W1,3S;. , 53g 9 V it. Mf I Mr i. i- "A m m . f m - PEKING LEDGERS-PHILADELPHIA, TTTEKTiav AUGfS T 17, 1915. 40 Horsepower; 7-Passenger Touring Gir, Weiglif 5075 lbsi Valve-in-Head Motor witk Overhead Camshaft The battle of the giants is on. It io a'battle royal for the supremacy of (the medium priced motor car field.' , .. ., , It is the battle of that type of motor which smashed all speed and endure tance records at Indianapolis and Chicago against old otyl motors. It is the battle of the principles of construction that went 90 miles an hour, for 500 miles at Indianapolis, and 100 miles an hour for,. 500 miles at' .Chicago against out-dated principles of motor construction. ' It is the battle of the manufacturer against the middleman, the producer 'against the assembler, of buying for cash against buying on time, of new efficiency in methods of manufacture and administration against inexperi enced, methods. It is the battle of Quality and lower profits against higher profits'and IacR of quality. It is the battle of new service ideals'and co-operationTagainst old.methode? of expensive upkeep and neglect of the owner. Into this contest the Chalmers Motor Company enters'the greatest carl has ever built, the "Six-40" with valve-in-head overhead camshaft motor.' It is the lowest price at which Chalmers Quality has ever been sold $1350 for a big 7-passenger touring car. , It is a new car at a lower price sent to battle with old cars at cut prices; With new service to owners, bigger plans, new buildings, increased factory facilities, and greatly increased production, the Chalmers Motor Company moves forward to the great battle with supreme confidence., New Motor New Car N ew Price New Service to Owners - Increased Factory Facilities -Greatly .Increased; Production for 1916 itrTWP years ago we saw three things., I First was that the tendency of the public demand in both Europe and America was to a compact high speed motor that was more efficient, would get away quicker, run more smoothly, have greater flexibility, show greater economy' ,and last longer under hard service. Second was that a public temporarily" diverted to cars that looked well and rode nicely for a while, would swing back to demand quality manufacture, and. the .ability to "stay put." Third was that only those mawifactur- ers who built their own cars in large volume and bought their own materials ior spotaeh at the advantage of the mar-' .jketcould survive. Motor Designed in'Europe So we sent our engineers to Europe "to Resign a new motor and began to lay ouf 'plans for a grcatlyjncreased production 'this season!) We are "now building" two big new factory additions to handle the work. We added machines that cost $90,000.00 apiece to do work in our factory in order to give this remarkablequality car to you at $1350. " " " Here is the result., No one dreamed that sucKsTcar coujil be built for $1350. It is equal to cars that sold for $4000 three years ago. It isn't a made-over model, reduced in size, or cer tain things eliminated to fit the price it is a b.rJid new car, designed specially as a Quality car at a low price. The Quality Car at Small Profit We are marketing this QUALITY car a the lowest profit per car in the motor xar business. It nVAf I.A M-Afk4 MnM.lintk1 overhead camshaft, coats us $80.00 more to build in our own shops, than the ordi nary type of motor can be bought for on the outside, and most of the competitors! in our price class"are;.using thelordinary' type of motor. When Chalmers",rengineera"rwent'to Europe to study design two yearsago.they vfound European designers at work on high .speed motors of the valve-in-head type 'with overhead camshaft. European makers had already tried this type out in their racers. They, were per fecting it for a road car., We hoped to be the first in America to adopt this style of motor. Bat when the ,war stopped European makers, fate de creed that we should lead the world in the use of the valve-in-head overhead, cam ' shaft motor for a stock car.. Quth'tyFfrtti 'uLtl ifour nut Car be a Omlmert" We were not surprised at theshflwing at Indianapolis and Chicago, where this type "of motor won all honors. We knew a year ago that these results would be achieved. Speedway Racera AH of This Type Weknewthattoattainaspeedof 90to 100 miles an hour that the motor would have to be a valve-in-head, overhead camshaft, type. Think of itl " 90 miles an hour for" 500 miles at Indianapolis and the first four to finish, and eight out of the first ten were valve-in-head motors, with overhead cam shafts! And then the Chicago races at 100 miles an hour for 500 miles the first three and seven out of the first eleven were of this type! Some one said Vshort time ago'that people buy motor cars largely on three P'a Paint, Price and Performance. You can measure this wonderful Chalmers car, at. $1350,. by any one of these three stand-; ards. It is right in Paint, which indicates, finish and wearing qualities.. It is right in" Performance,' Because no' car at any price, performs better than this car does. And it is right in Price." No" one in the history of the industry ever approached, such quality at such a price before. Take a Ride in.Thla'Car "Take a ride in this car," and see for (yourself if you do not get in this Chalmers type of six-cylinder motor all the smooth ness, all of the flexibility, all of the pick-up,' and all of the "pep" that is claimed for any other motor built, no matter how many .cylinders it may have. Therefore, " we say f thatVall rof our 'strength, all of our organization, all of our money, all of our reputation, are back of these six wordi:TAKE A RIDE IN, THIS CAR." Dcmonstrators"areriow'inlthe hands d our dealers. Chalmers Motor . Company Detroit, Mich., U.S. A. New Service to Owners -Buying a motor without deficit jvurinUt 'd cmce ii trnwki ted ceilly Every Qubotr dd jivei to vrv buyer el Outftitn tu a !ifiUi m ht of. all "ft TUi itrvitt csuuii cf Suvke Caupsn Dooi. amount el wedMl.tay Qubntfi tfaUr aaywhere it lay time Chalmers Motor Company OF PHILADELPHIA 252-254 North Broad Street Keyatone naca 203T The Chalmers C!u& Every" Coalmen emxr i tvitl'ow,tal Chalmttl Club. Eth nufflbtr rcctirei regvduly wkhatA tiujl' "Tht CUkxn Clutjatn" a wijuttt divlb t th intttat el CUfcnen tiwmn. Mm a utraUr thip cud cwnmmJinf theewacr U the (outoiu of all Chthaett rtortHoUtivet twyvhmi. ' m Bell phone Sprnte S483 -AH6ilown,E Lwfor Autompbll Co Bridgeton, N J Riley Brother .Chetor, Pv Thonuu Hughe Eat'ttm, Pa, Etom Automobile Co. Landowne, Pa, Thoma Hughe Lehlghton, Pa. Serfat Motor Car Co. '" Media, Pa,- Thoraat Hughes Mt. Holly, N. J. Daniel Sutter, Jr. Norrlitown. Pa. Norri Citr Garage PotUvllIe, Pa-Serfa Motor Car Co. Trenton, N. J. Central Carago Wilmington, Del. WlmInl! Automo bile Co. till B! ti 'ir'iM fEBlf W' - . i, , 'J- ,-,numiHiM!aM''"'"'""'"""-"""'""''""mi"Mii1l''fl1iMaV'att''BitfMg $mHHHwmJlliEn '-f---; : '"" "11-11" p'."" ""' ""' ;, ;, , , , n,,-,,-.,. . M1 " ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers