Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 18, 1915, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13
CLASIHtiD UATIiS DAILY AND BL'NDAY PUBLIC LEDGER STYLE TYPE cr tike thloj rtn InsTllen .'!5? tMIM nL insertions In a week. . . .t2Me par tins S,7n consecutive Ineeftloh. .10a fitt lift BHtrttloni tiantcd, three Ineef. HVlon m week 1 WHIne THIS SlZli TYI'O (or like this) ' emitted m alt rHieeincallnfm MOept lletjl : J. Bit ntlen Wanted, I-oet and l-Vnind, Per. iLaal. Hoarding and Room. 1S inwrtlon ?2? P' lifts KLi inner! lone In ft week. . . .ITHa per IIM ' iie.n consecutive Insertion. ..1 Be per line Yti rates ere bused en agate measurement, ,, ,Ule lines lo the Inch. : COMBINATION RATtt DAILY ONLY .. insertions In belli the motplng ahi evening I' 1B. . ma dav: PUBLIC LEDGER (MOItNlNd) BVEN1NG LEDGBH ' (EVENiNrj) ill four emu per line net to fates glten jffiip AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN JerTED IN THE EVENING tEDGER WITHOUT ADDI. ffoMAL CHARGE. There is a dniR store near your home ,liat wi" acccPl l-cdger want ,d at office rates. "mElp JW ANTED FEMALE ",,ii iiin Wanted cfnd Situations Wonted wKrllileff ""''' '" "' "ally Public Ltiigcr utiieatti " '"" i"'9 Ledger the earn iiyuUheul addillomiJ charpt.J sn?KEEFEY--Thor'ougTilv competent double B"irVbokKepr; one acquainted with the ail- iSmoblJe buiinosa, none other need apply, EnWrTAND MANAGER A lialtltnoreTdopar mint itore lequlrea tho eerUcea or a Mm MtSnt b" r and manager (woman prof.) for Eaaisty and knit underwear of tho better !?JaVi state pieccm and former employment no Ml. desired. Add. J 30BD. Ualtlmoro Sun. ffigirjoo. Protestant" for general' YouseworkI two l" family. 't references, D till, Led lirOtnie. fiiSpiT'lfONC operator wanted, excillent op isrtunlty for a thoroughly cxpr-lon.ed oper !?, M ply Application Office, V ,Uor Talk tne Ma-nlno i'o.. Delawato ave. and Market ,?., CanaU n N .L HiiE""ii""-"i"xperleneed welters on ladles' Serk Apply Wallnco Wllion Hosiery Co.. Orrhtrd bnw t'nyPrnnkford. fiDY 'sdi'-raTcd. "prefernbiy "teacher, wanted" Sunt' bo willing "' h-nrn. rofcrcwea; 15 per J, V :.: Lcdcer office. HlDIIS-To bright, educated, refined women in nil ni.iitlon lacnted by promotion; mint hiie W Uty urodcntlala and willing to work e hours dullv without supervision; bual ntu rxijrrlenrc not csirntlil; notary J1R weekly. I 111. Ledser Office. HfeSOOUAPIIKR with nomn "knowledge of lookkecplnc. miial lie aepuniie and write a lood hnl. i"Tiii. employ. U U'. Led. Off. BTBSOilHAI'Hr.llS' yTENOOnAPIIElia'! srr.NnuiAriiER8!!i There Is an Inert. tHlnw demand for flrat dan. experienced clrla. Ir you are not iatlnl with your oreaent position, or K yeu irr m-eklnc n good one. either permitticttt nr t' mrorary. eee Mlaa Dean, LeJK'r t'entral. at once aho will help Win' with vour nd. and put you In touch wllh h cnnd iionttlon. The same court tey lo extended to experienced hook kepr and rlerke. TIUO IS A FREE SEHMfF. Ti I.EDOUll ADVEHTI8 ERS. WOMAN I'omiiettnt tn take entire eharuo of Infant ml one small child', roferencea re quirvl. P"'"1. ledwer Ofjjce. . WOMKN. I. rift 2.1 and 4(1. wanted to fill perm" jsltloim tnnltcnnte must have the equivalent ct a hlBh school cdn. ntlon and he fro" to lcaie the city. unuBiial epport. for high-grade nemnn rft required: position pay travel. xpfnn"o. f.iiriy and rommlanlon. Ak for airB. 'iiiniion, l.m apruce at , net. in nnd 1. Oenernl T'H'SO NA'.ilMP wanted to call up bent cluee l.misel. rlty and auhurha. to demonstrate email Ixlior and ume mvlnc device, iileaaant work and pood p,-y (or producers. Call 06 Mnhou.n UulldltiK. 4th nnd Walnut. IIELP WANTED MALE A0KKT9 tl'ANTED In .Pcnno., New Jornny nd Pcleunt.j to handle our Superb Urnnd fctlh-Kra.lfl packuio tees, easy to tell. Ave IU lea 'enis. l'hlla. Tea ImportlnE Co., WjTMjrket t., Phlia. BOW R,M 1WMAN anted, "wTtir ellenlele. MSWck Kchanne Hldg. iOT to Hindu' In flllnc department of large fwtiiul"ii house. Audreaa, itlvlng nae, rf cietce mi I picMou.i experience, V 1.10. I.o.l- l0flW EOT, in, bright." w.inted for Bt"ofeand er' ranjj Kdico fl.W. P00n, Ledger Offlco Bpy wantd about l. to'lebrii pawnbroklng Jtuineit lino Ledger Ur., UW Frankford av. CHIPrEntJ-Wonted. flral-ciasi foundry chlp p. Appiv .lamea tlarker, Inc., 0th and jyun LJ CLGRK-E'xperleneed retail hardware clerk for tow In Vent PhlladslrlhlJ. Addresn, stating and . xperlenee. PtlOI,Ledger Of"0- EltRANDIlov wKiitcd. "not over ll'l." Answefl .'aewn h.md riling M :iib; Ledger Central. "J TIHATUTI - Vouno man a estimator with MIMIni .onxtru.ilon co.. must be familiar Jltn ronditlmii, m ihe buslnea In Phlla. Ad . iniinH rxiieileneo and ralary. Oconie A. Fuller i o , widaiier Building. HOSIFnv Fixnit w.inted on rlh""frames. TBomas Itnek llnsierv i'o. Jn3ier nnd Vork. IWOhancii; HAI.IISiMKN wanted" rclllng n.., lie cr an'oinutille tiiHUtance. unvahcM', in Millie J6 Bidf line lieiit uelllng .ontrJtl for pu monv In Ihe market: if you ure n hue Mjr nd lde anake. answer V Wtt, Ledger , W5y. (OrpjCB tnov.'""brlBht7""lritelTlgentrvi"h'oleaalb , "tlj!eiie I'M-. I-edger Central. rLUMHEnA"ND FITTEn-Ciitabllshed "firm BUM a reitlkterod man who tan have Inter 'tt In biulneas, one eapable of laying out k and handling men. give full tnrorma Un: correspondence confidential. t I'M, LeOjer Office. 'iKi!S"i1-S"",IJ!h"''!aaalemen"who"r-ca-tiwe or aiipro4'lilnc hualneaa gentlemen on Br.cui business proposition, strictly com- 2il,"iS" ..".I'. r'K1." mta ctn ml" bl JiJy M 15S, Ledger Central. MI.iriTOR wmitcd by a private high' school; -SliSE5 reyuired. !' 7W. ledger Central. STLICITOIIH. CBthollc: hlE money to the rlaht rty. we show ran how. All. Oiu Chestnut. K SALESMAN' u.wet. "" " ' -. Itoom .107, llulldera' Exchange. TpTllOOrKltH Tour" men" wanted. n.'H. D" lMy, 5m m,er, Oermantown. 0tl(AK i:rirf- Wanted. 15 tlral-claM men en - u nsinre work pei'taiiiing (o eiectncii fersius for uutotnoblles: permanent pol iai, good nuc. Central Eninlovment !Hnge, Kprlnrrlsld. O. AoTKD Vonnv nun nuin '?n"vi.Bru'nf "usrw: pnnt situation (or desirable psraou: sinm.i e,iucatinn preferred, must nava tlSCUtUe ahllllv nnsltinn In tai'e 'taut si lBWelr esfKhllshnieJlt. Ad- .BaleamaiK Postoffleo Box HOT ,.-j-V .:4" lwl iiibii mi i-ueiMun "er HUaelph U onnortunltv to learn maad htia- gj. Ii i'r month to start. P MS, Mdger BRn MAN named, "to assist tn beokkeeu" $!!? ''" full particulars aa to age. vmv. iTvioua exnerienco. salary ex it 119, Ledger Office. nenerui "TO wsntsd duy t0 operate moving-picture 3JJIM. e teaeb you quick methods at """"" : the el"trlcal InataUitlon of a thf J4 at you for a poiltlon paving IS to g Mr (k, complete course 15. paynble )ni.nts. Keystone School. 1310 Arch. JTUATIONS WANTED-FEMAI.B EI'H. exp . eiiiploved. capaole at charge refs F BIW. ledger Central BEll'ER onil 'utnrur.inhar. 1 fl ah School t. name bUne. exn. F TSK. Led Cent. VfjIJgnHWORK and" waiting-Scotch ProM iTT " ref. M M8. Ledger umce. e2.NU 'ABJIIEH. tuorough'eiparlence; rft i figures. V M. Ledger i. antral. 5WBWAKt7H frAin Kiw VnrU " daalraai few gSsn',i hinh-claaa aork. Waliiut 6IU. EA1. H'n'KEuoHK - Oood cook; bast enr(a M , Ledger Of ice. eEKKK'PVIll UMnrlnianl hniliu nr fthV- ni h"ni rooms, heat, Herat, conipanea- laKBFPF'lt lu'n.blnuk nr iarnf invalid ' Kg. U I ll e n,...l UT.U rufB IT IC1A. Hlr Ofac. """ "" SfWKEE I'EK. insn'g, "or "mot her'"" h'neij - j joun cnuarau. pn. ugioui. wutBPtrt. cook - White leymaa W pes. ,i yr,. last plsce. InUl Oreou. v- xinaii aaiui lm , oo warn. ' It y refs. if Ml. Ledaar OMe. CWOKIC -Weman vlainle iwuiUlnu."iuiB- aeusswrerk. dty o country. IM Hreen RgKAPMlsil, depeDdabls. ue. would H2 Bloeiate silary, with opporiuuHlea; '. D l' ledger c. PQRAIrl.:n ..v.. lnkul ArhjwvVl7MiLI- mi(''i'. -.tjrj ' Phune ooruce .. NlK.T? LtltLIK. uyWivvt'CUUBU .''.-." '- iMjhel throuah the "l.Kl'IM. DEPARTMENT at er (tnij.t l'... ..... ... nu.i - - ... ..MUM fvt .V IB etih ' "lt 'J'dcv alatant. wrlia or tee T m wion ur'Ae, itnut .inuu. IS; Pruiupt 4ittuiio mil U .'I'm IJJ. "-'.ueet Thl, lj a flcv www lo wer 4ieini KVKTq SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE j if) nt.A j V ' '" i'"i'V tnoitr i raff r .- viynnt nddlllnefli reorur ) geK.'merfiNnT ,11. broad rgo" "irMfc, wi tl"n ?nt, i.-, T'1 ""'"''Tn' organllM Vnm'. -?. . prrifiha (tni-mente, interim Xn m-i (,llent'hnok, fc.pt. M 4fj4. tOtf! AMa'r?iel!jiiaiTi. "'" '"'"a Piwltlnn with r name fioust; rrfrPn,e, c 4,,3i Ledger Office. iartnaiw! JLTiIK?' "'H manager, wlnhee Cvt eiTv'S ?'!"?" "ofition with firm or nri- Cve!k J&.Mr'""1' radule"hTgh schoolTi ---5!!iJ.1kr,WRidt7?v.XW 1lal1?.EN.ii!.1.8nS'lV' Lh."' -oumrr'pUcrw- J??JfeWmossJ,:.vrnhol,,, ,,ock- DRAPOItTSMANlAtaiitble at one. inV'Se'ri !)fSrlr5p ,n Pkmei engineer- . .y&iSfir gledgy.crirr''',,,,,h,', or "wiVe erS!i' S'J.PE;, "vhl,,8U!",".1,'j houieman"; ittL. J ?"' '-'! ' w I-ier Office. lfmA?.En',A'", b""na "ma"ndelrea "pmi"- J2..J,.-orny..K'"',rl'i "' '"P.. mm of reierenre. rim, ledger Central 8 mlnBtAnV. r,ilSrou',my educated " yoiini SSninJ';' ',m'l'V vn modern buslnen ri.l..M.".' " "l'"hi correspondent and with eome future: sal. secondary. K" 7,x. Led. Cent. aT5ic0inAP.,,Kn-vM,n"" man.' ." Industrlou-, corporntl-n, wlehea tn enter mercantile imsl- 'nnwieHe"nV f"0'1 P"Pjr"S ,f gaining full knowledan or business, p 7l'i, Ledger Cent. STBNhORapHEh arid bookkeeper, exp TneaC rapid. aeiiMto. reference,, rtan rlegent at. WANTKD-situattnn a rorreepondent, moder ate aalnry tn begin. F 747. Ledger Central. WATCfTSl A -Wniit'ed. "poeftlon." cnnrurnlh bond, nln referenres. e iis.i. Ledger Central. V'H.'Nri MAN. . with exieiitle experience, thoroughly familiar with nil lines of oftl.o work, finance, credits, collections, bitelneaa correspondence nnd ndvertlelng, deilrea no. sltlon: Bolary "econdary. K tlSt, Led. Cent. YOITN.; MAN. 87, rlerlcol experience, stonog niphcr, evenlna law student nn.l nnton- pub lic, deelres Immediate position th real relate llrm; ret. v 712. tditpr t'entml. "?5rNi MAN. til vrnra- huslneas" rxp.T dcsre position aa aile.mnii. F 7"i;i, lrfrtrr Ceiitrul, UNlVEJtSlTy tlftAIUATl.:, i. wants to learn business. IndiiHtrtnl preferred: luislnesK JixperlonPej referenpee F .".Vt, Ledger Cent. JAPANESE wants poiltlon an cook or general hoiiaework.Apply Japanese lam cherry. JAP A N EJ3E waiter, Kpneinl hnuepwork, wnrits po". In family, ref. lo, lull vine at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EDUCATIONAL Domestic Kmnloiment Club, 32U S.Sydenhim il.ltli & Walnut). Mpt ur ilia1 AUTOMOBILES for Sale WISTON BIX, nlr-eturter, demountiihle rime, II new shoes, recently overhauled, wu-y rea aonable Ontario linraae, ;il'.'8 N. lMh at. See rhoto Ledger Central. No. 102. MATHKSON. "a) II. P.."" cvl.; good'eon.; nrll reaa. ; demonstrate. T ttlpka aye.. Mnyk. AUTOLIVEIiy ANDGAKAOES NEW 7-PA3WEN'!l5H Hl'OSON CAHH rOtl hlro trln to Atlantic Clt and return 18 hour. 1.-i. Coll for other trips. M. Kelly. Woodland P7H. n. Anna Woodland 30S5-W. BUSINESS OPrOHTUNITIES nESTAt'RANT and lunchroom I'nUaiial op portunity to buy an up-to-,te, wt It-loca'eil restaurant and lunchroom, ownei not able to give It hla portonal attention uwlng to other bnatnesa Inli-iPiitd reaaun for txilllug. F74. Ledger Central. CONOENIAL Bl'BINKSH MAN wlllTclean rec ord and upwarda of g'lilu to Invent can con nect with good pivltiK company In hlgh-claaa salaried permanent position Addresu M 2tit.ldgor Central. WANTED-A loan" of 20un m ViOno "for three momnn or more; Interest nnd Intel est In the buslneea Included for courtesy. F 451. Ledgerj'entrol. WANTED Borne onn to Inveat in our com pany so that we can use said money with oura to flounce our export bualnesa to the warring countries f WI, Ledger Cent nil. O.tOOEKY' arid prov." store, tixs., (itock and bldg., Includ. atable, suit, for a garage, for gala cheap, dea- loc. , recelvera' .tale; chance ot a lifetime. M .'till. Ledger I'emral. CLEANING AND DYEING OHYRICII FEATIIEriK ND FANCIES CLEANED. nVED. MAILIIOT, 1MO Cheat. DUESSIIAKING AND MILLINERY 1IKMSTITCIHNO, 10 cunt yard. Al material. A. BBICIIAItO. 1111 HEHTNUT 8T. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS bnEaSUAKINU "taught, short, prar. couraa" MaeDowell, at)7 Penckla Hldg . tl & Market. FOB SALE ntl.LIARD, pool, combination, 'id-hand bought, old. rented, exch'd. Heater. a'-'O Glrard ave. STORAGE MllLnOlinKB 8TORAC.B CO 8 N. BS4. Pelmont S88. Carpe(a weanad. Weet K00MS FOR RENT nere. go you sarvlea: test It. BALTIMORE AVE., 5711 -a communicating : gtory front roonia' outhfni Pwure, fo bath. Woodland iinaj. CitOALi T r,""tr-bVdid-rloor Iront, large, "airy aiuactriil? furnlKhed, l""-,"" -pa : Sent, private bath, plenty ' JS'wV'uhona Iti.ed .uiroundngs,gooacar aeriba. plw: I'lBiiAl) s.Tl8iPAttrui.U apmt. S or arrua-. wliaV, bath wiull family dining room. C.-."EBTNlTF5ri5aJ..a.r.b..w.H-furn..h. a.l rtllilTlH. Willi U wsigiis-.wi ---- ,te" bath, thlrd- ri7?nKtr'XKm hath: also fourth-floor room fft. il.ni,- TSSi N.'-ciioice iicaiii'ice, hot-watar lwat. elect' I'-lty.. two hatha .-,. riTNp""MUdel bachelor uuarlara. furnli rIlna(e doub" prltata balh. al "'.'. , " ?on 4. "educed ratea to.perttij?jwUtnl. EiiBiu-ie-HT-'llla-'-exl-noar 'rotit; baautlfulfy uRrl.l.W1ru..,.!. a.r..l.cUg.. Jjfflt nHi'cei"2oa2 Attractively ii". aulte. 8 roBomd PH bath. .L.Sphon. MniVsH": i';'f;inf;i:::.avefLiirvi: is'""..rr u.Yi iv T.?Pif-K.. .iuiaNI.ily" iuirUAid rtiinia near flei SUtton ; modern c;.v.. pu.. "HirTfii-Laige' i'QintorlgWg K. n'.moiid 7t A. f hoto JgiB!-VSM " J4 and Gnm-l'WaWu4 moat teat- m :. !SUrL tweaUwa. FAMILY '''.'.n.l"f,1i?aa A PHlVA'ft tA VVfloid ftktrwns. tt convwwotw, i lS. M.I1 CUBVBH1WI ""- w- IM 'BU. IV l , 1 T"1." t-.V CawJhl ap. .. urrtsu isiL IWIV " ,. ei.t Mnn iSmuaul..w:SjsrVSSSt 'fB Wi 1 .T,i. mnu. wulft, Vrtll JTlNe Can very likely be located In a faw mliuU by examining the photogrutha and deacrln. ilonaot rooina with and without board wUih are on We for your inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photogiaph and In ewefa o every queallon sou weuld aik f; :H Marine niint.'i'i ..-.. naiS H 2121- Newly fumlehad tUi HU. ,xrVi -" "fi lli..i"H fuinlahed rooau. "" l..:l la'l. .'. ati laa I who" '; ., , I ,,;". i baiu.i, vv. LKDaKR-PTTlLADKLPHIA, WKDN'KST1A BOARDING MiTH, N . 1st :, tory fr nt. southern ex po"re modem convenience", private fmll , jiearL. "SdPA'St ")"i fffft- rmfHr. ten- JEW knlwhw'- JtAWLEVjIormeriy nf CheMnut tt. oyrtffflH!?rTO6tii "brexeijwadi Iwardinr. -JfflS!!t.,!2!'l.E!,St ri"" .O'erbfoek aiW. SutiOHmB QKJMAtntm i The 8Wpenl.""wilrt and Hanehury, flrat p.m In tpptlAtnitnt an Mrvlra), OCEAN I'ltV. N. J -Hotel Henry. 7th Aahtirr, room, hoard. watkly. APARTM8NTS SPRINO rtARDtN IptO-Sgrallaftt nets In different hninea, some fiifrLkitchenettfi" iWlfTH". 200?Twr, or TKree ronrm. tatti ir kllrrieiietle. alno II rooms and lth nn i rnted aepnile er together, fumbnVd it mi inletajLjhnrj or Jnnterm lease. ftTirTri"." '.'tn. -Furnished rfVnfurnlahed ep.r rnents. ronslttint of one room and bth i tnree rooms, nam and kitcnenetto corner erydeslrhle. SSflf ftTrp'.n:ormnteo"a room, and ptiv. both, hsndlomely fnrn . reduced ratea to per. tentnt. Phone Poplar U7 v. A1AIITMENT8 WANTED rurnliiiftl W ANTED Couple uanta one or to furnlshe I toome, kitchenette and bath. Wyat rhiladcl phla. P twi, Ledger Central HOUSEKEEPING APAIITMENT3 UlAMOND. 3119 .1 rmg., bath, kitchen, hot , nter heat, m. 2d floor, A, 4 tnw. bun kltchenj all ior rme , .IR. Diamond 1mm w ffuoAir Nti nAi'pHiNr(p e . .u Apt. tilth it rmi and 2 hatha; msld s rn m .1 apt . ,x roonn and l bath. Apply jantiei V'i!'LAlt'."'lc22- Aitrictlveriousekeeplni: ip's 1 nnd :i rnnine. bath, kltcnenetti , notiti ci""inlence Anply tH Land Tlile nidv i iWlCH"':IM-Be"utlfurhou"ie"Keepi"ng apt. .'I flom front, priiate bath, alao other ain cH. nil conve Phone, Walnut 78M w 117 N. lnTft ffr-3 liedionma, Mth, living so dining room kitchenette, ttnfurn ; light (oar Idea, atirnetlvo tt W OlMusen. Ufi-. Ar. h lllli OilJAIirj' AVE -Entire 2d" floor, 4 room. JL'tdJtjLJHf, Wt t'lillnaeliilila THE ni'TLAND APTf. .tt'ST COMPLETED Ic'iCI irr BT.. niTH TO MTU HT. n and 7 room apartments with nil the latent conveniences, fjlf.M) to I4! per month. tlOnERT A. PITT8, AtlENT 7111 phone. Ilelmont mi. 311 1 Locust st RENNOCK "APArtTMBNTH. Md' snd Reaent ete. 1 rooms nnd h.nth, S'l to 110 .tnhn .1 Connor, nt office, N. K. Cm. Wd and Regent ate. PASADENA .'HUh-and apruce'ete. V t Jl". 4-room ailltee. furnished and unfurnished, fullv equipped Holmes disappearing beds. Apply to Innltor, on premises. THE illRVIN, .l.Mu Hamilton st -n rooms an 1 boll's, ;t ttcdtonnui. M.mi'l floor nrligte nor ti, 11 Phone Preston r27rt. or l-mltor. l2d.R0 B1TH. H., IS20-S8 (near Chester ave.l Modern In evnry respect. Apply Janitor, on premises. Phone Filbert I4M. KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY TIEALTY and Insuranro brokers. Albrecht. .17 Drexel Pldit,'. 2414 W. Lehigh ave. OEItMANTOWN MOST UEAt.'TIFt'L AND t'Nlqi'F. HITI'A TION IN OERMANTOWN. Wlssahlckon ave. above Caroenter st. No house and garage, over an acre. adlolmni ! nnd overlooking Fall mount Park, n n. Ni h-j ois, ;r.'i Chestnut at. pnone t.nmi'grn vnm Cliesltnit lllli NEW SALE AND RENT LIST IlEADT Felham. Ml. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRl'BT CO., 11740 Qermanfn ave. I.osan 1 .00 AN 11BAL 13BTATE SAI-E, flENT AND EXCHANGE 1L M. Smith, Droad t- opp. Logan Btotlon. SL'IIUHHAN ALDAN. The Ideal suburb: large lota and cosy homes for sale; every convenience: schoola, later, gas. electricity, eaatlv accessible by subwby or train, Be. from With St. terminal : xlelt Aldan today. Address THE ALDAN' CO., . . O. Box 41B, Philadelphia. 12.RO'OM"DWr)LLlN'0. ! balheT "large lot. Owner will sacrifice for a quick sale. II. B McCOLLCU 1.114 Walnut at.. Philadelphia. "Don't Forget the Number." NEW .IBHSEV. ColllnRtvnotLN.J. i. room HOUPE all conveniences: price J2J00; eaah pnt: balancn aa rent. He. carfare to Phlla. : close to schools and churches. Particu lars, Geo. Ilpplncott at Son. Colllngswood.N.J 3i3HH l.I,J1-:!ll;tJ'',-. LIPPINCOTT LOT8 AND HOMES HAlDON nEl.onT4Ni J. National .PqrJs.N. I. Bt'NOALivvVft $lon ca'h. to monthly, lota 2a xlBO; near trollev; conv. to river: National Park del off Red Hank ave .see agent with badue. ilrcitrr Neiv Jerray C3S PENNSYLVANIA FAItStS tor ACrtBR. 'unnf handy lo West Cheitar and .Main Line Penna ano ""'" ,, ,n.;A,), west Chester. I'll. HEW UAMPWIllJE i.I'ABalH., . norD KAIIM FOR SALE. .TIO airea 'no In .Mimbrwwo. beiullf.il Inctlon. 70 mil.'. rrnin Ihwlon J2 mllro from Manchestei ' tilling from catidlt stiitlnt. good road. buildings, herd Jersey eattlo; flock nf shee,. homes and mil 'arm rqulpmoit. will r rhniiKC lor rltv property or all, come and fee It. Wrlii nr phone I' A. Morten.-Li. niiiliasor. Candlu. New llampahlre. REAL ESTATE S...LE OR RENT riTY tnvtl YPl'll I'OME In monthly payments nf from 117 to .-n l'""." lo-uted N PhlU and Otn Morth from IWn to aosr... tier. haniV ITnlnn Trmit Co fir. Till Chcsiniit st. BF,AL ESTATE FOR RENT " HENTALUSTH "JTVNEAI In. UtO SOCTIf ISTII. TOO S. 13th, Hi nom. all ronvs .1.10 ilaii ciprrw. ti r ". " ... ..ii iSthjrlne, T roonia. csnva. : key at cor. 20 3y.f Potta'lJth and rtHrmoniiii.Tr.. eonv. I aa Ji'in N. Warnoca '"" ee tii. nr , .. ... tia? 'rratitou ave. .Front Noril.,7r, cvg Ii la'uolman ,. (12th ond Lombard). 4t... l8li4it Sloan at. ' "th Lancaater ave.. 6r IS Si Rate-t, No 1 rear, :i rooms, open., jl ! s cllftoii illth and )rficui),4 looms. 10 ltl N. AWer :JlJ'LM2?tfA,tlL2i?S?2.'J? Ktorfsnntl Ditelllnga BAKICItV. "''' H'hfd-, B "'(".if ator ttiKl dwelling. :i eterlea: lonipHitely at.. ren- SiaTed T- goo.1 oi.n and bakehouse, excellent Slebirr.nod. for sale or rent, allrgcthe r.'r'S.a w rtglit Party. II O. Wundcrle. Jt- ili i'eag ' 'ii5.J!l?r'iLi!5Jl, b orni'BS. nifsiNBSs itnosiM, etc. CHKBTNL'T ST. lTO-Two very alraW rooai on aeiond floor, aultabla for profee- ion or ree.- ai t , m , IMII t A Desk; ((asm pg.fiPa; mi&zsst'- jvajl riilladelphljt Kay t W NBAHS. Blflg-lilh ft. MAIN LINKf I'A. K. K. WynBgwagil. Va. FOB TUB MAN WHO IJA8 AN AUTOMOeHLK jtOWSB WO. MANOR BOAP WYNNSWOOO. PA. ti u saodara. wUtt aU awaaagry eaJivanUseas; JJSSa JSl Howarit an4 tb raut ia leaa lEia fjS&StSSS. H par tk. anbnIaSRf,tk M0RTGAGB8 MONEY rOK MOKTOAOES "jOO S1000 $1200 S1500 $1600 $S0OO W H HOOD. 5U NORBIii feT rrivgi, HI'lLDINO ANNUAL KKNTALS gaits; 2 rrr: tm; 8S: m m: M wfo Sarner su te to W rm., H to JIBTB, KtStl l! WILLUM8. 980 Drgxal BulWJnj. ProfeMlwaJJlfflcaj h S C R A P P LE 4$ Jfjk TUB PADDED CELL aHsssssssssssiTssssssssllfsssssssssstssa .EstsssssssssssssssssssssHsssssWiii' HtSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssf f fT. S hsllf lJ ;;Po , l,ke ., i,,,,,,., , TiPlteclike and M-Usche M, .lo,',;;-1' -'L n2)V 4-fwll ' "" yes. raine, . ,, ,., . -ra, t l. I , eVer find them on the map ' n -i O PsJP!"Cj''' I Humors of n Krmnunt Drnot -wT( . 7 ' ' XMOI (TXJ w "aw-arf- 'n St .Ve" r- v.i j' ' x.-rsr- I Est A. Wm rm&&ffl!& 1 , JH --" nasfssi -Punch. I ( I -6BjaW - -- -' - QgBBS 'H trcrillit (to re, rnll Intnl.. n ,Hnln I I SSsLv ?i&?5 m" ,1""u'- """' "'"ti, what for nre Cv Siaaft cPWtelg k(. "!' 'umblln' nt Hie l.nck of yrr inddlo? . . - Tliei aw not utdiiii t(. huve the Iiiinpl tn inv lonnpi ' "Why not?" "Hrwiimr tbev ure lone .mohkIi now " ' WJJgJj I iin-'h i vvue i.fioii. iicorc tnv new re plrator." George (preoccupied) "Oh! bv Juv--yeg! Sultn you drv'llsh well, my dear." A Noisy Member Johnni Ma, lllli" Liother caino from Heaven, didn't ti" ' Mother -Yet., dear, why" Johnny -Well, ) hidlne io loud I don't bliiino tin- aiigrln for allngln' liltn out, do you.' Mn- Uackpas n.. i.in,. ..u Will uu Hike u .'hail ' Inetullment I'nllectnr. No. thank yiiu, Madam. I've come to take the plana" -AND TUB WORST Thi' Old T'nitntiin v .; I 0 o 0 ig slV rrk -?f ' - Z.- HII .".-T-r 1 1 ' ' ia-a-.a-aaa..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiai II I -U-U -J. W r " ISP!: -v' - MBRm Mhin vwi-m wna . j & h - : -- --I jrirtr. I ''P"nil tor tho brako?" I -. . 603H. I'V HISSED TB& OWL! A.W lnn nlftHY ncrr lie yn n"i ivw uvui rut i iu Wi TR0OBLE.11IL WIFE LI "3EGLrDT0"5EE.Y0i; ROMEWHKIIE yjsat cf ifsiJff- mhF:h5LJL&&nm --, Tommy (having effected the capture tin-opener about you, rrwto?" IS YET TO COMB ArcirsT is. mi.v in tun it kvkk happkn td vor? HOTE.L NOTBIMG. S'O) COME HOMH"vMITH ME GOODGRAeiOOS'GeOKGE VOU rxftOW AUNT MAGGIE , t IS HERE AMD IttltK, OUR OMU 5PARE BED "SN. S . Jl m (? ': IN FLANDERS The Passing Show. nf a epy, to iliapatih rider). "Out a Hen Was Practical The Jolmauna lioil an old hen whleh lnlilJ upon neslectlng tier comfort stla negt to lay a naat In tho ooal cellar. "1 can't thlnh." trgtted Mr. Jonn aon, a an and her amall aon, Joe, to glthar hunted tr that particular egg. 'why hi on lien insUta upon ualng the coal cellur." "Why, tbat'a aaay. mother." ex olslmad Joo In ealonlahinent. "I a'poge gba'a aton h algn, 'Now I the time to lay In your ooal ' "-Kehang. n -i S WMaaai . m --- m'W1 (fft aea t& C ! iiit-t tt: ..... mmaa swats) Voiher "You naughty boy! What did you hit your baby brother for? Hobby " 'Cog he'a bean Jaknarlu' what aut44 Ilka OeirMa. ItuMptitviM Prince lt)evui liawtetrt Waiaiarck, at a royal rcmi, himp MMMy Italian prelate, who looked at Mm In dignantly. "Yuu evident! don't know who I flOW USTEflTO Mt WEVE. COT ( DhNPY GOEST ROOM (W W( r iFltOU x ( ajJUl " ' ' " Vu C-IIStfjilj A Good Iteason Tcucher - Win don't you In ush your hair? Dotty -Ain't got tin tiituli Teacher Why don't sou use futher'a lirueh? Dotty-Ho ain't Rot tin liruah. Tea-chei'-No brush ' Why liaan't he a brush? Dotty Ain't got no hair. A Vague jM-anlng "Now," ald lha doctor, "you take thlg medicine Just a. I told you, and you will gltep Itko u baby." The pntlent aurveyed the medicine doubtfully. "Well, doctor," he nuld, "tf yen mean Ilk our baby I tiuaaa I won't taho lt,"-l4tdl' Home Journal Utisophlilicaldl lAdy-TIi gtrawberrtca are 'iulte green Peddler-Well, mum. tliey ra lint from the eo.iniry.-Hua'on rrtiacrlit. am," aaJd Um peir I .-.huly "t got Herbert W ..a "OJ," gnswcmd in. i.ieUti.. it Uugt doaan't fciou"t to j.. a, i ; It ta crtiiiy a prfe-t aii.ui.aiam." C'brtU KfiV. 7.