Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 19, 1915, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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I Cross Roads Position Held
L by Invaders Since Last
VYiniur J.' iiiuujr cap
IUIUB. Aup. to.
. imnnrtniii TVntipli v I f ri r i In
tifcs flshtlnB north of Arms In several
we i "''..- .nnmnipot hv (tin War Offlrp
this afternoon. Tho French have captured
lh crossroads cast of Notro do I,orctto
SrouBh which tho Arras-Hethune and
Ik AriKrrs-Ahlaln hlRhwnys ruti.
The position, hold by tho Hermans
throughout tho winter months and stroiiR
l fortified, formed n salient In the
French lines. Its capturo by Infantry
thaws, accompanied by showers of
Eornbs and grenades, puis tho French In
eosltlon to direct effective nttacks against
he Germans north and northeast of
Driven from tho crossroads yesterday
ifternoon, tho Teutons counter-attacked
evcrat times during tho night, In nn ef
fort to recapture the position, but were
Ttnulsed In each Instance. Other German
ttnclts north of Chateau Carlcul, pre
ceded by heavy bombardments, were re
pulsed, this afternoon's communlnuo
stated. ,
Uetwcen the Olso and the Alsne, on the
tlatcau of Quennlveros, south of Arras
and around Jfcuvron. violent cannonad
ing continued throughout last night. Tho
French batteries In each of these engage
ments proved themselves master of tho
enemy's artillerymen.
Violent lighting continues on tho sum
mit of Llnso Kopf in tho Vosgcs. Tho
French have taken new trenches on tho
ctest of Schratzmaenlc.
The text of the communique follows:
"There was great activity on nil the
front In Artols. An attack made by us
left us masters of the cross road on tho
Bethunc-Arras highway and of the Ab-laln-Angrcs
road, where the German posi
tion formed u salient In our advanced
lines. Numerous counter-attacks by tho
enemy were repulsed.
To tho north of Cnrlcul, wo repulsed
an attack mado with grenndes nnd
petards for which prepaiatlon had been
made by a short rango bombaidment and
which was supported by Infantry lire.
In tho region of Berlcs-a-d'Infer tho
rlflo Ilrlng has continued.
Tlicro wcro violent cannonades between
the Olso and the Alsno in tho sector
of Vaulloy as well us on tho plateau of
Quennevicros and of Neuvron.
"In the Argonno our artillery gained
the mastery over tho lire directed by tho
batteries and tho bomb-throwers of tho
..... in (h. fllrprtlnn nf Fontnlno-nux-
Charmcs and In the region of Mario
"In tho Vosges thcro was u violent and
continuous battlo on tho summit of Lingo,
whero we captured a new German trench
oa the crest of Schratzmacunelc. Wo
mado a, few prisoners."
Government and Red Cross Taking
Measures for Relief of Sufferers
WASHINGTON. Aug. 19. Information
reaching the War Department today In
dicated that tho army dead from tho
Gulf storm at Texxas City will not total
more than 10, despite earlier reports that
55 Midlers had been drowned.
Camp Crockett, where 5000 men of tho
Eth Brigade were In cantonment, was
. naihed clear of tents and is a scene of
A soldier wns found dead last night
under a tin roof at Galveston.
W. P. Stewart, United States weather
observer at Galveston, Is given credit for
having saved moro lives than any other
asency except tho sea wall. He sent roo
tcrcycles in , every direction down tho
Island for a distance of SO miles, warn
ing them they would dlo If they did not
come to Galveston. In consequence, theie
were probably only 200 persons left on tho
Island below Galveston. Tho llfesaving
station at Surfslde, Texas, is reported to
bavo been demolished.
Tht city of Galveston is under martial
lw, and soldiers walk tho streets armed
to prevent depredations. Tuesday morn
ing several jewelry stores, saloons and
other business houses wero looted before
the patrol was organized. No looters havo
been killed, but several havo been stopped
at gun point.
A dispatch from Galveston says: Mrs.
TVllhdmlna I learn was washed away
from her sons and daughters as they
were trying to curry her to safety atter
her house had collapsed. Her body was
recovered. Tho body of a baby only
a few months old lias laid In a morgue
for J6 hours, with nobody to claim it.
Prompt measures for the relief of tho
sufferers have been tuken. The National
Hed CrobS has wired Its representatives
at New Orleans and on tho border to get
Into touch with the stricken district and
Elvo any needed relief.
Major General Dell has gone to Texas
City and taken chargo of the rellof work
there. He has been authorized by Acting
Secretary of War Breckenrldgo to pur
chase all needed supplies and the depot
Quartermaster at New Orleans has been
directed to send forward foodstuffs and
camp equipment to replace that wrecked
by the storm.
It Is learned that army transports now
In New York will bo loaded with supplies
and sent to Galveston at once. The food
will be distributed to tho civilians In the
nooded region If needed and If not will
"o retained for army use.
The War Department was trying to get
additional details of tho Galveston situa
tion by wireless today, while the revenue
cutter service was rushing a vessel from
-ey West to tho scene. The transport
wcciellan drifted off In the storm and Is
ashore on Pelican Island badly damaged,
ine big Kllpatrlck and the Cushlng are
Mo and can be used for the relief work,
according to the wireless from General
.ftlal law has been proclaimed at Port
Arthur, which was caught by the full
?fcf ,of the hurricane. Fires which
arted In the yards pf tho Kramer kum
i 1 "otPany there were still burning at
jast reports. Part of the town Is still sub
Sfii ' an "'y tn08e persons who are
'"J I marooned by the water remain there,
umclal wind velocities of W) miles an
Jour were registered In Galveston during
ne heavy part of the storm, the Weather
Bureau stated today. No attempt had yet
ceen made to compute (the rainfall, which,
ft was said, would run from 10 to 15
The bureau was sending- flood warnings
today all over east Texas. Officials fear
the people are so taken up with the
atorm that they do not realize the dev
astation likely from overloaded streams.
Bankrupt Owes First National Bank
and Many "Firms
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Aug. 19. William
t King, credit man for the William It.
Jwore Drygoods Company, a MewpbU
wholesale concern, today filed a. volun
tary petition In bankruptcy.
IIU liabilities are tinted at W7.H9.
Among the creditors are the First Na
tional Bank of Philadelphia. an4 the
lUte iJank, of Hawley. Pa.
.t the 489 creditors, 80 per cent are.
New Yoifc and Philadelphia, concern. ,
Never Returned Home After Ho Wnsl
laid Strange Phono Message
t.T1l? p.0,lco nro lrvlng I" find Henry
Hartn, Jr., tho 15-ycnr-old son of Henry
Harth, of 68 t.eldy avenue, a supervisor
Tor the Philadelphia llapld Transit Com
pany, who has been missing slnco last
Saturday. Mrs. Ilarth is prostrated over
the boy's disappearance.
According to Mr. Ilnrth, tho boy wns
employed nt Itosklns'. 9th nnd Chestnut
stieetF, and failed to return homo after
he hud been paid. A tclcpnono message
wns lecclevd by nn aunt of tne boy, ask
ing her to tell his mother hot to worn,
ns he was on hla way to lslt the lan-anm-Pnclllc
Imposition, nt San Francisco
The aunt dues not think her message
wns ftom Henry. The Ind hud only nbouv
H with him at Hie time of his disappear
Not Daring to Shoot Treacher
ous Lambertville Falls, Min
ister Relaunched Canoe,
Which Overturned
With Son Who Accompanied Him on
Fatal Trip He Had Traversed
Delaware Before
Lack of confidence Is ascribed by friends
today as tho cause of tho death of tho
Ilcv. H. McKnlght Moore, who wns
drowned In tho Dclawaro River yesterday
when his ennoe struck a submerged rock
and upset In tho Lambertville Falls.
Doctor Mooro took the same trip In the
summer of 1913, nnd nccordlug to a friend
who accompanied him, ho did not tnke
his ennoe out of tho water during tho
entire length of the dangerous voynge,
even to nold tho dangerous rapids and
falls in which many canoeists hod been
drowned during tho snmo season.
Ycsteiduy, according to reports, Doctor
Mooic expressed n fear about going
iluough tho Wells Falls nt Lambertville
nnd took his canoe out. Together with
his son Ilnrry, who paddled In tho bow
on tho trip, ho carrltd thu ennou below
tho falls nnd launched It. Tho pair set
out for tho middle of the stream and It
In thought that the rushing torrent below
the falls caught the light craft up before
the occupants were ready and hurled
them on a rook. Doth wero thrown Into
tho water, Mr. Mooro coming up In .1
dazed condition. Ho made no effort to
save himself, uccordlng to the dispatch.
TU'fore assistance had arrived from other
members of the party ho was torn from
tho grasp of his son, who had sought to
bavo him.
Tho sceno of tho drowning wns but a
few miles above Trenton. In tho other
two canoes which came to tho rcscuo of
Mr. Mooro wcro his other son, Jamcy.
nnd John Fine, Jr., students at tho Hnv
crford School; and Harold nnd .Tunica
Follows, sons of Dr. A. P. Fellows, of
400G Chestnut street. Tho party had
been camping along tho route, but had
stnyed the night prior to the accident nt
a hotel In Lambertville.
Just two years before. Doctor Mooro
had shot the rapids and passed through
This year's trip was started at Deposit.
Tho trip before was started at Hancock,
Nr Y., which is situated approximately at
tho source of the river. On the trip, which
Included falls, rifts, rapids, eddies nnd
whirlpools that would tux tho skill nnd
strength of tho most expert canoeist, Mr.
Mooie several times expressed tho fear
of being overturned on account of his
weight. Threo times he hesitated about
going on. saving that ho would rather
carry tho cunoc around and launch it be
low tho whlillng waters. The places that
Doctor Moore expressed his fear of were
Skinners' Falls, a bad stretch of water,
rushing over gigantic rocks; tho famous
Foul Rift, Just above Huston, In which
four canoeists wcro drowned that year,
and tho Lambertville Falls, In which he
was drowned yesterday. At each of theso
places, except the Foul Rift, he was per
suaded by other members of tho party
to shoot the falls.
At tho Foul Rift that year tho party
was warned ngnlnst passing through.
The other members of tho party said they
would go through the fulls and Mr. Moore
also consented. Half way through tho
torient Doctor Mooro's canoo struck a
rook on tho edge of a whirlpool nnd up
set. Doctor Mooro nnd his son, Harry,
kept tho craft near tho rock, und it was
saved from turning completely over. Tho
two other canoe3 turned around In tho
whirling torrent, nnd after a strugglo,
paddled back to tho rescue. Tho canon
was balled out nnd the Journey was con
"Some Day They'll Know," She Says.
Praises Son's Purity
NEW YORK. Aug. 19. Mrs Rudolph
Frank today forgave the Georgia mob
that lynched her son. Leo M. Frank.
Only a few hours after her son's body
had been brought here for burial Mrs.
Frank received reporters for the first
time In her Brooklyn homo.
"It's all over," she said, sadly, "and we
want to be left alone, but as Leo once
said of his mallgncrs:
" 'Tho Nazareno Bald, God forgive them
for they know not what they do,' and I
accept his words. Some day they will
know those men who killed him.
"Now that Leo's body Is with us we
feel that wo ought to Bo left alono with
our grief. But It is not my boy that
is here. It Is only the house, not the
spirit. The spirit has been called to God.
"My boy never told a He. Ho never did
a mean thing in hla life. Ho was as pure
as he was on the day he was born. The
remembrance of Leo's faith In God Is
all that remains to us. God has given
me strength with which to bear this or
deal Just as He gave strength to Leo.
"There was never a day that my boy
did not write to me. He wad always
thinking of me, but his was a quiet dis
position. As a boy, when given a book,
he would go off by himself for hours at a
time. He was always reading and study
Overpower Armed Citizens and Mar
tial Law Is Declared
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.-Martlal law
has been declared in St. Marc, Haiti,
Admiral Caperton notified the Navy De
partment today. This makes the third
Haitian city controlled by United States
D tftd St. Mare cIUma organ
ized aud armed to resist the landing of
American marines, but they were over
powered without caeualties. Caperton ad -vUed.
Soma of the armed citizens Bed
to th interior; t
i on-B-B g&8&:' mrnrF:wmmmmimmmimmFmmwT:m'r:' A&&KMS& ,1
&iiit ii ii- ' .'. i.i if'.-. -I-' ' ifyiHi ..'.'lTjfr...iv"7??f '.....r.t..g.. i... ". . .-.. lJ:.'.i;:j"
This remarkable photograph of n
the Rev. Dr. II. MeK. Moore, who
sort of accident depicted here.
upset just below a stretch
Big Loss of Life at Virginia Point.
Dance in Progress While
Storm Rages
NI3W OULHANS, Im.. Aug. IS. Twenty
peison were di owned nt Virginia Point
In tho collapse of tho Causeway Hotel
with CO guests, according to reports reach
ing Now Orleans today.
A dunce was held nt the Hotel Oulvez.
In Gnlvcston, when tho storm was tlcrcest
Monday night. Candles were used after
the power house went out of commission.
Hundreds or persons look lefuge In the
hotel nnd other large buildings.
The water at one time wns s,ix feet
deep In Gnlvcston. Nino big oil tanks
burst, spreading all over tho city.
John Young Says They Arc "Already
Provided For" Widow and
Daughter Shnrc Estate
John Young, late of sa" Noith "Otli
street, left his Ktnrt estate to his widow
nnd u daughter. He explained in his
will, admitted to probate today, that ho
mado no provision for his sons "because
they nio already comfortably provided
Other wills probated today Include tho.vo
of Herbert J. Tullners. who loft $IS00;
Henry R. Ulckings, $SS0O, and .Mary Ruhr.
Letters of administration weie granted
In tho $2M)0 estate of James M. Duly
Personal property of Melissa A. Boyd
has been appraised at $12,111.9.!; Frederick
Prime. $7CS0.S3.
Titanic Victim's Widow Said to Bo
Engaged to Dr. Hamilton Rice
Mrs. Georgo D. Wldenor, of Philadel
phia, Is engaged to marry Dr. Hamilton
Bice, nn explorer, according to reports
received In this city from Nowport, P.. I.,
where both Mrs. Wldener nnd Doctor
nice are stnylng. Nowport society Is
looking for tho announcement tomorrow
nlKht, when Mrs. Wldener will give a
ball in her new villa on Uellcvuo avenue.
Even tho date or the wedding is llxcd,
tho rumors cay, and tho marriage day Is
given as August VS.
Mrs. Wldener Is tho widow of Cicorge D.
Widener, who wn3 drowned when tho
Titanic sank In April 15, 1912. Slnco tho
denth of her husband Mrs. Wldener has
been spending tho summers In Newport.
Doctor Hlce nns been In Newport for
fccvcrnl weeks and has been much en
tertained in society thero. For fccvornl
years ho has been engaged In exploring
tho Amazon and Orinoco rivers. Last
year ho received a gold medal given
nnuunlly by King Georgo through tho
Royal Geographical Society. Doctor Hlce,
although an Amcilcan wns selected by
the council of tho Geographical Society
and upproved by tho king. Tho explorer
Is a member of tho Iloyul Geographical
Society of France, Geographical Society
of England, und the National Geo
graphic Soeietv of tho United Stutes.
canoo upset was taken summer beforo Inst in the Delaware
yesterday lost his life in tho snmo river in almost exactly
Tho photograph shows James S. Moore,
til rapids, but on this occasion no
Smith Still in Field Despite Ap
pointment by Brumbaugh to
Public Service Commis
sion, Says Chairman
Ut a Stuff Correspondent
ATLANTIC CITV. N. J., Aiig. 19.
Thero will bo no factional light In tho
Republican orgiinlziitlon In the Mayoralty
contest this year, and that both tho Vitro
and MoNIchol factions will bo united be
hind n "hnrmony" candidate, was Indl
nifcd by David II. Lane, chairman of
the Republican City Committee, In nn
Interview today. Mr. Lnno declared that
all tho Organisation lendcis had agreed
upon former Postmaster Thomas 13.
Smith as tho "hnrmony" candidate, and
Intimated that, dcsplto Smith's appoint
ment to tho Public Service Commission,
be may yet be the Organization candi
date. The "sage of the Organization, '
nflrr tolling of tho ngreeme.it on Smith,
declined to dluouts personalities, but ho
gave tho Impiesslon that Congressman
William S. Vale la not to oe consldeiod
us ,i possible harmony candidate.
Mr. Luno said that tho basis for h(s
confidence that tho Organization UTdois
will unite behind a "harmony" candidate
Is "conversations" ho has had with tho
leaders during tho last. few days and tho
fact that slnco the Orsanlzatton bosses
hud been able to agree upon Smith, they
will continue to bo for harmony, mid the
selection of tho candidate, should It not
be tho former postmaster, can bo easily
worked outiby them. His statenfent that
Smith had been agreed upon prior to bis
appointment by Governor Hrumhmigli
to tho Public Service Commission showei
tho appointment to have been the frame
up that bus been charged and that the
appointment wns made In order to put
the gubernatorial stamp of approval upon
the Organization candidate.
"I was greatly relloved," said Mr. Lnue.
when tho leaders all Ilnally ngrced upon
Mr. hmlth us tho cnndldnto behind whom
tlicy would unite. No formal agreement
was made, but thcro was the understand
ing that Mr Smith was acceptable to tho
ure.s and McNIchoI."
When ho was reminded that tho corre
spondence that passed between Governor
Ilrumbaugh and Mr. Smith, when tho ap
pointment was made, was generally be
lieved to havo been a blunder on tho part
of tho Organization, he bald:
"Ono must remember that tho corre
spondence would have tho morul effect
of putting tho executive slump of ap
proval upon Mr. Smith, as a mull capable
und lltted to b Mayor. No ono will deny
that n man capable of being a Public
Servlco Commissioner is capable of being
Mayor. Before Mr. Smith was appointed
Publlu Servlco Commissioner, he wns not
generally known among tho voters, but
his appointment bus shown them that ho
has tho ability to fulfil tho duties of any
high ofllco.
The cxpcrlenco of four years ugo will
cuuse the organization leaders to con
tinue to agree upon n harmony candidate,
ho said. They showed tho Inclination to
avoid u fight when they ngiccd upon
Smith, ho continued, and ho added that ho
has every reason to believe that they
ure still In the sumo frame of mind.
Tho criticism that has followed the
manner In which tho appointment of
Smith wus announced hns not entirely
put Smith out of consideration, -although
It may yet do so, he Intimated.
"Time alone will decide that," ho said.
He also Intimated that tho Organization
leaders expect that Congressman Vuro
will Ilnally withdraw from tho contest In
tho Interest of harmony.
Commenting upon the statements made
by friends of the Vures that Congressman
w-t ra ie a mra i m-sirj-aj um n ran
Purest Water
in the worw
The Great Health Giver
I Luncheon, 50c
Business Men's I
Luncheon, 40c
I 1024-26 Chestnut St J
-3 DRINK jgf
$it! tJ'JXUA.' "" ' "f "M"V '""
,mmjvvamm . ,, Hi!S3li
River by
the snmo
a son, and two compani
cms in an
harm to any one resulted
Vine will file bis nomination pnpers be
fore be llniilh miikps up his mind wheth
er to run or not, he culled attention to
the fuel there lire three days In which a
rnndldnto can withdraw his name after
August 3t, tho lust day for filing nomina
tion papers.
Referring again to his "deep-sentcd be
lief that thore will be liaimouy, .Mr
Lune continued:
"Tho older heads 111 the Organization
do nut want a fight. Of courso many of
the younger men do. Young men llko a
light. Rut tho older members of tho Or
ganization want to keep uwny from a
factional light. Then, too, the ICO0 melt
who wore thrown out of City Hall din
ing the last four years because thc
weie guilty of being Organization men
Till have u strong Inlliieucu In keeping
ho leaders in favor of harmony."
Tho city chairman suld that nothing
will bo done toward getting the Organi
zation bosses together ilnally to select
their candidate for another week.
Exhibition to Tnlsc Place on National
Park Beach
An exhibition lo determine Its morality
or Immorality will be held tonight free
of charge on the bench at National Park,
N. J. It what happens Is proved highly
moral, It will be permitted to continue
whllo the seiibon Is on. Otherwise, It will
be stamped cut by tho law, according
to tho authorities.
Esslngton nlso Is being annoyed today
by Immorality or charges of It. Several
o ftho old-time residents, all stirred up
by accusations ugnlnst their town, have
issued a manifesto denying everything
nnd nccuslng Atlantic City and other
senshoro resorts of moro "Indecency In
dress or conduct" than is ever seen at
I'nticnt Killed in Epileptic Home
TRENTON, N. J., Aug. 10. As the re
sult of nn alleged assault by an uttciid
ant at tho Stato village for epileptics at
Sklllmnn, N. J.. William Van Rlkcr, a
patient at tho Institution, Is dead. Fred
C. Holbrook, the attendant who Is al
leged to havo committed the us.sault, Is
now confined to the Somcrsut County jail.
Big Money
Saving Days
Today tomorrow
and Saturday
until 1 P. M.
$35 and $40 Suits
at $2 1.50
Beautiful silk
lined worsteds.
At $13.50 all
that remain of
our $20 and $25
Blue Serge and Fancy
Suits all included.
Minor Alterations without
charge v
Palm Beach Suits, $6
White Flannel
Trousers, $3.75.
Browning, King
& Company
3626 Residents of Philadelphia
At Ikoadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of New York's social
and business activities. In dose proximity to all railway terminals.
"Busybody" Pulls Lever nntl Man Un
der Auto Goes to Hospital
Somo person pulled a lever whllo Hen
Jnmlii niehnrds, 21 ,enrs old, of 913 South
Alder street, wns on his back under nn
automobile, In a fninun nt HO? Wood
Btreet. The machinery stnrtoi! lo molt,
taking with It part of Hlehnids' hand,
tie wns taken to tho Hahnemann Hospi
tal, whero two llngors nud some of tho
lleih of the rnlm wero removed.
Illchnrds wns tinkering with a break
In ene of the chains when tho accident
Joseph Tine, M years old, of 120 Oasklll
street, was held In KM bail 'odny for a
further hoarliiK until the police Invcsti
pale nccusatlons made nRiilnst hint by
thtee ulrls, ull of ulioni nte under 13
vears The children are Horn mid Hoso
Krevntr.kv, 12 und 13 years old, respect
llv. and Kthel Goldhinti, il years old.
Thev live near t'lno's resldmcc on Oasklll
Anna Olsewskl. 11 mouths old, of 4214
Main street, Mnnayuuk, died In St
Timothy's Hospital early this morning
from burns cnuaed by fnlllllS Into a tub
of bnt water nt her home. According to
the police, the child had been treated nt
home bv Or. ,T. Pearl, 1C0 Walnut lane,
who Inst nlRht ordered her removed to
the hospital.
Stella ZaborMskl, 17 years old, of 103
Mercy street, who, with C'nrrlo Kurtz, of
101 Hinlly street, was badly Injured In a
moloroyclo collision on Tuesday night. Is
In a t.crlous condition In tho Samaritan
Hospital. Tho Rlrls ran away from homo
to become tnovlo uctrcsses nnd ncccpted
ni Invitation to ride on the niotorcyclo
with Frank Crumley, Jr., 17, of 3705 North
Hroad street. It collided with nn nuto
mobllo on tho Northeast boulevard and
the tluee wero Injured. Crumley died of
his Injuries last nlKht. It Is expected
that the Kurtz girl will recover.
ny cnlnlntr cntrnnco through an un
locked pnte, thieves stole Jewelrv nnd
money from tho homo of Mrs. llobcrt
Stewart, 2310 Cleurdeld street, atiiounlliiB
to J177. Jewelry valued nt ?Ti wns stolen
from tho home of Theodore Ornnt, of
1C30 Diamond street.
This Buttet
is a saving
of 4c a
It is one of the import
ant items of home economy
on which the Martindale
store saves you money.
Creamery Butter that ap
proaches Crown IJ rand
Butter in fragrance, flavor
and solid butter value, is
generally selling today from
37c to 40c the pound.
But we sell you Crown
Brand Butter at 33c the
pound. Direct arrange
ments with the most noted
creameries in the country
makes this possible we
save the "in-between"
profit, and instead of going
to the middleman, it goes
to you.
We are sure that when
you taste the rich cream
iness of this Crown Brand
Butter, you will appreciate
the saving in price.
33c the pound.
The Martindale
24 hoar egg service.
An cjru; may bo fresh, and yet
not pcricct. For many days, an
chit passes as I'tesh, under com
mon parlance, but there is just a
little difference in the taste if
it is not absolutely fresh.
Theso White Leghorn Errs
arc started on their way to us
within 24 hours after they are
laid. They come to you not just
fresh, but absolutely fresh.
Broken Tea Leaves
a new shipment.
In the lone; voyage from the
Orient, parts of the leaves of tea
aro apt to bo broken off. A large
percentage of these broken leaves
are tho delicate tea tips, which
hold tho finest fragrance and
flavo. There is therefore high
merit in good broken tea leaves.
Our customers havo learned this,
and it is now difficult to keep up
our stock of the quality that wo
insist upon having. Just now we
have a new shipment.
Green Broken Tea Leaves, 14c lb.
2 lbs. 25c
Mixed Broken Tea Leaves, 17c lb.
Black Broken Tea Leaves, 20c lb.
Thos. Martindale & Co.
J Oth & Market
EMalilUhed In 1800
Hell rhoura Filbert 2870, Filbert 3.STJ
Keyatouc Uoce COO, Itnce 601
registered at Hotel Astor
during the past year.
1 000 Rooms. 700 with Bath.
A cuisine which has made
the Astor New York's leading
Banqueting place.
Single Rootiu, without bath, 2.00 to (3.00
Double ... 3.00 to 4.00
Single Rooms, with bath, 3.00 to 6.00
Double 4.00 to 7.0a
Parlor, Bedroom and bath, jfio.oo to 14.00
Reservists Who Don't Enlist Barred
From Italy for IB Ycnra
Tlile is the last day that Italian re
servists can reRlster. Unless tho re
nervlts have appeared nt tho Italian Con
sulate, 717 Hpruce street, by 3 o'clock this
afternoon they will lie classed as desert
era and cannot visit their native land for
15 years without being subject to arrest
nnd court-martial.
More than WW reservists stormed the
doors of the consulnto yestonlay between
the hours of 10 and 3, and It Is belloved
that even greater numbers will register
Only Until
1 P.M.
to get in on
this Big
Sale of
1300 Suits!
.$12 and $15 Suits for
.$8; $18 and $20 Suits
for $11; $22.50 and $25
Suits for $14!
Alterations charged for.
C You never can tell till
you try! The man who
won't take a chance will
miss many a good one! It
costs you nothing to come
in and go all through these
splendid bargains! We'll
be delighted to help find
your size and style at your
price !
C If we can bring you and
that Suit together today
we'll be friends time out of
mind! Let us do it!
Outing Trousers!
Our $5 white flannels,
$..75; our $5 striped flan
nels and serges, $3.25!
Great values!
Our $10 Palm Beach
Suits, going fast at $7.50!
"N. B. T."
16th & Chestnut Sts.
Road Maps
Showing best roads to all
the popular Eastern
summer resort regions,
such as Asbury Park and
North Jersey coast
points, Atlantic City,
Ocean City, Wildwood,
Cape May and all other
South Jersey places ; New
England to Canada, Cats
kills and Adirondacks,
Delaware Water Gap and
Poconos, Eaglesmere and
Mauch Chunk, Lake Ho
patcong, Long Island.
Before you start your
vacation trip or week
end tour, drop into Led
ger Central and ask for
the map you want,
The folder illustrates and
describes each resort,
and directs you to the
best hotels in each place.
All vacation quastions
are cheerfully and quick
ly answered on the Bal
cony. It is free.
Chestnut St. at Brotrf
J 'il
. nt
1 a
5 -d
, ig
' M
' -a