KVtfNItfG VnatnrTJADBLPHlX ifoyPAY. ATJOTST 30 181 fr ROYAL AKCANUMTS PRIZE CONTESTS . ' Plans for Membership Rivalry JktwMn Pennsylvania and New Jersey Councils The ifollowln interstate contests have tn arranffed between Brother IL J. Wrron. Grand lleftent of New Jersey, an U n. rjeltcribenur, Clrahd nenent ot tennsivnln. for h prltes which re betnit offered by the Supreme und Omhd Councils; Metuchen Counoll, of MetUchet), N. J, will contest against Oetmantonn Council, of Philadelphia: Hotrota Council, of Bogota, N J, will havo Dupont Council ns a competitor; Weat Shore Council, of Union, N. J., will try Id best out Haverford Council, of Philadelphia, while Corinthian Council, f Xewark, N J , wilt contest with Tenn yUanl Council, of l'htladelphla. Thcso contests should prove Intcrcstlnir, ns they all bear Rood reputations for producing new candidates. The Grand nefcenta of New Jersey and Pennsylvania will have a conference some time during the week, at which time all tho details of these con tests will be arranged. Alt thcso contests arp to start September 1 and end Decem ber 31. The nenlr appointed D T). O. It. for Tloe Council nude his Initial visit at the last met Int. On application aa read, lth splendid ' .... . ......a . . .1aa foam bus Veen enraged for th work at their nt meetiar shd - .candidate; are expected be t jn this nd December 11. October 21 has been Died for a grand rally nlaht ahd on tneetlnr. The otneera ot the larier Royal Arcanum Cornelia In the cltr are aethe planning for a Mc fall and winter season. Entertainments or various Mnda, carnlvala and .contest for member are some ot th "l1" '"Wfi"'"," b- a M, with many of the old reliables to hear from Havetfortt founcll has ensnsed the lot at flOth and Ludlow street for Its big carnhal to take place September In to 18 There will a airlea of lliiiatratert lecture by ; a "ell nolo lecturer (tlen by this council during the -fall, TV Entertainment Committee la a good: live bunch of hustlers that will prne a credit In the members of Haverford Council, Philadelphia Council's meeting lat Tuesday abutted many browned and tanned fncca The Kntcrtalnment Committee waa Instructed to prepare a program for the season. Two ap pllcatlor.K were received and .varloua lommlt teea made their reports. The Haseball Com mittee announced a big game for Jbor Day wltb the Wthlahd rark Country Club at the tatter's grounds The drawing acheduled to take place at this meeting was postponed. Pot Orand Regent A Jl. Raton and family recentlr made an auto trip to Ocean City, whera they renewed the acquaintance of some former friends and cottagers. Thomas H Shoemaker, secretory of Pennsyl vania Council, la spending a pleasant acatlon at Ocean City. Iienjamln C Beecher, of Guarantee Council, repreaentatlve to the Hospital Association, ts taking the reat cuts at Capo May, accompanied by Mrs. Beeoher. ' Pennsylvania Council had the honor of a visit from Orand Regent U R. Qelenbrger at their meeting last Friday night. GRAND FRATERNITY Winners of Prizes in Membership Con tests Entertainment Features The names of the winners In the mem bership contest have been nnnounced by Superintendent 31. W. Melxel. Frater P. Melgraue, who took the lend at the stnrt. finished first, and was awarded the gold watch. Frater Jack Krusler, a member of less than six months, astonished evqry one by defeating Frnter J, R. McClellan, for second place. Jack will receive J 10 In gold aa his rennrd Frater McClollkn, who finished third and won n, fine safety raifcr, states that the attention he nas forced to give tc the various business en terprises In which he l Interested pre vented him frcm flntafelhs at the top. Fourth, fifth and slgjh" places wore taken by Fraters Herman Ferber, Charles Forbes and Eugene Fay, In tho order named, A combination fountain pen and pone!!, a gold watch fob and acarf pin will be awarded to these contestants. Twentyelsht special prlies will be awarded to as many Haters who finished with fiW points or. over. At trjr nex.t meeting of .Oak Turk Ilranch a vote will bt taken upon the question of re moving from tho preaent headquarters In Went Philadelphia to the Fraternity Building. 1414 Arch Street. This branch waa originally com posed exclusively ot AVeat Phltadelpniane, but Its membership at preaent represents all sec tions of the city. Frater John Fltzpatrtck. or Industrial Branch, Is being congratulated upon tils can didacy for magistrate. He haa always taken a prmrilnent part In the affairs of his own branch, and haa a host ot friends among the membership In tho Philadelphia District who hate promised their support. Members ot East t'ark Ilraneh who attend tbs meeting next Thursday night will have an opportunity to hear the Medley Four. Thla quartet ot clever entertainers haa been aadly mleoed from, the raeetlnira for the last three months cnA account ot their engagement at Point Brett' Parkv Fraters Kelts, Alex ander Matrro and Chlruro have been pleasing the patrons of the park with their funny stunts and really fine alngtng during the hot months. Felts and Matero hae a burlesque en Several prominent opera numbers, and then. Just to proe their versatility, they render th rame numbers "atral.ht." In addition to being booked for everv meeting at their own branch during the fall and winter, the havaS .already sinned to appear at the meeting of Oak Park Branch later In the month w. the possibility ot aeveral appearanrra at ether branch mectlnga. ' Knights Golden Eagle dcmlflnal arrangements have been mada for the 40th annlerary. A committee, with D, Q. C farmer aa chairman, was appointed by the graard chief aome time ago, and this committee .htiben enlarged by the castles sending rep resentatives to work In conjunction with the committee, October 3 has been set aside by Grand Chief Hears as K. 0. K. Sunday, and on that date the celebration commences with all the' sir knights attending church In a body in the central portion of the city. On Monday, the in, there will be a large claaa Initiation In Ifii I.u Temple. There are at present BOO applications In for thla affair. The work will be exemplified by varloua tea ma from castles In the city. On Wednesday, the 6th, thers will be a large ball at Horticultural Hall, which will be preceded by a military demon stration, which will consist of a dreas parad4 snd review of the First Resjlment of the mill lay branch. Friday night will be the scene t. enlarge banquet, where the "old cronies ww tell wnat they used to do and the younger sss will tell what they an doing. This affair U. TT,0T .bandied so aa to be the largeat affair t Hs kind aver held. No expense Is being spared to have the celebration a success Meet lW, '"T nM weekly In the Orand Castle ,,.?l!lJ.,.', " ,ho." Interested ara Invited to attend these meetings. Shepherds of Bethlehem .Deputy Supreme Commsnder Sir Daerlnger has InsUlled the ofrtcers of Lady Wyckoff, Flo. 70. as follows. Outside guard. Blr Colli. In side guard and truatee, sir Oruber, maater of osrtroonles. Sir , Schreel, chaplain. Lady Cborchin: marshal. Hlr Snivel, vfee command-fr.-,8ty. .This waa one of the largeat Installations held this year. 40 saat commsni. era ana depullea beln In line There were it Jedsta represented and also members it the'safcrwnetdy Supreme Vies Commander Blr Ic.,,rl &-"' fiopitmt Aide to Com. w,i viw, fto. U4. HUDremn In. SLiJ,&w& S.2hss. 1etr unit, '"' " ' -"" . ,Taa ttVn.Jif M.ly Balnbrldse Lodae. No. lfeTi' iLC;C0i?m,ni1."'' dir Th.rn.ss "iJ1 lMfl ' Brooks) outside uuikjr, n Msgesa I serve. WJfe in 4m fi taa i -rr"". w - ir. m . ,t'seri wse com- i, Aisuroea. i wrnty lodges were .: !2il?. In Us new .room at '. "' . ? A wrsjjantown arenus. on PtteMU- .A? "f "' and their fovss-shs, -iv-iim9n(i Will be I. O, O. F., MancfcMtex' ITftUy Trut t'blladelphla IXatrlct Class InltlaLon -aoofattoa held a mjjflixr Ust "t u?irt"r S)tM. JatMS Mavwart prjaslfing. DUtrlct ofnears Vtk rstneassintlvse of the' varloua X n PfsasHt art iBS)de wports on prospedtlv. ti dlda.Ue. P. O haw, dre Buatar. laTaSSt to e4art rebaarsaU of the degree teaaa, Brother . utejwwiseusj, m sara,aes ..i..ii, aa skj nUUVFI eeTlAjDC. the wall Ynnim baritone, will have ar of f the oubU) tiuartsrt and orchestra. r pi..2 I tnuiatlo t Rill. tok Plaoe on Saturday ryen. iw i) ui ja. m sa n nan, snd wm w ejvw, i. t -nrraattoa of the ulnteeniiv an. , Miihsr ' tho lMIdelnhla District i n. U, Htx-rtt eii and P IV X M Jhn.-. Hy. will w -rt a silk American flag to lhti Uajr iurlj( ii most cuIMtej fur this oc. utjttBa .u,! griv i'.iK i staited to wurk for ARTISANS ORDER Bartram's Enterprising Feature in tho Initiatory Ceremony Olrard Assembly put throbgh one can didate at the August meeting. At the I close of the business session the membera were entertained by former Cashier Chnrlea It. Edcnborn with an address on the Expositions of San Diego and San Francisco. In addition to telling of the mny Interesting features there Bro. Edenborn explained the Varying; degrees of cllmato while traversing; the Paclflo coast from the Mexican border to the Canadian line, and also the business conditions In that whole section, making his remarks Instructive as well ns Inter estlng. He reports Philadelphia well rep resented at the San Frnndscco Exposi tion, and that the reputation of the Qua kor City as tho groat manufacturing city Of tho land Is being admirably sustained, Ilirtram Assembly's August meeting had all that any one could wish at thla eeaaon. The spirit of past years waa there vilth about " membera Tho honors for entertaining were flven to the nunrtet, planlit, Brother Sloan, Irothers Tom Vance, V. Hall, J. ocum and Deputy Jamea C Marr. Therm was something new in the form of a WeUonle Olee lor .in itiatory work, composed by Doctor Dclo. It la th-iught the whole order will want to adopt thlr ceremony A big meeting Is looked for on the evening or Lahor Day. Southwestern Assembly has petitioned bv vote tho Hoard of Directors to take such action ns will lean to the extension of the privilege of reduced certificates tn membera .Joining since 10OS as to those joining prior to HW.. The Inst namta.M the reason are booked as follows., thoush there la no likelihood that all will bt, played, Underdown and Fidelity, at Tabor Bt John's and Nnrthweetern. at Jtlth a m a eas -.-.a tt.-faa A e fie V A nf emj fjimersei i,enian nnn i.rnjrtri-, v . -.,. -Rnrnereet, Dorian and West Phllaoelnhla.- at .1th and Walnut Penn-vlrnnla and Dartram, at nlri snd Blmwowl Harmony snd Progres sive, at 31th and Perks, Order of Good Templars Mrs. A. J Wclcoman delegato from Tenn allAnla to the National I-odge session In Pan Kranrlaco. writes that J K. Hauck of Phils drlrhli, was re-eltrtod natloial superinten dent of Juvjnlle work Tha Scandinavian I.odse psld a fraternal Mslt to Qunker City LodRe last Saturday evening In lta pleasant room at nrosd nnd Federal strerti, Oolden t.lnk Lodge will hold lta regular monthly business meeting rext Thursday even ing In Laason's Hall, SITS Prankford aenuc. Good Will Idse, Ilethlelen la Increasing In membership since thn session of the Grand Lothre, and la planning to send a lame dele gation to the next ecealon in Isewnrk, Del. Will Entertain Pharmacy Graduate Leonardo Antonla Mtcell w 111 be given a bnnftuct tonight by his friends at Pa lumbo's Hotel, 821 Catharine street. In honor of his recelvInK the degree of doc tor of pharmacy. Mlcell, who Is well known In the Italian .colony In this city, recently graduated from tho Philadelphia College of rharmncy. The banquet will also partake of the nature of a friendly congratulation on the engagement of the young man. More thnn 200 persons havo been Invited to attend. "FILMADELPHIA" AS IT IS TODAY Whnt Jfotion-plcturo World Quarterly Charts Think of City's Condition 'By the Phofoplay Editor What Is the present state of nlmdom In rhlladelphlA? The experts who com- pile the "news charts" printed periodical- iv in the Motion Picture Newa hava an answer ready. Here It Isi ' General trade conditions since June 1 " Excellent. Future outlook Oood. I Number of theatres opened since June 1-None . . .. ' Number closed Twenty-two. (including, of course, summer closings, wlilch are not permanent.) Class of film In greatest demand-Drama and good comedies. Bxhlbltors' attitude toward the new programs Fa orable. Demand for feature films Immense. 1n..1alt. . aeelAlann Ills Tvnna ft.,.... In a,1mlastnn nrleea InrraSBA expected. ! ltentnl prices of programs Constant, lltntal orlccs of features Increased State rights marketing Almost dead, i Stage stars as screen success No. ' Blanche ning Is to be presented by Oliver Morosco In a film version of "The Yankee Girl." The Universal is advertising Hobnrt nosuorth In a flc-part feature based on Joseph Mcdlll Tntterson's drama, "A Lit tle llrother of tho Hlch." An unusual side of railroading Is pre sented In Kalom's newest episode of tho Hnxards of Helen Railroad Scries, "The llroken nnll." In tho courso of this stlrrlns story the photoplay patron" Is shown how trained wrecking crews clear nwa tho woret wrecks nnd bring order out of chaos. One or the nwc-lnsplrlng sights In "Tho Broken Ball" Is that In which a huge derrick la shown raising massive freight cars and locomotives, swinging them about Just as easily ns a man would lift a matchbox. To the uninitiated, the rapidity nnd apparent case with which tho debris Is removed from tho tracks Is Blmply marvelous. It was by nn unusual chain of circum stances that Kalem was enabled to show tho wrecking crew at work. The Hazards of llelcn Company was hard at work on a story lnVolvlns a train wreck when word was received that a bad smaBh-up had occurred some miles down the line. Piling his players Into a couple of autos, tho producing director rushed them to tho scene of the disaster. Half an hour later the Kalem players were hard at work. Before long the l y 4 4HjBwifyjB rTB H a aHaV lrB WILTON LACKAYE To nppear in "Trilby" on the World program. PROGRAMS OF PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS THIS WEEK GUEAT NORTHERN Monday, "William Faversham and Jano Grey In "The Right of Way"; Tuesday, 5Iax Flgman nnd I.ollta Robinson In "Jack Chanty"; Wednesday. Miss Jackie Saunders in "111 Stnrred Babble": Thursday, Mrs. Leslie Carter In "Du Barr"; Friday, Mary Nash In "Tho Unbroken Road"; Satur day, Carlyle Blaclcwell In "The High Hand." BROAD ST, CASINO Monday, Orml Hawley In "Destiny's Skein," Kalem nnd Vltdgraph comedies; Tuesday. "Pat Hogan, Deceased," 3-part Vltagraph Comedy drama. Henrst-Sellg News; Wednesday. Broadway star feature, "My Lost One"! Thursday, "The Sky Hunters," with Edna Mayo and Bryant Washburn; Friday, Broadway favorites, "Don Caesar de Bazan"; Saturday, "The Law of Love." 3-part Blograph, and "The Prima Donna's Mother." SHERWOOD (Pnrnmount Week) Mon day, Daniel Frohman presents Mar guerite Clark Ih "The Crucible"; Tues day, Robert Edeson In "Where the Trail Divides'" Gaby Deslys In "Her Triumph"; Thursday. Elsie JanlB In "Caprice of Kitty": Friday, Mary Pick ford in "Mistress Nell"; Saturday, Mar guerite Clark In "Gretna Green." JEFFERSON Monday, Edwartl Con nelly In "Marse Covington": Tuesday, William Faversham In "The Right of Way"; Wednesday. Frank Daniels, In "Crooky Scroogs": Thursday. Vivian Martin in "Little Dutch Girl"; Friday, Mra. Leslie Carter In "Du Barry": Sat urday. Kathleen Williams in "The Ro sary." IMPERIAL Monday, Mary Miles Mlnter in "Alwajs In the Way": Tuesday, Henry Ainley in "Brother Officers": Wednesday, Theda Bnra In "Lady AUd ley's Secret": Thursduy. Robert War wick in "The Stolen Voice"; Friday. Mary Plckford in "Tho Dawn of a To morrow": Saturday. Stewart Batrd in "The Runaway Wife." BALTIMORE Monday, Pearl White, Lionel Barrymore and tho Mysterious Mr. X In "The Romance of Elaine"; Tuesday, Laura Sawyer In a "Daughter of the People"; Wednesday, Beulah Poynter, In her own play, "Lena Riv ers"; Thursday, "Thais": Friday, Elaine Hammersteln in 'The Moon stone": Saturday, "The Three Musko tcers." LINCOLN Monday, "LcGrand'a Re vencc." "The Coming of the Kingdom," Chaplin; Tuesday, "Motherhood, Jane of the Soil"; Wednesday, "Jano Evre " "Was It Her Duty"; Thursday, "Girl of Gypsy Camp," "Tho Strangler'e Cord": Friday. "C. O. D" "On Dangerous Paths"; Saturday, "The Sky Hunters," "The Tide of Time." LOCUST Monday. Mary Plckford In "Llttlo Pal"; Tueaday, "The Moth and the Flame"; Wednesday, Blanche Sweet in "Stolen Goods"; Thursday, Vivian Martin In "The Llttlo Dutch Girl"; Friday, Ann Murdoclt In "A Royal Family"; Saturday, Mary Pick ford in "Fanchon tho Cricket" Next week Is anniversary week. AURORA Monday, "The Shadow and the Shade" Hearst-Sellg Nows, "Cutey. For tune Hunter," "Such Things Really Happen"; Tuesday, "The Scar,'! "The Serpent's Tooth," "The Repentenco of Doctor Bllnn," "Some Duel": Wednes day, "The Goddess, No 11." "Call of Yes terday." "Battle of Elderbush Gulch"; Thursday, "Mystery of Mary," "Lovea Rescue," "The Lure of Mammon"; Fri day, "Woman and Wine," "The Busy Bell Boy"; Saturday, "Tho Death Cloud," 7th episode of Romance of Elaine. "Broncho Billy's Surrender," "Th Spook Raisers," "Mrs. Murphy's Cooks," "A Day's Adventure,' "Food for Kings and Riley." NORRIS-Monday, "The led Stephano," "Call of Motherhood." "Poor Baby," "Fable of Galloping Pilgrim Who Kept on Galloping", Tuesday, "Shadow ot the Shade." VRedoulns Sacrifice," Henrst-Sellg Newa rtariing of Flora Flnchurst, Bweedlo'a Hero; Wednesday, "Woman and Wine." "nillle'a Debut" Thursday. "Don Caesar de Bazan," "Tho Wanderer's Pledge," "The Jarrs" Auction Bridge", Friday, "The Scar," "Cutey, Fortune Hunter," "Missing Clua"; Saturday, "Tho Death Cloud," 7th eplscoda of Romance of Elaine: "The King of the Wire"; "Ha-iarda of Helen Series." "Rakoon Hose Com- pany," BLUEBIRD Monday, John Mason and Harold Lockwood In "Jim the Penman": Tuesday, Mary Plckford In "The Dawn of a Tomorrow": Wednesday, Mary Plckford In "Tho Bishop's Carriage"; Thursday. Wlllinm Faversham in "The Right of Way"; Friday. Marguerite Clark In "The Tretty Sister of Jose," and Saturday, Henry Alnloy In "Brother OlUcers." EUREKA-Monday, William Fornum In 'Tho New Governor"; Tuesday, Irene Fenwlch In the "Commuters"; Wednes day. Francis X. Bushman In the "Sec ond In Command": Thursday, "Stop Thief": Friday, Nance O'Nell in "Prin cess Romanoff"; Saturday, Walter Mil ler In "Winning tho Futurity," and "Diamond From the Sky." STRAND - Monday. "When My Lady Smiles," "Pup the Peace Maker": Tuesday. "Maker of Dreams." and Mary Plckford la one of her successes; Wednesday, "Romance of Elaino No. 3, "His Convert"; Thursday, "Heavy Vil lains," Chaplin comedy; Friday. "Jane Was Worth It." "Girl on the Engine." a Hazards of Helen scries; Saturday. Julius Steger In the "Fifth Command ment." and "Broncho Billy Well Re paid" and others every day. RITTENHOUSE Theda Bara In "A Fool There Waa"; Tuesday. Robert Warwick In tho "Stolen Voice." Marguerite "Mutual Masterpleture," Marguerite Fischer In "Tho Quest": Thursday, "Ft. Elmo"; Friday. "Officer 666"; Saturday. Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayno in "Graustark." PARK Monday, Marguerite Clark in "Gretna Green"; Tuesday, "Ill-starred Babble," featuring Miss Jackie Satin, ders; Wednesday, Emlle Gaborlau's story, "Mons. Lecoq"; Thursday, Ro mance of Elaine: Friday, Edith Wynne Mathls In "Governor's Lady, Who Pays7": Saturday, Clara Kimball Young in "Marrying Money." herolno-of this scries was actually oper ating the hugo crane this, by the way, ts shown In "The Broken Rail' nnd other wise demonstrating that she Is thoroughly at homo In any branch of railroading. By tho time tho wrecking crew had fin ished operations tho photoplay waa com pleted. Taul Scardon has been promoted from tho ranks of the Vltagraph stars to a pro ducing director and given the manuscript of "The Island of Surprise," a plcturUa tlon of Cyrus Townsend Brady's novel of tho same name, as his first .picture. Mr. Scardon will direct the work of such welt known playors as William Courtenay, who will bo seen In tho principal char acters, and some EOO extra persons repre senting; a horde of savages. Prof. Selskar M. Gunn, chief of the publicity bureau of the Massachusetts Health Department and a member of the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Is preparing for a great moving picture health campaign to be conducted during the coming winter. Two films, telling realistic stories Illustrative of hygienic principles, have already been secured and wilt be exhibited before pub lic and private organizations. A lecturer will explain each picture as It Is being projected on the screen. This service Is supplied free of charge by the Health Board. Theatrical Baedeker WALNUT "Fine Keathera," with nobert Kdeson ami a supporting stock company. The first production of the star-stock enture of Mr. Leahy will exhibit Mr. Edeson In the play by Eugene Walter -which aerved aa his lrnt starring chicle, but which never reached l'hllailclpbla. Vaudeville. KEITH'S Victor Morley ind company. In "A ltegular Army Man"; Delro nn the piano accordion: Marie King and Tyler Brooks, dancers: Lydla Harry, einger: Paul Qulnn and Joseph Mitchell, In "The Thoney Uluff Gold Mine"; Loyal'a trained tfogs, Chauncy MOnroe and company. In "A lluslncaa Proposal"; Ilronte and Aldwell, In "A Boardwalk Flirta tion," and Lo-Ve and Wilbur and Hearst Sellg Nows, GLOBE "The Broadway nevue": Joseph K. Wataon. monoloslst: Joe Welch's aketch. "A Day at Fills Island," with Marie Eamuela; l.ee Tong Fpo, barltona; the Musical Lunate, Instrumentalists; Knlcht Brothers ana Saw. telle, and Nlblo and Nugent. NIXON'S ORAKD Crossman's Entertainers, Instrumentalists: Baby, lliltVVAt, and" Ernhv Htanton. Bsemnn and-Andereottf fltanley nd Lalirach, alngera and 'dancers: fJIBtrons 'ana Ulbbons, comedians, and Fun Foto Films, cnoflS KEYS First half-ot wwk: Tim Kc Mahon'a Pullman Porter Maids, Morreo's "Sinking of tho Lualtanla," mechanical and. electrical spectacle; Frank Conlcy. basso and choirmaster; the Elale Kramer- Trio, Lillian Murtha, alnglnir comedienne, and Westen and Symonds, In "The Stage Carpenter and the Soubrette." WOODS1DE l'ABK Archie Nicholson and company, Nina Kspey, banjo player; Charles Olocker, water Juggler: Three Cor Bisters, singing and dancing, and Booth and Leander. BUrtLE8QUE. CAFINO Bllllo Wataon's "Beef Trust Bur Icaquerr," In "Krausmeyer'a Alley," and "The Bashful Venue," with Frank Bambard. Jean Lclghton and violet Pearl. Dl'MONTS Uumont'e Minstrels, with Eddie C'nsaaday, Chirley Ho j den, Hefs filbeon and other In "The Money Simple Band" and "Atlantic City Bathing Suite." THOTOPLAVS. OAJln,FIirS!'conil wk of Ljman Howe's Trael Festival, with wholly new pictures. They Include a trip through the Panama Canal and a visit to the expositions In San Francisco and Kan Diego. There will be the uaunl diversity of other features. Last week BTANLKY-"The Heart of Jennifer" with Hazel Dawn. ' JALACE "The Secret Orchard," with Blanche Sweet. Carlyle Bfackwell and Theodore fJlLJV2 Prominent Photoplay Presentations NOHTII BLUEBIRD ELIMINATING THE WASTE is the production problem ot the day, without half trylngr. you can atop enough "little leaks" from your personal Income to leave your family a comfprtabl competency In Ufa insurance. Just n "amoke." a short jltnay ride, some trlflltfa; luxury lea a day, would buy an Artisan Certif icate Kood for 11000 in case of, your death) ttitUla you to sick? benefits and t apfendld Arti san social features. Ask any member of tjw Order, BROAD AND SUS QUEHANNA AVE. 3 to 11 P, M, 7eor Our Oroan Wild (he K lee trip Kcno JOHN MASON and HAnoLD LOCKWOOD In JIM, TUB PENMAN Playa Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. Orruat Nnrtriprn BROAD ST.. ERIE ureac norinern qermanpn aveb. DAILY 3.30 P. M. EVUNIN08 IMP, M, WM FAVKnsiIAM and JANE ORBY In TUB niOHT OF WAY Tueaday- IRENE FENWICK In COMMUTERS Broad Street Casino 8R0$,? F KXCLVBIVK PIIOTOPlJiYa Lubtn rresenta OltMI JIAWLDY In a S-Part Drama, "DESTINY'S SKEIN " Kalem A Vlta graph Comedlea, car Ine ll'ondtrul Orpaa NORTHWEST JEFFERSON dauphin bts. KDWA,NBL?.?.n Mare Covington UEAIt OVR PI1.CUBR OROAS TODAY COMINO "MELTINQ POT" BEIT T-8 PARK" KIME AVE. AND DAUt'lIIN I ftlPi MAT., S. -IB, EVO., 0:80, ADMISSION Be EVO , 10a TO ALL. DANIISL rilOHMAN Presents MAIiaUElllTi! CLAHK In ORETNA ORBBN A Paramount Picture NO R R I S 'US0 The it td filspnano.VIUtraph domain 2 parts. The Coll o JtfoOirrnood. Lublif drama, foor Iiabv. Edison comedy. The fable of the Gallop tog Pilgrim uko kept.-on Oalloolap, Essensy. NOKTHKA8T OVKRBIIOOU OVERBROOK lwr$&35?A-n COMPLETE ORCHESTRA. MATDAILYIkY MI LUU1N SPECIAL-IbOLD EMMETT In B- "Ireland's Martyr" EEL8 Other WEST rilllADKLl'lUA i nn tqt w and LiVVUOl LOCUST STH Mat.., ! !30 and a P. M 1$. $& PARAMOUNT PltOalUit MARY PICKFORD . .lnJ?ji,n.1 Portrayal LITTLE PAL T0y.Q-h,.T, T'h's. ;,nF,LcAoMB IMPE!l,r!lST.nEETa BXCLVBIVU lcture Ct 1 In a l'lctjjrli Xfakl tA Yl)ti. MINTI'It In . " A L W ATTB PHOTOPLAYS lotion nf.Cl'J,"' S.";?. IN THE WAT SHERWOOD "ffiAffioi.. ;tta?siss! MAcnLAn,nTE THE CRUCIBLE QTRAIMn JSTH AND OIRARD AVE. '31Ivm1- MATINKBWRD anrt BAT WHEN MY LADY SMILES Pup, tk Pm Maker OTHER i PICTVRES aVI TDHP A OERMANTOWN AVENUE AUrUIA ABOVE NOnitlS r aVwutow A U $hadi, gellg drama In 3 Pts. Niartt-ttUj, Hew Pictorial, No, 01. Culsj. Cfr'"''-?."r? Vltagraph comedy. 8utl Tilings nrfli Jjef fen, Lubln drama n, I pta). LOfiAN LOGAN THEATRE "M FRANK DANIEUS m CROOKY The BALTIMORE a, THE ROMANCE OF ELAINE 171 lOCL'A 40Tir itm THE NEW GOVERNOR RITTENHOUSE MD ffiU-,, ' ,, Trrt'AFoolThg, LINCOLN ? "TfHIAT .Vrtfn fALriUiDnu. r'"'-r f"fHJi?L9. ' onANti's Vai IB KXTHA-CHAPLtN COMSO Wf& EVENING LEfcGER fHOTOPLAV AOVlRTttlllfc 'AYS Triangle Four weeks ago I printed an advertisement headed - WARNING. In it I told of some of the plans of the Triangle Film Corporation and intimated that I expected large pfofiM. ' But I was so afraid that there mightbe exaggcfatlbns and overstatements by persons without authority to Spe.fk that I made very plain the fact that anything that'pronisftd so very much in profit necessarily entailed some risk of loss. I said wc had got together the greatest organization of moving picture producers the world had cVerkrtovvn, great actors and actresses, great executives and , , t GRIFFITH, Producer of "Tha Birth of r a Nation." v INCE, Famous for the "Battle of Get- tysburg.v SENNETT, Master Laughmaker of the .' - , World, Creator of Keystone Conle - , dies. i w But my belief that the theatre managers of this country would be willing to pay big weekly rentals fdr . fine pictures was only belief. Now it is FACT. ;. THE BEST THEATRES have written, telegraphed, telephoned offers of weekly rentals equaling my esti mates. The ablest executives in the film business have joined us. For "Nothing Succeeds Like Success." Actors and actresses who have hitherto found the pictures below their dignity have come to us eagerly. Those who appear in the first Triangle plays will give you a pretty good idea of the calibre of the fst. , RAYMOND' H ITCHCOCK Douglas Fairbanks -4HHK- --IJTJSTTN; KAWTJI'lM - ' v - '. rtJ tv?"!! ,vl . . r ? t fc , fcA,.h fetSf ," . , n- . , .. , ., all in one evening's entertainment think of it! And then there will be Billie Burki, De Wolf Hopper, Joe Weber, Lew Fields and a host of others. Four weeks ago "Triangle Film" Was unknown to the New York stock market. It came out at par $5.00 per! share. As I write it is selling there for $6.50 or more a share. I do not control the price. Many big men are buying Triangle Film. I appre ciate their interest and their support. But the man I want is the ten-share man, and the man who owns fifty shares. For he is the man who most appreciates his monthly dividend check. It is he who goes regularly to the theatre that shdws ; Triangle Plays, and tells his friends to go. I want you who read this advertisement to own stoek - enough to laugh the heartier at a Keystone Comedy because you are part owner of it. Just ask a good stock broker or your banker to get ; some shares for you while the market is low. ' I n President of Triangle Film Corporation. believe ,t will earn large profits. I believe that the Com pany's interest Will best be served by having the latSi possible number of stockholders. Hence Z tdirS ment. It tdls the truth as I see it, difflK and avoiding equally understatement, for JndeHtaSL may be As misleading and unfair as oventeteSenta . 'rfftfasjLjjpClJHsTflBr I As to Sept. 20, 1915 Very soon after Sept, 20 Triantrlr. Pi,.,,. n' .In ,the Chestnut Street Opera HS . the best pictures. S directors, produce, And the best people will ;. u theatre in each locality C them in thc one bc'k I ' 4. 1 ''t " Ml W fA "i i " '.i Ii . i t V vfv s i ctavi u wiw Maxnaatte. 'i ! ii ' 'i! .. n, . '.' .... . . , . i
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