Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 01, 1915, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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$kv Wonder Differentiates Between "Riding" and
r?1". .. .!,! "iTirlrUTirr'' TTr o Tii,J11.. n-i.-1.
' 'Got the Goat' of One of Leagues Leading Batsmen
B' , . i,t..balt pltckor In the won " .t?.,B,.ln",r of lh Philadelphia National League
Mini WMM'i v Cub n lh, i0i5 T.fnnant nftce y
that many
i u vr occur w
SK&tant baseball a68 '
are won or
I 'KtlT. ..,, of A ChMlce remnriw .
VjVlXto'rt'nod0Ubl,W "
"lranCT .. fact, nevertheless.
remark? U
i. n. fact. ncvermcicBBi
Borne plavers simply
cannot piny up to the
top rntch of efficiency
when ihoy are kidded"
nnd some o our base
ball player, coaches
nP(l managers are
Hever at saying tho
rlgn thins at the
-IsW moment.
Kindly understand
.. . .i.a.a la a illffpr
... ... iii "k ddlng" a.
-nee between "- ul, .,n kldiler"
player and r"'' PompUmentary thing
1 "? "LthJ?.. ? is trying to unnerve.
n? Jfnri him, and many of I hem
thm .11 down mr -o flulckly when you
T'Vfheri k lnV than when you hull
JS5 Xrtaf refrks at their, and get
TSnTrary understood, 'riding"
A ' LV(.i. of saving uncompllment-
fcPX S W " ro?sonally. I never
. W$ '" that klnd of ba?hh
baT,!?t brieve It is necessary to do
and dn ' f,"!;B,ii,. little rough to
V-UrW I JUT to ovok, t
I nlavcr Who fill voi names i "
'rS.WL ki. i.ammates look bad when
g tnVy eo "P to the bat.
' On th nl'" nana, c"jj ,r : "
; 55SftisMK
WOUld Apprrr-aiu ' " -
tUftft they now do
L me Illustrate Than was a big
iMtue Michrr who wal particularly
Lcod at tl'- "kiCdtn?" game. I have
known hi to raur the leading batsmen
,o?IJm 'MW' to strike out or fall to de
liter a hi' wher it was ridded. Mo know
Just vr"t to say and when to say It.
It was QUlb alniudlUl t0 bearyhlm.
. One plw anl bo ia or4 of tho bjsf
hlU6ii In our eami seldom got a hit
wf.h thP catcher I rprnk of was behind
th bat I bnlHve tl'nt If the bat boy
Hi oeo pitcli'nfl It would have been
luit li1 rnme The backstop had the bat
ter; 'el" and kept It O d up ell th
.i.i; t. till iiil tni- more satlsfAc-
J tor)ly, I'll call the catchor Jim and the
'- balUr Jack, whlcl- mu or may not be
Uielr f.r.t names.
Jhl wobld come up to the plate In the
tevlnth inning of a tight same with a
1 nwi bi, second and a hit needed to, ,tle
'thicvte. He would have determination
f wrWn on his f&ce and it wai not UIH1
l cult' io i that he mount to pay no at
' uJt.iii to anything Jim said to him.
Jll., old bay. JiClo's your chahce to
tnMt food," the catcher would say.
"You hvcn't been hitting 'em so good
UUly, and I'm afraid you'll be heading
l.ii1r l.t tli. hiielina HdfnpA Inn?, flnlpfifl
.... .1. Atiiiilni .1. ..nt. Mrthf t'VA
' slwtrs liked you and I'm going to help
: you all I can. Tm going to sign for a
? curVe ball this time, so stop Into It."
i And Jim would give me the curve-ball
Hin and I would bend ono bVfir the heart
fpf tho rlate. Jack would stand aim look
lit It. Naturally, he oxpected to get the
(CTfrsQ oi unai ne nua ucn lum ne
JJOutd. get.
t'.ICIIt U.U IV.1VW. 4 SCO UU WU11 I
ttty my yord for it when I do Want to
help.-you." tho backstop would say as
ha ktiiint.i4 tA erlA til nnntkaa alM
iTTobbly you dan't want to hit a curve,
LA f 1I fal. n X 4 mm HM 4V.fr. 4 -
.W4 u iui tv luai uuo 11119 11II1C
tSLO vntiMl Ka1Ia. It
vuii uciiotd uvnii
in1 Tl ! trntlli irlnn i-nit .Uk t .. S.
fiwthcr curve, which would cut the cut
maw ouruer, wniiQ jactf. nimost DrOKO niB
lack oUtUtis loose at the suppoied fast
I.THe catcher would keep this up all sett-
I (two or three times In a eerics, he did not
tltMfr whpr- til. uaai .Tin. m.a.i! tll
Wm. the truth a couplo of times, then
gel him a couple of times, and mix up
Ms Information and misinformation to
such a degree that Jack couldn't even
guess what was coming. It was worse
for him than standing up1 there figuring
Winkle march leads
i"' mvvuujib uray ueiaing
6, Wim First Two Heiats of '
Important Event
f Xen contests nn traptr wftrJ. wltri....ii
tE thlllll1Phla County Fair at By
$fff Mt afternoon. Split heats resulted
lis this !-tn 4n Ik. --. . . ...!-.
I,- , .w., tuB 11101 KU1UIS IO UI,UBl
the tecond to Praletta. Nugget
ulfeMT U M4...A.1 ...J 1 ... ....
iL. u u "" 'ven Dy v. .
itSfy. of Gloucester, N. J., while B.
I"1 .-' - -......, ., .,,, VTCB Ul W.I
second heat winner.
,in time of the first two heats was
fH and sum.
..... ?,.,". J'"" winnie oiarcn, me
LILY "'Ji" belonging o II. Woodall, of
l$25fn?,.Ud-' won l" straight heats. The
W i lip. Fancy got third place In each
J Jwp lieats. while Dot Owyho was
.:, " m....viii ,iiii!ica. TTttii
i'i. ino iimea were z:ii?j ana
Rfe WrEN .. Owxlall
. 3 j
HLteK... nrhtaii::, :
aJIT ...Y' "N "tnisn
kM .t'atlir "" da.
. 3 ni. i 2H,, ,i4.
yWanla. Crow f!tiLV. Cltu Cir..
5Ion ! Klflg'g.Army
I tklrJ ..'.. . . , . . . .
Stti. fnl2,A1" !? "VP Vivian
n .n C0tc.h ot '' crew- Who,
rwLi0 dlPtc''M received today
Tt &?. : nsravK
tviy ,:. JT4' J,"" ?rc'
m. " "" ri
ScStt".? AIII-' forces
VTu, i7Z Vr "T1. who i minting
Iit.TO"V " rtanikr.. and
' U.. io. .ft fnl. WhO U 111 .hrs
Un ",lan nlVt mIU t Aide"
OUt for hlmtutlf tut. tiJ Hu.i... j-..t.
throw to him. """ "' ,,,lt',vr uu'u
I believe If you went over the records,
yoh would find that the player I am
referring to did not rhako moro than n
couple of hits a season agnlnst our
club when his nemesis was behind tho
Plate. I have not mentioned the names
of the two players, because It would
hardly be fair to them to do so.
Another player In the big leagues some
years ago was making n hard nnlit to
win the batting championship. Ho was
very susceptible to V-'ddliHr." and In the
course of one series, which was played
In Doston, If I remember correctly, they
had him worried so much that ho rfuld
not gM fihythlng resembling a base hit.
At the time When the series was being
contested, the leading batsman was being
harrt pressed by two or three other play
ers. When he wns coming up to the plate
to take his turn at bat, several wduld
shout at him:
"Tough luck, pal, but we Just Bot word
from tho press box that Johnson, of
Brooklyn, got two hits in his llrst two
times up find Williams, of Naw York,
walked and slnmmed out a tlouolo In his
two trips to the plate. That Just about
puts them both a point or two ahead of
you, dots n't It?"
Whether the batter believed them or
not I don't know, nut he did almost
swing his head off trying to hit tho ball
and did not come anywhere near it. Ho
was so anxious to win the batting cham
ppnship that ho had thai on his mind
all the time and therefore It was easy to
"kid" him.
The young player has to keep his head
up and his eyes wldo open alt the time
when ho ilrat breaks Into fast company,
or he'll pull "bonehead" .plays that vlll
make him look foolish to the crowd who
do not understand what lina bebn said
on the diamond. Frequently, you will set?
tv young second baseman throw to the
keystono sack to force a rilrther there
When the man Is already standing bn tho
baff. He should have tossed the ball to
nrst for on easy out. You call the In
flclder harsh names.
But did you hear n concher or some
player with a foghorn voice yell, "Throw
It to second!" Well, nn opposing playor
did shout just that, nnd he shouted It
so the fielder would be sure to hear it
and think one of his own players was
advising him. Tho youngster turned and
threw to the base Indicated, never even
stopping to look knd see that the runner
wns on the bag
That sort of "kidding" is rough on a
recruit, but he has to learn tho game,
and the men in it, in the bitter school
of experience. Tho player who succeeds
is the man who doesn't fall for thb tame
"kid" more than once or twice. If he
keeps his ears open, ho soon becomes as
WlflA nb tl.A .At.h1t jt AI- .
... ..w tviciui, aiuu uh uie Haying'
goes, ho shows the veterans that "you
can't kid a kldder."
Of course, in some games, notably golf,
"kidding" Is taboo. If you talked or
tried to rattle an opponont who was driv
ing from the tee on tho links, yoU soon
would bo mighty unpopular and probably
would bo naked to resign from the club.
And having tried to play a little golJ
myself, I can readily understand Why the
man who Is attempting a hard and im
portant shot does not want ito liea a
sound behind him which would distract
his attenttbn.
Baseball is a different game, however.
In the llrst place, the crowd would not
enjoy It unless they could yell like wild
Indians. Wo ballplayers are paid to en
tertain them, and, if ihey choose, to call
us names, we must bear It without a
murmur. If the fans siw 18 players go
on the field and congratulate one another
and exchange pats on the back In the
midst of the game, they would get tho
Idea that they were not out to win, but
were playing for the money alone.
Spectators at a ball gapte expect to. see
tho two teams display deep rivalry. After
tho game they may fraternize all they
please nnd nearly all the big league
players, do But they must be enemies
on th ballfleld, In a spdrtsmanllko way.
So long as thcro Is baseball, thoro Will
be "kidding." and I would not enjoy a
game half so much if the players did not
try to got each other's "goat." It adds
to the excitement and tho uncertainty of
the sport.
Opening Event Goes to Speedy
Randolph Gelding, With He
Will Second
BELMONT PARK, N. Y., Sept. 1. -Racing
In New Yorx turned into the
stretch for the 1915 season when the n
meotlng of the Westchester Racing A
coclutlon Tas opened at beautiful Bel
mont Park this afternoon.
The horses had returned from Saratov
Springs and those who made the trip
with them were as eager for the saddling
bell as they were back In May, when
tho season began.
True as Steel won the opening event at
6 furlohgs, on the main course, in ltI3 2-5.
He Will got the place, while Jockey Mink
piloted Surtenet to tho show money. The
race was a very spectacular one, and
from the springing of the barrier until
the wire was reached there was a merry
scramble for the honors.
The summaries:
First race, 3.ar-oUS ani un. killing. B fur-on--Tri
As Steel. 114. T. McTaggart, 7 to
2 7 to 6. 7 to 10, won He Will, Hi!. MeAtu.
4 In 6. 1 t B, 1 to . atcond; Sarsrnct, JQ2.
lllnk. IS l' I S to 1. S to 1, third. Tlnie.
WXii'X Doublft. Bong o( Yallty, Tl Tin.
Sir IVIlllHn) Johmon and Preaumptlon alio
longs atrslsht-Varmont, 10o. T. McT;rt.
a ... n t t. .1 nut. wnn! Dnvadal. 112. XjOttUS.
Bacona rorr,
.a.J.hm O ...... AAm RtA 'il.
10 to'l. to 1. 8 to 8, second! Haconteua.
100, nuxton. 7, to 1 tt to B. 'vn. thlM.
Tlma, 1.03 4-3. Uatercra II, Joae, Trand ani
Taat Maatar alao ran.
'nitri rar. 4-"arJi' yr "". '.
mile Wooden Shoes, 107, UcCahay, U I,
1 10 .'I, PUI, Willi. ,.'
Ui to 1. 4 to I. 8 to J, twion . UMlhrti i n.
iT. Darner, 10 to l. 4 to, 1. to 1. tl; lr'
Tim. litV. Ouy KUhar. Palnserneld, El UloJ,
Dan Qulooa Mli Carlton O. asq nn. ,,
Fourth raca. handicap, 1U ptllaa - Sorrow,
111, Nottar. 11 tu Ju; 1 io 4. out, wool 8am
Jackaon. 124. Ijoftua, 4 to 1 avp. out. W
onJi BtromLoll. jlli Turnar, B to 2. 8 to 5, out,
third. Tlma. 2:0.1, Ualnar also ran,
Fifth raca, th jaroau Hollow btaapltchaaa
Mandiap. IIOOO aqded. for g-yaar-olda yml
up, about 2 mllea: Shannon Hlvr, 1M,
Allan. U a. 7 to 10, 1 to 4. wont 8wW''
14u, Tight, la to 5, a to ft. l to 2. second)
Cherry Malotte 18B. Powers, 2 to I, 4 to 8.
1 lo 8, third. Tlma, U. Wallybay, Bklb
baraao! Claud, My Wing nd Election Bat
alao ran.
K-AU Nle to VUy
Tti i?ohn-AdIar,Uaball team playa U Dan.
tienbiuro-a nin September 6. rTi team U
rr.aile up entlifly of ainiiloyeaFIannlsan.
i) UrKer Stcaonliial, catchfrt Bhr. hrlilop!
1'i.rrh. tbti-d bo. Jinowlea. lWla. .Vlckery,
tlarager. WrncJonl. J5arroll.and Albrecht, out
fleldtra. drsay. th up-Blat aUr. If man.
Philadelphia Champion Defeats
F. C. Inman, of New York,
7-5, 6-1 and 9-7, in In
teresting Contest
Hills. L. I.. Scot. 1. A reduction In the
number of competitor from 123 yesterday
to 84 today made tho duties of tho com
mittee In chartse ot tho 35th annual all
comers' tournameht for them&tlonal lawn
tennis singles championship a little less
Champion R. Norrls Williams, 2d, of
Philadelphia, and F. C. Inman. former
New York State title-holder, were given
the grandstnbd court, and. beforo a crowd
of J500, play began. Tho Anal result was
a Btralght-set victory for the Rhlladel
phlah. Right from tho outset it was apparent
that the matqh would be a hummer. Un
expected strength wns shown by , the
former New York State champion, and
Williams was compelled to travel a faster
pace titan at ilret looked for. At critical
stages, however. Williams- rose to tho
necessarv heights, advancing to the net
and gaining the point with vicious fore
hand vollles. Williams jumped into the
lend In the first set at 6-3, but a grand
rally enabled Inman to force thivstet to
Attcf deuce wns called half a dozeit
times in the 11th game, Williams regained
the lead, and then won tho set game to
15. The point score:
Williams 2 4 4 2 4 2 5 4 2 6 T 4-45-7
Inman 0 I 0 4 1 4 3 1 4 7 B 1-J5-5
Inman was totally outclassed in the
second set, winning only one game and
scoring but 12 points The score:
William. , ! 6 K 4-28-
Inman 0 114 4 0 2-12-1
The leftthander rallied in the third set,
and at the same time Williams eased up.
Inman gained the lead at four games to
one. and retained it until Williams event
ually drew level at 7 all. He then pulled
up. and with darzllng cross-court shots
and backhand vollles from mldcourt he
captured the next two games, and with
them the set and match. Tho point
WIlllamM 410404442442264 4-49-9
tnma n "".. 6 4 4 0 4 12 2 4 2 3 4 4 4 1 2-16-7
Totals: WHllams-Polnts, 122; games, 22;
sets, 3. Inman-Polnts, 93; games, 13;
""l -
Oaorga V, Wlshtman. Boaton. defeated B. D.
rf AtfPSwfe4t "'.- Hugh
ll.i9?:'nlw;y.f.at,d U W.
a?i."rt,,v5t.JiN VoYk. defeated
iTirlei U Johnton, Jr.. New York, 0-2,
'll. Norrla Williams, 2d. Philadelphia, de
'"led Frederick C. Inman. New York. 7-3,
WIIHam Hand. .Id. Apawamle, defeated W. I.
ninckatona. Chicago. 0-1, fl-t. 1 0-4.
T. 11. rail. New Vprk, defeated B. II, Whit
nev. New York, 8-B, 0-4, 0-0, 01.
J. 8. 1'foffman, Loulavllle. defeated C. W,
Poft, Jr.. New York, 0-3, flA Hf.
Wqltar'T, Pate.'jJewVork, defeated J. II.
"Wo?.' oo!eCv,eltt?.-,N.V York, defeated
Edward II. Whitney, New York, ul, e-4, O-a,
M"j' 11. Arfone. Jr.. Dalla. defeated Tllchard
SleVena, lloboken, 0-n. 1-0. OW, 2-0, 7-S.
J. B, I'faflroan, 1,ongwood, defeated C. J.
rnat Jr , ll-H, U'O. O-O.
11. M. Phillip. Naw York, defeated Ralph L.
Ilill Hew York, T-jl, 0-2, 4.0, OW. p-0.
1V; A. Campbell, Naw York, defeated J. T.
Allen New York, 7-8. A -V. -
n'nM C. rrillafilphla. defeated
Jarne 8. O-.iale, Jr., Hamilton, 4.6. 0-2. 0-4.
b t
Frederick T. FrallnghUyae n. Weatcheater, de
feated H P. Harvay. I't' Judith, 3-0. 0-1, U-7,
4-A ". ..'..- ,. ....-...
F 8. Anderson. New York. 7-8, 4-, 4-J, b-1.
It. C, Thomaa. New York, defeated A. E.
Cnpelnnd. llutherfnrd. ,1-H, tl-2, 0-4. B-J.
William nand. New York, defeated W. I.
Plllt, Hoaton. 0-0. 0-0, 0.2. '
W. A. Canobell. rVew York, defeated J. T.
Allen, New York, 7-8, 6-X 0-2.
U, , It. rhllllP", Hartford, defeated . U
Usage, New York. I-iu 0-2. 4-0. n,4, fl-0.
W. Dawaon, Callfottila, defeatad I.oua
aratea. New York. (1.2, 8-d. 10-8.
Clarence J. Origin, California, defeated
......I.. B flflrln.irt Pltlaliiirvh tt.. fn
u-2. o-a. . . . ... . . . .
u-v. u-u,
William Jd. Jotinetou, California, defeated
Clarence C. Pall, New York, H-n, 6.4, 0-4.
trm If IUhl Mau. Vrtpl HafMlul f XXT
Craig niddle. Philadelphia, defeated Blmund
W I'eulae, New York. 0-2. 0-1, 8-0.
O. A U llonne. New York, defeated p. A.
Veil. New York, U-3. 0-0. 0-2.
Frederick P. AtMinoer defeated Philip Hob
ra. Hartford, 0-il 0-1, 0.1.
Fred H. Harris. Uoeton, defeated Howard A,
piumniar, o.i. o-t. a-n. a-s.
Phillip. Nw York, 0-0. 0-3, Url,
Robert 1-trov, New York, defeated H, 8
Dean Mathay. New York, III, IU, l-U.
Irving C, Wrkfht. Philadelphia, defeated
a, Cikt Cur, New Vol. -5..0-0, o.i, a.s,
Flrat race, 50 added, for .1-yenr-olda nnd
VP. foaled In Ctindu, nelllug, mile Cornbrooin,
100; Cannle Jan, l4; -Oartley, 100: 'Kiimer.
104 Mrlali Hrnrt. 104; Amphloh. 10S: Mauao
lous, 103; -Jtarlon Gaiety, 104; l'rlnto Ithu
perd, llo.
Second ra-c, yo added, for 2-yoar-olila, 0
furlonna Brmiwr Btnlwart. 1DN; Mtliatone, 111.
(.a'eauthttie, 103; Col. Qutellua, 114; Htratllne,
111; Phil Urgor. HI; Prohibition. Ill; lie
acre, 103,
Third race. $2m0 added, the King's Plate, tor
3-jcur-oida nnd up, onncil anil bred- In tho
Province of Quebec. 1U mllca Flowery Land,
112; Iidy Spendtlulft, 117: Cerf Volant. 112;
Master Ncka. 115; Itednoat, 115; Bulvcz Mot,
121; Itcddeat. 11.'.
Fourth race. UO added, atenlcchaao, ach
ing, 4-year-olda whd UP. about 2 mllca Onr
tcr, 14N; Neu haven, ii3; Mly ronton, nil;
Exlon. l.liil Jn- (tnlely, 132.
Fifth ruie, IM"0 lidded, h ndlcap, al aitea,
7 furlonsa lluahy 11ad, 10. "ocoll, II. I: Tac
tics. 104: Commonudn, 104 The Widow Moon,
Oil; Hack lUy, 107; Pan Znrcta, 122; Tell
Point. 124.
Sixth nice. $509 ndded, for 3.year-olde nnd
up, aelllnK, 0 fuilnngs Mnrlorlo At, W, VI
det. tPH; Ur. ltarkley, lliH; CHIitaln Parr. 101;
King llox. 101! Hlr Hla!e, , 10.'; Vlley, ml;
Prlet Petal. Ill; 8t. Ijtzerlan. 100: -Zin.lrl.
mi: Atjlaiie, ' 111: The Spirit. 101; Vadopcep,
107 Commenala, 10',; Coy, 103.
Seventh rare, $Iki added, 3-yeitr-olda nn.l
up. rolllncr. H mllca-llimway, 110; Durlil,
lull -Sub.'ect. IS); -Falcada, lWi Laird o'Klrk
caldy, 101: -Bhephnlca, 101; El Oro, HX:
Klnmundy, 104. -mratticarn. 104: -Chaa. F.
Oralntifr. 10.1; -Stdko and Cap, 103; Abbola
ford. 100; WeyanoUe. ICM Voladny. Jr., lo;
A-trologer, 111; J. H. Houghlon, 111.
First rare, for 2-ycar-olda. conillttona. Wit
furlonea atralaht-Sllpahod, 101 , Ited Cloud.
104; Jim Wnkely. 104: Wlsanl. lot; Sea Ucach,
101; Indian Chant. 104; My, Honnle, 101.
Second race, for 2-)ear-olde, conditions, 3H
(utloii-ia atralghl Thunderer, 110: Itecluse,
til); Whimsy, lot; M. Isidore. Ill; I,yban
Sands, 110; Hidden Star, 111; Ildllko, 107; Bky
Pilot. 114.
Third race, for ,1-j ear-olds nnd up, the Far
Itorkaw.iy handicap, II furlonita atroliht Fen
moure, li.it rod; o" tho Walk, 1.111. HlRh
Noon. 120- Pcmetta Bleu, HI; I.ukr, 111;
riKlnnv. HO. Runes. 100. Kaskaskla. 10m;
Hauberk, 103.
Fourth race, for 2-year-olds, the . Mlneola,
felling-, 11)011. 0 furlonss atrnlKhl Moon- I
stone, Ol; Success. ION; Hidden Htnr, lim:
Honnle Carrie, 03; Hands Off, 104; Fern
Itock, 107; 8ea Peach. 107.
Fifth raco, for 3-yenr-olde nnd Up, atecple.
clmse, selling, about 2 mllea Dig Sandy, 117;
Grecian Dond, ri.1; Eadbald, 142: Dlion
Pirk. 147; Zellwood, US; Abdon, 147; Utile
Hugh, 147: Hands All AroUnd, 142.
vixtn race, ror ;i-year-oioa ana up, condi
tions, mils Sam Slick, 111; nepentant, 104;
Prime Mover, 107; Stir Up, 114; Kualla, 104;
Tudor Klnir, 114,
ippv HlSiSSII
wu&mJrwk m,T
mwr . w m mm
-V- EH
lit' , rmtmPkarml&iU Bolh
Empire City Event Goes to 3-
Year-Old Driven by Lasell
in Straight Heats
Sept. 1. Henry Todd, driven by Lasell,
won tho $10,)S.r championship for thrco-ycnr-old
trottlnn s'nl'lons here this after
noon In stralKht heats.
The i ace wbb fin the best two in three.
Colorado Belle was given second money
and Ueroche, driven by Old Pop Gcers,
was third. Onward Forbes wns fourth.
Tho time of tho two heats was 2:lli and
Tho summary:
Champion stallion slake, 3-1 ear-old trot, 2
In :i. stake 110,41.'.:
Henry Todd, I.ubcU i i
Deroche, Geera ;i
'i ho Colorado lielle, Hcrrlll ,' 2
Onward Iorbea, Murphy 4 ,
Nathe Spirit also finished. Itustlcoat ills
tanced. 7.
Time. 2!lllK, 2:12Ja " h. '
Henry Todd, first money: Colorado Belle
jecond money; Deroche, third money; Onward
Forbes, four money.
WEST CHESTER, Pa Sept. l.-A. b
Juckson, chief of the Lukens Stel Com
pany police, at Coatesvllle, leader of the
IiUkens Mission there and an active Mo
llccnse worker, was placed op trial in
criminal court here this afternoon oh
tho charge of attacking Mrs. Effle
Harnes, n young woman, who had twice
been divorced and is well known about
tho borough, Jackson was acquitted nt
n former trial, hut the costs were placed
upon him. He applied for n new trial
on the ground that tho vrrdlct was
against the weight of the evidence, and
It was granted.
DETIIOIT, Sept. 1. Conditions here to
day are all that mold br desired for the
National Golf Championship games, the
nraiher is clear and the temperature
crisp at SI degrees.
W 3- r
ruT n
and Genuine Fire Island Blue Points
The best we have received in
thirty years. Received in carloads,
direct from the beds, fresh daily.
Matthew J. Ryan
"Chick" Unfortunate in Drawing Skilled Player, Going
at Top Speed All Other Favorites Scored Easy
Victories Pennsylvanians Easily Beaten
DETItOIT, Mich., Sept. l.-Qenlus Isn't
nhvays horn to glory. Sometimes, arrayed
In sackcloth, It must sit with the humble
and watch the laurelled pardo move on
to fame. So It happens that Chick Evans,
the gteatcst amateur shotmaker In the
world, must wait another year. For at
least another twelve months Chick must
contlnuo hie dream that some day he will
be amateur golf champion of the United
Last fall, at Kkwanok, Kvnns fell be
fore the deadly putting of Eb Dyers In
the first round. And In the first round at
Detroit, where ho had hoped to win with
the championship again fought out on
Western turf, Chick wns again cudgelled
from the fray In tho first day's play. And
he fell by the wide margin ot 6 nnd S.
Fato was against him today fate ex
emplified In tho grim, conlldent person
ago of NeC Sawyer, tho Whtaton whirl
wind, who fought a battle that was not
to be denied.
It was Chick's tournament fate to meet
such a test In his llrst match. He met
a golfer no man In tho Held could have
stopped as ho played against tho
AVheoton genius. Chick fought one of
his best fights, but he was doomed. There
was no opening through which ho could
make a start. For 16 holes Chick fur
nished his boat fight. For 16 holes In tho
forenoon ho swapped blow for blow and
met the lightning pnee. Dut the heavy
burden soon began to tell, nnd at tho
end of 16 holes Chick had Ilrcd his sun
set gun ani had run shy of ammunition,
and It was snly a question of how far
he could last.
Sawyer, playing every club with skill
and confidence, facing each delicate situ
ation with rare coolness and steady Judg
ment, refused to waver. It was merely
a question of which would ctack first,
and Sawyer refused to budge nn Inch.
The one weakness that beat Evans was
Innbltlty to get his chip shots close to the
pin. This put a heavy putting strain
upon him, nnd he was thus forced to play
hlB weakness against Sawyer's strength.
T)U uoriii't rr.e?n that Evans played bad
golf. He was around In 74. good enough
to lend almost any other rlvnl, but In
the afternoon, wnen no started 2 down, he
slipped badly before he could make an
other stand.
No other favorite fell by tho wnsldc.
Jerome Travers and Francis Oulmet
merely romppd home. Jerry caught
Ueorgf- Crump, of Philadelphia, badly off
his normal game and won by the wide
margin of 14 up and 13 to play. Jerry
was playing steadily, returning a C In
the fornnoon withput being forced. It
wns tho freak of fate that Travers In
the morning with a 76 was 11 up, while
Evnlis with a 74 was 2 down.
Oulmet had no troubto with W. H.
Gutdlner, of Buffalo, playing good, steady
golf und winning by a wide margin of
8 and 7. He is almost sure to go to
tho final, although he will havo a harder
battle today against James D. StandUh,
Jr., who will bo fighting on his home
course. Standlsh proved on Tuesday that
he, too, Is to be reckoned with as a
hard fighter by eliminating W. C. Fownes
at the thirty-seventh hole, sinking a 15
foot putt fbr a win when Fownes had a
seven-footer for a 4. , This match wns
the l.arneat grapple of the clay, ns both
moved along at a steady, consistent pace
and refused to be shaken off.
Guilford, the longest hitter of them alt,
tore Into Marston at a fast clip and won
four of the first five holes. But Marston
settled at this point, nnd when Guilford
lost his ball at th sixth hole the Bal
tusrol star began to pluck a few holes
back. He showed what he could do by
coming home in 35. a pace which not only
pruned away Guilford's tend, but left him
2 down at the end of IS holes. Marston
soon added another hole in the afternoon,
and finished in front by a margin of 3
to 1.
The Philadelphia contingent did not lest
long, but their work was a great satisfac
tion to their friends. Five- out of seven
qualified on Saturday and two out of these
hung on through the Monday round. Both
Crump and Itotan drew man-eaters in
the first round. Itotan was beaten, 3 and
2, by one of the Sherman brothers, who
havo been cleaning up In the prelimi
naries. Buxton had a bad first round of S3, and
when he bid fair to repeat In the after
noon he withdrew, Worthlngton was two
strokes to the bad on his total, as was
Howard Perrln. Both were ruled out by
afternoon rounds of 87.
Local golfers followed with much Intur
est the play of the Corkran brothers.
They were expected to make things hum
Maurice Coves,
Western Shore, Oak Island
Front and Dock Sts. S
In the match play, but failed to qualify
by a narrow margin. After a wretched
round of 93 In the morning D. Clark Cork
ran bravely sottled down and pulled a
fine 79 In the afternoon.
John .V. Stearns, 3d, who just about
rode In on the tide In the qualifying
round, and who Is welt known In this
city because of his winning the St Mar
tin's cup last year nnd for his piny In
tho Intercolteglates and Lyn ne wood Hall
tourneys, pulled n big surprise when ho
put out a former national flnatlst
Gcorge S. Lyon, I.ambton, Canada. The
tlopcsters had figured that Lyon wou'd
be tho one in this division to bother
Oulmet, but Stearns never gave htm a
chance In the match.
Many freak shots havo been made In.
the tourney. Gardner holed out with hi
Iron from distance or 1M yards on the
ninth hoio for a two. Davison Herron
also got n two on the thirteenth when
he holed cut a brasslo 230 yards In width.
There are many wild tales floating about
of CO-foot putts nnd many of these are
no doubt true, ns this is the accepted
wny by which tho experts snatch a hole
out of the fire ever anil anon.
The tllmlnatlon of W C. Fownes. Jr ,
of Pittsburgh, will help considerably the
chances of Francis Oulmet, as Fownes
wns the one who came tho closest to
putting out the champion last year,
Fownos was finally beaten ono up by
Oulmet after ho had a fine chance to win
himself. Eben Byers, a former champion,
was nleo beaten, so that not only all
Phlladelphlan8, but all Pcnnsylvanlan.
are out of the going.
With the bialns of every golf profes
sional In the country hard at tho Job of
evolving new golf clubs "Just a Httlo dlf
feient" from any other clubs put out,
and besides this all the wood factories
In the country blowing off steam to th
tune of new Ideas in golf sticks. It will
readily be seen that for tho golfer In a,
experimental state of mind It Is not
particularly hard Job to collect a wad of
clubs which Is nitnicijiiB nnd mhriu-
' n"cn
to Bay Iho least.
Friday of this week Is looming large as
the day set for tho "father and son" tour
ney at Whltemarsh. It Is a handicap
event of 18 holes and gives a fine chance
for a dark horse to become famous ovur
night. This will be the fifth year of the
tournament, and It Is growing In popu
larity every season.
Bundy to Play in Doubles
LOS ANQEI.ES. Sept, 1 Thohiaa C. Itundy.
of Los Angeles, who with Maurice E Mc
laughlin, of Ban Francisco, has held for three
ers the nntlonal do'ihks tennis champion
ship, left today for New York to cuter th
challenge round of tho Forest Hills toutna
n.fnt, HunUy said he would not enter iny
otner Eastern tournament.
1 tor
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Two Years Successful Use
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