Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 01, 1915, Final, Page 9, Image 9

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! a
ill IT --
ffofrs. Austin S. HeckacherWill Move Into a New Home
at 1611 Pine street a ma oeuauu oociai ana rer
sonal Notes of Interest to Many
. tffrbicRCHEU and
rtS. AUOTI -r- g
F""UKJ -Pending the
Ieekscncr. ,, ,nc West.whcre
B"""'"--; ,j
UU." h San Francisco "P-""
l"lrt..J..l, tn the Ban Diego Kx-
and siso wn --. flny points of
position, .tow. nj -t the m Y J
ttnteresi on ""- Q.,.mMr 13. anfl
i no ""t
Fiurn home on jionn-y. -w
' bVhl!?r holr country
Crh.Vdrren..yn. before movln.
87 i their new town nousc, w ...
Ff .!. -They v.111 spend tho winter.
KSTiwibw - - "bu,anle ot ,a8t
season. -
- r Jones Winter htivo left
ft M'-.S".4 S, .SSdlnu several week.
h been the rjey1 p u Jr nt hcr
,,,er J'wJwngton lane, Chelten Hill
home on wwniw"" alB0 returnC(i
t home "r mXlng several vl.IL. having
I .t.v about to days.
4DCCH . -
M1M 8. rRrhnMriiSwor
I .? '".., Jr:. has left for Hluo RldK.
.wwiy.'"?,? where she will bo tne Ruesi
rW'Mri. Alexander nandall at
K ur. '": Jeoce. This weeK. Miss
K h.tl.1 JoTnher family nnd remain
tie . --- -.
. till late m mo
.. T..nnD nf the Collect
fc.-MW M.trgT Sirruce trcets, who has
? Club, th nfK?.cxtttlla Barnes at
L'.btn lri-f IL T. for several weeks and
P?5 ff..nny Torter at the summer
I Km Airfield. Conn., returnea nomo
s y eswruo j .
Alone the Main Line
nVTrn FORD -Mrs. I Wlllnrd Rod
aHAVERFOHU' , Jrii a Mlgs
? SS&I S Rodg rs. Vho are spending the
I, Isabel M "oaB ' tne guests of Mr.
Ue' K Rellly. of Philadelphia, nt the
.ffleorgaK. " th week.
Trnymore, ""-. 'niPrtoined Mr. J.
fndlerr-Barnard and Mr. Robert Wig-
. ..- mi ,. 11k Witt Cuyler
JVratmlr .umrnmo Tn Bar Harbor.
efS'lKlYN MAWK.-Mr. and Mrs. William
V.W Hughs of Morris avenue, have re
KlT ? .J i from a trip to ranamr. and Call
SftffiWESy visited the Exposl-
i':S?fc . Mrs. George H. Earlc. Jr..
lY&uJintroduce their daughter. Mm EMM
.mS"M - nt Iia Arnrn ClUD.
t( Bane, ai "u " "
FrnADNOn.-Mrs. Charles A. Munn; of
' i... " j 1. vlaitlmr relatives In Ncw-
&. 1 odpn Hoffman, of Ithan, Is
11 ai . r wKrVn nt Bar Harbor as
the gBe.t of her sister and brother-in-law,
.Mr. and Jura, inumia c "
T t
' i-r nivins.Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
sSbetmaker, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
I'wnk ShoemaKcr nave muiircu .... -
motor trip tnrougn ixew ukiumu.
e. HfS. crree urinion ims i;muivu ......
a'llong stay In New Hampshire.
t V 1 L 1..TTJ11
i n' uneauiui- nm
r Mr. and Mrs. Hownrfl E. Seaver, of
?vnnfr-iprv nvenue. who have been vislt-
wElng fnemls for the last rtwo weeks, at
V" .... ... r ntlll rotnrn tn their
(!ff.PS"l wt ., --
I'HOBia mis v een.
S Mrs. T H. Carmlchael, who has been
iVHlling in jnoBsacnuscnij nwu '""
Hampshire will return to hcr home. 7127
ESfrmantown avenue, September 3).
gv.-jr. una Airs, a '-.. oc:vwt .,v ..
tfarned to their home. 72a Crcshclm road.
At. -A lt. t n C.AtAn hm.A ffk.
urom a two weeks' . trip to uoorsiown,
K. H.
Mr r,l Mr. William Tjirrl Spxtnn. Of
rilshiand avenue, who havo spent tho
summer at Northeast Harbor, will return
yorWK'p their horteW)day,
d iiB. -
Vrlir, and Mrs. William H. Trotter, of
s Jtavahoe avenue, will return home during
the early part of September, after spend
ing the entire summer at Kennebunkport,
Fli ..Hr. and Mrs. David E. Crozicr. of Ger-
mantown avenue, who are occupying their
cottaje at Cape May, will return home
tho, latter part of this month.
ij... 7.:. :: :: " , .....
Ht.ftaiiu jura. ii. ai. oiuiuii ttnu iuisa
o!t SUton. of the Delmar Morris
i Apartments, are at Sea Isle City.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Morcan. of
piChnrch lane, are spending tho remainder
k tne summer at Prout's Neck, Me.
Mr. And Mm. nAOrare flormlp.v. nf 7?7
K Ltacoln drive, have gone on a motor trip
h to Big Pond, Me.
M1 Catherine Plucker. 6t Herman
a sweet, la spending several weeks with
JstUs at Penllyn.
fi ' -'ft nttenhouso street, is spending gov-'
wecu in Virginia.
f.i-Mr, and
ft fe, Pa., ;
Yi JtisWore
, leechwooi
Mr. and Mm. George Davis, of Carbon-
are the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Mora-an. of Church lnnn ami
chwood street.
Vr. H. P, Malllson and famllv. nf Clur.
ntown, formerly of Lansdowne, will
! the middle of this month for Cleve
na, 0., which thoy will make their per-
JjIr" waIr'' Raymond W. Tunnell,
fX1?"1 tho ,a8t two months at Spring
W..7 i, re'urned to their home. 251
i-tn """ui mne. Mr. and Mrs. Tuni
vSLa i Uavrf September 4 for Buck
K2?. I"' Bhawnee, andremaJn until
SJtr Labor Day, i
I Zi J fnd Irg' B'ePhen D. Large and
RffinJufW.'LrMiM 1Ie,cn LarK. have
irned to their home. 852 Church lnn
g spent ths last three weeks at
. Hopatcong,
West Philadelphia
I Kttk M. MrHnnaM n RjAC ti
lV,I,M Anna V ttrby. 831
rWoodlawn atreet, Germantown. ac-
Zi" u-""' 0l friends, chaper
MJ' mPmM. motofedto
City to spend the week.
Lthona Marcus mi m,. la..
it0.fh.rrUl,urc wero a' "'
tt.hnP ! "en lRt wcek hy Miss
"-villi at her linm ll vr .i. ..i.i.
Mackfe.Mv.ln,Cv'bert, Mia.
mi. !;-:.". ."
i. .:" , juibii curii oiein.
7fM iiaerTOan. Mr. Herman Welfc.
mZTli.filVoU, Mr. Edward
I?ii5& To?" A,Bm Pr LaVln
te' Py W Elven loAMrs.
hi diaV.u Voru Ma t'w: oe.
tSonth' bre he vM rBmalD l
ktaTl"'.."! h d .treWT
for Wonih.
m i
nvonue. Among tho guests were Mr.
Jacob Faust and Mr. John Weldon, of
Wllrtwood, N. J.
Mrs. Alexander' Pattersonf 8r of 424
North Robinson street, and her daughter,
Mrs. Hnrry Kirk, nnd family, are spend
ing several weeks in New Market, ld.,
nnd will return home about tho mlddlo
of this month.
South Philadelphia
A "Corn Roast" was given last evening
by Miss Sara E. SliiBlcy, of 2XW South.
inn sircci, in honor of Miss Kllxauctn
Urachhold, of Florida, who is spending
somo time In the city,
Tho fnllnwlns nltninlod! Mix ttltraViMh
rtrnchhold, Miss Olive Uochm, Misses
hlla and Emma Field, Mies Rose Weaver,
Miss Catherine Kartell, Miss Emma
Barker, Miss Ella Wllcnt. Mrs. A. Hull.
Mrs. L. Tonkins, Mr. William Lynch,
Mr. Charles Grass, Mr. Lloyd McConnell,
Mr. Robert Johnson, Mr. Charles Moore,
Mr. Howard Smith, Mr. Kirk TcnUplp-
nln, Mr. Herbert Martin, Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Rrachhold, Mr. an Mrs. G rover
Brcnzel, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Field, Mr.
and Mrs. David Wotklns, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Adam Single' nnd Mr. Charles Slnglcy.
Miss Catherine McLoughlln nnd Miss
Margaret McLoughlln, of Front nnd
Tnskcri streets, have returned home after
a month's visit to Wlldwood.
Mr. Barney B. Berg, of 2037 East Moya
menslng avenue, lias returned from a trip
to Elmlra, Buffalo, Eric, Niagara Falls
nnd nearby cities.
Lnst Thursday night a freedom party
was given to Mr. Albert P. Super Orr,
also celebrating tho, birthday of his
mothor, Mrs. Joseph Orr, at their home,
233S South Hicks street.
Mr. Orr received many handsome pres
ents, n gold watch and chain from his
grandfather, Mr. Albert P. Super.
The house was gaily decorated wltli
American flags and bunting. Tho guests
attending weie: Mr. Albert P. Super,
Miss Nclllo Rocks, Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Super, Sr., Miss Ida Super and Miss
Gertrude Super, Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris
Super, Jr., Mr. Morris Super. 3d, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Joseph Super, Miss Mary Super and
Miss Edith Super, of Cynwyd, Pa.; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Meyeis, Mr. and Mrs.
James O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Trc
gcllas. Miss Parthene HInton, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Young, Mr. Charles Young,
Mr. William Young, Miss Mnmie Young
and Miss Ida Young, Mr. Walter Stin
son, Mrs. Martha J. Neff, Mr. and Mrs.
Chailcs Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schacffcr.
Mrs. Emma Brink, Miss Marie Brink,
Miss Louella Tunis, Miss Mamie McKay,
Mr. James Traitor, Mr. Robert Hood and
Mr. William Reehall, of Elmer, N. Y.
A social affair last Saturday night,
August 28, nt S24 Rltner street, was given
by Miss Kato Llpshutz. Among the
guests were Miss Bessie Meyers, Miss
May Glpst, Miss Bessie LlDshutz. Miss
Mario Llpshutz, Miss Esther Geder nnd
Miss Esther Glnssmnn, Mr. Aleck Zusln,
Mr. J Franck. Mr. M. Lansjborg, Mr. A.
Faltunberg. Mr. W. Kline. Mr. L. Sha
piro, Mr. J. Lansberg, Mr. M. Meyers.
Mr. M. Blume, Sir. K. Rosenfleld. Sev.
oral vocal selections by Miss May Glpst
and somo violin productions by Mr. K.
Rosenfleld made the evening a great
Northeast Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. U. P. Cramp, of 2217
Cedar street, wore given a surprise, Sat
urday evening, at their aummer home.
Pitman, N. J., In honor of their 25th wed
ding anniversary. They received many
beautiful gifts of cut glass and silver.
Thoso present were Mr. and Mrs. J.
Crawford, Miss Florence Cramp. Mr.
and Mrs. G. Ellis, Mr. and MrB. O. B. El
lis, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Glebert, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Hllcs, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lambert, Mr.
nnd Mrs. II. Melcher, Mr. and Mrs. II.
Plattenburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard
son, Miss K. Rhodes, Mrs. Blanche Reed,
Miss Dorothy Reed. Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
Reeves, Mr. J. M. Squires, Mr. and Mrs.
T. Schofleld, Mr. and Mrs. C. Trimble,
Mrs. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wise,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Lowers, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Ward.
Miss Anna Torpey nnd Miss Helen Tor
pey entertained at a dinner party given
a their home, 4715 Mascher street, last
Friday evening. Thoso present were
Miss Juliet Shaw, Miss Hope Beale, Mr.
It. Howard Young. Mr. Ellwood Rayer,
all of New York; Miss Madalino Coursult,
Mr. Edward Kurtz, Mr. Charles Welkel,
Mr. J. Charles Fitzgerald, Jr.
Miss Mary' Oxspring, of 2SS5 North How
ard street, who was tho guest of Mrs.
Margaret Tithera, of 601 West 176th
street. New York, will accompany her
mother, Mrs., Jennie .Oxspring, and her
brother and sister to Atlantic City this
week for several weeks' stay.
An Informal reception was given Friday
evening In honor of Mr. Edward Backert.
at his residence, 2233 North Hancock
street. The guests wero Miss Carrie Hoff
man, Mist Bella Backert, Miss Rose
Sainet, Mies Martha McQuen, Miss Irene
Walker, Mrs. Margaret Crouthamcl, Miss
Minnie Hoftmaycr, Mr. Charles Hoft-
mayer, Mr. Edward Mulholland, Mr. Rob
ert Natter, Mr. Frederick Natter, Mr.
John Gordon, Mr. Thomas Williams, Mr.
Charles Backert.
Mr. Leonard McGarvey and Mrs. Mc
Garvey, of 2218 East Cumberland Btrcet,
are visiting at Wlldwood for several
Mr. George Pleffur gavo an Informal
squsb pigeon dinner to a group of his
friends the latter part of the week at the
Hatboro Inn. The party motored from
the city. The guests wero Lieutenant
Stocckle, Magistrate Stevenson, Mr. Jack
Daufmann, Mr. Max Fisher, Mr. George
Spong, Mr. John Pleffer. After the din
ner they motored to the House of Correc
tion, where they wie entertained by
Superintendent Pattersoli.
Mrs. N. Casherland and her daughter,
Mlsd Murle Cat norland, of York and Hope
streets, nro vacationing' at Atlantlo City
for 'wo weeks.
Sergeant Charles Schonzle, of 1111 North
Bodlne street, has left town to spend
several weeks around the, scenes of his
native tpwn In Maryland.
Mr. and JIrs. Thomas Williamson, of
Amber stieet and Susquehanna avenue,
have returned home after a several weeks'
trip t" the hort. inuy wero utuoumumou
on the trip fcy Mr. and Mrs. KrankWIede
burg, of 25JS East York dtreet.
With the return of Its various members
from their vacations, the Whlzlerd will
hold Us first feting of the fall term
next Sunday, beyiemuer , b wio noiuo
of Its president, Mr. Herman 8. Tracer,
S201 Clifford street, There will be an
elaborate program drawn up by Mr.
Maurice J. Krasney. It Is hoped that
the Whlzlerd will have a very sallsfae.
tory term, with an enlarged membership
and Increased activities.
A delightful auto party motored to the
Lawndalc carnival taturday from the
city as the guests of Mr- John Daufmann
In tho group were Miss Irene Bonner,
MlJ MaUlu Xhl. r
HnmH. Wm Ms f MttftU.
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Eastland Studio.
Who, before her marriage this morning, was Miss Anna Celeste
Hnjrarty. Her wedding to Mr. PflefFer took place at the Church of
Our Lady of the Rosary, 63d and Callowhill streets.
Best Day of All Is Chosen by Many Bridegrooms and
Brides Miss Hagarty Was Married to Mr. Frank
Pfieffer This Morning Other Weddings
THE marriage of Miss Anna Celeste
Hagarty and Mr. Frank E. Pfieffer
took placo this morning at the Church of
Our Lady of the Rosary. C3d and Callow
hill streets. Tho ceremony was performed
by the Rev. Dr. Joseph McDermott, who
also eolebrnted tho Nuptial Mass.
The bride was attended by Miss Rose
V. Hagarty as maid of honor, and Mr.
Edward J. Pfieffer acted as best man.
The ushers were Mr. James J. Connor.
Mr. Jeremiah Sweeney, Mr. John Sheeran
nnd Mr. William A. Hagarty. The bride
Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Hcgarty, of 348 North C2d street.
Mr. Pfieffer Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward J. Pfieffer, of 6S38 Master street.
Tho ceremony this morning was followed
by a wedding breakfast at tho home of
the bride's parents, after which Mr. and
Mrs. Pfieffer left on a wedding trip. They
will bo at home October 1, at 1333 Prince
ton avenue, Trenton, N. J.
Miss Ethel Vollum Hutchinson, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Vollum Hutchin
son, became the bride of Mr. Robert
Philip Kochlcr, of Reynoldsville, Pa., to
day, at noon, in St. Asaph's Church,
Bala. Tho wedding was a quiet one, wit
nessed only by the Immediate members of
both families. Rev. Clarence Clark Syl
vester, rector of St. John's Episcopal
Church, Summervllle, N. J., officiated In
tho absence of tho Rev. Harrison B.
Wright, pastor of St. Asaph's.
The bride, who was given tn marriage
by her father, was dressed In a white
silk frock, prettily trimmed with laco nnd
orar.Ko blossoms. She woro the usual
bridal veil of tulle, caught with a wreath
of orange blossoms, and carried an e'rly
Victorian bouquot of white rosebuds and
lilies of the valley. Mr. Koohler had Mr.
William A. Hill, of Reynoldsville, Pa.,
for his best man. Following the cere
mony, a breakfast for the members of
both families was held at the bride's
home, on Bala avenue. Bala. Mr. and
Mrs. Koehler will live in Avonmore, Pa.,
where they will be at home after Janu
ary 1.
The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Utwlller,
of 610 East Hormitage street, Roxbor
oUKh. and Mr. Louis E. Blrkmlre, of 241
Hermitage street, took place this morn-
ing. at o'clock! In the Church of tho
II v Family, of Mannyunk. The cere-
mony was performed by tne Jtev. josepn
'-. .. .. - . .
A. Hannlgan,
The bride woro a gown of white crepe
do chine nnd carried a bouquet of white
flowers. She was attended by Miss Re
glna Cody, of Roxborough, who wore a
gown of pink crepe de chine and carried
a bouquet to match.
The bridegroom was attended by his
brother, Mr, Samuel Blrkmlre, the well
known minstrel comedian and entertainer,
of this vicinity.
A wedding breakfast waB served at the
home of the bridegroom. After a short
Who was Miss Rae Tretgjob, She
ia the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wolf Treegoob, of 024 South 8d
street. Her marriage to Mr.
Harry A. Gabls, of 2 1 Catha
rine street, took place last eve
ning y Ab Wall, ITM Mer
xJsoeyd trt.
sbssssIsssssssIssbsssbssFPVPPV a VaV ssssssl
lHK 'HgggH
VSdftL ' ' sssssssssssssssssssH
liitii.ii.X-;.yLZiti:j:.:. ?, '.,!.
mmmm- , K?;
wedding trip tho couple" will reside t D2S
East Martin street, Roxborough.
Mr. Blrkmlre Is well known in the pa
per manufacturing business, having been
connected with the Martin & William
II. Nixon Paper Company for the last
six years. In tho stock, transportation
and executive departments, and was re
cently placed tn chargo of the newly
Installed inspection department.
A wedding took place at 4 o'clock Mon
day afternoon at St. Phllomena's Church,
Lansdowne, when Miss Marie Bhl, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Uhl, of Bally
road, became the bride "of Mr. Alexander
J. Morris, also of Lansdowne. The cere
mony was.performed by the Rev. Francis
Markee, pastor of the church. Miss Uhl
wore a gown of white satin meteor,
trimmed in flounces of lace and Georgette
crepe, and hcr hat was of whlto chiffon.
She carried a bouquet of bridal roses nnd
lilies of the valley. Miss Elizabeth M.
Frussen was maid of honor. Sho wore a
gown of pink satin with hat to match,
and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mr.
Morris was attended by Mr. Joseph
Hagerty, of Philadelphia, as best man.
After a small reception at the home of
the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Morrts left for
Atlantic City. They will bo at home in
Lansdowne after October.
The marriage of Miss Grace Elizabeth
Furcy nnd Mr. Dayton Clark, both of this
city, took place today, at 12 o'clock. In
tho First Presbyterian Church of Ger
mantown. Miss Fuioy was attended by Miss Isabel
C. Gibson as maid of honor and Mr.
Arthur Clark, a brother of the bride
groom, acted as best man. Tho ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Dr. Jennings,
pastor of the church. A small reception
followed nt the home of the bride, after
which the young couple left on their
wedding trip. On their return they will
occupy a house in Germantown.
North Philadelphia
Dr. Peter N. K. Schwenk, of 1417 North
Broad street, is convalescing In the Ger
man Hospital after n serious operation.
Ho expects to return home September 1.
Members of tho Sterling Club will en-
tertnln a number of their friends at the
clubrooms. 25th and York streets, Wed-
npunnv nvpninir. j rrtiiKinn i tsmnaM
nesany evening, a musical program.
conuucien oy flir. jieroert liavcrstock,
Mr. Archie Stelfe and Mr. Harold Bean
hub vKvn urrunucu.
Mr. George Ermentrout, of Reading, Is
visiting at the homo of Miss Marian
Williams, 1932 West Susquehanna avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dwyer and their I
family, of 3057 North 15th street, are at
Wlldwood for tho rest of tho season ayf
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Leo I. S. Conway.".;
' Mrs. J. Malschlck, of 1902 North Frank
lin street, returned home after a stay
of four weeks at Pcean City, Md., being
the gucut of Mr. and Mrs, Feldman, of
Sallsbuiy, at their summer home In Ocean
A surprise party was given to Miss
Elinor A. Onrber at her home, 1712 North
11th street, on Saturday evening, and was
a great success. ' The affair began with
an 8 o'clock supper and many Interesting
selections followed.
The guests Included Miss Agnes Pier
son and Miss Ella Plerson, Miss Kathryn
B. McGllnchey, Miss Ada McManus, Miss
Marie Hawn, Miss Lillian A. Coyle, Miss
May Williamson, Miss Elolse Llpp, Miss
Jane Clarke and Miss Vera Flemmlng,
of Royersford; Mr. A. Edmund Parker,
Mr, Walter Fallman, Mr. James Reily,
Mr. Joseph Sell, Mr. William Cooke, Mr.
Joseph M, Carpenter, Mr. Edward Tay
lor. Mr. Donald Warner, Mr. P. Ellwood
Coyle, Mr James Westly and Mr. Bruce
Miss Kathryn McQllnchey and Mr.
Bruce Worthlngton delighted their friends
with on exhibition of several novel and
pretty dances.
Notices for the Society page will be
accepted and printed In th Evening
Ledger, but all such notices must be
written on ene aide of the paper,
must be signed In full, with full ad.
dress, stad when poaslbl telephone
number must be given,
SenS all aucb coramuntcntions to
'Society Editor." Evening Ledjer,
tyd Chntnot street.
Unless tsveae requirements are carried
u4 so Mutt Tweaoatlen anay b poaaeUe,
W sat be nusllihea.
Along the Reading
Mr, Chauncey D. Robinson, of George
town, Del., whoe marriage to Miss E.
Marie Nclffer, of Wyneote, Pa., will tako
place tomorrow night at 7 o'clock, gavo
hi bachelor dinner Monday evening at
the Manufacturers' Club, Rroad and Wal
nut streets. Among those present were:
Mr, L. Le Lay ton, Jr., of Georgetown.
Del.j Mr. Martin C Rutherford, of Roch
ester, N, Y,; Mr. James Boyce, of New
Yorks Mr. J. Floyd Clssel, of New York;
Mr, Morris N, Wright, of Newark, Del.
Among the entertainments that are
being given In honor of Miss Nclffer and
her bridal party are n bridge and lunch
eon yesterday by Miss Esther Parshall, of
Oak Lane,, In the evening n dinner fol
lowed by dancing was given In their honor
by Dr and Mrs. Milton K. Nelffcr, pa
rents of the bride. The affair was held nt
the Huntingdon Valley Country Club, at
Noble, Pa. Today Miss Doris Wetherbee
entertained nt luncheon at 1 o'clock, fol
lowed by bridge, nt the Old York Hoad
Country Club, and this evening at I
o'clock n dinner will be given at the Ger
mantown Cricket Club by Miss Carolina
Miller, of Chestnut Hill, Pa. Most of
the bridal party are from out of town and
are college friends of the bride Miss
Avonelle Crocket, of Washington, D. C;
Miss Muriel Aithur, of Dotrolt, Mich.;
Miss Jean Farley, of Scdalln, Mo.; Mlsi
Caroline Miller, of this city.
Miss Emily Lewis and Miss Mildred
Iwls havo leturncd to their home In EI
kins Park from Saratoga Springs, where
they spent tho month of August during
the racing Benson.
Mls! Edna Faucctt, who has been the
Burst of Miss Jane R. Walton for six
weeks at Atlantic City, will return to
hor homo at Glt'iiflde Thursday Miss
Walton will cJmo with hr nnd rcmnln
until October.
Miss Florenco Breeze, of Holmesburg,
will cntcrtnln nt a small mitslcnle Friday
evening In honor of her guest, Miss Orr
trudo Wells, of Moore, Pa. Among her
guests will be Miss Helen McKlnlry, Miss
rntillno McKlnley, Miss Martha Barbra,
Miss Jano Fueller, Miss Ruth Tyson, Miss
Matgarct Belt. Miss Evelyn Clarke, Miss
Edythu Clarke. Mr. Alford Benson, Mr.
Joseph Belt, Mr. Harry Watklns, Mr.
Walter Phillips. Mr. Frank Kirk, Mr.
Harry Smith, Mr. Charles Talloy, Mr.
John Smythe, Mr. Ralph Dunn and Mr.
Martin Jarvls
Suffrage Events Today
Noon MectlnE. nt the Orlnoka Mills, Iluth
nml Komernot meets; speaker. Miss Ann
Noondny Meeting lVticoyd Iron Works, Ten
coyd: speakrr. Miss llortha Pnpovlts,
S::iO p. in. Open-air meotlnc nt Marshall
street nnd (Ilrnrd avenue; speaker. Miss Ilertha
Oirnlnc or suffrage booth nt I'hlludclphla
County I'ttlr Hi Hyberry.
8.:iO p. in. Meeting at Uronfl street and
Glrcrd avenue; speakers, MIhs Sirah Fisher,
Mrs. Mary C. Don ell nnd Onihnm Woodnard.
R.IiO p. m. Open-air meetliiR at "-'Oth and
South streets, speakers, Dr. Ulcanor M. II.
Mooro and Mls May Mackln.
College Courses
leading to degrees of A. B. or
B. S. given at hours that will not
conflict with your occupation.
Write, 'phone or call for
Catalog T-23.
Phone Diamond 031.
Ilrond St. Iielorr Berks I
How to Advance
The great hope of advancement Ilea In
bringing Into action certain important
powers of mind and personality which
have never been used. Uaa of these pow
ers la prevented In various ways. It mar
e checked by timidity and lack of self
confidence, suppressed by fear, or para
lysed by aelf-consclousneas. Ignorance of
tha importance of the powers, or the nat
ural weakness of tho powers themselves,
may prevent their use. The Neff College
courses give men and women full pos
session of themselves.
Bend for catalogue, oopy of Dr. NefTe
lecture, "Education and Success," and
circular stating when Day and Evening
Classes open, rates of tuition, etc. Office
open dally 0 to 3'SO. Evening- 7:30 to 10.
NEFF COLLEGE Chest"? .tree.
Holders of the Missouri Pacific default;
first and refunding Bs of 1959, the trust
of l!)17, and the to-yenr gold loan 4s of 19
have been notified by Kuhn, Loeb & C
as readjustment managers of the Mlssol
Pacific system, that tney may secure
advance of the defaulted Interest from t
resnectlve depositories for the bonda i
Day and Evcntnff -Vrfvaratory and JluslasM.
The Community has confidence In Central's
Educational System. You should know about
Its unique work. 2000 Students last year.
Send for Illustrated Catalog A.
Central Y. M. C. A.. 1431 Arch St.. Phlla.
Save carfare. Evening School, Dormitory,
Eipert Instructors, Individual Method, Swim
ming Pool, Gymnasium.
West Branch Y. M. O. A., Std and Hansom.
North Branch Y. M. 0. A., 1013 W. Lehigh.
Camden Central Y. 31. O. A.. S71 Federal st.
Palmer Business School
Shorthand, Typewriting. Dookkeeplng, English,
day and night aesstona. Send for catalog.
Mercantile Library Dldg., 10th above Chestnut.
MAIIEIt 1'ltEP." "WITIIElt8r00N"nLD07
College. Law. Mad. Day. Ev'g. Unlr. Kef.
Son wlsfeSCfi ;
E C K W E n ' s
Ph.U4tJltia Musical Aciey
1S1T Sprue BU 4Th aeaaoa opens
Sept. 9th. Branches 6020 Oerman.
town Ave.; 4 B. C2d St. Eminent
Arllsta la Faculty. Prospectus,
" ' . -.,, Consarvatorr it fU
Milady Has Bid Good-Bye to the Stripes of the Summer".
The Latest Word in Sweater Coats Is White Silk
Trimmed in Flowers of Pastel Shades
THE summer Rlrl Is saying a farewell
to stripes. They have truly had a long
lease on life, and, In their place ha come
floral garniture. One of the prettiest
sweaters seen on the Walk today was of
white silk, embellished with morning
glories In pastel coloring. The autumn
hats are as tall ns the summer haUi were
flat, and that Is saying a great deal. Two
forms of decoration are much seen. One
Is metallic, sometimes a band or cord
of silver, and more often cut steel nnd
bended buckles, The other decoration Is
of worsted, renl "old tlmcy" yarns In
bright coloring that look like scraps from
our great-grandmothers' crocheted tidies.
Mrs. Daniel McCllnch, who will soon re
turn to her Philadelphia home, gavo her
last large party of tho season on Monday
nt the Hotel Alnmac when she enter
tained at luncheon and bridge. The table
decorations were pink and white China
asters and tho favors were symbolical of
bridge. The prizes were sliver Vorlne
powder boxes. Present were Mrs. Thomas
Costcllo. Mrs. George Young, Miss
Elcnnor Dill, Mrs. William Heller. Mrs.
F. A limner. Mrs, Herman O, Mulock,
Mrs. Joseph Moycr. Mrs. Nettle Ruhland,
Mm. Charles White, Mrs. Albert Baltz,
Mrs. Frank Stoy, Mrs. Edwin Bookmycr,
Mrs. Harry Pnrsons, Mrs. Gustnvus
Seldelm, Mrs. Frederick Rollman, Mrs. A.
Llnroln Myers, Mrs. Florence Garnett,
Mrs. Vila, Mrs. Richard Oellers, Mrs,
Isaac Detwller, Mrs. Mack Latz, Miss
Jennie Porker, Mrs. George Spotts, Mrs.
.Morris Bllhartz, Mrs. C. M. Hower, Mrs.
U. G. Styron, Mrs. Clifford Ely, Mrs.
Anna E. Shlll.
Mrs. Mary Harper motored to Lake
Hnpatcnng today, accompanied by Mrs.
Marks Bncharach, Miss Helen Shaw, Miss
Sara Newell. Miss Allcen Edwards, Miss
Harper and Miss Mary Harper.
CAPE MAY, Sept. 1. Tho summer col
cny here, which has been thinning out
during the last week, will bo augmented
tb end of this week by the arrival of a
number or young persons, wno win join
house parties here for over Labor Day.
MIss Btrah Frrnklln will spend the
coming week-end here, nnd Miss Pansy
Scott, who hns been tho guest of Miss
Gertrude Pnncoast for some time, will
rcmnin over.
Mlns Ethel Shields will entertain sev
eral guests nt the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shields, on Beach
Mlrs Helen Dnnclo. of Wynnewood, is
visiting Miss Edith Iredell Wilson at her
pn rents' cottnge.
Mr. nnd MrB. W. Howard Pnncoast will
have a number of guests for the week
end. Tama fta Maims fn natrnfiflf.
the horn interests nf its minus, and
and firm throughout tho courses and
&$fflJFiWJ7'J$i$'7j & ? Honorable, M-v-r
cmLMm Pmhtmt'
Telephone: Imbanl lZDe-Hin
Day School. Night
E. M. Hull, AJI., Td. D., President, Lafayette Building, Philadelphia,
After October 1, I'enn Mutual IJuildlng
nl tiST-
offers to parents the carefully guard
ed associations they desire for their
children during the most impression
able period of their lives.
Separate Departments for Boys and '
Girls In the High School grades.
Write for Year Book of the Friends
Educational system irora ninuergarien
to College.
WM. ELMEIl BAimETT. Principal
lBth and Itaee Sts.
35th St. and Lancaster Ave.
17th St. and Glrard Ave.
Oreene St.. Germantown.
Helpful Talk By Butineit Men at
S America's Foremost Business School $
J Fall Term will be opened ttj
2 in New Building on $
t Pine St., West of Broad 9
Germantown Friends
OCnOOl AT 8 llB A. U.
180S Spruce Street. Opens Sept. 2X
Ardmore. Opens September 27.
The Phillips Brooks School
Boys' school, opposite Clark Park. AtaletU
field adjoining bfdg. Large full-equipped rrra
naslum. Experienced teachers. Tear Boole.
Uoward B. Kfuel, 11dm.
Mil iaillHWII Ml.
Thirty fears at 17th antf Chettnvt lrt.
Business. Shorthand and esoretarlal Couraea.
Night Schools IVrlle fur Booklet
WO f C Shorthand Business Courses
. r, . j. Wlll ,nd airBr(1 Av
Swarthmore Preparatory Sckdol
Solo Tenor, Central Congregational. Brooklyn
Concert. Oratorio, Song Recital, Vole Cul
ture. FULLER BLDO.. 10 S 1HT1I ST
Organist St Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill, and
Bodtnh Shalom, Stutfb, lots Chestnut W,
j, uuuuncryi i walnut at nth.
Mr. Wayne DeLong, with Mr. DellnVcn
Butterworth on board his yacht, stopped
olX In tho harbor yesterday.
Mrs. Ernest Howard Hunter spent Use
week-end as tho guest of Mrs. William
Drayton Granger, at her cottage oa
iBcnch avenue.
Mrs. William Welsh Is motoring throng
tho White Mountains with Mrs, E; O.
nichards, of New York.
Miss Paulino Dcnckla, who has bean
visiting In Cape May, returned to her
homo In Chestnut Hill on Sunday.
The weekly dance at the Corinthian
Yacht Club was unusually gay last week,
being preceded by n largo number of din
ner parties. Mr. and Mrs. Lnngdon Lea
gave a dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Henrr H
Pease entertained Mr nnd Mrs. Churchill
Williams, Mr. Andrew Gray had a num
ber of guests. Including Mr and Mrs. M
C Prevost Herrinir. Mrs. Turner. Mtna
LHanrahan and Mr. James F. Nlelds, of
wumington. Mr. and Mrs. George K.
Crozer, Jr., entertained nnd Mr R. Wlstar
Harvey was host to Mrs. Montgomery,
Miss Susan Lynch Bruce and Mr Reg
ister Others present Included Mr and
Mrs. Russell M. Wagar, llr. and Mrs. H.
Bartol Brazier, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur H.
Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Davis.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick L. Harding, Mr
and Mrs. T. Herman Vetterleln, Mr and
Mrs. .1. C. Murtngh and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Potter Davis.
Miss Elizabeth Walsh and Miss Louise
Walsh will give a house party over Labor
Day at their cottage on Gurney avenue.
Lieutenant Charles Kerrlck, TJ S. N.,
and Mrs. Kerrlck, whose marriage In
Cape May was an event of the early sum
mer, hnve returned from their wedding
trip and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
David Ellison at their cottage. Mrs. Ker
rlck will be remembered as Miss Placlde
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Olrrin and their
children have left Cape May and returned
to their home In Philadelphia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph W. Warfleld and
Jackson Shaw Warfleld have gone to
Atlantic City to stay two weeks.
Miss Frances V. Thomas is at Bush
kill. Pa., to stay till tho first of October.
What's Doing Tonight
Falrmount Park Band, Delmont Mansion; 8
o'clock. Free.
I'hlladelrjhU Pand, City Hall Plaza; 8
o'clock. Free.
Mock party In aid or Jewlah Consumptive
Institute, block on aid street, between NorrU
and Diamond. 7 .10 o'clock,
noral automobile parade tn honor of West
Philadelphia merchants returning from vaca
tions. (I2d and Market Btreets. :-'10 o'clock.
roundsmen's Association. Manufacturers
imiin merit alone, and has at heart only
Ha attention to their Interests Is steady
after they have been placed In positions
Enter any time.
Commercial. Stenographic. Sec
retarial and other business
eoursea. Day and night sessions
now open. Individual and class
Instruction. Charges moderate.
Positions guaranteed. Special In
ducements to start now.
SO 1-807 Chestnut St., Phlla.
The School that Live it Record
Located In the beautiful Perkloraen Valley,
within easy reach from Philadelphia and
New York. Co-educallonal. Prepares for all
colleges and universities. Has envlabla rec
ord for scholarship. Excellent courses In
Business, Agriculture, Domestic ScleneW
Muslo and Elocution. Strongly moraU Per
sonal Interest In students. Rates $379 tn
S423. Illustrated catalog free,
Hct. Q. S. Krlebel, D. D., Principal. Dux K.
We have had JO years' experience In training
boys lor college & business. Our class methods
and military training develop boys mentally,
pnyslcally and morelljr, Write for catalogue.
Hordentown-on-the-Delawar. N. J.
Arcb t.
Wn 1n an4 Rm. tTnllml .l -
IS 00 (a year, 112. Boys, ons-l'
rate. Private lee son a, 0 for H.&e.
ale swims Men. SOoi Bora. lis.
AcrJertisements of Otlyr
Schools and College.
Appeared on This Pa$
and Will Appear Again
PALMER aVVlj CoerecUy Tau4.
nwyvifj CoeracUv Ta
" " '' I MUAN vaaun, Tnsary.
LlamAll Conduatlaui
Wudtoa. 19 8p. IWfc . l Owter Ai
LCTtf' X? " 'vTohmar
. VVJUC4 1M yiAjsllftM
Chambew-Wrls MassaWisi, HIS , lU
r. YTnlMr,K voice
KDMUKD .-" liaikan a
1714 enseanut satasu sissisasaa. w
ax-:- ,--jrT-33E 7-ssai,
sJfcaJJTslaS t" ! ssssHsW
. 4
f - k,i