Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Friends Meet and Enemies Are Neutral for the Nonce
in Annual Tournament Georgo Crump and His
Valiant Efforts to Make Pine Valley a Paradise
rrn tike p.nylhff a Joyous round on tho
hoirlo link to play thin week In the an
IiHt Invltntlon tournament nt Hslfi
Everybody khbw everybody elae. Every.
liot)fj friends rtnd enemies art) there.
But friend nre more friendly nnd enc
mien, aro hcutral for the occasion. It
I a great nnd hllnrloui gathering of the
local colflnct tttleht
One reason for tho" enthusiasm Is that
in players are pulsating with the joy
of picking up their tlcks again after an
Intermission of a month without tourna
ment play Then folks go to Hala to
have a good time and naturally they
Set it
The nlA do:f Club throws the club
house wide open to nil the players,
friends snd Interested fans, nnd there Is
always, n crowd on hand. The golf courso
Is. hard enough, so that no one feels
peevish about a large score. And It Is
only nlno hales, so that everything Is
concentrated right around the clubhouse.
rnrU of nrnrly nil the nolo enn be seen
from thn house. The crowd rushes from
the vernnda to the terraced lawn over
locking the ninth hole to Josh somo play
ers 1-t'mlng In, nnd then rushes balk to
the Vernnla or sits picking players to
pieces while under tho trees they wait
for tho nelkt uulr (o come In.
There are few No 4 men entered In the
play, so that there Is about nn equal
chance for nil. A tournament such as
the one at Hala Is surely n capital thing
for local golf It encourages the not-so-good
players to try their hand In tourna
ment play and this Is tho only way by
which expertness at tho game Is meas
ured. The good naturo of tho company puts
the player at his eano more or less. If
he can gt Just one thing out of a tour
namenteither nmbltlon or confidence
he has gotten a long boost toward future
The Data tournament Is best described
as a golf "party" and golf fans wishing
to enjoy life should drop in.
George Crump tells a story on himself
about his efforts to paradlslfy the Pine
Valley courso when It was first started.
Un thought It would be n fine Idea to
sprinkle tho course with beautiful flowers,
trees and birds. lie Imported much of
the former and four of tho latter In the
form of varicolored swans, for which ho
laid on the counter the sum of $30. He
bought all tho fanciest sivnii food and
extras and proudly oversaw the safe ar
rival of his purchases on the Journey to
Sumner, X J.
Man idlers gathered around the crate
when It arrived at the links, nnd all icro
lost In admiration at the beautiful colors
of the birds. The crate was pried open
and the swans unarched their beautiful
curving necks and strutted forth Into tho
Kor a minute they strutted, while tho
company looked on, and titan, all suffer
ing from the same impulse, they rose
nobly In the air and (lew far from tho
swamp-bitten State of New Jersey.
"There goes my $30." said Crump.
He either got the wrong brand of
swans or else the dealer forgot to clip
the wings. Crump persevered nnd now
there are dozens of the splendid creatures
a Pine Valley.
HlBh " - rontl-jiod, to prevail In the
First Step to Inaugurate Cage Game as Winter Sport
Among Schuylkill Club Members Will Be Taken
Tonight, Whefr Locals Play WildwoodiQuintet
Malta Boat Club oarsmen win play
basketball tonight against the Wlldwood.
N. J., quintet. This announcement Is
not an unusual one at first glance, but
It means more this time. It means
that this will be the flrst step to in
augurate the cage game as a winter
sport among the members of the Schuyl
kill Navy clubs.
Captain Lewis H. Kenney, of the Mal
ta's, has nrranged to have a special car
for the trip, and members of the team
and their friends will leave over the
Beading at 5:20 p. m.
Captain Kenney Is an ardent oarsman
and a basketball player, and there are
hundreds of others like him In the Schuyl
kill Navy These members could get to
gether nnd form a league of teams that
would work to great advantage. Dur
ing the winter months there Is little
to hold the members, together, and some
form of Indoor sport would be the means
of keeping up friendships and mak'ng
the clubs stronger. Other branches of
athletics might be tried.
A number of men nro Interested In
track and field athletics, and In the an
nual cross-country championship run of
the Navy keen sport is enjoyed.
It Is the opinion of many members who
have been approached that Indoor work
attractions are necessary to keep the
club alive. The social end takes care
of Itself, but If athletes are to be kept In
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania-Cloudy to
night; Saturday partly cloudy, probably
bowers In southeast portion; gentle to
moderate northeast winds.
For New Jersey Partly cloudy tonight
and Saturday, with probable showers
Saturday along the south coast.
Tho area of high barometer over the
Lake Region ha Increased In size and
energy during the last 24 hours, und has
caused a further slight decrease In
temperature throughout the northeastern
roriion of the country, with frost at ome
of the Lake stations and In northern New
York and New England. Showers and
generally unsettled conditions are re
ported from across the southern half of
the country, with seasonable temperatures
except for a slight excess along the south
Atlantic coast. Clear skies are reported
ever the Paclflo States,
U, S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Observations taken at 8 a, ra. Kanteni time,
Sutftn 8 n n't. Call. Wind.
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Invitation tournament going on this week
at the tlala (lolf Club. There were, how
ever, some good matches.
In the fourth 18 It looks as though
Young Phil Corson and J. P. Mactlenn.
Jr., would come together In the finals.
Itnth played fine golf against their moi-o
experienced opponents. The former put
out Moon on the 18th and plajed tho
long 7th as a bye hole.
In the bunker ,ln two, he showed his
form by nlbllclhg one dead to the hole.
Those tha't know, know this is no slight
trick. MacBeftn. with the odds 2 to 1
against him, beat Lelloy Bartholomew.
There Is something doing, as one plaer
put It, when "two bulldogs from tho same
kennel get together," and this proved to
be the case when Calvert and Lindsay,
both of Aronlmlnk, met In the afternoon.
Tho gallery picked this match as tho
most Interesting, not only because both
players were favorites, but because they
were tied for tho best mdal score In the
qualifying round. The tie will be settled
on Sunday, despite the cries of the crowd
to plsy it off together with the match.
Daniel Uarrcff and Dr. Samuel Bolton
continued Ancient and Honorable tourna
ment differences good-naturedly yester
day, when they fought out their match
In the third sixteen. DnrrofT won one
up on tho last hole, when ho put down
one of those mean four-foot putts.
Paul Haber. fresh' from some sterling
play over the Van Cortlandt links In
New York, was consldcied by many to
have a chahec of coming through tho
tournament But he was tied for last
plnce In tho tlrst flight, nnd an unlucky
draw put him In tho second sixteen. Not
discouraged, he showed a few shots.
On the second, ho and his opponent, XV.
IC. Yarrow, both put beautiful approaches
on the green. Yarrow putted two lnchc3
from the cup and Haber, by a delicate
touch. Inveigled his ball between Ynrrow's
and tho cup. It was a stymie "what am
n stymie."
Calvert fell Into the old mistake of try
ing to play his ball from a down hill llo
on tho fourth hole, with the result thnt
lie had a short roller. There isn't much
chance for a brassle on this particular
hole, as all the lies are cither down or
up hill.
Alexander, club champion at Bala, and
Wlngert, his opponent, went neck and
neck for tho fifth hole. Their drives
were the same distance, as were their
seconds Mid thirds. Their approach putts
both lipped the cup from opposite sides.
Tomorrow at the Detroit Country Club
will begin tho biggest battle of the sea
son when the nmateur title of the United
States will bo put In the ring. Six players
from Philadelphia will attempt to follow
their hats under the ropes. All tho war
riors will start off tomorrow. There will
be 18 holes, nnd the first 64 will qualify
for 36 holes Monday, when 32 will qualify
for match play.
conditlon and in touch with club affairs,
there should be some means of holding
their attention.
The Wahnetah Boat Club, of New York,
will endeavor to win the third leg on
the Eagle cup ofTered at the annual re
gatta of the Long Island Bowing Asso
ciation at Flushing tomorrow. The cup
goes to the four-oared shell crew which
wins three consecutive races. There will
be several other events In addition to
this race.
Edwin Hcdley, formei great Vesper
oarsman, now stownid at the Undine Boat
Club, has a record for the quarter-mile
dash of which he may well be proud.
On July 19, 1891, he reduced the mark of
1 minute 8 seconds to 57 seconds, which Is
the present world's record. At the Na
tional Begalta recently the quarter was
rowed In 1;03, but this is tho nearest ap
proach to Hedley's record in years.
The Metropolitan Bowing Club eight Is
In fine fettlo Just now, and In a recent
match race with tho Bohemian Boat Club
crew, won after a hard contest.
Coach Van Vllet. of the Virginia Bout
Club, Is trying to make arrangements to
have his proteges quarter at the Phila
delphia Barge Club.
e e .
Leland Stanford University Is making
plans for the development of a crew
which will como East next year with th
fixed Idea of capturing the varsity race
at Poughkeepsle.
Because of tho uncrtaln condition
surrounding rowing at ,'e University of
California, the Stanforr management is
anticipating tho threatened disruption of
tho annual triangular race in which
Washington, Calllornla and Stariford
hove taken part, and ha made arrange
ment for two races with Washington
next spring.
September 18 and Saturday,
September 25, are First Dates
on Schedule
NEW TOnK, ,Aug. t7.-Frank Bryan,
secretary of the Hunt Committee, com
pleted the schedule of dates for the hunt
meeting to be run till fall. Several
more are under confederation and, should
they be arranged, will be assigned dates
that will not conflict with those an
nounced. All the associations have been working
In a general plan to avoid clashing of
interest, with the Idea of utilising all
tho material at call Indication aro that
the sport furnished by the amateurs will
be better than ever, with the eteeple
Chases the best of the year In point of
number and quality, including those at
the regular tracks.
Negro Hanged for Attack on Girl
DENTON. Md., Aug. !7.-Wlsh Sheppard,
negro, paid the penalty on the gallows
here at 6 o'clock this morning for assault
Ing 15-year-old Mildred Clark on July 15.
Sheppard had confessed hla gult to Slier
HC Tempjton and his deputy.
T Try IwliaiwpoU; Mayor Sept. 1
INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. J7.-8ptember 1
ha been fixed a tho date for the trial of
Mayor Hell, Indicted in the election con
Mracy ca with Thomas Taggart and
moto than MO others, A special venire
waa drawn Uy for the (election H a
A Gentle Young Man
Young Mr. Boy Sinclair was celebrat
ing his birthday by sitting In lounge
chair on the veranda and smoking a few
cigarettes and sipping lemonade. Not a
whoop not ft yell. None of his college
classmates there to Indulge In the college,
yell and to wring hi hand and say,
"Let's go Into the city and burn up
things!" No friend coming up the walk
to look at him In astonishment nnd say.
"Well. I'll be hanged! Your Md birth
day today and you come In for your
L'nale Pete's whoonlng big legacy and
you nro sitting here us quiet as an old
lion on her nest."
Had his mother been asked to give an
account of Boy's life and adventures up
to date she would have paragraphed it
off as follows:
"Verv oulet ns a baby. Beomcd to Un
derstand at onco that a squalling infant
Is a nuisance.
"Very quiet as a child. When the cat
bit him for pulling her tall he wept, but
made no holler to bring out the nro de
partment. "As a youth ho was not slambang,
even when a dlmo was given him to
spend on Fourth of July.
"Kill out of trees fell Into the river
fell off the roof licked and got licked
Vox thould not think of driving a machine
alone until you have hail experience.
fell In love and fell out, and had tho
usual number of stone bruises nnd
bumps, but all quietly very quietly."
Thut's what his mother would havo
said, nnd his many friends could have
added that there had been no great
change In the last live years. He was
no sissy, but he didn't seem to think it
necessary to shout his Hume and pres
ence as he moved along, lie left that to
others, ond when they brough up in po
lice stations ho quietly nppcarcd and
balled them out.
At the hour thnt the quiet and gentle
Mr. Sinclair was sipping lemonnde on
his mother's veranda. Miss Bertha Gor
inon was riding along the highway in her
runabout. Had her mother told of the
girl's adventures since babyhood it would
have made n bad Impression. As n baby
she kicked and squalled; as a child she
was not obedient, ns a half-grown girl
Bhe wns famous for her Impatience.
When she wns a young lndy her mother
called in a specialist. "It isn't nerves,"
tuld tho man after observing the case
for a quarter of an hour.
"Then what can it be7"
"Her temperament. She is what Is
known as an Impatient. She wants ac
tion all the time. She has never made
an effort to control herself. If sho
thought of crossing the sen she'd want
to go right aboard u liner within an
hour." ,
"But Is there no remedy?" asked the
"Yes, and you could have applied It
years ago, but you didn't do it."
"And now."
"You can't do anything with her. You
nnd the othcrH of the family love her, of
course, and of course she loves you, but
you Antagonise her at the same time. If
she falls in love with and marries the
wrong man there'll be a Kilkenny cat
light nnd n divorce. If it's tho right
man her temperament will change."
'And who will bo the right man?"
''A quiet gentleman a man who Is
somewhat lethargic Instead of Impulsive
a man with flrmness combined with his
"Is there such a man In the whole
State, doctor?"
"Probably a hundred of them."
It wasn't a good morning for riding
out. It hnd rained during the night, and
tho highways were muddy.
"Of course you won't go out this morn
ing?" said Mrs. Gormon to her daughter.
Very promptly Miss Bcitha thought of
going out, and in live minutes she was In
fidgets. In ten she was out. Before she
had gone a mile she was Impatient at her
Impatience In comtng out.
The builders of autos and runabouts
won't say that an Impatient person can't
drive one, but will admit that If such a
person goes to driving nil over the road
and yanking levers and handles about
there Is a chance of an accident. And
that is Just what Mlm Bertha was doing
ns she approached the house where the
quiet and gentle Mr. Sinclair sat. lie
regarded her with interest quiet Interest.
He decided that tho machine was out of
order. He decided that It would bring up
against tho fence.
And having quietly come to these de
cisions, Mr. Sinclair wnlkcd down to tho
gate Just as the runabout banged Into
the fence opposite. There was a (smash
and a scream.
"Hurry! Hurry!"
Mr. Sinclair did not hurry.
"Do you want to seo me Killed?" the
girl cried,
Mr, SinclaU-Inspected the machine and
calmly and qbletly replied that all danger
had passed,
"If not too much of an effort on your
part, perhaps you will tell mo If the
machine Is too much damaged to run
agoln until repaired?" the girl asked.
Ho made a new Inspection, backed the
runabout Into the road and pronounced
that tho damage was not vital. "You
should not think of driving a machine
alone until you liave had experience," he
"Havo I asked for your advice?" she
"Nevertheless, It Is good. If you think
you might have trouble I will gladly
drive you home."
"I wouldn't let you!"
"Then I should follow on horseback."
Iteprlmanding wa he? Then she would
how him. She got Into the vehicle pre
pared to put on all power and run over
oven a load of hay, but he stood there
o calmly that she gave up the project
and started off with tears In her eyea
tenrs of madness.
There wbb good fishing at Loon Lake
That Is, it was good when the tish bit.
They were not biting for shuck on on
afternoon a week after the runabout
Now Let Is Lay Yeur
Hariwood Floor
We'll have everything dono
when you come back from you?
vacation, and you'll hive the
most attractive) hardwood In
"porcraft. Careful workmen
S,ura ?Lour .hou frn outsiders
a lifetime, riend for our pam
phlet of beautiful design. We're
KV 1ow 1 K,vo yu the kind
PJ, .hrdwopd floor that can be
laid only by
V Year I the KUor Hv4bcm
303.4 W Vulr 424j.
eplwde. Mr, Sinclair al on the bank
with polo and line Ho sat quietly and
fished geutlv He was not cxclled when
Miss Bertha tJormon drove up In the re
paired machine and prepared herself to
work destruction to the finny tribe. She
saw him out of the tallof her eye, but
didn't give him a chance (0 salute her.
Near where Mr. Sinclair tat was A long,
old, homemade dock, running out Into
tho lake. It had been ready to tumble
down for the last two years, and some
one had cut un a sign of "Dangerous!"
If Mr. fiinclslr hadn't been there, Mils
Bertha would have read and heeded that
sign. As It was she would go out to the
very end.
"Don't you see the sign?" he called, 8he
never even looked around.
"You may have an accident."
Mr. Sinclair slipped off coat and shoes.
Tho old dock had begun to weave and
sway. The girl felt It, but shut her
teeth and pressed on. Then came the
scream and the crash. Mr. Sinclair
reached her In time, but there was no
excitement about it.
"Whore nm I, and what has happened?"
the Kill sat up and asked, after awhile.
"You went out thero in spite of me,"
lie leplled.
"But what had you to do with It?"
"1 would rather take you home alive
than dead, and If you are wet enough
come on!"
"But-but " ,
Ho took her by the arm and walked her
to tho vehltlo and drove her home..
"You should keep cloar ot old docks
until ou have had more cxpeilencc," he
said, when he left her at tho g'ate.
A month later, as Mr. Sinclair quietly
nnd gently rode out In his auto, he found
the runabout wrecked In a ditch and the
bruised Miss Bertha crying beside It.
"I told you so, the day you ran Into
tho fence,' ho observed.
"And that's Why why why " she
When ho hid taken her home and
turned tho machine at the gate, ho said,
"I shall call tomorrow."
"And I won't be home," she replied.
But she wns, and was looking for htm.
Somo months later tho specialist met
the mother ond asked: "Is thorc any
Improvement In your daughter?"
"You said "
"If she found the right lover ye."
"Well, she's found him."
Copyright by the McClure Newspaper Syndl
Assaults at Sed Ul Bahr,von
Ottoman Left Wing
CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 27. Bepulso
of on attack by Allied troops against the
Turkish left wing on Galllpoll peninsula
was nnnounced by the War Ofllce today.
The oillclal statement follows:
"Weak forces attacked our left wing at
Scd-ul-Bahr, but were dispersed. On the
Anafnrta, Arl-Burnu and Sed-ul-Bahr
fronts the enemy maintained a strong
artillery lire, wasting ammunition."
Funeral of Doctor Smith Will Be Held
in Absence of His Son
All efforts to locate Clarence T. Smith,
Jr., to notify him of the death of his
father, Dr. Clarence T. Smith, widely
known Kensington physician and drug
gist, have failed, and the funeral will be
held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
young man Is on his vacation In Maine,
nnd tho funernl has been delayed as
long ns possible in hope that the son
could bo found. He was In Boston Just
previous to the sudden death of hi
father, but hud left his hotel when the
messago arrived which told of his father's
death. The civil authorities of Boston
have been appealed to, but no trace of
the young man has been found.
Tho funernl Bervlccs will bo conducted
nt the late home of Doctor Smith, 117
East Cumberland street, by the Rev.
John Goodfellow, pastor of the Church
of tho Good Shepherd, The funeral will
bo military. Representatives of the Un
ion Veteran League, Admiral Farraguc
Association, Naval Veteran Association
nnd Philip A. Schuyler Post 61 G. A. R.
will attend. Interment will be made at
West Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Society Woman to Drive Auto in Con
test With Man
Philadelphia society is Interested In the
forthcoming automobile-motorcycle race
at Lenox, Mass., In which Miss Kather
Inc Dahlgrcn, of New York, widely known
In this city, will pilot a racing motorcar
in a contest with a motorcycle.
Miss Dahlgren Is a niece of Mrs. Charles
Blnghnm Penrose, of this city, and n
daughter of Mrs. Drexel Dahlgren, of New
York. She Is a granddaughter of the late
Joseph Drexel.
Georgo E. Turner, Jr., challenged her to
the race when he learned she had become
Interested In automobile racing, and she
Author of Diane ef the Craan Van
Meddler" Himself . A cheerful, buoyant, diverting
book-packed with fun and drollery and charm
tag sentiment.
At All Bookstores, $1.35 Net
Puiltthtn Rilly A Dritton Chltao
Thursday, September 2d
RigUtrtr, .it fron7 te J0 At Uf 4 fo i0 p M
BeVt -. your VM Ta. Kecclp, ot ., at ,, vMlu, m..
For cop,e TU.t.at e.ectio,, jpUta,
' EDWARD L. , ROACH, Srtry CumtnkUii f 100.
Belloc in Englnnd, Slmonds in
Amerlcn, Explain Things
Twentieth century literature Is learn
ing to popularise technical subject With
out distorting or vulgarltlng. It I sim
ply making plain the mats ot Intrlcato
thinking which Intricate subject have
always demanded, thinking that ha
usually been befogged In the verbal In
eptitudes of technicians. The value of
this 20th century progress In letter bulk
a very large nnd potent fact It builds
that vital basis of democracy knowledge.
The Great War ha fumuhed two ad
mirable examples. One la English, one
American. Both have made plain tho
most complex of human thoughts and ac
tions, In spit of human thought and nc
cldents which befog tho news from Eu
rope day by day.
The Englishman. Hlllalro Belloc. and
the American, Frank H. Slmonds, have
shouldered up out of the ruck of "mili
tary strategists" and newspaper experts.
Belldc's brilliant exposition or the tactic
behind the German drive and the French
stand made over a foundering British
weekly nnd brought It tremendous popu
larity. Frank II. Slmonds' unsigned war
editorial, printed flrst In tho New York
Sun and later In the New YorK rriDuno
ond the Kveninq LEDafcn, brought him
tho biggest reputation so far evolved by
the war. The work of both men Is now
available In book form for comparison ns
well as enjoyment.
Slmonds' "Second Phare" of the "Great
War" (Mitchell Kcnncrley, New York)
cover every angle of the conflict, from
tho fall of Antwerp to tho second battlo
of Ypres. Because It l drawn from dally
editorials and from weekly nnd monthly
articles In tho New Bepuullc and tho Re
view of Bevlews, the book Is naturally
discursive; Its backbone Is time, nothing
more. But that Is, In a way, r. Slmonds'
aim. He Is sweeping n tremendous area
with the flcld glass of suggestion. Ho
records each battle, estimates forces nnd
directions of thrusts, explains tho con
flicting tactics In tho large. Between
buttles, so to speak, he docs more. Ho
considers the dlplomntlc nnd racial prob
lems Involved. He speculates on tho ef
fect of new entrants Into the war and
consequent realignments. He knows tho
crimes of European dlplomncy In the
Balkans from which tho spark of con
flict sprnng; nnd he knows the strategy
of tho Civil War and of tho Napoleonic
campaigns down to such minutiae that a
comparison of a Gallclan bnttle lino with
nn evolution of Lee is as easy and clear
as the general alignment of Grant's policy
against the South with General Joffro's
"nibbling." Altogether a book of bis?
things made plain.
Belloc's "Tho Elements of the Great
War: First Phase" (Hearst's Interna
tional Mhrnry Company. New York) la
utterly different in conception nnd execu
tion, but the same In the resultant truth.
Writing for a weekly, he could order his
narrative Into a singly directed whole.
And the purpose of that whole Is the
statement of war conditions nnd the clar
ification of the military strategj by which
France stopped the immensely superior
German drive on Paris.
Literally, the story of that strategy la
heroic, dramatic Numbers, preparation,
scientific acumen and confidence, all on
tho side of Germnny. And nothing for
France but thnt very lack of confidence.
thnt appreciation of the
enemy supe- 1
rlorlty and the consequent nee,u tor mar
velous fortitude and the llvcst of strategy
upon which Napoleonic triumphs were
built. That 1b the conflict upon which
Hlllalre Belloc lifts a world curtain. His
explanation of the time-honored "open
strategic square" of the French, how Its
application led the drive of Kluck to the
southeast of Paris and then In a moment
of, completed strategy hurled back the
German "nt with a power 1 Irresistible,
makes a truly dramatic and engrossing
narrative. It Is a discovery for tho aver
age render.
Bloody Mexico
To many Inhabitants of the United
States Mexico at present Is synonymous
with chaos. But that thero is a mean
ing to all the ferment and bloodshed, tho
shouting and the tumult, that has pre
vailed In the unhappy country to ,the
eoutli of the Rio Grande these several
years is made clear by Carlo dl For
naro In "Carranza nnd Mexico" (Mitchell
Kennerley, New York). Mr. Fornaro
writes a one having authority, and prop
erly so, having spent several years In
Trftr.B.lttfl bv
AUxander Cray
Because a patriotic Ger
man, high in his Govern
ment's service, loved his
Fatherland and hated the
madness of militarism he
dared tor itethisindictment
of the Imperial hypnotist.
Not merely a book but as
great an event as uny battle.
For Stl Eirrywher
Umo, Net $1.50
.0ur!odu?0oVneU0S,r n h'-ur own
Today, in tha Ilattle of th World. thr
comes insistently from trlaMeited soul and
heart tha cry for a THUCK OF OOD, T
Hlnce you are only a mortal man, born an
heir to the weaknt.M. and falllncs ot all
man. you are In dlra need of advice"
Thl Ketrtat will be a revelation to Non
Catholic., who are especially Invited.
If you would feel the Moat Elevating Ex.
perlenca ot Your Life, write at one to
JOHN J. FEWIECK, Pres , Overbrook, Pa.
Relative to Laymen's Week End Retreat at
beautiful Overbrook Seminary.
J " '(IrACClJSEn
Mexico a Journalist and !. "Jj
toonlst. He ha told the truth about
Mexico before, for which oftenM h wa
Imprisoned for a nr on n1"11" !
J.land, New York, at the behest 0 I the
Infamou POtflrlo blaz. Some Pon,
doubt that the average Mexican soldier
know what he Is fighting fori Fornaro
how that hi doM-lhat he. I willing
to give up hi life to rid hi country of
an evil economic and eccleslostlc fy"8"
thai for so long ha held hi forefathers
In thrall. Not until the Mexican have
rid themselves of their Ineubl doe Mr.
Fornaro predict peace for Mexico.
Galsworthy's Fine
New .Novel
Galsworthy has written another lovely
book on another unlovely subject. "The
Freelands" (Charle Scrlbner's Sons, New
York) Is a characteristic novel. It de
serves pralso and raise regrets.
Of course. It I a perfect piece of lit
erary craftmanshlp (barring two "than
which," doubtless picked up two year
ago on his American trip), full of lovely,
vivid writing, And, of course, it I Ironic
Indeed, tho irony I Ingeniously triple dis
tilled. The threo Freelands, for Instance,
agree that "the country Is In a bad way.
Felix, novelist, blames It on Industrialism
and Officialdom: Stanley, manufacturer,
on Ofllclaldom and Destructive Criticism;
John, In tho home olTIco, on Destructive
Criticism and Industrialism.
Just as Inevitably, the book Is a "truc
turo of tho most delicate and sympathetic
charactorlxntlon. It ahtnes wiw mm
virtue which makes Galsworthy a master
dramatist. The gallery of "Tho Freo
Innds" numbers, beside the brother,
their masterful, their aesthetic and their
liberated wives, another marvelous
grandmother, Galsworthy's ever-lovely
children, a young Celtic rebel and his
cvet moro rebellious sister, and a heroine,
Felix's daughter, whose face has In It
"something nllvo and sweet, something
clear and bwIU." No short rcvlow can
hopo to convey the truth and interest of
Galsworthy's people.
Finally, of course, a thesis. Tho land;
England's plutocracy-sucked soil; Us de
generation; the departure of tho peas
antry: nil thrown out aa a background
for the action. The hounding of Tryst,
"the tragic fellow tho moving, lonely
figure; emanation ot these solitary fields,
shade of tho departing land!" by a pro
prietress who looks after thp morals as
she sees them of her tenants; his re
volt; the strike of tho farm laborers lead
by tho young Celt, and finally Tryst'B
Imprisonment and death. They aro all an
Indictment of an obviously vicious plu
tocracy. How doubly vicious beside tho
portrait of that perfect, natural denizen
of the soil. Tod, fourth brother of the
Freelands nnd father of the rebellious
Celt! Tho denouement for tho defeated
rebel Bon love and freedom In Now Zea
landIs one of the minor vexations that
travel with Galsworthy's virtues. It
suggests the equally annoying notions
that Galsworthy tmaglnes earthly heavens
to He Just over the hill, and that he falls
to recognize the vital necessity of agita
tors like the Celt In other English Indus
tries bealdes farming. Though that es
cape to New Zealand Is very far from
Galsworthy's solution of the land prob
lem, it is still a specimen of his often
Irritating complacency.
Felix that compromising critic who
clings to caste while ho flays it bitterly
girds at his ofllclal brother, who Insists
so characteristically that he and his fel
lows disapprove of tyranny:
"With that masterly Inactivity of au
thority, money, culture ond philosophy.
I MTItV. l.n ,ll..nn.....l ,1.nt llt nn Ammw
", V, "" "'"i'i"" " ""B'
,, living uk ly 1 uuiiica leak wuioc icuii
But somehow Felix's own personal ac
ceptance of that Inaction leaves one with
the impression that tho others were right
You" and
Motion Pictures
Tou are an executive of a
Arm (no matter what line
of business), which de
mands and need new life
in Its sales organization,
wants to cover more terri
tory and whoso competition
calls for better and quicker
methods of demonstrations
With Motion Pictures we
are dally solving these
problems for many Arms.
Phone Locust 332 for the
solution of yours.
Falhescope Exchange of Pliila.
515 Crozer llldK., l'hlln., In.
. ,rsNm
.. wXlyl
te Line u)n
TO t'nicago
I Spendfi Electric Lighted Steel Trains
tains In daylight.
tu.17 a,
Tb "InUratate Special."
in daylight.
Leaves Uth
447 P. M
M4 iVp? m!" tnt ,rains ,eYe
" AAfcy, Dirtri
In deeming him "safe" becatian h. .. ,
"too much good taate." Somehove th-3
I the one nnd tha only accusntlon ti
an Impatient reader can hurl at n.r'
worthy himself. Ho is so much ffc
Felix. When the difficulties about ,fc
farm Inborofa were over Foil L V,
have written this beautiful, sensitive V$
somehow entirely proper atorv -f ii.1
In fact, ha nrohnblv .11 " "'V
India and the War
Indian troop havo played an Important
part in tho European war, esScrffii
during the attacks In Flanderi S'
spring. -India and tho War' iHodVi 1
Hlouahton. Nnw Ynrt ..Ji.,L"0?.fle,
visions of tho Indian army and lt h,nJ;
under British rule. Lord Sydenham . J
Comb, hat written an Introduction Jwhtafl
deals briefly with the hutory of Indu
and Its arms. Text of several rSriV
messages nnd nroelnmati-n. .. . "" J
The book rontnln. . i.: "'"..,"J,U4:
large number of
colored Illustrations.
Scarchlnjr tho Soul of the Great Wa,
Thlil mt.h. -. . .. 7 "'
i. ; iicai TVar
rhlllp Glbbs enter penetrants into it,
spirit of "tho'grcat conflict" In I "Th. aw
of tho War" (Robert M McBHflS 2.2
York). Mr. niM. 1. th. :.".'. ""
iuiiw, mr. U1DDS IS tho nl.l
jerver nt the front for the London Dali,
Chronicle. Ho ha made olhor u.,zill.
In "The Street of Advom 2
A ft rr til... ,. Ms
mm .ucn onu women of the P,...i.
Revolution." Thn .... J.-. --Afn(
and Women of th- wViL.v
Tho outnr fn-. -t ...."
n,i -"..:""..." oauii
......,(, i-viiixrn mm little- ik. iil
psychology of tho wnr e0nr;L V J
So he relnt-H ti, ,..iL"" "H"
of warfare; he goes deep" down"?!
animating motives; ho plumbs deerTlv th!
masons uini caused the struggle. i i
eels beneath th. .!- . .' M.hle Ml
riinlomn """' ul icgy Ma2
Ono critic ha sold f this book. "Th.
author lay baro thn thrnhht.,.. i7'...-r,1
tho ghastly bruto forco that mangles t hi 11
bodv nnd torture's h 1 Ji1'e.'MM
voumr nVen." " ""'" ul v"
For Housekeeper
and Mother!
inougn nu tno recipes In "Dainties f,i
Homo Parties" will supply a guests .m
the- clever hostess of smaller numboia
ortti thtra nh,- h- . .,,u,UCrjll
vz;'z. r: i" f " !
. ...v... .. iviiti uwn purposes.
Bc.i-eaiisiieu lecung displayed or'
mothers of wcnlth and social tnnrti. ...
sure them that waywardness and dI
dren. Mrs. Hannah Schoff, in her abltl
book. "Tho Wavwnrd frhlM" m.1.1.. ... -i
rill, Indianapolis), deals with the problem1'
of delinquency ns though It might be a
universal one. The author has compile "
many of her proofs from personal Invti
ligation nnd experience. Shn rtv.. ,J
nltc duties to parents of rtch nnd poor "a
Institutions for all phases of ehilrt.tr.i!J.
Ing und Influence arc examined and hr j
,u:ootfsu V.U1HVO wiiu iurco xo every nt 1
son who Is brought Into contact with th. :
uuuB jiiiiiu uiiu uuuy.
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