jjSn&Vj, TUESDAY August 24 1916 O Cunning " Wbypt PERSONS, SCENES AND EVENTS THAT FIGURE IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY FROM DIVERS SOURCE! "T??? 1 s .'".. ,44;' gsasgvg y'isayref IMMHHMReMr-'! BKSpBHBRr n jdSE0HHr9MnMBFiVHnnBH hjittm'wflKH ''' v et A'Tf i v s ; , .rovsmifiiNiflp' atr r- ,' . .jtxHarc'nrra&fttii TtU. . ..l? WT-TW ., .- ",." JI i . ' i. HRVM-niuf. .v ?K. WX (WMKMMWW-. iJ I'JN ITALIAN SUBMARINE, WHICH LAY HELPLESS AT BOTTOM OF SEA FOR THREE DAYS The Nereido recently ran upon nn Austrian submarine in the Adriatic. The Austrian fired first. In dodging, the Italian's machinery was so badly wrenched that the boat gradually sank to the bottom, where for three days her crew labored frantically to repair her. Finally the vessel reached port, where her crew had been given up for lost. GENERAL VIEW OF PENN STREET, READING Decorated and ready to welcome the delegates to the convention of the Patriotic Order Sons of America. MHMdK MyMMMnMnkW' AM$ ' J. v i ' . I M I rf. -ri 1 m ,'iI''!hIH r WMiP"wHfc iwHr1 p Whn '"I "Mlii 1 IwCiinM 1 'i im ''"'iJun 1 1 BBHMMll t "" ' ?eugCic?MM"FaaaiagSSat3!aKrafcg HYDROPLANE SCOUT LANDING ON THE SEA IN THE DARDANELLES The British and French forces, which for months have- been striving to force an opening through the Turkish lines defending thp poninsula, would have been well-nigh helpless excopt for the presence of a largo and well-equipped fleet of aircraft, whose latest exploit was the sinking of a troop transport. KiAMw 3"KC?Trp "S'swrtn! . .i &x ... .sr A-n,. . jptl , .dHnamirv -x sr.'tfr .x . . iiy4 'f i' . . . m AAMF A . 'K -JBs&U-'Hh'b " Ai L Vt I...?rf .C A. .409. .OOCAft X!rAA JCi 1 t .. k sHfadKV.i ''rkJHBMHB&i'i.i 1 Tiiinftti'i iluiiilMlr- r it iiiiiiiliiti t r tjJM ".mmxMSBmjt. JBB. Hf ' vr,., w .Mrvftirlt HHV'4'S.Wlnu..pvsHliHBr4f' y it lM )KHKiiHHMKUb '-v&Os' -Tx,MEuBaaaBliK.''?$-. iJH Jku..KIHHkv .MiBaSff!BHSnr. .." WS?H'4'JLy?.''l?' X: .uiBi V1BIHH yd'iVI IBBBf".. . J lBaK9JHISHBBBBHIBXHaBBBbiPi?iHHVvfrH'HG SA&fajg PENNA. RESERVE OFFICERS AT READING CONVENTION OF P. 0. S. OF A. The State convention of the Patriotic Sons begins at Reading today, to.last three days. Left to right are Captain D. J. Stevens, Captain Frank Miller, Coloned W. Shank, Captain H. W. Aiken, Captain C. W. Phillips and Captain F. Small. Photo by Underwood & Underwood. FUTURIST FROCK IS SOCIETY'S SENSATION Miss Violet King almost broke up the recent fashion show at Newport by appearing in this skirt of many and startling colors. 3 ?WiBBBBHBDBflKaHfaBBliBBBMA'lP ' :9B4iHS9uKBMHiHiaM9iBBaHVH RaHHpVlHHHHfcA... . ; ''''''''lllHB . ?? ?..' j ... .x - "? fis ,&, . -to. I'? - V-K, -AVWt & j r J OCEAN CITY'S PIUZE Thin tropictil specimen, the nail fish, wu recently ound bMDgo from 4omm fin to U-liy. How j , wandwed m far ITioo by Vsrwood k Vndrwoo4 Tk. vG8B CMfANDEERED BY GERMANS AS TUBY, ADVANCR THROUGH KUS8IA " Haa rraUl,t2.tVlr vptmtd nJ imm QfikU, -found thousands of mw iMidlj u- ! i-fa Hky wfckk thy l&t 9 tiw. in h.rnir into immen. ftockT. Mwi teffiSTMSd ft? 2.ZTEil5MX', WOVKMUNrnjUW NOTED BY?HE BKHM, ' k tt'TiCL .-jy-". .ffcrlMir pou. i-j 'TAtvut iiiLe itt a m3i.c4 'Ww ureuad tJM rf th wUi. m