f i i U r it isv , 4 , WEDDING IN MID-SEPTEMBER WILL OCGUPYjQCIETY FOLK Miss Anna Taylor, Daughter of Dr. Edward Winslow Taylor, Will Be Married to Mr. Frank Rich Wallace on September 18 .Other Notes of Inform Dn. EDWAItll WINSLOW TAYL.OH. of Ccdroti, Indian Queen tanc, Qer inantown, r., hns luaued Invitation for the mnrrlaKO of hi daughter, Miss Anna Taj lor, to Mr. Frank Rich Wallace, hkh wilt take placo on Saturday, Sep tember 18, at U o'clock nt Cedron. .-.... nf ih. rvinnt Attrnrttvn nnnnunrn- ments of n fair that will bo held nt a future date this fall has been sent out by Mrs. Wllmer W. Hoopes, of I'aoll. Tho fair In for tho benefit of tho children's ward of the Chester County Hospital and will be held at Mrs. Hoopes' residence. Many of the children along the Main tine will bo In charge. Bine a song a sixpence, Wo sing tho nme old tale. Theso children did so well last year, Thty surely will not fall To sell next fall perennial plants Cake, candy and fern pan. They have tho seeds well started, For they work with willing hands. We'lt let you know the month and day, And pleaso bo suro to como. Bo Blng a song a sixpence, The work Is well begun. Mr. and Mrs. It. Sturgls Ingcrsoll arc receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Robert Sturgls Ingcrsoll, Jr. Mrs. Ingcrsoll will bo remembered as Miss Marlon Fowle. Dr. and Mrs. Norton Downs and family, of Fordhooko Fnrm, Three Tuns, are t Upper Dam, Mo., whero they havo been spending the summer months. Doc tor Downs has returned to his farm at Threo Tuns and Mrs. Downs and the family will return homo about tho mlddlo of September. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Voorhecs, of Elklns Park, have returned homo from York Harbor, Me., whero they havo been for the last few weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Patrick Grant, of Chest nut nnd Germantown avenues, Chestnut Hill, To.,' havo left for Northeast Har bor, Me., where they will bo tho guests for several weeks of Mrs. Grant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dlsston, at their sum mer home. Mr. and Mrs. tfcorge W. Elklns, Jr., of Chcltcn House, Illklns Park, Pa., who havo been spending tho summer at Hopo Island, Casco Bay, Me., whcio they entertained several houso parties, havo left for Elklns Park by motor, nnd aro onw spending several days nt the Poland Springs House, Poland Springs, Mo. Mrs. F. W. linger, of 1102 Walnut street. Is visiting friends In Lancaster, Pa. Along the Main Line RADNOR. Mrs. James Francis Sulli van and Miss Leta Sullivan, of The Woods, have gone to Paul Smith's, In the Adlrondacks, for the balunco of the summer. Miss Frances Livingstone Sullivan Is with her brother In London. ST. DAVID'S. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. AVallon, Jr., aro making an extended tour of the Pacific coast, visiting the Panama Exposition en route. Mrs. Wnlton will be remembered ns Mlsh Mao Potts, a recent bride, of Saulsbury, Md. Colonel and Mrs. Theodore Wledershelm and their grauddaughtera, tho Misses Scull, leave the end of this week for the Panama Exposition. WAYNE. Dr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Truxal, of North wnyno avenue, aro receiving congratulations on the birth of a daugh ter, Margaret Ann. Mrs. Truxal will be remembered as Miss Elizabeth Frey, of Lancaster, Pa. Mr. W. H. Stone and family havo gone to New England to spend two or threo weeks. Chestnut Hill Mrs. Albert Atlco Jackson will return to her home. Prospect avenue, the latter part of September from Chorocua, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Grlfilth. of 415 Gowen avenue, with Mrs. Griffith's parentB, Mr. and Mrs. E. Beighley, of Pittsburgh, Pa., spent the week-end with Mrs. L. A. Zentmeyer In Atlantic City. Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dcatty and Mr. and Mrs. Zedock Bowen, of Glenslde, were the guests over tho week-end of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hauser at their cottage ut Ventnor, N. J. Miss Margaret Roatch and Miss Helen Roatoh, of Abington, left last week for Atlantic City, where they will remain for several days. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Campbell, of Wyn cote road and Mather avenue, Jenkln town," Pa., left last Saturday for Quebec, Can., where they will go on an extensive trip by sea down the Saginay Itiver and also Into the St. Lawrence River, stop ping at the many points of interest on tho way, Miss June Harmer, of Oak Lane, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wlllmanus at their apartments at Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dudley, of 11th street, below Chelten avenue. Oak Lane, are motoring through the East. They are expected to return the latter part of this week. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Carroll, of 6519 Greeno street, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sullivan, also of Germantown, are taking a trip in their car to Mount pocqno. 'ocqno. MV. and Mrs. Wlllla Ham Hirst, of 47 Maplewood street, will leave for the Panama Exposition on September 22. Mrs. George D. McCreary 'Kerns, of the Chelten Apartments, has taken a cottage at Aval on, N. J. Mrs, John M. Fries, of 6135 Wayne avenue, and Mrs. Henry 0. Riley, of Harvey street, have gono to Spring Lake for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brooks, of Bridgeport, Conn., are visiting Mr, Thomas Brooks, of 31 Church lane, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Raymond, of 35 Burbrldge street, will return home thlh week after spending the summer at Saranac. Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Blummer, of West Haines street, are visltora at Wildwood, Mr, and Mrs. Ellas O'Keefe, of Earl ham Terrace, are occupying apartment at Atlantic City, where they will re Main until fall. Mr. Kllliton Perot, of School lane, ! fcer daughter. Mis Margaret M, Perot, are spending the late summer at Mtentlo City, N, J. Miss Perot will be m of next season's debutantes, Mr. and Mr. Robert W, Wlgton. of Una, 8chool lane, have returned from a&qtor tour through New England, Mr. E1IW Lea. of 114 Cltveaifcn avtnue, CruzepKnX N. JPe" of Vera .M.LM Rsth" Wo,"nte. of German arSaprMUa0y.18 n """ & stree't ta,nlfm " Bmhrt. " ""vey Sde 'He.gChtU,Pyln8 hCr bUn8n,0W nt clertR?hM J1? I?r,dcrlck w- Snr "nvo n. . COt.UnRO ftt Snrln ''ike and and Qulncy'stS " CT" n L c p1fwT1 nvcnucs. on Tuesday eve ning, September 28. nrMrL'. Mr?L n,,w,",l C. Cutler, who West Philadelphia North !m A.,r8-. Kr?1k Wl Mnck- of " v,?, i th!lc?t' ct,cbtcd the 25th nnnl ZZlxZ Uhclr marrlHR0 "t Thurrday Joseph Grant. Mr. R. Barbara, Mr. nnd m r ' S'!,B' Dr' Wllllnm Unman m- I?.nk Smlth' Mr' nn1 Mrs- Thomas M? ,,M "il "." "arr Augustine. Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Augustine, Mr. nnd ? n J.nTJ? ?cllSrs anrt Mr- nnl '" Ji. u. Stoddard, of Worcester, Mass. Sev eral selections were rendered on tho piano and violin by Mr. William Grant and Mr. John Grant. Cut flowers nnd ribbons adorned tho tables, nnd the murnl decora tions wero tastefully nrranged. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry R. Mny. Miss Emily May and Miss Mnrle May, 712 Pino street. Darby, havo Just returned from a vncn tlon In Lowes, Del. Miss Helena Louise Kect. of Hanlsburg, Is tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. N. Scho ileld, of 31 North Felton street. Before returning homo sho will spend several weeks nt Atlantic City, Wildwood nnd Asbury Park. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert J. Bond, Jr., nnd their family, of 125 North C3d street, havo returned from Wildwood, after a flvo weeks' stay. i,fIr' n.nd Mr8, John J- Flnnerty. of 6230 M cstmlnster nvenue, nnd their daughters. Miss Mary Finncrty nnd Miss Helen Ftn nerty, nre spending this week nt tho Granville House, Atlantic City. Miss Lucia Lorraine Lclser, 5744 Walnut street. Is spending tho season at Eagle's Mere Dr nnd Mrs. Walter J. Snyder, of 5303 Spruce street, will return September I, having spent tho mouth of August motor ing through the Mohawk Trail and the Berkshire Mountains. Mlsa Teresa Sweeney, of 240 South 64th street, has Just returned from Atlantic City, where she was the guest of Mrs. Georgo McNulty qnd Miss Lynoro Mc Nulty. who wcre also entertaining Miss Lois Meredith, of New York. Mr. William Benncrs, of Chester nve nue, who Is traveling through California, will visit the Panama Exposition before returning to Philadelphia. Delaware County Miss Eleanor Innos. nf PHmno ta ,t.A guest of Miss Helen V. Ackler,' at At- ituiuc iuy. Mr. Chester J. Wilson, of Providenco Toad. CntertnfnPrl thn mnntlntr nf .n Aldan Civic Association last week, at wnicn several important nrralrs relative to the borough wero discussed. It was announced that Mr. A. F. Dannon would give a talk on sewerago at the meeting of September 17. Mr. Chester J. Wilson Is president of tho association; Mr. Wal ter Umpstead, recording secretary; Mr. L. E. Hairls, corresponding secretary, and Mr. E. C. Barry, treasurer. Miss Mary Dermody, of Oak View, is enjoying a vacation at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dalton, of 415 Tomo street, Ridley Park, ore being con gratulated on tho birth of a son. Camden and Vicinity Mr. Robert Paul nnd sister. Miss Knthertne Paul, of 5)7 Linden street, have been spending a month at Ocean City. Mr. David Balrd, Jr., of 8th and Cooper streets, is spending ten days at Shaw nee, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Taylor, of 540 Cooper street, who are summering as usual at Atlantic City, will spend Sep tember at Wcrncrsvllle, Pa. Miss Christine Wright has returned to her home at Haddonfleld, after a sojourn at tho Chelsea Hotel, Atlantic City. Judge and Mrs. Howard Carrow, of Merchantvllle, havo returned from Bed ford Springs, Pa. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Patterson and fam ily wlllireturn next week from their sum mer home at Ocean City. Mr. C. T. Sharpless and family nre at Pocono Manor, Pa, ( &?'$&d M.ISS MARIE MOSER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore Moser, of 8422 North Cth street, who (a visiting Mrs, A. Morris at her homo, 2010 Thorpe's lane, Germantown. . jl " SjyB SET jt'intt A'l: EVENING EEDGER-PHIEkD-ETJPHra, TUESDAY, AUGUST 81. 1915. MISS LOIS BUCHANAN CASSATT Who was the guest of honor nt n dance given last night by her grandmother, Mrs. Alexander J. Cassatt, in Bar Harbor, Me. FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER SEES INCREASE IN GAIETIES A Number of Card Parties and Small Affairs Will Wel come the Return From the North of Numerous Persons to Points on the Jersey Goast ATLANTIC CITY, A(?- 3l- THE first week In September will be one of the busiest weeks socially of the entire summer. Many entertainments aro being given In honor of those who arc returning from tho mountains to spend Scpteir.uor by the sea. Yesterday Mrs. Daniel McCllnch, of Philadelphia, who is spending tho sum mer nt 6125 Ventnor nvenue, gave a largo luncheon followed by bridge nt the Ho tel Alnmac. Mrs. Richard Bennls, of Philadelphia, who will soon closo her cottage on .Mor ris avenue, south, Chelsea, will give u luncheon tomorrow afternoon, followed by n theatre party at the Apollo to see 'The Girl From Utah." Miss Jennie Parker, who will return to her Philadelphia home tho m'ddlo of September, will give a farewell luncheon nnd bridge ut the Hotel Alamac on Sep tember 10. Mrs. Robert O'Mcara will give a lunch eon and brldgo this nfternoon at tho Sea view Country Club. Covers will be laid for 20. Thursday ecnlng, September the Oth, Is the date selected by the management of the Children's Seashore House. Annapolis and Atlantic nvenucs. for the charity ball, which will close the season of festivities for this worthy rlistltution, which has been greatly aided through tho efforts of cottagers nnd visitors.- Ap especial effort wl'l bo made this year to havo a clover entertainment precede the dance for thos who do not tako part In tho terpslchorean art. An Innovation will be tho awarding of a silver cup. to be known as the Sea shore House Cup, to the winners of the amateur dancing contest. This cup will bo handed down each September' to the best dancers of the current season. The dance will be under tho direction of Mr. Walter Jnrvls. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schanz nro enter taining nt their summer home, 2S Rhode Ulnnd aenue. Fouth. Dr. and Mrs. Trinkle, Miss Besslo Trlnkle, Mr. Wil liam Trtnkle and Mr. William Knlsel, of Philadelphia. CAPE MAY, Aug. 31. The beach on Sunday morning nt the bathing hour pre sented Its usual colorful scene, although the number of week-enders was not as great as last week. Among those noticed wero Dr. nnd Mrs. Francis W. Slnkler, who nre tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. An drew Wheeler at their cottago on Tren ton avenue. Mr. Andrew Wheeler, Jr., also spent tho week-end here. Philander C. Knox was an interesting visitor over tho week-end. Among those noticed on the strand wero Miss Valentino Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wheeler, Mr. Andrew Wheeler, Jr., Miss Dorothy Frlck. Miss Harriet Zcll, Mr. L. Brooko Edwards, Mr. C. Alpln Sparks, Mrs. Richard D. Wood, Mr. Nathaniel Davis, Mr. Erwln Clarkson Garrett, Dr. and Mrs. Francis W. Slnkler, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Syden ham Pago, Miss Eleanor Bispham, Miss Letltin McKIm, Miss Eleanor Hopkins, Miss Betty Brock. Miss Pansy Scott, Miss Elizabeth Walsh. Miss Louise Walsh, Miss Christine Waggaman, Mr and Mrs. Elllcott. Carver, Mrs. Dorothy Burgess, Mr. Gamble Latrobe. Mrs. E. Spencer Miller, 3d, Mr. Henry B. Patton, Miss Alva Sergeant, Miss Mildred Car penter and Mr. John Dorsey. Miss Violet Welsh had as her guests oer the week-end Miss Gabrlella Tilgh man, Mr. Richard Tllghman and Mr. Woodson Hancock. Mrs. Gilbert A. Harvey, who spent the entire Bummer hero, returned to her apartment at the Gladstone on Sunday. Mr. Harvey has nlso returned from a hunting trip. Mr and Mrs. J. Kearsley M. Harrison and their little daughter, Miss Virginia Harrison, aro registered at the New Ho tel for a short stay. Mrs. James T. Halsey spent the week end here as the guest of Mrs. George L. Garrett, at her cottage on Perry atreet Mrs. Joseph Darlington Wilkinson, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mr 6. Arthur Burgess, at their cot tago on Decatur street, has gone to Har vey's Lake, near Wllkes-Barre, Pa., for a vlflt of several week. With Mr. Wil kinson, sho will sail for the Orient late In tho fall. Mlsa Louisa Davis will be the guest of Miss Ethel Shields during the coming week-end Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baugh, of Balti more, will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, Howard Pancoast at their cottage over Labor Da. Miss Gertrude Pancoast has Mis Pany Scott as her guest. Mr and Mrs. John Darlington are spending some time at tho Stockton Villa. Mr. George Purvlance was the guest of Mr. and Mr. William Morlce over the week-end. Mis Mildred White and Mr. Porter Sut Notices for the Society pase. will i accepted and printed In the Kvroln Lrduer, but all ouch notices mutt bo written un one side ef the paper, mutt be slrned la full, wltb full ad' drc, d when poulule telephone number routt be given. Send all ucb communication to Society Editor," Evening Letlcer, eon Cumtnut street. Unlee the requirement are carried oat a that verWcatlon mar be pimttU, in notice will nit be puV4W4, ton won tho cup nt tho weekly dance at tho New Hotel on Saturday night nftcr a spirited contest. In which Miss Sophy Worth nnd Mr. Rowland Sergennt were the runncrs-up. Mrs. A. S. Bullock, of Hnveiford. is visiting her brother, Mr. Jncob Snnre. Miss ninnrho Chnuveau. of Jenklntnwn. has returned homo nftcr n fortnight's amy nt rue Stockton Villa. Doctor nnd Mrs. Stubhs nnd Miss Ellin. both Stubbs, of Wilmington, who spent some lime at tho Stockton Villa, returned home yesterday. Miss Mnrgaret Law, of Germantown. Is spending some tlmo here. Tho newly elected officers of tho Corin thian Yncht Club are: Commodore. James P. Forsyth; vice commodore, 8. Ross Campbell; rear commodore. Dr. J. Stuart Tuit; trustees. William S. Casscl mnn. Normay Grey, J. Wallace Hallow ell. Francis J Hill. George L. Booley. John A. McCarthy and Dr. Richard C. Norrls. Tho attractive clubhouse is n favorlto gathering placo for tho younger set at nil hours of tho day who find it an Ideal spot for whlllng nwny tho time. Tho club orchestra furnishes music In tho afternoon, so that many Impromptu dances nro tho result. Mr. John Prtnn Wctherlll. Jr., entertained a small party men: ini weoK. including Miss Ethel Shields, Miss Rose Hnxall nnd Mr. W. J. McMlchael. A sailing party during tho week Included Miss Bcrtina Halloweil. Miss Dorothy Hollow ell, Mr. Henry Hnl lowcll, Mr. Wnllaco Halloweil nnd Mr Dickson. Mr. Spencer Wright also gavo a moonlight sail. Mr. Thomas Roberts, Jr., on his yacht Kilkenny has returned from a crulim un the coast. Another largo boat In tho harbor Is tho cruiser Alvlna, owned by . ii. u. iiuicmns, or the Now York Yacht Club. AVALON. N. J., Aug. 31.-At the nn- muhi uni .-unsque held nt the New Casino Saturday night some of tho most elabor ate costuming ever seen nt n similar function gavo color to n picture that will be over remembered by tho spectators who packed the balconies nnd tiers of private boxes. At S:30 o'clock the maskers wero formed In lino In the big marlno ballroom on tho second flnnr nf Mia Ki.ll.llnr. n.t .1 .. . . .,u "Mmitiih, uiii, uini mnrched In procession down the stairway niiu inu nrcnue nnu mence into the grand ballroom, which was especially decorated for the nrcnslnn. At .hs mtiMi.einn nr the march tho orchestra broko Into a one-iep, nna irom the TOO multicolored electric lamps that lined tho celling arches there Issued the soft bluo sheen of moonlight, then the red glare of dawn, the fierce golden glare of noonday and finally all the colors of tho rainbow. A board of Judges awarded sliver cups for tho most beautiful, most original and most comic costumes. The master of ceremonies In chnrgo of the function was John Elfroth Watklns. of Washington. D. C, nnd tho floor was managed by C. Elluood Carpenter, of Philadelphia. Lansdowne Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Gelstenberger, of Owen avenue, are receiving congratu lations on the birth of a son. At tho swimming exhibition which was held Saturday at Griffith Park tho fol lowing took part; Miss Edith Rhode Clark. MIbs Mechan, Miss Anna Kean, Miss Olga Dorfner and Miss Harris. Mrs. Thomas Gaffney and her daughter, of Linden avenue, are visiting relatives In Reading for a week. s&rf&im MISS LETHA STONGK One of the 10 contestants for the popularity prizes to be awarded at tke Charles Klein, New Year's Association carnival, which is b ing held this week. iafaTaBBBl & lr South Philadelphia Tho emnlovf nf Ttnhort MrCnrlor. nf 1618 Rltner street, their wives nnd fam ilies, had a dny'a outing at Blackwood, N. J., a guests of Mr. McCartcr. Mr. Washington Sites and his family. S311 South 12th street, nre enjoying two wcck nt wildwood. Mr. f?hfttAF Vnflnn nt 411 Knillh Ifilh street, spent a week nt I'ltmnn Grove n me guest or Air. nnu Airs. HODcrt emiiicn at Atkln cottage. Mr. Franklin C. Schold nnd his fnmlly are touring New York StHte and through tho Whlto Mountains by automobile with Mr. Fred Beheld nnd his fnmlly, of Tnmaqua, Pa. North Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs. lllrnm S. Lukons. of 1GS0 Green stieet, nro receiving congratula tions on tho birth of a son, William I'cr rlne Lukcns, Mrs. K. George, of 3001 North Wood stock street, Is spending her vacation with her relatives In Shenandoah, Mount Carmol, MlncrsUUo nnd Pottsvltle. Dr. John Bcckloy and family, 13th and Somerset streets, Is spending the season at Wildwood. Mrs. Fred Bonslngcr, of SchuIklll Hn ven, Is spending n few weeks with her pnrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J nines Moser, of 2KI3 North Marston street. Miss Jane Richardson, IT1S North Do ver ttrect, hns returned from a two weeks' trip to Baltimore nnd Wnehlng ton. Miss Roslna Barry, of North rhlladel iihln, gavo nn Informal houso party in honor of Mlsi Betty A. Barry, of Enfield, Pa. Mrs. Oscar S. McCall nnd her daughter. Miss Mntide Burt McCall, have left tho rlty for n tour of the West, which will Include California nnd Its expositions. They will return to Philadelphia In Oc tober by way of stenmer from New Or leans. Northeast Philadelphia Mrs. J. M. Woodslde, of 2002 Richmond street; Miss Mnrgucrlto Stelnmoyer, of 2923 Richmond street; Mrs. J. B. Brown nnd Miss Mabel Brown, of 12S Logan street, will spend tho month of Septem ber In Wildwood. Mrs. Mnrlo Kntz nnd Mrs S B. Feld man nnd her daughter, Miss Clara M. Feldman, of 733 Webt Montgomery ave nue, have returned to their homo nftcr spending tho month of August nt Atlan tic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmcs Powers, of Raleigh, N. C, are visiting their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Powers, of 2034 Coral street, for a short Rtny. Mr. Powers Is a former resi dent of Kensington, but Is now a pros perous cl'lzen of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loeb, of North Sth street, nre spending 'several weeks at the Ostein! Hotel, Chelsea. Suffrage Events Today kquai. HitANCiiisn society. Noonday meeting, German-American Honlery Mill, Ormes nnil CimlMl.i etrcetfl. Sreaker, Mlfs Arnn McCue. Nonn Meeting nt Dimton Saw Mills, Tacony. Sp.nkcr. Mtaa ItctthH SaiimltH. ::.0 p m. Meeting on e.iHt pldn City Hall I l.iza. Speakers, A, its Mary Ingham, MUs lerthn SapoWU and (Iraliam C. Woodward. WOMAN SUFFIiACli: PAUTV. Noon Meellnp at North Amerlcnn Lace Com puny. 8th ptiect and Allegneuy avenue. Miss KhUIIc Itussel S p. m. Sprnkers' cldfH meeting, 2223 Dnln brlde eticet. 8 .10 p. m. Meeting nt 23d and Wharton streets. STRAYER'S BusinessCollege Is better than other schools be cause Its teachers are experts We do professional work In our line Accounting, Au.litlnc and Shorthand Reporting. Experts as teachers produce experts Bend for list of our Gold Medal win ners May we teach you 7 The "William Penn Charter School Eight South Twelfth Street Philadelphia, Pa. The Fall term opens on the S8th of Sep tember. The buildings may be Inspected, and applicants listed, on and after Septem ber 7th. The prospectus will be gladly sent upon application, also, when desired, a copy of the retent publication, "Tho Making of a Man." written under the direction of tho Headmaster. Richard M. Jones, LL.D., Headmaster SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE X. 15. Cor. Ilroad nnd Spring Garden, I'hlla. Free-Hand Drawing I'attern bhop I'ractlce Uook and Periodical S""1",' S''.' Illustration mTti SIathe- Architectural Drawing A.Hance Mathemntles Mechanical Drawing Machine Shop Mathe Machine tihop i'ructlce matlcs Nominal Fees. Practical Instructors. Open Sept. 27 WIIITK rem IIOOKLKT Central Educational Institub Day and Bveninp Preparatory and Sullies. Hefore deciding fall plans tor study send for Illustrated Catalog A Education to us means all 'round development. Ask aliout our Sys tem of Kducatlon. Central Y. M. C. A.. 1421 Arch at . Phils. STANDARDY.M.C.A. COURSES Save carfare, livening School, Dormitory, Cxpert Instructors, Individual Method, Swim ming Tool, Gymnasium, Camden Central Y. M. C. A., 47! federal Nt. North llranrh Y. M. O. A., 1013 IV. Lehigh. West llranrh Y. SI. C. A., SJd nnd Hansom. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1808 Sprura Hlreet. Opens Sept. 22. MAIN LINK IIUANC1I Ardmure. Opens September 27. EXIZAIiUTIi HILLS LYMAN. Principal. THiri'HANiTLDnNNTlTlJTK hC'IIOOl, Op MKC1IAN1U A HTM. NInety-seiund year. Kvenlng Courses and Classes Dlt.MVIMJ, MAT11KMAT1CM and .MECHANICS. Tor cal endar and further Information address ths Institute. 15 South Seventh street, I'HII.A!KI.ril!A TUIINUKMKINDIS School reopens fur fall and winter terms, Tuesday Sept 7 We teach gymnastics, Ger man, drawing, needlework and swimming to children, 7 to 15 years, for 10 per year En roll your children now liroad fc Columbia av. ThTstevens SchooVM,M.arVRBfn.. ley. I'rtn . 221 W Chelten e., Otn. 8tn year opens Sept 22. Kindergarten through college IriirAtr: Mom Efclcnce. Manual Training, PnBPAHATION FOR ANY COLL15UK, ANY couitsu DROWN PREPARATORY nitOAD AND CHEItUY BTn,EKT8 Palmer Biwinew Sckool Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, day and night sessions Send for catalog. Mercantile Library Bldg . 10th above Chestnut. PittU. Stkod f Design far Wmw I1HOAD AND MABTKIt HTS. -. HKOPISNS dEPTEUUER 2ITK. 1 YA dOI.807 Chestnut St., Phlla. JJ 29 1 e TEN GIRLS IN CONTEST FOR POPULARITY AT CARNIVAL The Charles Klein New Year's Association to Hold Grand Carnival Between Wharton and Tasker Streets During Week; Various Entertainments ALTHOUGH of n friendly nature, tho JCx keenest of rlvalrv oxlsts in tho con- tc-st nmong tho 10 young girl striving for ,.. ui-. . ... .. .. mo in iic.-, io do nwnrneti to mo live suc cessful girls In tho Popularity Contest, to be held In conjunction with tho First Grand Carnival of tho Charles Klein New Yenr Association during this week on Point Breeze avenue, between Whar ton nnd Tasker streets, and It Is certain that thn campaign will become more vigorous townrd tho nppronch of Satur day nlRht, at which tlmo tho contest will close. Tho most popular girl will rccolve a diamond ring and a live-pound box of Htuhltrnojfcr's bonbon. Tho second prlio winner will rccoivo a gold watch nnd a fle-pound box of Rumsey's chocolate. Thlid prize winner will receive n laval llcr, while tho fourth nnd fifth prize win tiers will receive a pair of bracelet nnd n lavalller, respectively. Tho list of contestants consists of Miss Harriett McNnlly, 15S9 South 23d street; Miss Jennie Hepburn, 1611 South Sid street, Miss Alice Fltzpntrlck, 1531 South 2M street: Mis JUv Hnd. SHI Cros street; Mls Bessie Lowthcr, 11S3 South Md street; Miss Catherine Mc Ventsh, 1919 Scuth Hcmborger street; Miss Lotha Stontrp, 1B42 Point Breeze avcmio; Miss Jctmln Simons, 16S0 Point Breczo nomio; Miss Mnrlo Hartman, D07 Porter street, nnd Miss Cecelia Ferguson, 2213 Cross street. Tho opening of tho carnival, which Is being held to crontc funds to enable tho Tioga Miss May Kennedy, of 3530 York road: Miss Mnry McCnrty, of Dauphin and Marlborough streets; Miss Margaret Mnc Namcc, 120 Mnrlborough street; Miss Chtharlno Noonnn nnd Miss Anno Noonan. of 2S33 North 15th street, nnd Miss Anno Cnst, of 112G Hnncock street, known ns tho "Sextetto Club," will assist nt n car nival at National Park, N. J., on Septem ber 4. Tho first part of tho panorama of "The Creation" will be given tonight at tho Odd Fellows' Home, 17th nnd Tioga streets, and will be free to tho public. Tho en tertainment Is divided Into three p.irts. Tho dates of thcYcninlnlng. two will bo announced Inter. Tho officers of the home nro: President, Mr. Thomns Slpps; vice president, Mr. William Bunt; treasurer, Mr. J. E. Bntrolt; secretary, Mr. Clawson Coles: chairman of the supply commit tee, Mr. Gcorgo M. Roth. Miss Laura Wlldermuth, of 3S3D Smed ley street, will leave on Saturday to pass the remainder of tho season at the Dela ware Water Gap. Miss Eva Herlltzlus, of North 18th street, who Is spending tho summer In Wildwood, will return home early in Sep tember. What's Doing Tonight Fnlrmount Park Band, Strawherry Mansion; 8 o'clock. Free. I'hllrfdilpbU Bund City Hall riaza; 8 o'tlov-k Free. Meetlne In Lyric Hall, cth and Carpenter sercets. Io (Jltmixn "C1UI and Iteltglous Liberty Icr Jews"; 8 o'clock. Meeting. Association of Survivors of Dilla del;hU Brigade, Independence Hall; 8 o'clock. BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE UnHiirpasbefl In America for Its thorough methods of teaching practical business and the develop ment of efficiency In students. Are you ambitious to achieve a greater success? Attend Hanks Business Col Ke. Telephone: Lombard 12D0-1297. I'ohltlonM rlthel) uarunteeU I,MAiriTK m'H.DIM. Ctli nnd Chmtnut M reels Afier Oct. 1st, Penn Mutual Buildind FRIENDS' CENTRAL And Its Elementary Schools, open on NINTH MO. (September) 21st 15th and Race Sts. 85th St. and Lancaster Ave. 17th St. and Glrard Ave. Greene St. aboe School Lane. Germantown. Principals in attendance after Ninth Mo. 1st. WM. n. DAURETT. lBtn and Racs Sts. Germantown Friends SLI OPENS 0 MO. 21ST CnOOl AT 8:45 A. M. STANLEY R. YAltNALL. Principal University of Pennsylvania EVENING COURSES Wharton School of Klnunce and Commerce MKKCKHSIIUUa, PA. The Mercersburg Academy roil HOYS Mercersburg, I'a. Send for catalogue to IVm. Mann Irvlns, Ph.D., LL.D.. Headmaster. IIox 149. CHAMUEHhUUltO. PA. PENN HALL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Located In ths beautiful Cum berland Valley. College Preparatory and Special Courses. May each year spent at Atlantic city. No Interruption in work. Rates fSOO, For catalog and views, address FRANK S. MAOILL. A. M , Principal. ; i " tj, SOUTH IIETIII.IIIIKM, PA. BISHOPTHORPE MANOR A select whool for girls College preparatory A finishing courses. Elective studies. Add Claude N Wyant. Prin.. Uox 254. Bo. Bethlehem. Pa IIICTIII.IIHEM, PA. MORAVIAN SEMINARY COLLEOU FOH WOMEN, IIETULEHEM, PA, Accrsdltsa. 174th year Sept. 22, 1015 IIAIIRIHHURO, PA. HARRISBURG ACADEMY Modern bldgs.. largs campus. Small classes. Individual Instruction: thorough college prep aration Rates I40O-I5OO Write for catalog CHESTER. PA. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE Willi Preparatory Dnmrtmrnt. Nearest of all colleges to discipline, physical tlalning and education of West Point. Degrees In Civil Engineering, Chemistry and Arts. Ad dress Col. Chas. E. Hya,tt, Pre., liox MS, Chester. Pa, CARLISLE. PA. CONWAY HALL udbd Strong Secondary School for boys Fall term opens September I4th W. A Hutchison. Headmaster. Carlisle. Pa. WASHINGTON, U. O. ST. ALHAN8 The National Cattteiinil Heuoat Ktsa A country school In National Capital Dlsbop of Washington. Pre. Address master. Ut. St. Albas. Washington, D C. MUSICAL , vi. ii Conservatory of Muste Leefssn-HiJU 'jrSJSSlS: Klein Club to make a gorgeous display In the next New Year pnrnde, will be featured by n parade of 600 members of the Klein Club nrrayed In various cos tumes nnd accompanied by two band. On Wednesday evening the club member nnd the public will bo addressed by Dlreo tor of Public Safety George D. Torter. Select Councilman Frank J Ryan, Charle Wharton, John Stuhltracger, Daniel Green and other prominent speaker Tho committee In chnrgo of the carnival consist of John J. Shields, chairman, and David Crawford, William Murray nn4 William McCleary. A stag party nnd smoker wa given recently to Mr. George McCaffery at his home, by the members of the club. The mmlo wa furnished by th Bohem nnd Wenzel orchestra and Mr. Raymond O. Bohem wa the tonstm&stcr. Among thoso present were Mr E. Lou I Mcrcorlaux, Mr. T. Barry McCormlck, Mr. O. Daniel McCaffery, Mr Raymond O. Bohom, Mr. Joseph W Felker, Mr, Leo C. WcnicI, Jr., and Mr Louis Mc Cormlck. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer nnd their dnughtcrs, Miss Mary Spencer nnd Mis Knthryn Spencer, entertained last week at their summer home, Spencer Farm, Fel ton, Del., Dr. and Mrs. II. B Simmons, of Chestertown, Md. ; Mr. and Mr. J. A. Hnrtcnsllne. of Prlnclplo, Md : Mr. and Mrs. James Dorney, Miss Marie Dorney, Mrs. Jamei Dorney, Jr., Miss Mae V. Shrehan, Mrs. E. A. Jackson, Miss Ruth Bechtold, all of Philadelphia, and Mlsa Ray Jackson, of Wilmington, Del. Roxborough Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward It. Strusr, 6W Hermltago street, will leave on Thursday of next week to spend eomo tlmo In At lantic City. Miss Bertha Neely, of Dclmar street, has gono to Wildwood for tho remainder of tho season. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmcs II. Scott, of New York, nro receiving congratulations on tho birth of a daughter, Edytho Christine, at Wildwood on August 12, Mr Scott will bo remembered ns Miss Mary Struse, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles O. Struse, of Ridge avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ellwood Barrett, wlie havo been spending some time In Ocean City, have returned to their homo, US East AValnut lane. Frankford Mr. Elwood T. Eckcrt, of 1340 Gllling ham street, will tour New York State (n hla auto. He expects to remain away about two weeks. Miss Clara Zimmerman and Miss Eliza beth Dyer nre spending 10 days' vacation visiting Niagara Falls, Toronto, Buffalo and Watklns Glen. Mr. and Mrs. George Pack, of Penn street, nnd their young son. Master Gor don Park, are at Ocean Grove for the remainder of tho summer. Mrs. David Campbell and her sister, Miss Grace Le Mark, with Mr nn Mr. Jack Glenn, of Tacony, will remain at their bungalow at Ocean City until Sep tember 15. I'ENNSIIUltO, PA. I'ENNSllUlta, PA. PERKIOMEN SEMINARY The School that Live (Is Record Located in the beautiful Perklomen Valley, within .easy reach from Philadelphia and New York. Co-educatlonal. Preparra for all colleges and universities. Has enviable rec ord for scholarship. Excellent courses In Iluslness, Agriculture. Domestic Science, Muslo and Elocution 8trongly moral Per sonal interest In students. Rates 1375 ta M23. Illustrated catalog free, llev. O. 8. Kriehel, II. I)., Principal, IIox K.- COLLKGKVILLE. PA. MEDICAL Preparatory Courses One, Two, and Four Years irs eqeJ URSINUS COLLEGE ColIeBeville. Pa, NAZARETH. PA. SEND YOUR HOV TO M Nazareth Hall Military Scneil Safest place In America for hint Established In 1785 Rev. S. JBIum. D.D Principal NALTSIIUHG, PA. KISIUMINKTAS SPRINGS SCHOOL XUIl JJU1B Indorsed by svsry American University, la dividual plan of work for each boy. CsiUaa Preparatory Course and a good training far business life. Special course In agrlcultvre. Eclentlflo physical care. Pur watsr, i4 food. 200-acra farm, A school of characur. 28th year opens Sep. 21. Writs for Cal'g K0.J4, Ulskimlnetaa (springs School, Salttburg, fa. WYNNEWOOD, PA, "Country Day School for Boys" Pisco your boy In a school where you are assured his associates are ths proper ones, jind good fresh nlr and beneficial Instruction pre vail. This school assures you of there ,Ul factors Open September 23d. at Wynna wood. Pa Itev. Gibson Hell, A. II., U.K.. Head Master, 8310 Navahoe Street, Chestnut Hill, Pa. f ALLENTOWN, PA. Allenlown Prep. School prepare - ; for lead ing Colleges universities. New bldgs.i all atk letlca. Jr. Dept. Frank L, Blxman. A.M.. ITIa. SWIMMING T. M. C. A. 1421 Arch st. CENTRAL NATATOKlim ,. For Men ana uoys, uruiuui4 um m members. 1 month. JiLOOj 1 BMSMk (5 00. a year. 112. Roys, one tklr-f AceiimtmH of Otkar - Sclvool mvJ ColUgw ApfwsrKs ft This Paige wvsl Will Apfmr Ajjain 4M