. T WEDNESDAY August 18, 1915 izutmna ssura i Lranr i&p VHjflnMRS V T Ii i PERSONS, SCENES AND EVENTS THAT FIGURE IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY FROM DIVERS SOURCES 1' b lU '"" - K . . . v j , . .. , 4 REMARKABLE RESULT OF TRAIN'S CRASH INTO AUTOMOBILE, lnis light car was struck by a Pennsylvania flyer moving at tremendous speed at the notorious crossing at Croydon, ya. lno driver was cut in two, but, strange to say, the machine sufforcd but comparatively small damage. Another occupant of the car escaped almost without injury. HARVEST OF OAK LEAVES TO BE TURNED INTO BATH TOWELS One of the odd industries of South Jersey at this time of year is the cutting and drying of oak leaves, requiring much skill. The leaves when thoroughly cured nro bought and used by the manufacturers bath towels. an operation of low-priced t - - '8l' ,-; "X AS$SSlP$!3& HSKKlRKffiSO f III II Js$M3XM$: MSMm III vi v viP$P?il!lijf I III w. Sra( ifSllfiiffllilB . f JjSr sty 'V v J"- '"wiW-?' fpf$$'''!i "vki. i' rTwWW! Cupyrlsht LnlcrMinlc Llldctuuutj MENACING MOUTH OF GUN THAT HELPS TO GUARD CONNECTICUT COAST The agitation over "preparedness" has caused many persons to overlook the fact that the coast of the United States is well protected at vital points. Th? picture shows one of the 12-inch disappearing guns which peers over the earthworks at Fort Wright, oft" Fishers' Island, New London, Conn. AUSTRIAN EMPEROR AS GARGOYLE Tourists and readers of Hugo will recall the sinister figures mounted on the Cathedral of Notre Dame, A French artist has painted on one of these figures the head of Franz Joseph. r . Tv -rf A figure from the original photograph and substi- liJMli4;att&a 7J tutc" tms caricature of Wilhelm II. The bitter- SSSssBM wMimim Hi I OTiffl U tne ncad f I10"2 Joseph. V J ness or me artist is evident in hts handiwork. PPpsH I11"11" twin iiimwm ji miiimi i UH.HWHHI i n mill I WW" mmipm ii i i hi wi i mil miiii pWiw n ""' l1" i MM nn w 1 .- m ( , M " THE KAISER AS ANOTHER GARGOYLE Paint and brush have removed the head of the figure from the original photograph and substi tuted this caricature of Wilhelm II. The bitter ness of the artist is evident in his handiwork. i'boio Ly lot Newi Servtc AMBASSADOR PAGE'S DAUUHTER WEDS IN LONDON Mus Kth$nae Page, who was married in London recently to Charles toeIey toting, of Boston, leaving her home wita tH itksr on her way to the Lhapl RoyaL RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR HAS AMERICAN WIFE ' Mmfc BakhmeHeff is one of the many Amsrjcan women who have married European dipUwnuts. She entertains ex ensively at her Newport home, h nioto ny 1" fn:! 001fc "AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL" AND HLU IJANCE Miss Mane Jailer, of New York, who was called by Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovitch, cousin of the l rar "the most beautiful girl in the world," at the Newport Dug hhow witber fiance, 8 "i-v "S vf rew itrs