r ..- .. r - . . ....-- SATURDAY August 28, 1915 t Wbtv ictteimtn &i tf .v .. s: V A wv i AMERICANS CAN TEACH THE REST OF THE WORLD THE GENTLE ART OF PLAYIN! 9lY SBeBB All -" " L-B tBB w-T- im'timim ' " " ' w vlSt? 2S!$ SB T& JP IBl- a d Moniot 1)th and Diamond streets, is one of- t "im itfr 'F fT ' eV?jfln 0 cnamP'on Payers of this fascinating came. Ho Co i nt i t ti 1 n s i 9 'iKipP ' -''TPh. - - &- ' ' ' '" '- " - ' . Miss B. Vernon, skipper of the Neptune, handling her craft during the women'syactit 'TBj ' ' -" iy' " ' ' - " " " . - -' .1 . racC which featured the annual race week of tho Atlantic Yacht Club, Sea Gate, aj ENJOYING LIFE AT ATLANTIC CITY BBBsSliflpBiJH , - " "1 This trio of Philadelphia girls knows how to make the most out of life while at HSvwBSBMwBXiJ:s, m rrK-""- xyszsataataHammm!'" - aBvzfliM. Photo by Paul Thompson. FRANCES STARR "SHOOTING" THE WAVES The well-known actres3 is having the time of her life "aquaplaning" on tho breakers at Lake George, where she ii spending tho summer. ANOTHER ROQUE ENTHUSIAST William Hoppack, 2153 Natrona streot, is one of Moniot's closest rivals for tho roque honors of the city. SHILOH WOMEN'S BAND GIVES SINK-PHONY CONCERTS vwS Hfc-S"!!?1 aSiu rs.T Harold Randolph, who is wearing an aluminum dipper helmet, these women of Shiloh, N. J., play every day on kitchen instruments for charity. -Wy, .Mi.,.,,,, -. .,. "U .l...i"l' .1111 - TBJ BBBbSbbBBBvBBk fc-BBBWto3HE J -1-JILjfcj g-r FPzJmmifKSDltlmKwKKIffIM K99tKttKttKSSf3StKKBSSKKSKBUKKKItBMBttlU3SyA " -itv w'W5(w',u" "WM Il bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV'Pk iiPi jSfUBtExKSIKttaBi ttf-KKKKKKtBL r IflH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbKbbET-" tjt&S ttgUCHEHHil rBSBlttMBmmitltKt j m mI HHBBBBBBlaWWlInF Ji kMVBHnngHHilnHMHnBfl IHUIw W1 nWllTi JflBBWffiiTt-Mi3lMBffMflWBBBBWMMHWIMeWIHWfa . 0 - & AtLvJHWfli H H BBBBBBBBBBflflBBBflflflBBBBBBBBBBBBflBfiflBKf aJSBBBBBBfiESBBfiflflflBflBfifiBBBflflBfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfiBflBfiBflBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfiflBfififififilBKHflBBfiBB QnvL bu -j froK?lBfifHBHfiBBBBBLT ft " BBBBBB a y c 'vVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBft BSVKBHbi bBBBBk xowjs SB9bbBi l Bb Mmnii3mnMMBtniBBHBIiMllMMMirXinlM Mr1 TH "-; HiKM. K '.- H -rJlffi BS HERE'S AN EQUAL SUFFRAGE BALL GAME Pho. by p,ui Tbom.on. Prominent .New York society people and theatrical luminaries enjovlnif themwlvea at a aummer rawrt. From left to light. W, O'Bannan, catcher,' Mrs. Horace Wadaworth, at bat. In background Horace Wadaworth, Hojbroolt BUbil Mrs. Page and Eilee Hackett, daugbar o Mary Uaaerlug. and Jam XHaakaO, y tab. h TS-S'T,? GJM,B ?P "U0