Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 17, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2
i EVENING LEBG ER-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1915, LEO FRANK LYNCHED BY MOB a ;. NEAR HOME OF MARY PHAGAN Cenllmied from fage On lomoblles passing through their seolldn. Long before daylight the Sheriffs TThml ifmwrt their cordons. t Tbo lyncher evidently knew of thin. For when thoy renehod th nwdmpy gjbiioltfi ttf Little Alvcr, it, wne decided to run no risk of being balked by a OT( party. It wAn' then planned thnt to take tho prisoner right to the Marl etta Cemetery would bo Inviting n, brtttle with otTioors. Tho mill Was then tho jArm selected. I " The i'n hniif ( RO vnnl (iff thn HnAwoll rood, lilil hot vlslhln from IliO I r- t.' -- ,- -- ...-. . - . WilAhwav. Tho nearest form house Ik Soo yards nwoy. Tho place Is loented I "Jtllrif H TtlffA anil A hn)t Tfrrti thi tinllnHdt ftkmiitflrV I ' trrrtnl Ih His dentb rldd was riot oven tlothcd. Ho wns sleeping In thu cell JJi6iis,o wlloA llo lynchers nrrlvcd. And when the throng from Marietta -ft ved tho hanging corpse was clad only In a silken nightshirt wjth tho drills '!U. 31. F." embroidered over tho heart. W -m ' - Clad In Sleeping Garment J JNirri tr itirnm ttfM tifititntvr1 ffla titinrlai waHi fMifTAri ltnMtlrt lilm. A rmntitt M?k linll lieen tied about Mr liipfl. Ills feet wero danglng about four feet nibdyte tho- ground. An oak tree was tho gallows. m-v-- Ueforo d o'clock more than 1000 persons hod gathered to look ort the grim tSipecfncIe. Tliero were n number df women In tho crowd, many carrying babies "ALL CIVILIZED STATES SHOULD PITY GEORGIA AND PRAY FOR HER" Judge Sulzberger Expresses Opinion df Frank Lynching in Aforementioned Komnrk Principal Events In Frank' 28 Months' Fight for Life -ln their arms. Tho news spread fnat nnd soon nutomobllb partlci began to arrlvo from Atlanta, Iloswell. Marietta nnd other towns In tho vicinity. Tho road soon became Impassable, and by 11 o'clock it was estimated that 6000 people were gathered around the treo from which Frank bung. 'The body was stilt worm when tho crowd reached the scene. Not a shot had been- fired and thcro was no sign of mutilation. Tho wound Inflicted by ""Creen had been opened up on tho left side of his throat by the contact with "h0 W H"1"" rope that brought death. Even while tho crowd gathered It still .pouted a small stream of blood, and tho men who had thus taken the law Into it- lr own linrJr had disappeared as suddenly as they had arrived at tho fpl'son. " Ilody Left HnnginR To add to the sight's horror Sheriff Hicks, of Cobb County, In whoso jurisdiction tho lynching occurred, could not bo found, and In his absence tho ""kroner would toko no steps townrd having the corpso token down. I" Several Hours later It wns still dangling at tho end of tho rope, abovo tho , pare of thousands of dyes, finally, a member of tho crowd who had returned j to Marietta called on an undertaker there nnd no took charge of tho rcmnlns ' for the time, being. It was commohly supposed that the lynchers camo from Cobb County. It they did they had concealed their movements thoroughly. Thcro was abso lutely no' 'excitement lr. Marietta Monday. As far ns could bo ascertained, every man In Cobb County was present or accounted for at his home Monday Vllght. LEO M. FRANK KIDNAPPED FROM PRISON AT MIDNIGHT i . MlLLEDGEVlLLE. C2 , Aug. 17,-Whlte ( accd, with terror Leo M. Fran, noicu i Georcln itrlsonor. was drugged from Ids j tell In the' dormitory of the Mllledgovlllo Btatc rrlson Farm shortly before mm night last night nnd whisked awny by n mob of 25 men. . Efforts to, save Frnnk wero directed T.-. 1.1..1. K.r rw,Tnni- llnrrt. hut f i . .. I ... Jl .......wl I Will I decided lo bend evry effort to focnte tho -lyncher. -.Wjllj three Sheriffs' poe and scores .. aIi,Imp annrrhtrm nil the trail. thO ' authorities tforo confident of capturing j the parly of kidnappers, which started I with Frank, by automobile, In the dlree i tlon of Eatonton. i , .VET THItOWN AROUND ritlSOX. j ' ttotoriars' were racing over every J jtTftch of highway around the Mllledge ! vlllo prlton before daw'n. Hvory telephone , iyire surroupdlpg tho prlnon for tO miles j was In enndant u by the county ana j -Slate authorities A broad net was thrown ! around the prl0n from which It Is ie lleved:,lt will be Impossible for Franks kidnappers to encopo , ' Tlfrc ATTAdliitO.V THE!' PAHM ft The attack o;i the prison farm dormi tory, whero Frank and the gther con , -vlcts were sleeping, wns so complete a , surprise th.it Warden Smith and Ida force i f about. 3 guards made not the slightest i resistance - j The guards wero in tliqlr bunks on a aletplnir porch at the rear of the prison J bdtMlng, when the kidnappers, variously j estimated at 8 to 100 men, drove up In i automobiles, made a dash for the porch, I hapdeurred tho guards, and then turned I tt.air nttint!nn lo the houses of Warden ! Smith and Superintendent Burke, of the farm FIVE MEN MA8KED I Five of tho men In the kidnapping party wore masks. These nve did most or tno work. They bound Warden Smith, while other members of the mob kept their re- jvolvera trained 6n the warden, tied him, and left two men to watch while the oth (ers .prpceeded to the dormitory where Frame siepi. Tho same Jio men surDrlsed Superin tendent TJurke nnd tho two guards, who era said to have been nalecD on the fronti ' porch of the1 dormitory. Thero .Was a. short scuffle, In which thu guards' re t 'volvers wero whisked away. They were ) securely tied Then four men entered ( tho prison. ' FHA?K DIlAaOED BY HEELS. ' When they reappeared thoy were drag. t sing Frank by Uie keels, according to the , guards. The prisoner's hair was dlshev- eled, his night clothes were partly torn I off, nnd he made vain attempts to say s something to Uurke as thn mob pulled r him oft the steps. 1 Several automobiles, meanwhile, had ' pullqd up Jn front of tho dormitory, Two meo threw Frank Into a rear seat. Three' others returned to the dormitory. r- Unknown to the prison authorities th -Wires to the prison had been cut pre-- vlously, so that an alarm could not be ;.. clvon immediately. V The Hancock, Putnam and Greene C County Sheriffs were the first officers to ' be notified and. orranlzlntr nosses. all mntcd to be 100 shots. Numerous emp'v lihtol cartrldKo ihclls were picked up fatcr In tho vicinity. SI'PEIIINTENDENT DURICE',S STOnY "I wnn called to the door of my house Just as I was preparing to retire," fcald Superintendent J. M Hurke, of tho prison tprm, and stopped outside. "Tho moment I had cro8ed tho thresh old, two strong men grabbed me, and In ait Instant snapped handcuffs on my wrists Four othors stood gunrd over mo with two shotguns, and two with heay pistols. "When I remonstrated thej sold It was no use for me to squirm, nj. they had come for Leo Frank and wtre going to get him, "I told them Frank was not at my houso and they sold thoy knew thnt, but they wero going to tako mo to whero they knew he wns quartered MAnCH TO PlCNITENT'AnY "I was marched up to the ponltentlnry building by a guard, whlcn was doubled as we proceeded "When wo reached tho oulld'lng n de mand was made that tho gale be opened, ahd, when the trusty In charge hesitated, awaiting ofllclal orders, the kidnappers began cutting the wires and told tho trusty that ho would bo killed as soon us they got In. "As thu gate was unlocked Night Guard iiesier came forward, but In, wn Immd- dlatcly covered with guns nnd ordered to throw up his hands. "Halfway up tho stairs J was halted while hnlf a doien men rushed by mo and mado u dash for Flunk's room FItANK BRUTALLY TREATED. "Ono of tho prUoncrs, who witnessed what followed, said four men seized Frank by his nrms nnd legs, while a fifth grabbed him by tho hair, and he was dragged out and duhmed down ihn stairs." Vt hllo I looked on Frank never uttered a word, but ho evidently suffered In tensely, and groaned from the pain the lynchers Inflicted on him bj tho rough ness with which they handled him In his wounded condition. 'The members of the mob told me they did not menn to harm any one but Frank ,T-?0K.II,AnDLY P1VE MINUTES The wholo thing took hardly tlvo min utes. Beforo we realized tho enormity of the occurrence It was a written chap- j, three attempted to Intercept the party, S The countryside had been, aroused also. and fanners were everywhere; on the alert At first It was conjectured that the kid- Dappers might be friends of Frank who Were trying7 lb get him at liberty. OFFER TO TAKE I1URKB ALONG "We'll take you along If you want to j go, said on of tne masked men to I buperlhtsndent Burke. "We'll cut you f loose after we jitt through with Frank." Burka shook his head The pair ran , back to the automobiles, which already ' wtr under way. and disappeared In the darkness. The leader of the mob, before leaving. ; spoke pia.tantly to tho warden, saying: 'You in come along with us, If you want U There la plenty of room," '; 'I m not going anywhere," the warden 5, ranted Tt leader shrugsea his shoulders and .4.. i ii Intrt A M.lflMMI- .ft tfrta l,4MW,V4 ,Lh. ...MbMtVM., Mb ,, ..,, r, time giving ine oruer to go aneau. A negro trusty, who had hidden In the f dormitory when, the mob dragged Frank ' out. tttH Burke and then hastened to tb heme gt J W. SutterlUId, one of the iprU n olfK Ul BitterfleM first attempted f to tilephune ,the warden, but found the f wli cut Warden Smith drove to & ' nearby farmhouse, from whljh be sent out tolephoHe oails to the police of all f tb surrounding towns. . The kidnappers bad been traced early; (n th search ro a bridge crowlnj jiltlU Blwr. t'utnam County, It milts SJ9w lUtoeton r A MlUedgavUl ellluen fellows th yarty In hi automoWU ;to hla rlVM, ai 'roU from . resldeat near the bridge tat tb tatter counted five auttiawWlM voroMiog th bridge. Since It t kowi f bi: the party which left MltWdgtvUte swej or eni rars, every hhhi w hiiiio ii was going on I wns liund cufred nnd under gunrd "When the crowd had dragged Frank outside, and was starting off. I asked tho man who snanoed the hnnriniff r, , . unlock them, but he laughed and said if I w-ould accompany them he would take off the Irons. "I replied that I was 'damned' If I would go nnywhere with them. J.'iThB.,wl"il8 Pr.ocJun was timed as n well-ordered and methodical proposition and only, a few words were spoken Only two of the men wen) masked, but I did not recognise any of them leder,tsa?d:hey W" 8tnrtlnS aWay tha " 'Now, boys, for the swamp.' i.i7u"Vln l6"8 ,lme ,ha" " ales to i ' !, yey -wcr8 ofr nnd I could seo !e"L. 8?ts flah'nf " they wen o?e? hh,",,t0rr(!.M?.rlw,!tl'er' " 'he road that leads to Atlanta." ,VAmJBN SMITH'B VERSION, z Warden James E. Smith, of the orison ',"". describing the Frank affair, said? 'Isqthjng of this kind wns expected anil I was spending the night at my home ?d.J.''?.e'J,t l2 the maln 5rl80 bulldlnV. as 1 ",svaliy,d0 u,u," norm' conditions. . .i, . I";'0"" ' when I was called to the front door. I asked who it was. aonn.a ?aZ Z", 8,v,en '" a conciliator; tone. I did not understand tho name, hut bi mt Awn m4. ... . M7 r , " " " " who ca eu. rami 'm'vJ1 lVh8 d00r w"h tanura ptatoh my thBr hncl on ray .S?Nlr.n0NTEO WH PISTOLS. When I opened the door a half a, dozen men with pistols confronted me and thrust guns Into my face. They com rounded me to throw up my hands and there was nothln else to dof "i1.1- Junolure my wife rushed up and fell fainting In my arms, and the men Ordered me to Come on with them to the comp. My wife Interposed, but they told her they were my friend and her eni 1,nd ,th?,t "ho d not be afraid, but she kept clinging to me. LBFT UNDER GUARD. "Then ono of the men told the rest to go on, but In a minute changed his mind and said a few ought to remain with roe- "They kept me 'covered' for five or six minutes, then took my pistol, Jumped into D automobile and were gone. "It all happened so qulekly that ft is hard, to say how they carried It out" "I am iKmnrtelsly at my wa, .. Frank has not In tha best of healta when he was roughly dragged from hi td and carried off. He had not yet fully (4vtrd from the Injuries UifUeted upon bin by ere, and was weak and nerv ous. VHAHK UHPT HOSPITAL MONDAY fWDk b4 only left the hospital yes- & twin? atede to locate Ue two or tbr ' t$i Hbre be had been visited dally uu. mmsM eywantly suaairacueo nwr i vt nw u. latuioi. H wm an hour befota the prison farm K Jaskaeat. wko Uvea ow the Put. I tUorltle(i war able to t t yMh oa.ui uMwIs County Ku, reported to I With ta outside world, nnd tU gave KtWji Umt at bi4 ft jty, tM ! Pliy t ocqMnualty tr it ub ta gat .. lkr m m Mao tsts VfJik W. nii- i fw RWy with Ll prlitoiuir and to deal i in hU hvB kwnu mini6t, and shortly with Bll IB the way tbat sukad the- Arws4 wm sunwa br t k ni- wiwy af bis ijk. "All clvlllsi-d Stales should titty Georgia Ahd pray for her." This was Urn comment of Judge Mayer fiulrbcrgcr, expressed today In a message ,to tho KvenIno Ledokii In nnawer lo a request for an expression of his oplhlon of the murder of Leo M, Frank by n Georgia mob. .Lending citizens of Philadelphia, Judges, editors and merchants, Joined to day In bitter nrralgnmont of the Stnle of Georgia and Its officials following receipt here of the news of the lynching of Finnk. - The act was taken lieic almost unlvcrsnlly as the final proof that former Governor 8Intnn wns Justified In com muting Frank's scntenco to life Im prisonment, because of tho feeling thn tho mob spirit had much to do will Frank's conviction Editors of tho Jewish publications wero pirtlculnrly emphatic In their crit icism of the Georgia State official Tho significant statement wns mndo by Ellis A. Olmbel thnt tho hnchlng of Frank wns a stiong nrgument ngnlnit locating prisons In Isolated sections where thev cannot be given thn protection thnt Is their due from tho State. Tho opinions follow RABBIS CALL IT OUTRAGE. DR. JOSEPH KRAUSKOPF, rabbi of IConcseth Israel Temple, Broad street and Columbia avenue: "M worst fears have come to pass Leo Frank wns convicted for another man's crlmo nnd his death was clamored for lest the guilty porson should bo found nnd tho bloodthirsty prosecutors of on Innocent Jew expuscd. If the sus picion still llngerod In tho minds of think ing men thnt Loo Frank might have been guilty, tho attempt nt assassination n few -weeks ngo and this ilnnuiablc ticlilnp has removed It "Notwithstanding thnt Justices of the Hupi.me Court of Georgia and tho Su premo Court of tho United States hurt declared thnt Leo Frank hnd not hnd a fnir tiinl; notwithstanding that the Judge who conducted tho trial expressed the snmc opinion, notwithstanding thnt for mer Governor Slnton, after a thorough exnmlnntlon of the record, wns obliged to commute tho death sentence to llfo Imprisonment bocnuso ho wns uncon vinced that the accused wns guilty, not withstanding thnt almost tho entire church and press of the hind Joined in the appeal to tho Ooveror nnd applauded his courage, Frank's persecutors mennt to have lno life lo rover their own foul dcotls, and they cot It. 'Lasting shnme on the State of Georgia! Once the death sentence had been com muted to Ufa Imprisonment, the Stata owed him thnt life. Onco hlB llfo was attempted they know ha wns In dnnger, nnd should have protected him from It Thcro was power enough In that State to protect him If It had wanted to snvo him from tho hand of the murderer. "We cry out against tho barbarity of European belligerents, but what of our own barbarity, when such a lynching as that of Leo Frank, or any other lynching, Ii possible within tho shadow of the courthouses, tho churches and the schools "Wo began with lynching negroes Now comes tho crime ngnlnst Frnnk, nnd there Is no telling where lynching mny end Former Governor Slnton performed a noble act In commuting Loo Frank's death sentence and giving him a chanco to vindicate himself Governor Harris, his successor, owes It to the name of tho martyr to leave no stone unturned until the original persecutors of Leo Frnnk mid tho perpetrators of this foul murder are tracked and brought to terms. "Thus alone can the country be con vinced that Justice still rules In Georgia.' DR ni.I MAYER, assistant rabbi of tho Rodcph Shalom Synagogue, Broad nnd Mount Vernon streets: "It Is, perhapB, best to Bay very little at present in the matter of the lynching of Leo Frank As an American I feet that an assault has been committed upon the foundations of our noble, united gov ernment, built upon the Ideals thnt not only kings und rulers, but each and every Individual Is legally entitled to life, lib erty and tho pursuit of happiness. Will tho law talto cognizance of ihls assault? "As a Jew. I am pained nnd shocked to feel that not only the restraints or lnvii nna national law. nut tho 'oe of Ood's law, spirituality and Justice, are so llttla In ovldcnco In tho action of somo people In Geoigla ns to mnko It appear that Judaism and Christianity hate not been strllng enough to better men and con ditions for these muny centurlos. Whether or not tho law vindicates Its majesty, we need to ask Ood for strength to forgive, forget nnd Improve." OPINIONS OE EDITORS. JOHN J. SPURGEON, Executive Editor of tho Public Ledger: "Not even tho heroic notion of ex Governor Slnton In saving Leo Frank from the death penalty has availed to savo the State of Georgia from a stain Bhe can never eradicate. Georgia stands disgraced and the United States shamed beforo the civilized world." SAMUEL C WELLS, editor of the Phlla- delphla Press; "Tho lynching of Leo Frank Is a hor rible crime and a disgrace to the State of Georgia," In tho absence of William Perrlne, id-ltor-ln-chlef of tho Evening Bulletin, this statement wns made by a member of tha editorial staff as rellectng the opinion of "Tho appeal to Judge Lynch in the case of Loo Frank was not without notice to tha State of Georgia as the guardian and guarantor of his life. Not only the mem bers of the lynching party, but the prison warden and the executive officials of tha State who had authority over him, must nare In tho responsibility for this out rage, because of their failure to antici pate and avert a raiding party." FELIX N. OERBON. managing editor of tho Jewish Exponent: "This crime stamps Indelible obloquy upon the Btftte of Georgia, It outrages the sense of Justice of every right think ing man nnd community throughout the land and emphasizes the sane Judgment of ect-aovernor SUton In having com muted the death sentence passed upon Prank, In that it shows how far-reaeh-Ing and desperate was the mob spirit tbat overawed court and Jury and result ed In the conviction and sentence at the trial. "Georgia Justloe has been bared to the ui ins wunu, uuu me oiaie ana its responsible oflleers face arraignment be fore an outraged people. This lynoblng is one of tha most deplorable episodes In tha history of our nation." JACOB omSBUHO, president of the Jewish world Gorawtny: "The lynching of Frank by the Georgia mob la suoh an appalling outrage that, v-ords fail to express condemnation. It seems that 'mob rule' rutins supreme in Georgia, and law and order ta a farce. It is IneonaaivaMa that anything of this kind oould happen is PeaMylvgnlo. "Frank u axptattag a sqppoMd erlm of which there ar grave doubt s to wbstk h committed it At aay rate ib taw wsls taking It eourf In htvlag faun saMHttltted to life impriut fe OnnM prison ii, eatlUd iwtsvary April B, llsMry rhewn, '''; old girl employed In Frank's NallAn.l IYnfll Fartety, Allahla, Oa murdered. Aptl! zf'-I.en M. Frank placed Under arrnl. .. , ... Mar On eTlrtcnre er wmrn negre, Frank wn Indicted for murder. Jnly JB-Trlal of nh.bf5"Jt. , . Ausn-t xi-Conlrr testing Frank en trapped girl In h! ehlce, beat her bncon selniia, then strangled her. Aunst .V-,iliT fnnd Frank guilt ' murder In llif Aril degree. AwtTnil 20 .Iiidse Roan sentenced I'rsnk to die October 1. -Motion for new trial Med. . . Hrtolirr 31 New- trial denied. Felirnsrj- 17, 1011 Oeersla Supreme Court affirms conviction. IVbruarr Jl Conlry cenrlcifd as an nrcrMory. October 3 W. M. Smith, lawyer for Conlrjr, announced nrcro e murderer or I'hnnsn girl. Ortnhrr 14 Supreme Court, all mem bers sltllng and concurring, rtfued to grant eslraonllnary motion for new trial In Unlit of newly dUeorered testimony. November It, S. 7 and December 7 Motions nnd petitions for new trials re fused by various Judses and courts. December 0 Frank senlenred for third time, Ktfcutlon set for inimry ii, 1818. December 19 JuxUi Newmsn denied linbrss corpus application. December S .luntlce I.amar granted petition of December U and rase was or drrrd lo Culled States Supreme Court for review. February 8, 1015 Frank's esse argued before full bench of Supremo Court, April IB Supreme Court refused Frnnk's petition. April -Frank petitioned 1'rlson llnnrd for commutation to life sentence. May II Senlenred lo die June xlt. June 0 -Prison Board refused to com mute sentence. June 10 Frank appealed to Governor Mnlnn for rlemeney. June 21 Unvernnr Nlaton commuted sentence to lite Imprisonment and Frank nna spirited away to Rlnte prison farm at Mlltrdxevllle. Jul) 11 Threats nnd ntlempts mads to storm prison to Ijnch Frank. July 17 Frank stabbed while sleeping by llllnm Creen, a fellow life-termer, July 30 Frnnk pronounced out of dnnger. August 1(t Hand of 21 nttneked State fnrm, linndriigrd Wnrden Smith and his guards nnd spirited Frank away nt mid night. August 17 Frnnk token to back of Frry's cotton gin, two miles from Mnrlrttn, S'nrf l'hasnn's home, and linngrd. MOffAUCONDEMNED BY PROMINENT MEN; NEWSPAPERS DEPLORE Georgia's Name Besmirched, Says Richmond Newd-Leader. Shocked and Grieved, Says Gov. Harris AUTHORITIES MUST ACT HISTORY OF MARY PHAGAN'S MURDER AND FRANK'S FIGH protection for tho safety of his life it tic t-nnds of tne mate nutnorltlcs, "B lynching Frank under these clrcum stnnccs. once more In tho fact established tint nt no time did Frank receive his trial Tho lynching tends to prove his Innocence, rather than his guilt. It also shows thnt not only wns Frank lynched, but the sovereign power of the State uf Oiorgla seems to bo completely destroyed by 'lynch law.' "Georgia Is today covered with shame for making such nn atrocity possible." ELL18 A. GIMBEL: "Tho lynching of Leo Frank Is most unfortunnte and regrettable In view of tho doubt ns to his guilt or innocence, tha law should hnve been allowed to take Its course. I fed suro that tho country at largo will look with horror on such nn uct, nnd I bcllovo thnt even thoso who took pnrt In It will feel tho snmo way when they renllse whnt thoy havo done. I think that penitentiaries, euch as that In which Frank wns Imptlsoncd, should havo better protection and bo locatod In places whero such an ntroctoua act could not bo committed." JUDGES DENOUNCE LYNCHING. JUDGE CHATILES Y, AUDENR1ED, of Common PIcns Court- "Terrible! Of Course, I don't believe In lawlessness i)or In thltlndr h short dtit'tO Justice of any kind. You will hnvo to excuso mo from nny further cOmmont, however, becnuso I don't live In Georgia, nnd besides, I nm too much Interested In spclng thnt Justice Is- dono In Pennsyl vania " JUDGE (LLIAM II. SHOEMAKER, of Common PIcns Court No. 1. "How n Stnto would Btand for such a thing Is moro thnn I can understand. It Is Indeed end news I have read much of tho ovldonco In tho Frnnk case and I am of the opinion thnt he Bhould havo been granted nnothcr trial. I cannot un derstand why tho peoplo of Georgia would nllow the mob to commit such an out rage - PRESIDENT JUDGE J. WILLIB MAR TIN, of Common rlcas Court No. 6, Bald: "I havo not seen tho testimony In the Frank enno, oxcopt what has been printed In tin- newspapers, but I think it Is one of the most extraordinary cases In the history of tho country. Tho manifesta tion of unrest prevalent In Georgia la hard to explain, and this form of hys teria, that Is, the mob outrages, seems to mo to be one of the strongest arguments In favor of a rcprcsentatlvo novernment. whero men calmly discuss the situation from all aides rather than leave It to tho first hasty Impulses of the people. "We are unablo to point tho linger of scorn at Georgia, however, because the Frank case Is not unlike the Coatesvlllo outrage some years ago. This same sort of hjstcrla, or mob rule, or wnatever you may choose to call It, Is prevalent In Eu rope at the present time." JUDGE JOHN M. PATTERBON, Court of Common Plena No. 1: "I am surprised that tho peoplo of Georgia would permit such on outrage. Apparently some officials havo been lax In their sworn duties. It is Impossible to fully understand the motives of the mob which so flagrantly violates both consti tutional and State rights. The court were created so that persons accused of crime might havo a fair trial. There tho charges are supposed to be discussed calmly, without prejudice, from every conceivable angle. The court decldeB the guilt of the accused and not tho mob, where hysteria nnd prejudice reign." RYAN MOVES TO KILL LAST TRANSIT OBSTACLE The lynching of Leo M. Frnnk wns con demned nnd execrated with the utmost severity nnd. the conditions thnt mndo such nn act possible wero deplored by newspapers today. Public men Joined In condemnation of the lynch law that wnn applied In the Frank ense. The men thnt helped Inflame the public mind of Georgia against Frank wore oxscorlated. Tho fin ger of ahama was pointed at tho Stale in which a handful of eltliena executed tho denlh sentence thnt tho Governor had set Aside. Former Governor John M. Slaton. of Oeorgln, who commuted Fronk'R death sentence to llfo Imprisonment, telegrnphed from San Francisco, condemning tho lynchers1 action, but declaring his faith In Georgia and exonerating the good peo plo of tho State of any responsibility for the killing. Governor Nat E. Harris, of Georgia, de plored tho action as, he said, all law re specting people of tho Stnte mUBt. Ho was shocked nnd nggrloved, he snld The Richmond NeWs-i.enaer cicciarou the fair namo of Georgia besmirched nnd the "majesty of a Southern State out raged It does not mutter," Raid tho News-Lender, "whether Frank was guilty or not." Tho Baltimore. American held thoso thnt have Inflamed tho public mind against Frank guilty before the fact, and said that all who fall to do their utmost to bring the lynchers to Justice will be guilty after tho fact. Louis Marshall, ono of Frank's attor neys, condemned tho lynching and de clared It shows Frank never had a trial and was convicted without duo process of law. By JOHN M. SLATON nx-Ooierpor of Georgia, who commuted Frank's scntenco to life imprisonment "Evory good mnn and woman In Georgln will condemn this cownidly ab duction. Tho English Inngunge Is not strong or broad enough to dcslgnnto this outrage appropriately. It is an nttnek on civilization "I know Georgia well enough to believe that every power of tho State will be brought to bear to punish tho malefactors who havo so disgraced tho Common wealth." San Francisco, Aug. 17. By SAMUEL UNTER.MYER "It Is a great calamity for the State of Georgia. Unless tho porpotrators of this foul murder are promptly punished, tho State Is disgraced In the eyes of the civil ized world, The event demonstrates onco more that the poor fellow never had a chanco of fnlr piny, nnd that his trlnl was a travesty upon Justice It will In tensify the feeling that ho, wns Innocent nnd a victim ot mob law." Tho murdr of Which Leo Iff. Frank stood convicted In the eyes of the law, although hot in the eyes of his friends wns committed on April 26, 1913, a Sat urday afternoon, although the body of the victim, -Mary Phagan, was hot found until tho next day, St.... ..... ii tn old. nretty find a worker In the Nntlonnl Pehcll Factory In Atlanta, of which Frank was super intendent nnd irr which he owned stock. Sho hnd not worked several days during tho week preceding her death, but that Rrtlurdny h went to the fnctory to get 4 Hrt nnrnel t r iiAe HO A ft PPfl She did not return to her home that evening. A Bcareli wns instituted, but without success. At 3i30 n. in. the next dny Newt Lee, a negro watchman In the pencil fnctory, telephoned to the pollco thnt he had found tho body of ft mur dered girl In the basement of tho factory. Thero was complete evidence of criminal assault) the child's clothes had been torn from tho body, her head had been struck nnd a cord about her neck hnd strangled her. Leo was nrrestcd nnd two hours later tho body was Identified as that of Mary Phagan After detective had talked with Frank, C. A. Gantt, a white man cm plo cd nt tho factory, wan arrested. Frank hnd said thnt Gantt nnd Mary Phagan wero on friendly terms. ARREST OF FRANK On tho following Tuesday, two days nftcr Uio discovery of tho body, Frank wns nrrcsted, on testimony given by Leo nnd Gnntt, tending to establish tho fnct Hint Frank had been In the factory all Saturday nftornoon. Then Jim Con ley, n negro employed nt tho factory, was discovered washing n, Btnlncd shirt, nnd ho was arrested. At the Coroner's Inquest a physician swore that Mary Phngan had been killed between 30 and 40 minutes after sho nto her lunch. This fixed tho time at 1 o'clock or n trlflo boforo, Gantt and Leo established to tho satisfaction of tho Coroner's Jury thnt they wero clRCWhero nt thnt time, nnd from thnt time on tho malorlty of Georgians believed that Fiank wns guilty ot tho murder. TWO NOTES FOUND. Conley first told tho police ho could not write. Two scraps of paper hnd been found nlongsldo the body. Ono bora these words, written In pencil: "mam thnt negro hire (d) down hero did thla i went to nnd ho pUBhcd mo down thnt hole a long tall negro black that hoo It wnse long oleam tnll negro 1 wrlght while Tho other sold: "ho snld play like the night witch did It but that long tall black negro did buy his Belf." CONLEY COULD WRITE. Conley snld ho couldn't read or write Tho police regarded ttto notes as a clumsy attempt to divert suspicion. L&tcr Frnnk showed that Conley could write. Conley told several stories, but tho story ho later stuck to nt the trial of Frank was that Frank sought to nt tnek Mnry Phngnn. that she resisted, that Frank struck her, nnd then killed her ind then bribed Conley to aid In get ting tho girl's body to tho basement to burn It In the furnnce. COnLeY'S STORY Conley also said ho wroto tho two notes ot Frank's dictation; ho said ho had lied nt first to rn-, thnt Frank failed to pay iho mont i,'. Ised and he decided to tell the trifi'i?! nrolcct hlmuMf ln ,rul I Menntlmo Interest In tho cab v I spread far beyond Georgia, ah.i almost ns n unit, believed ; ftank TSfc and was ready to riot nt any sumii'! of his acquittal! mnny newspaper wri 8 sent to Investigate from other citltV'S lleved that no case hftd been nrVvi ngalnst him, nnd thnt Conlev wa.T1.! Tho rnca question was Injected ifi tho Bltuatlon. Frank's supporter TmZ tain that Atbtntn wns persecuting Fr.it because ho wns a JoW! those On th! other Side argued that the question S race was first brought up by the TMi adherents. on5 PRANK FOUND GUILTY Tho trial, beginning July 2 ,.?. lastod untlt August 85 when the S found Frank guilty. There Vn rem? mon street tnlk In Atlanta that If in. Jury acquitted, n. mob would lynch shJ thnt Jurors and Judge might also corf.' in ror moo violence. Ji Frnnk himself took tho stand, but mH accordance with Georgian law, was'nSi allowed to bo sworn. His statement, im fiwiuicnn ui wiiviuur llio rPaaCf Ot It )j lloves In Frnnk'n Innnrrnn n. k..m a romnrkiible exposition of points In iff own favor, nnd was well icccfved tfiS A regiment of mllltla. guarded the courts! room all night the jury wus out, anil wnen mo vcruici nt gumy was announced' In Atlahtn, stieet cdr employes quit their' cars to Join tho crowds that oheereaii womon at tha social functions t-lsmuj' their hands, tho crowd nt the bait gah)l buvo vimil iu ivnu uuinonsiraiion; it approval, and hundreds ot persons cake' wniKen ror ino oninnco ot tno uay before tho fact oi y Vhore tho murder took olae'ju However Atlanta felt about his gilliLfl In other parts nf the bcuntiy a wcll-dflj fined Bontlmont that Frnnk was the vIc'Sj llm of mob clamor began to be botletai by 1,000,000 persons nnd prominent cltlttnifl begnn to movo to holp Frank. M FIGHT FOR LIFE BEGUN In Georgia the following winter two mo-. tlona for a new trlnl, on the ground of; new ovldonce, wero made; both were-de.1 nled. Then Louis Marshall, of K(v': York, was engaged ns counsel to present the cose to the United Stnte Suprerar court on grounds wmen, in tne mala,! wero thnt Frank's conviction was due'U' prejudice, and thnt Frank's rights Were taken awny from lilm when ho was not' Allowed to romnln In court when the Jury! Drougnt in us voruici. Mr Marshall submitted his brief on !)' ccmber 24, 1911, and on April 20 the Su? prcmo Court denied the appeal from the,, decision of tho lower court. Then Frank asked the Prison Board of Georgia, to commute his sentence to life imprison."' mrnt: this anneal was also denied 'Anl Juno ft On Mny 11 ho was sentenced t6l ,lln .limn 22. i& Frank's last attempt to save his tits a tvtio tin .,,,,. ..... w,u...v, ,, MM- was successful. ' 1 .1 FRANK'S DEATH, IF PARDONED, PROPHESIED BY EVENING LEDGER Continued from I'age One man In status quo pending the decision of the Public Service Commission. The decision of the Commission was handed down on Saturday last, but Judge SuU berger was In Atlantic. City on his vaca tlon at that time and he la atlli there. The application today waa made accord ingly to clear the Bltuatlon and to estab lish the legal side of the transit case on some definite and known basis. Judge Ferguson, It Is understood, will take th matter up with Judge Suliberger and an nounce his decision within a. day pr two. With the definite decree granted th City Solicitor o?n Immediately made ap plication to hay4 th case dismissed. Mr. Yale, on tbe'ber hand, pan make up pllaatlan at the,-same time to have the Injunction granted and reopen the legal battle to hold up Philadelphia' progress It I generally believed, however, that Mr. VaU wlU not push the cose further and that when the definitive decree is granted, the olty will have no difficulty in having the ease entirely dismissed. Un til thl la dose It Is understood that Dt raotor Tuylw will not annomue tbe awatdjflg of he contract for the flnt work m tb 8rod trt aod Praokford DOM W WW w uwou rmr tery. BALTIMORE EVENING SUN "The criminals who havo lynched Frank nro murderers in morals as welt as law, and the authorities must hunt them down relentlessly and punish them mercilessly If they are fiot to lay themselves open to tho suspicion ot virtual complicity In tho crime, or sympathy with tho crimi nals. "M"t,a few Georgians have mad? them selves 'accomplices befdri the not by; be coming parties to tho mob passion which demandod Frank's llfo without regard to law or evidence. It remains to be seen whether the present Governor nnd those associated with -him In tho administration of public affairs In Georgia will mako themselves accomplices nftcr the fnct by a feeble and perfunctory performance of their duty, nnd whether nt InBt decont public sentiment, shocked Into n realiza tion or responsibility, will assert itself with the vigor that tho occasion de mands." Bnltlmore, Aug. 17 ' By, NAT E. HARRIS Governor ot Georgia. "I am both shocked nnd aggrieved, and In common with all good people of Georgia who stand for law nnd order I feol that a great wrong haa beon dono nnd that our State will not look with oprovnl on Buch nn net." Atlanta, Aug. 17 RICHMOND NEWS-LEADER "It does not matter whether Leo M. Frank was Innocent or guilty; If he wore Innocent the mob mado worse tho law's Injustice; if he wero guilty, the mob re belled ngalnst the Government of Its own creation to Impose n penalty the Exec utive thought too severe. In either case tho majesty of a Southern State has been outraged. Justice has been defiled and the good name ot Georgia has been be smirched. And Ihe men who have done this aro held up by same as vindicators of tho 'people's law.' " Richmond, Vn Aug. 17 By LOUIS MARSHALL Who enusht a new trio! for Frsnk In tha United glutei Supreme Court. , "It is nn ineffaceable blot upon the fame of Georgia, and It seems Incredible to me that In any civilized community such a thing could be possible. Frank's sad fato may direct the eyes of tho world to conditions which cry to high heaven for relief. It demonstrates that he was convicted by a mob und not by due proc eaa of low, Frank Is no longer on trial In fact, he never had a trial, but Oeorgln Is now on trial in the forum of clvlllza. tlon. Will ahe vindicate her lawsT Will she permit the miscreants who committed the murder and that most shameful of beings who Instigated It to go unwhlpned by Justice? Upon her action depend her rehabilitation In the good opinion of those who In the past admired and loved her " Albany, N. Y., Aug. 17. "' By HENRY C, STUART Oovemor ot Virginia, who u In Boston tor the ,,. .. Conference ot Governors. " "I deplore with all my soul such per formances as thl high-handed violation of tho law In the case of Frank. I can not condemn such outbreaks with sum clent force to express my Intense feeling against such a procedure." Boston, Aug. 17. By J. D. GORTAT6WSKY Mtnsiing Editor Atlanta Constitution. CUrk Howell, editor of the Constltu. Hon, Is out of tho city, apd acting in Wfl absenee, I havo no hesitancy In saying that the lynching of Leo Frank is a "" 9 me owe. unjuitlBapU from any standpoint The State bad amide warning that sueh an occurrence might b attempted, and the good people Br Georgia, felt aure4 that, with auah warning, Frank would be given every possible protection. ' "Condition, as revealed at Mllledga, ytlle. where a mob can secure a prite&ec and take htm nway from a Stata tall without the firing ot a gun or the tak ing of a Joek, are shameful, to say the least, and demand an Immediate Investi gation, whleh will bring about Biritd JunUbuiect to tboe who ware negligent i.w.?" S? tbH wh wer eullty, and wfeicb will guarantee Uut such a state ftf affair cannot eui again Tbta, i the sentiment of the over wheJmbuc major ( tb .people of AtlaaU. fiu- u. In Mny Wllllnm Radcr, a special corre spondent of tho Evenino Lbooer. visited Frank In his cell In Atlnnta. In nn nrtl i'lc he wrote following the visit ho told of tho bitter feeling ngalnst Frank In Atlanta, nnd prophesied that "If by chanco Frank should be pardoned, It would require a regiment of soldiers to defend him against a mob," a prediction which afterward came truo. Fntnk said to Mr. Rader nt this time: "It la a misfit. It Is Impossible to fit Buch a man as I am Into such a Woody doed." The writer described Frank as a busi nesslike, strnlghtforword, reassuring typo of mnn, "who Impresses you as ono ca pable ot tackling a big Job hnd getting awny with It " Ho Impressed his Inter viewer ns u dapper, well-dressed llttlo man, smoking a cigar nnd wearing pat ent leathor shoes. "Ho reminded mo of Theodore Dur rant, the San Frnnclsco boy, who com mitted 'the crlmo of the century' this young, cheerful, but nervous Leo Frank," wroto tho Evekino LEDOBn correspondent. Ho noted Frank's nervousness especially, for he referred to it several times dur ing the course of his artlclo. Ho commented on what appeared to bo a spirit of hospltabloness In the Atlanta Jail, ami sam tnat I'ranKS manner was entirely In keeping with this spirit, ex pressing it with "open-hearted, hospitable welcome." "He greets you as a hotel clerk wel comes tho guest," he wrote. "While you do not register your name, he Is careful to got It Just right, and spells it audibly. Ho thrusts hl3 hand through tiio lion bars, gives you a tight grip and pene trates jou with a pair of eyes which aro capable, of both the Btare and the Bttng, Ho was dressed with simple neatness. As he said of himself: 'I am clean and comfortable and tako great care of my dress. I like clean linen and good clothes and n bath.' " Frank wore a pin that tastefully matched his tie, white shirt and dark trousers, patent leather shoes. He smoked a cigar. "Neither a villain In appearance nor a cringing, pale faced Jean Vnljean, Is Leo Frank," wrote tho Interviewer. "Here ,ls a man, with the shadow of death hanging over him, In a class by himself." Rader said that he had come to no definite conclusion regarding Frank's gulltj or Innocence and was absolutely without! conviction. Ho pointed out that feellniM ran high in Atlanta on the question efl Frank's guilt. Ho told how 200 members of a congregation wnlked out of Church i ono night because tho pastor In his set. . mon disclosed a rny of sympathy for thj accuseu man. Detective Burns. Tinder wmIa. tvtt hntcd Irt Atlanta- because of his conndv.- ' Hon with the Frank ciisc, and he said HI i' runic iom mm tnat Hums naa done mm moro harm thnn gobd In Atlanta, although elsewhere he had convinced many of hu Innocence who had not thought so betora j uurns investigated. Frank talked volublv. ns wits his habttl wun visitors, nnd again went over a u& Jcct that ho had discussed under slm(l'jH clitumstanccs hundreds of times. It WiH Frank's way of speaking, rather thstiH viewer. He noticed the mouth parfieail mny. "Frank's mouth is his wenk point," hw wrote. "It Is not a good niouth, butjH if you walk up tho street you will meetjv pieniy iiko it. Ills niouth rcHccts manys moods and passions. It Is the gateway ta ' his life. One may detect a discrepancy, 3 possioiy, Between his words and tne tn nudlblo expressions of Ills lips, whlchj iuvl-iu egotism, cynicism, uenance, sen" uupunsm, courage and all those virtues . and vices possessed by Dr. Jekjl ahd air. iiyae," Rader asserted that the nation-wide opposition to capital punishment seemed?S io do becoming at tljat tlmo a factor in the Frank case. He oxpressed the opinion ' that this attltudo toward the old punl-u live measures would possibly save him irom death. t Frank's courmrs created a marked lm- ' presston on those who called to see trim in nis little cell.ilil "If Frank Is guTTty," wrote the Evbmho j LEDOEIt corresnondenr. "ha has unusualil gifts In concealing the outward signs pfl guilt. If Innocent, he is equally strong j In benrlng u cross of great Weight In! cimer case, his Is a stoical fortitude " That Frank was confident was showoja in tnis statement: "I am losing no iePjs ana gnlnlne In welchL I do not worry If the laws of right nnd wrong still obtain! ana uoa Jives, then I Will yet be vlnai cated ot this horrible crime," I FRANK'S WIFE PROSTRATED WHEN SHE HEARS OF TRAGEDY MILLEDaEyiLLE, Ga , Aug. 17.-Mrs. lynchers had left with him. Leo M. Frank was critically l today from shock at her husband's death. For a time her doctors thought she would die, but later Bhe rallied, and It was said she had a chance to recover. Mrs Frank had been at the prison farm since her husband was wounded by Creen last month. Sho was not allowed to sleep In the room with him, es sho wished, however, nnd did not know that Frank had been kidnapped until a short time after the She was told of his dancer before It was known that he had been slain H" fore the prison ofllclal had finished hi first sentence she swooned and went Into violent convulsions. It we only with the greatest difficult that she was revived Trained nurse were sent to her fmm Aih.n.. and after nn hour's, work the doctors said &'! they admitted the patient was still in serious danger. 5 HURLED FROM AUTO ON WAY FROM SHORE Aged Woman One of Victlma When Axle Snaps AH Will Recover Five Phlladalnblan were injured and narrowly escaped death early today near Berlin, n j., nine miles from Camden, when an axle of s. small touring ear In whleh they were driving a,t high speed snapped and hurled all the oceupanu ta tbe roadside. All were taken to the Cooper Hospital. Camden. The lalured are Martin Bonsall, a po. lteeisan, of M7 Nerth th street, his wife. Mr. Matilda Bejumi, their year.oW daughter Bliiabeth; Mrs. Jomu'b mother. Mr. Sarab Ruteobex, and a, friend of the family. Mrs. JHUabeth So eallttdar. ef 600 Rc street Bewail ha Wverl nb broken hi wife uer4 a fwwtur, 0, Aevo th. ankk, ad ,UeU oauejUtsr u? talned a fracture of the arm. Mrs Jilt tenbox, who la fa years old. tBcap4 !! ft severe scalp wound, and Mrs. Bon A neider suffered cuts arid bruise. Tho party was returning from Atlantic M City. ShorUy after midnight the ear passed through Berlin, traveling at aPut 9 mile an hour, when the rear al snapped. The hoak hurled all five to the roadside, some of thero being thrown 5 feet. Niagara palls August, 37, September It, tt (MW 8 Sl'KQlAL TRAIN J.KAVKS Pailer Cars. Dining Car, Oar 0acbi yU rictureuiu bu.quetisaaa VaUef TteksM geed ferrifTJUCM AX8 Stea mer at SuKalu a4 MtrrUfeiuf remi lag Uiutrawd BwUet of tfci" PnnylvnU R. R ii . T--J 1 sr?