j-w--"yy-grw-iyHgg' IEOPEREDITOLMINO ASSOGGETTATEADUNA YIOLENTAOFFENSIVA Truppe del Genernle Ca- Ldorim Si Lanciano Contro 1 Forti di Santa IIaria o di Santa Lucia ALPINI SULL'ORTLER HOMA, 18 Ajrosto. ft forio del Rcnoralo Cndorna linnno KSfnto tin nitacco in rorza contro lo RL.i rnrtllk'Htn dl Tolmlno, jC.u Dal rnp '.!.. del treiiGrnllHSlmo Itnllnnn. nnlitill poi - c - -.. jlto lerl ecrrt ilnl Mlnlstcro dclla Clucrra, Bsultn t-ho duo ttel prlnclpnll forll clic Wrano rII ncccssl a Tolmlno, o cloe' fqujM dl Santa Murln o dl Santn Lucia, LhjL .111 trlnlrtlilntriAliln nKnnAntl .1 -. 1 mrtlfiticrla Itnllatm, mcntro ta fnntcrla Krnvn ill avvlclnnrst nl fori! sIphM a LSt rlaiclTR a fr progressl cd a faro Ml ufCucall, cd Srlirionlcrl. frn cul 17 jfttndcro al nemlco una quantlta' dl ma fitlale da Birorra. Wlnclie nul, Bill fronte del Tlrolo Rll Ital ftnl sono riuscltl dopo IuiibIio cd nrdue 0Mralonl aul glilncclnl a premiere posi tions aul masslcclo deU'Ortlcr, occupando MaaaWchspltze, cho era nasal bon dlfcsa. boeito truppe, pattlto dalla Capanna Ml lino, hanno dovuto attravcraaro II ihlarclalo Cnmoacl, nprlrsl la atrnda cho Kpara qucato dal Brando Khlacclaio dl Cumpo, attravcrsaro ancho qucato o trln cirarsl qulndl a Tuckettspltze, ad un'nl Itsa dl 11,331 plcdl, o dl U' soprendcro II btmlco cd occuparo la sommltii' dl jUdatschspltzc. ' Ecco II tcsto del comunlcato ufllclalc: f "Nclla rcglono deU'Ortlcr, tra lo vallate dcll'Adlgc c dcll'Adda, un rcparto dcllo nottro truppe, partondo nella sera del lb Jigotlo dalla Capanna Allluno, uttru Vtrtarono II glilacclalo Camuscl o qucllo t Campo, nsccsoro lungo lo dinicltl pen ile) del Tuccttspltzo o sorprescro II ne mlco o occuparono Madataclupltzc. "Sul fronto dciriaonzo la noBtra fnn tcrla ha fatto progress! ncila rcglono del Slonto Nero, occupando Sattclbcrg, dovo fcElogglo' II nemlco dalle sue trlncco u W. .... ulirnrnan itnnl.nKnnnn : "Mf-lln rridono dl Tolmlno lo trnnnn Itatlano tscgulrono una hrlllanto ofTcnsIva tor.lro lo colllne fortlflcalc dl Santa Maria fe Santa Lucia, cho ilomlnanc unn forto jicslzlono s'tlla riva nostra delrlsonzo. IIXDO una romplcta preparazlonc dcU'nrtl- tlleria ia nostra fnntcrla avnnzo' cd no- enpo parcocnie tnnceo sui vcrsnnto orlen-tile-dl dl qucllo colllne Lo pcrdlto del licmlco sono stato nHsnl gravl. Nol nren- demmo prlglonlerl 517 soldatl c 17 ufrlclall R'cl Impadronlmmo dl parccchl cannonl e ril una gran quantlta' dl munlzlonl ed altro materlalo da gueirn. tf vr nnmnlrrn In nnrvllzlmin nut irtimnn deH'Ortlor, gll Alplnl dovettero dlvldcrsl In plccoll rcpartl, legarsi a funl per Im- Epeairo ris;iiri c iumui suiiro suua Cluia nckctupltzo uovo gninscro mcntro i;ll auilrlacl dormlvano, nclla nottc. Questa ' atata una dclle plu' brlllantl operazlonl Icompluto dagll Alplnl nolle Alpl tlrolesl, auandb si consldcra clic II corno ll spe- dlilone era plccollsslmo c dovetto supc rare duo perlcoloal ghlacclal duranto la Inoltc. SUIi FRONTE DEL CADOriE. Da notlzle non ufflclall si apprendo cho rll ltallt.nl contlnunno la loro oltcnslva tul fronto del Cadoro e della Cnrlnzla. Lo Kbatterle Uallano collocate sill tlanchl del E6elkoiel e d Croda Itoaaa hanno rldotto C,al sllenzlo J fortl nustrlacl dl Sexton cd hanno, aperto ll fuoco dl flanco contro le .poslzlonl Irlncer&to del' nemlco, Qucato gVaMovuto rjtlrarsl dallo dlfcso crctto ro icKjmento nclla vnllata del'Sejtfen. Altrl "'jracceal gll Itallnnl hanno ottenuto ad oyestdl Kexten, o cloo' tra questa vallata iM I fortl dl Lnndro. SjDa dlapaccl giuntl qui dal fronte dl bnt- Uglla si apprendo cho gll nustrlacl linnno gperduto dal 12 corrcnto ben cinque mlglla dlUrlncee, parccchlo mltragllatrlci o 3MX) frlslonlerl. Ilntanto gll avlatorl itallnnl contlnunno ibombardarem quasi ognl glorno le poslzlonl nUBtrlache dl Nabreslna, dovo m dlriglbllo al rcca costantemento ognl inattlna cd hu cla' fatto dannl con Hdervoll. J' RIJLAZIONI ITALO-TURCHE. i'n dlspacclo da Bucarcst nl Glornalo dtalla dice cho II govemo ottomano ha rwocato 11 permesao dl pnrtenza degll Ullanl cho si trovuno In Turchla, co ilcehe parccchl portl ottomanl sono nf ojlatl dl suddlti Itallnnl Impoaslbllitatl n Jplre, nonostanto cho 11 governo nmeri ano avesae offerto le suo nuvl do guerra tr tmoarcarll. Qurata notlzla e conslderuta In quest! teoll diplomatic! come gravvlsslma, talo M mtttero In serlo perlcolo lo relazonl jra 1'ltalla o la Turchla. Un noto uomo politico dlceva osgl cho aveva raglono dl jeacrB clie cho 11- governo Itnllano stesao Mr prendcrp energlcl provvedlmcntl. Lo l?so aiornale d'ltalla dice In un nrtlcolo SL'commento alia notlzla da Ducurcst cho gpeceasarlo aglro Immedlatamente. K Three Phlladelphians Elected Phreo I'hlladelphlans woro re-elected to na of the Catholic Young Men's. Na al Union ut tho closing seselon of lyjr convention In Pittsburgh yesterday. 2?e are SI. J. siattery, president: Syl mr Ilauck, secretary, and Harry n. Murray, treasurer. EVENING I LEI)(KR-PHlLAnELPUIA, WKDNBHTAV REP. THOMAS W. MILLEIt COJfdltESSMAN MILLEIl FHtST M. C. AT I'LATTSBUim CAMP Delawnro Ofllcinl to Study Practical Sido of Defense WILMINGTON, DcI. Auu. 18-Con-gresaman ThomnH W. Miller, tho only Congrcasnian In Delawaie. left today for whero he will tithe- the course of mlll taty training which la being given un der the direction of Major General Leon ard L. Wood. Other Dclnwitreans who nro nt the camp nto United Statca Ula trlct Attorney John P. Nlclda mid IliiRh M. Gnrland, of Wllmlngloii. both well known lawyers, und Colonel William I). Denncy, member of tho stnrf of Governor Charles 11. Sillier and prominent Dover citizen. ConRrcsaman Sillier declared that he Is Interested In the mnttcr of national defenao ntid la taking advantage of this opportunity to study the practical Bide of tho mllltnry question. Sir. Stiller Is tho only member of Con grcsa who has so far volunteered for tho ttninlng. He la also ono of the youngest members of Congress tuul Is n son of Governor Chnrlea II Sillier, of thla Stnte. NEW FEATURE FILM PROGRAM ORGANIZED Standard Program and Com bined Photoplay Producers Make S9,000,000 Contract By the PHOTOPLAY EDITOR A contract covering a period of live years has been closed between tho Standard Progtam und tho Combined Photoplay Ptoduccra, Inc. It calls for tho 'production, distribution nnd market ing of a minimum of $3,300,000 worth of motion plcturo lllms, nnd will assuro the Stnndnrd people of positive control and permanence of their film supply. The contracting parties have made pro vislons to increase the amount of tllm required aa tho condtlons may warrant, but tho contract reflects tho conlldcnce of those concerned In that It guarantees the payment of nt least J1.872.O0O annually. Among those who nppear most promi nently In Standard affairs nt present writing nre Albert nnd II. SI. Wnrner, who were nmong the first In the feature field. Others are Al Llchtmnn, late of the Fnmoua Players, L. G. B. Erb nnd II. SI. Goetz, who wcro leaders In tho United Slotlon Plcturo Producers, Inc.; L. S. Stern, O. B. Hamilton, Aubrey nnd Ilnrry Slittenthul, of Sllttcnthnl Brothers' theatrical llrm; V. ORcrmnn, Joseph A. Golden. Otia B. Thayer, O. 15. Goebel and Arthur Smallwood While stopping oft en route, in Los Ancelea the other dav. with her husband. Jean Schwurtz, Kozslkn Dolly wna gath ered In by Sir. Grllllth. the producer of "Tho Birth of u Nation." nnd placed under contract to be featured In a new film work. It la to bo ono of Grlllltlt's own. DRILL WITH FLASHING BAYONETS IMPRESSES PLATTSBURG CAMPERS Cold Wave Brings Business Sol diers From Cots Early After Sleeping Fully Clothed, Wrapped in Blankets LEARN OF ARMY NEEDS from n Slat Corrmpnnilrnl. MIMTAIIY INSTltUCTtON CAMP, PLATTPIlUIia, N. V.. Aug. lS.-Phlla-dclphlans nt tho mllltnry Instruction enmp hero tumbled out of their cots thla morning nftcr h, night so cold It seemed It should have been Jntiuary rnthcr than tho middle of August. Few woro pajamas, most of tho men hnvlng alept fully clothed, wrapped In their blankets. As a comequonco reveille drill was tnoro prompt tlmn It had been for somo time. Oeorg0 Brown, of Philadelphia, was walking around with dinionlty today nnd with n rather pained expression on his face. Until today ho was one of the moat nctlvo nnd enthusiastic men In camp. Laat night, however, ho wan "rough houalng" with his tent mates nnd during tho melee he sat down on his bnyonet Brown during tho past year was ono of tho best qunrtcr-mllcrs In collegiate cir cles nnd captain of tho Yale track team. The bnyonet, a part of tho regular cnulnrnent nf tlm nnw ,,. u..-t.....ini.. rlllc, has caused more tnlk nnd comment man nny omor military npplinneo In camp. Slndo of steel nnd II inches Iohr, It Is n most vlcloua looking Implement. Vcstcrdiiy the Imitation got Its llrst drill In bayonet charging. A company nt a time chnrged tho full length of tho great pnrndo ground in front of the Plattsburg barracks. With tho brilliant steel of the huge knives Hashing In the aim as tho men wncd them In the air at the double quick It made n sight thnt few of tho rookies will ever forget. Somo of tho men, with the object of the charge noth ing more human than n clump of trees, turned white nnd alck nt the sight of tho bayonets. More thnn anything clso It brought ono of tho horrors of war vividly homo and served to strengthen the sober ing effect Just a few tlas of sham sol diering hns widely engendered In tho minds of the men here. ArUUST 18. 1013; IMUSIC IN THE PARK THE DAILY STORY' Where Love Dwelt Mrs, Gardiner Fnrmtnv tnnk,i .i it. nddresa once more ns she paused under the hotel porte cochere. Vera waited duU fully behind. "I'm Ruro It's In somo perfectly awful spot, Vera, dear. MacdouRal nllcy nounda dubious to me, but quite like Gerald." if!, mamma," said Vera. "t suppose even New York hns Us Latin Quarter, as ono might Ba but I do hope It s not uphill Hko tho one In Paris." "Yes, mamma." .','i,cJfninlwny" ". quBll,t nml eccentric nnd ntlll no wonderfully boylah." She council i no address again, crnmmed In one corner of Gerald's-letter, gave It up, mid handed It to tho chauffeur. "If you'd Just ro there, please. Do you know where It Is, Peters?"' Peters did. And all the way down 6th avenue era listened with a llltlo amused smile to tho old ncver-fnlllng chatter about Gerald, They wcro to sail tho following day, which was something In tho way of re lief, sho thought. It was Just like Uncle ouiiu lu einri mem looKing up Gerald at tho last minute. Sho had had Gerald and his quaint, Intercallng wnjs and artistic possibilities thrown nt her by the family ever since ahn lm,t ln Dnn t.-rnni.n nnd nil the lime sho carried Jack's picture' nicely hidden nwny In her traveling caae. Down near tho great Washington arch the car turned Into Mncdougal alley and stopped. It wns the prettiest, most pie tureiquo ploco Vera hail seen In Now York, like a bit of old Paris transplanted. The old bricked court, half n block long, with Its odd trees, gnarled nnd twisted like Japanese dwarfed pines, nnd tho low, onc-atorlcd red brick studios nil caught her fancy. But Sirs. Faraday picked her way cautiously. "A most peeiillnr place for art to flour vit," she said. "Vera, dear, haven't these places been atnblea? I'm sure they have. 1'no never been able to sco tho nihility between art mid stables. I do hope poor dear Gerald's health la qulto good. I'm so very glad I ndded llfty myself to JoIui'h allowance for hint. I think your undo John la very hard on Gerald. It's because ho looks like our side of the family, and I'm sure It's a great bleaslng. for all of the Sloaclys had fearful mes. Is this tho place?" Gerald's n.tmo was on a tiny brass Plato Inside the dim hallway. Thero wero " Band Theatrical Baedeker KEITH'S Joseph E. Howard and Mnbl Mc Cane. In new nonea nnd chatter; Joe Jackson, pantomlmtst; Jack Corcoran and Tom Din gle, the dancers nf "Hello, Ilroadnay!" John and Mae llurkv. ollerlne "A Hncllmo goldler"; l-'lsher and ureen. In "Tne 1'a.rtncri" s the Clown Seal; Ilobert Hmmet Keane, "Ths American nnRllshmnn": I'earl and Irene Mans, In "Tnelvo Minutes Out nt a Fashion Jiolger IJrotliers, tmnjoistH, and 7. ." Honk' ItenrHt-Seiiir wows weeKiy. XIXON'S ailANDtha FUe Bullys, In "The Information llureau". Young and Moore, hluckfaco comedians. In "The Porter and the Bellboy"; the Monte Trio, musicians: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thorne and Company ln'An Uptown Flat"! Illsset and Herat, dancers; the Aerial Ilartletts, and Fun Koto Films. CItOSa KHVB First half of eek, "The Mid night Cabaret," a svenlo production. Car men's Minstrels; Jermon and Walker, enter tainers; lUUy Harlow, the "nut comedian," and the Jules Levy Family, Instrumentalists. WOOPUIDH PAKKIm llelne-IIamll and Company In demonstration of electricity; the Crelghton Sisters, three slnalns und dancing misses: Jerome and Carson, In singing, danc ing and acrobatlo specialties; Kashlma, "ths somewhat different Juggler"; Baona, "wizard of the make-up box,1' and Jimmy Laughltn. Plays nt Belmont Mansion Afternoon nnd Night Tho Falrnjount Park Hand will play this afternoon nnd tonight at Ilelmont Mansion. Tho program: I'AUT I-AKTnitNOO.V. 4 TO 0 O'CLOCK. 1 overture. ' Mons Chnufleiirl" Orrenbain 2 "Itemlnlsccncca of French Orera I uni- Iquo" WlntrrlKiltnm i. (i) "tM I-lrourtte" l'lnck (Id "Hit Phantom IlrlKudo" Mjddl-don 4. "Krhoe-i of tho Metropolitan Opeia". .Toh.ini n. "Irlh Dances'" Ansell ti. Valse do t'oncert, "The Hk.ilerH".Vdldtetilel 7. la) "llumorcskc" l)irak (b) "Cottonlleld Capers" O'llare 5. Mclollcn from "The Itcd Widow" liebost i-Aitr n-r.vKN'iNo. s to io o'clock. 1. 0erturo, "11 Cluarany" Gomez 2, Seems rron. "l,u liavtaia" uiui 3 in) "Simple Aue" Ilmnio ib) "Cotluntlme U.ilici" Wcnrklt 4. Spanish Danced (In threo tnrts).Mn-zkowsKy .". "Klnonlc Ithai sody Krlettm.iii H. Hillrt Suite, "Coppclln" Dellbcs 7. Vnlso do Concert. "Morning Jouriul." Mracss 8. Melodies from "IlrlRht Kyrs" Hos.'hni "Sur-sranglcd Uanncr." MUSIC ON CITY HALL PLAZA Philadelphia Band Will Play There Tonight The Philadelphia Hand will play tonight on City Hull plazn. Tho program: 1. 0crturr. "yurafan" I.'rlchi 1 (a) "Klawmlc Danco No VIII".... Doralt lb) Topular, "When You Woro a Tullu nnd I Wore a ltpso" Wenrtch ,'l. Cornet mlo. "My Hcgards" I.leulja Mr. Iloyd T. Ilarnard, soloist. 4. Kxcerms from 'Mnnon f.esciiut". . . .Purrlnl o. Fragment!., "Itomro and Juliet"... .(iounod ni uvitiuii'. ur juiici s ire.iiu. (c) Dlumcn Waltz (J) MarLhn. it. Mrlndles from "I'llf. l-aff. Pout". .Schwartz i. -vniie en concert, iiy iiuy i.augn- . - juaso P. "Tho Awakening of tho Linn" Kontskl llvy Scouts on Pepper Estate Tivpntv- linvft Knnnta rrnm T-r,..,. Cl which meets at the SStli District police station, are In camp on tho Devon cstnto of George Wharton Pepper. Sir. Pepper recently turned over n log cabin nnd tho swimming pool on tho estate to tho Hoy Scouts for uso as a camping place. Thero nro llvo other country Bites whero tho scouts may go. They aro at Haddonfleld, Camp Slorrell, Torrcsdnlo, Hotline farms, Ilotky Springs farms, near Darby, and tho Philadelphia Country Club, Bala. I , Then the door swung open and on the threshold stood a yirl. several plates, and no bells to ring, so they climbed the narrow stairs and found the studio. Vera tapped, and Gerald'n own full, cheery voice called to come In. "Sly poor, dear boy," began Sirs. Fara day, taking In tho cool bareness of the studio, hut Vera looked at a little pale pink crepo tic chlno kimono lying over tho back of a chair. '"How do you ever exist lierot" "Uully, Aunt Slarcla; bully," laughed Gerald. "Hello, kiddle. You Icolt fine, both of vou. Whero did vou lenvn vnnr aeroplanea?" "You needn't think because you llvo In the cloud3 the rcat of ua do!" Vera re turned. "Aro wo disturbing tho trend of nrt, Gerry?" "Not n hit; not a bit. Sit down. Here's miHiiiini iiniiiuimn .- '' Annt Mftrclrt. Vera cn take E J?n.T" " KPPed ffhort. Over tho back of tho chnlr was the little tell iiri Z.?"1' nnd ,hc,r cy' met. Vera "fled It deftly whilo her mother scanned 7m?.J'iftchM' nnd 'Iropped It back on n In NewlYorkr'OW " JU ,tmflh "Onlv Until lnM.A.H. .1-- M.- t 5i "" .W,,J you V0 me a G'"" of wntcr, !.,!?. Il'a v"y iutty down '"re. you could lunch with us, Gerald?" ucntlil hesitated. Vera thought he ....viv n loon or nppeni nt her. "Why, I guess so," ho said "Wcthat is I Ret my own meals uaunlly rlRht nere, bttt there's tho Gonfarone nnd tin Judson. I guess ou'd like the lire . .V' "J0"'1' Surely, we'll nil ro over to the Ilrovoort nhd havo n regular old rnsnioned reunion. I think we'd bolter start over now." He stopped. Outside on tho stnlrs there came a call, Then tho door swung open, and on the threshold stood n rrlrl, ncr arms full nt ,w.Ai -tr....... i. . warmed to her Instantly. She was slim ...... ,,, nun narK, appealing eyes, anil rumpled chestnut hair, nnd a few IrOCklnn. ntiil 1ia im.i ?.... . other with mirth In her gnue. nnd ptiro i. i . . c.urYlnf her llpa. Hut Aunt Jlarcln prided herself on her tact !n emergencies. ni'ttTy Ur m1Cl ",y rtCar?" 8'16 sn,,, plcns' Gerald crossed the room nnd slipped Mnrcla, he said, -.cry gently. "Sybil, r? V"iy A,l,"t11n'-cla and cousin Vera from California " Vera w-ns the llrst to awaken from tho stupor of amazement. Sho went to Sybil with outstretched hands and kissed her. n.'.iV Klni,for y "oth, nnd I think Oerald'a nwfullv lucky." n.bl'' ,!,n.r'..,,0,f Jour ,ather know?" asked Aunt Slarcla. ".Vo, he doesn't." Gerald answered, feet "UV-l!i,I"U,,,l,aT,s lec" ln "la Pockets. mWii ol, '. ,lcc" "'""led about t month, mid I knew dad would clip off m allowiine.-. nnd muybe oti would too but I Vp studied a huii.ircd times a-) haril slnco It happened. You don't know what It mentis when you wotk for tin. and love Is your steady model. Sybil's mi artist, too, nnd wc're miglty in,,,iy I dldn t mean to tell you nil for n while. I wanted to make a success you sec " .1.. i '.nk ,y." l-nve," aald Vera, posi tively. "I think Sjbll's your success, and' I nclc i John will simply ndore her. I'd wlro him to como nt onco nnd nee your Hiiirvviitnti-, ..terry. "Ily George." 1 believe I will," Gernld exclaimed. "Como and ent. now. Sjbll, lou haven't said one word?" Sybil blushed nnd latiRhed ns she laid her parcels on the table. "I want Aunt Slnrcln to like, me " Slarcla Faraday looked nt tho lovely. so nelli ng atlrrcil to llfo within her. Bomc ti.lng that very nenrly npproachod human kindness. "Denr child: I'm very, very glnd for Gerald thnt he hns boiiio one to look out for him like you. I'm sure living In these strange places does mnko n man eccen tric and untcttlcd. It would even mako me ao. Ami I don't care one hit what btl""SayS or does. I shall lovo you "You're a grand old champion," Gerald said, lovingly. "No, I'm not. I'm n foolish, sentimental old womun. completely tnken In bv this nbsurd dovo nest nnd this chlld'a big eyes. Go ahead, Vera, the stairs arc nar row." "They lend to the stars." Vera smiled bnck over one shoulder, and she added, 8lczlng tho propitious moment: "Slammn I'm engaged to Jack." ' "Do go on," answered her mother Imp. plly. "I wouldn't be surprised now If jour Uncle John said he wua engaged It's the proper state. Sybil, child, glvo mo your nrni." And Sybil smiled ns sho piloted Ger ald'n aunt, tho only ono in the family that ho had really been afrnld of, out Into me suusiunc oi jvincuougnll alley, the lit tle old alley whero Love dwelt. Copyright. 1014, by the McClure Neivspapor Symllcato. Educational Sunday Designated THH.N'TON, Aug. IS. Commissioner of Education Calvin N. Kendall today, with tho-opproval of Governor Fielder, deslg- niiitii nil in in v. nntimiiBr i - nu i,rinrwt tlonal Sunday In New Jersey, and aaked the clergy and people to unite In con ducting acrvlces In tho churcliet that will bo appropriate. MANY A NOBLE HEART BEATS BENEATH A WARTED TOADSKIN The Homely Little Animal Pfas Human Intelligence and Infinite Capacity to Love, Say Aquarium Men. One Laughs Heartily at a Good Joke ronaMer now the tittle tond. i 5i!5JM.nln,,.,n.ln the roal: He looki abmd before lie lewps. It mwSIeJeiiVrN' i'lr "" ri Kir.."." 'Ilfferenre whafs tlm goad, lou csnnot makn him chanve his mode. The nrdlnnry hoptoad Is so nfTecllonnto that when a discerning person picks him up nnd pets him he will becomo suf fused with unquenchable delight, nnd CllOklng bnck tlm (Mir, nt In,. !., -I to ills eyes, he will run around the house, gnrden, truck pntch, farm nnd orchard mid rat up all tho Insects. Of Course, tlm tnml'a IIimhI l .,., I., i.i- eye3 nnd therefore ho doesn't c.xnctly v.... wiiur mo tears, nut that Is nslde. All this nnd n lot more about tho tosd Is vouched for by ntilhorltlea nt the Knlr mount Park Aquarium, Including ltobcrt O. Van Dttscn, nsslstnnl auperlntendent. Jlr. Vnn Duacn should know. He hns spent hours In rnpt contemplation of tho tonda nt tin- --quarlum until now he Is nblo to tell vhlch wny ono of tho llttlo nnlma-that 'i, nmphlbloua nulmals will Jump. His method la simple. It la merely to aee which wny tho toad Is look lug, because ho always Jumps tho other Up In Sir. Vnn Duscn's old homo In ' New York Stato they have n toad that it. ,nBa. Al that ,lmo ll Wfl n lit tle bit of n shaver, more or leeg harum scarum In Its ways. Sometimes It didn't Rive moro than IS mlntitP thought to each jump, but now thnt It hag crown tlp.i.U a qu,!,e 8fdale ft",, "over Jump without mature consideration of nt least However, the toad Is Invaluable In d. stroylng Insects. According to Sir. Van .; I ' . ' " ""es n. goon nouso net The toatl may be trnlned Just like n dog -.H.5;ftt. ,1CJ1 ""y"' l extremely bus ceptlhlo to llnllcry nnd petting. When sir. Van Dtisen goes home, tho family pet hops out to meet him and shake htm by the well, nnyhow. It Indicates great pleasure at hit approach: registers pleas "!' "," ih.cy tny ,n "vlng pictures. Toads nlso nro said to have a sense of mor,,n V1.,001"?0' bcl"S naturally of n dignified disposition, they conceal their feelings before Btraiigcr. Out when ho pno Is nround snvo old friends there nre Instnncea on record of toads going Into hysterics over n Joko nnd needing the ItrV Sfl n nl..il..l aa .. .. ' . i,"la""' r. vnn uuaen doesn't vouch for this, however. DISOKDKR ON CARS TO END Detectives Arrest Two Men for Smokinp; on Flrat Sleuthing Trip Nunieroun complaints of men smoking, spitting nnd swearing on trolley cars of tho 12th Btrcet League lslnud lino caused Captain of Detectives Cameron to take action today. He detailed Detectives Illch and Hill to take a ride on each of these cars and watch out for violations of tho law. The fdeiltlm linnrdf.,1 n Mn.A .... ., . ..,. .. ...uovt. V..I tiini found two men smoking In tho rear. Tho cumuicior nsKcu inoiti to stop, but they laughed at him. Tho smllo faded from their fnee.q when tlm drtf.niiva ni.iu.i them under arrest. At City Hall they Rave tho namea nnd addresses of Her man Sautcr, a seaman on tho U. S. S Kansas, nnd John Kennedy, employed In tho chemical department of the navy y,nu T!".y, hnU n llcar'" ' tho Central Pollco Station. Unknown ftlnn Found Dead The body of n man, nbout 60 yenrs old, his hend aiyl body badly mangled, Pes In the .Morgue, while tho pollco nro seek lug n cltto lo his Identity nnd the cnuse of his death. The body was discovered by Andrew Slorehcnd, of 1237 Kcmon street, lying on tho tracks In tho Pcnn slvnnla avenue tunnel of tho rtcndlng Ilnllwny nt Mth street Inst night shortly nftcr a New York express train had passed. Storchcad, hearing cries, looked over the fence that borders n 30-foot em bankment nt thnt point nnd aaw the body on tho track. When you "V use you get the best soap that it is possible to produce and, in addition, the naptha and other harmless- cleansers which no one else has succeeded in put ting into soap in nthe right quantities to dissolve grease and loosen dirt. Use Fels-Naptha for all soap-and-water work. rmi 11 1 nrn rrni irn i rri miimiii m tf t un t n t rifttrTt National Desk Publicity Sale psss W jti JHiSaV wi . ', Oak Jluhogany U .. Reg Hale Iteg. Hale n I".. 1,r,ce Price Price Price ' sX Ky 511 20-" WAV 3a.0O ili.tS M by 3" 2S.oo 16.00 2S.7S St.75 llabosany THE phenomenal suc cess of this sale is due to the .record-breaking low prices, which mean a reduc tion of 25, 33Vs and 50 off during August on desks and tables of all grades oak and mahogany, office chairs, clothes poles, wardrobes, settees and umbrella stands, These low prices are made for the purpose of having the quality of ra tional UesK construction iilil r ri,.t TC IIIHH(B r-.-r - si-.. "c v .,r. mnrA wifieiv Known. cnT. rrK vru 1'rioa nwi iwv "m j ---- - . 31- i1S:oo VATa SSoS lrX Kirv article -Will ao ife ?4' -l0 lT3 7-75 back to regular price on September 1 '. Uo mmxiz $T BrrJflhW,jfOTiWRWi The Long-Distance talk" clinch Good prospects for new business are waiting, in hundreds of towns right around here, for that clinching word by Bell Tele phone of the right price and quick delivery jrom you. Give your tele phone a chance! Reach out; get a grip on this new way of boosting sales and business. What's twenty cents or a quarter in toll service, against a quarter of a hundred dollars on the books! Try it! Others have, and they're still at it. Takc-a'talk-trip'by-Belt 2 Just What You Have Been Waiting For: Quality Kogs & Carpets At Remarkable Reductions OUR NATIONALLY USED Durable RUGS As Iron These Figures Will Interest You Size. 27x54 36x63 4.6x7.6 6x9 8.3x10.6 9x12 9x13.6 9x15 10.6x10.6 10.6x12 10.613.6 11.3x15 Other siies tions. Regular Price. Sale Price. $4.75 7.25 16.00 29.00 42.00 45.00 56.75 .63.00 55.00 63.00 71.00 79.00 at proportion $3.50 5.50 12.75 22.50 31.50 35.00 42.50 47.50 42.00 47.50 53.50 59.50 ate reduo The Purchase Now of a 9x12 Bundhar Wilton Rug Saves You $10.00 OUR FAR-FAMED Hardwick Wilton Rugs Perfection in Weavery Sice. Regular Price. Sale Price. 27x54 $5.25 $4.00 36x63 8.00 6.00 6x9 31.50 23.50 8.3x10.6 46.50 35.50 9x12 50.00 38.50 10.6x12 68.25 51.50 11.3x15 85.00 65.00 OUR RENOWNED French Wilton Rugs Also priced in sizes quoted on Bund ' har Wilton Rugrs. I The Purchase Now of a 9x12 French Wilton Rug Saves You $16.50 Silt. 27x54 36x63 6x9 8.3x10.6 9x12 10.6x12 11.3x15 Fine As Silk Regular Price, $6.50 10,00 38.50 56.75 62.50 84.00 105.50 Alio priced in siies quoted har Wilton Rugs. Sale Price, $5.00 7.50 29.50 42.00 46.00 63.50 79.50 on Bund The Purchase Now of a 9x12 Hardwick Wilton Rug Saves You $11.50 SPECIAL Salesmen's Sample Rugs (In 9x12 size only) Bundhar Wilton 26.50 French Wilton 32.50 Hardwick Wilton 32.50 As the number of sample rugs U limited an ear) selection is advisable. OUR CELEBRATED lUtudkar "WlUtte DurabIeCARPETSAIro present a tremendous incentive for you to anticipate your Fall and Winter needs. Note the reduction: Regular Price. Sale Price. $2.50 per yard $1.85 HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. Philadelphia's Exclusive Rug and Carpet Centre At 1220-1222 MARKET STREET 34 and 36 S. 15th St. 0e Furniture Department -vi4i I l-rlra durlnz i f3S. 41. in r. x WJ liillej WRCs sau