Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 01, 1915, Final, Page 10, Image 10

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"tatf POT OF FAlRY
At Luxury of Today Is
moaern striving ior weaiwi uuua rtui
Lead to Happiness
ALb chase the- rslnbow for the
ef ralrv Bold which, us every
' to be found exactly where
hldge touched the ground.
why the rainbow has been
adopted as the symbol nf
People are wearing out
their live In the chase for
happiness. They fight and
strive fiercely In tho world
eo that they may rise to
the motorcar level of life:
and once there they rind
that happiness elusive
happlneM hoe hopped out
of the motorcar and Is
daring to be Just ns happy
as ever In a donkey bar
There Is something Infinitely pathetic In
Ike Ie 6f the man or woman who, hnvlng
Mrijwn for wealth, not for Us own sake,
bfHtt tey might buy happlncta, d!s
er that their hardly won gold has
turned to Withered leaves, so far as this
reetdt is concerned.
"The truth," declared a philosopher re
ently, "Is that happiness can neither bo
kenrht no sold. It cannot be hunted nor
ira"ped It Is the true fairy gold, which
MMtet be taken, and which must be
Thle world Is rot expected to he hnppv
all the time. It Is n world of evolution
and progress, and l-applnets Is not pro
"Once we find a patch of sunshine In
the grnyness of life we are well content
t lt and baek In It, and unless we be
very youthful and full of hope, have no
desire to push further along tho road In
search of a better camping ground. It
It enly youth which can afCord to squan
der, happlncsi.
"Discontent with the present order of
things Is the only great motive power In
the world's affaire. Evciy year the scale
ef our expenditure grows grenler, our
rtlps grow larger, our houses more lux
urious, our scnlo of living more Indul
gent, we want more, and we get more,
and having got It, wo wonder why wo ure
ot happier!" -r
A good deal Is to bo said for this par
ticular point of view. It Is an open ques
tion, for Instance, whether our grand
mothers. In their .quiet way, did not find
aero of real true happiness than the
OfV T k tfd TAT T A 1VT HTF1T1YT
" I A. 5 jat v sw
Si - , i, F w KWrP vnmt, Hr
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKPvbdbbbebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV -alt V ppjBBJBlMpMMMMC)-K'''7V'
A ',.. n i t-
iMlt5l'1"";j' ucnurui cruwji, in
J Decision, Settles Question
t" "Rnisprl
MAHRI8DUnO, Sept. t-In an opinion
given today by Attorney General Brown
W, John Prlco Jackson, Commissioner of
Laber and Industry, the limitation of six
XyV work a week for female employes
t absolutely fixed. The Attorney Gen
eral aaye his department has been as 11b-
ae la possible In Interpreting the law
la rier to avoid causing hardship, but
It Is Impossible to go beyond the
y KniL
in Is of sweeping effect In the
business and also touches
Mnee.of Industry, applications from
o-f the State having been made
Br,m 'tU Im...,J.i i . -
lajfcir "" uoaru ior various moa
irFey ! of the female eniDlovmcnt law.
mm, ")
f Wdi,lfllorl follows:
T . ..'ll forward thA nt ia ii.
vJf ! Iw telephone operators of the
- t.lvnla Itallroad Company and re
-iki ' "J"1110" oaeea upop tneir letter
"rSS.h"llw th act ot Iuiy -MasiJ, regu-
CfieVflMlBtaBBf frit labor Tit Wnmn ! mnnt otf-V
jljlar as It prohibits working more
f jrr- ya In one week.
,.a;i provides, In unmistakable
A femat ahalt Km Amnlnv. m
' P work In, or In connection
!? r3ts.blUhment for more than
, "I" "Kil, WW,
vmtnmcnx. has heretofore inter
' raw an noerauy aa possible,
w "n Hiuainj, kiiq va iiuvo
I tks rt with reference rto
stawa In the letter submitted
aasttM. vlcr That thl. nrn.
n of the taw' will ultimately r-lnm.
s women, wKh a view.
ta pnaVrac oe method for so
tt m at to work uch result
re usable o e in. The tansuage
tmmnm am mam is ny other
.We. Tlk atMe4tto that no
Im eersBtoyed for mora than
I tk weak ,1a Mandatory. We
fermttlesl t devUte rei the
w- auuttta. Ta aiweai tor
HBiaata M lHllcatd
rhlofc yeu suhiH, mhm be
- hot, Ht ,a Mtnr a
, f new wratea, I advlase
WMM to PeraeU. woman
m- atM(4ialir-iu aaave t4wn
(My ote week."
Gsste New
o Hihl tirfer
toffc M4
oiI-j aa4 teVfa
M a
t nun i ttw
tttiot.ee Mee-ittt erttl
jMNkSiMK oreaaVl
. M--M
mm cm
jaaaaaaaaKMII ettM
?aHVapys to
the Necessity of Tomorrow,
present generation, with lta hectle search
for Incessant pleasure, with Its constant
demand for tho satisfaction of the mo
Our grandmothers were well content to
no to the theatre once or twice In the
yesr, and used to spend the rest of the
year In discussing the play they had
seenl Their granddaughter, the matlneo
girl, can do several matinees a week and
three pounds of candy without feeling
that delightfully guilty thrill which comes.
of a plcco of undoubted extravagance.
Thus the luxury of today Is the neces
sity of tomorrow, and to seek happlneM
In material things Is merely to pllo up an
ever-Increasing debt.
To quote the Immortal Mr. Mlcawbcr's
AdvICo to David Coppcrfleld:
"Annual Income, twenty pounds; annual
expenditure, nineteen pounds six result,
happiness. Annual Income, twenty
pounds; annual expenditure, twenty
pounds nought and six result, misery,
The blossom Is blighted, the leaf la with
ered, tho god of day goes down upon the
dreary eccne, and and, In short, you are
forever floored,"
So much for the chase for happiness.
"Happiness," we aro Informed, "Is very
feminine In her nature. Tho more you
oursuc her the more she runs away. Offer
her much and she Is content with little.
Pretend to take no notice of her and sht
will como stealing upon you when you
least expect her. There Is no accounting
for her moods and vagaries.
"We meet happiness In tho most unex
pected places, and In the most unexpected
disguises, and wo never
meet her In tho same
placo twice. Over and
over again wo go back to
.a -place whero we have
"been happy, and where
for a few golden hours we
lived In a transfigured
world, wo strive to re
construct scenes and sur
roundlngs which have
gone. The material Is
there, but somehow tho
sunshine Is not the same,
and alt our arts and will
power cannot conjuro up
llttlo sprite, Felicity."
that elusive
The only real recipe for happiness Is
self-forgctfulnees. To escape entirely
from thoughts of one's self and to de
voto ono's energies to the bestowing of
happiness upon other people will bring
tho elusive sprlto within our own reach
at last.
Proceeds Will Be Devoted to Jewish
Instituto for Relief of Advanced
Cases of Tuberculosis
A block party in aid of the Jewish
Consumptive Institute ot Phlladelnhln
406 Wharton .tre... . u" .JT?1'".
u iionigni
una tomorrow night In S3d street
iwoen Norrls and Diamond
8 rr"m
f F.-t&4 ..'
! -
Instlute LT devot-i ,amo"d ,rIeet' ThoCy8 thirst for an education developed
treatment of LT lWlY l tbe ? t through the public schools
treatment of advanced cases of tuhn. r . . . ... t
ii. u.i -. .
'"'"'"' " V,rlUn,,y l"e 0n'y " Of IUL
ama n me country.
The affair that wilt. t,.-t ... ,.
rranged by MrVT N. Lem"
5S? MlriaV,.h,e.r lloc"'e Largemanrof
2007 North IM street; Miss Zelda Lessner
and other women Interested In the work
of the institute. Flag, and other dec
orations for the porches In the block
have been donated by storekeepers
The Institute was founded 10 years ago.
It maintains a corps of social service
workers, whovl.lt tuberculosis patient, te
their homes, it also supplies milk and
egg. to patient, unabl to purch..e
them, and cares for Incipient cases of the
disease at other Institution..
Meditation and Praypr
The west wind softjy blowing-.
The gently awayjng pines
The fading light of sunset
In golden, slanting lines.
The subdued call of nlghtblrds-
The murmur of the rlll
The silent lengthening shadows
That ereep from hill to hill
AH proclaim that day I. done.
So age (hall .teal upon us, .
As the day of life declines,
Ar-d sway the oul In.rhythm.
i.H 'h'.fePhy" wy the pines.
And death's oncoming shadow
WA" cre,D upor -o"1" day,
?.','.? volce m" 'he nlghtblrds
Will sound along the way.
And proclaim that lfe U done.
But as the tired toller
Welcomes night and rest.
We welpoine death's cool shadow
And nature's quiet breast:
9r after seaep-awakening,
1A?Mter " ,h y
Anat atttar Hh coms heaven
K-m nw, v h' wv-y.
" ."'...
I 'liessBPiisssssssssssssssssssssB'
m If, $mWs
m mm; MWmMk:m
, . -oiiisilBi i
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Miss Ethel A. Grosscup, of Wenonah, Has Had Many
and Varied Activities Will Sail for
Madrid Next Tuesday
T 23 years of age, Miss Ethel A.
Qrosscup, of Wenonah, N. J has re
eclved nppolntment to the chair of Kng
llsh at tho International Institute for
Girls In Spain. She will sail from New
York next Tuesday regardless of nny
fear of submarines, ntul hopes to reach
Madrid, whero sho is to tuko up her
work, three weeks later.
Few young women have been honored
as the daughter of Mr. Edward E. Gross
cup, New Jcrey'n State Treasurer and
chairman of the Democratic State Com
mittee. When attending Goucher Col
lege. Daltimore, whero she gained her
llachelor of Arts degree, she was presi
dent of the Athletic Association in W13-U.
From 1910 to 1013 she was a member of
tho class basketball tenm and during
these years was a member of tho Athletic
Koard. Sho won honors in Daltimore as
a .swimmer In tho school contests, and
when she went to the New Haven Normal
School of Gymnastics for a post-graduate
course sho was elected captain of
the senior baseball team, captain of the
basketball team and made tho senior
hockey tenm.
Aside from her athletic activities, Miss
Grosscup has been awarded numerous
other school honors. Sho was a dele
105th Birthday, Celebrated in
California August 22, Ob
served by Home Friends
Chester County friends of Mrs. I.ydla
Ileald Sharpless celebrated her 105th
birthday In absentia today, and telegrams
expressing good wishes were sent to Mrs.
Sharpless at her home In Pasadena, Cal
to commemorate the occasion. Mrs.
Sharpless lived in West Chester, Ta., the
greater part of her life, and la well known
residents of Chester County. Hor
birthday was on August 22, but today's
messages were sent- In response to tele
grams from California telling of a cele
bration there.
For the guidance of those who would
reach her age, Mrs, Sharpless assembled
10 rules, which, closely adhered to, ought
to bring about tho desired result, she be
lieves. "Thou shalt not worry," says Mrs,
Bharpless. This is the first of the rules.
ne oiners are
f "i rilm jinrt.r trial
! IIenry Morgenthau wtlB Don. ...
Jcrmany, April 26, 1856. When he
ears old his family camo to America.
neimnir to sunDori niH moiner ana Droin,,..i i.. .i.. - -;--
-,-,.. V, ,-,. nr, nohnnl
r- ."-"" "" -,-"- "-"- -" - "
b. student at the College or tno city of
VM9 oiuel.i,ii,a,c,n--3i,ir1n'ii.TSiitihftr'r'
me oioesi memoer of the Pennsylvania
Club ot Southern California. She has
soen me uniiea utates Involved In four
wars and has been a witness of many
of the greatest of the world wars. Her
memory of the reports which reached
this country after the battle of Waterloo
Is still clear.
"When the more daring spoke of a
canal between the North and South
American continents M years ago they
were laughed to scorn," Mrs. Bharpless
said. When the Tanama Cannl was
finally opened Mrs. Sharpies, took great
Interest In the accounts and read with
avidity the ncwipaper descriptions of the
Mrs, SharpIesM lives with Mrs. Itobert
Watt, of Kast Philadelphia street, Pasa
dena, Cal She was born in Columbia
County, Ohio, August 22, U10, and In 1838
was married to Itobert Sharpless.
Typhoid Epidemic Under Control
DANV1U.K. Pa.. Sept. J.-The authori
ties of the Danville Statu lfnniti rn.
the Insane have the typhoid epidemic
Situation WP1I In hanri Xlth...u .?"'.
-- .... niHwum nwerai
new cases have broken out, bringing the
number well above SO, the disease has
manifested Itself In a mild form, and al
though It Is unmistakably typhoid, 'few
of the patients are seriously 111. The
hospital and State authorities have
adopted every precaution to prevent the
further spread of tbe disease.
S4Hnjr Sece4 Crop erf Strawberries
tiLOOM8BURa. Pa, Sept, X,-Lovrs of
strawberry shortcake are having tbelf
In that direction aatMled, becauso
w2 :W'own sell second orop
(X t& herrlaa. Ha U uau, ,., .. ill
J:ldiartU prlos aad axjmcUi te W rassa
tm Mint-; h. iUil, .u .l" t
gate to the Silver Itay convention of tho
V. W. C. A. In 1911; vice president of
her class, 1911-12; member of tho student
government council, 1911-12; member of
the business board of the college paper,
1911-12; member of tho council of faculty
and students, 1913-14; chairman of music,
senior dramatics, 1913-14; and while at
New Haven was president of the gleo
club. Camp Fire guardian, a member of
tho Sword Society and a representative,
of tho student government board.
In addition to theso activities, Miss
Grosscup found plenty of time to become
an expert photographer, a vocalist, a pi
anist; to participate In dramatics, horse
back riding, skating, swimming, boating,
rowing, canoeing and sailing. All tho
while she was gaining her degree and
mastering French, Spanish, Gorman,
Latin and Greek. In the odd moments
between theso she prepared for and be
camo a Sunday school teacher and taught
the college Dlblo class.
Horn a years ago, MIB3 Grosscup Is 3
feet 2 Inches tall, weighs 131 pounds and
has never been sick. Sho Is n PrcsbV
tcrlan in faith, although the Institution
to which sho has received appointment Is
a non-sectnrlan one. organized by the late
Mrs. Alice Gorden Gullck, of Boston.
Ties Wet Towel Over Face and
Gropes Way Through Smoke
to Sleepers
Six persons wero saved by the cool
headedness of a young woman when a
fire in the store of Herr Shelby, at tho
northeast corner of 23d and Berks streets,
damaged tho building to the extent of J500
early today.
Miss Florence Jacoby. who boards with
the family of Frederick Hurst, owner of
tho property, ori the second floor, was
awakened about 1 o'clock by dense fumes
and smoke. Staggering to a window she
stepped out on tho roof, and after gaining
her composure, tied a wet towel over her
face and felt her way through tho rooms,
awakening the other occupants.
Hurst, his wlfo and two children. Theo-
m ?"dtJH?,rry;1an'1 A.,bcrt "owman and
Mra. F. It. Gardiner, also boarders, made
r. W.1y.'0 hBt,reet nnd Bt0 Iver
lng In their night clothes until neighbors
she"" by fe engines, gave the'
to Policemen rtnnl m
HcWyman, of tho 20th and Berks streets
ear'""', "ho turned in tho alaVm the
n .l by onta" coibu..
.. -10" i tho store amonc nrnnri. ,.
store among fireworks that
? fl ''.. ". Lw"? "n0?r . counter.
- "J "-J.r'-i, ,1X.'U'J ? atlonery
Nt"'" -'imit., winch made It dlfllcult to
' "c-'"o ui me dense smoke.
Says Your Grocer:
lA Pound Tin
' 1 0 cents
Wilbur's is never sold in bulk
$Q first quality
mm tot Ipa than WILBURS
lALIi styles Itj negll
tendency toward extreme
elegance, flowing lines
and sheer materials,
which mado Its Initial ap
pearance several months
ago. The rage for pastel
tinted crepes do chine,
which has given us the
most picturesque and
unique creations, named
by tho French "rove
d'automne," and other
equally romnntlo appella
tions has not abated a
bit French designers
give us rose negligees In
silk, chiffon, Georgetto
crepe, and even brocaded
chiffon for fall wear.
These are wonderfully
light and fragile, and are
conspicuously lacking In
the numerous embroi
deries which were for
mally used. The present
penchant Is for fringe,
bended trimmings, hem
stitched bands of self
tinted or contrasting ma
terials and fur. The lat
ter Is particularly effec
tive on Jong boudoir robes
of chiffon, with artificial
flowers here and thcro.
Net Is used to good ad
vantage on many negli
gees In myriad ruffllngs,
both around the neck and
on tho negligee proper.
The pink and blue com
bination of colorings,
which was in last sum
mer, h&s given away to
Nile green In many In
stances. In fact, lingerie
mado of Nile green crepo
do chine is not at all un
usual In Paris.
Luclenno Tracy, of
Paris, sends this design
for a boudoir and loung
ing robe. It Is made of
flesh-pink crepo do chine with a trim
ming composed entirely of dull silver-beaded
fringe. Tho skirt Is softly
pleated, giving a delightfully rounded lino
to the figure and the upper part of the
Billy Robin Visits With Bluey
AFTEIl Billy Itobln and Tommy Spar
XjL row had found Bluey Blackbird and
had eaten n fine llttlo meal from tho
piece of brent he shared with them, they
decided to stay In tho park and play
awhile. "Might ns well stay and havo n
nlco time while ho is so pleasant to us,"
chirped Tommy In A quick nsldo to Bllly
And, with a nod of his head, Billy agreed.
Now that suited Bluey exactly. Noth
ing ho liked better than entertaining
friends when he could do tho talking nnd
tho showing off. Ho took Billy over to
the llttlo Island where ho had a nest; ho
showed Tommy tho corner nook In be
tween two trees whero one could always
bo sure of finding picnic scraps; and ho
"They look more tike fl$h to met"
explained to them both about watching
for discarded bait
Then he puffed out his chest, tossed his
head and remarked with an air of casual
ness, "Tou should tako my advice nnd get
a good place to live! Only Btupld, atay-at-homo
creatures live In that poky gar
den!" Billy looked at Tommy and Tommy
looked back as much as to say, "Oh,
dear, we forgot he was such a braggart!
What a pity ! And ho can bo such a nlco
bird, loo!" But he was too polite to
bay anything out loud, of course. Billy
hopped onto the nearby tree and looked
thoughtfully around beforo he made any
answer. Then he said, "Well, Bluey, you
are right, this Is a fine place to live."
(And ot course that made Bluey swell up
and fluff out his feathers more than
ever, "But somehow or other, the gar
den suits me very well. I have &o many
nice friends there and I feel so at homo
seems to mo that I would never like an
other place so well!"
Bluey turned up his bill nnd was Just
about to mako a (.aucy reply when Billy
Itobln spied something moving down in
the shallow water near tho shore. "Look
at that," he called sharply, glad of a di
version, as he saw Bluey was getting
angry; "what are those creatures I sco
In tho water?"
Bluey Immediately forgot the quarrel he
was getting ready to make with Billy
and looked Into the water. "Oh, those!"
he raid with his bill in the air, "those are
minnows! I supposed everybody knew
that! '
"Minnows!" exclaimed Billy,
look more llko fish to me!"
"biilyr cried Bluey, "they are
Cocoa, can be
J f? y 2? 19 Ps)fM-4jSSSS
negligee is m&do llko a coatee. A noto
of color is Introduced by using a large
black velvet flower at tho front of tho
corsage. Tho slippers worn with this
gown aro mado of roso-colorcd velvet.
bnby fish.
How llttlo you do know, Billy
Billy chuckled a tiny chucklo off In n
corner of his mind. How easy It was to
mnko Bluey good-nntured If only ono
cared to! "Then I wish I was n min
now," ho said, "they havo no troubles
that's plain to sec." And with a nod of
his pretty head ho btartcd off home.
Copyright Clara Ingram Judson.
Little Benny's Notebook
Mo and Ma was coming hoam In a
trolley car frum down town today, and
a lady with a llttel gcrl got awn nnd
Eat rlto lu frunt of us, tho lady booing
fat with red fiowlrs in her hat and the
llttel gcrl beelng prltty big for a llttel
gerl, with a grate big rlbbln awn her
haro and socks part way up her legs.
G wlzz, ma, I sed, If my legs was as
lawng as that, I woodent wunt to wnro
socks. '
Shh, not so lowd, sed ma.
Well, I woodent, wood you? I sed.
Shh, sed ma. And Jest then the con
ductor calm up nnd the lady handld him
an ixchange ticket, and tho conducktor
sed. How about the gcrl, youll ha'i to
pay for her, you no.
I no nuthlng of the sawt, that llttei
gerl Is only 3 years old, arent you, Klara,
tho Idcer, I nevvlr herd of sutch an Im
persishln, ecd the lady.
3 ycers old, wy, how. can she ony bo
3 years old, look nt Ker legs, sed tho
How dare you, sir, sed tho lady, look
at yure own legs.
But look at the chllds legs, sed the
must ask you to stop, alloodlng to my
dawters Ilmms In this publlck mannlr,
or I shell bo ubllgcd to report you, sea
the lady, its a nlco state of affares wen
a lady cant tako her dawter In a publlck
conveyanta without having her llmms re
marked upon In a lowd tono of voice by
tho conducktor.
But, madum, sed the conducktor, I was
ony Baying,
I herd wat you were saying, and If
you dare to repeet It I shell leeve this
car Immedltly and rite a letttr to the
kumpiny, sed tho lady. And tho con
ducktor looked scared and wawked away
and aftlr a wllo I pulled sum of the
gerl haro wlch was hanging ovlr tho
back of the seet and sho terned errouna
to Bee wat was doing It and I Bed, Say,
how old are you.
6 and a haft, sed tho gerl.
Wlch sho looked it. ,
Sends Baby by Parcel Post
JACKSON, Ky.. Sept. l.-Llttle Maud
Smith, 3 years old. was sent here from
her home In Morgan County by parcel
post to the bedside of her mother who
had been stricken ill while visiting. The
Journey was almost CO miles. The child
was dressed In her best bib and tucker
for tho trip. Sho arrived In fine spirits
and'was taken to her mother, who had
been calling for her since ehe was taken
111. Her father could not mako tho trip
with tho child, so ho pasted the neces
sary number of stamps to a ribbon on
her bonnet arid sent her In care of Uncle
Exclusive Models
With the Original
Dominic Touch
aro presented for tho fall
and winter. Original crea
tions, with a diversity of
style that will please tho
followers of fashion.
$55 and $60
$55 and $60
350,000 "FLOATERS"
More Visitors Now Than Year
Ago Shoro Business People
Look for Record-Breaking
Labor Day
from a Btaff Corrttftmttnt.
ATLANTIC CITY, Bept 1. Thcro aro
moro people here now than there -vera
during the corresponding week Inst year.
Tho houso-count nt ail of the hotels
proves this and tho amusement men nnd
rolling chair barons know It by their re
ceipts. Tho pushlnjr up of tho high
water mark In regard to crowds during
tho mlddlo of August made tho thinning
out on Sunday and Monday noticeable.
For that reason mnny people Imagined
that the bottom had dropped out ot
business hero for tho season.
Such Is not tho truo stato of affairs,
for the majority of the people hero now
will remain until after Labor Day, nnd
It Is expected that they will bo rein
forced by tho biggest crowd of week
enders next Saturday that this resort
has ever known. Labor Day last year
was n phenomenal one, but It will bo
distanced easily this year If there Is any
kind of a fair brak In tho weather. v
During this summer Atlantic City has
had, on certain days, a floating popula
tion estimated at 350.000. equal to the
population of Newafk, N. J., New Or
leans or Milwaukee, and larger than
Kansas City, Mo., Indldnapolls and other
big cities.
The city's area, running from tho Inlet
to Ventnor, and from tho Boardwalk to
tho back meadows, has been policed' by a
forco of 133 men.
Among tho Phlladelphtans liere are;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Granat, Mr.
and Mrs. Gcorgo Polk. Miss Julia M. Gal
lagher, Miss Jcsslo W. Bocklus, Mr, and
Mrs. Isaac D. Sailor, Mr. and Mrs, John
J. Flnncrty and family. Miss May Dill
worth Scholl, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifton Man
ley, Mr. and Sirs. Joseph Loeb, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Haupt, Miss Helen Haunt.
Mrs. Gcorgo McNulty, Miss Leonore Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. M. Stearns, Mlsa Julia
Tcte, Miss Helen Tctc, tho Misses Mar
garet and Helen Roatch, Miss Amelia
Leonard, Mr, andrMrs. Gordon Block,
Miss Helen V. Acklcr, Miss Mary Der
mody, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Elwood McKlnley,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellas O'Kccfc, Mrs. E.
Powers, Miss Margaret Bancroft, Mrs.
John Weldo, Harry Lord Iluley.
Mrs. H. M. Blackburn. Mrs. H. Pettlt.
Mrs. O. J. Evers and family. Miss Louise
Coulton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sher
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