I "". 'Sow WN WITH THE MOSQUITO! BATTLE Concert Given to'SvCell Fund pests oea view v,iud in Atlantic City Popular for Entertaining Other Resort Doings fiBtJ 1UTAV. AllB pfU)WlNO close upon the heels of I the swat-tne-ny movement in me KutV-r City nd simitar campaigns else- pmrir. Cape lay ,onB rcBarueu ujr mo iasenmer maiden and the callow youth, not mention mo lireu uuaiiiea nun, as k r.rdie but for Its mosquitoes, has In augurated a movement for the suppres- vgUn of the nolsomo ana vicious mue i U, whlcn are usuany anions moo rewnt" at most of the fashionable tunc- i mm. And so toclety has decreed that ey ha" be no moreS a fund hn" been ayeaed for the nioresnia annpnisn, uur- ig the week Just past Mrs. H. Sklpwlth jCannel! conceived the Idea of a concert Fr the benefit or we -cause, ana ni- ikeuih tho time was limited, every one . 1. ...m. n ltt n It,, . frent to worn mm " ' ''FiMsy evening a goodly company of rep feretentatlTe Cape Mayltes assembled In tt ballroom or the New Jlotel, where ?, artistic program was rendered. Mrs. rlbert Hatvcy, who Is spending the sum- riser, here and who was Instrumental In 6 securing' the services 01 several 01 mo Earuels. made a most sympathetic accom- rwinlit IV .Among the artists was Miss Elsie Mor W Brlnton. one of Philadelphia's well- S-fcuewn contraltos miss unnion san 'We TWO Atlgeiliei unu uuitvs .w, Etertfetatlon. Miss Brlnton wore an ex aMte French frock of Georgette crepe 7 taffeta. Altogether It was a night It nights, as Mr. Arthur B. I. Jackson, dear to the hearts of nil music loving rhltadelphlans, came down from the city fr the occasion. Mrs. Cannell's daughter. Huisex D. Davis, Jr., was prevailed .ecn to give several solos. Mrs. Davis fC t.. nrii.M .1nif.l.tv if PnmmnHnrA uATOinj ithowii, .co... - - lj' Clifford Wilton, of tho Cape Mny 'yacht Club, sang sweetly several selcc- ., f.m "KmlnnM nultMHv." Mrs. ' IKffl . -" 71 . II.- i Clarence urown, 01 ucrmnmuwn, rtcuou several times and was enthusiastically 'received. Mr. Dwyer. a noted tenor, came i- fcr hi sharo of the honors. The list kief tatroneescs was as follows: Mrs. H. s. abimritnuanneii. iurn. oumuci j, iuc. -j Mrs. tangdon Lea, Mrs. A. Garcschl i vrrli. llrs. George Vi. Boyd. Mrs. Jones E iWLter. Mrs. James M. E. Hlldreth, Mrs. R'...i,ti.i.l.. TVfp Dnnlpl Ellis. Mrs. K, L. Richards. Mrs I.uther C. Ogden. . nmrM Crozer. Jr.. Mrs. Joshua Ash I' Pearfon, Mrs. Gilbert A. Harvoy, Mrs. tCharies uavis, irs. n. yison mcmhi. Mrs. Harry uuason amim, airs, vvuimin if-i-Weleh. -- TH.Hnkk ntiBHvanll nf .TAnVlntnTVtl. fiiiHlH oiauviic ,w. w.w, w. u.........w .. ... 'A& summer at the Stockton Villa. : At the concert and dance given at the iTaoht Club for the benefit of St. Luke's jHeepltal, ToKlo, a dancing coniesi ioj 'lewed, with Mr. Andrew Wheeler, Jr., as mutter of ceremonies. U'ne compemion J'jtas close but Anally, after much debat pWg'on the part of the Judges, tho silver 4 ew, which by the way, was donated by f-.Mri. .Holllnshead Taylor, was given to i'Mles Selby Zell and her partner, Mr. Ckttlcs Davis. The judges Included . Mrs. Holllnehead N. Taylor, Miss Ethel emit, Mr. Harold Moon, Miss Susan Others noticed dancing were Miss Elca jior Hepklns, Mr, ami Mrs. E. Sydenham nKA .1,1.. T7.tt.Ml OIaIiIb iirhn Innlall A .Jt'ipa In a white lace frock and cherry jSeeter satlq sash; Mtsa Dorothy Dlnsmorc, wno wore a snort ijiacK rrocK wnicn was t becoming: Miss Harriet Zell, Miss lice McCabe, Miss Catherine Cassard, llss Dorothy Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. ompaon, Miss Sophie White, Mr. Wll- m Chun, Miss Itebecca White, Misses BOnsall, Miss Leila Ingram, Miss Elolee Orme, Miss Pansy Scott. Professor Newman and Mrs. Newman, f West Chester, are here for a stay of several weeks. Professor Newman Is 'dean of the State Normal School. Dr. William B. Jennlncs and his two ; daughters. Miss Judith and Miss Mar- Btha, Jennings, of Germantown, are regis- jierea at the unalfonte. - - '.ATLANTIC CITY, Aug, 23,-Seashore i society seems to be centring around the vjxaview country Club, of Absecon. wnicn slend Itself so well to elaborate enter taining. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin T. Rcllcr. of Over- brook, who are spending the summer at their cottage, 3200 Pacific avenue. Chel- He, gave a dinner dance At the Seavlew k Club Friday r.lght. In celebration of their .jw wedding anniversary, covers were kuw for W. The place-cards were aym helical of a silver anniversary, and the ifavors were silver rosebud holders. f,Mrs. Walther E. Rnthe. of 108 Iowa avenue, South Chelsea, entortained at luncheon and bridge at the Eeavlew Club on Friday. IS u.. . . ". j. i. u, nenaerson, wno owns ono f the handsomest homes In Chelsea, gave : a small luncheon Saturday at the Sea 'vlew club. Mr. JORpnh nilflUnn nf Phlln r1lnllln. , fce issued cards for a luncheon and Wdgs at Seavlew today. Mr. knit Mr. Tni.nl. A Vlnn.n) nt 107 f Kew Hampshire avenue south, have is- HSIwd lnvltaMnni. tnv a Annr.Antrm at ih sfT'w Thursday evening. Covers will .-vmki ior w. A lerae dlnni.rf1iin( tnr ihA tTii,mbi.rfl be given at the Seaylew Club next t"y night, A danr wm f.i , Um Aiianiin rifv Tacht Club on Friday night. Commodore rs. Allen K. White and Mr. and rrs. B, Bartlne Johnston received. WlLDWOOD. Aiib M Th Wlh an. Jfry of the home-coming of the 61st L5',nit. Pennsylvania Volunteers of the rwi-u war win be celebrated at Wlld- ' - -- U . .. ---. .. t . , jl r" v" VHniper 11 ana a. ine regi- Wered In Philadelphia, Harrlsburg, . Mwlaburs1. Mlfrilnhurr Anil rVintral Penn- -- ...a .UI1IWU &UI1A UUIUUBUtG, fjvanla. The veterans will be accom- ""ed by their wives. Mr.Davja W, Miller, of Baltimore. Md., t this resort for a short stay. r, Lloyd Moor' of Bordentown. was SWft last week of his brother, J fctrastftlln Moore. Blmer BtrauD. son Mr. Harry " and daughter Miss Elma StraUD. pending tho .month of August with cumiy at First and Central ave- )& "WaHw Olbun. of Phllndrlnhla. la 'tog a couDle of weeks with his .. aVmator and Mrs. H C. 101. at 14 ud nnr.1 OV.T1I1AK. , -r- . .v..K. r1v. tfcjTJ'i? Mr " Moras and daughter, S.Wln Morse, of Camden, N. J., are i uocior cruuenv cottage, on Ut awnu Ekfti'.?' n'fht'wM get-together night JfJ HoUy Beach Yacht Club, when a y wM given for the members ana Dlgllt VIII ki rAlettratoJ. MMrs. J. FitWan Tatem have re- rupn Arwwf, Me., wner iney n cainniBa-.v and will coniDlate xtmmer at Wlkatvood. MC. Jolm tl.lln. 4-i..m.....m n. ....- gpenled by his family and Mr. fk t Bverlr, are spending J"0k. JJowara Carrpy w noted CRY IN CAPE MAY for the Suppression of the vreclZ th nard,V,,,k pwmenaders 't T,?!ir" ?nA Mr"- Hchnerrlng. of West Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. A. White head, of Norrlstown, Pa.j Mr. William JJ""". Mr. William Leach and Mrs Gilchrist, of Philadelphia, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs, Whitehead at their pretty cottage at Baker and Pa cific nvenues. ,r: h Mr. I- If. Dally are at tho Macdonald Apartments for the week. Society Is Interested In the production on tho Wlldwood Boardwalk Labor Day ing Saturday evening the boardwalk will be beauUfully decorated, and tho spirit i will prevail until tho close of fes tivities on Monday evening. Tho "Night .H . lryland" wl" lnkc tho place of the Night in Japan," which has become old to the vearlv Vlallnra Max, nn.l n.l electrical effects wilt be used. Hotols are requesting prospective bookers to bring their fancy drrss and to prepare for the masked part of tho frolic OCEAN CITY. AuT.-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Ward, of Gormantown, are oc cupying their npnrtments. Dr. William T. Hcnson and Mrs. Hen son, of, Philadelphia, are among the visi tors. ( Mr. Alexander Lawrence. Jr., enter tained the Bev. E. n. Decko'r, psstor of GethBcmnne M. E. Church, and 20 mem bers of Mr. Lawrence's Bible Class, of this church, hero a few days ago. Mrs. Walter D. Cross, of Philadelphia, Is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. If. R. Her der, of West Philadelphia, at her summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas It. Fawcott, of Lopan, are guosts of Mrs. Lawrence C. Hickman at her cottage. Mr. William 8. Wolfe, of Philadelphia. Is visiting his son, Mr. Bertram K. Wolfo. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Fields, of Wayno, are among the visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greenwood, of Frankford, are here. Mr. and Mrs. John Pemberton. Jr.. have returned to Phltadelnhla nftor n vi.it t Mrs. William Gllmore at her cottage here. Itov. and Mrs. Clarenco W. Blspham, of 4220 Pino street, who nre occupying their cottage at Ocean City, N. J., for the sum mer, have left on-nmotor trip of several days, going to Pt. Pleasant. N. J. Misa Blspham. a daughter of Mr. David Blsp ham, will be tho guest of her nunt and uncle for several days. Many Informal entertainments will be given In her honor during her visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fritz, who are oc cupying their cottage on 4th street, will have as their guest for several weeks Miss Florence Pcard, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Miss Peard will arrive the first or the week from Lake Placid, where Bhe has spent the early part of the summer. Mrs. Emily A. Jones, of 4th and Corln- thlan avenues, has as her guest for sev eral weeks Miss Annie Eberloy, of Phila delphia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank It. Liggett, of Pittsburgh, are the guests for several days of Mr. and Mrs. William Liggett at their cottage at Ocean City, N. J. Along the Main Line ARDMOItE. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter J. Denny, of Glenn and Wistar roads, are visiting at Jamestown, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Walker have re turned from a motor trip to New York. Mr. Thomas Chalfant has returned from a motor trip to West Chester, where he formerly lived. w RYN MAWR-Mr. and Mrs. William George Nelson, Jr., Miss Margaret E. Nelson and Master William George Nel son, 3d, of 160 North Wycombe avenue, Lansdowne, have returned from a two months' stay at Avondale and are now visiting Mrs. NolEon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Barnard, of Morris avenue. After September 1, they will go to Buck Hill Falls for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Burllngame, of 49 Summit Grove avenue and Mr. end Mrs. Everett E. Burllngame, of 105 Petrle ave nue, Itoeemont, left Saturday by motor for Buffalo and Warsaw. ST. DAVIDS. Mrs. Charles If. Howson and family, of St. Davids Road, havo gone to Atlantic City for a few weeks. Miss Katherlne Schultz, of Chamounlx, has gone to Harvey Cedars, N. J., to stay until September. WAYNEI-Mr. and Mrs. A. Lincoln Castlo and family are spending the month of August at Ocean City. Mr. Theodore A, Mehl and daughter. Miss Mary Mehl, have closed their resi dence on Wayne avenue and gone to Cape May for tho balance of the sum mer. STRAFFORD. Mr. and Mrs. R. Emott Hare are taking a motor trip through New England. Their daughter. Miss Katharine Hobart Hare, Is spending a few weeks at Bay Head, N. J. Miss Rebecca Willing-- Newhall has re turned home from Bar Harbor, Me. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McFarland, of 1229 East Chelten avenue, are visitors at Wlldwood, N. J., for several weeks. Miss Pearl Bchwerlner, of 6805 McMahon avenue, has returned from a trip to Maine. Miss Alice Ferry, Miss Mary Crossln, Mrs. James Moser and Mr. Robert Moser, of Hazleton, Pa., who are on a motor tour throughout Pennsylvania and New Jer sey, were the guests of Mrs. K. McGlone, of 115 Chelten ave. Mr. and Mrs. Max N. Aarons and family, ot Apsley street, are at Charle voix, Mich., for the summer. Mrs. Samuel M- cfefnent, Jr., of J532 Wayne, Is spending the month at Upper Woodstock. Mrs. Charlea O. Super, of Harvey street, has returned after spending several months at Wlldwood, N. J. Mrs. James If. Crosalngham. and Miss Marjorle Crpsslngharo. of East Chelten avenue, are at Ocean City, N. J. Mr Walter 0. Longstreth, of U18 Bayn ton avenue, has left for Buck Hills Falls. Dr. nd Mr, George W. Lincoln, of School lane, are at Jit. Pocono for short time. Mrs Harry O, Hammer, of VU Herman street, has returned from Denver. Cot., where she was the guest of her sisters, Mra. Frederick Taylor nd Mrs. Albert Wlbur. Miss Margaret Ogden, of 383 Queen lane, is at Wlldwood, N. J1.' Miss Mary E. Quay, of 64 Germantown avenue, left for ft tour to Niagara Falls and Thousand Island. t Mrs. James McMahon, of 7 Locust avenue, ! spending the balance of the summer at By Head, M!. i 'Mr. and Mr, X'harle Williamson, of Qermantown avenue, ere occupying their cottage at Seaside Height, N. J, KVKNiaO JUEJJliEK JLJHi.LADEkJfHIA, MONDAY, AUOU81' 28, I TH iHnRBil.sHl V alBaiUBSBflHaSXa-naiB-BSBlsBCr B . tf .-SaaHBaVa-B-Bai ifT I $ aaaaaaaaSaaaaaSa!-raBaaaaaaBaaaB C iT BaBaaaBaBaaaBaaBaa! I bmbBKbB sBaBHaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBPlBL -BaBaBaBaH I" I11?Sb1b1b1bbb1bB i' 111 sBBaBKHBaBaBaBaBaBaBR I t 6$$Xl I l VaBaaBaH BaBaBBaBamfjftsBaBaBaBaBM 1 MV, W i BaBaBaH BaBaBaHsBllBaBaBaBaBaBal ' SLmLt AV 1 H aBaBaBaBBaV BsaBaT' - W 111 BaaaaBaaaal BBBBBBBaBHBBBlaBBaBBBBBBBBBv'V JsBaaPOAMk I VaBbBBBBBBbI BaK' CW VAa- v aaaBjBaBBBaBncV "!il 'f ' I it i L BbbbbbbbB. sBFtKajiaBaJlBBaBKAi I H I ... BaBaBVJ K rJFttLi' "PM1 .Vi.BfJSsr i -r I -li i ; SBBBB BBaVTBaUfiNBaf h IsBaBai iBaBaBVPBM faBaBaBBTBaCk1 BaBFBTJ V if M tBaBaBaBaBaBl WtXm Alii H sBaBaBaBaBaBaBaHif'vM M:' I ik bH 9iBKB.B.BB.BHiiv ; rf' i-M A V H?bH b.bHkIS vI JBaaBaBPlr':' fc:jii-ifr t PBaH V MRS. FELIX DE ALIOSE Who before her marriage last Thursday was Miss Mary Do Santo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Do Santo, of 1400 South Paxon street. Along the Reading Miss Edna Vandergrlft, of North Glen side. Is spending somo time at the Dela ware Water Gap. Mr. and Mrs. James Toland, of Jenkln town, cntcrtalncdSu a porch party last week In honor of their niece, Miss Helen Frceland, of Now York. Their guests Included Mr. nnd Mrs. David 11. Megtll, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Faucett. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Lewis, Miss Helen Faucett, Miss Dorothy Lewis. Miss Helen Dutton, Miss Agnes Thomas, MUs Ruth Boswell. Miss Jennie Hugncs, Miss Ger trude Wells, Miss Margaret Miller, Mr. Edward Wells, Mr. Thomas Marttn. Mr. Walter Gardner, Mr. Horace Duncan, Mr. John Flske, Mr. John Clarke. Mr. Wal ter Wcinklcr. Mr. Alfrod Maxwell. Mr. Hugh Wood, Mr. Jack Mullln, Mr. Al bert Kirk and Mr. Ralph Talloy. Mr. and Mrs. Toland will leave September 3 for California. They expect to be gone two month!,. Miss Bentrlco Calverly. of Montgomery avenue: Miss Lillian urooKe ana miss Sarah Brooke, of Enfield, Pa., have re turned from Schwenksvllle, Pa., where they spent part of the summer at the Perklomen Inn. Mr. and Mrs. George Lesher. of Wag ner avenue, Logan, have started on a trip across the continent. They will re turn about November 1. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Subb, formerly of Glenslde, held a house parly last week at their homo In Bayonne. N. J. Their guests were Mr. and Mrc. LInwood Grubb, Mrs. E. Vandergrlft and Mr. H. R. Stuhltrager. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison Frazler. Miss Harriet M. Frazler and Mr. George Harrison Frazler, Jr., of Chelten, Jen klntown. Pa., left last week for a hunt ing trip In Wyoming, expecting to be away about a month. Miss Harriet Frazler has Just returned, from Northeast Harbor, Me., where she has been the guest of friends of several weekB. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, of Wyn cote road. Wyncote, Pa., havo left for Eaglesmere, where they will spend the month of August, roturnlng home about the first week In September, Miss Eleanor Leaf, of Fort Washing ton, Pa., has left for Hanover, Mass., where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Magoun, Jr., at her cottage for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Stevens, of Wyn cote road, Jenklntown, accompanied by their sonB, Edward Stevens and Warren Stevens, who have as their guest for the month of August Charles Kent, of Washington lane, Jenklntown. have left for Canada, whero they will remain until the middle ot September. Mrs. W. B. Woodward, of Wyncote, Pa., and her granddaughter. Miss JulJn Beck, have left for Capo May, N. J., where they will remain for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Palmer. Jr., and family, of Greenwood uvenue, Wyn cote, Pa., have closed their country resi dence and have taken a cottage at Stone Hurboi, N, J., where they will remain till late In September. Mrs, J, Frede'rlck Harper, of Melrose Park, will have her mother, Mrs. John Warner, as her guest for a few days, when Mrs. Warner will go to Atlantic City for the month of September. Mrs. Louis M, Fields, of Chestnut Hill, ac companied by her daughter, Miss Vir ginia Field, will Join Mrs. Warner at Atlantic City, Girard Farms Mr. and Mrs. H. Stanley Holloway, of 2503 South 18th street, have Just returned from a delightful trip through the New England States, where they visited friends in Connecticut, Vermont and Hampshire. . Mr. and Mra. Frank Sutton, with their daughters. Miss Evelyn Sutton and Miss Helen Sutton, end their little son, have closed their residence at 2512 South 19th street, and opened their cottage at Wlldwood, whero they will remain until after Labor Day, Mr and Mrs, John Finn, of 2502 South Colorado street, with their two small children, have Just returned from a de lightful motor trip through the New England States. They were gone three weeks. Delaware County ,Mrs. R. B, Turner, of Swarthmore, Is spending several weeks at Cape May, Mr. and mV. Geerge Eldredge, ot Glen olden, are spending the summer In Atlan tic city- Mr. and Mrs, 11, H Wanamaker, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Spaeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Hlchard Stocker, of prexel Jflll, have left for a week's motor trip through the New England States, Miss Beth Harm), of Rlvervlew avenue, nraxel Hill, left today for a week's stay I at WlWwooJ, N. J. T West Philadelphia Mr. James J. Deever, of 229 South 40th street. Is on a canoo trip to Lafayette, Pa. Miss Josephine Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dtehl and their little daugh ter Edith, of 118 South Ruby street, nnd Miss Gladys Seldlc. 117 South 51th street, havo Just returned from n vacation in Atlantic City. Miss Lillian S. Arcy, of 40th and Spring Garden streets, Is visiting at Wlldwood, N. J Mr. Louis A. Bruner, ot 4042 Spruce street. Is visiting Wlldwood, Capo May, Seaside Park and Beach Haven, N, J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Myers, of the Warrington. S6th and Walnut streets, left Saturday for Nova Scotia and New foundland. Mrs. Myers Is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I. Clinton, ot 10S Seuth 22d street. Miss Mary Darby, of 525 North 66th street. Is visiting relatives In Reading, Pa for a few weeks. Mr. James Callahan and his brother. Mr. Edward Callahan, ot 1314 North E2d street, aro at Atlantic City and will re turn home this week. MIssnMargaret McNaulty, of 1002 North 66th,, street, Is at Atlantic City as the guest of her uncle nnd aunt, Mr. 'and Mrs1. 'T. J. Mcllvalne, of 1211 West Le high avenue, who are spending the month of August at the Strand Hotel. Mr. Harvey J. Aungst, 6001 Chestnut street, has gone on a trip through tho West and then to the Fair. Mr. William S. Tash and family, 5943 Ellsworth street, will sptnd the waning season at Atlantic City. Mr. James J, Lanahan, ot 5137 Thompson street, has gone to Atlantic City where he will remain until after Labor Day. Mr. Edward J, Moran, of 1428 North GOth street, Is spending the latter part of the summer at the Panama-Pacific Ex position where he Is stopping at the Royal Polnclana Hotel. Mrs. Joanna B. Stoneback and her daughter, MrB. Blanche Stoneback, ot the West Locust Apartments, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stoneback at their Ventnor home, 6409 Winchester avenue. Frankford Mr. Horace Castor, of 7315 Rising Sun avenue, has returned from the Panama Exposition, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harper, of Comly street, have also returned from the Ex position, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and family, of Elberon avenue. Fox Chase, are spending two weeks at Holly Beach, N, J. Miss Edna Potberg, of 5319 Eadom street, Is the guest ot Miss Helen Demp Bey at her home In Nantlcoke, Pa, Mr, Harry Norman Barfoot, ot 4481 Frankford avenue, Is spending a short time at Wlldwood, He will return this week. Mrs. MafeoJng J. Harvey, of Penn street, and Miss Anna May Harvey, of Haw thorne street, will spent September at At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lamb, of Holmeaburg, are receiving, congratula tions on the birth of a son, August 3d. Mrs. Lamb will be remembered as Miss Helen Wesley Burnes, daughter of Mr and Mrs. William W. Burnes, of Frank ford. Mrs. Mary E. Lew'ls, of 4600 Frankford avenue, la spending the summer with her daughter. Mra. Bertha Wood, at her home at Bath Beach, The annual outing to be held under the ausplcles of the Huntingdon Yearly Bene ficial Association, will take place at Croydon, Pa., on Sunday, August 29. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jordan, of Tacony. are at Hhawnee-on-the-Delaware. They have entertained a number of house parties during the season and will con tinue to do so until they return, Notice for ths Society pas wlH be aci'tpUd and printed In the Eraatag Ledger, bat all (licit notices tnuit be wrKUa aa sat side at ttte paper, mutt be- signed h tuH, wKli full ad trM, ad ba poU!e lelephoa rnmtwr mh( be glrea. Ss4 all tuctt eommuolahoB to "SoeMr IMHer," fealng Db4m Hum r4a4Ba4 ara parr! aa ba4 vcrHlcalloa May I B0lHil. iw Mile wlH aot be ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs. James W Cooke, ot East Gravet'a lane. Chestnut Hilt, announce the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Jo ephlno J Cooke, to Mr. Clarence Wilson Fliher, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson Fisher, of Brier Hill, Morris rond, Am bler No date has been set for the wed ding Mr. Fisher Is a brother of Miss Rosa mond Fisher, who will be among the de butantes of the coming season, and will be Introduced at a tea to be given by her parents at the Acorn Club on Baturday, December 4. South Philadelphia Miss Marguerite Keenan, ot 1806 South Broad street, wilt entertain at a small dinner dance on Wednesday evening. In honor of her cousins. Miss Maria Demp sey, Miss Madeline Mahoney and Miss Ceclle Mahoney, of Yeadon, Delaware County, Pa., who are her guests ut the present time. Among those ex pected to bo present are Miss Marie Scheurerlo, Miss Gertrude McEvoy, Miss Irene Schmidt, Miss Mary Rath, Miss Florence HofTman, Miss Agnes aionan, Miss Catherine Sheehan, Miss Helen Shee han, Mr. George Thomas, Mr, Charles Becker, Mr, James Keenan, Mr. Francis Loguc, Mr. John Martin, Mr James Wer ner, Mr. Charles Jackson and Mr. Leslie Weygandt. Miss Mary Margaret Wilson and her sis ter. Miss Catherine Wilson, of 1537 South 15th street, have gone to the Pocono Mountains, where they will remain until September. Miss Gertrude Wilson Is spending the week-ends at tho family cottage at Cape May. Miss Helen Bheehsn and Miss Catherine Sheehan. ot 2014 South 13th street, have as their guests at the present time Miss Mary Ryder, of Jersey City, who Is in Philadelphia for an Indefinite visit. Many delightful entertainments have been planned In her honor. The marriage ot Miss Ryder to Mr. Daniel J. Sheehan, a brother ot the Misses Shehan, will take place early In tho fall. Mr. Sheehan Is well known In South Philadelphia, being a popular member of the "Bachelor Club." Mr. Robert Truman, of South 16th street, will spend his vacation at Pit man, N. J. Mr. Fred Kline and family, of 15th nnd Wolf streets, have returned home after six weeks' visit to Longport, N. J. Mr. John F. Scanlan, 2328 Reed street, was a week-end visitor to Atlantic City, N. J. Dr. A. Edward Heath, of 315 Tnskor street, accompanied by Mr. James G. Rlchtcr, Is taking a trip to the Ber muda Islands. They will be away three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oltcns. of 1841 Snyder avenue, have Just returned from Atlantic City. Mr. Edward Crouse, of 2140 South Gar net street, motored to Atlantic City last week with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hopkins, of Snyder aenue and Dorrance street. Mr. Frank Chambers, 1528 Snyder ave nue, Is the guest of his niece at Sag Har bor, L. I. Mr. Joseph Cook, 1742 Passyunk avenue. spent his vacation at Island Heights, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John W. O'Brien. Mrs. Elizabeth Hendon. Master John and Mas ter Joseph Hendon are spending two weeks at Atlantic City, N. J. Roxborough Mrs. Harry Brlce and Miss Fanny and Miss Gladys Brlce, Sumac street, have returned from an extended visit to Mary land. Miss Martha A. Zcnther. kindergarten teacher at the Bethany Lutheran Church, has returned fra, vsjt tdWtnVrsville. r- ilrf!i7-r ri) &i, A handsomeJ blue, pennant has been donated by ;S.ta,te Representative Joseph C. WobensinUh and Cpuncllmen Mack leer. Dorwart anh Thompson--to. be. pre sented to the champion local ball team. Mrs. J. P. Smith, of Blnghamton, N. Y Is the guest of her father, C. A. Ru dolph, of West Manayunk. Mrs. Ellwood Jones Is entertaining Mrs. Annie E. Jones, of Germantown, and Mrs. James Wallace, of Green lane, at her summer home at Cape May Point, Miss Grace Fee and her sister. Miss Edith Fee, of 4312 Manayunk avenue, are spending the month at Lake George. The betrothal ot Miss Ethel Adele Rlghter, ot Harmon road, to Mr. Clar ence T. Westerman has been announced. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F, Kerkeslager and daughter. Miss Elizabeth, of Box borough avenue, are visiting Atlantic City. Miss Nellie Cunnle, of Levering street. Is the guest ot Mrs. William Welser, of Lafayette Hill. Dr. Joseph F. Schlorterer, of Green lane. Is attending the convention of the Foresters of America, which convenes in San Francisco, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Martyn, of 533 East Walnut lane, have returned from a fortnight's visit to Boston, Mass. Mrs. J. Thompson Ltttlewood. of Wis sahlckon, and her sisters. Miss Jessie Wallace and Mra. William McConnell, have returned from an extended tour of the Thousand Islands and Canada, Miss Ethel Lush, of Green lane, Is sum mering In New London, Conn. The Rev. and Mrs, Robert Hetherlng ton, of Green lape, will pass the remain der of the summer In an automobile trip through New Jersey. Lansdowne Sir. and Mrs. Guy E. Williams, of North Owen avenue, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a daugh ter. . Miss Margaret Hannum has returned from a week's stay at Ocean City. Mrs, Charles Wilcox, of 38 North Lans downe avenue. Is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Edward Kent, of Maryland. Mrs. Henry Adams, of the Devonshire, Is spending August In the Pocono mount ains. Mr. John H. Benner, Jr., Mr. J. Klrby Walters and Mr. Robert P Garrett re turned last week from, a week end trip, in WlMwnnA. ' Mrs. Michael Mellon, of Drexel avenue, Is entertaining her son and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Qeorge Mallon for several days. Wilmington Miss, Isabella B, Wales has gone to Castlne, Me., where she will spend the month of August, Dr. J, Harvey Sprusnce will return from Wlldwood, N. J., this week, where he has been spending the last few weeks with his family. Mrs. Spruance and Miss Marlon Spruance will not return home until September. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brlnghurst left yaeterAay for Los Anceles, Cal.. via Chi caa and the Grand Canyon, Mr, Jrlm hurst will I (present Delaware at the Xrotherhood of St Andrew, which meets In Log Angeles August to U. XBIu. LATE SUMMfiRNWEDDINd6 ' A . Miss Anna Branton Becomes Bride of Mr, "VYiUiiMta J. WheatleyInteresting Wedding Took Place in Virginia AN. INTERESTING wedding took place at Our Mother of Borrows Church. 48th street and Lancaster avenue, this morning at 9 o'clock, when Miss Anna Branton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen B. Branton, ot 4JS7 Leldy avenue, 'and Mr, William J. Wheatley, of Lawrence, Mass., professor of English at St Jo seph's College, 18th and Stllea streets, were married at a Nuptial Mass. The cere mony was performed by the Rt. Rer. Bishop McCort, assisted by the bride's brothers, the Rev. Richard Branton, of Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 83d street and Westminster avenue, and the Rev, Charles B. Branton, O. 8. A., of Lanslngburg, N. Y, The bride wore a gown of exquisite white satin. The bridesmaid was Miss Irene Reagan, ot Washington, D. C, the cousin of the bride, and the best man was Mr. John Oalllgan. of this city. A reception at the home of tho bride followed the ceremony, Tioga Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Emory Frlcke and their daughter. Miss Charlotte Frlcke, ot 2225 West Tioga street, who have been spending a month at the Marlborough Blenheim In Atlantic City, have gone to their country homo In Ambler for the re mainder ot the season. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Burkholder will leave today for a three weeks' trip to Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and In dianapolis. They will receive after Oc tober 1 at their new homo, 4551 North ICth street, Mrs. Burkholder, who was a Juno bride, will be remembered as Miss Sola Emily Burkhardt, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burkhardt, of North 20th Btreet Mr. Harry T. Rotenbury. of 1331 Tike street, has gone to Dingman's Ferry, Pa., for the remainder of the month. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Strauss, of 1307 West Erie avenue, arc parsing August at Wlldwood. Miss Bertha Dryfoos, of 1233 West Al legheny avenue. Is Spending a month In the Catsklll Mountains. , Mrs. Grant Shields, of 3410, North 23d street, and her guest. Miss Mary E. Cos sart, of Chnflln University, S. C, left on Saturday for Ocean Grove, where they will remain until autumn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watts, of Dover. N. J., are the guests of relatives of North 15th street The Rev. and Mrs. George'Gaui. of 1801 West Tioga street, are visiting their son and daughter-in-law In' Reading. The following from Tioga returned early In the week from a ten-days' visit at tho Perklomen Inn at SchwcnksvU'e, Pa.: Mis i Vera Wetzel, Miss Edith M. Lower. Miss Achsah Yates, Miss Vera Westcoat, Miss Marguerite Wilson, Miss Emily Winkler. Miss May Taylor, Miss Katharine Wltte, Miss Llda Yerkes, Miss Dordthy Wardle and Miss Florence Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lukens, of 3415 North 13th street, have returned from New York nnd New London, Conn., whero they passed the early summer, and are entertaining Mrs. Lukens' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Horace N. Franck, of New York. Miss Martha S, Kerr, of 3322 North 17th street, and Miss Elizabeth M. Calhoun, of 3805 North 9th street, are passing the pres ent month at Southwest Harbor, Me. Miss Lena, Miss Emma and Miss Elsa Loewenthal, ot 3622 North Matvlno street, and Miss Henrietta Sheets have gone to Chelsea for the remainder ot the season. Companion Nurses trained in our two large hospitals in connection with our School of Medicine. Special courses also prepare graduates for teaching and for executive positions. Ask for Catalog T-tf. '('bone Diamond 8SI. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY 1 Uroad St. below Berk I ' Philadelphia. STRAYER'S BusinessCollege Is a real Bualnea School. In addition to Shorthand, Typewrit ing, Uookkeeplns and th other Lranche usually taut Ut In busi ness schools, we also teach Sales, manshlp. Standardised English, Accountancy, Advertising-. Short. hand Reporting; and Real Katat and Conveyancing, About which course shall w send you panic- ilaraT &ei-&07CheilaatSt, Palls. Central Edicafiiiil Iistitite Dau and BvealMp I'rejxJratory and Butinut, Th Community has conndenc In Central' Educational Syatenv You should know about lt unique ttork. 2000 Student last year. Bend (or Illustrated Catalog A. Central Y. at. C, A.. Mil Arch t Phil. The Phillips Brooks School Bot school, owoslt CUrk Cark. AtblMU aeid adjoining bldg. Lars uHulpedrr. iVard (.IMM. JtatHww ave. Palme Bwsinass Sekol Shorthand, Tyiwrltln, Bookkeeping, English, day and p.lgbt seaato). Send lor oat a log, jTercaotU Library IMatT., 10th above ,Caut. University of Pwwylvaniet KVKNIM4 COUMUb WaartM K.ai 01 FMaae 4 Ci PALMS BUSINESS COLLKGf Mirlu usars al IX aaa Casalauf tria SustaMS, aaanaana ana fscmanai 'iralyJil .' ffifftS ATTRACT STAV-AtOMES' and after this the bride ana departed on their wedding trip). Mtm their return Mr. and Mrs. Why will occupy their new home at 1717 NertH ih street. Mr. George Bchultx, of 8-hamkh State Senator from Northumberland County, and Miss Beulah Kenchelo, of Manaaaas, Va,, were married at the hom of t h bride last Wednesday. The brlae and bridegroom are guests ot the latter sister, Mrs. Walter Ooettman, of 4857 Main street, Manayunk. They will be at home In Shamokln after October 4. DE ALIOSE-DB SANTO. Tho wedding ot Miss Mary De Santo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Ban to, of 1400 South Paxon street, and Mr. Felix De Alloso took place last Thuraaay In St. Francis De Sales Church, 47th street and Springfield avenue, the Rer. Father Thomas J, Hanney officiating; A small reception followed at the home of the bride, after which the young cua1e left for their wedding trip, which la be ing spent In WIMwood. Camden and Vicinity Miss Mary Twelves and Mrs. Rtshard Twelves, of 1624 Cooper street, are fei4 Ing August at Wlldwood, as usual. Mr and, Mrs. A. E. Lyon, who were re- i cently married In this city, wllj reatae at Madison, Wit., where Mr. Lyon, was a teacher In the university, Mra. Lyon -1 was Miss Elizabeth Langendorf, for metly of 6th and Linden streets. Mr. George Wenthlng and daughter. Miss Mabel Wenthlng, of North M street, are enjoying their annual holiday at Ocean Grove. Mra. O. Wilbur Taylor, of 58 Linden street, who Is at Haddon Hall, enter talned friends at a luncheon, followed by bridge last week. Mra. Jatnea 04e.ee, of Overbrook, motored down to the severe for the occasion. Mrs. Samuel T. Corliss Is spending several weeks In the Pocono Mountains. Miss Nancy Coffin Is visiting Mrs. Charles Hogan at her cottage at AibUry Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Sterrtt and fam ily, of Haddonfleld. N. J., who have been spending the early summer at Ocean City, N. J., have left for Maine, where they will occupy their camp near Klnee. What's Doing Tonight Fa!rmomt fsrk Band, George's, Hlllz 8 o'clock. Free. Municipal lUniT, ntyfaurn Park, 2SM XR4 Lehtch avenue; R o'clock. Free. Philadelphia Band, City Hall ptaaa 8 o'clock. Free. , Daughters of St. Qeora convention, osfltng, rweptlon. Windsor Hotel) 8 o'clock. Pnisyunk Avenue Business Men, tranatt meeting. Moore itrcet and Pauyunk avenue; 8 o'clock. SurfrnKe nias3-meetlnr. 23S South 2d street; 8 o'clock. Councils' Liberty Pell pecll committee rreetlrg. city Halls 8uK o'clock. . f Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FRANCHISE SOCIETI Noon Meeting at Philadelphia. Electric Com pany, snth and Chrlttlan streets. Speaker. MlM Bertha Sapovtts. and Westmoreland streets. Speaker, Miss AnnavSW uccue. 8:30" p. m. Meeting at Germantown and L hlsh avenues. Speaker, Miss Anna McCue. 8:30 p. m. -Open-air meeting- at OM and C-atnut itreeta. Speaker, Mls Bertha. Saae- V""' WOMAN SUFFRAGE PAltTT Noonday meeting at factory of A. Meckr. 17th street and Allegheny avenue. Speaker. Mies Katelle Itusacl. Evening street .readtnr at 2SS South 2i street, speakers. Miss Eitelle Ruestl and Mlsa Ensard. 8:30 p. ir. Meeting at 12th Btreet and Fa- junk aenue. Speaker. Miss Mackln. a9aaaa9gjatsV j Established 1SW iPEIRCEi! I SCHOOL I America'sFeremest Business Schsel f The New Peirce School Buildine at 1420 Pine Street is a monument to .fifty years of success in preparing younR men and women for busi ness positions of high responsibility. FALL TERM WILL M OPENED IN NEW BUILDOTA Pine St. west of Brotd B sBa-tfiaattaal sCsafisfiaftsA-btfi-akA-B &&& BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE rblUdelolila's Beat and Lm NIGHT SCHOOL Bam teacher a during the day, and earn subjects taught, assures the tutur of th conscientious student. Positions 1'e.Ulvely OiiswrnUsd Telephone 1 Lombard l-t-lls)T I.AFAYETTK BUIUHMs Stb and Chestnut BUsst After Ottobet J. Pwm Mutml MU, FRIENDS' CENTRAL And It Elementary aMsi, as ea NINTH Ma (nr) Sts ISth and Has at. . ..... Sith 8U and Lnc.atr Ay. --v--,- - 17th St. and Oi read Aw. , Green St. abov Sk4 La. armatra Principals ta, attend- act- Mlath l W. B. aURRaWT, Mfc sst Ms. Weat , I CenntMri I hh4 I sqjSS BsM(M BaMMmMl VMt WflaB BsMlta mamik rase. 'eyanmrmjitSM CTh.sin.anr sMsM. sat HUH ,, , , asm ,1 itiiiniii.fi i ""'WH ' ' '" ' ' ' "' '" "B1, -, lsaaM m UUU WmrttmTm