Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 03, 1915, Final, Page 13, Image 13
EVENING LEDGIE-PHILADELPHIA, PBDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915. 13 IlF CHAMPIONSHIP MEET AT DETROIT PHILABELPHIANS BEATEN IN TENNIS TOURNEY 1 y. RED SOX WILL WIN PENNANT, ) SAYS SPEAKER Bclares the White Sox and Detroit Are Uut or Flag-Hunt CpULLlNG FOR PHILLIES ' Fenway Folks Would Like to Face Alexander in nuuuo Series, Tris States -..i. ceaker. said to bo the highest rnl- 1 Kaitniayer In the name, docs not at fd , ,hal Detroit or Chicago will bo Wn overhaultho ncd Sox. Speaker .Me to ovOTBuit , . Uint th(j White Sox are out 01 the running and that he never did tnko them seriously. De troit is llltcly to Btay up with the leaders for another week, but then they will grad ually fall 'back, ae-, cording to Speaker's reasoning. The American League pennant Is al ready clinched by Boston and they aro now looking forward to the world's scries, and to a man tho Red Sox are pulling for this speaker. the Phillies to win rotg is -jess? .t A&as. V fM'cirtrlhekKpe . In discussing tho American League race ind the prospects of the Red Sox In tho ' world's scries? Speaker says: "Overcon- f JUnc Is a bad thing and we aro trying H w ward against It. but there is not a ' .layer on the Boston team who Is not convinced that vve will win th. pennant - with many games to spare. Tho White Sox a"e through and they should have realized it long ago. It Is not nearly as ' strong a team as the fans generally be ' li.te. It has plenty of natural ' itrugth. but as a machine the Chtcaga teim falls shy of the mark that la neces sary for winning pennants, s "We have the ideal machine. "We were along time getting started, but that was . because of the slowness of the pitching I . .$ i Jlw sF 'iB still in rou"uti "' " --- J.J1 ' ago we did not have three pitchers go VN'D ""i... Tleht at the same time, but now the staff Is In such shape that Manager Car rlgan hardly knows who to select. "Joe Wood Is back In his old-time form. , There Is nothing to the report that his arm has gone wrong again. -IIo was sent home because Carrlgan did not want to take any chance on him In tho kind of weather we ran Into In tho West. In Bt Louis It was terribly warm, but after we left the Wound City we ran into weather that was better suited for foot ball than baseball, and Carrigan sent Wood home rather than liavo him even warm up on such das. We will need Joe badly in tho World's Scries, If tho Phillies are as good a team as they " claim, and ho will bo right. & "Then we have three swell youngsters On Shore, Foster und Ruth. All of these fSlads.'ora .hlghclasa pitchers, as the jyPhlllieB will discover If they win the pen f rant. We are oil pulling for them to r win, because we want to beat Alexander I In a World's Scries. He must bo a won I derful pitcher, and I am anxious to hit awlnst him. " "Tou know some of our fellows know , khn pretty well. Lewis was with the All- Amerlcans on tho trip to Honolulu last winter, while Hoblltzel and Barry have batted against him often. He will have to be all they claim it ho beats us, be- S cause we have the best balanced offenso In the country. Detroit has a team of hard hitters, but tho Tigers can be beaten easily If two men, Cobb and Crawford, i are stopped "We have stopped them c,very time we have played against Detroit, and that Is why I figure they can't catch us. We I completely outplayed them In tho recent series In Detroit, and they were lucky i to set one victory In tho series. We all inwK that a poor decision save them their only victory. In the coming series in Boston we will put them out of the race unless I am very much mistaken. "Host of the fans on the American League circuit aro pulling for us to win jne pennant, as they are sure the Phll He -will win, and want us to meet them IU Ids WOrM'a iffr A. T tui1. ,i. -,, --. . .,.....,, uu.i t ilium lliu It" 2r Whlte Sox could defeat Alex- "" vi i am sure we will. fcfc'mi1 remcmber one thing that the rmmes. or whoever does win the Na tional League pennant, wilt discover that iney are up against the best team that ,.... tn W seHier jn years when they PhmulhVRcd Sox' x nm I,ulll"K fr the .'I111' J because I believe that they are Hle bnch of fellows. Kverybody lh VothMtt' whlch ,s ,noro Ur, BkV,5Y B.b.u ' ine Braves. Wo would &vm ' the Braves, but I don't think hlMH. i I"? ,hr?uh. Anyway, there S4 Brv " between the neU 8ox 134-MILE BOAT RACE UNDER WAY AT SHORE handicap Event for Cruisers Starts From Bridesburg to Ocean City ''' BruDESRlTnr. o.t - mi.. ... ., . el .nil -- ''.. a.- -no ui iiBuu en ,1 rac. for cruisers, a handicap .,.,farteJ,1 here tnl8 fte"von. t ?, !J be.ln,ff down th0 Delaware and . weq up the Atlantic coast to Ocean City. The ftrt k. .- . ... . tU ts.kZt l i . KBl "ar way was The w0mlS ?v.?ei CPtaln McMapee. Kiitsin ? th? H8ttle Bert- Doctor Street. iST 'ealnB at 3.19. The schedule, set irea n ,m.e".'a,t the following: The en(a t a . "". at i 11, ill a . Vptaln Swayne. at iM: the BTCanu n 'Vrna. 0, the Isabelle m n.ni.i , . " " v,.., mm 1119 v V wPtMn Johnson, at 8:36. iVa.1",.!1), ,lf rt of th ,ac recep. W ih.,'nl'.red' ftt th -" hoe here. i eour';V.anl" an tne visitors. 11Z iSf thV will bo down the htt! !.;!'!; J? De,aware Bay, to is light, to the nort. h.n .' !.. INk IM.,t,.,.PaB. WWwood. Avalon T ri.lMe C1,y P ' "takeboat off i TH DISTRICT POLICE WIN JXaiEf!?!.' P"!ce Ba"n bt the ifn :':,;?? ," l ? w?t w wMMrty allowed the losers but, lx . " never 1m ..ui.no. i..i.. h.,y'ts.;vA!i,o?.d,.u''- F F Vu "Mi, fit . i . - vjx .omsiur- L .m umpired the I the game. j inning) 'tela!-. t tt II M S U 1 i a 9 (12 a "qla-3 BIG STORM HAS HURT THE FISHING , AJL.L. ALONG THE COAST OF NEW JERSEY Sea Game Playing It Safe by Going to Great Depths.. Normal Conditions Will Not Be Reached Before Next Week By DR. S. H. The splendid fishing conditions In surf, bfty find outside nlong the Jersey coast and Delaware llay liar been crimped by fa strong northeast storm that started to blow Saturday of last week. Tho winds that shitted around to the northwest early In the week gnvo some hopes to the anx ious angler. However, It again turned and settled down to a heavy northeaster, that has been steadily Increasing, and at tho present time Is raging oft the middle Atlantic States from Cape May to Cape Hnttcras, whero It has reached gale force. It Is almost Impossible for the fish to stand the heavy seas, and they aro now seeking deeper waters and will not touch the most tempting baits offered. Kvcn It It wcro possible for tho present storm to nbntc by Sunday, It would be well for tho week-end nngler to postpone his weekly outing for another time, as It usually takes from 38 to 43 hours for fishing conditions to right themselves after n northeast blow reaching the severity of tho present storm. Fishing for September promises well, as there has been plenty of food of all varieties, both In the bays and along tho Burf. Market fishermen look for tho largo tldo runners, that usually make their ap pearanco after the middle of September, somewhat earlier this season, as quite a number wcro caught In tho bays Inst week, some weighing ns much as six and one-half rjounds. The game season that opened for Penn sylvania and Jersey this week for rail, reed birds, mud hens and yellow legs also received a setback on account of tho heavy northeaster. The heavy gales, which are Ideal con ditions for the duck huptcr, who nnxlous ly looks for a heavy northeaster, are hardly the best of conditions for the smaller varieties of birds. The fall migration this season started several vv-oks earlier than previous sea sons, the birds anticipating the coming blow, and the good shooting promised last week also received a crimp along with the fishing. Game laws for Pennsylvania for 1915: Snipe, Septenftcr 1 to January 1: plover, September 1 to December 16; reed birds, September 1 to October 31: snipe, plover, reed birds,' unlimited. License: Non resident, $10; resident, $1. SPORTS WORLD ALL WITH 1915 Phillies, Contrary, to Habit, in the Lead, With Mackmen in Cellar Golf Champions All Beaten in National Play at Detroit By GRANTLAND RICE Pluck Never mind about the dope. Play your game with pluck each minute; Don't give up your hold on hope 'Cause you are not picked to win it; Odds against you what of thatt It should make jou play the better; Paste this motto in your hat Pluck's a splendid dope upsctter. Standlsh wasn't picked to win. Wise men said Ouimet would lick him; ilarston didn't lose his grin Just because they didn't pick him. Travers and Ouimet went down, Trimmed into a final letter; Being a favorite wins no crown, Pluck's the record dope upsetter. When so many sportive upsets came off In 19H It was figured that normal condi tions would prevail for a while, but 1915 is running 1914 the closest sort of a race. In fact, 1913 Is beginning to bulgo on ahead. There were 11 famous upsets last season. So far this year Jack Johnson has been beaten, the Mackmen have dropped from first to last place, the scoffed at Phillies have set tho pace In the National League, McLoughlin has been beaten twice, Travers, a star match player, has won tho open championship and lost at his best style of game to Travis and Mar ston, New York rivals one of 5. and the niher of 21 in two championship matches. and Ouimet has Joined Travers by losing. to a youngster entered in his seconu ama teur championship. Which isn't so bad for one brief season not yet completed, with the lawn tennis situation at Forem Hills still to be unraveled. The golf situation has proved several more or less Important details. One is that no one or two men any longer rule the game In America. There are now 10 star golfers to one of two veara ago. "PATER ET FILIUS" GOLFERS COMPETE Sixth Annual Tournament Held This Afternoon at White marsh Valley CHESTNUT HILL. Pa.. Sept. 3. - "Dads" of various ages, ranging from the staid "pater" of a 20-year-old son to the ptoud papa of a, 10-month-old, were In their element once again today. The oc casion was the sixth annual pater et nilua tournament of the dolt Association of Philadelphia and the host to the golf ing famllUB was the Whltemarsh Valley Country Club, scene of the Philadelphia championships earlier In the year. Long before the first pair wero sched uled to start the croup around the first tee, including faUers and sons, caddies of every color, creed and age. and officials numbered a score or more The original list ot 37 pairs was further Increased b four or five post-entries, and the total of Individuals, at the starting time, was 83 Tho Odd one was a poor unfortunate youth whose "dad" was compelled to re main at his desk. ' The Webster family, of Frankford, heretofore supreme, was not reprttena. Every other prominent uoltlng family was represented, the Sareenta. of Merlon, rownsends. Sherwoods and Arnetta. of the rame club; the Demlngs, of whltemarsh, the O'Neills and Boltons, of Frankford, the StaUells, or Aronlmlnk, the Burlelghs, of Merchantvllle; the Myerses and Hallo wells, Ot St. David's, and tha MacBeans, of Old York road, were entered. Two ball foursomes, handicap medai play, were the provisions, with the prUes for low net and low gross scores. P. M. and K. MIevl. P. C !." 1B U1 U K. .IHmW. Br. and Jl . w"lte-,.,7 1KJOo ma rill , . . ... , ., ' M HI hi Nt VI jr. K, slid J. a. Hallo ell. .Bt. 108 16 V- ItVrmin'.WK.'jV 'Wendell. l)vd's B. M 12 si Jim Thorpe Football Coach '"'.iliJ.V ha been signed to assist Coaih Child. U ?! ". u. laSLfnalnrverslty foot tl Mivutd lta r- 1 H and C W. II. TownarniJ. Merlon Ml 11 W Valid Jl. ji !.".?.'.' ?.-. Cu " LIPSCHUTZ flame laws, for Jersey for 1915: breasted plover, golden plover, legs, Wilson snipe, September 1 Black yellow to Dc- cembcr 15, rail, mnrsh hen or mud hen, September 1 to November SO; reed birds, September I to October 31. Marsh hens or mud hens, 20 per day. License: Resi dent, II 15; nonresident, S10.50. Game laws for Delaware: Rail and reed blpds, September I to November 1; sum mer duck, September 1 to October 31: squirrel, September 1 to October 15. Bag limits; CO rolls per day, 10 ducks per da, 12 birds of any other specie, 8 hares, rabbits, squirrels. License fee, nonresi dents, (10 GO. HINTS FOR FIIUSH-WATER BASS FISHERMEN. Grasshoppers and crickets, when full grown, make most attractive baits for bass for fall fishing. Cast lightly on tho wntcr, theY will float down stream on sur face; their ntitlcs on the surface attract bass. Hook through the upper part of the body and employ small hook. The humble stoncy cattlo makes a very hardy bolt to take along for a day's fishing; ns many as five bass have been caught with one cattle. Hook a minnow by enterliiK the hook through the lower Up nnd out through the nostril; they will live longer and when dead will 'troll In a very natural n'anner. In using files for bass select the smaller varieties. No. 8 and 9 being the best. Coachman, stiver doctor, Mnrch brown and black gorat will provo a sufficient vnrlcty for every locality. Churchill Hungcrford, Clarence Brush and Charles McGlnnls, of Phllndelphla, will motor to Delaware Bay from Ocean City in quest of large wcakftsh. Frank Stewnrt, of Philadelphia, caught n 3-pound weaktlsh Tuesday In Little Rainbow Channel. Mr. Wlddafield. of Philadelphia, caught a 3-pound black drum in Egg Harbor Bay while fishing for wenkflah. He also caught a tide-runner weighing 54 pounds. A number of the veteran Burf anglers of Philadelphia, New York and Newark will open the channel bass season on Labor Day at Gus Wlttcamp's at Corson's Inlet. P. T Henry, of Philadelphia, a noted nngler, will spend the week-end nt At lantic City In quest of wcakflsh off Great Bay. TOPSY - TURVY RECORD OF UPSETS There are now nt least 10 colters In America, rated as outsiders last season. who are likely to bent Travers, Ouimet or Evans In important matches at any stage. There is no longer any chance to play three or four men against the field. And within another year or two there will be nt least 20 golfers with an outside chance to finish first, against two last season. Wo are beginning to spread out a bit, sport ively speaking, In this broad Common wealth. Here's another detail. Only a few years ago. tho only sporting interest to be aroused In this country wns at baseball, football or boxing. Now golf and tennis are drawing their thousands as well. At tho golf championship at Detroit there were no more eager or more Interested spectators thnn Ty Cobb, Eddlo Collins, Clarence Rowland, Buck Weaver and Jack Fournlcr. A season or two back and you couldn't have dragged them out to a golf match with a grappling hook. The Alibi " am a most unlucky slob," Said the pitcher to the umps; "I never catch that fellow Cobb 'In one of them there slumps," Which recalls (the fact that another famous upset for 1916 has been left out. Cobb went to bat 24 times without getting a safe blow. If this Isn't an upset there is no such word in the public prints. Lines to Jay McLaughlan We've bumped out dope to stars who hit Or come through with the winning clout; To those with laureled beans who sit And listen to the cheering shout. The time to sing a good scout's praise Is now not in the bye and bye; And so here's how all eueii ways A regular guy. WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL I.U.UUK XV. L. 1'ct. W In. Lone. Bpllt. I'hlllle , 6H Ilrooklyn .... A7 Ho-ton S3 Chicago ...,,, S3 Nt. I-ouIh ,,,, III New York , , , 88 Pittsburgh ... SO Cincinnati . . S3 5J 57 57 00 03 S3 07 07 H67 .aiu DO' .340 .544 .525 .fljfl ..138 .SSI .492 ,480 .407 ,465 .447 .40(1 .500 .181 .4KB .471 ,475 ,468 .473 .451 .455 AMERICAN I.KAOUK W. I.. !.. Win. I.oe. Bpllt llotlon ... Detroit . . Chicago . . Washington New lark Nt. Louis . Cleveland , Athletics .. 81 HI 73 63 50 48 47 36 30 43 00 08 03 75 75 S3 .075 ,78 ,060 .... .050 .059 .031 . . .80S t.OOO .5H4 ..VI ,525 .510 ,471 .475 .467 .300 ,395 .SS7 .35 t 395 $.370 .303 .308 .800 603 .387 rj.ni.HAi. i.K.vcuiK W. I. I'ct. Win. I,oe. Npllt, rltUburgh . Newark . Nt. Louis . , Chicago . . i lCanaai City HufTalo , ., Ilrooklyn . lUltlmoTe . . . twin two. . liU M ,301 .503 .556 ... 60 53 .530 ,503 ,53.. ... , 08 50 .548 .56 ,644 ... . 07 30 .532 .535 .5.8 ... . 05 60 .BUI .38 .5X0 ... . 61 08 ,473 .477 .460 ... . 67 (111 .462 .457 .440 ... 42 78 .350 .333 .347 ... ?l.oie two. Jacobson Spurns Feds BROCKTON, Mass., Sept. I.-Merwln Jacoh s'jn, track outfielder and leading hastman of the Urockton Colonial League Club, has turned down the offer of the Ilrooklyn federal League team and has accepted terms with the New .ork (Rants lie will join MrOraw'a team at tha clow of the Colonial aeason. next Mon day. The Hrookfeds were hot after Jacobson but he refund to sign unleas a bonus was forthcoming. The bonus did not coma and McQraw gets the slugging outfielder. AMKKICAN LKAUUE BASEBALL TODAY HIBE PARK ATHLETICS v. BOSTON UAMK CALLKD AT 8 ISO V, M. TENTS te HIRE ALL 8IZE BERNARD McCURBY phones 1H NORTH NINTH STREBT OLYMPIAA.A- HX:lh. TIJKHOAV NM1HT, llM) NMAHf ' " VKANk MMJ4JMNK. vs. MiK MONKttlT. Adw. Jc BaJ. nm, Me. Are ., 7K, 31 WiHLv, BAT REDDY, BANTAM, CAN ANNEX WILLIAMS' TITLE, HE BELIEVES Brick-Topped Boxer, Formerly of New York, Confident He Is Superior of Baltimore Blond Battler Louis Nobllc, 20 years old, Italian and auburn-haired, alios Battling Reddy. one of tho leading tontenders for Kid Will lams' bantamweight crown, will sign his home nddrcss, Philadelphia, Pa., In the future. The former New York clever lis tlcufllsn, who has placed himself under tho personal management of Jack Me Gulgan, local promoter, believes he can topplo Williams from his pinnacle. Mc Gulgati will endeavor to draw the Kid Into a bout with Reddy. In this event tho Battler Is confident he will bring tho first pugilistic title to Philadelphia. Reddy has been boxing about four jears, during which period ho has met and defeated tho best bantams In the world, Including Williams, In six and ten round bouts. Among other stars de feated by "Reds" are Young Solsberg, twice; Dutch Brandt, twlre; Frankle Burns, Billy Bcvan, Chick Hnvea and Charley Ledoux. While In New York Reddy sparred with such clever boxers ns Mlko Gibbous, Packcy McFarlatid, Jack Brltton null I Fied Welsh in gymnasium work-on tB, Tlnt (Intn.tl tl.nl.. !. I n.1. n... ml. a . .1. bantam's great cleverness and beautiful boxing ability. Willie Hiiunoii nnd Tommy Welsh, u pill of clever bantams, will appear in tho feature fray of the weekly Ludlow A. C'.'n open-air show tonight. In Brooklyn tonight. A I Kublok, the "Michigan Giant," will clash with Jim Stewart In a 1'Mound Lout. A victory for Bobbv Rev Holds over Jimmy Murphy In tho scmlwlnd-up to the Joe Borrcll-Frnnk Loughrey match nt the Olympla Tuesday l.lght will put him In line for bouts with Johnny Dundee nnd Johnny Kllbane. Eddie Morgan, of England, says he will meet Reynolds If the latter mokes 130 pounds. Charley White has nrrlved In New York for the purpose of being n spectntor at the Mike Glhbons-Pnckcy McFnrland match next week. White also may sign up for a light or two while In Gotham. When Abe Atlell clashes with Tommy Houck Labor Day. tho former feather weight champion will have Frank Morun, heavyweight, in his corner as chief ad viser MEREDITH WILL NOT COMPETE ON MONDAY Middle Atlantic Association of A. A. U. Holds Meeting Here This Afternoon Two important news items announced today will make some difference In tho relative standing of the teams whlcth will compete in the Mlddlo Atlantic A. A. U. track and field championships on the Central High School field on Monday. One Is that "Ted" Meredith, the Univer sity or Pennsylvania captain, will not compete for the Meadowbrook A. C. Tho other is that tho Registration Committee of tho Middle Atlantic Association has declared Elmer Smith, the former Mer cersburg star. Ineligible to run for the Meadowbrook Club. PENNANT AND PENANCE By CHARLES E. VAN LOAN Hern's n new kind of Van Loan Mury. A MrthodlHt preacher enters the ranks of the tuujchent tram In the If incur, and win a world's rhamplonMilp for his man ager. In A Pennant and a Penance ' that matter of lmnrlmll (lotion, and the world's grrutett MorU story writer CHARLES E. VAN LOAN slves the reader of the KTenlng I.rdicer komelhlnK to think nlmut. Follow the hero throuRh nil battles of conaclence when lie han to rhoone between hla Methodlut trnlnlnc and Ills love for the team. Tills story begins In the portlncr page of EVENING LEDGER MONDAY EVENING. ii.ii i i .. ,j HI vim. ' m & j I x U s2W i vC w 1 B fw NV r'"""""ym. r-""-'" JP irTt i " ar "" i-iii' S JSf fmSf t 2 J I FRESH DAILY" I "nv H Ml WJ JH Maurice Coves, m v m - Western Shore, Oak Island B H anc Genuine Fire Island Blue Points H jl p ' YU.Viir.i'iii.i'uWi fi.'i ii1 .'nrii.U fnUif Vn'nfiW... ifi.Ui.it.il .f, 8 tdSiMitnifin.il' ' ' ' ' m f )J 11 The best we have received in rzr. r-; i B) f J i ,. d j i j "rices Not w m HH mirfv vpars. KrpiV4n in rar nans. LW 5j-ra IB direct from the beds, fresh daily. I . 1 H m. Matthew J. Ryan 1 - lstBpBHPSgW SOUTHEAST CORNER H VxrSim a Front and Dock Sts- ' "" I "STRIKE-OUT RECORDS NOT SOUGHT"; ALEXANDER GIVES HIS REASON "Nine Times Out of Ten a Twirler Seeka Only to Baffle Batsman To Strive for Record Would Wear Out Pitching Arm," Says Great Hurler By GROVER CLEVELAND ALEXANDER nretet bisessll pitcher In the werld and themalrulay of the Philadelphia Nstlonsl League Club In the 1018 Tennant Itace. ARTICLM VI. I wonder how many batsmen ft pitcher could strlko out In a gamo or In a sea son, If ho really made that his principal nlml Doesn't n big Icaguo pitcher try to strike out the oppo nents?" you ask. My answer Is "No!" That is, nine times out of ten a twirler seeks only to baffle the man who la swinging tho bat, nnd he's Just as well sntlsllcd to have him hit the ball, so long AI.EXANDKll Ila ,o does not drive to n safe spot. I suppose a man with tho puzzling break to his curve could strlko out twice as many plnyers as he actually docs TnkcChrlsty Mathcvvsonln his prime and with his almost unhltablo fadeaway woiklng right. Ho could pile up strike outs by the dozen, no doubt. Yet Matty always was satisfied to have the oppo nents hit the ball until he got Into a tight place, when he usunlly could fan a man If he mado up his mind that wns the thing to do. The reason that pitchers do not try for strike-out records Is easily understood. In the first plnce a man would wear his arm out pitching that sort of a game. He would have to put something on every ball he shot up to the plate, and his con trol would have to be perfect. Then, too, the fllnger who would try to fan overy batsman who faced him piobably would pllo up a base on balls record which would equal his strike-outs. I will nttempt to explain this. Ordinarily, when I nm pitching, I try to glvo a man a ball that he doesn't llko to hit. I'laver A may be positively weak when it conies to banging a pitch that is low and on the outside corner, riayer B may kill that sort of a ball, but pop up one that is high and close to him Virtually every big leaguo batsman has a weakness, as the fans know. Well, If I can pitch low ones on the outsldo corner to Tlayor A, he will have to swing at them. If my control Is good, I'll get them over the corner so the urn plro will call them strikes, and rather than look at the third one the batsman will try to hit It. But. while he will man age to connect with the baseball a good many times, he will not be nblo to hit It hard or safe. The same thing npplle to Player B, except that In his case 1 keep them high and Inside. I expect both these men to hit the ball, nnd sometimes they will manage to get one where It can't bo fielded and" It will go for a base hit. But the chances are greatly against them hitting the ball safe when I keep It where they don't like it. Therefore, the pitcher usually Is trying to take advantage of the batsman's weak ness and seeking to make him hit tho ball. On tho other hand, if I were trying to strike out Plaver A, I would be com pelled to outguess him. That is, I would havo to pitch a ball that would break down, up. Inside or outside, so that lie would bo fooled and would swing at It and miss it. Possibly I could do that once or twice. But nfter a while he would begin to look them over. By that I EMPIRE TRACK RACES Hal Boy Wins First Heat of the Open ing Event EMPIRE TRACK. Yonkers. N. Y., Sept. 3. Hal Boy won the first heat In the opening race here this afternoonjfor Ufa J2000 stake. Russell Boy was sec ond nnd Single G third. The summaries: 2. OR lia.cu. :i In 5, stake $2000, first heat Hal Boy. McMahon. won. Ruaaell Doy. Ueers, second, Single O., Cornell, third; Major Ong, A. Murphy, fourth. Time, 2.044, 2:1.'. clava. trotting;, purio $1000, .1 In .", first heat lloy Miller. Grady, won; Valotte, Co bum. second; W. J. I.eyburn, McCarthy, third, Kitty U Bellini, Hinds, fourth. Time, -!'12-i. Illue Feather, Tramprlght and Henry K. also finished. 2:10 trot. .1 In B, purse J1C00. first heat St. Frisco, (Jeers, won; Farcllfte, McCart'iy, fecond: McCloskcy, McDonald, third: The Kom tro Belle. Serrlll, fourth. Time. S.UTfi. Mirth, ful and Dick Watts alao finished. The nroadway, 1:08 pace, purso $2000, second heat ltusR-ll Hoy, Gtcra, won, Hal lloy, Mc Mahan, second! Major Onic. Murphv, third; Single 0., Uo.neH, fourth. Time, 2.01U. mean he would take a couple to discover Just what I had in the way of a curve or fast one or slow one. If I pitched n curve ball that started for the mlddlo of tho plate, but broke to the right too far, It would be called a ball by the umpire. If tho batsman took a couple nnd they were not over, I would be In a hole, Then I would be com pelled to pitch thorn over, or take chances on him waiting me out and getting a base on balls If I continued my at tempts to fool him and strike him out. I do not try to strike a man out more than a couple of times In the ordinary game. Of course. If there are men on buses nnd the pitcher comes up, or some player who Is known to be weak with the stick, I would try to fan him. And when the bases are all occupied and a long fly will score a man, I try to strike out the batter, no matter who he Is or what his reputation may be. Theso are the only times, when a really do put everything I own on the ball. There ore batsman in our league who never lilt much abovo .240 and still .strlko out less often than Ludcrus, Daubert, Cravath, Mageo and other players who usually are found around the .300 mark. Thnt Is because tho batsman with the low average has a decided weakness nnd the pitchers all know It. They feed him pitches whero he doesn't want them and ho hits tho ball virtually overy time up, but seldom hits It safe. Quite often Honus Wagner or some other great batsman will come up and the fans will shout, "Strike him out." They do not feel quite satisfied unless the bnts man swings at the third one and misses It. They figure that If he hits It nt all, he Is doing his share and It's Just a question of luck whether the ball drops safe or Into the hands of a fielder. But I'd rather have a batsman of the Wagner type hit a bnll thnt was over the edge of the plate whero he couldn't get his full swing nt It, than have him get n toe hold nnd cut loose at a curve ball that I had pitched with the Intention of fooling him and striking him out. In other words. It's not good baseball to try to strike out a slugger every time he comes up. If lie outguesses you and gets a hold of a curve ball, it's goodnight. If ou don't get them over for him, he walks. It Is true that a big league pitcher de pends a whole lot upon his support. If you are sure tho fielding behind you will be almoit perfect, you can let every bats man lilt the ball. That Is the advantago the major fllnger has over his mino" brother. And that also explains why the percentage of strikeouts In minor and semlpro leagues most often are greater than they uro in the fast company. The pitcher In the "bushes" Is not so sure that a hard-hit ball between the shortstop nnd the third baseman will be fielded, or that tho centre fielder will go to the fence nnd grab a line drive. Therefore, he tries to keep the opponents from hitting tho ball. As I said, It would be Interesting to know Just how many men Christy Math evvson could have fanned In a Blngle game when he was In his prime. I guess against some clubs he could have piled up n recoid that would have been hard to equal. But I Imagine, too, ho would have been charged with a good many bases on balls, and ns it Is lie possibly walked fewer men than any other pitcher In the garni. DR. DEWHURST IN FINALS Wins Semifinal Matches on Bay Head Courts BAY HEAD, N. J., Sept. 3. Dr. E. B. Dew hurst, of Huntington Valley, .quali fied to meet G. C. Burgwln, Jr.. of Pitts burgh, In the final round of the Jersey const championship this morning, defeat ing Lovell Carr at 6 to 2, 6 to 2. Norman Svvayne and Perry Osborne reached the final of the doubles, defeat ing Rowland and Edwards at 6 to 2, 2 to 6, 6 to 1. SEMiriNALS, MEN'S DOUBLES. N. W Swayne and P. Osborne beat J. R. Rowland and V, M. Edwards, 0 to 2. 2 to 0, 0 to 1. SEMIFINALS. MEN'S BINOLES. Dr. E. II. Dewhurtt beat II. I.. Carr, 0 to 2. 0 to 2. SECOND HOUND, LADIES' SINGLES. Mrs A. Church beat Miss F. Cattlm. u to 2. II to 2. Mrs. Tobey heat Mrs. Harrington, a to 3. 0 to 1. Mlu F. Dalzell beat Mls M. Ilaker, 7 to S, 3 to U, n to 3. M'LOUGHLIN IS WINNER TODAY ON TENNIS TURF R. Norris Williams, 2d, of This City, Also Survives at Forest Hills T. R. PELL BEATS BULL Craig Biddle and Sid Thayer Lobg Their Matches in Morning Play WE8T TENNIS CLUB, Forrest Hill, N. Y Sept 3. Maurlco E. McLoughlin, Pacific coast "comet" and R. Norris Wll Hams, 2d, of Philadelphia, national title? holder, fought their respective ways to the semifinals In the national matches this afternoon. Williams was In much better form than the man whom tennis sharps predict will oppose him for the title next Tuesday. McLoughlin went badly oft form In one set. He defeated F. B. Alex ander, 6-3. 6-2, .-6, 6-3. Tho best feature match of the day In the fourth round of the national lawn tennis tournament resulted In a victory for Theodore Roosevelt Pell, New York, over his fellow townsman, Charles M. Bull, Jr Tho scores were 6-L 6-2, 64 William Rand, Apawamls, defeated Craig Blddlo. Philadelphia. 3-6, 6-3. 2-6, 6-3. A big gallery was present wtien the Pell Bull match began on the main court In front of the stands. Pell's play left no doubt that he Is In the tournament to make a real showing, and that the man who downs him will have to be at top form both physically and technically. Bull demonstrated that he Is a grand tac tician as well as the possessor ot Un playable ground strokes. When the oc casion demanded Pell raced to the net and cut off the sharp drives of Bull for clean point, driving cross court and down the side lines. While the Btddte-Rand match was closer than the Bull-Ptll affair, it was not so well played. Neither of these con teBtants seemed to be at his best at any stage of the long five-set match. The defeat of Sidney Thayer was some what of a surprise to the experts, as they were expecting the yountr Philadel- phlun to make a. strong bid for the title. Maurice E. McLoughlin, tho Pacific coast star, was back In prime form .to day. He took the first se,t from Alexan der, 6 to 3, playing brilliantly and never being In danger. He took the second Bet 6-2 In the same sensational fashion. In tho third set McLoughlin showed a bad reversal of form, being badly oft his stride. Alexander won, 6-L The Pacific coast marvel was wild and erratic, while Alexander seemed suddenly to steady down. In the final match ot the day William Johnson, California, defeated Karl H, Behr, New York. 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. 7-5. Francis T. Hunter. New Rochclle, N, Y defeated J. S. Pfaffman, Boston, 6-3, 6-4. 6-1. Summaries: R. Norris Williams, 2d, Philadelphia, defeated J. B, Adonc, Jr., Dallas, Tex., 6-3. 6-1, 6-0. McLoughlln'a scores against Frederick B. Alexnnder were 6-3. 6-2, 1-6, 6-3. Williams defeated J. B. Adoue, Texas champion, In straight sets, 6-3, 6-1, 6-0. CHAMPIONSHIP SINCJI.ES. Theodcre It. Pell, We-t'Slde Tennis Cluo, defeated C. M. null, of the Crescent Athletic- uiud, ii-i. tt--;. u-. Wllllum TTnnrV Inawamli fluti KTawr ' defeated Crals Diddle. Newport, h-6, 6-3, 8-371 1NTERSCHOLA8TIC SINGLES. C. 8 Garland. Tale, defeated Stanley Thay er. Harvard, 11-4. ll-l. il-O. II. A. Throckmorton. Princeton, defeated W. II. Harlow. Fennsl.anla, U-3, 0-2. 0-2. l J. Urlflln California, defeated B. C. Law, New York. H-2, iM, (1-2. M E. McLoughlin defeated F. B. Alexander, C-3, 0-2. 4-0, 0-X Evcrs Is Naughty Again BOSTON. Sept. .1. For too much strenuous tal kand sign language agatnBt Umpire flyron In yetcrda's game between the Braves and Dodgers, Captain Evcrs was this afternopa suspended for live days. Schmidt and Fits Patrick, who weru also put otu of the con tent, were fined ,lfxi and 50, reepectlvelyr It was officially announced. CHINESE Sensational Team from Hawaii PLAY STETSON TOMORROW AT FOURTH AND IJERKB, AT S I. M. Adml.nlon lBc. tirand Stand I5e LABOR DAY at 10 A. M. and S V. M. Stetson vs. Cape May AT 8TKTSON GROUNDS