Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 17, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9
iWii,iji'uimyigj fclELSEA HOME TO HARVJfiST FROM d Parties and Dances to . 1 " .!-...- TT ren's beasnore nouse Night Will Be Unique ATLANTIC CITY, Aim. 17. jj,ADKt,PIIJAN8 nre now bondlnB W fott l0 rnlso tunt1s tor t'10 Ln-8 genshore .nousr, .titinpolls tlnntlC nvcniics, unciscn, which la fuliy In need of money. Mra. Kd- porteous win give a. inriro dnuro on the nfternoon of August 21, trs C Tomunson uaro win hivo rice nt the Brighton Cnslno tho lmr evening in nltl of tile wormy iitlon which cares for hundreds or A children. Mrs. Daro will ho rated by Mr. Wnltcr Jnrvls and Mr. Kmbwl Jarvls. Miss Nlnlta Brletow of B&toeton, t. I., npti tho Jarvls hoys sjptiiitrate tho newest dnnces. Klght iJn&ttA dollars was tho stim renllictt at Q;caino " ,- -- on this occasion. Tho series '(nteMalnmcnts for mo aensnoro Kill be concluded mo nist wroK ffo'Jptembcr when tho annual charity ffiwtfl he nclJ on tho rilco1 1,or' oof tittle Bins Rnvo a inir insr. wccit The benefit of tho Children's Honshoro he Chelsea, on the porch of Dr. A. A. nr's home. 33 Houth Sovereign ivVe- ;r Twentyflvo dollars were realised. B3Taa responsible for tho success of tho " .1. - rc.t, ...... ati.o t..ii. fOhncr. Miss Usthcr JJtelilo nnd Miss hie Pfaclier Stern. L Tnhn Joseph Bchcmbs, Jr., who Is Urtiilnff the summer nt his Ventnor col li", .ntrrtafncd n party of friends on vC din new speedboat, tho lOmmn M., r. (mir of Inland wnterways. Dinner i wrved at New Orctna. Tho guests 15 Dr. and Mrs. William II. Wll 3 of naltlmoro. Dr. Cleorgc Krnnktln mnlck. Ml" Knthryn Miller, Miss Clar.i KToung Ails' viviiui n'"i v. - .Ehla mid Dr James Spencer Trotter. ieVlntendent of tho Now York Dental 1''ltule" , . , SL. .Miriii nf tho scries of Tuesday I4nooa.br.dgo partes at tho Atlantic tr wni "" ; ah ic :w w" W1'1 "' .: .;; 'flji'sanxay. Mrs. Elwood 8. Uartlett. mJ and Mrs. W A. i-nunco iinu mr. irbert Kaunco linvo returned to tholr mfidit 144 St iimnes pumu, liu El,y. They were nccompanledbv llfij i Helen Porter, of Maiden, Mass.. tho ioTee of Mr Fauncc. grj. George M Uenneit, in urui rsiun avenue, Auanuc iiy. itPrtCSt tor a lonniBin ." SMtri, of Philadelphia. fiSpte MAY, Auk. 17.-NothlnB so nt iW. the youth of Capo Mnjr's summer Mint as the dance. Sometimes It lanes fS. '..i. ,.,inihiMn Yneht Club, somo- fes at the gilt ballroom of the nw M sometimes In the cool, open-air Wrs navlllon of tho Itcd Mill nnd some- Ines ort the beach. It really makes llt- iif difference wnen ui whcic ui nu.. .. i.i oin nUeml n dnnco to bo Riven to- irrow night at the now hotel. The trie, ballroom will be converted Intu a. wra floor Dy mcanH ui iietuinuuiiD, u" I: n lnrirn doors leading Into tho ex- KfrtBc will be artfully arranged to rop fcjfrt old-fashloncd barn doors. Tho pll- it iri la tho ballroom win ue uanneu wun icks of hay and corn husks. Tho guests ni nrrlvn In niinlnt tostumes, and prlzea IU be awarded for the best dancers, also best costumes. ftiillt of patronesses Is lis follow): iTHp. nlchanlB, Mrs. J. Wallace Ilallo iBMtl, William Joyce, Mrs. Bartlett, Eft. 3. 0. Boueal, Mrs. J. C. Parker. Ufaf?ordon Mills, of Qermantown, spent .fprMk-end at this resort, as did Mr. .T. pFiBlicklcdgo und Mr. J nines A. sllcer, also -f Gcrmantown. Vft Geortto Barry, of Germnntown. peat the week-end with his family at iijlrcottago on Howard Btrcot. Weekly Cottage Bridge Club was itcrtauied by Mrs. Luther Ogdcn at her se, on S15 Kearney street, on Thurs- Hernoon. tnd Mrs. Harry Valentino, of Ger (h, fcpent the week-end as thu of Mr. und Mrs. John Blakeley at Jttage on Decatur street. :siiii Ulanchc, of JcnKltitown, Fa., is Slr.s several weeks at tho Stockton J Adelaide Roberts entertained In- uiy at DnciRe on l'riuay ancrnoon, 'r cottage, on Ocean street. Ifft. Jnhfi f Wnltm .ntnHnlnft.l nf Bpn brldso last week at tho Capo May (gat Club. Tho decorations were elabo- iiyl consisting of varicolored dahlias. 'Q0I1C thosA nrpnpnt wurn! Mm K. ':& M"- Houssel, Mrs. It. Jonks, Miss jjji. Mts. William K. Knowles, Mrs. Jfaiexander. Miss Knowles, the Misses 5JT. Miss Itoberts, tho Misses Shearer. ''Walter Starr. Mrs. Grayblll. Mrs. S9B. Mrs. Darrett. Mrs. J. Tl'altr S Mrs. Walter Phillips and Mrs. Lcna- BWOOD, Aug. 17. Mr. Thomas iOf Germantowii. Antnrtnlnil n nnrtv g? friends on the btach last week. A S. placed claso to tho ocean'B edge, tfhed music for a ceneral dance. In 1 flbOUt 22 vntincr runnlA nnrllrlnntrd. lla the evening luncheon was served. "If tne guests woro: Miss Klslo Miss Nan Whlto. Miss Marearet Jtr, Miss Uessto Martin. Miss Mnrla iK SIlss Alva Isemlneer. Dr. rtalnh Qy. Mr. WaltHr Mnllnu Mr. Dniilcl "ty, Mr. Edmund Purdv. Mr. 9ld Punly, Mr. Wnrren Tenncy, "face uurlce. air. Loua Whlto. VlJUam G. WrlKht and Mr. Wesley pman. l Usrn T O, nussoll, of Cleveland, I bli daughter, Miss Isabel Russell, guests of Dr and Mrs. I.alrd. iVlola Swank and Miss G, Illstlno uccupying apartments at the djelherlngton and' family, of Phll- p i now occupying ilrs. wnsos fa t'olumbla road. Thelma. Mrtlmri,. nt XIMIvlllA. i the. guest of Mrs.' Brown, of 1X5 ivenua for the week-end. m party will be given tonight at gington Hotel, when the following present Mlsa Smith, Mrs. M. H. t. Mi" and Mrs. Olllvet, Mr. and hldt, Mr and Mr. B. Murrpy, ll. Mr ami Mrs. A. I.bwIh Mra. llehlnt. Mill NT a rial.h Mm Mnv- gfrs. Maugham. Miss Margaret Mrs Mllla Aim lloivr Kirs. Utut B Knecht. Mra. Ralph MU- Jl . D. O. Solomon. Mrs. Gelsen- " Spang, Mra. Jaaolia. Mrs Mrs graham. Mrs. JJagley, Mrs. Blythe, Dr and Mra. Ren- nd Mra Palmar!. Mra. II. D. Saymond Knox and Mr. Janja re promoting a ournlvul which Pea on the Boardwalk, ba- nelllnffer ami fla rflaLI ovftniifll. b8lnnlai: nt 10 n'elock and OOH. With Jollification until midnight. MU be a. parade in wlilflh a noted S411 Will TUirlLlnat. iticmiham urith Mqueradera and urttuaa of houl ine win i awftmjad to the mun unlijualy draaaad praona hotel group at batlllne will lia nua at th ot (h nlaht Aftnr tkia nantda dandim, a sack raca. putft "u .uiitri, and in cootcat .ii tui ih dUtarant coolaaU wlU nin KMir. Mr. JOMfll -Bnatuiihur . U n4. Mr. Joba REAP ENTERTAINMENTS Be Given in Aid of Chil- liarn Dance Tomorrow Feature in Cape May -Mi ----- Byrnes, Mr. Joseph Canlelly. Mr A Ala. goffrey, Mr. snlber. Mr. Ma'jor and Mr OCRAN CITY, AuiTn.-Mr nnd Mrs Harvey Townsend. of Mclroso Park, nro gueH Wif,,"1 UV.lr "'" Ml", Mnr! Beatrice Thornlcy. Miss Iternlco Fnrcly, M t'-e.?."a 'r0' MlM Rvcly" mak' Kirk. Sldman and Miss Martha rn,irr.T,,omnR,.U" 0l""on, Jr.. ot tho Fed beo,C!'CrV0,1Jl,nltl J'l'lladclphla. who has aai for Ulldwood nnd Cape May. His Vaclitrciub Amclltt of tno Corinthian t?L ,T" K: ''"fRMIn and family, of Tioga, are nt their npnrtmcnts for tho re mainder of tho season. IK?'1; 'J ,r?;, Mamcs t'ratiUHn and fnm-Li-.. f,np8t '.''""'Iclphla, are hero for n stay of several weeks, oMr;.i F ""''nwood, of Philadelphia. ...hL t-0i"lclll"". I spending n few days with his family at their 2d street cottngc. Mrs. U I). lJnuer and slBter, Miss Flor ence Hurdle, of Philadelphia, arc spend Ing a fow days here. Mr. William M. Irish, 3d. of Phlladcl plila, In it visitor. Mr. Robert M. Hchacfter nnd family, of Tioijn, aro nmoni? tho sojourners. Along the Main Line MKtltON-Mrs. John II. Seal nnd daughter, Mlsi Deborah Seal, of Hnzlo hurst avenue, nre spending tho summer nt Watch Hill, It. I. ARD.MORE-Mrs. Roderick D. DnnnM. son, of 101 I.landfnlr road, Is spending sovcral necks nt Mount Pocano. HAVnilFORD-Mr. Clarence A. Wnr den, of Fnrnwny Farm, has Joined his family nt their cottage at Sarnnac. In tho Adirondack Mountains. Mr. nnd MrB. Ncwlln McConnell, of Gray's lane, left Saturday for a two weeks' stay nt Beach Haven, N. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Tllnuin I.owcry nro receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Mary Tllmnn Lowrry. Mrs. I-owery will be remembered as Miss Isa bel Sayros, of Ilavcrford. BRYN' MAWR.-Mrl Henry B. Wnllnce. of Bryn Mnwr avenue, nnd Mr. Wilson Bnrnnrd, of Morris nvcniic. motored to Atlantic City for the week-end. Mrs. Stockton Townsend, of 2 Orchard Uine, has boiic to Lake Placid Club. N. Y. to be uono until October 1. Mr. Howard Brown of Morris avenue, spent the week-end at Atlantic City. RADNOR-Mrs. W. Austin Obdyko and daURhtcrs hnvo returned from New Hnmpshlto to their home. King of Prus sia. Mrs. George D. Ogden nnd Miss Kath arine Ogden, of Onkdeno, Radnor, havo roturned from n trip to the Panama Pnclllc exposition and Ycllowstono Park. ST. DAVID'S-Mrs. J. Bertram Mitchell Is spending n fow weeks at Ventnor, Jf. J. Mrs. Edwin Wright Is ontertntnlng Mrs. Mnson, of Alexandria, Vn. Mr. Bernard S. Law Is passing tho sum mer at Narrngansett Pier, R. I. WAYNR-Mr. nnd Mrs. AVIlllam H. Welsh have been entertaining Mrs. G. W. Sllvls, of Downlngtown, nt their homo on Runnymedo uvenuo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Jnauctto Palmer have gono to tho Vnlll Cottages, Block Island, R. I to stay until September. DEVON Miss Irene Augusta Hunter, who hns been Joined bv her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AVIlllam T. Hunter, of Devon, Is at present In tho Yosomlte Vnllcy. She will leave shortly for San Francisco. Chestnut Hill Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph S. Frnloy, of 20 AVcst Che&tnut avenue, havo left for Northeast Harbor. Mo., wheic they will remain tilt tho llrst of September. Miss Katherlno AVllllnmson, of 2 East Chestnut avenue. Is spending tho months of August and September nt Beach Haven, N. J. Mr. Jnmos Monroe, of 330 Gowcn ne nue. Mt. Airy, Is spending several weeks at Christmas Cove, Me. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. William S Pilling, ot 2 AVcst Upanl street, hajve returned from nn cxtcnslvo motor trip through the northern part of Now York Stnto and Now Eng land, stopping nt Boston nnd several other points, where they were entertain ed by their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pilling nro now at their cottago at Bay Head, N. H., whero they will remain through tho month of August. Mrs. James McMahon, of 705 Locust avenue, has left for Bay Head, N. J., where she will remain for tho balance of tho summer. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tobln. of 2S0 AVest Rlttenhouse street, have returned from Niagara Falls. Mrs. John J. Lynch, of East Trlco street, and her two children, aro spend ing some time In Atlantic City. Mr. George Broadhead, of Bristol, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Rowe, of 220 AVest Rlttenhouso street. Mr. and Mrs. John S. AVhltty, ot 130 Herman street, havo left for Virginia, whero they will remain for some time. Miss Knthryn Love and her sister, Miss Sue Love, of McCallum street, aro spending a fortnight at AVlldwood. N. J. Mr. Logan Howard-Smith Is spending some time at the A'lrglnla Hot Springs. ms WILLIAM BIDDLE DBRR WJw, bjfore her mrrige on Sut- " mm aVaiiiiiiiiiiiiH, EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TrESDAY. AUGUST bSUBiSA rSBSC-' IlinaESaWUaiaiiiiaiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiK JT - f iSBH aaHHI W9fR jMRLj EVVBamrArnkaaaaaBkaaaaaB' i. . v t MT vv - BaaiiHH aBaBBaaHaElBiBBIB tTWaM IflUSf KHHakr r"dau. t o I' .Jr ,' . 7 WkHaV taHaaiaaawHflasWw'llBVbaW J sMaV!aflliaaBaBaBLaaBaBaBaBaBaBaK "Ifc. jTm ii Sf X ' M !i & BaaaaaaB aaBaHaaVaafrSHaSHsBaBaBaBaBaaBaaBaBaBaBaBaW i Krai BaaOalaaBaBaBaPft jS flaaaaaK Who, with her parcntg, Mr. and Mrs. Along the Reading Mrs. AVIlllam C. Row-den. Miss Kllza bcth Ilow-dcu nnd Mr. Ilnrry Bowden, of 21S South tlth street, West Philadelphia, have closed their town Iiouso nnd are oc cupying their summer home on School road, Wyncoto, Pa., for August, and thov expect to remain till the end of Septem ber. Mint B. Newklrk, who hns been tho guest of Mrs. Ilowden for several weeks, hns left fot Englesmerc, Pa , where she will mako n visit of sovcral weeks. Mlsa Nan Kent, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kent, of Bent Road, Wyncote, I'n., has left for a visit of sev eral weeks at Mauch Chunk, Pn whero she will be the guest of her aunt, Miss Ruddle. Miss Mnrjorlo Kent hns left for tho Pocono .Mountains, where sho will bo tho guest of tho Rev. and Mrs. James Hnlsey at their camp for a several weeks' visit. Mlssh Marlon Sharplcss, of Hathcrton. Cheltcn Hills, Pa., left last Saturday by motor for Ocean City, N. J., whero she will be tho gucfit of Mrs. Sparta Fritz at their summer residence, 813 Brighton place. Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. J. L. Lawrence, of Woodlnnd avo nue and York road, Ablngton, Pa., has ns her guest for several weeks Mrs. K. AV. Dare, ot Brldgeton, N. J., and Mrs. Harriet Leaf, of 20:n Walnut street, Philadelphia. Mis. Gabriel Bllnn. ot Old York road. Blklns Park, has left for Atlantic City, N. J., where sho will spend several weeks at the Hotel "Prnymore. Mr. L. N. D. AVIllInms and family, of Ogontz, IM-. havo left for tho Pocono Pines Inn nt Pocono Summit, Pn., where they will rcmnln until September 1. l West Philadelphia Mrs. C. Henry Brown. Mr. ttlwln Brown nnd Mr. and Mrs. Chester ji. Campbell, who have been at Atlant c City since July 1. have returned to their home, JT Baltlmoro avenue. Dr. nnd Mrs. D. Clinton Guthrie and their son. Mr. Paul C. Guthrie, of .22 North 40th street, have been entertaining extensively during tho summer at their cottaco on Sovereign avenue, Chelsea, N. i Tlielr guests havo Included: Mr. and Mrs Howard McCnlley, of Elklns Park; Mr? William MacNcnl. of authrlavllle. Pa., nnd Miss Betty Bnrnes, of North Broad street. Mrs. 8. L. Hill, of 651 North 67th street, hns tnken apartments nt Atlantic City, where she will remain until September. MNs Anna McClement. 431 South d street. Is visiting friends In Salt Lake City nnd will later proceed to the Cali fornia Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. It. Park and fumlly, 4116 Pino street, havo gone to Eaglesmere for tho season. Mr. John Flnnegan and family, 4519 Lo cust street, arc at the Shelburnc. Atlan tic City, for the season. Mr. and M.-s. Charles J. Eayre, 49M Walton avenue, went to Ocean City on Saturday, . Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Htocklnger. 4315 Chancellor street, nre the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenton Luce, of Ocean City, Mrs. Minnie Evan, 5415 Catharine street, In spending the summer at Atlantle Clt. Mrs. Martha Ungemach, 313 South 56th street, U spending the summer at Seaside Park. . Miss Minnie E. Uurgln. Mil Ludlow strwt, Is spending a vaeatlon at th shore rworts. Miss Anna E. Bl. Mil pqw lr,t. loaves for rjonaa vv "'w""r iml fnmlly and will then go to her W wmM ta Covington, Ky., and CliuKitnaU. o. ... ,i K(r Allan B. Carr. T13 South sflfh atrnat. have lf t to sp-nd three wU "al "Atlantle City. -.. -j nr, iv O. DavlM. 51 U Havw- ford'avuu, ar vWlUff Mw0 at WIW wood. N. J. Nellees fof tba Soele r page wlU ba BePd and printed Ut the Brenlog Ledger, but U sueh notice must b wrlttea on one ld of tho paper, moat be signed ta loll. U fuU d a,s. and whan1 powlbl telephone uuuiber must b len. gul all sue wmiaunlerilioM to "8ly BUltar." Belog LtdfW, 8 cbntaut atrt- VsIsm tboM raqalioU ar iled out that vwUteatlea may b poHiU. tea aatiea w be puMUlwd. MISS MARGARET WRIGHT Samuel MojrnrKOo Wright, is spending iiouso in liar uuriior, mo. South Philadelphia Miss Agnes McDovltt, 231 South COth street, spent the week-end nt Atlantic City. Mrs. Chnrlntto Hclberbnck, 1512 Vaskcr street, Is spcndlnp; the summer nt her cottage In Cape May. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert G. Moore, ot i pirnrd Farms, left yesterday for New England, where they, will remain tho bal nnco ot tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Benllng, of 2102 South Dorrnnco street, spent Inst Saturday and Sunday nt Atlantic City. Miss C. Leo, 2334 Fltzwnter street. Is spending her vacation at Atlantic City. Mrs. E. Ifnrold, 2003 Christian street, has gono to AVlldwood, N. J., for a short stay. Miss Emma B. Morell, of 1712 South 15th street, has Just roturned from a two weeks' vacation nt Parltcrford and Read ing, Pa. Mr. E Wall Murphy, of 2132 South 15th street. Is spending the week ot tils uunga low ut National Park, N. J., with his aunt Mrs. R. Campcn. nnd friends. North Philadelphia Mr. Jnmes 11. Schliullcr, of 2131 North 20th street. Is spending the summer at Ocean Gnto. Mr. AVIlllam J. McNally, of 20th street and Siis(uehnnna avenue, Is spending the summer nt his Atlantic City cottage. 207 Madison avenue. Mr. John II. Michel, of 2230 North 20th street. Is spending Bomo time nt Atlan tic City. Mr. Henry F. Tolson nnd family, of 1718 SiiBciuehaima avenue, nro spending tho remainder of tho summer at Atlantic City. Miss Leonorn Lawson has returned to her home, 1830 Ontario street, after spending sevorul weoks at the Delaware AVater Gap. Wskyour Dentist Bo guided by your dentist in all that you do for and to your teeth. Ask him about "S. S. White" Tooth Paste. Don't be Bur prised when he tells you that for three quarters of a century the name "S. S. White" has meant "quality" to the den tal profession. The Tooth Paste main tains that standard. In Pasto or Powder, 25c If not at your druggist at mailed on receipt of price. THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFC, CO. PHILADELPHIA New York uroouiyn San PraneUco Uoatan Atlanta. Oakland Chicago riDolnnitl Montreal. UD. Toionto, v-aa. 0AyjMrjS -.,.. to Ml 0Koa lMn: 11) Photo by Retly and Way. tho summer nt "Lookout," their BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Trains for I)ulnrna Sureens Ilualnesa ami Commercial courses that win tho beat positions for Its craduates becauas o( their practical knowledge and etnclenry. Its tenchera are not only thorough, but able to Impart their knowledge. Temporary location I.AI'.YKTTK IIUIMIINd Stli nnd Clieatnut Htrcrta Ttlephont: Lombard 1DS-1137 Alter Oct. 1st, Penn Mutual BUg. !' E C K W E R ' S Philadelphia Musical Academy 1017 Spruco 8t. 17th season orm Sept. Bih llranchea OOSt) (lermnn town Ave , 440 B. B2d Bt. nmlnent ArtlJla In lacuity. rroapectua. Central Educational Institute Dau and Kienlrio Preparatory and uslnrsj. J If tore decldlne fall plans for study send for llluatrnted CntnloB A Kducnllon to ua meana more than bonk learning;. Aelc about our Bya (em of IMucntlon. Central T. M. C A . 1121 Arch st . Thlla. T1IK I'llANKMN INHT1TUTE HCIIOOI, OF MKCHANIC AltTH. Nlnety-aeeonil year, lvenlne Couraea and Claaaea. DltAWINCI, MAT1IUMAT1CH and .MKCIIAMCH. For cal endar nnd further Information nddreas tho Institute, 13 Houth Beventh street. Germantown Friends SI 1 OPENS 0 MO. 218T CllOOl AT 8 MS A. M. STANLEY n. TAnNALL, Principal The Stevens School mIm SiarBenj. ley, I'rln., 221 W. Chelten ave., am. 4tjthear opena Sept. 22. Klndercarten through collesre preparatory. Dom. Science, Manual Training. Phila. School of Design for Women BnOAD AND MABTnn BTa nKOPBNS BBPTBMBKn 2TTH. ArABIIlNCTON, I). C. ST. AI.IIANP The National Cutlirdral Hrliool for lloja A country school In National capital ni.hnn nt Wiiflhlnrion l'rea Addreas Head- maatar, ,........ --. '-T- -.T. - -...hu.,nn on oi Mt Dl. AtUHIl. .1 n...l. B.w.,i 11. (J. AVVNNKHOOll, PA. "COUNTIlV HAY HCIIOOI, roll HOYS" AVjnnenood, Pa. College Preparatory School. Opens Sept. 23d. ltevffllbaon Hell. A.ll., IM.. Head Sla.ler. 8310 Narahoe Street, Clieatnnt Hill. I'o. 8HIHMINO T, M. C. A. 1121 Arcb st. CENTnAL NATATOHIUM Tor Men and Hoys. Unlimited u. to mambera. 1 month, 2 0O S monlha. IS 00! a year, H'J. Uoya. one-third rataV Prlat leaaona. S for IS Op, a la lla awlma Man. 300! Uoya. Ifto. fF&mmMmmBmmm The Private School a Great Influence in the Moral and Religious Life of Your Childrap Many a mother and father is thankful because they were far-iRhted enough to send their boys and girU to a first-class private school. AS ONE FATHER SAID TO USl "Wc could scarcely believe that James could have developed so in M .hort year. His whole attitude has changed; he treats his sister and mother with mare reajweti ha sesms so much more manly and gentlemanly, and In every way he is becoming more and m?re what we want him to be." THIS TELLS THE STORY, Send your boy or girl to a private school where tHsr fee away foi the evils that confront them when they are thrown among ao many kinds of people every ctSy. Send thR where they will be inspired to better things. -It will develop their characters. Ask Ledger Central to Help You Find the Right School Educational Bureau 17, 1915. PREPARATIONS FOR BAR HARBOR HOSPITAL FAIR COMPLETED Mr. and Mi's. Antonio Y. Stewart to Have Charge of Children's ContestMr. and Mrs. William W. Mont gomery, Jr., Will Tour the West Personals. AT TUB fair to be given on Friday after Xjl. noon nt liar llnrbor, Me., for the IwiiPfU of the Bar Harbor Hospital the feature for the children will bo a minia ture house and garden contest under the direction of Mr. nhd Mrs. Antonio Y. Stewart, of sow Spruco street. There will bo n musical for the grown-ups, which will be followed by luncheon, vaudeville nnd dancing during tho nfternoon. Mr nnd Mrs. William AV. Montgomery, Jr., of Radnor, have left for an extended tour through tho West. They will visit both Expositions and other points of In terest, lolurnlng by way of the Canadian Paclllc They will bo gono nbout six months. Mr and Mrs Frnnk Samuel, Miss Kll nlieth Samuel nnd Sir. Snowden Samuel, of the southeast corner W1 nnd Locust streets, aro occupying their summer home nt Nnrrngnnsett Pier, where they nre en tertaining many of tho younger set ot Philadelphia. Miss Ann Itobson, of ltRH Do Lnncoy ptneo. Is spending several weeks as Miss Samuel's guest. Many dinners nnd Informal entertainments aro being planned In her honor. Dr and Mrs. John It. Musser, Jr., of mil Pine street, hnvo closed their town bouso and aro occupying their cottage at Dorset, Vt till Into In Soptomboi", when they wilt leturn lo Philadelphia. Mr nnd Mrs. Walter Llpplncott, of 2101 Walnut street, havo as their gucstB for several weeks Dr. and Mrs. Strieker Coles nt their summer residence, nt Jamestown, It, I, Bala-Cynwyd Jlr and Mrs. David Evans AVIlltams, i" llnla, have left for AVntch Hill, R. 1.. hero they will visit friends for several weeks. Mrs. Marlon Marshall Hlckmnn an nounces tho marrlngo of her daughter, Miss Marlon A'aughan Hlckmnn, to Dr. John Walt Dlsmont on Monday, August 16, at St. Asaph's Church, Bala. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. AVIlllam Locke nnd Miss Snrn Locke, of 2011 North Bailey street, hnvo returned to tho city after spending the month nt Alcyon Pnrk, N. J. Mr. Ralph Swartz, Jlr. Oscar Silver man, Mr. Henry Klclnberg nnd Mr. STRAYER'S BuslnessCollege la batten than other achoola b rame Its teachera are experts We da profeialonnl work In our lino Accounting, Audltlnr and Shorthand llrporllnr. lixparta aa teachers proJuco nperta. Bend For Hat of our Gold Medal win ners May wa teach you? THIS nOLMAN SCHOOL, 2201 WALNUT BT. From Montesaorl throueh Colleia Prepara tory. Qlrla and email boys. BAT.THIIUnO, rA. UIBIUMINETAS SPHINOS SOUOOL l'OIt HOYS Indoraed by eery American unlreralty. In dividual plan of work for each boy. Collet Preparatory Course and a food training for bualneaa life. Special couras In agriculture Scientific physical caro. Pura water, rood food. 200-acra farm. A school of character. 28th year opena Sep. 21. Write for Cat'c No.21. Hlaklmlnctas Springs School, HalUbnrr, l'n. NAZAHETH, PA. SEND YOUR BOY TO Nazareth Hall Military School Bafeat place In America for bins Establlibed In 1T83 Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D., Principal mp.iici:hshuho. rA. The Mercersburg Academy roil BOY8 Mercerebure;, r. Bend for catalogue to AVm. Mann Irvine, Ph.D.. I.I..P., Headmaster. Hoc US. SOUTH HBTHLKIIRM BISHOPTHORPE MANOR A aelect achool for girls. College preparatory nnlahlnc couraea. Elective atudlea. Add. Claude N. Wyant. Prln., Hox 2M, Bo. Pelhlehem. Pa. IIETHI,KHEJf, PA. UOItAVlAN BUMINAUY A COLLEOB FOn WOMEN. BETHLEHEM, PA. Accredited, 171th year Sept. 22. HUB- CAHUSUS, TA. CONWAY HALL f0' lW proved cfiursea. experienced teachers and com. cleta equipment, Alma to develop atrong men Catalogue, W. A. HOTCHIBON, Headmaster, 9tmSuXs, fr I 801.807 Chestnut St., Phlln. II lgffwT?WI?Sll!f!BWBgBBMBBggWlrM31P8baBgWB 9 David Friedman, members of the Har mony Club, are spending their vacation days nt Collegeville. Tho members of the Campbell Camp ing Club nro nt Betlerton, Mil., whert they will remain until tho toil of this month. Those on the trip aro Mr. Frcder lelt AVIIbcil. Mr. Louis Meeh. Mr. Albert Simpson, Mr. Harry Herring. Mr. Frnnk Wnekenliut. Mr. Frank Murtha. Jlr. AVIll Inm Kane, Mr. Harry Schneider. Mrs. Samuel Schwartx nnd her chil dren, of 2Wi Kensington nvenue. aro spending the month of August at the Hotel Roulnnd, AVlldwood, N. J. Mrs. UlUnbelh Krcutx, STJl Jasper street, Is spending the summer In her cottngo at Chelsea, Millbourne Mr, and Mrs. Ewnld llnrn. of 27 Burd avenue, aro at AVlldwood, N. J., for a stay of a few weeks. Mrs. Edwin A. Ilatomnn, of 32 Burd nvenue, has as hor guests Miss Ethel Oormnn nnd her sister, Miss Lottlo Ger man, of 21 Columbia avenue. Wilmington Dr and Mrs. Joseph P. Wales and their children left for n flva weeks' trip to tho Pncldc iyid will stop live daB at Lake Loulso rnmplng. then go on by wny of A'nncouver nnd Scnttla to San Francisco. Thoy will also go to the 'Snn Diego Ex position, and after seeing something ot Southern California will return by way of the Grand Canon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Townsend AV. Miller nro on a motor tour through New York, New Hampshire, A'crmont and Canada. What's Doing Tonight MuntcliAl ttnml, Dolnon Fltlil, Queen uns ml Creaaon (treat, 8 o'clock. Kree. Kalrniount I'srk Band, Btrawberry Mnlon, R oTIock. Fren. I'hltmlclrhla Hand. City lta.ll l'ltia, 8 o'clock. Free. Suffrage Events Today nqUAi. rnA.NCiiisu society. Noon-Jay moeilna, rirlh Foster's, Cmer&ld and Cumberland itreeo. Speaker, Miss Anna McCue. WOMAN SitFFltAfJK PArtTY, 8.S0 p. m. Open-air meeting-, tlth street and Allcsh.ny atrmic. Speakers. Mrs. H, M. Holmes ami Ml Jane Mjer. R 30 p. m. Clses In u(Trae eveakln, at lm Cheitnut Btrcot. J9Q9&9&9&S&d99&$99993 T Catnbllahed 1803 iPEIRCE 1 SCHOOL So America's Foremost $ Business School $ $ flTT Tlie spacious As- Jl scnibly Room in the New Peircc School Building will be the scene of inspiring talks by builders of business. jP FAI.T. TKItM AVII.Ij HB JJ5 Ol'UMSU IN .HV HUII.DING Pine St. west of Broad CU1CBTEK, PA. I'KN.NHl'l.VAMA MlLITAICY COLLEUM Ulth Preparatory llriiartinent. Nearest sl all colleiea to tllaclnllne, pliyalcal training and education or Weat Point. Decrees la Civil Enclnaerlnc Chamlatry and Arts. Ad. dreas CoL Chaa. B. UyatU Pres.. Box tOX Cheater, Pa. AJXISNTOWr. VA. Allentnwn Prep. Bchool prepare tcya for lead Ing colleges &unlversltlea. New bldf .! all ath letics., Jr. Dept. Frank U Blgman. A.M , I'rln. SCHOOLS AND COI.I.KOKS Wj.s-vgs'J!?.c.v.gc.v.-gn VI vix V S r-v SZ I 13 ! i ArJ'Jcrtisements of Other Schools nnd Colleges Appeared on This Pago Yesterday and Will Appear Again i I i Tomorrow J ', jftri--?-wjs-j.N.37rer Broad and ChwtmH trrt