0 re SUCCESS DUE SBTER-MANAGER; HAUBER MEETS BAKER tfatf LoMtt Hoag;, Actress, ,liMli Pugilistic Destinies of Brother ferondwny Show for Tonight frtONAL OPENS SEPT. 10 imnky Of havlnir a brdlher with Ml mhitlfn. and to teniae care- A PAch him aafeiv through all ntdtHilers. doesn't (teem to be auch i etrrtinary taak, after oil, for worn- t aceewpllah, at least tnut in iaa MMg'a veralon or it. ana me know. M Iss Hoa enjoys ex distinction of btlnr the only aaer of a boxer In the whole at the Preaent. Mls Hon; directs affair of her brother. Clarry Mar haL feathtrwelEht boxer, who la mak km Milte a name for hlmtelf In New fork city at the various local clubs. t.iftM Heata advent Into tha boxlnic n came aooui upon m hmvivu Wll urd. Tom Jtfnes nna iwiy c- jCrney. It aer-ma that MIm Iloag, who an actress, as playing out wesi m time jess Wlllnra was nrat raaicncu U 3mck Johnson, The, battleground tle bout was set for Juarex. Ilex. At ru& 4h wna nfnmnllliir ftlsa ISiO att gned Wlllard up to give cxhlbl- ns with ai wortcn witn mo same that ilis Hong was starring. M(a Hoas; Informed Wlllard that aho ad a brother who was a boxer, ami tasked the big cowboys ndvlec about ob- fining a proper manager for her Drawer arry. Jetties. McCarney ana wiiiara sm her many pointers about what con- NtUted a good manager. Wlllard. wnere- turned to JHsa Hong and said! "Why not handle him yourself. Miss RT' "Splendid Idea," chimed in ootn and McCnrnev. From that mo- Ml Hoag became the first lady- alter ot a boxer In the world. Marshall boxes' Jack McCormack In N'ew fork tonight. -Jtenry Hauber and Willie Baker will r In the nlnd-up ot the llronanay 'A. C' official opening of tho 1915-13 cam- il!n tonight. Ipater et films golf AT WH1TEMARSII TOMORROW flixlh Annual Tournament of Golf Association of Philadelphia i' The heads of families with their sons nd heirs play golf together nt the temnrah Valley Country Club tomor- afternoon upon the occasion of the ath annual Pater et Flllus tournament the Oolf Association ot Philadelphia. , The provisions call for two-ball four- !ie. and the prizes nre offered for the gross And low net scores. A pnrt- hlp will receive one-half their ne gate handicaps. The pairings follow: 1:35 C. II. anil U. M. Lev la. Philadelphia, t?rlrket Club, and narturra. jt:39- W. T. and J. II. Arnctt, Merlon, and V. n. nna u i Dunne, Urineld. fc:3;j Wlnthrop and 8. W. Sargent. Merlon, ami w ti. Myers, Mr., ana jr., St. -F.( V. and J. a. lUllowell. fit. Dai Id's, IIU llll iiiao niiu Lt aj II VIIUCll, Ol i.:4t W. 11. tv P. I Corjwn, Plymouth, and BSSESI T -nt e T W 1l.,A. IS'kltsmA ,,l, I a ! "I W , S'VU II IUCIIWIBM, kMl. U Davie. Fr. and Jr., North Hills, anij i. v. Macuean, Br ana Jr., Uld Ilia 1. J. JVlUlami. &r.. and Jr.. PhllniloliJila. ?yV, i'.Ttliet. and J. II. and C. W. II, Town- iMNt'. I', and II. I. Drawn, I'lilladelphla Huntingdon Valiir Country Club. P!0.-j6Jn Kloanmakrr, 8r and Jr., Whltr- inarfn, ana t. 21, uuiicrwoiin. r ana Jr.. Whkpmarah. ;1B'W. It. Klnsaltr, Br., ard Jr.. Thlladrl- cnia cricnet. ana n r ana u. w. ao kirk. I'hl'adslDhta Ciiokat. tt:lfi-0. y and II. 1' IftuUcll, Aronlmtnk, nna l'r. samuei and a. u. uoiton, Frunkford. 0-O..N. and C. C lllghley, Plymouth, ond t , , ,nnnea ana anm uimoei, I'uumont, tiiTIZ. IX and J. M. Ilrmphlll. Vnt chratrr. ana c n. niw u. 11. -ir,orpe. rranxinm. 1.30-0, C, and W. T I. Hall. V(I Cheater, and V, T. and It. II. Bucklua, Frank--rord. .-ilf-C. V. Kindt. Kf., and Jr.. Old Tork nana, ana l'.nimcu u;ieui, Br., and t;MtU, j. and Howard Wataennan, Phllmont, ana jj, 1 ana fi v. unori, wnitt- (.:45-W. K. and W, W. Hamilton, Uala, and u. 11. ami v. )l. bimmtrman. North inn. tt!9 Holxrt and J. It, 1-cwla, rrankfnrd, and ft I. II Bllverman, Br., and Jr.. l'htlmont. ;- I: II. and 8. E. Hharnood. Merlon, and j, j, ami j, -. iiurmtn, Mircnanttfiia. Work Resumed in Welsh Mines CARpiFF. .Sept. 2. Work was resumed .atl,tha mines of Eouth Wales today, ' ratification by the miners' dele- yesterday of the new agreement Into at Iondon. Amateur Golf Championship' at Detroit Right now in Detroit a contest is being held to decide who is the amateur golf champion of America, This battle is of interest to every man who ever handled a golf club indeed, to every man who has the slightest interest in any form of sport, for each year golf plays a greater part in the field of out door recreation. The .EVENING LEDGER has arranged to give to Philadelphians an intimate account of the fight for the championship. Grantland Rice noted m a wtpcrt writer o gojf and all that pcrtAsM to gotf, will contribute a detailed accettat of the playws aW ptayl. Read hi tory tonight ip the Hf, EVENING WHAT MAY HAPEEN IN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL I.KAOt'B. Won.t,nat,1Vt. M In. (IS n ,M t Ml M S7 ,M7 40 CI M ,t JUS A0 00 4d . eo n.i .4so .4t . M III 4I t.4SJ as n 111 41A I.o. Bplll. Phillies . Brooklyn , Hoatnn . , rhlrato ' HI. Ixinl Vw VW .sts ' t.4'1 .4M ,1 llllHVlm Cincinnati M 7 .41 ... AMKHI0AN 7.KAOUE. Wan.lMl.rrt. Win. lf. HpUU so no ,m .s"i IBI . si 41 ..i M .m Raalon Drlrolt . Chlraso Mathlnttnn w lork rierland . HI. Ixiul. . 7.1 49 .BOB m ,n .... (12 B7 JltS .M9 .Ml . M (II .! .471 4M ... . 47 74 .. m .;;j 47 7 XS.1 91 J1! .... SS SJ JI0J .111 .80 Alhletlr wt.ritlt at. l.V.AfltTn. I van.tal.let. In. Ixe. "pllt. Newark . . M " -JJ? .JJJ -JJ' " HI. Leal. ... 87 M .J4J .J4J ,M0 .... j Chlraso . M ; S ,M4 .... llrooklrn ..87 ns .4(10 .400 .45 .. rUlTlmo. . i 41 78 .l .S.10 .3lt . Not arheduled tln tvo. t I-oe o RUNS SCORED BY MAJORS FOR WEEK 3 1? g CIAJ11S. AMKIIICAN LUAQUU Athletlrs . . Ilnaton Chlcaao .... Cleteland .. liotrolt ... Near York lit. Louis ... Waahlnston t 2 ..... H a 1 .1 n 4 ... .7 10 a 4 Hi 1 3 3 0 7 11 SI 4 II SS ft S3 1 VI 5 17 '.' HI NATIONAL LGAOUB. 4 10 3 Iloaton . . . . llroaklyn . . Chicago . , Cincinnati . New York Philadelphia ritubumti St. Louis . . o to 'Jl 1ft 4 7 11 is .1 sa 7 is 4 SS 1 11 FKOnHAL I.KAaUE. Tlaltlmors . a tirooKiyn , . IluITalo . . , ChlciKo , . , Kansas City .. Newark .. . .. rutaburah ... ..11 .. 1 . 0 .. a .. 4 . .ft n 7 11 St. I.OU1S .10 3 10 'Indicates did not play. SHAKESPEAREAN DISCIPLE VAINLY PLAYS HIS PART Sent to Houso of Correction Dcspito Liberal Quotations From Bard "Strike ns thou dld'st nt Cncsar, for I know that when thou dld'st hato him most thou lov'st him better than thou dld'st Cnsslus." On bended knee John Kennedy, "movlo" actor nnd "son of llroadway," knelt on the floor of a Glrnrd nvenue car Inst night and, proffering a walking stick for a sword, repeated these lines to a sup posed Urutus. This Brutus happened to be a portly woman, Policeman Comlskcy happened to see the commotion at a street comer and took Kennedy In tow. At the Front and Master streets station he was questioned by Hcrgeant Fiedler. "What Is your name?" asked the ser geant. "I am hungry," replied Kennedy. "Are you married?" "I am hungry." "Aro you nn American?" "I nm hungry." "Take him back," ordered the officer. Attired In a shirt marked 430, nn old felt hat and trousers and, socks of an cient' vintage, Kennedy appeared before Magistrate Scott today. Lnvul to his profession he carried an old pair of socks, which he Imagined wcie bus kins, In his bosom. After the witnesses were heard the Magistrate asked him If ho had anything to say. "The quality of mercy is not strained. It falleth upon the just and unjust and " Here he wob Interrupted by the Magis trate, who asked him to postpone the 'Shakespearean outbust. "Your honor, my name is John Ken nedy, and I am CO years old," said tho man. "I am a Ron of old Uroadway. I was with Dcnman Thompson In 'The Old Homestead,' and lately, In New York, I made $100 a week In tho 'movies.' " He added that he had been a priest, but would not say where. He was sent to tho House of Correction for three months, and will be exnmlned as to his sanity. HOUSEKEEPING APAIITMENTS Jfatrfax rlprtmentg rlllKl'ltOOK IIL'II.IIINO (IN UEHMANTOWN) WATNE AVENUE AT SCHOOL, LANS Bultes of 7 and S rooms and 2 batba. Solarium covarlng entire houie. Maid sarvlca by tha hour. Elevator. II. J. JOHNSON. 300 Ijaller Dulldlng. attt4 LBDGBB-PHlLADELPHTA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1018: PLAN CAMP HERE TO TOAIN CITIZENS IN ART OF WAR Philadelphia Members of Nn tional Security League Fa vor President's Desire for Army of 300,000 GEN. GILMORE AS CHIEF Philadelphia members of the National Hecurlty League expressed great satisfac tion on learning that President Wilson favored the establishment of nn nrmy of 800. mm. InclOcntally, It became known that Philadelphia may soon or ganise a camp for tlio trnlnlng ot citi zens In the manual of arms nnd In sol diering tnctlcM. Informal requests have been made to Adjutant General .1. Camp bell Ollmore, retired, of the N. O. P., suggesting that the establishment of such a camp would meet with tho heinty approval of Phllndelphtans. General Ollmoro's reputation ns a military organizer would guarantee? success to any organization for mil itary training. Ho reorganized tho nt tlonal mllltla after tho Kpnnlsh-Amcr-Icnn Wnr and ho has been In frequent conference with the War Department klnce the qufttlon of national defense be enmc n burning Issue In this countr "Tho league naturally fnvors tho en largement of the present standing nrmy to 300,000," he said today "It Is gratify ing to learn that President Wilson will push a program for nn Incrcnso In tho nvallablc military forces of this coun try. The number mentioned Is perhapsl the most Ideal flguro that could bo sug gested nt the present time In the face of present difficulties. "Tho actual requirements of this coun try In order that we may bo prepared for nny potential enemy necessitates a trained force of not less than 1.000,000 men. Tho rinsou for this figure Is plain, If ono looks at tho map and nt the snmo tlmo realizes that nn enemy to be suc cessful In Invasion ought to have a force of about IDO.OM. There nre five points of possible nttnek. They are tho North Atlintlc, South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Occnn nnd the Interior. An enemy would not rcvcnl before hand the location he choso for his nttnek, so the forces of the United States would hnve to be large enough to protect nny of tho five locations ntid nt the same time bo prepared to meet tho enemy at ull ot tho vital points "It Is unnecessary for this country to $ Editorial Comment of $ Interest to All Those Contem- J plating a Business Education Jf MWT-sss5; cation UF ...-,nes ". . """' ! oi " ,. .. renw . a.mOU" rtW Wot . i on is- 1 at.- id rinnui - Scn"; - ,.y sen--; An0.us oW ve !. - i ni - . H.ltAni -"." town ,v,0 faci "'" ve . . I nw w r l - - viasn" - ondins - . isVx9 hav -r.wr . ? ,titW?B' "" llAfiRL " a.. rK . - iiAntlL " .IrU JiH"v"..i In Dl' in ..AICU at a "!., Mtt0" i. arc CO""' . n.tlona - l0 W- educi utlnV ".on BCt' evero ev"" . w Lvlcn Vn. easW .1. re. V eal the fnnui- l'v' -.1-J -M- dicaw ,.lnay c- were O"". actio". r-V tlnulnB '" .ntT' 1911k i th Bc" e off ...nets. " .' ...ue oi i rf"- .. iiui ' m watq '.', ,s 5'ij That 4. A -u .lntla it1:.;, wie than a.mei'" del (nntt VOCi atlon .nnV 0 ftPt to say- 'ftnA e0 In ai ' ..,lr9 . .. nt - the ',. in "eu awir-1 the is ot . -n the wrVnJ SSciue-tW the ttud pw- ...an .lnnCY . en"- :.t :. '. tot addd a4 re ow f ec' not "" -rAerei -,.., BCi The above editorial from the Pub- lie Ledger of June 23d emphasizes fl the spirit of progressiveness that has flv distinguished Philadelphia's pioneer t business school from other schools of its kind since its establishment in 1865. In the early days of commercial schools, ifh office buildings afforded satisfactory quar- m ters. Hereafter, however, commercial fa schools, in order to be continuously success- rj f ul, must occupy buildings constructed exclu- m sively for school purposes. 2? Peirce School has an enviable record of Jt fifty years of success, and starts the second half century, better equipped than ever to j prepare young; men and wonien for success- jL ful business careers. Day School now open. fc Night school opens Sept. 20th. I Peirce School Established 1865 America's Foremost Business School Pine Street West of Irotd have nn nrmy of il.OM.ooo men In active, sei vlco Hut there should be enough men trained In military practloes to take the field at a moment's notice nnd build up the standing force to that number. This I the Ideal of the present movements looking toward a solution of our present unpreparcdness. "In ft number of States military train ing camps have been established or aro being established, and they nro meeting with almost unbelievable success. Phila delphia ought to have some such camp. I have not yet accepted the Informal re quests that under my direction a local camp bo organized, but I feel sure that the establishment of a eimp would be welcomed by a large number ot our young men This would be nn admirable beelnnlng, and from It could develop the many branches of military endeavor nco cssry In the training of a body of men unskilled in military matters. "Nothing will bo done for the next month. Tho Influenco of the league will bo brought to bear on Congress nhen It convenes. There Is nothing of partisan politics In the movement, and every ef fort will be made to keep It Independent of political uses. Wo aro for national defense, ndequato defense, nnd that la tho full aim of those In the movement." FORKIGiN EXCHANGE RALLIES JSIIARPLY London Banks Raise Interest Rates and Heavy Sales of Securities Helped Foreign Kxchnnge rntcs rallied Bhnrply today following tho nnnouncement In London that the banks hnd raised their Interest rates for deposits one-half of 1 per cent, to 314 per cent. Heavy selling of securities for foreign account In Wnll street also hnd a direct bearing on Uxchnnge rntcs. The prln clpat sales were In New Tork Central, t'nlted Stales Steel. Union Pacific, Ana conda nnd Krle. Many hlgh-grado bonds nlo camo on the market and demand sterling Jumped four cents. Hcforo tho first hour wns oer demand l.nd touched 4.60 and cables 4.50 bid. The extreme low yesterday was 4 0 to 4.51. Later the gain was not entirely main tained, but the market, though confused, vas Btrong. It was said shoits wero be ing Miueescd. Sir Herbert Holt, who arrived from Knglund on the Adriatic, mild thnt tho commission of British financiers appoint ed to como to this country In nn en dtnvor to adjust the rormcr exchange sltuntlon, Intended to loll on the Adri atic, but nt the last moment plans wero changed. It was presumed thnt the com inleslon will como by way of Cnnailn. Sir Hrrher: said: "Tho position of ster ling exchange Is icry low, but not suf ficiently to cicato any alarm. I have no doubt It will be ndjustcd as soon as the ii'mm'sFlon airlvcs here." ..T)t " B0tWc.- ewr.. ot " c,u".-- ,. ao 1U-.,.et, .OV.i olnO v' M1' em .tri ,. ol " ...roitie onB. " r tVs . - olnco .,. - nc rtiett' pot. vrtev or a oWer - -T. - IW8 ,,ed teo w - toeVB Bur'are acco- . . they " .001. .1.1. 0l' nn ot -., gott r- wna- ...--. n " - nrva' "LortV.,. con- vmprt W to--. ad . to ,Un ""'. ,4UC! atlon. ..vieme "- ,. nt th m...- .VMiio " t to tralnmB . ,n cw- "l" v, -wn l. . ".;. -- - r,i.S T country - , n-Q t0 a vi- are w-- - i.ntn HD nTAIV tVK - W'e tYievn eni- tet do W to acceP1 can doVn6 OUT un1 -er. "- v.l B tt-W1 .We .nt. " . etu"' V..UBV6 rii.-- ,:.ss colWB" ol &0 "I.nea ""i. atr vna- ora " - iney ...lnea ..m. An4" eWane tcac . D- . o in-;' lB!Ssrt4tt'' TC?-r IB .,rt - ' . a r -. - 1-A.0- .rf nuw .vvb. iViA " 'Pi I PASSYINK AVENUE INS TROLLEY FIGHT P. R. T. Uccidcs to Rctoin Serv ice It Was Going to Abolish llullctlns were posted today In the car bnrna of the P. P.. T at lTth and JacH son streets, statlnit thnt the trolley serv Ice on Passyunk avenue will not be dis continued until further notice, Itccently tho P. It. T. announced that service on this line would be discontinued because of lack of patronnite. Members of the Passyunk Avenue Busi ness Men's Association recently "W0'nwj a committee of five, ot which Theodora Ciok Is chairman, which appealed to tho trnctlon company not to take the cars oft Passjunk nvenue. ...... ., Officials of the P. It, T refuse d t o sny today whether the posting of tho bulletin meunt that the first order. Issued several weeks bbo. had been canceled. New Fact for Historians Funny answers by school children are an old story, but the fact vouched for by one of these same children that "Louis XV I was gelatlned durlnff the French revolution" is new enough to suit the most fastidious The William Penn Charter School Eifiht South 1 welfth btreet Philadelphia, Pa. The Fall term opna on tha 28th of Sep tember. Tha bul'dlnB may be lnpetea. and applicants listed, on and after (Septem ber 7tn. The prospectus will be eladly eent upon application, oleo, when dealrfd. a copy or tho recent publication, "The Making of a Man." rlttrn under the direction of tha Headmaatcr. Richard M. Jones, LL.D..Hcadmastcr FRIENDS' CENTRAL And Ha nemntry Schoola, opaa oa NINTH MO. (September) 2iat 13th and Haca Sti. SSIh St. and Lancaster Ave. 17th St. and dlraril Ave. Orern St. above SAhool Lane, Germnntown. Principal In attendanco after Ninth Mo. lt. WM. C. UAItltrrrT. intn and Haca Sta. University of Pennsylvania WIIAIITOX SCIIOOI, OK KIIVANCB AND COMSIRnCC: Offers Evening: Courses Heglstratlon enlng. txcept Saturday. 7 to 0, Sent. Ill to 24 besalona Wsln Sept. 24. LOUAN HALL. .lUth AND WOODLAND AVE. Phila. School of Design for Women UIIOAD AND SIASTUll STHKET3 Reopens September 27. 1918. Full courses In Art and Industrial Art, Practical Dealsrlng In all Ita branches. Illustration. Costume Illustration I. A. U. YYiniSNEK FKI.IXIWSIIir TO EL'HOI'E l-OHDESIGN v STANDARD Y.M.C.A. COURSES Save car fat . Evening School, Dormitory, Expert Instructors, Individual Method, Swim ming Pool, Gmnialum. North llrumli Y. M. C. A., 10IS W. I.rhlgh. Camden Central Y. M. C. A., S73 federal at. Went ltromhY. MC.A..5Sd und Hansom. Central Educational Iustituta Dan and livening Preparatory and Business. Before deciding fall plans for study eend for Illustrated Catalog A. Education to us means all 'round development. Ask about our Bys tern of Education. Central Y. M. C. A.. 1421 Arch at.. Phlla. THE GORDON SCHOOL 4113 8PRUCE ST. Mary Lamberton, A. JJ. (Brim Mawr), Prin. Thorough instruction to girls & small bo a. Certificates admits to Smith, Vassar, Wellesley. Uymnaslum; 2d Boor Roof Garden. I'rlnclpal at school every day between 1) & 12. after Sept. Oth. Catalog on application. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1808 Spruce Street. Opens Sept. 22. MAIN IJNE nilAM'II Ardmore. Opens September 27, ELiy.ADETH HILLS LYMAN. Principal. Germantown Friends SL1 OPENS 0 MO. 21ST ChOOl AT 8:45 A. M. STANLEY R. YARNALL. Principal THE I'UANKUN INSTITUTE SCHOOL OF MECHANIC AUTO. Ninety-second year. Evening Coursra and Classes. DRAWING. MATHEMATICS and MECHANICS. For cat endar and further Information address tha Institute. 15 South Seventh street. The Stevens School Js??&. ley. Prln.. 221 W. Chelten av e.. Otn. 48th year opens 6ept. 22. Kindergarten through college preparatory. Pom. Science, Manual Training. PREPARATION FOR ANY COLLEGE. JtNY COURSE BROWN PREPARATORY BROAD AND CHEnRY STREETS Palmer Business School Bhorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English. S.ay ".?. ";?!? "J!!5n- - Btna fr catalog. Mercantile Library Bldg.. 10th above Chestnut. THE HOLMAN SCHOOL. 2201 WALNUT5t" From Montessorl through College Prepara tory. General course emphasized. Strong Do mestic Science course. Outdoor classrooms. Special attention to email boys and girls. BISHOPTHORPE MANOR A select school for girla. College preparatory A finishing courses. blectlve studies. Add. ClaUde .wjruni, i-nn. uos 234. So. Bethlehem. Pa FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL All Oradra. Jt rite for Catalogue. r.iS faa?1?!1" JiM ''tman llldg.l Kstab. 1JI89. lleonoKlrathbaum, Principal. HCTH I.Kl7Fvi7rAT MN.N SllEM ?S!5ceS 174th ysar Bept, 23. ms, --Awreaiiea. S j. mmm -nil rfJM 1 m A Prompt and Intelligent Solution of the School Problem Can be found at LedEer Central. Ask for the schoolman and submit your problem to him. We have investigated acade- mies, colleges and private schools and convents-our infor mation js reliable and comprehensive. You will find a schoo, ha meets your pocketbook and your ideals; but we sueeest Z-r;::-An immediate and LEDGER CENTRAL Eivcathml Bureau Broad m'd Qhnnut Streets m7im jiirnMi FltACTUKKD BY HIS WIFffS PROTECTOR Woman Struck by Husband, Who Is Felled by Witness of Attack The effort of Philip Farent. of V06 South 6thh.t7UrotectMr.MlchaeMche1 of 115 Christian street, from Injury at ine hands of her husband rpay ruH In tno death of Machol In the Pennsylvania Hos pltnl from a fractured skull. rarent was held without ball for court to await the outcome of the injuries of Maehofwhll. Frank Mncren. , of WS. Albans street, was helii under 1600 can as r material witness by Magistrate Mac Farland at the 2d and Christian streets police station today. According to the police, Parent and Ma crene were returning from a party early fnSav when they saw Machol strike his wife IrT the face. Parent picked up a heavy sign. It is skid, and struck the hus band over the head, fracturing his skull Machol wai sent to the hospital, where physician, say he hn. very Hill. , chanc. for recovery. Pollcemsn WIrtschafter, after several hours' investigation, ar rested Parent and Macrene. U. S. Merchant Marine Grows WASHINGTON. Sept. 2.-Vnclo Sam's merchant mnrlne is growing fast. Th s was evidenced today when tho Depart ment of Commerco announced thnt In tho Irtst fiscal year 4U.T44 seamen were shipped, icshlppcd and discharged. In (ho previous jenr figures were 378,722. STRAYER'S BusinessCollego Mr. Strayer aays, "Every child thould get a 'bread and butter tducatlon' first." Tha toy or girl who through practical business training ho becoma expert In lluslnees MethoJs la nnanclnlly In dependent for life. Higher edu .atlon should follow business edu-.-Hon. Nrcrssltles first, luxurlri nfierward. Will sou glve jour ihlldren thin advantage! 01.537 Clitslnut St.. Phils. !feSSmOT3ffi SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE N. E. Cor. Eronil anil Spring Garden. Phlla. Krce-Hand Drawing l'attern Shop 1'rauUe Hook and Periodical L"'': "eS,,ul.,h"r Illustration matui y Architectural Drawing Advance Mathematics Mechanical Drawing Machine Sho? Mattie. Machine fchou l'racilce matlcs Nominal Fees. Practical Ilwtructors. Night Bchnnl. Open Sept. 27. At IUTK FOIt nOOKI.KT rillLADEI.nilA TURNOEMEINDE School rcopena for fall and winter terms, Tuesday. Sept. 7. We teach gymnastics, Qer man. drawing, needlework and awlmmlng to children, 7 to In years, for fO par ear. En loll our children now. Hroad & Columbia ave. MERCERSIJUROrA. Mercersburg Academy Aim ot the School A thorough physical, mental and moral training tor college en trance or business. Spirit of School A manly tone of self-reliance under Christian masters from the great universities. Per sonal attention given to each boy. Location In the country, on the western slope of the famous Cumberland Valley, one of tha most beautiful and healthful spots or America. Ktiulnmrnt Mttdern and complete. New Gymnasium. Write for Catalogue., Address 4 Box 140. William Mann Irvine, LL. .. Head master. Merrersbitrg, Pa. I'EXNSnURO. PA. P1SNNHIIUIIG, PA. PERKIOMEN SEMINARY Tho School that LUc lis Itectrd Located In the beautiful Pcrklomen Valley, within e&ay reach from Philadelphia and New Yor'i. Co-educatlonal. Prepares tor all colleges ui.d universities. Has enviable rec ord for ci olarshlp. Excellunt courses In Uuslnese, Agriculture, Domestic Science, Muslo nnl Elocution. Strongly moral. Per sonal interest In students. Rates S37S t'j S425. Illustrated catalog free. . Iter. O. S. Krlebel, I). I).. I'rlnclpal. Box 11. COLLEUICVIL1.K. PA, MEDICAL Preparatory Courses One, Two, and Four Years URSINUS COLLEGE Collegcvlllc, Pa. CHAMHEHSUUHO. PA. PENN HALL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Located In the beautiful Cum berland Valley. Collcgo Preparatory and Special Courses May each year spent at Atlantic City. No Interruption In work. Kates $500, For catalog and views, address FRANK B. MAG ILL. A. M Principal, , AI.LENTOtVN. PA. Allentown Preparatory School rr- boya for leading colleges&unlver. Spl. dept'f Sr younger boy. New bldgs. All athletics. High standards. Large campus, lnclu. terms 1200 Catalog. Add. Frank L. Slgman, A. M Prln CARLISLE, PA. CONWAY HALL " Strong Secondary School for boys , . r"l' .xtJ.m Ptn" September 14th. W, A. Hutchison, Headmaster, Carlisle, Pa. IIAHRIfillUltG, PA. HARRISBURG ACADEMY Modern bldge.. large campus. Small classes. Ind yidual Instluctioni thirough college prep aration. Rates. 400-eM)0. Write forui... WASHINGTON. D. O. ST. ALIIANH The National Cathedral School for Itoii ,A country Khool In Nattoaal Capital. ....& 0L.wKn,llSlon' UM- .Address Hiaa- Htai 9. C. v wt. uw AiUftH, WMhlnrton, KM a. i -M KSSTsT t, ?H$8iiSJi!JS&S$s I 1 I 1 1 rill I FOUR BIKE CHAMPS . IN BIG RACE TONIGHT Cnrmnn, Wiley, Moron nnd Wnlthour Race 621a Miles at Point Breeze NVver before in the history of the bicycle racing gnme has the public been 6 enthusiastic over a race In which will bo brought together at the Motordrome at Point nreeio Park tonight four of America's most noted followers of motor pace. Tho men picked for this event nre Clnrcnco Cnrmnn, Jnmnlcn. I.. I.; Oeorgo Wiley, Syracuse. N. Y.J Hobby Walthour, Atlanta, Oa., and Jlmtnlo Mornn, Ilos Ion. Maes. Tho distance Is 100 kilometres, or 624 milts, which Is one of tho longest races of Its kind ever decided In this city There Is much at stake on the outcome o' tonight's race, ns tho first nnd second men to finish will be matched to meet Victor l.lnnrt, of llelRlum. nnd Jules Scnrcs, of France, two of tho world's gtentest foreign riders, on Monday night, Lnbor Day, at this track, to decide the long-distance chnmplonshlp of the world. The big rnco will bo stnrted at 8:43, but, prior thereto, thero will bo a prog rnni of three motorcycle eventB, starting nt 8:15. Nazareth Hall Military School Takes the parent's place for boyi from lght to sixteen years. One of the oldest Boardlne Schools for Boys In America, ICstahllahed In 1780. Send for Catalogue; you will be pleated. Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D. Prin., NAZARETH, PA. VVAYNEL TA. S8& ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL FOR 3JOY5 Wayne Pennsylvania KALI. TERM OPENS SEPT. M CHESTER. PA. ' 'Military College' ' with Preparatory Department Nearest ot all colleges to tho clpline, phys ical trainme 1 eaucanonoi West Point. ce limit 14 years and np". ard. Totsl en rollment limited to 150. Decrees cranted In Civil En irlncerlnif, Chemlilry, Arts. For catalocue address CI. C1IXS. E. HrATT, PreilJ.st. Box 0b8, Chester, Pa. tVYNNEWGOD. 1'A. 'Country Day School for Boya" l'lace your boy In a school where ou are assured his associates are tho proper ones, and good fresh air and beneficial Instruction pre vail. This school assures jou of these vital factors. Open September 23d, at Wynne wood, Fa. llev. Gibson Hell, A. II., H.U., Head Master, 8M0Nava!io Street. Chestnut Hill, Pn. MUSICAL Y. M. (TA. School of'Muiic Open to men, women, children. Ail branches and Special Courses for Teachers. Open tlay nnd evening. Moderate fees. Cataloe; 1421 Arch St. Leefson-Hillc Conservatory ot Muslo Re-opens Sept. 20. 1C24 Chestnut St. SWI51M1NO T. CENTRAL NATATOMUAl M. For Men and lioys. Unlimited use ta C, members. 1 month, t2 00 3 montks, A. Id 00; a year, 112. Boys. one-thlH 11X1 rat. Private lessons. O for SB 00. SIS. Arch st. cle awlma Men, 30oi Bora. tU. .s.rrV-'rV- vv.n1iw Ms Advertisements of Other Schools and Colleges Appeared on This Pago Yesterday and Will Appear Again Tomorrow Is JaV-VTy-fr-T-!S-frfrHK ti 52 15a n I P I I sssssss aaJ I IK VJ 1 I J 1 1 41 f k ? i BBL-t,, . -. , . m. ' ti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers