Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 19, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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    ifctilAiitHJ JJ14
Financial Qualifications Are Frequently Considered Be
fore the French Mademoiselle's Preferences
When It Is a Question of Matrimony
FRENCH marriages nro Bomcwhnt pe
culiar affair?, the Krenler pnrt of the
matter bclns arranged beforehand by the
parents. In fact. It 19 seldom Unit ft
French clrl sees her
sweetheart alono and
Unchnpcroncd before
the time of marriage.
Monsieur and ma
dame arc anxious
that their daughter's
life shall be one of
conjugal felicity. This
little matter they
feel they can best
attend to themselves.
And so they look about until they find a
young man whom they consider "con
vcnablo" from every point of view. The
money end of the marriage Is of much
Importance, and this Is carefully Investi
gated. The moral character of the youth
Is also taken Into consideration but hero
the French tend to be somewhat Indul
gent. "It Is only natural that ho should
sow his wild oats!" they any. nodding
their heads sagely and with a degree of
leniency which Is surprising to a
The "dot" of the French girl must
equal, or nlmost equal, that of her lius-band-to-bo.
Hut Into such matters tho
parents on both sides fully enter, and
the young people have very little to say
In the case! The French believe that
love Blioulil be well regulated and should
come after marriage on closer acquaint
ance! It does seem a risky way of set
ting about things, does It not?
If a woman shall gain tho whole world
and lack a husband, her life Is manquee,
according to the French Interpretation.
In other words, no matter how celebrated
she bo or how wonderful a personality
the may have, unless she Is entitled to
bo called "madame," she is n. complete
failure, both as a woman and ns a social
"But what If a woman marries ono who
suits her not at all?" asked an American
the other day at a little afternoon recep
tion here In Paris where women were
In the great mojorlty. Her French was
a little awkward, but she made herself
understood. "Is the life of such a woman
not completely spoiled, united with one
for whom she has no nffectlon, and noth
FALL will bring no ci
tn the nonularlty of tl
ono-pieco costume, accord-I "V$
Ing to late
from Paris.
This isn't
necessarily a Parisian
discovery, by any means,
because our foremost
American designers had
already made the same
decision at the recent st Ic
congress. Itcdlngute styles,
taffetas frocks for Indoors
and afternoon occasions
and taftetas-t r I m m o d
serges promise to bo as
much In voguo this au
tumn as they over were
before Most women will
be glad to hear this, be
cause if they happen to
have a smart gown which
was purchased earllor In
tho spring it can probably
be remodeled with llttlo
trouble to suit the fall
modes. If not, the fash
ions are still In thj em
bryo stage, and pretty
costumes mas be bought
at reasonable tlgures.
Navy blue pussy willow
silk is the chosen fabric,
and tho little frock bhowu
In today's illustration
shows some of tho beat
possibilities for a. prac
tical and becoming after
noon rig.
The blouse is simple In
the extreme, with a pretty
white Georgette crepe col-
lar. culls and vestce to
supply n note of relief.
The dropped shou'der
lincj are outlined by a
slight touch of hand em
broidery, nnd tho wide
girdle is laced together by
a novel arrangement of
velvet ribbon. The skirt
has a rather wide yoke of
tho silk, alBo embroidered,
with two dainty cords to
attach It to tho rest of tho
skirt. The Hare Is evident
it the bottom of the skirt,
being held out to a certain
extent by tho stiffness of
the material, and a smart
cuff of bias taffetas, also
attached by a corded
Tho hatter's plush
chapeau is trimmed with
an upstnndlng feather in
palest pink, a mode which
promises to be most fash
ionable during early fall
About Styles
The tailored picture
hat is In vogue.
Corsets are growing
somewhat shorter.
The fall promises an
abundance of pockets.
Your hat may bo made
of striped material.
Parasols, like purses,
are a uerles of flounces.
Even linen suits are
lined with chintz silk.
The black satin hat Is
having a great vogue.
The belted suit is going
to be a fall favorite.
There Is a slight curv
ing In at the waistline.
Kewpee Takes a Ride
IITTLE Kewpee Celluloid lived on the
J broad shelf, of a city store, and he
wan quite content with hla home. In"
deed, he hardly remembered any other
home, for wtutn he wa made at the fno
tory he was wrapped up so quickly ant
nuggled down tight in 'a box that he
hart hardly a glimpse of the world ue
Im4 com to live In. And when he went
en the train and later In an auto truefc
to the store which wat now hla home
he couldn't see a single thing who could
when they were packed up close In a
He saw boy and Slri. old men and
young men, aud women of all ages and
size; and they all smiled gayly when
they saw him. "They must like roe."
Mid Kewe Celluloid to himself content
. edty. "and I'm vary sure I lika them."
And be was always particular to smile
back his say little celluloid smile.
One day after a clerk had taken Kew
pee Celluloid dewu from the shelf to
tihuw aim tu a cuatoouir. he put him back
U(.. tiruukd-wie. Aud instead iC tookiux
don at the panning people as he had i
tjjj'ieii doiut Kwpee was compelled to
lw at lou rtw and rows a:id rows
vi kciie MM like himself
' i.1: at ai this isn't i'Jlli to be fun
. UT' t'rted Kewi-rs Jliuloid w dis
um -ptops wtu ats ttnami l w
ing In common to render life plcaslng7"
"Better a life spoiled than rt life missed!"
was the unanimous verdict of tho French
women present. "A husband who suits
not too well, as one may say, that Is
what to bon DImi sends most women. It
Is the folly pure to expect that every
woman she shall obtain a husband per
fect; ns well think to obtain the jsros
lot; for that one must await tho Para
disc! Hut the woman who lias her child,
she has not missed her life."
Thli view Is somewhat crude to Um
average English and American mind
but, after all, the world contains many
women who Inunrdly cherish tho an mo
sentiments. When ono looks around and
sees the lll-nssorted couples who yet
seem to be Jogging along In comparative
harmonv, ono learns that many women
hold the opinion that "half a loaf Is bet
tor than no bread."
f-'ome Frenchwomen maintain the thc
orv that womankind Is divided Into two
classcv. the Mothers and tho Vnmplresl
"All tho women desire love," declared a
Frenchwoman, "but tho mother-woman,
alio desires It that sho may have tho
right to bestow It abundantly In return,
while the vampire woman possesses noth
ing to give, anil there remains In her only
the passion to devour yet another one1"
It strikes mo that In these modern days
n good many men seem to prefer the
vampire type and this is scarcely to bo
wondered at. For to the vnmplre, love
Is merely a game, on enthralling, delight
ful game, but still merely a game, and
to be treated as such. To tho "mother"
tjpe of woman, however, love Is a mat
ter all-nlx-orblng, and she, therefore, too
often plays desper
ately, Innrtlstloal 1 y
nnd with nil her
cards on tho table.
Tliero is no charm,
no "alluio" to the
masculine mind In
what can bo easily
obtained, nnd this Is
precisely where tho
"mother" type too
often loses and tho
"vampire" wins I
One .i i , his take place nil over tho
world and as long as men arc men nnd
women an- women, tho woman of charm
whether she be of tho "mother" typo, or
the "vamplro" will bo sought out nnd
greatly belocd.
" '
before!" but that stupid clerk didn't un
derstand a word that Kewpee said! So
Kewpee had to look at the other kew.
pees and look and look till he was so
tired oh, dear but he was tired I
Just when he thought he couldn't stand
it one minute more, he heard a bis,
cheerful man's voice say, "I want the
very best kewpee you have, for I want
to have him ride with me!"
"Oh, If only I could smile at hlml"
cried poor little Kewpee Celluloid des
perately. "I know he would like me, and
I know I would like a ride. But how
can he tell that I am the best when I'm
turned crooked-wise this horrid way!"'
ittit. just 10 ne on tne safe slue. Kewnaa
h Celluloid smiled his very best smile and
looKea a inousana tunes more cheerful
than be felt and what do you suppose?
That is noticed Kewpee Celluloid smll
u away and said to the clerk, "I want
that third kewpee from the end there;
yes, that one!" and Kewpee Celluloid
was takes down and sold.
One night when Kewpee Celluloid wai
rushing through the cool, fragrant air
be thought to himself. "Just think, all
this tun tomw wth, Qjy amillas when
1 didn't (eel smiley i think everybody
ought tu smite ail the nine I'm gutng
I to!" and ha daea!
Cefgrtgfct tftofa Ingram Jvdtau,
Voternn Member of Bonrd of
Education Says He Will Vote
for Dr. Lucy Wilson's Ap
pointment to New Position
In the eyes of at least ono member of
the Board of education, motherhood it
not sulllclcnt cause for denying promotion
to a woman who has been a teacher for
30 years.
Ho la Simon Gratst, vlco president of tho
board, nnd Its oldest member In point of
experience. Mr. Oral declared today that
ho was enthusiastically In favor of the
election of Or. I.ucy Langdon Williams
Wilson as principal of tho South Phila
delphia Nigh School for Girls.
Mrs. Wilson has also been mentioned
in connection with tho vacant superln
tendency of schools, but several mem
bers of the school bonrd nro opposed to
appointing her to cither of tho higher
olllces because she Is a mother. She Is
now principal of tho William Pcnn Ko
nlng High School for Girls nnd head of
the department of biology of tho Phila
delphia Normal School.
Several months ago Mrs. Wilson was
nomlnnted for tho prlnclpalshlp of tho
South Philadelphia school and opposed
for that olllce by Dr. William F. Gray,
head of the manual trninlng depart
ment of tho Central High School. Doc
tor Gray nnd Mrs. Wilson received an
equal number of votes, and tho deadlock
hns not been removed.
Another election will soon bo held. Mr.
Grntz announced that he would light for
the selection of Mrs. Wilson, regardless
of any objections that may bo made
against her.
"There is a rulo of tho Hoard of Educa
tion governing tho employment of mar
ried women." ho said today. "If that
rulo Interferes with Mrs. Wilson's ap
pointment I shull gladly vote for a Bus
pension of the rules," he declared.
"IJo you approve of mothers as tench
cts?" he was asked. "That has nothing
to do with tho case," ho replied. "Tho
only consideration Is cfllclcticy. I believe
that Mrs. Wilson Is amply qualified for
the prlnclpalshlp. nnd if my wishes aro
enrried out neither sex nor nny other
consideration shall be Involved."
Mr. Grutz's views aro especially signi
ficant because of tho Inlluenco ho exer
cises In the Hoard of Education and he
cause ho was one of tho faction that op
posed Miss Kntherlno U. Puncheon sev
eral months ago In tho light which flnnlly
lcad to her appointment as head of tho
Girls' High School. It Is believed that
Mr. Gratz has had a "change of heart"
and that tho modern movement for tho
equalization of sexes has made him a ro
cent convert to equal rights for wom
Business Men, Aroused by Use
of Emblem on Belligerent
European Ships, Will Ask
Congress to Act
Business men and shippers of this city,
nrouncd by the continued misuse of tho
Amcilcan flag by belligerent European
nations, will urgo Congress to pass n
law at tho next session in December
which will deny tho use of American
ports to foreign vessels which continue
this practice.
According to Jasper YcateB Brlnton.
ex-Assistant United States District At
torney, who has olllces In tho Commer
cial Trust Building, there is no interna
tional law or statute of tho United States
under which tho offenders can be pun
lshcu. Germany's protest, therefore, In which
sho alleged tho misuse of tho American
Hag on seven occasions by British ves
sels, cannot bo diplomatically considered
by tho United Stntes.
Recently several bills were Introduced
in Congress looking to the protection of
tho American ilag on both land and scu,
but in every instance they failed of
Congressman J. Hampton Moore, who
Introduced ono of the bills, said that he
would bo willing to co-opcrnto with
other members of Congress in tho enact
ment of a law that would prevent tho
desecration of tho ting.
"I And on Inquiry that there Is no law
of the United States which In any way
protects the American ilag on the high
seas," said Mr. Moore, "as against tho
improper and deceptive use of it by a
foreign or belligerent nation or by a
"In times gone by it was customary for
merchantmen desiring to savo their live3
in time of war to ralso the flag of a for
eign nation or of some other nation than
tho United Stntes, but that was In the
days of the old wooden ships, when the
conditions were vastly different from what
they are now.
"There is no law to prevent this dese
cration now, and I believe it Would be
wise and would certainly bo honorable.
It would certainly not condone to tho pcr
fldtty that men sometimes resort to In the
misuse of the Ilag on the high seas if we
had a law In the United States which
wruld provide that If any foreign vessel
used the United Stntes ports nnd adopted
the ruse of stealing the American Ilag
nnd thus sailing under false colors to de.
eclve anybody, it should not have the
further use of our ports."
In outlining tho law, Mr. Brlnton said:
"It Is clear that vessels, using the Ilag
of the United States as a ruse to escape
capture by tho German torpedo fleet,
violated no rulo of International law.
Tho Incidents, however, will serve a use
ful purpose If they direct public atten
tion to a situation In which all neutrals
aro deeply interested, but one which has
been completely neglected In Interna
tional conferences and conventions. There
are no clearly established rules regulat
ing the display by merchantment of Hogs
of another nation.
"In a general sense, however, the right
of a State to take action for the protec
tion of Ha flag and to prescribe tho con
ditions of its use Is well recognized, al
though In the absence of affirmative
aetton by statute or treaty no ground
for diplomatic complaint exists. The
matter l " wnkh, In the first In
stance, must be dealt with by the mu
nicipal law of a State or by a treaty.
"Calvo and Oppenhelm, two of the
leading European authorities on Inter
national law, both express the general
principle that men-of-war of any nation
may capture and bring to port for pun
ishment any foreign vessel sailing under
the flag of that State or nation without
authority, but the International law is
silent as to the enforcement or defini
tion of this general right.
"So far as affirmative action Is con
cerned, the record of the United states
is ont of complete silence. Congress has
never even taken aclioti to protect the
national Ask upon land. Waving Its pro
tcttiou to the uncertain guardijuisblp of
(tha sral StatN." P
Farmers Arrivo at Point Brcozo for
Three-day Jubilee Many
Amusements Planned
Hundreds of farmers nnd their -wives
nnd children Journeyed to Point llroczo
l'nrlc today, In every form of a vehicle
from buggies to automobiles, to attend
tho annual Trlstatc Farmers' picnic,
which opened for tin ee days' festivities.
Numerous featun-s have been provided
for their entertainment. Including n baby
show, largo displays of farm products,
mnnlng nnd swimming races for tho chil
dren, motorcyclo rnces, band concerts and
(lroworks In tho evening. It Is estimated
that fully 700 babies havo been entered 111
iho baby show, which will bo tho feature
of tho picnic.
Tho display of farm products is being
conducted In tho large pavilion under the
direction of Prof. Joseph Haines. Satur
day afternoon tho Pennsylvania farmers,
under tho guldunce of Captain Samuel
Young, will play baseball against the New
Jersey team, raptalned by Gcorgo Dllhs,
of Gloucester County.
The Broken Pinion
I walked through tho woodland meadows,
Where sweet tho thrushes sing.
And I found on it bed of mosses
A bird with a broken wing.
I healed Its wound, and each morning
It sang its old sweet strain,
But tho bird with tho broken pinion
Never soars as high again.
Kach loss has Its compensation.
Thcro is healing for every pain,
But tho bird with tho broken pinion
Never soars us high again."
Ilezckinh Butterworth.
Miss A. Edwinna Ginder, Organizer of Daffodil Troop,
Says Girl Scout Movement Is of Great Service
to the Country
i mm llfl
I Hn flesX
Pulaski avenue, says that organiza
tion is good for growing girls und that
every girl should belong to a club of
some sort.
Miss Ginder Is tho organizer of the Daf
fodil Troop No. 1, of the Girl Scouts, me
Star Garden Playground, 7th and Lorn
baid btreets. From her varied experience
with girls of all uges, she Is considered
well qualified to speak on tho subject
In talking of the organization of the
troop. Miss Ginder said:
"Three years ago a group of 15 girls
wished to form a club, so we decided on
the 'Jolly Girls' Club. which existed for
one year as a social organization, and
then the members, anxious to help others
as well as themselves, looked about for
means of improving their club and mak
ing It more valuable. Th.ey decided to be
come Girl Scouts and, forthwith, our
troop was formed. Our numbers have in
creased rapidly, considering the dlfllcult
tests required, In the two years of our
existence and promise to grow even more
rapidly In the future.
Family Excursion Steamer to
100 Miles 50 Cents
Stepping- at Chester sad Pcuugref e
Only Boat to Ausuitlno Utach
Landing la frent of cr?va; safe ult-waUr
titbuut, 600 military bathroom. Full or
chestra on boat and beach, duels all day.
ArusUn water, plenty tut 1m. tacbM and
thsde- All kinds of smusemsnti st botch.
r. Betiad Trip. Me. Children. to 10. 13s.
InvM An!, Street Wharf S09 Daily,
Saaday, I1.U,
0AMm :. oxia, Mar s .tnu m, .
"Festival of Light" Will Be
Staged as Huge, Brilliant Ap
peal to Voters to Favor
Philadelphia Is to have another BUffrago
parade a parado which, If predictions
como true, will far outshlno that held
hero last May.
Plans nro being completed by suffrage
organizations for a big suffrage pageant
to bo helil on October 22, nlmost on tho
evo of election day the red-letter day of
tho Pennsylvania suffrago calendar, and
the day which will decldo temporarily tho
fate of cqunl suffrage In this State.
The parado will bo held at night, an
other Innovation In suffrngo tactics.
More than 2000 organizations, largo and
small, have been asked to participate, nnd
many thousand suffragists and suffrage
sympathizers arc expected to be In line.
Tho parnde and pageant will bo called
tho "Suffrage Festival of Light." Many
fC4itures nro promised, and as tho parade
will bo held at night hundreds of work
ers aro expected to be able to Join tho
ranks. Tho largo number of marchers
and an nrtlstlo ami varied display of light
ing effects glvo promise that tho October
parado will excel that held In this city
last May.
Tho parndo will start at 7 p. m. from
Brond and Mifflin streets. Tho line of
match will bo up Broad street to City
Hall nnd mound City Ilnll, down uroau
street to the Academy of Music, whero
a monster rnlly will bo held.
Tho list of speakers hns not been com
pleted. It Is stated, however, that thero
will bo several speakers of national repu
tation. With a final victory In November In
sight, those In charge of tho coming pa
rado think tho date of October 22 an Ideal
ono. It Is forbidden by law to hold pa
rades In Philadelphia during tho 10 days
preceding election tiny, and according to
lnw, tho suffrage parado could not bo
held Inter than Saturday, October 23.
Friday, October 22, has been chosen by
the committee In charge, as It gives tho
chance of a day's postponement In case of
While rain would not havo deterred
tho nrdent sulTrnglsts last May, It was
agreed that rain might mar tho lighting
effects nnd displays of tho next parndo.
Prominent Philadelphia suffragists havo
forsaken their summer homes and an
swered what they term tho "call to duty"
to devote their time and energy to com
pleting arrangements for tho pageant.
Tho committee in charge includes Miss
Mary Wlnsor, chairman; Mrs. William
Albert Wood, vice chairman; Miss Ella
Blcgel, treasurer; Miss Anna II. Snyder,
secretary; Mrs. Gcorgo A. Plcrsol, Dr.
Koto W. Baldwin, Mrs. Wilfred Lewis,
Mrs. Wilmcr Atkinson, Dr. B. M. Hel-stand-Moore,
Mrs. E. Q. A. Kills and Miss
Lucy Lewis.
"Tho scout movement Is ono of Incal
culable benefit to our young people for
girls as well as boys for If tho scout
principles, tho formation of character and
tho learning of citizenship nro necessary
for boys, how much more Important Is It
that theso principles should bo instilled
Into tho minds of our girls who are
destined to bo tho mothers and guides of
tho future generations. An attractive and
practical form of active educational pas
time is needed, nnd for this purpose tho
Girl Scouts aro organized.
"Tho Girl Scouts nnd tho Boy Scouts
are formed with similar purposes. The
former is modeled after tho latter, tho
boys' ritual being modified to meet tho
requirements of girls and to suit tho con
ditions of American life.
"Tho aim of the Girl Scouts Is to teach
girls to be helpful, happy nnd prosperous
women, capable of making good homes
nnd bringing up good children. These
principles nro taught them through pur
suits that appeal to them, such as games,
athletics and crafts At the same time
they aro Inspired with ambition and a
spirit of good - natured competition.
I Through outdoor exercise, such ns ath-
letlos, hikes and camp life, they nro taught
to conscrvo their health and care for
their bodies.
"Thero aro three classes of scouts
third class or 'tenderfoot,' second class
nnd first class. Before becoming a 'ten
derfoot' a girl must pass certain tests
prescribed by tho troop. After serving
ono month as a 'tenderfoot' sho may
try the tests for second class, and, when
sho has passed these, sho may try for
'proficiency badges,' which aro also
awarded through tests. Somo of theso
badges nro for excellence In ambulance
work, health, horsemanship, swimming,
music, serving, cooking, dairy work,
child's nurso and attendance. After
serving timo as a second clnhs scout a
girl may try for the first-class grade. To
enter this grado Is a high honor, as the
tests aro extremely dlfllcult.
"Each troop has its own colors. The
Daffodils have black and gold and our
crest Is a 'daffodil' Our uniform la khaki
und tho troop makes a lino shotting.
'"Tho scout law Is based on honor, duty,
loyalty, kindness, comradeship, purity,
cheerfulness, friendliness nnd thrift The
Girl Scout promises, 'to do my duty to
God and my country, to help others at all
times and to obey the Scout law.' When
a scout says a thing Is so 'On my Scout
honor.' I never question her veracity and
I have never been fooled. The underlying
object of tho whole organization Is to
turn out good, strong, useful women, and
I (Irmly believe that wo are accomplish
ing our object"
For White Buckskin,
Nubuck, White Leathers
and Canvas Shoes
If every one who wears white
shot would try a box of HiklaBi.
Ko otnr aina mnuu -
10c and 25c a bos
Sold everywhere
p.P.Lagomarsino & Co., Inc.
bulrush- l)utrlbutfc
mrninifiiiiMMi i iKirmmWinni
"The Great White Way"
I WAS sleeping peacefully when the
Zeppelins camo to Paris. Tho loud
whirring of tho machinery mid tho nolso
of firing soon woko mo up, however. For
the Zeppelins were qulto close to my hotel
nnd nlmost overhead. Jly hotel was In
tho Champs Klysces, near IArc do Trl
ompho, nnd tho latter seemed to bo tho
goal of tho Zeppelins.
It was nbout mldnlgnt when I heard tho
terrible whirring. I rushed to tho win
dow nnd gnr.ed out Into a clear, splen
did night. Two wounded soldiers In tho
private hospital across tho courtyard
wcro hanging out of their wlndoWB, and
they called cheerfully across: "Look up,
look up nnd you will sco tho Zcppclltisl
Tho Germans havo como!"
I looked up, but ns tho houses nro high
and narrow, saw nothing In the small
space of sky except tho glaro of search
lights. The nolso of tho Zeppelins wns
very loud, nnd then tho firing broke out.
Every moment I expected that wo would
bo blown to pieces. Yet that post nt tho
window was so fasclnntlng that nothing
could hnvo Induced mo to quit It and
seek refugo in tho cellar.
Tho firing beenmo more Insistent. Tho
sky was one blazo of lights. Although
tho courtyard below was deserted, ex
cept for tho concierge, who was out In
a weird "and wonderful garment "to seo
what ho could sec," tho streets soon
filled with people running.
A baby In tho next room woko up nnd
howled dli-mallv. Its nurso was appar
ently too alarmed to sootho it, for Its
howls continued.
Every now and then thcro wns a roar
llko that of cannon, nnd then tho steady
sound of firing. The whirring of tho ma
chinery seemed very close. Things went
on llko this for some time, then all nt
nnco I had n glimpso of n great black
body shooting over the blue space over
my hotel. Its whirring was like thunder.
A sudden retreat was In progress! Tho
firing grew fainter, then died nway alto
getherand the Zeppelin raid was over.
Tho dnm.-igc done had not been great,
although the Inhabitants got a scare. The
thrill of witnessing an affair of this sort
Is well worth the risk for only onco In
c, lifetime do we have the chance of being
under Zeppelin Are!
The Carlton Hotel In tho Champs
Elysee. opposite my abode, had been
turned Into a Russian Hospital when 1
wns In the city. Tho patients, of course,
wero French, hut tho pretty nurses woro
nil Russlnn, nnd looked charming in their
white uniforms. The wide French win
dows were only a foot above tho street,
nnd passcrsby could witiiess all tho
dressings nnd methods employed by the
Russian surgeons for tho euro of tho
Every morning I tnlked with tho sol
diers through the windows, and somo of
tho crippled men show great agility In
hopping out of the window to tho street
Tho French soldiers are extraordinarily
pollto. Theie Is nothing they will not do
to "render assistance." They nro much
less shy than tho English foldlors and
much more talkative. There Is a com
plcto lack of self-consciousness nbout
them, nnd an artless air of camaraderlo
that Is very attractive.
Ono man, who had f-acrlflecd one of his
legs, eold to me. with n smiling face
and he Is only 2:. with nil I1I3 life before
him "it is indeed lucky that I havo" re
covered at nil! As 1 suffer no inoro pain,
what reason Is there to grumblo? I con
sider that I am fortunate. Look you ut
Etlcnnc here he hns lost tho two eyes nnd
will never see tno so charming Indies
again! Hero Indeed la a. garcon to bo
But Ktlcnno was distinctly annoyed at
any such accusation. "Me, I am Joyous
ffifrij Vi(fM4. R4
Occupying an entire block of ocean front and
connected lth ths famous Boardwalk; in the
popular Chelsea section: capacity SOO; un
usually large, cool rooms, with unobstructed
lew of the ocean from all; sea and fresh
water in all baths; running water In rooms;
4000 ft. of porches surround the hotel: the
new dlnlne room overlooks tho eea; fines'
cuisine and white service; orchestra of solo
lets; dancing twice dally; social diversions
masnincent new l'alm Lounge. Special J21
up weekly; booklet mailed. Auto meets trains.
OSTBND CO.. Owners.
MENT tonic, reconstructive and rejuvsnant
has been Installed and 1 administered by
the hotel's resident physician.
Liaozar r laxraoor buos.1 uotxl
Bold original creation
IU tu tout Color ef lUintle Cltr
t.MN i,tai4uirat T.Miuora
Lsadlns lllirh-CIan Moderate-Rate Hotel.
ALBEMARLE VirBinU. ave. near Beach.
.!:.,. CP-MOv Elevator, private
baths, etc. ; excellent table. Summer rate. 19
up weekly; 2 up dally. Bklt. J. I. COl'E.
Ideal modem hotel: capacity 400; (a water
baths, etc.; cafa asd crtll; carace. Booklet.
. ; P!-l rauw for Aujuu
CULT bAadk . iuis.
-j-r:xr4 ttii&saRO.
r-H A
H-pl W
Whirr of Ponderous Machinery Gives First Warning of
Danger Searchlight Flashes Play Across Sky, 1
Peonle Throncr Streets I
Staff Correspondent Evening Ledger.
na tho hlrdfl!" tin nni.AiH...i ... .
--.- . .... ... . ,,u U444,m, "jtn,
ears nro dally becoming sharper. .!
I can tell the friends by S , V.I5. S
I nssuro you. mndame, that I am A$
It did seem romarknblo! All lnn. 3
Qual p'Orsnl and in tho bcault ul $
den of tho- Tullorles I met ,ii,S&i"
soldiers, stuping their way by weani"!
sticks. Tlfoy wero chiefly ycuTg mc
nnd several wero very handsom. t
talked wllh many of them-and thev U
nil optimistic, or rather, Phllo.M 'r
"Yes. It is truo that we aro blind" .5
tho burden of their talk, "but "
many beautiful th'-ng. In llfo ft
still. And It is good to havo s "J
much for one's country." " ?
I sat down on n bench bcaido n. J.
dcrful bed of flowers, and Just &
young Belgian ofllccr camo by. nSj
ly ho found tho sent-and then t not,!!,
that he was stono blind. jS
"I linyc lost iny way," ho said, ".f
you cad 1110 to tho fountain nearby whtS
tho birds congregato? It ln'mycJS
to feed them ovory morning." t02
And so wo walked along togeth
Aiound tho corner was tho fountain 11J
waters sparkling In tho sunlight. Ti
trcea cast great cool shadows, and iki
young officer produced packets of lldi,"
cakes from tho pockets of his faded linU
form. "
"Tho doves hero aro my friends," S
said. "They know me, nnd they com.
to wclcomo me."
There was a soft flutter of wings, and
tho doves wero all around us. "Th
stand for Peace and 1 for Wnr"' .
tho blind omcer, "but theso birds do not
fear me, for I am but tho wrcckac. or
n man." b i
JWJ wt.u.ll..1(. 4V44,444I444U1U!
It wns n strange and beautiful pictured
nt ono of tho saddest thnt I .,, il
In that city of sad sights.
Later I camo to tho great, cool CatlJ
dral of Notre Damo. In the square wher?
the immortnl Esmeralda onco danced with1
her gbat, tho wounded soldiers Bat. And
Insldo tho cathedral all was a wonderful
peaco and silence. In tho dim light thS"
candles were burning nt many llttlo ai-1
tars, and kneeling llgures prayed In at
titudes of hopeless sorrow a
Hero was a young girl in deepest
mourning, her long crepo veil swccplni
tho ground. Farther on was an old. old
woman lighting her cheap little candlC
with trembling hnnds, her lips movlnl
In supplication. Bcforo a tiny altar la
a corner lay a woman, prostrate, weep-1
lng her heart out for her husbadn at thai
wnr. The noises of tho street were stilled
In tho cool silence. u
Somo llttlo children entered on tlniAii
nnd dropped their money with a tinkle'
Into tho little box near the door. Then
each lifted a tiny candle, nnd, lighting
It carefully, lisped out n prayer for their
....... 1... ..w ...... ij.4.- JI44444LVU eUlOU
111 tno great stained wmuows iooKed dowif
on them pityingly nnd the dim cathedral
wns wrapped in silence once again. f
For Your Glasses
A most ncceptablo article for thevaran
teur carpenter or for everyday uses U
shown in today's Illustiatlon, It is a
small sciowdriver hardly any larger than
tho picture, and which cart be easily'
slipped in one's coin case to use in an
emergency. These llttlo scrowdrlvers are
particularly useful for eyeglasses wblcS
becomo loosened, causing the lens to fall
out. Tho wholo arrangement Is so mall
and so compact that Its usefulness Isj
practically doubled. Tho price Is 25 cents.!
J-lb. tins 20c
i-lb. tins? 10c
Brandywine Springs Park
Is to this Bplendld Delaware Ilwog
and return by combination excurst
on boats of
to Wilmington nnd trolley cars air
from the wharf to the Park..
only 35 cents for adults and -o
for children on nil days except S"'
cetit.i for adults and 35 cents for
nav8. KminavH nnu iiuiiuaje. - ..
Urll Ull H1CHM1 IIW,, m
ran ims pukiikmu wu, -
tba Wilson Line. v
nrrr vtTMDt 1RR FIELD D
Saturday. August SI. If dg "".'Bf,
the dlstric,-, Sports and SPc1'1 X
Elaborate irogram for entertu.iioww
tlest. Cuieal and Fattest BWe
twine. iTiau jur 4.., . : vriLt
ana uiuq.t poll bsduh. ) -:
the AftSnoon. Splendid .,'' VSS
winners.' Send entries to A,l" rr
excureLTa agent at urano wm. ' -
PoetoM . or make them ai the rt"
lot iniirulng oi ino u -
Thu.XrvAuSu.t yn, t
c or u J nd oilier iru pioJu is aj
4 a - j.
. . l t IXSM
tor U kixtt dit W Li ' Uv
4 IS
licax, ' !,-
S, HiMWtw-i
t Ull,..liiaiiin IM.I-