Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 01, 1915, Final, Image 7

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Wilson Tcfls Aides He Will Op
pose Political Expenditures
for Worthless Army
CAN SAVE $150,000,000
Propnredncss to Bo Gnincd by Ending
Mlsuso of Congressional Ap
propriations System
WASHINGTON, Sept. L-Atore cash' for
warships, land fortifications, ammunition
and artillery and very much less to
maintain lifeless navy yards and army
posts will be tho slogan of tlio Adminis
tration's program for national defense.
That was Indicated by Administration of
ficials who conforrcd with tho President
Amortg them wero Postmnnter General
Burleson and Senator Tillman, chairman
of the Naval Affairs Committee of the
ffenate. Thuy received tho Impression
from the President that ho would right
log-rolling methods, whereby Individual
appropriations were granted for the navy
yards and army posts In their districts.
Tho Administration will try to 'prevent
members having army posts or navy
yards In their districts from serving on
Bcnato and Houso Committees which
make appropriations for their support.
By abandoning useless navy yards and
army posts tho President has been told
1160,000,000 could bo saved.
After Senator Tillman left tho Whlto
House this afternoon he said:
"1 am for a safo and sane policy of
military expansion. I believe, however,
that wo ought to take advantage of tho
lepson of tho European war and not
wnsto money In methods that havo been
proven worthless."
Denial was mado that the sum of $500,
000,000 had been fixed arbitrarily as tho
amount needed for rehabilitation.
The President Is hopeful that It will be
possible to mako a "start" on a program
for complete preparedness with much less
money. But It Is explained that ho will
not mako up his mind on that subject un
til he has had conferences with congres
sional leaders. The executive expects to
spend a good part of the present month
In such conferences. Ho will not limit
the exchango of views to members of his
own party, but hopes to hear from a
number of the leading Republican Sena
tors and Representatives.
The President already Is compiling data
for his message to Congress on this sub
ject, despite, -the fact that the time for
the assembling of the legislative branch
Is still three months away. Part of this
data he has compiled from independent
sources, and additional facts and figures
are to bo given hlrn by Secretaries Gar
rison and Daniels within the next fow
' ,
New Brunswick, N. J Games Havo
Attracted Big Entry List
NEW YORK, Sept. L Two of tho big
athletic meetings scheduled for Labor
Day will be contested outside Now York.
Sanctioned games will be held at Great
Neck, L. r., and at New Brunswick, N. J.,
the latter meet under the auspices of
the MIchelln A. A., and In each a number
of local athletes will bo contestants.
The feature event at Great Neck will
be a mile relay for clubs. In which tho
Irish-American A. C. team will be the
leading entry. Other events are 100-yard
dash, 1000-yard handicap, 12-pound shot
put handicap and three-mile run. with
175 yards handicap limit Abel Klviat will
run on tho Irish Club relay team, wUh
Ed Frazer, junior metropolitan half-mile
champion: Eddie Coyle, and another man
to bo selected.
W. It. Granger, the Dartmouth and
Irish-American A. C. star; Boy Morse,
national champion at 220 yards; Frank
Stephenson, of tho Trinity Club, and
Ralph Runyan, of the (Pastime A. C
are among tho tracks entered at New
Brunswick. In these games there will bo
10 handicap events open to registered
athletes and three Closed to residents of
Middlesex County.
Fast Baseball Nines to Clash on Shore
The Corley C. C. baseball team will
meet tho strong WUjlwood team on Fri
day next at the latter team's ground, and
tho public may confidently look forward
to one of the most Interesting mntchCB
that will take place on the Wlldwood
Held. t
Manager Myers, of the Corley team,
will present his strongest lino-up of the
season, and ho expects to add the Wild
wood team, with their lnvlable record, to
the list of Corley victories. Tho Corley
line-up will be:
Buddies start hard
work on gridiron
Head Coach Ingram v Pleased With
Class of Material
ANNAPOLIS. Md 8ept. l.-A squad of CO
member of Ins new class at the Naval Acad
emy. Including a halt dozen weighing In the
neighborhood of 100 twunds each, and others
who Indicated by their work, speed, strength
and capability, pleased Lieutenant Ingram,
head coach, and other offlcers who saw the
practice this afternoon. During the summer
the s'iud has worked out twice a week, but
now dally practice has begun, and the squad Is
going ahead rapidly. Five teams were prac
ticing signals and formations this afternoon,
and special attention has been given to for
ward nsMlng. llardwlck. the Harvard player,
arrived tonight, and the main squad will bcsln
work on Beptember 20. viu
Costcllo's Jaw Broken
Blood will tell In the boxing game, even as
ta anytHlrg else. This was proved fast night
when Sailor Co.tello, a young brother of
T?KV t.f,.ello. In bl- n" North Penn
middleweight, after sustaining a fractured Jaw
In the early rounds of his bout with Knockout
Itusell at the Douglas Athletlo Club, did not
once voice a complaint to his seconds, stick.
lng until the termination of the contest. He
Hospital" h '",Ury at BU Jo,e"'
Vessels Arrlylng Today
Btr. Haakon (Nor.), St. Ann, C, 11., plaster,
Keystone Plaster Company
Sir. Delaware. New York, merchandise, Clyde
Steamship Comnanv, '
.&Ti iillem r)t New York, ballast. Mull
von iifiVt
kPM'., '?? "RU Ciiii (Greek), Manchester,
ballast, o. O. Hempstead & Co.
fcallka.ty,AlffVaITuPP1.rfKr-) '"" P"Wc
Steamships to Arrive
&.KdI. "'.'.piip. "lro
RSI "jQUlque Julyl
uiiimK'" Ifuelva July 22
raSlon "i.tt..fAvonmouth (....July
Worlds " ...Newport JulySl
Wlllefod P" , Aug. 10
TurbTnia'''"" rton Aug. 11
Ulldia "'' Hueiva Aug. 12
virBit.1. "" .wioraiiar .,,,. Aug, tu
Virginia . ....Shield. . ... ini it
tev.tkk.rr1mo,', -K"r" "
uSdJn ,n Uergen .
MackVaw" ...Narvik .. .
z ::.as!ir,h.
Aug. IS
Aug. 18
Aug, 10
Aug. 1U
Aug 10
Aug. 19
Aug. Zt
liu. VJ
giTi'l ...JLilboe Au.'iW
" ....Kltttfu ilur.
.All. M
Al Z?
,AU. Wt
.: :.::;:;: J5tM
O'Brien Clan Starts Near-Riot Whilo
Hanlon Almost Pilfers Second Baso
The Harry D. Edwards' baseball team
went down to defeat before the North
American nine by n score of 12 to 8 to
day at Mcadqwlrook Field Careless
base-running, footing and kicking tho
ball alt over the field resulted In the 1M
wards baseballlans downfall.
A near-riot occurred in tho fifth Inning
on an infield fly dispute, when Top
J .." ftnd h,s threo husky offsprings
verbally attacked tho umpire. However,
North American Captain Graham voiced
his argument louder than nny of the
O Ilrlens and the ofllclnl abided by his
(Graham's) decision.
The chief fentur. of tho gamo was Jack
Hanlon s attempt to steal second after
(bentlng out a hefty xvallop to tho right
field nvall. which, usually, Is good for a
Tho line-up:
Harry D. Edwards Cnssldy, c.i P. O'Drlrn.
.1vii,ind of-,J O'l'rlcn. cf 'and p., T
O linen. n.i .inrrn m , uni . li .
ler, If.i rrccdnian, cf. nnd 3b., Fox. p. am!
North Amprlcan-Knurrman, 2b., McOonnell,
rvHrUnBU,"rt'.no,-, f"i ar"h?m- e. t ' Lavan. SI .
li. umpire Johnny Hums.
The score by Innings:
H. D. Edward 0 0 t O 3 .1 0 0 1 8 12 I)
torlli American 12000400 x 12 10 1
Long Distance Bike Race on Schedulo
for Tomorrow
One of the greatest long dlstnnco motor-paced
races ever decided In this city
will bo contested tomorrow night at Point
Ilrecze Park Motordrome, when four ot
the most noted Americans, who havo won
world's championships, will be brought
together, nnd the dlstnnco decided on Is
ift) kilometers, 62V4 miles, the longest race
ovtr lo'-lded.
The men "elected to ride In this big
Derby nro Clh7nrA Carman, Jamaica,
I I.; Gcorgo Wiley, gvrncuse, N. Y.:
Bobby Walthour, Atlanta, Ua., and Jlm
mle Moran, Boston, Mass.
With tho nrrivat of Walthour, tho Dixie
flyer, yesterday at the track from Bos
ton, where he won the big SO-mllo race
on Saturday, he stated that ho Is In tho
best of condition, and ho hopes to be
able to glvo Carmannd Wiley tho race
of their lives over this long route. Tho
distance Is Just suitable to the Southern
105-Pound Class in Amateurs Also
Slated for Tonight
Tho 105-pound class of amateur boxers
at tho Gaycty Theatre has dwindled down
to tho semifinals, which will bo contested
tonight. Tho boys entitled to contest for
the diamond ring nnd gold watch are Joe
Belmont, Kid Belmont, Billy Hlnes, James
McGce, Young Teddy Malone, ,Kld Mar
tin, Joo Ruben, Kid Wallace and Younu;
Three special bouts are also scheduled
between Joo Bradley and Charley Chancy,
Franklo McKenna nnd Pntsey Bradley
and Battling Murray and Young Becker,
and tho boys in the 110-pound class will
be started
Commits Suicide After Wife Finds
Note in Pocket
BALTIMORE, Md.. Sept. 1. William
Munk, 17 years old, shot nnd fatally
wounded 17-year-old Elsie Kono and then
ended jils own, life by shooting himself
In th6 temple. In the cellar of his homo
late last night. The tragedy occurred
after Munk's wlfo had found a note In
his pocket. In which the Kane girl's name
was mentioned. Munk died less than an
hour after the shooting. The Kane girl
is in a critical condition at St, Joseph's
Hospital, with bullet wounds In her head
and her breast, Munk had four small
children. f
Engineers Agree That Future Construction Will Tend
to the Elimination of Heavy, Cumbersome Ma
chinesGeorge Daniels to Market His Own Car
That light weight chassis wilt be tho
next big development In automobile conT
structlcn ts the consensus of opinion
among engineers and others Interested in
tho future of the motorcar industry, The
old argument of the heavy car finds very
few adherents nowadays.
There used to be many who maintained
for divers reasons that high power and
great weight produced a better car,
whero upkeep was not considered, thnn
lesser weight and correspondingly lesser
power, says Automobile. This notion Is
breaking down altogether, and somo en
gineers go so far as to predict the speedy
demise of tho 4000-pound automobile. ,
Tho Immenso general Interest In the
subject among all branches of the trada
and also In automobile clubs and places
whero users of cars mostly congregate
suggests that development along this line
will be even more rapid than was at first
anticipated. It suggests that tho large,
light car will soon be hero in quantities,
and that every sales room will have to be
equipped with a weighing machine before
very many months have passed.
To multiplicity of cylinders, to auto
matic gear ehlfts and similar develop
ments objections are raised, but It seems
tho common sense of light weight Is to
have no antagonists.
Scores of old friends have greeted
"Ted" Jackson since ho assumed his
duties as president of the Packard Motor
car Company, o,f New York, Before com
ing to Philadelphia, five years ago, he was
for three years sales manager of the
Packard's New Vork branch.
Mr Jackson's experience in the auto
mobile business covers a period of 15
years. He entered this neld as advertising
manager of the Searchmont Automobile
Company In 1S01. Two years later he as
sumed the management of the motorcar
department cf John Wanamaker. Nw
York, remaining there until VJOi, when he
organized the Chadwlck Motorcar Com
pany, of New York, to handle the entire
output of Chadwlck cars.
In December. 1507, he Joined the Pack
ard Motorcar Company, of Ne.v York, as
salesman, and In t.he apring of IMS was
given charge til the used car department,
A short time later he was made sales
manager of the company. In 1910 he was
sent to Phlladelpnia, at the time tho fac
tory took over the business In Philadel
phia from tho Keystone Motorcar Com
l'roperllss Manssed Itsnts Collected
Insurance and Mortsasti l'laced
Litis d application
202 South 15th Street
Morasses ll.M
mi-llll Lmci! BUff.
nut ti-w o. cHr H) ,
MA 1 'Jf '$ a I
sllla.llaBilii..KIWBsPii.Blis...lil.i..lla.llBCT . I l... . , , . t . I t-rfJ"rWWWVMjsla.W
Train Crashes Into Carriage at
Reading Railway Crossing
Near Laurel Springs,
New Jersey
Two persons are dead and two others
are dying todny of Injuries received when
a light carriage, in which they wero rid
ing was struck by an Atlantic City ex
press, on tho Reading line, near Laurel
Springs early today.
Tho dead are John Flnkel, 24W Jasper
sticet, this city, and Mrs. Mary Slcber,
of Gnrdcn Lake, near Laurel"Sprlngs.
Mrs. Flnkel and Slcber nre dying In the
Cooper Hospital, each with a fractured
Mr. and Sirs Flnkel had been visiting
at the home ot the Slcburs. They started
for tho Laurel Springs station. In tho
carriage, about midnight. As they wero
crossing tho Rending tracks, at 12:10
o'clock this morning, tho express train
struck the carriage.
Mrs. Slcber's body was hurled directly
under tho wheels of tho train. It was so
badly mangled that It was not until 10
o'clock this morning that she was identi
fied. Slcber and Mr. and Mrs. Flnkel
wero thrown to one side, Flnkel being
Instnntly killed.
The engineer stdppcd the train after the
accident and notified a physician, who
pronounced Flnkel dead. The injured
were hurried to tho hospital In a passing
The Flnkels had been living at Garden
Lake for some years. A week ago Fin
kel rented the house at Jasper street, but
had not yet occupied It, although his fur
niture had been moved to this city.
Philadelphia Woman Wins Golf Cup
WATCH HILL. N. Y.. Sept. 1. Two women
chiniplonahlpi. were decided at the Mlsquuml
cut CJolf Club c8terday atternoon. The round
robin tennla tonrmmcnt uhleh has been run
nine for alx neeks ended when Mrs. Ilobert
name, or j-niiau-innia, was awarded the
chamulonhlu cud
Itli 10 games, each game
counting as a point to her credit. Mrs. Jesse
wllltnmeon, also from I'hlUdelphla, was sec
ond, with IS credits, while Mrs. Henry Van
Cltef. ot New York, finished third. Tho golf
championship, which was started last Thurs
day renulteJ In a victory for Mrs. Julian
Jones, of Cincinnati, with Mrs. John 8.
Ovsley. of New Haven. In the runner-up
The Kelly-Sprlngfleld Tre Company Is
now housed in new quarters at 237-233
North Broad street, having removed from
tho building which It occupied for years
at 208 North Broad street. F. A. Klssell,
the manager, Is one of the pioneer tire
men In this city, having represented the
Kelly-Springncld for more' than ten years.
Harry WallB, formerly factory repre
sentative for tho Briscoe Company and
ono of tho widely known automobllo men
of the city, has become associated with
William T, Taylor, who Is handling tho
Appcrson car, with offlces In tho Abbott
Building and selling quarters at the
southwest corner of Broad and Race
"Tho motorcar Industry has been so
busily engaged trying to nil the great
demand for motorcars that it has en
tirely neglected the basic principle that
must underlie every successful business."
uid Hugh Chalmers In his address of
vfclcome at the recent convention of
Chalmers service managers.
"The year J913 has launched a great
battle of the .survival of the fittest In
tho motorcar Industry. Practically every
motorcar manufacturer has made a large
price reduction.
"Tho motorcar company that gives the
best service In the future will be the
most successful company. Courtesy,
which Is ono of the cheapest things in
the world. Is one of the rarest. It Is you
service men who come In direct contact
with the motor-buying public. The first
principle of your work should be courtesy.
Lots of times when you have been work
ing hard underneath a car you are In
clined to look upon the 'kicker with dis
favor, but it is a man who listens with
courtesy to every complaint and does all
within his power to right the difficulty
who Is the most successful.
Lakeview Heights
er's daxdaa Spot Ideally situated la tlie fsmaos Pines
Jersey. rluoklnv K.Aiii!fi,t AIihh.m. f.li- Th on.
of Ksw
Ideal place; for jou to Invest la
a home or busralen. Wo ars In
build and roBiulcto your bom
LAKKVlKW lfrUUllTH to-day,
Jke?ltw Is 10 miles front
and Woodbury Kleetrto Trolley
Cot Marked fHackwood.
MtM TasOAJ' (Asa
M4 Ai;ttt Cfttft4lMtt MrMt
The upper picture shows the Reading tracks at Laurel Springs,
N. J., whero tho express train struck the carriage, virtually demolish
ing it, as shown below.
-3 .
Vera Goes Fishing
There had been a tlm6 with tho Wig
leys, when their little house of four
rooms vns bright from roof to kitchen
with floral carpets nnd wallpaper and
varicolored upholstering on nil tho fur
niture. 'The BOnp business prospered, nnd Mrs.
Wlglcy learned. Their next house of
eight rooms had 'nothing floral In Its
adornment. Instead, tho rugs every
where had perfectly evident oriental
medallions that might almost havo been
She had discovered them both lacl in the
garacn digging for worms to go fishing.
r,,,i,. .i. , ,, . ,
Sr"rSSU th'n.Sd "r "I!
ously on the mission stylo that it might
, ..v. ..w ........... u rau I.IUUUIUH-
nave an oeen turned out or a carpenter
shop. Besides there was an evidence of
brass that was astonishing.
The soap business continued to prosper,
and Mrs. Wlgley continued to learn.
Next came a still larger house with
real Eastern rugs, rich dull mahogany,
a very limited amount of bronze, nnd
gooa pictures,
The soap business flnallv nuterow it.
sen ana air. wigiey now having a dozen
irons In the Are to open the money pots
of tho people, the Wigleys had forged
ahead. Indeed. Their home was now a
mansion, the furnishings the wonder of
feature supplements, servants In such
numbers as to be spoken of a "a body,"
and the family was often abroad or at
the country home.
Vera Wlgley, an only daughter, had
passed through as many vicissitudes In
her upbringing as the homo Itself. At
four sho had played happily In the alley
with the Mulligans next door. At 21,
she had her own French maid, her own
apartments at home, her own limousine
and chauffeur and exquisite clothes from
Europe. .
Mrs. Wlgley kept pace with her daugh
ter and was a very elegant person, to say
the least.
But Pa Wlgley was still Pa Wlgley,
eating peas no, not with his knife, but
with a spoon, and Insisting on wearing
slippers in tho house. ,
He was the millstone around the social
neck of Mrs. Wlgley. No amount of
traveling, lecturing, tutoring nor pleading
could polish him. He was hopeless. Just
as soon as Mrs. Wlgley obtained a foot-
! .... . . I "
Our yards resemble Bee
Hives. Busy every second of
tho time, with saws and
ti planers furnishing the
ftf "buzx."
Edward F.Hensonfi Co.
Structural Lumber and Timber
I'oplar Street Wharrrs, 1'hlla.
a let or two and build yourself
position ta help and finance you
In lures to four weeks. Cuius to
Philadelphia on the Gloucester
from Kalxhn Avonus, Cnutden,
TUiiaulsMkl&J "...
KnaJrV iJL!iVr 1 in v. u
T-T -. OP - .
hold upon tho social ladder, pa would
slip and trip them all.
Her despair was the more complete
since Vera, too, had decided to do her
own thinking of late. In splto of her
French maid, she was beginning to show
decidedly plebeian traits evidently In
herited from her father. It had been
much worse sinco their nrrlval at the
country house. The two hnd acquired
the habit of putting on old shoes nnd
tramping for miles over country roads.
Vern'B complexion was being ruined!
And only yesterday Mrs. WIgley's eye
were still threatening to run over nt tho
verv thought she hnd discovered them
both bnck In the gnrdcn dlccing for
worms to go fishing. Mr. Wluley hnd
explained unblushlngly that he wasn't
using his other stuff (referring to his ex
pensive outfit of rods, reels nnd flics on
display In the gunroom) because he didn't
know what the "blame things" were for.
He nnd Vera hnd hickory poles he had
cut on some of their rambles.
"It Just means." sobbed the unhappy
lady, that our names will never go
through nt the Countrv Club. What will
people think of us? Tho very servants
are laughing!"
But the most agonizing thought of all
was about the earl's youngest brother.
In some manner they hnd managed to
meet him In Kurope the previous spring,
and ho had seemed to like Vera. When
Mrs. Wlgley heard he was at present a
guest of the Jack Turners, their nearest
neighbors, she planned a wonderful cam
paign. Things Just now were nt a stand
still, however, pending the decision of the
country Club. True the earl's youngest
brother was plain mister but even so!
It was all too dreadful? And Mrs. Wlg-
! ,ey cried again. Dear knows whero her
!" ter were now. Tramp-
mi- ncain or ntttwntri
At 6 o'clock the wanderers hnd not re
turned. "I know Just how Vera will
look," declared her mother. "Really, I'm
nshamed for even Marie to see her."
She paused. "Here they come now.
Heavens! There Is someone with them.
Who In tho world can they have picked
up at this time of the day?"
Sho stood on the broad terrace that
' overlooked the rolling velvet lawn. Three
-.AKnA-.. l.n.1 ..-. I.. . .,- .
persons had turned In at the big Iron
gate and were passing the lodgo Just in
side the entrance. "It's a man In a cap!
He's got a rod, too! Urn-hum! Some
tramp they've picked up fishing, of
coursel I Blmply can't stand this much
longer. And Just look at Vera! She's a
fright, and laughing like a nlnnle at
something the fool's saying."
The "fool" evidently did not agree with
Mrs. Wlgley, for he seemed to have eyes
for nothing else In the world but pretty.
$oob Jlorton
Overlooking Lincoln Drive.
7 and 8 rooms and S baths.
All modern Improvements.
II. J. JOHNBON. 300 "-y Uulldlng.
' Ml
i) methodw
$4850 A I A
Selling Rapidly F ' JlgC 'C f
mTr$ii9 flr 'C'wv B 4 Ji4 HB Tssssssssawa VF4IV utmtm ammwatFti9wn Hff OP&sff oBisss'JBSI bssSpvssssssbJssssvsW i as.
eIbbW f.3? S "sBMWIltil.lltrJJJlrJMM T ' w' Jj.jPxLllM"llWBglMMBHllBBBWr ' vv
sbbbbblJ 'VsSMsSSeaSsliCaKwJsssHssssB 'A
BH "JV all IK'J-lssl SBW9sBSSSSSBtaHsSBvAtt,av Isl
BssTl 1 1 iH.ir - ti 'E r . OWJB - jSSI?v t W.' BJBBBJiMMBM zzs !
WMrrlll i 4 ., v1.,?' Bw?.Kz2SI'f ssVssTB Hm3$J Ft 4
bssssssssssssssssssbbsskUbsV1'w I T t L 'tassrsVK4lB'Vl XI s. A asw. TZ& 1
""""ssasSSsts1lBSJW--"3HPTCM Bfl
Nothing Like These in Philadelphia .
Situated Jn the most delightful part of residential Gcrmantown. dose to BEAUTIFUL L1NCOJ
a direct road through Fairmount Park to the heart pf the city. vwj
Tiled Bath, Hardwood Floora Open FirepUcee, Hot-Water Heat, Gaa Kitcii, Electf i.Uh,
ShroBnm f0,r B5r.,ge J1' w,n"t,..1faLk to TulpehocliM Station, oe of the moM ewduaive . uon.
R.R. 70 trains dally. Take car on 13th St., Rorte S3. G at off at WMUnfto Lm 4 Way Awt
tousled Vera, In her broad hat !
rumpled whlto linen dress.
As the trio approached the steps, an,
electric shock shot up Mrs. WlKleyV
spine and down again She frit suddenly
faint and leaned against a pillar for sup
port Sho hnd recognlced the "tramp"
as the earl's brother
Mrs. Wlgley had never stopped learn
ing, One of the things stamped Indelibly
on her brain was never to show your
feelings! Smile' She had saved the day
many a time by smiling. There was the
time Mr. Wlgley had shaken hands with
the Jones' butler.
lust now the kv and trees were spin
ning, the terrrt cotta paving of the ter
race was rolling away In great waves, but
tho cfttl' youngest brother saw only a
pretty, amiable woman smiling a wel
come, and graciously holding out her
"You remember Mr.-. TomDloton.
mamma, don't you?" Vera was say
ing "We've had splendid luck fishing-.
Wo're as hungry as hunters, too, and per
suaded Mr Tcmnlelon to come to dinner.
Oh, don't worry about your clothes," she
begged when ho apologized. "Mother will
tell you we are In tho country now and
everything goes. Won't you. mother"
And Mrs Wlgley learned something
more. It wna that the more you know,
the more you know that you don't know,
Thero were a few things that aho didn't
know, ns she discovered that evening.
They were all on the terrace enjoying the
moon, Suddenly the young man declared
Impetuously, "Ifscrtalnly lino to know
genuine Americans. Do you know, Mrs.
Wlgley," confidentially, "you havo no lda
how many Americana with money are
aro making monkeys of themselves try
ing to play society Instead of living real
wholesome lives.
That's why I like Jack Turner and
his wife. They nro naturo lovers, like
yourselves. And pardon me. Miss Vera
I don't believe I ever saw nnv onn m
nntural nnd so beautiful as your daugn-
icr was out in tne boat this afternoon!"
Copyright, 1014, by the McCluro Newspaper
Syndics to,
Full Quota of 200 Signs for Broomall
No moro recruits will bo accepted by
the State Fcncibles for the three-day
enenmpment at Broomall, tho full quota
of MO called for having been obtained
yesterday. Nearly everything Is now In
readiness for the start of the encamp
ment, which will be on Friday. Tho limit
of 200 recruits was made becauso the
Fcncibles havo only that number of uni
forms. Each "recruit will bo supplied with a
unlfoim nnd other equipment with the
exception of shoes, underwear and toilet
articles. The cost Is $3 as 'a mess fee for
each man. Fifty regularly enlisted
privates and non-commissioned officers,
the Fenclbles band nnd 10 cooks will go
into camp with the rookies.
53d to 55th St., One Block South of Baltimore Ave.
sBsssHstflsHBV'IsBif 'im&W&mt3mWE&:''
.... Apartment are,5;u,'t In pairs, like eldeyard houses, making every
OUtslde room, and With heAlltlriil nn1 varl. ot.l.M.. '
If you are COlne: to live In nn
particular apartment out of the many,
nrt fJlVVJ mU"t.,,b.e ONE BBBT APARTMENT for you where location,
and comfort eYerythlns that toes to make a truly attractive apartment f
ab'jly U; best and this. too. for a reasonable renti" Pa"menl
inrlude. m.f ..- mMMJf Voa can secure one of the apartments, an
Lfriri? ?-..' ""''"nt and even heating-, unlimited hot water, courteou
Jfct evervff i0.8' vacu.um ?'ian,n? """. "ai. screeni and awnl?
and whlfa nim.i i,i. .;..,
Sorches.'tVhn.amr'.Witafi f.lic .WSW
......, fc ,lla u,,, inexpensive mine about mem.
. oZ'r,hfL'f ,,a,uru"y fu'ntthmd a Samplm Apartment Wo. S440 Angora Ter,
remarkably i7fP".0n.aV and "'" "' ' a dihnita l
remarkably attract ids theee apartment s realty arm. '
LwwWffELwwwwwWLwF business S
BsssssPP j lPITOWrsWessssssssssssa,"ht sessions
fssBC &? && ? sssssaB' and class M
BT &-4J& tf f moderate. B
raH SSSSWAi- ''i Phil S
ssit, I issssHseHiHssssHiassssLflHIB 1'A.
One of the Pedigreed Angora Kittens
WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO., Inc., 8 Sv.VfeSTv,.F.
AND Philadelphia and
NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 wSbiotrl
- r " ' o
American Powerboat Ai
tion Suspends P,iht of ft
motors to Hold Biff Event
The sanction for the 1M noutlral
motorboat race from the ColnrnWa.
uiud to ucean City, on Friday Y
urday, has been suspended, aec
a telegram received at tho liea
or the itaclng Association of So
ey Yacht Clubs. e
The telegram announcing this fit
sent to Joseph I Bailey, secreUi
tho South Jersey Association. No ren
waa assigned In the telegram, but a 1
tcr Is on the way which Is cxpectec
giro full particulars of the suspem
ana tno causes thereror. The tele;
received by Mr. Bailey was from .
unapman, or New Tork, secretary i
National Ilacing Commlston of the
lean Power Boat Association. ,
The suspension does not neesWirvM
terfcre with the holding of thjo race,
no cnnmpionsnip certincate can
granted to tho winner, ns ladvertlai
nor will the records made In the" race t
accepted or recognlied by tHe A. P
a. un tne otner nana, the susbenelon i
bo regarded as a blow technically to
south Jersey Association, since It
known that the suspension wtis madfe fa
lowing a failure ot the promoters of tk
race to conform with the requirements
tho A. P. B. A. In obtaining sanctions.
To Improve Gcrmantown Parka
Proposals for Improvements to "WaariSj
lngton Square, Cornelius Square and Ve
non rark, Gcrmantown. wore opened
day by the Bureau of Property A fun
of JM.OOO Is available for the work.
125 So. 5th
'Both Phone
ati.rlm.ti, t.1 -l, ...- ... .1
many you see on 'every band Is n.
uu are nnisnea in Dom netur
.?". cabinet las rangesJ
"at home" in MINARY
K' -l
vuure m
?o Bctaae:
oral. I'er.
"e $ST t7
Title Builr
II 2
... j . .
." sWMm