n . 3 It It. vt rr v 1- ft E4VKN FOR rWBOfiS BRIGHT WITH PROMISE R MGRATORY GUESTS t, Sfotf Do Gink Offers Its Hog. ... pftafity to Members of x GTuild Without , Guile FAKERS STERNLY BARftED f , Member ol Body Financed- by J. , ' Ends How Happy In Their Quarters f ' Mission t'lttn hum, strlkebreaVer. ajMCW. tovei warmer. plttoon phlloso iwer'-'ttrefe.-ui no room here for you. , A hot ray of. un specked with duit f picked out the- printed mreetlnif, of th J.V combined Migratory Workers of tria WorM, IntcrnattonaV nrolherhood wel- farff AssoVlfltlon and Comfort r&KU for i ' Indigent Hobces, In the headquarter of, this many-monlcJcered organization on North th treetB Forth. . " m hoboc sat within. They banked tn trie comfortnbto glow of the afternoon un, blazing a foot abovw the rumpled . coping of the house across the street Charter member of Local No. of the 1 MUrratory Worker, their demeanor dif fered only slightly from tho air of char ter member of any other clnb. A com forrrfDle assurance thnt they had chnr tertit well enough to attract a write-up; beamed placidly from the fitee of each lrobo. Tlicy were; for tho time lnir. It. Tonight tho llv"e charlrr member and aif many others a happen Into 339 North Strr treet and like It better than nn un sheltered bench In the nark, will sleep on cotr hi thd headquarters of the MUrntory . Worker. Nothing could tempt tho chnrter member out of their headquar ters. Mot of them hao grumbled alon;? " without even so much a n place to hang tho:r hat If they owned any. f backed' irr miluonairk hobo. Migratory worker wllf bo entertained free for thrco day and thereafter for 30 v rtnts rt month at the Philadelphia branch from this flmo forward. Until the branch set well on It dusti feet J. Ends How. of St. .Louis, file 'Millionaire Hobo," will maintain If. J. Kid llo-w Is worth about tt.C00.00O. ln Nov York the site of one of hi first Hotel vDeGlnks, Weary Willie from' all over theVtjnlted State nnd New Jersey spent last winter moio comfort ably than they had 'for years. Philadel phia ns will faro awwell from now on, ho predicts. Kfr. How paid: theiflrst month' rent. Then1 he passed theVmick to the fire charter members of the Philadelphia branch It is theli buamess to prove to X Eada How that Ulle $23 he paid the rywher of 339 North Jth street was well Invested bv segregating enough furnlturu to accommodate 150 hobos- on co'rd nlghta and serving rhem food Insufficient quan tities to sU.ifain life. ' CON'KrrJKNT OK SUCCESS. . No appearance of doubt tjiat they could ' maintain' the Plilladelphlfi .Hotel DeGInk c Showed Itself on the? facs'rt of the live charter members as they oat about the - ofllce -qf Local No. 6, Mlgrnrnry Worker. They were shielded" from prydns eyes by wlttdoitfnl of ''literature" describing th alms of the Migratory Worker, pldccd out with announcements that able bodied men Just pining for a Job are Idling within. The five able-bodied who were Idling on the opening day disposed. themselves upon a broken-backed lounge, Its elder bi Other, three mlpfc-atory chairs and the fh'or. A prirtlllonV tho kind that divide spats MifouKhout sthe three-stqry house, ,eu( off tho rear of the 'room. "SP William J (Julrke, tlie secretary, sat behind a three-legged (able and toyed ;with 'lhc books," "Wo should worry to net beds for 150 Jiofcoea," saiil Qnirkc, "Already I isot nine cots nnd a lounge. Want more cot? Not u Host hoboes Iff nutty on sleepln' on de floor." He Rot a nooded condrmn tloii from the four other charter mem bers. Would vouso bellevoOt." Quirke went on, "I had a swell room up at 11th and Callowhlll stieets last winter, wld a bed An' evcrythlnk. An' woold 1 sleep In dat bed? Not so's you could hear It. lie, I slept on de floor, rotd do bed goca empty" Similar preference were ex pressed by the other four. "We'll have to clean butt a lot more," Quirke explained, after a I tour of tho hepse, Jimmy Larson, md side kick, start out wid a old bruomidl morntnk, but d broom wears out (nl two sweeps, and de dnst Is still waltln. J. Eads How nnd his Hotel UeOInk man asers have solved (he prouJero of assem bling a worklrg force FRIENDLY CONTRIKUTIONS. "8o dese chairs." snlrt CJiftrke proudly, "dera was not b our horse uind wagon. Already wt rents a horse anifwaeon and ends ont Jimmy Larson for contribu tions. He m-de Rood, didn't he7 Hut what did he go out fcrT Why.l 'cause he need a new pair o' shoes. If some kin' lady kicks In wld a pair, Jlmmyvcets flrst pliw at 'em. "itebbe a bo wants a coat," Quirke con tinued, expanding, "what doe he do? Why, lie take out de 111' olo horse and waton an de best coot what come his way he cos. It's hls'n, ' "Vep, It' pretty soft," said Jimmy Lar eon. yawning. 'Nuttln" to do till tomor-j-er," Jimmy Irson wears sold ey tUw, wllh a black cord draped over hi right ear. "In do winter time," said Quirke. "our goes de little wagon lookln' fer scoffln! Wen wa had 'er goln' last year de big bakeries come tru wld 20 loaves 'er bread each. An kin' ladles why, dey don't stop at nutlln" to help u poor boe." "Dere odr rules," said Quirke, point ing them out , First, Membership dues JO cent a Rtontb, 11 a year Second, Members sleeping In headquar ters assessed 5 cents sxtra weekly. Third, Members are expected to make voluntary contributions according to their means when working. Fourth. All Hobo News sold In head quarter S cents each Is to be turned Into the branch fund. Members selling Hobo News ouulde keep 3 cent each copy. Fifth. AH member three month In arrenri for dues are considered expelled yplesi i they give satisfactory reasons. ' Sixth. AH members arise at 6 a. m. No steeping before 9:30 p. m. Seventh. Out-oMown stranger allowed 1 ?f hall and privilege three nighu. After that they must take out a mem bership card. U cents. Kitbth. A branch he the right to try Its member by kanffaroo court (commit tee of members) to try chargra against members accused of disturbing peace of the enranlxatlon. - J1' A.?y ""'"em making false c.W deliberately will be expelled. .Sfl1vWf 'r0 allowed In this hall TiL!". eM Ibluence.of Intoxicant. i"' o Mklng alfewed en the TWe rule wi , Mrlctly w JW8 PLAK BIG MM8TJNG Oatherlnc WW Dl4oe, War Suffer- ATMKTM CITT, N. i., Aug. .' LeeAlng Jew from iM parte of the ewMotm nw at the im. are organUIn great aamecttair; to be held next wadey, to deplore the coniltlon of mil Hesi f Jews If) Poland and Russia, Ona Mrpu. of t),e iMtberlng kwHI bs to prr(( !; iropganda of the new Jewish On-M-i nMVMnent throughout the coun- i'3t: I Kwii O. Wlreeh, of ChlcaBo. ii 4iii 'H wuu fft m Um)mira. ym". THEIR ROMANCE MjU9eBMBjaMjteETHfeaejS a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiliiiiHkin ailiiiiiiiiiiiW t. B ft BBBBBBBBBBBBflliitiiiamiiiBBVBM!- m A'v HI i WjiHflBBB8BBBBBBiHBBHiflsiB? vBHl b i Wt l liBBHRBBr SM- 1 Mis3 Theresa Hnrbnck DRINK AT CITY CLUB? YES-SARSAPARILLA Bar and Bartender Provide for Wants of "Soft Drink ers" Only Walk up to the "bar" In the Cltv Club room. In the Real Kstnte TrOst liulld Ing, any day now. and auk for n drink. The "bartender" will nsk what ou pre fer Ringer nlc, sarsnparilla, lemonade or grape Juice. You may reply with dig nity that you want, a "real" drink a gin rlckey, for Instance The "bartender" will shako his head and smile. "No alcoholic drinks are sold here," ho will say. Thfl (ltt f1ilti wan Tinfr.l nmnnt tliA soclfll tub of the City for the xmnll nniuuiii ui uiiiiiuiik iiuue 111 11 im uveii the nember who retain u fondues for splrltuoUH beverages and tnko a "glass" occasionally, arc now driven to roof gar dens and summer resorts to quench their thirst. Tlmo was when they could order any drink On the calendar, but that time has passed. It was decided. last winter by the Board of Governors that the club was to be "dry," and this dgcislbn wris heartily con curred tn by majority o't the members. So, when tho annual license expired, it was n4t renewed. Now it Js Illegal to sell alcohpllc drink In th,o.. Cfty Club, Till wasn't generally known ' among the members, and a few tried, to hold a "party'' there recently. A keg of foam ing beer was ordered nnd duly sent up to the club roams. They counted on' getting the other necessary beveiages at tho "bar." llut the party didn't come off. Not a drop of the beer touched tho parched lips of the cclebrators, and tho "bartender" failed to live up to expectations. Toast were proposed and drunk with grape Juice, ginger ale, etc. Water was much In evidence. It Is rumored that the party broke up early, The Pltv Club as a nondrlnklng social organization will start Its new life In the renovated clubhouse on South Ilroad street. Contracts for the Improvements, which will Include a new frdnt, will be let. In about a month. The work will consume wraio tlmp, apd It ls'nr.t expect ed to be ready for occupancy until next March. LEAVES -MUCH TO CHARITIES Home for Widows and Single Women Among Peneficlaries of $4500 Estate Mary Sutherland, late of 2123 De Lancey street, devised from her $U0J estate, In her will admitted to probate today, M0 to the Presbyterlnn Homo for Widows nnd Slnglo Women. Sho bequeathed to the committee of the Mniia Cuyjcr Grler Mcmorinl Work of llenevolence of tho Ladles' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Hospital of Philadelphia, nine shares of Stock of the Mloo Hill nnd Schuylkill Haven Railroad In memory of tho de cedent's mother, and the proceeds of the sale of a diamond ring ,p memory of her frknd, Kmlly K. P. Flanagan. ' ' The will devises $500 to the Women's Foielgn Missionary Society of Philadel phia, ind distributes personal property among relatives 'and friends. Other wills probated today Included those of Richard Ashhurst llever. wi.n left $15,0000 In private bequests; Mary H, v. i.amuurn, mwu; wiiuam it, van Murt, f-w; milium v nnue, tiwu. Personal iprqpcrty of Susan KllpntrlcK ha been appraised nt $5S5.81; of Joseph ine A.- Hrunet. $3.W1,8L MUSIC IN THE PARK Band Plnys at Lem6n Hill Afternoon nnd Night Tho Vnlrmount Park Hand will play at I.uhipn Hill this afternoon and to night. The program. I'AIlT I-AFTBRKOON, i TO 0 O'CLOCK 1. Overture Orphu" orrenbaih 2. Hemlnlicencei nt the mast popular works of Ucnaljhn. S. i,i "HalUI ! Amour" , Klgar - ;rii. T..T. L .. ' i "I'oiKa Jisnute" (Murray m, mmir. . riiunu i ......,,.,. .u,..nl ft. "MUtlral Honf. front Bllain". .. ,nnJy 0. ValM 0 Cuncert- -Vltniu UmuiIm" T. l "llarcmrolU from Ij)v Tslts of Holt'' fbin"i'tnd;r ti,.- ru- viv.-v.-.i e?jrnte 8. Mdodles from "The Fair Co-ed'" ..... Ludeni PAIIT 11-ByK.VINO. 8 TO lo rycicK. 1. Ortrtur-"Acaeml' ..IJrahm. 8. "lumtnlsctnces t Oira" TobanT 4. xnopnen. oo-'-lf I Wr. Kin." , .Ad. n ?ff" J"onlle "A Comical Con- 6. But' d JUIIet La iUln 0. Jtab"0'""' (bl 'Koku.hk."-A liu.rtn "PwntW k . Air5crren,"ihi' tM'jta&','.,;;:.&S5i MUSIC IN CONVENTION HAliL In . . i mufa P)tllphi Bjind 11-Pl.y There " ' Tonight The Philadelphia. Rand will play In Convention Hall tonight. The prugnuni VwpWto '"TrUUn aad Iieldt..,.VsgiMr .J? mTEJSr " .Boceb.rlnl 8, Clt 5..Ho wiiiVTWauVi,' .v;o7t 4. Orjai semes fn,m "T Jswtli of the . mutt inu.ie o 'Ra.B,und." ,Miu j. -! nWi PUVlal4 'crrart wis?1 (c001 '?'jfrniy"it"t i H-t n EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST BEGAN IN SCHOOL and George A. Duncsek. SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS TO WED Romance Had Beginning in Classroom Eight Years Ago TIIBNTON. Aug 26. Hoy and girl love that started In a schoolroom elgbt year ago has culminated In a romance that will lend to tho mnrrlage of Miss Theresa Hnrbnck nnd George A. Duacsek early next month, according to an nnnounce- I ment made by tho parents of the bride, who llvo nt 3io Cummlngs avenue, this city. Coming from Germany with her fnther nnd mother eight years ago, Miss Hnr back, who whs It year old, found sym pathy nnd n bund of understanding with Mr. Duaoek, who had preceded her from the Fatherland by less than three months, for at the pnrochlal school of the Church of the Immaculate Conception ho was the I only person who could understand her lnngiinge, As a consequence they de pended upon each other. SECOND BRIGADE LEADS IN DOUGHERTY MATCH Perfect Scores Made in Premier ; Trophy Event at Mount Gretna STATB IttFLB RANGK, Mt. Gretna, Pa jAugifO. FoMhe first time In years, Major General C. Bow Dougherty, com mander of the Pennsylvania division of the Nntlonal Guard, was today unablo to witness the shooting of the Dougherty mntch, the premier trophy event of the annual State competitions. The match occupies all of today's program, four stage being shot this morning, with the final stage, 1000 yardi, scheduled for this afternoon. Formerly the 500 and 800 yards alow fire were Included In the match, but they were eliminated this year. Instead, each rifleman Is allowed II! Instead of 10 shots for record at 300, 600 and 1000 yards slow fire. After tho Third Rrlgnde had led In the 300 yards alow fire stage, the Second Brigade team went 4 points ahead at tho COO yards stage. Increased Its lend to 20 points at 200 yards rapid fire, and doubled It advantage In the 300 yards rapid fire itage. Sixteen possible S0-polnt scores were made this morning at rnpld tire, Private Vnnamburgh, Private Hnagen nnd Ser geant Fuller being the Philadelphia ns to make perfect scores. Corporal Homer and Artificer Sweeting, both of the Second Brigade, madn perfect scores of 100 In tho two stages of rapid Are. The scores; fleeon.l Drliade. . . ,2TU First Ilrlsade 2701 Third tlrlcaite. l'rovialonal Ilrlx. -j-rourin ungaae. I'uno .717 Six Couples Wed at Elkton i:i.KTON, Md., Aug. 28,-Slx marriages were performed In Elkton today a fol lows: Seymour Wolff nnd Klva L. Gawns, and Frank Knmmcrer and Katherlue Qerouu. Philadelphia; Harry Hinderhofer and Mao Ncthery, Chester; Georgo W. Cpdegrave, Harrlsburg, and Hnrel V. Oyster. New Cumberland; John F. Schmidt nnd Florence N. Bell, Vlnrland, N. J.: William Hhlnn and Alta Leonard, Mt. Holly, N J. Police Court Chronicles There Is no superstition about Magls trnte Emely. He doesn't believe In signs even when they're made by a inuje. Ordinarily a mute Is a very quiet person, but II. W. Leldy, tho one In question, caused no end of excitement In Lacklln's garage, 2129 North Broad street. Ho finally gave vent to his wroth. It Is said, by attacking James Greenwood, an em ploye, Lcldy wa arrested and brought before (he Magistrate for an explanation, While he had an extended vocabulary at his fingers' ends, hi side of the case wa not quite clear to tho "Judge" who I a practical Perman-Amerlcan. HI patience had reached It limit a he tried to follow the wigwagging of Ildy and the latter effort to write It alt out did not remedy matter. A aer man; present offered to Interpret the deaf and dumb language, but the Magistrate said matter wero complicated enough. Finally Sherman Orem, & chauffeur, who I acquainted with the sign method, cam to the rescue. He took a view of Leldy's quickly-moving linger, listened to the testimony of arcenwoed and others, and cleared the situation. L' It was, therefore, learned that Leldy. "'- - uum mi garage, was tn tho habit of wrltlnr gossipy note about the men geneeally. They drew up a petl. tlon to have him ejected and today. In a p rl f L ""." Oreenwo4 camo to! .rJJ polntest his fjnger at the aiute. Thl wa th last trw and Leldy truck him, it 1 raid, and broke hi glasses. The mute had an Intuition that the case wa goln against him and made vlgorou. eVnUU wKH hi ?, but they nci lost In the mm e W4taar He wh beta in $ bit "' JAP ACTORS JOIN THANHOUSER CO. Director Gcorgo Foster Piatt to Stngo Jnpnnesc Drnma3 nt Now Rochelle By THE PHOTOPLAY EDITOR Immediately on their arrival In New York for an extraordinary engagement at the Ban Francisco Bxposltlon, the Maldn Imperial Dramatic Company wa met at the pier by George Foster riatt, the Thanhouser director In Japan Mr. Piatt met the player, who for si sue I of the Mikado. While In Toklo, Mr. Datt had ample opportunity to etudy the Jap anese dramatic nft, and since he heard that Mr. Malda wa coming to theso horcs he laid plan to Introduce them to the film. In thl he succeeded, and soon they were marveling nt the won ders of tht New Rochelle studio. Mr. Thanhouser was particularly struck with the demure Mls.i Mltrti. The visitor finally accepted Mr. Thanhouser' offer nnd they are now nt work under Director Piatt, who la well versed In Nlpponeio custom and folk-lore. Tho flrst rclenso will be "Jn a Japanese Garden." D. W. Grlflltlis has decided on tho namo "Kino Art Films" for tho production thnt ho will contribute to the two-dollar pro- ; grnnm of the new Trlnttgle Film Corpora i tlon. Knch production nnturnlly Is to be nn elnborale feature, starring n wen known player In a vehicle especially lilted to his or her nbllltles. To dale the Hot of featured plnyers ho hns under contract comprise De Wolf Hopper. Helen Ware, Douglas Fairbanks, Rosslka Dolly, Tully Marshall, Lillian Glsh, Thoma Jefforson, Mae Marsh, Robert Herron. Frank Campeau, Dofothy Glsh, John Emerson, Owen Moore and Wilfred Lucus. Six feature are now In tho courso of production They are "The Man nnd tho TesV' featuring Douglas Fairbanks; "Thf Lily nnd the Rose," featuring Lil lian Olsh, HoeMkn Dolly and Wilfred Lucas; "Tho Mnrtjrs of tho Alamo," presenting Pnm De Grasso and an all star cast; "Tho Sable torcha," featuring Tully Marshall and Thomas Jefferson, "Old Heidelberg," featuring Dorothy Glsh and Wallace Reld, nnd an unnamed pro duction starring John Kmcrson. Dctlnlto release, date of the Lasky Featuro Play Company's productions through the Paramount Pictures Cor- EDNA MAYO Appearing 'n "The Blindness of Virtue" lor the Essanay. porntlon during September, October and November have been announced. There will be nine Lnaky productions distributed equally through the three months. The date as arranged are: Thursday, September 9, Charlotte tVnlker, in "Out of Darkness"; Monday, September 13, Blnncho Sweet, In "The Case of Becky"; Monday, September 27, Lou-Tellegen, In "The Kxplorer." Thursday, October 11, Donald Brian, In "Tho Voice In tho Fog"; Thursday, Oc tober 21, aura Hope Crews, In "Black birds"; Monday, October 23, all-star cast In "Tho Choru Lady." Monday, November 1, Oeraldlne Farrar, In "Carmen"; Thursday, November 11, Blanche Sweet, in "The Clieat," and Monday, November 22, Victor Moore, in "Chlmmlo Fnddcn Out West." Before leaving Paris for her coming American tour, Mme. Bernhardt posed In a photoplay version of her last production, "Jeanne Dore," which made a big suc cess In Paris. The world's rlghtB of tht film have been secured by Mr. Tlppett for the Universal Film Company In New York. Thomas H. Ince has engaged Melville Kill, n well-known designer of stage cos tumes, to give expert advice with regard to style of the future In order that act resses In tho New York Motion Picture Company productions be gowned to per fection. Mr. Kill will be stationed In New York', and from that point he will forward to the Incevllle studiq daily re ports of his flndlngB, giving description of design and patterns'that will be most popular, Lloyd Osbourne, author of "Infatua tion," which Is to be released September 2 a a four-part American Mutual Master Picture. Is a stepson of the late Robert Louis Stevenson. Osbourne carried on hi literary labor side by side with Ste venson for a number of year. Theatrical Baedeker OAIUUCK-Lrroan How' Tral Pictures. The nrat . weak will allow the American Nyi nstlv. il?e in the Philippine.. lth 2 glimpse of liead-hunlerr rite and the Dlant of the Nittoiul Cah Refiner Cemiiny KEITH'S -Tom Lewis and ronipanr In "Broth. er Fans", 'ilyatcrU." a European lllualon; "trace FUhrr, "Th Bumhlna dlrl"i WilUra Hlmmi and rompanr. in "Fllnder' Kurnlahid Klat"i Amcta. mirror danccsi Churlla Olcolt. aimer the Meyaxos. Japantsa oralut. ill France and Itruco, la blnrkfac com'tdri Aonla, In "The Act liutlful." and tha Jlarat-8IU Wraalr NtXON'8 OnAND-'Th Frl and the Olrl" a tabloid produetton, buded by Victor Kahili Warren and Oonlay, In "At the Seaahora"! Ikwth nd LMnder, tlcrclUlai Ward and Howell. Carl 8(atr and rompanr. In "Ilia Ryiiser11'' Mrn,oft,ca "wr' dona. ths lleyoold Trie, tfalblnl and Orovlnl Kdoer lirothers and motl. u "rovini, ATJIAUIUIA'T1m Master Mots." statrln. Th "rh- t..J:"I f Crown "' "" WOODWOB PARK-Tas Novelty Ulnatrala. l'.AmarlcB kitt. Lueill grcr7oprVtS Fopranoi 06rj iitita snd ho WalleTTrloL CA8INO--;The XoMf Votjy runt," 0 p.tir ft; park's produetlon pf'Tl Radfmwion Club, er, 8h film Asala," epealng th (.'aattiu iwr (u naw ihim, ,c . - , iii i skSEvv- ' l BalaaK9ratBaaaaVLaaaH " i ,. PilllBtilillllBslllllllHi l f ' ' !: & ii TM?loAS5'Bf? Ld,r Bucc,ow." 'ItVfL?"' " Jy 1000 BABIES THRONG MILE OF BOARDWALK IN WHDWOOD PARADE .Great Pageant Attracts Sea shore Guests Prizes for Con test "Winners Philadel phia Girl Honored BEACH PARADE PLANNED Novelty Will Be Introduced in Sep tember Mnsked Ball for Chil dren In Storo WILDWOOD, N. J.. Aug. 26.-Tho seventh annual Wlldwood baby carnival, In which 1000 children took part, was Viewed this afternoon by resident nnd Visitors, who lined the Boardwalk. Tho carnival was held under the atiaplces of the Wlldwood Board of Trade, with Iaaot W. Hagely, the children's friend, acting ns director. The parade formed at the large Arcade Building nt Oak avenue and the Hoard- walk, and moved tip the new esplanade to the Wlldwood Ocean pier. A mile of the broad promenade was roped off to form n lane for the float and carriages. Miss Alice Hendee, n Wlldwood High School girl, daughter of City Commis sioner William O. Hendee, who recolved more than 27,000 vote nt one cent apiece, and who had more ballot than nil her opponents, ncted as queen of the grent pageant. Miss Sarah Gould, daughter of The Willi'im Penn Charter School ' Eight South Twelfth Street Philadelphia, Pa. The Fall term open on tho 28th of Sep tember. The hiilldlngs may be inspected, and applicants Hated, on and after Septem ber 7 th. The prospectus will be gladly aent upon application, aluo, when denlreil. a copy of the recent publication, "The Making of a Man," written under the direction of the lleadmaatrr. Richard M. Jones, LL.D..rIcaJmaater SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE N. K. Cor. Itrnad and Nprlng (lardrn, I'hlla, Free-lland Drawing l'nttern Shop Practice n,i, r, tHndirnl Practical Klectrlelty u!aWiSJkieriodIC1 i:iln,''.c.ary Math- Architectural Drawing Advance Mathematics Mechanical Drawing Machine Bhop Msthe Machine Bhop I'ractlce matlca Nominal Fees, llnctlcnl Instructors. Open Sept. 27 WItlTK KOIt IIOOUI.KT FRIENDS' CENTRAL And Its Klementary JSchoola. open on NINTH MO. (September) 21at 15th and Itace eta. 35th St. and I-nncnstcr Avt. 17ih St. and Olrard Ave. Greene St. above School Lane, Germantown. Principals In attendance after Ninth Mo. lit. WM. E. UXIIRETT. Itrtn and Race Sts. Phila. School, of Design for Women BROAD ANIf MA8TKR STRKETS Iteopen Septrmber tl, 1918. Fnll courapa In Art and Industrial Art. Practical D'slerlng In all Ita branches. Illustration. Costume Illustration. r. A. II. WIDEN RH FRI.TWSIIir TO El'ltOI'K FOR DKSIGN z E C K W E R ' S Philadelphia Musical Academy 1017 Spruce St, 47th aeaaon open Sept. Oth. Branches C029 German town Ave.; 440 8. 02d St. Eminent Arttata In Faculty. Prospectua. Central Educational Institute Dnv and Bvetno Preparatory ant Business. Before deciding fall plana for atudy aand for Illustrated Catalog A. Education to u means more than book learning. Ack about our 8ya tcm of Education. Central Y. M. C. A.. 1421 Arch at.. Phlla. THE GORDON SCHOOL 4112 SPRUCE BT. llary J.amlerton, A. B. tnti lrnuii!. 1'rln. Thorouch Inatrurtlnn tn glrla & small boys. Certificate admlta to Smith. Vasaar, weueaiey. uymnaaium, zu noor Hoof Garden. Principal at school eery day I.etHeen & 12, after Sept. Oth. Catalog on application. WEST BRANCH 'dnf-Mm Camden Central Y. M. C. A.. B72 Federal St., Camden. W. J. North Dranrh Y. M. C. A.. 1018 W. I.ehlgh ae. STANDARD V. M, O. A. COL'IIHF.H. Save carfare. Evening School, Dormllory, Expert Instructors. Individual Method, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium. PHILADELPHIA TUnNOKMKINDI! School reopens or fall and winter terms, Tuesday. Sept. 7. Wa teach gymnaatlca, Ger man, drawing, needlework and swimming to children, 7 to JS years, for 10 per year. En roll your children now. Iiroad A. Columbia ave. AI.T.KNTOWN. PA. AUentown Preparatory School Pr boyaforleadlngcollecea&unlver. Spl.dep'tf'r younger boys. New bldga. All athletics. High standards. Large campus, lnclu. terma 1 280. Catalog. Add. Frank L. Slcman. A. it.. Win. CARLISLE, PA. CONWAY HALL FOD,KD Strong Secondary School for bora Fall terra opens September 14th. W. A Hutchison. Headmaster, Carlisle, Pa. iiAiutisnima, pa. HARRISBURG ACADEMY Modern bldgs.. Urge campus, Small classes. Individual Instruction i thorough college oreD. aratlon. nates, tlOO-SUO. Write for catalog. mWBIsi Parents Should Be Deciding the School Question Without Further Delay zsHJzzsz3m will be disappointed. Ledger Central la very preier that you aend in "f.""- Ask You Ekttiti4HMl Bura u 1915: pSlllo dould n Boardwalk bulnes wft, nnd Mis. Helen MacLoughlin, oij-an-delphla, who were eefond and third, re beetlvely. In the voting contest for queen, acted a. the luHe In waiting to the queen during the carnival. The dueen wa presented with dia mond rlnir. the gift of the Hoard lor Trade Committee, and the two attendant each received brneeUt, ... Prlte will be presented iby the judge Another novelty I In tore for tfi entertainment of Wlldwood folk-A beach parade of bather. Thl I an event never before promoted at a New Jetey here resort. Young rolK ana oiaaro prepm Ing for the entertainment. The parndd will form at the Atlantic Pier on September 1 and will proceed to the Ocean Pier headed by tho municipal band of Wlldwood and Wlldwood Cret. The wearer of tho prettiest end most comlo bathing coetume. will receive valuable trophies. Another of the popular block parties will be held on the Boardwalk Friday evening. Thl oiie will be at the Casino Pier and wilt be more elabornte than those preceding. It will Include a chll dren's masked ball. Mis Natalie Pierce, of Colllngswood, N. J., ha returned to her home after a Vacation here. Mr. Pauline Harlacker wa hostess of it sulllng party and dinner last evening. Mis Blanche Bheppnhl, of Philadel phia, Is n guest at the Hirst cottage. A dlnnrf party wn given by ;Mr. J. "W. Miller, of Pittsburgh, at the Keystond Hotel Inst evening to a number of her friends. Among the party were Miss Em ma Bruner, Mis Ktta Logan, Miss Ger trude Itoo nnd Miss Dora Nfcll, of Pitts burgh, and Mrs. Addle Waller nnd Mrs. George Brooks, of Philadelphia. Mis Emma Frederick, of Pateraon, and Mils' Doris Pnrvln, of Itambsley, N. J., nro spending several weeks with Mr. nnd Mrs. George Parvln. Mis Thclma McMurray, of Mltlvlllc, Is a guest of Mrs. Brawn at 125 Cedar avenue for the week. STRAYER'S t-BusinessCollege Mr. Rtraver says. "Every child should gat a 'bread and bUltar . education' nrst." Th bov r girl Juho through practical business J' t raining has become expert In '. Iluslness Methods Is flnKnclnlly In V deprndent iat life. Higher du- aala.u .I....I.I i.iiai a...lskaisa autta. tt-ttllUll AOttrWI afterward, will you fir your I'uiiuren inin aariiiiiiiBvi L 801407 Cheitnnt St., Phlla. i Germantown Friends School OPENS 0 ilO. '318? AT 8:45 A. JI. YARNALU Principal 6TANLEY It. THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE SCHOOL OV MECHANIC AltTN. Ninety-second year. Evening Courses and Classes. DIlAWINU, MATHEMATICS and -MECHANICS. For Cal endar and further Information addreas the Institute, 10 South Seventh street Palmer Business School Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, day and night sessions. Send for catalog. Mercantile Library llldg.. 10th above; Chestnut. THE HOtllAN SCHOOL, 2204 WALNUT ST. Prom Manlensorl throuch CMle Prffcrri.- tory. General courso mphaelted. Strong IDo-r mesne ocicnce course, uuiooorf classrooms. Jiptflal attention to small boys and girls. REPARATION FOR ANY COLLEGE, ANY COURSE BROWN PREPARATORY imOAD AND CHERRY STREETS The Stevens School MEWnfnt- ley.Frln.,221 W. Chelten ave.. Gtn. 48th year opens Sept. 22. Kindergarten through college preparatory. Dom. Science, Manual Training. University of Pennsylvania EVENINO COURSES Wharton School of Finance and Commerce SHARON HILL, PA. KSeiliiSSISmsSSS n fjrHnni f nnvc of High-Grade Defective Mentality MISS ANNA L. McGREW Principal Booklet on rtauett. Sharon Hill. Pa. mmmmmmmmmmmsmmt ' Ki WYNNEWOOD. TA. "Country Day School for Boys" . ,, J WVNNHIIOOD, l'A. ' la divided In two departmental Lower foe boya under 10. Upper for boys from 10 ta ll ODens Sent. 711, n.,,i ' .""'" AY. l0. 10- -ViJU.'iS.'J . ?.' Particular. aaaress All is LETITIA C. MURPHV lirio riii;m?iv,'r'?'?rsicSoo.i.7i; 8810 Navahoe Btreet'ciiwinnt llltl, ""' CHAJiiiEitsnuna, fa. PENN HALL SCHOOL soutu iiethlkhem"" BISHOPTHORPEMANOR" HKTHLEljKM. FA. w'oamveT g$&l Si-J lTth mr sSL ssfiair Acrdu. a"" ". " parent! who busy now helnln., , . your rMiiiito now 4 t K!? """ Ledger Central to 26, 1 I Find the Right. School MYSTERIOUS INSECT NEARLY KILLS BABTi Searchers Cannot Find Stingy II PnrVirtrtn Srnr'nlnn. TtimtS.1. tY'-I -" r r' "' """ .IM stays in Houne ...,.,.... . ...,w ...v.. poisonnt- bite that almost colt the life of an lul montn-om cnna is oeing nunted today ! the home of Harty 8. Dooley. of iim South 67th street, by Hermann HornbI city untomoiogist. rne ihsect I bS lleved to have remained In one room off tun nouse, nui o rar mo errorts of Ht iforhlg to Ideate It liavo proved rmn. Tho leg of the baby were swollen lr their nnfllral alrn wllttl - . " tlmo after the child was bitten, a nE? lclan auggesled that tho child be S Id fthother room, and the Infant no u recovering. While closing the room whi! the baby hnd been leblnr wh.n Z!i.l Mr. Dooley had a glimpse of the bols6; InchesTopg. ' MYf Every piece of clothing In the place u linton nut hv Ate. Ttnml .. ?. w ' tnken up and part of the wall paper ! off, yt not a trace of tho insect cduhU tin found. "'"la The latcet light shed rjn tho sltuetlon come from Dr. W. Warren Weaver. h treated the baby. He said that t .r sect was not. a tarantula, f6r If the'babrfi liml been bitten bv n. tarantula . ....3 have died. " "0J'4. The bug I said by Mr. Doolnv . v. several lirchcs long. Once he saw 1L M I1U1IHK Wl-llv lb ftu IO H BCOrpiOn, thft bite of which Is venomous, but rar,!. fatal to man. The scorpion Is uua found In tropical countries. . NAZAHKTU, PA, WSWRSSMRSRSmmSS P nr .!,. iuzarein nan Military School Takes the parent's place for boyt from eight to sixteen year. One -of the oldest Hoarding; School! for Hoy In America. Established In 1T85. Send for Catalogue; you tWU be, pleated. Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D. Prin.k NAZARETH, PA. WAYNK. FA. ST- LUKE'S FOR BOYS Wayne Pennsylvnnin TALI. TERM OPEN'S SEPT. CHF.STKR, FA. ffiPennsylvaniafflf Military College with Preparatory Department Nearest of all colletres to the discipline, phys ical trainingr ana eaucsuon oi West Point. Ace limit 14 years and upward. Total en rollmont limited, lo ISO. Deirreei trranted In Civil En- flnecrlns. Chemlitry, ArtJ. or cttslofrue addroti Cat. CIIAS. E. HYATT, Pr.ilint, Box fids, Chester, Pa. MERCEHSnUlta, FA. Merceraburg Academy i. ttv&0t&&I 21 Ill -.iV.. OI V bciiooi a thorough phrtltsi, -4 1 mental and moral training for college n 41 trance or business. Spirit of School-A J manly tons of self-t-tfnni imrfj, rhi.tia -& master from the crest universities. Per sonal attention flvn to each boy. Locstle in the country, on the western slope of tat famous Cumberland Valley, on of tb most beautiful and healthful spot of America. Equipment Modern and complete. New gymnasium, ..Writs for catalogue. Address H0,.11"' .rmlm Maim Irvine, LL. D lIeo. '"-"' Jicrrcrfcoiirar. va. gALTSllUItO, FA. KI8KJJ1INETAN UHtlNUa) bCUOOL , . , FOB UOY8 Indorsed by evary American Unlvaraltr. Is. Dividual plan ef work for each boy. Colltfs ( . .ru.r.iorr course, ana a rood training in business Ufa. finaclal tourmir In arrlculliua. ( Bclentlfid physical cars. Purs wster, ge ' IvT vv-acrs larm. a acnool or cnaraeiar. . 2tlj ear opens Sep. 31. Writs for Cat'g Ns.II. Klsklmlnetas Springs School. BallsbBrg.F. WASHINGTON. D. a ST. ALIIANH Th National Cathedral School for BW A country school In Natlanal CaitsJ. Bishop of V master, lit. Washington, prea. Addreas fl A- m. Aioan. washinstoa. a. i swniMiso T. ct CENTRAL, NATATOHIVU , Fer Wen and Boys, Unlimited uit U Members, 1 month, 3 00 8 momes, . 421 . rata. Prlrata Isaaona. S for IS 00. b.wi a r, sij. nors. one-nm Private lesson'. for 18 00. Ms. . Area st. ) swims Man. SOej Bore. I. wait until the It minute wuld mch ny or two before acUeol BrmttJ mkJ CitMtnttf SltU mt S4I'