WEIGHT SEALERS ROW; COMMITTEE ATTACKED FOR FIXING STANDARDS Inspector Charges Measures Approved by Body Fail to Meet State Law Requirements REFUSES TO OBEY ORDER A heated discussion nrose at the meet ing of the Pennsylvania Association of Bealers of Weights and Measures today over the right of a committee, to Bpeclfy rules and regulations for a body of In spectors. The point debated was the right pf a committee appointed laBt year to specify a regulation scale to be used throughout the State. It wan also con tended that the commlttco exceeded its authority In drafting a set of rules and regulations under which the Inspectors were supposed to work. At the convention last year the com mittee was appointed, with John Um tead as chairman, to drawn tho rules. Today a member of the committee, II. E Itclnhart, of Qrecnnburg, charged that the commlttco exceeded Its authority wfien It advocated tho uso by merchants throughout tho State of ono regulation scale and uniform measures. Ho was supported by James A. Sweeney, head of the IJurcau of Standards at Harris burg. "We havo no right to dictate to tho storekeepers what kind of n scale they gnouicl use," xur. owcency saiu todav. !2,c 57- 1'""dr','S, "L'1'""'",1. "!?3 used, and to create a uniform Bcalo would cost both the merchants and scale manu facturers money. Besides, I haven't tho authority. Thcro wnB a law passed by tho Legislature laBt session glv'ng mo that power, but, It was vetoed." The commlttco agreed on ono scale, the mako of which Is not known, and Immediately asked Sweeney to approvo It and make It the standard throughout -the State This Sweeney refused to do, ss ho had not tho power, ho Bald today. Furthermore, tho committee asked him to publish and send to every ecalo and measure inspector in tho State n copy of tho regulations. This ho also refused to do. Charges that the regulations and somo of the measures adopted by tho commit tee ncre In direct violation of the State laws were mado by Itclnhart. Ho eald that, while tho State allows for only tho conical measures, the commlttco approved the cylindrical measures. "If we were to confiscate every measure that did not comply with the State law we wouldn't have bIx left." said Mr. Iteinhart, "all for the simple reason that the committee approved measures that wero not mentioned In the Stato code." Tho commlttco said that whereas ocry law Is lax, allowing for tho judgment of the Individual Inspector, It had to con strue tho regulations nnd specify certain measures. TACK MEASURE CONDEMNED The old-fashloncd counter tack meas urement was condemned and voted abol lticd today. A btcady crusade has been conducted against the counter tacks, until they are virtually abolished In Philadel phia, according to officers of the conven tion. The imipoctors say thnt In addition to the fact that they are not a regula tion measurement, they are also Inaccu rate, as tho salesgirls often miss tho tnclts in their hurry to wait on tho heavy IiaJe. Yardsticks that are not metat- tlpped were also condemned. The ordinary oecomes bent with nKO and ujo. ,ho delegates Bald, and It was found on .vesication mat on the average an was missing from many sticks. ; t06oda worth $15 a jcard wero measured by "-' ttlftf. atlvtra mnlflno n Jlff&.Atinii ...... ,trsl dr liars to tho purrl aser. , rouowins me . reports, a .paper on "Hawkers' and Peddlers' Licenses" was read by Thura Hanson, Commissioner of .WelghtB nnd Measures at Boston; another paper, on "Platform Scales," ,W read by C. F. Borgel, an inspector tt York, Pa, The meeting adjourned at ..noon. , This afternoon was given over to rec reation. Tho delecates. cuests nnrl visi tors took a Jaunt down the Delaware ?Rlver this afternoon on the tire boats Ahbrldge and Stokley. Tho men will visit Cramps' Shipyard, the New York Shipbuilding Plant, and tho Navv "Vnrrt. Other Interesting places In the harbor will also be visited. BLOCKLEY GETS HIM AGAIN Man "Who Escaped in "Nighties" nnd Amused Students Is Caught Patrick Mitchell, 27 years old, of Chi cago, who escaped from Blockley last Saturday morning, was ent back to that Institution today after being found at wth street nnd Osage avenue. Mitchell rnade a sensational escape In his night clothes by sliding down a tree near the Window of his room. Two University students later found him and put him hack over the wall. Mitchell waited until the students had irons anil ncrnln fllml,n,i i to liberty. A policeman of the 65th and Pine Btreet wuun arrested Mitchell today as a Vagrant. Magistrate Harris sentenced Mm to three months In the House of Correction, but before Mitchell had hpen ent away a newspaperman called the at tentlon of the police to his identity. He then sent back to Blockley. ";J jkyerat packages, believed to contain tlODe." Whlrh -UJfA rVlimit In h hii..ti I ?rars ot a room at 1 Providence court f'Dy DeteCtiVrft Tlftfrfn nnrt Tarttr, nf tU. tfjlth and "Winter streets station,' led to I ;r "J""' today of Robert Martin. S3, of "n zoth street, and Rene Harris, wno lives at the Providence court ad- S3. Thev Wflr nrrnlcrnri In Ppntrnl olice station today illoward Hutchinson, a chauffeur, of West Venanjro street, held to await he Corner's action In tho case of William t. SchWArt Xv tin At a A In 4Ut flarman- IlDPlta'. on. August 7, from injuries Kelved when fitmmlr hv TYiitrhlnitnn'a .jtor. was exonerated today by the Cor- lU"" ury Sch",arts was crossing Wis 4i kon venue, after leaving the Mld- 'io nieei works, where ho v.na em Woyed, when the accident occurred, t numerous witnesses testified that Hutch ?on made every effort to avoid striking" We man TO TAX CHICKEN-KILLING h I IUI.IWI , - Kwher Butchers Will Be Ureed to Charge Extra Cent, to Aid Stricken Jews 04her hltfffl,u nt thin nltv will h k4 to r.iopt a plan of putting a lMt Ut on nui, .1.1.1... ..in. j ... !., I? '" trieken Jews in Hurope. at a -? io o nuq tomorrow riant at ! TliU4 Tore! Hall, JU CatUartM ne routing will & under tM Kt?: "wtfUM tor all Jewish war auf. "- boj tt, j. Leventhal called Ue sWir butchers. nw eftarga 3 cent for P. W. CONQt WED Engagement tnMf iitmund A. Acoworth, of Mel England, Is Anne J? !. i 4tt 'Vl,r P&Md today E t ? gL?.m rrom Wndon, In which Jl' ?Snff,f2 wlt''y known In this rlnnn v v r. " ?l c"af's and Cor and hf. nLn?rq,UMt ,F0r "me h h?M VJ iT- inl" havo b'n abroad Tho btlde to be Is a oungerdaughler of Jf A hn7.r" f D?by "d Malvern "ngl An&$nlm f the rder ' tha elua,V l .th engagement were In ?. S? '." V1 bHct cableRrnm, ana It was DRUG-BROKEN CROOK'S BEAUTIFUL WIFE WINS HIS FREEDOM IN COURT Johnnie Morgan, Found Lying Under Department Store Counter, Seemed to Be Up to His Old Tricks Again TAKES HIM TO COUNTRY The glowing health of Johnnie Morgan's wlfo was In strange contrast with the faded prisoners In tho Cltv ir.-ill nnllm court t0y nd Particularly with Johnnie Morgan. Ho Is a notorious and worn-out safo-cracker, who tcok to heroin long be foro he lost his skill as a burglar. Now the drug "has" him. He was a pathetlo and harmless looking, shabby man beside his spruco nnd comely wife, in whoso checks bloomed the roscnto vigor of coun try life. Morgan, half dazed with tdrugs, lay last night under a counter on tho second lloor of a Market Btreet department store, hnlf an hour aftor It hnd closed Its doors. A watchman found him there. It looked bad, because It was Johnnie's old trick this getting Into n store and hiding till everjbody was out. Tor then, In tho paBt, with his pals, ho would steal out In the night nnd blow n sate and get away with tho store's ready cash Ho served two years for thnt In the Eastern Peni tentiary and nfter ho got out was tried on an old charge in Montgomery County nnd served 18 months more In Norrls town Jail. He was n frco man again only n few weeks ago, for tho first time In nearly four years. It was probably a Question of sendlnc Johnnie Morgan to prison ngaln to die there. His first act on gaining freedom had evidently been to get drugs In some manner. This was not hnrd for him, oen under the stern regime of the Harrison law, for it had been Morgan who first brought heroin In largo quantities to Philadelphia years ago for the dismal de light of the Tenderloin. He Is a college graduate, an expert chemist. Ho comes of a good family. WIFE LOYAL TO JOHNNIE As Magistrate) Beaton was about to dispose of MorganJ,s case his wife stood up beside her husband. There was a murmur of astonishment and ndmlratlon. Her golden hair, neatly arranged, shone glossy and vital, beneath her hat. Her blue ocs were ns clear nnd brave as Johnnie's were dimmed and shameful and downenst. Her black silk dress per fectly fitted a youthful and graceful figure "Now, don't send him to Jail, Judge." sho said, In a calm, firm volco, touchlngly maternal for the wreck sho had nover ceased to love, In splto of the grotesque failure ho had mado of her life. "I promise you he won't stay In Phil adelphia, won't go back to Jhe Tenderloin cer again. I want to take him away to tho country, where I live with my mother nnd father There It Is so healthy, and I can take care of him there. He Is broken up, jou can see. Ho will get a little better there In the green fields, with good food nnd none or that awful stud to take. "I can promise you," her voice rose clearly and almost with a note of tragic triumph of motherllness, "that Johnnie Morgan will never trouble the Tenderloin or the stores and their money again as long as ho lives " Ho was set free, of course, and hus band and wife, the man stooping and leaning heavily on her nrm, the woman looking steadily forward and with high held head, passed out of the room and downstnlrs; later they were seen walking over to tho Broad Street Station to take a train for the green fields. Curious persons took the elevator to follow at a distance, for a last look at the fine wife of Johnnie Morgan. They felt that, after all, her life was not a failure. BURGLAR BURNS WOMAN WITH ACID AND GASHES WITH KNIFE Victim, Awakened While in Bed, Too Weak to Defend Herself HAZLETON, Pa , Aug, X7, Aroused from sleep early today, Mrs. Daniel Mc deehan, of West Hazleton, wife of the superintendent of the Diamond Water Company, of this city, found a burglar stooping over her bed. She recently gave birth to twins, and was unable to leave her bed, Ab she threatened to make an outcry, the burglar uncorked a phial and poured acid on her face. She threw up her left hand to ward off the acid, and struck a knife he held in his hand, Inflating an ugly gash on the lett Hand, une lainiea, and when found a short, time after by relatives, was bleeding freely. She is In a weakened condition today, and suffers greatly from shock. The Intruder intended to rob the house, as was shown by a collection of silver ware packed on the first floor, ready for removal Strike at narlan & HoIIingsworth Mill WILMINGTON, DeI' AuB. 17. About J00 riveters, caulkers and helpers em ployed at the plant of the Harlan and HoIIingsworth Corporation went on a strike this morning. They demand a W per cent. Increase in pay and assert that the other men received a 10 per cent, in crease last week, and they want the same. The company officials decline to talfe except to say the men are out but they expect them back soon. OTTOE FRESH PAINTI ifl eleve jum How can we use white lead paint smd meet all bids? Speedy autoa, ex pert painters, full equipment, biggest wholesale buying and lota of work. Painting and Decorating 8 Our JMmimMs nm -Blh ItfaASUM. 38 S. I6tb ;KNING LEDGBB-PHILADELPniA. TFESTiAV AUGUST DYE DEMONSTRATION MADE BEFORE HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS m fwgKp aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK Laaaaaaaalr faaaaflaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaafXji'M-aaaaaaaWHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafe i a tffl ...j.- laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMtiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB 4H faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Jcr JBBltir";1ft.FIaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare kta i wdmoni BEjEnKHH saISS PUBLIC SERVICE FIRST DUTY OF A RAILROAD Commission Orders Reading to Put Passenger Trains on Nonpaying Line Hi (l HAnmSHURCJ. Aug. 17. - The Stato Public Service Commission today directed tho Philadelphia and Rending Railway Company to Instnl, within 30 das, pas senger trnln service upon tho Mlddlo Crock branch between Swataia Junction and Newtown Tho railroad company contended that tho branch was constructed as a mlno lateral, and not for tho purposo of carry ing passengers and thnt, therefore, tho commission was without authority to make any order. Chairman Alney, who mado tho order, overruled tho objections, and held that though tho brnnjjh might have been built for the purpose of cnrrylng coal, tho act of Assembly creating tho branch rail road placed no such limitation upon It and that therefore It might lawfully carry passengers. The order Is regarded ns of wldo Im portance for tho further point decided which was that It Is pot an answer to a demand for passenger Bcrvlco to show that the particular train would bo oper ated nt a Iobs. "Tho first duty of a railroad," said Chairman Alney, "Is to perform Its proper corporate functions, and If cnrrjlng pas sengers Is ono of them, It must perform such duty or glvo up its charter privi leges. "Tho expense of operating n particular train Involving a loss may bo of more or less Importance in determining rates to be charged, but will not of Itself Justify a railroad In refusing to give to any com munity reached by Its lines such service asmay bo needed and reasonably de manded by the public." LITTLE ITALY TO HONOR YOUTlt Largo Delegation Will Attend Funeral of Achilla M. Ingcnito "Little Italy" will send a largo delega tion to attend the funeral of 21-year-old Achlllc M. Ingenlto. the student who tvas drowned nt Sea Isle City, N J. The fu neral will bo held Thursday morning, nt tho Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Good CoupbcI, 816 Christian street, near dpor to his home. Twelve young men will act as pall-bearers. Young Ingenlto Invited a number of his friends to visit him at his father's bunga low, at Sea Isle City, Sunday. Despite the warning ot friends, the boy dived off the end of tho pier and did not appear again on the surface. Two hours later his body was washed up on the beach. Young Ingenlto was a prominent figure In "Little Italy." Ho had been a student at Brown Preparatory School for some years, and was preparing to enter the University of Pennsylvania, His ambi tion was to become a phjslclan. Fourteen Couples Wed at Elkton ELKTON, Md., Aug. lT.-Fourteen couples were married In Elkton today, seven pairs coming from Philadelphia. They Include Harold W. Lento and Adele 13, Chapaln, George R. Lindsay and Mary G, Enochs, George J. ICaln and Margaret Sessions, John Toner and Marlon A. Clark, Joseph W. Lynn and Marie Cherry. Frank J. Relnhart and Edith II. Sheetz and Alson H. Wiieeler and Helen M. Alexander, all of Philadelphia; Wil liam H. Grandfon and Elsie M. Harris, Wilmington, Del.; Frank J. Uroh and Mary A Neuls, Trenton, N. J,; llenja mln H. Restlne and Mildred E. Nahler, Conshohocken; Edward L. Laubach end Tearl A. Werst, Bethlehem; Ernest Henry and Grace Hopkins, Darlington, Md.; Herbert C. Becker and Emily New pher, Glenslde, Pa., and Arthur W. Nagle and Ima C. Burch, Reading, Pa. Two Motorcyclists Hurt by Auto Two young men In an automobile, who ran down Gustavo Hasenmater, of (110 J street, and Miss Mary Kenny, of 30U Kensington avenue, on a motorcycle, were held In 30Q ball to await the result of Hasenmaler's Injuries today Hasen maler suffered a broken leg and internal Injuries. The girl escaped with coptu-slons-fif the hip The prisoners were Clifford Kendall, of 1100 Duncannon avenue, and Robert Ock ford, of 1J27 North Warnock street. They were driving a machine on the North east Boulevard, when they struck Hasen maler's motorcycle at Oxford pike. Doubfed&y RMje 8 Ca a a - Present ihMm QWsif&t&it GeneSiratton- ftrteif Aftckty Sayii "Bi Square" 'lTfri'j n o Ut trtivtng margin bnei in year y, u.tth all iltvt running wtU jmt t pltaiiym ana" thi man tnutmwn Br tfe tBtbof f $1.33 net-it all Beclutera JU3TQUT CITY TROOP CAPTAIN JOINS PLATTSBURG CAMP AS INSTRUCTOR J. Franklin McFadden Guest at Gathering of "Business" Sol diersClothier Corporal in Tall Cavalry Squad PHILADELPHIANS ACTIVE From n Staff Cormpondrnt. MILITARY INSTRUCTION CAMP, Tlattsburg, N. Y Aug. 17.-J. Tranklln McFadden, captain of tho Philadelphia City Troop, arrived at tho military camp lato vestorday afternoon to remain for a week as a guest of tho officers In chnrgo. Tho captain nrrlvcd too Into to do more thnn get his bcnrlngs before dark, nnd tho camp settled down for tho night Whllo hero ho v. Ill co-opcrnto with tho Instructors In cnvalry In teaching tho great crowd of expert riders tho moro ndvanced steps of military horsemanship, to which stage they hnvo already pro gresshed, Colcmnn Peace Brown Is tho only mem ber of the camp, as far as it Is known, who is n member of tho City Troop. Ho will como in contnet with Captain Mc Fadden only In nn Informal way, for ho Is not riding here, but devoting his after noons to slgnnl work. William J Clothier Is corporal of a cavalry so.uad It Is known as tho "Wool worth" squad All of Its clght.members are over 6 feet 1 inch In height. Threo are over 6 feet 2 inches and threo are over 6 feet threo Inches. Charles Leon Downing, ono of tho most famous girl Impersonators tho Mask and Wig Club ever had, Is In camp. With n two dies' beard, ho affords a strong con trast to tho nppenrance he made In skirts In "Mr. Hamlet of Denmark," and other shows ot the University of Pennsylvania dramatic club. After wearing an ordinary tnginy hirt and carrying nn ordinary army pack and eating nn ordinary army chicken, he was heard to rcmaik as ho tumbled into his cot last night: "I well understand now tho willingness ot tho enlisted man to die for his country or for nny ono of a number of other rea sons " , Private L. C. Wilton, of Philadelphia, n member of tho artillery squad, was to'd yesterday afternoon to demolish the Hotel L'humplaln. He sighted carefully from under his range and opened tiro. After (Ho rounds ho announced ho hnd completely destroyed tho hotel Merely to show tho enterprise of the hotel people as early as last evening they had so far rebuilt the hoitelry that tho gueets wero able to dress for dinner without undue Inconvenience. Sergennt R H Gamble, of Haverford, is tho champion snorer of Company D. D Is admitted to bo the best drilled com pany In canwand In addition it Is willing to match Gamble against nny other snorer, private or non-commission, in camp, with catch-as-catch-can rules, same dinners to start on, weight not to count. ALLEGED PICKPOCKETS HELD Accused of Robbing Picnickers Lenape Park at WEST CHESTER. Aufr. 17. -Matty Collo. alias "Dopey" Matty; Mike Claroe plo, George Scardlonlo and Atbert Marcla, alleged Philadelphia pickpockets, were sent to prison here last night for a further hearing before Justice of the Pence S. M. Paxson, of this place, next Monday afternoon. The men were captured at Lenape Park on Thursday of last week during the picnic of the Elks, Sevoral persons testi fied to having met with losses after being jostled by the men, who were accom panied by a woman, who escaped. U? nt of 1 -I'lIILAUELnilA No ell, In lb. United butei h ts Dr. 8, !! Zlilr, Director et Ilttlth and Chirltl, who .) In M wttkly bulletin that nun than J00.CW quart! art coiuum.4 dill jr. "About M p.r opt. ot tho milk Phllad.lfiltU uw I. paituriitaV ho )" "and tho othtr 10 per cent. I llhr cortllltd by proper authority cr4i Inspected raw rnSlk." MUk adulteration, ho uri, hat virtually ceaaed and no preiervatliea aro uaed. About per cent, of all milk la delivered Evening and SUPPLEE Has the Best Milk in More Supplee Milk is sold than any more convincing evidence! For Supplee Milk has been award ed Eight Gold Medals for purity, richness, flavor and high quality on eight tepa rate occasion! Supplee Milk is scientifically safeguarded from the farm to your front door. Every known sanitary precaution is taken even greater care than State authorities deem essential. NEW DYE PREPARATION A DISAPPOINTMENT TO MANUFACTURERS Textile Men and Chemists Un impressed by Demonstra tion in Taubel Brothers Factory AN ANALINE PRODUCT Textllo manufacturers, representatives of dyoworks and chemists representing the larger concerns in this section of tho country nttended a demonstration of n new dyo, which. It had been thought, might provo to be nn Important factor In establishing a foundation for tho dyo Industry In this country, In tho djcroom of Taubel Brothers' hosiery works, Cedar and Huntingdon Btrocts. todaj. The ex periment, whllo producing satisfactory results, did not meet with tho approval of n largo number of tho spectators. Instead of seeing a demonstration of a perfected logwood process, as they nntlcl patcd, they wero shown an anlllno proc ess, which, they nBscrtcd, waB nolthcr now nor moro cfllclcnt than nny of tho stand ard methods. They expressed disappoint ment on learning thnt tho test would not bo n moro complete demonstration of a logwood dye, recently tested In Bangor, Pa., and found unsuccessful at that time. It was pointed out by several prominent dyo men present that tho new djo could not be furnished anyway, owing to tho scarcity of raw material needed for Its manufacture. Nltrobenzol, they pointed out. Is needed for the now dye, nnd that compound cannot be obtained becnusc the larger concerns engaged in manufacturing explosives navo cornered the mnrket. Dr I V Stanley Stanislaus, who Is the Inventor of tho new dye. and William Alms, who is associated with him In pro moting n company to manufacture the new product, both asserted that the need ed materials could bo obtained. Dye men present asserted that they positively could not. "Trousers a Specialty" Is moro than n.catch phrase with us Trousers-lit Is our prlu. Test us on Flannel Trousers at $6.50 Regular 8 value fit guaranteed yet mado at the price of ready-made white flannels, as a "got-acqualnted" special offer. W. S. JONES, Inc. Custom Tailoring Only 1116 Walnut Street Reduction on Summer Hultlni., 10.I5.J05S LEG SUPPORTS VARICOSE VKINS. DLCEH ,Wk Anlilrs, Swollen Ln, Eto! AltB EVENLY HU1TOIITED BY THE UBD OP TUB Corliss Laced Stocking SANITARY, as they my be u-mlinl or ballrd. Comfartahlt, mndo fa meaiure. NO ELASTlOi adjustable I.C?; Ilka a Irxclnxi lljrlit and durable. ECONOMICAL. Co.t t.73 each; or two or tho same limb. S3 00. postpaid. Call and bo mraiured free, or write for clf-incuoro-nirnt Wank Nn. 10. Hours 0 to S dallyt Hat, D to t. Perms. Corliss Limb Specialty C 430 Heed Hide. I'lione Alal. 091 ISIMS-IB Filbert St., l'ulla. n HAta xtfipll)r to b pCTt HAS BEST MILK bellir milk thin PhlUd.lphlt, .tcorCIri; In bolllea. Ledger Aug. 16 Philadelphia! other milk but wo have further and And yet You pay no more for Supplee Milk than for ordinary MJJkl Try Supplae and see the df. ference for yourself! Any of our drivers will take your or der, or phone Poplar 778, You'll find our service as prompt and eeurteous as our milk is pure and delieieus. 17, 1915. GOVERNOR HARRIS MILITIA COMPANIES IN READINESS ATIAJT.A. fin Atiir 1? n- . -- -" f f 114 W Will- ranlc of mllltla hnve been assembled here nnd are ready to be rushed Jo any point at a moment's notice Sheriffs' of flies throughout the Rtnte have been no- iiuea uy uovernor Harris to be on the alert for members of the party who took Frank away from Mllledgtville Mobs have repeatedly clamored for tho blood of Leo M. Frank, so that ni soon Afl It beCfltllA knnwn lA.lnv lhn( I.. 1. bten carried away, most people jumped t the conclusion thnt ho was a doomed man, If not nlready a dcHd man ATLANTA'S ATTITUDU CHANGED. With Frank dead nnd his widow, at Mllledgevllle, close to death from gilef nnd horror nt his dreadful end. Atlanta experienced a revulsion of feeling today. The very men who were bitterest in their denunciation of ex-Governor Blaton for saving Trnnk from legal execution a few weeks ago, wero, In many cases cry Ing today for vengeance on last night's lynchers and, more particularly, on the prison farm oftlclnla who permitted, with out a blow nnd scarcely a word In his bo half, their helpless and wounded ward to uo (minted irom mcir very presenco to his death. Iho lynchers' Inhuman brutality In the treatment of their victim caused a feeling nt nllV flHrl f nrllfmntinti sslniiH.lInn I.. .. iiKngnutiuiii oohuuiiuiiipt ill community which, Itself, was so recently dcmnndlng the llfo of the same man PRISON C-rriCIALS SUSPECTED Tlint flint! Wilt V n Mnnn !.. Mllledgevllle prison officials was consid ered a foregone conclusion. Not a few suggestions were mndo that thcro must havo been connivance among them with trio lynching conspirators or tho latter could not havo dono their work so easily. The most chnrltable opinion expressed w as that only the most extraor dinary cowardlco or Indifference could hnvo permitted such an affair at a penal Institution under a henvlly armed guard ot a or 30 men, Intrenched In prison buildings strong enough to have with stood a siege, except with artillery. Thcro was a widespread sentiment that tho Investigation which cleared tho of ficials of responsibility for conditions which mndo the stnbblng of Frank pos sible wns too much In tho nature of a whitewash. Tho lynching, following It, wns gen erally declared to havo passed tho limits of endurance. GOVERNOR GOES TO REUNION. After waiting from 1:30 a. m until 6'13 for ofllclnl nows. Governor Harris loft Atlanta for Fitzgerald, Ga., whero ho v. as scheduled to address tho Confederate Veterans' reunion. Tho only Information concerning the Frank nffatr, ho said, was from the iot breakfast is "Yes, breakfast is my favorite meal." Of course, because you drink Saludo Coffee. It matters little what else you have, if there's a steaming, deli , cious, aromatic cup of Saludo on the table. For Saludo puts the snap and zest into the entire meal. A wonderfully delicious coffee, morning, noon or night ime that satisfies and continues to satisfy as long as you drink it. Very economical, too. Compare the number of cups to the pound with those from other coffee and then, too, think of ,the price 29c lb.; 4 lbs., $1.12 Caricol the perfect icing tea Because of tho mingling of tho flavors of its soven tea growths. Caricol Blond is a splendid icing tea. Its flavor is liko the fragrance of u bouquet the mingling of many delight ful odors. Pour "Cnricol" hot over ice, and add sugar and a slice of lemon nnd you havo a perfect iced tea. 34c lb.; 5 lbs. J1.G0 Thos. Martintiale & Co. f Oth & Market Eatnlillabrd In 1BOO Dell Pbonra Filbert 2S70, filbert 3S71 ICeyafone Race MO, Race BO I &mnmmmmmmmmm Arnold Bennett's Masterpiece for Public Ledger Readers at How an entire city was con ceived that should be devoted solely to life's pleasures; how its very edifice was undermined by plot and counterplot among its founders: the most thrilling mystery story ever written by the greatest of modern novelists is The City of Pleasure The two partners of this gigantic en terprise find themselves opposed o each other, neither understanding the cause. One of them, a musiqal genius, turns detective, and the DENOUEMENT is as startling as the entire tale is gripping and interest-compelling. The first instalment of this remarkable story appears In the Sunday, August 22d PUBLIC I.EDGER 3 HOLDS THREE " newspapers; the prison officials wtr oiiem At the time of his departure the ireww had not arrived that Frank had been lynched, and his secretary. F R. Jones, was busy telegraphing to Bherlftt In mid dle Georgia for Information concetfllhg! the whereabouts of the kidnapper and their prisoner. MARIETTA CITIZENS SUSPECTED Following lh rflnntu.t.ri.. . .u,.. strange reports got abroad. According to one of these, a secret society had been formed In Marietta, after Frank. death sentence was commuted, and the mem bers 6f this band pledged theifwelves with the most solemn oaths never to rest until the alleged .layer ot llttlo Mary Phagan has been put totleath. This re port strengthened the supposition that Frank had been taken to Marietta, to meet a violent death upon the grave of the girl whoso death was laid at hl hands. Reports received here, from Marlottn, '!' i. n,ot. conn"" these statements. V vc. . . " "" mu mai none of their citizens nppeared to be missing, nt least none of those particularly active In .n.ll.a M. A t ...... ..i, ..,..-. vi.uiia iu naraas I'ratiK. DR. JAMES WALSH MARRIED Author and Lecturer, Known Hero, Wed In New York Trlends of Dr. James Walsh, of New York, well known here as an author, lec turer and scholar, were surprised today to learn of his marriage Satu rday to Mlsa Julia Huelap Freed, also of New York. The mnrrlago took place in the presence of tho two families In the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Broad ay and 71st street. lour Chance May Be This Day Only I C1300 Suits in three price - groups an appeal to every purse, and for every purse, a saving! C$12 and $15 Suits will go for $8; $18 and $20 Suits will go for $11; $22.50, $25, and a few $30 .Suits will go for $14! L. 1300 Suits is-a goodly number to choose from. There's a fine assortment of sizes, because the pat terns have all been popular sellers. Therefore, you may come in, pretty sure of finding a Suit to your fancy in your size and at your price. Alterations charged for. Outing Trousers! Our very fine $5 white flannels, $3.75! Fine striped flannels and striped serges, $3.25! Best Values in Town! Perry & Co. "N. B. TV ft 16th & Chestnut Sts. a ! J si ' fl i d, s i a f ii SUPPLEE DoulhiUr. Pi & Co. Kil g2zf on ttJtU t tm- ! darts tb ------" at tu mMB CufeaCifr.M.r AMerney Dairy . 'fJSm mSlS Ut m? tXLir , XiTr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers