DANCING AND TENNIS ARE WEEK-END'S GAY FEATURES Cape May's Red Mill Dance Contest First Prize Is Won by Miss Catharine Cooper Cassard and Mr. Nathaniel Davis BAR HARBOR HAS BENEFIT FOR AMBULANCE CORPS Last Word in Fashions to Be Shown by Smart Member! of Society at Swimming Club Other Matters of Interest EVENTING LEDXER;pHIT;ADEEHIA TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1015. i' CArE MAY, AUB. 24. rriUB IflBt week nt Capo May has been Inn unuiiuallv brilliant one, for as the season advances now recruits are added dilly tno soc,ftl tanks, so tllat the resort now oilers n varied assortment oC entertainment for nil ages nnd tastes. The weekly concert nt the Red Mill drew the usual sathcrlnu of the younficr set. Jilts Cathprlno Cooper Cassard, of Ger mantown, carried off the first prize, with jlr. Nathaniel Dnvls as a dancing parl or, whllo the second cup wbb caplurcd by Miss Alice McCabc. On Saturday evening the dance at tho neW Hotel Capo May was especially at tractive and dUiIng the evening soft rose-colored lights wcro thrown on tho dancers. At 10 o'clock, when tho dancing In the ballroom stopped nnd tho enfo was thrown open, n steady stream of visitors toured in until every available table was taken. Among those who occupied tables wero Mr. and Mrs. E. Spencer Miller. 3d, jlr anu uio. "." ,.,...,,,. u.u...0 Miss Susan Lynah Bruce. Miss Sophy M. Worth, Mr Andrew Wheeler, Jr., Mr. L. Brooke Edwards, Miss Lindsay Sattcr fleld, Miss Judith Jennings, Mr. Herbert Batterlleld, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Wil kinson, Miss Miriam Partridge, Mrs. Jo seph Cannon, Miss Elsie Morris Brlnton, Miss Detty Elliot, Mr. Ahram Cabell Cnr rlngton, Mr. J.-nes A. Walker, Mr.iyhlllp Urocklesb), Mr. Tuul ntttenhousoT Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson Scott. Jr., Miss H. Ethel Maule, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Prevost Herring, Miss Ethel Shields, Miss Valentino Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi nand Graves, Mr. William Chunn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bright, Mr. and Mrs. It. Wilson McCrcdy, Mr. and Mrs. Holllns head N. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. El'ls D. Thompson. The mixed doubles tennis tournament held on tho courts of tho golf club on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was fol lowed with keen interest by tennis en thusiasts from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington and ended In a victory for Miss Rebecca White, of Baltimore, and Mr. U Brooke Edwards, of Phila delphia, who defeated Miss Sophlo B. Norris and Mr. Nellson Edwards in tho final round on Sunday afternoon. Tho series was arranged by Mrs. Gilbert A. ..: v. ..,!!, Mr. Morhrrt Tllden. ii reached the semifinals, but was forced to ' default becauso of a painful Injury to her ' ankle during the first set. with Miss Nor- ris and Mr. Edwards on Saturday after- noon. The entries mciuucu j.i .-. Hopkins. Miss Sophy Mercer Worth. Mrs. ' Randolph Justice, Mrs. Crozer, Miss Lthcl 1 Shields. Mrs. Gilbert Harvey. Miss Violet ' Welsh. Miss Selby Zell. Miss Harlan, Miss Warner, Mrs. Wight, Mr. John Dor ey. Mr. Charles Spence, Mr. Douglas Warner, Mr. Herbert Tllden, Mr. Harding, Mr. J. Hutchinson aeon. mr. nc-'y Pattore, Mr. Randolph Justice. Mr. Sam uel A. Crozer, Mr. Brooke Edwards, Mr. Hlllyer, Mr. Andrew Wheeler. Jr., Mr. Ewlng. Mr. Samuel Carpenter and air. Ted Edwards. Mr. Horace Eugene Smith entertained Miss Mary C. Smith. Miss Edith L, Smith and Mr. and Mrs. George Jesper Hard ing on his powerboat on Sunday after noon. Mr. John Wanamakcr motored to Cape May for tho week-end. MIbs Elizabeth Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cobb Kennedy, is tho ''pieat of Miss Vlrgirjia Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiggins ana tneir children, who have been spending a . por ihn of ih summer at the Stockton Villa, returned to their home In Germantown on Saturday. &TT.ANTTC! CITY. Aug. 24. The Atlan- ' tic City Yacht Club will give a tea dance at tho clubhouse on the last Saturday in Aucuat. B mib Marian Black, of Philadelphia, Is the guest of Miss Dorothy Oxley at her country place In Northfleld. Admiral McGowan. paymaster general f of tho United States Navy, is at tho Traymore for a weeit or muie. Mr. Frank Brown, former Governor of Um-vlnnri. arrived at the Trnymore early In tho week and will spend tho remainder of the month at this resort, where he is a frequent visitor. , Mr. and Mrs. Carleton E. Ad-ims ars r entertaining Mrs. Adams' ratner, air. Paul Bright, of Wilmington, uei., ui their apartment in the Surrey, Ventnor. Dr. Edward Clark, of Philadelphia, and Mr. Paul J Qulnn, of .Baltimore, who have been spending tho summer In Vent nor, left this week for a motor trip through the mountain resorts of Penn sylvania. Miss Helena Murphy is entertaining nt her cottage on Ventnor avenuo Miss Car rie Balltnger, of Philadelphia. Miss Mario McLean, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Mrs. H. H. Clark at her Chelsea cottage Mr, Harold Hagy has returned to hlB homo In Philadelphia after visiting rela tives on Rldgway avenue, Ventnor. Mr. .Thomas A. Robinson, who has been pending several weeks In Maine, Is now residing at his cottage on i-oruanu nve nue, Ventnor. Miss Helen McCann. of Philadelphia, Is visiting Miss Dorothy Lea at her cottage on Montpeller avenue, Chelsea, Mrs. James H. Mason, Jr., gave a porch party Friday afternoon at her cottage, 12 Btenton PJace, north, Chelsea. Pres ent were Mrs. Frank Grelner, Mrs. Frank McCausland, Mrs. Robert T. Chapman, Mrs. George Keates, Mrs. William Pat rick, Mrs. Henry Oberfell. Mrs. Oliver Daniels, Mrs. Everett Cannon, Mrs. James Scull, Mrs. Edward Sweeney, Mrs. C. W. Hlgbee, Mr, George "W. Blackman, of Phila delphia, is the guest of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. W, Lane Dllg at their cottage on Nashville avenue, Vent nor. Mr. Thomas A. Robinson has returned from Maine, where he spent several weeks, and Is now occupying his cottage U Portland avenue, Ventnor. Miss Gertrude Powers entertained at bridge at tho Hotel Outend Friday alt- fc (rnoon. Th nlnvitra wnr Miss TJMvtha Heger, Mrs. Harry Cobb, Miss Edith Cly- er. Miss Katherlno Diamon, Miss O'Neill, Miss Marie Johnson, Mr. and Mr f T? Thnmnsnn. whn have been nn a mnlnr irln t-hrouch the 'Middle West and -who are now at Marlon, 1o... win return to their cottage In Chel ' early In September. Edith Wals. of Overbrook, is tho Wt of Miss Julia MacMaken at their wago ori Brighton ovenue. south. Mrs. Marlon Hight. of 2211 North iOth . entertained on Friday afternoon at JS at her cottage at Ventnor. Among Jo Present wero Mrs. John MoBIroy, Frederick Selberlich, Mrs. Frank wllhenny, Mrs, Edward Miller, Mrs. Flanlgan, Mrs. Neal Horgan, Miss r4 Cavlll, Miss Ella Cavlll, MJss thryn Curran. Miss Anna Horgan, Josephine O'Brien. WILDWOC-D, Ah. . Along th "ch-front these evenings It la the rule thousands of the promenadera JMrint" oyer the, rail In the attitude of S voyager oh his rt tri on the deep, "whin- of m kind 1 thf'iilment, how. r. It U a lifelong dlitfAie, curiosity, "w the attraction l Invipnably one ot woVh aVvrM,u""-vr,,l""t1 Mneru moojiuni imng pr" .. ' "" 7" " ".' "-:." voof r4raiM f ybur iam moon Is shining. And Luna Is not neces sary becauso of the radiance shed by the X! of Boardwalk lights, of which W ildwood Is Justly proud. Earlier In tho season some agitation was caused to pro ventnlght bathing, but tho hundreds of People persisting In making the evening hours their bathing time have broken down all opposition, and they go unmo lested. Watcrmeldn feasts and marsh mallow toasts usually accompany tho fun on the sands. During the flrl nnrt nt lln u..1f Innit breezes brought a horde of mosquitoes to the Jersey resorts, and Wlldwood re ceived Its share, with tho result that tho Boardwalk was it gay carnival with num berless colors In gigantic mosquito brush es of tissue paper, and tho toy shops leaped n harvest from their sale nnd tho sale of Chlncso punk. Tho promenaders uwd o.'o hand to burn Inccnso to tho ChlnCSO Idols and thn nthir In wnvn ilin colors of tho rainbow, nnd Incidentally crcnted n llttlo nmuscment for thomsclvis by using the mosquito brushes for tick lers until tho promenado resembled tho City Halt squaro on New Yenr'B Eve. Ocean breezes nnd the demise of tho mos quito hordo restored tho feelings of tho city to normal tempcraturo Wednesday, and the coolness nccampanlng tho chango caused the appearance of a few thousand moro silken sweater coats, so popular with tho feminine contingent this Bcneon. Plans aro virtually completed for tho big day for poor children on Saturday, known ns North Wlldwood Day. Tho tent Is being erected on the lawn at 18th ave nue. Many of tho women, headed by Miss Kato Ottens and Miss Elizabeth Dahkcl man, aro selling tickets for a card pprty to bo held nt the Wlldwood Yacht Club nt 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, nt which time tho races will take place. It will bo easy to get out to the club, for Jitney's will run from tho trolley at ISth street to the clubhouse. Captain and MrB. Winter, who run tho Anglesca boats to Stono Harbor, have loaned the use of n large sail, which men are erecting In connection with the tent. Tho klto contest Is creat ing much Interest, and will surely bo tho greatest sporting feature for children that this beach has been privileged to enjoy. Mr. Henry II. Ottens will have a candy specialist, and It Is anticipated that there will bo five barrels of enndy mado and sold cheaply nnd quickly. A 30-pound cheesecake Is to be a feature in tho cake sale. Mr. W. M. Beers, gave n beach party last week In honor of Miss May Cleve land. There wero 34 present, and water melon, roasted marshmallows nnd other delicacies were served. Dancing on the beach to the music of a Vlctrola was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. A. Newton, of Mana yunk, are spending some time here. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Zimmerman, of Phila delphia, aro here. Mr. and Mrs. W. MacDowcll have re turned to their home In Newport News, Va., after n lengthy stay at this resort. Mr. nnd Mrs. Scollcy nnd sons, of Philadelphia, are spending the summer hero and are registered at the Dayton Hotel. Miss Gertrude Lehster and Miss Elsie Lewis, of Philadelphia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Frenbaugh, of 323 Wtst Tacony road. Mrs. Charles D. Schrlver is spending several" weekB with her daughter, Mrs. k. W. Estlow. OCEAN CITY, Aug. 24.-Mr. nnd Mrs. William E. Groben, of Shadowbrook. Oak Lane, aro entertaining several house guests this week at their cottage In Ocean City. Among these are Miss Helen Tomp kins, Mr. J. S. Kelsey, of New York, and Dr. R. W. McClelland, of Pittsburgh. Mr. aiM Mrs. Groben will not return to their Oak Lane homo till early In Octo ber. Along the Main Line HAVERFORD. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hart mann Kuhn, of Bagatelle, nro enjoying a motor trip through the New England States and the Adlrondacks. BRYN MAWR. Mrs. Richards Taylor, of Radnor road, who has oeen spending six weeks In Canada, will rqturn to her hdmo tomorrow. Mrs. Robert Brown nnd her son, Mr. Barton Brown, of Roberts road, spent tho week-end at Atlantic City. Mrs. Wilson Barnard, of Morris avenue, left today for u week's stay at Atlantic City. WAYNE. Mrs. C. Austin Wentworth, of 216 Bloomlngdalo avenue. Is entertain ing Miss Mildred Sllsbee, of Boston, Mass. Mrs. J. P. Donaldson and her grandson. Master Donaldson Cresswcll, of Summit avenue, have gone to Gloucester, Mass., for tho balanco of tho summer. The wed. ding of Mrs. Donaldson's daughter, Mrs. Ellso Donaldson Cresswell, nnd Mr. Percy Madeira took place early In July. They have gone to the exposition In San Fran clsco. Chestnut Hill Miss Irene Schachterle, of 7120 Ger. mantown nvenue. Is spending several weeks at Ocean Grove, N. J, Mr. and Mrs. Randal Morgan, of Wynd moorc, are taking a motor tour through New England. Later they will spend eev iral weeks camping In Maine Miss Marlon E. Moyn, of Graver's lane, is visiting frlendsat Narragansett Pier, Mr. Frederick Roth, of Graver's lane. Is Vacationing at Atlantic City. Mrs. Charles A. Sims, of 152 Carpenter street. Is spending several weeks at Avalon, N, J. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Waterman, of 8315 Seminole avenue, have taken a cot tags at Cranberry Island, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Schwartz, of Allen's lano, are sojourning at Atlantic City, N. J, Miss ilabel Dlcklson, of 40 West Dur ham street, la camping at Camp Napah vtln, Canton, Pa. Lansdowne Miss Elizabeth Loughney, of La Crosse avenue. Is spending two weeks In Ocean City. Mr. George K. Hooper, of Windermero ayenue. Is spending two weeks In Balti more, Md, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kane, of West Greenwood avenue, are spending the sum. mer at Lavelette, N. J. Mr. William Haley, who has been vis. Itlng his mother on Wycombe ovenue for two weeks, returns today to Elizabeth, N. J. Mla Em McCulley, of La Crosse ave nue, returned today from a visit to friends In Germantown. MIm Nan HaUy, of Wycombe avenue, l .Turned tiday trim a two t :. cm t.i. ruv w $&$mi ' SiiklSBsBaaK m ' . I t "s m vat. gis SBSBX9H sy,x- c-,1 m Photo by Kans Studio. MISS CATHARINE COOPER CASSARD vDaughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Lippincott Cnssard, of Germantown. Miss Cassard and Mr. Nathaniel Davis won tho cup last week in a dancing contest given in Capo May. Germantown Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy Krelbel. of West Tulpehocken street, will leave shortly for East Orange, where they will llvo per manently. Miss Mary F. Rclly, cf 6100 Baynton street, left for Portland, Me., where she will remain until September 1. Mrs. .Charles A. RoblnBon, of West Price street, will spend tho remainder of the summer ut Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Truitt, of Pelham Court, aro visiting the Panama Exposi tion in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price, of 68 Pasto rlus street, aro the guests of friends at Washington, D. C; f. nA Mm .Tnm.H A. Molen. Jr.. of 232 Curch lane, are sojourning in Wild wood. Miss Margaret Connelly, of U0 Pastor it. d ..nA. Una vAtiimnrl in her home from n stay of 'several weeks In Jamaica, Long Island. Mr. Joseph Conncry, of 6650 Chew street, Is spending some time In Wild wood. Mr. Roland Longstreet, of Louden street, has returned from a stay In Island Heights. Mr. George Henderson, of 136 West Logan street, is spendlns a few weeks at Eagle's Mere, Pa. Mrs. Marie Kunbcrger, of 120 West Rlt tenhouse street, has returned from a visit to friends In New York. Miss Elizabeth Garrett and her Bister, Miss Emma Garrett, of 6003 Greene street, have Just returned from an extended stay In Haines Falls, N. Y. Mr. James McMahon, accompanied by Mr. Jumcs Devlin, Mr. George Rltten houso and Mr. John B. Bemls, spent the woek-end In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kirk, of 13 West Upsol street, accompanied by their daughter. Miss Frances Kirk, aro BOjourn ing In Atlantic Clty Mr. Harold Mason Grler, of Duavl street, has returned to his home from a two weeks' stay In Wlldwood. Along the Reading Mr. F. C. Bhoenberger and family, of Ashbourne, Pa., hre spending several weeks at the Hotel Normandle, Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. James Howell Hutchinson Is occu pying her homo on Old York road, Ab tngton. Pa. Mr. Ralph Ervlen, Washington lane, Wyneote, Pa., has returned homo after a vUlt of several weeks at tho shore. Mrs. Frank Engle and Miss Elizabeth Kngle, of Ogontz, Pa have left for Atlantlo Clty.N. J., whero they will re main for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Craig, of Fort Washington, Pa., have had as their guests for some time Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Craig and their daughter, Miss Mary Craig, of Boston, Mass. Miss Marlon Tyre, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James Tyre, of 6716 North 8th street. Oak Lane, has had as her guest for some tlmn Miss Ethel Sykes, of 368 Green lane, Roxboroush. Miss Tyro will be tho guest of Mrs. Clifford Merrltt, of New York, at her summer home at Point Pleasant, N. J., during September. r A Ifrt TTarlMlffA TTitrnt.Hfl ntirt family, of Summit avenue, Jenklntown, have left for Jamestown, R. I., whero they will remain until October. Camden and Vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Cozens, of Had donfteld, N. J., have as their guest for several weeks Miss Amelia Schmertz, of Pittsburgh-, whose engagement to Mr, Ernest Cozens was recently announced. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fritz, of Haddon field, who are occupying their cottage at Ocean City, N. v., have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey, alsq of Haddonfleld. Notlcci for the Society pace will be accepted and prlated In the Krenlov Ixdger, but all such notices niuat bo written ou on 44 of tho paper, mutt be Icacd b fiiH, with full ad. tlreun, and when powlblo telephone number muot be ftvea. Seed U such comubIcIb to "Society KUiar," Khnr Lt4r( CM ChMtnut 4r4. UbIcm theoe reittlreaeM aro corrlod l BAttM WW (tat It Swarthmore Strnth Haven Inn, nt Swarthmore, Is giving a scries of Wedncsdiy and Satur day evening dinner-dances In the spacious ballroom of the hotel, which nro attract ing many of the oung peoplo from all parts of tho country. Among those wht wero noticed Saturday evening wcro Miss Eleanor Roberts, Miss Frnnces Brazier, Miss Jano Stlllman, of Jacksonvlle, Fla.; Miss Dorothy Shoemaker, Miss Mary Musselmnn, Miss Helen Roby, Miss Mar garet Brackorhorr, Miss Larlna Wesley, Miss Florence Levis. Miss Desire Irish, Miss Maude. Uliler, Miss Katharine Ger stenberger, of Rosclle, N. Y.; Mr. George and Mr. Joseph Mills, Mr. Henry Brod kenhoff, Mr. Buchnn Hnrrnr, Jr., Mr. J. Craig King, Mr. Cyrus Taylor, Mr. Albert Dodge nnd Mr. Bernard Efflng. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Joel Scull, ill South 37th Btreet, have gono to visit the Panama Pacific Exposition. Thoy will return about tho mldule of September. Mrs. Mary Slothower and her daugh ter, MUs Edith Slothower. 4823 Haver ford avenue, nnd her little grandchild, Miss Dorothy Wright, 4418 Market street, nro spending the week nt Wlldwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flounders, 8 South 3Gth stteet, have gone to Chelsea, to re main away until September. Sir. and Sirs. Frank McMalhn, 3715 Lud low street, nnd their little niece. Miss Helen Rice, 3317 Haverford avenue, will leave shortly for Thousand Islands to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton W. Piko and daughter, of 4422 Walnut street, have left fur Niagara Falls and a trip through the eastern part of Canada, after which they will go to their country place in Frye burg, Me. Mrs. Georgo J. Rocsch, 216 North 33d street, has sent out Invitations for lunch con and bridge at tho Seaview Golf Club, Atlantic City, next Saturday afternoon. Covers will be laid for 60. Mr. T. J. Wholey, 4822 Windsor avenue. Is going on a trip through Maine by way of Boston. Miss Leon Audrlan, of 113 North 63d Btreet, has returned from a week's stay at Atlantic City. Miss Mario Scanlan, of Shenandoah, Pa., is tho guest of Miss Mary Walsh, of 6253 Arch street. Miss Scanlan will re turn homo early In September. Mr. John Devlne, of 346 North 62d street, has gone to Atlantic City for a two weeks' stay Mr. Devlne Is stop ping at tho Stanley Hotel. Mrs. Maurice A. Baer and her son, Ed ward Baer, of tho Brantwood Apart menas, are spending a few weeks with her mother at the Traymore Hotel, At lantlo City, Mrs. John L. Gayley and her daughter, Miss Marlon Gayley, of Jenklntown, Pa., have left for Maine, whcio they will spend tho month of August. MRS, HARRY WALN HARRISON Mrs, Harrison was ono of tho Philadelphia contingent, who at tended the fa.icy dress ball given t Narraganset Pier last Friday aigkt. South Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Edward Singleton nnd Miss Laura C. Wedlg, of 1607 Bouth 2d street, hnvo returned homo after a three months' tour of the Southern and West ern States. Whllo vWtlng tho Panama Pacific Exposition they wero the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Wedlg nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. James Singleton, nil of whom are former residents of South Philadel phia. Mrs. Harry Jalser, of 435 Wlnlon street; Mrs, M, Lcmbaoh nnd Miss Cathrlne Kccfe, both of 2118 South 4th street, had nn enjoyable tlmo on the steamer Clyde last Monday. Thoy Intend to spend the week-end nt Atlantic City. Miss Anna Donncll and niece, Miss Kathrlno Donnell, of 607 Titan street, hnye returned after spending n week at Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Hale, of 342 Emily street, have been staying nt Ocean City, Mr. Paul Schrelnor, of 3d and Wolf Btreets, has returned homo from Wild, wood. Mrs. Sugarmnn and daughter. Miss Gcr trudo Sugnrman, of Hither and 8her Idan streets, nro spending their vacation at Atlantic City. Mr. Francis P. Holllday, of 6th street nnd Washington nvenue, wilt leave next week for Denver, Col., whero ho wlllj-e-mnln for somo tlmo with his parents, Sir. nnd Mrs. Harry F. Holllday. North Philadelphia Mr. Georgo O. Way, of 2147 Uber street, has koiio on a threo months' tour nlong tno Pacific Const, stopping en route nt Spokane, Deer Pans nnd tho Panama Pacific Exposition nt San Frnnclsco. Mr. and Mrs. II. R. AndcrB. of 2137 North 20th street, have tcturncd from a month's sojourn to Wcrncravlllo nnd At lantic City. Miss Bella Hughes, of 2146 North JOfn street, has returned from Atlantic City, after spending three weeks ns tho guest oi ner sister, Airs. A. Qruber. Mr. Jnmcs O'Neill, of 2551 North Gratz street, lias left tdr a. two weeks' visit to New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dooner nnd family, of 2314 North Garnet street, will leave shortly for Atlantic City, whero they will remain until September 15. Mr. Charles Clett, of 2C07 Dauphin street, has returned from n two weeks' sail along the coast of New Jersey. c Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watts, of Dover. N. J., who" wcro tho gucstB of relatives on ftiirm mn street, nave reiurncu nome. Mrs. Hannah Rny Fox, of Wsst Ontario street, has gone to Ocean Grove, to re main ovei Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Harvc Freeman, of West Erlo nvenue, are In Atlantic City and will remain until Into In October. Frankford Miss Frances MncMorrls, of Arrott street, has as her guest for two weeks. Miss Pauline SI. Buntley, of Boston. .Miibs, .urns ..uuu.uornH win reiurn wun Miss Buntley nnd remain until October. Sir. and Sirs. William Carroll, of 2606 Rhann street, entertained Saturday even ing nt dinner. Covers were laid fCr 12 guests, Including Sir. and Sirs. Walter Sohafer, Sir. and Sirs Thomas Kuhn, Sir. and Sirs. Frank Martin, Sir. and. Sirs. Joseph McMahon, Sir. and Sirs. Harris Stundy, Sllss Marlon Flske and Sir. Walter Williams. Sirs. Eycr, of 2D0 Fisher's avenue, has returned to her home after spending two weeks at Lebanon, Pa. Sllss Eycr spent two weeks on the Perklomen Creek, near Scllersvllle, Pa. Sir. and Sirs. William Benner, of D street. Fox Chase, have as their guests Sirs. G. Griffith nnd family, of Harford County, Sid. Sir. Paul Cameron, of Rhawn street. Fox Chase, and Sir. Otto Kllmarz. of Blako avenue, will leturn this week from a tno weeks' trip through Maine. Roxborough Sir. and Sirs. Natnan L. Jones, of 5633 Itldge avenue, have been entertaining Sir. T Rawlins Adams and his family. Sir. Samuel Hilt nnd Sir. and Sirs. J. Walter Keely, at their summer home, at Cape Slay Point. Mr. and Sirs. John Bailey, who have been spending six weeks In Atlantic City, have returned td their home on Alnslle street, Falls of Schuylkill. Mr. and Sirs. C. A. Rudolph, of River read, are entertaining their daughter, Sirs. J. P. Smith, and her family, of Blng hnmpton, N. Y. Sllss Frances Harris and her niece, Sllss Katharine Shoemaker, of Lyceum avenue, have .gone to Cresco, Pa., for several weeks. Mr. Ralph Woerner, Sllss Lydia Woer ner nnd Sllss Viola Ottlnger, of Rox bdrough, wero tho week-end guests of Dr. and Sirs. Wnlter G. Woerner, of Lltttz, Pa. Sirs. Woerner was Sllss Laura Katzenbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Katzenbach, of 201 Rlpka ave nue. Sirs. Clarence K. Dengler, of 5201 Ridge nvenue, Wlssahlckon, Is passing August In Wlldwood, N. J. The final social entertainment of the Young Women's Christian Association, of tho Falls of Schuylkill, will be held to nlght. Slombera of the L. T. L. Club will act as hostesses and have arranged an attractive program. Delaware County Sirs, William Glenn, of Aldan, is at Wlldwood for a week's stay. Sir. Warren W. Weaver, of Aldan, is spending several dayj at Ocean City, Sirs. H. Hclnze, of Sharon Hill, is spend lng several weeks at Ocean City. Sllss Bessie Roach, of Colllngdale, Is spending several weeks at Wlldwood. Sir, and Sirs. Charles Carbone, of East Lansdowne, are spending tho week at Wlldwood. Sirs, H. I, Sllchaells, of East Lans downe. IS entertaining her sister from Washington, D. C. Sirs. A. B. Geary, of Geary's road, Walllngford, la spending several weeks at tho Arcadia In Wlldwood. What's Doing Tonight Kalrmount Park Band, Strawberry Mansion; H O'CIOCK rrce, Philadelphia Band, City IU1I plaza; U o ciock. tree. Munlcliul Band, Stinger Park, 83d and Reed streets, 8 o'clock, rree. Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FRANCHISE SOCIETY Noon Meeting at Atlantlo Refining Company, Point Breese Speaker. Mlsa Bertha Sapottts. Noonday meeting, Stetson's Hat Factory, 4th street and Montgomery avenue. Speaker, Miss Anna McCue. 8.30 p. m Open-air meeting, 4toh street and Girard avenue. Speaker. Mlsa Bertha Sapo- VlU' WOMAN BUFOTUCIB FARTT. Noonday meeting, Klectrlo Storage Bsttary Company. ltlh street and Allegheny ayenue. Sieaker, Miss Xelle ilussei 8 20 is in .Suffrage speaking class meets at 2223 BainbrWge street, 8 $0 p m -Open-air meeting at Germantown and LehlfU avenues Speakers, Mis L'tlclle XuhM, MIm Jam Hyar attd Mm Tutu-, MANY of tho most prominent nnd pop ular matrons nnd members of the younger set at Bar Harbor will take part In tho largo entertainment to bo given to night nt tho swimming club In Bar Har bor. The affair will bo given for tho ben efit of the American Ambulanco Corps. A number of debutantes nnd matrons will display smart frocks and suits as at n fashion show, for tho gowns nro to be of original design and nro mado expressly for tho occasion. There aro rumors of many special fea tures and surprises, nnd the event Is cnuslng much excitement, cspcclnlly In the younger set, many of whom will at tend from nearby resorts, ns well ns Bar Harbor Itself. Mrs. Madison Taylor will direct tho posing of tho tableaux, Mrs. Megnrgco Wright will arrange tho stage plcturo background, nnd Francis Hoppln will have chargo of the artistic Betting of tho stage. Miss Watts nrd Mr. Sowall will appear In a playlet In which a beautiful lady steeps and dreams of all tho fashions passing before her. Tho ladles who wilt show tho new gowns are Mrs. Gerald Holsman, Mrs. Lawrcnco Green, Mrs. Gouvcrncur Morris, Mrs. Kuhn, Miss Frances Watts. Miss Suzetto Sturgis, Miss Margaret Wright, Miss Hanna Wright, Miss Glndys Endlcolt, Mies Eleanor Bryant, Miss Josepblno Gib son, Miss Margaret Erhnrt, Miss Frances Mcars. Miss Elliott, Miss Evelyn Blddlo, MIes Frances Travcrs, and Miss Phyllis Rich. The list of patronesses Includes the Hon, Mrs. Alfred Anson, Sirs. John Jacob Astor, Sirs. A. Bleecker Banks, Sirs. Alex ander B. Cove, Mrs. Edward B. Cassatt, Mrs. J. Brocks Fenno, Mrs. William Lawrence Green, Sirs. George Gordon Mcado Large. Sirs. Philip Livingston, Mrs. Ncwbold Morris, sirs. James Potter, Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer, Sirs. John S. Rogers. Sirs. Edgar T. Scott, Sirs. Harry Thorndlko and Sirs. Frederick Vnnderbllt. Sllss Rebecca Longstreet nnd Stlss Slary C. Longstreet, of Haverford, Pa., have left for East Gloucester, Mass., where they will spend Bevernl weeks at Haw thorne Inn. They will leave shortly for STRAYER'S BusinessCollege Is better than other nchools be cause Ita teachers ore experts We do professional nork In our line Accountlne. Auditing and Shorthand Heportlng- Experts as teachers produce experts Bend for list of our Gold Sledat win ners. May we teach your SOI. 807 Chestnut St., Phlla. BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Secures Students on .Merit High erade courses, superior facili ties and unsurpassed teaching talent are the macneta that brine us our army of ambitious young men and women. Wo try no other methods to win them. Telephone: Lombard 1296 1297. 1'ot.ltlons l'nsltlTcIr (.naranteed I.AFAYETTK HUir.UING Sth nnd Chestnut btreets After Oct. 1st, Pcnn Mutual Bldg. FRIENDS' CENTRAL And Its Elementary Schools, open on NINTH MO. (September) 21st ISth and Itace Sts. 33th St. and Lancaster Ave. 17th St. and Girard Ave. Greene St. above School Lane. Germantown. Principals In attendance after Ninth Mo. 1st. WM. E. BARRETT, latn and Race Sts. E C K W E R ' S Philadelphia Musical Academy 1617 Spruce St. 47th iason open Sept. 9th. Drenches C02U German town Ave. ; 44(1 S. 83d St Eminent Artists In Taculty. I'rosnectus Central Educational Institute Day and Evtningrrtparatory and Business. Before decldlnc fall plans for study vend for Illustrated Cataloe A. Education to us means more than book learning. Asls about our Sys tem of Education. Central Y. M. C. A.. 1421 Arch St.. Phlla. Germantown Friends SI .1 OPENS 0 MO. 21ST CnOOl AT 8:45 A. M. STANLEY R. YARNALL. Principal rmi.ADKLVHIA TUIINGEMKINDE School reopens for fall and. winter terms, Tuesday, Sept. 7. We teach gymnastics, Ger man, drawing, needlework and swlmmlns to children, 7 to IB years, for 10 per year. En roll your children now, llroad & Columblajue. TIIK I'KANKLIN INSTITUTE SCHOOL OF MECHANIC A HIS. Ninety-second year. Etenlng Courses and Classes. DRAWING, MATHEMATICS and .MECHANICS. For cal endar and further Information address tba Institute, IS South Seventh street. THE IIOLMAN SCHOOL, 5201 WALNUT ST. From Montessorl through Colleee Prepara tory. General course emphasized. Strong Do mestic Science course. Outdoor classrooms. Special attention to small boys and girls. The Stevens School mEm.0- ley. Trln.. 221 W Chelten ave., Gtn. 48th year opens Sept. 22. Kindergarten through college preparatory. Pom Science, Manual Training Palmer Business School Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, day and night sessions, bend (or catalog. Mercantile Library Bldg , 10th above Chestnut. Phila. School of Design for Women BROAD AND MASTER STa REOPENS SEPTEMBER 27TII. University of Pennsylvania EVENINO COUR8E8 Wharton School of Finance and Commerce CHESTER. l'A. 1-ENNSVL.VANIA MILITARY COLLLGB With Preparatory Department. Nearest ol all colleges to discipline, physical training and education of West Point, Degrees la Civil Engineering, Chemistry and Arts. Ad dress CoL Chas. B. ilyatt, Prea Bos 063, Chester. Pa. SOUTH BETHLEHEM BISHOPTHORPE MANOR A select school for girls, College preparatory nnlshlng courses. Elective studies. Add. Clauds N. Wyant, l'rln., Box 234, So, Bethlehem, Pa. BKTHLKHKM, PA. MORAVIAN 8KMINARY A COLLKdH TOR WOMN. BETULKHKM, PA. Accredited, lUtn year Sept. 82. 11B. HAKHISHUKO, PA. HARRISBURG ACADEMY Modern bides., large campus, Small classes. Individual Instruction!, thorough college prep aratlon. Rates. 1400-1600. Write for catalog CAKL18LK. l'A. CONWAY HALL "wnded Strong Secondary School for boy Fall term opens September 14 th. W. A. Hutchison, Headmaster, Carlisle, Pa. WASHINGTON, n. O. ST, ALMANft Tho National Catkearul Sth ess Ut A country school In Hattoul Cauliai mmmm!m Self-Exoression I I P v$ MzMi& z Buck Hill Falls, Pa., where they will remain for the month of September. Mr and Mrs. S. Carey Potter left Iat weok for Pottstown, Pa., where ttiey have a house, which will be their hem In the future, Mr. Potter's business hav ing been transferred. Mrs. Potter will bo remembered as Stlss May Bayres, of Haverford, Pa. Mrs. Wilfred Lewis and her family will visit tho San Diego and San Francisco Expositions and other points of interest In the West, returning to Bay HtsH. C-' for the month of September. Sir. and Sirs. John Cadwalader, Jr., of Ambler, Pn., will leave their country place this week and spend several weeks at Northeast HartvSr, Ste. Sir. nnd Sirs. Walter Bailey nnd family, of Lenox road, Jenklntown, Pa,, have closed their country residence and are occupying their cottago at Ventnor. N, J., whero they will remain till tho middle erf September. Tioga Sllss Josephlno Weldmann, of 3733 North 16th street, has returned home from a stay nt Wlldwood. Her sister, Sllss Helen Weldmann, Is at Lako St. Catharine, Vt., where sho Is a member of a house party that Includes Sllss Slary Wheller, Sllss Helen Helnltsch and Sllss Mary Ma garvcyi of Germantown. Stlss Bertha Klster, who has been spending some time In Ocean City, after passing the early summer In York, Pa., has returned to her home, 3558 North Broad street. Sir. nnd Sirs. John E. Frlcke, formerly of Tioga, are spending August In Ocean Grove. Sirs. Oscar Krebs and her little daugh ter Sela, of North 16th street, have gone to Slahanoy City to remain through th car.' fall. Mrs. Herman Kohn and Sllss Selma Kohn. of 3723 North ISth street, are spending August In Atlantic City. Timidity, self-consciousness, lack of confi dence, present many people from expressing their deeper Ideas and feelings This arrests personal Krowth, weakens Influence and di minishes success. The Neff College courses put men and women In possession of themselves and start them on a career of personal, o clal and business ascendancy There are Day Court.es, beginning and ad vanced evening classes of men only, and for men and women; classes, beginning and ad vanced, for men and women Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon : children's classes Sat urday morning, class for women Tuesday aft ernoon; Instruction private and by correspond ence. All courses lead to diploma and degrees. Send for general circular, new catalog an4 liooklet on Education and Success. NEJFWCOL!GF , Chesttree, J. Harren Neff, Assistant Manager, Special Announcement Send for Information regarding the New Academic Department, wlilcli combines In struction In the usual Grammar and High i,.c.ho,"LJl,?,nch w"h Self-Kxprcaslon and Mind Training-. The William Penn Charter School Eight South Twelfth Street Philadelphia. Pa. Tho Fall term opens on the 2Sth of Sep tember. The buildings may be Inspected, nnd applicants listed, on and after Sep tember 7th. The prospectus will be gladly sent upon application, also, when desired, a copy of the recent publication, "The Making of a Man." written under the direction of the Headmaster. Richard M. Jones, LL.D. Headmaster STANDARD Y. M C. A. COURSES ot West Branch Y. M C A S2d and Sanson Us . W I'lilla. Camden Central Y M C A., 071" Federal st Eenlng school, expert In structors, Individual attention Dorms., swim. i, j,i, oue cunuie tvrua xor Laiutoir. SALTSBCRO, rA. lUbKUUMiTAS SPRINGS SCHOOL roil BOYS Indorsed by eery American University. la dividual plan of work for each boy. Collet Preparatory Course and good training for business life. Special course In agriculture. Sclentlfls physical care. Pure water, goo4 food. 200-scre farm. A school of character. 28th year opens Sep. 21. Write, for Cat'g No.24. Klsklmlnetas Springs School, Salt burr, Pa. 1VYNNEWOOD, VA. "Country Day School for Boys" AT WYNNKWOOD, PA. Is divided In two departments: Lower for boys under 10, Upper for boys from 10 to 18. Opens Sept. 27th and 23d. For particular address Miss LET1TIA C MURPHY. lTJt Falrmount ave., Principal of Lower School, or ltev. Gibson Bell, A .11., B.D.. Head Master. 8S10 Na alloc Street, Chestnut Hill, Pa. CIIAMBEUSBURG. PA. PENN HALL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Located In the beautiful Cum berland Valley College Preparatory an Special Courses, May each year spent at Atlantlo City No Interruption in work. Rates 1300, For catalog ana views, address FRANK 8 MAG ILL. A M Principal NAZARETH. VA. SEND YOUR BOY TO Nazareth Hall Military School barest place in America lor turn Established in 1783 Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D., PrinclE! MEItCEltSBUItO, TA. The Mercersburg Academy FOR BOYS Mercersburg, Pa, Send for catalogue to Wm, Mann Iriima, Ph.Il., LL.D., Headmaster. Max 14. , ALLENTOWN. PA. Alltntown Prep. School prepare i.-'Ts (or ka4, lag colleges eiunlvcrslttes. New bid s.t stlatk letlcs. Jr. Dept, Frank L. SlEman. A.M.. frla. SWIMMING Y. CENTRAL NAT ATOeUUM k M, For Men and Boys. Unlimited u4 u. wTwinia, 4 tuviiiM, ewv a. so ww j a year, . aajya. 14Z1 rate. Private leasoaa. Tr4 Arcnst. He swims Men, awet Aivwii4mtmt4t of Ottwr Sckeelc and CoUtfM AffseWMC. 4Mt TWr Pgg rvrj Wilt AfJpav An Tfl iTC r