Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 19, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1
'11 FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA mn VOt. I-NO. 290 PHILADELPHIA, TIJVKSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915. C'ortMotlT, 1010, Bt mi Public Lhxikh COMfiti. PRICE ONE CET 5S . -J.'. ft i p x.y i Jrtr fVlli Tl J' i I Iff MjfliW -ittVUt DL'V' mr MNER A I LONDO DALLAM SUIT WITHDRAWN; DIRECTOR TAYLOR AWARDS CONTRACTS FOR TRANSIT -' Senator McNichol's Company Gets City Hall Subway Tunnel Job at $1,700,000 James D. Dorney, Political Fol lower of Contractor-Boss, Receives First Frankford ' Elevated Work, Having Sub mitted Low Bid of $142,590 Workingmcn Join in Jubilation, Sceinpr End of Depression Thousands to Get Jobs Real Estate Men of Suburbs Anticipate Boom a l The legal tangle which hits been hold Ins up 'ho program ot rnpiti transit i" Philadelphia foi more than a month was solved Into this afternoon and Director Taylor immediately awarded the con tracts for tho Ilrst construction work of the Broad street subway and the Frank ford elevated lines. This action commits the city of Phila delphia to a compichcnslvo piogram of high-speed transit development, Involving tlie expenditure of millions of dollars The prompt solution of tho legal tangle was made possible by Ruby It. Vale, at torney In the Dallam taxpayers' suit. Mr. Vale appeared voluntntlty before Judge Tcrguson this afternon and withdrew his application for an Injunction suit to vc atraln the city from proceeding wit htho transit, work. At tho barac time City Solicitor Rnn, who appeared with Mr. Vale, withdrew his application for tho dismissal of the Dallam suit. Ttid'edfflruetKotMtrtsPBroad'streetrtunnel cneath City Hall was awarded to the Keyitone State Construction Company, u firm controlled by State Senator Jnmcs P. JIcNIchol, for $1,700,000, tho amount of the bid submitted by Senator McNichol's conipany last Jlonday. .The contract for tho construction of eoncrct6 column foundations and piers for about four miles of tho Frankford elevated lino was awarded to James D. Dorney, contractor, of 1201 East Mont gomery avenue, a political follower ot McNIehol. Tho amount of this contract totals JU2.B90. TAYLOIt GETS NEWS OVEII 'PHONE. 4f Director Taylor sat, pen In hand, ex- pectins word over tno leiepnonu iioni mo City Solicitor's ofilce. Before- him lay letters notifying both contractors of tho awards. All tho Director had to do to clinch the beginning of actual construction work on Monday, September 13, was to sign 'his name to those letters and speed them off to tho contractors. The awarding of tho two contracts now commits the city of Philadelphia to the greatest proginm of municipal Improve ment ever undertaken. The specliio work to be begun will bo tho two high-speed lines, but the completion of the remaining part of tho program which will follow will link every section of tho city with a ' network of elevated and subway lines. VOTAL COST JCO.000,000 - The cost of tho Broad street and the Frankford lines will total more than JiO, 000,000, and the remaining lines, to bo un- dertaken at a later date, will cost an ' additional 0, 000,000. Equally important "to the riding public will bo the elimina tion of tho 8-cent exchange tickets, mean- IDE an annual saving of from J7M.O0O, In - 1916. to WCO.00O, In 1330. The operation of the Broad Btreet sub way will icduce the time required to travel from City Hall to Broad street and Olney avenue from 43 minutes to 22 min- utes-a saving of minutes on the round trip. From City Hall to tho Philadelphia Navy Ynrd, from 28 minutes to 17 mln- nies a saving of 22 minutes on the round trio. ' The Broad street subway will servo 930, ! Oft) rwnnlo nn,i win nnvn 55000 hours ner . dflV In IIia irnvnltnc. tfllllln wltlpll Will I ule It. L The Frankford elevated will reduce the 'time required to travel from City Hall ,to Frankford from 65 minutes to 30 mln- ut-8avlnB of 50 minutes on the round trip. The Frankford aleated will serve 36S,- 00) people, and will save 11,000 hours per r- day to the traveling public which will st uee It. L TAYLOR MEN JUDILANT. V Sunnorters of Director Taylor hailed tho ftet!nn na tY,a fnnni.i,pnHnn ff A TlftW flrfl. f, In every section of Philadelphia, Work- Ingmen and labor organizations declared 'ht that the actual beginning of work will I destroy the last vestige of business de f presslon here, for It will give employment nr to thousands of laborers ond middle class !f artisans, ileal estate men declared that a phenomenal development of real estate activities will fnllnw In the nnburban SC- ttons vH-HM"!io van iui mo vuiuio . tlon of the tunnel .inder Cltv Hall in 30 1 months, The entire Broad street sub-, .r W&V Can a Mimnlalail I ,, 99 mnnlhll Tha WntracU for the work on the Yankfora une call for construction of the concrete iwndfttlon In eight months. The entire wwirucuon can be maae reaay for operation in two years. THE WEATHER FORECAST for Philadelphia and vioinity fair and continued cool tonight and fuday, gentle northerly wnda. for dttaxlt, ate faga 4 RABIC HIT BY TORPEDO; NS CITY WINS UAPID TRANSIT Soiitcmlter 1 1.1P1 .--Uttnltiff l.rdmcr hf rIiin (ninpiilRii for nilnpltnn of thr Tnyur proRrnm for lilRli-sprril utnwj- nntl pic yntvil llnffi. Inmtnrj 7 101. Two onlliinmr- pro titling for n bcR.ntnc of operation on tho mplil triinMt irroriim Intrmlui'ril hi Common Council. I'cbrtmrj 11 -IlmriitK bffnrn Sonnli Committee on Municipal AtTnlm Di rector Taylor retimes rcqiiot for ? 10,000, 000 to $0,000,000 to (intuit oltriictlnnlitN In tticir nunc for tlrlny. lYhrunrj IB rlnmuc Committee re partn loan election oritlnnnee nml Hiilntl tutes part of Cottclln "Jokpr" onllnimce. Mnrrh I Councils nmcntl "Joker" or dinance to miike It local. March 0 "Major fstRns onllnnnre. Mnreh 20 Mujor turnN llrnt npnilcful of enrtli on prellmlnnry ncuer relocntlon uork In Independent e tfqmtro. April 20 TrniHlt Iorii of $6,000,000 np proed lit pollf) li 10-to-l ote. June 2J Ordinance mitliorlliiff flota tion of $(1,000,000 lonn pnftHcri In Com mon Council. July 1 Ordlnnnce npproprlntluR $3,000,000 for the llrond street and ttie I'runkford project reftiieclltly panted In Councils July 10 Dnllnm taxpayers suit to lmlt plan begun. duly 'ZC Hearlne before Public Service Commission. . duly 30 Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company nlthdrnUH opponttlon. AuRUht 14 Public HerIco Commlnftinn authorize befflnnhtff of the Ilroad street Hubuny and the I rank ford elented AuRUNt in Open hld for Urnt work on Ilroad Htreet suhuy und IVankford de lated lines. August 10 Dallam Milt wlthdrnun. Director Taj lor nuardn contracts for Htart of work. ELIN BOMBS LOffi Berlin Reports Good Re sults From Attack on British Capital FACTORIES UNDER FIRE BERLIN (via wireless to Sayvllle), Auk. I!) German Zeppelins Tuesday night bombarded the city of London and Im portant establishments along tho Thames Itlver, with good results, tho Admiralty announced this afternoon. In addition, factories and blast furnaces at Ipswich wero bombarded Tho airships suffered no damage despite tho enemy's fire, and returned In safety. 175 PASSENGERS ABOARD LINER SUNK BY SUBMARINE Attack Made Near Spot Where Lusi tania Went Down NEW YOItlv, Aug. 10, White Star Lino oniclals announced this afternoon that there wore 435 persons aboard tho liner Arabic when sho sailed from Liverpool last night. Off these 175 were passengers, 130 being In tho Ilrst cabin nnd 45 In tho second. The remaining 00 uero members of tho crew. Tho line oillclals stated that they had received no Information up to 1.40 p. m. In reference to tho Arabic, except a dis patch, stating that she had left Liver pool last night. The Arabic was commanded by Captain William Finch. Oillclals of tho White Star Line said that, In view of tho fact that the Arabic left Liverpool last night, the cablegram report of her sinking was received hero shortly after 1 o'clock, the liner would be about SO hours out from Liverpool and probably In the vicinity of the Bpot where tho Lusltanla was destroyed by a Ger man submarine. V BURNED SAVING LITTLE GIRL Father and Garage Owner Drag Her From Flaming Auto Two men were burned while rescuing a child from a burning automobile In a garage at Bryn Mawr today. Ellsha Ham mond, of Hammond Brothers, a wood mnnufacturlnir concern In Hosemont, ac companied by his 2-year-old daughter, went to the garage of LMnard Jlagulre at Roberts road ond Bryn Mawr avenue to Inspect an automobile which had beep repaired. The child climbed Into the ma chlno while Mr Hammond and the garage keeper were talking. Suddenly the machine burst Into names, nnd the little girl began screaming. Both Mr, Hammond and Mr, Magulre suffered severe burns of tho face and hands when they dashed into the flames to rfcscua the helpless child. The child was rescued, uninjured. The automobile, valued at $2000, was destroyed Funeral of Motor Yictim Monday The funeral of Frank Crumley, Jr., the 19-year-old youth that died In the Samaritan Hospital from Injuries u tatnd In a motorcycle accident on I he Northeast Boulevard early yesterday morning, will bo held -ilenday afternoon at i o'clock at hla home. J7(K North Biad street The services will be private In terment will be In Greenwood Cemetery, Camo B. Knights of Pythias buna! ground. HELLED v MRS. LEO M. FRANK "LEO MINE NOW," SOBSMRS.FRANK, HERE WITH BODY "He Suffers No Longer," She Moans, as "Death Train" Enters City SYMPATHIZERS JOIN HER Widow Sometirncs Thinks Slain Man Lives, declares Her Brother MRS. FRANK CALLS GEORGIA TO ACCOUNT FOR LYNCHING "I hm no drnlre to Hfk prrsona! YrnKFtuire upon Iho men who took my lmounml oat of prlunn In tilt1, .dotal of nlcht pml killed him. I will Jrmr that to the lawn of lifortln. Crorirlan now hare the opportunity lo linw whither ihty believe In Jiutlee. "My husband lind no Jimtlre. It Ik the duly of etrry truo Georgian who loe his home Stute to come forth und try to lorulo the men who klled my husband my I,eo. "Ills life nM rruiihrd out y men who hud no renpect for the Inttrt or the Ten Commandment. I.eo li now dead, but I mint to buy In the rreNenee of njy Sinker thnt he neTer committed tin" trlme of whlih they licensed him. Leo neer hud u fair chnnce, or nen a IlKlitli'K il-nnee." Two llRhted lanterns In tho hands of brakemen standing on tho platform of tho West Philadelphia station ot tho Pennsylvania Railroad bwuhb back and forth at 3:40 o'clock this morning. Near the sliding door of tho baggago car of thp United States fast mall train of tho Southern Railway stood a young, tlorld complexloned clerk. With another clerk, pad In hand, ho wns checking off hag. boko marked for New York. The second pleco of "baggage," which wns stamped in red ink, was checked off In these words: "No. 16-22-51. Casket. Through to 3Jd street and Seventh avenue. New York." This scene was witnessed hy four track walkers, a railroad detective on the watch for tramps, a white-bearded, pious Hebrew and a homeless newsboy, when tho train bearing tho body of Leo Mosea Frank passed through this city on Its wny to New York. Apparently the Italian track wnlkers and tho nenBboy didn't know the mean ing ot "No. 1C-22-D1." Tho track walkers kept on working and Iho newsboy con tinued to gaze at the eight commercial travelers who were getting oft tho train. TRAYER FOR TUG DEAD. Dut tho veteran student of the Talmud didn't require any explanation. He closed hie eyes. Then In a low voice. In Hebraic words, ho prayed. He chose "Kadlsh" as his theme a prayer for the dead. Negro porters watched tho old man attentively. Passengers who remained on the train stood at the windows of sleep ing cars. Mothers and young womon who weren't sleeping wept. In the fourth sleeping car. named Loyal Hannah, was Sirs. Lucille Frank, wife of Leo Frank. Sho appeared to bo In a stunor. She was lying uown. Near ner was her brother-in-law, Alexander Mar cus. bhe could near tno cierK in tne nag gaRo car calling oft "No 16-32-61." As Bhe tossed herself about In the dimly lighted drawing room she kept repeating: '3Iy I.eo I.eo no longer aullern Sly Leo, lie l mine lie belong to inc." An hour before the train pulled Into tho West Philadelphia Station Mrs. Frank demanded that she be permitted to enter the baggago car. She wanted to gazo at the dark brown box (n which the coftlii containing her husband wai encasfcd. Relatives, sympathizers and passengers Continued en Pare Two, Column Biz SAY BOYS STOLE TEAM Police Arrejt Lads They Assert Camp ed Out Last Night For Kensington boys are alleged to have stolen a team and camped out all night In It. They were arrested today and taken to the House ot Detention They are John Brndberry, 13 years. 2257 North Hope street; Harry Brown, 9 year, 232 North Bodlne street. Kdward VUer, 1 years, ?8 North Pajelaerp Btreet und William Pilaris li eai, Waterloo iid I'mnbeilaiid etreets BY ZEPPELIN GERMAN SUBMARINE SENDS WHITE STAR SHIP TO BOTTOM; BOUND FOR UNITED STATES Carried 175 Passengers Torpedoed Off Fastnet Sailed From Liver pool Yesterday N u m ber Lost Not Known. LIVERPOOL, AllB. 19. Tho Whltu Stur liner Arabic, tlio lnrgcst ntcnntslitp used in trnnsntlnntlc tralllc slnco tho Lusltanla was destroyed, wns mink this morning by ft Ocrmnn submarine. Announcement of tho great Ilnor'8 destruction wns mndo hoio this afternoon. Some of tho passengers mo reported lost. Thoro wero 435 persons nlionrd. Of these, 175 were Ilrst enbln, -15 necond cubln nml 200 In the crow. Advices to shlppliiB ngents teport tltnt tho Arnblc wus sunk off KnHtnel nnd that moBt of tho members of her crow nnd tlio passengers on board wero token off by another steamship. When tho Arnblc wns sunk sho was on her wny from KiiKland to tho rnltcd States, having stilled from Liverpool yestordny. It Is not yet known whether there wcio nny Americans aboard the Arabic when tho liner wns sunk. Tho gross tntinago of tho Arabic wns 1D.E01 tons. Her net tommec uns ll,M tuns. Tho liner wus built In Unlfnst In 1103, nnd slnco thnt time has been continu ously In tho transatlantic service Sho was COO feet Ioiib, Gj feet wide and 17 feet deep; she hulled from Liverpool, nnd Hew tho British lias. On her latest enstunrd voynKO the Arabic carried r. lecoid carfio of nar sjip plles. AmonR her frelfiht wero tho fol low Iiir conslsnmenls: 4000 cases of car tridges, Ml colls of wlro rope, M cases of noroplano parts, 105 automobile-), C'J'J cases of brass lods, 497 cases ot fuses. 227J Jackets for artillery shells, SI77 steel billets for war supply purposes, 183 bales of Lotton for the manuincturo of Ktin cotton, 1008 rubber tires for motoia In tho war zones, 13,813 plates for spelter, 1GGI copper cathodes, K0 barrels of nlclat blanks, 1)1 cases of brass lilnnks, lull buBM o' nails nnd 237 barrels of lubricat ing oil. An nttemnt tvaa made to sink tho Amhlc Idat month, jOn August 7, tha day oftcr the Arable1 arrived at Liverpool, It became known that two sticks of Uynumlto had been found upon the liner on July 27. tho day before tho sailed from New Yoik. Tho dynamite was found by a prlvnto de tective employed by tho White Star liner. Part of his duties was to search the ship, nnd tho explosive was found in a settee In tho women's retiring room. Ever slnco the war begun tho Aiablc has been active In carrying war supplies. In addition to licr freight she usually carried a largo passenger list. The crew, being warned that the vessel might meet tho snma fnto as tho Lusltanla, formed a rlllo club and practiced dally with long range rltles of heavy calibre, the seamen would trail u small raft about 100 yards astern of the vessel upon which n stick ot wood would be stuck to represent a submarine porlocopo. This scived us a tnigct. . Last March, not long after Germany formally opened her submanno war, tho Arabic reported sighting a German sub marine off Cherbourg, but hud no dllll culty In getting out of the, path of danger. CARDINAL VANNUTI3LLI DIES Dean of tho Sacred College Passes Away at Rome ROME, Aug. IS. Cardinal Scrailno Vnn nutclll, 81, dean of Sacred College, Is dead. It was announced today. Cardinal Vannntelli wna born nt Gcnaz zano, Italy, November 2(1. 1S34. Ho wns ordained a priest In BC0 and mado a car dinal in 1SS7. 0PERAZI0NI DECISIVE A GOlilZIA E T0LMIN0 II Generate Cadorna Riprende l'Oflfensiva Contro la Linea di Difesa dell'Isonzo Hal comunlcato del gcneralo Cadorna. pubbtlcato Icrl sera a Iloma, si rlleva die II comandante delle forze Itallano ha Inl zUto operazlonl declslvo per tpozzaro la llnea dl reslstonza aUBtrla-a Piill'Isonzo. Infattl, mentre contlnua I'offenslva itnl lana contro lo fortlflcazlonl etterne dl Tolmlno, dovo lo truppo dl Cadorna hanno avuto nuovl successl contro il nemlco cho dlfcnde II forto dl Santa Lucia. II generalissimo Itallano ha rlpreso, proba bllmento con nuovl cannonl, dl enl net clornl scorsl si annunclo" 1'arrlvo sul fronte dell'Isonzo, II bombardamento delle opere dl fortlflcazlon dl Gorlzla. Cost" le operazlonl contro Gorlzla e Tol mlno, le duo fortezze cho dlfendono la llnea dell'Isonzo ma cho non sono plu da un pezzo In comunicailone diretta fra dl loro, avendo gll Itallanl passato II Hume a Tlava. vengono dl nuovo co ordinate e condotte slmultaneamente. Nel tempo raedeidnio gll Itallanl non reutaro (nattivl a ud dl Gorlzla, e cloe' sull'altlplano del Camo, dove essl hanno gla solldamente meeso II plede. Ivl, come si rlleva dal rapporto del generale Ca dorna, le truppe Itallane hanno ocoupato una importante poeUione ad est dl Mar cottinl, dopo un attacco non rjusclto de!t austrlaci, Altrove, doe' nel TIrolo, le truppe Itali ans hanno ocoupato uiuv nuova llneo d trlncee austrlache nella valle del Baeher, dopo averne caeeiato II nemlco cho la dl" fese strenuamente. Le relozlonl Italo-turehe vanno facendoel sempre plu1 te, e si erode ehe presto el verra ad una rottura deflnltlva del rap portl diplomatler e quindl alia dlchlaraz- lone dl guerra. (I.cggero in U paglne le ultlme e Plu' ot I dcttagliate not zie Bulla guerra. In Ityli I ano ) ENGLISH LOSE TWO WARSHIPS IN NAVAL FIGHT British Cruiser and One Destroyer Sunk by Ger mans Off Danish Coast TEUTONS UNSCATHED BERLIN, Aug. 10. A British cruiser nild n destrojor wero torpedoed and sunk In an engagement on Tuesday with German torpctloboats, tho Admiralty announced today. Tho naval action took place oft tho coast of Jutland, Denmark. Tho text ofv tho Admiralty statement follows: "At 2 o'clock on August 17 (lvo boats of onu of our toipcdoUoat llotlllu attacked a small modern British cruiser und a tor pedoboat destroyer near Hornsrlff Light ship, on tho west coast ot Jutland. They sunk the cruiser and destroyer with tor pedoes. Our forces suffered no losses." ARRESTED FOR BRASS THEFT Two Accused of Stealing ?G00 in Metnl nnd Sellinp; It for $70 Two men. accused uf stealing JC0O worth of brass from a Government shipment and selling It for $70, wcr. ni rested to day a few hours after the theft was reported. Tho prisoners are Howard Head, ot 20th street nnd Magazine lnue, nnd Gcorgo Wclck, of Jill Binlly street. They will be arraigned tomorrow. Tho captuto was mado by Captain Blackeiihurg, of tho IVnni.yh.inlu Ball road detective force; Bpcclil 1'ollcemen O'Began and McCorkle und Policeman Cooper. LONG RULED HOSPITAL; GOES THERE AS INSANE Camden County Politician, Who Killed Son, Sent to Black wood by Court Patrick McNulty, of Gloucester, was for 36 years a member of the committee of the Camden County Board of Freeholders which had charge of the, hospital for the Insane at Blackwood, N. J. Today, by order of the court, he was committed to the Institution In the welfare of which he had taken so much Interest. McNulty, who Is 70 years old, shot hla son, Thomas McNulty, on June 9. The son died the next day. Tho order, committing McNulty to tho Insane nBylum, was issued uday by Judge Boyle, In tho Camden Criminal Court, after plusiclans hnd testified that tho man was Insane. The order htates that he shall bo kept at Blackwood until his condition is surtlelently improved to war rant his release or until a new order Is Issued. McNulty was prominent In Camden County politics for years. For a long time he waa one of tho jwo Democrats on the Board of Freeholders, and wielded great power In political circles. He was particularly Interested, as a free holder. In the asylum at Blackwood, went there frequently to Inspect the place, and often fought for appropriations of money needed for Improvements there. Until two years ago McNulty was a grocer at 331 Morris street, Gloucester. He. turned the business over to his eon, Thomas, whom he later hot. After the shooting the aged man tried to kill him self, firing three bullets which went wild, and then seising a large butcher knife. He was overpowered, however, before he could do htnuelf any harm. The Kensingtonian Says; Bill Mottmer it now in (he waterNIen bust net BUI taya he hat a oontraet to supply 19,000 melons to Uenuaity to f$ed tha ol4itrs o tho (KUe) rud. QUICK NEWS ATTACKED AND ROBBED, III HIS STORE Charles West, 68 veers oM, manastM "f i tef 'tl 5or5 Mniket street was fount! unconsclott hi Tils store Uils afferuooii. th victim e on nttftcb by n innglnr, who, after knocking him into insensibility, rifled Tils pockets and the wsh register, West is in tlie West SIiHattelplilft Homeopathic Hospital in a serious condition. It is thought Ilia skull may be fractured. BRITISH STEAMSHIP DUNBLEE SUNK LONDON, Aug. TO. The British steamship Dimblee lias1 ticca biiuk by ft submarine. BALKAN MOXARCHS AND MINISTERS CONFER KOP1A, AtiB. 10. Czar Ford Inn ml conferred with Premier ltadoslavoff for three hours Tuesday. A dispatch fiom Bucharest snjs that KIiir Ferdlnnnd summoned nil the Ittimnnlun Ministers to confcicnco today. Diplomatic activity entrnnco Into the war. STRIKING MtlDGEPORT WOMEN WIN SHORT DAY WASHINGTON. Aug. ID.-The .1000 womon and Blrls on strike nt tho Warner Hi others Corset MnnufaeturliiB Company, In Bridgeport, Conn., won their llpht for un eight-hour tiny today. President Johnston, of tho Interna tional Association of MnchlnlstM, announced here Hint tho company had Brnnted tho worksrs' demands, whirl) were ilrst mndo when (10 machinists struck. GOVERNMENT ORDERS RELIEF FOR TEXAS CITIES WASHINGTON. Aur. in. The War Department todny nrranged to send food, bedding mid tents to storm suffeiers at and nrnuud Galveston. The supplies will go from Torts Sill and Leavenworth. Army olllccrs will co operate with the Bed Cross In relief work. Advices early today were that tho storm hud subsided and the city was under martini law, but as to tho number of dead the department was still uncertnin. DUTCH GUARDS FIRE AT ZEPPELIN LONDON, Aub. 19. All Amsterdam dispatch says that a bis Zeppelin, probably the L-10, was slRhtcd over Zuydcrzeo and Vllelnnd, and that tho Dutch coast Rimrds ilred Buns and rides at it. It Is believed that the airship was slightly damaged. It ioso to a srout height lind slowly disappeared to the nnithwcit. NORWAY VOTES DEFENSE FUND CIIHISTIANIA, Aub. 1!. The NorweBtan Storthing yesterday nppropriatcd .1 supplementary sum of JIOS.OOO for national defcn&c. This sum Includes' tho e.peni s of raulppltiB a naval station on tho northern const. Ti.i Cox eminent wns Invited to submit proposals for utilizing a surplus from 1011 of JL'.riOO.OfO for naval purposes. 101 BRITISH SOLDIERS KILLED IN ONE DAY L'JNDON, Aub. 19. Testerdaj's ofllclul British casualty list, covering nil fronts, Blxes tho number of oflleers lost at 86, of whom 15 wero killed, and that of men lost at 1092, of whom .ISO were killed, making a, total of 777 wqunded and 101 killed. LONDON POLICE RAID LABOR PRESS LONDON, Aub. 19. I'nder Uo eminent lusti notions, the police) today raided hcndtiuaitcrH of the Independent Labor party, tho Labor Leader nnd Socialist IlcNlew. Bvcry copy of these publications and hundreds of pam phlets dcnltng with' labor problems arising from tho war wero seized. UNITED STATES HELPS SUBJECTS OF ALLIES PAIUS, Aub. 19. Tlio American Ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morsen thau, has obtained tho permission of tho Porto for the departure from Turkey of Fix lSiiRlishmen nnd six Frenchmen. This Is said to have been the most Im portant nt tho minor questions settled during tho discussion of tho case ot the American Kunbo.it Scorpion, which was ordered by tho Turkish authoilllcs to moor In tho Inner part ot the Golden Horn.' NORWAY PROTESTS TO GERMANY ABOUT MAIL SEIZURE COPDNHAG13N, Aur. 19. Tho Norwegian Government has Instructed Its Minister at Berlin to protest asnlnst tho selzuro of mall on tho Norwegian steamship Huakon. outsldo of Bergen, on August 7, and to demand tho return of tho confiscated mall. The Haakon was Intercepted by n Germnn submarine. Part of tho mall was jettisoned, but seven valuable sacks wero commandeered. THREE STEAMSHIPS TORPEDOED LONDON, Aug. 19. Tho Wilson liners Grodno nnd Serblno wero sunk by a Gorman submarine. The crows have been rescued. Another submarine victim reported todny was the 488-ton Liverpool steamship Thlrnflclrt. owned by tho Zallah Shipping and Carrying Company. Her crew wns nlso rescued. LIQUOR DEALERS OPPOSE WOMAN SUFFRAGE BI3ADING, Pa., Aug. 19. All tho Influence tof tho Pennsylvania Federation of Liquor Dealers will be thrown against the constitutional amendment which Elves womon the ballot. Opinions expressed by dealers from widely scattered sections disclosed that thoy oppose "votes for women" and they will aid In llnanclnff the antl-suffraRe campaign. With women., voting, tho dealers Bay, tho vote against the soloon Would be so big as to sound the death knell for tho business. HANDCUFFS MAY BETRAY ONE OF FRANK LYNCHERS ATLANTA, Ga Aug. 19. The Identity of at least one member of tho mob that lynched Leo Frank Is likely to be disclosed through a pair of nickel-plated handcuffs which were left Monday nlRht on the wrists of Superintendent J. E. Burke, of tho prison farm at Mllledgevllle, when tho lynchers sped nway with Leo Frunk. These handcufTa pre stumped with the serial number of tho manu facturers, und by means of the serial number the purchuser can teadlly be ascertained. BRITAIN AND FRANCE AGREE ON COTTON BAN LONDON, Aug. 19. It Is expected that cotton will be declared contraband of war tomorrow by Great Britain and Franco. The two Powers are under stood to have reached an agreement on the subject nnd will take immediate action. Tho London press Is a unit In supporting tlie plan. HARRIS VOWS HE WILL GET FRANK LYNCHERS Georgia Governor Says He Will Spend All Money at His Disposal for Purpose ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 19. Hvery a all able cent at tls disposal will h davoted to oatehing Leo M. Frank's lynchers, Governor Harris announced today. The laat Legislature appropriated only J00 for rewards and ?W has been spent. The other fMQ will be offered for live member, ot the mob, If he capture five the Governor thinks he can get the rest He V.U4 preparing a statement today expressing hU horror at the lynclilng and appealing to the State's people to put down mob violence In the llnlkniiH Indicates enrly decision upon their LOST AND POTLND WHAT PID YOU LOSDI WHAT DID YOU FINDJ All lost article advertld In tba Ltdiitr will bo Utl tn a ptrnwMpt llle at Led(r Ontrul. whim tfc turner can locate ma owner ui w time. If vou have found an article tbat ne not Been aavertlxa i at ot tn Lagr win euo neuie and auareM and ai ins tne rltntrui enr, placed In touch with you. all other Mrvlca at Lad ir Oeatral la (rat. DIAMOND WATCH WIUon 0 rove Part. PIN feuBj July 3 at Oanu m&v hva uiu By prepariy laaniHrwc sea paiint ior nt for coat t.oat M FouaJt VVHHHMfH. Apply itral raea, Laajar i Ceo DIAMOND HOKBillOJS FIN lost Turaoajr, KT&duatlnir atonee, platinum atttinf in jro lat tram 13U and 0prui to i.'U el lbtb at Rmrard a 18th at WATCH Loat. (entkinan jol i Artlaan' fofe ntu bed bttucii aud Wayna JuriLtWn i.erutdiiit. reward if riuruej to tu02 Cftutd i t , jo n.ii la V25UT LEATHER CARD CASL 1. PtUadalpbU and AtUutlc City, returned to 111$ JcaWaon Kaarard it Other .lai,!,tte4 od, rtmsmtHtt wj pia H m ' list m UR'i m a -i 9 : trtfliefceaiae.rii.n