MMHaamMmsaBMiningmH pgiBCft?gt33lxa3efcH&MSa3aa3BJrWlXi cjMnup-M-i1----M wiu f umwm'f"'"!:' "i,imn!tiilPVIJJV"1"1-1- WilwiWMiTejj,iuu.ic PlMiJ!BJ!pW( EVENING , LKDGKU-PniEi! 1DBLPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915. PHOTOPLAY SALARIES I HELP WANTED FEMALE AUTOMOBILES Tor Sale ,.! , ! ''' "'"'''''' nhd filunlloni llonfrd ?. .. ','"?. """'V " "" "ni'i Punic .rrlper ,M...fmrf. '"..'" "" '."Iffcr fhc soma HOW MllioHf aiMllfoiml ilmrpr ) Sm:.vfh!l.!,n,V":"r"nf "no nn use Oliver K'"'"1 WOlk evenings mcsslonillv. Add. ST,!'VJIn:" .w." Mma knowledge of llSkri'lF' mMl ' arcurctlo and write A good hand, perm employ. I) 12s. Led. Off. Sri,:XinAl."'"1:I1 nftl1 bookkeeper, competent li-nAli"!"?.- Smith-Premier machine, me- i!wJ-elrarlcnHlnelmii Jdcr dtnt. SlSIiSi".1.l.A,,".Ku-c""I- mn wanteds oilier H)., writer, pet m. pot. n 201. Led. on. tBBODGDTOUTBYCODRT INToN BIX, air starter, demonntablo tlm, S new shoes reiently overhauled, very rea sonable imtarln iinrnRr, 3IJ1i N. lsth st. Bee Photo ledger Central, No. 102. Phplin's Presidential Income tfind Some Other Large Pay h Envelopes in the Movies MATIIfiloN, 'it II P , II cvl , good con.: sell teas.; demonstrate 22:1 Itlpka ave, Mnyk. 10 IS POIll), excellent condlllon. J. Tt Wlnlcr al'en, 417 C'h'iler ne, Mooretown, N. J AUTO LIVEItY AND OARAQES uv.w i-PAamiN(;ru npn-tfis caus roil hire trip to Ml intlt fit and return II hour, Sin cull tor other trlpi M. Kells Woodland OT'I II. Anns Wondl.and .lOin-M TO lltllP, MMtiPHINIl AND TllUttlNII f'AUS P1IOM1 TlOfIA S!0'l W. llllllllllllllNIlllllllllllflllfIIfMMIM II I 'jiummUmmtm ,.,-, T. ,..- --."nrnir1. 'hw' sHiHB )1 15 mm isssstssstsststtttitaswB)tstsistissstatasissktissjMniaMs flSBtPffflHH , 1 - i r ( L? EDWIN McKIM A new Lubin mtinngei By the Photoplay Kill tor i In & lawsuit ireonily brought by tho 'Eiunay Company to restrain Helen Dtm lr from nppent Ins with another nrKnnl Dillon soiiip InterpsllnR tnltlonco of tlio salnrlps, mil not rho press-agent TarletXi of movies plnvrts wns brought LI. Mi's Punbat's gilovnnco, strangely kioufjli, vn' in pmt that tlif Esannny RSompanv dPHirpil to iinr lier. Sho was receiving $10 a nook, nut sho ob.loctod to 'orther lionets unless teeelvlng ti propor- ionate lncm lie of wiigo. In the lotnw of tlio iriii 1 weekly sal aries were mcnllmipil us follows: Chnilto 'Chaplin, JI-'O William Fnrnum, $1000: Mir$uerlto t'lnikr, $'ioo, Mary KuIlor.JJOO; Mabel Norinnml. $.'.00, Maurlca Costello, POO; J Wan on KoulRim. $100, Kmlu .Williams. $atw .The Unlvpititl will inoHont Kmtnott Cortlgan, t'nn famous ni'tor. In "Tlio flrtvernnr nnd tlin llosn." hv .lamCB Ilnr- nii. This plu wan produced under tlio management of Al Holbrook In lull. , Henry H Walthall Is tlio "cartoonist" nhodrew the pii'turp of the Holiool tench er used In "Temper." J lo not only was tupposod to tiavo ill nun it In tlio school room scone, but iPiillv iltl ilmw it bo fofo the sipnp nai Ptinctpil. However, be has qulto a tab nt for ilnuvluR. , Lubln, of Phil iili'iplilit, announces tho engagement of Kduanl McKim, who was Identified with rations illffcront com panies and whose last play, "Tlio Con fession," In flvo acts, wna filmed by him In tho record-breaking tlmo of 12 iIiivh Stnd scored an Instantaneous succcrs. 3fr. JfcKIm nas botn In Pittsburgh nnd made Ills professional ontranco on tho 'lUakliR' stasp as I'lilllstus In "Dninon TAVythl.i " His success on tho speak ing Ugt wus such that soon ho becnino leading ronn for Mniio Wnlnwrlsht nnd made a tour of the country in Sholto epeare'e 'Twelfth Nljjht." After being Icullnir mnn In vatlous playe, especlull leaditiR man in "Tlio Man of the Hour," Mr. Mr Kim turned his attention, to tlio direction of photoplays and succeeded In making nn onvlablo record for himself At Lubln's ho makes a specialty of comedies, hut not of tho "slapstick" 1:1ml. "Birth of n Nation" Opposed ' The Emancipation and Clvio ItlKhts League, the Socialist Party, labor unions and churches, through a joint committee, have appealed to Director Porter for a 'tflftrmtt tn ... 4U -!. trll nlnn tnw. .1 fk.uttb iu uw lilt- ity llllll JIUlAll 'W4 protest meeting ngalnst tho showing of tflA nltntnnU.. ,PI. TY,U .. Vntlnn ' , rHVluinnj. 1I1U JJIllll 111 IV tlilllull. CLASSIFIED RATES DATLY AND SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER .rhU BTYLE TYrc (or like this) t ijae Imertlon l.r,o perllna , Jnree Iniertlons In a week. ...ll'Uoper lint jtcn coniecuuva insertions. .100 per una utuatlons named, three Inser- tloni in a week 10a per lint JHIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Pirmltted In nil classifications except Help IM situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Per ". Boarding- and Itooms. Os Iniertlon 20o per lint r Jres Insertions In a ncek.... 17Ho per line hi1 rates aro based on aicato measurement! ! ones to ino inch. -;;1 COMBINATION RATE '! DAILY ONLY J laeertlona In both tho mornlnc and evening HUre of same day: ".j PUBLIC LEDGER (UORNINO) EVENING LEDGER (EVENINQ) i AiA foill esnla a l(n nat In a t Mm erf WMT1 i!t7 '" """ "v ILHELP AND SITUATIONS iVANTED ADVERTISING IN HE ptmr.Tr is in- ERTKn in tii it p v n w i n n iLEDGER WITHOUT ADDN UDNAL CHATJr.R here is a tlrutr store near vour Ome trill will nint- T rlrrpr vvnnfr Msatoflicerates. HELP WANTED FEMALE Jill Help lVanleil "and SIIuqIIoiis H'anted HiiiB iiijerleil in IA Pally fuulio Lragcr V'fMii ( Ho f. iomIu ledger Ins ais i nwiMim audlllonal ihurffs.j tCKllPPIt , uriihtnH aa Vinnf SfW for paper and twlno house. Apply, by ri uuy, la josepn liau company, touin- awriior oin ana ijueen sis. . uviiuan, iiiml 1,'IUtHI. WMIllBU, IHUIl ,,w,w Btce, no others mud apply, Wont Phlla- !-FJil0, I-cdger Central. BtTYVOHK fiton ) or raoklnir and down- Nf.orn;, t. tiled whlto woman, small .tfamily. cltj M ilia. Ltdjisr Otfli.e. '! uhk (sen), u lulu cookliUE. small l'rot refi li nu. Xdttr UIHce. BATolls. esixrlcnced, on l!lS' silk and ndlKLH. i jiroa AC uo . u UIWSIUUl RAimwnuBU Molt (& Seder t'o daslr rt-i.las salts- PtQ for thi rlnak unit umt Ijillltiiorv da gBts, good salaries anil pruiiuut po- to furnish Hrst-cUuii rkersttce. Api'ly tntsadnt's oIBls, Utb and Itarkst sts. OORAPHKRgi BTBNOOKAHHKB8'! , HTEyoaiiAPHKHsl'l! t Is mi increasing dsnutoa for rl- "witmuna uiu u uu am uoi Itii With MiUp nrent biiMltlcui. or u are bctklng a guud une. sliusr utni. or ituii.o ar sec illiM ucuu. r tiursi nt onu slut ill help Alth juur a 1 ani i ut ou In t jutb tith I' 1 fcltltn It 1 LJ illlLllL&LJ llUllk MJOl Haiti ill I tie SaUlO LOUIL mm ui i ..ivu I'lriu IB & VI. la is, LBlXitSK ADVt'Ht'18 m tmn, ..- I ft "' I tMau fifriiWtfetii-1 iMrrHiillTiiw t i ;.uft .ri-il-j- iBrf-TiinVf t --- -ifintir-j--f m -j - - ii iTfatWTr!! .. Jfl-Bi!MiriTiji iiniiiUlL' H5Ar.HH minted Apply John A Jame Mnhmn 'm nf pointed, UlnrtRet Mills, Biotl'B lull" FTllit n' Si-twvlklll VnMMN. I bri 21 nml 40 wanted Jo" fill perm. position nipllmntii must hitvi the equivalent ;f a lilnh oiiool ciini itlnn nnd lie free to leim ihi ii . i miNiinl ninrt for hlgh-grartn woman ref requited, position pais travel. expense-, snlnrv stid commission sk for Mm. Uliminn, 1121 Hpruco at., bet 10 nnd 1. HELP WANTED MALE liiiNO HAM-.SMAN wonted, with clientele. iiJ Klmk r.xelinmto lllrtg. MfHiKKI'LI'nii In nmnuriii luring plant, stnto i' mm Lilian ileslted, I' till. Ledger Cent M'lV fur Rinnrnl nfdro unrk lth larno torporu iImi, plie uferonies l I'M! bedRer Oftiee fADINUTMAKrilS nnd ttnodwnrklns; mnrlilne Imp U iMinteii. time or piers work, t.ooschen I'Ihiio i use and Phonograph Ciihlnet Co., Piilerson, ,V, .1. ' COACHMAN untiled to nslMt In enro of armtud nn Rentlrmnn rottntry ntaeo, state lire, two horses, refirenio reamred rrom laat Plire. II nn. I.edRer Of (Ire, i "NiMUJTK f'AIll't'UNTKIta find apprentices Mimted PJH2, I'Pdser t'entrsl. Hill lirHHT ijimlllled nsslstant nntcd. U 'loldiimltli. llllll nnd ninmond. MAi IIINI8TS ttiinted. Intlio nnd lso hnndi tor work In lirlliitn, Inthe bunds In bo ex pirt thrend cutters slid ured to mil remoter rk Msn hands must bo expert on steam, nil nnd iiirhlnp engine eontruitlon or used lo Hne ..out h work. 1" 211 Ledger (JTflee. ornril HOY nnntod for permanent position, .giiimmiir sihool gmdunte. Add. U!llB,LHl.OIT. rl,i:SMAN Wanted, experienced furniture enlesiniin, one nllh tlio knowledgo of tho llornx n)stem preferred. Address 1. O. Hot . 2110. WIlmliiBlnn, Del. SA1.I2HMAN - Kxieptlonnl opportimlly for a bright, nmlilllous nung mnn of high ihnrne- Jerilinut 2l, refsreq. Add. P 1n, fd. Cent. POLICITnltft, Cnttiotlc: blft money to tho right JPity. we show you how. nil, P2U Chestnut HI'diiLKtlH WANNin. Applv .Tohn"" James Hr,lion tm, lllmket Mllli. H-ott Inno, Knll or Hiliulklll HTUNiHlllAI'llUlt wnnted, younir man. Ollvof typeilt,r silurv $12. must spell enrreetl . permnment ppsltlnn. Address H 2n. Led. Off. BTOLMC-8a"li:.MA.V nnt"ed. lloom ::07. Uulldera' Uxehange. HlfpilItlNTIlNliIJNT nn eonrreto liufldlng, mlo Willi oxp unl . stuto wiige:) t tiCi, Led off. WAHP nikLiS'JUH Apply Jnlm"& James tioli- snn. Inc. lllanket stills, Bcott's lane, rails tif j hiiylklll; WKAVIHIH unntid Apply John ft Jnmes Doh- snn In, , I'liitiket 31111s, Bcott's lnno, l'nlls nf Selmylklll Yill ,VH MAN. nhnut 11. In Imnklng "house. mi'st bo 1'leiin-eut and liitoltlgent, give age, refireneer, rellgloun nfllllntlonn nnd salary nxpeeted r 12, fnteer Centrnl. fleiiernl Mi:N nnntod dally to optrnto movlng-plcturo mnehlnes, no tetieh ou qultk methods of operntlng the rloelrlinl lntnllntlon of a thea tre ind tit jou for n pnsltlnu imylng $1 to ?2T ppr week complete cnirso $ir,, punhte In .1 pnvnimt Keystono School, Mlo Arch. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE UOOKfCT.nt'lMt. exp., employed: cipablo of tnklrg ehnrgo. rifs. V iln, Ledger Central. lKii)KKi:KPnn and typist. R rs exp . hnowl pdue of utenoKrutihy. V SIT. LcdRcr Central. CIIAMIinilWOIlK or waiting-One expcrlenocil nirl wishes slluntlon Call Saturday and Monday nt f27 Ituek lane, llryn Mawr CHAMiinitWOItIC nml 'waiting 8coteh l-iot., suburbs good ref. M IJ2II, Ledger OITIie. CLICHKYoiing lndy of oxperlenco desires per mnnent posUIon, ?S. V i4ti, ledger Centrnl Ci'OK .good, experienced, Protestant, nnnta Hltuntlnn In good fumlly. nn laundry work. t 'nil or ad iress 2uu'i llnfnbrldgo, DICTAPHONE cinnitAroit and clerk: H eaf? exporienee, re fs. J" 0.11, Lodger Central. Dltn.SSMAKKlt from New York "desires ;fe"w more engnao'ts. hlgh-clns work Walnut 0I3S riLINO CLUItK nnd general office work, 8 yparh' oxpeilenie P Nil, ledger Central, aiWtSHAL HOt'HnWOliK flood cookf best refertnees M t,2l, Ledger Office, (llllll. two, experienced, wish positions, onn chnmbeiuork and one nnitrcss Call at ll."it 71st aio.. Oak 1-nne, Pa, lIoilSliKrr.P!'K. npartment bouse or p1i"b Iclan's homo, rooms, heat, light, compensi Uon for :i ndulln. rofs M C27, Lcdg. Off. flOPHRKniJPKIl npettble Prot. woman In fentleman's home stnto particulars, ref. 20(1, Ledger Offlce. iniJHRKPBPF.Il (ivorklng) or care of lniilld, strong, ncilvu, mod wages, refs. M UI0, Ledgpr Olfler NI'HSi: with hospital training withes a , aso of any kind, best phaklnn's rcfereneo L M , J2 North lOih at . or pkono Locust 1M12 W. STDNOOnAPHHin. dependable, neatr" would onsldcr modernto snlar, with opportunltUs' reforence. D 11 LLodgerOffUo. hTtJNOOHAPHint. Blluht experience, would like permanent position Pelrco School hu ilent. willing worker. FJlVi Iedgor Centml. STIiNOOHAPHPIt and asst bookkeeper, recent grad., conscientious noiker. P 8,1,1, Lod. Cent. STDNOOH MMlPIt and nsst bookkeeper, recent gjiid.: offlelcnt and capable. P S5S,l,edCcnt. HTUNOaHAI'linn, beginner, ciulck and nccu rsle. Try life. F Sll. ledger Ccnlral BTusooiiAi'imns, iiookkkkpehs and CI.UHKH nro furnished through tho COMJIPIlCIAt. DBPAHTMnNT ut Lodger Central When you aro In need of n rompetent offlco assistant write or telaphono "MISS DHAN," Walnut ."lOOO. and prompt nttontlon will bo given your roquest. This Is a free sonlco to Ledger adicrtlsors. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, expert, broad exp., necks en Kngemonts nf Indus and Hnanilal oritaiiUa llous, costs, porlodlcal statements, Interim exams., ilumts' books kopl. M 40-', Ltd. Off ACCOUNTANT, C. P. A., expert, wants posi tion n audltoi J2I7, ledger Central. nooKKPUPEtt, thoroughly experienced "ac countant and canabla office manager, wlshos responsible position, can furnish heavy bond If roiiulrcil'. Did, ledger Ofllco. IlOOKKKKPKIt, thoroughly expl, will audit uceounls, open, closo and writs up books, day or evening, mod, terms, n 407f Ledger Office HOOKKliKPllIt, 1J ycara' experience, desires position with relliiblo llrm. D 112. Ledgei Off. flOOKKnill'Plt wants work evenings, charges nml Add llooskieper," P 744, Led. tilt. CHAPPPKint, ma.rlsd, all-round man, 12 yrs. with prsintcmplojr. I) US, Ledger Ufilce. HOHSKMAN. married, thoroughly experienced, hunters and drivers , open for engagement Hoptember 1 SOU Norwood St., aermantown, MAN "AND "WIPB. white, wish situations, "but ler and houseman, wife, cook, do entire work for small family, references. D 13S, Ledger Oftlre. ,. OFFICII MAN, all-around, married, M. book kocper, typowrlter, experienced outslda sell lni( P tlH ldgejrContral. fiiTl'TiRHKNTATIVR. high grade.of largo exp., excellent refs.. present Itmi 11 s4ts. first rate connection hotels, hospilals. Institutions, wants to change P NTH, Ledger Central SALPSMAN. having wide experience, doslres position with reputable,, manufacturer or inercantllo concern, traveling or local; thor oiiKhly educated and of excel, appear,, high. SV! i to ehan. abll., etc P Oaf, Led. Cent SECrlETAUY" Thoroughly educated young man , 2S familiar with modern builness nisthc-ls, a ranabls correspondent and w th i.i;ulHo eipsrlsnoa, desires position with me futur"sals8Condary. F 7M, Led Cent. StUNOOHAPriEH-Young man. 30 Industrious and efficient, at prsssnt with public service corporation, wishes to enter mercantile busl nioerlnj good prospects of gaining ful knowMia of buslnns. F74S. Ltd. Ctnt: ST!yoORAPHHn, SO, high sohool. buslnoss collsgt 4ueation: 2 yr ; clW, sc-curs-tV ijulck.jwst nfs- P MP. Lsdgsr Cent. TPTOR -much tutor, colltifs sducatlon, d. sires position In prHt cnM. Prlvsts les son Blvtn. D 36. Ltdiltr OfBce. wiKTBD-Sltuatlon as corrMopudtnt ; nisJsr au ifftW to btaln. F 747. Ltdgtr WATCHMAN-Wtntad. jasltlon: can furnEh bond. i5 rtrtrtnes F Mo. ledger Ctntral. VcitltTri MaK. S8. wUS" utoutlvt expsrltnie. t?h0foiMHy fanlllUr with all lis of ofttcs work, tojness. crillts. collsctlonj. business corrMpooasiic. and advsrtUJng. db;ts po mSmii lry stcoudary. V 3l, Ltd. Ceat. vol NO MAN 27. citric txprIoi.t. tttnog abr. vhj law sjudtnt pd notary p'E- Ycil'SO MAV. 31. wishes position la coutraci or's u'ttce 3 vear. experience good draughts SL Uf rcfcrcii es F 'vis, ledger Central ,Ml,v, Ml. 21 wlsnes to learn goocj ousi- nss. F 8 Ctntrs.1 l a k' IN BSE warns position jui cook or general J hoiiiVwort Vuly JapsutSs; 12IS Cherry ! 'ANKgi? waiter gonsral housswork. wants J7J Li flmllj . ref I 10J1 Mue si BUSINESS OPPOItTUNITIES WANTED TO COMMPNICATP. wllli'pcrstiii of financial atnndlng to net ns treasurer of a new orgnnlred illtn crtmpnny, who Is able to underwrite ilMxni nr fio.oot) of 7 per cent, prrfi rr d stntk To such a man we can offer s?20rn n i sell In Ptoses of a subiitnmitit I onus In iniiimati slock In the company I'lcnsc do not rc,ily unless you mean busltiett P P P Corp. M)2 l.iKnyetie llldg . I'hlla delphlil t'n AtlT and stntlonerv business rnr sate, near high s'liool, excellent location, bargain, owner lenvlng city. I. .121, ledger Office. CLEANING AND DYEINQ OB'iiitcii rrJATiirnM ..and caScihi CLDANTD. DVl:i). iA.llOT, tMO Chest DltESSMAKINO AND MILLINEItY nl'MSTITCIUNO, 10 cents jard. Al material! A. UIUCIIAIID lit I clIP.aTNUT HT. I'ICTOItlAL ItP.VIPM PAI'TKIINS DHP.SHMAKINO taught short, prnr course MacDowcll, 11)7 Denekla llldg , 11 X. Market FOR SALE Pit, LI AMI), pool .mnlilnntlon. 2d-hand bought, told, rentPd. exrh'd Kenfer, ,12n (llrnrd ave STOKAGE Mtt.Liiot' 8vin,i;ii co. 22 n. .j. ttelmont 4S2.1. Cut pets ilenned. Mcst 421. ltOOMS FOIt KENT JUST TIIGHOOM YOU vVANT Can very likely bo located In n. few minutes by examining the photographs nnd descrip tions of rooms wllh nnd without board which arc on Mlo for our Inspection at Lodger Centrnl. An Interior photogrnph and an swers to every question you Mould ask Is here, so sou can doctds intelligently, fres n servlco test It. IIALTIMOUV: AVI3 , r.711 2 communicating 2d story front rooms, southern exposure ncx to bath. Woodland 427.1 Y. CHUHTNPT. 1P0I tjirgo nnd small Attractively rum rooms, slnglp nr en sultc Lcicust i.lL PINK, 00 Ideal liictulnr qunrteis, furnished single, double private bulbs, also suite, ao com. 4, reduced rales to permanent tennnt. SI'ltUCIS, 2022 Attrnitlvrly fnrn. sultoi two rooma and bath, telephnne KcnUeinari; 10T1I, N.. Klis-Several largo iinfum rooms, private family rwmiible. Poplar 441 v "ll'il. N., 17ti-Iirgi lonifortablo room, fur nlahod or unfurnished, corivpnlent to mi, Diamond 1077 A. Photo nt Ledger Central, BOABDINQ UHOAD S , 770 (Tho Ornlnm)-Cool iu rait lvcly fur. Vms , all conv . tnhlo boa.d,$7up. LUIIIOllTw. 111,1-iri-llenutirul rnoms, with board, new management. Phono rlogu s.i. PAHK N. 21-'." Newl furnished slnglo rms. for gentlemen with board rates very reason able, phono Diamond b2H bt'ttucb. lOSS-W-Sd-nnor room, toutlitirn ex posuro, cholco tablo board. Walnut 72B3 W. HPIttlCll. 1221-20 (Ilrlsmundc) Purn. rooms, single, on suite, private, bnlhn, tnblo board VALNUT. 4K.I1 2d-lloar rooms with bonid, nenr L, southern oxposuro, refs. oxchanged. IpiTlT H ii)S ifnndsomfly furnished rooms, excellent tablo. private family phono. iuTII, N, :12 DellghtTul vacancies, poreh. lawn: except'nl tablo nearL. llarlnc 20US W. Ml I'll, N. 12f-3d-story "front, southern ex posure, modern conveniences, private family. near i,. HOARD for 2 men turn, room togcthor. .sen orato beds: prlv. family, near nld nnd lork; $1 .10. Phono Diamond 271IV. Sl'ntTCPLYN-.'HVS S 41st' st. Miss a. M. IIANLliV, formerly or uneinuijsv. OVKHHhnoit noO-t I)rixel roadi boarding, tennis, swim'g pooLMToneOverbrook 20O3. riuhurhnn OKItMANTOWN iThe Hhlppen). Wnyno nnd Hansbury; first cinB3 In appointments ana sonlco. . Ocean City, Nv OCPAN CITY, N. J Hotel Henry. 7th nnd Asbury, room, bonrd. 0 weekly. APARTMENTS 81'ItINO nAHDRN 11110-Kxcollent apta. In S ilirfcrcnt houses somo turn.: kitchenettes. 12TH H., 2t5u Two or llireo rooms, bnth and kitchenette, nlui 2 rooms itnd buth. can be rented sepirnte nr together, furnished or un furnished ebort or lorn: term lense. r'UVsK'TCN'H office, nlsn i.-2, Tl or B-rooin upnrtments. furnished or unfurnished, .with or without private bnth, excellent culslno, hoard opllonnl Apply 212 Knuth 17th st. APARTMENTS WANTED FtirnUhcd WANT15D Couple wants one or two furnished rooms, kitchenette und bnth; West Philadel phia. P 7Sd. Li deer Centrnl HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BltOAD AND DAUPHIN BTH. (H 15. cor.) Apt. with (I rms and 2 bntliH, maid's room; 1 uiit.. .1 rooms mull bath. Apply Janitor. DIAMOND, 2112-U rms.," bath," kitchen, hot vviiter heat, ref,, 2d Poor S21, 4 rms.. bath, kitchen, all or.rrns j j i5.Dmmond1813 W puI'LAH 1P22 Attrattlvo housekeeping opts. 2 and !1 rooms bain micnenciie; moueni conveniences. Apply 10OII.nnil Tltlonidg; Ill's, 10TH 9T 2 bedrooms, "bath, living and ..... ,.,.. U...t a iinP.. n llnh, n,t ninuiff room, hiicim-u-ii.t. uuint,,. ,,,-,. ,. .In-, nllra.Ktu TI XV nthfflltKn. 101 Amh. lllll 0"tllAIlD AVn Entlro2d floor, 4 rooms nun pain. West Philadelphia T1IR airtVIN, ,1310 Hamilton St. 0 rooms and bams, ,i oearnoiiiH ri'iiinu imur iiiumo ciic,,, fill. Phone Preston M70, or Janitor. 27l f.o MTU, S . 1B20-.1S (near Chester ave,) illO'iern III "ll irlnii nyvtj jnilliwt, mi. premises. Thone Filbert I4M. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE " CITY ItHALTY and Insurance brokers. Albrecht, 373 lirexei itiug. -j -gini' .p. t LCXtAN IIDAL PSTATR SALP. ItKNT AND KXCIIANOB 11, M. arnlth, llroad St.. opp. Logan Htatlon. M11V JKIINKV Haddon llelglite. W. J. LIPPINCOTr LOTS ANP.HOMEa HADDON IiniUHTd. N. J. National Park, Nj J. flPNOALOWH IOO i4h, 110 monthly, lots 25 xlBOl near trolley; conv. to river, National Pnrk Oct off lied Hank svo . seo agent vy Ih badge, tlreater New Jersey Co.. M B. 10th. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY OWN YOPlt HOMi: by monthly payments oj roNm 17 o M house, located N &lla ani uin , worm ironi i",cv ,'-. ,-. Union Trust Co T1 1-710 Chestnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1616 N. OBATC ST (formerly Contcnnlalavs.). bet. 18lh and luth above Jefferson st -De- Plumbing, newly renovated. Ilent I3. P ' llfiitTOLET. 101U N 1UTH 8T 1110 K. UMHHltLAND 8T -Store and, 1J rooms. ojiB square from sits of new Girl's iiiah school, bake oven In cellar, rtnt 5 IB. "' Sbi4t6lBT, loio n ioni bt SSTN lOTH HT.-U-room porch-front dwell- llzhts. hot-water heat, rent I0. lltm VhrTOLBT. laid N 1BTH ST o ri'iciis. imsi niiss noo-iia, tyre Desk Boom DBUK ROOM; fr us of phone, Ptrry Bldg.l Sm always open. M S, Ledger Central. MORTOAGBS MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $500 glOOO SSt200 S1500 S1600 $5000 W H HOOD. PIS NORRIS ST- IIKKXKL BUILDINO ANNUAL ItKNTALa "Sround flcSr, IO0. 120: sin. rnui , llffo m Suittt 2 rms- 1K, UP0. 17S, 200, m. W- iui .la rms . laoo, 2Ta. Jioo, io. Im.tfto. Cerotr suit. 2 to 10 rms.. tAMO to JI813. SLLIS D. WILLIAMS, MO Drtxsl Building. fi SCRAPPLE 1 I FOR A GOOD CAUSE THE PADDED CELL mMm "Then will you givo us a penn'orth, 'cos' mother says sho must ilo er bit from a great icsponslbllltv "-Somer- V7mWlSSKmmmmWi Mlli t S- "r-aVW fUST TIME I WtlfiHED V IF I WtKt; JJOWN TO IfcoV ..! " ----- jWSfi M 1 cll 9 tM m rVfSE.LT I WAS 'I70i NOW WELL WHAT IS IT? to5.' An Enlightened Parmer 11101 II P3 ffl H SHOULDN'T BE S0HPRIS" "On what do sou base our assertion ImJIS'l nai "wX C C hA r'jJ$k moro Intelligent than city people. fHll r 7 -. -i. I '' " XQ3 4W t-T l'y'" nuked tho summer boarder. 1991111 li 7 P S 7 rJ6jr CvSk 3 "w"y- rSht llero ln my nl'tmnnc." '!.ffll , . . ,fhfc. v7vSEirai?) .' siwSv 17 icplleil ruimcf Hyperbole Modelers. il&MmfmM Iilnks-I Just saw n light between a , . g$k ?. fSf ; t,P?0. j? C-r k "" 8n-vs '" tl10 cMeB l'" Population Is 'iMtHfl bulldog nnU a mastiff, nnd during; LyX s V. ', 0 n ft1! ' ' j ' Vx a lot ',e"HCI ",n" ln tnc rural d'3- llffillil ilftcen minutes I was watching moro TZS? TO-v. J)',' ' " ','VriCr. trlctB."JudBe. 'hR than fifty men wcro stnndlnc; around! r , s ci-v(f' ' ' '' irSP fi0 'V'F e ' -SP1 V - - - 'fflHfii How can peoplo take nn Interest In '. ' e ' iF? t ' 'lP3::a43L , ' ffjL L J More Like It mIIIIh Jlnks-I can't Imagine! Which dog I'," ' ', ' , k ''t',' (j Tv. t ' ' ' i" llllljfll wouldn't Mix iyj :;b r,,'e: t. 'Ill rr S H XrXhli SCALES WE AU sgsf' ?4 93 'IU 9 ANY TRICKS ON MC.-' WRONC), ANYWAY- , J i z li! fflt II -JMik III 9 . 1 1 S?. b, fJ- J LJ fTZ- "Well, nilly, spenillns your vacation i''WgB RSi j&fym! ll Mi ifo LTi" I - -Cr rrS J -ir' TzA- lS here. 1 presume7" V'naSl 'Q' -'BUIaJj3 1 B- ' ' -rJrrl- -- '--jL ' ti WiuwnJ "Not exactly. Kitty, I'm spending tJijBBl! '- V ' my bnnk nccount here." lHHl Wlfo I suppose there will be a crowd '9ltHl! at our tllver wedding next week, nnd i - fSH It might not be a bad idea to have a Providing ' j UM I jHHf plain clothes policeman in the house. New Mistress Now, Lena, are you a l " HI 'iPael Husband No, my dear. Jt would Hood cook? - f ffl IHIil ' nover do to have u. copper at a silver Lena-I think so, ma'am-if you I -sj i j WH fMSli wedding, don't help mo. nA ( I II "flW . AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME T l 7 1 w ' ' Ih 'Mm vV U x(m Jfj . The Son Varver, your prodigal son's eome 'ome. BjMM J .T XuWvT- I" athtr Oh, 'as 'el Then 'e can go back until veal's ! ttt-tfi two- jfulBiil Tf' ' Some Fruit a,id ,s ' V"w tato ,M -V ( rfflfrr (l'X l "Aecordlni? to tha narrative," MI4 tioLt. What Wad ot awUt tie ywt ap- S4M ""Hy W ) the profeseor, "WlUtom Tell's arrow P" K wast" t'74 "al VJjXJj ca-tB split the apple In twain and one or the "A ViPa." repiUd the tlfeUt . ;Ajm gaOHnrt-'mllBtl -i , ' Z Kaf aeed. xalUng to tbo groun4. aprouttd youth to the claju.-KJWtuniW. H'j t -iTfcW afieang' , , -, . ) TBS JteEJjtMJKSu11; ' gitnWIlWIiiffcn ' 'f Tif i kN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers