EVENING EISDGER-PHIUDErpHlX MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1915: 0 BIG GOLD SHIPMENT FAILED TO STEADY EXCHANGE AND STERLING FELL TO A NEW LOW ( I I .IEC0VERY FOLLOWED I UTE BREAK IN STOCKS New York Stock Sales Trices Coal Declined All Around. Products Heaviest Loser ww YonK. Aug. SO. The Block mar- kt !li not n-isumo nny definite tendency ionay and Pr,ce movements were for tho fas! pnrt narrow. Tnero was quite a which Inter nnvo wny to strength, but bid was not of a lasting quality, anil Wore long prices went oft a little. Ue- tlfl WW ITIHICU Jl. l.lt.l,'f..J III ft ll Wfc .L. llilkh al ll A 4 .41 M t h (Hal n aat J Wttr PpCtlRlllVB. WIIIIO Mil) BlllliUUIU ' utg were again Inactive. The tallroads, ihlle not vcr' active, were, tirous, .cw tUven be I n if a icaiurc. ai oho umo mis jeltie was UP nearly 3V4 point. I The big shipment of gold from London. Amounting to 119,534,200, with about 123. mm) of American securities, sent over tin tho purpose of steadying tho for 'Jl.n exchange market, did not hnvo tho itilred effect. Instead both domaml Usrllng and cables nil new low .r Saturday's close, and the latter to j&. it was explulnod by ono hanker 'felt the reason wio ijih, huui euiprnvni aiu Jot havo n steadying effect on tho for- KCll eXCIinnse muiivvi. wub uvvHunu vva i nt need tho gold hero. Ho said that k fully expected demand sterling to go J, i so within tho next two weeks.. Tho Lubnfia In the exchange market natur ally had the erfect of causlnrr o halting tendency m ""'" "" " jijrid sterling sank to 4.615 and cables to JKH- One of tho strong spots In stocks, aside rem New Haven, was American l.inseeu, twin tho common and preferred going up about 3 points, mc iioating supply oi tfclj stocK was saiu to ue smau, uccausc "at the years of Inactivity, and thcro fjore the strength can In part be ex plained, because nny little demand would, if course, send It up easily. It was pointed out 'that tho company In the year ending September SO will make n Much better showing, but not good Mimieh to warrant expectation of div idends on the preferred. t'Pront-taking appeared In fairly lare? amounts In the afternoon session, with th. result that there was more irregular ity than In tho morning. Losses were not great, ana were Rencruuy .-uniiuuu iu fractions. A strong spot was Lackawanna Steel, which sold up 4i points, to a new high record at 72. New Haven went olf a little, but remained well above Satur- ava close. New York Central wns also htfong, and It was said that both roads twill make favorable showings In the July rL'...lHrt, .Iftlamanla "O.nnrta nt nuiv wflr erders were used to uend Haldwln and iJVestinghoUBe upward. On tho whole, trading was not as heavy as In the morn ing. The copper shares showed an in clination to go off, duo to lower price for the metal in London and the quiet lone of the market here. r There was a vigorous raid lato In the last hour, and prices went off all around but partial recoveries were In order be fore the close. Prices, on the break, 'went down about 2 points. The weakest 'feature was American Coal Products, 'which Was down nearly 5V4 points. r NEW YORK CUKB jfAnierlctn Zinc f Ertden ..... lUr-Am Tobacco old I Jo new Stor Light - GoW. Cons , Grtena Cananea Juneau Copper Ktnc't Copper ., LVC Hales V SSSt,? ',0Ul Elevator ilo preferred ilWier-Hcgcman submarine ..., ... Sterling Gum Tobacco Products ..- foiled Cigar Stores do preicrrcn 'nlteil 1'rnllt Rharlnsr new. World Film Yukon Gold ft'. Hlil. : "si. : 12 . mi . Hi . ;io !!' Ii'oo ., UKv . 34 . 70 . Ill . Bs(, . 2H . CO . lilt .110 ;! Asked. 5T Mi UK itu'1 ijjU 7:1 ut 11 do in.1 Vli 1 2'.b DROP IN BANK RESERVE R Local Institutions Also Report De creased Deposits A reduction of Jl,9isD.00O In surnlus re- erves has been reported by tho Philadel phia banks for the week lust ended. I.nrini .U'xpanded J179,0OO. while Individual de posits fell off i2.S58.O0O. Details and com parisons follow: , 1-oiini . ., '.Depoiltii (Ind.) Circulation Iput from banks 'peposiu of banks.... rift Clearlnz House.. feerv hel5 .- Reserve required .... lu.iymi auk. so. mis. ,.SCt3.2lHl,OCO . . .'tll'.'.llll.liclO ,. 11,14.',,000 , . 02,2:0,000 ,. S,4U.C0O ,. il:iiiuio ,. uaTsii.oco UltHNl.OOO t'j.iios.ooo Docreare. 4!i7,i L,,:i.m,i eo 110,14X1 Mil.lKlU hU.OlH) JSH.OOH s.rtoi.imo .112.0110 l.VMI.OU) SlirtllllH linnpr nlH ffirm, R.nn,h. 1 l,,1'l llO.lST.ufX): Rptember .'. 1012. H,41II.Oob: Au fTLKU230. ' T,3U,500: AuSU"t -', 1010, jncreaio. DANK CLEARINGS B&ak clesrlnKs today romnara wltu rnrr. po&dlnf day laat two yearn i .v , ifii". lUlt. 1UI.I, I'gMton ...... 14,667,4104 1.1.r.Ml,77H lloll'l.iy 208.018.30J 1.VJ.M7.7WJ UnllJdV S4.420.7S.1 I.1,is2,pi) Holiday New York iHltlmora . RATES FOR MONEY Philadelphia 5tK Call. Il.yl IMoaton , 3 mica ... .'ttt?j Ccmmrrlal turn., thrttm In alv tnnnlli. ll.ll Melphta, 3H94 per cent. ' Time. .1V, !4B Reserve Banks' Discount Rates 1 to 1A :'' 3' :!i.n .,,.::.:.:: 'iieveiand "ft. Loula .. Xlnneapalls '8.'fi.iV,'",r VfcK ffnel'M -Da va il to 31 to 01 to fOl to vm. u moa, 4',!, S 4 B VA B ! 30. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2W a i-tit 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 24 a -tMrlcultural and live stock paper only! .-DlkAtittr rata a. I..nb.r.' ai.f.ana. EiSalnlroum 2 per cent, and maximum 4 Jer cent, FOREIGN EXCHANGE WEAK KF7W vnntr. Am. nna.nnii. iv.- hi. im. tMtfla fit HM fMm t nMnn h. ! -- J. " - 7. " ,,,WW.. ,V .W.V.1,1, - rj"-n roaraai was weaK today. Demand star KV! ''i1 I0 ew I" record of 4,02 an uuiea to 4.63U. also a naw low. nd Naw loan record were again established for ffiini lule In the day, demand diouplng 10 HV) and cables to 4Ji4. Utltira tha rlta atarllnv bT'a some to a.l',i a rftes wart also lower. iforn lh (lrioi Mtapllttrv AnnHA ardln h -.i;""' :Z,m"?crrK?r. -t'j -4 Bviiis id M.i'tr ana cbdici w v. A- 6ther IfcSft r ;ws .. land. Hterllnii. Kranra, MrW. 1.IUU II.UU 4 ci aoi HI it Bl' Mim f Id - TW i h5S rWSS. fi S4 4 '-CBffif I i GOVERNMENT BONDS rtglaUred ... r vuluil, a 2s reaUtered 2a 10.18 realatared (ten? 8s realatared HOW Qa rAuimn .... 1 1 registered COUIKtn... ,. a rUlered,..,,., ,,,,,,,, ;oypoa... ,..,.,, I.lfea O.B0 6.01 till. : 81 . UH . O'l . tou . too . 10U . loo i. 1011 , 110 JJjK KantMis Wheat Crop Fetecnst SfEKA. K.P.. aus. SO. -A wheat yield of .TP.' Quobala In this BiBto is frocaat In il"" "P report for Ausi'at InoOo pub- r .t"1 ?'. Aariculiur Th' ifof lali,',JKntt 11.WW0 bu-heja ..lace Juy llat r'n" "1t iirevanted lar- Zbc Ore Illgh-r kSil"' 0,tJj- Aua ai Kim. ot list w"" analS aV. 20 J"1 truant tilling,, t , k0 t M4ott uonljT fur ore Uf pile. Am A. Chemical 02)i 03 02!( M Am il"tCsu.I'f M M 03 aScb.-; 00 105 105 105 a - 7 Landry . .. 72 72f COU 70 A5S,lD;?1I,,cta- 1W MM ' Am Hid. a0!1" 62 fi2,f 2 Mw Am Irl U.r'.P.' 3S" 41 301 40H aS t?B2,,,u 2.n am sail ai AmLocomotlVo,...;:; & S 11 aStSI'S"."'"''--"--"! ou 110M nou Am rl irTCi, 12'f 121 12;W 121 r. Cbl0 ....... 001, (M 0.1 M A?pTTS0t5,,et-"- 74( 74! 7n 73M iillLT- i P" m'f ,02'4 101M 102 Ji'1?"1" I-ocomotlre... 70), 82"f 70. 81 ankorW.whl,,pf 7o; 7X 70M 70)4 uetnloliom Steel 231 wi ocnii qoi rooklyn napTran ... "t, -glj 2g5). S11 08't 0SH 0M 001, r,..dt1in4icl,fte 15,, J'2M loin. ISO). Snl ilh.cr,f:?I)f,-'105! ln"U 101'i 101H ?h.., J tA ?L 127 12H 120W 120V, thrsap.ako&Ohlo.... 40 401, 4514 40 rM iJVJCt,,lpf 30 ao :, 30 S v. Jn"';"" a" '-1' ,Jax 2,' rh J'ii.. rau1'"' S2'. Kit. 83 Kl Cbl & Northwest 1201 127 127 127 rL0.1 ! i2H 4:i' 41 42U Comsiock Tunnel 12 17 12 17 Consolidated Oas. 127'f, llf r7 l''7 Jn,.!nen,.a! C,an 8flX 80!4 8o!i MH Continental Can pf....l01M 103H 103)i 101H Corn lToducts Hef 19, 101. IKK Wi Corn Prod Hef pf 85 8114 81!4 Crcx Carpets 40 40 40 40 Crucible Steel 75T4 77)4 74 76U Ctuclblo steel pf 101 101H 10 W 101f Cuban-Am Suiar 118H 1151$ 114 114 Del & Hudson 140 lagjf mi i3o4' Distillers Securltes 27)4 28 20)1 27X Domo. Mines 21) 22 21U 22 ':r!0- .- 28)4 29,4 28). 28)4 ;ro 1st pf 44 44Ji 43U 44 tl?;'fJ,P'' 35 35 35 35 Fed MIn & Sm pf 51 49 40 49 Oen Clwmlcal 300 20SU 290)j 20014 (cnpral Klcctrlc 175'f 170U 174 174 Clencral Motors 210) 219'i 218)4 219 Clcncral Motors pr 110)4 110 110 110 Goodrich U V Co 02)4 02!. 014 CU4 Goodrich 11 F Co pf... 107 10S 10S 108 Great Northern pf 118)4 118U 118 118 Gt N ctfs for oro prop. . 43 4314 424 42H GuBcentwIm Eipl'n . . . 07J 68!( 00 07 Homestako Mining U0)f 117 117 117 Illinois Cent 102 103 103 103 Int AErlcultural 23 21!4 22JJ 22)f Int Agricultural pf.... 41)4 414 40 40 Inter Con Corp'n 21 2214 21 211 Inter Con Cor pf 75)4 75! 74). 75)4 Int Harv NJ 108)4 109 108 108 Inter-Met vot t c 21 22)4 20J4 214 International Paper.... 10 U'i 10 lljf lnternat Taper pf 37, 80U 38 39). Inspiration Copper 301J 30J 354 30 Kan City Southern ... 27 274 205 2014 Kings Co IS L & P 124 12! 124 124 Lack Steel 07U 72 074 71)4 Laclede Gas 103). 103)4 1034 1034 Lehigh Valley 1434 1434 1424 142)4 Liggett & Myers pf ....110 118)4 1181 118). Lorlllard 1 Co pf no 1154 1154 1154 Louis & Nashville 114)4 117 114 Hi Maxwell Motors 424 434 42)5 42)4 Max Motors 1st pf. .. . 91 91)4 01 91 Ma.t Motors 2d pf 30 36)4 354 30)4 Mexican Petroleum.... 854 87)4 844 84)1 Mcx Petroleum pf 84 80 80 80 Miami Copper 27 27 204 2054 Mo Kan & Tex 8Jf 8)4 8)4 8)4 Missouri Pacific 354 44 3.4 4.4 Montana Power 534 65)4 54 5.V. Montana Power pf .100)4 100)4" 1004 100' National Biscuit pf.... 122)4 1204 1204 1204 Nat Cloak & Suit 89)4 80 82)5 844 NatKnamel&S 28)4 284 27 27 Not Lead 05 GO 05 00 Nash C ft St L 120 120 120 120 Nevada Con Cop 15 154 15 154 New York Air Drake-. 148 1494 147 147 N V N II & II 024 C04 01 054 New York Central 004 0154 004 01)4 N Y O & West 20 204 204 204 Norf&West 10S 1074 1074 107)5 North American 714 75 714 744 Northern Pacific 108)4 J084 1074 107)4 OntarioSIlM 34 34 34 34 Pacific Mall 32)4 334 33 334 Pacific Tel & Tel 34)4 374 35 30 Penn B It 1084 109 108)4 1084 Philadelphia Co 904 904 88 884 Pittsburgh Coal 354 37 33)4 344 Pittsburgh Coal pf 105 105 102)5 1024 Pitts CC&StL 72 72 72 72 Pressed Steel Car 014 02 00)4 02 llulcksllvor 34 34 34 34 Hy Steel Spring 39)5 40 394 394 Ray Con Copper 23). 24 234 234 Heading 1494 150 1484 148)4 Hep Iron & Steel 444 444 434 41 Hep Iron & Steel pf... 1024 101)4 101)4 1014 Hock Island Co pf 4 4 4 ', Humely M Co 74 74 64 04 Humely M Co pf 114 114 04 104 Seaboard Air line 14)4 144 144 144 Seaboard Air h pf 32 324 324 324 Sears Hoo & Co 1654 155)4 156 165 Sloss-Shef S & I Co... 654 554 634 634 Southern Pacific 00)4 014 004 01 Southern Hy 15)4 154 164 164 Southern Hy pf 484 494 49)4 404 Standard Milling 654 665 654 654 Studebakcr Co 1124 111 1074 109 Studcbaker Co pf 104 101)4 10-14 104)4 Tenn Copper 50 58 65)1 604 Texas Co 160)4 157 1624 1604 Third Avenue 64)4 55)4 634 64 Twin City Rap Tr ..01 02 91)4 02 Under Type 75 804 70 804 Union Dag Paper... 04 B 7 8 Union Hag & P pf .... 29 28 274 28 Union Pacific, 1314 1324 131)4 1314 Union Pacific pf 82 82 82 82 United Dry Ooods pf.. 554 50 64 60 U S Ind Alcohol 72)4 734 72)4 .724 U 8 Cast I P & V 21 224 214 214 USCIP&FPf 40 41 41 41 U B Red & Hef 34 44 4 4 U Sited Hef pf 0 0 64 8 United Hy Invest 24)4 244 24 244 United Ryi Inv pf 424 424 40)4 41 U H Rubber 60 604 49 604 UB6teel 704 77 75)5 764 UH Steel pf 1124 1124 1124 1124 United Cigar Mfrs .... 434 434 434 43)4 US Express OfJ 07 00 67 Utah Copper 0S4 094 074 68 Va-CaroChem 404 414 404 41 Va-Caro Chem pf 102 102 102 102 Va-Iron Coal & 0 574 67 57 67 Wabash pf H M 4 H WeVtKftM 1104 1184 1154 1104 Western Maryland 284 20 274 284 Western Union Tel... 724 744 724 744 Wheel & L K 2d pf. 24 2 2 2 Wlllji Overland 183 1814 181)4 1844 Willy! Overland pf 107 107H 1074 107. 'Cents per share, Wabash-Pittsburgh to Build New Line NKW YOIlK. Aug. .10.-The court at. Pitts, uursh h authorised the rectlv.r of tho w.Laah f'lttatiurah Terminal Hallway to enter into a contract with, th. Pennsylvania Hall nad for tbe conatrucllon pf a connecting track Stwren tha two roaUa to ba known as tba WWsavllla conneitlon. Tlir Importance of thla connection, which will U Completed about October j, Ilea In tha fact that it will e' 1fw ni "Idapf-naant outlet l!l? tha lerinlnal railways and will make lha company Independent of its hareiotor, mala iSimecllon, tin Wheeling nd Laka lirla. Steel Foundries to Reopen &T LOUIIC Mo.. Aug. 30.-A bl steal faunilry hare, shut down alnct November laat. 1. W roin on Heptembej 0 and employ lOuo men" to U lnread gradually Until 2500 ara at work. .. OIlANITB CITY, A"-. Aug. 30.-The plant nc American Bteel, Foundries Company We. widfh ha. t" cl0VA lnce November last. ZU "coWcd tha first part of neat week. DIVIDENDS DECLARED pgikuro) Molcr I'ompany. rteular quarterly li vtt ni, on praieiTtm, .uie sepiamutr 1? to Mock of rword Bjtmbr 1. WAR ORDER STORIES LIFTED LOCAL ISSUES Brill, Baldwin and Cramp All Buoyant, But Reacted at Close on Official Deniala. Ttepnrts that the war orders bobkctl recently by tho J. G. Drill Company wcro second In volume only to those of tho Ilaldwln Locomotive Works cnused a sud den upward spurt In the shares todny, tho quotation ndvnncltiR rnpldly nearly three points. It Is tmld that In addition lo motortrucks, kitchens, ambulances and other supplies, an order Ins just been losed with Great llritnln for 13.000.OW worth of hlfth-cxploslvo shells and that the total orders under contract now nmount to moro than J10.000.000. Complete denial was mndo at the company's ofllce of the entire story, and the stock prompt ly reacted. Haldwln Locomotive also became buoy ant this morntim, after having been ly ing comparatively dormnnt for some lit tle time. Tho price ndvnncod easily three points or more, Cramp Shipbuild ing, rose about hnlf as much. Klsewhcre tho market remained dull with telntlvely narrow lluctuntlou. It Wns snld in con nection with tho rise In Cramp's shnrcs that three additional ships hnve been or dered from the company, nnd that tho plant, will have to bo enlnrccd for the purpose. A contract Is Bald to havo been Klven out for 2100 steel shapes by the Cramp company on this account. Lake Superior wns a wenk spot In tho after noon trndliiiT. In tho final hour prices rencted all around. Brill went a point below last night's close, while Electric Storage lot tery nnd United States Steel also tdrncd heavy. United Gas Improvement nnd Philadelphia Electric followed suit, while Lake Superior extended Its' loss to nearly n, point. It was rumored today that the Pennsyl vania Ilntlrond was considering issuing six-year 114 per cent, notes to provldo funds to tnko up Its 31i per cent, bonds sold In I'rancc to tho nmount of 418,000, 000. About $27,000,000 of these frnnc bonds wero held as part collateral for ft loan to the French, but wcro rebently released and nrc being turned over to tho Pennsyl vania Company, which Is desirous of ob taining as many of the remainder as pos sible. The size of the now note Issue, it la snld. will depend upon the uinount or these frnnc bonds turned In. The dif ference In Interest charges Is expected to bo moro thnn mode up by tho depre ciated exchange on France, francs now selllns at a discount of nbout lj',i per cent. A large stock exchange house made a loan of J200.000' In this city today run ning to tho end of the year at 3V1 per cent., and It was said that more money was offering at this unusually low figure. New York Bond Sales High. .1000 Albany 4: Bus 3 WJ 20IKI Amer Agr .Is looH 30300 Amer imelt 8io 0....10(l,ti r,eH Amer Tel clt in 8S BMKiil Amer Tel cvt 108 i;imo Atchtinn ev 4 11B5.. tiu Iswiiki AtchlHon cv 4a mix). . .101' iiwt Allan Co l,lno rlt Is. . 81 Um i 1UH & &Ohlo .I'm HHV. 2t(Ki Halt Oh cv 4s mvit Woo iifco HB W V 4s 78' 1000 Halt & Ohio Swn 3'an 8l 71)00 Ileth Steel rfd fu lom ai-vu itrnoK tup lr .is..... IIkjoo Hrook Hup Tr lis '18. 1000 Cut Uhb 4: Eire As... 10O0 Cent leather 1st Ss. 13CKH) Cent l'acino 8s a)OU cent KKNJ Bs 2CIKK) Chile Copper 7a muni i-,ien & on cv 4i, lot 04V, wk 84 HSU 11414 74(5 MlO do Zm 102 241K0 till at Wet 4s WH TiOOO Cbl ft Nwn deb Cs '87. 11V 4000 Chi 11 & U Joint 4s 0Ss looo ".o sen 4s K'JU suoo Chi Jill A Bt V cp .Is. 11121; UO0O do cv 4'Ji....... .... 0.1 mio do (.-en 4Mif 0"i 10(X) Chi II 1 l (Is ioau !)i0 Del & Hurt rfd 4s 1)0 1IO0O L)U SeLUr Corp ." Oil ,nn, iju i'oni I'owncr -iyja. ,.mi ,,, 140CO Krle cunv 4s 8r A naw do 4s Ser 11 S MOO do prior 4" T811 0000 Oreen Hay (la 101 100O Oen Klcc .IVjs 70 4000 llnck Val lxt 4Ka no loooo III steel deb 4'.t 87 W Indiana Htccl .'a l(M)Vi 1000 Iowa Central rrf 4s... 4S 47(100 Ins ConDer cv lis 'ID. .147X1 147 r.noiHi insn cv ret .id pd ('... 147 147 laxxi mteru Met 4Vis 7:i?i MOO Interb It T ret .Is MltJ 1KXK) Internl l'aper cvt 5.. tH(5 1S000 Jap new er Sla 4K,a. . 71 or. Low. 10014 n 103 M)i 101' 81 88; 781, 80), 101 ',J 101 DOT. 04U 84 im in 71 lie uv DO' N) ncv, tlli 102U DO l 100 111 IIS 87'i 10-114 7(1 8,7i h, 10O1J i-l "OOOO Ijirkn Hteel r,H 1!I1:1 181.100 l.iclia Hteel .Is 10.10. . . Xi nm Ue & m t r,s 101 vi 1IX) LIB & M T 7s 123 -itn i.ouls A Nash 4s H0!i lixiil Mo Kan ft T 1st 4s... 70 .HH)0 Mo I'ac 4s .10 (JlOO do cv ,1s .1:4 70) do fin 1P20 Hi .1000 N Y Air Hrako cvt (la.102 aiou N Y C-M P col .18. . 7 121WX1 N Y C & II ret Cs.. MM N Y City 4s 1057..., JOIx) do 4s 10.111 , 1000 ,io 4!s inoo 1O0O do ret 4", 4000 do 4Ss Nov S7... 1000 N Y N II Ai II On. HHKI ff y 11 & w rid 4s 10O0O JC Y Ilwy ref 4s,. .nmo do adj .1 1000 K Y Btats 4W... l'vw ;n i iei pen 4'v T.'IRl lHlii (VI 71 Hit .im , D4i .101 .101H .lll'i .. 8011 . . osK .. 4 . .104U .. us 1000 Norf A West cv 4.. 87 iokihi ror I'ac prior 4s do gen 3s . 8H ta M C8000 1000 do re 4s 07s iiw i-nciiic iki ns, lui1. 400 I'enna ct 4H 10114 1000 Itfndlng gen 4s 02 1000 Itep I ft 8 S tH 0000 Hock Island 4s HI 3r.ooo do rfd 4 in .1(00 Aland Mil Cs 01U lflOAO Heaboard A U S11 Ss, noil 600OO Bouth I'ac cv 4s poii flooo do cv ret f p BS 10.14 00H H4U ik ,00 do rrd 4s (VXX1 do Term lis 80 1000 PoMlh Itwy sen 4s..., 0214 "(11X) do son is lis ,11000 Texas Co cv Cs 100W 2000 Third Ave Us 100U ln.KKi do adj. Ca 7011 lOOO Tol Teo . W 4s 41 1000 Trl'Clty fis 00 oi'OO lr H Itubher Oa 10? .1000 I' H Btrel fit 102' 8000 Union Po 1st 4s .... K 100O do cv 4s KO 70000 I'n Itwrs B F U .... 4li 1000 Wabash 1st lis 100U 4nnoo Wabash Kau ct sta 4s lii'-i J80.IXX) Wati-r Tit 1st ct 4s. ltd 7000 West Kloc CV Ss ....10.1U norm wt ud 1st 4s iml 3M,foO Wet U A M cv Os w l.lloC 1 o'Mt Slji 1)0 7(1 .10 .10 HI 102 07 Iffilil IHV. 0411 7', lOlji 101 111V SOH 081, 4S 87 89 62W 04 lOHj 10W 1)2 rn 81 m ll',i. M MI14 110 80 C2U OH 1O0S inoii 7H!i . 41 0(1 ' 10214 y, 10214 l)2Ti 81) 40 nou loou ino' B000 West Bhore 4s 10.V1 onI 110 b7'.J Close. 82 100'i 10(l! 88 10a 80 i 102 81 88 V 811). 78 js 80--. 101 ',4 101 ""!? 04U ! MY, in, 1,0'i M2ji l).1i U7f. KI2( 11(1 (III 1IKI 111 118 7M', l'Hls 711 IX) 87 100',i 4S 147", iS 71 Id 8.1 10114 121 1)0 711 :;o II2K, lit 102 07 lltl'i 111-. !I4), 111!. 1011 101 li 111'.'. 80 If i;.H!4 48J lo lit 11.1 87 8!) (I24 4 loij: 101 02 8'W 01 lli BO 80, lilt 80 1 7(1 tj 4.1 111'. 102 1021-i 0.1 Ml 4!li 10DT 141! m 105 Vi nufj 110 B74 Local Bid and Asked Hurt ft us ,..,,,..., do pref ..,,,..,..... usiawin .., ' do pref . . . 1 ...... 1 can: Hteel Else Blorttgo ..... Qtn Asp da pref ... .' Keystone Telephona do t c ...,,,.... - do pref .. Laks Hun Corp l.fhiitn wa i.eni l.th do prer .... .......( Tenna ....,..... I'hlla Eleo 1'hlla Co . do 3 per cent. pr. dn U per cent. Ir. I'hlla It T Today's iked. nid. as 1: 80H ..lot . . Olt. .. aofj ,. 13K .. 1 US .ehlsh Nav (-ft :.ehlh Valley Jiff h Val Tr '?.V4 41 30 41 Ult !$ 105 M GO ail4 m mi .fiaturday'a DM. Asked. is Wis 13 11 1(1 sit, 40 45 10 70 101 $ 07 isn 1:1 li us 104. 7fll7 71 15' 52 7011 loavj ss CO i. IUI 1014 74 71 10 33 P 41 43 10 METAL MARKET NlSW YOHK. Aug, 80. Ths metsl market unchan"oV today. Lead 4.8484.1160.! tin, 3.1ii34c. Cqppfr as uulst owln to I h ihirp Srop In its standard warrants in Lon. don. Bomo sales wera inado at tha Ill-cent level, which Is btlna held by leading pro duc,'r. It waa stattd that th most .flhin cant Jeatura or tha roarkst was th fact that the wire manufactures had bought largo lots late last wtek. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO Aua. 30.-HpdB.-ltecelpta, 31.000, hsadi market slow and weak Mlsed and butchers, S.UStfT.OOl food, heavy, J0.2a6T.UJ. Fouah heavy. 0.S6ti.f9nibt4 iT.tO8i pll. tTtrti bulk, U.707.W CATTLE. -HecelPts. 18.000 bead tnarkat stsadv Ueeves, 4631015, cows and hellers, la 4J 8.50. Tsaans, a.u7.i0: calvas. tV.tWtll. SllKKV. Itvcelpts, 18,000 haad. mark!, 104J mc W Natlv and Western. li.MHja.ooi Mambs, T.U.. Sales in Philadelphia 500 1(41 KMS 10O IK8 1215 100 low) in soo III 1(111 27 2.1 5.1 .145 461 sn 10 Mi 1011 tai mir, Hl 2-5 1200 141 12 12 Inn smxi KKFO 2000 ;u)0 KXX) Hxxi 11HXI 1000 Kxx 21 21 800(1 Bst. close. .Mils Chatm ... 40V, Am Itws 24t llnlil loo 70 lluf A Bus t 0 pr 40 1 O llrlll ...... 47 Cam Steel .15 Chi n t ik v ijiee Hlntsrs ... Oen Asphalt pfd Intertioro .Met . Ins Co .V A Lake Sup Corp. . lOVs Lehlith Nav ... 7A l.ehlih Vat ... 714 lhlah Vsl Tr. 15 renna 11. It I'hlla Co to cum prafi. I'hlla lilec .... o I'aclflc Tou llolmoiit . . Ton Mining . . . I'n Tine ...,., V Oas Imp..,. U H Sleel WnhaKii pret . , W Crnmp f 8. 1I0N1S. Lust prar. sale. Am Qas & ill 5m (17 Cam fit sc '10,. Dliy do May 1017.. D8V. do Feb 11117., U8; Kl A 1'eep Tr 4s 81 Inter Ilwya 4s.. 57 .qki' 8up Ine 4s 2(1 Lrh N gen 4",s.ti2 Leh N tons 4ls. '""-i L V g cons 4Vjs UHVs do Conl 3 lOSj Tenna gen IVt. 07U I'hlla Co cons 5s K.1'4 do 1st 3 inHk do scrip 10111. .inn do HiIh 08 Vn Ilwys lnv 5s 70 High. :tl)W 40, 55 Wit, IW 2IH lyw Cloee. .18 38 "0)4 soli rtnS Md 40 40M 3l?i si 2014 20 01H 1 11, 'TV ir. i ii 2IH 21S 21 22 22 22 22 IOJ4 U Vt 114 Iff; Wi H3, 1iZ IS lfA. 5IH 34H 54 i 54V, 44ti 4S I4 45 43 43(i 12V 4H 24U 24 24 24 "" S !W & 354 ,S 85 85 MU M' TIPS 70i T5, 75 V, 't 't 85, 87 85!, S5'i llloh. 87 100 82 1()2VJ no J flj inn ui'i 85 do 14 100 01 70 Low. 8(1 iwm 08), iii 82 38 2.M4 102tk WW DH4 10.11, t'7W 85 Dllli too 08 70 Close. 8(1 ion; imJ 82 r,8 2.1M 102i III14 wi ViV, 07 '4 85 M 70 Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. 3.1 llrlll J a . . . 4TU 20 V B Slecl 1U0 U t Slecl.... ,, 100 do 70ll joy no... 100 iiaiiiwii) Tmt, 50 Drill J U 7I1V4 -O All iJiltn Ktin Cnr 1I1U .... Tuji 2J i.Ph Vnl Tr.. l."V4 im.s iu intnoriH Mice. or. Ikl IT U Utakail Till TWO-CENT DECLINE IN GRAIN PRICES PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR ... , , , , ....-.. I wiikat. Tteceipts, iizn.wn nusnns. -injT Week s Exnorta Totaled 6.44G.-! decline of i'4e. m this matjt, du .ivn.D uAliuiw iuwutu u,iiu, f n wtifh fperuiion in th West. Demand. 000 Bushels Whent, 142,000 Corn nnd 727,000 Onts 11)0 Ijike Sup Cor Wh 100 U H Bteel.. ''8s 50 11 Klrel.. in Cambria dtrol . loo do.., 5n nun j CHICAGO, Aup. 20. Unprecedented con ditions confronting traders In tho Krnln marhet lmvo virtually eliminated nil hull feeling. The bearish sentiment displayed today Is equal to the bullish trend of a ypftr no. Prices then wero jumping forward with leaps nnd bounds. Today they contlnuo the stendy downwatU movement Inaugurated 10 days ngo. In-. lermlttent rallies, however, hnvo pro. vented nny serious hrenk, It Is firmly bi llnvrd that the movement of America; bumper crop cannot be much longer de layed nnd thera Is a growing belief thnt tho Dardanelles will he forced within, tho next 30 days. Kxpcctatlon of a now Government report for September keeps liuslnrss dull. At tho opening todny prices wore, gen ernlly bettor thnn Unturdny's cltoslng quotntlons, but the undertone wns wenk and there wns n drop before noon. September whent, opening nt t. 114c hlRl.cr thnn the Inst quotations off Satur day, sanded nnd lost nearly 2c. In tho onrly hours. December showed similar weakness, nnd after opening H better thnn Saturday's closing figures, bringing 06, sotd off to 01 befote noon. SIny lost utmost 2 cents following tho open ing nt tlOtU. l.nter in tho day prices declined still further, nnd at the close they were oft on the nvcrngo of 2 cents. Corn mlvrinccd In the early hours on ndverso weather rcDorts. frost rinmnce in 7V4 I the Northwest being reported. However, There however, was fair. Quotations: Car lets, in rsnort clvter. No. 2 red. new. spot and August. l.OVi.01.O7U. No. 8 rert Western, new tl.nsiM l.lbi. No. Hauthern red, new, gl.in'tftl.mii. steamer no. 2 reu, npw. lfli.0lC. No. :i W,l A, new, ("(I.KU. re,l. new. t.W'l.mH; rejei'iea n, new 1, n?w, $1.02)4 releet- nstc. 23 Lake Bup Cor lO'.l 0 U,ll 1 . Ill 1 U Ula.nl -7t(B a 100 1110 Dm da TlOi 100 do KXI Ton llel . . :i 13.Hi .10 llrlll J II., Oinihrlt Bteel 55 To do. . Imi U S Htrol.... 7il 15 J'cnni 100 Tflji ' It soon followed tho lend of whent and iSl declined. Oats held steadier than tho other grnlns. H Htecl.... 7ui lu Bo'uth racltic. IH)J I unts Held stendler than tho other grnlns, do 7iWn too Klec Btorsge. iiotj nlthough the undertone was extremely 32 4S 188 " S.H,-- i!2? "ct vous. 7(l. 4, III 51 5 -III 10 do "(I), 100 V S Steel 7, 00 do 7ll!i 10(1 do 7W; 5 do 7ll', 10 do 7trC 15 Ren AkPh pfd (is 100 do 70', 11X1 U U 1 85 1IONIJS. 1000 Lehtjh Valley gen cons 4s... OSVi 10:30 to 11 A. M. 500 Cmbrtit Steel 3,1 loo Haldwln 80 80 llrlll JO ... 4!) 2.1 do MI'S 100 u H atecl 7H)i 10 do Ml4 400 Like Sup Cor 10S loo do 81 20 llrlll J O ... 40 10 do SI 10 Cambria Steel 53 loo Klee Storage. Ml 50 L' H Bteel "U'i 10 V 8 Hlcel 70), 'Ml Ulko Sup Cor lou. Kmi Cambria Steel .llj, 8.1 l'enna 54 5-1 (1 2ii l.ch Valley .. 71 30 llrlll J O 4SU, HX) IT H Steel.... 7(lJi 20 Lake Sup Cor 10 5 Haldwln Mil, .10 lrfh Vnl Tr.. 13i 2i'0 V H Hteel 7(l 100 r B Bteel III), 10 Haldwln 81 HXi Inter Met ... .'14, 25 do Mi 20 Cambria Steel 35 50 do 81 711 llrlll JO ... 40 HI do 81 175 Tonopah MIn. 5'i 100 do 81 10 Hlec Storage. (15), .Kl Brill J a ... 4tUl 10 V 3 Steel.... 7(1), 5(1 do 4111, HKI Cambria Steel 55 14u do 40" 15 llrlll J Q ... 4s)i HI do 4'4J W do ,.... 40 100 U S Hlccl.... TO'j HCND3. 1000 1'hlU Co cens 5s 85 11 to 11:30 A. M. rill J o ... 4:iij do 4II4 do 4ll!5 40 Cambria Steel 31T 20 llrlll J 2ii Klee storage, oo', HI 40 Ilaldwln Mil. 50 10 llrlll J O ... 40i, loo Cambria Slret 54?, 1.1 Klec Storage, (j.l'j 10 Lake Bup Cor 1lrt, J, 'if u n fiivi ' " ,., uu. ........ 30 do 70IJ 2.1 Cambria Steel hi liamwm 81 mi l'enna 17 Lohlcll Nav. . 7:V. Ion I In Id win ... 101. 3l'il 81 , cu 23Vj 82 82 82 4' 100 U B Steel 7fl 100 do 70 llrlll J U ... 4!)js, 20 Elcc Storage. 20 do 4!)' HON 1S. Icon I'hlla Co 1st 5s lOOO Luko Bup Cor Ino 5s 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 25 Drill JO... 401,4100 naldwln 15 Lake Bup Cor 10U lu do loo do Hi Hxi do , 50 tT S SteCl 71W4 -:iO TonftDall Hal 11X1 W Crami) t c Ml' 1(1 Lake Hun for Kl 100 Tonopah MIn. -614 20 do 10 100 Elco Storage, (id 25 W Crnmp t c 81) 10(1 Haldwln K1T4 HJO Ton Del .. .11.1.10 200 do 82 100 t a Steel.... 70'4 00 do 82 ;ill llrlll J U ... I!l 110NDS. 141 Cimbrlu Bteel scrip 1D1U 100V4 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. ino Tonopah MIn. 5',, 5 l'enna 54VI 10(1 Union Trsc. .. 35 :'.) do Olli 50 Lit Sup C. U 15-111 45 I'hlla Co 4iC 20 do 10 50 f S Steel.... 7C 111 Ina Co N A.. 22 50 llrlll J U ... 4SH 100 Haldwln h 5 U O 1 841, BONDS. 1000 l'enna -gen 4Kb 12:30 to 1 P.P. 40 U H Steel.... 7lii; 11.0 U S Steel.. 5.1 Lake Sup Cor u:j, 10 do 22 l'enna 34, HI I'hlla Klec Hx) U H Steel.... 7(l(i 2 U U I ..... 10 do 7li)tl BONDS. 1U0O Lehigh Valley Co.il 5s 1 to 1:30 P. M. 10 Lako Sup Cor n'i Kxi Cambria Steel OIK 23 'Jo Ufc, 10() KIto Storage. UStJ 00 do I)U DM I'hlla Co ....4.1 07',1 , 24 84H .10.114 400 40 do. 40 I'hlla Co 00 do.... 15 do. of, lou Haldwln .. 4.1 .in w Cramp 45 HX) I'hlla Co . 43 jou do 20 l'enna 54K Hi do 20 do 54 100 Am Hwya 20 do 54VJ 0 do..... !DOI 1:30 to 2 P. M. 10 tr a i HU 5 Elea Storage. (11U 45 do 05 G H' W Cramp t c 80K HI Lake Bup Cor 0 10 l'enna 51t4 50 Drill J 6 ... 47ti 100 Eleo Storage, 0.1(4 4 do (15 10 Eloc Storage. 03M 10 do 05), 75 do 1)5(1 10 do MU 100 U 8 Steel.... 7(1 loo do 7(1! 10 I'hlla Co 4.1 4 do 43 BONDS. 3000 LehUh Nav cons 4Viis ... loo Electric .4 Teople's Tr 4s 2000 Lehigh Nav gen 4K .... 2 to 2:30 P. M. CO IT B Bteel.... 7IIU 100 dn. :: ..1021S el 7( U 100 dn nu l'enna M'4 25 CambrlH Steel 51V 3841 loo U 8 Steel.. "m jou 600 Allls Chalm 100 U H Steel.... 7HV 100 do. 100 do 78 100 Ilaldwln Ji do;; V) 10 Eleo storaga 10 Elee Storage. 115 HXI U 8 Steel,.,. ,. .ii,,re duji j v ,,-lu 1UU QO 50 U H Bteel HX) do 100 do HX) U H Bteel.,.. 100 do ,, 20 nrlll JO... 10 Lehigh Nav., 14 Tonopah MIn. 2U0 V B Bteel,,,, 100 do 10 do 10 Eleo Storage, 75' BONDS. 1H10 Amer Oas & Klectrlc 5s 1000 United Itwys Inv 5 ... 2000 United Itwys lnv 3s .... 8000 Interstate ltwy 4s ..... 75tt 100 do. 70 100 do 70 HX) W CramD t c 75 500 U B Stee .... 75 76H 100 do 75 40 100 do I..! 75' 7i 20 do... ' ... 75 AVi 10 Tenna 54 7.ni 20 iJko Bup C 0 0-10 vu v a oieei.... 75M 40 Elec Storage, 05 2:30 to 3 P. M. 10 Lake Bup C 0 0.16 100 Wabash pfd.. li' c.n'K I V. 20V4 lu Lake Sup Cor ?5H 70 M Tjib. Mi... -n. fltZ 10 II H Hll -lull tno a K ' ..If 20 do... 75 IDOI ....... 84t S Mwln"" Wlf 100 ll & 8 t c pfA 30 a llrlll J O ... 4(1(7 .-.n i,h rn M.,m'n ,i? 10 u B Bteel..., 75 100 Klec fltoraai. usl lee Storag do., 100 Eleo Storage. 0515 100 BONDS. U P.1""!! 5tet! scrip Feb 1017 irJS SisSfoffai cr'B. w lB Ka (HtiiWRV 111V Um ltd Itwys Inv fis ... yi? A.,n!rr ?" Kleetrlo Ba 21 I'hlla Co serin luiu 21 i'hlla Co scrip 1018 .... OStf TO tf a Btl f , loo t4J PS PUBLIC UTILITIES For the year ended June 30 the Ameri can Publlo Utilities Company report! in creases of 01J,U5 in gross and $S32.952 in net euniliiKs. . Total Income increased 513.67. and the surplus, after preferred dividends, was J1I4.711, a decrease of ISJ.. tit tvow 19H, ' The Twin City Rapid Transit Company reports a decrease of J1,104 in July gross earnings. There was a net decrease of tlO.OJO. The surplus was ll&S.COT, a ds creose of IW.OU, ic0r seven months the surplus was IWT.ifll, a drop of 1119.616 from the same period in 1914, Tho Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company showed an Increase of fJ0,Ui In July gross earnings. Net Income was 111.162 and the surplus W57. for the 12 months gross earnings Increased 118,715 and net Income expanded I83.61Z, The sur plus was 11,239,434, an Increase of U,700 over the preceding year, Kxports from North America for the week totnled fi.4lfi.000 bushels of whent. 142,000 on bhshels of corn nnd 727,000 bushels of onts. About 1,015,000 bushels of wheut went out as Hour. The Unclllc coast exported 561,000 bushels of wheat. It was reported that 493,000 bushels of whent were sold In tho last 48 hours for shipment via Canada. Adverse weather Is Interfering with the Argentine crop. A holiday closed busi ness. Leudins futures ranged ns follows: Rt',Va ncni upen. iiiru. September .. I'V, HRV4 Ueeember .. I'UV, fW May Mm l.Olt, t orp u.ew ueuveryj Low. II.V 4 nsvi Close. ton, HSlf vIOJC. III'., II.'M !)Si 1.1 0'4 SepUmbcr l'eormuer May oatp September December May Lard September Octolier Jmuary .. ltlbs Bipt ember lictober .. Jnnuary .. I'orlt Rertmber Oitobpr . . January 75 t!4'j .1(l 5S .18", . 8 07 . 8.20 . 8.80 .. 8.43 . 8.57 . 8.00 ..1.1.50 .13.70 lli.4J Hid. t Asked. 7.1 .1H 3S8 8.07 8.20 8.80 8.45 8.112 8.00 1.1.72 10.45 71H VA 354 .151-5 a-t 8.02 ' 8.15 8.77 8.30 8.45 8.77 13.32 13.32 10.30 714 t04 15l t154 M8 8.07 8.17 78.77 8.12 8.47 8.77 11.32 1.1.52 10.30 7.1', TUIV, 30U .ir,(i 8.02 8.11 8.82 8.47 8.(X) fS.lX) 1.1.1X1 11.77 10.45 Financial Briefs Tho New York bnnks lost $902,000 to the Subtreasury Saturday, and lost l,977,0OU since last Friday. Tho condition of cotton on August 24 wns 70.7 per cent., against 77.3 a month ago nnd 73.1 for tho 10 years' average, accord ing to the estimate of tho Journal of Com merce. K. T. Htotcsbury lias returned from an oxteiided trip to tho Pacific coast and the Exhibitions at San Francisco and San Diego. llornco 11. Lro, secretary-treasurer of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, re turned to his desk today after several weeks' vacation on his island near Cnsco Hay, on the Mnlno coast. It was the Orst vacation Mr. Lee enjoyed In two yenrp. Announcement was mado that J. Temple Owathmey, a former president of the New York Cotton Exchange, will retire from tho firm of George II. Slc Fadden & Dro. on September L Additional shares of stock of various companies havo been placed on the reg ular list of the Philadelphia Stock Ex change as follows: J67.C00 American Tele phone nnd Tolesrnph and JH50 permanent perferrcd of the Interstate Railways Com pany. The New York Consolidated Stock Ex change contemplates the Issue of a lim ited number of scats: In the near future. The visible supply of Canadlun wneat Increased 209,000 bushels last week; oats decreased 505,000 bushels; bonded wheat Increased DO00 bushels. Tho gross sales of the Pittsburgh Steel Company for the year ending Juno 30 were $11,649,864, an Increase of $625,170; surplus, 1655,160; Increase, $441,609. Up to July 31, the Department of Com merce reports the totnt gold Import since January as $102,187,300, since then the known imports of gold from London, Canada and Australia, amount to $o2,C68, 000 mnklng tho total so far this year at least $214,eo5,000. The total gold exports In same period approximates $10,000,000. COTTON CONDITION LOWER Government Estimate Places It at 69.2 Per Cent. WASHINGTON. Aug. 30.-The Govern ment report on the condition of the cotton crop as of August 25 places It at 9.2 per cent., against 78.0 per cent. In 1914, 68.2 per cent lu 1913, 74.8 per cent. In 1912 and a 10-year average of 72.8 per cent. On July 25, 1915, tho condition was 75.3 per cent, Only In Tennessee and Missouri, the re port showed, were crops better than lam year, tho former State showing an In crease from 76 to 82 and the latter from 72 to 81 per cent. The greatest decrease indicated was In Florida, amounting to 13 per cent., and In Georgia, Alabama and Texas, with 12 per cent, each. Based on today's estimate, on an esti mated acreage of 31,635,000, the bureau said the yield should be approximately 11,800,000 bales of 500 pounds gross weight, assuming average conditions hereafter. For purposes of comparison, tho condi tion in summer months of the cotton crop In the United States and the estimated yield per acre, for the past ten years, ore given below: Tear. Juna 25. July 25. Aur. 2.1. sr.in, (,,, k fa.. . 7... .. "' ll'IU ,, lt'14 1013 mt2 mil luio l'.KU IIIOM ,,,...,.,,, ilH7 ,'. IIS. .::::::::: lO.vK&r average AYtr. go ymq 'gr ngrg, in Duat COTTON ' NKW YORK, Aug. 80-Prlcas opsnsd stesdy, 3 to 10 points above Saturday's close. Th trading element was awaiting the Oovern ment report on condition, This proved to ba rbout as expected, but th market moved higher all around Heavy offerings appeared and a reaction followed. Cotton continued to decline In tha lata. Jul, ir.ga until levels 10 to IB points below last tick's cloia had beso rsachad. Saturday's 11 none, open, a.m. in.so 10,43 O.OO 10.1T 10.30 10.RO . .. 10.7 ... 8U.3 15.3 70.11 7A.4 81. N 7ll.ll SO. 4 7(1.5 KN.2 KIM 80,7 7.1.5 74,(1 71.0 81.2 83.0 72.0 73.0 8.1.1 82.11 77.0 14.0 70.N 18.5 78.0 20S.2 08.2 182.0 74.8 1PO.II 73.2 207.7 72.1 ljp.7 ftl.T 154..I 7(1.1 104.0 12.7 178..1 77. 202.5 72.1 1M.1 72.8 187.8 January October Decsmbtr March .. Uay .. ftpet 10.2.1 . B.OO 10.10 .10.5$ J0.71 13.30 IMI. 10.38 0.92 10.23 2.;io P.M. (let 1.02 I'OlfX.ltafliits. none. Trad was dtilet and there was no change In prices. Qunta lions Car lot for lcal trade, as to mea Hon No. 2 yellow, 8f)8Wc.: steamer yellow, ST88c. . No. 3 leilow. WHV , liATB.-HK-elpts, RI.(I7 bushels. Demsnd was light and prices wer Ic. lower. Quota tlnns: No. 2 while, nen her; No. 3 white, luM.iOc. . No. 4 white, 43ff47C, sample oats, 41143c. KLUflt.-Iteeelpts. POO barrels and 353.000 pounds In ex, ks. There was little trading and the market was weak. Quotations, per Hxi ., In wood: Winter, clear, new, $4., 9 5. do., straight, new, 30.2fi: patent, new, I.1.2.MJ5.50. Kansas, clear, new, Juto sacks, f.,tt5.23, do., straight, new, Jute sacks, 3.2545.rHi; do.. ltent. new. lule sack". e5.504fB.75; a;nlng, first, tlrftr, old, filn.23; do., straight, old, .23tt0.5p. df-i patent, old, H.5(Kf(l.75. do.. Iollto brands, old, $70 7.20; city mills, choice and famy patent. $7fl7.20; elty mills, regulsr grades Winter, clear, new, 4 73flS; d;., straight. npw. 5475.25. do.. I,.1trnl new. $5.Sri3.r4). IIVK Kl.orit sold slowly at former, rates. quotations LONDON SEES WAR TENSION RELAXING Mnrkcts Encouraged by Wall Street's Rally, but Exchange Problem Dominates .u. .... ...w...r -- -,,... $55.50 er Mil., na to quality. I'HOVISIONS The market was quiet and prices showed no Important change. Quotations: City bf. In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 2r,2fl.! Westrm beer. In sets, smoked. 2.YH20C.; city beet, kmlcklcri nnd tenders, smnkel and a(r-.lrled, 272"o.; We-tcrn beef, knuckles and tenders, smnlied, 272Sr., beet hsms. 1l1W2i pork, famllv, $2222.50; hams, H. I. cured, loose, 1.11,pllc ; do., skinned, looso, 15tSlH,c. do., do., smoked, 13VW14Vtc.; other bains, smoked, elty cuted, as to brand and average, Jimr ll'ic; hams, smoked. Western cured, 14H4S l.Vfe.: do., boiled, bonelesx. 212lc,s plcnla shouldets. H. I'. cured, loose, llJjll'kc; do., smoked, 1H91H4C. bellies. In pickle, accord ing to average, loose, 12fl3c.i breakfast baron, ns to brand nnd average, city curtd, liWlSc.i breakfast bacon, Western cured, 17 18c.; lard, Western, refined, tierces, n'ltt OSc; do., do., do., tubs. mifHUic.; lard, pure city, kettlo rendered, In tierces. UHWlHic; lard, pure city, kettlo rendered, In tubs, 9M ?(c. REFINED SUGARS The market ruled steady, but there ws little trading. Wo quote refiners' list prices, subject to concessions of 5U10 pounds: Stand ard grnnulHted, n.ti50 5.70c. : extra fine granu lated, 5.OO1J5.0.V.: powdered, 5.70G0.75C.! con fectioners' A. 5.50f 5.55c; soft grades, 4.73tf 5.40c. DAIRY PRODUCTS HUTTEn. The market ruled steadv on fancy stock, with demnnd equal to th llmlte1 of ferings. Following arc the quotations: West ern solid-packed creamery, fancy, specials. 2SHC. ; extras, 20jc; extra firsts, 2.Vjfl2(lc.; firsts, 241125c., scconilr, 22&21c. . nrnrby prints, fancy, 50c; do., nvcrago extras, 2Hfl2Uc. ; do., firsts, 25H20c. . do., seconds. 22(f21c. ; Jobbing srIph of fnncy prints. HtllUe. KOOS. Thcro was an advance of 30c. rer case or lc. per dosen In desirable fresh vags, duo to light receipts and a good demand. Quotations: In freo cases, nearby extras, 2Se. per doz. ; firsts, $7,3)1117.50 per standard can; nearby current receipts, tl oofHI.uo per ease; Western extra firsts. J7.50ff7.M per case; firsts, $11.1)0117.20 per case; fancy rclrcted cnndlcd eggs were Jobbing at .10.'12c. per dozen, rllKESE. Offerlngj were moderate and val ues were well maintained, but trado was quiet. Quotations: New York, full cream, new. i:ir l.'llic.i do., do., fair to good, now, 12Hn8Hc.; part skims, Cfl2c. POULTRY LIVE. Thero was a fair demand for de sirable stock and nlues wero well maintained under modcrato offerings. We quoto: Fowls, as ts quality, HlflKi'ic.: exceptional lota higher; roosters, 1215c.i broiling chickens, not leghorns, according to qjsllty, HMJIIIc. do., leghorns, 1517e.; ducks, Fekln, old, l9 14c; do.. Indian Runner, old, 120 1.1c. t do., joung, according to size, l.iaiKc; pigeons, old. per pair, 189200.; do., young, per pair. 1 , Si 18c. imi'ISSED. Supplies of desirable stock were' small and the market ruled firm, with de mand equal to the offerings. Following are the quotntlons; Frcsh-klllcd poultry', fowls, 12 lo box. dry-picked and dry-parked, rancv se lected. 10c; weighing 41,485 lbs. apiece. lSlic; weighing 3HJT4 lbs. apiece, lSHc; weighing 3 lbs. apiece, 10U,B17l4c.; under :i lbs. apiece. 14'6fJ15'4c.i Ice. packet Western. 4i lbs. ana over nideco. 18c: do., smaller sizes, 13017c: old ronslers, dry-picked, lie; broiling chick ens. Jcrney. fancy. 24ff2(ic.j other nearby fancy. 22U24C; fancy large yellow, Illinois, weighing .1 lbs. and over, apiece, StifrSlc; other Western, wclghlni, 5 lbs. and over lucl Western, weighing H42ii lbs. apiece. ISM Hie.; dd., weighing 15T1V, lbs. apiece. 111017c: spring ducks, nearby. 10817c: do.. Western, Hisjl2c. squabs, white, weighing 11W12 lbs. per doz.. xi.P0fi4.fi0: whlto. wclchlnir lim lbs. per doz.. (.1R.1.50; while, weighing 8 lbs., per doz., (3.35U2.IH; do.. 7 lbs. per doz.. 2.Hitf .kti; no., i,g;,is ids. per Uoz. dark. S1.S0S1.03; smalt and No. 1 ft.00Vl.G3; fi. FRESH FRUITS F.tncy fruit wus In small supply and values generally were well sustained. Quotations: Apples, per Mil. Qravrnstlno, f2&2.50: Wealthy. 2f2.50; Duchers, fl.T3H2.3S; Sum mcr llnmbo. f22.50; other varieties, fl.50 OS. Peaches. Virginia, West Vli-Rlnla, west ern Maryland and Pennsylvania. Elbcrtas. per crate. 25a50c; do., do., per basket, 15JJ30C.; Dcl.-iware ond Maryland Elbertns. pep carrier, :i550c: do., do., per bosket. 15825c.; Jerfey, per basket, 10j50c. Pears, Lo Conto. per bbl.. f2.50M-l.50; do.. Dartlctt, per bbl.. f214. drapes, North Carolina Uelawares, er S-bas. Itet carrier. fl.5ip2; do.. Delaware Moore's Early and Concord, per carrier, r.O&C'c. ; do, do., per 4-lb. bneket. 87l)e. Lemons, rer bo. $1(1.1.3(1 Oranges, Florida, per box, flflll. 1 I'lneappies. per crate ,'orto Jllco. si.DOftij.TA; Florida. fl.502.75. 1'lums, New York, per 20-lb. basket, .1()40c.; do., do,, per 8-lb. bas ket. Hradshaw nnd Niagara. lOirl.lc. Black berries. Delaware, Maryland and Jersey, per auart, 4Q0c. Huckleberries, per quart, 0 c. Cantaloupes. Maryland, per standard crate, S08T5c; do., Jeraoy. per basket, lOBIOc, Wa termelons, per cur, 1308123. VEGETABLES Desirable stock waa In tt'.T request and gen erally steady. Quotations White potatoes. Virginia, per bbl. No. 1. 'J1.25; No. 2. 50 75c,; white, potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1 Hose, 2SIMSc; No. 1 other varieties, 20R25c; No. S, HKllSc; sweet potatoes, per bbl. No. I Eastern Shore. f2&2.25: No. I North Carolina, f 1,7502; No. 2 and culls, 50875c; aweet pota toes, Jersey, per basket No. 1, 503115c.; No. 2, 15i25c. , onions, Jersey, per -bush, basket, ili('.'5c. ; do., Ekistern Shore, per hamper, ;wit ID. DasKCt, .'U...1, 40c; mushrooniij, per MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Old .ked Jim Hutler 81 .kl Midway to ,'2 MUliah Extension 2( ,21 Montani 2S ..in Northern Htar .11 .12 Tonopah Ilelmont 3U 4 Tonopah Bxtcnslon 2 2' Tonoah Merger ..,. ..14 .30 Tonopah Mining 5(4 iV, Itrscue Eula , Oil .(17 West End . 38 ,(0 OOLDFIBLD STOCKS. Atlanta 30 ,M Illue Hull 02 .04 llooth .41 ,4H Hulidog 01 , .(kl COD ".: .04 Combination Fraction 08 .10 Dlamondfield II H 02 .04 Daisy 04 ,00 Florence .41 .40 Ooldfield Consolidated ..' IK jM OolJOeM Merger 20 ,'. Jumbo Kxtenslon 1.50 1,57 Kewanas ......17 ,18 Oro . 0' ,08 Handatorm Ken 05 ,07 silver Plea .os .to MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Aitec Klmberly Nevada Hill ... Nevada Wonder ... .01 ... .01 ... .18 ...1.40 .01 .01 .2(1 1.45 RAILROAD EARNINGS QHAND TItUNK SYSTEM. 1013 Third welc August .... fl,52.481 Kiom July 1 7,548,013 MOnit.E AND OHIO. Third week August .... f 200,441 From July 1 1,407,308 CHICAQO. INDIANAPOLIS & LOUISVILLE June gros fS.v-.40u Net -. 1TS.02I Twelve months' gross . . 6,S.M,ita5 Net LbAI.044 CANADIAN PACIFIC July gross ........ Biet Incras. 17,805.575 4,DW,-tUJ Deorease. f4.1,IHI.1 447,413 20.001 302.74.1 fis.soj 1(),57U 38i,:un 123.307 580, 59T J7S.0I3 nOUSExCEEMNQ APABTMENTS Fairfax apartments riKKl'KOOP UUII.IIINO (IN OEHMANTOWN) WAYNE AVENUE AT BCHOOL LANK guilts of T and 8 rooms and 2 baths. Solarium covsrlng sntlr houss. Msld servlcs by tha hour. Elsvatw, H, J. JOHNSON, tod Uallay amilHf. By FRANCIS W. HIRST E,1ltor of tht Economist, flpedot Cable tXtpnlch lo Kvening Lttotr. I.ONDO.V, Au. JO. The Improved treat ment of prisoners In Germany nnd France, tho paragraph nbout the freedom of tho soas In Grey's letter and Germany's mod mention of her submarine wnrfare nil aUKRest it ltttlnt; down of tennlon for lilfth diplomatic purposes. Wnll street's rally encouraxed our stock markets, but exchange still drops ns It becomes more nnd more difficult to till tho nap between Imports and exports. Moreover, the American crop movement cast Its shadow before. Evidently tho market, which had been led to rxpect a great loan on the Ameri can side. Is dlsnppolnted by the announce ment of the ltoldon-lleddlnit mission. Some authorities express skepticism as to whether there exists on the American sldo nny largo surplus funds for genuine Investment In a long-term external loan which could not bo used by savings bnnks or for trustee purposes, Our stiff, rising Income tax presents another dlf fleliUy. lloth. I suggest, could bo met best by 5 per cent, trensury bills with 0110 year's currency, for which purpose your bank money could bo loaned. The compulsion movement Is much re sented by trado union lenders. The dis covery by tho rank and nlo that under the Trench conscription, which Lloyd Ooorgo called democratic, soldiers get only 1 cent a day, has not helped tho compulsory Idea. Lbor leaders naturally reply to the pears by offering to confis cate property If they confiscate labor. Shipping shares Just now afford nn In teresting problem In speculation. Freights are high, but so nrc working expenses. Second-hand shlpn fetch big prices. The vnluo of shares depends on the duration of the war, and It Is a question whether enough shipping has been sunk to offset tho reduction In the world's commerce after tho war. FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES The oltoirlsff fist of opportunities or Amer ican manuacturrre In lle oreian trade la p-lcrn tii (lie ltureau 0 forelon and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, and ad ditional Information tnajy he had hy corre spondence, pIWh7 (he file number: No. 17873, msrhlno tools and machinery Tho commercial agent of the Hureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce In New York elty Is In receipt of a letter from a firm In that city reporting that It Is expecting ft visit from representative of a l.irgo firm in Spain which derlrrs to place orders for approximately f200. noo worth of machine tools and machinery. It Is stated that the Spanlh firm has already rlaced largo orders In the United States. No. 17870. mnchlno tools Tho Department of Commerce Is In receipt of a letter from man In the. Netherlands stating thit he. de sires to receive tho names and addresses ac American manufacturers uf machine tools to be used In muklng toys. He desires to receive catalogues, price lists, nnd full information at once. He do1 ires to bo Informed ds In whether these manufacturers aro represented In llel cluni and the Netherlands, and whether they are In t position to designate him ns a repie sentHllvr In thnao countries. He states that he Is In a position to offer references. No. 17877. electrical supplies An American consular officer In Siberia reports that a Arm In 11I1 district desires to communicate with Amerlcnn manufacturers of electric tamps, chandeliers and electrical appliances of nil kinds. Catalogues, with Prices, should be for warded at once. Shipping weights, freight rates, etc., should be Indicated. Correspond ence siiould lie In Ttusslan or German, No. 1787S, tractors A firm in France writes the Department of Commerce that it desires to hear from manufacturers of small tractors Tor use In .h.eyards Tho mnrhine should not be more ti'.-m .10.37 Inches wide. Corre spondence should bo In Ffepch. No. 17870. tapestry An American consular officer in Spe.ln reports thnt o Spanish hrm desires to secure selling agents In New York city for the purpose of handling Its hand made tapestries. No. 178SO paraffin A firm In China Informs an American consular officer that It desires to represent American manufacturers of paraffin, Samples of the various grades should be cent. Quotations should he made c. 1. f. Hankow or Shanghai. The firm states that It will buy against documentary drafts D-P or D-A at Heller's option. To facilitate tranractlons. tne firm desires to arrange to place orders by cable. No. 17S11, wooden toys A firm In Spain In forms an American consular officer that it desires to serure the services of agents in Boston. New York, New Orleans and Chicago for the distribution of Its wooden toys. No. 17882. silk, yarn and cotton goods An American consular officer In England reports an opportunity for the sale of silk, yarn and cotton goods. References are given. No. 17S8.1. ranned goods An American con sular oftt-or In Spain reports that a business man In his district desires to appoint a selling agent In New York and Chicago for the dis position of his canned goods. No. 17884, gold nnd silver folia and powder A burlness man In Japan has asked an Ameri can consular officer to supply the names and addrerses of American manufacturers nnd ex porters of gold and silver foils nnd powder. No. 17883. paper One of the commercial agents or the bureau reports that a publishing company In Drazll desires to rerelvo quota tions on printing paper. Tha paper should weigh about 40 grams to tho square meter' should be. pearl white, and bo shipped 111 rolls, 02 by 104 centimeters wide. Four nnd fire months credit are expected. No. 178S0. sulphate of soda, wood pulp and paper A firm In Brazil Informs one of tne commercial agents of the bureau that it de sires to receivo prices, etc., on sulphate or soda, all grades of wood pulp, and on printing paper. The paper should weigh from 41 to 50 grams to the square meter, In sheets or rolls Prices are also desired on glazed paper. Quo tations should he made 0 1, f, destination. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOP.K, Aug. .10 -Pronounced strength rharscterlzed the early dealings on the Cortes Exchange today. Advances of more thsn 1.1 points were noted. Trading was active. Prices IDIIQWi September uctober November December January .. Kenruary , March . ... April May ,...., Juna Julv Today'a opening n.2.vnrt.n 0.3300.42 ei4.ioo.4i 0.81 6!:6ao.8o Hid. Sales, 4000 bags. 0.8000.00 Saturday's close fl.17cTn.30 0.3110(1.25 n.2osJa.m ii..i5n,..o 0.407 H.41 .4.in. m n.5ififl.52 a.vinaST n. 32ft n. ,11 ftaoflfl.07 0. Ton ail NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOKIC. Aug. 30. - HUTTEn - Market firmer. IterelDts. 01.1.1 racksaea. Extra .mi. " higher scoring. 20tie27Kc: State dairy. ZiUH ic. ; imitation creamery, cor.,,ic. EOflH Market hardenlnr. llerlnl. it tm packages. Extra first, 258204c; first. I4f blW. nearby whites. 32033c; mixed Volo 24iS8c, gathered; refrigerator firsts, 3.1V23C.: nearby Drowns, .urair. BAR SILVER NEW vpitK, Aug. 30.-Th quotation for commercial bur silver today advanced u to 47 rents. In Londsn bar allver was quoted at 33 penca. ut 1-Hi penes. AMERICAN UNSEED CO. Ws have In preparation an in. tereetlng letter desortblng tbs above company. Send for It Write for our Weekly Market Forecast. HUGHES & DIER Bankers and Brokers Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Members Chicago Hoard of Trad 1435 Walnut Street I'hlla delpliibs. Direct Private Wires id NEW VOMK nd PHILADELPHIA STOCK jCfi CHANGES. CHICAGO MOA! ' 0 111AUA, .... v.ir bvns pa a important markets, - " . ' . -""I SOUND INVESTMENT RlAaiRG-Cct stANKKH " Ut 8. 144J. M. a- .a 1- ..11... immymmH n ! jHlsatCt-atst!' 4MT a'stfll'HWaYsm. 1 e Mil .wqwywapm. r" Ji 3k o j, vi - Fi A
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