EVMI&G LEPGlW-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, BISPflBMBlflll 1, lfllo 11 LOW RECORDS WERE AGAIN ESTABLISHED BY BOTH DEMAND STERLING AND CABLE! kNEW SlOlMS AND CRUCIBLE IMADE GOODADVAWUliS former Rose Over 20 Points. latter neipuu uy .. War Order all ( . vnmt Bent. 1. Renewed Uqtilda 'NJJ. "SlMi i of itoeks down at market kept hour until "" fflknr ha ncc( fiS whS upPortlt.K orders were put Iwartere, wnm yi ,n ordcr n a lOo" SV start of tradlne today and lurounu .;-; , wettk througnout tna ttn. "'---, Vl now. w received that ICU mo '"" " regarding submarine flr,t hour win - h demand9 of raniniiiiir nu "---. .v-.d.. jprt K"t and rjcover'e, wore ,&! the. Street realized fully what m . "", .1,. Herman Government lh0 ". there was a vigorous domnnd for ? i. ind n flood of Buying orners Btockf. ana n i demand was ccn- iwepii"; ncclnmMl and som of !.. l!Sl wide 'advances, notably Gen- ..V Motor, which bounded up ith poinis. era! Motor. . d ., recovcrics 0f Kr0!? Vim. in tho general list were regla .a?&.,.ii,nVrtr Brew .mailer. as terea. ""' .jaroIi nn(i the market the n"w"" ',L'h vcry favorablo hti- F c? nnrt of the American Hide nnd ki. hTcompanV. which .bowed a sur- TufiM9 9TI. comparcu wun iui,w i . ?i". p4lw. "r. without effect on i' WTtto" most active Blocks in the . ?r .salines were General Motors and )&. .fifed The former rose 20i ' SlhU In v ?y ehort order. nd tho latter Glanced B points. Tho strength In J..MM was duo to tho new ordcr for SXtib!rhlch has been booked by the com- h nnv which In valued at iu.ow,uw. i- or r FnTnart the market opened strong. , .. . TsYilea being off, but me great, ma- JoX were & Bethlehem Steel moved '" "n'has'becomo the custom. It might bo , "" " , -, inw rates for ex- Sang almost dally, and those who were "1 linking for them wero not disappointed - today. Demand sterling started oft with '" . lots of 2 cents, which was later f stretched to W cents, a new low record. i was the quotation on cables also -forced down to a now low point. Tho -"Street seemed to regard the situation as i" a very serious matter, and thero wero . 'thote who thought that It would check - European buying of American products ' . and cause liquidation of American sccu- ' No doubt It wilt cause foreign selling. - '.' and there probably was quite a llttlo to-,- "day, but the opinion that the weakness In ' exchange will causo a check of buylns from aBroaa was noi sene'm. im iu ,tlon was raised: Where would Europe t'buy If sne am not uu u iu mc uiura States" Tne Dig nations ui t.uiuju i at war, and this country being tne otuy me at peace Is therefore tho only one johlch can handle the Immense demand which are being made. No betterment . In the situation Is looked for until the bankers from England and Franco reach here to thrash out the matter. That an enormous credit will be the result Is expected, as we are already over burdened with gold, and our bankers would rather make a big loan. , - Better railroad earnings, the lasl two contributions to the lot being Pennsyl vania and New York Central, nre pro--,f during a good Impression, and wero 'chiefly responsible for relative firmness In 'r-'the ralload group. The Northern Pacific (earnings for Juno were rather dlsappolnt " i)ny In view of tho showing of other ronds. '1 Gross fell off $442,273 and net $227,924. St. Paul, on the other hand, came out with la very good July statement, une net fwis more than $100,000 above last year. New York Stock Sales LatL cleat. HUh. Low. Clot. Alaska Oold M 32'f MH 53 S3W AlllvChalmors Mfc . , sou 30M 30 39'f AlllvChstmers Mfg pf . . 03 0914 08H 09W Am Ag Chemlcl ol'i 02U OUJ C2M Am A&t Chem pf 05 05 05 95 Am Heot Suc&r at 05U (Mi 65 Am Hoot Suiat pf .... 89 01 01 91 Am Can 6!)U 60J 68W 59H Am.Cnpf 105 100 1054 100 Am Car & Foundry... OOJf C9J 08)i C9! Am Coal Products 1494 160)4 ICO 150 Am Coal Trod pf H7H 117H 117K 117W Am Cotton Oil fit 51 i (,( r,l' Am Hide ft Leather... Wi W( BH 9 Amlllda&Lpf 39 39H 38( 0SH Am lco Socurltlei 23)4 23)4 23 23)4 Am Llniecd 21M 21W 20)4 20H AmLlnsccdpf 37) 37M 30f 305X Am l)eomotlT0 C3)f 54)4 62M 64 Am Malt 74 7't 7)4 7)4 Am Smclt&Ref..i... SOX 82)i 70)1 81U AmKmAnefpf 100)007 107 107 Am Smelters pf D 80) 81 81 81 Am Bteel Foundries.... 52!( 54 62 63K Am fiuar ilenning. . . Am Tel Tel Am Tobpfnow Am Woolen Anaconda Copper.... AtchT&B K AtchT &8 V pf.... Haldwln Ixicomotlro. Baldwin Locopf..... Ualtlmora AOhlo.... Baltimore & Ohio pf. Batopllas Mining.... Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn IUpTrao.... 85)4 85)4 85f 85)1 Butte & Superior, 00)4 07 05' 05) Brown Shoe pf. 75 70 77 77 Cat Petroleum 19 IW 18) ( 8)f Cal Pctroloum pf 45)4 45H -I4U 44' Canadian Pacific 151 160'4 150 150)i Cent leather Co 43)i 44 43)f 435i Cent Lcathor Copf... .104'j WiH 101)i 101'4 Chesapeake 4 Ohio.... 47!i 47)f 404 -17Ji Chlno Copiwr 40)4 40)4 45U 40 Chi Qt .West pf 20)1 30)4 30 30 Chtlll&Pac 23M IMH 22,' 23 Chi Mil & St Paul..,. 825 82)( 82)4 K2)4 O M & St P pf 121U 121J 121H 121)4 Chi & Northwest 127 120)4 120 120 Colorado Fuel & 1 42!( 44)4 41' i 'LomstocK runnel 10 15 12 NEW YORKERS BUYING STORAGE BATTERY Hcnvy Transactions in tho Stock Caused Flurry on the Local Exchange New York Bond Sales $y)0O Atnr Bmolt Sne 6 8000 Amer Tel clt 4s, ltocio Armour Cd 4ts ... afOttO AtchUon cv 4 1DS5, lTOiiOO do cr 4s 111(10.. low do ev C HUT. .., IIOQO Halt A Ohio rf'ts.... do cv 4H High. low. Clono. J(,l)i litijn i'n BIX "1 .110'i VX)H 109)f 100 .12.1 12.1 122U 123 ..107J 107! 107i 107( .. 34 34)4 33U 34!f .. 72 73)4 71)4 73 .101)4 101)4 100)1 101 08) 93 07)4 07)4 83)f 82)4 82)4 100)4 10014 100)4 81 H1K 81)1 70)4 70)f 70)4 m M Vi 293 285 202)4 82)4 .105 . 81( . 70!i Hi .291 Continental Can Corn Products lief. Corn Prod ltef pf . . Crucible Steel Crucible Steel pf... Cuban-Am Sugar.. Del & Hudson Detroit Edison Distillers Securltes... Domo Mines Erio Krie 1st pf Erie 2d pf General Electric... General Motors General Moton-pf... Goodrich BF Co .v..., Groat Northern pf. .. Gt Nctfs for oro prop Guggenheim Kxpln . Homestako Mining . . Illinois Cent 103 Int Agricultural 22 Inter Con Corp'n 22 Inter Con Cor pf 70 Int Uarv Corp 70 44 12 mi 18 83)4 82!f 81)4 85)4 81!) J ... 18)4 18)4 17)4 ... Wi 83)4 83V4 ... 74li 81 73)4 ...1014 103)4 101U 103)4 ...117 118H 117 117 ...139)4 130)4 139)4 130H ...1HH 110)4 110)4 UGH 20!i 20)1 20 20H li Ullf 29)i 41)i 35)4 1)4 28J4 44)4 35H 21lf 28J4 44J4 35)4 175 U0i 118 41U 07 117 Int Ilarv N J Inter-Met vot t c Inter-Met pf International Paper.. Intcrnat Paper pf. ... Inspiration Copper. . . J I Case Copt Ivan City Southern. . Kansas City So pf . . . Lack Steel Lehigh Valley 112)4 144)4 142 Liggett Myers 229 220 220 Long Island 20)4 40)4 40)4 Looso-Wlles Biscuit.... 19 Looso-W Bis 1st pf.... 00)4 Mackay Cos pf COM 2S)i 44)4 35H .174)4 175 173 .219li 240)4 210Sf .109H 110)4 109)4 110i . 01)4 02)4 00)4 G2) 118)4 117J4 11754 42)4 41)f 42)4 OS 118 102 22 22U 70)4 CSH 107 22)f 70f 11M 39 35!i 70 27 G7!X 71 ..107 22 77 UK 30)4 35 80 20) G7)f 70)4 00)4 118 102 21 21J 75M 03 100 21JX 70)f 10)4 39 34 78)4 20'4 57) 70 BANK CLEARINGS ,, nanlr .ln,n,i tftdalr rnmnfirrd i&'lth rnr- jTVtifondlni; day last two years: k Limi. lui. lino. Philadelphia $.T0.T7r.0.1R $3.1,Bt3,STO $.H.0S2,iU rpoiton S2.422.fino 2oam,024 sn.STS.lt: .KiwTork.r 342.42.40 238,107,586 470,711,417 RATES FOR MONEY Call. ?PN!adlphl& SHCM 2NW York 12 )Eolon .1 LChlcaio aUffll i'tvommercmi paper, inree to aix montna, JajVphla, 34 per cent. Time, 4 T44 24U SH3)i 4 rmi- 7 ruuDiu rvAviiivnurj KEW Tnm. Riant. 1 11. itamnmllMtlnn Mn ortUn exchange this morning wan without Ch kiamlUl m the history of the exchange, nt rloait trtthln tha la at- Mnllmr fA. T" .. K -- II4B Ub 11.U1UII jjiudv w Ilia 4i!r;'t drawers or ejtchang declined abso tfflutely to give quotations. The rates obtain able nere 4.111 for demand sterling and 4.51tt Later a quotation ot 4.no (or do. , with 4.61 (or cables, both ' Jor rablea. imand was secured. jr pew low records. ij. tnma attatn rti ! (1, 'and ratea moved upward Maxwell Motors.. Max Motors 1st pf . . Max Motors 2dpr.. Mexican Petroleum.. Miami Copper Mo Kan & Tox Mo Kan & Tex pf . . 43 00)4 . 36)4 84!i , 20)4 . 8)4 18 Missouri Paclnc 4)4 55)4 25 92 03 45)4 01)4 37X 85 27K 7H 17 4 55!f ....119H 123H 120 82 .. 27 .. 04)4 ..112 14)i 84 27)4 112 14)4 Sjme ateadlnrsa developed In tho afternoon Dd ratea moved UDward nnmnwhat. On thn downturn Italian exchange hit a new low. ratea moved upward somewhat. On tho ntUm Ttallnti nir,ihn h(t n nn. Inn. I Id the flnftl rieAllnffa ilftmind MtA-llniy r.lll-.( If VJto 4.MV4 and cables to 4.5Si. y ., 8terllng Franca Marks Lire KOH (1..VI mil e.st Cables ' Demand . .. t.noii ..t4.MV4 0.03 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET "4mEWiY0.K' P'- l-'-Thero was little ac ih. ..lS Pf ""liL1 for co,re 'uturea at fSi-.'," T. Tho Initial quotations were irregular. December and January deliveries raored upward, while other months declined. ilLJS',. fllS'. "l0, turther detllnea wero recorded. Prices ffilow: Tftav'a Today' Yeaterday'a ....-. lilnlng. close. . . clee. 2.S.' B.SfJO,W) O.WJJfl.50 v P.?,tmber wiWMr e.o8eu.ou jt JXtOber (linnftfl nmM.r ..Xn.n . v.-VUV.. U.UIUII.II. U.11UU.IA 0.06O0.07 &140R.1S 't2-29 ai2n.i4 a na (i.i (i . ft.20jjfl.30 (UIHiO.iT O.210A.22 .fl.2n ll.20fl.21 0S.Vin.2(l . 6.23Qfl,30 O.25.20 l.300.nl 6.23 0.3000.31 6.330(1.30 . fl.35flC.38 R.3BU0.30 0.4OH0.41 8.40 0.404(0.41 n.4RO0.4(l U.10 0.4MIU.4U O.DUUU.&1 p November j December ) ianuarr February AX March ., April . May liW Montana Power. National Biscuit... Nat Cloak & Suit. Nat Enamel & 8... Nat Lead Nat Leadpf Net ada Con Cop. . Now York Air Urakel44H 147 NVN1U H.... New York Central. N Y O & West... Norf&Wcst North American... Northern PaclQc, Pacific Mall Pacific Tel & Tel. Penn R II People's Gas Chi. Philadelphia Co... Pittsburgh Coal... Pittsburgh Coal pf Pitts O C &St L 72 Pressed Steel Car.... Pressed Steel Car pf. Pub S Corp N J.... Quicksilver Ray Con Copper Ry Steel Spring Reading Rep Iron & Steel... Rep Iron & Steel pf Rock Island Co.,... Rock Island Copf... 20 02 G8 42)4 90)4 35)4 83 20)4 7)f 17 3)4- 54)4 COH US 102 22 21JJ 70)4 08 107 22!f 70! 11)4 39 35 70 27 57J1 70)4 143 22!) 40)4 25 92 03 45 01 37)f 84 ii 27H 7Jf 17 4 55JX 122 81 20H 61 112 14)4 Rlectrlo Storage Hattcry 1vas tho dom IrmtlnK feature of tho day's denllnRa on tho Philadelphia Stock KxchahBe. After fluctuating Irregularly during the early hours the stocK started iienniieiy upwnra around noon, nnd showed a gait of over two points for the day. The demand wa persistent, which wns nil tho mote note worthy because of the Initial hesltatlhg tone of the general list. Much ot the buying wns reported 4o be for New York account nnd was based on tho now famil iar expectation of large Government orders for submarlno equipment. Over 10,000 sharea changed ' hands and some startling predictions as to tho possibilities of tho stock wero wired over from Wall Street 1'nlted States Steel was soft for a tlmo following tho early recession tn Now Yotk, ana this was rellected In Cambria Slool. On the othor linnd, Baldwin Loeomotlvo wan Inclined to Improve. Tho recent flutter of activity In Hrlll nnd Cramp Shipbuilding appeared to have died out for tho time being at least. The latter moved up a point In tho afternoon. Itapld Trnnslt trust certificates also moved up on a parity with tho unasscntcd stock. Pennsylvania 8alt nnd Keystone Telephone preferred followed suit and tho close was strong nil nround. Pennsylvania Railroad shares wero sus tained by tho favornblo July report. With an increnso of ll.132.SS2 In gross revenue nnd n reduction In oporatlng expenses of $772,653, tho company mado tho handsOmo net gain of 11,905,035 for tho month, as compnred with the same period last year. The linos East showed tho greater Im provement. A continuance of tho heavy freight movement noticeable In Juno wns oven moro pronounced In July, nnd a shortage of freight cars Is predicted for tho not distant future. Passenger trafllc showed a slight falling oft. Owing to less favorable results In the earlier months of tho current fiscal year, the gross of thb system for seveh months was $1,720,122 behind tho corresponding period a year ago, though the net earnings were $1,007, 127 ahead of last year. When United States Steel began to rally during the noon hour the local list hardened generally, although business was not particularly brisk. Steel prices continued to move higher. For Instance, merchant stoel bars advanced from $1.30 to $1.35, and blue annealed sheets from $1.40 to $1.50. This compares with $1.35, mado less than a fortnight since. Fancy prices wero being quoted for forging bil lets, up to $35 a ton. If not higher. Wiro products also moved up about $2 a ton, and pig-Iron quotations were still on the uptack. Mono loot) Kiotw l.id ltxih tlklyn ii t Rs litis now cal oas Klec . HMO Cent Leather 5a.. 20O1K1 nt Pso 1st 4. 4000 CMII Copper 7a K71. BIX "(' Bl UlTi 14 "0 ?$ ."V loiu 100, UU i(S look iwt SSS Sh T hlllk Xfi 0(J?4 MO It ft O P t, K & VV 4a 7 , 7SJ& 4IS 300 Deth Steel 1st 5s. . ..1(12J 10SU 10KJV IKXI do rM 6s, looll 10( 101 loo Vlf ls? .114 US . 7 tl4 . Ml . t .102 . Il . 0" 102 l.'waw cnea ft Ohio cv 4Vs.. 74 10(KW Cbea ft Ohio 4'i )il .'(MiO Ches ft Ohio 3s 102U i.HR t ni ui v eat in. ... 3000 Chi ft Nwn au. . ltoioo (-hi Jl ft Q Joint 4a. SOiH) C'hl U ft 11 Ren 4s. . . 4000 Chi II ft U Den 4a. . . 1IMI Chi II ft t) III ,'IUs... 1K) C M ft Bt I 4s...... 1400(1 C M & St V cu Rs SROO O M A St I cv 414 (KiOO C M ft St V gtn 4Us COUO Chi It I ft 1' (is.. Riii" C Ht 1 M ft U deb Rs.Hxi 2000 Col A Poutll 1st 4 RRV1 l(xx) Cuban-Am Simar Us. ..loou 1(KI Cumberland Tel Ra KT uiuuu uei & iiud rrd 4s,... 4000 Den ft Itlo or 4a... Roiw l)cn ft Hlo Gr rfd Ra. 2(K)0 Detroit t'nltei! 4.a.. 2000 DIs 8ecur Corp Rs (Kits l:HW Du Pont I'mJlli ...loo 10000 KrU conv 4s Ser II . . . OliU 4(aiu Kris prior 4 7N 1O0O Oen Kleo deb Ra 102U 1000 Hud Man rrd Ra 71 ROOO 111 Chi Jt Ba UOVi 2000 Ina Cop cv (la '10 142)J hxoiK) Insp cv ret ad pd (la,.14:its rfurn, inirru ii i roi oa.. 7(K) Inter It T ref Ra 87000 Inter Mer Mar 4Mb.. liJ 01J4 a hH llCVl (RU 78 1HIJI mi DO W)i limoo Internl l'Hner cvt Ra. iiioo jap new o at 4'ta... 4a. 117 . UT . 'n'i . (tt . 71 "r,J . RRH .1(12 . HHJji . in . 4S . SI . .no . r.o . .11 . tvii, !S'.4 .10J ...103', ...87 ... 84i ... 7(1 ... t!8V ...l(tl"i ...10l . ..K2 ...111". ...49 . . 73 .. 87'4 .. M. . . CI . . H7' 4 .. Pt . . 7ti . . R0',i . .mvi . . 112 . . in . . win . . 03 .. 47 . . ti7'i SOV4 ,1 ni4 0H4 KUVk 1(H) MH KH, P7 DO W'i 7l(J Xi 1(1(1 7i 102', 71 141 140V, IMlli t'.)4 IW ravi 71 list; 81 102 101) IK)S 48 M :ki .to 21171 itiu ns', 102 i lUt'i , ion, GRAINS RECOVERED IN LATE DEALINGS Trading Light and Scattered. Revival of Export Business Due 81 SOU 03)4 112 14U 141W 140 .. 07 0754 CO 00 .. 01f 0254 01W 02)f .. 20)i 204 20 2054 ..105i 100H 100 10GU .. 72)4 74 71f 74 ..107)f 107)4 106)i 107)4 .. 33 32Jf 32 32 .. 35) i 30)4 :&i 30 ..108)4 108!. 103 108J4 ..115U 115 115 115 .. 88)4 80 87H 87)4 .. 34)4 35 32)4 34 J4 102Jf 102)4 102)4 102)4 71 70)4 71 fiOU 00 CO 60 100M KX)W 100)4 100)4 100)4 100)4 100)4 100)4 .3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 22H 22Ji 22! 224 39)4 38)i 38)i 33!( 148)4 148)4 147!i 14SK 42)4 43H 41)i 43 .101)4 101 101 101 4 H .154!i . 53!f . 68!f J4 54 0)4 lOW 0J4 32)X !i H 5 10 0)4 32)f ii 54 0)4 10 0)4 32i 153 55 80 SECURITIES AT AUCTION Tho following securities ncre sold at auc tion today by Homes ft Lofland: 80 shrs. American Railways Co. com mon. Par $80 21)4 $2000 Pennsylvania Company, .T.i per cent. Series "D.'f Coupons Feb ruary and August. Duo 1041..,. 85Ti $1000 American Kalluays Co. S per cent. Refunding. Convertible. Coupons February and August. Due 11)31.. 88)1 $RO00 Duck Ridge Coal Mining Co.', 6 per cent. First mortgage. Coupons January and July. Due 10.11 75 5 shrs. Mutual Trust Co. Par $30. ... 33 8 shrs. TucKcrton Railroad Co. Pre ferred. ($14 preferred stock scrip bonus.) 75c $3000, City of Philadelphia. .1 per coht. Interest January and July, lteg- latered. Due 1023 03H 1 shr. Farmers and Mechanics' Na tional Lank. Par $100 123 3 shrs. Fourth Street National Bank. Par $100 , 278 3 shrs. west End Trust Co. Par $100.1fi0 12 Bhrs. West End Trust Co. Par $100,100 0 ahrs. -West End Trust Co. Par $100,100 40 ahrs. .Pennsylvania, Cold Storage " and Market Co. Par $30 20 20 shrs. Camden Fire Insurance As sociation. Par $3 104 3 shrs. Fire Association of Philadel phia. Par $30 317?; 8 slim. Flra Association of Philadel phia. Par $30 317 15 shrs. Fire Association of Plillade- pnia. i'ur .w uiu- 20 shrs. Delaware Railroad Co. Par $25 41 10 shrs. Philadelphia and Camden Ferry Co. Par $30 108 1 shr. John D. Stetson Co. common. Par $100 350 31 shrs. American Pipe nnd Construc tion Co. Pnr $100 a hm. Phlladetnhla lloureo Dreferred. P.11 rf 21H 4 shrs. Phiiaaeipnia uourse common. Par $30 0 shrs. Philadelphia Uourse common. Par $30 ,. 13000 International Niulgatlon'Co. 5 per ....- VI... trn trn I'nllnnna ICQti '(b HIWI ,h-l. ..MM...-.. April and October. Due 1020. (Coupons from February 1, 1013, attached.) 01 $5000 International Navigation Co.. 6 per cent. Ftrat mortgage. Coupons April and October. Due 11129. (Coupons from February 1, 1013, attached.) 01 7001) Lack Steel Ra 1IIJ.1 113000 I.ack Steel B 11I."0 .inoo I.lg ft M T Rs. . . . Sum Lorlllard Ra 4000 Louis ft Nnah 4a. llioii Minn ft ft I. iouu do Rs 1R0(KI Mo Knn & T 4s... 42000 Mo Poc 1(!(KK) do CV Rs 2000 do cons Us 70O0 Nat Tul 3s .... 1CO0 N Y Air like cM (la. KHiO N V Cannl 4s C5i . 02300 do 0 ret 30000 do 4its Rnoo do 4s (WOO N Y O ft II 3'JS . .. 51X100 N Y City 4Hs 1000. 40CK) do ret 4i,s WOO do 4I5S Nov '37 . tinoo do 4i(,s ltiffl 11000 N Y N II ft It fls ... POOO .V Y Hwy ndj Rs ... , 10000 N Y Tol Ren 4)4s . . . .-iilOO N Y V C ft II 4Hs . COOO Norf & West 4s..., 7.TO0O Nor Pac prior 4s 4500 do Ken 3n KHiro Pacific Tel 3 ROD Trnna cv .TJ ,V"!0 do son rt 4'ja.... 1100U Public Serv N J fls I.V10 Hay Con Copper Cs.. 111111 Heading gen 4s.... (1000 Rep Ir A S R 21000 Rock Islnnd Is 37000 do rfd 4s inooo do Rs ROOO South rtcll Rs 4R00O South Pac cv 4 121R00 do cv ret f n Rs 10,14.100 2000 do rfd 4s 84 7000 do Term Rs M 21000 South Itwy gen 4s .... 01 111000 do con 5s 117, RHiO Texas Co cv (Is 101 (1000 Third Ave ref 4s 78 10000 do adj Rs 704 1O0O Trl-Cllv Rs 0.V4 100O I' S Rubber Cs 12K 1(12)4 10SOO 1' H Steel Ra 10214 102 S& 70i D7, 101 101 K lOlJl 41) IJl'i 73 S7(, 8'IV IL'lj 1)7 Vi !', I)7i KllVi 112 02 IUi M (U 40 I)7'l 80' DS ti M H1J4 lot 78 7ll'4 03 4KMO Union Pbc 1st 4s Ot niXHJO do cv 4 Rfl 20000 tin Itwys S F 4s 41) iron Wabash 1st Ss loo 2000 Wabash Kqu ct sta 4s 1(1 1000 Wahash-P T 1st ct 4s i 0000 West Elec cv Rs 105V4 1000 do Rs 10l 1000 West Md 1st 4s CO'i 27100( West K ft M cv fl w l.lld'i IRono West Shore reg 4s 8ttVj 1000 Wheeling ft V E 4s. . . . C3 254 S8V; 47i 100 111 101 nnvi 114 80 R3 1(10 Dl1) ft 114 8f; 102(4 IH'i 7h V(Hl 88 till 8 loiS tnU 07W 102 llKI t)7 DO, 01.14 tlVj 100 llii'j! 14,-lfc, l)0i tmij IS) (it 71 11.V1 $ 100 IKIS 4S M r.o :ki .11 o-Hl IIS 102 151(1 103 R7 81i 7(i ll.SI 102 K!i 10.' lll'i 4) ll'4 73 S7'4 Ml bil 1)7 1 litljd 117 ti MtVi 112 112 i)3 Nl'i (12 4011 unl 80S tIS'A 8(i 80 (HV4 t)7 101 78 Ti.Ti OS 102 1021S l)2'i RSI., 43Va 100 111 103 1014 (j(V4 11(1 M 31 CHICAGO, Sept. 1. Report of Rood weather In tho principal grain dltrlcta wero responsible for tho market opening weak and RrowltiR weaker In tho onrly hours. TrndlnK nppcartd light mid scat tered. Seller were holding off. It was reported thnt tho big bears were cover ing. Foreign orders, the Dardanelles, nnd lastly, but not least, tho weather, are the Important factors In the range of prices. Few could give any logical rea son for the prosent decline, which, for the past two weeks, amounted to 15c. September wheat sprung a surprise when It opened ttt SH'.i, ic above tho final quotation of M?i bid. It was the only overnight advance. Tho unsteady under tone, however, soon had It fluctuating nround M. It advanced a trifle later. Three-quarters of a rent wns the loss at the opening on December, when com pared with Oii, the final quotation ot vosierday'a closing. It hit 91?4 before noon. Ilut a gain of Me. took place first. May showed tho greatest dccreacc, opening at yt, against 97i, yesterday's closing price. A slight rally became ef fective after It had sagged to 5j"4. Prices recovered In the late dealings nnd the closo found them well nbove tho r nal of yestcrdiy. May scored the great est ndvnrice, J cents. Corn, chiefly a weather proposition, opened Armor thnn wheat and followed Its movement later. Commission houses sold freely. Oat prices were maintained at the opening on better export prospects. I-cadlng futures ranged as follows: Yeet'd'a wncat Open. num. September .. 1)4 4 H7'4 December .. 02 lil"t, May iiuK H8'4 (-orn (new acuveryj PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUtt In esport elevator N0Vl id September, $l.03Uel.07M! n, new, 1.()S)41 MH No-, i r. $l.03Hil.orr1 steamer No. FALLING WHEAT PRICE ' CHEERING TO ENGLAND I.OW, U3V4 m', UB'4 Total sales $3,KI9,Ono. compared with $3,182, 000 jestcrday; thus far this week. $10,312,000; same period taut week, $7,700,000. September ueccmoer May Oats September December May Lard September October . January . . itlhs September October .. January . . Pork September October . . January aa . U2k . 30V, . :i8. 48 12 . 8 23 . 8.87 . 8.30 . 8.40 . 8.77 13.33 .11.R2 ..10.37 SI 3ns ss ;4 Hid. tAsked. 8.13 8.27 8.87 8.30 8.42 8.77 13.40 13. W 10.37 70 COH em 3Rt as 8.03 . l. 8.67 8.10 8.23 8.02 13.02 13.25 13.07 Cloie. tt) 71'4 l t(12 SOU 8.03 8.17 tS.02 8.12 8.3-1 8.('k- 13.02 13.23 10.07 close. H.l4 tl4 tU7 71T, Ol'k 10-t'i 13'i 4.Ki' I MS?. 8.12 8.20 8.83 8.30 8.42 8.82 13.32 13.32 10.32 Financial Briefs 23 0 5H Sales in Philadelphia Yesterday's close. boo Ains-cnnim, . 103 Am ltwys ... ;V Raid Ico 23 do pref . . . 183 J O Brill ii!i.l Cam Steel ... 200 Chi R I 10 Cruc Steel .. 10 Coti Trac N J 10S01 i:iec Stor . . . 70 F.rle 103 Ins Co N Am in Kav TM Co t I 1130 Lake Sup Corp ", 8 Irfh Nav 73 47 I.eh Vally .... 714 100 lh Val Transit 1fi RO do pref 324 OIS Prnna Hatlroad. R4H 10 Pitts Coal ..... .. 40 Penna Salt Mfg IUW 1W Phlla Co ...... 44 IB do cum pref.. 42VJ 31 Phlla Electric. 24U rod P It T tr ctfs.. OH 23 Reading ... 744 108 Tonopah Pel ... 4 201 Tonorah Mining. 3V4 217 Itnlon Traction. 33 42 United Oas Imp 8W R4SO U S Steel 7S',J 10 Warwick Ir ft Pt lo 23 W Jer ft Beash 4SVj 70 W Cramp ft S.. 82 . 24 . 82i . B4t4 70 0W 21)4 03 High 411 24(4 M, 103 4li M'4 21V4 7, 71) 21H4 22V, aA 74 71i)i 10 :(2i4 54,, 3114 in 44 10 74Vi 33H 81(1 Is 4S4 M Low 40 244 83 104 43 77 70 in;, 20 224 10 32(4 R4'i. 42i; 24V, 10 74 3',, RK 33 81W ,4 10 4(4 83 Close. 40 24i Kt 103 4.T Rl'i 23 77 70 0,8i 2!) 22T, (15 73, 71Vi 1(1 32 Vi 34 X1V4 03 44 8 10 74 3SH 84(4 if yjulr W !!d tOff.red. Total sales, 22,000 bags. NEW YORK CURB lL4raartCln Zln ; ar Light .. .... Vgoia, cons .. ;. X Ortaue Cananea v fancau uopper . tn .......... .............. Hid. 64 8 , WV4 14 38 1.1 f Keno't Copper W Nh5S?;Pppr l4S 'tfMtf Wh ....!' jsV lift hPsfa.J Th.nrv.ruti" ' V, , v" "" .Babnmrlae gltefltag Oum".'"'.V. 2c i Unit fMva. 4. 'J vwtM Wont iffiSKBV,;:.Vr' OT . 2i4 111) o trsrerred ""a rum .... . tafcoa doid . ..,.'..:;.:::::;;:: aS Asked. 03 1 13 lOVt 4lH IH'i B3H T 74 U4 00 103 1MW 153 65 52tf 80 8Sli 10554 101H 101H 101H 15H 15! 15H 15U 48H mi 48li , 65M fi5 65 , 72 72W TiU 108U 113W 100 1U5 62H 01 81 . 7X 28 02K 80)4" 7M 27H 48H 65 72) 113i 105 1521i 151 10 10 63H 63H 02H 80 7 27H 02M 80H 7H 27H .131H 129H 127U 129 Xo Extra Holiday for Brokers r" "K, Btpt. l.-JTha noard of Oov. ot ih. v. '.f .'"7. K"W. " "" ftefcanJI nnfi"1 t0'. eloa P the ex S1Jafnrfii'0l fiu'n on Baturday. Ilia DIVIDENna T.vrT.ATwT eoiSmiir',.i?n,.yn'' rur 2(4 per rent. ISwsb25rntnnd.,J4 p4r c,nt' " Preferred. 'V 13 Q"iqUr tock of record B.ptem- JSI?t "" Tranalt. B par cant,, pav. at .fi.toJjocki0,JCcor September . "l '.n.r o 20 per cent, a yaar. I ayx?!?"' T at l sms rata il I Bar. nterWo Iiumely 11 Co, 6U Kutnely M Co pf 10 StL&SFSdpf Mi Seaboard Air L pT 32H 6earj Hoe & Co Sloss-Sbef S & I Co Southern Pacific... Southern Pac t c... Southern Ity Southern Ity pf Standard Milling.. . Standard Milling pi. Mudetiiker Co Miirtehaker Co nf lOlU 105 Tenn Copper 64K 57X Teiaa Co 152H 154 Tens & Pacific 10 10 Third Arenue 63H M Twin City Hap Tr Under Type Union Das & Paper . Union Han & V pf . Union Pacific Union Pacific pf....... 82H U blind Alcohol 719i U B Cast I V &F 21 United ys Invest 25 United Hys lay pf 40H IT H Iliihlivr 40H it n iinhtw.r lit nf....l()3 IMU 103 ., uui-.i 7K 7Mt 73'f H.!ie-":-::: li8l lSI v"carocr.m:v:.r.-.v. m 5. mm m :a: -.,.m r.r. Kw inn 102 100 Wabash pf M H W M wJnToEip 107 106 JOB 00 West K &M llMi" H8 114H 110U WetU Maryland..... 28 SMI 28 28 wSylovSp' -100?. 1075. 107M 107M Cents per share. Quoted dividend. mtal sales 603.800 sharea, compared, with RioriK) .haies Yesterday; thus far IM"" 2 OJA8O0 T.hare.1 "mo period last week 2.010,. UUO snares. 82 72 201, 25Jf 41S 60U 80 71 20 21). 40 60 82 72 20 26K 40U 60 101U 755. Reorganization of 'Frisco Subsidiary Under the propo.ed reorganisation plan of the New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Railroad stockholders recclvo nothing, conalderitlon be In given to bondholders only. All the capital atock of the company Is owned by tho 8t. Ivouls and San Franci.co liauroaa company. Holder, of tha $28,382.1)30 first mortgaiie B per cent, and 4(4 per cent, bonds are to be given tho privilege ot subscribing to tha extent of 20 per cent, of their holdings at par to new llrst lien collateral trust 0 per cent, bonds of tho new company to be organised They will also receive RU per cent- ot their present hold lnga In new Income 3 per cent. bond. -and 60 per cent. In stock. Rondholdera who do not subscribe to tha new nrst lien U's will receive only 40 per cent, of the new Incomes and 23 uer cent. In stock. The new company will receive $1,000,000 cash, and the amount of the new first Us will be about $0,000,000. The amount of new In comes will be approximately $10,000,000 and there will be a similar amount of stock out standing. ... ..,.. The nam of the new company which Is to ba organised to take over the property Is to be thi Louisiana, Texas and Mexico Rail road Company, COTTON NEW YORK. Sent. 1. Large overnight buy ing orders, coupled with etrong cable., caused flrmneaa In the cotton market thla morning, with prlcea at the outaet 0 to 12 polnta higher. Much of the bulll.h feeling waa due to con tinued loner temperatures In ths belt. Offer ih wr arattered and moatlv reallxlnr aalea. Enough new bualnees from Walt Street and commission houses continued to absorb tha selling but eventually pre.sure Increased nnd prices woiked off from the top. ...... In the afternoon the decline continued tn the close, which was 0 to 11 points below Tues day's final figures. V In On.n Tllvh I .,u, fnmm -v.y-''? vi'."' :vv Tr ""-? JO.lill Total sales, 22.7.10 shares, compared with 19,7112 shares yc.terdayi thus far this week, R'i.077 shsres; samo period last week, 'J2,M hare., BONDS. Last prev. aale. Utah. Low. Close, $200 Am a & E 3s... 80 87 87 87 1000 Raid Loc 1st Rs.l()2(, 102 102 102 1000 City 4S 1042....101i 101(4 lAHi lOl'l 1000 do 1813 lOUi lOlii 101(1 7000 me & Peo Tr 4s 73(4 73 31000 Intcrsta Rys 4s. RR RS 1O00 Key Tel 1st Rs.. 03 1)5 R600 Leh Nv ens 4 (is 00(i liOJi train T.M, VI en 4s ree .. 8(li 1000 do gen 4V.s... 08(4 I.W'4 uua Pi pnm 4Vs... 102(4 102 Minn a aen 4(4s ... 07(1 t)7( looo rnua to cos os. - - U2 Phlla Co sen "1(1.100 100 3 do 1018 08 (W lO'O Phlla Eleo 4s... 7SH 78(4 1000 Welsbach Co 3s, VIVi 03 (4 0814 nsw ( 102l lOi'J Vi 07(1 07 7t R8 03 KltU 100 118 78(4 03 '3 R8 05 HUH 80'i tl.j 1'2'J 07W X 100 08 7814 91 Totsl sales, $39,027. compared with $24,330 yesterday; thus far this week, $78,100; earoe period last week, $1SS,I43. Local Bid and Asked CI" was paid In the previous GOVERNMENT BONDS wSSS;hig?!!Slld,e. Corporation, regu. lOttaWt il -p.er,"nt' on Preferred, pay rsL W itat ,loclt " ,'eeord September 10. 5 ffii10 yock ' record' septamber 15. etSt?TIv.Ci!lm,nf''l. "ulr quarterly Sa .lLV,P,I?,l October I, to stock of czizirT mreT.,?Sr, regvUr quarter. l2rtV.,(?'"j:r,.-..r.7uLr gaarterty H4 -par Nsrrad ' mm "." , na ? Per cant. " Sia. uvaKl- m . . 4T f sm, on lira- 2vt M. 0tU)Ur to t ot record Ht'P!' Comnamr. raswUr quarterly sis uctooar ,,.. 2s of 103 reglstersd ........... 2s of 1030 coupon ' Panama 2s registered .......... Panama 2s 'lfflS ".ll"J ' !:.. us 8a registered ... Panama nw 3s coupon v; JgJ 8, of WI registered iS Ii of 1'8 coupon .. JuTJ " of wsi registered ;::" i!J .. . vy ......... ......If. Did. u! . HI vo no , 100 January 10.80 Ootober .0.-?s, December 'JS'l8 March J0.M May 10-80 Spot . . K.83 0.9S 10.27 10.08 10.00 0.7S 10.41 0.08 10,28 10.70 10.00 10.17 10.21 9,71 0.73 10.04 10.67 10.43 10.48 10.03 10.08 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW VOniC. Sept.. 1. BUTTE K. Market firm; recalpts. 16,430 pkgs.: extra, 20V4C j higher scormg, 2Y2Titc.i State dairy, 20c. j Imitation creamery, 22fi22(4e, . ' , EOOB. Market steady) receipts, 10,073 pkgs.i extra Jlrsts, 23e6(4c,s .firsts. 242lUc.i nsyrby whites, 824i33c.: mixed color, ?4tt28c; refrig erator firsts, 23t21ci nearby browns, 23)0310. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH 8TOCK8. Bid. Jim Butler ,,., .81 Midway .....,.-....... .1 llllipali Ixtsp.l9n .., ..(. ; ,11 Tononah Belmont Toil Mxtenaton , . p.mnnih Sfcrscr . Tonopali Mining ,,.. BH QOLDFIKLD STOCK8. .... .29 Baldwin do prrf .... Buff & Sus t c do prei Today Bid. Aikad. . -ii ..101 .. 12(4 Cambria Steel R1V4 Eleo Storage A.l Uen Aaphalt 30(4 u, W! 1.'! OR aa prsi Keyatone Tel do t C. ........ At nref Ike Sup. Corp Lrhlgn nay T,hivh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr do prei ............. Penna ......... ..... Phlla Co 4.-- . do 8 per cent pref,, do 6 per cent pief ,. Phlla II T do t 0 .............. Reading ... ........ Tonopah Belmont ..... Tonopan urning ...... Union Traction ...,,,, Ilnltea uas improv it fl Rieel U ti Steel pref York Itwy di Draf ...... Wro Cramp t e 8 33 M, 44 .18 42(4 10 10 74H 8",, 8H 7R in?; i 81 82J4 tiKMltfl tttat t t f t f t a t I it or wj Kwpww tttf LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS PIS. H,W ! i rnf':! "U'"& raTUia 4 I V heavy fS-miZXh Df I1T.H.. UU1K, . VVM,W; rrLK -,irh n 111 iSU7.i ' V..irl --. .(.dv lisevea. n,v tri.wi40.113i Tsxans, "; d u.l nt B. 18,090 baud) market mr r2JL iadi4H Jan. .aaa aatorl tistlrasf-tl 0aSVAvw".ir:i "maMZi fO,4P0.V. Vflt Trw.-r-w- ! t t f ( " aiifiiii$lft l. Atlanta ......i jiiva uuu Booth ....... Bulldog O O U '': r-Amt,lnad Frao BtaniondflaM B B.. Daley ..... yiorenoe ...... ...... ;.. .. aoldtleld Consolldatsd ,,...,.., ..ifl 1.1 1mrr .............. juiubo KxtsnalOD ...... I.....I..1.45 ifawanas Oro . fitno Ken . Bllver Pick . Fairy Axtee Klrb?rly...,c Asked. .U ,20 .M .12 .m 5 Si LT R W .80 o? .ut .41 ,4.1 m .01 .0.1 M .03 ,04 M .08 .10 ,03 .04 .04 .0(1 .43 .47 ni p.. .18 IH 1.R0 IS .00 .UK .0(1 .08 a .iq, . .01 .08 fMv S -5g MH.aMSat 'SSI . TsTSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSl Yesterday Bid. Asked S3 82ft 82 101(4 101 103 13 12 18(4 38(& J0 RIH Rl R3 iwVj miu (KM R1H 0(4 31 (M 117 (18 i4w i, in; U( IS. 14(i oa os uu oH "Vi i4 74 73i 74 71 7l(! 71(4 lll'i luU 10 :ri(4 32U -ivx SIM Rl' sis, 44f 44Vs 4t 39 41 4.i 4214 41 J0V5 01 10 IflU Oil 10 7i 7? W 8 8B5" gR 83 84(4 M 751 7fi 73(i 112K 112U 113 7 7 7(( 32 81 32 81 8J 8J Iron Aro says: The main features of the steel 6ltuatlon nro the larco amount of new war business offered, particularly In bars nnd wire, and the fact that the possible open hearth nteol output of the remaining months of this year is practi cally all under contract. Prices on bar plates and shapes aro stronger and East ern structural mills have been able to Ket $1 a ton more than the Pittsburgh baBls of 1.3. At auction American Pipe and Con struction stock fcTl 20 points to 25. Fourth Street National Bank declined 7 points. Two sha-es of Winchester Repeating Arms Btoclc sold at auction In New York for $2300 a share. Tho' annual roport of tho American Hide and Leather Company shows a gross Increase of $1,333,407, Net earnings In creased $S77,827, and the mirplus was $95,974, compared with $107,205 In 1914. A special meeting of tho board of direc tors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany was held today. After the meeting it was nnnounced that there was nothing to glvo out. Tho Now York banks lost $468,000 to the Subtreasury yesterday, and lost since Krl day $4,608,000. Transactions on tho New York Curb In August totaled 4,278,810 shares, an in crease of 8b6,G90 shares compared with July. Rond sales totaled $2,037,000, a de crease of $1.080,000. A New York Stock Exchange seat sold for $60,000, an advance pf $1000 from the laBt sale. Tho Westlnghouso Electric and Manu facturing Company announces that stock holders have subscribed to all the new convertible bonds except $157,000. Bonds not subscribed for nre to be distributed pro rata among the depositing bondhold ers, who will receive cash for the balanco of their deposited bonds at 105 and in terest. On and after September 10 next, when interest on the deposited bonds will cease, bondholders surrendering their certificates wlll'recelve for each deposited bond cash ($307.32 bonds at 103 per cent, and interest), $1021.00 and fractional cer tificate exchangeable for new convertible sinking fund 5s when Issued, $32.C8. The New York City Controller called for redemption today $37,000,000 In corporate one-vear notes which wero Issued Septem ber 1, 1911. and bear 0 per cent. Interest. Tho Issue waB part of a $100,000,000 loan rnUi.,1 to meet foreign obligations of the city which wore payable shortly after the European war. started. Holders of the Missouri Pacific defaulted first nnd refunding 6s of 1909, tho trust Bs of 11)17, nnd the 40-ycar gold loan 4s of 1945, have been notified by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., as readjustment mnnagers of the Missouri Pacific syetem, that they may secure on advance of the defaulted Interest from the respective depositories for the bonds by depositing them or presenting certificates of deposit, J Henncn L-egendre has become a part ner In the firm of H. E. Mitchell & Co. WlllUT.-necelpts, 10S.OOO bushels. Outside advlcea .were stronger and the market ruled firm and lc. higher with demand fair. Quota tions. I'ar lots. In export elevator NO. ren, ne. spot and o. a red western. mmthern red. nw. ti (.tuti 4 k.I . n.f , . . . nil. n Man,. l.iS'.ejl.oiti, rejected A, now, $tei.02i re- ected" 11. new, lW(tc.sTfl.oo'4. COIl.V.-Itecetpts; W0 bush. Trade waa nulet, with prlcea unchanged. Offerings were light. Quotation.! Csr lots for local trade, as to location No. 2 yellow, MflWe.i steamer ellow, MeSSc.i No. .1 sellow, 8.MJ80C. . , OATS. lleeetpts, 73,037 bush. Demand was light and prices were week and unsettled. Quotation. No. 3 White, 4 Italic; No. 4 whits. 40filo i .ample oata. a?HBc. , .. , Kl.orn.-lieeelpte, UoS bbls., and 604.540 lbs. In sacks. There was little demand and values were largrly nominal quotations, per 108 lba in wood. Winter, clear, new, $4.60$ 4.SS; do., straight, new, $l.!Kff3 10; do., pat ent, new, is 13W6.401 Kansas, clear, new, lute sacka, 4.S13.10; do., straight, new, Jule sacka, $3.1303.33, do., patent, new, lute aacka, $3.403o.f0, spring, itrat, clear. oU, 8.I3W!. do., straight old, $0ll.23i do., patent, .old, $(1.4.18(1.30! do., favorite brands, old, $.73B7s city mills, cholro and fancy patent. J6.73U7: city mills, regular grndes Winter, clear, new, $4r,oi4.S3. do. straight, new, ll.OOU5.10; do., patent, new. t3.10OS.4O. ItYi: FI.OUK nss dull and without Impor tant change. Quotations: $5A3.S0 per bbl as to quality. PROVISIONS There was little trading and prices of some kinds were lower. Quotations City beef. In sets, smoked and atr-drled, lT,i82Uc.: Western beef. In sct, smoked, 2320c.i city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked and atr-drled, 27B2SO.; Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 27i2c, beef name. $310321 Pork, family. $211(121.30: hams. 8. P. cured, loose, 11fll4c.; do., skinned, looie, 13(tIVIHC; do., tlo., smoked. 13frl3V.c.; other hams, smoked, tlty cured, as to brand and average, 14?lSc: hams, rmoked, We.tern cured. 14i?1uC.l do., bolted. bonder. 2.1U24C.: picnic shoulders, H. P. cured, loose, 10'4illc.i do., smoked, lO'ailc. bellies. In pickle, accord ing to axriaL'c. loose. 12Vil.lc, hreakfa.t baron, ns to brand and average, city curtp. 17W1V., breakfast bacon, Western curso. 17 wise. , lard. Western refined, tierces. l(lw uc . do., do., do., tubs. 0V4'B,ic., lord, pure city, kettle rendered, In tierces. U(4J0ic.l lard, pure city, kettle rendered, In tubs, 0(4 J'Jc. REFINED SUGARS Trade ns quiet, but values were steadily held. We quote rcflnors' list prices, subject tu concessions of 6B10 points: Stand ard granulated. t.O31i3.70c. ; extra tins granu lated, 3.C083.03C.: powdered, S.700.73c; con fectioners' A, G.S0S3.S3C.; soft grades, 4.739 3.40c DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTnil. Fancy stock sold fairly and r.uled Arm, with supplies well under control. Quota tions: Western solid-packed creamery, fancy. Bpeclals, 2S(4c. . extras, 2U(.jC. ; extra flrats, 2.."j S2ilc; firsts. 245123c., seconds, 22023c: nearby prints, rancy. 30.-.; do., average extras, 288 20c; do., firsts. 2.Y32VC.; do., seconds, 22923c.! Jobbing sales of fancy prints, 31Q37C LUGrf. Fine now-laid eggs were scarce and firm under a good demand. Quotations' In free cases, nearby extras, 2Rc. per dox.; flrrts, $7.20iti.30 per standard case; nearby cumnt receipts, $(! 1U.IK per case: Weatern extra firsts. J7.50ft7.8O per eaae: flrats. $0.U0 7.20 per case: fancy aelected candled egga were Jobbing nt 80032c. per dozen. CHKllSK. The market ruled firm and a shade hlghor under moderate offerings and a good demand for deslrablo stock. Quotations: New York full cream, new. ISKWHc.; do. do., fair to good, new, J8918(4c.; part aklms, OS 12c POULTRY LIVE. Offerings of fowls were light and the market ruled firm under a fairly active demand. Chickens were quiet, but steady. We quote: I owls, fancy, weighing 3 lbs. and over apiece. 17017(40., do., ordinary receipts, lOW luiAc; roosters, 12artc; broiling chickens, not leghorns, according to quality, 10!J10c.: do., leghorns, 13017c. i ducks, Pekln. old, 13ffllc; do., Indian Hunner, old, 12913c: do., young, according to size, 13M10c; pigeons, old, per pair. 1SSj20c; do., young, per pair, 17(J18c. UltnsSKD. There was a fair demand for de sirable stock and the market ruled firm under light orrenngs. I ouowing are tno quotations: Frexh-killed poultry, fowls, 12 to box, dry picked and dry-packed, fancy selected, lUc.; weighing 4'i'nJ ibs. nploce, 184c: weighing .".'iil lbs. apiece. 17(4c: welching 3 lbs. apiece, l(ittl7c; under 3 Ibs. apiece, 11 WJl.'.Vic.; Ice packed Western, 4(4 lbs. and over apiece, 18c; do., en. alter sizes, 15017c; old roosters, diy plcked. 13c; broiling chickens, Jersey, fancy, 2 1020c.: other nearby fancy, 22fi24a ; fancy Urge yellow, Illinois, weighing 3 lbs. and over, apiece, 2021c; other Western, weighing 3 lbs. and over, 10c: Western, weighing W& 2Vj lbs. anlecc, 18S10c; do.. Inferior, lbiflTcj spring ducks, nearby, lClft7c: do.. Western. 1012c, equabsf white, weighing llfl2 lbs. per doz $'!.00?4 00; white, weighing 0ST10 lb., per dox., !.TiKI.."W; white, welching 8 lbs. per doz., $2.35&2.il.; do., 7 lbs. xr dot., .1"W 2.20. do.. (1(1(4 lbs. per doz,, t.00aL03: dark. $1.3081.03; small snd No. 2. $1. FRESH FRUITS Cholco stock was In fair request and gen erally steady. Quotations: Apples, per bbl, UravenMcln. J2Si2.50 Wealthy. $2ft2.AO: luch e.s. $1.73(2.23: Hummer Hambo, $22.30; other varieties, $1.3032; peaches, Virginia, Weat Vir ginia, western Maryland and Pennsylvania. Klbertas, per crate, 40fjn0c; do. do. do., per iiHMnri, -jioiuc; ao., i-wmwara ana Aiaryianu, Klbertas. per carrier, 404J(10c: do. do. do., per basket, 2583c. do.. Jersey, fancy HI berta, per basket. MftCOc. ; do. do., other kinds, per basket, SOB 40c : pears, Lc Conte. per bbl., $2.30ii3.30; do.. Ilartlett. per bbl., $2f'(4; grapes. North Caroline Deiawares. per 8-basket carrier, $1.3002; do,. Delaware, Moore's Early aiiu "iii.uu, ),v, iiiiiu, tHjJi.-.i:.. ,iu. uu. ,iu.. per 4-lb. basket. 8tfll)c; lemons, per box, $3 3.30: oranges, Florida, per box. $4)!; plno apples, per crate Porto lllco. $1.6082.73; Flor ida, $1 502 75; plums. New York, per 20-lb. basket. 30?T40ci do. do., per 8-lb. basket. Ilradshaw nnd Niagara. lOulSc; blackberries, Delaware, Maryland and Jersey, per qt., 4flitc.; huckleberries, per qt.. lliiSc. ; cantaloupes, Maryland, per standnrd crate, 307f73c: do.. Jersey, per ba.ket, J34j50o. ; watermelons, per car, $50ifl23. VEGETABLES The market ruled steady under moderate of ferings and a fair demand for choice stock. Quotations: white potatoes, Virginia, per bo. No. 1. xiifl..n; ao., .to, o; Economists See Hope for IWt- ter Exchange in Cheapr Commodities Dy By FRANCIS W. HIRST ot Tfca Francis. W. lllrat, Kdltor Lconomiat. 8ptcia Cable fa Kvtntna Z4pvt. LONDON. Sept. l.-From our Uritlah viewpoint the most important and satis factory cconomlo feature Just now I the decllno In wheat pHccs. English. Wheat, after hslnr nn tn SO ahtlllnaa tha Quarter, is now down lo nliollt 43. S'lotir X h and bread prices follow, too, tlorriy, but this fall should somewhat ease our ex change troubles, which are partly duo to the high prices of food Imports. Now that harvest weathef Is -much better, good crops may bo eiTieclefl. Germany's modification of her atrocious submarine policy Is welcome to sea trav elers and Indicates Increasing power In the moderate party In Berlin, which sees approaching bankruptcy and desires te let down the tension with a view to peace negotiations. Tho stubborn defense ot lUKa, Rus sia's chief port, gives satisfaction here. Tho German-Austrian offensive is ap parently directed toward Kiev and th Black Sea country. Business circles hero aro speculating anxiously about the coming; budget, which is expected before the end of September, A protective tariff Is Impossible. I think, as moro than half the Cabinet holds free) trade opinions. Labor problems remain troublesome. The Trade Union Congress at the bepln nlnK of September will throw now, light on worklnR class opinion, especially cnp cernlna; conscription. Northcllffe'a press agitation for it is subsiding;. PUBLIC UTILITIES The Portland Railway and Light Com pany reports, for 13 months ended July 31, a decrease of $919,703 in gross earnings and a net decrease of $712,60$, Tho sur plus was $381,116, a decrease of $793,011. For the 12 months ended July 31 tha Cumberland County Power and Light Company reports a gross gain ot $S3,173. Net earnings Increased' $5S,8(4 and tha balance, after dividends, was $134,976, an Increase of $37,533. The Columbus Railway, Power nnd Light Company reports, for the 12 months ended July 31, a gross decrease of $S21L but a net increase of $141,238. Tho bal ance, after dividends, was $lS&,3Ci, an in crease of $153,586 over 1914. The East St. Louis and Suburban Com pany reported a gross decrease In earn ings for 12 months of $309,379. The net do crease was $28,012. There waa a deficit after dividends ot $61,702,, against a sur plus of $68,562 In 1914. The Bnngor Railway nnd Electric Com pany showed a 12 months' gross gain ot $2178, but the net return decreased $8931 The balance after dividends was $85,407, a decrease of $11,711. Thn Commonwealth Power. Railway and Light Company's gross earnings tor 12 months Increased J102.203. Net $23i,0M. Balance after dividends, a decrease of $35,722. irnlngs for t it gain was f s, $1,219,757, V The Consumers' Power Company report ed an Increase of $280,232 In 12 months' gross earnings, with a net gain ot $3l8,-lp 1(8. Tho balance, after dividends, was $845,093. an Increase of $?75,SlQ -, ,' Receiver for Mexican Light SC A MONTREAL Sent L-0.Ii, cfv has been appointed itScofver fQC the Si lean Llcht and Power Company. The J celvcrshlp was brought about thtdugu the chaotic conditions in Mexico, SO07ne, white Carolina, 11.73172: do.. No. S and culls. MO 75c: sweet potatoes, Jersey, per boaket No. 1, ennoac.i oo., r,o. -'. lonsac; omona. Jer sey, per -nuinei nasKet. ssjrsoc. per 4-lb. basket, 30cJ$l. mushrooms. BAR SILVER NEW TORK, Sept. 1. The merclul bar silver today waa 4t Mexican dollars at 37 cents ?rlc of com K cents, with DirtECTOTtY OF ACCOUNTANTS l'ublie Accountants I.KOAI, ADVKHTIBEMKNTS -3lN THK MUNICIPAL COUltT FOK th, County of Philadelphia. Beptember Term, 1014, No. 88. Jacob ISlaar by Ids next friend and mother, Freda Illiar, and Freda Illrar In her own right, vs. Michael Cohen, Notice to Jacpb Ulzar and Freda Illiar and other creditors of Mlchsel Cohen. Notice Is hereby given that a rule has been granted on the above-named plaintiff, to show cauae why the defendant, Michael Coben. should not be dlacharged from arrest aa an Inaolvent debtor In accordance with the Act of Aaaembly of Juna 1. 1B1B, I I 811. Hula returnable Thursday, Beptember 2. leio. .t io o,cAJ,RAIUU BonKorvm. Attorney for Defendant. N. 11. HEHOMAN titinna T.nmharil !r..r.n v il 411 Walnut at. Suggestions How to Invest for both large and small investors will be given those who write for our Circular No. L-l 43. A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities US South Fourth Street t Philadelphia New York Chicago Butts Doaton London, Enr, Balttmcf Svyiyyis !WV V y . " s 3 , 13 SOUND INVESTMENTS filA23ER6.Ch tSrS-S?. '.(.. .yr:;3CT- W STRONG 5 BOND UNDER PAR We offer at 95 and interest an attractive S per cent Bond free of all taxes, on local well known property, guaranteed by endorsement by a strong company with a long dividendrecord. The earnings show a wide margin of safety and the manage ment Is of the best. Mortgage surrounded by usual safeguards. Send for complete circular with map. $500,000 Lackawanna Steel Company 6 Two-Year Gold Notes Due March 1, 1917 Price 100 and Accrued Interest Descriptive circular on request Kean, Taylor &; Co, , .. 5 Nassau Street New Yrk 134 So. La Salle St Chicago Brown Brothers & Ca Fourth anb Chwttnut Sthskt PHIIiABELPHIA t MISCKLUaNEOUa. w,.,- . ..Ann... smx West End Trust Bid tr.. Phlla. KbbO A.MORIirni & KM. Members of the Phila. Stock Exchange i Commercial Letter of Cj A SSs(lysi sW A. aWWasWi StssslJ W,SssB .rr. &rt CB NaTlS o? JKlfi 4V4' I H, HKW-aB. . f Xi ...1.4 LH ' "