii in filtm and
;u"-Appy at one. Superintendent's ,iW
nee, Frank & Sedtr Ccmpsny, 11th and MeVJ
BECRETAnx wanted to take charge of i
ZnUett ba B. thorntlaThlv STnarUnssfl
keeper, stenocrapher and correepondent,
executlvs ability. Beo MLu DeanT 1a 1. '
RrillVnnni1)Ilrlia nvniau n.a-nrwnt
LATORS-rThorouyhly efncltnt atenogra)
needed! opportunities for beglnnvre that Ad
IV. .. ,. rlJS'.1.'J "teoograpnio nureau,
Mutual Life. 1011 Chestnut t.
nTENOClRAPHERS, bookkeeper and tUrh
cii, ui i,eogcr tenrrai, n
"" wjiu, yueuion tjirousu .
Want Ads and the Commercial Re,
UeDartmant . larft nnmlA. nr vmina
have secured good positions. Miss Dean
imia jruu writ an attractive aa, nai
application and aid vou to eaiure I he
f iioaltlon jou setk. This Is a free erv
u muitr eavsriiscrs.
.i.i.J ".,l. 1 .. -jj. . .. t- .
suunu iiunan, so is a years, lor
i iur muat d Drum, post ana ura
A I relerrntes, stst salary M . L
central '- 7
OLNaLTin,rto si,T.t In'oelSraroTCi'
r wk. II Hi, Ledger .Centra!