? 13 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1915. 9 V 4 f 11 I 3 DEATHS ""7rid employee of Alfred Clark'a Foundry, are invited o attend funeral, on Paturday, at Ir.in n m . irom hla late, residence, 13IS 8 fworido . Interment Ml. Moriati Ceme. ,ry lumxlna may be viewed on Friday, after S v- n. i.IMrV-bn AuKUtt 2., ELlZAtllSTIl iiMM8 (nee Iallon, rile of the late John' Minima. Relatives and frtenda nro Invlted.to .tend funeral, on Baturday, at 8..10 a, m.. from the residence ot tier slsler, Mra, Kllen Kmer, 2141 Titan Rt Solemn Itequltm Mara ii. Ht Charles' church, at 10 a. m. Inter ment New Cathedral Cemetery. KIRVKNr 3n AUKust 88, 191R. CUNTON n husband of Martha flklrven (nee Dun. tin rtelatlvea and frlenda of the, family, also the employee of Dreaa Oooda Depart meat of Mt Brothers, are Invited to attend ha funeral aervlce, on Baturday afternoon, t 1 o'clock, at hla lata residence. S4J b Mth at. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Body may be viewed Friday, 8 aYlTll-8uddTily, on Aucuat S3, 101B, at iicean City. N. J.. CLARHNCE T. SMITH, I. .7 t..1Ar,l husband o! Mary E. Hmllh. relatives and frlenda ot the family, alao I'hlllp Schuyler roat, O. A. II.. No. Bit Union Veterans' Legion, No. 20. and Farrasut 1 Association, are Invited to attend the funeral eervlcea, on Saturday at 8 p. m., pre. rifely from hla late reeldence, 117 Rut Cumberland at. Interment private at West laurel Hill Cemetery. oriV -On Aususl Sri. 1015, KAROL1NB M., lf of Conrad E. Sopp (nee Kckert), aged 1 veara. relatlvea and frlenda are In. vlted to attend the funeral aervlcea, on Sat urday at 3 p.. m., at her lata reeldence, 41 M 9th at. Interment private, Monument THOMAH-On August 2S.1B1B. ANN, widow it David Thomas, Br., afced 2 yeara, Itela. tires and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, .on Saturday, at 2. IS p. m.. from the residence of her son-in-law. John A. (Iray. llethayrea, la. Interment at Het Imru Cemetery, Train for Huntingdon Valley i.avra needing Terminal at 1.23 p. m. THOMAS. On Auguat 25, 1016, 1JEBRIE M. (nee Kelley), wldojv of Joseph H, Thomaa. Relatlvea and frlenda, alto II. V. M. Sodality sumption Church and employee of Lit Broth era. arn Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8,30 a. m., from her late real, dence. 1001 Falrmount ave. Solemn Maaa ot Requiem At Church of tho Assumption, at 111 a. in Interment at Holy Croaa Cemetery. TOI.I.IM'I-H. On Auguat 23. IBIS, JO FBl'HINE. daughter of Catharine R, and the late William Tolllnger. ltelatlvea and frlenda of the family aro respectfully ln Mted to nttend the funoral aervlcea, on Fri day evening, nt A o'clock, nt her late real dence, Mia Olrnrd ne. Interment private, Saturday morning, at North Cedar Hill r-mt, rV. t' WELSH. On August 24, 191B, ELIZABETH, widow of John J. Welsh and daughter of tho late jonn ana r.umus 11 ,v inters, ueiauves and frlenda are muted to nttend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8:.10,a, m from her late residence. 22S Hermitage et., Manayunk. Folemn Requiem Mate at the Holy Family Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment at Wot mlnter Cemetery. WILEY. On Auguat 2B. 101B. ELIZABETH WILEY (nee Oakley), wife of the lata Alexander S. Wiley. A patient sufferer at rest, Relatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, Auguat 28 at 8:30 o'clock, from the residence of her aunt, Mra. Victor J. Hamilton, 6437 Spruce at. Maaa at St. Ellaabeth'a r. E. Church, inth and Mlftlln ata. Interment at Mount Morlah, at 10 o'clock. Remalna may be viewed on Friday evening, WILLIAMS. On Auguat 25, 101B. JOHN C., husband ot Mary J. Wllllnma (nee Jackron). Rclatles nnd frlenda ore Invited to attend funeral, on Saturday, at 2 p. m. Residence, 2113 Carpenter et. Interment ut Mount Morlah Cemetery. YVHK'.IIT. On August 25, 101B. at Burling ton. N. J.. FRANCIS MORHBL, hUBband of Isabella C Wrlsht. Relntlvee nnd frlenda. also Ottawa Tribe, No. 15. Imp. O. R. M.. ct Camden; employee Trenton Division 1 It. R are Invited to ntlcnd the funeinl, from his late residence, 329 llarcklcy at., Burling ton. on Mondnv, Aug. 30, at 2, p. m. Inter ment Odd Follow' Cemetery. Remalna may h. vieurd Sunday evening. tnsAOEIt. Suddenly, at Aramore, To., on August 23, 1U13. rKRCY U.. husband ot Margaret u. leagcr. ia reiauveji nnu irlenda, nlao Mellta Lodge. No. 203. F. and A. M. . Ke atone Assembly. No. 2. Artlsana Order of Mutual Protection; Washington Camp No. 088, P. O. 8. of A., and Vln Slid S. Hancock General Commandery, No. .!, are Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, at the art menta of Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Chestnut at. Interment private on Sunday nornlng. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER this STYLE TYPE (or like this) One Insertion 15a per line Three Insertions In a week....l2icptrlfne Seven consecutive Insertions... lOo per Una Situations wanted, three lnser I tlons In a week... 10o per line Permitted In all claaslflcatlona except Help lod Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Per annuls. Tioardlno? and Rooms. i One Insertion 20e per line CTreeJnsertlonairi a JYeeic. .... o per un " Seven cortJecullVa insertion.. .lBo per line All rates are based on agate measurement. 14 agate lines to the Inch. COMBINATION RATE DAILY ONLY for Insertions In both the morning and evening papers ot tame day; PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cents per line net to ratea given above. HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN SERTED IN THE EVENING LEDGER WITHOUT ADDI TIONAL CHARGE. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE (All Help Wanted and Situations Wanted dvrrf!(n0 inserted In (he Dally i'uHfc Ledger (a repeated in the Evenino Ledger the earns day u.((hout additional charge. CHAMBERMAID and waltrea for family ot 3, Protestant; must be experienced and have excellent reference; houso on bank ot Dela ware Itlver, convenient to Pennsylvania Rail road and Camden trolley; 2U miles from Philadelphia: wages S18. Mr. Martin Sic Carrlck, Fleldsboro. N. J. CHAMBERMAID and waitress, colored, for Main Line. Meet lady for interview, Room . 2ju. Publlo Lodger, Friday, at 12 o'clock. COOK, Proteatant. for private family, suburbs. See Miss Iteed. Room 230. Publlo Ledger. (!th and Chestnut st. , GENERAL HOUSEWORK White girl; Che. ttr; aai't Iron.; wage 15. M 721. Led. Off. OIKL Experienced, general housework In nan lamuy (suDurum rooa cook; reference. . Call Room 230. Ledger lfldg.. 2 p. m. Friday. ' PHIL'S Wanted, by September 47 two, one for vuofcing ana uowneiaira wars, me oiner a thlldnurse to assist with chamberwork; high est reference required. Telephone Chestnut HjllJB03W. Cllll.,1, two. wlitte, a cook and chambermaid and waltresa and assist children, Merlon, J'a. Sea Mlas Reed. Room 2J0, Uubilo Ledger BulHIng. H6SIE11Y"-Exn. menders wanted on white wor. -xnos. iiuca noaiery co.. jasper ot uik IIOt'sEwoilIC, general, jnlddle-aaed Proles. tant woman; fan.lly ot 2. M 7tJ,Led.Off. KI'Il'HE, with practlcal"experience, forln- iitui stale age. reference anu aaiary rv ijuirea, u iku, Leqger central. tHOOLEUS wantedApply John & Jame pehaon, Inc , Illanket Mills, Scott'a lane. .Falla of Schuylkill. BTENOaitAPlfKR, for treasurer1 office in manufacturing concern, must be neat, ac curate, experienced In accounting or pur chasing desirable; state briefly education, ex perience, salary and reference. 1' 012, Ledger Office. TATION OPKRATORS Thoroughly efficient . stenographer needed; opportunities for begin. -"re inai qiuiiiry. liyon i'UDiio menegrapmo llureauj 333Mutual Life, 1011 Chestnut at. fiTEN6afiApjIERvTIlam Tann High SchJot graduate preferred, able to use dictaphone; lata experience and (alary. Address L 1873, JUdger llranch. 7th and Oxtord. i STKNCKIRAHERTYPiaWRITBR-Muat have education ; ataie age. experience ana Jjalarv expeoiad. A 13. Ledger Office. department a lara number of youna ladlea aye secured goad positions. Mlsa . Dean will help you write an attractive ad, list your apptlcatltn and aid yuu to secure the kind ot soattlon you seek. Thl I a free aervlce t LeeVger advertlsera. AVteRff-cioTh weaver wanted. Apply ,J,Jmei Dobaon.' Inc.. Illanket Mills. Bcotf iaf(g, jr,n, 0f ichuylklll. JKKLP WA5JTBD MALE JVCRTI81NQ SOIJCiToll, A l.wanted to Ufu cxclualve field of ' Philadelphia. Wll fuuiton and eVaklmore an rommfssloh only APpiy, giving expel lnc arid references, to kaiTne New, 80 Broad at., Vf. Y C. ASjlirrANT J'HtjJcil'AL uanted, lUlodro lh skhool, salary 4750 per ar Aivl ot !; W W UJlgus, president IKwicf of , '-aLralloa . -A' KSMlTli'tt llEfjKHS wanted vn heavy ;" wcik. Apkly Samuel tehlfltr, tvieawea ia i.aua, Wu M. ajtsad at. HELP "WANTED MALE lAtl Ittlp Woated ond SfluoHois TPanled ortrerfWai; (sscrtrd n tAe Dollj; TuMlo J(fer If rrpeoleif in the Bvtrtnp ligtr Iht om "njJrttaoMf O'l'Ilttoanl cMrpe, J BOND BALESMAN wanted with clientele. 02 8tock Exchange Hldg , BOY Wanted, an energetic, neat-appearing boy, about Midyears ot age. Apply.ro Mr. Hunt, "Ledger Central" Office, Broad and Chestnut ta., 9 a. m. aharp. BOYS, 10 to 17 yeara, for orflco work, r 11, Ledger Office. I.edger Office, CAflD atrlbpera and feeders wanted. Apply John A James Dobeon, Inc.. Illanket Ml!la, SfQtf a Una, Falls of Schuylkill. COACIIMAN-Wanted. married man, pla about 10 mllra from Philadelphia, wife can do laundry work If she deslrea; give age, reference and full particulars of work done. . O 050. Ledger Central. MACHINISTS wanted; floor and vise hand!) those accustomed to machine tool work pre- - trred. L 02T. Ledger Office OFTtCH HOT, to work In office of wholesale drug house; must be over 10 yeara ot age. Addrcaa A 81. Ledger Office; . OPTICIAN-Wanted, eaperlenced apectaole re pairer and framelesa worker (no surface 5 rinding) for 'nine days, Thursday, September ,'.tUl"l!ur,y. 'he llth. Apply to C. A. LONpSTIlBTlI. 222 Market atreet. FlECEns viantedT AmnJohn A James Dob aon. Inc.. Illanket Mills, Bcott'a lane, Falla of Schuylkill. ! POHTEh-Younr man, about is years ot age, for general atore work; very deelrable altu atton for reliable person; must be able to furnish flrst-clasa reference. Address Porter, Postorrtoe rtn 111 t)ALL8Mr7 Flrst-clasa man to handfe com- Clete line or fancy leather gooda and cover laltlmore, Washington and Western Penn sylvania; to start Immediately or 1st of Jan uary. Address M Ml, Ledger Central. BuiiiuiruiiB, nrat class, wanted; fair oppor tunity to make at least 123 per week. Call between 12 and 1 p. m. at 103 South 13th atreet. ! . SOLICITORS to handle financing ot a high class proposition: only properly quallftod need apply. Write, giving full details and WANTEf-Aaa1ernan wKT fuUy understanda I ii'prience, o it, imager wenirai. .a Dci.iiiK VI iiiKH'if mua Liiiuiniii ini.iiiiiin. liquors end cocoas; man with an established following of confectioners preferred; stato age. married or alngle, residence, reference, present employer, salary expected. Address CHOCOLATE. L010, PubllcLedger. VEAVrins-Cldth weavers wanted. 'Apply John ft James Dobson, Inc., Rlanket Mills. Scott' lane. Falls' of Schuylkill. , WooiI'WAtlP DRESSERS and O-lnch spool piece workers wanted. Apply John & Jamca Dobson, Inc., Dlanket Mills, Scott' lane, Falla of Schuylkill. WINDERS wanted. Apply John & James Dob son, Inc., Illanket Mills. Scott's lane, Falla of Schuylkill. !. Mill.... kl.h .UJ. .1.. ,-.- ,HB BITTJATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER'typlst with knowledge of aten ography, 10 yeara' experience, capable corro apondent. Q 44S. Ledger Centrnl. CLLRK, experienced In nil kinds ot office work, typewriting, assistant bookkeeper, first dies file clerk. O 440. LEdgcr Central. CHAMUERWORK AND WAITINO-Frcndl girl wants position, write. Lucy llarlazon, Walllngford P. P.. Ta. CLEANINO Houra, 8 a. m. to 3 p. m.; col- orcd ; good rcjrcnces! III 720. Ledger Office. DAY'S WORK, or work In flat, or boarding nouao. Jim i'emberton at. UOVERNF33 Young lady, night student In Phlla.. wishes position as governess; 2 years' rrp.; ref. . mod, salary. M TO"), Led Off. HOUSEKEEPER, working, woman and child, In small family; good ref, M 711. Led. Off. HOUSEKEEPER managing, public or private; or companion: Prot.; city. M 714, Led. Off. MOTHER'S HELPER, young girl. 10; willing to assist housewcrk. 4111 8. 13th at. STENOnilAPHER Well educated Intelligent. alltrht experience, willing to learn; salary least consideration. O 51, Ledger Central. f-TITNOailAI'IIKh, "dependable, neat, would consider moderate salary, with opportunities; reference D 114. Ixrtger Office. BTENOntlAPHCR-Experlenced young lady desires to bo employed with other girls where opportunity i oneren, u 04, linger uentrai, BTISNOaRAPHEH. high school, experienced In correspondence work, office details, bookkeep lng. real estate nnd law. O 553. Led. Cpnt. STENOGRAPHER Reliable, Industrious, rapid nnn accurate- moo:, salary, a n..;, i.el. cent. STENOGRAPHER, exp.. knowl. of bookkeep Ing; moderate salary. Thone Spruce (1532. STENOaRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS and CLERKS are furnished through the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT nt Ledger Central. When you are In need or n competent office assistant write or telephone MISS DEAN, Walnut 3000. nnd prompt attention will be given your request. This Is a free aervlce Jo Irfidger advertiser. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AUDITOR-ACCOUNTANTVAudlta. general ac counting and cost systems; books adjusted: qualified aervlca Rt nominal coat. L 02(1. Ledger Office. AIIDtTH. OENrrtAL ACCOUNTING. BTATB MENTS. SYSTI1M VTIZINO. HOOKS WRIT TEN UP, PORTED AND CLOSED RY CON TRACT. O 431. LEDGER CENTRAL. BOOlfKEEFER and office man." 10 years' ex'. perlcnce in morocco and .heavy leather tan neries, competent, reliable, familiar with cost-accounting, would like to connect with large or medium-sited tannery or similar est.; A-l ref a.: would leave city. A 22. Led. Off. BOOKKEEPlfR, competent, reliable, would like to keep books, etc.." a few hours a day for concerns which are not employing a reg ular bookkeeper: terms reaahonable. Address ll iui. l.earer uince. BOOKKEEPER and office manager, four y curs' experience as head bookkeeper and of fice manager, age 22. employed, wlshea change; reference. A 0. Ledgor Office. BOO"j?KEEPER, thoroughly experienced, de sires pos. with reliable firm. A 18, Led. Off, CHAUFFEUR. Swedlsii, wlshea aituaTlon: wllP Ing. obliging: experienced driver; private preferred; beat refs. A 2, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, coloied. Intelligent, wishes poa"K Hon; repairs; appreciate steady position; best refs. from lost employers. A 10, Ledger Off. COLLEGE graduate, age 30, deslrea permanent rosltlon In Philadelphia In anme lln ot mechanical work. Q 055, Ledger Central. ENGINEER, graduate, seven years' experi ence engineering, constructing and operating atcam powr plans with large contracting firm In New York, deslrea permanent posi tion In or near Philadelphia: available on abort notice. Q 013. Ledger Central. GIRAKD College graduate, 10, dealresTnslde position. 3 yra.' experience stenography, gen. clcrklng;R. Parmcntur, 2850 N. 8th. JANITOR wlshea position: 3. yeara'"experlenee, with ref. A. De lloln, 4508 Walnut, Janitor. MANAOEtl of gentleman' estate seeks re engagement: life experience In management of large estates both here and abroad: I will rut your place on paying basis; It your farm la loalrg money, consult me; expert In all branches of agriculture; remodeling and equipping a specialty; highest rofcrencea. Apply Raymond I L. Fish, manager Nor- woou vurui", ,v iiiuw urvvt, i a. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN-Exp. on rlMo aiid machine gun work. O 430, Led. Central. pTANIBT Young man wishes position In mov- Ing-plcturs house. (JJUO, Ledger Central. PRINTER, all-around, want," position; "coun- try town preferred L (12H. Ledger Office. SAI.ESM AN (traveling), single, w de experP ence; also 3 yeara traveling representative of nowspaper and magatlne. Q 450, Led. Cent. SALESMAN" (machinery)," machinist and exp. draughtsman, desires change, a 154, Led.Cent. PALEPM'ANr yr.' exp.' among builders and orchltects.estlmator. de. poal. Q447.Led.Cen. YOUNU MAN, well educated, offers hi aerv lcea to accompany a gentleman and to aealst him In everything on hla Journey to Califor nia ana the Panama Exposition and return: no matter the duration of the Journey or salary. L 031. Ledger Office. YBUNO MAN, 22, four yeara with tills com pany, familiar with every branch of the real estate business, conveyancing, etc., desire situation with responsible broker, D 331, Ledger Office. ?Ol'NO MAN, 21 year old, elevator opera tor, experienced, good references, wlshea posl. twin. Addreaa A. B. Moxart, 1813 North 28th St. , YOUNC1 MAN. 23. good executive and me chanlct haa had experience tracing and cler ical work, night work pref. O 443, Led. Cent. AUTOMOBILES OWNER LEAVING CITY moat dispose of hla hlih power roadster' Al condition must be i rvi private party. I'retton BWI-W. 3701 Walnut. CLEANINO AND DYIINO 0clWK'AD.ygrig.EHM8AlLM. l&W. DRKg8MAKINa AND MILLINKKY VlCTOKJAt, hKVlKW ?ATTJeiNa DRBSSMAKIriO taught: short, prao. ,oour. MacDowell, U07 Denckla BldgUth A Market. TOR SAL BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d.hn boutt, "i nteaVech'd. Kaater, 8M (Urard ave. Xliinr Wa buyalljhtly-usedTalktoe; Mc5bs VjClOr A jieoords. FUTEHNIK HON 6th. STOJU.OK Mfeo,st ci.a?s2. f jt-i4- booms ron kent JUST T1IH BOOM TOU WANT wrv HVelv tiA lnate.1 tn a. few n Can very likely be located In a few rntnuttl by eiamlnlng the. photograph Tind descrtp tfona of rooms with and without board which are on file for your Inspection at Ledger central. An interior pnoiograpn ana n swers to every question you would ask la here, so you can decide Intelligently; free service) teet It. BROAD, rT 004 Attractively furnished and unfurnished rooms, beautiful corner house; private and eeml-prlvate bath; steam heat, electrle light, aouthern exposure 1 excellent dlnlng roojm, home rooking, meala optional.! BROAD, N., BBS Select room, private bath; r permanent ;allconv enlencejjoderate. CHHSTNUT, 8043 Suit of rooms with bath, south, expos also sing m, table board , OHLKN. 2021 (Tho Ista)-Cholce sultea. fur nlahed or unfurnished, private llha. choice single rma., unllmlt-d hot water, table board. TINE, 803-Ideal bachelor quarter, furnished atngla. double private bains; also. suite, ae com. 4; reduced ratea to permanent tenant. HPRl'CE, 1113 Front rooms, beautifully fur- nlehetl elef light, running water, other vao. BPIlUCE. 2022-Attractlve!y turn, aulte: two roo ma and prlv. bath, telephone; gentleman, iuTTf. NT S4-lleautltulir furm" hskpg. roomlT single or en suite; kitchenette, water, phone; everything new; central 2 up. iOTtl, N.. 20:1.1 Large, cool, furnished 2d A 8d lloo fronts, private family. 5hTH, 8.. ICV-Handaomely furnished rooms; excellent tame, private iamypnon. 21ml ClIUBTNPT ST. tfewly (mulshed rooma; alngle or ensuite; mo or natn. ?iLL REST elegant room. SoutKern exposure, near Tioga Station; private family. M 413, Leager central, i... ...W ... 'f'J.i'i . . ... llAnusuHnui lurnisnpa irom ruuui ill imo, modern private home; electric lights; large vernnda; shade; beautiful surroundings; 10 minutes to City Hall. Phone Baring 415. BOARDING ARCH, 1012 Newly turn.; running water all rooma: Daini mcaia prrTeui puuur, LElIIOH, W I3lt.i3-Ileautlful rooma, with board; new management. Phone Tioga 8221. FaRK. N.72l23-Newly furnished" single rooma aonablephone i Diamond 28. for gentlemen, wun uonra. niies very t"- SPRUCfa. i!24-4S ("lirlsmonde) Furn. rooms; Blngle,ensjjlte;jrrlyate bath: table board. SPRtjCE. 1028-30 Ileautlful front 2d-floor aulte, furnished or unfurnished) choice table to permanent, oeairaine peupir. WALNUT, 4.V11 2d-ftoor rooms with board; near Lr southern exposure; refs. exchanged. UVEKHROOK-TiOt'-l Drexel roaitl boarding, tennlr. awlm'g pool. Phone Overbronk 800.1. BOTH, N., 121 3d story' front, other vacancy. next lO Dain, souincru eaiiui-urui -"u"YlM conv.l prlv. (am.; near L. lUirlng 1B52-W. SPRUCEI.YN-30S S. 41st at. Mlsa B. M. HANLEY. formerly of Chestnut st. Hoburlian OERMANTOWN The ''(ilpren, Wayne AHana bury; flrst class In aipolntments and aervlce. APARTMENTS CHESTNUT. 1808-10 (Daahwood)-Prof. offices. bachelor apt . elevator service, opena JSepUl. SPRINO GARDEN 1010-rExcellent npts. In different houses; some furn.; kitchenettes. APARTMENTS WANTED SMALL furnished apartment wonted In North Philadelphia hy mother, daughter and gov- erness. 1'ieaso repiy. wun iun i.unw Address O B31, Ledger Centrnl. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS I1ROAD AND DAUPHIN STS. (S. E. cor;) Apt. with G rms. nnd 2 bathe; mads rm 1 npt.. 3 rma. and 1 bath.APply Janitor. N. E. COR. 1GTII AND MAMll.ll Suites; room, private bath: 5.00 up. . PbFFEll a large variety of apiirtmenta at vuricd price and to meet almost any re quirement. Call or send ror Hat. Automo bile aervlce to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. ""f-Xj-ARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" West Philadelphia ANGORA TERRACE BSD TO BSTll SIS. ONE BLOCK SOUTH Or mu iu '"jjalxiiioRE AVE. e Built In palra like aide-yard houses, making every room an outalde room, and with varied and beautiful architecture. It you are going to live In nn apartment thla fall, the aclectlon of THE particular apart ment out of the many, many you ace on every hand la naturally a matter ot great mpmtntheroy must be ONE BEST APART MENT for you where location, service and comfort-every thing that goea to make a truly attractive apartment homo la absolutely at its test and this, too. for a reaaonable rental. For its to f33 monthly you can secure one of these aportmenla. and thia Includes most excellent and 'even' hfntlng' unlimited hot water, courttoiia htld efficient Janitor aervlce. vacuum cleaning service, shades, acrecna and avvnlngaln fnct everything to make apart ment housekeeping quite tho perfoct way tc live. Apartment have five rooms and bath and arc flnlahert In both natural wood and white enamel, with artlitli papering nnd nuurea', cabinet gas ranges, private norche. The price Is. In truth, the only thing Inexpensive about hem We have tastefully furnished a sample apartment (No. 544n Angora terrace), whlali in onen for Inspection day and evening and will give you n definite idea of how remark ably attractive vnese aparimenia reaiiy are. WM. II. W. QUICK A RRO , Inc., 8 S. 40th at. and NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. $2.nn 55TH, 8.. 1520-38 (near Cheater ae.)t modern In ivory respect. Apply Janitor, on premises. Phoie Filbert 4453. REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY PORCH FRONT, hot-water heat, electric light. (1 rooms bath, laundry; offlre; price reduced to 13(10. Apply 184 W Allegheny ave. Building Lots. Factory Sites. Etc. EIHHT building lota for sale at Bluegrass, I'Mlidelphla County. Apply 2120 E. York at. Logan LOO-AN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE If. M. Smith. Broad at., opp. Logan Station. Onk I.ane OAK LANE Better see that Colonial houae, 0305 Camao at., fOOQO. SAMUEL II. READ, Builder and Owner. SUBURBAN ALDAN The Ideal suburb. 14 tnln., Be. from OOtli St. Terminal' a fow new detached house on lota 60x200 for sale; the groateat value ever offered for the money. Address the Aldan Co . Postofflce Box 410, Philadelphia. NEW JERSEY Colllngavvood, N. J. 7.110OM HOUSE, all conveniences: price $2500: rash 300: balance ne rent: Be, carfare to Phlla.' close to schools amPchurchea. Partlcu tars. Geo. I.lpplnoott & Son.Colllngawood.N.J Ifaddon Heights, N. J. UPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOUKa HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. National Park, H. J. BUNGALOWS, 1100 cash, $10 mohthlyi lot 23 1B0- near trolley; conv. to river; National Park. Get oft Red Bank ave., see agent with tuijlge. Greater New Jeraey Co.. MB. 16th. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 144 ACRES, flS acre; i miles Coatesvllle; great bargain. A. D. Heald, West Che. fer. Pa. ' REAL ESTATE POR RENT Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor METROPOLITAN BUILDING, cor. Broad and Wallace. Room BOOO to 40,000 q. (t. on floor. Apply to d. V. Lasher. 147 N, 10th. OFFICES, HV8INESS ROOMS. ETC DREXEL BUILDINO -annual rentals around Boor, w ev. ' ultas. 2 room. 1182, single rooms, $100. $225 182. $150, $173, $200, $225. ms, $200, $275, $400. $50. sunn; sunee. 0 ruyma. ew. '". ev. IBOO. IBBO: corner sultea, 2 to 10 rooms, $500 to $1075. Ellla U. Wlllums, oou urexri matt. JREAL ESTATE BALE OR BENT CITY OWN YOUR HOME by monthly psy menta 0 from $17 to so npuses locaiea pi. rniia. ano htn.. woeth Irom $1M to $0250. Marchaale1 from $17 to $30 houses locatea pi. i-nua. ana (Jtn.. worth Irom twi to iiumi, uer Union Trust Co., 719-710 Chestnut at. REAL ESTATE WANTED RUNTS COLLECTED - ALBRKOHT8, 873 Drexel Building, 2414 W. Lehlsh ave. XORTaAOES MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $500 glOOO 1200 $1500 S16QQ S5000 w. u. hood, tua ounls st, 1 , &fe SCRAPPLE 4& ' I ' O Mill! 1 .....".'.. 1. ' IT'S ALL niGHT IP YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT 1 NOT NEVEa HAVE THE. LEAST 1 - EXCEPT VVUm Uuo I TRauBiE wrm uttle. Oswald! 1 t cries p I x t I Vpub NEVEft vNOW teVfAS I .-t l.iJ I ArSCUNt) HE5 SO 9UIE.T- C"1 JS& xmv 1 mrn' ir'vMi L "John, you ecm to gnln fleith every day; the grocery business must agree with you. What did you weigh last? "Well, Simon, I rcnlly don't know,' but It strikes me It was a pound of sugar." On the Road "Hey, Bill, did yuh ever tlnk wot you'd do It youh had Roclcatclla's in come?" "No, but I've often wondered wot he'd do if ho had mine." . ' Misapprehension William's thoughts were on the va cation days, not the arithmetic lesion. Thrj teacher often called her dreamy pupils to attention by asking them a 'sharp, simple question. "William, what are two and four?" "Prepositions, ma'am," was the un expected answer. Life. ' : - "What are you doing there, Ellen?" "Excuse me. Miss, but my apron caught In the door." "But you left thB room ten minutes ago!" "Yes, Miss; but I only Just found it out." AND THE WORST mWr London Mall. "I think we should go uwdy for n chahge, dear." "Why? You aro not run down or tired out." "No. but I shall be by the time I've dono the packing." Very Queer "My husband has been out late every cvonlng this week, attending Impor tant club meetings." "Ves, so has mine. They belong to the same club, you know." "Why, how queer! My husband says he hasn't seen your husband in six month 1" Cleveland Leader. Right In the Neck Maid Oh, laws, mum; I've broke rae neokl Mistress Very well. You know my rule, anything you break will be de ducted from your wages. -The 1'dsslng Show. IS YET TO COME V IV WSflliirF ft THE PADDED CELL STUFF, jf - I : ' . '"' . ' Lookout.- mess, comes a. car. isa4vtviata searcvaught? io? them MAYB& ,T IS A. HOOSfeOAiFlRE! DEAR CHUDREM,THS ISA MOSE. THREE AMD A HALF SV)CH MOSES WOUD MAHE A MICE. RAIMQOW NWOUUAlT THEY THIS AIOSE IS E.XPEM3WE. BES0ETHE M05& VOU 5EE A GLASS Or VATER. THIS IS VUrXr the mce Mam Should ot uhihk TOO KUCW O?, OQWS HOSE. VI ILL UOSt, VTS PRETTY HrOS.t Eugenia Jack Mlllionbones called on me last eVening. Elolse ts he an interesting talker? Eugenia Ilather; he held his audience every minute. A Difference in Figures Ho What la the difference between a gown and a creation? She I can't give you the exact fig ures, but It's a small fortune. bos 9 9 V ' BBKUKffmJfi kmbf i Lav .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB -laaetcai. Hans (of the Zeppelin crew) Why is it, Frits, we always Uouibard SouU endr Krltx The Ilerr Commandant's mother-in-law Uvea t hare I In a case of slander a lady had gone Into the witness box on behalf of the plaintiff, whoa counsel was examining her "Now. madam," the lawyer began, "pleas repeat the elundcrou slate taenu made by the defouda&t wt UUs Miiofl'iuir AeiT Back Talk Wifey Today's paper tellB of a. woman who suffered two weeks from the effects of a mosquito bite, Hubby That's nothing. I know a. man who has suffered for years from the effects of a henpeck. Appreciation Landlord Well, Mr. Casey, I think I'll have to raise your rent. Casey Begorra, I guess you'll have to, I can'L Type Tattle. -,-1' i wi 1 ins ii is, h spi 1 wasasi t if occasion Just yL fcwrt Mmw "Oh, they ur ataaM fsi way r. .t act able peseea to hw," 'wmm '. o rnr Vhatlc answer Thl. (id U 4ttiii us,a lugl '4UPIMU4 tm just wWi ibwat to tltt jiiltsj ttinrifflfT