Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 01, 1915, Final, Image 6

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lD of goman
InuUi Surprise by "Old
itf'Piiiwrs Ftlcd for
sin&tfon of Party's City
Committee Head
rd jetw Will Oppose Him
on SHt at Primary
btmocralt spfanir a surprise at
Nitwit by tllln mayoralty nom
plf for B. a or a on Bromley,
of th Democratic City Corn
yi me leaner oi tne uiq uuara
ffccttoa li( the. party. It hid been bo
lTPtt. that tho Democrat would support
Wunlelpml Court Judjte James K. Oor.
oM, .-JF
Asms t
tirjkLjir v
If wan. b the sudden Ming or Bromtey'a
paprr tfcm all calculations.
The. Democratic slate for county anil
row t4Aet) will be! feberlfr, Emanuel It.
Clint wt Wecorder of Deeds. J. Franklin
LM! Xllty Coritrolltr, Nicholas. Al
, BreM) C6roner, OeorKe P. Aarohs; City
oticller, Edwn 0, Lewis; Clerk ot Quar
tar Mesajton. lsnatlua A. QUtnn: County
OunMnHmtrt, Richard U, Parley and
Icaaph K. Fabian.
TMro had been no hint that the City
Committee chairman would bo In the
nice until a committee walked Into the
County Commissioners' office last nlslit
with hU nomination paper, Ma pnncrs
Vera tnkri out only on the Democratlo
tkklu Hr. Bromley will be opposed on
the .Democratic primary batlot by bo Ml
CHrctor Porter and Colonel I'otler.
Tlve Democrats also nled many names
9Aitftty tor Mtglttrates and tor candl
:. fvr both branehe of Councils. The
CHy Committee alio law to It that name
war iaeed on the ticket for school vie
4. m election oftlceri. Councllmanlo
1 electl
ia wi
-"HAmltm U
were made In about three
ward In the city.
ed from l'ac One
Sfffig-lme. I hope you will give this
V,7r your mot thoughtful consld
, ;n, ft dpubtlesn you havo given
.- (d will conclude to withdraw your
iY--avhow fear, In view of my talk with
you, mat wniie tne mayoralty of the
" Otty la worthy of th attainment of any
; - aitlsln, you baVo always considered
the; nub lo and your party above per
sonal consideration. I am hopeful
"" that at this time when so much Is at
. BtaVc In the nation that you will
w forego for the time your ambition.
But as 'much us I doubt the wldom of
jrour candidacy if you decide to stand
I' Will give you rny full support.
"The letters are the result of my own
OQhdratIon of the matter," Mr. Iane
M'd, ''and 1 believe It'a the simplest mcth
d of solving the situation. There will
Va a conference .tomorrow nt th niiv
Oowittilttee headquarters, Uth and Chest-
i sun. Mreen."
0". bclnsf Informed of the Lane letlers
A4 V-VIoHaI ntlA .11 1 I
. .. ,..v. ..Mi...,., w yun Ur
-there will be harmony?" ho was
l. Tbj like. Doctor Munyau,' he
-sun .nopmg,"
&&&" oWce .of l",'rlc; Attorney notan
iwtS tliat iae m.-tnitnf tl. rltv-
SwriL?-I'kJurn ty-
ncwrvleo CJVmmlsslonor llonaclmn
h9rted on tin Inspection trip in
Philadelphia, but 1 expt-ctcd o
'Into this aftornooh.
In Robert HcKentiv of the Kast-
'JtentUry, waa asked If ha would
rwlth Uio request contained In the
etter. be said;
irtalnly would noSLomply with the
t until I first consulted the persons
rought about my candidacy. 1 owe
that courtesy. I would have It un-
bd that I had nothing to do with
I my namb placed before the public
jdon't know what to think of tha
i litter. So many things have been
tanl done of late that no one knows
J( Is in the air or what Is going on.
fould consult my friends first and
d "be governed by their wishes In
L no hltsYV Frederick, Reyer said he
8IXTfon'alne1 ,n the Lane
. i fti'F1
ncerned I am going
t Cady rirTainerrty o
A VSrV nuesttahd. o
-Ibxi mini. Ed Wie
rganliatlon. I
out against any
nn waini. &a '.
'', j . Ma jI1
Q.rdfitjghllterr0- ". &om Cover.
ed tomno . t inr orauni
Vh. N tet"l en filed, was the
Ktimane ' '" vl" renrose-aic
v-ntnitti nr about "hnrmnnuH
Hr f fluntlta'j
5-teaJfle ltthe filing of papers
'"ceaanU pJ- Hampton Moore
t . ' Invernal In the PonrOse-Mc-""TreotiBOJj
'i! mr' friends tho Or
w u alcwo opposed at the last
i .;i7 nrnii aprrs.
kC1 8l,0,lE-
,k . fvj,y'noon Bmlth. n an Inter
'9 fa-ntl nB bad refused to sign
JaeViH.rs because he had not re-
MfW from the Governor, and that
tfc,,ot do to unless he heard from
.l!,, M -uimissioner
5dVTi3wera then C"1 t Atlantlo
HPn ' tliere Lano read to
hnjiSUstl' ',tw BPP"val The
fmna. Chairman Republican
,K W' AtlanUc Oty, N. J.
L celve resolutions of varloua
rry,2, assoctatloha .0f Phlla
KI1 w" ly of bulnea men'
Ntyyo hd many other mes
i "W.'.fi'f $P mayoralty sltua
A. Itt? "fIPl. nd all urging
IhawiJitMe, the party.
- t jfwwomi cwmaerauon to- my
f wr ?lBt ana elect a Mayor
inWCL"llalltlMj nilmlnl. ...,.
'r'S'tjL hMMrf 1UUUH s.t .
WmM UeAJS tHilnlA. M.u
UAp, r .,.v,, TVIIU
e uaquestloned ln-
et)rag; who
"Ve the sor.
' f PhlladeJphU,
man 4)r croun
T 4JMSitliH nt
IrBunrr hli-'iftMn,. i.
-00ol0 )m .jrv aiui ac-
ret industrli, and
"' aettisu
it idr,$M
LT'uiKrT i
win wjt r
'ptmiU, ,
5r. JwytNv
t. wWl I
fa,1 I
ktltkam Mir
tfc ihlajr thmi
fUr of PMsv
rtrrs last night.
.g KMtmtenti
rnnl jo rtl
.for taa Rfub-
aJHswet t
m air fl
Jfcr .
dBmm T.r'- " '' ,n
flnHssssH:. A kfJ'-r Si '.
1M1 fJmm
ilssssLlssssLlssssLKHSil s&MKSi'vpfimmWv
ever, for the reason that I felt bound
by my letter to the Governor accept
tag the ponltlon of Public Strilce
Commissioner not to run without his
full approval.
It was only today that I learned
through DaMil It. Lane, chnlrman of
the Republican City Committee, of
the receipt by him of a telepram from
Governor Drumbaunh containing in
formation which would seem to JiiRtl
fy mo In bellevlnc that I have heeh
released of the obligation referred to.
Under the clrcunmtunccs I have de
termined to become n full-fledRed
candldato for tlio nomination nnd
hope to have the support of all ele
ments ofMbe party.
The fact that a "harmony" sl.ito for
the "row" oilier, was filed by tlio Or
Kanlzatlon nt tlio last minute was not
regarded today n lmvinR nn especially
slenlflcnnt benrlne on the mayoralty, na
each of the candidates on the "slate" has
Independent strensth In tho opposition
camp that would probably Insure his
election even in the event of tho bitter
factional fight. The Organization "slate."
outside of the mayoralty, follows:
City Solicitor-John I. Connelly.
Sheriff Harry C. Itnnilcy.
City Controller John M. Wnllon.
Recorder of Deeds James 11. Hazlett.
Coroner William It. Knight, Jr.
Cleric of Court of Quarter Sessions
Thomas W. Cunningham.
County Commissioners Robert J.
Moore, David S. Scott.
Sends 200,000 Letters Warnim-
Ag;ninst DisFrnnchlsement
Two. hundred thousand votcra of this
city received Mayor IJIankenburg's llrat
rnll for full registration todny In the
form of a letter calling upon them not
to disfranchise tht-msolves by neglecting
to have their names entered on the books,
so that they can take part In the primary
The appeal waa sentqut by the Public
Service Committee of One-Hundred, but Is
written on the Mayor's official stationary,
and bcara tho signature of that executive.
It Is na follows:
"Esteemed friend:
"A year ago 75,000 citizens of Philadel
phia disfranchised thcmselvca by falling
to register. If the Legislature had dis
franchised such n number of voters, there
would bo revolution.
"If 75,000 legnt voters disfranchise them
selves this year by falling to register,
there will bo rejoicing In the Contrac
tors" Camp.
"Will you disfranchise yourself?
"Register on ThUreday or this week,
(Beptember 2). The registrars sit from
7 n, m. to 1 Oa. m., and from 4 p. m. to
iv p. in.
"Register under a party name If you
choose; or without disclosing your party
preference If you wish.
"Unless you register you cannot vote nt
the Primary election or the November
"Do not fall to register, whatever your
party nfllllatlons,
"Yours very truly,
"P. 8. Poll tax can be bought from
deputy poll tax collector at time of reg
Annual Horse Show Dates Are Set
From 23d to 2Gth, Inclusive
NEW YORK. Eept. l.-The lttb annual
hcrso show or tho Agricultural Society of
Queens-Nassau Counties will be held at
Mlneola, U I., September 23 to 25, In
elusive. The fair grounds at Mlneola are
easy to reach for exhibitors, and as many
hdndsomo prizes are offered In the several
classes It Is expected there will be a large
number of entries.
Tho following gentlemen have been In
vited to judge: Trotters, ponies In har
ness and breeding classes, Carll 8. Burr,
Jr.; hunters nnd Jumpers, Henry W. Hell:
addle horses and ponies under saddle,
Harry T. Peters; polo ponies, Harry T.
All entries must be made by the ex
hibitor o.p-l authorized agent on or be
fore September V.'
t!,350,81G Increase Over Same Month
Last Year -Gain Over July
' $333,685
A linAtn ei i ilMlnw m.4-.i nt-ti-j-.i..
-t. "----- "' 4-imHucipma
during th .month of AvsiW, as shown by
too records of tha Bureau of Building.
Kulldln p.rmlts showed a total estimated
cost of $W4J.t during the month Just
past, An Increase of tl.uo.sis nvoV h.
am moth last year and an lncrea of
feat, eat over Juw
Thl was tha third largest Augtisf, c
corm to William OamWe, statistician
SLt,n?Mt,2?,U ?! BulIa','' C9 ? In
Vm and 1S tb records siiowed thdt
tfe wre aBlcatloHs ftir buHdlng work.
rretln; as vn rer sum. The In-
W ?' Hki aa Jodlca
9J e rtn.w tttereavoa the prtof
tMIm to essMfWon Votlc, "r.ul
"".'"T1 r or neraatu durinr
2S ' Er.L"!'jrM
' I .
JOHNWOWN, Pa.. fienL 1 k
niJ,Ji,,i ,,y n xPlo'pn of a
iii rrTT..r-; v . -. .
i. , amt not
Soldiers Have Nothing to Do
But Rest and Get a "Shot"
of Typhoid Serum and
Be Inspected
Vacation Granted by General Wood
at Time When Most
By a Staff Correspondent
Perry's Mills, N. Y., Sept 1. - Cleneral
Leonard Wood's citizen soldiers awoke
this morning to the first day of rest they
have had since the clght-day hike, the
climax of the month's military training,
began last Saturday. At reveille at the
camp at Perry's Mills, 35 long miles from
I'lattsburg, It was announced there would
be no movement from the position, but
that (ho day would be the rookies' own,
In which to do as they pleased.
Ab a consequence, the men started In
at once to "doctor up" tho ever preva
lent soro feet, got a much needed bath
In tho big Clmiy River, which runs by
the camp and, In gencial, make them
selves somowhat respectable again.
The doctors, however, had to tako a
little of tho joy out of life and announced
that the 6S per cent, of tho citizen sol-
uieis, which had submitted to two in
oculations of the anti-typhoid serum,
would have to llnlsh up today with tho
third. Tho Inoculation takes a good
deal out or those who undergo it, making
a iiuiet day the most advantageous occa
sion for administering It. A general
Inspection hy Uoncral Wood or the camp
ttus also announced as scheduled Tor the
The day of rest camo at Just the right
time. Yesterday was tho most stienuous
so far. Jn addition to beln the occasion
of a battle that for tlerceuesa rivaled tha
grrat conflict at llouso's Tolnt on Mon
day, the rookies madn a ropnrri.tiwnw....
march. For 10 hours they were under
arms, the W-pound packs strapped on
their backs, with only occasional reliefs
of a few minutes at a time.
The maneuver problem which ended in
thoi battlo of Chnmplaln reversed almost
Identically tho nctlvlties of the day be
fore for tho opposing forces. In order to
save time tho Blues became the Invaders
for the day, instead of the Reds, who
changed places with them. The duty of
the cltlzon soldiers and their allies fiom
the regulars was to hold up their op
ponents long enough for a bridge which
had been blown up to be repaired by
their engineers.
To do so they Intrenched theoretically
on the crest of a hilt about a mile and a
half from Champlaln to resist the ad
fn JhVroblcnV however, ran a little
ahead of plans and ended In a light to
the nnlsh. Instead of acting as attack
ing skirmishes the rookies had a chance
at defensive luetics and an opportunity
-""- " r uro wonted out In
action In the field.
Tho batt'.o wus a lonir lm h.iL
It takes time to deploy, aa the term Is.
woo men over a two-mllo front. And it
was after 3 o'clock berore the game was
declared over for the day.
The consequent three-mile march to the
camp ground here at Perry's MIMs
brought tha recruits to their final .ton
weary and tired about 5 o'clock yesterday
ntT'.i.TIWr hfd ,0tt "OUB0'fl r"t
at 7: in Iho morning.
One feature of the battle yesterday
waa the part the military student doc
tors played. While the fight was in
pngres the umpires from time to time
nstead of simply declaring V man dea
tngged him with a card Indicating some
form of wound. The doctors ori the field
had to locate these "wounded" and they
wero then bandaged and treated exactly
as If they had shed blood In reality
rather than In theory. The "wounded"
i!!5 "? thl re5p "ome completely en
meshed n bandages, others hopping
along with a rifle a. a crutch or carried
In ft, Stretcher bv torn t.ii ....
Vrpaa orderlies caused rnuch amusement
i. mw i'ciution- ana inose eoldlers
who m reservea were awaiting the coll
to enter the action.
Laiof Five Years Falls in Canal
inA"i5r5.ar;?1'1 bo-,cued from drown
In n the Mapayunk. Canal a.t Green lane
night, waa IdenUfled several houS
tour sr, Timothy's' Hospital a Theo!
dore Segaietle. of : Cresson street," by
hl parent, They became worried when
they oould not nnd th. child and no"
Bed te police, '
Tlie boy was playing alongthebanks of
LC,,Wn h". " ,a Thomas Bay,
UV ff 1M Oreen lane, who .was passing
ved Jn and rescued him. He then ran
tM wlv.4 ta by. Tks. uttir v?2jL
Ml Mrii. Md lur atayd eTiZ.
BheMnn Potter. Whlnlon, Demoerat and n
Pamuel i'. KMrtn
Kmlrrltk Heyer, liepubllren,
Itnbert J. Meltenty, Hpul.llcn.
Wllllum S Varw. IltnMl
Jllmp4 3. PatfAfi. PmlilhltlAH
I'lffK-n it. Htt.ckho.in-, lunuMlcan.
OeotBe l. Toner, lletmhllti, Vhlngton n-l
It. Oerilftn llromley, Dmocrt.
antKt V- Kvanf, Poelallat.
John CallHhiin, Kvton,
Thtmss 11. Fmllh, nepubllpsn.
James 17. Oorman, Keystone.
Clsrmee D. Antrim, Wh.hiton, nepubllcan
nnd Democrat.
Itiiftn mark lirrnibllean. , .
Tlmnns r. At-matrong. Vahlnton.
Kmanutl it. Clinton, IiemoenU
Thdrniu Illrtwlttln, Bnclallnt. . .....
flrorft t). ros. ltput)llrn, Vi'nanlnjlon.
Harry C. flnn-ley, Republican.
.'nmn M, llailctl, nprnMlenn.
J. rrntiklln Lever, Democrat.
Ilobert A. Maa, Ko:lnllt.
Max Hertbcrc, Waahlngton.
.Vlchelia Alhrecht, Democrat. ... ... ...
John St. Walton, ItenuMlpan nnd Bhlniton.
Carl K. Schntla. Jr., Soclallit.
Kugcne J. Mc.Metr. Waahlnaton.
Dr. Kiln In I. uecker, Waililnxton and Rcpub-llcan-
Wlllifim it, KnlKht. Jr., Aepubllcon and Vah-
John W. Wct, Wnahlnston
;ennte P. Anrona, Democrat.
D. llorila Oolilbcrg. Poclallat,
Dr. Henry V. Cattcll, Lcmociat.
Bamuel 11. Bcott, Waihlngton.
IMwIn (l Lenta, Democrat. ...... .
Jamca Alcorn, llcruiblle:in and aphlngton.
John P. Connolly, Republican.
ci.i.iiK or ni'.itTi:it sessions
Thomas tv. Cunningham, ncpubllcan. .
Ki.tnk II. Thompaoii, Republican and Wash-
William J. HlRslnn. Jr., Soclullat.
JyiintluK A. gulnn. Democrat.
Hairy U. Walter. Wanhlnaton.
Joseph i:. Pablan, Democrat.
Itli hnrd V. Karlwy, Democrat,
Ilobert J, Moore. Republican.
Fr.tnk J. (Jornian, Prohibition, P. I and
Andrew J. I'fjff, Washlnston.
(leorse K. Holmea. Democrat and Washington.
Jamca J. Sn-pcncy. Democrat.
David H. Scott, Hepubllcnn.
Ilern.ird K. Owcna, Democrat.
John I, Homer, Democrat and Wnahlnaton.
WlllAnl Hitter, WarMngloti and Republican.
OlUcr It. Mnas, Socialist.
Oliver U. Orlli. Porlallat.
.Inmea H. Oitden, Wnslilnaton.
John T. Power r, Itcpubllcttti.
.Id Wnrd Hnmuel lllubcnatelu, D.; Somcra
l'lliiiatrlcit. .
full Wnrd Oeoreo T. Conrad, D.
7th WaiJ-Henry II. Patlon, D.; Thomas n.
llc.uioU, W.
18th Wnrd John Donahue, D. ; Joseph J.
Dllworth, It., D.. W.
L'iM Wiirn Walter Wlllnrd. K.
L-Oth Ward William P. Letcher. D.
i: 1 tli Wnrd Tliomaa M Downey. D. j Thomas
M. While n . George I!. Dal, It.. W.. K.;
John O'Kcll. D.i Tliomaa 8. Wlltbnnk, It., I).
BTlh Wnrd-llobert P. Shlck, It., W.
2iitli Ward Illeliard Wegltln. It.; Ucorge I
llunn. It., 15.. George .W. Campbell, 11., D.;
II. 11. llelnhuit, It.. D.
:Uth WnriJ-lli-rbert L. Marie, n., D., W
U.i l'rank Smith. I)., W.; Cliarlea K. QUI,
V D.j H.unui-1 V. Wliccler. 11., D.
.I'lth Ward-Wllllnm J. Ilueton, It., D W
IC. . Jamca Ljncli, S ., -William U ltooncy, 11.,
iilh' Ward-Alexander V. McOlnley. D.j Ed
nard Haas. I).. W.
Unth Wanl Jumia J. Ilrady, D. : George
Ilernc, W.. II.
40th AVard Kaymoni) J. Comber. D. ; George
Cunnell. t li It., ith hard II. Hoy. W.. D,
It.. Grume W. .Mjtrn, l, K.
J2d Ward-George a Ulrlcli. D W.i Hugh K.
Qul.in, u.: llobirt W. Klncalc. It.
4(lth Ward-Ilarrv J. Klnnev. I).: Jai
Him ard-IInrry J. Kinney, I).: James A
Walker, W., P., IC, H D.i J. T. Wallace, V.
. i, iMuiacc, u. :
TV.. K.
Ira D. Carman, It., 1).,
47th Ward-TValter Q,
Keene, D.
1st TVard Itlchard M. Connelly, D.: Isaau
ltofcunbcrir. TV., It.: IYank Ca'ruao, TV.; Jo
hoiIi II. flan Is. D.. TV.. K.
a Ward-John M. Tlerney, D.; William S.
Mann, TV. j
.'Id Want Joseph M, Sterling. D.; Leo Uless,
H., Ou Dona.o, S. Dr, John II, Heinle. K.
4th'Ward-Danlel Caliill, Kr., 1)., Loula Gold
berg, B., Henry M. l.ey, TV.
nth Ward Isaac Dcutach, I).
lih Ward Cliarlea Kclmarz, D.; TV. Harry
Jonea. TV., li.. it.
Till Ward William M. Canning, D.i W. J.
McFarlnnd, Jr.. TV.
lltli Ward-Herman J. Tahl. TV.
li'lh Wanl-Janim UroJbeck, W.: It. A.
llnrke. TV.. II.
1SU Ward-TVIlllam L. Ilockhlll. D.; '.
HoHnrz, S.. William 11. Jonea, K.
11th Ward-Stephen H. t'rsprunc, D.i T. J.
McCarthy. TV.
15th TVard Tliomaa 1J. Shea, D.; Frank K.
Alexan-ler, I., Martin J. Kane. It., II.. W.i
llariey TV. Steldlc, TV.: Alexander Davie, TV.
lutli Ward W. C. llartroad, TV., It.
17th Ward Richard F. Doerinfr. V.: Itlchard
Gearon. II.. Charlea F. Kelly, D., TV,; It. F.
Grnraon. TV.
lMU Ward-Ch-rlea McNnlli, Tl,; George C.
Yeaeer, It. D.i O. C. Yeager, W.
liith Ward Arthur J. iiunnelly, D.: James
V.. Kiolllu, II., Joacpli Haimeity, D. , Irvln D.
Grate, TV.. Samuel A.'McClay, TV.; Albert TV.
lllns. K.i Hobert (ierold. Gcorao A. Perrln. K.
!Wth TVard Frank TV. Altcheaon, V., Charles
II. l'erdegcn, Rr D.: Darwin G, ltevnolds, D.i
Clinton A. Knurrs, It.: Louis Mated, tl.
'Jlst Ward John Fleming, D.i James Flnne
(Tin, D.t Dr. Howard K. While, lt D.; John
It. 'Jrammtr, 11., I)., TV.; Wallate llromley, K.:
Wll.lam ForBS, It.. TV.
Si'd Ward Charles O. Iturscll. D.i Mnurlco
J. White, D.: James L. BrcTenson, It.; Dr.
John It. Mitchell, D.i Prlnele Horthwlck. w.i
J. Ia Palton, It., D,; James II. Spencer, K. :
Daniel r. Waters, K.I Eduard II. Howard. K.
Zld Ward-John A. Levis. D.i John McGonl
nal, D.i Clarenca K. Outtenson. D., Tliomaa
Waiker, Ji TV.; John A. (Julnn. n w.i Frank
Vi Htresser, S.: William Ousler, S,
Ilth Wnrd Samuel Murray, D.i William
Powers. 11.: J. Henry BcatterKood. W.. D.i
John O'Neill, II.; Hugh A, llonner, D.i George
1. Douglas. D.i Jeremiah V. Nelll. li .innn
L. Cassldy, It.! Cliarlea T, Martin. TV.
:nth Ward-John Ilannon, D.; Hunuel Nlokla.
Jimrj i.ruHF. .t 1(.
John Calvin. 11.: John c Kimmrt it
i'Tth Ward Benjamin B. Smith, It., TV.; Will,
lam H Tyson, D.
28lh Ward Albert F. Heck, D.i Josetih Kan.
pi Charles O. Neely. D.i William F. Hell.
JnV ,35llw,rQ Frtmniel, W.j J. Henry i:V-
i'lith TVard James E. Gallen, It.
lst Ward P. T. Shannon, D.i John
tubing. D.i Samuel Spelker. 8.; John
32d Ward James M. Bird, D.i Fred C. Snv.
der. D.I Jullua C. Goodwin, T'. Charles p.
SSd Ward IMwam Fllrgerald, D.. W.i Will-'
lam McCullough, TV. D.i Fred Schulz w
Krtd Baumgaertel TV l" John L. llougheny.'
TV. i Harry II, Humphries, wi, Iti pjiij.
Cavanaugh, W., It.: William Ptraaon. 'w
:c,in 'um n T ,.,.. ... ...'r-'
...... ..H.v --.. . tfivitiii pmun.
rfinK urai, w .,
i. vav
5frd. A. Kelly. .W.i C. Hermsn liirr.it w
!; ". -J-I l-dgar llapnaport, li . w ' it
Ilnrry T. UynnKeld. D.. W.. IC. ' " K-'
Mtn TVanl inward Casey. 11 i I.l. rirn
C3,Tv'.lfa?.,!',r.!fVTlh'W ' DUhw' D'' "
ilhi Vi?rdrJ,ro:f. -ron. D K.1 TV.- Will.
Urn J. Benham, W.. D., fc.j 'Joseph A. CuU
Special holiday BD wrrknd .n...
tlo.... Come Friday nl.UI w jIlS1;
mornlog and ivmaln until Twidi, K.
b.okl,t and full Information ftV "'
LEO HrCKAVKK. MurougU Cl.rk
Opea fr watoaJiUROAItgr WAci' If. .
J- W1XDWOOD, N. j :
W hfjM Fl rt ik nianityifLl at. ... "" JJ"---"--jiaj
vuc -v t2noM ,,
r- - S?lMLfrr. u. x
V.. II.. II.
-oin n Rm-weBe in i'. uanney, ii . w.: Georc
K. Kelly. D.. W.i F. II. Htockliy, b" K:
l"lwoo,l Wlleon. D II. j John D. Carrol). I).:
Thomas J. Menrultv. II Innin. r i!,... ,.
, ..; jacou Shelter. D.I Josenh
w.. n
enaar, u.i John J. Broaan. n , m..
Himan, D.j Peter A. Fltinatrlck. D.i Thomas
H lns. It. D. ; Manin t 11..J.; '.,;:. IV
Oavld J, Bnnaon, D.i John J.
May, I)., William 11. If nrlr. t i -,
Kefir. I), llsnlfl If. Martin. P.., W.i J
P). Smithies. TV.. IL, it , It. . l)r. 8. na
It 11., W i D, It. dordon, W., D.
..1nlh Ward-rhllln ttohmer, U.) Ootlll.eb
KoMmm, D.i Myef Forrnan, P., Jflph ic
Oowsn, b.: Chester T. llaaSj. n.. W.I. Ralph
Ilrondow, li., W.i Oeor a forty, It., W,
, ,0(h Warn-Edard It. Jollen, D,. John
ney, 11,1 John J. campneii, u.i tnsnea
ioen. n., w It. t Harry II, llutaon, i,,
rl llackfr, ., James Franklin. It I Kd-
ItobCrt Kackre. a.. James rranktln.
ard It. Atsley, It.. W.i W. W., Weaver. W.i
.P. ,:- i'u),'''i n.i.Chsrle A. lloach, K.
William It, Kendrlck, K.i Edwin L. Peeda. it.
4lat Ward-KTA. Mahan, D.i KdWIn Jtoyd,
lt,l John N, Costello, D W.i George J. Camp
bell, w.
42d Ward-Edetln D. tlernban, D.i Oefirgt A.
Ctwke. TV.. D.i William P. Belrert, n TV.,
D.i Mlchsel P. llennrtt, n.. W ft.
.Id Ward James K. Kelly. D.i John n.
MeCormltk, D.i Jeffrey J, lirennan.'D.i Kran
Ha L. Ilalley. it., TV., D.i William f. ueh.
!., TV. Jolm Kahty, J)., W, William T.
4tth Warrl-Mlchaet J. Morrlsey, It.. D.t
jonn j. itynn. D.i It. A. llobln-on, d.i m. D.
Jjine. D.j David tl. FrankenfUld. t).j William
Lo Olerae W.j John I". llrown, B.j Matthew
Kerney. .. D., TV
40th Ward I. Walter Thompson, It., W.i
James H. Kalin. D.j Jules Itosenthal, D.)
l.-maiiufi Dobbins, D.i liandolph Itlcbmond,
U. U. Atigiiatua Collins, I',, TV., K B.. 1) i
II. Whshlngton Dugan. D., , TV., 8.1 Dr. F.
V. Crowe. P., vr K.. a, U.i tl, IMgar
names, p., TV., K., 1). Gustatt T. V. Pecker,
p.; John D. (irnre, II. ; Thorns s A. McDermotl,
D.; Albert II, Coaglns, W.i Frnnklln A.
fmllh, Jr., TV., rt.i KrntKla K. Ilureh, It., 1)..
K T.i J. Lenla Unrrlck, W.j Penrose Jones.
James O. Conner. P., Harry D. Ilachman.TV..
K , D., It., W. D.
"" Anderaon, John R. Delia, TV., P..
MfiK..,',. j, .. Matthew McA onan, II.
?I,l?Jf,iJ ,V?,,,l;,rtl'y',!,'Jnbn H. Clntk, 11.
Jon p. Williams, 11.. jiaitln S. Cochran. P.
K!1. J:. "fi.?' I- nMrmV Ho.,.-. It.
iVrrl Kv.
Joseph T. McllMlit.W. jX J nnnSn TV"
Joseph A. KallnosW. Ale.nd.VnnVfmllton
Manua n. Mcl'adden.D.
namuel It. Hurst. W,,,' fi-SiS D.
nalTh Watson. K.. D.. gjehael
John J. Grells, D.. TV. Jn"- A. Mcl-mighlln, It.
llenlamln II. i'ogel, H. George O. Osborn, It.
Charles I-Tilmer. 11..TV. Philip J. Ilenienhofer,
IiV.hI. , ,,.... ...
Jr.. D.
IJyron K. Wrlgley. It.
Krank A. Kammeraad
TV., It.
Charlea F. While. It.
Thomas J. Tbrpey, It,
A. U. Trlcker. S.
William Hunger, S.
John Wlllett. 8.
Delhert O. George, S.
Fred J. Ilakcr, D,
j(., i'.
John TV, Glover, D.,
TV., K.. P.
John J. Ilagan. D.
John A. Dougherty, D,
Gcorgo TV. Link, D.
George Kniiffman, TV.
... i. t rrainnon. ,
uarry r. iiaxter,
John. H. Diamond.
W Patrick 8. TVard, D.
Wllllain J, Klecntiowrr,
. II.. TV.
Jamea j. Walsh. I).
AlSmfiTJ&;r&,. J"J Macu.kcr.R
II l 1. .Iv 1 l' t . .
... ...,..,,
. . I.
In.nnl, 1.
x- ni,iB mailer j, i.mioion. it.,
-v, guinn, w
V..lt. ..... .,,...
James j niiu.ni. w Thomas A. Carr. TV.
Jl., II., IV
D, ' "' George TV. Long. It.,
John C. Palmer, It. , n- W.
John A. ntipotrlck, Lawrence E. McCroa-
11., It. aln, D.
John J. McOuade. D. Jo-eph T. McDeltt,
Thomas U. Fltipatrlck. , " D-, ,
II, loseph II. Tlellty, D.
Thomas McCrane, D. l'hpodore H. Bnencnan,
John K. McAneny, D. TV.
William II. Deleher.D. Prunklln CI. Rh'pper.It.
, iiiiicis i.. ncuilin. li. imam r . uienn, n.,
iHTV Toughlll. D. V.. TV.
William II. Qulllen. D.J. Wilson Cnrtrr.n..D
John J. McQiiald, D. Andrew J. Wilson, lt
Louis J. Horn. D. TV.
,'nk. T'. Dln-n- D. Daniel MeAoy, TV.
ii5,rt ''""abae. D. Joseph Coar,l n.
Herman Itecker. D W.carl 13. Baker. It. D.,
(IcnrBo Knurtinan, It. w K i
.,UrrJtiISeT!,?a Bl ,0,hv" r- cNenn.y. D
Al'nVon'.'s0""' "'Clarence O. Pratt. R
Joecpl'T"1, Thornton,"awl.n lr nen'hnw'
Frc'J TV t'lule R William J. Keller, It.
Thomas Patterson", W. Thom;SL '.'usbo, P.
C. J. Klein, It, Joseph Seholes. Jr., It,,
A. J. Corkery, D W.
John J. Gallagher, It. James M. Tox. It.. W.
TVm. L. Houghton, It. Joseph II. Kwlng, It.
William K. Ward, II. Samuel II. Hurst, It.
Andrew Florence. It.. Joseph Ileetea Thomp-
. TV. t ou, It., TV,
Joseph J. Ooodman. It. lohn Joseph Boyle, It.,
Joseph Donovan, It. D.
Samuel A. Wallace. It.Harry P. Cassldy. R
T. Duncan Just, TV. D., TV.
iJM.nV', u.uln Jr" D. William F. Ileaton, It.,
l.ll Mrrvlsh, It. D TV , p
m'JUm Ko 'Jr,,0.n- K. Herman'o. Mueller. It.
M'ln,S- Son,lr.'in' Kl enj. P. Harrison, v.
V." 'K nu' K . '""K C Mngulre. R.
Jos. J De George. TV. Louis J. Doric, TV.
mA" .JV I;y!,ch, n- J,,m' 'T- McCann, n
Harry J. Ithoads.It.,TV. II , TV.
Itussell II. Cocker, n., John P. Harlan. It.
t i, Jup,p""iPan. " Frederick J. llaker. TV.
,lh r".' nJ William J. Johnston.lt.
i.1mT. ' ; ''a1"3- 1. neorgo TV. lTlce. TV.
1 alrick J. Scnnlan. It. George P. Dojle. D.
Jamea A. Dunn H..TV John J. Tlrecn, D.
Hlchmond P. Walker, Frederick Hahfe. n..TV.
liiili 5V t,, .. ,. William J. Crowley. It.
p.uil T. Ulaltcnberger, James Donovan. D,
" , T , Wm. R. F. neddell It.
Charles J. Ilannlg, P. TVm. E. Murnhy, R.,D.
vh'i, ,., , ,. nolnd It. JcrTeriea. TV.
Frank w Morrison, It. Anthony Tomburro, TV.
John E. Doris, D. John J. Horner. R TV.
?,am.U.n,1T 5;''r'r,n' fthn J- oallsBher. n.
J1,mf",f M.cC". D., Francis J. Connor. It.
. "" '.': .'..I- Jamea Burns, Jr., n
Jamea II. Patllson. D. TV.
Eugene I. Hancock. It. Henry It. Nolle, D. TV.
John I Madden, D, Thos. J. Mlnnlck.Jr.,D.
t i'1' ,5 ' A.1dr"on' " Jonn ' Donnhue, n,
Jchn II. Mlddleton, TV.,Theodoro Konxclman,
D' It . D.. TV. .
George A. Fell, It.
Without License Must
Fino or Go to Prison '
Accused of operntlnc a Jitney without a
license, Kdward Harvls, 13U South 20th
street, was slvon the choice of paying a
5 fine or spending five days In the county
prison by Magistrate Emely In the Park
and Lehigh avenues police station today.
Special Policeman -Mellon told MniH.
trate Emely that he boarded the Jitney at
Droad and Cumberland streets and asked
to be taken to the City Hall. Harvls, ac
cording; to the policeman, charged him a
cents, but failed to produce a license
when questioned.
Harvls Is said to be the first driver to
be eentenced under the Jitney ordinance.
Magistrate Emely, In Imposing- the choice
of line or Imprisonment, said that there
was too much evasion of the law eolnir
on by certain drivers who have solicitors
cm tho street, and that It Is time a atop
Is put to tho practice. v
Occupying an emirs block or ocean front ..a
connected -with the famoue iLiTraw.lkTin tl.
DODUlar Chelae. ..l. JlZV?."''.'0 in
."?. w. insi rar uU.0;
vl.w of the ocean iromlir.ein.SrSS
ooo ft. of porches surround ik ht.i. tZI
S&ai'-Jaf Jfflff Z!&?U
J.t.i dancln, tw.crd.uj ISSiVSiSJlSSi
tn.gnlr.cent naw Palm toungV Bpecfai 111
up weekly) booklet rn.ll.d. aSio et?i irala.
JQ8IAH WHITE4 8QN r.nunv
A Bc?ld OrUlnal Creatton
with tat lewlCMor of im.tl. cu.
fit. Jam. PIm. nd Beach IbetwMn Tana
iN.,w3roric r.t-clsVlb.. ii,1.
dly. II 10 up wkly, D.aPiaNNTPAcSi;n;Mgr!
rt mile from Philadelphia. Train ShHT'
nut at. ferry 1 troll.y or Jltav JurkJ?Vi.1"
pamden. Send for booklet, L.
. M.TOUWqt Prop.
Ideal modern kaij , ahot. a. Am Tear
akuroDeaji ruansi ,.r. a. ii . .. - Tr .".
.. T --- -,. wv..v vnii AmAV.
.rSZfilv w" mr'
Xl'lLfyrpa. Bockl-g
- -- -, VW.V K,, ,
vert, D., TV.. K
Improvcmnt in Condition
Plnlnly Visible in Increased
Investment in Substan
tial Securities
Balanco of Trado Largely Favorable.
Trade Brisk and Labor
in Domand
Iliialnest has at last turned the cor
ner for the better, and Judging from facts,
which are usually good barometorg of
the general situation, there Is a lone;
and prosperous era In store for the United
One of the most Imnortant things In
the betterment Is the acknowledged In
crease In the volumo of buying of stocks
ami bonds for Investment, This Is rfc
Knrdcd ns a very Rood sign, In that It
showa that tho persons with Idle money
nro putting It Into good stable securities
Instead of keeping It locked up tightly In
bank vaults; and It shows that fears
as to the futuro, caused primarily by the
European war, arc being dissipated.
Many stock brokers report that during
the last few months there has been a
rather heavy increase In this kind of
buying, nnd that not a little of It has
come from tho smaller Investors, showing
conclusively that whereas there was an
Inclination to hoard money at tho be
ginning of tho war, things arc now
loosening up.
Speaking about the Investment buying,
William D. Grange, president of the
Philadelphia Stock Exchange, said that
thero has been a notable Increase, espe
cially In the lost few months. He said
that tho outloqk was for the largest
amount of this kind of buying this fall
thnt there has been for tho last several
years. Mr. Ornngo Is very optimistic and
sees a bright futuro for business.
A factor which weighs very heavily In
tho upward or downward trend of busi
ness Is bank clearings' tho amount of
checks cleared through the various clear
ing houses in the larger cities Of the
country from week to week. In the last
few weeks these clearings have shown
tremendous Increases. Last week, for In
stance, the Increase over the previous
year was slightly moro than 62 per cent,;
nnd when It Is taken Into consideration
that this has been going for the last
month or so, thero must surely bo a
change In business.
Unemployment, according to reports
which are received from various parts
of tho country. Is much smaller thon It
has been for some time. This Is due In
large measure, probably, to the opening
up of plants which nre working on am
munition for tho warring nations of Eu
rope; but there Is also a bigger demand
for goods for home consumption, Tho big
gest demand at the moment is for shells,
Htcc! productB nnd other articles for tho
manufacture of war munitions; but other
lines ate nlso coming along.
Thore hnvo been several Increases In
tho prices of steel products in the last
several weeks, nnd the steel trado expects
that they will go above tho present levels.
The rallroadH arc buying moro materials
and are making more repairs to their
equipment, nnrt tho steel mills In mnny
sections of tho country aio operating
around 90 per cent, of capacity, while in
some cases they nre working nearly full.
The steel trnde Is regarded as tho
mainstay of business, and when there Is
a boom In that Industry it Is nearly
always safe to say that other lines will
Husband Says feood Home and Chil
dren Failed to Change Her
NEW YORK, Sept. l.-Ten years ago
Samuel Leltner, then a. man led a. 17-year-old
girl, Just released from tho
House of Good Shepherd, where she had
been confined for social mlBsteps and In
corrigibility. He thought married life
and a good home, with children, would
make her forget the old life.
It didn't. So Monday he shot her to
death when she taunted him with tho
story of her shame, and bluntly refused
to live straight for the sake of their nvo
This Is tho confession of Leltner, told
the police after he had stoutly main
tained lils Innocence for 24 hours.
With the mother dead and the father
In Jail, the flvo chldren, the oldest 9.
were In n pitiful plight todny. Two of
them were found on tho street crying
with hunger. Neighbors took the 8-months-old
baby, and a children's society
the other two.
"There is nothing that people
will not pay a man, nbthing
almost, that they will not
forgive him, if ho will only
mako them laugh. The eager
ness with which the average
man seeks the companionship
of the man who has a repu
tation as a wit, who has a,
ready flow of humor and
drollery, or is a good story
teller, is something almost
pathetic, and wpuld be aston
ishing if it were not so com
mon." Baltimore &
Harper's Ferry,
Tht M HUtric mi PUtmew Sprt in Urn Amzrk,
SPECIAL TRAIN (K. Sg18$t "-.
2000 Office Seekers Embrace
Opportunity nnd Ask Sup
port nt Grent Williams
Grove Gathering
Dr. Anno Howard Shaw to Urco Votes
for Women Tomorrow Moro
Campers Como
Early this morning politician of all per
suasions tackled the Grangers' picnic at
Williams Grove, with a will. Gencrat
Manager Thomaa estimated there were
more than 2000 candidates slinking- handa
with the Grangers.
Tho big display of automobiles, which
ore of all concelvablo types, and the In
terest shown In the motor displays, glvo
evidence of great Interest oh tho part of
the former In gasollno vehicles,
Todny Is roaco Day, nnd Dr. Jcnklrt
Lloyd Jones, of Chicago, addressed th
farmers, while President Mrs. Percy B.
Pcnnypacker, of tho Federation of Wom
en's Clubs, also epoke. Frank It. Hober
son will give nn Illustrated talk on Ger
many tonight na part of his series of
lectures on "The Warrlnc Nations."
Tomorrow morning the rrohlbltlonlts
will occupy the auditorium platform, and
In tho afternoon tho National Suffrage
Association will be represented by Dr.
Anna Howard Shaw.
Among additional campetn who havq.
nrrlvrd nro Mrs. P. F. Urlch, Hossvlllc,
W. n. Wenrlch, Mr. Emma Jenkins, E.
D. Kepner, Miss Alva Ktugh, J. Harry
Koser, H. J. Miller. Mrs. Wllllnm D. Itob-
lnson, Edward Meek and C. D, Yohe, nil
of Harrlsburg; Mrs. H. A. Dlttenshafer,
H, M. Jameson, Carlisle; Levin Kopp,
Charles M, Koser, Mcchanlcsburg; John
U. need, Philadelphia; I. E. Myers, J.
I2.-Me.horn, E. M. Shucll, York; M. O.
Swnnger. H. N. Shern, Ditlnburg; J. H.
Sprlngmnn, Freoburg; Dr. Jane Deetor,
Harrlsburg and Dr. II. E. Gamble, Mount
Holly Springs.
New Treasury Comptroller Sworn
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. Walter W.
Warwick, of Cincinnati, was sworn in as
Treasury Comptroller today, succeeding
George E. Downey, recently appointed a ,
Justice of the Court of Claims.
Why men who want
something better
A discriminating man
one who cares about the
perfection of the little
things in life hits upon
It e s i n 0 1 Shaving Stick.
Then, in his quiet way, he
tells about it to such of his
cronies as he knows will
also appreciate an unusual
ly fino thing.
That is how the sale of
Resinol Shaving Stick has
grown simply because men
want a shaving stick which
gives a rich lather, without
heavy perfume, but contain
ing a soothing medication
like Resinol to keep the
skin soft, refresher! and
free from shaving rashes.
All good drucKlsts sell
Resinol Shaving Stick. For
trlnl size free, write to
Dept. 8.M, Resinol, Balti
more, Md.
A good temper will
prolong your life.
A bad temper will
shorten your life.
Dr. Woods Hutch
inson, A.M., M.D.;
will tell you WHY
and HOW in next
Sunday's Public
Ohio R. R.
W. Va.
"WW . "Haw m mm
mm M mn iwv
wote2iittr . &5$fcz
m 'iFfflPa