Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 18, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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tA Motion Picture Play Entitled "The Battle Cry 9f
I Peace" Will Be Produced for First Time,
uhiKb vi
NE of tlio sensational events of the
teason nt Newport wilt be the pres
entation In the ballroom or Hose Cilfr, the
residence of Mrs. Itermnn Oelrlelm, of n.
motion picture piny, entitled "The Battle
Cry of reaco." Tlio nrfnlr will take place
ih nrst week In September, nrobnblv on
Ihe nlRht of the 4tli. Mrs. Oelrlchs will
be aislsted by Mr. I'roston dlbson. These
pictures have only been shown olllclally
before tho Ailmlrat of the Atlantic fleet
and his ofllcers nntl men, and the com-
ntdhdant or llie .Narrniransett Uny Naval
Hla.lon and hlB olllcera nnd men. The
K company who poacd for tho pictures In-
t dudes not cmy a group or talented
t- actors, but noted men of affairs of the
United states, representinB the army,
risvy, church and State, nmonj,- them be
ing Admiral Dewey, Secretary of War
6rrlein, tic icrnl Leonard Wood. Doctor
Titian ADuoii ana i unison Jlnxlm. Tho
dims aie dedicated 'to the mothers of
America ami win noi oo released to the
general public for oovernl months. The
ballroom of Rose Cliff Is admirably
adapted for a presentation of this sort,
anJ l amply equipped with every re
quirement of tho stage. A supper and
dance, to wnlch Mrs. Oelrlchs will Isbuo
teverat hundred invitations, wilt follow
Ihe production of the pictures.
Cards were Issued yesterday bv tho
.commandant and olllcera of tho Nnrra-
Mnsctt nay iNavai Bintion ana the Navnl
' War College for a reception and dance to
I it given In Barracks B on Saturday
afternoon, aurusi si, irotn 4 until 6
o'clock Tho affair will be ulvon In honor
of Admlrnl Fletcher and tho ofllcers of
the fleet nt tho training station. The com
mittee In charge Includes Lieutenant
'Commander Edward T. Constcln, icpre
aentlnB tho naval station; Commander
Carl T. Vogelsang, representing tho
Naval War College; Gcorgo W. Plgman,
Jr., of tho training station; Lieutenant
Richard M. KUIott, Jr., of tho torpedo
itatton, and Dr. James O. Omelvcna, of
tho Naval Hospital.
The Bev. Joseph P. Morris, who spent
the week-end in this city, has returned to
Maine, where ho and his sister, Miss
Ellen Morris, havo been spending a por-
! tion of tho summer.
Miss Sarah W. Ashhurst, who is staying
with her brother-in-law nnd sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Richards, Jr., nt their
cottage at Amagansctt, L. I., will sail for
Cuba on August 26.
MIjs Constanco M. Vnuclaln, Mr. C.
. it ,-lu ...... r, T . .
p. rarry vuuuium mm .uja dt'Hn ,usivn
motored to tlio Virginia Hot springs this
week to Join Mrs. Samuel M. Vauclaln.
pf' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright Buddo-
row, who aro spending tho late summer
at Belmar, will occupy their homo at
Ardmorc upon Its completion. Mr. nnd
Urs. Itudderow spent part of the summer
f with Mrs, Kucidcrow s mother, Mrs.
t Henry C. Mcllwalne, at her cottage In
t Jnmpnlnwn.
Mrs. Krnest La Place and Mr. Louis
La Place nnd Dr. Basil B. Bcltran, of
Rlttcn'nouse Square, aro spending some
time at the Delaware Water Grip.
Miss Alice Logan, of West Chester, Is
pending some time nt Narragansett Pier
as the guest of Mrs. Thomas B. Guilford.
Mr, and Mrs. II. O. Wilbur, of the
Bellcvue-Stratford. who are touring
through New England In their car, havo
arrived nt Manchester, Vt.
Along the Main Line
BD-MORE-Mr. and Mrs. Joslah S.
Puree nnd family, of Llnwood avenue,
.trill leave Friday for a three weeks"
tij't at Lake Plncld. N. Y.
silrs. Walter Hallahan. of BIcddyn road.
who has been spending several weeks nt
a Clulsta, Is now stopping at Swampscott,
St.BlU'N' MAWR-Mlss Christine Ziebarth,
of Lancaster avenue, nnd Miss Eleanor
Rushton, of Lancaster avenue, Wynne
wood, are visiting at Buck Hill Falls,
Rk. Vrn. .T V Paiv nf Mnprla nVAtiHA ni,l
r RobertB load, is spending August nt Lako
ft. VM ''I .
jhas been visiting Mrs. Chrlstlnnna M.
JlcClellnn, of Lnncaster avenue and Pcnn
street, will return home today.
ST. DAVID'S-Mr. Samuel H. Troth
und famllv. of S23 Midland nvenuc, aro
jfjpendlng the summer nt their attractive
fMr. and Mrs, Parko Schoch and Mr.
Wendell Schoch have returned from
.fiagle Mere to their home on Midland
V1LLANOVA Mrs. Wllllnm Ttenrv
Jlaule and daughter, of Gulf road, aro
Slles Kthel Maulo Is seen dally playing
Kolf on the links.
Tile Mlssps Pllft nrn tnlfln,- n mntnr
Bjrlp through tho West, nnd will visit
t i-anama-facltlo Exposition,
WAYNE-Mrs. Henry P. Borle, of Up
,,Und road nnd Aberdeen avenue, has gone
ft Atlantic City to spend a few weeks.
rs. Walter 8. Weatta. of St. David's
road. Is visiting her mother. Mrs. Frank
Weckerly, at her cottage In Point rieas
nt, N J,
Miss Adele Iloblnson, of Wayne, has
ne to Yonkers'on-Hudson, N. Y., fQr .1
!U to Miss Helen Chambers.
SPEYON Mrs. Hpnrv S. .Tpnnes. who
1th iier children, visited the Panama-
?cinc exposition nnd has a nee been
SP 8. Camnln? trln In f7nnRiln. Is exnectril
toreturn to her Devon home early next
Mm Harriet Lovelidge, of West Bit-
wvusa street, will spnd two weeks
r'he mountains of pradford County.
p. and Mrs. Luclen B. Lull, of Crow-
street, are sojourning at Wlldwood.
s Dorothy Calvert Green, of 4H
A tune, Is Bpeudln? the lummer In
Along the Reading
fjl- W IIoib Walton, accompanied by
f . 01 uirard avenue, Asnoourne,
h have left for Ocean City, N. J.,
w fney win remain for several weeks.
Jr and Mr, rhin p ph,,,, nt
ivres. Pa., are receiving oongratua
on th birth Qf a wn.
it and Mrs. Harry a De Puy, of Wt
gflue. Jwklntown, Pa , have left for
vune. B., ;., whre they will remain
Tvrciai WCeS.
and Mrs. George W. Long and ills
ur Lone, of Qlirard avanu. Ash-
rRo, Pa , i,av U for an extwided
Mirough the Wat, whwa thy will
hi tne Vellowstouo Park, loemuo
tV, tha Oreo Salt Ijibs slid will bs
San Franinco for several week,
mnv win atiead tHe Exposition
and Mrs John L. Steele and family,
" Park, I' , have lft for Ocn
J her they will occupi tluir
te or the remuiudei of the summer
Ivawjrd IS gUMENs and funiUy,
cis sgvs. th
Mr. and Ms 'KlV" tho aVmm" "h
summer place atKC.';e1se1m0nd8 Qt lhClr
nvenuS"orai- JoScpl, Uwlor- of Chet"
"on m "o. accompanied by their
on, Walter Law lor, will leave thin
a ternoon for the Exposition. They ex"
Pict to he gone Beven- weeks.
West Philadelphia
Mr nnd Mm. .lom.. t. u,
ChS rt Oc'I-SrlToTt er.0,4
uctii Apel and Miss Emma Mchapcrkottcr,
to, be,7 ' Sea Cliff Inn. Nantucke
islnnd, JIbbs., since July. They will re-
tTinllJ.I'ep,7?,ber' ftnd will then mofor
England. " "'""""n "11 New
m v CV' ' ' J1ch" arant bowman and
,, III', , T11'!; w,ho nrc sPennH'g the sum-
.Jr ,0I"U-,!2 t avenue, the first
week In September.
nUlV1""1 'M'fl- ,tenry u Wcl,er. of tho
Hnrtrnm, nre spending the summer nt
.Jamestown, 1!. I,
The Misses Trlller, of 8107 Hnzcl ave
nue, aro spending ,0me time In tho
I oconoM. Their father, Mr. Martin Trll-
nrAv ,V'PiUrnr1 from ll ,n" ,lt Ocean
urove, N J,
Mrs. Frederick Stlerlen and son, Mr.
rlCn7i;K- st'cr,c". "I" leave tomorrow
for lldood. where they will remain
for the remainder of August nt the Kcy
stono Hotel. Scvernl of their friends are
plnnning to entcrtnln them during their
MISS Ethel MnrCMnllnn tint! nf 110(1
Westminster nvenuc, Is the guest of her
father, Mr. Robert J. Bell, of Cl9 West
JSjth street. New York.
Miss Mae Stanton, of 5SJ2 Ilncp street,
will spend n few weeks In Atlantic City.
She will stop nt the Albemarle. Miss
Lllit'I Wilson, of G.orrett rond, Lans
downe. is plnnning a party In honor of
Miss Stanton on her return.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry F. Ulrlck. 342C San
som street, have returned homo from a
vacation In WMdwood, N. J.
Miss Amle Qoycr, 5ll Nortli 4lst street.
Is spending a week in Wlldwood, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Houston, 3S01 Chest
nut street, nre spending the summer nt
the fairs In the West.
Mrs. I. Wilson nnd Miss Ethel S. Wil
son, H!7 South Dlst streot, nre spending
n vacation In Atlantic C'ty.
Mr nnd Mrs. Walter Knccht, 481S Wal
nut street, aro iccelvln? congratulations
on tho birth of a sen.
Mrs. H. J. Stroud, of MB Noith 63d
street, Is nt Ocean Gate, N. J for the
month of August. Mr. Stroud spends tho
wtek-ends there.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strohm, of Cist
street and Haverford avenue, have an
nounced tho engagement ot their daugh
ter. Miss Louise Strohm, to Mr. Samuel
Preston Ehrich, of Lynchburg, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Nicholas.
4742 Hazel avenue, have gone to the Po
cono Mountains.
Miss Anna M. Keen, of 70th street and
Giecnwlch nvenue. Is spending the sum
mer at Atlantic City.
Mrp, Anna iBrlghtbrlll nnd her daugh
ter, Miss Myrtle Brlghtbrill, of G0C8 Lo
cust street, have gone to Harrlsburg, Pa.,
for n stay of a few weeks.
Miss Louise Mooie, of 6333 Catharine
street. Is visiting Miss Margaret T. Ben
nett, nt her home, lit North Chelsea ave
nue, Atlantic City,
South Philadelphia
Miss Bose De Carlo and her brother, Mr.
Louis A. De Cnrlo, of 753 South 8th street,
nre taking a trip through New England.
They have made visits In New Haven.
Bridgeport and Wnterbury, Conn., where
they were entertained by Miss Anna Call
bro. They also stopped In New York and
Asbury Park.
Mrs. Frank J. Osmun nnd children. 233
iSouth 2-'d street, are visiting In New
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schrelber, 1915
South street, nre receiving congratula
tions upon the birth of a daughter. MrB.
Schrelber will bo remembered as Miss
Mae Bellly before her marriage.
Mr. William Bacharach and family, of
15th streot nnd Snyder avenue, are en
Joying their vacation at Atlantic City.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Narr, of ISth
and Morris streets, are being congratu
lated on the birth of a daughter,
Mr. Charles Wilson and family, 1512
East Passayunk avenue, have Just re
turned from Anglesen, N. J,
Miss Helen Haymaker, duaghter of
Doctor Haymaker, of Bldgely. Md.. is on
a visit to Miss Elsie Price, 1932 East
Passayunk avenue.
Miss Dorothy Bergman, 1920 East Pas
sayunk nvenue. Is spending her vacation
at Whlteford, Delaware County, Pa.
Mrs Campbell, 2123 South 19th Street,
and her sons. George und James, and her
daughter) Miss aertrude, are spenutng
the summer nt their new bungalow at
Wlldwood, N. J.
MUs Edith Thorn, of 126S South 2lst
street, Is spending a week at Wlldwood,
N. J.
Miss Agnes V. Mohan. Miss Isabelle H,
Drummond, Miss Elizabeth O'Neill. Mr.
WHilaip Cooper, Mr. William Evans and
Mr, Lawrence Thomas spent the week
end In Wlldwood.
1 11 1 1'
Mrs. Oeorgo Poewey, of 31 Burd ave
nue, Is at the Pocono Mountains for a
stay of several weeks.
Mr. and Ma, George Hicks, of West
ChMter pike, are In Atlantic City for a.
stay of two weeus.
Mr. WllJIain Branson Corson, of JMl
South Cerllw streot, will leave Sunday
for a thrw weeks' vacation at Cape May,
N. J.
Notices for the SocUty pae will be
q,ctptd nd printed In the Ertnlng
Itditer, but U uf ntl n'"t be
written on one side of PPr
mu ". Ua In full, with full ad
drns. and . wbrp po.lbl telephone
number 'ut be S'"- , ,
Stud all Mieh comraunIuen to
-tKwIety editor," Etealng Ledier,
m Chwtnut trt.
fakM tbf rwialromwt ,'a
out M that verlOcatloa mt l tM"!!"!,
ia, wtk; wUI not ba pBelUOwA
I mm I Wf-M
tit Mmm I iSMmWmMi
DauRhter of Mr. Edward T. Stotesbury, iB spending the summer at
her homo, Sydith Terrace, Beverly Farms, Mass., where she enter-
tains extensively during tho season.
North Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ilomlg, of Tremont.
Pa., are the guests of Mrs. Mnrgnrct
Ciouthnmcl, 3J27 N'orth Cth street. They
leave In n few days for New York.
Mr. B. Boscnblum, 18.11 North 8th street,
has Joined his p.ircnts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack
Boscnblum. In tho Floilda Apartments,
Atlnntlc City.
MIbh Sadie Knhn, 730 West Norris street,
will spend the rest of the month nt At
lnntlc City.
Since returning from their wedding trip
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bernard Kahn havo taken
up their residence nt 3111 Columbia ave
nue. They Jouinejed through New York
Stnto nnd Niagara Falls.
Miss Marlon Williams, of 1933 Susque
hanna nvenue, will spend tho next two
weeks nt Atlantic City.
Miss Florence Wnllnce, of 1405 Nortn
15th 3trect, is spending some time at
the Delaware Water Gap.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Marshall, of
1525 Diamond street, left last week for
their camp at Wlnthrop, Me., where they
will remain until September 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Itadcllffo T. Henson, of
2223 Xortli 29th street, nre spending sev
eral wecKs at Atlantic city.
Dr. and Mrs. Ilelnhnrd, Nell, of 22d
street and Ftlrmount avenue, are staying
nt Satatoga Springs; they will later gj
to Lake George.
Miss Alice Buckdeschcl nnd Miss Louise
Buckrieschel, of 2313 North Park avenue,
are at Ocean City for the remainder of
tho summer.
Miss Dorothy Barber and her Mater,
Mies Mnrtha Barber, of 2031 North 18th
street, are making a two months' tour
of tho West, visiting the Expositions
nnd Vellowstono Park.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace Yaidloy, of 1312
North Park avenue, and their daughter,
Mrs. KIrkbrlde, nio spending the summer
nt Atlantic City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Booker nnd children, of
2307 North Woodstock street, ore spend
ing the summer In Atlantic City.
Mr. J. Laffcrty has returned from a
ncatlon at Itlchmondvllle, N. Y.
Mr. Hnrry Schell, of 20th and Dauphin
streets. Is spending a few weeks at his
bungalow on the Pensauken Creek, N. J.
Miss Amelia Elchcrt, of Mascher and
Cumberland streets), is tho guest of Mr.
and Sirs. K. C. Thomson, of Wn-no-lCnh,
N. Y. Before her return she will visit
Buffalo. Niagara and the Great Lakes,
Mr. nnd Sirs. Wllllnm J. Glenn nro
spending the season nt tho Devonshire,
Atlantic city.
Sir. and Sirs. Joseph Sloebe. 2115 North
4th street, and their niece, Sllss Slarle
Ritchie, havo returned to town after sev
eral weeks at resorts along the Jersey
Dr. J. Paul Front and family, of 2311
West Columbia nvenuc, who huve been
In Westein Pennsylvania for some time,
hnve returned to tho city.
Sllss Mary Strand, 2558 North 33d
street, widely known in social and
church circles In the Northwest, has re
turned to the city after several weeks'
visiting In Shamokln, Pa.
Sir. John SIcAteer and family, of 3321
North Broad street, will spend the next
two months nt his cottage, Atlantic City
Mr. Slnurlee Snyderman, of 13CW North
6th street, will stay a few days at Atlan
tic City. He will then tour Now York
State In an automobile with several
Chester and Vicinity
The Bev. Francis M. Taltt, dean of the
Convocation of Chester, left yesterday for
Canada, wl)re he will spend four or five
weeks touring the important cities and
polnta of Interest- He will be joined
within a week by Dr. Isaac Crowther, of
Sth and Sladlson streets.
Mrs. Henry J Klaer and daughter, 1
Sllss Jane Sprout Klaer, have gone to (
tneir nome, in " i ' ..,.",v,
after on extended visit with the former's
parents, Senator and Mrs. William C,
dproul, at their country place, Lapldea
Manor, Springfield township.
Mr. and Sirs. Bison W. Sheffield re
turned tP their home yesterday after a
month's vilt to the New Bngland States
and Canada. (
The Itev. Frank MacDonakl. of the ,
First Bptlt Chureli. Is spwidliUT nome
time at Poret, Vt.
.. - j. .,... 1v.11.. u "BlffVlAv fr !
anTMr. Oavid B MCClur.rMlM Beta
Bkkley and waiter oiciy. .
huve ben teurlus the Paellle sw '
tbe puet two uiouths, havt) resumed to
their bones.
Northeast Philadelphia
Sir. Charles Wolfe, of 1929 East Cam
bria street, will spend tho next two
tteckt with his family nt their cottngu
nt Anglesen, N. J.
Sllss SInry McGurk, ot Cold Sprlng-on-
uic-miuMm, .n, y., Is visiting ber
cousin. Sllss Nellie Donohoo nnd Miss
Stnry V. Donohoc, 2710 Blchmond street.
Sllss Bono SI. Dolnn. of Almond street
nnd l.chlgh nenue, will spend her vaca
tion touring Nlngarn Fulls and the Thou
tniid Islands. Sho will return by wny
of Hnirlsburg, Pn.
Sllss Boso Samot, 1S4S East Orleans
street, gnvo n dinner Sunday In honor of
jir. uonniu Wilson, of West Philadelphia,
who leaves this week for Boston, Slass.
The other guests were Sllss May Slaund
and Sir. Jack Lloyd.
Miss Anna Blrchlll. 31M Belgrade Btreet,
spent the week-end ns tho guest ot Sllss
Bessie Barry, at Enfield, Pa.
Sllss Elinor SlcGulgan, ail! Belgrade
sticet, Is spending tho week nt Atlantic
Sir. and Sirs. Bobcrt Slorrow have ic
turned from nn Interesting nutonioullo
trip through the Now England States.
Sllss Frances Sehukar nnd her brothers.
Sir. Albert Sehukar nnd Sir. Slorrls Schu
kar, of 2223 North Front street, have re
turned from a two weeks' visit to Dela
ware Wntor Gup.
Sir. Gcorgo L. Golden, of Pittsburgh,
has returned to his home nfter n visit of
several weeks to Sir. and Mrs. Harry
Sehukar, 2223 North Front streot.
Sllss Etta Sehukar and Silas Dorothy
Goldstein, well known In northeast so
cial circles, are spending their vacation
days at the Chelsea. Atlantic City.
Sirs. Samuel Simon and her daughter,
Misn Dorothy Simon, of 1342 Fraukford
avenue, nro the guests of Sirs. Albert
Bummclsburg, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Sir. David Goldstein, 2231 North Front
street, and Sir. Bobert Wilson, 2d and
York streets, left yesterday to spend two
weeks In their new bungalow near
Brighton Beach, N. Y.
Mr. and Sirs. John Kearney Bodgers
hnve returned from a visit of ten dnyj
with Sirs, aeorge Biddlo at Saunders
town, Slass.
Sllss Kntherlne Wilson loft this weelc
for Northeast Harbor, Slount Desert,
Sic., to spend several weeks with Sirs.
Henry B. Thompson.
Sirs. Frnuk G. Tnllmnn and Sllss Ethel
Tnllmnn went to Gloucester, Sines., this
week U --
Sirs. Edwnid B. Slode, Sirs. Cleland
Jouet, Miss Sladclclue Jones and George
W. Baker have returned from a Western
trip lasting seven weeks.
Sir. and Sirs. Ellsha Lcn and Sir. and
Sirs. John P. Nlolds motored to Beho
both this week to spend 11 few duys.
Sirs. H. Fletcher Brown Is at Newport,
II, I , for n two weeks' lslt with rela
Who. before her niarrtago on
Sunday, was Mtss Ida Rosenthal,
of X010 Locust street.
AN INTEBESTING wedding wilt take
XI place today tn Kenncbnnkport, Me.,
when Miss Mary Bishop Jones, daughter
of Mrs. Samuel Howell Jones, of St Mar
tin's, will become tho brldo of Mr. John
Grant A j ling, of' Syracuse, N. T. The
ceremony will take place In St. Anne's
Church, nnd will be followed by a. recep
tion nt Falrhaven, the summer homo of
the bride's mother. Miss Jones, who will
wenr nn Attractive gown of nhto duchesse
satin nnd tulle, will be attended by Miss
Elizabeth Dallas and Ml Hnrh.i w
Latta, of this cllyi Sllss Cicely Bodgers,
of Columbus, O.; Sllss Frances T. Gray,
of Syrncusc, N. Y.; Miss Delia Brown, of
Prooklyn, N. ' Miss Mnrtha Johnson,
of Louisville, Kj.
. T,!,W!?dlnB of Miss Floronco Leslie Kll
! n, , u' 'VJV."'" ,ot Mr- n,,rt Mrs' Will
lit li ,1'rn,f,,ck- of 1M3 North Gdlh
I tJ ..:m".'' ,Mr' ,HBrry Vrancla Mnllgrave,
Jr. will take place this afternoon in St.
firoKorj B Catholic Church, f,3d ntut War
ren streets, nt B o'clock. Tho ceremony
, nil lie performed by the Itcv. Stephen
J Boss. 1U. The brldo. who will bo
' (men In mnrrlngo by her father, will bo
MiT,,. !' ,Vl1",8 cJf" tle cI,lnp' ve"el '
white tulle, and ui ,.nir,. k-im, ...... ,
mid lllles-of.thc-valley. The maid of
honor will be SINs Emily I toll. Sir. T.
nordon Lnhnrt will nrt i.i ... -...,
the ushers will Include Sir. Edward A.
nuVBlV,nnd.?lr Jnhn " I,l,rt' ''"medi
ate after tho ceremony Mr. nnd Sits
Mflllgini'n Mill lenvo for a tour through
he New I.nglnnd States. They will re
tun. here for 11 iceeptlon lo be held Sep
tembers, after which they wilt nmko their
icsldeuce In Englcwnod, Chicago.
Mr nnd Mrs. L'dnnrd Kcphnrt. or 4S39
Ji-nklmown nvenuc. hao announced tho
mnrrliiKP of their daughter. Sllss Lillian
A Kcphnrt. to Mr. Frederick Herbert, of
this mi, on Saturday, August It, nt 10
O CIOCK. ril rntPlimnv .Hr.
1 1" tho Itcv. S. Howard Chubb, pastor
1 ?m . lh," . X ",ltcd BvNGellcnl Lutheran
I r hu.r.cl1' In tlio presctue of the Immediate
rnmllles The bride was attended by hor
UiMtrs, Miss Ilettlo Kcpluut and Miss
hophlo Keplmrt. Mr. and Mrs. Kcphart
... iiiiikp ineir nomo with tho bride's
Tho wedding of Miss Lena Clrcenberg.
daughter of Sir. nnd Stis M. Grccnberg,
of U31 North Franklin streot, nnd Mr.
Michael Itoemont, son of Sir. nnd Sirs.
A. Boscmont, will take place on Sundn
overling, August 29. nt 8 o'clock. In Apollo
Hnll, 1723 North Broad street. Tho bride,
who will bo given In mnrrlngo by her
father, will wear an exquisite gown or
white ciepe do chine and duchesso lnco
and will enrry a shower bouquet of lilies
of the valley. Sir. Boemont will havo
for best mnn Sir. J. Vernon Carey. A
Inrco reception will follow, nfter which
tho young couple will lenvo for a wed
ding trip in the West. There will bo
guests present from Now York, Balti
more, Washington nnd Chicago.
Announcement Is mndo or the mnrrlngo
of Sllss Eugenie Held, daughter of Mr.
and Sirs. Denial d Held, of Wycombo
ncnue. Lunsdownc, to Dr. Benedlcto do
Pnlva, of Brazil, on August 11. Tho
young couple will lenve September 1 for
Bio Janeiro, where Doctor de Pnlvn prac
tices. Lansdowne
Sirs J. O. Marshall, of La Crosse ave
nue, entertnlned In honor or Sllss Nellie
Tull, of C.mton, last week. Among those
present were Sir. nnd Sirs Nnrbono, Miss
Florenco B. Tome, Sirs. Calvin. Sllss
Miriam Marshal, Miss Call In, .Mr. T.
Lindsay Tome, Mr. J. P. Arnngo and
Sir. E. Bleklcy.
Sir. T. Llndscy Tome, of La Crosso
avenue, spent the week-end at the
Breakers, Ocean City, N. J.
Sir. and Sirs. William C. Wallace, ri
Owen .ivonue, nre iei.elvlng congratula
tions on the birth of a son.
Sllss Slargaret Hnnnuin, of Blsby ave
nue. Is visiting friends In Ocenn City.
Delaware County
A licnellt concert will bo given this ec
nhrj nt Strath Haven lull nt Swarthmoro
by 20 mcmheis of tho Philadelphia Boys
and Glils' nivhcstin. under the direction
of Sir. John Curtis, Jr. A soprano solo
will be sung by MUs Isabel Galbmlth, and
Mr. Joseph Levy will glvo violin selec
tions. Sir. nnd Sim. C. L. Goetz, of Logan
avenue. Glenolden, have taken their fnm-
II) to Atlantic City until Suptcmbor.
Sirs. J. Clarence Fox, of Barker ave
nue, Sharon Hill, Is entertaining her sis
ter. Sirs. William Spongier, from Har
rlsburg. Bev. nnd Slis. William H. Shaw, of
Slaplo avenue, Sharon Hill, are spending
tho summer at Cholsea.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Albeit Kirk, of Torres
dale nvenue, havo Just leturned from a
six weeks' motor trip. They tok with
them Sirs. Klrk'a niece, Sllss Pauline A.
Clarke, af Logan.
Sllss Kntherlne Balrd. dnughtor of Sir.
and Sirs. William II. Balrd, of Washing
ton, D. C, has been the guest of Sllss
Martha Frltchlo and Sllss ElUabutH
Frltchle at their parents' cottage In Wild
wood. Sir. and Sirs. Edward Bowland, of Penu
street, and their two daughters, SIlsi
Helen Bowland and Miss Slartha llow
land, are spending the month of August
at Cope Slay.
Sir. and Sirs. George St. Abott. of Slul
berry street, were week-end guests of
Sir. and Sirs. Walter Harris at their
summer home at Ocean City.
Sir. and Mrs. Erasmus Croasdale are
visiting Creswell Bush at his home near
Cleveland, O. They will visit Niagara
Falls on their homewarn journey.
Mr. and Sirs. Theodore Press, of 4747
Tacony street, have as their guests the
Bev. and Mrs. John Wltteklnd and their
two daughters, Sllss Freldrlcke and Sllss
L)dla, of Syracuse, N. V-
Sir and Mrs. Walter Hlnde and their
two children, of Wakellng street, aro
spending some time at Wlldwood, N. J.
Mr. and Mra. Joseph Llghtfoot, of 1563
Dlttman street, and Mr. and Sirs. James
Bevans. 4MI Josephine street, will re
turn this week from Clementon Heights,
N. J., where they have been spending
some time at thlr bungalow, "The
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal UiBd. WwlnweUnd Square. Wh
stmt "4 Albwh"' "Vhiu.s 8 o'clock. Free.
Fslrmount Fsrk Baud. Ulnat Msaslonj U
Vhlla'aotphu" Band. CUy IU1I Plawj S
p'Uook. !
Suffrage Events Today
Noon-dar rAMtlw. ieWf(U plw. 8pakr.
Mlu Bertha iioonti.
Noon- Myelin at Broly MUI, 4tB atrt
ontf I-ehlgh out. 8pi. iltia Anoa Me
(ua. h p m.-MMllns In aUMboro. N. 1. 8Mk,
MU rterika Sapoilta
S p. m. --'' Marotall atrtat
ao Uirard smew SvMMr. MUa ABM Ma
Cue. ,rt,-.-. .r-BmaB 71BW
WWMABt ---- - --
S JO p m -Mei
Mdiu at IjsfeUb aud a
auoktr, HiH JftM Ut
mu l KsMtMtes in
town avenu a
8 .10 l m Sw
ud All.-
m 9&kidLora. HIV.
I'hlllp B
toiSU RiwmJ aaa Ur.baui
Small House Parties Are Particularly Attractive in
Chelsea Cape May Hotel Has' Lively Crowd.
Wild wood Personals
MBS. HAItltY . PIEBCB Is entertain
lug nt her cottage on Slndlson ave
tnio Sllss Isabel C. Slaclllnln nnd Miss
Kntherlno K. Moore, of Philadelphia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Gage, of 1700 Pine
street, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Charles J Bender at their cottage, It
Aberdeen plnce, South, Chelsea.
Sirs. Bobcrt J. Stevenson, Jr., has been
spending n week nt the Traymore.
Sllss SInry Delange and Stlsa Edith
Helnngo nrc nmong tho Philadelphia
who have apartments nt the Traymore.
Mrs. Gcoige H Clnmer, or Philadel
phia, who is spending the summer nt her
rottaue, 27 Florence nvenue, Soulh. ns has
been her custom for many reasons, enter
tnlncd nt brldgo on Monday afternoon.
Mrs. St. Hnckett Cooper hns returned to
Philadelphia, after spending a week with
fi lends In this city.
Sirs. Albert s lt,va i 1.1..
her Lhclse.1 cottage Mis Elizabeth E.
vi istcr, of Germantown.
Sllss Helen Davenport hns returned to
her hnmo hi Lanvlownc, Pn., nftor spend
ng 11 fortnight ns the guest of Sllss
lloberla Klrkpatrlelt at her Chelsea cot
tago. Sirs Mnry Colbert and hir daughter,
Mrs. Oliver Wood, who was one of the
spring brides, nre to spend the remainder
of the summer nt the Aberdeen, l.ong
poit. Sir. Wood comes down for tha week
end. chniltj card parU arranged by Sirs
llllnin C Coulcy, of Vcntnor, was given
on the Municipal Pier Tuesday atler
noon. Mrs. Conlcy wns assisted by Sirs.
John Keennn. Sirs. Slarion Hlght, Mrs.
Helnnken, Sirs Joseph Laws. SlrB. Os
car Bcdirer nnd Mr Milton Fillmore.
CAPE MAY, Aug IS -All roads led to
the New Hotel Cape May on Saturday
night, ns the grill represents nultn the
inosi c.irnordlnnr bit or New York life
sei uowii
begun Hill
In quiet Capo May. The tables
ns up about 10 o'clock, and ot 11
everything was In full swing. Among
thote who hhd supper were Sirs 8pcncr
u er, m, anil .miss Valentine Mitchell,
whose guests mnnbcied 10. Mr. nnd Sirs.
Andrew Wheeler also entertained 11 num
ber of young people. Mrs. Wheeler wore
a stunning frock of white chllToii, the
Imdlco tnndo of tulle nnd stinpped over
t'10 shoulders with narrow Jet banding.
Sirs. Wheeler 11W0 woro a black velvet
band In her hnlr.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Edward S. Page nlso were
iiinng the dancers, as weio Sir. and
Mri. Ferdlnuul Graves, Miss SI. Gabrl
0 la TlUhman wearing n smnrt black
frock made with n three-tier skirt, each
Her edged wTh blue and silver banding.
Tho girdle and shoulder straps were also
made or the banding. A particularly
French touch was given h a gailaml
of pink rojes, which was fastened from
right to left across the glrd'c. Others
with Miss Tiluhin.in were Sllss Kate
Zoghaum, of New York: Sllss Diucllla
Cravens, of New York; Mr. Bolnnd Snr
gennt, .Mr. Welsh, Sir. Woods Hancock.
Sllss Cuthcrlnu C. Cassaid looked well
In a pluk satin frock, while Sllss Sophie
AVorth woro whlto with a vivid king's
Lluo wide glrdte and hnlr band. An
other pnity lnc uded Sllss Christine
Wnggnmnn. or Washington: Sllss SHr
lam Partridge nnd Sliss Elsie Slorrl
Brlnlon, or Philadelphia: Sir John E.
Blnckledge, or Mlchlgnn; Sir. Gordon
This I nm 11 school nhtr liova slid Klrln piny ihroush the terms, but a
Me uii'to-ihe-nilnute liuslneu eiihllahinnt teuehlne oil th art and pmetlra
of liunlneM in tha mont liiterentlne. faiiclnallnB artl thoroufh Wny. our boy
or slrl enter" actual tnudim the hour they einer hro. ami hen grailuattd
ulaie Ihun In poltlon that pay telephone! Lombard 110(1-1237.
mm briwoi. iVuif School, Enter any time.
I.-. ,11, Hull, A. M., I'd. I).. Pn-'ldrnt, I.nfayrtte Ilullillng, l'lilladelihla
Alter (lctul)lT 11, 1
prepare young men nnd women
for admission to college and for
all State examinations.
Full particulars given
Catalog T-40.
Phone Diamond 631.
Ilroad St. Iielow Ilerka 1
Cvuimarclal. Ptanoiraphlc, JSe
ratarlal and other buaintm
couraea. Pay and night milinn
now epao- Individual and laa
Initruotlon. Charoa modarate.
fnaltlooa guarantaad Bpaclal In
gucenunli tu start now
80.8'j7 Cbeslaut St, Pblls.
Central Educational Institute
Dau 0l 0vauiM0 I'rtfaratorv aid iJ(Mi,
fb Coajmualiy baa eeoMaoea la Caatral'f
Kducallonal By mm. You should know about
lU (ilqua work. 3000 aUudanta lut yaar.
Sa4 for Jllualratad Catalog A
Caotral Y. M C A . Ull Arch at.. Phlla
The Phillips Brooks School
Boja' acbool. ecMalta Oark Park Atblttlc
BW oajolnlnt Uat. Jrga I uH-aquJsp4 yn-
TooroLiSa t-yufea kdl tea dri.n.uifii sum-
14 nuom situKtiun rrtfr.fum ioj
U or bubltt Writ t&t riM0si Tu
yriotliV!. iSvidiajti on Ua-P&,tt4f, K,
Mill, of Canada, nnd Str Janus A.
Walker, of Philadelphia. Others noticed
were MIm EllMbelh Walsh, MUs Doro
thy Burgess, Miss Edith S. Wilson, Miss
Dorothy Dlnsmore, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Colahan. Mr. and Mrs. William N. Mo
rice, Str. nnd Sirs. E. B. Whltwcil,
whoso marriage look plaro In the spring;
Sllss Ethel Maulo, Mrs. Maule, Mr Whit,
ten Evans, Mr. Swift, of Memphis.
Tenn: Mr. Joseph Keen, Mr Andrew
Stlss Selby Bell, of Baltimore, has again
won tho silver run at thn Itnri Mill ilnnp.
Ing contest. Miss Zell Is not only a good
dnncer, but nn excellent swimmer ns well.
Nothing In Cape Slay seems of equal Im
portance with these Bed Still dances.
These occur most every evening ftnd draw
nn unusually attractive crowd of girls and
men Among them nre Miss Virginia
Harris, Sllss Eleanor Hopkins. Stlss Dfu
ellia Cravens, of New York) Mies Vnlen
Une .Mitchell. Sllss Dorothy Frlck. Miss
t athcrlne C. Cassard, Sllss Selby Kelt, Sir
Edward Cnssard, Sir, Samuel Blephnm.
Sir. Charles Davis, Mr. Chunn, Str Park
cr McComas. ,
Mr. T. F. Lamorcllo. of Overbrook, Pa.,
wn Ihe wlnher of the handicap mdal
nuK. t0l'r.nnmet nt the Cape May Oeif
Club, with a net score df 69. Others on
l10,??.".0 w.ero Mr' ,:' K- Dlspliam. Mr.
P. Wlstai- Harvey. Mr. W. M. Weaver.
Sir. J. SI. Hlldrcth, Sir. Gcorgo II Parr
.ir. ,i, u MacFarland nnd family,
prominent In Washington sacloty, nre rta.
stcrcd nt tho Chalfonte. Mrs. StnCFat
!ffnii it11,1.6 ,w).fe of MaJor MncFnrlnnd.
SC il'V"1""' HlnlM Arm?' Mr. and Mrs!
a 1. Thompson nnd family, of Washing-
i?iV "L i?,luU ,h0 C(,i,llnl eo'ony nt the
Hotel Chnltonte.
Mr Chichester, of Virginia, at her beau
tirul Beach avenue cottage.
Among the late arrivals nro Sir. W.
Jv !,0Jj0'' Ml I3' " "opltlns, Sllss
l. B. Townscnd, Sir. Wllllnm A. Pntton.
Mr. Jnhics Cnlnhau, Mrs. John Tavlor.
Mis Frances Bailey, Str. William Seeds,
Str. and Sirs P. II. Sllddteton, Str nnd
Sirs. Charles S. Dickinson.
Judue nnd Sirs. Wllllnm Butler, nf
W"', ChcJ, . ar registered a.t tho
I stDclao" N lllfl rr the lcmalndcr ot the
Sir. nnd Sirs. Charles Carter, of Oer
mantown, who nrc nctlvo In social circles
In thnt suburb, are spending some time
hero as the guests of Sir. and Sirs. Wal
ter Lavallcr at their cottage,
WILDWOOD. AUg. 18,-The seventh an
nual benefit of the Wlldwood Liro Guards
will be held In tho Ocenn Pier ballroom on
Saturday afternoon, August 21. The pro
gram consists of basketball, vaudeville
nnd dancing. Captain Necdham and Sir.
Delker uro in chnrgo of tho nrfnlr,
Str. George Thomas nnd Sir. Charles
Thomas, of Chicago Heights, nre camping
nlnng Ottens Harbor for tho summer.
Sir. nnd 'Sirs. William Bushtop nro
horo for tho summer, stajlng at tlio
Daylon Hotel.
Sir and Mrs. .Morris Glbbs are among
the cottagers, nnd nro located at 203
East Miwnolln uvcnuo for tho suuimct
Str. nnd Sirs. Edward Slnutcy hnvo
taken the Prcthun Cottage on 20th ave
nue. Mrs. Charles D. Schrlver, with her
daughter, Slia. S. W. Estlow, Is spending
n few weeks nt this resort.
Mlsi Gertrude Lehstcr and Sllss Elsie
Le.xls, of rh'lndclphla, are tho guests
o Mr. and Mrs Vincent Frenbaugh, of
321 West Taconj load.
Will Make Your
Boy or Girl a
Smart Business
run .uuhiui jiuiiuihk
IJxlnhll.brd 1C3
America's Foremost
Business School
the N e w Pcircc
School Ruildinp; at
1420 Pine Street is a
monument to fifty
years of success in
preparing youiiK men
aiicl women for busi
ness positions of liisli
I Pine St. west of Broad 1
TMrly vart at nth anil CAnlnut Slrttlt
Uuslntaa. HliorthanJaml ,-Krtrlal i.aurm.
Swarthmoro Preparatory School
M Far Man ami Boys. UnUiu4 uaa l
C tntmlxra, I month, 13.00; j mynih,,
A. 13 00: a yar, 113. aea. on.-ihlrj
Jill 'alt. rrlvaia Iwwi. 6 for 15.00 8U-
Arch at (I wlni Mm. 39e! Uiff. 1S3
6pgv -SN
Ad-Jertkementeof OtKer
Schools and Colleges
Appred on This B?
and Will Appear Agftjn
ttU4 .-(kid, Elkiu PlMk, I'-.