Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 17, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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EYEtfixa T.TCTirtTCiiPTTTT.AnKLpniA, TFKHDAY, arcrrgy it 191P
Mnrcin Continua Verso
J'Oblettivo df RIva Non
Ostante la Grnhdine c lc
Vlolente Bufere
ROMA, 17 Agosto.
Nel setlora ill I'leuso rII Alplnl llnllani
Vano lernpfp Jjlu slrlnftondo nttdrno nllft
fortdza ill Plcxzo It cetchlo ill fifbco e
li ferro che ilcvo deUrmlnsrne In cailutn.
'tiii Alplnl dovono etiperaro enorml ostft-
,; ilimcottti' p ilevono frcquontemrnte
inertiar rocolc scocese 1 imptrvlf e mrsi
rftirg8 ri forift ill BKtftltl nlla bAlonettn
f per coslrlngero II nemlco nd nbbantlonnro
1c fortl poslzlonl dl protcxlone nvonsnla
f-lla fortezza.
' Dlspaccl gluntl oggl ctal fronts dl
, ballagtla dlcono nppunto clio nel setters
' .dl Pleiro la groain artlglierln Itnllann lin
contlmlnto a liombnrdare I fortl hi"
Mlacl per it ore dl BfRUltn, senra mal
J Jnterrompero la ploggla ill grannie clio
era tanclata sul lavorl In cnlcestruzzo o
Sullo cuoole corazzate. '
Nel settoro delta Carnln fell nustrlncl
fcanho optrntu p.trotclil nttncelil ben
rlsotutl contro la pnilzlonl nvnnznte
Itnllnno nelle ultimo IS ore, ma tuttt gll
nttnoclil ionn stntl rcsplntl tall Itnllnnl ,
She linnno Inflltto nl ncmlco perdllc con- j
, sidorevoll. Nella glornnUt ill lerl ell I
austrlacl non rlnnovnrono sit nttacclil.
Lungo la frontlcrn del Tlrolo contlnu-
nno 1 violent! duolll dl nrtlgllcrln, cho
ono ptire nnl frequentl o vlolontl nclla
reglonc dl Vnlle dl Ampezzo, nel Cnllore.
" IV! gll Itnllnnl hnnno copqulstato con
assnltl nlla b.ilonotta la trlncee nuslrlachc
nella valla del Ilodenbnch ed In clualla
del Ilncherbacli, c lo hinno mnntenuto
honostante I vlolcntlsslml contrnttnrchl
degll nuatrlacl, clio dopo aver rlccvuto
1 rlnforzl tentnrono dl rlconqulstnrlc.
Congressman Miller Obtains
charge of G. E. Ely
WILMINGTON. Del . Aug. 17. -Through
tne onotts oi congressman ri nomas w.
Miller, O. nrhtst Bly, son 'of Mr and
Mr. Howard O. Rly, or this city, has
been released from the British Royril
Nnvnl Reserves and returned to his par
ents Kly left homo in May, shipping to EnB
Ifthd, and, upon bis arrival In June, en
lltd In the llrltluli ItoyAl Naval He
Mrves, lieliiu dtatloned at Crystal 1'alacc,
In London Thin branch of the ttrltfuh
naval service corresponds to the fnlted
Slates .Marine Corps. Whpn his pdrents
lenrneil of ha enlistment they Appealed
to Congressman Miller to obtain his dis
Banditti in Force Believed Mov
ing on Mercedes, Tex.
Funston Ordered to
tJltro a qucste notlzlo si hnnno pocho
Informnxlonl rlwiardo ngll nvvcnlincntl
1 Bill fronle dl battaKlla Itallano ed 11 rap-
"porto del Rcncralo Cadorna dice poiilils-
' SI sa nondlmqno che l'avanzata.
Ucllo forzo Itallano. nd est ill Condlno, II
cut oblottlvo c' Itlva ill Trcnto, nlla trstn
-del 'Iahq dl Cinnln, contluua sempro
. nonoetaiue II cattlvo tempo clio la rondo
dtiTlcllc. HI sono avuto In nuotl glornl
tempesta dl yento o dl Krnndlno nella
MRlone Val Gludlctirla, SI sa cho partc
chle delle trlncco conaulstnto rccente
hicnte dnull Itnllnnl sono plena dl acqua
e sono state trovnte coal' dnRll Itntlanl.
I cndaveii del soldotl austrlacl chc vl
erano stntt ucclal RnllcERlavano sult'iic
o.un. La strada che e' pcrcorsa dngll Itallnnl
cfic dalla Vnllo Uludlcarln murcluno vcrsd
Itlva a' nuella dl Vnllo d'Ampola, cho
parte da Storp e passa per Tlamo, llcz
tocca. l'leve dl Ledro u Mezzo I.aKo,
dove la strada 1 btforcn. I'n rnmo va
B, RIva 6 l'altro va nllo cascnte del To-
U'ASIUNdTON', Aiir. 17.-t:xlrrmlnn-tlon
of 'the armed Mexican bands In tho
Urownsvlllo district lias been decreed,
The War Department has sent word to
Cteiioiiil runsion, cmnnnndlng tho bol
der, to resort to more drastic measures to
keep the raiders south of tho IUo Grundo.
General Villa Is executing many per
sons In Chihuahua, dispatches to the
State Dcpjrtpinnt this morning declared.
"Many shocking executions arc being
nmle dally by Ctencrnl Villa," one ills
patch stntcd. "Wounded aro arriving at
Chlhunhun from tho scene of (iRhtlng
nenr Ton con "
The report of the clash between Troop
C of the 12th Cavalry nnd Mexicans, saltf
to be Carranzu soldiers, near Mcrcodei,
10 inlloa from tliownsvllle, liaB nngerrd
War Department oinclnls In consequence,
Punston has been nollfluil that tho bor
der patrols should bo slrciigthened at
every point, so thnt they may cope w'th
nnv Invmllng force.
One tTnlled States trooper was killed
ntld one was wounded In the tight near
Vllllstn forces under General Mnytorena
hnvc administered a crushing defeat to a
Cnrranm bend at I'rcnteclto, near No
gales, Sonora, accoiding to n slntement
given out hern today by tho Vllllstn
An HI Paso dispatch says nlnnnlng re
ports of the depredations of a bnnd of
125 Mexicans, who crossed the Illo Grande
below Fort HnncOck last night, have been
lecelved. Mexicans attacked the ranch
of K. C Wiles, driving off all the lle-
Btock nnd stripping It of all mippllcs. In
stead of heading toward Mexico tho ban
dits made off toward the ranch country
nanklng the Texas Tactile Itnlluay
. .-.-M-y- 'rrBeirseKrm .;?SSrrJl
i in i mi LjMiiuiiiag.'..iJJ miP -j J I
W rrrrrrrrr H W ImimmW1 ff
rir- awlam TOiMHflaM..4,:att2 ii7 .T r. .1" s ..-m 7 . v U.S jses& 1 wmnxiaamr 2JU J K" - v".-w
rfajK8CTBit itfi "i.'lcc''ff " miii' i"v i i"i - - " - 5-mMui .. .. xUJi,faaiitlfecawfl.i8Saafa.fc .
I'lnns bv Horace Trutnbauer.
Tho building nt Walnut nnd 38d street is to contain nn ice-skating rink, nuditorium, summer roof garden
nnd ico manufacturing plant. It will hnvo n total seating capacity of GOOD.
Hordes of Cadaverous Members of the Tribe Suddenly
Realize They Are Starving and Promptly Start
on Raid of South and West Philadelphia
Convinced U. S. Shippers Send It to
Germany Via Neutral Ports
Tho .Allies' Intention to declare cotton
contraband has been corumunl6nted tin
otnclally. but authoritatively, to tho State
Department The Department's advices
arc that tho decision has been readied
nnd tho delay In making an announce
ment Is due to tho necessity of arranging
uniform treatment on tho subject by all
tho Allies.
Tho Btep has been ngrocu upon oy
Great Britain, France, Russia, Itnly nnd
llelglum, but Jnpan's nttltudo has not
been defined.
Tho Entente Powers, according to ad
vices here, expect thnt the Stnte Depart
ment will resist making cotton contra
band, and are preparing to baao their no
tion on American precedents, The ad
vices reaching hero Indlcato they Intend
to argue that both Presidents Lincoln nnd
Johnson, In formal proclnmntlons Issued
hi April, Mny nnd June, In 1865, went on
record ns mnlntnlnlng ns contraband of
war "materials for tho fabrication Of am
munition." That cotton hns taken the
place Of saltpetre, always recognized a
nhsoluto contraband, In tho mnnufneture
of gunpowder will be hold to be an es
tablished fact, nnd by way of convincing
the Stnte Department to thnt effect at
tention probably will bo directed to n tet
ter by Secretary Hay to W. W. Uockhlll.
Amcrlcnn Minister to China during tho
Itusso-Jnpancsa War, stating thnt. the
Amorlcan ordnanco ofllcors whom ho had
called Into consultation regarding tho Jnp
nncBO blockndc orders hnd advised him
that cotton was used In the manufacture
of smokeless powder, and so must prop-
nnlo. Da Tlnrno hi pol la strada fascia I Ofllclnls have made up their minds to
.... ... . . . . , ' rxnprt nn llnrnt'nmnln nnnu.ni- frnm
posals. To all suggestions that ho easily
,.la Valo d'Ampola id cntra ncla nclla expect an unrnvornnio answer iron
Vnii .11 t Mn I Carranza to tho peaco conforenco pro
VUIIU Ul AjCUIU. I ., . , i,A., ,1 . , n.
rton improuaoiio cno qucsta coionnn cou, dominate such n meeting, tho
ltauana cna opera noun vane u'Ampoia i 'flrat chief hns turned a deaf car.
abbla la sua bnso n Ilrcscla, come lu J They nro hopuful, however, that his
coionna prtncipno Clio opera lunga in i resistance will bo nullified to a grant
Vnlle Glurilcnrti. n nord del I'asso dl
, f onnlo. tjuesta coionnn prlnclpalo hn per
oblettlvo II podu slrndnlq dl Tlone, dove
'iff strada si blforca con un rnmo In dl
' rezlone dl Stcnlco, Vezznho e Trento, ed
.un nltro per Vnl Ilcndona o Val Helu
"sino nllft strndn dl Vnl d Hole.
La strada dclln Vnl d'Ampola e' dlfesa
' oaiie opera dclla rorteza d'Ampola, a
circa quattro chllomotrl da Storo.
SI o' -spprcso cho I'lngcgnero Itallano
f-Qimrlnl ha Invcntnto un nppareechlo col
'quale, e' posslbllo niimdaro fuorl della
loro rotta regolnro 1 sllurta prima cho
essl colplscano 11 borsagllo.
I.'apparccchlo o' provato da una com
mlsslone nomlnata dal Mlulstero dnlla
Marina ed ha dato rlsultati sodlsfnccntl.
coslcclic' si sta ora lavornndn nor fnrnlr.
dl questl appnrccchl non soltanto lo navl
da Rucrra Itallano ma nncho quelle dl
. ,tutto la nailonl alltate. In tnl modo lo
,navl nlleato potranno eltlcaccmcnto dl
indent conlro lo Instdlo del BOttoinarlul
v tedcschl ed austrlacl.
Two Hundred Employes Out Follow-
ing Wage Cut -i
1 TnnNTON, N. j Aug. 17.-necnuse 10
men who hd demanded that their for
mer wn scale be restored were not
i"tnkcn back. S0 employes or tha soft wlr
v department of the John A. Hoebllng's
Eon Company, atltoebllng, N J., went on
strike yesterday.
. There lias been no disorder, but the
men declare that nearly 030 more will
, quit If the dismissed employes aro not
reinstated and the old wages paid.
J1.1 w men In question were dropped
Friday, It la said, after th.u h.,i ,..
tested because they wero paid only 31
cents for each 100 pounds of drawn wlro
Instead of 87 cents. The company says
It cannot afford to pay the old scale be
cause there, Is a scarcity of orders and
,Decaus the ptlco of tempered steel has
The cut In pay came without notice,
the men assert, and many who had been
counting: on getting at least JM In their
j envelopes found only nbout Its.
extent by an acceptance of the sugges
tion by Gencrnl Obrcgon. Although It
Is admitted that stops nro well under
way to socuro tho lattor's consont.
oinclnls decline to sny Just what Is being
It Is understood thnt tho envoy who hns
gone to Cnrrnnza's chief general with n
copy of tho proposnl, also took with him
another nnte, signed by nt least two of
the South American dlplomnts, pointing
out the great glory that would be his If
he would swing his stubborn chief Into
imOWNSVILLE, Tox Aug. 17.
Armed Mexicans In force crossed tho Illo
Grnnde nt a ford nenr Mercedes last
night, attacking an outpost of half a
dozen cavalrymen at Saenz. Hanger
Lieutenant Itoynnu, nt Mercedes, tele.
A gaunt, emaciated mosquito, with dark
hollows under his eyes, wasted to a shad
ow by lack of food, rose In slow spirals
somcuhcrc south of Shunk street, his
senses keenly alert for tho mnn smell.
Suddenly ho cnught It, buzzed nnprlly
and started north.
Behind him rose his heroic brothers and
sisters, billions nnd billions of them, nit
gnimt, all emnclated, nil having dark
liollouH under tho oyos nnd nil wnsted
to shadows by lncl: of food. For days
they bad been lying In a state of coma
or something upon tho Biirfnco of vnrl
ous stiiRnnnt pools In tho South Philadel
phia badlands
Alone camo the widely known 111 wind
that. In the parlance of tho street, don't
blow nobody no good. Its slRhlng was
like sweet music to tho ears of the mos
quitoes Snnpping at each other enn-
nnblllsttcnlly in their fight for room, thoy
stampeded Into the breezo nnd wore
wafted Rently north.
About this time South nnd West Phila
delphia had Just finished their frugnl eve
ning meal They wero sitting on tho
front porch or tho front step In their
stucklug feet, n toothpick In their mouth,
their fnecs were wreathed In tho happy
smile painted by a squnro meal. The cat
or the bowwow cavorted with tho chil
dren Just then came the first touch of tho
now breeze from the south. It was not
much of a breeze, but It was something.
"Gonna cool off after all," said South
and West Philadelphia. "Hot yet, ain't
It? Well, this wlnd'll tlx things up."
Then South nnd West Philadelphia
lost tliolr dignity, polso, comfort, con
tent and tamper. They lost nil faith In
the assurnnco that had been percolnting
from City Hall about tho war being
wuged on mosqultoe-s, and how successful
It hnd been, and how successful It would
be, iml how tho mosquitoes would all bo
stamped out by nnd by.
ror at this Juncturo tho billions nnd
phoned Stnte Adjutant General Hutch- billions of gaunt, emaciated mosquitoes,
I Employers of Women Object to 54
f Hours a Week Regulation
Employ of women, especially hotsl
keepers, j alr heir complaints against
, the new St-pour-n-week law In Pennsyl
. vania. Thursday, at the Colonnade Hotel.
. r a meetlne of labor leaders, .octal
workers and employers, at which State
Commissioner of Labor John Price Jack-
on will preside
The hotnl men object to that feature of
tnn law which provides that all women
i employes must have at least one day off
, In seven, but Jt Is though some solution
of the problem may be worked out at the
conferenee. Many of the hotel men, it Is
said, are so opposed to the law that
r rather th9 attempt to esmply with It In
- i pre-snt state they wilt discharge their
, women eroplww and hire men.
f Angelina Lands Two Fet on Horse.
t Knocking Hirn Tep Yards
k 3.WW XQJIK, Aug. U If jn WinaA',
Manager is sufflclently astute he MlTanaM
E-i . nnv atAMn . .&.. .. -. !;. T ""
T , ..j. niw naug twtwean
the champion and Angelina. AsorHm U
mule. Wlonss to Predtttek Jk of
BWUviUc, N j and has a ttrriUa Uob.
Mi HHm faas a Urge express 'rt
. own many bore and several mules.
We tur4 Angelina and two here out
to iwtrtiwe yetei-tfay lB a Hia In Nwth
rtinnto, N J. la the ftH to an slian
tOBu Mrvtr, aKr shaped, about
toet by Vk
The two bonm Wr ""appreciative of
tke mute rnmiMntousMp An time Au
selitia tr4 is en fia q.if of th borack
f04iM latffBi Innllnas pueflce flnl
l. mvej so the mule &Mk4 a hori
mi, jd lvjjr, 0f9lwr InMst the
no mt r rettcUesl 30 f.
logs here that Corporal William, of
Troop C, 12th Cavalry, was killed nnd
Lieutenant Hoy O. Henry, of the same
troop, was wounded.
Ileynnu said he understood 270 Mexi
cans had crossed, nnd thnt they were
coming to nttnek Mercedes.
Mercedes,, tho reported objectlvo of
tlio Mexicans, Is 30 miles northwest of
Urownsvllle, on the railway connecting
thnt port with the Interior.)
Ileporta of renewed attempts by Mexi
can bandits to reorganize their bonds In
the lower Illo Grande valloy were Drought
here by Captain of Texas Hangers J. J.
Snnders. Captain Handera said he had
received reports that Mexicans nro cross
ing Into Texas arie or two at a tlmo, and
that they are attempting to gather again
In H'dalgo County, wcBt of Drownsvllle.
The 20th Infantry, from Texas City.
went on duty here yesterday. About 73
men of the 26th were left nt KlngHville,
113 miles north of Brownsville, and more
thnn two companies went on patrol at
Hnrllngen, between here and Klngsvlllo.
Hangers nnd peace officers nro disarm.
Ing all Mexicans outside of the larger
towns throughout the Tlrownsvlllo sec
tion. The finding of firearms in the pos
sotslon of Mexicans la practically equiv
alent to a death warrant unless the Mexi
can Is known to Americans as being
peaceful. Kven with such a record, fire
arms are confiscated and a warning given
not to obtain any more.
nun qarK nonows unucr their eyes,
wasted to shadows by lack of food, foil
upon South Philadelphia and West Phila
delphia and nil the human beings and
other living things thereof nnd nte of
them gieedlly.
Abovo tho vicious buzzing of the In
vading hordes roso tho machine gun rattle
of naked palms coming Into contact with
faces nnd necks nnd knees and ears and
noses nnd chests nnd heads nnd counte
nances South and West Philadelphia
wero being badly punished. Yet they
could not dam the tide of the mosquitoes,
nlthough If you were In the path of the
hungry Insects you mny say you did by
another spelling.
Men nnd women of good character,
with excellent reputations for veracity,
nrc authority today for tho assertion that
after tho moquitoon had chased South
nnd West Philadelphia indoors they nto
the netting off the windows, bit holes In
the glass, bored through brick nnd stone
wnlls, got Into tho sewer nnd camo up
through tho pipes nnd In other nnd oven
more burglarious ways entered the homo
stead of their victims, there to continue
tho feast.
At nny rnte, the mosquitoes today nro
no longer gaunt, nor emaciated, nor hnve
they dark hollows undor tho eye nor nro
they wnsted to shadows hy lnck of food.
Instead they nro bulging Uko toy bnlloons
with the gore of South nnd West Phlln
delpliln and lying everywhere in a stato
of coma or something, In which condition
they ore being killed oft by tho thousands
ns South nnd West Philadelphia walks
on them.
The present vlsltntion of mosquitoes Is
likely to rontlnuo nil of August, snys
Professor Herman Hornlg, city entomolo
gist. Professor Hornlg snld today that
the heavy rains have crcnted pools nnd
bogs for mosquito breeding In such quan
tities thnt the pests hnvo got away be
yond control. Councils' mwIHlncnoss tp,
nnuronrinto sufllclcnt fdndjL .tn.htht the
mosquitoes la blamed )) Profossop Jlor-'
nig lor ino present distress or Plillndej
plilans However In addition to four
city workmen, who hnvo been putting
oil on pools nnd sower Inlets, 10 Inspectors
from tho Highway Hurcnu hnvo been
pressed Into emergency duty to super
vise digging of trenches for dinlnnge In
tho South Philadelphia thentro of the war
ngalnst tho mosquitoes.
A chango In tho wind mny afford some
relief, thinks Professor Hornlg, as It may
Borvo to blow n few billions of the pests
back to their marshy home, near Stamp
era lano and Oregon avenue.
"The mosquitoes wo havo with us are
of tho salt marsh variety," snld Pro
fesflor Hornlg. "They did not como from
tho senshoic, but from South Philadel
phia. "A force of 50 men would bo necessary
to extormlnato tho salt marsh mosquitoes
in their breeding places. But the present
nrmy of pests Is not comDosad at h
dangerous malarial mosquito. That breed
wo have under control."
Work to Begin on Handsome
Structure in October, and It
Will Be Finished for
Winter Use
Tired Little Wanderer Had
Been Put to Sleep There
by Neighbor
Business. Men Want Structure at
Twenty-fourth Street and
The Falrmount Dullness Men's Associa
tion today launched a movement to have
the proposed Convention Hall built at
Htn street and the Parkway, on a alts
bounded by 31th street. Falrmount ave
nue, SCth street and Pennsylvania avenue,
A delegation will call on Senator Pen
rose at 2-30 o'clock this afternoon to urge
his, support to the movement.
Polders and maps showing the advan
tages of the proposed site have been dis
tributed among Councllmen and voters
throughout the city. It Is pplnted out that
v?, ,iftVi,dwillln?',and a few Id factory
fettlldlnaV oeeuliy the entire truer ohit
the c4ty wjll haye to purchase anvwav
wnen the Parkway Is completed.
If It were built on this sit. It la de
clared, the S8th district of the 15th Ward
which has only six voters and costs the
city considerable money at every election
would be done away with. The hall would
also be elaae t the new W.WO.0OQ art gat
r to a MWjI-ueUd t the south V
trstwe & t)it Psr,k?ay,
Wilmington and Philadelphia, Whieh
Bought Peopled, Makes Improvements
WIIIKgfaK, OH', Aug. it.-Hb,,
purchased the HtiStMie feTZS?.
imny In thU eUy, axa connecting the tines
Into one sylm Dupllcal lines are tot
'. imovet and new ruuuctfs to make
I tur time are belug na4o I Oder Wt
ow system toe tjlre4 station and
Meejalxwt wttarvM vrfu be maula ew
oidUy y t aoeemi.
Tha peculiar story of being mistaken
for somebody else's llttlo girl ana being
compelled to sleep In tho other little
glrt's bed was the story sobbed out by
4-year-old Ellen Junovltz, of M2 Nec
tarine street, when she was reunited with
her mother, Mrs. Hllzabeth Janovttz, In
tho 10th and Huttonwood streets police
station today.
Ellen, acoordlng to the police, decided
to run away yesterday afternoon, and at
nightfall, unable to find her way back,
eat down on the uteps of the grocery
ttoro of Joseph Klines, ot 70S Spring Gar
den street, and cried.
"Why, that's Benner's little girl," re
marked Hunes to Ills wife, "I guess I'll
take her home.' Hunes put on his coat
and hat and took the child to the home
of Frank O. Benner, at 615 North Frank
lin street. When he reached there he
found no one nt home, so he tried the
knob nnd found the door open. Then he
took tha sobbing child, who persisted she
did not live there, up to a bedroom and
put her to bed.
The child, exhaustod by her excite
ment, fell off to sleep and was discovered
by t-year-old Elisabeth Benner when the
family returned about midnight from an
outing. Elizabeth did not care to have
her father put Bllen out of the bed. so
the children slept together.
Meantime Special Policemen Ernest and
Weckesaer had been conducting an all
night search for the child.
As they entered the station house this
morning; to Inform Airs. Janovltt that
Mialr search had been fruitless, Benner
walked In another door with the tost
child in his arms.
Mother and daughter were reunited
amid tears d satM while the (gUee
nvea laugb4 heartily over the Utile glrt's
strange 4vitrM-
Judklal Candidates File Petitions
HATUUSmntn, Aug 17.-Petltlons for
the ronomlnatlon of Oeorge B. Orlad
and oMPPleujeuUry petitions for the re
somltHaw) ot Judge jhn B. Head, bow
at tb 8fet mvmor Curt. were fl4
t the glate Department Wy. Judge
Head's original paper were received last
nlgbt These candidates (or Judgeships
to the eastern part of the State alo tiloii
emiiuMten petitions today. J. Prank K
flauee. Chester. B. M Bkidte. Jr, Cum
berland, Common Pleas, Walter B. Qtrntm,
Berks, orphans' Court.
Young Men More Anxious to
Enter Service When They
May Go to Front
Officers hi charge of the Army and
Navy recruiting stations In this city
have noticed no' Increase recently In the
number ot enlistments because of crit
ical situations which havo arisen In the
relations of the United Statos with for
elan nations. Despite this, they say, or.
ders calling for Increases In the com
plement of both Army and Navy are ex
The increase In the number of ships
has made a corresponding Increase In the
number of men necessary". A report from
Washington says that Secretary Daniels
will suggest to the President a greater
complement when he presents tha special
repoita on the needs of tho Navy asked
for by "Wilson.
In the last year and a quarter there has
been an Increase of 0 In the number ot
naval vessels In full commission. Tho
complement of men has been brought up
almost to the limit preserlbed by law by
the addition, during that time, of Bill
It Is felt, however, that the limit must
bo raised. Lieutenant Commander Ro
per, who Is in eharge ot the Navy Be
orultlng Station at MIS Filbert, street,
says that on August 13 the Navy lacked
but 971 men of Its full strength ot 61,500.
Becrutts are still being taken, and the
number of applications remains about
the same. Because under the present
regulations so few mm can ba reerulted,
t)ia phytioal requlrtmeaU have imn
raised, a is customary In nwh eiroum
stance. At the Army recruiting Halloo it is
expected that orders win he Issued soon
to InprMM the peace strength of the
Army from ,W to lW.ftM mm. The
Marin Corps Is new limited to l,xi
mwt d aupllwnU are ltSK (HHlwl
down day after day. In Una brunch of
the nriee. too. an prder celling for aa
increase U looked for
Officers of the National Guar J eay few
of the companies are resulted up to
their full quota, of & aad many have ojjli
to juts. No eSeft 1 being wade, it U
sold, to bJlo new nun Into the ajlMtla
An Ice palace, such ns hns made the
cities of London, Paris. Berlin nnd other
forolgn capitals famous, will be nn ndded
nttrnctlon to tho already long list of
Philadelphia's playgrounds this winter.
In the summer time, tho roof of tho
big building thnt will houso tho rink, will
bo converted Into s. summer garden with
dnnclng, music nnd refreshments. The
plans of tho backers of this proposition
surpass anything ever seen In Philadel
phia beforo for originality.
Tho pnlnco Is planned by men socially
and financially prominent In this city. Tho
building, which will cost nenrly a half
million dollars, will bo erected nt 33d nnd
Wnlnut streets. If tho plans of the backers
nro fulfilled. Work on tho project will
begin some time In October, It was learned
today, and. If everything Is successful,
tho Ico Pnlnco and rink will bo running
nbqut Fcbrjinry l.
SOtloty halls the advent of the rink or
jmiace witti aeugnt. In -winter time tho
park lakes nrc crowdod, nnd it tnkes a
long time to get to the suburban lnkes.
Kven nt thnt, tho skating season Is al
ways Intermittent, With tho opening of a
rink, proporly conducted In Philadelphia,
skating Is assured at all times. Hockey
matches between tho private schools and,
possibly, city teams will bo seen there. A
band will bo constantly playing nnd re
freshments will be served.
In tho Bummer the rink will tin nmr.i
and used as n convention hall, playhouse
or. If tho roof garden la overcrowded. It
will bo converted into a summer garden
similar to tho Now York winter garden.
Tho situation at tho west end of Wnlnut
street bridge mnkes tho rink ensy of ac
cess from many trolley lines nnd rail
roads. Tho plnco will have no liquor
license nnd tho nearest saloon will be
secral blocks away.
For several years Philadelphia has been
talking of the advantages of mieh n rini.
and several attempts were made to start
one. but without success. Last Decem
ber several of the society sot got to
gether and Horace Trumbnuer, an archi
tect, submitted plans which wero ap
proved. '
The board of managers of the lea
Pnloco will Include:
Robert K. Cassatt William II. T. Huhn
Harrison K. Caner Horace Trumbauer
Fred. T. Chandler Alex. C. Yarnall
William J. Clothier Zenas U. Dodgo
Tho skating floor will be S5 by 200 feet
nnd will comfortably accomodato 1500
skaters, Around the rink will bo n gal
lery wun ito seats. Anothor gallery
nbovo the rink levol. will accomodate
1600 persons. The rink, when floored, will
hold nn additional 3000 seats, making tho
total seating capacity of the building In
summer tlmo COOO: n
War Causes Shortage Medical Labo
ratories Pay High Prices
There Is a demand In all parts of the
country for guinea pigs because of the
similarity of their blood to that of mam
experiments havo shown that the blood
iiiMU,.ni,Wl Plff w'8l'ln aeven ounces
will be the same as that of a man 21
years old. The anlmat la regarded -J
nlghly Important for bacteriological
work, and the demands of university ami
commercial laboratories Is very greTt
The war has caused a shortage of the
animals and boomed business here
Tho quick sale of the pigs has caused
m?ny Pfons to enter the business of
."oTalo-rlel1000 " k Eft
The pigs breed at the age of two months
and have litters which range from tour
to 12 In number. It was leaFned that one
woman in this city who started In the
business of raising guinea pig, started
with a captal of J1A Sh, Is now said to
be earnlng nearly i ft month a
thete seems to bo no end of ih h..,
raany persons are devoting all their time
to raising guinea pigs. raa
IM. oWMi. lifullblMt sad rnait JZX.VJ'
1 ot jouf use. ""'
I for trfaf-iutiH ..., . . .
wggrt. serosa BWKU8
Ortrfcw, Pa ' - oorraaw.
UQMUOtid by Raw T t
llhJdp lltA w .h V'
PrewMrgasi. jTchbSJm or l?Sudi
gwisuufac Pool ao4 Oymnaltum
nu i v
Sbealy a J.
U ftlUl fli.En..... - -
8wa at one foThtnrVJSS JW1U
Employes of Commonwealth AiTccted
by Attorney General's Opinion
HARItlsnuna, Aug. 17. Attorney
General Brown decided In nn opinion
handed down today that architects; for
buildings being erected by the Common
wealth or who design Stnto Institutions
nro entitled to pny only on tho basis of
money Immediately nvallablo for building
purposes nnd not upon estimates for fu
turo construction. The opinion was ren
dered to tho Auditor General and nroso
out of n question of payment for archi
tectural work in connection with the Dlx
mont Institution.
This construction of law will apply to
nil simllnr cases. State offlclnln sny that
in n number of building operations com
missions havo been nsked for on a basis
of work outlined, somo of the buildings
being designed fnr beyond the Bums
Available for their construction. This will
tnko in bridges nnd nil forms of public
work ns well ns buildings.
Navy Men, by Using Paint, Make Boat
Like Submarine
NKWPORT, R. I., Aug. 17.-Tho tor
pedobont destroyer McDonough presented
n strnngo npenrnnce when sho slipped out
ot the hnrbor today to Join In the Atlan
tic fleet wnr game oft Block Island. Blnck
pnlnt had been used over tho bnttle-grny
sides of the destroyer to form the outlines
it n mi nm i, rino n .... wnn mnnriA rm h ..
.. .u...u. .,,,., u,,u .,,u a. wipe ,i JJCU-
scopo wns painted on tho middle funnel.
Shoro observers found tho Illusion effect
ive at a comparatively short distance.
Other destroyers hnvo been pnlntcd with
blnck nnd white squares, which serve to
obscuro their outlines. Tho now cover
ings will bo given tests in action during
tho wnr game, which Is to continue for u
Daughter Finds Mother Unconscious
With Gas Tubo in Mouth '
CHESTER, Pa., Aug. 17.-Mrs. John
Cox, of Eddystone, was found uncon
scious with a gns hose in her mouth at
10:30 o'clock today by her daughter. Sho
was hurried to Chester Hospital, where
It Is thought she will rccovor.
Mrs. Cox has been In poor health for
somo tlmo and this morning went to lie
down. Upon going to seo how her mother
was the girl discovered sho had attempted
to dlo.
Wilson Appoints Circuit Judge
WASHINGTON. Anir. 17.Piv..,M,f
Wilson today announced tho nppolntment
of Samuel Alschuler, of Chicago, as
United States Circuit Judge for the sev
enth circuit, embracing Illinois, Indiana
nnd Wisconsin The formal appointment
of Wllllnm W Russell ns minister to
Snnto Domingo wns nlso nnnounced,
Hampton L. Carson, Former
ouitu mcurney, Addressing
ojuwuitj, ouys ureat AN
fred Favored It
Hampton L. Carson, former Attorn.1!
General of t'ennsvlvnnin .n . .9
-....... ucurered tn
annual address last night nt the s.l
minimi meeting of tho American In,tfii
iuio ui v-riminai ljw nnd Criminology iii
Salt Lnko City, Utah. His subject VM
"A Sketch of tho Enrly Develnnm..i r&
English Criminal Law." ti, i
" , . " " "Peas;
mnue irequeni rcierenco to the "unwrtfl
ten law," nhlch hnB figured prominent!'
In ..in..., nnt.il Tf..l.., r... ..&
hi ii.anjr iiun-u uuiieu amies r
trials, Including tho Thaw ense.
"Wo havo heard much nbout the 'ia
of nature or tho unwritten lnw tJ
""i "trig
Carson snld, "but In mnn' cases latvy-ril
forgot or did not know tho text flf th,
ouxun uooms, $, j
Jfr. Cnrsoh, In tracing tho'gratWi "5.
vclopment of English criminal law frtun'l
me aaxon limes, saiu: , J
"A comparison of the laws or doonuj
ot tho 12 Kings, from Ethelbcrt to Ed! 3
somblanro between them, many belnguTI
largo part rc-cnucmcnts, with oceasloMl '
""" '""'", "' """"". iiiiuu wnn moral -precepts,
the Ten Conimnndmont
tracts from Exodus nnd tho Acts of th '
Apostles. This was tho mnnner, MDe," ,
nlly. In which Alfred tho Great Improved
upon tho work of his predecessors. Taken
as a body, tho dooms cover a period f';
.,bu.,j w vw.u, u.iu Li.vavilL B. ITrailE.-
medley of acts nnd scenes without order M
ui ill i iiii(.-uii;iiit ,
"The distinction between murder tmt1
manslaughter, as Halo knew nnd defined
It, was unknown. A killing that was
nccroi or irencncrous or In violation 'of ,
fealty, or accompanied by a concealment '
ot tho corpse or by sorcery or Bacrllesi
wns of nn nggravnted type. A killing of i
.ui uumtw, ur un nuuucrcr taken flag.
rnnlo delicto, or In defense of one's lord
or n itinsmnn, or mo Killing of a thief,
provided n declaration of tho fact and' '
tho circumstances wns nt onco made. wa
"Alfred provided thnt If .t man be slain
tho slayer must show thnt his victim was
nttncklng cither himself, his kin, or hl '
lord, or that ho wns wronging his wife.
,,,u.,,v., ... ... M..',buit;i. na inter-
enco Is plain that If tho circumstances 1
Justlllcd It, tho execution must bo auto-!
Hundreds Entertained at Willow
Grove Park Amusements Free "
Hundreds of poor chlldtcn nnd tlielr
mothers nro enjoying nn outing at VI-
lnu RrnvA Tnrli fmlnv nnrln. Ua ..li..
.-.. u.v, ...... .v....,, u,,u, ,lla mispii:
of tho Amcrlcnn Rescue Workors. Special
enrs conrnlnlng tho hnppy children left
9th nnd Rnce streets under cprnmand of
Cnptnln Emery O. Brown, of the South
Phllndelphla Relief Stntlon, 112 Jockaon
street. Tho children of tho Kensington
district left 2S27 Frnnkford nvenue under
tho direction of General Jnmes jv, Dufhn
nnd Colonel Gcorgo A. Crldor. There
wero nbout 1000 children and their mothers
In tho two sections.
Tho amusements nt the park nlll be
frco for the children, and sindwlchos, Ice
cream, candy and other refiehments will
be served.
Man Leaves Home, Returns While Po-j
lice beek Him and Commits Suicide
lXrOli ntITMiT.rn . j- ... .l
.Ti -ioi. ji, jvuk, ji, vnanca rm
Be!U about 65 yehra old, of 103 East Bld)U
-......, ...,w uioujillCHKU AIUII1 11IO IIVIUW1
earlv venlrrlnv nnA valninAil Hiam .uhllftj
tllO Whole notion fni., vn HOnlclnl hirn..
i..", '-.'.'.-.". --- "-'',
uMiiiiiiuieu suiciuo oy innnung gas in an
uniu, ins ooay was touna tncro iaai'
inriiik uuer iiiciuuera or lue inmuy una
detected tho odor of gas emanating from
the little, upstairs room.
Bell hu'. been In poor health for soipe
tlmo and feared a second attack of 8,1)0
plexy following one sustained same time
ngo which had left him partly helpless.
I Plan MJkMW jgy A
I your trip airWM'
1 so as to spend MfSJ0'
I a few days in ..jdK'
1 this invigoratinj? &s&gS&Jr? -- f
I wonderland. Close WKSSjwK
Wnnrlorlanrl ri "3
nrnnnn r. i .1
nt cuver ana mmP
U)lorado Spnngs are a wealth
suitf1"30'3 road to Denver will
SHSTSK? ta houra of Ieaving
W?s,""'lChIcago 1WB.. arriv-
ForCcteraiatCaUforaUbi ..... . ..
r i i ,.,.. uuonnx9a,aart
C,ii.y'c9.W, General Aeent
or ooo." . .as tkucs
MH JOHN i. FSSRBCK. Ove.hr. .,
,hi aiteett phJladelpRla, Pa.