11 RESERVES AND BULLION HOLDINGS OF BANK OP ENGLAND EXPANDED IN LAST WEEK EVENING LEDGER P III LAI) ELI1 II J A, TIIFRSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1015. ,; 4 4 to 1 IBTb - Ut E off 1 RAKE AND COAL PRODUCTS STRONG Lt ns ft Whole Showed Losses Session . ...- , .... 1(1 IV'lillrt tll tnnr- ft. nflcd of with a show of strength i spirit" ..i.i , ii, .inn. P.... with nearly rwij i,,,ih .,. ,. .-.,n"".i riit lJvl. tho upwnttl movement wnn WS long duration, nntl before the end njtoii"'" ihrr was n general ;t "V: ." ...i, innl. In nil narts of the Ttbotit the only reason thnt could ! ". .. . nir. tmriiim wnn heavy rflMnklnK nn.l a lack of demnud on &? W 3nm As him been tho case IW '-.. .inva when pressure wits ?. 5l in bear, the war specialties were raclPM" ,0 lic "wke'l. while FIo bite, hem ", rather well. At fS L losses ranged from a point to tZnAm pi h"l 'thlehom Sleel niid ffilkrr for tho principal drive In the P,w... -.i i.fn nnnn iho former feViost 8 points and the latter 4 points. W L-... - i npw York A.r Ilrnke nt- 33 o lit tip attention. At ono time fiffAln aria a half besides. Al the- lo.v ; i mt some demand and twain climbed Krd, showing n Rain it Hi uro.md Odiy. The strength wau In response fA statement by tho company's presl rLv Charles A. SlarUuck, continuing tho Sb of war orders and that the rcg ffir business of tho company Is Inn 'm' . ti- .,i.i iimi the comnnnv hat "rfefs'for shells mid cartridge enses fur .cruera "' , . ., .nllhM. ac. Hm very wiiitui iu m-- - - rfrMtlnR JIe,lil,uw. mi" i,""- d fewnieiits have already been made on fthiso orders. After noon Air uruac mane MM"1 " ' .... ..,.. .... nu tin nla fnr 'i furl her gum. uc"h -,,- ltiw i day. but all of this was lost beforo ! o'clock. . .x - ,-in,i ftni'iiitr llin enrlv hours For a iuuk hi""" "n --- -- --- - Sltnlted States Steel withstood the selling Kj$mn. but It. too. later fell In line with Kv. Kneral trend of the mnrkct to lower htvcls snd by noon showed a loss of nearly lltt General Motors also cume In tor J.L. nrrssnre. showlnc a loss at one tlmo 'of more than live points. t gupportlnB orders were put out In tho Feu'ly a'tcrnoon session and tho market irtllltd a little from tho low, and on this i- ..,t Amnrlrnn Conl Products Swourtled 10 points to n. new high record. Wh. nmvnrd swlmi was tdiort lived, how- vef, and when the i,.-vs came that the fWhltc tsr liner Amine uau ncen sunn. ".'. . . . 1. ..tlti. ..ma i.n.,n,,mfl nor a aunmaiiiiu inu utm' a ,.mv. &rt n .Anii.itin.l In lm Iho Inrnnat In the MustrIals, while tho railroads for the Cniost part held up wen. Aiioiuer rcaKon ndTaaced for the selling was the check j"0l IHO lirUlSIl IOTL-uh ill 111" LUiu.iui:iii;ii. tfjjy nild-aftcrnoon. losses stood nnywhero 'wt. . . (i (Iniiu Af llin finrl nf llin iruiu L i" " i"""" "i- - ." -- J... !. mnflrnt u'na lnil-nr With flV PTt- ,'ceptlons. New York Air Brake and American Loai i-rouuuia m nnuiii,, mu Iformcr showlns a naln of 2i points. The matket was very fovcrlsh. Forelcn exchanKe rates were firmer to av Aanfirilnllv Htpillnir- where interest Mvas centred. What the size of the British loan to be floated In tlio United aiates win be innuot as yet be learned. Some he lltve that It will be reduced from J500.000, 'fOO lo $1110,000,000 or 5150,000,000. One of tho jchlct reasons believed to be holding up ;k.. ilanlulnn nf tlln llltrtltlh llfltlkoru In paee the loan here Is the rate of Interest vhlcii win be cnarBeu. I ENGLISH KESERVES EXPAND iMlntjease bf Nearly Two Million Pounds Sterling Reported I AVnrtV Ano- 10 An lti,rfnn lif U .W.lU,l, ...Mil. .. .... ..... w... I. n.irlt. f9ananTia ulnrlln, In inmlvna W1IR irtperli'd by I he Hank of KuKlnnd for tho kiweek. The proportion of reserve to pliabilities lose from i'J.71 per cent, to 2X50 ' fir cnt. and compared with 15.fc0 per i tent. Inst year. r Ko change was made in tho minimum tocount rote. Coinparlsona follow: I ThtH week IiHt week I.net yenr Clrculallon . . 'Il,n.l.0io Public d. poslta 102,(111,000 Mvato dc- , poiln ....ll'I.UI.VKX) .Oovt. o- carltlfs . . 4.MJia,O00 ;0thr bo- .'coriUM ..1I0.1K1.0OO Resfrif ... KI.U17.U00 i Proportion Lof resere 'lo imh '! r.fir- Snttlnn nT i mu. .-7..,v,. .... ul..H.,,,nn. jnx rate. 5 I'mintlH If.'.lltl.OOO u;,ooi,ooo S3.O75.0O0 4S,D15,000 ll8,tl3,ono D1.724.(XK) '.'2.71 C.".7:S,oik) 55S Pmlnila 37,tS0,.H)0 13,071,000 lOS.O'.l 1,000 JU.OU.WII HI, 720,000 IU.22.1,000 Ki.80 37,or.a,ooo Oft BANK CLEARINGS I Tank drurlnsH today compared with corrc pondlne diiy last to years: L 1015. mil. 1M3. fblladelphli t:.l,so.Mi82 f20.U0,li.in I2l.s:il),772 Boiton . . 2.',1 17,007 1T.K.1II.-IISI 22.2II2.KI0 Mil York.. TO2,ir.',00 15S,lin..M):i 2111,527,000 RATES FOR MONEY Ptlladflphla. ,T -Jw Vork I' &;,": u. . "'K.ift tforamerdal roper, three to six months, J'hll -iiyiuu, oj.y per cent. .uii. nine. 44 4 HIV, 502 2434 lleserve Banks' Discount Rates RilladHpnta JJL York . iton Ifimonl ... lUiia sBrajo .... h Loqli . . uaaearaiia Kfi" ly ill?? PranclVco '.'.'. 1 to in. . :t . 3 . 4 -Days It to 31 to 01 lo tot to 30. I 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3J a V). 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 ?. a im. a mns. 414 a 4 5 .1 n n 5 a 5 5 s 5 a $ 4 4 'i AiirlruUurBl and live stock pacer only. KT I0A.. . . . . . . . i'iTii .; r"H ior paiiKra accepiancra iT um - P" cent, and minimum 4 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NBW YOltK. Aue 10. 1-orplun exchansa tr llrmer today. Na-.j htorllnic. Franca. Marka. rJ?fi'"l 4.II7W 5.111 SliJiftbUt 4.I1SU 5.02 ........: GOVERNMENT BONDS .. ,, . . w, ri iffix "entered , ui - . resiaif red , in JJH 2a licit rcelstero.1 07 JBd new n rcglalered 101 nrtTn.'L'" " coupon jui S '' reglatered 1W)4 ri tiJtl c"uPon , luuvi Mffi""1'6'"1 i?y -r .v tWUU ttiat IU AVAR SUPPLY STOCKS PrLftrro.l To Jl t vv9t common!'. !",!!!!!! tttii aaj ft. Hit ii !! 'Tii mP''l'rrti' ','...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.',',',','.'. 1H) HO Olan Car & faunirv. ....... . 10 108 I,,-...-. -' .-..- ....- --- -;- r"-'f"'i in ii 'wn Kloloalvaa .' .lii'i dflk (irvlsrrej ini llu rma Co 4SS 510 (1BL P-U'.l ..n...n.nn llR f.al .waiuirca M IUU rK Lost 410 I llu jweteirid , 4lJ 4 w Powder comnuui MB Ml wmaiit-Honrt ' . Ill 11 pfefmred 97 104 Anna 'o 975 31 r Aims Co 17S0 Bank of France Gaina Gold '11 Atlf 1 Au In.iuu of ovar 10.000 i" ioia a reported by the Hank of u lu weekly iiiiinut today. I)taU Auui4 17. Auut 12. 4 lut'"ul.C)t 4.1?200.0(1 .hit ikio OfiO 7.SU0.OflO it.on 12 W1I.ICOOOO 12.H25 H0O.00O k. )&it 9 it.y !VUi HOD 3 .U15 HXXQ0O al ...i,,!. ,i . . ,i "oJ I ,i . ' il-.'TilOUKI u uu aou.ooo M..IU Ill InO.MU 218.00.iK W52. 000,000 688.100,000 New York Stock Sales Mu n,,i it LArt",'Sf; ".W; 'w' a s Chalmers Mftj.... 41fi 11". 38' ( f'. M'. lit) )' OS' 4 Alll Chalmers Mfg pf. 72'i " .lur tncmicai. ... Am Meet Sugar Am lleet Kujjat pt.... Am Can Am Car & Foiim'lty.V, Am Coal IToducti.... Am Cotton Oil Am KjprcM Am jlldo & leather.. Am llldo A I, pf Am lea Pecntllles Am Unseed , Am Unseed pf Am I.ocomollvn Am Smelt & Hot guj Am Steel fnunilpp ... r.i Ak. f .. . . ..i 'im oucar net pr. ... Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco Am Tob pf now Am Woolen Am Wpolen pf Anaconda Coppcf ... 'V.l? ;": 102U 102? i, ,. "i " ' pt '" iW'l iidtuwin iako. Dalllmoro A Ohio ... llalllmohi Ohio pf Halopllai Mlnlns ... llethlehem Stivl llcthlehcm Steel pf . . llrooklj-n ItapTMnt IluttA Superior Cal Potro'eiim Canadian I'arlflc Cent Leather Co.... Cent heather Co pf Chesapeake ft Ohio. . Chlno Copper Chleaco (Ircat Wcit. 71 fiotj CO no 54 71 1544 l."i ni'i r.o 100 liMs K.1 fifi'f SiH lltU 111 110'f KM 123.'. 12.T. 22M 220 107M 107! a :is .17 1)2 01" IJ, S7 to. Ill r.2 ODU 114 fiP. Il'J . '. 8 24f 11 .'17'. o0'( 227 .107 k.:i7'5 02H 0 100 7!. .17 21 l.T :i:i CI M 81 K1 71 H 1 2S8 on1. 101M 00' 70 HI 71 1" (Ihl (It West pf Hon i:m u & Paclllc Chi Mil & St Paul.... Chi . Northwest C C C & St I. pf Cluett Pea A Co pf . . . Colorado Fuel A. 1 Consolidated (Ui Continental Can Continental Can pf... Corn Products lief Corn Pro ltcf pf Crurlbla Stsol Cruclblo Stool pf Cuban-Am Kusar Del AHudbon Distillers' Securltlos... Domo Mines Du SS AAtlpf Krlo Krlo lstpf General Klectric General Molors General Motors pf Goodrich 11 F Co Great Northern pf Gt N cfs for ore prop. (lUEccnhclm Kxpl'n. .. lot Acrlcultur.il Int Agricultural pf ... Inter Con Corp'n Inter Con Cor pf Int liar N'J Inter Met Vot t c... International Paper... Inspiration Copper Kan City Southern Kansas City So pf Kayscr Julius A Co... Kre!0 S SCo Lack Steel Lchlsh Valley Long Island Louis & Xaihvlllo.... Mackay Cos MaxHi'll Motors Max Motors 1st pf.... Max Motors 2nd pf. . . Mexican Petroleum... Me Petroleum pf Mo Kansas A Texas. . Mo Kan A T pf Miami Coppoi Missouri Paclllc Montana Poner Nat Cioak & Suit. .... Nat Knamol AS Nat Lead Nat Lead pf Nevada Con Cop 81 82 . 71 Vi 288 1.10'i 140 8,i!, M'S 0.1'i CT . 17 17f i".afj ifi2"j ioi. IfiU 4(1 i 10.Vf 101'. 45'J 4l'f ID' a 12 :()'a ior. 45'. 1SH 12), i:m 81! 02' 5 io. 45 11"( :)', lO'i ID'S Wi 82H 821. 82'i 127', 127H 120' i GO'S 0.J 02 .101'n UWi 10.1'i . I.'I'S 4:i'i dl'i 12,Va 128 12.Vt 8!) 8!) SO' 4 1IW4 101 101 . 17U 18U 17H . SM'i S3M 8.1 70'1 78 72'S .102)-a 10.1 102 .1I0!1 12215 118 1404 140), MlHj . 2S'f 2!i, 28 . 2l!f 22)a 2P 7)5 8 8 . 28! i 28)5 27Ji . 41 4', 4:iJi . 175 218 .108 . crjjf o:i .118'g 118' -V.K 45 . GO!. . 20 . -II 20,U . 72)i 107 . 20 . 10 . 35TJ 2 M . fill 78 174!t 172'5 171 210 211', IDS! IDS !), 00)4 20' i iVi 21 7.T, 107 21H 10U :il!( 27)5 5S 8 14 I' J 150 r.l A( .14.1 , :t:i 113' 70 404 02 USti 87'-a 81 7) 18 2G'f 3 cm 78 281a" III?' 109 It! 14: in.1; 7ii'f 47 nm 3'J'i 87'i 85n 7f 18)4 20!4 3U 501, 82 29'i 01 110 14!, 118 12' i 01', 10 38 20 72' J 103), 20 04 W 2fi)ii 58' i 78 145 51 142 34 1HK 7fl'i 43'1 00 ;7ii 83H S.'i)f Vi 18W 20 3 50U 78 28Jf G3)a 110 11) Now York Air Mrako.. 120)4 137!i 120 New York Central. . N YN II A II KYO AWost Norf A West Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Paclllc Tel A Tel. . 01 KM 20 00 03 00il 0.1) 25' i 25), ..107JS 1075 107),' ...107S. 10S 107 ... 34 31 33 30 Peimlt It 1()S)( 100)a Philadelphia Co. ritbbure foal PlttsburK Coal pf Pressed Steel Car Quicksilver ItySteol Sprln ltay Con Coppjr.... Headlns llep Iron A Stool. 79lf 32 00 05!f 1 4,1)4 2.1 .148)4 140)4 147X 45t, 40'i -U', 7814 . 31J . 0!l?f 05JJ m 42 22't : 30 108)4 78 30 07 02)i 3!i 41 will llep Iron A Steel pf...!01)f 102)4 lOUf Hock Island Co Hock Island Co pf . . ltutnely M Co Itumely M Copf... Str. ASF 2d pi... St Louis Southwest. Seaboard Air Line.. Seaboard Air L pf . . Sears Roebuck SIoss-SS A I pf.... Southern Paclllc Southern lty Southern lty pf SludebakerCo Studebaker Co pf. .. Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas A Pacific Third Avenue Underwood Typo... Union Hag A Papar Union Pacific Union Pacific pf. U . a .. 10)4 .. 14 .. 6ii .. 13)4 .. 15 .. 33Jf ..150 .. 5I!J . sou ,. 15), .. 47 .111 ), 'J lOW 15 i H 9 13 5 12)4 1-1' 33 12)4 15 .13 15GU 1C3 50). 6.1)i 89)4 88)i 15)a 15). 17Jf 40)j 111)4 107 ...100U 107). 100'i- ... 49)i 493i 47)i ...144)4 144H 111 ... 10)4 0)5 M ... filJi 53 fil'f ... 70 78 78 ...7 7)f G'i 131)4 131!i 130)i 81 U fi IndAlchol.' 70'J U S Cast I P A V. US Ileil Allef... United Ilyslnvpf. U S Ilealty A Imp. U S ltuobor. 2Hf 2U 3G)f 35 51 U S Steel 70J4 U S Steel Pf United Clsar Mfrs. Utah Copper Va-Cara Chein Va Iron Coal A C. . Wabash pf Wells Fargo Exp.. . Western Union Tel wnstlns E A M... Westlnghouso 1st pf..-130 Westing Air draw. Willys Overland.. Willys Overland pf 82 71)4 22'j .Hi 35)( .'IS ffillf 7711 82 09)4 21 1'i I)4 3S 51) 74)4 112H 112JJ 11214 45 30f 03 U 109!f 110 71K 72 UU 118 135 280 43) 07 30 J t 01 n Wlsconsn Central. 4,1)1 0U 30 02 )f 110 71 11 1U 135 280 .183 181 170 ,iooi lom, louij 30 351f 33 Close. 33 385 , Wl 504 Gt 00 GO' i G9!( 111) 50 100 7, 37 24 144 31)4 54)4 80 53 110'f 1234 28 itT"'4 37 D1H 70)4 101S 00'i 80 82 71 PS 275 1.18'f 84 '4 0.1 104 lfil'd H'4 105'J 44'i 16 IP' 301, lS'ii S2U 120' 4 02 10.1'i 4PJ 125 't 8'J 104 17'i 8.1 73 102 118 110', 28 22)4 8 27)1 4.1'i 211.!, 10 s 50', 118 I2'a G-l',' 19 38 2(l'( 7.1'fi 103)4 2P5 0)4 34'-, 20' i 5SH 78 150 51 U 142 30 114U 7G'i 4 111 00 37 84 8.5'! 7'i 18)4 20)5 Mi 50'j 82 2SIJ 0.1)5 110 M'J 134 00 03 251,' 107)1 107 3.1 30 lOS'j 70! 1 30 07 02)1 3'i 41 22)1 147), 4414 101!1 X H 0 13 5 12' 4 14)1 33 163 53)4 88)1 15)5 40)4 I08?i 107J5 475. 141J1 9)4 52'1 78 O'l 13034 82 . 00)4 21 3',' .15), 38 52 74J1 112)4 4.H1 G0J1 30)i 02 H 110 71 115)1 135 280 170 10G)J 35 NEW YORK CURB Hid. Amerlean 7-lno "? llraden ;j ,;' llr-Am Tobacco old lj i!o new ,,; Electilo Itoat . va ilo iircferred no Oold. Cons ,'H Orfene Cananea, Krnc't Copper J I, V CI Sale ,t.t. 0O KIplMlng i "W Oils Bknator J- da proierrw c " i iisar-ltAflaman .,..., o Submarln ,.,,.,,..... 4); ,..," 'Si..Vii . . . . 50 6HSTi w -ftJw. J?' 5u JPTSKJii BfiiHw w... ..--.i w m ............. u Vukon Hold s Aakrd, a.114 s',a i4; . IBU 47ft 4W) 13. 40 48U 165" 7 74 On BH 40)1 i i i KAILROAD EARNINGS IJBNYKK AND RIO BKANPK. 11)13. Incroatw. From July 1 S.W7.500 3,009 CIIKSAI'BAKB AND OHIO. u.rk Auauat ... m.m m.r- SCST-.Jiv 1 o.SSO,16I 4H.: NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS ..ui.' .,ff 111 Hl"TTfiH. Uarkat kmv ",. k ;t-v lfrSw. . "J.W ami, oairy. "-. . ,.... n ateaciter, .wwih. j-tj" sar : blbar acorinir. "MiTiit-u; .T. T.i,..tl...i .iraninurv XdnilUi exir" flrai 242M,c ulr packed. l"f. 2 t i.l,4 iolvr, 212;.. tnerd. uaaJrliy brUn. 37i)0c. New York Bond Sales nigh. I0) Albany ft Sua :i'4s XI I'ooo Amer Kmelt See im...im1 15H10 Amer Tfl rvt I'll lty. I Ham Armour 'o l!t "If, Sttmiil At'lilaen dj (a 82 -iuiiii Ati-iuaon cv 4B iim.i.. uivs iinai At'hinn ct 4s mini. Man) Hrtlt ft Ohio .H49.... N'lWI Halt s. Ohio 4a Un.10 Halt nli ev 4'4.. r.lioo lleth Steel rf.l fw.... aimii) llrookn Hup 'lY B.s 'Is. iimu cm una i;i"e 5a... ,'"! Cent l'ae Ut 4a .Ifnal Chen Ohio cv 4'.fca IHKIO lo 4H SJisoil C II 14 Joint 4a r.ouO O. M St 81 V en fis... 1000 Col Soulb rtf 4'.4a. .tool) Don It O 4s iniKHi l)a Seeurltv Corp 6' ."nro tlrle r.a mmo Hen Klee deli ns ham I hid Man rrd IOO11 Indiana Kloel fn K'l", 111 1..CI11 -1 JH..1. . . . . . . ."urn Ins Cop ev Vm 'ill 7000 Imp cv ret .'Id pd (. Uoim InliTli Mrt HiH Maul Inlerli H T lef ,1s... 14MKHI inter Mer Mar 4... ."illKl li.lrliil Paper evt lit. 1,0011 Mcka Steel 0 Ilir.O... "lion Laclede Una 1st t.. . Hiim Mo Kan & T lal 4. .. 'K.SKI do 2.1 la SUM Mo I'ne ml .la 1017.... imni (in rolls lis .nun N Y O It II :ll,s i:a rri bil SOU ."fs 101" luff. M 100 ll "IS 81 , Ill'-S I'l'li 1112, 102 '4 , .. 9 S"l I Ol 4 . Mil . 7.IK .11014 IC.'d .1021, 102, S"() ""!' . 701 70S W. V, II.-, .1021 miu . tilt. Till. .lnof! pais Ml 111 111 t?A Hit, K 7:1 7i SO 1L 1W U7J W'Ji lllllllll .,IK,I 21 mo EPIU" 4VCKI 10011 .iml 12DOO 11 on irjxil Id do N V 1I0 4'4 t'lty la 1U.V.I.... I'.a II 'O.I ui rri i.ia. V (laa ll A I' la. N V N II It fl... N V llwy udj "im... N V Ktalo la ll'Ul. N Y Tel cen IIm: . . Iimo Norf .14 Wast con 4a. mil no evt 4i.j8 Poo N.,rtli l'ae prior la . Viiioii do (ten :i 700,1 faellle Tel .la ...... jam I'rnn ev fUt,H 21 ro liny Con Cop 0 .... (VHK) Iteadlnir Ken 4a "Olll Hod! iKlHIld la anno iln rid la HHW do So Siilio Kt 1.. I M & H "S. . IOMI Houtli 11.41 :,. 0011 South l'ae ev la Imhki do ev ret r 11 r.s nil limn foutli Ilnv gen la. .. 2i 10 Son Hi llwy eon fia... smut Texnii co ev . 1Wpii Third Ave new 4a... llioi'O r s Steel ..) r.on f 8 Steel ren ,a I.".rum t'nli.ti lini. lu, J. .oiHi rniim l'ae cv 4b uoii 02HOI1 Wnli-i' Ter Int ft la.. 1DIXKI WVat Kleclrlc ev r.a. .HiSU r.2PIHi W K K SI cv u.i w 1..117'i HiOll Wlseon I'ent gen ll. .. M2 l ,81 IS 0'. i' tiVi'i i's IISVl. 101 Nl'j 1 10'a Id Hit' HI',, x' 107 S!'k ?"' mi'. 1 uu, Hiva Ml III lull., tin H7' 1171, r.t 1111J .117', II7J, .IHOV 1""Jb 711 711 1n"ni lirjl- ,lir2 HI .".I NIV 77 to:it H7'4 10U HI'., III", III', .ll una 107 sot, 1121, 07', toil's 112 Ml IllH l. ' Jfet "'. 'laaaaaBttt CI"" '-',rT aaaaaaR H.; .- .-X&oS, . . laaaaBI ion ; KV SaaaaM lilt, '. OKkV! HaaH X2i, iBaat, WW iw' . L9y, jst jBi sir- Jffib; m NIA 'fflaBBaaBse lM W ffaaaElL 4 Ml lllll. baaaaanEA ) ZaaaaaaaaD k :Wk m ' m hi waiivai.- - ' ifc ..aaawi 102S ' 'i,' iS"' JSm I".''. ii lo: 112 v, lii4 losvJ lllll, .S2 Sales in Philadelphia Yea. Clofe. IllKh. Uuvt. Cloao. 2011 ililldwln I.oco.. 7l)i Mli 711(4 Ml loo Am Can M itli, 01 HI'i, 12.1 Alllieondil Cop.. tS 7l)j Tin, Il'.j 100 II.UIO ,t Ohio.. K2H S2'l H2U M2', 4171 Cam Hleel ."l, n.Vj ,li, , .10 Cent U'lilller 1.1 4 l.i 1'hi Ciitawlaan 42!i I.VJJ 151, 4r.'i 7M Klce SlnrnEo... 04'i IK I12H 0'- 1H2 III, Co N Am.. 22i ZSK 22H, 22', .Tl .1. O. Ill lit I7J, 17', 17 47 llll.'i l-Tku Sup Corp. II', HI H'i, '.il It l.ehli;li Valley.. 72 ,71'., 71', 71'.j 20 Mlnetilll r.r.'f. '". M V, 14 .N-ortli Central.. S2K S2), 82i K2V loo i'ne Mall m :a la. 220 I'enn It II .... 51'i .".l, .-.PS SI'S, 22 I'enn Salt Mrn. . .. or. IH III :i.-i l'hiin Co siii, iiiuj, isii'a rfnii r. do cum prcf .... 40 m III r.17 I'hlln Iller 21V, S41 2PH 2H', 1:111:1 I'hlln Han T. . li'a 10, li", 10 .'lit I'lillu True 7IS 74 71 71 2 l'Hlla Otn ft Nor .. 110 no 110 or. HenulnB 74 7li 7:V, mi III Tenn Cop 47'4 l -llh i:.(iTon Hei :, .'iT, TO n 10 f s Itublicr 1.11 131 Wl 21.-. Union Trnc :il .'i.-.',5 ;H .'l.-'a 20 flllteil 11.13 tin. 8.1 ST. Kli M 142.V. I" H Htcc! 77 77'.1 7l',4 7Hi IS", WnmleU I H S 10'!, 10 10 10 10 Y.fc't llwy pref KO :to ::o no in Win Cramp to.. 72: 7:1 7;t 7.1 IIO.S'IJS. Last prev. anle. IIlRb, Low. Cloae. fTMl Hnld I.oe tat "s.HIJ 102 102 102 .Mill llelh Steel 0.S...11S Its 1ls lis 201K) do .la itm; ioo'a 100'i loou, .".1:111 C Pt acp Keli '17 Os'i )isl US'! IISS 211.10 do May 1017.. Iistt lisy, US PS 2012 Cum St Sep 'III. 1IIIS Hal 1110 1IKI :niii r.ioc & v v ir.. w 7;'. 7:1 7:1 2i:m Ia'Ii V Ben I'4h iiiVj nsij usij us'i MOOO I'.l Co uen 4I.H. 117'ij i) Ur 20011 do nun I',4n..ln2i, 102 lirj'i; 11121J 2IIIUI do cona .',.... Ml M',4 )llli MW 122 I'lillu Kite la '18 IIS 100 IIS inn ,:0OU do 4., 80- 7M, 7NS 7S71 IflHI WtlsuncH 3a ,.. .. I P.l III Local Bid and Asked Baldwin do prcf Hurt & Sua to.. do prcf Cambria Sue! Klectrlc StoniBO Uenernl Asphalt ilo prcf Koyaionu Tel .. lu 1 v do prcf Liko Sup Corp.. lblBh Nav l.clilirh Vnllov . Lehluli Volley Tr 10 prer Penuaylvanla ... I'hlln Klectrlc... l'lilla Co do .1 per cent. do U per cent, l'lilla It T Ill t u Heading Tonopah Helmont Tonopuh Mmlns Union 'l"ractlon . Lnlted llaa Imp. U S Steel York Hallway ... do prcf Win Cramp to.. Todny Ycstercliiy Hid. Aalicd. Hid. Aalied 78ij V.l& HI H2 lOPt, lO.IMi 10.'. lO.-i'i IS hi 13', 12V4 I3ta .TJIj 40'J ail'.. 10 . , BIV, 54", fill, .IH, IKPi III llij 111 32ta a:iu 112'., :i:i',i 18',, IWK IH'i IM', 13, 14 Ml, 14', 1.1s lit, i::i ii',, 0.1 UII 03 1X1 ui; mi ii'; 10 .. 711, 74Ji 71 7114 71'i 71'j r l.l'i 111 Hi tub ....... :i2'4 .Tl". 11:1 :i-',a ....... B4 54'iJ MJ4 .11',, 2IH 24T, 2l!'j 241. 30 ;r.)'i 3:1 .'111V4 pt.... 3.1 :. :n 311 pf.... 40 41 40)4 41)j 10 HM 114 10 10 io!a 1114 10 7:iH 7;i?. 71, 74-n, 0)4 0. njj, 3U 33j! ::n nit, 33 Ml? MJi H.1 1i 74ll 74,, -llj, f7 7)4 H 7!'j H 2IIW 31 211 .111 71 72 71 73 LONDON STOCK MARKET Trading Dull, With No Particular Feature LONDON', Aus. 19. Trndlns was dull on the Stock Kxclinneo todny. Tlie wnr lonns were flabby. Homo rails woro slightly firmer, due to dividend payments. In the lute trndliib' Irregular chniitjes wero noted In American railways, and this mnr lict was without feature. Canadian I'aeillc turned dull and Ca nadian Cur nnd Eoundrjr fnlled to rally. Argentine railways wero stronp; on ro portB of eaniinfis. Oil securities showed hesitation. Indian Government bonds were llrm. duo to an estimate that tho Indian dellclt for the current year would be 2.057,000, which Is considerably below previous expectations. N. J. Steel Co. to Be Sold rnder an order ol Iho Court of Chancery of New Jeraey. William J. Hackea . maatjr. will Toll on Tliiiraday. September 30 101S. at i.oon. at tbo plant of Iho New Jersey Steel company, at lUhway, N. J., all tbo land,. bmiding4 nnd pcrapnal property of tlie com. rany. "onaUtliiB of tho conipleto fttel manu. facturlng plant. Further Rise in Crude Oil INDEPENDENCE. Kan.. Aur. 10, A further advance of B cents a barrel In price pf mid continent crude oil hua been announced, mak ? the , present iiuotatlon 08 cent. This prjca "omparea with 40 cenla quoted at t,he bcsln nine of Ihla month. German Bank Quits 1XJNDQN. Auk. 10. According; to, the Am HtJrdini llandeil.bladet. th dlttelrhcjnl.ch. Jlank, belonging to the Dlaconto awellschaft iroun. haa auapendad owing to tha lo.aaa auf. ferVd by the war. Tba banlt was Intenwtea in big nbeul.h-Veatphallan Indu.trlw. FOREIGN TRADE CnANCES The following Hit 0 ovportutitlf tor Amir (cnii mouaciirr4 in l orflpn lrad f clew by tht Uunaa Ql Portia oBd Oomllo Comm.ice, iparln!H 0 Coinmrc. and xi dlllonal laormallii maj 6 fcad p corre apod., ell-lap lh IU HUiub.r; No. 17809. bolary-An Amtrlcan oonaular ofOter hi Brltlab Guiana wtltea that a com iiililon firm In hla dlatrlct daairoa to communl Saia with Amwlcan manufacturara and ax SwUra of hoalary of all gradM. Quotatlwia atould b rnada t. o. b. Now York. Including (ommlutoa. Correapondence may bo in Bng j lab. No. 17S07 o4fic nuppllM. tc.-An Amarlcan conaular offlcar In Swlturland writes that ha la In receipt of an laaulry front a large dIr In olflce auppllea and furnltura and fUturu for tba addreu ofAniarlcan mauufacturara and amorttr of marchauduw of thla claw. No. 1760S. apongta Tba Dpartinnt of Com merce U Ir. receipt of a coSiniunlcatloo from a buauieaa man in nm n,uariauwi, ,., that he dtalrea lo rec.lv name and addraaaen r. ... .Q,Ard li, mArl,. an KaKU,ll. No. 178U. planoB ab .American conauUr ofB; car In Bug laud report that a lira ol inuakal Instrument dealers la hU JUirkt dtalre to .ommunlcate wltb American manufacturers oX caeap pUuog, to coal not mere luait iiw 1 Uvertd. ' ini-. ill'.. ,7 IU7 Nil', llj', 7 inn', 110', 02 , Ml III 4V, till' j 07 , 117'i, iiuii; 70 102', 102 in uu', insi'5 11 OS, S2 TIENIIY TATNAI.L 'k'o president of the Poimsyl vnniti Railroad, who is spending his vacation in Ontario, Canada. TRACTIONS STRONG; BREAK IN STORAGE Heavy Selling of U. S. Steel Caused Local Stocks to Sag at the Close AHIioukIi the arbitrage Kioup of stocks was depressed ml tho I'lilladolpliht I'x chunRo today, purely local issues hold fairly well despite a considerable ninouiu of selltni; pressure at Intervals. ,1. CI. Ilrlll sufrei-cd a slluht oetlinek when rnlled Stntcs Steel turned reactionary nfter a stiutiK start, fnmlirln, lioweor, was In soud domain!, crossing K. Hl?clrlc llnt tei'.v scored 11 hiihiII ailviincc durlim tlio inuriiliilt, while Itnlilwln T.ocomotlvo rose neaily n point, hut neither weio ablu tn iniilntniii their Knltis, Stoniue I'liillnu tho iloy with n loss of about 2 points. In tho nftcrnnon reiill7..ttlnn Hint to morrow would see a material reduction If not almost complete elimination of jit ney competition caused buyliur orders to appear for Rapid Transit, which lifted that stock across 10 nnd sent Onion Trac tion up nearly a point. Cramps also hardened, while StiiraRc sold off about a point and Pennsylvania Salt oven moro. Over ll.OOd Hhares of United States Steel chanced hands today on tho decline. At the eloso news came that tho Ilnllmn Injunction suit to hold up tho awnnllmr of contracts for the new subway and elevated linos had been dismissed, but whether this could rightly bo roKiirded ns a stimulus for the traction stocks Is uncertain. Contracts wero awarded lato this afternoon. Following the example set hy I.chlgli Valley and United States Steel, Pennsyl vania shares turned lieavy after 11 promls Iiir start. Although arrangements have not yet licen completed for tho conversion of tho Pennsylvania Company's 3?i per cent, franc bonds Into dollar bonds, It Is expected that the detnlls of tho plan will soon be mniln public. Tliesr bonds nro now deposited as collateral for the French lianldim loan made In this country. The dollar bonds will bo sold nnd tho proceeds employed bv the railroad to pay oft tho French owners of the security now de posited heic nnd will lliitildnto about $27,000,000 of the JH.OOO.OOO collateral loan. Tho higher rnto of Interest which the Pennsylvania will undoubtedly hnve to pay will bo moro than offset by the profit It will make In tbo rate of exelinngo nnd hy tho ndvantnge secured In reducing bv moro than half Itu obligation falling duo In France In 1921. To net tho low prlco of sterling nnd franc exchange regulated as quickly as possible Is tho crying need of the hour, and tn this end most of the banking fra ternity nro bending their utmost efforts. Tho drop In exchango has seriously In terfered with business between Ibis coun try and foreign merchants, nnd until iionio sort of adjustment Is reached gen eral trade conditions lire bound tn ho nervous and uncortnln. Bankers hero ns well ns In New York aro advising ngnlnst puhllo participation In tho war stock boom, but so far their efforts have failed to chock speculative enthusiasm. Money Is so plentiful that It is easy to obtain loans oven If 30 to CO per cent, mar gins ore required In soma of the firework producing Issues. Money rates, locnlly, rcina'n practically unaltered. The supply of choice short mercantile paper Is so limited ns to bo readily absorbed and averages around 3',i per cent. Otherwise tho rato Is about I per cent, In Chicago short maturities of best names have gone ns low as 3 to IVi per cent. Financial Briefs Tho Fidelity Trust Company, of Haltl more, has purchased from tho Potomac Light and Power Company fUHCOA short time ," per cent, notes. Tho Potomac I.lRht and Power Company Is the reor ganization of tho Martlnsburg Powor Company, mid tho now company will spend about JlCQ.ooo tn extensions to thu property. K. I.. Ames was defied president of tho Hooth Fisheries Company, succeeding A. H. Carpenter, resigned. I. I.. Sniltliera was made general manager. Tho Now York Stock ExchanSo mem bership of Ivan M. Taylor has been posted for transfer to Henry W. Kvnns. Tho consideration w-as SS,000. The following have been elected membcra of tlio ex change: Benjamin I). Ilartlett. J. Ford Johnson and C, Hedticr Ilichords. Charles H. Bean has. gone to Shawnee-on-the-Uelaware, for 0 few weeks' vaca tion. O. S. Carrjgan & Co. bid up Ilapld Transit. Tho New York banks gained 3,189,000 from tho Subtroaaury' yesterday, and Jl, 013,000 slnco Friday. Chandler Brothers were buyers of Cambria Steel. C, D. Barney & Co. bought United Statps Steel. The American Woolen Company has taken an additional contract for 560,000 blankets. The order is understood to have been placed by tho Italian Oovernment. The New Orleans, Mobile and Chicago Railroad, operating from Mobile to Mld dteton, Tenn., 403 miles, was sold at public auction for ,76S,a80 to Chauncey H. Murphy, as secretary of the bondholders' committee. The road had been in the hands of a receiver for two years, September maturltlea are intimated at $43,000,000, a large part of which have al ready been provided for torough new nnanoJnK. NEW YORK METAI, MARKET NEW YORK. An 10 The tone of the mar ket at the Mtiul L-vchaiu..1 w uochaiiaed. Lad waa offered at i ii" : tic, IU.wVia 3l.lIV.a- Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. ino i:iee Rinraite. 0.1 0 t,eh Valley .. 71 U 111" do in 11,1 Amer fan .. islu flo do na IDil do rjit 10 do mil 10 Dice stornue. ol), .1 Iteitdlnij 4 100 V H Steel.... 77'J S111 rnmhrla steel flltf, Hal do JUT 111 f H Steel.... 77 5 1'hlllt Co .... m Mi lllee storiute. 01 2oO tVinibrla Steel .11, 2 (Mlnbrln Steel M 110 tl 3 Steel.... 77, 7J Klee Ptnraite. n.1 lot) do 70", r, U H Slcel.... 77 1.1 t.nko Sup Cor ill 4 do 77 100 do 'ti n Klee Storaae. ill); 2.1 do .0)5 0 Cambria Steel RlU 10 Cambria Steel Sli 2.1 J a Ilrlll ., I7'l too D 8 meet.... 77i 10 Cambria Steel Mf, III Wee Storage. 0 J J, 10 tl 8 Itubber.. M'J loo l'ennii ....... tVl!$ IS l'cnnn. Olti-ld 100 U S Steel..,. 70j llOS'DS. ,KM llnMnln I.nenmOllve fin 102, 1000 l'lilla cona r,, MM, 20011 i'enna Ren 4'da tl? 10:30 to 11 A. St. 10 I'hlln. Elec .. BIJ1 2 l'lilla '1 N.UO :i l'ennn ,14 Urn Illee Sloraite. HIV4 20 do ,11, ,1 Yntk nfd . . . . tu 1110 Cnmbrla Sieel Mji 211 Mlnehlll ..... M K' do .11 U S Con 1Y of N J 711 211 f H Hleel TIP. 4 Cnmlirln Sleel 11 nm CiinihrlA Sleel .11 f,u tl H Hleel.... TH-S 111 Tenn copper, is, 20 do in I' H Sleel ... 7llt)i Hm do 200 do Till! lllll ,1 inn do 70 , Ion War Ir & St. 10 nm do 711), ,m l-iko Hup i'or .lift 211 I'hiia Hie,: .. r.lfi 2.1 wnr Ir & Ht. 10. nm C H Steel.... 7H Hm i'ne jinll ... :a no do ,( :i ivnna 51'ii in llalilwln HI 5 111) f H Steel.... VOJi ino l.nke Klip Cor 11 , .W Ins Co N A. 22(5 li' V K Steel.... 711 ,1 J ll Itrlll ... -17 .'HI do 711. .17 Ins Co N A. 8314 iimi do 7n1i .1.1 do saK 11.11 Cambria Steel r,PM loo t' a atecl.... 7IIV4 100 II 8 Slcel.... 1 ItON'OS. 2000 llleeirlc ft I'enplo'a Tr la If is Cninbrl.t Hieel rerlp PVb 17a OS'4 IS cnmbrla Kleel aerlp May l,a US, 20011 l.ebiRli Valley en IHi nsvi .'.no nieeirle & I'eople'a Tr 4a 7:i !IMI Kleeirle ,1 I'eople'a Tr la 7H :I00 Mleetrle A; I'eople'a Tr 4a 7:1 11 ti) 11:30 A.M. 10 i: H .Ii.t.I nii(. .ion Cmbrl., Rtrel r'. 100 do il IIKI do......... inn do 7i:s wi 'to .10 Ina I'n X A. 22. lllll do 2.1 Camlirl., Kloel .11'!. II dn 11.1 SO 1' H Steel.... 7iPi Ion do WW, 100 do 701111,) do MJl ion Cambria Hteel Ml, :i Penna ,1154 &,, u o ti-i',.... ,.,, in ii c. aivi'i ... ... 100 do 7I1H 10 Cambria steel n.1 1.1 1Uen fitnrnirn. lllll. tlHl IT 11 Mtitet .. Til 10 t'niiilirln Steel ,14'A U Cambria Sleel MU :i.l I'hlla Trae .. 74 11) il Wl Hi Tonopah Hal. .TS 10 Cnmlirln Stefl MJ; 2(10 Cambria Steel ,1.1 10 Cambria Steel M4 in ijikn sup Cor lii; ,i.m u S Sleel.... Tit 11 North Centrnl S2lj 111 do 70 Hio Annrnndii cop 7iUi Hm do 701 111 lte.idliiR 71V IHO To 7(',to loo i; H steel.... "IP, ItONDS. 01 1'bll.i Hlectrle acilp ItilR OS lit I'hlln Klectrlc acrlp WIS 10(1 SOU llithlchem Sterl pr.l Bs UMJ'.i 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 2U0 U S Steel,.,. 711 100 V S Steel.... 7.1 IHO do 70 r, do TM1 2111 llq 711 1011 do 7.111 7.1 do 71, r, l.eh Vnlley .. 7Ut 11) do Til 211 l'lilla Klee .. 241, Iiki do... 7.VJ 2 I'enna Snll... IM 20 iln...' 7.1 ino Cambria Hteel MJd 2ii do 7.11; 11)0 , nt(, 2.1 do.. i 7.TI. 1(1 f S Sleel 711 2nd do 7,1(4 1 I'D do 7.1 100 do 71'i r,0 Wnr Ir & Ht. lo .10 Ilaldivin so III IT H Steel 7,1 IHO V H Steel.... 7fi'G 200 l.k Slip Cnr llll-IC ion Cnmbrla Sleel r,lJ 20 I'enna Salt... HI 1IH) do ni, s I'enna 517-10 2.1 U S Steel.... 7.1, 1IOND3. ,100(1 Uethlehcm Steel rcg s 118 12 M. to 12:30 I". M. inn Cambria Sleel r.li; 7,1 I'hlla IJleo .. 21 lllll C S Steel.... TO :n V H Steel JO'f 100 Cambria Sleel 14; Ion do TIU4 10 V Cramp I c 73 10 I'nlon True... IllH UO.VDS. 1000 l'eumi cona lifca 102V, 21)12 Conilirl.i Steel anlp linn 100 torn) I'enna eon, -I'fca lO'Mi 21112 CaillVrla Steel eeilp I'll 7 IW 2012 Cnmlirlii Steel scrir May 1017 IIS?S lOoo I'niii, Co tons 6. Nit, 12:30 to 1 I M. .100 Ijxlic Sup Co O'j 1.1 Union Trne... .'II'!, 20 IT S Steel ... Til 10 do :l.l 10 do TO 100 Unit ,li Ohio.. S2'i Kki Cambria Sleel .if; H l'ennn .11 III ll S Sieol Tin, loo V It 1 t ... in 2,1 c.i mh ir SI col r.1 ,10 do Ill li) Cnlon Trie., .'lift, 11,1 di Ill .1 Ilaldivin SO 2T lllec SioraRo. iil 1 to 1 .-30 1. M. 2.1 Anaconda Cop 71'i inn r s steel 75'i .Tl.', I' It T t e, . 10 111 1-hll.i Co .'III', ion do U la-in 2iM V S Slcel "3 ft 1.1 do 1(1 20 do 7.1'i irri Cent Leather. 4IW iaul do 7.1', .10 1' ll T I c... 10 100 do 7.1',, 20 I'nlon Trae... IIS'-J 10 do 731, 1IW 1' fi ai 7011, 10 do 7.Vi ion 1' It T t c... 10 2.1 1'blU Uleo .. 2li, .10 CamhrU Steel Il'l 100 II S Steel 7.1'i 11,1 Amer Can .. mj, .1 York pfd ... :io Hill I? 8 Steel T.vi loo V s Steel 7.1'i 2IKI do 73s, IIKI do T.'i'A 100 Baldwin .... Tlii urn do..' 7,n,(. 2.1 l.nke Sup Cor t) 11,1 do n(i, 20 l'lilla Co I'O'.S IWI do 73', Hio Cnmbrla Steel 31'G 200 do 7.1', Hi ll 8 Steel.... 7.1S 200 do 7S',4 lli Ilaldivin "Oi., lu do 73 100 Klee Storage WHS 1IO.VD3. nooo I'hlla F.Iectrle la 7SV, KKK) I'enna Ken -t',,,1 01 1 :30 to 2 I. M. 10 Cambria Steel .1'4 ,".n P It T t c... 10 .1 V S Slcel 7315 do 10',, 201) do 7.VS r, ilaldivin HI ino do 7RU .1 i;ioo sioroBe. ill ID do 7,1'i 10 do (SPii Hi) do 7fliJ rirt u 8 Steel.... 7.1'J 10 do 73, 30 do 7.11, 1.10 l.k Hun Cor I) 3-10 100 do TS), 30 I r 8 Steel TSH 100 do 7.1'J 10 Union l'flclllc.iril 1IK) Cambria Sleel MlJ Hl U H Steel.... 73IJ 20 U 8 Steel.... 76S 100 do 7.H1 :io do T.l',2 loo do 73 loo do t ion l,ako Sup Cor nw 20 do 7U 100 U S Steel.... 73H loo I'hlla Uleo .. 1MJJ 10 tl O I hli iio.vns. 0 Cambria Steel acrlp May 1017 00 2 to 2:30 I'. M. 100 Cambria Steel RH4 100 U 8 Steel.... T5T, 100 U S Steel.... 73J5 (in do TWi 37 l'lilla lllcc .. 214, 100 do 73T; 111 uc. 1 m 100 do T.-.t; 1 i'hlla True .. 74 nm do 73!, IB 1' It T Ill 111 do TO ino iMto aup cor "H 100 ao 7.1 10 do tiji 100 da TS . s I'nlon Trsa. .. asl J 100 do 73 111 Tonopau liei. .-. 1IONDS. 1000 Wclsbaeh Bs P.J 2:30 to 3 I M. no Penna ,Ht4 100 Cambria Steel Sift 1IHI llnloii Trae... :13W 100 P 8 Steel,... 7.1J 20 do 83VJ 2.1 Elec Storuee. iriji W Cent I.eatiier. 43 0 l'lilla cum pfd 40 3Q0 P K T t C... 10 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS ' TONOPAH STOCKS. Hid. Asked. Jim Holler M .M Midway . .10 .13 Mispah nxtenston ., .20 .21 Montana fS .-.0 Northern Star ., .11 .13 Tonopah liniment til I Tonopah Kstenalun .,...,..,..,.. s Sl Tonopah Miror .ltd .lid Tonoiuh Mlnln BU 3f llreuue Dull , .Of .hm 1Vat Cnd 03 .01 GObRFJEM) STOCKS. Atlanta 31 .33 HlUB Hull 02 ,04 llooth 43 ,47 ilulldos Ol .Ut C. O. I) .,.......' , .0.1 ,04 Combination J'rai'llon ,,..,.,,,.. .07 .ml WamonJlltdd II H .03 .01 l).ily 1 -04 .no. Kloreneo . 43 .17 fioldneld Conaolldated Hi 1, tloldOeld Slerger ,,.,... .21 .22 Jumba Extension IM .uy Kewana U .12 Ora 07 .as Sand Kn O'l .07 Silver Pick OU ,w MISCEI.t,ANKOUS. Falrv Aatee Ot ,03 'Nevada lllll 17 .lu Nevada Wonder 1.40 l.JO I'hlla. Electric Seeks Conduits The Public Service Commleeloa of I'enn.yl vanla haa noillted Mayor Blankeubur that the l'hlUdelvhta Electric Company hae a.ked for the approval of tbe leaiw of certain con duits In thla city betaaglng- to the Keyeteu Telephone Company. The caae will be beard on September 21 at Harrlebura. DIVIDENDS DECLARED IulavUle Traction Company, regular nl annual 2i per cent, on preferred, regular auirterly 1 per cent, on common, payable Oc tober 1 to atock of record September 10. Sulncy Mining Company, (3 a .hare, pay e September 27 to beloera of record Sep eoibex 4. IuUvllle Traction Cotnpapy. regular senil annual 244 per cent, on preferred, and ruUr quarterly 1 per cent, on caauaon, pagabte Cctober 1 to stock of record September i. American pneumattu Service Company, eewi. BBBual 344 wr cent, on Bret preffred. iwyable September so, and eeadaaoual 1V on aece-4 preferred, payable tbe same date. Brooklyn Union Gaa Company, regular quar terly lVj per cent. J.ti Brcibem Coiporallon semlaDnual ,1 per cent . payab'e Auauat 2Q 10 etuckbeldera of record Auguet, li. t PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND ITOUK M IlllAT. Ileeelpta. II7.0H1 Inielifla. There was a rnlr ilrmnnd rrmn exporter, nnd millers and orlreir lined aten.lv under moderate nrfcrlnffa. Quotations. Cor Inia in export elevator--No, l red. new, spot nun AUBiiat, fi.iiajx.ii, , I! fed Weatern. new. $1.171. ID, No. 2 lh- ren, new, Si.12ft1.il; aienmer, m, a, re;;. . Sf.loftl.12; No. .1 red, new. fl.10frt.12: WHEAT PRICES RALLIED AFTER EARLY DECLINE I HI new tejcelcl A, new. St.0iW1.iH; do.. If. Jwv flfrl.nt; No. 1 Nnrtheni Duliith, old. I1..1 COllN. -Heeelpts, Dol.1 buahela. Supples were small nnd tlie market ruled atc.idy. thouah quiet. Quotations: cnr lota for local trade, oa to loenllon. No. 2 yellow. Wtlalej atrnmtr fellow, SSflSflb.: No. 3 yellow, SO S7c. OATS.-Iteeelpta, 17,1.10 buaheli. Old onta were scarce nnd ilrmlv held on a basts of iie. per buahel fnr No. 3 while... Pl.oril.-Itectlnta, 100 bbla. and 41I.S50 lb,.. In aaeka. l'rleea were well mainialned, but trade was dull, tjuolntlmia per 100 Iba., In ooil--U'ltiler rlenr. now, J4.7nfr.l; do,, mmlitht, new, J.1113.2.1: do., patent, new, i,1,SIMi,l.iiO; Kanaaa, clear, now, julo eacka, V ff,1.2.1; do., atrnlght, new, Jute aacha, f.l.WW S.3I1; do., potent, new. Jute enika, fr,..lfl,l.T.1f aprlnit, lirat, rlenr, old, il.2.v)il.30; do., alriilRlit. old, O.iHiflO.7,1: do., patent, old, $U.i5 7: do. tnvorlto bratida. old. 7.1.1M7.:to; elty inllla. rlioleo and fancy pntent. I i.l.ifji.Mi; elti mills, renular untiles Winter, rlenr, new, l.7.1.l, do. strnlRiit new, f.Vi .1.2,1; do., pat ent, new. $.l,S.M?A.i. ItYt: llniir dull. Uuolnllnns: New.. I'enn syhnnla, In wood, nt fl.TMfB: new Wcatcrn iiotntiKil nt f.llt.1.,10, In nicka. PROVISIONS The market ruled steady, but there wnn little liudlns. Quotations: City Deer, In sets, smoked nnd olr-drled, 2.10211c.; IVcBteni beef, In sels, smoked. 2,l20o.; illy beef, knuckle, und lenders, smoked mid nlr-drled, 27SI'iSc.l IVeslern beef, knuckles nnd tenders, ainoKad, 27n2Se.; beer hams. S'ilii2; pork, family. B2 t22.i0; ham,, H P. enroll, loose, i:iUUe.l do., skinned, loose. i:ii.jT13ie.; do., do., .linked. i:i",in14'ai'. . other hams, smoked city Hired, as lo brand nnd mornpe, 1 1' .nflfllic. : hams, smoked. Western cured, 141lMic.; do., bulled, boneless, 2.11121c: picnic shoulder.. 8. P. cured, loose, llrdlmc: do., amoked, 11 KfllVde ; Im'IIIcs lu plekle. iiecordlni! 10 aver age. lone, l2yiiLle., brraUfnst bacon, nr to brand and umtiirc. elty cured, tilfltie.t bleallfast baenn, Western cured, lilSc. ; lard, Western, rellned, tierces, lUdH'OliC,; io.. do., do., tubs, i)!,'.ii,c. ; lard, pure city, Uct tlo rendered, In tierces, iHf,f,tn,c. : lnrd, puro city, kcttlo rondcied. In tuba. U'dSJulle. KEIMNE1) SUGAKS The market wa quiet but steady nt tho Into decline. We quote rellnera' list prices: Stand ard Kiantihitcil, n.73e.: extra tine urnniilatcd, 3.70c. : pomlcred, O.sOe. ; confectioners' A, ."i.HOc; sort irr.i-1 'S. 4.S.11I.1. I3e. DAIRY PRODUCTS lil'TTIin. I'lne Roods wero In fnlr request nnd sleidy, hut medium and low grades were quiet. KollmWnn me tbe quotation.,: Western Kolld-padit'd creamery, fancy siiectala, 2s'uC. , extras, 2il'4c; extra flrsts, 2.1'.jHi2ilc; llrata, 2Hi2riu. : seconds. 22(2:ic. : nearby prints, rnttry. :tOc. ; do., average extms. 21i2!ic.; do., Ilrsls, 2.1f(2lle. ; do., amonds. 221i2.'lc. ; JubblliR Bali s of f incy prints, :tlti.17c. KUl 18 -Choice stnek Has scarce nnd antd promptlv ill full in Ices. Follow hie nro tho quotations: In fieo case.,, nrnrliy extras, 20c. per do..; Ilrsts. ?i).i;o ncr aiandaiil casii; near by current icielpts, j3,,uiill I'er case; Western extra ilrsts. $11.1x141 il.lio per ciiso; Ilrsts, f."i.s.iSt ll. Ill per "nee; Taney selecifd candled eggs were Jobbing at 2.vi20c. per duz. CHKiailS, The mnrliel was quiet nnd barely steady with amnio offerings, Quotations: New York, rull iienm. new, llVitlr.; do., do., fair tn good, now, lllifiWuc. ; do., nart aklma, iijft2c. POULTRY I.IVR. Kowls sold fnlrly und ruled steady. I'.iii.HniT ehlikens were lu qulio liberal supidy and prices lavoied buvira. QuOtntlons: Fowls, na to qunllty, 1011 ldllic. : roestera, iMilic.! brnlllnK chicken.,, runcy, not leghorna, wclgh Iiir 2 lb,, nnd over uidcco, llijl20c. ; do., not leghorn, weighing Htl'.'j lb. npleec, lOWlhc.i iln.. leghorns welRhlng 2 lbs. und over uidcco, l.".5l 17c. ; do.', leghorns, weighing 111 lit lbs, npleec, Illfllle.: duck,. I'ekln, old, I3llc; do., Indian Uimiier, old, 1211 Pic; do., young, nccordlng to alxc, LllUOc. : pigeons, old, per pair. lM2nc: du.. juung, per pair, 17$flsc. Dltpssrtl. Pine derlrable-alxril slock was well cleaned up and steady. uotutlons: Presh kllled poiilirv, fowls, 12 tn bnx, dry-plckcil nnd dry-packed, r.ipcy selected. Hie. : weighing 4'l,f0 3 lbs. npleci'. Ih'.ii'.: wciRhing :i!iiil lbs. mdecc, ISUjc; weighing lbs. apiece, lOVatflTtiv.i under II lbs. apiece, lll'jftlSUc.; Ice-packed Western. 4V-, lbs. nnd over apiece. 17lic.; do., smaller sUes. I.lfll7r.; old roojtcra. dry-picked, l.'lc. : broiling chick, ns. Jersey, fancy, 2420.; other nearby fancy. 22H2lc. ; fancy, largo yel low. Illinois, weighing 2U,itj3 lbs. uplcce. 2111s 21c: Western, weighing UijSi2 lbs. apiece. H'j 10c; do., weighing ltll',, lbs. nidcce, lilJflTi'.: spring ducks. 10Iil7c. ; squnbs wblio. weigh ing 1I12 lbs. per doz 1.1)0ffl.iSO: wlilio, weighing 0910 lbs. per doz., $.'Mi.'l.fiii; white, weighing S lbs. per dox., ?2..1.1ili2.l!3: do.. 7 'ha. ncr do2.. 2.1l)ff2.20: do.. lKl"i lbs. ner doz., $1.1.1 1.0.1; dark, $1.3091.0.1; small and No. 2, SI. FRESH FRUITS Supidles were liberal, but Irado was fair und tallies generally ruled sternly on choice stuck, Quotutlons: Apples, per bb, tlravensteln. i2.23V2.A0; Wenltliy. $2,23112.30; Duchess, $2.2.1 (12.311; Summer llambo, $2.2.1 U2. Ml; other m rletles, $1..10)2: peaches, Georgia, Hollo nf (leorgla, per rrate, $lfffl.2.1: do., Oeorgta, HI berta. per crat. $lir, 1.2.1; do., Delaware and Maryland. Police and Klhertns. per bnsket, 13 (iSOe. ; do., Jersey, per basket. HifittOe. ; do., Arkansas, per bush.-baskel, $111.23; pears. Southern I.e Cotile. per libl., $2.r,(l1i3.M): grapes. North Carolina Delaware, per b-baaket enr rlir. $l.riOfi2; lemons, per box. $31(3.30; oranges, IMnrlda. per box. $HfO; pine apples, per cr.ttil'orto Itlco, $1..10fi 2.7.1; Plorlda, $1.30 M2.7.1: pluma. New York, per 20-11,. banket, lOHMIe. ; Idncliberrlea, Delaware, Maryland and Jersey, per qt , 31i7c. : huckleberries, per ql.. Case; cantaloupes. .Maryland, per standard crale. nOc.fi$l: do., North Carolina, per stand ard rrnle, 30473r.: do.. North Carolina, per lint crate. 2.1'ulOc. ; do.. Jersey, per basket. lOfiUlc. ; walemelnna. per t.ir. $1301(200. VEGETABLES Supplies wero liberal and prlcea generally favored buyers with demand only moderate. Quotations. White uolanes, Virginia, per bbl. -No. 1. $l(il.2,l; do., No. 2. nn?7.1c. Wblto po latoea. Jersev, per bskt. No. 1 Itcso, 2S(f7:i2e.; do.. No. 1 olht.- varieties. 2.1c.; do.. No. 2, linlSc, Sweet potutoes. North Carolina, per bid. No. 1. $'lli do.. No. 2, $1.2,182; culls, 73c. (f$l. Sweet potatoes. Jersey, per bskt. No. 1, $tStl.2.1; do.. No. 2. 307.1e. Onions, Jersey, per 1i-bush, bskt.. 13820c, do., Eastern Shore, per hamper. 301140c. Corn, Jersey, per bskt.. 20fn0e. Tomatoes. Jersey, per b.kt. No. 1 earlv, ROlSr.: do., No. 1 second csrly, ISflSOc. Mushroonis, per 4-lb. bskt. COc.JJfl. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOltK, Aug. 10. Trading was light In coffee futures et the opening nf the ex change today. Prices were oft one point to one point up. , . Ye.terday a Today s lose. open. September 0.401(11.41 ftSO October IHI&IU.I ll.40. November IU7(a48 asofiasi Dcceiniirr i.r,ii(ii..i ll.Wiiill.00 td.00 uib(I 1t.n1 uii'i IMI74!tins 0.IIS H.7HSI1.T2 I1.T2 ltTll'lll.77 HLMI ll.31H0.S2 10.M l'ebruary iarcn . . . April May June July. ..... tujierea. "iiiu COTTON RALLIED AFTER DREAIC NEW YORK, Aiib. 19. Cotton opened easier thla mornlnn with prices four to llvo points lower. Local traders mndo an effort to use tho storm in Texas as a hull factor, hut this was overcome by tho sell In? pleasure. In the face of rnthur poor cnhles Liverpool was the leadlnn buyer hero after tho opening. After tho end of tho first half hour prices held at about tho opening levels. Following tho news In the afternoon that the White Star liner Arable had been sunk, prices de clined, sharply, the average reaction being 10 points. Itto tn tho day prices rallied, the closing heliig unchanged to 7 points up. Yea. Close. Oper January o.fiT 0.711 October I'.u December ... . siarch 100 Way 10.37 not 0.33 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Aug. 10. HOOH. Hecelpta. 16.. 000 head; markets ataady. Jilted and butch era $fl.0n7.T0:-good heavy, $.2oe7.S0; rough heavy, $6.7080.10; light, $0.6O(j7.73: plge, B.40T: bulk. JIUO-67. CATII.K. Receipts. SSOO bead; markets steady. Tleevee. $.4010.2S: cow and belfera. $3!tue.S0; Texan.. $6.7S8.86; calvee. $0.90 C8H1S'HP. Hecelpta. 8000 head: market etea'ly. Native and Weetern. $.400.25; Iambi. $.7f8.75. 0..-I1 lull O.W) 10.23 High, Ixiw. Close. u. 1 , u.ea Hist 0.81 0.41 11.78 10.011 10.2S Ojll 11. IM n.iis 10.2U 11.11 0.711 10.0(1 10.2s U.40 Steel Bars at a Premium Tbe steel bar market continues to gala la strength, due largely to the demand from shell ioanufaetuiere. while ordinary bars ar aom Inally Quoted at $1.35 per 100 pounds; premiums running several dollars above, that level have beii paid for material for delivery before the close of the current year. Soom steel ooui jirTes are sold abead well lata next year. Drop in Sheet Copper Prices ;. Aug. is. isBUiacturers have cepper prices 1 cent a pound to rolls to 22 cents. KBW TfORK 33 cents and rolls Traders Displayed Lack of In terest, Although Large Export Sales Were Reported CHICAGO, Aur. 19. A dull market con fronted traders nt the opehlnp; today, llualiiess In the early ours was extremely light. Them wero few offers and n list less demand. I'rlees eencrnlly wero nil under tho flnnl quolntlons secured nl the close of trading yesterday. Interest In buying; nnd selllnR lagBcd more thnlt for n loin? time. Tho sentiment continued bearish and Is llltcly to remain so unless ndvorse wen titer In iho uralii crowlm? districts upsets conditions. September wheat, opening at ll.Oo'i, was ti under the closing prlco of yester day. It sagged a trlllo moro without it recovery before noon. There appeared to bo more Interest in Iieccmber than tlio other munths. al though the opening price ot $1.03 was S contH lower than that secured nt the closing yesterday. It followed September down the Incline, but was more actively displayed. December nlso was weak. It opened at ?t.0!Ua against $1.07;4, yesterday's clos ing price. There wero moderate recoveries In tho Inter ilcnllngs and prices closed about hnlf way buck from the day's lowest ievels, Tho oold weather scare cropped up In the corn market, but had no groat ef fect. A natural lowering of prices in sympathy with wheat's depression was evident. Outs followed wheat and corn and opened under yesterday's prices. They were lacking In support. Mxport sales reported were 400,000 hilshels of hard winter wheat nnd OT.POO Manitoba. Sales of EOO.OOO moro bushels could not bo confirmed. Chicago cash liandlcrH reported sales for seaboard de livery of tttt.OOO bushels wheat nnd fflaMWi bushels of oats. Corn sales for foreign shipment totaled lOO.fOO bushels. l,endliirj futures ranged n rollows: Yest d a IVhent Open. High. I.nw. Close, cbtje May i.oim t.rs.iw l.o.s i.osy,i.oas Com (new delivery) .... September .. 73'4 70 711; '.O t', December .. IH'4 l'i I'-'IH t'MJ, o. .Mnv m 0.1's f' W4, t.V SeHinnT.er .. .'11IH .1t4 "e tW'i ".!) December .. Itsij, ftsaj asifc :w. .35!, May II ll'i 10-ls 4l',fc ll'i Reptenber ..''.n' s.12 7.02 S.W 7.0.1 October .... .".02 .1.22 S.02 S.22 'S. .Innnary ....'8.32 .1.07 8.1S S.03 S.I3 PeVi'tembcr .. ".33 S.70 i.M S.70 1.07 tVtober .... K.70 S.S2 S 03 S.'-O S.7.1 Septembee ..11.02 13.77 13.30 13.77 1.1.37 October ..!. 13.0.1 IX'.M) 1.1.02 ltl.llO 13.70 llld. t Asked. PUBLIC UTILITIES Gross Ineomo or the Clovelnnd Klectrlc Illiimlnntlng Company, which Is controlled by the Central States Klectrlc Corpora tion, for July shows that It was almost 7 per rent. In excess of last year's llg ures. while net Increased nearly 8 per cent. Total gross returns amounted to $.111,01.1; net earnings, after expenses and taxes, were tl.li.Olo, and the surplus, after payment of dividends, amortization und depreciation, was $8.1,41., compared with JTS.!).!, in 1011. The improvement In gross and net revenues for the year ended July .11 was proportionately lower than July nlone. Ileturns in gross amounted lo Jl.::0l.t28, or $TS.7l.l grenter than In the !ire,'iillni- wnr. nnd not lncnmn Increased $51,1112 to $2,0S9,90fi. Earnings ot tho Cities Servleo Com pany nro steadily Improving. Compared with July of last year, last month's gross Ineieascd $2.1.!lS.r) nnd net $:0,3S0. GroS3 re turns nmotmtcd tn J207,02fl; net, after op erating expenses, was $2S3,235, nnd tho surplus, nfter interest charges and divi dends on the preferred shares, was 5111. 5S3. an Increase of $2G.5iO. Operating revenues for the 12 months ended with. July totaled $1,00.1,722 In gross, n growth of $IJ9.0S3 over tho previous year, and net Increased $10.1,073 to $3,S50,1I3. IHHKCTOKV Qr ACCOUNTA.NTa public Accountants JN. W. UKKiJilAN 4?ca Lombard. M8. ill V V NOTES OF THE RAIL Tlie Atlantic Coast Line llallroad Com pany hns plared orders for 750 new freight cars and 10 locomotives, The Pennsylvania rtullroad Improve ments about llaltlmore nro said to In cludo tho Hlllen Station property of tho Western JInryl.'ind Railway Company and a new coal pier at Canton. Tho bids on tho latter will be received shortly. Tlie Interstate Commerce Commission today held that proposed Increase lu rates on haled straw on all railroads oper ntlng to and from Central Freight Asso ciation territory were unreasonable. In u supplemental decision regarding reclassi fication of express matter the commis sion todty Issued rulcswhlch In most cases show slight Increases In rates. Tho Michigan Central Hallroad ordered SCO all-steel automobile cars from the Haskell Ss Barker Car Co. At the adjourned meeting of the repre sentatives of tlio anthracite companies on i.ext Tuesday future action as to tho or der pf tho Interstate Commerco Commis sion will bo discussed further and prob ably determined, At the meeting In New York there was u suggestion that the In terstate Commerce Commission be re quested to open the case for n further hearing. Instead of taking the matter d. rectly to tho courts. It Is believed there nro some Important points on which tho commission might bo Informed and im pressed if a new hearing of tho case is granted. U. S. Light & Heat Reorganization The United States Light and Heating Com panVs Stocknoldera Protective Commit ee pa. Issued a statement to the latier detailing the !"!ma that have been taken toward rejr earTuing the company as. tho United 8ta'e? Fight and Heat Corporailun. TheauthorUi.d capital of tho corporation is $S.0OO.0oii non- cumulative 1 per vein. fi""". "" ",'" siiJioVo common stock, both of par value 2,.,A - .h,M Thu committee announces ?hat the preferred stock has been placed In the name of three voting trustees: Albert Js. !!'".. -, iinuinn. I Allan tfmlth. lirsldent of the new corporation, and Guy 41, Walker, ul. ;. .. 1. I...... fnr Iha l-umtlllttMl. I If no 000 shares of tha old company deposited with tlie committee, less thanOOO failed to participate In tbe norganUatlon. BAR SILYER LONDON. Aug. 10. The price of commercial bar silver advanced V, pence today to 22', pence. U. S. Steel u B. F. Goodrich Tennessee Copper Pittsburgh Coal J. G. Brill Car Bend for a report of any or all of tbe above securities. Write for our Weekly Market Letter. HUGHES SzM iuvkhiis ANT, 111 Member ot PbUadelgbU Stock BSuhsagt. Members of CWcsua 3ard of Trade. 1435 Walnut Street PhUadelphU Direct Frlvaie Wires to M"W VOBK sil PHIUADELPHI. STOCK BXCHANi.Ki CHICAGO BOAKP OF TBAD1S, NEW YOBK CURB and other loiooruujt oisikt'a
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