Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 01, 1915, Final, Image 3

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Owners of ThorougJijred Trot
ters and Pacers- Enter Ani
mals in Byberry Speed
Special Trains on Reading, Trolley
Cars and Rural Conveyances
Carry Big Crowds
One of the features of the interesting
program of the fourth annual meeting of
the Philadelphia. County Fair Association,
which opened at Byberry today. Is the
horse racing scheduled for this afternoon.
The race will Tjc held on. a wet track.
Each race will be for a purse of $300. The
entries are as follows:
Flrit rce Dllljr Ah. owned by A, W. Kline.
et rinding, Ph.! Mlvven, owned by John Toy,
ot Wet Philadelphia; Tony Woodrow, owned
OI UHl "niluiu,imi iiiny nuuui
by a Vaitiell, of Cedarsburg, Va.
nif nirtm. 2l22 naea Twinkle
. Md.:
owned by Harry Weodiile, of Oalcna, Md.
LatVy Ashland, owned by 8. C
Peacock, of
Mlddletown, Wei.
Third race, 2:10 trot Mary I Dillon, owned
br ".Edward Vollmer, ot Trenton i Joanna,
-" owned by Thomas nerry, o( Flemlngton, N.
J., and Joka O, Lake, owned by F. K.
Uasland, ot Buatleton.
Seven great sates In a lone white fence
swung back this morning and. a crowd
serged, through them into tho grounds and
roundabout the exhibits. The only county
fair In the limits ot the third biggest
.city In the United States opened with a
rush. There was no doubt about Its suc
cess from the moment .Impatient crowds
of late vacation takers and farmers curi
ous to view the products ot competitors
swarmed through the ,gates and passed
the small army ot peanut, popcorn,
candy, soda and cigar venders who were
watting Inside.
Business for the popcorn sellers and
every other concession inside the gates
Will hum all this week; The fair closes
ijonday, September 6. The -final day, ac
cording to the management, will draw the
biggest crowd tho Philadelphia county
fair has ever known.
One of the innovations welcomed by
fair fans this year was the opening ot tho
fair .on the first day of September, Instead
of holding it over Until the 6th or 7th.
Thereby tho association members figured
their patrons were assured of reasonably
warm and pleasant 'weather, with rione of
the discomforts of early autumn changes
In the temperature.
Long sheds, tents, booths and the open
grass were crowded v with, exhibits from
the choicest of Bucks and Montgomery
county forms when the fair opened this
morning. The places or honor at most
exhibitions had been given to products
of Philadelphia county farms, but with
real estate booming and the rapid devel
opment of suburban territory, the quan
tity of produce grown within the city
limits) was noticeably, smaller than last
Philadelphia county' form owners carry
the b.esj. yield from their lands in their
pockets in the form of bank deposits,
they Were explaining to out-of-town
farmers who asked why Philadelphia
county produce figured so .slightly In tho
exhibition sheds. The coming of new
"L," lines, real estate subdlvlders and
buyers of acreage for building operations
had taken much of their land, one rural
land owner explained. But crops of dol
lars were as profitable as the best Bucks
county cabbages, .
Special trains on the Beading, street
cars and tho Northeast boulevard, con
necting with Broad street and downtown
Philadelphia will be used all day to bring
more visitors to the fair. Most of the
morning visitors from the city came by
the railroad, but the afternoon arrivals
are expected to take advantage of the
well-paved boulevard and the speed of the
gasoline motor.
A most cosmopolitan group of vehicles
clustered about the gates of the fair.
Limousines and high-powered touring
cars stood In Jlnes with faded chassis
from the byroads of Bucks county. Heavy
draft horses were Jn the shafts andmules
kicked their heels beside gray enamel
hoods covering forty and more horse
power. The mules and draft horses were
driven In during tho early hours by farm
ers. They'took. the fair seriously enough
and spent their time near the farm prod
ucts sheds.
Ono of the new features this year is a
parcel post exhibit, under the auspices
of the Postofflce Department, at which
samples qf farm produce as well us gen
eral merchandise are shown Packed ready
for mailing, together with theomounts
pf postage- necessary to send the same
to different points. A temporary pobtal
station ,for the, sale of stamps, etc., and
the receipt and delivery of parcel post
, matter will bo in operation until Sep
tember 7. and exhibitors may send their
exhibit to or from the fair by parcel
post," r
Special police protection has been ar
ranged by Captain William TklcFadden
and Lieutenant Jolly, of the 27th District,
at Tacony, for the people as well as tho
exhibits. Ample nro protection has also
been provided, by the Department of Pub
lic Safety by the erection of a firehouse
on the grounds.
Consulting Engineer Run Over on
South Perm Square
Henry P. Felster, T years old. a consulting-
engineer, was run over by an au
tomobile on South Penn Square and ser
ial nurel tod" Ho was taken
I "ow.ttr,d Ho,Ptal. Physicians be
"ey.BJ? w" ,dle- Uotn wc broken
and his skull was factured.
Mr Felster, -who lives at 6225 Wlssa
JUckon ayanue. Qermantown, was cross
ing from the southwest corner of City
mil. As he saw an automobile bearing
N. ."? upon h,m he nulckly Jumped out
or the way. In doing so he camo directly
hint f anotner car' wh,ch -truck
iiutZ'iT!tJ?t!2ck ? belongs to J. W.
MIlUi. ft itofe,th. .N. J and was 'driven
by'Oeqrire C, Hullock. of Elisabeth? Thi
chauffeur was arrested and taken be
r fore Magistrate p,Bpck 4n.city "all,
' I
reunion of Veterans
Survive? Bi 136th PewMyly.nU Rgj.
went Meat at Nirristown
f 21 W"J vtiwa and nUttve are at
XrfM!' Vh """lualf ruwten of the
JJWh KrUueni fcre ta4ey,
v'U9' "?e" were eUcted;
1-rMWMt, Crary iMewart of PfeU4l-
2fe: tr"rr. Si 8Jwby, r
' PM(lt, WWliWtlw secretary.
?PyLmTT' myelin Umu troa.
ar$ja Baj, t jtg tfrimiiwn,
LJ22S? rVHM U1 after
i!iZ5hr ' C lHnry Stlnseu nt
tawTV..! . ! f? ww. win
injzr.z "?.. l? w r.
Judge Ferguson Hears Pleas of
Lawyers ntid Says Time Is
Necessary to Reach
City Solicitor Criticises Ordinanco
While Opposing
Petitioners '
Judge Ferguson announced this after
noon In Common Picas Court No. b he
would reserve decision on the Injunction
proceedings filed by the Jlincymen to re
strain enforcement of tho Jitney ordinance
passed by Councils. Lawyers represent
ing the Jltneymen had argued their case
beforo him for more than two hours, but
tho Judgo declared that he needed time
to look up some of the cases cited by tho
attorneys In their arguments.
Harry M. Berkowltz and Harry Shapiro
represented tho Union Motor Bus Com
pany nt the hearing. Michael Francis
Doyle appeared as counsel for the South
Philadelphia Jitney Owners' Association
and the Philadelphia Jitney Association.
.Tho city-was represented by City Solic
itor Byan, who, while defending tho city's
case In tho matter, criticised Mayor
Blnnkenburg for not vetoing the ordi
nance of Councils.
"Tho ordinance should never have been
signed," h said. The City Solicitor de
clared that better surface transit facilities
were needed In Philadelphia, and that tho
Jitney was a means of partly solving the
problem, but proper regulation of them
was a necessity. Ho defended the J2300
bond, nnd pointed out that other cities
hnd demanded higher sums from their
Jitney drivers. San Francisco, ho said,
had a bond of $10,000 and Memphis, Tenn.,
lawveiis nxqiTifo.
The three lawyers presented the argu
ments -of their clients vehemently, and
frequently It was necessary to call for
order when all of them tried to talk at
once. The attorneys said Irreparable
damage was being done the Jltneymen;
that many of them had been robbed of all
means of support, and that If action was
delayed many of them may nnd them
selves In tho "down and out" class.
Thcso arguments were put forward in
answer to a remark made by Judge Fer
guson, at tho beginning of the hearing,
that If he had known at the time the
bill in equity was filed that Judge Sulz
berger had granted a preliminary injunc
lion to bo effective until September' 20
he would not have, consented to a hear
ing. The Jltneymen were unable to fllo
the bond required as evidence of good
faith, and the Injunction, with the ex
ception of the clause providing zone regu
lation, lapsed.
The lawyers Informed Judge Ferguson
that 'tho applicants for tho Injunction In
that case were an entirely different set of
men than their clients,- and that the ap
proach of cold weather made it imperativo
now that action be taken before the Jit
ney season was over.
The Jltneymen argue that tho ordinance
la discriminatory. Inasmuch as no bond It
required from owners of other public
vehicles,- such aa tho taxlcabs, which get
muih higher prices for transportation
than the Jitneys. They say that In pass
ing the measuro Councils exceeded the
authority given to them by the passago
of the Jitney bill by the Legislature.
It was brought out by City Solicitor
Ryan during tho hearing that only 15
Jltneymen have filed, bonds, although 16
applications have been filed.
Action in Allegheny County
Courts Names John Francis
as Corespondent
PITTSBURGH. Sept. l.-Conslderable
mysteryisurrounds'" the ault for divorce
Instituted by Harry K. Thaw against his
wife, Evelyn Nesblt Thaw,. before Judge
A. B. Read in the AHAplieny County
Courts today. Unfalthfuln'css, Is alleged
as the grounds and John Francis, of New
York, Is named as co-respondent. Francis
Is unknown in Pittsburgh. J?
Thaw, who now Is in San Francisco
attending the exposition, to represented
by tho law firm of Stone & stone, and
they refuse to, divulge any facts other
than contained ln the brief preliminary
papers. "
"This Is only to start the ball' rolling,"
said Mr. Stone; "there Is nothtfig else
to say now."
Mrs. William Conley Thaw, mother of
Thaw, refused this afternoon ovek the
long distance telephone to commen on
tho suit.
Captain Says He Slowed Down to
Stay Behind Gale
The American steamship Matlnl Bock,
from Tuxpam, Mex., anchored In the
Delaware River today after following a
hurricane up tho Gulf stream. The ship
was 10 hours late in reaching this port,
and Captain Patterson says he ran at
slow speed purposely so that he wouldn't
run his vessel Into the storm, which was
raging Just ahead for most of tho trip.
The captain reported speaking to the
British schooner E. A. Sabean, well
known at this port, on August 17, Z'J)
miles oft Jamaica. The schooner was
dismasted and In bad condition owing to
the storm, but the captain and crew
refused to leave their ship and declined
Captain Patterson's offer to tow her In,
A great deal of wreckage was sighted
by inn crew of the Matlnl Bock on the
way to this port, Indicating that ships
were lost in the recent storms at sea.
Plans Complete for Pennsylvania Day
Celebration' at Exposition
BAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Sept l.-PIans
for the celebrationof Pennsylvania Day
Saturday were practically complete today,
Governor Brumbaugh and his party spent
the day vlowlng the Exposition grounds.
Tonight the Pennsylvania executive will
ba the Euest of honor at a ball In the
California building.
The Second Regiment. Pennsylvania
National Qaurd, will arrive at the Ex
position grounds late "today. On Saturday
Ok troops -wll be honor guests.
SfekUg t Skip SWtra Spaniel! Ire
MADRID. Sept. l.-The crpw of the
MMBteh ship Esadera, sunk by a Qrmn
submarine, arrived at Bllbab today.
OeWMtny lias tMu far altered no ex
planation for the destruction of the
fi.ca.iAM, rti. T.Lkra.t uriiu dman4a tkat
the Spanlah Qovrwnt tak rl
$500,000 Poultry Company in Re
ceiver's HandsHas $150 in Cash
TRENTON, Sept. l.-The International
Poultry Sales' Company, a $600,000 cor
poration of New Jersey, organized by
President Thomaa J. Foster, of the Inter
national Correspondence Schools of
Scranton, was placed in the hands of a
receiver yesterday. The application was
presented to Vice Chancellor Backes In
behalf of Secretary Harry C. Barker, of
Scranton, tinder nuthorlty of a resolution
adopted by the directors at a meeting held
Inst Friday. The Vice Chancellor named
Reuse V. Hicks, of Brown's Mills, re
ceiver, filing his bond nt $50,000. The
business will bo continued temporarily
under the direction of the court
Mr, Bnrker alleged that nothwlthstand
lng the "great value" of the land and
buildings owned by the poultry company
in the vicinity ot Rancocas, N. J., it has
only $tS0 in cash and Is entirely without
funds with which to purchase feed for
26,000 head of fancy poultry and other live
stock on Its farms.
iSftU & Z;ZZTn 5"n.fu.rIcd.al?road
Wnvj r .. i r i u w mm v S"', juuw arc Mucuuvc Lommiuee members of the 42d
vt rX W iw t0TTriehtT:M- William Tetlow, Mrs. Harold Shallcross, Dr. Magdelina M. Sabine? Mrs.
Victor Goetz and Mrs. Harry M. James. Bottom row Mrs. Harry H. Perkins, treasurer: Mrs. Wolston
Dlxcy vice chairman, and Mrs. Ballard Christine, corresponding secretary.
Worshiper in Gesu Church Victim of
Pious Thief, According to
Piety was used as a cloak by 1Irs. Mary
Connors, of 15th and Cabot streets, the
police say, and she was arrested today
on a- charge of stealing money from Mrs.
Mary Foley while the latter was wor
shiping In the Church ot the Gesu, 18th
and Stiles streets.
Mrs. Foley was kneeling In prayer, and
left her handbag In the pew nearby. Tak
ing advantage of her devotion, it is said,
Mrs. Connors picked up tho bag, and
after taking out a turn of money, quickly
left the church. Mrs. Margaret Fltz
patrick, who was In another pew, wit
nessed the theft nnd followed Mrs. Con
nors to the street. Sho complained to a
special policeman, and the Connors
woman was taken to the 28th and Oxford
streets polico station.
Magistrate Morris denounced the woman
and said that she was tho most despic
able thief brought beforo him In a long
time. She was held in $100 ball for a
further hearing.
Numerous complaints have been made
by women who have been robbed In
churches In the northwestern part of the
city in the course of tho last few weeks.
Lurid melodramatic motion pictures Il
lustrating the latest successful methods
of burglary nre believed by the police
to have been responsible for an alleged
robbery of the home of Mrs. Tlllle Cohen.
200 Pino treet, by two children, Sam
Trotlnsky, y years old, of 203 Pino street,
and Sophie Lavlnsky, 10 years old, of
210 Pino street. Tho children will be
given a hearing today. According to Mrs.
Cohen, the children entered her home dur
ing her absence- yesterday by climbing
over the rear roof. Silverware and U In
cash were taken. The children were ent
to the House of Detention after an In
vestigation convinced the polico that they
were Implicated In tho alleged robbery.
They seemed delighted with their arrest,
but refused to admit they took anything
from the house.
Thieves entered the house of S. Stock
ton Zelley, of 6GM McCollum street, and
ransacked It last night. They forced
their way In by breaking a panel In a
door In the rear of tho house. Mr. Zelley,
who Is the proprietor of a gents' fur
nishing store on 11th street below Chest
nut, Is nt the seashore with his family.
Because so many of the Germantown
residents are out of the city thieves have
found the field a fertile one, and the po
ller havo been powerless to check their
Two automobiles were wrecked and the
occupants of one had a narrow escape
from death In a collision early today at
10th and Diamond streets. A large tour
ing car driven by Alfred II. Muller, of
723 -North 16th street, containing his wife.
Ethel, and 8-year-old son, Clifford, was
Struck as It crossed 10th street by a
smaller car driven by Frank French, of
1S25 FItiwater street. The -smaller car
turned turtle, pinning French and Harry
Carson, of 2122 South 3d street, a passen
ger, beneath the machine. French received
a broken collar bone and Carson severe
lacerations. The heavier machine did not
upset, bpt the occupants were thrown to
the street. Mrs. Muller was the only pas
senger Injured. The Injured Were taken
to Ht, Joseph's Hospital. French and Car
son were later placed under arrest and
will lie arraigned today,
on 'Reupholstering
Tour furnHurs Jn any kind of material. I
bay pfcla1ltfl on this and sathtrod
about ma q,rcan
Uatlon -ofiajMrta.
Our work Is not only
prpparlr do, but U
All i-wat
t. .u
a, n a
Ih. mr
OYr with
yoo. "What
w. hay.
con vines
at our
.T...1; Writ
wv. ...-- .
I shall call with
ay aax pr vaninf.
& 5ov,r." &
fr M'arluMS
vwiinr ana
9f HbV t (salM
w aiifcwW.
KtYStojie UpjHpgty Co.
MakIM a U'Vislat ai
(sBttA NiiHBuiP4sHiHVuLV
m I i f 111 MB ' m
"Its -gt. .mhiiija " ' " "'
Great Campaign Sign Will Be
Unfurled to Wave Until
Election Day
Guy do Maupassant's far-famed "Pleco
ot String" nnd nil that it entailed may
pass Into tho background, as far as ef
fects nro concerned, when a thin piece of
golden rope, pulled taut by tho wrist of
a woman, tonight will launch forth nn
appeal for the suffrago cause which,
vlthln tho next eight weeks, will be seen
and read by thousands of persons.
Tho large suffrage banner, a campaign
banner In every sense of the word, will
be stretched across Broad street, near
Ituscomb street, at 8:30 this evening. Tho
necessary permission from City Hall and
property owners has been obtained, and
tho banner will be allowed to sway In
tho breezes until election day. Five words
tell tho banner's story. It Is Inscribed:
"Voto for Woman Suffrage, November
The arrangements are In tho hands of
Mrs. Wolstan Dlxcy. of 6221 North Broad
street, vice chairman of the committee
of tho 42d Wnrd. While bands play tho
"Star-Spangled Banner," Mrs. Dlxey will
raise the banner to Its prominent Dlace.
Inspiring music and speeches and light
ing displays will be some of the features
of the occasion. George C. Small, of tho
Cnmnaicrn CnmmtttM nf thn pAnMi.t.it.n.
nla Men's League for Woman Suffrage,'
vii do master ot ceremonies; Paul Hanna
will make the banner-raising speech.
The list of speakers Includes Mrs. Wll
nam Albert Wood, who was grand mar
shal of thclast suffrage- parade; Miss Es
telle Russel, and Mips Jane Mycr, said to
bo one of tho suffrage beauties of Phila
delphia. '
Mrs. Dlxey will be assisted by the fol
lowing committee: Mrs. William B.
Christine, Mrs. Harry Perkins. Mrs.
C. Warren Heller, Dr. M. M. Sabine.
Mrs. William H. Baker. Mrs. A. J.
Southall. Mrs. A. C. Oherle, Mrs. George
W. Mcllhenny. Mrs. William C. Tongue,
Miss Evelyn Pike, Mrs. Harold Shall
cross, Mrs. C. J. Albert, Mrs. A. Nalln,
Mrs. H. M, James and Mrs. Victor Goetz.
Tha banner Is more than 30 feet long
and nine feet wide. It is painted yellow
and black. It will be the first woman
suffrago banner ever stretched across a
street In Philadelphia. Swaying to and
fro, Just high enough not to interfere
with traffic regulations, it can be read for
blocks up and down Broad street. Suf
fragists believe It will reach more per
sons,, perhaps, than any other sign they
have ever had.
The banner Is the first qf a series which
suffrage workers hope to place In prom
inent positions In streets throughout many
sections of the city. It is planned to have
one In each election district In the city.
Arangement are being made to stretch
similar banners across Chestnut street,
near tho headquarters of the Woman Suf
frage party, at 1723. Another banner will
bo hung to wave a petition for tho cause
on Chelten avenue, In .Germantown.
Famous Illinois Watch
is the standard on trie
Middle Wear. Railroads
For a short time we will sell tke
standard watckc on aa unusual &
simple sayaMat Jan you cm own
on of tkc kigb tfraie -watckw witk
ut mmb tke eat mw m a4 let
it to you.
C. R, pinith & Son
MarfW Street k l&k
.nd Kujconb streets tonighj as a
Bigamist Ordered to PayHer $2 a
Week While CaseVls
Considered "
Frank Kotok, formerly oNJVhls city,
now of Atlantic City, who Samitted in
Domestic Relations Court today that he
has two wives, was ordered-to pay (2
weekly toward tho support of wife No. 1
until the legal problems In connection
with his Indictment for bigamy are
His first wife is Mrs. Mollle Kotok, of
224 South 9th street They were .married
In New York moro than four, years ago.
They. lived together for several months,
then, according to Mrs. Kotok, ho left
her. She said sho heard nothing of him
until sho was informed of hla marriage
to another woman. He has two children
by his second wife.
242 Married at Elkton in August
ELKTON, Md Sept. 1.-, During the
month Just closed 242 couples were mar
ried here. This Is threajcounles lessAhan
during tho samo month last year! TElght
out of the ten couples married hero
today were Phl'adelphtans. They were:
Thomas J. Sullivan and EmmovE. Martin,
John D. Laverty and Clara EFIte, R'ch
ard E. Smith and Emily B Dempsey.
Harry Carson and Lena H. Baehr, Harry
H. Morrison and Florence Summerschuh,
Harry A. Moyer and Florence1- Nutt, Ed
ward Sheppard and Lucy E. Bradley and
Harry L. Kunz and Sadie WllBon, all of
Philadelphia: Elwood J. Fletcher ana
Ella A. Willis, Trenton, N. J., and Henry
C. Dunsmoro and Florence R. McKenzIe,
Providence, Md.
Philadclphian Reappointed
Dr. O. J. Snyder, of Philadelphia, was
reappointed today as 'a member of the
State Board of Osteopathic Examiners.
Announcement also was made at the ex
ecutive department that Lieutenant Gov
ernor Frank -B. McCIaln, H, L. Trout
and Charles I. Candls were appointed
trustees of the Thaddeus Stevens Indus
trial School at Lancaster.
A Series of
Eye Talks
No, 71
Our nut Talk Wed., Sept.- 8
By Joseph C. Ferguson, Jr.
VD eyesight and' bad
health so often 'tffect
the same penions
that It would armost
seem that they, work
together. f
In fact, that Is Just what
they qulto frequently,, 'do.
The one Is responsible for
starting this seeming trou
ble trouble qulto an tften
as the other.
When you realize Ithat
fact it becomes easy fokyou
to understand why ijuch
cases can only be correctly
diagnosed and remedied
by one who Is not only an
expert In examining .eyes,
but who has a thorough
medical education as well.
The Oculist is the -only
one so qualified. ;
Why temporize where so
much is at atakeT -
Consult an Oculist- Then,
If glasses are necessary
"."d, tne.y frequently are
NOT take his prescription
to the most skillful and
experienced optician 'to be
found. t
Prescription OptlctaU ,
We Da HOT ExomU.ihpt.
This Talk- from Tot.
rlirhtfd urlti! all tktiV-
served" ' ":3K
Fifteen years
f expert-
tneniiRg vas Uie
palti tor Zauptttjm ttnlih.
The worth of the eTert has,
however, bean preyeti a
tfceusutd tia by the cWar
cecafert givM w cuUtMrt.
Neptune Laundry
1S01 CplnmeieAvo.
f"Qur'"v "r"iit tiff
3JIE 1,
OF $1,000,000 ESTATE
Threatened Suit Throws Light
on Rise From Position
of Shopkeeper
A woman's rise from the position of
manager of a butcher shop in Atlantic
City to that of manager of a Jl.000,000 es
tate in Baltimore has como to light
through a threatened suit by the relatives
of Mrs. Alice Berry Orlswold, mother of
Countess Da Conturtls, of Italy, to take
tho management of her estate out of the
hands of Mrs. Mary Grlschman, of At
lantic City.
Mrs. Grlschman, who is a German
woman of exceptional business ability,
according to dispatches from Atlantic
City, settled In that place about IS years
ago by opening a boarding house on
South Virginia avenue. Later she gave
this up and on,t Into the meat business,
buying property along tho bay front with
the profits.
Mrs. Grlswold, who has a summer cot
tage at 227 South Vermont avenue, notcJ
the exceptional business ability of Mrs.
Grlschman, who took tho estate out of the
hands of real estnte men In Baltimore
and turned It over to the management
of Mrs. Grlschman on n straight 10 per
cent, basis, it Is Bald. The estate Includes
32o ground rents In the heart of the busi
ness district of Baltimore.
Mrs. Grlschman has given up her
butcher shop and lives with Mrs. Grls
wold. Her husband, who also lives there.
Is employed by his wife. A man named
Miller, who was a partner In the meat
business with Mrs. Grlschman, it is said,
is now a butler at the Grlswold cottage.
Baltimore relatives of Mrs. Griswold
say she Is being unduly Influenced by
Mrs. Grlschman, and have threatened
suit, according to dispatches from At
lantic City today.
cooked &,
to perfection
Cooked meats, together
with the relishes that go
with them, are of the most
desirable kind, here at Mar
tindale's. Care in the selec
tion of .the cuts and the
materials, together with
expert skill in seasoning
and cooking, account' for a
taste quality that cannot be
Such good things as
Mayonnaise Relish and
Potato Salad of the Mar
tindale merit kind, are the
solution of menu problems
that recur with the house
wife every week.
And remember always,
those delicious Viv Hams
for boiling. "Little Hams
from Little Pigs," every
one creamy and tender.
Every Viv Ham is a new
revelation of "ham" good
ness. Viv Hams, 20c lb.
Doiled Ham (our own). 45c lb.
Boiled Tongue, every slice ten
der, GOc lb.
Blood and Tongue Pudding,
zzc in.
Boiled Corned Beef, selected
cuts, 40c lb.
Lunch,. Roll, 32c lb.
Meat Loaf, tastily seasoned,
ready to sene, 32c ib.
Dried Beef, 48c lb.
Liverwurat, 22c Ib.
Mettwurst. 25c lb.
Peanut Butter, smooth and
rich, 20c lb.
Apple Butter, larjre crock, 35c
Mayonnaise Relish, 15c lb.
Cold Slaw, 15c lb.
Potato Salad, 15c lb.
Royal Claret
77c the gallon
Royal Is a wonderful claret to
sell for so low a price. Just
tho pure fermented juice of big
black Malvoissia Rrapes. A deli
cious garnish for the lemonade
and sipped slowly at "room
temperature," a splwidid bleed
maker, 6 Bf)lUa for 60c; 10 epllte fer
$1; 25c bottle; 45c half sraltow;
77c galton.
Reyal Brandy, for preserving,
$1.25 a bottle.
Thos. Martindate Jc Co.
JOtk & Markrt
KUhHUed t MW
Bell l'hw .WHurt e, JOMfce MTt
- " eum mj.. sulj
V yrswF-"weaf aP p
WrthmMiWn tt.mrn fur 4t ltl.
S3M4e fciclrtn. AluKujml iiiSjijrW, ate,
Mn MfoMtw"
AW ring st
Write Ht
The myateWette
ney 3. Usher, a latas)
La Motte, Pa., on July W,
every effort at soratlen est
me ponce, -was ciearea tt iSMrig yr,
;i.iv, ciiv w ma we miyifm n " to jts
aiiuuijimivu uil H rioipo im
was safe In Scotland.
TTfth.r mot wtfh a ft!ltit
and t.hr,
orrilng t-M
Noble. Pa., on July 1. whin th dreameel
he was driving was struck fey t the ten
car. lie was taKeh to tho AbMe.r,
pltal, but was at once discharge,, . .,
then his wife had had no word fr'"" wenl
and efforts of the police and th i
papers to locate him had betsn fmctlvety duct"!
According; to the letter. Ushrfr In his m
from the hospital to riilladeletit. ffc blanks
he Joined a congenial crowd of MKaaV was
They took a few drinks and trmvdksUhat
Baltimore. Then, he snld. he imei ih
nothlnc more until he recavLlvd aftth
sclousness on a shin. :
He found himself on a boat a eeiijt.ng! "
uui irora inna, ana wuii. a eve
ment of horses fcr KnRland abeertl,
ooar, ne wrote, was the Orthla, of
uonaiason i.ine. operating between
more, Newport News and Olow.
vuo rcKisierca as oamuei Uplwi
iriji consumca zi aays. Tho W
counierea storms and many of the
Usher assured his wlfo of hie
ana saia ne was In Glasgow aatt
Planning to leave on a boat aaHtot:
August 21, for Newfoundland.
Crew of Torpedoed Ship Safe
NEW TOniC. Sept. 1Cnptaln ytf
ana seven 01 me crew of the scto
St. Olaf, which was torpedoed a4
on the Irish coast on August tyl
uciiimii Buuinarine, arnrea nere today i
the British freighter Rossano. , i
Last Week
i rousers
Lli you need an- extr;
pair for that Suit, or a paifi
or two for occasional, off;
duty wean now's you:
chance ! '
C Out thev go, our entin
rrrainincr 1 ct-nhlr K J''
, ."i
week, and tihis week -WOrK
at tnese reaucuons: v COrn"
$2.50 trousers!
Only one pair-f, JIfMpOSGl
few robs wi
$2.50 & $3 ti . .,
snowy whn
""", dean.
$5 & $6 trou:
o-and-water work.l
$7 & $8 trous
finds oi
, Fail Sui
and Overct
Ready vfti
C There's virtutiT 7
early buying. Y,eshrs"
the pace, attract n
tention of the othievini
wire men who feSM
as a orotner tor " w carrj.
Prep Schoo'on
and College
by slao-
IX at th
i be ear-
C Ready to help "hJSTiS
aooear fit on the caa oU,r
a : 4.u- - :ju-cmm ij
ttwu iii me lAJiuutthe Grour
the seats of learning to, brit.
"N. B. T kj
16th & Chtr:
, Xl
M5JU5 st
TkiK a Pake)
ne a
si dream
side h
sure thst
llery and
11 arms
as closer
of the
if was
o recol-
of Sep-
r huneh
bkets fvf
of 21 Z
les Hok-
rles lm-
a motor.
will be
inzett t
f'stunes at
Heroes the
'M .1
iiv h
i '
est "
ill ' 'i
ua twi Ma
hisjukt at
L-u iMTiM " ? mm
r raUM d
. .SV ;
X 13?