otj MEIGS ARRAIGNS TRADERS FOR NOT SUPPORTING PORT Hojs of Making It One of Gmtest in Vain if Ship ping Goes Elsewhere - ADVANTAGES ARE KNOWN Ch amber of Commerce Will Work for Co-operntion of City arid State Merchants and manufacturers of renn svlvanla and Philadelphia mutt be routed to the necettlty of Importing apd Jiportlntf their uouda through their "home" port If they are not oil hopea of maklnB this ono of the ureateat port 111 the world will be vain, and all of the rait Improvement! under way and on tamhiatod will Vie for naucht, according to Director Melgt, of the Department of WharVet, Ddcks and Kerrlee. . Director Melgt expressed theae tentl mentt In a letter he sent today to Ed ward S Mc8eeney, chairman of the Port Director of Uoaton, In anawr to the latter's reoueot for the "areateat lm mdlato problem" confrontlnit the port authorities of thli city. Mr Meigs also sounded a clarion call for the various trades to begin an active campaign to obtain freight to bo shipped through Philadelphia. Mora freight, ho contended, mean more ships and better and faster service. He severely arraigned business men who verbally sounded the praises of the port and city and then hipped out of New York. The letter was submitted to the Cham bar of Pommaren for Its nonrovnl. and N. H. ttrlley, speaking for the Executive Committee of that body, said that unjust railroad discrimination and fear of bis corporations restrained new ltnea and drove other lines out. He pledged the support of the Chamber of Commerce to aid In any movement that would assist the port. MUST PUT FAITH IN PORT After showing the ph) steal needs of th" ports and pratsing the support given the authorities In the Improvements, Di rector Mclga wrote! "The one greatest problem before us. however, Is to make our own cltliens, bath of the City of Philadelphia and the Btate of Pennsylvania, realize theso ad vantages nnd to persuade them to put their faith In the port and transact their maritime business through It. There It a constantly and automatically growing maritime commerce coming to our shores which Is bound to continue to Increase enormously every yearexcept durlntr such periods of unparalleled commercial disturbance as we are now passing through the administrative agents of which freight movement must nnd physi cal accommodations for handling the same. On the principle of the old saw, that 'nothing succeeds like success' most of this growth In the marine freight movement gravitates automatically to New York, Instead of to other Atlantic const ports where considered with ref erence td Its origin or Its destination In the back country It might more properly belong. TERMINAL C09T8 LESS HERE. "Much of this freight Is subject to con siderably larger terminal costs In New York than It would be here, but this af fects mainly the transportation com panies rather than the shippers, ns the combined ocean and rail freight rates nre tho same to most European uorM "either through this city or through New York. The service from New York Is now to in contestably better In respect to both speed of passage of steamers, and fre quency of sailings, for which reason ft verv Inra. percentage of our own merchants prefer to ship exclusively through that city. At a tjptcnl example, one of tho largest department stores In Philadelphia, and one of the greatest manufacturing plants In: tho city, the heads of both of which aro Phllodclphlans by birth, train ing, and business connections, full of local patriotism and verbal enthusiasm, neither of them handle many pounds of their enormous Import and export business through their own home port; New York Is too convenient "The New York habit Is very strong In the minds of both shippers and trans portation companies, and Its prestige as the World's greatest seaport Is Ruth that tremendous quantities of freight are routed via New York for no better reason than that New Tork occurs drat In mind whn ocean shipments are under con sideration. It seems reasonable to bcllev that the octan transportation companies would not needlcstly subject themselves to the large operatlngexpenses Incidental to the maintenance of New York ter minals over those that they might cetab llsh at Philadelphia, provided they could obtain the same amount of freight here that Is offered In New York. THIS 18 LOGICAL POnT. "Philadelphia Is the logical ocean outlot for a very large producing and consuming territory, and if the goods produced or consumed In this territory -were handled over, Philadelphia's wharves its foreign commerce would be doubled. Our most immediate problem la to persuade pro ducrt and consumers In thlt ttrritory to use their natural homo port, and to see to It personally that thrtr goods are shipped through Jt. It Is not to be expected Vhst any appeal to their feelings of locsl patriotism In this connection would have any effect If the Rlvlnjr way to such a sentiment would affect thejr pocketbooks. Corporations are proverbially toullcss. in business matter the Indlvjdual It equally jo. and It would be to6 much to ask of them to actually risk the sacrifice of cus lorners and dividends by patronlting poor ateamthlp service for the benenl of the fero upoulldlrir of the port, but Phlla delphla's steamship service It not poor "tr PWr urging these shippers should b. willing to agree to book all ordinary freight, for which extreme ex" pedltlon of movement, such at can only bo had through express-ship service, u not a primary desideratum, by their noma Port. -j?''u.vl(t0p.UI, emPWn through Phil adtlphla's newly reorganised Chamber of commerce and other commercial organl aatlcns, Jt Is hoped to be able to make a personal appeal for port support to every manufacturer and large or small shipper In Pennsylvania and adjacent States who an b reached. This should result In tfce prompt Increase of freight offered to II ims which now have servlCt through thla, port, and, naturally, when this In. f1"?!? ! ,JrB ou U " followed by the placing of more ships in service In the preterit established Hnet and the Inl tlatioa of new llaa at soon the growth of bu nest wotjic make competition jrafltable. ' "OK SVE OP KXPAN8IO-K." ut aVrmly believe that If a modicum of aomatOTlal lntMge u kve44 to k conseleHtloU campaign of this ktad Phil 4dtphU I on tht eve f a tremrnaous eMaeH of tta Maritime oaMmetes. And ttts is our moat preotm:, KeUew, to "!?n...V, the mirldui )(! ju. r. tpftMWlUty lit th uptMtlldlnf f tk yrt.'' in HUr to Mr, Metes' rteMtt tt the c'hanr of Comnvarce htfl4 be rMerut m r l th iiipal)i I v Kikgotied, N. H, Kiy,sid: r J heartUy approve of what you have oui4 to Mr, B4w4 MeSw4iy, ekalrw '. hh trftr r tlM port of JkMtaa, vv Lit we n4 t PUUMphl la atm mv . viu to o dmuik Prv aa Mti mi tr i jut rrtt, Ml whit wt need i i ur ail it that bM Philadelphia ihsr- i ta ill uvtaf I bmcsj a(fanuitil lintt THE WAX ONE YEAR AGO HmwhiH enter tlnmblnnen and I-yck, In Katt 1-rhoUi AtKtrUn take l If chow, KiiMtan Poland. German raratry erople Vmfl, the Belgian army withdrawing to Antwerp. Huaalans defeat Aosttlan array at Kraanlk, ftonth I'otand. lYenen reeermiy luelhtien, Alsace, after im lighting, and take luh wilier. In the Voge- China Inqnlrra what the American at titude would be toward the rrlnn by Herman? sf Klao-fhau to the t'nlted Mates for Immediate return thrrraftrr to China. Kdlurr nrdtr resistance to Japan at Klan-rhau. British stmratlilp HMllllna raptured by tltrman errilter I)rrrin, as may be Inaugurated, even though the service Is not equal to that of New York, so that said service can be built up and extended. CORPORATIONS KILL SERVICE. "Philadelphia, of course, Is seriously handicapped because of tho fact that thole are many ports that cannot be reached di rect by steamer from Philadelphia. An rect by steamer from Philadelphia, Ail other factor which prrienf the bulldtna no of tteamthtp line from the port or Philadelphia If that at toon as vox pet tome firm or corporation Interettcd In flr titabUthmcnt of a line, the larger cor' potations, Killing from .Veto York, with railroad atnilatloni, do everything pot slble to kill the tcrvlce from the pott, either by reducing tatet or piidlnp on more afeameri "A rood Illustration of tho conditions cxUtlng In Philadelphia might be gath ered from the withdrawal of tho Amcr-Ican-Hnnallnn Steamship Line. This llns has been carr)lng cargo to Philadelphia from Ha,n Francisco, thence going to New York to discharge the balance of It" cargo. Iiccauae of the fact that they have lost one steamer out of a fleet of some JS or 30, they ndvlse us that they werj compelled to discontinue the service to Philadelphia, et continue n service to Charleston and Norfolk both ports being far inferior to Philadelphia from a cargo Standpoint, either east or west bound Norfolk takes a lower Clffcrcnt'til than Phlladelnhla. which therefore would per haps Induce business through thnt port, but on local tonnage between the two porta there would be practically nothing, while between Philadelphia and San Fran cisco there is an Immense tonnage. "There nro a number of other reasons that I could quote that would perhaps tire you In so doing. I therefore shall close by saving that the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce has been, and will continue to do, everything possible to se cure the co-operation of business through the city and State to patronize steamcri sailing from the port of Philadelphia, as well as taking up any discriminations that may exist on the part of the rail roads In making rates through the port of Philadelphia in competition with any other seaboard city on tho Attantla coast." THIRD INFANTRY WINS . ANOTHER RIFLE TROPHY Philadelphia Team Captures Potter Match With Score of 916 STATE RiriE RANGE, Mt. Gretna, Pa., Aug. 20 Shooting In tho same form which yesterday landed them winners in the Bowman nnd Krrshman matches, the 3d Infuntry Uam this moinlng won Its third victory of the Junior competitions by capturing the Potter match bj a margin of 8 points As In the Bowman match )esterday, the Philadelphia rlllemcn came from behind as the result of R poor start in the 300 jnrds stage of the Potter match this j morning arm, taxing tne leau in me sec ond stage! continued to hold it to the oinl although both the 16th and 10th Inlshrl (trong. In winning the Potter match toda )? Third has captured three of the four team trophies to be shot for by the Junior teams The Junior Individual State chani plonshop match began this afternoon and will be concluded tomorrow morning. The scores in the Potter match follow rhlrd 010 Thirteenth Ma Sixteenth mis HtconJ m;ii Tenth 000 Hllth MS eighteenth lUt Ulthth . . . null Ninth Mm Pnttneert wa) 'ourteenth 1N Flrt Cavaln. . i fourth S'JO Separate Ilatttllon ?IS Pint HTU Largest Shipment of Poultry LANCASTER, Pn., Aug 20 The largest shipment of fine poultry ever made from the TJnltrd States left here laut hlght for the Cuban Agricultural Experiment Station at Havana. It was bred from tho famous Tom Barron strain by the Penn sylvania Poultry Farms. The consign ment Is worth several thousand dollars THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jor. tey: Increasing cloudiness followed by rain late tonight or on Saturday; north to northeast winds Increatlng by Satur day, Partly cloudy weather prevail thromri.. out the northeattern portion of tho coun try and the tomperaturea aro beginning to rlso slowly. Clear skies are generally reported over eastern Canada. The south western storm Is moving into the lower Ohio valley this morning with no de create In energy during the last 24 hourB. It Is central over Cairo, III., with a bare metrlo pressure of 25 42-Inches, Heavy showers have accompanied It and the rain area has spread at far northeast as Cincinnati. U. S. Weather Bureau Dullctin Obiertttlom taken at g a. m. Eastern time law . . latt nam. Vtlac- Btnllon. a m, n't. fall Wind Ity Weather abiitne, T, ,. ni W .01 NW 4 Claar Mlantlo City . , Hiamarck. N, I) IHI N i: IE! IK! (It - Cloudy .Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy iSrUd' Clcudy ftoaton. Mm vv w GK N H NW VV KK MW w HW1 mv N B NW K K VV N VV N NE llulTulo, M y ?hlrro, 111 DleveUni O, Denver, Col., fea Moines ta Detroit, lllch IhJluth, Minn . Harrltburg l'a Hatteras, tt C Helens, Mont Huron. B. D in (1 r,i ivi 114 fJt M fa 04 W at m IIO AS T4 ua 00 Ml (I ClbUdv 10 Clear 4 Cloudy Cloudy t.3 20 near Clear f Cloudy llsln lain I'.CIoudy Clear Jacksonville. Kla M Til toulevllla. Kr . C! 1 U Mt. l6cona it no 4H J 14 llemphle Ton. 7p TO Vew Orleans, La NO tH New York, ,. , im 01 N. Platte, Ntb, uo is v Cloudy (Ml 10 C ear Kianorna. uma PhlUdelpbla Phoenix. Arls... I'lttsbunh, pa . I'oniind" is , Portland, Or U4 Ik, 8 (14 TH TQ . 01 M li( GH j. on ua r oo luo ta ui .. 4 C uitdy 8 Clear 4 Clear 4 Ceir 4 Clear H Clear it Kaln 4 Clear 4 Clear Cloudy 4 Clear' jutiJec van,,,. 3L Lou-Is. MO. SI 1-,,I llln. tw on B HW W NW HK Calm it Iake. Utah. UI ( isn tTsnclsco... C4 AV , Scranton, l'a , , M M l-amtMl W IJ Wasfilnglon 4 ui Wlnnlps ., ,11 N . Claar n 4 Cltar KKt.MlOt'g XOTICB8 HOW ABOUT YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL? Tour soul wht I it condition? Mas U lot it Mreafth and Vltnrr Are tu earlmr for Tt T An al ot vfi.ll4t lu Men' liula Father T, J. Brn'-ir. n. J- can U consulted at th ANKkiarr, Overhrook. during the. Lay. MwlauMlkc IS4 aaid Oyataaudaw petrll. avad at nm tm Wktot, rr JtitiiS JOIHt i, sTHMnaeat, pvrbr4 fa. EVteNING LBDGisR-PHILADBItPHIA. FBIDAY, AUGUST GERMAN GAINS IN 15 DAYS Ml I I galli)1 V ,' ' ' w" wSS fill fv W , I G m 1 VCrV ItL ,4 ,' ?!,). . -. Mil s. ficrrv& oj? J0ll&..tLt' , ' fTrV ZsPJA -. . fciWiYre JfjT TWuoKtNiKt " Jf")-.. 4S-. -.,,v jn, - I 1 ..ii.i,f?, y..MMWi ,w 22 Since AuRUst 5, when Warsaw fell, tho advancing Teutons have straightened out their front, which was bent back by the holdlnj? out of Novo Georgiovsk, as Illustrated by tho heavy black lino, and have cut into the new Russian line of defense, indicated by the dotted line. Tho foitress of Brest Litovsk is in imminent danger; Kovno has been taken, and threatening drives are in progress toward Grodno, Vilna and Riga. ALLA VIGHIA DELLA GUERRATRAL' ITALIA EL'IMPEROOTTOMANO Cinque Corpi d'Armata in Pug- lia ed Una Squadra a Taran- to, Pronti a Partire per la Turchia LA GUERRA IMMINENTE Continuano le Operazioni Offensive del Generate Cadorna Contro Gorizia e Tolmino UO.MA. 20 Agosto. Contlnua e piogredlsce II movlmento dl avanzata delle truppo ltallane verso lagjrtczio,! fGorlzla o dl Tolmino, che dlfendono la forto llnea dell'Isonzo, mentre gll avlatorl austrlacl ccrcano dl splegare una maggloro altlvlta', senza peiV rlusclre nel loro scopo pcrclie' lo lorp azlone o' nufflclcntemcnte noutrallz zata dalle artlgllcrlo Itallano. Hcco II tosto del rapporto del generate Cadorna come osso fu pubbllcato lell sera dal Mlnlstero ilellt fiuena. "Nel settore dl Tonale (Tlrolo occl dentate) la noatr.i artigllerla hu giuve inente dannegglato II . nustrluco cho domlna le alturo lt I'ozzl Ou qucate alture II nemtco e" stato costretto dalla nostra artigllerla ad abbandonare tutte le operazioni che l aveva lntrapreso. "Nella vallata del Cordcvole lo batterle ncmlchc, dopo averc Inutllmonto tentato dl elogglaro lo nostre truppe dullo posl zlonl cho esso occupano, bombardarono II vlllagglo dl Pltvo ll Livlnallongo, pro vocandovl un vlolento lii(.endlo. "Nella vallata del Illenz nol abblamo fatto tonslderevoll progressl, conquls tando una ridotta sul Monto Pater ed alcune trlnceo nemlcha nello vlclnanze dl Drclzlnnenhuette, dove abblamo fatto pure alcunl prlglonleri. "Nel settore dl Tolmino nol rerplngem mo II 18 agosto un contrattneco del nemlco. BuU'altoplano del Carso le nostre truppe hanno progredlto ed hanno prcso al nemlco prlglonleri e mltraglla trlcl. "II nemlco si mostra attlvlsslmo con 1 suol neroplanl, ma I nostrl avlatorl, ap pogglatl efllcacemcnto dall'artlgllerla, frustrnno nuestl suol sforzl." Mentro II generate Cadorna cerca dl venire ad una conclustone per quanto rlsuarda la lotta sul flume Isonzo, In qtieatl clt coll bene informatl si rltieno essere immlnento e certa la parteclpn zlone dell'Italla alia campagna contro la Turchfa. Questa oplnlone o" confcrmitta del resto dal fatto che sono In oorso preparatlvl che non nossono che cssero dlretti contro la Turchia. SI sa Infatti che nello Puglle si trovano, pronti a prcn dero Imbnrco ben cinque corpl dl nrmata. nl it tengono pronti a partire per Ignotn destlnnzlone. 81 tratta dl 205,000 uomlnl equlpagglatl ed armatl dl tutto punto, come Informano dispaccl gluntl qui da Brlndlsl. Telegramml gluntl da Toronto dlcono pure cho In quclla baso navale e' stata concemrnta una forto squadra dl Incro clatorl velocl, che sltlcne prontu a par tire Immedlatamento dopo averne rlcc vuto l'ordlno da Doma. HI credo che questa squadra sara Invlata contro la Turchia nel casso che questa rlflutl dl dar odUfazlone Bile domande dell'Italla e lasciar llherl dl partire I suddltl Itallanl che si trovano tuttora nel terrltorlo dell -linpero ottomano, II Qlornale d'ltalla a la Trlbuna pubbll- tuna unpacci ua eaionicco nei quail o , datto che le autorlta' turche, oltre a pro lblro agll Itallanl che si trovano a Bmlrne d partire alia volta dell'Italla hanno i Imposto tu tutti gll atrnnlerl. e conse guentemento anche sugll itallanl, una ) isesa ui guerrn cne cast non avevano inal prima avuto 11 dovere dl pagare Moltl Itallanl che l trovano a Bmlrne, essendo AT roiJNTAINS, HOTtUJ. 8R ELSCWHSftK HORLIGK'S THCOHMttiAL MALTED MILK Tto Fw..kWc f w AM Aft. Detciout, Mvigottvtwg and wtUnkg. KMp it oil your mMmmkI i kou. DoA't braveJ wkhctil'S: kmitkUmkffi fai i4 ymifmmumcr $rt m MmMmtttmtm. 4ROSlAU hVJL Ay tflBfOna MTSZJ.a TARNOFXiL Dl "H3rer?r ... ! HUUtrt MI In poverlsslme condlzlonl flnanzlarle, non posono pagnro la tasna. II Sccolo dl Mllnno, commentando la sltuazlonn balcanlca e quclla Italo-turca, dice: "La sola manlera dl Impedlro la ml nicctata marcla delle forzo austro tedescho attraverso la Serbia e la I3ul garlu con 11 consenso dl quest'ultlma, che cost vcrrebbo n trovarsl nella condlzlone dl prenders'. con la forza I terrltortl cho essa reclr.ma, e' quella dl restitulre la Macedonia alia Bulgaria. LA SEItBIA ACCETTA Tilegramml gluntl qui da Nl.ili e da Ateno dlcono che la Serbia ha accettato In proposta delle Potenzc dell'Intotta per quanto riguarda la cesslono delta Mace donia alia Bulgaria, o cho In conseguenza la Bulgaria unnunclera' tra brevo che csaa si c allcata con l'lnteua cd nglra contto la Turchia. Sccondo questo notlzle, che sono ac cettato come vere ticl clrcoll dlplomntlca! romanl cd anche In qquelll dl Londru, spcclalmente In segulto nl mutamcntl dl gablnctto a Sofia Indlcantl che l'eacrclto bulgaro xta per entraro In campagna, ta Macedonia sara' data alia Bulgaria. La Serbia e la Grecla st dlvlderanno a loro volta 1'Albanla, ed lnoltre la Serbia rlcevera i tratto dclla costa. dalmata. L'ltalla conservera' 11 possesso dl Val lona, o quello del necessarlo hinterland, che le sue truppe occuparono 1'anno scorso qunndo la rlvoluzlono mtnacclava gll europel cola resident). Se, come si crede. queste notlzle cor rlspondonn alia verlta', le Potenze della Quadrupllco Intcsa hanno ottenuto una grnndlrslmu vlttorla dlplomntlca che pre lude alia vlttorla mtlltare a breve sea denza. Qui a Koma la notizla del ragglunto accordo o" confermnta In parte anche dal Glornale d'ltalla, che nffcrma posltlva mente che lo trnttatlve sono state por tate a sodlsfacente conclutlone. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Qeorgo Knapp, Holmesburg, Pa., and Alma N, lletaon, IIMII llaworth at. Mark 0 Tancerel, Jr , 024 S Washlhston Hnuaro, and Anna M. Currlgan, Urooklyn, N. John Harris, till Naudaln at., and France 1'oindexter. 18J.1 Naudaln st. Patrick ltegnn, 2107 Bharswood t and May lleynolds, 2324 Montfomery ave, Benjamin F. Drumm. 1211 McKean t and ITthel II bommerksmp, 123 McKean st. Jan I'avllk, 307 N, Lawrence St., and Wero- nlka Hekas 0T N. Lawrence st. Mhx Jarre. 1223 Itldto aa., nd Tlllls Gold- stein, 1001 K. Moyarrfenslng av. Aithur II. Trotman, 2123 Morris st and Re- beccu VV este.rfleld. 2121 Morrl t Tljomu Hoyd Uermantown, and Bessie E. VcnHrble MU2 Prlacllla t. IMwnr.l Heln. 101.1 Tiuttonttood St., and Anna Itumsls 000 N. Hutchinson at. Ben Crlder. t' Palrmount ave, and Mattlo lirown. 413 Fatrmount ave Kdward J, Itupertus. 214 N. 7th at, Heckflnburear. lKAll Illhanw at. i and Anna ave , and WllllHm J. Wheatley, HUl llelmont ave . and Anna O Ilrnnton. 41ST I.eldv aub uiciiinian, & uernu si 111 ltlthrr at. .. . .-.. :' w .. .r. . - and a. rjutll. Benjamin H Jolte. 232fl N. 20th at, Kallen. l.ITi . Rth at. and Ctlia entries (J :hrle . CrHlt. out Wheeler t and Ijucy O Berry, uldt VVheeler st leant, A Hart, .12:10 chestnut tt, and Oeonte Berth M. Herr. Krla. l'a. Henrj Divls 2S.'9 Fletcher t llRullns 2403 N. 24th at. and Lillian HIMJU 8TK.VMIIOATS J I Hi MW, .W" w nttm tiVSkallr a aa a.w s j vrblch nre o restful oftrr a hot day "but for a rtll aall .'. th..11" Drlovrarr vrlth 11 I.Ibt urljibt moon you uuat It IIU ik !.r "JfT" ou the bis; uteri and Iroa aiteamersj to k r ne' WILMINGTON 8 toping both PENNSGROVE Brandywine Old rate restored. Pure now loe (a inadTi.. u .. d retura. t ,Uk.t. u.t b, rllUi -V'tVSM tV.bffl.. pedal rate. Good on day of lu oaly, ooiaia Ihl REGULAR RATES WllmiBgtw Exc.f 5c jCheste, E.. 25c p4a tseket. nlll be .oM.ly, ..eeptlaa ..fi?' "c Kaaday. and holiday, fe, WHmlMKlon' and?;5" ra, 10"! .' 25 C ?UH.LULE LV 1".S?,5SJ?, - aS aVar, at Mat f4 1. M. MOOffUCHT SAILS Arm ua te ITALY HOLDS ARMY AND FLEET READY TO HURL AGAINST TURK Five Army Corps Prepared to Sail Moment War Is Declared Against Ottomans FAST CRUISERS READY Italian Troops Make Further Progress In OfTcnslvo Against Tolmino. Atlvanco In Western Tyrol , HOME, Aug 20 Italy Is expected to deolare war on Turkey at once. rive army corps (200,000 men) concen trated In Apulia (southern Italy), have been ordered to be prepared to leavo for an unknown destination. A strong tqundron of fait cruisers Is being held In readiness to steam from hero nt n moment's notice. It Is ex pected that tho warships will bo sent ngnlnst Tut key if that country declines to sutlefy Italy's demands for tho re lease of Italian subjects held In tho Ot toman Umpire. The rcfural of Turkey to nllow 8000 Italian Inhubltlng the Smyrna district to leave has caused boundless Indignation throughout Italy. Despite tho strict press censorship It Is known that the situation in Tripoli Is critical and that tho revolt'of tho Arabs Government. After the Cabinet council tomorrow H Is expected that the Turkish Ambassador will be given his passports nnd t at war will be declatcd. The Italian Government, angered by the disregard by the Porte of protests against tho treatment of Italian subjects In Tur koy, Is reported to have issued on ulti matum demanding that Italians be al lowed to leave the country when they de sire. Commenting on the Balkan situation, Is undoubtedly the work ot the Turkish the Secolo says: "The only way to prevent the threat ened Austro-Ucrman march through Serbia nnd Bulgaria with the consent of the latter, who thus would be ennbtel to conquer by force the territories sho clnlms, Is to return Macedonia to the Bulgarians "Bulgaria has behaved well In not aug menting her pretensions, although she holds In her hand! tho key to tho Dar danelles. Greece should be satisfied. In asmuch as Bulgaria claims less than was granted to her after the first Balkan war, but if Greece Mill resists the Quadruple Cntcntc cannot protect her Interests against her will. They must abandon her to n Bulgarian attack." Tho movement of Italian troops against tho Austrlal stronghold of Tolmino, on tho upper Isonzo, nnd against Gorltz Is making progress, according to todaj's of ficial war bulletin Austrian aviators aro developing great activity, but their opera tions have been effectively neutralized by Italian artillery. Tho official statement given out by the War OfTlco was as follows: "In the Tonale zona (western Tyrol) our artillery gravely damaged tho fort dominating the heights of Pozzl, The enemy was forced to abandon his opera tions on these heights. "In the Cordcvole Valley the enemy's batteries, after unsuccessfully trying to dislodge our troops from their position:, bombarded the village of Pleve Livlnal longo, causing a conflagration. "In tho Rlenz Valley we have made considerable progress, 'capturing n, re doubt on Monte Pater and trenches near Drelzlnncnhuettc, as well as Bomo pris oners. "Near Tolmino on August 18 a counter attack by tho Austtlans was repulsed. On the Carso plateau our troops progressed, taking prisoners and machine guns "The enemy Is showing gient aeroplane activity. Our aviators, aided by our or tilleiy, are, however, frustrating his ef forts." SERVIA ACCEDES TO BULGAR WAR TERMS Accepts Allies' Proposal for Cession of Macedonian Territory LONDON1, Aug. 20. Dispatches from Rome nnd Athens an nounce that Bervla has accepted the Al lies proposal for the ceding of Mace donian territory to Bulgaria, and that Bulgaria will shortly announce that the hat Joined the Entente, According to theto reportt, which are accepted at true In London, bocaute of ttui Cabinet change ut Sofia Indicating that Bulgaria's army Is about to take tho field, Macedonia wilt be given to Bul garia, Servla will divide Albania with Greece and will alto receive a strip of land on the Dalmatian coast. Italy it to keep Avalona, which her troops occupied last year at a result of tho danger to foreigners caused by a revolution. ItlVRK HTKAM1I0AT8 w1 ,ra MW J M1 WWWwSihiK . . - . tray ut Cbeater. mlW8tiK3 I'HAnp- SDrinira Prk - 5 Yi&-s - dally and ana. ' ' " no, w, i-iaa, for m aaaAi.lIj.Li ..-.a ... way, U. tUimt rtL1 ' --.--., 20, 1915. sHp b lltBtBtBtBtBtBtM Ml I ' ailH spjpjpjpjpjpjpapaTtK reri 'apapapj fa!JaTJaTaTaTaTaTJp Jm 1 afH iBsssV JsV aaH ytttw iS' assl K!'l,",i'"lV, sH aPBsBsfi JsLH slsssHssa. 4sfls9sB HHH i REV. SIMON K. BOYER FUNERAL OF REV. S. K. BOYER Services In Germantown This After noon Burial in Lancastor Hervlcen for tho funeral of the ttev. Hlmon K. Boer, who died on Wednes day, will be hold nt his late homo, 89 East Duvnl street, this1 afternoon, Serv ices will bo conducted by tho Bov. Dr. It. M. Bcckct, of Christ Church, Gor mnntovyi. Interment will bo In Lancaster, Pa. GERMAN LOSS TERRIFIC AS ATTACKS ON VOSGES HEIGHTS ARE REPULSED French Hold Newly Captured Positions at Linge and Schratzmaennele Despite Teuton Assaults PARIS, Aug. 20 Kxceedlngly heavy losses nro being suf fered by the German forces In tho Vos ges, according to the official communique Issued by the War Office this afternoon. Tho fighting nt Lingo nnd Schratzmacn ncld Is severe. The text of tho communique follows: "Thero wbb tho usual nrtlllcry activity during tho night on tho banks of tho Olsc, to tho north of tho Alsne, In Cham pagne, and on the Scllle River front. "In tho Argonne thero was a mine con flict In the region of Vlcnne le Chateau nnd hand-td-hand combats with petal ds and grenade? In the sector of St. Hubert nnd Mario Thcrcse. "On tho crest at Lingo and "Schratz maennele tho German losses have been Very heavy. A great number of the ene my's dead was found In the SDO jards of trenches which wo captured." I '&:.' -.;.--.- y'-f-y i,. I,l.,,,ff-in--gm.ujjisji B lim.a.,m. The- Standard rnearly i Sold SUMMER ItllSOItTS )ii,, ' , M" aBtliKAV. luBtpHl 'A .. 'M-ITiPP SS'i -jTbtarfJJlV-J. "W " 'WAJJsBkfcWK.i HeTEIi 'IPcAYMnDT? i iimn MH 1177 Smmr r Aw vn. kU n..l hIZ T;r t DtnUl 5. WW W TmUtHt - - w . v TRAYMORE FRIDAY CHATS THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH .,.'.,PT.e !? Vf,0 ia the "ttle felIow who JIdn't want to grow old" ho FoJntafn W,L CCCt Ia8t weok' "fronc8 o Do HoTo and tho Fountain of Youth. The crltlo't knowledge waa limited The earch for the Fountain, which restored vigor and gave fortuAe and fame, was a sixteenth century craze; Ponce de Leon. Do Soto anS rnanv others went on tho quest. Their fountain In Florida exI-tedTnly wh.vi0,U!,,,'Um0r Thero are' nevortheleS8, actual fountains o youth ,h m u there ?re means to rcfro8h tho mlnd wd restore to old folks the child's capacity for sheer pleasure, The boy llvct In the nhiin.nih., and tho philosopher is happiest as .CWStt?iS such a fountain. It Is offerlnB those elements of rojuvenTtion " hich the deluded Spaniards vainly sought In Florida. Indeed! it will Jo emphasize and vary this feature of Its ontertalnment that, when winter comes, many seekers of youthfulness and Joy will say"Whv iro to Florida at all?" B w "A Street Brene In Cairo" usi given lust week In the ltr.t.,,..n, ,,4 Nltht In Naple." U repeated tUl. week by request. Hn;. fro luulUnd and llussl. will be pre.ent.d In the immediate future. . . The Trajtaure li l.o rnt.rta nlnt p,r,t. imrtlr. from twelve to Hire, hundred In the tinral ,JeUl banquet rouin of th hotel, verai tpcciAl IL ATLANTIC CI IV. ?f. J, O ST E N D Occupyln connectet Ins an enllr block of octan front an4 ed with th famous Boardwalk j in ths popular Cnlea sactlon) rapacity ftOOl un usually larga, coot 'rooms, with unobstructed vlw ot tha ocyan frotu all, ata and fresh TMifa!0 ." bllli runnltur waUr In rooms 4000 ft, ct porch surround th hotsli tha new, dlnlntt room otsrUoka th teas finVs' culsln and whit ervle orchtstra of solo Isisi danclns twlc datlr; soclol dlrorslon.i matnlflcent nsw Palm Lounti. Bpaclal 21 up weakly; booklat mailed. Auto tnnii train 08TKND CO , Owner Th celebrated RADIUM WATER THEAT. ENTonlc. reconstructive and rejurfnM ' nriMi,".b??n.",:!i'".45n1 .' flaltr.d ", tn hot!' resident rhyalclan. TiTifi ladlB Hlfh.Clas Mod W'?!ui odtrate-HaU Hotii ALUUMAKLb W' r. ar iiaach. Mstiua Cap. toO, 1 . Cap. JM, Idevatoi to. j oxcllnt Ubl Summ.r kly; ta up dally Hklt. j, p bath. &"?-'& upwelc r rata, so COfH, CAMS MATv, JT. T. THE ELWARD uVr ,u Si xsassse NEW HOTRI. rai nuiii? GASOLINE UP A CENT; COST TO MOTORISTS, 1 $912,500 PER YEAR' Increased Price Duo to Advance in Crude Oil at Fields, Caused by Scarcity of Fuel HOPE FOR FRESH WELLS- ' 1 Itato on Raw Product Mounts Foity to Sixty Cents a Barrel ..-. i it . .. ruiiunniH un mtivaso in mo price of irnsollne of ono cent n e-alln.. .... ' bllo owncs of this city and Its tubuth are paving more than ,2300 daily u distributers of the fluid ovet what tW have been paying In the past. r Tho new rate went Into effect Mondtv when tho Atlantic Roflnlng Comnsiw i' nounced an Increase In prlco to 14 renVa..' .. MMiln rut... .. , -- .. v5Mlll a hiiiiru itiir, i-umimnics OI m city followed Immediately, and by Tuesdsv Mlk, ll ,1.. !.. .al. -,,.. ... . .""af-.j uiniib mi ma iuiHvi uiBiuuuiers naa ei.i tabllshed the one-cent Increase on i According to W D. Anderton. nerra. tary of the Atlantic Refining Company j tho Increao Is effective In nil parts i eastern Pennsylvania, and la due to al very ctociuea increase in tno price of crucie on ai ine Aiiacontinentai, renntyl. vnnla and Ohio oil fields. Ho explained that tlo first Increase at ' the fields occurred nbout two weeks ago and originated at tho Mldcontlnental ntld In a rlso of frorn to to 60 cents on each barrel of crude oil (about 42 gallons) and van caused by a scarcity of the fluid. The ' Pennsylvania Holds, owing to tho Increase ! in aemnnu, announceu an increased price of 20 cents on the barrel and the Ohio fields an Increase or o cents "We stood tho burden for two weeks," Mr. Anderson said, "but were finally obliged to protect ourselves. The crude oil output was diminished by IDO.OOO bar rels a day, and it Is lmposslblo to say how long the condition will Inst. Possibly a rich well will bo struck in the near fu. ture which would increase tho supply and c At the offloe ot the city statistician It was said today that moro than 20,000 au-iM tomoDitcs are ownea ana operated in this tl city, each consuming at, a conservative M estimate flvo gallons of gasoline dally, at This would show that automobile owners m living In tho city are affected by the In- M crcaeo to the extent of $1000 dally. m It was also estimated that 30,000 auto mobiles arc owned and operated In thejJ immedlnto vicinity of the city, many of al them using the city streets. On the tarn basis such owners are affected to th M extent of J1MH) dally by tho Increase. Th jJ total early cost for the consumption otJl 91,3;o,000 gallons r the previous coitjjl wilt bo 1912,500. German Liberals Oppose Peace Now BERLIN, Aug. 20. An announcement by. i..u w.... ..uu ..., iinti. .vun duvs; ) "Tho progressive faction In the Reich. stag has decided that the time is not yetjl ripo to discuss peace conditions publlcly."j by all dealers SCMMKn ltESCUTa . aA.. . .? "UVUNITUOT .f rarutNrss Us.bK w. Mm J ,. GloucistirFirnfas, 7-Mile Ride, 10c wl"5UU.K,DKCK, BOATH connect with Bubway, Mutfo Kyry vi4 Bit' urday and Bundty aflernoou. tt Qloucesttr Beach Park. Boat ot ISven Hour and Hair Hour. ULOtCKHTKK BKACU TAKK KIVKk BlEAMBOATfl THOMAS CLYDE Family Ixcaraton Steamer tt AUGUSTINE BEACH 10 MllM 58 Ct SIoooUmt U Cktor asd l'at11 0lr Boat La Anauatl. IIM t.Jj;"'!' In trout ot r) taft U.wii Uthlnt j COO sanitary eolhreom. jrull Hira on uoat and kaohi ncln all ; Aftlri waUrl ,plVr tail. WacaM all .'i,.,,',1;: ''''" I,,1 lfMaa awwwwawai n 11 i a, . i" v fix" , ""i". ' ' ' "" n "' " " it'i '! ' j&y' ' PJBvfal W'jUfyf '!'iHM-i0ji l I l&ViJ '"i jwru watt Wkarf HI l-attr4 wa a , AKMa. BM Area