Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 17, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Www tajijfrpftra wrgrt,
Saw Factory Turns Out 2,000,
000 Steel Bnrs, "Which Docu
ments Show Will Bo Made
Into Munitions
Company Official Denies Knowledge of
Destination of Product After
It Leaves Philadelphia
Two million steel bars for shrapnel
destined ultimately for tho German
army, nro being turned out by Henry
Dlsston & Sons, of this city, ono of tho
largest saw manufacturing companies In
' tho woild, according to documentary evi
dence published today by tho Now York
World. Tho order was obtained by Diss
tons from tho Bridgeport Projectllo Com
. pany, conspicuously Identified by tho
World with tho Gorman Government.
Officials of tho Philadelphia saw works
admit that they nro nt work on tho bis
order for shrapnel steel for tho projectllo
company, but deny any knowlcdgo of
where tho shrapnel Is to go when com
pleted. They will glvo out no Informa
tion as to when tho order Is to be com
pleted or when It Is to bo shipped.
Tho letter Unking up tho Dlsstons with
tho projectllo company Is dated July 9.
Jt Is from the Guaranty Trust Company,
of Now York, to a Gorman agent named
Ucrr Schmidt, asking htm for authority
to guarantee, on behalf of tho Dcutscho
Bank, of "Berlin, tho sum of $140,000 to tho
saw works for tho steel order.
Kdmund R. Ilobcrts, first vlco presi
dent of tho Dlsston company, said ha
knew nothing of this letter, but admitted
having asked tho Guaranty Trust Com
.pany to gunrantco paympnt on tho order.
"Tho Bridgeport Projectllo Company la
a new firm," he snld, "and therefore has
ho financial rating. We did not feel that
we could accept n largo order from n con
cern that had no rating and no stand
ing In the business world. For that rea
son and that reason alono wo asked the
Guaranty Trust Company to guarantee us
payment for our work. So far as tho
DeutschcsvBnnk, of Berlin, Is concerned,
we knew nothing of that house, other than
that It Is a largo bank. If tho Guaranty
Trust Company acted on behalf of that
Institution It was without our knowl
edge." The Bridgeport Projectllo Company was
Incorporated Starch 31 last with a cap
ital of 12,000.000 fully paid In. A number
of largo buildings now are being con
structed and It Is said tho plant will bo
In full working order by September 15, a
short time beforo tho Dlsston firm expects
to ship the steel bars.
Other correspondence published today
by the New York World purports tb show
. that tho Guaranty Trust Company, of
Hew York, supplied tho monoy for tho
erection of theso buildings at Bridgeport
nd other organization expenses. Tho
contract Is signed by Hugo Schmidt and
Poctor Albert, financial adviser for tho
German Government In this country, and
la approved by Doctor Albert, Captain
von Papcn, military attache of the Ger
man Embassy at Washington, and II.
Llnrihelm, legal adviser to Doctor Albert
and the German Government. It was
prepared, according to tho Worldj by Carl
"Heynian, another lawyer,
i cuiuraqi luianng several million dol
lars has been obtained by tho Baldwin
Locomotive Works, nccordlng to Frinco
A. A. G.igartu, representing tho Russian
Another Item of war order nows made
public today Is that machinists at tho
Frank ford Arsenal havo been offered as
high ns $500 a month to glvo up working
for tho United States Government and
go to Russia. This Information Is sup-
plied by N. P, Allfas, chairman of a
. cpmmttteo of employos of tho Washing
ton, D. C.i Navy Yard, who called upon
President Wilson yesterday,
, The newest order obtained by Buld
wins is said to be for huge tractors ca-
cable of dragging heavy guns across a
battlefield. Prince Gagarin Is authority
. for the statement that Russia has built
KUna fully as largo and powerful as any
turned out by tho Krupps, but that his
' country .has not had the tractors to
move them with facility. Tho Prlnco Is
accompanied by his secretary, I. N. Pe
troffskl, arid 8. C. Talbot, a native of
England, put now a Russian subject, who
Is the financial agent In dealing with
manufacturers In this city.
Negotiations aro also under way, It is
sard, between tho Prince and tho J. G.
Brill car works for war munitions. Tho
Prince probably will bo In this city about
one month. IIo is said to bo a descend
ant of Rurik, the first Prince of Russia,
whose son was ut the head of the Rus
sian armies that captured Constantinople
at the beginning of tho 10th century.
The committee that called on President
Wilson from the Washington Navy Yard
told him that tempting offers had been
received and that unless tho old rate of
wages, cut eight cents a day by Secre
tary of the Navy Daniels, were restored,
there would be wholesale defections. A
largo Increase of about 23 per cent. In pay
may be demanded by thd arsenal and
navy yard men,'' the President was nptl
fled. None of the, Frankford arsenal men
has accepted the offers from tho Rus
sians, according to Mr. Allfas.
Will Try to Prove to Jurymen How
Gentlo She la
PATERSON, N. J., Aug. 17. When
Judge Joseph A. Dolaney, of the Pater
son District Court, calls the case of
Frederick Moohey against Felix Gould,
,w.iiuui leacner ana sculptor, lor w
o'd lioness, will be the chief witness.
Resides posing for her master Queenlo
likes to ride In his automobile and she
dsnees with him, after the fashion of tho
Qreeks. Gould usually wearing as part of
his. raiment the skin of a leopard which,
was once his pe.t.
Mooney charges that the lioness at
tacked him.
Gould says Queenle Is as docllo as. the
rnost gentle collie or Angora, and he
wants to give the Jurymen a chance to
pet her
Duwelt Rted. 1M3 8. 07 th St.. and Uargrt
t.hen, 1811 S. Allison at
KouaUaios Qedwlbs, 1M1 Vint U., sad
Helena IluaUlnaa. 1311 Vtn at.
Jha H UcClaskey, 1SUU N. JTttl St., and X)M
O Kertar, 2T05 W StllM at.
Itmt Johnson, uis Jsaaup St., sad Pauline O.
, feoilth, ma Jnwip at.
Jhu p Parvln, 387 K. Front St.. and MajKm
Breuaan. Camdan. N J
"Jderlek KroJnian. UU Morris St., and Mary
sWob D 'canjn&JL le 8. Kith L, and
-&eu K Cunnjnjbim. CtUcaro, 111.
lurrv Hb A...ui
TiulsMs, 5loucttrN. t.
ail, uioueaaiar, n.
J., and Elle
SNMUu F. Sanwldt, UaUlioor. Md.. and
,lra rum, BaUiuefa. lid.
.t.-T i5n?i il""C ...
-vm? wuufn, aew zeri
wa Ma4ra. New
Hicks. Abitston, Pa.
sad Mary F. L.
VmUIa 11Ha mtzuattr at
tio, ' 1
'luteppa Strmilorl. 1108 FttswaU .
Lviii. SfiOS Owumatowu iv.. ad
lav f. ,kan flA I V 4.1
Sy.o. A lloroer Baltimore. Md. and 81U-
,.'" BIIIHI Ktm.1 L IUIU1 . ac1
Ut l h I a-'- ii oi.j . i
Many H ion- jr 4ii pouUr
'' M (loodreltuw. 670 Uiuokbu at
1- tub iT lhin..n htjiilniftun. 1UU
' h t M.aar. Downlusiuxi Pu
mu n Ctoat Mi Obunwlck at..
Wilmington Expected to Guard
Against Drought With Now
filtered Lr!crvolr hold on n
"wlrfStKL.";? ,,m? the "In broke
Wine so fhL. ,L,h wntcr ot !" Brandy,
and the Pcop u "f0 "" muddy,
muddy wate? thro, V h" ee" Rell,n
tho fact thai Vh nu the p,pe"' dPlto
about four to,nnI'a.nro ,nk,n "1
ii . ,ons mud to every 1 cm nnn
warns oi Kara on Sunday
"Makes His Blood Boil," He
Tells Negro Politicians
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., Aug. 17,-Flvo
hundred negro ward and precinct poll
t clans of tho city and county were en
Isted for a 'liberal- Sunday at tho shore
last night, when they chccrlngly greeted
tho declaration of Mayor William Rlddlo
that ho would enter tho race for As
scmbly himself If he could not find a
young man with tho courago to lead tho
campaign for nn open Sabbath.
As guests of the negro leaders at a
hUZE1 S Fl'?scrald-s AuditorlSm were!
besides tho Mayor, who espoused tho
"HlrtS nf "v-8J? ch,urmcn against tho
Birth of a Nation," Congressman iBaao
Bachnrach, Director of Public Safety
rt ! wll order"l the suppression of
tho Clansman" film drama; City Com
missioner Bacharach; Senator William T.
Heed, of Cnmden, who may bo n candl
date for Governor; County Collector Nuck
Johnson. Chief of Police Woodruff and
many others.
A picture of Senator Edgo embellished
tho menu card.
Mayor Rlddlo received a tremendous
ovation when ho declared a liberal Sun
day wns tho political Issue of tho hour,
and derided attempts of Prosecutor
Charles Summer Mooro to suppress pro
tected gambling.
"To gnmblo Is human nature," declared
Mnyor Riddle. "What Is tho dlftercnco
between a colored man playing craps
nnd wo men gambling In the stock mar
ket?" Tho Mayor was Interrupted by applauso
again when ho said Atlantic City needs
legislators who will glvo tho town better
times and ampler opportunity lo ho
"1 don't enro anything about ofllcc,"
he shouted. "I raised more hell when
I was out of ofllco than when I was In.
"They drink high balls In Asbury Park
on Sundny In Asbury Park, a prohibition
community and I find them wldo open
at Lnko Hopatcong, Jersey City, Newark
and elsewhere. It makes my blood boll
to see poor old Atlantic shut down."
At this Juncture, the Mayor announced
his Intention to advertise an offer to
put SIWJ In the campaign fund of a
young man satisfactory to him who will
run for Assembly on a wide-open Sun
day platform.
"If I can't find tho man I want, I'll
run myself," he shouted.
Colored leaders today will ask tho fur
ther co-operation of tho Mayor In tho
suppression of tho "Clansman" drama at
a Boardwnlk theatre. Plains clothes men
were sent to the playhouse last night.
Sharon Firm Reorganized To Manu
facture Shrapnel
SHARON, Pa., Aug. 17.-FolIowing
closely tho expose by a New York news
paper of alleged German propaganda,
President John Stevenson, of tho Drlggs
Seabury Ordinance Corporation of this
city, admits a change In tho control of
tho corporation Is about to take place.
Ho states that ho has not sold his own
Interests, but that at the proper tlmo ho
will mako a detailed statement.
Incorporation papers hnvo been taken
out at Dover, Del., for tho corporation
to engaged In the manufacture of Iron
nnd steel shrapnel, projectiles, ennnon
shells, firearms and all kinds of war
materials and munitions. Tho company
Is capitalized at J4.000.O0O. The Incor
porators named aro Clement M, Egner,
of Elkton. Md.; H. L. Mullln and Nor
man R. Coffin, of Wilmington. Del,
17 Tnko White Veil nt Immaculate
Henrt Convent, West Chester
WEST CHESTER. Pa.. Aug. lT.-Sev-
enteen young women were admitted to
the novitiate nt Villa Maria, tho Convent
of the Immaculate Heart, today and took
tho white veil of tho order. The serv
ices, in chargo of Ulshop John J. McCort,
wore attended by many friends and rela
tives of the young women. The list Is
as follows:
Esther McLaughlin, Rose McUonnlgle,
Slarle Logan, Mory McCourt, Noroh
Brennnn, Mary McLaughlin. Mary Cum
mlngs, Helen Culllman, Mary Orogan,
Sarah McGulgan, Madeline Lovett. Mary
Coyle, Margaret ltynn, ot z-nuuueipmu,
Harriett Flynn, of Falls of Schuylkill!
Margaret Donnelly, of LocuBt Uap. Pa.:
Anna Buckley, of Reading; Anna Geary,
of Frazer, Pa.
Man Receives 11,000 Volts Charge of
Electricity and Escapes
NKW ROCHELLB. N. V., Aug. 17.
John Irato, while painting a bridge of
the New Haven Railroad here today, oamo
in contact with one of the electric wires
charged with H.OOO volts that supplld
power to the electric trains.
He fell to the ground, got up nnd walked
away. He was taken to the Jew Rochelle
hospital against his will, where It was
.i that he was cut about the face
and that therd was a slight burn on one
8 It was discovered that the electrlo cur
rtn had passed out of his body, through
the point of his belt buoklo, which was
open, without Injuring him.
i i ii
Council Recalls Ordinance Requiring
High Bond and License
CHESTER. Pa-. Aug. IT. - Jltneymen
won thir flht In Marcus Hook, when
oSJnij last night didd 4t would not
inforea an ordinance requiring !
bond and a I cens for ajh oar. Jlt
Cr will bo uwultad In drafting a new
llnanoe. About 39 Jny drivers, with
t Swawtt Hiram Ilatbaway. Jr.. of
Xlpi. qttawled the iwxtiBg.
Olney Playground Planned
cuuarwi . Tbor In Association
Cuimnui 1Z will U l Pf Utloned W buy
is ..,., trutt ul private piPrtv .u
ci'a Un
Remarkable Film Prepared
With Assistance of Hudson
Maxim and Government
By the Photoplay Editor
"The Battle Cry of Peace," a motion
picture propaganda In the interests or
national preparedness, dealing with tho
question of this country's defenses and
showing tho result of an Invasion of
America by nn alien army, lins had n.
private rhowlng In various cities.
It wns written nnd arranged by J.
Bttiart Blackton from Hudson Maxim's
book "Defenseless America." Noted pub.
He men throughout the country, Including
the Secretary of State Lansing, Secre
tary of War Garrison, Assistant Secre
tary of tho Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt,
General Leonard Wood, General Mont
gomery M, Macomb, president of the
War College, nhd Admirals Slgsbce and
Mnrlx nnd other authorities lent their
co-oporntlon and suggestions In perfect
ing the film.
Ono of tho moBt remnrkablo features of
the film, aside from tho prominent men
who have collaborated In Its production,
Is tho excellent way In which tho pro
ducers have kept to a neutral course
throughout. There are no names In tho
"lenders" which suggest any particular
country, nnd tho soldiers wear a uniform
that Is not In tho tenst llko that ot any
other country,
Exterior views of our coast nnd other
fortifications, with n thrilling picture of
the siege of Yfew York and Us final
capitulation, followed by scenes of vio
lence, arc among tho features ot this
clght-pnrt film. Some remarkablo views
of thu lower part of New York city and
the harbor taken from an aeroplane were
also shown.
New buildings aro constantly being
erected nt tho D. W. Grimth coast head
quarters, tho Rcllnnce-Majcstlo studios.
Workmen nro now engaged upon a largo
structuro to add to tho department In
which films nro dried. Postthe prints of
all Grlfllth features are to be prepared
In tho new building.
A largo carpenter shop, In which frames
for GrlfTlth features nro to bo prepared.
Is another building under construction.
Tho new quarters for tho carpenters' de
partment will employ twlco tho forco of
tho old carpenter shop.
Ten new dressing rooms have also been
added to tho largo number existing.
Theso arc mndo necessary by tho con
stant additions to tho Reliance-Majestic
stock companies-
"If It wero only possible to film tho
scenes of n photoplay consecutively," says
Lewis J. Cody, "I believe thoro would bo
a mnrked Improvement In screen acting.
Pictures nro truly wonderful ns made to
day; but I believe the future holds an Im
portant advanco In store,"
Mr. Cody Is ono of tho prominent players
now working at tho Balboa studios, in
Long Bench. Ho la a keen student of his
own work nnd never comes off location
or out ot a sccno but what ho wishes he
could do It over again, because ho rea
lizes that ho might Improvo It.
"I know that under present conditions
It Is Impossible to net tho scenes in tho
order of their nppenrnnco on the screen.
But some one Is going to devise a system
wheroby it can be done. Screen art Is
too big In Its possibilities to stand still
whero It now Is. Consldor tho first mo
tion pictures. In the light of them, who
would havo dared predict tho sort of pro
ductions now being mado?"
Bnnd Plays nt Strawberry Mansion
Afternoon and Evening.
Tho Falrmount Park Band will play ct
Strawberry Mansion this afternoon and
tolght. Tho progrnm:
1. Overture "Scmlrnmttlo" Hosslnl
2. Grand Hcencs from "Tnnnhauaer". .Wanner
3. (a) "Aubatle I'rlntnnlere" Lacomo
(b) "Cotton Time" Wenrlch
4. Tantasle '-Creme do In Cremo" Tobanl
n. Melodlee from '"Tho Sunny South" ... i-ompe
n. Walts "Dolores" Waldtoufel
7. Dances from "Tom Jonea" German
8. Airs from "Tho Grand Mogul" Loders
1. Overturo "Iluy nia" Mendelssohn
2. llullct Butte "Egyptian" (In four parta).
3. Uarltone Solo "Tho Dream of Love". .lloch
Kololst. Vlncemo Illto.
4. (a) "Tho Dragon Fly" Strausa
(b) "Under tho Flag; of Victory"... Vonlllon
B. Characteristic J'leco "A comical tonieai,"
0. "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 0" Liszt
7. Motives from "Carmen" i....Ulzet
8. Excerpts from "The Fair Co-Ed".... Ludtra
war Bpangiea uanner.
Philadelphia Band Gives "Sing Night"
Progrnm Tonight.
Tho Philadelphia Rand will give a "Sing
Night" program tonight on City Hall
plaza. The program:
J. Overture-"Huy Dlaa". ...Mendelssohn
2. Three Dances from "Henry VIU".. German
(a) Morris Dance.
(b) Shepherd's Dance.
c) Torch Dance.
3. Hings.
(n) liattle Hymn of the Republic,
(b) We're Tenting; Tonight.
4. Excerpts from "The Queen of Sheba,"
8. Suite from "Dal Costume" Rubinstein
la) Introduction,
lb) lierger et liergere.
(c) Royal tambour et vlvandlere.
(d) l'echeur napolltaln et Napolltalne.
(e) 1'clerln et Fantasia.
(f) Toreador et Andalouae.
(a) Cherollcr et Chatelaine.
O. Slnga.
lai now uan l lave -laeer
(b) Llaten to the Mocking lllrJ.
7. Valse di Concert "Golden Sunset" Hall
8. "Tho Heaxens Are Telling," from "The
Creation" .Haydn
Police Court Chronicles
What would have happened to John
Zoblosky If his wife hadn't brought his
trousers to the police station is a ques
tion that is hard to answer without legal
advice. A proper respect for the dignity
of the law made It Impossible for him to
appear as he was. Now, the question
arises, haw long would John have had to
stay behind tho bars If It had not been
for the kindness ot his wife?
John Is no stranger to the police, but
they, never had an experience exactly like
this before. It started because John was
quite unmindful of the peace of the neigh
borhood and started to disturb It- One
manifestation, and not n new one, nay the
pollse, was to gsntly throw furnlturs
about the room. Neighbors complained,
and Policeman Rlcbw strolled by, broke
open the door and entered.
Ha found Zoblosky full of fight He
rwnmbrd that In Warsaw, the place of
John's nativity, he was known as quite a
wrestUr, a, man much to ba feared by all
those skilled In the art of self-defense-Policeman
Rlohter has been. In his tlrae
a. student of JUi JlWu. It was now
question of Japaneaa versus Polish skill.
The art nt the Jap was demonstrated by
an American. He won, and sent for a
patrol wages. , , ,
But 2abioky a in bl uodrcloth,
He refused to t drMd- PinptaMag
w onderful prenc of roind. the police
nian rppd hiro in a tablecloth, amj
urn led ha to the wagon Then his wife
id him by brUteing me iruuewe.
ay Edgar Rice Burroughs, Author of "Tarzan of tho Apes"
CprlhL lots, bv
rti ,,,.. 7T .--.-.
"T CAVMirtT . ,v VJ----ontlnued.)
I V.AMNOI Undprstnr,,! it i ... ..iA
rTiUS" xxvj.-(Conlln
X Monsieur Thurnn assured Us that
.7-, PWM awa miny days ago."
Thuran Is with you?" asked Tartan.
,,. ,1st. h but recently found us and led
,l ?'r cob,n' Wfl wcr camped but
S.,f , rt ,,','lJ,nca nor(n of " I"-" me,
but he will be delighted to see you both."
"And surprised," commented Tarzan.
r, h.orl ,lm? ,al,,r .th "trango party
came to tho clearing In which stood the
ape-man's cabin. It wns filled with
peoplo coming and going, and almost the
nrst whom Tnrznn saw was D'Arnot.
"Paul!" he cried. "In the name of
sanity what are ou doing here? Or are
wo nil Insane?"
It was quickly explained, however, ns
were many other seemingly strange
things. D'Arnot'a aliln I., I ... .i.
ing along tho coast, on patrol duty, when
at the lieutenant's suggestion they had
anchored oft tho llttlo landlocked harbor
to have another look nt tho llttlo cabin
nnd tho Junglo In which many of tho
officers and men had taken part In ex
citing adventures two years before. On
landing they had found Lord Tennlng
ton s party, and nrrnngements wero being
made to take them nil on board the fol
.w. ?B morning, and carry them back to
Hazef Btrong nnd her mother, Esmer
n da, and Mr. Samuel T. Philander wero
almost overcomo by happiness nt Jane
Porter s safe return. Her escape seemed
to them llttlo short of miraculous, and
it was tho consensus of opinion that it
could have been nchloved by no other
man than Tarzan of tho Apes. They
loaded the uncomfortable ape-man with
eulogies and attentions until ho wished
himself back In tho nmphlthcntro of tho
wero Interested in hln uvim
..nun, nnu many were tho gifts tho
black men received from theso friends
of their king, but when they learned that
ho might sail nway from them upon tho
great canoe that lay nt anchor a mllo
off shore they became very snd.
As yet tho newcomers had seen noth
ing of Lord Tennlngton nnd Monsieur
Thuran. They hnd gono out for fresh
meat early In tho day, and had not yet
"How surprised this man, whoso nnmo
you say Is Rokoft, will bo to see you,"
sold Jano Porter to Tarzan.
"Ills surpriso will bo short-lived," re
plied tho ape-man grimly, and thcro was
that In his tono that made her look up
Into his faco In nlnrm. What she read
there evidently confirmed her fears, for
alio put her hnnd upon his arm, nnd
pleaded with him to leave tho Russian
to tho laws ot France.
"In the heart of tho Jungle, dear," sho
said, "with no other form of right or Jus
ttco to appeal to other than your own
mighty muscles, you would bo warranted
In executing upon this man tha sentence
ho deserves; but with the strong nrm ot
n civilized government nt your disposal
It would bo murder to kill him now. Even
your friends would hnvc to submit to
your arrest, or If you resisted it you
would plungo us nil Into misery nnd un
happlncss again. I cannot bear to loso
you again, my Tarzan. Promise mo that
you will but turn him over to Captain
Dufrannc, and let tho law take Its
course tho beast is not worth risking
our happiness for."
He saw tho wisdom ot her nppcal, and
promised. A half hour later Rokoft nnd
Tcrnlngton emerged from tho Jungle.
They were walking sldo by side. Ten
nlngton wns tho first to noto tho pres
ence of strangers In the enmp. Ho saw
the black warriors palavering with tho
sailors from tho cruiser, and then ho saw
a lltho, brown giant talking with Lieuten
ant D'Arnot nnd Captain Dufrannc.
! . . .. ..nw
"Who Is that. I wonder," said Tennlng
ton to Rokoft, nnd ns tho Russian raised
his eyes and met those of the npe-man
full upon him, ho staggered and went
"Saprlstl!" ho cried, nnd before Ten
nlngton realized what ho Intended he
hnd thrown his gun to his shoulder, nnd
nlmlng point-blank nt Tarzan pulled tho
trigger. But tho Englishman was close
to him so close that his hand reached
tho leveled barrel a fraction of a second
beforo the hammer fell upon tho cart
ridge, and the bullet that was Intended
for Tnrzan's henrt whirred harmlessly
above his head.
Before the Russian could llro again tho
ape-man was upon him and had wrested
tho firearm from his grasp. Captain Du
frnnne. Lieutenant D'Arnot. and a dozen
sailors had rushed up at the sound of the
shot, and now Tarzan turned the Rus
sian over to them without a word. Ho
had explained tho matter to the French
commander beforo Rokoft nrrlved, and
the officer gave Immediate orders to place
tho Russian In Irons and conllno him on
hnnH Ihn rrlllser.
Just before tho guard escorted the
nrlsoner Into the Bmali boat that was to
transport him to his tempornry prison
Tarzan naked permission to search him,
and to his delight found tho stolen papers
concealed upon his person.
Tho shot had brought Jane Porter nnl
tho others from he cabin, and a mo
ment otter the excitement had died down
sho greeted the surprised Lord Tennlng
ton. Tnrznn Joined them nftor he had
taken the papers from Rokoft, and, as ho
approached, Jano Porter Introduced blm
to Tennlngton,
"John Clayton, Lord GreyBtoke, my
nnl ' utlA R&Id.
Tho Englishman looked his astonish
ment, In Bplto of his most herculean ef
forts to appear courteous, and It required
many repetitions of tho strange story of
tho are-man, as told by himself, Jano
Porter and Lieutenant D'Arnot, to con
vince Lord Tennlngton that they were
not all quite mad,
At sunset they burled William Cecil
Clayton beside the Jungle graves of his
uncle and his aunt, the former Lopl and
Lady Oreystoke. And It was at Tarzan's
request that three Volleys were fired over
tho last resting place of "a brave man,
who met his death bravely."
Professor Porter, who. In his younger
days, had been ordained a minister, con
ducted the simple services for the dead.
About tho eravo. with bowed heads, stood
as strange a company of mourners as
the sun ever looked down upon. There
were French officers and sailors, two Eng
lish lords. Americans and a score of sav
age African braves.
Following the funeral, Tarzan asked
Captain Dufranjif to delay tho sailing of
the cruiser a couple of days while he
went Inland a few miles to fetch hi "Be
longings." and the officer gladly granted
Late the next afternoon, Tarzan and his
Wazlrl returned with tha first load of
"belongings," and when tho party bw
the ancient inget,Ql virgin gold they
swarmed upon the apa.man with a, thou
sand questions; but he was smilingly ob
durate to their appeals he declined to
give them the slightest clew as to the
source of his Immense treasure. "There
are a thousand that I MX behind, he ex
plained, "far every one that I brought
away, and wh these are spent I may
wish to return for mora."
The next day In returind to camp with
the balanc of his Ingots, and when they
wre stored on board tha cruiser Captain
Dufranne said he felt like the oommandsr
OS an old-time Spanish galleon returning
from the treasure cities of the Astecs.
"I don't know what minute my crew will
out my throat and take over the ship."
hja added.
The nxt SMwnuig. as they were pre
paring to embark upon th cruiser, Tar
zan ventured . suggestion to Jan Ports.
"W1J4 beast are supposed to be de
void ot stotbuent," he said. "but. nvr
thelssa, I should like tP l marrtad in
the, cabin when I was born, beside tha
giavss ur m natattr and my ratber, and I
A. r tt.n, .
..iv.,r in,
surrounded by the savage Jungle that at
was has been my home."
"Would It be quite regular, dear?" sho
asked. "For If It would I know of no
other place In which I should rather be
married to my forest god than beneath
the shade of his primeval forest."
And when they spoke of It lo the others
iney were nssured that It would be quite
regular, nnd n most splendid termination
or a remarkablo romance. So the en
tire party assembled within the llttlo
cawn and about the door to witness tho
second ceremony that Professor Porter
was to solemnize within three days.
IJ Arnot wns to be best man, and Hazel
strong bridesmaid, until Tennlngton up-
mnr!,iL.rrr?,n"nF.nta b another of his
marvelous "Ideas."
intTiL .t 8,LnJr la a"able," he said,
taking the bridesmaid's hand In his.
to mako It a double wedding."
cruiser steamed slowly out to sea a. tall
man, Immaculate In white flannel, nnd n
Sf. 8lrl leaned ngnlnst her rail to
WhiU.' reedlne h "no upon which
danced twenty naked, black warriors of
nwM1!1, wavlnR 'heir wnr spears
nboo their savago heads, and shouting
farewells to their departing king.
nJ 1,oul" hate to think that I am look
iJLV.,,0.n tll8t '""Bio fr the last tlmo.
?!??. BnlJ' Wcro ll not thnt I kno-v
that I am going to a new world of hap
piness with you forever," and. bending
upon'he?rilp".f ,h APe" k",Cd h'8 mat
Wnrm weather has a tendency to make
many persons pessimistic even when they
nro getting their money's worth. As a
result, they hcsltato about npprovlng any
thing, regardless of Its merit. It was
evident that they wero many of this
framo of mind at Keith's last night, and
although they laughed, they were stingy
with applnuae, which requires some llttlo
exertion. Any manager will toll you thnt
applauso Is as essential to tho success
of a show as commendation of good work
ers la to tho success of any other busi
ness establishment. IJut tho somewhat
passlvo nttltudo was speedily transformed
by Joseph E. Howard and Mabel McCane,
tho former musical comedy stars. Thoy
not only aroused tho. onthuslnnm of tho
wnrm wcathcrltes to tho highest pitch,
but stopped the show" with npplause.
Mr Howard sang n number of his song
successes and revived memories of tho
!, " ,whcn 'here wns no "high cost of
living problems nnd tho theatres wero
always packed. "I Wonder Who's Kiss
ing Her Now," nnd "Hollo, My Raby,"
semcd to nnd tho most favor. Tho au
thor sang rully a dozen songs nnd Miss
McCano had a different gown for each
number. Tho Blnglng was preceded with
a drawing room tetc-n-tetc. whero there
wns consistent comedy which made a
pleasing contrast with tho act.
Joe Jackson, who Is regarded ns the
best pantomlmlst on the Btnge, crcnted
no end of fun with ragged clothes nnd a
dilapidated bicycle. His act ended while
tho nudlcnco wns In tho midst of Its
laughter, and tho surpriso finish undoubt
edly cut ofT a lot of "pent up" applause.
Fisher and Green, In "The Pnrtncrs,"
wero suro enough business Jews. They
wore given vnlunblo assistance by Graco
Do Mont nnd brought out many laughs.
There was no end of good comedy In
"A Rag Tlmo Soldier." nresentcd bv John
and Mao ISurke, whoso act was Inter
spersed with many novelties nnd sur
prises. Robert Emmctt Keane dlsprryied
o.i.o vuu auuga una sioncs, ana nas a
clover method of putting them over. His
act would loso none of Its quality, how
ever, by tho omission of tho "Ford" Joke.
Pearl and Ireno Sans presented a hu
mnn fashion book novelty. Thoy stepped
from tho pages of an immense stylo book
to sine their aongs. The act was dainty
nnd entertaining,
Tho Bolger Brothers got an abundance
of melody out of their banjos, Corcoran
and Dingle talked and danced successful
ly, and tho Clown Seal did a number of
amazing stunts. Views of considerable
news interest wero presented among tho
Here and There
Thero Is an amplo supply of comedy
and music on the bill at the Cross Keys
this week. It Is headed by "Tho Mid
night Cabaret," In which a number of
pretty girlB and lively comedians figure,
harmoniously. Novel dancing numbers
and several scenic surprises add to tho
merit of the act. Carmen's Minstrels
won favor with their harmonizing mu
sical numbers, BUly Harlow entertained
with clever tomfoolery, Jcrmon and Wal
ker served Bomo up-to-dato comedy and
tno juics Levy family aroused much en
thusiasm with a timely Instrumental act.
Tho pictures wero up to the minute.
Tho troubles of an Information bureau
aro presented, graphically, by Five Sullys
at the Nixon Grand. Action figures
largely In tha skit, with plenty of good
singing and dancing. Numerous laughs
greeted "The Porter nnd the Bellboy,"
presented by Young and Moore. Popular
musical selections were offered by tho
Monte Trio and rewarded with applause.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thoruo caused no
end of laughter with the familiar "Up
town Flat," and others who won favor
wero Scott and Blssett, dancers, and tho
Aerial Bartletta
This Is Children's Day at Woodsldo
Park. From noon until 3 o'clock all tho
amusements will be free to the little
ones, Incidentally, the general program
at the paik will also appeal to others
who may attend. The vaudeville show
this week b headed by Pltroff, the Mys
tlfler, who puzzles the audience by a
number of amazing feats, others who
won applause wero Jerome and Carson,
In a musical act; the CrMghton Sisters,
acrobats and dangers; Kashlma, in a
Juggling act, and Saona, who gave Im
personations ot groat men.
Vessels Arriving Today
Btr. Sir Brneat Cassel (Bwe,d.), Narvik, Iron
ore, L. Westiriaard tc Co.
Str. Mae, Matanzas, sugar, Munson Lint.
Steamships to Arrive
Name. From. Sailed.
Australian Transport. .Calcutta July 10
fillers notterdam July ID
Scean London July SO
eUrathardle Iqulque July SI
rolls lluelva July 12
Satamls .Avomnouth July 21
Arlwnan lli", iu!r?i
Folarsljernea ...Shields JulyM
Carlton Newport July3t
Waverley Kowty Au. 1
ntnsbwn FtiMrth Au. 1
IsfbaiUn , Quels Uwwa. ..Aug,
AcblMMter Uv Aug. 3
0. Pyrnan MreatoM . . .Aug. 3
rtosebask Sftfaltar Aug. 3
JesotUad rrrr.Sifkwali Aug. 4
Atbanasloe gMB Aug. 4
Hlllerad Osren Aug, It
Ceaeittlaa d Olorglo. rot AMoalo. . .Aui.-li
VwAdyK fMmcfwtiii 4Mb.
ImbkU Coottl lAntwtK ....Aug.!!
Wast Point
Steamships Due Today
Steamship: to Leave
Al. I
" fcft?
it it
U 04,11'
Nawj. ..bSS&ui Mt
17. 1915:
A Bucolic Courtship
"Why don't you ask Hilda to marry
you, KbJ" asked Mrs. Edwards, who was
busying herself endeavoring to coax n
stubborn vine to grow over nn unsightly
porch pillar.
Ebenezer Edwards grinned sheepishly
and turned redder than tha red chimney
ndornlng the new courthouse. "Hilda
wouldn't look at me," ho mumbled. "I
guesa tho winter she spent down In
Wnehlngton must have turned her head
"Nothing of tho sort," Interrupted Mrs.
Edwnrds, sharply. "Hilda Hanson's head
nln t so easily turned. And If the truth
was known, I'd wager my gold thimble
to a darnln' needle thnt she wouldn't give
!forn.ftU tho splndle-leg dudes that
parade the asphalt streets of our national
Ebenezer scratched his auburn head.
Tou don't know girls," he ventured to
remark. "Hilda has changed nnd I
...,,y know whftt to make of her."
m Humphl" ejaculated Mrs. Edwards;
,.o uid am is urea or waitin' ror you
to pop the question an la a bit discon
solate Here you nre, pressln' twenty
two, will Inherit the richest farm In Clay
county, and your family's been respected
,? . 8 con"nunlly long beforo George
Washington crossed the Delaware an'
took M0.000 Hussars prls'ners-nt least
tnat s what I got from your great-grandfather
Edwards, before he died."
Bbcneier Edward' face beamed tolth
the light of infinite joy.
"Not Hussars, mother, but Hessians,"
corrected Ebenezer, "and tho number of
men captured by tho Immortal George
wns not 200,000, but n bare 10."
"Shucks!" said Mrs. Edwards. "I don't
think so much of thut. but whether It
was 10 or MO tho fact remains that the
Edwards "
"Havo been rubes from tlmo Immemo
rial," interposed tho son, "nnd If I want
to win a girl like Hilda I've nn Inkling
thnt I'll have to get a hump on myself."
"What aro you drlvln' nt, Eb7" In
quired tho fond parent.
"I'll tell you in duo time," replied
Lbcnezcr ns ho stuffed a wad of to
bacco Into a corncob plpo and strolled
Into the garden.
The golden leaves of nutumtv had
carpeted tho broad lawn surrounding tho
Edwards mansion, nnd a brisk September
wind seemed to whisper tho death of
summer when Ebenezer Edwnrds hied
himself across nelds of ripened corn to
tho Hansons' attractive abode, nestled In
a nearby hill, to say good-by. Eb's
mind wns made up. He must become
polished and refined beforo hoping to
capture Hilda. "I'll win her." ho had
grated, "If I'm forced to wear a dress
suit huskln' tlmo!"
Something that might havo suggested
pain lingered for a moment on Hilda
Hanson's fair features when' the big
farmer took her hand nnd said gently.
I in going nway next week, llttlo girl,
and thought I'd drop around nnd tell
"Away?" repeated Hilda. "Where?"
' Cornell. I've studied hard and want
to tnko a year or so In the agricultural
school. Up there they mako a modern
farmer of you, nnd a gentleman ns well,
bo thoy tell me."
"Tho Idea!" pouted Hilda, "why you're
acknowledged to be tho best farmer In
Clay county, and "
"Nonsense!" srlnned Rhunnui. TT,i,rn-i.
"Anyhow, the rubes up our way are
antiquated In their methods."
The fact was, however, that Farmer
Edwards' solo idea in going North was
to acquire the suavity nnd refinement of
his city brother. The rough edges must
be worn off and then, perhaps, the
fountain of lovo in Hilda's heart would be
loosed. Ebenezer longed to convey the
ambition of a lifetime to the little girl
of tho hills, but something deterred him
mo Knowicago mat no was, as yet, a
Something like n mist spread over
tho farmer's big, blue eye when nn
hour later he pressed his lips to H.
da's hand, and, looklntr nulcklv awov.
mumbled an unintelligible good-by nnd
strode down the tan-bark path. A
golden harvest moon was riding over the
tranquil heavens, and somewhere a
night bird was singing a sonata to the
breeze, but Ebenczers big henrt was far
too full to appreciate the glories of the
autumn evening. To him the earth was
dead, tho birds had flown, for he had
burled the Joys of life In the little ham
let he was leaving behind, and Hilda
nlone could resurrect them.
A heavy winter set In and Jack Frost's
relentless hnnd gripped Clay county for
bIx weary months. But early In April
the kindly sun shono forth, the frozen
ground softened as If by magic, and
farmers near and far commenced their
Bprlng plowing,
Ebenezer Edwards reached home, and
The Curtis Publishing Company
Cordially invites you to see its
new industrial
Motion Pictures
8!ljrr '
a Magazine
In the Auditorium of the Curtis Building, Sixth stjAct above
Walnut, Tuesday evening, 4ugust 17, andftrlday
evening, August 20
at 8,15 o'clock sharp
Tlteae motion pictures, showing the interesting operations
which take place in the production and distribution of the
Curtis publications, are in six reels; each performance lasts
two hoursr
Admission by tickeanly. Tickets may be procured with
out )iJMkftit Ledger Central, Broad and Chestnut streets,
arid UiepPlewingr oranch offices; ,
Schneider's Pharmacy, 3017 Frankford avenue; gurbm
Pharmacy, Kensington avejuic aad. Orleans street, Psuutt
Pharrnajpy, K. W. corner Briftd Street aijdColumbi avejmci
Shenk Pros-. N. E. comer Broad nd Ellsworth street;
Rumsey-Sorell, N. E. corse r $M and Market Mreets.
Tickets to the capacity of the Auditorium oUy will b
distributed. Guests are therefore ak4 to rwM ciy
the number of tickets they are reasonably sore to u.
when h appeared at the farm motherly
Instinct told Mrs Edwards that thl we
her boy. for he was arrayed In tb
trnordlnary n garb that the fond parent
almost doubling the eviflcnw of her
senses, forgot for the moment to .mm-t
him, and exclaimed In amazement, "tand
sakes, Ebenezer Edwards, what I th
WOtld romtaff to when n htialrv former ar.
rays himself In such hideous duds" 5
"This Is the very latest college style."
replied Ebenezer, proudly, as he fondled
his mother to his heart, "All the swell
dressers ate sporting them."
"Well!" ejaculated Mr. Edwards,
"hlle you was about It why didn't you
get tho right size? The suit IS threo
sizes too small." '
"It Is a bit uncomfortabley admitted
Eb, with a squirm, "but you'vo got to
keep up with the fashions, especially U
you wont to capture a girl's heatt
v omen nro sticklers for smart clothes. '
"And what brought you home?"
Ebenezer grinned. "Dp you suppose
that I could have looked Into another
book after that hot sun came out' I'm
inrougn wnn college, and, to be candid,
mother dear, I'm dead anxious to get out
of these clothes Into my overalls and be
hind a plow, but I must see Hilda first"'
And after another hearty embrace We
man darted away.
Hilda Hanson was planting n rose bust!
beside the garden fence when something
caused her to look up and her heart grjYa
a tremendous bound. But then a native
Pride caused her to regain control of
those feelings that were threatening to
run nwny with her, and she said sternly,
Ebenezer Edwnrds, you enn never cross
into these grounds until you have
changed those clothes!"
For tho nrst tlmo In his life the big
farmer was too amazod lo speak, and ror
a moment he stood as If petrified "Why,
ho finally blurted, "all tho city chaps nre
wearing theml They are nil tho rage.
Hilda. I'vo always thought that after
that winter down In Washington "
"Don't mention Wnshlngton or nny eity,
ns far ns that goes, or the men's clothes
or tha women's," continued Hilda vehe
mently. "May be It's all right it you'va
been raised there, but tho artificiality of
It sickens ono born an J rcar;d In th
great, green open."
"Shades of Agrlcola!" panted Ebenezer
Edwards. "I wish I'd known your sentt
ments Inst fall. I beat It all tho way to
college. Hilda, becauso well, because I
thought you wouldn't look at me niter
those city yaps hnd boarded up here. I
wanted to dress like "cm, and thought If
I did nnd acquired their wnys jou might
you might learn to love me."
"You dear old silly," Hilda whispered,
"your imagination hai only (.liyed you
a foolish prank. Why. I wouldn't glvo
your flannel Bhlrt nnd corduroy trouiers
for nil the college sultsl And" she con
tinued dlllldently, "I would have told you
so long ngo It you had only given me
the opportunity."
Ebenezer Edwards's face beamed with
the light of Infinite Joy, nnd he murmured,
"Hilda, love, won't you let mo cross the
stylo Just once with these c'othes?"
"Yes, this once, ou ell Ce.ir, but re
member, never ngaln!" nnd leaning over
tho vine-covered fence their faces met.
Copyright, ltUi, by the McClura NewsitfW
Hyndlcate '
Theatrical Baedeker
KEITH'S Jotrph E. Honard and Mn fo
Cane, in new aonsa and chatter, Joe Jaeiaon
pnntomlmlat; Jack Corcoran and Tom Din
Ble. the dancers of "Hello. Ilroadway'" John
and Mae tlurke, ottering "A llSKllme 6oldle .
Flaher and Green, In "The PartnTs"; the
Clown Seal: Robert Emmet Keane, "Tha
American Englishman"; Pearl and Irene
Pans, In "Ttvelve Minutes Out ot a Fashion
Hook": Dolger Ilrnthers, tianjolitt, and
Hearst-Sells- News Weekly.
tnXOira ORAND The Five Sullya, In Tb
Information tlurcau": Younr and Moore,
Mnckface comedians. In "The Porter and the
Uellboy"; the Monte Trio, musicians! Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Thorns nnn Company In 'An
Uptown Flat" I lllseet and Scott, dancers,
the Aerial llartletts, and Fun Koto Films.
GROSS IfCl'S First half of week. "The Mid
night Cabaret." a scenlo production. Car
men'a Minstrels; Jermon and Walker enter
tainers; Hilly Barlow, tho "nut comedian,"
and tho Jules Levy Family, Instrumentalists,
WOODSIDD PAHKIm Ilelne-Haml! nd
Company In demonstration of electrlcltyt (he
Crelghton Ulsters, three singing and dancing
mines: Jerome and Carson, In singing, ano
Inc and acrobatic speclaltlea; Kashlma, "th
somewhat different Juggler"; Saona, "wtzard
of the make-up box,1' and Jimmy Laughlln.
Vacation? Make
It Colorado
This Year
Have you ever felt tho thrill of th
mountains, thnt deep mysterious some
thing that comes from a wide sweep
of plains and mountain top;, that 'in.
descrbablo feeling that overwhelms
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of the Buckles for the first time?
It's there for every one In Colorado
and to get there In greatest comfort
there's the nock Island's famous
"Rocky .Mountain Limited," a modern
train providing every comfort and .con
venience only one night out between
Chicago and Colorado. Other fast trains
dally from Chicago and St. Louis. Au
tomntlo block signalsFinest modern
all-steel equipment Superb dining ca?
Low fares for round trip dally, June
1st to September 30th, only ISO from
Chicago; 125 from St, Louis.
Only direct line between the east and
both Denver and Colorado Springs.
Write, phono or drop In at our
Travel Bureau for our booklets and
folders on Colorudo, hotels and board
ing houses In Colorado, Little Journeys
n Colorado, etc. 1019 Chestnut fit,
Philadelphia. Pa. II. M. Brown. D. P, VL,
Phonei Walnut Its.
and Circulating
m "ii twratau. i7vl fmri, i