mtr 8 WHEN THE GAT'S AWAY THE MASCULINE MICE WILL PLAY The Pleasures of a Summer Vacation Are Often En , tirely. Forgotten When Friend Wife Discovers the Canary Dead and Hubby's Housekeeping Methods By ELLEN ADAin AU FlttST thought It does seem n sen A elbl9 plan that wives should have lit least one good holiday In the year away from their homes am! husbands. Their nerves' requlro a thor ough change of this tort nhd the domestic wheels will surely run all tho a m i) o t h o r nfterwnrd for tho lit tle separation. Yet there are many wives who utterly re fuse to take such a holiday, even when .their husbands urgo It upon them. They do . clnro that although Mho chnneo of scene 'and society Is delight ful, tho chaAs which they find on their re turn to dementia life Is too appalling for Were words to express! They would rather give, up this annual outing than faco the muslo on their return. "It takes n week's hard work, and sometimes longer," declared one wife, "to put tho house to rights again, and the work I had to do when I camo back com pletely Undid the whole benefit of the preceding holiday! Nothing would tempt mo to taivo tho homo to tho tender mer cies of my husband again!" Here Is tho opinion of a mero man on tho subject. "I know of ono wife," he declared, "who, In spllo of her husband's Oft-repeated suggestions that Bho was looking 'very peaky' and that two weeks with the children at the seashore would do her a world of good, utterly refuses to accept tho chance and has decided to remain at homo. I feel quite sorry for the husband, for ho had such a fine tlmo lost year looking oftor tho house while his wlfo was being restored to health by tho silvery sea," "I should Imagine" ho continued, "that a woman must get very tired of looking after a household week after week, month after month, without a break to rellovo tho monotony of tho weary hours of Inac tion. Women can't exist on novelette reading alone, and It miiBt bo very trying to sit a,t tho window all day long without fleeing anything Interesting!" This foolish man has evidently a strange Idea of, tho manner In which tho average housekeeper employs her tlmo but It Is jiard to convlnco some men that tho Woman who Btaya at homo all day long has no Idlo tlmo of It, but leads a Ufo DR. ABBEY PRAISES "BIRTH OF A NATION" AS A WORTHY LESSON Assorts Photoplay Shows Negro's Actions After War Reflect on Unscrupulous Politicians NOT UNFAIR TO BLACKS By DR. CHARLOTTE ABBEY As ono who has formed a high estlmato of the evolutionary possibilities of tho Afro-American race through personal as sociation with those Interested In social work, I am sorry to find that an histori cal play such as "Tho Birth of a Nation" should be the cause of Inciting race preju dice. Tho play teaches a mighty lesson to both whlto and colored, and It seems atrangn that lessons so plainly taught by tho writer of tho play should need to bo pointed out. Through bloodshed tho United States arose, but at tho very moment that tho Stars and Stripes waved over tho States there wero those who for their own sol fish ambition put into action force that led to tho racial prejudice that has slnco existed and which threatened to defeat tho Meals of the man who freed tho slave for the purpose of giving him opportunity to attain his humanitarian rights through right living. An unscrupulous whlto politician does not understand the meaning of freedom any moro than a, colored politician of tho rame grade. To such the term "free dom" spells license. He has not yet at tained to the mental and spiritual stand ard that enobles a man of higher grade to seo that only through obedience to tho Divine law which Jesus upheld as tho precedent of all laws, and hlch Lincoln obeyed. Is tho only means by which nn Individual or people can bo worthy of freedom. In "The filrth of a Notion," the author clearly shows that the negroes' actions ut the time they wero freed wero altogether the result of unscrupulous politicians, backed by one who. whilst he posed an a reformer, was really tho aUve of his own personal ambition; hence blinded to the true Interest of all whom he was professing to help, and therefore tho very antithesis of Lincoln. Most children, whlto or colored, can be bribed with candy or a nickel to do what Is wrong, because so few have In herited that moral perception which en ables them to do right for rl3it'a sake. So it Is with adults who have not had the edueatlon that would have developed their higher faculties; they can be per suaded when an appeal Is made to Inher ited desires to do as tho one who bribes them wishes. It la said that "a little knowledge Is a danserous thing." This applies most as suredly to an education that fails to maku the law- of love to aod and thought for others tho basis of all progress. Wo June in consequence of this failure our low-grade criminals and our high-grade on, those niore highly educated making foda of the lower gradsa to aecompltsh their own ends. a religion that falls to bring the emo tional and Intellectual faculties of man's nature into united action, through show Jas the relation cf. Divine law to w nr kindness una usefulness Is,' of all powers, the most criminal, far It pro ! to have the well-being of the hu man rae at heart, and yet keeps it In ttneranva of the evolutionary purpose ni llfe-tbat purpose which, Jmim emphatic ally taught In the Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount. Drama should be th history of lit teaching vital truth. TM "The. ptjrth of a Nation" does and without Bny Wph to be unfair to the col. arm r4ju If there are one white people o o&trotv in their outlook that they can iiot w: tl enormous djffertinc between n muiHu in stave on the plantation. who. wltoJe haitrdtty sd environment had nam htui ti slave of hi mix Instinct, an ti iMWtarfct living, and Industrious &ttmtA wan and woman whs have lanmeo) lo uMtrtJ their ImHilwts, and aw brltigtrnf up tbair chlldnm to become jtrclct!!iC cHixcmi. smjh white pee l!t we turftltlug tutlr birthright of Jus ii v aj b did, for a mesa of pwtuga tuHe! The writer gained three bviwrtiuu iruttau front witnessing the i au tn Bit lb or a Natlvii, ' ,iiA TJmt Ui -tte. the feXowiug ou ,r . a tttthb (tseWM vr teiideuutw, . w-ttmtim tor froaduA watii th 4 (m OmA terns fch -' alt Umt UfS quite as strenuous as their own, and fometlmes even more nervoTacklng, par Icularly when there are children In the question, and the never-ceasing wants of theso children have to bo attended to. "A friend of mine," continued this mas culine authority on the subject, "per suaded his wife to go to the seashore last year, and he honestly meant to welcome her back to a house as clean and orderly as tho one sne entrusted to his tender mercies for two weeks. Circumstances wero against him, however, and when his wlfo and tho children nnd tho maid returned, at tho end of tho fortnight, ready to enjoy tho wonderful supper that had been promised them, they hod to wait In the cab at tho front door for an hour boforo my friend returned with tho doorkeyl To this day tho neighbors think that tho husband had sneaked to tho pawnbroker's to get a llttlo money for tho payment of that cabfare! "Finally, when thoy all got Into tho house, a dreadful sccno presented Itself to tho feminine eyes of tho party. It took my friend somo tlmo to rovho his wlfo and tho maid, when thoy entered tho kltchun nnd found the grnto rod with rust, thousands of Vurnt matches on tho Moor, tho flrcploco filled with cigar and clgarctto ends, and Islands of grcaso all otor tho fender! A good whiff of nmmonhi, however, soon rovlvcd their petrified tongues!" Tho gentleman above referred to cer tainly had mado havoc of tho neat, or derly house. Ills Ideas on household management had been of tho crudest. Ho had not washod a Blnglo dish slnco the departure of his wlfo, two weeks be fore. Ho sold ho wasn't going to bother with dlsh-washlng, but expected all Wo men friends to glvo him a hand with tho grand "clean-up" bo foro his "family re turned. Of course, they basely deserted him nt tho last moment. This husband has his counterpart In many others, and It Is reallv -mnlt win der that so many wives have declined tho doubtful pleasures of leaving tho house for two long weeks In their hus band's cliarsol Is good and beautiful) and thought for others nnd mado tho basis of alt educa tion, religious or secular. Second. Universal suffrage Is the ideal of political freedom, but neither whlto or colored man or woman should bo nllowed tho prlvllego of suffrage unless each has "it clean moral rccotd of not less than seven years. Third. A nation will only bo truly blrthed when children nro taught to grow physically, mentally nnd morally great, through kind and useful lives, tho result of obedience, to tho dlvlno law of tho ages. Surely tho results of Afro-American training. Illustrated In the "Birth of n Nation" by views of students at Hamp ton and other Institutions, and tho thor ough exposuro of unscrupulous whlto politicians and falsa reformers should bo enough to do away with any fueling of resentment by tno Arro-Amerlcan race against tho play. A SIMPLE FROCK FOR THE YOUNG COLLEGE STUDENT THERE are many anxious mothers who nro trying to plan a wardrobo for tho girl who Is goli.g to college. This Is not an easy thing to do. It requires a goodly amount of money In tho Mrst place, nnd even then the pos sibility of success is jeopardized by tho fact that many mothers, never having enjojed the benefits of a col lege education them selves, eeldom know what to buy. Tho college girl's evening dress Bhould be simple. filio will have occasion to use It at the(varIouB "proms," and at Informal teas and dances held, per haps, In the spacious "gym," Needless to nay, she will need at least a couple of thin, light drosses which will be practical and ser viceable and will last all during freshman year If possible. Today's Illustration shows nn extremely youthful gown of pale pink Georgette crepe, suitable for any occa sion, cither for the col lege miss or her stay-at-home sister. Hand made puttings of the soft material lend a most attractive note of eoftness to the slender .lgure, and the dainty baby sleeves and square net make for simplicity. Velvet foliage is a novel trimming on the bodice and skirt. The fulness of the skirt Id confined by a dainty putting at the normal waist line; there Is no girdle. The puff ings at the bottom of the skirt are most be coming, and the enter prising mother who ia Clever with her needle will And this a de cidedly easy model to make at home. Scenting Linen A formula for a scent toi place among her bed linen Is usually liked by the dainty woman, and here is a moat excellent one. One ounce powdered Euto bMizoln, one of pondered cloves and two of powdered cinna mon, add to these even ounce powdered cedar wood and the ma of dried lavendsr -Hewers; mix, alft and put Into flat bags to lay btwea sheets and smaller oae for the llp. or, if pud are " 0 t f fbejvfw it will anwtft an vm, latent, tb Or tribal, am. give o ent, irM 'rjfrattfii ms ani tth it. BVBffiyG CBDGBB-PHILADELPniA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST PROPER CHOICE OF SHOE MAKES PRETTY FEET Muscles of tho Feet Should Have Sufficient Exercise Every Day a . nlmtied foot Is n thing nny woman might Justly be proud of. Tho only reason that every woman hasn't them In because she crowds her feet too much. If tho toes nro squeezed In to a central point It stands to renflon that the Joints of the big toes get enlarged, nnd often tho foot Is io squeezed that tho big toe Is mndc to meet tho second too nnd the first too Is doubled up and perma nently deformed through tho prcssuie of tho other two ngalnst It. If you look nt n baby's foot you will notlco that a straight line could bo drawn from the contro of tho end of the big too through tho centre of its bn, nnd right down to tho mlddto of tho heel, nnd It Is upon tho preservation of this lino that Immunity from bunions de pends, ttluli heel nro harmful, as inntij' nicdl cnl men hnvo pointed out, for giving tho Instep, as they do, an nrtlllclal support ing arch, they weaken the natural arch of the foot, causing n tendency to llot footcdness. But It Is doubtful whether oven high heels do ns much harm to tho nhnpo of the foot ns a shoo that Is too short or a shoo that Is of tho wrong shape Most manufacturers show a tendency to mnko shoes with too little variation In the oul llno of tho outer and Inner part of the foot. They nro too Inclined, also, ! mnlte llin toe of the shoe point off ehnrply In tho ccntro Inetcnd of founding It olT gently unit Bllghtly townrd tho side. If you have been wearing shoes nnd bunions aro tho result, tho first thing to in tn remeclv tho state of things Is to 'get your shoes mado bo that they follow tho natural outllno or tno toot, aii mo prcssuro on tho Inflamed Joint must bo relieved nt onco nnd everything dono to bring It back to Its natural posl'lon. In tho flrst stages of a bunion it Is often posslblo to nchlcvo the last-named end by wearing pnds of cotton-wool between tho great nnd tho first toe. EXERCISi; THE FOOT MUSCLES. Muscles of tho foot Bhould bo exercised, too. If the foot Is to keep in good shape. It must bo tho right kind of exercise, though, and too much prcssuro must not bo put upon tho muscles. Long standing, for Instance, Is very bad. Dancing, on tho other hand, In heellcss shoes Is tho best kind of exerclso tho feet can possibly hnvo. You can bo on your feet all day and yet not glvo tho foot muscles tho proper sort of exercise. Girls who do a great deal of housework get heavy on their feet In time, for housowork often means n lot of standing, nnd when you stand a lot your weight gradually settles on tho weakest part of tho foot, tho In sldo of tho arch. No wonder, then, that the arch gives way beneath tho atrnlnl Be careful about the shoes you choose. A pair of new shoes Hhould nover requlro stretching, for Instance. They should lit comfortably ns soon an you put them on. A good test ns to whether you nro weur Ing r roper Bhocs Is to try taking a long walk In them. If nt tho end of tho walk you feel llttlo or no discomfort you may bo sure that they nre tho right kind. But If, on tho other hand, your feet aro tired and soro you will rcallzo that your footgear Is not (julto what It should be. You needn't have ugly, clumsy-looking shoes for walking, for shoes can be dainty nnd wcll-flttlng also. It Is always false economy to buy cheap ones. Savo a llttlo on your dress and spend moro en jour footgear, and In tlmo you will bo pleased with the result. a ammhvss ceefe j-eocs STREET SCENE IN PARIS 1 , mMi-mlimKiB&mHmamm lfe wJEKk vnPyiffitWMVllknl fill siiKem Tho Chnmps Elysco, outside tho Carlton Hotel, which has been turned into a Russian hospital for tho wounded. FORTITUDE OF THE FRENCH Scenes at the Gare du Nord Indicate the Spirit With Which the Men Have Entered the World-shaking Battle of the Nations By ELLEN Rtaff t'orrcsjiomtciit PARIS, Aug, ! THE Garo du Nord always presents a scuno of crcat.nctlvlty, nnd hen the Red Cross trains come In from tho front nil Is bustlo and cxcltmcnt. No ono but tho doctors and their orderlies nro nl lowed on tho particular platform at which tho trains nrrlve, and a long pro cession of wounded on stretchers nro hur ried out to tho uniting nmbtilances. Tho other day, when returning from n village In tho outskirts of Paris, my train drow up slowly nlongslde a Bed Cross r.iln, and ns we passed each carriage the sights wo aaw wero terrible. On rough mnttrcsHcs or generally heaps of straw, tho poor fellows wero lying, nnd many of them nppenred to bo dead. Somo lay writhing In agony, face down ward, with their nrms stretched above their heart h, while others wero rolling about and moaning terribly. It was per fectly heartrending to seo thorn In that condition. OPTIMISM OF THE FBENCII Our train stopped opposite a window at which stood n Boldler with n blood stained baudngo round his head and his nrms bound up. "I nm nfrald you are badly hurt," I said. "Wo hnvo Just come from tho front," ho answered, "and the Journey Is n llttlo trying. My hand was blown off this morning, and thcro Is only a rough dress ing on the arm. I fenr there will bo an other hemorrhage soon unless I nm taken quickly to tho hospltnl. I was wounded In the head, too, only n few hours ngo, and I fear that tlie oyo Is destroyed. But lot uh hopo for tho best!" And this is tho optimism of tho French. IIIh three companions lay on tho floor, and ono ot them had no signs of Ufa about him. "I fear that ho Is dead," eakl the man at tho window, "ho has been unconscious all tho Journey." Tho orderlies nnd doctors arrived at that moment, nnd cut our conversation short Tho occupants of the carriage were oil carried out on otrctchers, includ ing tho vall-nt-hearted soldier at the window, whit had suddenly grown very weak and dl 'y from loss of blood. IN A SHELL FACTORY. I obtained permission nnd sato conducts to visit a shell factory situated about 30 miles out of Paris, on condition that I would not divulge tho location of tho place nor tho name of the town near which It stands, and this because- the Germans aro particularly anxious to dis cover tho location of tho shell factory and drop ono destrojlng bomb thereon. It took ua ono and one-half hours by train, nnd then wo proceeded by motor car. There, amidst green fields, rose tho bulldlngB, nnd they covered 18 acres of ground. No womon are employed there, for the work Ib much too arduous, in tho first great room wo entered a hundred men were laboring at tho big machines. They were black with dirt. The steel was first of all poured through a great cylinder and thus made to a cer tain circular thickness. "When It solidi fied It was cut into ioiigths and taken on to another machine A great bore was attached to this and was driven Into HUMM15H ItESOltTH STONK IIAltllOH, N. J. The nut delightful roiort en the New Jeraey coat Every form ot sport and entertainment For booklet and full ln formation write MSO McCltAVKN, Borough CIk Stone Harbor, N. J, CAVK MAY. N. J. Glenwood Jer uii.n cqum v " M dinners. 60o. l J, lioaERa. OCEAN CITVjN. 3, Hhalfnnte wh Ocn v. ouu vu. uiidiiumc jj,,. wWfc u macjc 1?aust; HIVKIt HTEAUnOATS THOMASCLYDE Family Excursion Steamer to AUQUSTINE BEACH 100 Milea 50 Cents Stopping at Chter and l'tumrraia Ouljr Doat to Aartuttae lluch LuBdlnif ia front of grove) uf tlt.waUi bathing; WO saoltary baitaroonu Pull or. tbtiUa en boat and b,eb; daattag all h Artesian water, plenty tbl. beaches nj bad. All kind of amuui.nt; et beach. fare. Hound Trlji. 60 CI. lid no. S (a l, &eav Arrh street Wharf iS WaUr, Sunday, 8 A. it. JA1LK3 je. OXm, MM- S ArtU Ut, ll&BOIlll r " ...wu.hibi MiwffmsMMnnnnminTllinjl II i iiiii'l.illlnliiii i.'Hiini i Photo by Ellen Adair. WOUNDED SOLDIER UNFAILING ADAIR L'ttriibti; Ledger tho lengths of steel. In turn, to mako them all hollow. This bore did not pene trate tho whole length, but left a solid poitlon at ono rnd, which, of course, bulged considerably. In a third machine shell cases were elongated, nnd as each camo out their thickness was tested to tho tiniest frac tion of nn Inch. From there wo drifted Into another great room to watch tho making of thoso denth-dcniing llttlo Instruments, tho hand grenades. They wero formed of cast steel, with n llttlo shape of sand In tho middle to prcscrvo the hollowncss, and looked exactly like small cocoanuta. Tho hand grenndo explodes because thero Is a llttlo fuse Inserted, and nfter n certain time, measured on tho sldo of the hand grenade, tho fuso sets flro to tho powder and tho llttlo shell explodes. Hundreds of dentha have been caused through tho soldiers holding tho gren ades beyond tho appointed tlmo and Ig. norlng tho time limit set. They should bo thrown at tho enemy within a few seconds of explosion a dangerous per formance ! Further on thero is nn arsenal, whero tho Bhells which aro roughly made In this depot aro sent to be finished. I chatted with tho man who worked tho great engine in the ahell department. He was a soldier, and had been wounded nt the beginning of the war. Ono of his eyes was of glass, which gnvo him a peculiar air, but onco one got accustomed to tho fixity of his look ho had quite a pleasant face. "I havo not seen my wlfo nor children for a wholo year," ho said, "for I have been hnrd at work slnco the outbreak of tho war. Thoy llvo 80 miles from here, and It Is Impossible for mo to get away nt such a tlmo of pressure." CONCERT FOR -WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Part of tho building was devoted to wounded soldiers, and was a regular hos pital. In the evening wo attended a con cert given, for their benellt, nt which many of tho star artistes of Paris gavo their services. Tho enthusiasm ran very high, particu larly ovor ono song cnlled "Vive I'ltalle," where the chorus was handed round among the audience. This ditty recounted how tho Kaiser had fondly Imagined ho was going to havo Italy under hla heel, but that Italy had shown now thnt she had a mind of her own on tho subject, and would submit to no such tyranny. At night we were entertained at a charming dinner by somo English peo plo and the vholo visit proved most In teresting. Be Strong Do strong! We are not here to play to dream, to drift. We havo hard work to do and loads to Shun not the struggle face It; 'tis Cod's gift. Anonymous, HDMMKIt IlKhnilTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OSTEND Occupying an entire Moclc of ocan front and connected with the famoue Ildgrdwalk: la the popu Ur Cheleea eectlons capacity BOO: uh. usually Urge, cool room, with unobetructed view of the ocean from alii ea and freeh 4ooorf "o'f''j.' "" water la room, , 4000 ft. of porches surround the hotel! the new dining room omlook. the aea; nnVet culelne and white service orchestra of iol" Istet dancing twice daily; social dlrerslons; magnincent new Palm Voaatt. Bpeclal "I up weekly; booklet mailed. Auto meets trains OSTEND CO., Owners T.vcel.'br.,l"1 "AUM WATER TREAT MENT tonic, reconstructive and rejuvenant -.has been Installed and la ai'mlnlstered by the hotel's resident physician. iTRAYMORE; fVuur lULxraua huobt ryr. noia urisinai creation W U. Uxl Color iu,li, city ImbmasiUe daitC AiSc'fii'lSVSl Uo?ra-Bte Hotel. ALBEMARLE ,rsl1 r Beach. ...i.. . .. Cap' S00- Elevator, private hatha, etc ; excellent table. Bummer rate la ST. JAMES HOTEL - 'i-'--. "" -. uwa t Jamea Place and Iteaih (between r.r. New York avea.) Flret-3a,ataMe i5n,?A dly ; IIP up wfcly D c PBNrff ACKEn'jjaff WILD WOOD. K. J. ' EDGETON INN wSrTCT, Free Bath How... J '.SWft- !. The Wade $?2r$s&tl&i --,,- , .... .z zrzjm iwtJB, " -- ". vrrmuiiM. WIUHVOUD NQHTUT WILDWOOD SANliTOjftT" PBNUSTLYAKIA AVB. AT MTU n N. WILDWOOD, N. J. J?iy3LMAVKior NEW HOTEL BALDWIN Ideal mode hotel twuv .no . .,. bU . W. a4 tmJSiStEiX. k I Ed etui & I i ll. , ftnn BfiS 18, 1015; SEVERAL WOMEN M Suffrage Orator Gives Names of Educators Able to Head Schools rrt..A , BAVArnl mnablo women In Philadelphia who would be moro than able to flit tho position of Superintendent of Schools, according to Miss Ucrtha Sapovlts, suffrage speaker, who addressed a. crowd of several hundred persons at tno PostoIIlco at noon today. Mounted on nn improvised plntform and standing beside a suffrngo banner, Miss Sapovlts decried tho discrimination which ?he said was made against women on many occasions. "Wo Philadelphia havo a serious problem before us today," alio said. "I am referring to tho tilling of the posltlorf of Superintendent of Schools, n posi tion mado vacant by tho death of Doctor Jacobs. It Is an Important niid responsi ble position, nnd thcro Is no reason why It should not bo tilled by n capable woman. "Women nro unjustly discriminated ngnlnst on account of their sex, but It tho cry of justice is heard, uny ono oi bucIi women ns Miss Kathnrlno Puncheon, Dr. Lucy Wilson and Miss Mary Ingham would make nn Ideal Superintendent nf Schools. "Tako Miss Inghnm, for Instance; look nt tho part alio plnycd at Harrlsburg In regards to tho recent child labor law. Sho Is every Inch n capable woman. Speaking of sox discrimination, If I ro member correctly, Miss Puncheon, when sho becaino head of tho high school, was given a amnllor snlnry than hor prede cessor for tho slmplo reason that sho was a woman." Miss Carollno Katzenstclti, executive secretnry of the Equal Franchise Society of Philadelphia, nnd Miss A. Florcnco Ycrger, an attorney, replied today to tho "chargo" of motherhood made against Mrs. Lucy L. W. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson, head of tho Department of Ulology nt tho Philadelphia Normal School and principal of tho William Pcnn Evening High School, Is a candidate for higher ofllca. Sho has been proposed for tho prlnclpalshlp of the South Philadel phia High School for Girls nnd also for tho suporlntcndcncy of Schools, vacate by tho death of Dr. William C. Jacobs. Objection has been mado to Mrs. Wil son because sho Is a mother. To this opposition Miss Kntcznstcin Indignantly replied: "Should Doctor Wilson be punished be cause she exercised the duty upon which the universe itself depends? Tho fact thnt she educated her son, onco a mute, Into healthy, normal manhood. Indicates in itself that sho Is capable of under standing tho problems of the young. Miss Ycrger, nn attorney of this city, severely criticises tho "nameless Individ ual" who makes tho chargo of mother hood against Doctor Wilson, and nsks liuiL urcun uu Kiviu wueru ucun 13 uuo. Cherry "IHERRIES are ripe! Cherries are Orlpo!" sang Billy Robin from tho top of the old plno tree. "Cherries nro rlpo! Cherries nro ripe!" chirped Tommy Sparrow from his perch In tho pear tree nearby. "Cherries aro ripe! Cherries arc ripe!" echoed Bluey Blackbird, for once Joining In with the Bong of the others. And even tho Knty-dld down In tho grass seemed to say, "Cherry ripe cherry ripe cherry rlpcl" though, of course, Old Man Owl might Just havo Imagined that she did that no tolling! "Whoever did hear of such silly crea tures as thMo birds are'" grumbled Old "lVftoever did 7ieor of such silly creatures as those birds arel" grumbled Old M on Oto! crossly, Man Owl crossly. "Just because cherries happen to bo ripe, am I to lose the sleep I need? Nover did I know Buch a noisy set of birds as wo have In this garden. I think I will tell them to cat their cher ries If they want to, but to keep still about It." So ho opened his eyes a crack, looked around to seo who was nearest and called out sternly, "Fool fool-fool keep stilt!" Billy nobln up In the pine tree right over Old Man Owl's head heard him nnd repuea; -un, are you awake. Friend Owl? I was Just wishing you would wake up so I could tell sou about the lovely cherries In yonder treo!" "Am I awake?" asked Old Man Owl In disgust. "Ask me, rather. If I can sleep with all this noise! If you care ao much Expose of Fall Mod Now showing the advanced models chosen from the fashion centers of the world. Conceptions that prove the Dominic leadership, and fab rics embodying the colors and designs that will predominate among the ultra fashionable, Special August Prices - ?55 & $60 Women's Fall and Winter Suitings $ 45. 0fluaic-CTi,, Si, ojiJ , uptrtUu 1 itiiira SIlP'-i IIB :M )H) $i 1 Mm I BOMINIC J 1 1 2 Walnut Street I .JHU, "ihiiibiwhi minium i ii i i I nun CHILD, 12, HAKES TRIP TO ALASKA ALL ALONE Goes From Homo in Washing ton, v. u., to JNew York and Then Canada Unaccompanied How enfcly a child can travel was II. ! lustrated In tho cftso of n girl 13 years old, tho daughter of Ucrtha KnatvoeM ' Meltett, a well-known writer, who, start, i Ing from Washington, D. C reached Nome, Alaska, on a visit to her father In f' perfect safety. J The llttlo girl, with 70 In her pocket, ' left Washington for New York city; from ' Now York city she reached Montreal, r Then sho placed herself in charge of the oinclnls of tho Canadian Pacific train go. Ing to Vancouver. These officials saw to It thnt sho was comfortable; that she got her meals on tho car, and that her bit of money went ns far as possible. Everything sho spent on tho trip was put down In figures, and when her grand, mother met her nt Vnncouver, there was n solemn audit of tho account, which showed that tho child, out of her 170 had nhout J33 left. ' aa Cash Needed to Aid "Shut-ins" ' Tho Pennsylvania Ilrnnrli nf llm ouu In Society in urgently In need of funds to completo Its summer work among the Invalids of tho city. Thero Is no money In tho treasury for outings, nnd many appeals for trips aro being added dally, A Knife Sharpener J2 Mnnv nn othnrwlfm rrnnri nnr1 fnallt. mcnl has been Bpollcd by a dull carving Knno or uy nn ni-cnrveu roast Of course, It Is never tho fault of tho carver, so the Implements, being dull and unresponsive, havo to bear tho brunt of accusations. The latest device for all-round kitchen utility Is a small knife sharpener, which is mado In such a manner ns tn screw on tho kitchen table, and having a narrow silt in which tho knlfo Is Inserted. A handle Is turned, and In a few minutes n new, dangerously sharp knlfo Is the result. These nrrangemonts come In sey eral Blzes according to tho thickness of1 the knives, and the prices vary In pro portion. . Time for cherries, whv don't von stnv nnrl nf them up? I should think eating would bo moro to your liking than singing." "Oh, I eat them enough," replied Billy Robin, good-naturedly; "but half tho fun comes from singing nbout them. Won't you como nnd taste a few?" "No, I won't." answered tho owl crossly, "and. furthermore, won't vnn nUm, leave my trco? Your singing bothers . "Anything to oblige," chlrRcd Billy Ploosantlv. nnri nwnv im finu, tn ft,. mul berry trco out front. Thcro ho found Friend Redblrd. "What is all this noise I hear?" nsked the red-m bird. "WflV ntt It, tltn raamliim T l.....fil the calling of birds, and I have come tol vu viii. uiuy ro turning udoiu. "Wo nre calling that tho cherries are, flnn ' ..f.3 Tltll.. i i . I ""-I oim xmiy, emu io jiuvc an inter AUAil lt.menk tit!..- 1 a iiBiuner. ivo oeen wisning Home body would hear mo and come, for there Is plenty for nil!" So he and Friend Cardinal flew over to tho cherry tree and had a feast and Oil Man Owl slumbered grumpily alone. Which ono would yott rather bo? Copyright Clara Ingram Judson. "The Great White Way" White Cream Cleanser For White Buckskin, Nubuck, White Leathers and Canvas Shoes Hyklasa Is the best white clear.!!' er that ever touched a ahoe One application starts you oft with a clean while shoe. Try a box tomorrow. 10c and 25c at box Sold everywhere. P.P.LagomarsIno & Co., Inc. tVliiiIrim.e UUtrllniter Oil AltOIl STIIKKT New tkt making , , .mtat pjjj ixiji v5 . g,CrAM I Xros u w-itt LiArwrsj I rJ9MmmiMagtf IIB11KB! I VSf 1 - 1 r I i B yei-A Wt 218 I "Y ' 1 m 4 , V a' a m l' i Iw m - My7 " i I kj I I - i S P B ; s 1 P ; m m iJi4l4.ilWw--.H-3 s& jtiinBft. i SSwllBeBPiBjeMltmBsnaWBBHMHKBBHHe