Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 19, 1915, Night Extra, Image 13

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nu-ivu nn vv
Iheckrein and Halter, Blinkers and the Rest for Tl
I Who Sidestep Instructions Caddy Shows a
Vocabulary Just Like a Club Member.
i aM'"
crv In a frenzv, for Just
H.r you liu'l mlssod Hip bail cold and
-E.7. itnntllne frankly cursing it, jour
- tab the Bcnl, Rnmo Dt 8 ' your
ImitLtr ttolo up BIKI WII18IJCICU in juui
t'lntA ..- l,.t .Imii.m ' flf nnntaii.
IH really illdn't. hut you know the Kami.
TmI enoiijrh to know. Hint "Ueep your
ui a " lost like "keep our c.vo o. t. b.,"
tn one of the "t r"lcs ot lll "am n"(1
fs.refore nvlomnticniiy speaKing, your
S!i 't imip iipon down. Anyhow,
!;',. in no mood to nilmlt anything.
lnlMy, gnlfil, llOW WOllld .VOU llko tO
I'lfoll UP t" """ hn" rHsl,al llko amI ,u',,
Knurnlly hit It nhout two nillca without
I. ihouKht-fh. what? Hi-cry Bhot perfect,
.' ,.,i hit a perfect shot whether you
.,'11. m nnt. And nil this without
' nVriitit of the bull, the club, tho ruins
WOW!'" .l ,! on nil
if fUnCC, Kitfi """ '' "" "'
It can bo (Iono w,,n n new hivonlion,
nirtj of Mlilih "heady hnvo born pat
Mtd ls n,1 ,lmt t1"' llivclltl0l,s of tl10
tin opener nml th0 turbine engine iiton't
u for o minute with tills now Iden for
ill benefit to mankind. All Hint Is rieccs
.., i for ihr golfer to doll up llko a
prT horse and then ho can he a charn-
' ricn winy-nun
f So for the rliei'krehi mid halter Is the
duly tiling cumtmicu. -iruuim tuo piaycr s
ck l placed a rope to which Is nt
,..,1 n rubber hand and moutliplcce.
LtIio Idea la f"i the golfer to hlto tho
'mouthpiece ind then his bean will have
tloiUy down. If ho Jerks up ho ls liable
to hang himself, so says tho Inventqr.
tlf the plavcr does not wish to bo hanged
the can accomplish the results of tho in
.fentlon without danger by tlghtonlng bis
,'ielt and gi'Pl'hig the loose end with his
The Invei.tor Is working on the golfer's
'footwoiK it piescnt It Is thought that
'teavy cllvi " i-hocs will prevent shifting
ind that leather hobbles attached to the
U'nklcs will provide a good stance. Hob
SHes for the elbows will bo Included In
,v. Aiitm
-'To keep the eve on tl.e ball there will
. . ,.. i.M.wlnea ,,'l.ti rrnfrirlrte nl.
i.,hi uhlrh will so magnify the ball
-that tho golfer will think he Is swatting
!i"8duash nnd will be suro to get a piece
f It Further to insure this, tho idea o
. kinri...l,it-L-niove eifect. In which tho
,dub nip tr.ivel, i.i being worked out.
But deapue on ineau i'ivluuuuuu, 't
ro Btlll plentv of crafty dubs who say
they will II ml n way of missing tho bnll
80 matter whet triumphs of selenco are
The other dnv on one ot tho local
ieourses a caddy wns playing aiound bo
und tho cadil house. Jio iook a swino
It a penr. lilt .i stone Instead nnd broko
Uiq shaft of his club his only club, too.
His exponent e as a caddy at once told
Mm the local rule In a case liko that
and lie began. He dollvcied such a tor
rent oi russlng. llery ndjcctlves and
ttasnhcmv at the broken club that It
iftlrly shriveled under tho heat. tho
caquy mnster soon cnoacu un. inu rauuj
lth a few well-chosen words, "Here,
you!" he tflid, "cut out them fancy airs!
One'd think ou wns a member o" th"
dub, f heir sou go on'"
f . -
At the Woodbury Country CIuU they
tel' of the outrngeous shot miulo by
The most progressive orgnnlzatlon in
tho local tennis Held is tho Bclllcld Coun
try Club. National and Stato champions
have nu'er been developed at tho Wlster
Club, yet Ucltlcld can point with prldo
to the active part It has taken in lawn
tennis during tho last decade. Founded
ln 1899 for golf. Belileld has achieved
'jmter things at lawn tennis.
In recent jcars the club has placed no
fener than seven teams In tho lleld. Two
teams of men and two of women repre
tent tho club In both divisions of tho two
Inlerclub Leagues, and thero aro teams
In tho Suburban and Trlstato Leagues.
In tho last-named competition Belileld,
tth tho season two-thirds over, is at
present in tho lend.
. The ieventh Is comnosed of nlavers who
ero unable to make one of tho afore
mentioned teams. Hence they formed
another and piny under tho nnmo of tho
IBeUeld "Feds."
The club's premier player is C. C, Van
Horn. D. fnrmpr ynntprn clnv court title-
holder, who nearly upset tho "dope" in
the Pennsylvania Stato championship a
ftw ago by almost bcntlng It. Norris
Williams, 2d. P. S. Osborno is tho chair
iman ot the Tennis Committee, and around
Jim are grouped such well-known play
,ri as w. P. Rowland, C. C. Willltts, A.
I L Reed, E. B. Moore, J. W. Lanco, A. II.
Savery and Dr. T. H. Hertford.
There was u lawn tennis tournament
Wd at the Noi th Hills Country Club yes
wrday, in conjunction with the annual
outing of tho Credit Men's Association, in
LFairmount Boxer Victorious in Final
I Bout of Gayety's Bantam Tourney
fcToung Chickoy, of Falrmount, beat
IBImrny Valentine in tho final bout ot tho
p-pound amateur tournament at tho
pyety Theatre, winning the diamond
pr. In a fast encounter that was full of
N'ement till tho last second of tho
urth round Both boxers were bleeding
M tired at the end. Chlckey won on his
j form in the first three rounds. Val
wne, though beaten, was not disgraced,
fgr"e forced Chlckey to extend himself
,"-""'. IU nil! UUU IliXlli IIIIIVO-WWII
M Smith in three rounds for the pie-
wiry or the Impound, class, In a spe-
1 bOUt hptwoan Tm Rmltt. mul Tflri
ebb. RlYllth hant lt.nKl. I. ,,r pn,,,1u
' - UIU, ,, KUU .11 fc0 tuu"M
Jk Reck beat See-Saw Kelly in u slx-
"u professional encounter. Reck forced
fsnting all the way and wore hlm-
OUt trvlnr. In ,lu-n l,o 1,1,- "Pfirl
fcmond fighter, who had an advantage
or more pounds In weight. Kelly
$nt a lazv bout nnil Hpmnpri tn he able
stagger and hnttoi. r?alr wtienAVfir liA
i?k? to' but ne "ever put any steam
! worn, except In the fourth round,
ha made a punchlng.bagr of the sail.
Nred baseball champions
Louis Giants vs. Lincoln Stars for
World's Title
T- l-oris. Mo., Aug. 19,-The St. Louis
. colored champions of tha Middle
who have not lost a series to any
this season, today accented terms
the McMahon brothers, of New York,
UMra at tha T.lnrtnln llt.-u In nl a v a
S of samca for th. railnrad "ham
lh'P of the wnrld
.iQU tti&I ,mii s. ,,,H Dala utll K.-
-- o...- V. II1W PHIS "...
i ui .-.i mul uu5t n, at Camdi.il
' ba!i iatk I ,n..ln V .T
ivj wr 1 Ilia DJUJ V lUJii
Cecil Culvert, who has cleaned up most
of tho local honors this season.
It seems that Calvert went to Wood
bury otic tiny in a contented framo of
mlml and, at the tlrst tee, not moaning
any liijrm, he picked up his driver, teed
his bnll nnd swung In tils usual lusty
manner. Tho ball skimmed the ground,
but It kept n-tnountliig. It wns clocked
at the quarter in 7-100 seconds, at the
linlf In 1.7 seconds, nnd broke tho tape
on tho green In GO-KO seconds, Hut It
kept right on, bnngo! into a ted ham.
fully GO ynrds from tho green. And thev
sny It hit so hard Hint a hen Inld an
egg and n cow stnmp'cded right through
door nnd nil. An) how, the shock broke
a window, And Hint's not nil. For the
ball bounded angrily hnck from the red,
red hnrn fully CO yntds-rlRht on to tho
Bit en, green arren This Is cnlled a
banked" shot.
t .
Thero Is much ngltntlon going on at the
Whltcniarsh Club to provide now pro
fessional quarters for .Inmes M. Barnos.
A fund hns boon started. Tho present
quarteis arc near tho hot water heater
and furnace, nnd .lames sas that the
stenm soaks his clubs and then they got
warped by tho heat until tho shafts aro
about llko corkscrews. And tho atmos
phere In tho room Is so similar that many
club members, after a big score at tho
19th hole, simply stroll Into James' apart
ments, sit down and get a line Turkish
At Ktouton they havo solved the pro
fessional hoadquaitprs problem by build
ing a roomy shed-nddltlon to tho locker
house. Thoy now havo plenty of room
to store, mako and clean clubs, and Joo
Sekn, pro., whistles mcrilly on tho Job.
Charles It. Schwab, steel magnate, who,
rumor says, has built all tho hob nails
for tho Gorman hoots nnd has bolted
together thousands ot bullet-proof II. V.
D.'s for tho Allies, finds a heap of time
for golf, desplto his blacksmith labors.
Ills regular course Is the Noitliampton
links, at llotbleheni. But during the sum
mer ho thought ho would like to play a
hit at tho seashore. Ho now he plnjs nt
Shawiieo-oii-lho-Pclawiiie, because, It
seems, he played at Atlantic City laBt
New Year's Day nnd found the going ele
gant. In fncl, It was Ideal. Hut In tho
summor It Is dlffcient. Then come forth
the winged things and nip yen meirjly,
Schwab hnd a painful round. Hnck nt
tho club he accpsted the tall Jersey caddy
"Say," be said as he slapped excitedly
at four mosquitoes nt once, "don't you do
anything for mosquitoes down hero?"
"'a-nl," drawled the caddy mnstor,
"wo feed 'cm."
Philadelphia, is represented In tho AVest
orn open championships by Champion J.
Jloitlmer Barnes, Cnarlie Hoffnor, ID
year old phenom, and old Nlcholls, tho
Metropolitan champion. These three
plnyers aro equal to the best In tho
country on their fnlr dnys, and can trim
anything with golf sticks when tliov aro
Valine a sood day. All three havo shown
up well In the piellmlnary piny and are
very likely to bring home tho bacon onco
which nil but one of tho competitors re
ceived a pilze. Prlz.es wero given to
the winner and tho runner-up. Tho rest
of the Mold went ou somewhere by him
self and communed with natuio in mourn
ful tones.
"Buz" Law, cc-Prlnecton football star
and all-around athlotc, would bo "sum
punklns" ns a tennis player but for the
fnct thnt ho plays but llttio in competi
tion. His business prevepts hlni from
playing in tho early part of tho summer,
at the tlmo when all tho local tourna
ments are staged. Asldo from tho Merlon
hundlcap, which ho won at scratch, and
tin Newport Casino Invitation tourna
mint, Law has not appeared In competi
tion tills year.
Philadelphia and Distilct Champion W.
T. Tilden, Jr., gained his knowledge of
tenuis from F. II. Alexandor, the votoran
ot many national and International cham
pionships, Years ago tho Tlldens and Alexander
summered at tho same camp In tho Cats
Uills. Alexander was Junior Tlldon's Idol,
and the youngster would sit for hours
watching him perform. Close study of
Alexander's strokes and form, followed
by their application to his own stylo of
tennir, soon placed Tilden among the
leading plnyers In tho land.
The Auckland Lawn Tennis Association
has agreed to the suggested abandon
ment ot this year's Now Zealand cham
pionship tournament, and tho annual In
terstate flxttuo betweon Now Zealand and
Nciv South Wales has also been aban
doned. This la tho first suspension of
these oicnts slnco they wero instituted
In 1SS3,
National League
Pittsburgh at Philadelphia clear.
Cincinnati nt Now York-clenr.
Chicago at Brooklyn clear,
St. Louis at Boston clear,
American League
Philadelphia at Detroit-clear.
Washington at Cleveland-clear.
Boston at Chicago clear.
New York at St. Louis cloudy
Federal League
Plttsbuigli at Newark-clear.
St. Louis at Brooklyn-clear.
Chicago nt Buffalo clenr.
Kansas City at Baltimore clear.
International League
Toronto at Buffalo clear (two games),
Montreal at Rochester-clear.
Providence at Richmond clear.
Only games.
American League
Detroit. 1) Athlell. I.
Clilcaifu, 5; llolon, 3.
lieii'lunil, 3 Wabliliurtoii, 0,
M. Louie-New Yuli., ruin,
-' National League
PUUbursh, 8( Milium. .
tiilctiKu, Ui IlrooUlyn, 0.
llo.ton. 3 1 bt. Louie., 1. ,
Clnilnuatl, 7j ew ork, 4.
Federal League
lialtlmure, i CblcASO, 0.
Plttibursh. IS! llruoUljn, 8.
liurTulo. 3 Hautue Clly. S (Ht same),
UuiTalo, 3j Jiana City, 3 d same).
St. Louis-Newark, uot rlieduled.
VreA Snoderass Released
ISiY. TfORk A ,3-ed Saoraaa
wf ..';" .t;r ..zzzz.uXzzr-7-im
..r?T niri tn thu nlftntu iui a. tuLtchar.
but later ge made en outneiaer
1HH '.' --. -.'J .- "
Dillon and McCarthy Draw
t UWli-HlW .N Mm Aui, li Jakl'illin .
of JndliU.UJo Is si.J I in Muuttln ui uu 1
tuwn lurTt hu,u.tai, iMiM. 10 ruunJ to
a, ict,. '
Locnl Boxer, Who Cnn Mnkc
"10" Pound Limit, Will Not
Meet Biggei' Opponents
Death of Harry Stono by Submnrinc
Attack Denied by Bow Him
self Other Boxing
Rddle O'Keefe, local clever two-handed
bow, will remain In 'nls own class the
bnnlBinwelRht division In the future nnd
no more will meet opponents heavier
than himself. Md's one ambition Is to
ippeor in ring crmtlint with Champion
Kid Wlllinms, although It is said to be a
decided fart that the little title-holder
tinier will consent to meet Vilm. O'Keefe
wns Wlllinms' spnrrlng partner on the
const for the Kid's match with IJddle
The rhllndelphlnn Is working out nt tho
present time for his encounter with
Dutch Brnndt nt Itoclmway Iloach, J, Y
August 27. He says 'no probably will tip
the beam at 118 pounds when he faces the
rugged Drookli nlte.
I.nst Srptember O'Keefe scored three
vletorles Iti live days, and for each bout
Kddle says he weighed under 110 pounds.
lie knocked out Young McCoy in rtnltl
more in eight rounds, defeated Dutch
Hrandt In Brooklyn to rounds and out
boxed Tommy O'Toolo here In six rounds.
The teport to the effect font Harry
Stone, New York boxer, wns killed In a
submarine attack while n passenger on
the Unelish steamer Armenlnn was de
nied by the lighter himself about a
months oso Stono Is In New York at the
present time tinder tho management of
Dan Morgan.
IV mi) Kaufman will meet Johnny Lin
coln nt the Broadway next Monday night
Battling I.cvlnsky Is now heavyweight
champion ot tho world, conqueror-b)-pioxy
of Jack Johnson, but It will not go
down into history. Bat defeated Sailor
Carroll, who whipped a man who once
won from Jei-3 Wilhud, who Ijnncked
out Johnson. Tho dope is good, but Hint's
as far ns it goes.
Although John I.. Sullliuu's lighting
days aio o'er, ho Is btlll battling crossing
his K. O. on John Uarlocorn. John L. is
In New York at the present tlmo Inying
plans for a temperance lectuic that he in
tends to deliver In every city In tho coun
try. I
Leach Cross and Johnny GrilUlhs will
meet nt Kbbets Weld, Hiooklyn, tonight.
Tho bout was postponed from Tuesday
Blliv McCarney, local sportsman, who Is
matchmaker for a club In .lopiin. Mo., Is
In New York try'iirf to close a match be
tween Battling l.evlnsk) and Joo Cox,
who has a K. O. win over Jess Wlllard
for Labor Day.
Battling Ncleon will celebrate bis 10th
nmiiiorary In tho ring on Labor Day
when be takes part in a bout at Juarez.
Bobliv Ueviinlds nnd Jlirmv Murphy
mil il.ish in the semillnnl to the Frnnl.
I.o.iKhie)-.lm Borteil match ut the
Ulympia Labor Ln.
WyckofT and Jean Dubuc
Scheduled to Do Hurling in
Detroit Today
DirmOIT, Mich., Aug. U.-Chagrined
nt tho poor work of his pltchors yester
day, Connlo Mack said today that ho
would uso Wcldon WyckofC this after
noon to halt tho dash of tho flying Tigers.
Vyckoff worked in two of tho Detroit
Athletics games in Philadelphia recently
and was highly effective, consequently It
was thought heio that ho would proh-
t.l.. l.j. ..nn. I.. I, AAlirilr. ft t tl.A .m,J.Ula
uuij uu nut ii in . .uui'ta ... mu "in.." ,
nf tl,n nrnKimt Hnrips. Ilnunver. when
Mack choso a roerult yesterday It was
evident that bo would not overwork the
Wllllamsport right-hander.
Jean Dubuc was Jennings' prediction
to battle the Muckmon today, although
tho flory-halred leader would not stato
definitely whom ho would chooso at tho
last mlnuto. Naturally, Jennings is ex
tremely anxious to capture tho series, ns
tho Tigers aro only ono-halt n game
behind tho Red Sox..
Local fandom Is worked up to a t'evor
hent, behoving that, after a lapso of six
years, Detroit will again bo n contender
In tho world's sorles. Detroit won tho
American League pennant in 1006-7-8. but
since that tlmo has not made tho show
ing that local fans thought the team
cnpnblo of making.
Tho weather this morning was good
und a big crowd was oxpected for tho
nftornoon game.
Chicago Marksman Leads Field of C83,
With 05 Breaks
CHICAGO, Aug. W.-Shooting under tho
conditions which will prevail In the grand
American handicap today, 633 devotees
of tho traps contested hero In tho pre
llmlnary liandicap of tho Interstate As
sociation's annual moot. It. H, Morse,
Chicago, shooting from 15 yards, won
with a count of 93 hits out of the I0O
single targets. He was awarded a trophy
and WJ.W.
A northeast gale sprung up at noon and
kept the scores dawn. A triple tlo at 91
followed MorBe's score, those making that
mark being George K. Mackle, IS yards,
Lawrence, Kan.; Kd Schcndel, IS yards,
Milwaukee, Wis., and C. A. dunning. 20
yards, Longmont, Col. They divided fS70.C0
and will shoot for the second and third
place Uophles tomorrow. Those who
broko S9 or better shared In the remain
der of the J33S3 purse.
There were u number ot matches be
tween profusslonals, and a program event
at 100 targets for the paid experts. Jn
this latter contest L. S German, Aber
deen, Md.; Bart Lewis, Auburn, 411.; n. O.
IJelk, Dayton, O.; Ed Graham. Chicago,
and It. J. Taylor, Columbus, O., brok 98
targets each,
Fast Bunch of Easterners Will Tackle
Storo Team
The Chinese nin will play the Straw
bride Ac Clothier team at Strawbrldge &
Clothier Park, 63d and Walnut streets,
Saturday. This will be their last appear
ance at this park this year.
The Chinese have had one ot the matt
successful seasons, having won more
than two-third ot their games against
the strongest seralprofefcslonal and col
Ugc teams in the tountr There are
members on una nam who uie tne equals
ui any in Ul. big leagues.
Kthilo O'Keefe, bnntnmwclght, who 1ms met featherweights and
lightweights, will stay in own class in future. He is ready for
bouts with Champion Kid Williams and contenders for tho
lallcr's t!"o.
George McQuillan or Bob Har
mon Scheduled to Do Pitch
ing Against the Locals
Hero This Afternoon
Al tVmare will try to hrcak tho run of
poor luck the I'hlllles hie had ngnlnst
Pittsburgh this season. Demnrco has
been pitching lino ball for a month, nnd
with Meyer 'in poor form it Is up to the
former Olnui twliler to lontlnuo to win
If tho Phillies hopo to hold tho lend,
Mnnnger Ciarko snld that he would use
cither Cooigu McQuillan or Bob Harmon
this afternoon, with ohnnccs favoring tho
former, as Harmon hns shown signs of
weakening In Ids Inst two starts. Ciarko
Is bitterly disappointed at tho crippled
condition of his tonm and thinks that ho
would havo a lino chance for tho Pen
nant It soveral of his stars had not met
with accidents.
Tho corsair leader hns not given up
hope )et nnd says that It Is anybody's
Hag. .If Mamntit recovers from bis recent
attack of Illness Clnrke bolleves thnt the
Pirates, with a long home stnnd nt tho
close of the season, have ns good a chance
as either the Phillies or Dodgers, who
llnlsh up on tho road.
Tho absence of Carey from the game
iiob been a grent hundlcap to tho Pirates
as uosteno has not been playing wen
woum tie no groat nurpilso
would recall Fritz Scheeron.
Harry Lnucr, for SJ successive ears
steward nt tho Philadelphia Barge Club,
is ot tho opinion that American racing
shell buildern have advanced to such a
degree that thoy outdistance their great
est rivals, tho Ungllsli mokeis.
"I well remember," lemnrked Mr.
Laucr, "when a boat club was consldoied
blessed If it could get a foreign boat.
Thero wos such a liking for the work
of tho Britons that the Yankee hardly x
Isted. It Is different nowadajs, and tho
builders of Now York havo brought the
American product up to Its ilnest develop
ment. "Theio is a young man now building
boats In New York who. is sure to bo
heard from In tho next few ears. Ho
Is a gruduato of tho Ward factory, and is
turning out lacing shells that excel oven
those of tho big tirm. I hopo to see tho
day when only American-built boats will
bo on tho racks at tho various clubs. And
I bellevo this day is not far distant."
Steward Laucr Is an expert on things
nautical, having served two terms In tho
American Navy. Ills study of the. ad
vancement In tho warship sounds like a
story from tho fairy book.
"About 20 years ago a sailor abonrd 1
United States warship had to be an expert
In many more branches than today. Ho
was required to know nil the ropes, sails
nnd stays. Today the Jackie goes in for
mechanics. He Is cither an engineer,
electrician.' pipe fitter or gunner, while in
my day he had to be un expert ropemnn
as well. Then we had smooth boro guns
of comparatively low power. Six pounders,
etc. Today guns carry 20 miles and more
Oh! yes, theso aro great das with aero
planes, wireless and many of other w m
derful things filling land nnd sea.
Thero is a racing shell nt tho Phlladel
phle Bargo Club which bears out Steward
Lauer's contention that the Yankee prod
uct Is tho best In tha world. The shell is
tho property ot a Philadelphia banker,
and Is a' double self baler of unusual
beauty. The boat is unlike the others
with their stjle ot bulkheads.
How many oarsmen who take their
place In the shell know that tho outrig
gers havo been carefully planned so that
tho oars pass at the handle with from a
quarter to a half Inch play? Oarsmen
would he tn a sorry fix If they attempted
to row with outriggers at the tamo height.
Boxers Got the Money and Club Own
ers the Experience
At the annual meeting of Olympla A.
A., Inc. 331 shares of the K were
represented by stockholders or proxy
Harry D- Kdwards was re-elected presi
dent; Ernest Jambor, secretary-treasurer,
and Russell Kdwards, vice 1 resident In
place of William II. Rocap, who declined
to serve. Tnese three men, with J. I
Lofiand, Dover, Del., compose the Board
of Directors.
The report of the secretary-treasurer
formed an Interesting study. It divulged
tire fart that Olympla ranks as one of
the leading philanthropic Institutions of
Philadelphia. It gave 40 shows during the
fiscal lear and the receipts aggregated
tf6.SOT.66. Of this amount the manage
ment banded WS.67U9 to boxers. The
Philadelphia Police Fund was benefited
by 5W6, the matchmaker got a "rake-oft"
of 62TSs while the boxers, n order that
(hey rnlgh ride com foil ably to the club
house, were allowed ) 1060.36 for railroad
taics Tbe season showed a loss of
$0733 71, In whkh was Included J-400 (or
Improve m n,s The management hs had
tin. exp. ik ikj and the fisuters got the
R. Norris Williams and Wallace
Johnson Have Little Trouble
Disposing of Opponents,
and Former Is Favorite
NnWPOIlT. H. 1 . Aug. IX
Plav In the third round of tho Invita
tion tennis tournament at the casino turf
courts Is over, and the favorites came
through without a bitch.
Watson M. Washburn, the hint of the
New Voile contingent, was put out In
straight sets by William M. Johnston, of
San Krancisco, at ti-4, 0-1, 0-4, uud thu
competition is now left to three Coll
rorlnns, Johnston, M. !'. McLoughlln and
Clarence J. Grllllu; three Bostonlans,
Irving C. Wright: Hairy C. Johnson and
N. W. Nlies, and two Philadelphlans,
Richard N. Wlllinms, 2d, and Wallace F.
The nntion.il runmplon was not far
Irani being at tho top of his game, but
Piddle was strong, too, and tho match
took four sets hi fore Williams won at
0-3. 4-0, 6-3, 0-.I. Williams wns dilvlng and
smashing In much the baine way that ho
hud played against Karl Bohr nt Sea
orlgbt Inst Saturday, and Ids fellow
townsman found him Just as tough a
proposition ns the Newportoi had.
Tho easy victory of Harry Johnston
was quite si surprise. lie eliminated
Howiand Uvnns, of Philadelphia, who
caused two upsets In as many days by
beating Ward Dawson and Hubert Le Hoy
In order.
Scraped lunula ale the penalty when
towing sockets nro out of adjustment.
IMulii Hcdley, steward of the .Malta
Boat Club, wns ono of thoco Injured In
tho August 8, 11KW, collnpse of tho Phillies'
grand stand. At that time llcdley was
Clinching tho Philadelphia llnrgc Club.
II. E. II. Cox, ot the Malta Boat Club,
will try ills skill in the association sin
gles nt tho Middle States regatta hero
Labor Day. Other teammates in tho le
gatta will bo Granvlllo Malone nnd Wnl
tcr Campbell In the 110-pound nnd senior
doublo races.
Duliith Boat Club's crews covered them
selves with glory in tho national legatta
at Springfield, Mass On the fiist day
nf the bl contents they won all but one
of tho events. Satuidny they showed
equally lino form by whining nil inces
save one.
Thero were 51 Individual medals oilorcd
to tho athletes. The Ten Eyok proteges
carried homo 4&. Nothing In the history
of the National Association of Amateur
Oarsmen has ever approached this.
First it Is One, Then Another, Giving Way Under Strain,
Detroit Now Comes to Fore as Tigers Creep
Up on Flying Red Sox
Under Their Skins
lrasnJ Me A'fnrtrriitn tletr Ihrrt not
.1 erOBj) 0 nalrrn. Iran ana fat!
Ana aome leers thott oiul tome were loll
.Itiit ome ice re Ug and tome toere email,'
-titil soma uxrff thin out! eme wtrf Ihftk
.Ind Iran irrru terll oHd some icrrr lffc;
n fan I tnniprd ttitrt mch (frrr
0 Aunian hind that one might are
Hut, 01 trarirtl onl tn nt,
l tilt here sa-calliit imiilttrlav.
Hifo all 0 tnini urn- different
In muwular dml ini-.ifnl fteiif,
tirniii tiiiij trf-nii nnd other fWe
Thnt oil make up flir liftman tlpc,
mli ,oni anil Hod and rem oinl ilikt
1 1 our ifjjirrt urrr all ollfcr,
or while thru rnirrf arauml the boiol
II Inch ilecoratcn the Xiuettenth 7oIe,
Laeh Mofce atlmfttuf, sorely utrnek,
lle'il never hail xueh llotten Luck;
.tml rnc eonfmna, atniil the frame.
That he icctj lladlu op Ilia (lame;
Ana taeh one m ore that from hi teore
He ehottta hare knocked eight ulroke) or moie,
The Prophet's Calendar in lite N. I,.
MONDAY-"Nothlng to it but tho Phil
lies; a pipe."
TUUSDAV-"Sllp it to tho Dodgers,
they'll romp In under wraps."
VHDNnsDAV-"Looks like the tirnvas
ngaln; nothing much to It now."
TIIUItSI)AY-"Thc Pirates In a cantor,
no chnnco to bent 'em now."
ntlDAY-'if tho Cubs get n little bol
ter pitch well, they gotta ehnnce."
Over in the Other Pastures
And then again tlicie's the matter of
that little scramble over in the American
League. It still looks to be OS per cent.
Boston. But the steady nnd enduring pace
net by the Tigers nil jenr, nnd tho known
fact that no club will llt;lit hinder against
odds or hang on longer, pushes aside the
Idea that nny easy Jaunt now awaits the
Bed Sox down tho stretch.
Jennings is beginning to get better
pitching, and with his run-maklug tn 1
chlne operating with some fairly consist
In the neai fiiluie moloibonts nnd cvtn
the big stonmihlps may bo rigged with a
bow ruddet. This Is no Idle dream. The
plan Is n practical one, and will be of
gieat value to vessels In nut row water
ways. A ship In un emergency could be
tttrntd In close quarters nnd bo as effec
tive ns the stern rudder Is now. The bow
rudder Is so built In the ship thut It can
be drawn back out of tho way when not
in use.
At various times nearly every one has
found tho matter of steeling In naiiow
waters a most difficult problem. With
the bow rudder all troubles In this lino
vanish. An experimented conducted re
cently proved the etllcacy of the scheme.
An oar placed at tho bow of a launch
under way caused tho vessel to bo steered
to port or stnrlionid at the will of the
manipulator. Tho Idea Is not n now one,
but lma never been tried out aboard big
An interesting pioblem for mariners to
solve Is, "Does it tnko ns much water
to raise tho Dora II, a cruiser of tho
Itlversido Yacht Club, as It does a big
canal boat In the locks?"
Commotio! o Wnlber, of the Blvcrsldo
Yacht Club, says: "It takes as much
water to raise the Dora J I as It does
a canal boat It takes less water to lower
the canal boat than it docs tho smnller
I'lguio It out for youiself.
New Yorker Failed to Go Around
Manhattan, but Will Try Labor Day
SEW YORK. Auq;. l!l-"If at first you
don't succeed, try. try again " It's aw
ful old. that saying But It fits ill with
tills story ubout Robeit W. Howling. Ho
Is tho young man who attempted to swim
around Manhattan Island Sunday und
was compelled to giie up ufter lie hud
been in the water hnure and -D minutes.
The tido beat him back as lie was enter
ing thu Iluilem shp canal.
But, beaten once, ho doesn't Intend to
give up. Ho's going to keep on training
and in a few weeks mure, piobabli ubout
Labor Day, he Is going to u again
refinement of detail and
luxury of appointment, the
is true to that finished stand
ard to which Packard owners
have become accustomed.
Its subtle beauty runs far deeper than the outward
seeming. It is fundamental, and is carried through to
the minutest detail of equipment. Mere is a car con"
tentful to the eye and to the pride; it has the added
fascination of eager power under perfect control,
The 1-35 Wheelbase 135 inches. Price, with ami
open body, f. o, b. Detroit - . $2,950
The 1-25 Wheelbase 125 inches. Price, with any
open bo dy, . o. b. Detroit - - - $2,600
of PHILADELPHIA 319 N. Broad St,
Bell "Walnut 4800" Keystone "Race 3500"
ent hot work, I he lied Sox must tiaviil
nt fair speed through Hie West to lis
counted In before the middle of September
tf the aforesaid Tigers can roll back tha
Bed Sox chnrgo In Detroit the younger
league may kick In with n finish ns full
of thrills as the older circuit Is sure to
furnish, l'or these aro bizarre times in
the National Spasm, nnd no bloka cnn
tell from one. feverish day what the nc::t
afternoon will display upon the menu.
With Apologies
Rnlrl John ileHrair to Connie .VncA
'Wit; nr iOM (rolllnn no far barl,
"To 11 hi Vm nil icould bo loo ran .'
Sattl Com nit Stark (a John Slcllrau:
There In dope and then again thcie Is
dope Hut when tlir Beds como along
nnd drop Pittsburgh four out of five nnd
then roll liick Alexander that, Mawrusa,
Is something clso agnln.
Answered Like a Man
Sir. In tho Inst 10 ilns I've noticed
wheie nu'vo figured Philadelphia,
Brooklyn, Boston and Pittsburgh all
with a chance to win the National
League pennant Now cut out the "Ifs"
nnd "mnbes" nnd tho hedging and tell
us what club you think will land.
L. It. L.
Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Boston or Pitts
burgh. Is thut direct enough?
We've nt Inst discovered the answer
to this Nntlonnl League Jumble.
All eight of tho clubs entered are
Hacking under tho strain.
Maxims nf the 19th Hole
There comoth to every golfer the time
vhen lie curseth tho gamo and qultteth
It foiever
But the morrow shall find him back
amid his anguish, for It Is the ono In
curable dlicasc beond all antitoxin and
the llko thereof.
Displacement Is the medium for a true
Hundreds of poisons who enjoyed the
dnnco following tho Flat Bock Motorboiit
Club's speed carnival last Saturday will
no doubt be pleased to know that there
will bo two more soclul evonts U1I3 sea
son. Tho first will bo held September t,
when Lndlcs' Day will be celebrated. The
other Is on October 1C.
The next open racing regatta of the
South Jcieej Association will be held
under tho auspices ot tho Stono Hnrbor
Yacht Club, Stone Harbor, August 21.
Conimodoio Charles P. Wall, of the
Ocean City Yacht Club, may bo re-elected
nt the nnnunl meeting. At first the com
modoio declined to run. D. H. Paris, vice
commodore, and A. T. James and all
piescnt otllcers wero renominated at the
meeting held last Saturday.
C'ommodoro Walbcr, of the Riverside
Yacht Club, is n host of hosts. After the
vessels completed tho SO-mlle course in
yesterday's Bccord race, ho entertained
tho hungrv mariners at a dinner. Follow
ing tho dinner a vaudeville performance
kept the sklppois and their friends In a
happy frame of mind.
"Tabasco One" Again Shifts in Chat
tanooga Line-up
CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., Aug. 19 Kid
Hlbeifold has probably played his last
game on tho Infield for tho present sea
son he has for n ceitalnty. Tho Tabasco
One has announced that Jake Pitlcr. tha
Southern Michigan phenom, will be left
on second for the Lookouts for the test
ot the seuHOn. This forced the Kid to
ihe uutlleld If he wns to remain actively
In the guino. That he Intends to do so
is shown bv the release of Jack Johnson.
I Libel fold's passing from thiiil base, a
I pn.tltion 111 which he won undying fame,
I has been gradual.